#court of limbo
the-squeege · 11 months
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Revenge on @woolmasterleel for her wonderful worm of the great sea attack (:<
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makorragal-312 · 14 days
I think that next episode, when Buck and Eddie talk about everything that's happened with Kim, Buck is gonna talk to Eddie the same way he talked to him about Ana.
He's gonna show concern for Eddie and what he's going through and he's going to offer him words of encouragement and advice, but he's also gonna add in that harsh jab and make it clear to Eddie that he did, in fact, fuck up with his emotional affair and that Chris has every right to be pissed at him.
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woolmasterleel · 1 year
Lets hope my laptop doesn't fry itself this year!
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I'm very excited for this year! Link to my page is in the reblogs (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
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surrenderonvinyl · 1 year
okay it’s been like two months WHERE is the shadow and bone s3 and six of crows spin-off announcement
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bitebitesnap · 4 months
I love reading Reader Inserts but the second I see the words 'husband' or 'wife' I'm bailing/not opening the read more
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two-white-butterflies · 2 months
fresh out the slammer | daemon targaryen
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Description: Daemon Targaryen always found himself running to you after his failed marriages.
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen/The Hand!Reader
Now pretty baby, I'm running back home to you. Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to.
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The Dragon Prince was always an unpredictable figure. He made choices of his own, allowed his hot-blooded anger to rule his decisions instead of his mind. "Lord Otto warned me years ago, he knew that Daemon would try this..." Viserys cursed underneath his breath, it was a mere second ago when Lord Otto Hightower delivered the news about Rhaenyra's excursion with Daemon.
"I know Rhaenyra, she wouldn't do that in her own accord - this is Daemon's doing, my husband." Queen Alicent followed behind him, and you both exchange a look. Viserys takes a deep breath.
Viserys wanted to believe that his daughter was as innocent as Alicent thought but he knew that it wasn't the case. "The same blood flows through their veins, Rhaenyra and Daemon, they are both unpredictable - untamed by tradition. I would approve of this but my brother has a wife, we cannot risk offending House Royce." the King responded, waiting for your reply.
"We must do something about Daemon." Viserys articulated, "I believe that we have exhausted all our efforts into taming your brother, my king. You've already named him as the Commander of the City Watch. If that position has not taught him anything about honor and respect, I-I cannot see a possibility that anything could." you mused, his eyebrows merged into each other.
"We can send him away, force him to return to his lawful wife." Alicent suggested. "- the people at court, they'll talk about Rhaenyra, they'll bring her moralities into question. If she is to be the future Queen, then shouldn't the court respect her?" Alicent added, hoping to sway her husband into making the decision.
"It is already an endless cycle, my queen. Prince Daemon is forced into exile, he returns a few years and he does something that forces him to exile once more." you argued, on top of that, the prince was an asset to the crown - a warrior if not anything lesser.
"- to catch him would be to catch the wind." you ended and a sigh escapes the King's mouth. "- and we are still unsure if Prince Daemon was with Princess Rhaenyra. Mayhaps, it was just a whore from Lyss who bore resemblance to our princess." you defended, mentally reminding yourself to confront him after this conversation.
Viserys was silent for a second.
He takes a deep breath.
"I shall speak to my brother, confirm or derail the allegations. Then I shall call the small council and make a decision there." he concluded.
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Daemon clenched his jaw, seeing you walk towards him in his periphery. A child in his eyes - decades lesser than his age, and yet his brother found you more fitting to be the Hand.
What did you have, that he did not?
"Lord Otto reports seeing you with Princess Rhaenyra late at night in Fleabottom." you opened the conversation and he did his best not to show any facial expressions. "What do you want?" his eyes narrowed.
"It was her then? I'll have you know that your brother plans to wring your head because of that." you chuckled, amused by his childish antics. Was it his first time in court? "If it is her, if it is not her, it is none of your business, hand." he grits his teeth.
You resist the urge to roll your eyes.
"Your brother will send you back to your wife. He will not grant you disbarment, nor will he grant you marriage with your niece. You are caught in a limbo, my prince." you explained his situation.
He could give lesser of a fuck.
"- but I can offer you a way out." you offered, and his pupils dilated. Suddenly piqued by your proposition. He takes a strand of your hair and moves it behind your ears. Your faces were mere inches away from each other. "A pretty lady offers me a proposition, I cannot decline." he agrees with the deal.
You stare deep into those purple eyes.
"I'm fairly new to court, they don't trust me - I've made a few enemies. Especially Lord Otto, and I know enough to know that you are smarter than you seem - that he fears you to some extent." you whispered, your voice low so that he'd have to lean closer to hear.
"You protect me, and I'll protect you." you offered. "- this thing with Rhaenyra will die down, just pretend that it was some Lyseni whore you bedded, and not your niece. You can still fuck her, if you wish, but be a little more discreet." you counseled.
"Sure." he hummed, pulling away from your body.
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It's been a few months since the start of your alliance with the Rogue Prince, and surprisingly he's become a decent friend. Hilarious, when he tries. "Drink this," he placed a cup of ale in front of you. It wasn't your first time in Fleabottom, but it was your first time going here incognito beside him.
"Gods, aren't you going to help Harwin?" you chuckled, taking a slight sip of the ale. It was much too strong for your tastes. Daemon laughed in return, raising his hand and calling out to Harwin. "Are you alright?" he inquired and the man nodded his head sluggishly, fighting against the effects of alcohol.
"He's alright," Daemon antagonized, biting back a few giggles. "This is my first time seeing you loosen off. You're kind of a boring prude." he insulted jokingly, and you responded with an eye-roll. "Fuck you." your eyes narrowed.
"Seven hells, aren't you going to do anything now?" you raised an eyebrow, seeing Harwin led to the stage by a few bedwarmers. One of the girls pressed kisses on his cheeks. "I thought I was your only one," Daemon chuckled, not planning to stop Harwin from having his fun. "I thought you were old friends." you teased.
"Closer than friends, lesser than lovers." he shrugged and a laugh escapes your mouth. You always managed to laugh at his antics. He always pretended to be close to the people that hated him, sometimes even referring to Otto Hightower as the father he never had - of course, that was an insult to the man's physical features.
There was a comfortable silence between you, a silence that was only marred by the habitual sipping of ale. "You frequent these types of places?" you inquired, only beginning to realize the slight reddish tint on his cheeks.
"I used to, but not much now, they've grown...boring." he waited for the right words to exit his mouth. The truth was, he found himself slowly liking your company - liking the words that came out of your mouth, the insults that made him laugh, and the thought of fucking a woman who was only paid to moan and groan left him unfulfilled. He craved something deeper - like an idiot, he wanted a woman that understood him, that was able to shake his soul with avarice.
He needed someone like you, but he hasn't quite figured that out yet.
"The Prince of Flea Bottom, finding his own kingdom...boring." you mimicked his tone. "I've merely understood the fact that there are much better things to do than empty my spend on a whore's belly." he retorted, the conversation turning serious. "You should return to your wife and empty your seed on that belly." you teased once more, you've always laughed at the topic of his wife.
"I fucking hate you," he took a large swig of his ale. "- get me pissed enough and I'll fuck you, I swear to god." he cursed and you froze slightly. He made you feel dangerous for a moment. Like something could sweep by and take him, and you won't even have the right to mourn - you'll just watch him go, and wallow in the memory of him being vulgar with you.
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sophia-zofia · 6 months
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Here’s a personal story about Palestinian child prisoners: - In 2012, I was arrested in Hebron while participating in a march to open Shuhada street, which was a main market street for Palestinians until the Israeli military shut it down, and made it for Israeli settlers only. It’s part of the area @JamaalBowmanNY visited. - Handcuffed and blinded by pepper spray, and thrown in the back of an Israeli humvee after my head was slammed against it, the soldiers drive off. They suddenly stop, run out, and all I hear is a child screaming and crying. - This child is then thrown on top of me, and is handcuffed. I ask him his age, he said 13. I asked him what happened, he says he was walking to his sister’s house and they just stopped and picked him up. He’s in panic mode crying “my sister cooked lunch for me, she’ll be terrified if I’m lost”. I tell him not to worry, we’ll make it out and give him the basic tips: You have a right to remain silent, don’t say anything without a lawyer…etc. - We get to the Israeli military outpost, we’re dragged out of the humvee. The kid’s terrified, telling them not to blind him (He thought I was blinded because of the pepper spray, I couldn’t open my eyes). - The smack the kid around and tell him to shut up. - We wait a bit, then kid is called in for interrogation. - The Israeli military interrogator literally tells him: I’ll let you go home, you just need to confirm the guy with you led the protest and told you to throw the stones at us. - Kid says I want to call my family/lawyer. Interrogator says ok: Picks up mobile and gives it to kid. Kid puts in his mother’s number. Soldier snatches mobile. The mother answers. Soldier says: Your son is going to go to jail and if he doesn’t talk I’ll come and arrest you too. Puts it on speaker, mother is panicking. Kid starts to panic. Soldier hangs up in her face. - Soldier tells kid: I can make your family’s life hell. But if you say what I told you to say, everything will be ok. - Kid starts sobbing and says: But I don’t know this guy I just met him in the humvee when you picked me up. Sitting outside the room, I yell: Kid, stay strong, say your truth and don’t fall into his lies.
- They come and take me away. Thirty minutes later kid comes out of interrogation shaken. He says the soldier told him he’d shoot his mother. The poor child told me not to worry though, he only said the truth 🥺. - The case brought against this poor kid was stone throwing, with two soldiers “testifying” they saw him throw a stone. - He spent 3 months in prison as court hearings kept getting delayed, eventually he was advised by his lawyer to “admit” to stone throwing because that way he’d spend less time in prison because the lawyer could be able to negotiate his release in 4 months, while waiting for a ruling from Israel’s military courts could take a year. - In short, working on this issue in Palestine for 12 years, I can tell you the majority of child arrests in Palestine follow this exact pattern: - Israel wants to teach a Palestinian community a lesson, deterring people from protesting its oppression. - It targets the kids, arresting dozens - up to 700 a year. - Majority of kids get abused and interrogated. - Lawyers and kids know it’s better to “confess” even if they didn’t do the crime, as waiting for a ruling and being in uncertainty/limbo is hell. That’s why you have a 95% conviction rate. - Then the Israeli government, when challenged for the systematic abuse, comes out and says: “These kids are terrorists - they attacked our soldiers and admitted to it.” - And because the lives of Palestinian children don’t matter, the world turns a blind eye again and again and again and again.
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theaspsaroaceimagines · 4 months
You guys really liked being the god of Death, so get ready for
MORE Hazbin Hotel x God of Death! Reader
You're feeling particularly tired, having spent your entire existence working with no rest.
So you decide to take a vacation.
You send a letter to Heaven:
Dear Heaven, I am taking a much needed vacation, so no one will be dying for a while. Do not call me, I will not answer. --Death
And then you leave your post for the first time ever.
Of the three realms, Hell is the most accepting of your presence, so you go there for your vacation.
You arrive and decide to stay in the first hotel you see.
--And, to your surprise, it's being run by Lucifer's daughter?
"Oh my goodness! You're Luci's kid, aren't you? Hi!"
Charlie, who's never met you before, is bewildered.
"Huh? Umm... yeah? You know him?" "'Know him?' Of course I do! Your dad and I go WAAAY back!"
You quickly realize that Charlie has no idea who you are.
"Oh my! Where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself! I'm Death."
Needless to say, things start off awkward after your formal introduction.
Charlie tries to tell you that you can't stay there, that the Hazbin Hotel is for sinners.
But explaining why involves explaining the Hazbin Hotel's purpose.
You're ecstatic to hear that she's trying to rehabilitate sinners.
Especially since it's with the goal of permanently ending the Extermination.
See, what the denizens of Hell and the exorcists don't understand is that it's actually impossible to destroy a soul unless you're that soul's Creator.
And there's only one Creator of souls, and they're not into destruction.
So all the Extermination does is send a bunch of sinner's souls to Limbo. Which is your home.
And, for thousands of years, you've had no idea what to do with these souls getting shoved into your home. You've just been kind of keeping them in stasis. It's very crowded in Limbo.
Limbo was never meant to hold so many souls; it's a transitional space, not a destination.
Spoilers for ep 6 under the cut:
When you find out about the court hearing in Heaven, you're pissed.
They had a hearing about whether souls could be transferred between the two afterlives, and you weren't informed or invited?!
You're going to slap Sera the next time you see her.
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hannieehaee · 7 months
18+ / mdi
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content: minghao x virgin!reader, established relationship, afab reader, smut soft sex, fingering, penetrative sex, they're in love <//3
wc: 1943
a/n: he looked so soft and pretty with his hair like this aaahhh T^T i didnt proofread this btw but are we surprised
he couldn't take his eyes off of you.
you were so soft and pretty. the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen, really. in his eyes, you had no flaw. and you were all his. he still couldnt get over that fact.
he felt ashamed to admit it, but he'd been waiting for this since the moment he first laid eyes on you. he always thought you were the most beautiful girl in every room you walked into. your supple skin, the shape of your eyes, the brightness in your smile, the curves along your body; he was addicted to every part of you. and now he finally had you all to himself.
it had only been a few weeks since he finally made you his. he was a gentleman, so he courted you for a while, making his intentions clear but never pressuring you into a relationship. he let you know about his feelings for you early on, but wanted to be just be your friend for a bit before officially making you his. you'd lived in the limbo between friends but not quite lovers for a while. he enjoyed the buildup of your feelings. it had only made you want him more; and in turn it made his feelings for you grow even more than he thought possible. and now he found himself overwhelmed with how much he wanted you.
you'd taken it slow. having wanted each other for all those weeks but never really tying the metaphorical knot, you came into your relationship already thirsty for each other. but, once again, minghao was a gentleman. he wanted to give you space and not give into his desires immediately. he knew you were inexperienced, which was something he ashamedly relished on. however, it was even the more reason to allow you to grow used to him as your boyfriend before moving onto that much more intimate aspect of your relationship. he waited and waited (patiently), and now he was here. with an almost completely nude you under him, just waiting for him to take action.
you'd agreed on doing it today. not explicitly, but you'd nudged at each other, suggesting it wordlessly. today would be the day minghao rid you of your innocence. you both knew you were both growing impatient, which is why it wasnt surprising to either of you when tonight became this.
"hao ..." you breathed out, eyes becoming heavy as minghao softly kissed at your neck from his position above you.
he was taking it slow. he wanted to savour every moment of finally making you his in every sense of the word. he'd been slow at kissing you, preparing you for what was to come. he'd been slow at undressing you, still leaving your underwear on for him to take off later. he'd been slow at caressing your body, leaving goosebumps in his wake. and even now, he took it slow as he ground his hips against yours and softly kissed at your neck.
"patience, my love. want to take my time with you," he leaned up from your neck to look into your eyes, but unable to keep his eyes on yours for long as your lips called for him, making him have to connect his lips to yours yet again.
you kissed once more. more desperate this time than before he'd carried you off to his room. minghao didn't want to lose composure, but your adorable mewls at the feeling of his tongue licking at yours and his hips sensually canting against yours was slowly breaking his resolve. he began to kiss you deeper, harder, as his hips began digging even further into yours. he knew that if he tried to dig between your bodies, he'd find a puddle in between them. the thought made him light headed.
he couldn't hold himself back anymore, reaching towards that sacred space in the middle of your legs and softly dragging his fingers up and down. he took pleasure on the gasp you let out against his lips at such a light touch, wanting nothing more than to draw even more needy sounds out of you.
"want my fingers, angel?", he questioned against your lips.
you nodded hazily at him, no words leaving you as you simply whined and fidgeted against him, clearly in want for more.
he finally slipped his fingers past the soaked panties you had worn for him, - you'd worn such a pretty set for him; pink and lacy. pure and innocent, just like you.
he slowly snuck his fingers past the resistance of your folds and began to drag them in and out at a torturously slow pace. he adored your pretty gasps in surprise at the intrusion, unable to take his eyes off of you once again. your expression of pure bliss had him on a high, feeling himself grow even harder at just the beautiful sight in front of him. there was nothing more perfect than this moment, the moment in which he'd finally bring the love of his life to completion.
he increased the movement of his fingers inside you, making sure to curl them just right in order to draw even higher-pitched mewls out of you. his thumb had also joined the equation, rubbing itself on that pretty pearl that demanded stimulation. upon beginning to play with your clit, you'd begun to grind your hips against his hand, making minghao lose his mind. his pretty girl was seeking his touch. knowing he was giving you such pleasure was making him feel lightheaded, an animalistic desire growing in him to finally get you under him and impale you as you cried his name. but no. he was a gentleman. he wanted your first time to be soft and loving. he could corrupt you some other day, but today was all about showing you his feelings for you.
"h-haao ... fuck! please ..." your cries brought him back to earth. he felt the sudden tightness of your walls against his fingers, knowing you were about to reach completion. he began to speed up, now following a rapid rhythm that had you writhing on the bed.
"cum for me. cum, beautiful. wanna see my beautiful girl cry for me," he knew the effect his words would have for you. he'd always adored how much you wanted him. he'd known his feelings had been mutual since day one, seeing the way your pretty eyes would look at him with such adoration. his effect on you was something that drove him crazy day after day, and he was afraid that he'd soon grow addicted to the way you'd react if he ever used it against you while in the throes of passion.
it didn't take you long after that to cum on his fingers, even allowing him to play with your sensitive clit for a bit afterwards before whining at him that you felt too sensitive still. he'd have to train you to take him time and time again, he made a mental note to himself. but that would come later. now he needed you.
he adjusted you on the bed, letting your pretty head lean against some pillows as he hovered over you. leaning down a bit, he pecked your lips before smiling softly at you.
"are you ready, beautiful?", he began toying with your bra a bit, hinting at wanting it off of you.
"yes, hao. i trust you."
that was all he needed to lean down once more, kissing you with all the passion that had build up inside of him. he kissed and kissed you, allowing his hands to travel up and down your body, feeling every delicious curve and crevice adorning your body. once he made contact with your bra, he unglued his lips from yours for a moment in order to remove it, immediately letting his eyes lower to your bare chest.
"you're the most beautiful thing i've ever seen, angel. do you even realize how perfect you are?", he whispered the words against you, almost as if they were a secret. in the meantime he allowed his fingertips to softly run through your supple mounds, drawing circles around your nipples as you whimpered at him to touch them. he chuckled at this, enjoying how easy it was to rile you up.
"here, baby? want my hands here?", he pinched at your nipples, dragging his thumbs over them as you whined at the feeling.
he lowered his head down to eye level with your tits, looking up at you as he let his tongue kitten lick at your nipple, barely giving it any stimulation. he did this for a while, alternating between breasts as you whimpered at him. he then unglued himself from you, softly blowing at your nipples, the cold feeling making you gasp and cry.
"you're so unreal, angel. love how pretty you cry for me. will you cry more? when i finally make you mine?", he'd began to make his way back to you, cock now laying on your stomach as he whispered in your ear.
"yes. please, hao ... want it so bad."
"i'll give it to you, beautiful. i'll give you anything," it didn't take long after this for him to finally begin to push himself inside you, groaning against you at the feeling of your walls closing in on him. your cries for him weren't helping, only making him lightheaded at the feeling of you.
you'd began to scratch his back once he started moving against you, keeping a slow and sensual pace that was rhythmic enough to have your eyes rolling back. looking at you, he had no idea how he resisted you for this long. he regretted not having taken you to bed since the moment he'd met you. but that thought only lasted a few seconds, until he heard you breathlessly gasp his name again after a particularly harsh thrust.
"do you know how hard it was to resist you? to hold you and not be able to have you? you tempted me day after day, making me lose my mind. you're pure torture. but now you're mine. aren't you, angel?", he rambled as he sped up, already seeing his end coming.
"h-hao! please! nee-need you to make me cum. fuck ..." he could see tears begin to form in your eyes. it drew an animalistic side out of him. a pit in his stomach forming at the thought of you sobbing and crying over his cock. this was enough to make him push your legs into your chest and speed up, wanting nothing more than to demand another orgasm out of you.
you came almost at the same time. you a few moments before him, with your rightness forcing an intense orgasm out of you as he groaned your name in your ear.
he was gentle and caring as he cleaned you up, even helping you up so you could use the restroom before promptly walking you back to bed, dreading even a minute of separation from you. he laid you down, cocooning you in his soft sheets before rounding the bed and laying down next to you. the way you immediately nuzzled into his arms had his heart pumping out of his chest. he was feeling endearment overload. everything you did had an effect on him.
"yes, my love?", he looked down at you, running his hands softly up and down your bare back, pressing you even closer to his chest.
"i love you," it wasnt the first time you'd said it, but it had felt different now. like you were giving your body and soul to him.
"i love you more."
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batboyblog · 2 years
Senate 2022: You'd Better Vote!
If you're an American VERY IMPORTANT! elections are coming up on November 8th. Since the 2020 election the US Senate has been tied at 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans with Vice-President Harris casting the tie breaking vote that gives Democrats their majority. Even with such a tight margin Democrats have managed to pass the largest climate action taken by any country so far on earth (yet), lower prescription drug costs, pass the first gun control law since the 1990s , made lynching a federal crime after over 100 years of trying, made Juneteenth a federal holiday, confirmed the first black woman ever to serve on the Supreme Court, passed a trillion dollar infrastructure bill to rebuild our roads, bridges, transportation, better internet, clean water, and support electric cars, saved the US Post Office, passed a renewal of the Violence Against Women Act which had been in limbo since 2019.
Imagine all that the Democrats in the Senate could get done in the next 2 years with a stable majority? On the Flip side if Republicans net just one seat Mitch McConnell has made it clear there will be no progress if he's majority leader again. There are 35 Senate seats up on November 8th, I'm gonna list out the 9 seats with vulnerable Democrats who need re-electing and seats Democrats can flip to expand their majority. Everyone needs to vote, but voting is the start, the most basic thing you need to do, if you live in any of these states PLEASE sign up to volunteer for these candidates, to go talk to voters, to register new voters, to give rides to the polls etc. If you don't live in any of these states, you can still volunteer to make phone calls or text voters it's easy! if you have money to give please please give money campaigns are so expensive. Finally most of these campaigns have merch shops so if you feed more comfortable buying a shirt or a bag or whatever do that lots of them have cool pro-choice things.
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Mark Kelly (Re-elect)
Senator Mark Kelly was elected in a special election in 2020 and is running for a full term this year. Kelly is a former astronaut and the husband of gun violence survivor and gun control advocate Gabby Giffords. Kelly is a strong supporter of gun control an issue he's worked on with Giffords as an activist for 10 years before Congress. Republicans have nominated Blake Masters, who worked for one of Trump's top supporters, Peter Thiel, Thiel spent 13 million dollars to get Masters nominated. Masters calls himself a "America First Conservative" and a "hard-core nationalist". Masters has embraced the racist "Great Replacement" conspiracy theory, supports Trump's conspiracy theories about the 2020 election being stolen, is against gay marriage, says gun violence is all the fault of black people, and is against aid to Ukraine. Kelly is a good democrat, Masters is a white nationalist and election denier, we need Kelly back in the Senate, and we need to keep Masters far far away
Val Demings (Flip)
Congresswoman Val Demings has represented the city of Orlando in the US House since 2017. Before that she served as Orlando's first woman chief of police. In Congress Demings has used her law enforcement background to lend credibility to gun control and police reform. Demings also served as one of the impeachment managers in Trump's first impeachment trial. If elected Val Demings will be Florida's first woman and first black Senator. Demings is running to unseat Republican Senator Marco Rubio. After running against Trump in the 2016 primaries Rubio became one of Trump's biggest supporters in Congress. Rubio reacted to the Parkland shooting in his state by doubling down on opposing any gun control, Val Demings voted to ban assault rifles. Rubio has also been a cheerleader for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' anti-LGBT/anti-Trans policies that bully queer students in Florida, he doesn't believe in the right to same sex marriage and is for banning books. Rubio also wants a total ban on abortion in all cases, Val Demings has a 100% rating from NARAL Pro-Choice America. Florida needs a strong supporter of Gun control, climate action, the right to choose, and LGBT rights in the Senate, Florida needs Demings not Rubio
Raphael Warnock (re-elect)
Senator Raphael Warnock was elected in a special election in 2020 and is running for a full 6 year term this year. Warnock is the first black senator from the State of Georgia and the first Democrat elected in 20 years. Before becoming a senator Warnock was the pastor of the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church, which was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's church and a center of the 1960s civil rights movement. Warnock used his position to protest and fight against the death penalty, to expand medicare in Georgia, for gun control, and for voting rights. In the Senate, Senator Warnock has been one of the most outspoken on voting rights pushing the John Lewis Voting Rights Act named after his late friend Georgia Congressman John Lewis. Republicans for nominated former football player, and Trump super fan, Herschel Walker to try to unseat Senator Warnock. Walker vocally supported Trump's election lies, posting many times on social media that Biden did not win the 2020 election. Walker declared this week that climate action was "giving money to trees" and "don't we have enough trees?". Walker believes in a total ban on abortion, and is against LGBT rights. Walker is against gun control and floated the idea of the government monitoring all social media and internet usage by Americans instead of gun control. Walker beat his now ex-wife Cindy Grossman, and threatened her with a gun and knives multiple times, after the divorce Grossman feared Walker would kill her and her boyfriend. Walker also is a dead beat dad who has a number of children out of wedlock that he has no contact with, he has criticized black men many times for being absent fathers. The US Senate doesn't need a man who threatens to shoot women, re-elect Senator Warnock.
Catherine Cortez Masto (re-elect)
Senator Catherine Cortez Masto was narrowly elected in 2016 and his running for her second term in the Senate. Senator Cortez Masto is the first women elected to represent Nevada in the Senate and the first and to date ONLY Latina elected to the US Senate. When she was Nevada's attorney general Cortez Masto sued Bank of America for it's predatory lending practices and won nearly a billion dollars against the bank. As a US Senator Cortez Masto has been a major supporter of clean energy jobs and hopes to turn Nevada into the solar energy capital of America. Republicans have nominated former Nevada attorney general Adam Laxalt to try to unseat Cortez Masto. Laxalt spent his time as AG (2015-2019) suing the Obama Administration EPA to fight against strong climate regulations. Laxalt opposed a multi-state law suit against ExxonMobil for it's role in downplaying Climate change. Laxalt also sued the Obama administration to stop DACA, filed briefs supporting radical anti-abortion laws from Texas and Mississippi when they went to court, and sued the Obama Department of Labor to stop certain workers being paid over time. After leaving office Laxalt was the Chairman of Trump's 2020 re-election effort in Nevada. As Chairman Laxalt was the leading figure in the election conspiracy in Nevada claiming the election in his state was fraudulent and Biden hadn't really won Nevada. Laxalt has made many false claims of election fraud in Nevada in the 2020 election. Laxalt launched his 2022 campaign for Senate claiming "woke corporations" "academia" and "the radical left" have taken over America. Nevada has to send Cortez Masto, the only Latina in the Senate, back for another term, Laxalt is dangerously unfit.
New Hampshire
Maggie Hassan (re-elect)
Senator Maggie Hassan was elected in the closest senate race of 2016 and is running for her second term in the senate. Senator Hassan was a key vote to save Obamacare from repel in 2017. During her time in the US Senate Senator Hassan has helped pass bills to more than double the funding to help treat the opioid crisis as well as banning surprise medical billing. Senator Hassan first ran for office 20 years ago as a way to advocate for her son who has Cerebral palsy, she's been a strong advocate for disability rights and special education through out her time in public service. Because New Hampshire has one of the latest primaries (September 13th) we don't know for sure which Republican will be nominated to face her in November. The front runner is a retired general named Don Bolduc. Bolduc's first foray into into politics was spinning and supporting 2020 election denial conspiracy theories, even after the January 6th riot. Bolduc has closely tied himself to Trump. Bolduc called fellow Republican, New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu "Chinese Communist sympathizer" and accused him of "supports terrorism" for not being conservative enough and loyal to Trump enough. New Hampshire should send back a Senator who gets things done and not a wing-nut calling people in his own party communists and terrorists.
North Carolina
Cheri Beasley (flip)
Former Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court Cheri Beasley is running to fill a Senate seat opened up by the retirement of Republican Senator Richard Burr. In 2008 Beasley became the first black women to win a state wide election in North Carolina when she was elected to the Court of Appeals. In 2012 she was appointed to the state Supreme Court and won election in 2014. She was appointed the Chief Justice in 2019 the first black woman to serve as the State's Chief Justice. Beasley lost by less than 500 votes her run for a full term as Chief Justice in 2020. In her time as a public defender and elected Judge and Justice Beasley has stressed fairness and equity. If elected she'd be the first black Senator from North Carolina. She's stressed health care and abortion rights as key issues of her campaign. Republicans have nominated Congressman Ted Budd to try to fill the seat. Congressman Budd is a member of the radical "House Freedom Caucus". He voted to repeal Obamacare in 2017. Budd was also a major support of Trump's attempt to over throw the result of the 2020 election. Congressman Budd voted against certifying the election result on January 6th, even after the capital had been stormed by violent Trump supporters. Budd is Trump's hand picked candidate for the North Carolina Senate seat, Budd only launched his campaign after meeting with Trump in Mar-a-Lago. North Carolina doesn't need an election denying Trump toady for Senator, send Cheri Beasley to Congress.
Tim Ryan (flip)
Congressman Tim Ryan is running to fill a Senate seat being opened up by the retirement of Republican Senator Rob Portman. Congressman Ryan has represented the Youngstown area of Ohio since 2003. In his time in Congress Ryan has been a champion of unions and American workers. His Senate run is focused on protecting American manufacturing jobs and bring well paying union jobs back to the American heart land. Ryan is strongly pro-choice. Republicans have nominated author and venture capitalist JD Vance. Vance is closely tied to Trump money man Peter Thiel as well as Arizona candidate and white nationalist Blake Masters. Vance has publicly said that women should stay in abusive marriages. Vance is against abortion in all cases even rape or health of the mother. Vance has also publicly stated he sees the populist, antisemitic, anti-LGBT dictatorship of Hungarian Prime Minster Viktor Orbán as a model for America. Vance talked about how he hopes in a second Trump term to purge all civil servants who don't agree with Trumpism and replace them with "our people". America does not need a pro-fascist who supports wife beating in the Senate, send Tim Ryan to the Senate instead.
John Fetterman (flip)
Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman is running to fill a seat opened by the retirement of Republican Senator Pat Toomey. First elected Lt Governor in 2018 Fetterman has used his platform to advocate the legalization of marijuana. Fetterman also is a vocal supporter of the LGBT community clashing with the Republican state legislature repeatedly about the display of a pride flag off the balcony of his official office at the state capital. Fetterman is running a campaign that is strongly pro-choice, supportive of criminal justice reform, and calls healthcare a human right. Republicans have nominated Mehmet Oz, better known as Dr. Oz. As a reality TV star "physician" Oz was criticized repeatedly for advocating fake cures and dangerous weight loss pills. During the Covid-19 pandemic Oz pushed Trump's favorite fake cure, Hydroxychloroquine, which is not a treatment for Covid. While running for the senate Oz has endorsed banning trans people from sports by law, and that trans youth are based on "false science". Oz is also says he'd vote to repeal Obamacare and strongly supports fracking. Pennsylvania doesn't need a flip flopping TV huckster from New Jersey as its Senator, election Fetterman.
Mandela Barnes (flip)
Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes is running to unseat Republican Senator Ron Johnson. Barnes served in the state legislature from 2013 till 2017 before being elected Lt Governor in 2018, he is the first black person to win state wide office in Wisconsin. As Lt Governor Barnes served as the chair of the Climate Task Force putting forward a 55 point plan to combat climate change. Barnes has been a vocal supporter of policies like Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and marijuana legalization. If elected Barnes would be the first black Senator from Wisconsin and one of only two Senators in their 30s. Incumbent Republican Senator Ron Johnson has been Wisconsin's Senator since 2010 and is running for his 3rd term in office. In the Senate Johnson was one of Trump's strongest allies. Johnson was one of the main congressional pushers of the 2020 election conspiracy theories to the point his home town paper the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel called him a member of the "Sedition Caucus". Johnson also has pushed conspiracy theories that the January 6th riot was the fault of Nancy Pelosi or the FBI, and said he didn't think it was a big deal and felt safe during the attack because they were Trump supporters. Johnson has also pushed Covid misinformation, such as mouthwash as a treatment for Covid-19 or that "thousands" of deaths had been linked to the vaccine. Johnson has blamed mass shootings on a failure to teach "values" and is against gun control. in resent weeks Johnson has floated the idea of privatizing Social Security and Medicare. Protect Social Security, send Barnes to Congress.
If you're one of the 85 million Americans who live in one of these States please PLEASE PLEASE remember to VOTE November 8th
Everyone remember to VOTE NOVEMBER 8th! vote in EVERY election from School Board on up to Governor and Senate, now more than ever all these elections matter and they matter a lot.
if you have $10, $5, even $1 to spare please please please think about giving it to one of these candidates, Democrats are passing big things and are running against the worst of the worst.
If you live in one of these states please please PLEASE think about giving just one weekend between now and Election Day to talk to voters and help turn out the vote. Even if you don't live in any of these states you can call or text voters in these states and help these campaigns
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That’s it, Princess
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Summary: You sneak out the Keep to rile up your husband. And his punishment is...not what you thought it would be.
Based off this ask:
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A/N: So I think I was possessed when I wrote this cos I blacked out halfway through so. I also changed the request up a bit to suit what I wanted to write. Hope it lives up to expectations 😁
Warnings: SMUT, 18+, Minors DNI, pussy slapping, fingering, p in v sex, mean Aemond, suggestions of a safe word, orgasm denial, name calling, Aemond creampies reader cos he wants lots of little heirs
You huff.
The sun had barely kissed the horizon to give way to the evening before you threw your embroidery to the floor, more angered than anything else. Another night. Another night where Aemond would not return to your marital chambers. 
There were several excuses he made, all centering around his duties. Whether it was training, helping his grandfather, being at his mother’s beck and call or spending days with Helanea, more often than not these past weeks Aemond found more comfort in only returning to your chambers in the dead of night when you were already asleep.
Not only were you frustrated, you were hurt. Did he not realise how he was treating his wife? Yes, it had barely been four moons since the wedding and the first two moons had been heavenly. More often than not you were slotted against one another, tangled in the sheets with the heady stench of coupling in the air. But a moon or so ago, he completely flipped. Unconscious or not. 
At first, you smiled at his explanations like the pliant wife you should be to a Targaryen prince. But now you felt you’d given him enough chances. 
You were alone at court. Being neither a Targaryen nor acquainted properly with his sister and mother, there was no female company to preoccupy you. Day after day, it felt like you were just mindlessly existing, sewing pattern after pattern to fill the uncomfortable void that Aemond’s lack of presence left behind.
At first you thought that marrying him, bearing his heirs and living at court would be every woman’s dream. But it was quickly turning into something akin to limbo. How were you supposed to bear his heirs if he was never even around to see you? The whisperings were starting to whirl around at the lack of pregnancy. All of the critiques pointed at you.
So that was it. Fuck it.
You would give him something to be angry about. Anything, any emotion would do at this point. Just something from him to acknowledge your mere existence.
There was a perpetual frown on your face as you pulled the heavy cloak over you. You’d opted to change into a dress that did not explicitly show your status, thereby ridding you completely of jewels, all bar the ring that tied you to Aemond. It was a part of you now, and the thought of taking it off had not even crossed your mind.
With a light push of your hip against the painting in the corner of the room, the passageway opened up and the darkness and draught crept in. There was no hesitation, you were so angry. You pulled the hood up against your hair, though once you were out in the capital there was no need for it, no silver hair to cover. You were not like them and it was evident in the way Aemond had been so nonchalant to cast you aside for more important matters. 
The sweet relief of the air of Kings Landing swept through your hair and over your skin and you sighed, pulling the hood down so it rested around your shoulders. Kings Landing was always an enigma to you. How so many people who looked so different, sounded so different, could all co-exist in such small quarters, shoulder to shoulder with their companions. It seemed so squished together. Some liked it. Some didn’t. 
But it was different and that was certainly enough of an adventure, you were beginning to go mad counting all the tiles on the floor.
The sounds of laughter, anger and drunkenness filled the narrow streets. It was a warm evening so the majority of people were at their local alehouses, either making friends or enemies, it didn’t matter. You smiled as some of the ladies inside one alehouse were dancing, hand in hand with cups of ale in the other. It was spilling all over the floor, but it did not seem like they cared.
With a visible uncertainty that told everyone around you that you did not know what you were doing, you pushed through to one particular alehouse, smiling at the bartender. He was burly and well built, his mouth tight in a thin line, showing no warmth.
“What can I get ya?” he asked in the accent you’ve come to know as one the commoners.
With an attempt to lighten the air, you give him a smile, albeit an anxious one and take a seat at the bar.
“Just an ale, please” you say, trying to take the nervousness out of your voice. He raises an eyebrow to you, but pours a cup anyway, sliding it across the wetted bar counter to land in your hands. 
The bartender braces the counter with his large arms, “I’ve never seen ya around these parts”
It catches you off guard a little when he tries to engage.
“I’m just passing through” you smile, taking a sip and wincing slightly at the bitter taste it leaves behind in your mouth. It coats your mouth differently compared to the dornish wines you’re used to.
His gaze flits to the wedding ring on your hand, staring for a few seconds before you clasp your other hand over it. 
“Well keep your wits about you” he says, turning away to serve someone else. 
You’re not quite sure how to take what he’s just said on board. So you simply turn to watch the rest of the patrons, enjoying the way they stumble over one another, laughing without a care in the world. The music is absolutely blaring and the man on the drums almost makes the very floors vibrate as he plays, and the man who sings has such a feminine voice it’s beautiful. You smile and clap along to the beat of the music, taking a sip of the ale every now and then. 
What a life these people lead. 
And it dawns on you why you are here. Because your husband no longer seems interested in you. And the clouds descend on your heart, dulling the shine that came out briefly when you watched these commoners go about their lives. 
“Why the sad face, darlin’?”
A man materialises beside you and you jump back at his closeness. He smells of ale, but then again, so does everyone else you supposed. He had a drunken smile and could not have been older than thirty. Trying to not be impolite, you give a wry smile.
“I am fine, sir”
He props his ale on the bar, offering you a large hand, “dance with me?” he slurs.
If it’s possible, you press yourself further against the bar, trying to make it clear with your body language that the answer is no. 
“Oh, no thank you” 
As men do, drunk or not, he ignores you and pulls you up to your feet by your arm with an unusually firm grip. At first, you think how untoward it is for a man of his station to put his hands so forcibly on you. But you remembered where you were and who these people thought you were and quickly pushed the initial discomfort aside. In an attempt to still be polite, you quietly refuse him,
“I am fine, sir, please” you say, but  to your dismay, he carries on and pulls you close to him.
“Don’t be like that, have fun!”
As fun as it was to watch, now you’re just getting annoyed, so you push against his chest, “Get off me” you try and say it forcefully, but it’s quiet.
He starts dancing, pulling your body flush with his. And a flash of red anger envelops you, your hands flat against his chest. But before you can, the door to the alehouse bursts open. Everyone seems to look over in sync, eyes landing on the figure who envelops the doorway with his form. The silhouette is visible even in the low light, how it bounces off his silver hair around his shoulders. And if anyone had any doubt, his eyepatch is firmly in place over his left eye, proving to everyone that it was indeed Aemond Targaryen.
He pokes his cheek with his tongue in annoyance as his eye lands on you. Using the man’s temporary shock at seeing the Prince to your advantage, you push him away, facing your husband face on, your face pink with anger. Ever the silent man, he doesn’t say anything for a moment and secures his gaze on the other man, who seems like he’s about to shit himself. 
Aemond takes a few steps before he is standing tall before the man, his own gaze is averted, wide-eyed as if he’s been caught doing something he shouldn’t.
“Give me one good reason” Aemond draws his sword, “why I should not cut you down where you stand” he says it lowly and you simply watch, wondering how far he will go to protect his pride. His wife.
“My Prince…I-I” the man starts, shaking where he stands. Briefly you look over to the bartender, who raises his eyebrows at you, as if to say you’re in for it. 
“Answer me” Aemond hisses, his good eye trained at him.
“Aemond please..” you reach forward for his arm but he shrugs you off. For a second it squeezes your heart, but you realise that he is so deep in rage, it almost seems like he hasn’t heard you.
“You dare touch my wife in such a way” he says lowly. The man’s eyes widen and his pupils shake, and for a moment he looks back at you.
“Don’t look at her” he warns, gripping the sword tightly, “Look at me” 
You look over them both to see the man has a large wet patch in front of his trousers, having soiled himself in fear of his own death. Shaking your head, you try again.
“Aemond” you say louder this time. And it seems to work, you’re on his good side, so all he has to do is turn slightly to meet your gaze. With your hand around his forearm, you shake your head, “Don’t”
The man falls to his knees before the prince, pleading his case, “Thank you, my lady! Please, my Prince, I did not realise!” his words are hurried and slurred. Aemond almost grimaces at the display and ponders the situation for a moment. And you can see the muscle in his jaw twitch, until he hums and turns away. He grips the fabric at your back to force you in front of him, almost tripping you over as he pulls you out of the alehouse.
The walk back to the passageways that connect the rooms of the Red Keep is quiet but quick, but it feels like a lifetime. No sooner has he pushed you through the door that leads to your marital chambers than you are babbling frantically.
“Aemond, I’m sorry, I tried to push him away but-”
“Take off your dress” he says bluntly. And it’s so calm it catches you off guard. His eye is staring blankly at you while he takes off his cloak.
“Aemond, wh-”
“Did you not hear me? Take off your fucking dress” he repeats.
The ice in his words makes your heart stutter a little. You’ve only seen this side of Aemond a handful of times in your short marriage, at least intimately anyway and the tone of his voice and the way he orders you makes a warm sensation settle in your belly, tugging below your belly button. Your limbs begin to tremble, both with anticipation and a little fear, this you cannot lie to yourself about.
You just stand there, shocked at his words and frozen in place when he walks up to you, invading your space with his wide and tall form. 
“A-aemond, what-”
His face is stern when he speaks.
“You want to act like a slut, you’ll be treated like a slut” 
He turns you around, body flush against your back and all but rips the cloak off your shoulders. There are no pre-emptive kisses, no warm touches of adoration. You just look at him and see pure, unadulterated lust. A desire, not only to take you as he sees fit, but to put you in your place for what you’d done. His words should offend you, but they only serve to increase that need between your thighs, which you push together for some friction.
He moves to the dress, the one he’d ordered for you to remove and rips it down the seam at the back, the threads make a scraping sound as they’re pulled apart roughly. His assault on the fabric continues as he pushes it over your bare hips, your body reacting to the cold air that hits your already wet cunt.
“Pathetic” he spits as he grips your hair, tugging slightly on them at the crown. He pulls you up and you whine out as it hurts at first, but almost instantly contributes to the wetness between your legs, “Does my pathetic little wife want to be punished?” he asks lowly.
For a second, you wonder if it’s a strange question for him to ask, but then you realise he’s giving you an out if you need it. If you feel uncomfortable. And he stands still at your back, waiting for the answer.
Swallowing dryly, you breathe, “Yes…”
You swear you feel him tense up behind him, as if he’s thinking of all the ways he might punish you. And it is here that you’re aware of his length, hot and hard against your soft backside. The anticipation flutters in your stomach.
“Yes what”
Oh Gods, you think. Anxiety wracks your body.
“Yes, my prince”
His flaming touch disappears from your bare skin for a moment, moving to the buttons of his tunic, undoing them with alarming calmness. 
“Lay on the bed. Don’t make me ask twice”
Not one to poke an already angry dragon, you obey. Sitting in the middle of the bed, with your legs pushed together you look up to watch your husband. His eye never leaves you and it shocks you just how stoic he is right now with the clear bulge underneath his breeches. Most of the time, he would make love to you slowly, lovingly. Only on the off chance would he indulge in primal carnal desires, asking you to call him ‘my prince’ and denying you your peak when he’d deemed you too greedy.
He shrugged his tunic off his shoulders and disposed of his underneath, allowing his pale chest exposure to the slightly cold air of your chambers.
“Spread your legs for me”
You swallow dryly at his instruction, the lack of emotion in them and in his eye sends a bolt of humiliation straight to core, and you feel yourself get shamefully wet, as if you already had not been.
Leaning back on your elbows, taking a few breaths to calm your nerves, your ankles splay out, revealing what lies between those pretty thighs for your husband to shamefully observe. The shameful warmth in your belly makes you want to shut your eyes, to spare yourself the judgement of Aemond’s gaze, but you know just as well he will punish you for that too if you do.
He calmly undoes the laces to his breeches, almost sighing in relief when his cock, hard and desperate for attention, springs free of their confines. He uses his hand to give it one or two pumps, and it prods against his stomach with the force of how hard it is. His eye is focussed entirely on your cunt and cunt alone, standing there. And you feel yourself staring too much as his pretty cock, the tip pink and weeping now that he’s allowed himself to touch it briefly.
“Do you see that?” he asks, “Do you see what you do to me?” he says,
And you hope to all the Gods that it’s rhetorical, because you barely heard what he said, too busy imagining all the ways he would impale you.
Even though he’s naked and clearly desperate for any touch, he stalks over to the bed with shocking control. His hands wrap around your ankles and pull, dragging your legs over the bed and planting them on either side of his thighs. You yelp in surprise at the sudden action and the feeling of your legs touching his bare thighs is enough to send another gush of arousal through you.
You know just as well to be quiet until he speaks directly, and definitely not to touch yourself. That part is reserved for him.
“Remind me of our word, wife” he almost spits that word, as if all he saw before him was a petulant whore. 
He merely nods, widening his legs so as to widen your own, giving himself a good view of your achingly wet cunt before him. Both of his hands move to grip your thighs, leaving red marks in their wake that now feel like they’re the most dangerous thing about him. He almost kneads the flesh in his calloused palms, watching the way your breath hitches when his fingers graze that delicate space between your legs and hips. 
“You vex me to no end” he says and you feel the goosebumps on your arms at the tone of voice.
“I apologise, husband-”
“Oh I will have my apology” he muses, “When I want it”
A shudder envelops your body when his long, slender fingers run up the puffy folds of your cunt, slipping them between the lips there to brush against the wettened pearl hidden beneath. The sheer sound it makes is embarrassing enough, but the way he barely even touches that little bundle of nerves and the reaction you give, is the most embarrassing thing about it all.
Knowing not to touch him, your fists clench the bedsheets at your sides. Aemond chuckles,
“Is this how sensitive my little wife is?” he muses, his fingers collecting the wetness there that was a pure result of his unkind words to you. And when one finger prods at the slick hole of your entrance, you gasp. “Maybe I should punish you more often…if you are as wet as this before I’ve barely even touched you” 
Two fingers circle the entrance, the pads of his fingers now entirely slick with your arousal, while his thumb rubs lazy circles at your clit. And you wonder for a moment, how exactly this is punishment. But it’s far too early to be thinking like that.
“I wonder what sounds my pretty little whore can make” he murmurs as he prods two fingers inside you only barely, making your eyes shut tight, but he doesn’t move them further than that. 
“Open your eyes” 
Pink at the cheeks with sheer humiliation, you do as he says without another word to see his other hand is stroking his cock at a languid pace. You almost whimper, it should be you touching him like that…not himself. 
Rewarding you briefly, he tucks two of his fingers as deep as they will go inside your waiting heat, grinning widely at the sound it makes. All breath seems to be stolen from your lungs when his fingers expertly brush against that rough spot within you and it takes all your strength to merely keep your eyes open to look up at him. Gods he looks so happy with himself right now. Knowing all your spots. 
But you never thought he’d use that information like this.
It was kind of…thrilling.
The combination of his words, the deep humiliation and his roughened nature, you feel your peak approaching embarrassingly fast. Your breath shudders in your chest and hands fist more of the bedsheets, needing somewhere to place this feeling. And Aemond seems more than willing right now to let you indulge in the euphoric feeling, your climax hurtling towards you at an alarming pace.
As soon as the thought enters your head, his fingers are gone and you jolt with a squeal when he delivers a firm smack straight to your cunt. Without meaning to, you whimper, both at the loss of his thick fingers tucked within you and also at the burning desire for him to do what he’d just done again.
Your brows furrow as you look up at him, his smirk now long gone, replaced with that same flat and stoic expression from earlier
“It wouldn’t be much of a punishment if I let you peak, now would it?” 
So that was his plan.
A flash of fear runs across your face, but most of it is the frustration of not knowing exactly how he intends to toy with you further.
He raises his fingers to your mouth, prodding at your lips, chuckling darkly at the confused expression you wear on your face, “Go on, clean up the mess you made”
You suck on the two digits he offers you, not only tasting the essence of your own heat, but covering them with your spit, hoping that your effort right now in obeying him will prove beneficial to you later. If he was feeling generous, that is.
In this moment, with that cruel, dark look in his eye, you honestly were not sure.
“Good…” his tone is almost soft here, appreciating the way your tongue glides over his fingers. 
For a moment it makes you feel safe.
Aemond pulls his fingers from your mouth, reaching up with his other hand to pull his eyepatch off. You had been married long enough for you to have seen it before, but even now, it still renders you speechless every time you see it. The way it glimmers against the flames of the hearth, sitting comfortably in his empty eye socket. You often thought it beautiful, even before being wed to him. 
But now, as he discards it to the floor and looks down at you, it almost takes on a gaze of its own. And it only strengthens that anticipation deep within your gut.
The fingers, now wet with your spit, run over your slick folds again, now sensitive from the denied release. 
“So wet still…” he whispers, “...I did not know I had such a needy whore for a wife” 
You moan out loud at how mean he’s being right now, coupled with the intense burning touch. 
“Aemond…please…” you breathe. You wouldn’t have realised your slip up until he gives another wet smack to your pussy once again. Another jolt of pleasure runs through you, making your thighs tremble with desire and he seems pleased when you make a surprised sound.
He reaches down and runs his thick shaft against your slit, collecting the wetness that has pooled there since his torture on your body. Your chest is wracked with heavy breaths, wishing that he’d just break and fuck you already. But if Aemond was anything, he was patient. He was more than happy to wait if it meant you were a whining, moaning mess beneath him. The fat head of his cock barely sinks beneath your swollen lips, kissing against your clit as he brushes it up which only serves to make your body jolt once again.
“Hm…” goes the deep rumble in his chest, “...I don’t think that’s what I told you to call me…”
“Please…I’m sorry, my prince…” you’re just begging at this point, the previous resolve you did have is now dwindling quickly.
“See? It’s not hard is it?”
He uses his cock to torture your core further, dipping the head of it between your lips to prod against your readied entrance, ready and willing to accept his length. But he pulls it away once again, only to repeat the motions, chuckling at the effect it has on you.
“What do you want, wife?” 
Your face is pink and desperate, and you so badly want to tell him to just fuck you senseless right now. Play along, just play along…you think. Surely he can’t hold back forever.
“I want you inside me…” you manage between ragged breaths as he keeps dipping his cock against your hole.
“Beg for it”
You let out a frustrated whine when his thumb simply rests on your clit, not moving an inch. 
“Come on, beg for it” he grins widely. He looks so pleased with himself you want to make a comment on it, but your body just wants him so deep inside you you can’t think straight.
“Please…my prince…please fuck me…” you can feel the frustration hot on your cheeks, bubbling up into tears glazing your eyes. 
It’s too much. So much so that you think if he doesn’t thrust deep inside and move his thumb against your clit, you might just die.
“Such foul language, princess” 
He gives his shaft a few more strokes, letting the bright red tip, aching to be buried inside your wet, waiting cunt, breach your entrance just slightly.
You can feel the relief, it’s so close, all he has to do is push forward…
“Eyes on me now” he instructs lowly.
Your mouth falls open, and a sigh of relief empties your lungs when he slowly sheathes himself within you. He is eerily calm and collected, a stark contrast to how you are holding back at this very moment. The sheer sound of your arousal enveloping him seems to make him smile, until he is fully seated to the hilt, the tip kissing your cervix.
You do as you are told, eyes on him the entire time, eyes glassy in relief at the feeling of just being completely full of him. He’s always been one for seeing his wife is satisfied, and so seeing the look on your face, his eyes glimmer in pride.
To your surprise, he starts a pace, albeit slow, but a pace nonetheless. Only quiet breathy sounds are heard from your mouth, and you think (stupidly) that you are safe. You start to indulge in the feeling of his erection continuously sinking into you, rocking your hips slightly against him to increase the pace somewhat. 
And you are embarrassingly close. The ache of the previous denied release never fully went away, and it creeps up from the depths to fizzle at the surface once more, just aching for speed, for roughness, for anything but this torture. You feel every vein, every stroke, every angle of his hips, and it only makes you want more.
And then he stops and jolts you back when he presses his thumb forcefully against your clit, but not enough to truly hurt.
“Say the words” he orders, his tone flat and unforgiving.
Surely the Aemond you know is caring, loving even, is still there…right?
“Say the words, and I might let you peak tonight” 
You swallow, stilling your hips as much as it pains you. The force of holding back makes your thighs tremble, evident in the low light of the room.
“…my prince?...” 
His large, calloused hand wraps around your neck, shocking you in the most arousing way possible. His cock is inside you to the hilt and this should definitely not be turning you on as much as it is, and yet you feel another gush of your essence coat your thighs, betraying how you really feel. His fingers curl around it so effortlessly, and he only squeezes a little. He is so calculated in his movements, it’s almost frightening.
“Don’t give me ‘my prince’” he mocks, “I want your apology. Now”
Without even thinking, the pain of him not moving and stilling his hips too great, tears prick at your eyes as you babble an apology,
“I am sorry, husband, I truly am! I was foolish to go out on my own. Forgive me” 
His fingers curl around your neck just that tiny bit more and he has that wolfish grin on his face once more, clearly enjoying the way he is able to bring you to this pathetic little mess of a wife he must see you as now.
“Yes, it was foolish” he says, so nonchalantly, as if he isn’t fully inside you right at this moment, “I thought my wife was an intelligent woman. And yet here she is mewling and crying with her husband’s cock inside of her, begging to be forgiven”
You swallow around his hand in nervousness, seeing the way his iris is blown so wide with lust he almost does not look human at all. Perhaps they were right. When they say Targaryens are closer to gods than men. Because here, using you for his own cruel means, it is both gorgeous and terrifying, as Gods should be.
Tears prick at your eyes and you worry that if you blink they will fall. All you can focus on is his hand around your neck, every vein in his cock pulsing with desire deep inside you, and your walls squeezing him to try and ease him back into fucking you.
In a quiet breathy voice, you mewl, “husband…please…”
He chuckles when he sees how you are holding your pretty tears back, “Why are you crying, hm? Do I need to punish you again?” he smirks, “I could just stay like this…”
“No, no…please…” 
“Then tell me what you want, wife” he sneers,
You finally allow yourself to blink and the tears stream down your cheeks. 
“I want you…to fuck me…husband…” you say between breaths. 
His tongue pokes at his cheek, as if he’d been waiting all day to hear that.
Aemond pushes your body back further onto the bed, his own knees coming to rest on it, and you whimper, his cock shoved only briefly further into you, kissing your cervix. It provides a little relief.
And your husband smiles widely as he takes your hips in both hands and brings them to rest against his waist. And he’s not moved yet, but purely the change of angle makes the head of his cock kiss against that rough patch within.
Smirking, he starts at a slow pace once more, and you cry at the relief of it. It’s slow, not at all the quick, brutal pace you need, but it’s something.
He all but laughs at your blissed out expression, taking in the glassy, glazed over look in your eyes. 
“Who am I to deny my little wife?” he says.
And every nerve is your body is on fire when his thumbs dig into your hips and he finally just fucks you, in the way he knows you always like to be fucked. Your body goes slack as his hips snap against yours and the only sound in the room is the erotic slap of your bodies against each other. Every now and then Aemond curses under his breath at the force of which your walls clamp down on him.
All the teasing he’d done had done little to quell that impending release that you so desperately needed, and you could feel it form painfully in your stomach, wound up so tight and fit to burst.
“Gods…Aemond…” you breathe. 
He presses one of his palms on your stomach, to feel the presence of himself there within you. Your body reacts on its own, bucking up into him as it pushes that sweet spot against his cock. He leans over, still keeping up that brutal pace and you can feel his hair against your chest, his breath on your neck.
His teeth graze over the delicate skin where he once has his entire hand choking you, “Fuck…your cunt feels amazing…” he whispers against you, “...I know you are close…”
A whimper teases its way out of your throat. Fuck, he can read your body like a book. Knows it far too well.
Knowing he is right, he presses harder against your stomach, squeezing you around his cock inside you as he pistons mercilessly into your cunt, the lewd sound of your arousal only aiding your peak. And it’s the mere whisper of a touch of his thumb across your throbbing clit that drives you over the edge.
“Fuck…” you breathe as your body grows rigid, hands still fisted hard within the sheets. Your muscles tremble and your cunt clenches around him, to which he lets out an uncharacteristically loud moan straight into your ear. 
And you expect him to follow suit, but he simply keeps fucking you through it, intent to prolong this little death.
“Aem..nd…I can’t..” you beg. 
Your first orgasm is barely gone before your stomach winds painfully again and he chuckles again, deeply and low against your body. In a rather sweet gesture, he leaves open-mouthed kisses against your neck and jaw, a stark contrast to the sweet torture he is performing against your sex.
“You can…give me another and I will fuck my seed into you…”
Your eyes screw shut. And there’s not enough words to describe the utter destruction your body feels it is going under, and you feel yourself fall apart more and more with each erotic slap of his balls against you.
“I’ve got you princess…that’s it…let go…”
Finally, your hands fly up from the sheets to clamour at his skin, needing to touch him all over. It’s a mess. His mouth fights against yours, biting at your swollen lower lip to draw the faintest bit of blood. All the while his cock is impaling your cunt at breakneck speed, chasing his release while yours just builds and builds…
Your fingers dig into his arms painfully as your second climax rolls over you. It’s loud and immense and you swear for a moment you are lost to the world, the only thing grounding you being the sound of Aemond’s low grunts as he chases his own release.
He gives several rough, deep thrusts, making sure to shove his seed as deep inside you as it will go before he finally stills above you, rested on his forearms either side of your head.
After what feels like a lifetime, feeling his cock continue to twitch within you, you crack open your eyes. You’ll never tire of seeing him like this. Fucked out with his hair damp against his temples, the muscles of his body contracting as he breathes heavily. 
Idly, your fingers draw circles on his back. And it’s so soft and gentle that he shudders a little, picking himself up to look down at you. There he is. The husband you know and love.
You brush the back of your fingers against his face, the marred side. And his sapphire eye glints back at you.
“I am sorry, wife” he says suddenly. 
Your movements cease, looking at him questioningly. But you do not question it.
“I have neglected you these past weeks” he confesses, as if being able to read you so well, “it has been unconsciously done…but it is no excuse.
I am sorry”
You’re a bit…stunned? If anything. 
Aemond had always been proud. Proud of his heritage. Proud of his abilities. His talents. 
He had never been one to admit his faults. 
So for a moment his words hang in the air, until you find your voice again.
“Aemond…” you say, reaching up to his face. He sighs into your touch, “...I believe we have both been foolish. I am sorry also, for the anxiety I must have caused you”
He shakes his head softly.
“I only wished to get a reaction from you” you say, “But I am truly sorry for worrying you”
He huffs at that, looking down briefly to where you are still joined, “Perhaps you should do that more often” he jokes, and you swat his shoulder playfully.
His kiss is tender and he leans down, “shall we make up for lost time, Princess?” he asks.
You cock your head playfully as his hands glide over your torso to slide over your breast, squeezing gently. 
“I’ll have you full of my heirs by daybreak” he growls.
You giggle at that, bringing him in for another kiss, “I look forward to it, my prince”
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reiding-writing · 24 days
AHH YAYAYAYAYAY I LOVE THIS SERIES SM IM SO GLAD YOU OPENED YOUR REQUESTSSSS!! okay sooooo, i was wondering if you could do a lil continuation of the last part where spencer visits reader in prison and reader’s all confused because they never get visitors and then they see it’s spencer and get all excited (maybe spencer comes to tell reader that he spoke to the court or wherever is considering their appeal, idk how that whole process works lmao, and he’s told them that he believes reader isn’t a threat and that they should be moved to a psychiatric facility instead of staying in prison)
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spencer reid&gn!unsub!reader || 2.2k || bloodied roses event!!
WARNINGS: sociopathic!reader, prison guards being dicks, early-seasons!spencer
a/n — thank you mllll 🫶 glad you like the series <333
main masterlist!! ⋆。°✩ unsub!reader masterlist!!
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It’s been almost eight months since you returned to the California Correctional Institution. Back to the familiar concrete walls of your own personal hell and practically sitting stationary as the world span around you.
It was arguably worse than just giving you the death penalty, forced to live in a stupidly awful state of limbo where you did nothing but languish in your own boredom for 23 hours a day without so much as a pen and a piece of paper to satiate you—lest you stab someone with it during your ‘recreational’ hour outside your cell.
The progress of your appeal was slow, basically static, and whilst you weren’t surprised, it was beginning to frustrate you. Why would they drag everything out when you knew they were just going to reject you anyway?
It was stupidly idiotic and a waste of everyone’s time, including yours.
There’s a sharp knock on the door of your cell, then someone slides open the metal hatch, leaving a grating sound in its wake.
The borderline condescension in his tone makes you want to shove his tongue down his throat, but you know when to pick your battles, so you stick both of your hands through the slot palms up and wait for the familiar cold metal of handcuffs against your wrists.
They’re far too tight as they’re clamped shut, pinching your skin uncomfortably to the point where you’re sure it’ll leave marks, and you bite back the urge to curse out the guard his clear incompetence as he unlocks the door and pulls you out by the metal connecting your hands.
His expression matches his rashness as he forces you down the corridor with another guard to his side, and you swear that if you weren’t acting on your best behaviour for the minuscule chance that they did actually approve your appeal you would’ve given the two a piece of your mind already.
“Where are we going?”
No answer.
“Why am I out of my cell?”
“Shut up before I muzzle you.”
Oh the urge to punch that man in the face.
You settle for a side eye that would probably be the only thing the State Officials needed to reject your appeal knowing how much they despised you for existing, and the rest of the walk is finished in a thick blanket of silence.
The room they lead you into is technically two, lined by a thick pane of glass that splits the room in half, an uncomfortable looking metal chair and floating table with a rotary phone on either side.
“Sit down.”
A small flare of your nose is the only display of your rising anger, your paper-thin composure shrivelling millimetre by millimetre every second you’re forced to look at his stupid face.
You sit down with an air of curiosity. It was very clearly a visitation room you’d been led to, but who in their right mind would choose to visit you? Who had the leeway to get to visit you from inside one of the highest security prisions in the state when getting access to do so was almost impossible?
You just hoped it wasn’t someone from the appeal board. They were always so monotonous and boring.
You sit waiting for almost five minutes, watching the barred clock on the wall tick away until there’s a click from one of the exterior doors and then the door on the other side of the room opens.
And the vexation in your expression shifted into something much more resembling amusement.
The sounds of the chair being dragged out from the table is muffled through the glass, as is the sound of him sitting down, but when he picks up the phone on his table a sharp ringing echoes through the one on yours as a physical show of his presence.
You watch it ring for a few seconds before you turn your attention to the guard standing behind you, and you hold your wrists up towards him expectantly, watching the indignation rise in his face as reluctantly pulls out the keys to remove your handcuffs.
The freedom of your wrists is short-lived though, and almost immediately after you’re uncuffed, your dominant hand is dragged back down to the table to be cuffed against it, a loud thud emanating from it at the edge of your hand catches on its edge.
You’re less perturbed under the presence of your visitor, but you’re sure the seething anger is present enough in your eyes for the guard to see it nonetheless.
Regardless, with one hand free of restraint, you pick up the ringing phone and hold it to your ear, leaning back in your chair with an almost entertained expression.
“Doctor Reid, came all the way to California to visit little old me?”
There’s a small twitch in the corners of his mouth as he restrains himself from smiling at your tone.
He shouldn’t be smiling at a serial killer. Especially not inside a maximum security prison with four guards present.
“I told you I would,”
“That you did,” You give a small nod of acknowledgment against the phone at his statement, eyebrows raised ever so slightly to break the otherwise barren planes of your face. “Didn’t think you’d go through with it,”
“It wasn’t easy,” Spencer lets out a small breath of a laugh, pressing his lips together awkwardly. “There was a lot of paperwork involved,”
He’s mildly embarrassed by his confession, that he’d jumped through so many hoops to be able to visit you like he told you he would. That he’d flown across the country to see you whilst lying to the team that he was going to visit his mother.
“That’s a lot of effort,” There’s a small scrunch of your eyebrows at your response, not a show of sympathy for everything he’d done to be there in person but more of judgement that he’d put himself through it at all.
You hadn’t asked him to visit you. He told you he would, and followed through on it of his own fruition.
“I thought it’d be better to speak to you in person rather than over the phone,”
“You’re still speaking to me over a phone Dr Reid,” You jostle the phone in your hand slightly as a show of your point, and the small quirk of your mouth tells him that you’re joking with him.
“You know what I mean,” Spencer’s expression mirrors yours in the way he almost smiles, and he lets out a short breath of light-hearted exasperation. “I wanted to see you, not just hear you,”
“Well,” You make an outward gesture with your freehand as you lean against the back of your chair again, crossing one leg over the other. “You’re seeing me,”
That he is. You don’t look quite like you did when you joined the BAU on the case, a little paler, thinner, your hair is a little longer and there’s a notable number of bruises covering your arms.
He doesn’t need an eidetic memory to know where those have come from. Although the sound of your wrist hitting the edge of the table at the start of conversation would definitely be stapled into his mind for a while.
“So then, what constitutes a visit from you Dr Reid?”
“I wanted to talk to you about your appeal,”
Any and all whisper of minuscule enjoyment at Spencer’s presence evaporates from your face the minute the word ‘appeal’ comes out of his mouth. It’s honestly fascinating just how fast your demeanour changes, although he’s not sure why it would, surely your appeal would be something of interest to you, not something you actively don’t want to talk about.
“Seriously? You fly all the way over here and you want to talk about my appeal? You do realise this—” You gesture back and forth between the two of you, “—is the one hour I get out of my cell today right? I’m not going to spend it talking about the stupid appeal.”
Seemed like he’d hit a sore spot.
“I just wanted to say that it’s looking pretty good for you,” He cuts straight to the point, not wanting to ruffle you more than he unintentionally had but also wanting to make sure that the main reason for his visit in the first place— apart from the fact that you’d inhabited a corner of his brain for the last eight months and wouldn’t leave no matter how hard he tried—was actually aired out.
You let out a small scoff into the phone’s receiver, and it’s almost grating as it meets Spencer’s ears. “You don’t have to lie to me Dr Reid, I know they’re just dragging everything out until they can find a reason to reject it.”
“They have three weeks before the deadline for their decision, they won’t find anything,” There’s an air of confidence in Spencer’s assessment, but it doesn’t do anything in chipping away your preconceived notion of failure.
“I submitted a report on the BAU’s behalf,” He is decidedly less confident in admitting that second part, left hand subconsciously reaching towards the rolled up sleeve on his right arm to ease the nervous tension in his hands. “To try and support it through the final stages,”
“Leave your arm alone.” You seem to almost completely disregard what Spencer says, and he practically does the same himself as his eyes flicker down towards where his left hand is absentmindedly scratching at the inside of his right elbow, leaving red streaks on his skin.
He pulls his hand away with his lips pressed taut into a line, stuffing it into his pocket so he can’t be tempted to do it again. “Sorry,”
“What did you write in your report?” You’re over it before he can even get his apology out, and he clears his throat to regain his sense of composure, tightening his grip on the phone so it doesn’t slip out of his hand under the small film of sweat coating his palm.
“You uh— displayed a lot of your humanity on the case, especially towards your family, and I thought it’d be beneficial for the officials considering your transfer to know that fact,”
You let out a small exhale through your nose, lips quirked upwards ever so slightly. He could almost believe that you were grateful for his contribution, but then you started speaking and the condescension in your tone was enough to tell him that you were definitely not displaying ‘gratefulness’.
“That’s not gonna do jack shit,”
Spencer sighs softly, eyes flickering downwards for a second in ever so slight disappointment in your reaction to his attempt at helping you.
He doesn’t really know what he was expecting from you, but having you disregard it so easily definitely blew the wind out of his sails a little bit.
“You’d be surprised I think,” His attempt at redeeming himself isn’t the most thought through thing he’s ever done, but then again he’s sat in a maximum security prison talking to a serial killer, so arguably he’s done worse. “In cases like yours for ASPD, having someone as a witness of your humanity could really help out your chances,”
“Yeah we’ll see about that,” You don’t seem as frustrated with him as you do disbelieving. Like no matter what evidence he tried to provide you of your decently likely chance of actually getting a transfer you’d made it up in your mind that it was never going to happen.
“Do you… want the appeal to go through?”
You scoff. “What kind of question is that?”
”It’s just, you’ve decided that it’s not going to go through, don’t you— I don’t know, want it to?”
”Of course I do.”
“Then—” Spencer presses his lips together with a short sigh. “…have some faith, If not in me being able to help you then at least in yourself,”
There’s silence over the line for a few seconds, and Spencer can see the cogs turning in your brain as you decide how you want to respond.
You don’t get the chance to.
“That’s it. Ten minutes is over.”
The phone is practically snatched from your hands to be placed back on the receiver, and there’s a sharp end-dial on Spencer’s before he puts his own phone down and readies himself to stand.
The roughness in the guards as the pull you from your seat and re-cuff you is almost aggressive, and the self-restraint you put on yourself to not respond to it is so decadently on display that it’s proof enough for him to believe your appeal will go through.
He hopes that your appeal goes through.
If for nothing else at least so you don’t get dragged around like a ragdoll by the people who are supposed to be reforming you.
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woolmasterleel · 1 year
Today's warm up doodle because I keep seeing the gay meth meme
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sandboxer · 5 months
the evolution of Phoenix and Edgeworth’s friendship after Phoenix becomes an attorney is so interesting to me. at the highest level, they go from one-sided-enemies to close friends. but there’s a really complicated point that spans the end of AA1 through Edgeworth’s return in JfA where they’re in this complicated limbo of not-strangers, not-enemies, not-entirely-friends. there’s clearly an immense amount of mutual respect and admiration between them, but I almost think that one was one of the largest barriers to their friendship. through Farewell My Turnabout, their relationship is almost entirely based on their careers, and there’s something almost sacred/untouchable (and, philosophically, Platonic) about their commitment to pursuing justice together. their early friendship is entirely defined by their agreement to push each other in court in order to bring about goodness.
and a relationship built entirely on Virtue and Justice is clearly admirable—but how does that translate into casual friendship? do you laud righteousness in the courtroom and then go get big macs together? I think both of them would almost see that as a degradation of the thing they’d built together. they both revere their relationship. 
and that righteous (but ultimately untenable) relationship satisfies their desire for closeness for a while. it satisfies until Edgeworth dies and Maya is kidnapped, and the dam breaks, and Phoenix needs to rely on Edgeworth as Edgeworth has relied on him. turning that friendship into something that includes emotions and flaws and even casualness must have been terrifying for both of them. but it was necessary in order to change their relationship from one where Phoenix and Edgeworth push each other to their limits in the courtroom to reach a just verdict to one where Edgeworth can relax and enjoy himself at Phoenix’s daughter’s magic shows.
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wingsdippedingold · 22 days
The thing that always gets me about SJM is that she says she loves Nesta so much, but at every point Nesta is degraded or self-hating.
The way Nesta is written and people react to her, it’s pretty clear that she’s not actually a bitch but just guarded and cautious of an unfamiliar/ hostile environment.
SJM often writes scenes like this (screenshot stolen from @theladyofbloodshed )
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In this Nesta’s in an odd position, where she’s portrayed as the victim of Mor’s ire. However, the characters that regularly antognize Nesta (Amren, Rhysand, Mor, etc.) are never acknowledged to be antagonistic towards her, only that Nesta herself is antagonized. Nesta’s character exists in a weird limbo where she’s meant to be a a wrongfully hated character to the reader, but the people who do wrong her are also supposed to be in the right.
SJM wants to write Nesta to be the underdog mc who defies her haters and becomes someone beloved, but the issue is she’s hated by characters the narrative wants you to also love, and whom Sarah can not bring herself to let ever be in the wrong, because then it would break the idea that they’re infallible and make the rest of their faults also up for criticism.
At every point where she’s put in a bad position, it’s acknowledged that the blame is not hers, but the narrative doesn’t place the blame anywhere else, essentially making what happened entirely a product of Nesta and no other character’s actions. We see how dreadful Nesta feels in ACOSF, much of it at the hands of the ic, and the narrative wants us to sympathize and understand her situation, but with no outlet to fault her situation towards the ic and no attempt to make it known that these feelings that are a product of the ic’s actions are directly a product of the ic.
SJM also writes Nesta to be one of the only characters who self-reflect on their actions and find fault within themselves. None of the ic ever introspect on their actions and effect on other courts and people, contributing to Nesta being the wrong ones and them being correct, simply because the narrative has not made the effort to explore wether or not they’re wrong, whereas it has with Nesta. Nesta’s actions were explored and allowed to be negative because it is what allows her to change her mind, but because she’s the only one changing her mind, she only becomes more and more fitting of the ic’s standards and the series’s idea of moral correctness.
The inverse is also an issue because Sarah writes the ic to be “morally gray”, which grants them the excuse of “you can’t expect them to always be perfect/good, they’re supposed to be morally gray” but the issue with that notion and archetype in this case is that the never face any repercussions or criticism by the narrative, but rather the people opposing them, effectively establishing them as the moral high ground. You cannot defend them as “morally gray” when the narrative has done nothing more than to portray them as always in the correct even in their “morally gray actions.” Discussing their character in that way while not acknowledging how the narrative treats them absolves them of their own faults and is a slippery slope when analyzing the characters in the story.
This is one of the reasons I think so many people find it hard to like Nesta or actually sympathize with her like SJM wants; because their favorite character hates Nesta, though acknowledged to be unjustly, the character themself is not acknowledged to be unjust, therefore portraying their actions to be correct.
This was written really quickly and I just woke up from a nap, but if anyone else wants to discuss this topic, I’d love to see it!
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studioghostlegs · 1 month
❤ This summer, love is in the air! ❤
We are teaming up with eleven other talented indie otome developers to bring you the Mystery & Magic Otome Bundle on itch.io and Steam, a curated list of games celebrating magic, mystery, and romance.
Be sure to check out these spellbinding games (direct links and game summaries available below the cut):
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Thorn for the Villain by Antares: Itch
"An office lady is reincarnated as Teresa von Ambrose, originally a spriteless extra character in the obscure otome game 'Eternal Blessing of the Stars,'  where most of the endings end up with Asmodia Kingdom in shambles one way or another. Armed with knowledge of the game's future, Teresa decides to intervene and erase the event that triggered the beginning of the original story."
Save the Villainess by @bestlaidplansproductions: Steam | Itch
"Some people have pets. You have a romance novel villainess. Guide your villainess through an animated visual novel with menacing manors, mysteries, (wo)men, and murder to see if you can Save the Villainess."
Lost in Limbo by @ravenstargames: Itch
"Torn away from your peaceful life and thrown into a world of danger and deceit, you are at the mercy of the Seven Sovereigns of Limbo, almighty gods that have sworn to be your protectors...as long as you prove yourself useful. As the consequences of a plan set in motion long ago start to unveil, will love be the key to your freedom, or the first chapter of your downfall?"
The Good People by @moiraimyths: Steam | Itch
"Play as a tenant farmer from mid-19th century Ireland, whose path becomes inexplicably entwined in fairy affairs after getting robbed by the roadside and lured into the mythic and war-torn world of Tír na nÓg: A once unified land, now divided into the Seelie and Unseelie Courts. Will you escape and return home with your stolen belongings? Or does fate have something else in mind?"
Alaris by @crescencestudio: Steam | Itch
"A global crisis that only continues to escalate. A dangerous run-in with a shadowy stranger. And a mysterious word that won't stop gnawing at you. How does everything tie together? And what role could you possibly play in all of this?  Enter a world of magic—of Fae and Dragon."
Sigh of the Abyss by Rascal Devworks: Steam | Itch
"You have been chained to a stranger, a boy foolish—or brave—enough to flee the gilded cage where magi are kept docile and pliant. The curse will kill you both unless you find a way to break it. Anyone else would already be dead, but not you—for you hear the ancient voice of the Abyss, and have been blessed—or cursed—with powers dark and terrible."
Obscura by @rottenraccoons: Steam | Itch
"There's a marketplace under the mountain where anything can be bought and sold. Visitors wear masks to become faceless strangers. It's home to the unscrupulous, the outcast, and the desperate. You're one of the desperate. Strangers with their own secrets and ambitions can show you ways through the market. They'll guide you to your goal, but don't trust them to have your best interests at heart."
Mask - Beyond Lies by Kakera: Itch
"As you are transported to another world, a masked person guides you through the day to the exit to go back to your world. But will it really be this easy ? Go through the story of each love interest and discover their secrets, and so much more. Each choices might make you discover the darkest secret of their world. Are you ready to do everything to go back to your own world ? Will you ever go back ?"
Snow White Ashes by @endys: Steam | Itch
"One winter night, you find a hunter in the woods: A man so warm and charming you feel as if you've known him all your life. But appearances can be deceiving.  You'd know that well, wouldn't you?"
The Silent Kingdom by @luckycatotome: Steam | Itch
"Place yourself in the role of Princess Erinys, whose kingdom has fallen under the yoke of a sorrowful curse. In order to save everything you have ever known and loved, you’ll have to stand against the entire world - and even defy the Goddess herself. How much weight will a withered kingdom burden your soul?"
Dual Chroma by @galengames: Steam | Itch
"You, a bright young scholar, have finally arrived at the Palace to fulfill your lifelong dream—to serve the Imperial Family as the newest advisor to the Second Prince. The future finally looks bright… until the vile creatures of centuries past return. Thrown into the epicenter of a new epic tale, you and Prince Keldrannon face impossible odds. As ancient forces long thought to be vanquished threaten to raze these peaceful lands, you must work together with the Prince to discover their origins and save the Empire. With each choice you make, the more it is revealed that history may not be what it seems. How deep does your connection to the Prince run?"
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