#confused but flattered
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WHO is this AI person, and WHY do they have so many pictures of me???
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necromeowncy · 8 months
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He's just a lil' guy.
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temeyes · 3 months
pfp change!! ft an actual doodle of myself gaspppp!!
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good-beanswrites · 4 months
Hi Beans, I’m finally here. Diluting the sad with fun and very OOC.
I don’t really have a lot of ideas about what to write, but I remembered that I shared my idea of Es with the chivalrous Argenti's personality. So. AU in a vacuum (maybe an actors AU, maybe not), where Es thought that it would be funny to surprise the prisoners with the behavior of a knight(maybe Jackalope came up with that idea, maybe just strange sense of humor). What about the prisoners' reactions? (gallantry and compliments to plants attached) I think Mahiru would have joined the drive even if she didn’t really understand what happened. Fuuta would probably say "ugh, cringe" and that would make him a great target for the rest of the day.
YESS ahahaha, this is such a fun idea! I wrote a little scene with a few characters, but honestly it's hysterical picturing any of them trying to figure out how to react to this new and sparkling Es... I went for a version where not even Jackalope was prepared, but I can certainly see him suggesting something crazy like that to shake things up omg. Thank you so much for the request! The original meme was made by Mug, and I couldn't help but do a doodle myself ✨🌹
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Amane was the first to witness it. She fled as soon as possible, finding sanctuary in the common room. The others were surprised as she stumbled in, face pale and eyes wide. Very little could frighten the girl; it was not a good sign.
Yuno moved to comfort her. “What’s wrong?” 
Her eyes went distant with the harrowing memory. “It’s Es,” was all she said. 
“Did they do something cruel?”
“No. Worse.” Amane shivered. “They were… nice.”
“They were what?”
Amane opened her mouth, but paused at the sound of heels clicking down the hallway. 
She stiffened. “If you need me you can find me in my cell.” She disappeared as quickly as she came. The others, who had been listening in on the odd conversation, gaped after her. They tried to piece together what had been so unsettling. Still, Es’ boots approached. 
All eyes landed on the doorway. 
And Es appeared. They looked very normal. Jackalope hopped up behind them. All shoulders sagged in relief. Es surveyed the room, slightly surprised to find everyone staring. 
Then, they smiled. 
It was a genuine, bright smile. The blue-gray of their eyes sparkled with a new light. Their lips parted to release a lighthearted laugh, unlike anything the prisoners had heard from them before.
They glided through the room, heels clicking lightly behind them until they came to Muu. The others stood frozen in place.
Es swept their cape aside with a grand flourish of their arm. They held both her hand and her gaze with warmth.
“Why, hello, Muu! You’re looking as positively lovely as always. Has this fine morning treated you well?”
“Um…” She looked to everyone, her face pleading for a little guidance. They were too busy looking eagerly to her in astonishment. “Uh… yes?”
“I’m pleased to hear it.” They reached behind themself. The room let out a soft gasp as they produced a pale pink flower from underneath their cape.
“For you, my dear.”
They didn’t wait for her to finish stuttering a confused ‘thank you’ before they turned to whoever was standing closest. Mahiru’s own face lit up as Es turned their glimmering gaze her way. Fuuta scoffed, muttering something about this being the lamest, cringiest thing he’d witnessed. Es pretended not to hear.
“Shiina Mahiru… a smile like yours is rare to find in a place like this. I thank you for it.” They pinched their chin and angled their head, thinking. “The meaning of your name has to do with light, correct?” 
She nodded, unable to keep the giddiness from her face. The others watched as Es moved their glove behind once more. Surely there was no room for any more flowers hidden there…
Surely they were all mistaken – Es flicked their wrist to present a small gathering of yellow blooms.
“Something radiant for someone as bright as you.”
She fell over herself with gratitude and giggles. She tried to tuck it into her hair, and Mikoto stepped over to help her. The pair raised their eyebrows at each other in disbelief. 
This time, Es retrieved their gift before turning to their next victim. A classic red rose. They caught a prisoner’s gaze. 
“Oh, no. Nope. No way.” Fuuta held up his hands, as if it could ward them off. “I don’t want your stupid-ass flowers.” 
“Now, now, I see you’re playing hard to get, as usual.” They brushed their thumb along the thorny stem. “You know, the rose has a very similar approach.”
Fuuta’s face now matched the flower’s color. “Wha–” He stumbled backward, then took off running to the door. “I don’t know what weird mind games you’re trying to pull, but I’m staying out of it!” 
Es only clicked their tongue gently when he disappeared. “Always making things difficult, that one. All part of his charm, I suppose.” 
They followed to the entrance. Turning briefly, they flashed their smile once more.“It was wonderful to see you all! I will await our next meeting eagerly.” 
With a fluttery wave, they vanished. 
Everyone’s attention shot to Jackalope, who had paused in the doorway. No one could understand his voice, but his little rabbit face seemed to say, Hey, don't look at me. I have no fucking idea.
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blood-orange-juice · 6 months
as the resident Childe-authority (in my mind), which animal do you think would represent his essence best? none of my answers seem to fit him. maybe he's a platypus because they're equally weird and impossible to pin down
Eleven cats, at least one of them orange.
It would be a mistake to think he could ever be one single animal.
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as someone who likes both things a lot of you guys assume this'd be adversarial and like. nah.
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You seem like a pro lesbian so I'm gonna assume you have some experience with this. How do you get over the crippling pain of knowing you're never gonna see someone you love again, but also knowing they're going to be better off on their own path?
I am so sorry I gave you the impression that I have any idea experience or knowledge regarding actual relationships or how to handle them, I don’t know how that happened. I’m sorry but I have no idea how to get over that it sounds like it sucks. Good luck though I’m sure you’ll figure it out
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raineandsky · 9 days
HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD AT THIS!? I’m writing a villain x hero en and it’s all over the place please teach me your ways
aaaaa im glad you like it!!! honestly it depends what kind of Teach you need, so i can give you a simple run down of what i do??
your first mistake - have faith in yourself!! its always easier to beat yourself up over something youve read 1000 times. this is very ironic of me to say, overdramatic pessimist that i am, but its genuinely the first part of making your writing good!!! have faith in your writing and have faith in others to enjoy something you made!!!
now you think your writing is hot shit that is about to become even hotter shit with some tweaking! im more of a long form writer (with a novel and a tv episode written by yours truly, i clearly dont know when to stop) so writing shorter stuff has been a challenge! maybe thats why you feel like your story is a little all over the place - you might be trying to fit a novels worth of story and excitement into 1000 words, and thats hard!
because i write longer stuff usually, i find it important to be very precise with the concept. one of my recent stories, for example - a supervillain is hiding their power, which has the resolution of answering the question of why - because it turned out to be ridiculous. having small concepts with easy solutions (or leaving them more open-ended) is a good way to condense stories to be shorter.
and everyones least favourite advice - practise! i have an unfair advantage with a degree in Creative Stuff. writing has been a massive part of my life for almost 3 years now, and honestly having that time to test what works and what i like has been huge in terms of improving my writing. and youre probably the same! im not about that kinda 'write everyday or youre not a writer' so-called advice - all you need is a little bit of time every so often to sit down and try things out.
ive really found a niche i love with the heroes and villains community here, and thats really boosted my confidence and my skills - because thats all writing is! if you like writing your hero x villain story, then youre already halfway there!!!
anyways this is getting mega long so tldr: practise makes perfect, choose concepts that are easy to resolve quickly, and learn to appreciate that your writing is amazing and so are you!
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oh-shtars · 2 months
I literally have a scene planned where Cielo collects rocks and flowers for Asha, and then she draws him while he makes a flower crown for her. MIND READER 🫵
Now I’m just imagining Sueño and Cielo chatting and talking while collecting items for their loves friends, Cielo grabbing the items too close to people for Sueño and Sueño steering Cielo away from the people offering strange things from their jackets
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Great minds think alike Saph :333
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lucy-ghoul · 26 days
me when i find out i'm blocked by some random gifmaker blog:
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cuubism · 1 year
Morpheus is out and about For Reasons (maybe a date with Hob, or looking for date ideas while wandering around?) when he's beset by enemies! Who know how to restrain him! He can't fight back! Enter Matthew the Attack Raven, who watched his boss throw hands at the Devil Herself & win his first day on the job, & has been Preparing. Feat. my pet hc that since Sandman is in the DC universe, there's a nonzero chance that Matthew is from Gotham, believes in being armed at all times, and has a knife.
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am i out of line if i tag @themirokai in this? because her fics about matthew are fantastic. go check those out for sure if you haven't
the idea that dream is just like, wandering randomly around the waking world trying to find date ideas is cracking me up.
dream: i have been through every romantic dream in existence and none of them are right lucienne: maybe you should try to see things through hob's eyes. you know, the waking world dream: hmm. good counsel. *starts wandering around london*
this doesn't really work that well because seeing things through the perspective of the waking world isn't really dream's strong suit 😂 he tries though. they wind up on a date at like, a highway rest stop and hob is highly confused but you know what, dream is trying so he's gonna roll with it. "why this place, love?" "is it not a respite? a place for weary travelers to find rejuvenation? and is that not how i feel about you?" it's so sweet that hob drops the matter entirely and just kisses him
anyway the idea that dream is beset by brigands while wandering around looking for date ideas is somehow even funnier. "hmm, matthew, do you think he would enjoy a museum?" "Yeah boss now you're getting the hang of it!" KABOOM! attempted summoning 😂
dream watching with utter bewilderment as matthew whips out four different types of knives and fends off the attackers. so perplexed he forgets to even pull out his sand.
if at another point hob is also there it's actually even better because hob jumps into action to protect dream but matthew gets there first with his talons. "you'll never take us alive, fuckers!" (hob: you know i think i'd prefer if you didn't phrase it like that--")
despite himself, dream is actually kind of touched by it all.
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fennopunk · 5 months
My cowl is having people act weird! D:
An older lady in the metro complimented and asked questions about it, but the thing is, Finns, especially people who live in the capital city area, DO. NOT. talk to strangers in public transit unless they absolutely have to.
I have kinda been making myself a walking art exhibition with the clothes and accessories I make for myself, but I failed to consider that people would not just ignore me 💀
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unipacas · 11 months
Here ya go
Yay, thank you!! It's awesome to be featured alongside so many cool artists 🥹 I'll link it below so people can see, they did a great job!
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helenedraws · 9 months
what are yall liking my really old marvel art for
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vaniliens · 2 months
I keep forgetting about how people actually use pronouns for me instead of just referring to me by name. Like sometimes id get she/her'd or they/them'd and it always feels so trippy because i have never been called that in my head!!!! Its always just been 'Dude' 'You' 'Man' 'Me' 'Girl' and 'He' but idk. I feel like id get tripped out if i start going by he/him too.
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@keepyourmoney-seeyouinhell ok love, what others do you got so I can ruin them (or not) for you?
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