#cos or a homebrew feywild
scalpelsister · 2 years
my cos campaign is not even close to done and i need to finish it and get strahd out of my system BUT.... feywild homebrew campaign next i am promising it to myself as a treat
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hyacinthmacabre · 4 years
I’m playing in an online Curse of Strahd game right now. I am extremely lucky. My DM has spent months studying the module and she joined groups online to add content to it for us. She also bought all kinds of great content for Roll20 to expand the game.
So far it’s been amazing. I am playing a Halfling Ranger with the Swarmkeeper subclass (heavily modified with a post I found online). Her background is the Knight but I homebrewed it to be a Girl Guide Leader and so I have 3 girl guides with me instead of retainers. Unlike the Knight background, the girls go into combat.
Yes. I brought girl guides into Barovia. They are called Quarter Guides and our original intent was to do a troop trip to the Feywild that ended up going in the wrong direction. Due to our small party size (3 players), the DM had given the girls basic classes and they are a few levels lower than us. She also plays them. Each one is lovely and unique.
It adds unbelievable stress and tension any time we go into any situation. My character is always concerned with where they are, what is happening to them, and how they are interacting with others. She’s terrified for them and not for herself. We also spent all our resources getting them geared up and keeping them fed.
I’m very lucky that my group is on board with the girls. They even interact with them individually.
I just wish that the rest of the internet didn’t work hard to spoil the campaign for me as a player. I have known aboht CoS forever. I’ve been playing D&D since 1997. I’ve been in two separate campaigns that attempted to go into Ravenloft, but due to schedules and boredom they never went past a session or two.
I’ve purposely not spoiled it for myself with the hope that one day I would get to play it. It’s an iconic setting. It’s been 20 years of me not seeing a single, solitary spoiler. I mean other than the obvious one about Strahd.
But in the past 2 months suddenly every D&D subreddit or Facebook group or even here on Tumblr are doing their darnedest to spoil the shit out of it for me. Last week a player in another game started spouting off spoilers so I had to tune them out. A commenter in an character creation subreddit suddenly responded to one of my comments with information about an NPC we had run into just the session before and now I know their backstory. It wasn’t even related to Curse of Strahd! And Reddit keeps suggesting that I join the Curse of Strahd subreddit and it prominently shows me posts that have been spoiling shit with their titles.
I am aware it’s a 20+ year old setting. It’s iconic. Many people have played it. But why is it that I’ve been able to go spoiler-free for ages and then when I am actually in a group it’s spoiler city?
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