#costumes bretons
orkazh-arts · 3 months
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En tu bennak el lanneg / Quelque part dans la lande / Somewhere in the heathlands ✨🖤🤍
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bidisastersanji · 6 months
Ok so. Oda said that Sanji was French. Has any other Frenchie out there thought of the possibilities of Sanji from the different French regions? I’m leaning towards Bretagne!Sanji because just imagine him in Breton clothing:
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Or if - inspired by OPLA’s Taz Spanish heritage he could be Basque and look very handsome in
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fashionbooksmilano · 11 months
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Portraits in Lace Breton Women
Charles Fréger
Thames & Hudson, London 2015, 264 pages, 22.5 x 19.0 cm, ISBN 9780500517994
euro 65,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Charles Fréger has photographed a series of portraits of Breton women wearing costumes and headdresses of endless variety: from high starched towers to elaborately pinned, tucked and embroidered confections of handmade lace, as delicate as they are distinctive.
Costumes and headdresses may indicate a wearer’s village, as well as age or status. They are worn for celebrations of a marriage, birth, or a local saint’s day, or to mark a period of mourning. Young girls, women both married and unmarried, mothers, sisters and grandmothers pose in costume for these wonderful photographic portraits.
Over 50 headdresses are introduced and described in a separate reference section, accompanied by specially commissioned illustrations. Fréger’s exceptional photographs demonstrate a wealth of pride and personal expression that make this book a unique testament to a living tradition.
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turbobyakuren · 2 years
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this is the new Touhou OC guide.
Also this reminds me, I showed my grandma my Forbidden Scrollery manga (i was so proud that a touhou works finally got officially localized in french) and she pointed at Marisa and asked if she was wearing an Alsace folkloric costume
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operafantomet · 1 year
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Obscure Masquerade costumes: The Firefly / Peacock / Rococo
One of the original Maria Bjørnson designs I know the least about. Thus, this photoset will probably be useful for future reference...
The costume features a sleeveless corseted bodice with front panel and shoulder drapes or straps, overskirt matching the bodice, and an underskirt with criss-crossing ribbons with bows. It was designed for the West End premiere in 1986, first appearing as a stripy bronze version accented with green, and paired with a powderd wig and porcelain mask on stick (photo 4, 5). There it was worn by Peggy Ann Jones.
A similar costume was worn by Mary Leigh Stahl in the original Broadway production, but here it had more green and black tones accented by purple, and long gloves (photo 6).
It doen’t seem to have been a widely featured costume in the years to come. I wonder if it was replaced by the red and blue 18th century woman costume, as this has been present in all or nearly all productions. But in 2006 the original made a comeback in Las Vegas, this time in green and gold and with auburn wig, still with a porcelain mask, but this time worn on a dummy (photo 8). Some years after the Vegas production closing in 2012, the costume was implemented on Broadway, but this time as a swing/ensemble costume (photo 7, 9). On Broadway it’s worn with long black lace gloves and a black mask instead of the porcelain one. Featured here is Sara Jean Ford and Marni Raab.
Yet another take on the costume appeared in the World Tour revival in 2019-2020. This version was made of silvery and grey floral brocade accented by black and green. This too was worn by a black mask, but instead of lace gloves they appear to have used velvet or satin. Wearers in the tour includes Julia McRae and Emma Breton.
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guilbertjj · 1 year
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handern · 2 years
refraining so hard from shoving a map of all the micro-specifics of breton costumes and accents in the faces of everyone who enjoys the Fulenn song bc I’m so so excited
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rozny · 1 month
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I went to the bookshop for a gift this morning and I found this amazing book. I love this photographer for his work on traditions and mostly costumes. Up until this morning, I wasn't aware of this book about the Bretonnes serie. I was so excited! A precious indicator about headwear creativity on this small land.
Hé hé hé !
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emomeishibot · 9 days
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First of all, I’m a proshipper; secondly, this post has no ships in it.
I drew kuro characters as a 2000s Chinese drama costume sitcom 武林外传 My Own Swordsman (no idea why is it translate to this name, the direct translation should be Wulin Anecdotes) Why I did this crossover: it’s just hilarious for me!! To help you understand my casting read further. I was like I want to send these sketches for tumblr but you can’t get this crossover so I might as well introduce it to you. I mean you might be intrigued by the referenced show, who knows? 🤭
Let me give you an analogy if you are not familiar with Chinese Kong fu themes novels: this show is a comedy kong fu drama, and a western narrative analogy for it could be if you have a team of DND characters but they never leave the tavern but instead they are the staff trying to make the tavern successful and solve all the crazy problems in this chaotic world and become family members(I hope this works)
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The male lead character is a former Robin-hood-like legend burglar but now settled down working as the waiter; the female lead is an unmarried widow who came all the way to her fiancé only to find him dead and left her his mischievous little sister to look after, so she wiped off her tears and decided to buy the inn and start her business as the landlady right there and then. As for the little niece, rumors are that she’d grow up to be a murderous fiend…! But they don’t know yet…
So I drew Sebastian, Madame Red and Ciel as these roles🤲
y’all couldn’t have known how adorable it is for me without growing up with the show… btw the show goes for a relationship for the waiter and landlady eventually in the show but I drew them as work partners and friends^^Regarding how Madame Red teased Sebastian canonically makes me laugh remembering those early kuro shenanigans 😂I always hoped Madame stayed longer with us in canon, she so lovely. Imagine her running a tavern is such fun, the vibe of this show is crazy… just look at them
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There’s a reckless, chivalrous former swordswoman as waitress, another former constable girl who is amiable but has no dating luck as waitress as well. I casted Jane and Mey-Rin (I really want to see Jane join the Phantomhive manor(if possible after the Breton arc)??she slays and I want to see her working with Sebastian! Also Mey-Rin is both clumsier and deadlier than her character)
And more: a fusty, nerdy moderate scholar who sold the family inn to the now landlady and now working for her as an accountant, for which I casted Grelle (her butler persona when she’s undercover is really close to how this character usually is lol but she would definitely hate how nerdy this character is, as she is working for Madame Red again in this crossover)
For the hot-headed, ambitious yet bad cook who was a constable, I cast Bard (I might redo him because I wanted to fit Finny in but I run out of the inn staff; Bard and him could be the constable master and apprentice duo from the show; Diedrich could step up as chef)
The setting is a fictional ancient China so the kong fu element is very overdramatic; also, there's a lot of modern references to the 2000s. If you watch the show's op you'll get it) And it’s a nationally beloved show of my generation^^ I hope my explanation got you interested instead of confused😳but I love this crossover and hope my kuro ppl on tumblr enjoy it😌Such long explanations for them little sketches; Thank you for coming to my ted talk???
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robert-hadley · 8 months
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William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905) - A young woman in Breton costume, kneeling. Graphite on light brown paper
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mermaidenmystic · 5 months
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A Girl Wearing A Breton Costume by Élisabeth Sonrel (French painter and illustrator in the Art Nouveau style; her works included allegorical subjects, mysticism and symbolism, portraits and landscapes, 1874-1953)
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detournementsmineurs · 4 months
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"Ensemble Féminin de Cérémonie du Pays Pagan" (détail) en soie amassée mauve et tulle (1890-1920) exposé dans les nouvelles salles costumes "Modes et Clichés : Costumes Traditionnels" dans le parcours permanent du Musée Départemental Breton à Quimper, Bretagne, décembre 2023.
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zialinart · 4 months
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Mon cadeau secret santa pour @saemi-the-dreamer ptit dessin et ptite fic même si bon, j'écris pas beaucoup donc c'est sûrement un peu bancal
Il était déjà la fin de l'après midi quand Arthur commença sérieusement à s'impatienter. Ca faisait au moins 3 bonnes heures que lui, une bonne partie des représentants les plus importants du monde breton et des délégations venues d'autres pays pour l'occasion attendaient. Et encore eux ils avaient la chance d'être assis, lui commençait à avoir sérieusement mal aux pieds. Et bon sang la couronne de fleur que Guenièvre avait insisté à lui faire porter lui grattait sérieusement le crâne. Il se tourna une fois de plus vers Perceval qui, tenant son rôle de témoin très sérieusement se tenait totalement immobile, les mains croisées :
Non mais bordel qu'est-ce qu'ils foutent ?
Vous voulez que j'aille me renseigner sire ?
Vous voulez dire comme les trois autres fois où vous êtes allés vous renseigner et vous êtes revenus bredouille ? Je sais pas vous vous sentez capables de trouver le chemin des vestiaires cette fois ou je vous colle un intendant pour vous accompagner ?
Non mais les autres fois je suis tombé sur Karadoc ça m'a perturbé, là c'est bon il est assis y'a pas de mouron à se faire sire.
Ok mais dépêchez vous, et dites leur de se bouger aussi ou je sens que l'église va se transformer en un champ de bataille romain-visigoth
De son point de vue il pouvait observer toute la salle et voyait clairement que des alliances commençaient à se défaire au fur et à mesure que les gens s'impatientaient. Les représentants des pays qui parlaient la même langue étaient très agités et parlaient de plus en plus fort, semblant ne pas s'entendre sur le goût du vin, dont ils avaient probablement déjà un peu abusé. D'un côté c'était la seule chose à faire en attendant. Perceval partit se renseigner et Arthur alla se chercher une coupe lui-même, histoire d'actionner un peu ses jambes. Il avait été plutôt fier de son idée de renouveller son mariage avec Guenièvre à la mode catholique, en invitant les plus grands noms du coin afin de montrer qu'il était revenu en tant que roi et que le royaume se portait bien d��sormais. Mais maintenant qu'il était là, face à tout ce monde qui s'impatientait, il se sentait plutôt nerveux. Bon sang qu'est-ce qu'elle foutait ? C'était pas si foutu compliqué d'enfiler une robe potable pour l'occasion, de se faire un peu tresser les cheveux et boum, mariage et on n'en parle plus.
Qu'est-ce que vous foutez retournez à votre place espèce de trou du fion !
La voix de sa belle mère resonna derrière lui tandis qu'il se servait un verre. Ah, au moins si elle était sortie du vestiaire c'est que c'était bientôt fini
En attendant que votre fille daigne se montrer faut bien que je m'occupe
Oui, bah c'est bon vous vous êtes occupés retournez à l'autel, là Elle le poussa vers le fond de l'église tandis qu'il protestait
Faites gaffe bordel c'est un costume spécial pour l'occasion j'ai pas envie de le tâcher en renversant du vin
Vous avez qu'à pas faire votre poivrot au moins pour une soirée. Pis toute façon croyez moi vous aurez pas besoin d'alcool quand vous la verrez.
Elle le laisse planté là, retourna s'asseoir auprès de Léodagan et secoua celui-ci qui s'était endormi sur son banc. Arthur prit une gorgée de vin en réfléchissant à ces dernières paroles étranges. Oui ok, il avait été assez peu discret ces derniers temps sur les regards qu'il lançait à Guenièvre mais enfin de là à ce que sa belle mère le remarque. Le goût acre du vin le fit hoqueter et il s'énerva mentalement sur les paysans qui n'étaient même pas capables de fournir un vin correct pour le mariage de leur roi. A ce moment là Perceval revint, accompagné de Bohort, l'un en bleu, l'autre en vert pour représenter les deux parties du mariage. Pourquoi Guenièvre avait choisi Bohort comme témoin ça le dépassait, après tout il ne les pensait pas si proches. Mais d'un autre côté il n'avait pas été tellement attentif aux passes temps et aux amis de sa femme durant le temps qu'il avaient passé ensemble. Il se promit mentalement de changer ça.
Ah bah c'est pas trop tôt c'est bon elle va venir ou il faut que je reporte à après-demain ?
C'est bon, c'est bon sire, dit Bohort avec un sourire jusqu'aux oreilles. Sauf votre respect vous allez être plutôt impressionné de ce qu'on a fait avec du simple tissu
Je m'en fous un peu de votre tissu Bohort j'aimerais bien commencer le processus pour que les gens finissent pas par s'étriper dans une église.
Bohort se rangea du côté de la mariée, toujours souriant, et Arthur remarqua que Léodagan s'était eclipsé, sans doute pour pouvoir accompagner la mariée jusqu'à l'autel, c'était bon signe. Même si bon, ils étaient déjà mariés depuis 30 piges techniquement il n'avait pas vraiment sa main à lui donner. Il sursauta alors qu'un orgue commença à résonner dans la salle. Ils avaient un orgue dans le coin ? Encore un détail qui luil avait échappé. Il déposa son verre de vin sur le côté tandis que les invités se levaient, certains de façon un peu vacillante. Deux petites filles apparurent du fond de la salle et dispersèrent des pétales de rose tout le long de l'allée. Et puis elle apparut au bras de son père. Sa machoire tomba et il oublia tout. Les trois heures d'attente, les invités qui s'engueulaient, le vin dégueu, même ses pieds. Elle était vêtue d'une robe en tulle blanche recouverte de fleurs bleues jusqu'à la taille. Ses cheveux lui tombaient sur les épaules en cascade, avec seulement une couronne de fleurs similaire à la sienne sur la tête. Elle était magnifique. Elle arriva à sa hauteur et Léodagan lui donna sa main et retourna s'asseoir. Elle lui sourit timidement tandis que le prêtre se mettait en position.
Vous dites rien ?
Je euh Pour une fois il était sans voix, tout juste capable de la parcourir du regard bouche bée.
C'est les fleurs c'est ça ? J'ai dit à Bohort que ça faisait trop mais il était sûr que c'était la mode et puis Merlin les a fait pousser exprès et du coup…
Il lui posa un doigt sur la bouche avant qu'elle ne s'emballe trop.
Vous êtes parfaite, réussit-il seulement à murmurer
Son visage s'illumina et elle rougit un peu.
Il sourit à son tour réalisant que la cérémonie lui tenait finalement plus à coeur qu'il ne le pensait. Leur premier mariage avait été un simulacre politique. Celui-ci était un mariage d'amour.
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homomenhommes · 24 days
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … April 13
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c.435 BC – The Greek philosopher Aristippus was born on or around this date (d.circa 360 BC). He was a pupil of Socrates, but adopted a very different philosophical outlook, teaching that the goal of life was to seek pleasure by adapting oneself to circumstances and by maintaining proper control over both adversity and prosperity. Aristippus held that the highest purpose and virtue was the pursuit of pleasure.
Aristippus was born at Cyrene. He came over to Greece to be present at the Olympic games, where he fell in with Ischomachus the agriculturist, and by his description was filled with so ardent a desire to see Socrates, that he went to Athens for the purpose, and remained with him almost up to the time of his execution, 399 BCE
One work attributed to "Aristippus" in ancient times was a scandalous work entitled On Ancient Luxury (or On the Luxury of the Ancient Greeks). This work, judging by preserved quotations was filled with spicy anecdotes about philosophers and their supposed taste for boy-lovers and courtesans. The author supports his claims for Plato's various erotic relationships through his quotation of epigrams attributed to the philosopher.
"The art of life lies in taking pleasures as they pass, and the keenest pleasures are not intellectual, nor are they always moral." - Aristippus
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1841 – Michigan amends its sodomy law to specify that emission of semen is not necessary for completion of the crime.
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Molinier - Self-portrait
1900 – Pierre Molinier was a painter, photographer and 'maker of objects' (d.1976). He was born in Agen (France) and lived his life in Bordeaux. He began his career by painting landscapes, but his work turned towards a fetishistic eroticism early on.
Molinier began to take photographs at the age of 18, and started his erotic production around 1950. With the aid of a wide range of specially made 'props' - dolls, various prosthetic limbs, stiletto heels, corsetry, dildos and an occasional confidante - Pierre Molinier used his own body as the basis for surreal and fantastic distortions of the human form, blurring sexuality and gender and ultimately producing a large body of photographic work. Most of his photographs, photomontages, are self-portraits of himself as a woman.
By combining costume, props, photography and photomontage he stepped beyond mere photographic representation of himself and his models to create a bizarre and distorted world of gender-confused fetishism and auto-eroticism.
He began a correspondence with André Breton and sent him photographs of his paintings. Later Breton integrated him into the Surrealist group. Breton organised an exhibition of Molinier's paintings in Paris, in January-February 1956.
In 1976, as his health began to decline, Pierre Molinier lay on his bed in front of a mirror, masturbated and committed suicide by shooting himself. The staging of his death initially led police to suspect he had been murdered but it seems that his death was Molinier's final creative act.
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1936 – Win Ng (d.1991) was a Chinese American sculptor, industrial designer and illustrator. He is best known as the co-founder of the groundbreaking San Francisco based handmades department store Taylor & Ng.
Ng was born in Chinatown, San Francisco. He studied at the City College of San Francisco and San Francisco State University. After serving in the United States Army he studied at the San Francisco Art Institute receiving a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 1959.
Ng was openly gay.
In 1965 Ng met artist Spaulding Taylor and shifted his focus toward utilitarian work. The two founded Environmental Ceramics (the precursor to Taylor & Ng) and moved into creating handmade artware and homewares. The company called Taylor & Ng was founded during the same period and, with the addition of Win Ng's brother, Norman Ng, as president, grew into a major producer and retailer of housewares.
Through their own San Francisco department store and wholesale business, Taylor & Ng not only created a signature style still in demand by collectors, but helped to popularize Asian culture and cuisine. The Taylor & Ng company is credited with bringing the Chinese wok to the U.S. and making it a common kitchen utensil.
Ng died on September 6, 1991 from AIDS related complications. He was 55.
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1937 – On this date the award winning playwright Lanford Wilson was born (d.2011). Considered one of the founders of the Off-off Broadway theater movement, Wilson received the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1980, was elected in 2001 to the Theater Hall of Fame, and in 2004 elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters.
Wilson was raised in Missouri by his mother, but in 1956 he moved to California, where he worked and attended college. There, Wilson lived with his father, who did not accept Wilson's homosexuality, and so, in 1957, he moved to Chicago, where he worked as a graphic artist and studied playwriting.
Wilson began his active career as a playwright in the early 1960s at the Caffe Cino in Greenwich Village, writing one-act plays such as Ludlow Fair, Home Free!, and The Madness of Lady Bright. The Madness of Lady Bright premiered at the Caffe Cino in May of 1964 and was the venue's first significant hit. The play featured actor Neil Flanagan in the title role as Leslie Bright, a neurotic aging queen. The Madness of Lady Bright is considered a landmark play in the representation of male homosexuality. It was the longest running play ever to appear at the Caffe Cino, where it was performed over two hundred times. Wilson was subsequently invited to present his work off-Broadway, including his plays Balm in Gilead and The Rimers of Eldritch.
Wilson was a founding member of the Circle Repertory Company in 1969. Many of his plays were first presented there, directed by his long-standing collaborative partner, Marshall W. Mason. The Circle Rep's production of Wilson's The Hot l Baltimore won the New York Drama Critics' Circle Award, the Outer Critics Circle Award, and the Obie Award, and was adapted into a television program by Norman Lear. In 1979 Wilson received the Pulitzer Prize for Drama for Talley's Folly.
Wilson's style and approach has evolved over the years, sometimes resulting in drastically different effects. Some of his plays are extremely radical and experimental in nature while others clearly have a more mainstream, if still creative, sensibility. His first full length play, Balm in Gilead, is perhaps his most radical, yet it also remains one of his most popular. The play had a memorable off-Broadway revival in the 1980s, directed by John Malkovich, a co-production of Circle Rep and the Steppenwolf Theatre Company.
In addition to writing plays, Wilson has written the texts for several twentieth century operas, including at least two collaborations with composer Lee Hoiby: Summer and Smoke (1971) and This is the Rill Speaking (1992) (based on his own play).
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1945 – Joseph Doucé (d.1990) was born to a rural family in Sint-Truiden, Belgium. He was a psychologist and Baptist pastor in Paris. He was openly gay and was among the founders of the International Lesbian and Gay Association. He served as a volunteer soldier in the OTAN base at Limoges (France), where he had time to perfect his French. After one year of pastoral and humanistic studies at Stenonius College (also known as Europaseminär, a Roman Catholic seminary today extinct) in Maastricht, the Netherlands, he began his conversion to Protestantism around 1966.
His Centre du Christ Libérateur was a ministry to sexual minorities. The center had support groups for homosexuals, transsexuals, sadomasochism and pedophiles.
Doucé was killed and the murder has never been solved. According to Doucé's lover, he was taken away by two men, who showed police badges on July the 19th 1990. The body was found in a forest in October 1990.
The killers are thought to be a unit of the French police, Renseignements Généraux, who investigated Doucé because of his support for pedophiles.
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1950 – The American actor Terry Lester was born on this date (d.2003). Lester was born in Indianapolis, Indiana and began an acting career while at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana.
After years of musical theater, concert performances, numerous prime-time TV guest roles, and a season starring in the 1976 children's series Ark II, Lester had his big break when he joined CBS daytime soap The Young and the Restless (Y&R) in 1980. He created the role of Jack Abbott, a scoundrel who never met a woman (including his own father's wife) he didn't want to take to bed. Lester was so popular that Y&R creator William J. Bell wrote an entire family for him. Y&R was going through a transition period at this time and many fans believe that Lester's star quality helped the show build more viewers and eventually rise to #1 in the daytime soap ratings.
Lester kept his personal life under wraps, but a 2002 In Magazine LA article on former soap star Thom Bierdz claimed that Lester, along with Michael Corbett and Bierdz, made up a trio of gay actors who worked on The Young and the Restless in the 1980s.
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1958 – On this date Harvey Lavan "Van" Cliburn, Jr. achieved worldwide recognition by becoming the first American to win the International Tchaikovsky Piano Competition in Moscow. He was all of 23.
In 1998, Cliburn was named in a palimony lawsuit by his alleged domestic partner of seventeen years, mortician Thomas Zaremba.
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1966 – Martin Pousson is an American novelist, poet, and professor.
He was born and raised in Louisiana, in the Cajun French bayou land of Acadiana. Some of his favorite writers include Carson McCullers, Truman Capote and James Baldwin, as well as Denis Johnson and Junot Diaz.
His first novel, No Place, Louisiana (2002) told the story of a Cajun family and an American dream gone wrong. The novel won acclaim from Pulitzer Prize-winner Michael Cunningham and the Los Angeles Times, and it was a finalist for the John Gardner Book Award in Fiction.
His first collection of poetry, Sugar (2005) centered on the lives of outsiders, especially Cajuns, Southerners and gay men. Some of the poems also dealt with racism and the AIDS epidemic. He says that this collection would not have ever been published if it were not for a friend's saved copy of the manuscript. In 2005, he was named one of the Leading Men of the Year by Instinct magazine, alongside Jake Shears, Robert Gant, and Keith Boykin.
He is currently Associate Professor of English at California State University, Northridge, in Los Angeles. He teaches in the Creative Writing Program and the Queer Studies Program, and some of his most popular courses include Narrative Writing, Advanced Narrative Writing, Theories of Fiction, and Gay Male Writers.
He was named a recipient of the National Endowment for the Arts in Creative Writing for 2014. The NEA grant was awarded for a collection of short stories in development titled "Black Sheep Boy." The stories are about a homosexual boy coming of age sexually in the bayous of Louisiana. The stories also are about mental illness and werewolf myths.
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1990 – Queer Nation – The direct-action group's inaugural action took place at Flutie's Bar, a straight hangout at the South Street Sea Port on April 13, 1990. The goal: to make clear to patrons that queers will not be restricted to Gay bars for socializing and for public displays of affection. More visibility actions like this one became known as "Queer Nights Out."
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2014 – The Finnish Post announces that Tom of Finland (Touko Valio Laaksone) will appear on postage stamps.
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themuseumwithoutwalls · 3 months
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MWW Artwork of the Day (1/23/24) Paul Gauguin (French, 1848-1903) La Belle Angèle (1889) Oil on canvas, 92 x 73 cm. Musée d'Orsay, Paris (Gift of Ambroise Vollard)
Gauguin, who had decided to "dare all", broke with the traditional practices of perspective and spatial unity. In a process taken from Japanese prints, he circled the portrait of Angélique Satre and laid it on a mainly decorative background, partitioning the forms and surrounding the figures with a darker outline. The rigid pose, the young woman's ceremonial costume and the inscription LA BELLE ANGELE printed in capital letters reinforce the solemnity of the portrait. On the left, Gauguin has inserted an anthropomorphic pot, in a Peruvian style, which adds symbolic force and seems to be an exotic version of a Breton idol.
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guilbertjj · 1 year
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