twitchesandstitches · 5 years
Describe + Wicke's hair and butt.
Her hair:extremely big and fluffy, individual strands VERY poofy, as wide asyour finger is long. Her hair isn’t styled to look the way it does,it just grows that way! Because of how bouffant it is, her hair isVERY soft to the touch, as soft as her super squishy and huggablebody is. A huge poofy swell at the top, and little spikes that gofrom below her ears and curve beneath her jawline. This is a bigmorphological trait with her; even when she assumes non-human forms,no matter how different she becomes, there is always some quality ordesign of her head to suggest this hair. If she was a Transformer,she’d have poofy head plates in the same shape as her hair, forexample.
Her butt: hugelypadded, as befits a top tier Hot Mom; it projects out for aconsiderable amount, and her booty fat is highly condensed and VERYsolid. Unbelievably soft and jiggly, bouncing with the slightestmovement, but it is so strong it can deflect artillery! A lot of hermagic goes right there, which shows in her butt size.
Even when she istotally powered down and is locking away the bulk of her magicalenergies, each booty cheek can be as large as her upper torso. And Isay again, each! She requires a Wicke-sized chair for each half ofher butt, and they tend to break a lot beneath the strain.
Her Pokemonattributes can also affect her butt; she can manifest Ditto traits,for example, and make her backside the gelatinous substance of aDitto and suck things in, or make it EXTRA jiggly and bouncy. That’ssaying a LOT.
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
Wicke, can i give you a (platonic) kiss? 'Cause you're just so cute that i can't help BUT to give you at least a little one.
Wicke claps a fewfingers to her plump lower lips, smiling sweetly. Her eyes areclosed, behind her thick glasses, and when she moves her hand away,her fingers have lipstick on them. “Oh, you sweet anon… of courseyou may!”
She leansforward. Coincidentally, or perhaps not, she does so in a way thather monstrously big breasts hang forward, moving juuuust enough tonear bump into you! Just a brief little contact, the slighest touch,but she slides forward encouragingly. It’s not a sexual move,though. It’s like a hug, as gentle as a blanket being wrapped uponyour shoulders.
Of course she hasto lean down a LOT. She is a LOT bigger than the prospectivesmoocher; seeing as how she varies from twelve feet tall to ‘canuse galaxies as stepping stones’, she can always have the heightadvantage! She tilts her face the other direction, and gently steersyou closer. But first, she gives you a gentle kiss of her own.
“You’re notjust sweet, you’re cute yourself, dear!”
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
Pokemon in Crossthicc - Overview
Pokemon and its relevant stuff in Crossthicc! This is gonna be a long one, requiring several posts, so bear with me on this one.
First off, some thoughts on the character line ups. Most of the canon Pokemon trainers, professors, gym leaders and other characters are either associated with the Endowed Fleet, or living within their territories without actually being IN the Fleet. Trainer like Misty, May and other important characters are probably Endowed, as are the Gym Leaders, professors and other ladies like Wicke, Lenora and so forth. They’re a kind of mixture of MILFy heroines and summoner-type magic users. Most professors are researchers into giant monsters and magic in general, with Pokemon being tied into both, and Gym Leaders (including all related jobs from the games/anime series, such as breeders, Alolan captains and Kahunas) tend to be independant adventurers and treasure hunters.
In general, the more heroic Pokemon characters, and Pokemon of every species, are part of the Endowed Fleet and main cast, with the most prominent among them being Wicke, gym leader-types like Lenora and Olivia, and the most prominent trainer characters like Misty. Most of them, especially characters and Pokemon tied to previous generations, were originally a part of the Smash Fleet prior to it merging with the Endowed Fleet.
Lusamine and a good portion of the Aether Foundation form the scientific backbone of the Cobalt Stingers. Lusamine is one of Vriska’s top people, and has a great deal to do with the way their mod development process works, both their refinement into highly expensive products with many benefits, and her habit of testing them on random groupie serfs.
Popular trainer classes (such as Hex Maniac) are individual characters here! That said, the core idea of those trainer classes are present in the form of common roles the trainers may use or adopt as they grow; they likely use different names, if they even have specific terms for, say, someone who uses the powers granted by Pokemon partners into disciplined raw power (Black Belts).
Most of the criminal Teams are still their own thing; defeated in past exploits, but largely still around. A few exceptions: Team Skull is a major part of the Fleet, and a lot of their iconography is popular in the fleet’s outfit styles. (Bonehead is a common term for scavenger units, in reference to Team Skull and the scav’s own stubbornness.) Team Rocket is a powerful criminal empire that initially started as a part of the Imperial Commonwealth but is growing into its own force, and Team Aqua is also a part of the Stingers. Other Teams are still present as their own thing, but either greatly reduced, in hiding, or just a total mystery.
Now, the Pokemon themselves. Unlike canon, Pokemon and the human characters are not from a specific world at all, but a multiversal phenomenon; Pokemon materialize from all over the place, and I DO mean materialize in a very literal sense. Trainers and all people who work with Pokemon in canon are translated into occupations that fit into the setting of Crossthicc, akin to summoners. Pokemon are a good deal weirder here and a lot more mystical in nature.
Pokemon, here, are not really animal-like beings, nor are they simply races of monstrous sapient beings with powerful abilities. They are explicitly animistic personifications of broad elemental concepts that make up the universe, taking on forms and concepts that are relevant to them, and when they are born into the material world, they must take on the weakest forms that can express their nature; the baby or initial evolutionary stages from canon. Consider them as being like spirits, or even summons, and would make excellent summons for the setting as a whole. It’s a bit of a shortcut for Pokemon, as otherwise they must grow in experience, calling down more and more power from a raw font of their essence from beyond, and as they power up, they develop into more complex and powerful shapes. In short, they evolve! And they MUST bond with a mortal soul to do this, to grow; they can’t really do it on their own, and rely on the experiences of others to expand their horizons.
Legendary Pokemon are explicitly gods here; not like gods, not so powerful they might as well be gods, but they are actively worshiped across the multiverse, empowering clerics and paladins,and once materialized in avatars that carried only a small portion of their powers but were nonetheless shockingly mighty. When they arise, the multiverse quakes, and that is only with a tiny fraction of their potential.
Pokemon can breed, though there is a difference between them spontaneously emerging in the ether, being summoned into being, or being born via pregnancy and eggs. In particular,  the former are initially more powerful and akin to ‘wild’ Pokemon; they’re much more reliant on mortal viewpoints to grow, and tend to prefer their more monstrous, elemental forms. They can be kind of weird, in the fashion of angels that are SO good that they’re a little alien. Pokemon born in eggs or through mortal pregnancies, are more in tune with mortal viewpoints, but have a harder time expressing their powers. They invariably treat their monster girl/boy forms as their default, and revert to it in times of stress, having some trouble shifting outside it. These are most akin to ‘trained’ Pokemon from canon, and are the most common.
And as per this AU’s theme, they are VERY big, ranging from kaiju-sized when they’re really trying, and even at smaller sizes Pokemon that are canonically small are nonetheless large enough to ride. And they can transform into humanoid monster girl/boy forms, which follow the usual rules of thiccness power in this AU. Powerful Pokemon are often extremely giant-y, and VERY curvy!
They are fully intelligent, sapient beings, and should generally be written as being almost angelic, wise entities with a bit of a wild edge. They’re very empathic, receptive to feelings from those they bond with, and Pokemon training is a friendship experience for them; if a Pokemon challenges you, it wants to go with you if you’re strong enough. The partnership goes both ways; as Pokemon grow strong, the trainer becomes more powerful, and a strong enough bond even allows one to fuse with the other, merging into a more powerful being that embodies their friendship. Across many worlds, before the cataclysm, across all species, Pokemon would teach mortals and be taught in return, both growing and continuously evolving.
At least, that’s how it used to be. But the corruption broke all Pokemon.
During the cataclysm, the magical catastrophes and shockwaves of so much death terrorized all things sensitive to such currents, driving many spirits into demonhood from sheer trauma. Negative emotions overwhelmed many magical beings, causing them to go berserk or become overwhelmed by invading forces welling out of the magical realms, adding to the death tolls. The Pokemon were especially badly hit, their minds dissolving and their powers going completely out of control, growing to massive size and becoming monstrous caricatures of their former selves. The Legendaries, the gods who derived from Pokemon, have been unable to soothe them until recent times, and even the Legendaries themselves, at least those most closely tied to the mortal planes and embodying mortal concepts, had their mortal vessels driven berserk as well.
If you’ve played Pokemon Colosseum and its sequel and recognize Shadow Pokemon here, it's very similar! But imagine that… mixed with Shin Godzilla, the apocalyptic rampage induced by traumatized horror and unending pain, and you can appreciate the scale of the horrors going on here.
The Pokemon are lost. Corrupted, driven totally feral by fear and the lingering deaths of untold trillions of souls, dying over and over again in their minds, and all this pain DESTROYS that Pokemon. The pain floods them, and all they can do is lash out, their natures becoming wild and knowing nothing but pain and fear. And in this, they have lost control of their bodies, weaponizing it purely in their most destructive force in a desperate attempt at self-defense.
Nonetheless. Even in this state, their longing to touch a mortal soul and find true friends, to create bonds across species and share their power with others remains still. To become more than what they are. Mortal hearts can touch them, remind them who they really are… and free them.
A dedicated human partner (a trainer) can bond with them, gentling their hearts and banishing the horrors they have witnessed and done, until the Pokemon gradually reverts to its true form, mind fully restored. Pokemon characters who work with Pokemon in canon are, in the AU, all particularly skilled at this and even specialize in it, but owing to the nature of Pokemon here, are more akin to summoners and spiritual mediums than monster trainers or researchers. Assume that any younger characters born into the Fleet and raised among its customs are at least familiar with what you have to do, so they can all at least calm down a feral Pokemon. Bringing back the Pokemon is a priority among the fleet, as is finding a way to bring back all the Legendary gods, who are presently lost within the magical realms and dominating vast swathes of it, their presence distorting the physical realm and causing horrific disasters. Journeying to save them from themselves and reconnect them with their godhead sources in the outer planes is a quest of epic proportions, and of dire importance. Legendaries embody the fundamental forces of existence, and are some of the most important gods remaining. They MUST be helped.
Corrupted Pokemon are analogous to Wild Pokemon from the games, mixed with pitable but highly destructive kaiju. Pokemon naturally born into the mortal realms, or those who have bonded with summoners enough to be moderated by their perspectives and freed of corruption, are akin to Trained Pokemon from canon.
Some general clarification:
There is no single Pokemon world or setting. Instead, Pokemon are native to all worlds and used to randomly show up in places that resonated with them or called them. Those born in the mortal realms tend to form their own societies here and there, while the most powerful ones from the spirit realms are most often summoned and that the two are really the same was not common knowledge. All Pokemon, but for a few, are still corrupted; the few born in recent times are not, but all others, including the Legendaries, must be helped. The canonical trainers, Gym leaders, professors and other human characters are, if still human, descended from Earth nationalities that correspond to the real life inspirations for their respective regions. Follow up posts will assume that they are human, but alternative ideas for them are VERY welcome!
Wild Pokemon are effectively all corrupted and totally feral, in the vein of Shadow Pokemon. They are broken and in pain, randomly lashing out and exploding in destructive fits. They are EXTREMELY large, many hundreds of feet tall and horrific to behold, elemental forces incarnate. With their sheer power, subduing them by force is an extremely poor idea.
Once freed from corruption, Pokemon can assume forms similar to their canon appearances and use their abilities freely, and these are explicitly magical in nature. They are, in fact, divine, as Pokemon are essentially mortal incarnations of certain principles of reality. They can also merge with people they are especially close to, granting them use of their powers, and monsterize that person with more of the Pokemon’s characteristics and giving them more power, though the person tends to become more wild. Once restored to their true selves, Pokemon follow the ‘totally sapient and probably smarter than humans’ interpretation of canon, and are equal members of the fleet or whatever organizations around ‘em. They might also fulfill the role of all purpose magical entities, or summon spirits; assume that purified ancient Pokemon fall into the latter category, and the monster girl versions must work to tap into their ancestral power and call it down, so they are also summoners in a way.
Pokemon here are FAR larger than in canon; they’re scaled up to giants, and can sizeshift freely to act as steeds, guardians or whatnot; Ash’s Pikachu, for example, is large enough for him to ride it into battle while also punching things. Assume that any given Pokemon can be as large as they feel like… within reason. While Pokemon are absurdly powerful, they do have individual limits and they’re often rather restricted in what they CAN do; they require experience to draw more of their power into their material forms.
Pokemon can also transform into two ways; they can morph into bipedal anthropomorphic monster girls (that tend to be extremely thicc, in proportion to their powers), or they can willingly transform into gigantic kaijus similar to their corrupted forms, but fully controlled; guardian monsters. These tend to be pretty dang monstrous and very elemental in nature. Pokemon born into the mortal realms, as mentioned earlier, tend to treat monster people forms as their baseline, while the Pokemon from the spiritual realms tend to prefer a kaiju-like form; those who have a strong enough bond with summoners may compromise with a giantess form, and something similar would apply to natural-born Pokemon..
Pokemon shifted into anthro form are scaled to an appropriate size: a Pikachu or Bidoof girl is going to be on the smaller size (perhaps 15 feet or so), while a Nidoqueen MILF is going to tower at at least fifty feet. The ones infamous for being big, like Wailord, will be FAR larger giantesses, on par with giantess-scaled aircraft. They otherwise have the same thiccness ratio as others; more powerful Pokemon are larger than normal and grow indefinitely, and are hyper curvaceous to suit their power levels. They can, as any other being, mod themselves up and even develop mutations appropriate for them.
All Pokemon species, save Legendaries, are represented within the Fleet, Stingers, and other factions that suit them. They provide an excellent source of powers, appearance mods, and traits from Pokemon are extremely common mutations on all people within the fleet. Natural-born Pokemon are also likely to be random populations, though are so divorced from their origins that they are likely to be very weak and indistinguishable from ordinary beastfolk; rediscovering their true heritage is a big moment for them. “Don’t you know what you ARE?”
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
Pokemon in Crossthicc - The Other Teams
In general the most relevant ones here are probably Team Rocket (a big, spanning criminal empire secretly allied to the Ringers) and Team Skull, who are part of the Endowed Fleet. Because, really. It’s Team Skull. They’re too adorable and harmless to be bad! Let them wind up with the punk MILFs where they belong
Team Rocket: Associated with the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity. Aristocrats hold all the power in the Commonwealth, and Giovanni Rocetto’s family is quite old indeed, predating the Commonwealth all the way back to the human homeworld itself, or so he claims. Blessed with powerful psionics, he found a way to forcibly dominate the minds of the feral Pokemon and bind them to himself, and taught others how to use this skill. He founded the Rockets as a military organization of monster hunters that took down Pokemon and broke them into obedience, and they remain a thorn in the side of the Fleet. The Rockets are very big and powerful now, constituting three hundred noble families in a complex web of marriages and rivalries, all vying for Giovanni’s favor, and have earned governorship over three dozen solar systems. As Giovanni cares nothing for the anti-nonhuman attitudes of the Commonwealth in favor of his own dreams of imperial glory, he is planning to secede entirely and, in time, conquer the Commonwealth itself.
These ambitions eventually caused him to notice certain trends within the Commonwealth’s political practices, indications of outside influence, and no sooner had he figured this out than representatives of the Ringers came to him, making him an offer: join the Ringers and ensure humanity’s survival and his own prosperity, or perish when the inevitable war came. He accepted and is now a member in major standing, and one of the more influential humans. Humanity’s weakness if something of a major problem for him, and he is constantly trying to make humans more competitive, so to speak.
The modern Team Rocket is a military juggernaut, using its enslaved monsters as living forces of nature to wipe all their enemies before them. They are justly feared and dreaded. BUT.
But, every bad batch has a few dumplings that are inexplicably good for all rottenness they came from.
This is where Jessie and James come in.
They were both originally from Team Skull, but it was a desperate life and, innocent of Rocket’s true nature, Jessie and James joined Team Rocket largely to get out of that life. Among other things, both of them are secretly descended from incredibly influential human houses of ancient days, and while this does them no good, it does give whoever control them a lot of clout among human societies that put stock in that kind of thing, which intrigued Giovanni. They found a clever cat Pokemon, curing him of his corruption with the power of their genuine friendship, and as the Meowth was freed, he learned to speak human language without even having to assume a humanoid form. Jessie, James and Meowth became inseparable, and joined the Cobalts after being dissatisfied with the Rocket’s general malignancy following a chance encounter and an unlikely incident involving a heist, an ancient human religious urn, two and a half dumplings and a very one-sided bet.
Jessie is hyper curvy, with extremely prehensile hair powers, and while she’s not especially powerful, she is a LOT bigger than you’d expect, and can often be at least twenty five feet tall at full power, with breasts swelling out over even her stomach. James and Meowth often ride in her cleavage. She’s known to adopt her Arbok’s tail for a naga-style body, the huge tongue of a Likitung, Dustox wings, Gourgeist shell, and a Wobbuffet's super bouncy, defensive body.
Teams Aqua and Magma: Two rival organizations that were originally the same one, and even following a split in ideology, had the same overall goal; repairing the destruction to the worlds of the multiverse. A noble goal, to be sure. However they split apart into two religious groups opposed to each other: one, Magma, revering the earth titan Groudon, thought it would be best to physically construct new worlds and terraform dead planets, and was led by the charismatic preacher Maxie. The other, Aqua, worshiped the sea goddess Kyogre and had the radical idea of adapting living beings to live in the realms of magic permanently by removing the barriers between those worlds entirely. They were led by a famous pirate and conservationist, Archie. Aqua took to piracy to fund their experiments, while Magma put on the appearance of a sainty religious organization and used the profits from its patrons to do the same.
The groups managed to call forth their deities, but discovered that the slumbering avatars of the Legendaries were not immune to the madness afflicting all Pokemon in the mortal realms, and Kyogre and Groudon ravaged many worlds in their corruption before the summoning of Rayquaza allowed Maxie and Archie to find their gods and personally bond with them, taming them somewhat and at least stabilizing their obsessive drives to terraform things without concern for the squishies.
Since then, Aqua has signed up with the Cobalts full time, finding a common aesthetic theme, a similar attitude, and freedom to do pretty much as they like. They care for many of the monsters and attack beasts of the Cobalts, and have pioneered many magical technologies; Aqua iconography has become a major part of the Stinger’s look, and their taste in water-themed powers has proven quite popular. Shelly has become the new Admiral from their ranks, and Archie has named her his successor.
Team Magma, surprisingly, has gravitated towards the Fleet. It’s unclear why, exactly, but it seems that their interest in terraforming struck a chord with Magma. Mountain Priestess Courtney/Kagari has succeeded Maxie as leader.
A deeply mysterious organization and one that is still extant. In canon, they sought to remake the Pokemon universe. Here, they intended to alter the multiverse in their image by breaking down the barriers between all planes, believing this would allow them to impose their will upon the magical nature of the cosmos permanently. The culmination of countless eons of patient work, this vast conspiracy predates even the cataclysm. While their current leader, Cyrus, was foiled and brought to justice, the organization itself remains and are undoubtedly continuing their grand plan.
If Galactic’s efforts are allowed to continue, the results will be unspeakably catastrophic. The mortal universes are a soap bubble floating upon the multiverse, and would likely not survive the weight of all the other planes crashing down upon them, and then burst. This doesn't even include the dangers of sharing space with actual infernal hellscapes, or the alien beauty of heavens too intense for mortals to see. Mortalkind would likely cease to exist following the fulfillment of Galactic’s plans.
Of greater interest is how they arrived to this plan, more than the why or when they started it. This implies a great deal of knowledge about the makeup of the multiverse and fundamental understanding that presently eludes modern scholars. Those in the know greatly wish to find Galactic’s research and find out what they know; such precious knowledge is more invaluable than their extensive infrastructure.
Galactic heavily deals with many extranormal forces and summoning entities from across the planes. Accordingly, they can show up any when, any place, and have a very wide reach. Few of them are human, due to their sheer scope, and any alien species can have members of them. It is possible that the Crossthicc incarnations of its leadership are alien races infamous for being ancient: Cyrus might be an ancient Transformer, for example, with the others being Gems, Protheans, and so on.
An extensive organization that deals heavily with the rights and concerns of magical entities of all sorts, from the smallest magical pets to the greatest summon beasts across the realms… or at least that is the image they wish to present. In reality, while the vast majority of their membership is a non-denominational religion that reveres magical entities as being emanations of a vast pantheon (among other details), their leadership are not believers but cold manipulators who are attempting to use the tenets of this belief system to their advantage: by taking direct control of as many magical entities as possible and using them to empower themselves in a process similar to what the MILF Fleet has learned to do with their own created magical powers.
As of Crossthicc’s ‘canon’, Plasma has yet to interact with any other faction in a significant way. Their leader, Ghetsis, an old and wily salarian with dreams of power, has a idealistic boy named N raised to believe himself as the liberator of the Pokemon form their current sad state, as a precursor to freeing all magical creatures from similar fates. N is a Transformer, but a rare human-sized one known as a Pretender, and can take on the form of any alien being within his size range in order to live life as they do, and this has afforded him a rare perspective that threatens to tear the Plasma organization apart between those loyal to him, and those loyal to the old guard.
Their name appears to come from the fact that their military forces are traditionally chosen from beings with the power to manipulate plasma in some fashion. It is common to make use of Pokemon with power over electricity and fire as a sign of prestige for the same reason.
Should Plasma do the thing and split, there would likely start a divide between the true believers who follow N, and those who are not genuine followers of the faith. They would likely be a force for good, if perhaps prone to conflicts of interest with others, while the remainder would become soldiers of conquest and fulfill Ghestis’ orders in a more straightforward fashion.
Team Flare
Outwardly a corporate world (originating from a world called Flare, which gave them their name), Team Flare is led by the man Lysandre who had claimed to rediscover ancient terraforming technology and, in conjunction with the Pokemon he was able to commune with, his organization reshaped worlds into incredibly beautiful ones that would be difficult to find in natural circumstance. Worlds of solid diamond glittered in the sky, planets where the continent formed beautiful artwork, and more.
However, Team Flare’s true goal was a beautiful universe… of themselves, alone. The descendants of many eons of genetic alteration geared towards beautification, the many species had been changed to function as a single one, interbreeding into one specifically designed to be beautiful and physically more capable than their baseline counterparts. Lysandre, afraid for the resources consumed by potential rivals, sought to use his Pokemon and technology to end his universe and leave only a canvas from which he could reshape it all. Empty worlds he could design to his artistic requirements, and to be repopulated by his perfected kindred, and cared little for the deaths of all other beings in their universe. Unexpectedly, the Cobalts caught wind of this plot and stopped it, as it was too evil for them to allow. Besides, they wanted real estate in that universe and they didn’t want to get killed doing that. The Cobalts defeated Lysandre, taking over his organization and adopting his Pokemon and his more moral subordinates, using the technology to make their worlds super fancy as that universe praised them as heroes.
The organization as a whole is still out there, and may still present a threat; Lysandre has the knowing of recreating his technology, and all he requires is a means to scale it up enough. Additionally, this version of him has recently become a vampire, and is turning the most beautiful and, in his view, morally gifted mortals into his new clan, a new Team Flare. (I’m not saying they’re Ventrue from Vampire: The Masquerade but if the blue blood fits, ya slurp it if you’re a vampire!)
Not even slightly really villainous, but driven to acts of crime in order to survive. Team Skull were, whatever their species, a massive family of outcasts who are the survivors of civilizations, now living aboard a massive planet-sized space station, that managed to just barely hold onto spaceworthy ability after the cataclysm… but only just. They then faced grave misfortune as new warlords, thugs who were ecstatic at the breakdown of society to do as they pleased, and fiends drawn into the material world by so much suffering came upon them at once. For thousands of years, these survivors suffered, often dying in droves and forced to fight tooth and nail and still being drained dead, living in massive ships clinging to life support.
They became a sprawling clan; since everyone they met kept trying to kill them, they decided that if all the multiverse would be their enemy, they would fight it with all they had, and protect each other and take care of one another, since no one else would. And for ages, that was enough. But in modern times, as warlords sought to conquer their home, a charismatic leader named Guzma rallied his people and called out to the Pokemon, eldritch entities though they were, pleading for help.
They answered. Wicke was saved by Skull, hurt and barely alive after struggling to stay alive following her departure from the Aether Foundation, and she became a very influential part of their group, officially called the Big Skull Mom, and she began a romantic relationship with Guzma (and mentoring him as well), finding it a chance to start over.
Team Skull was born not long after, fusing with a wild resurgence of Pokemon that were drawn by their love for one another, and their habitat-station became a ship, fused partly with a massive horde of Pokemon so that it was able to move. Mistrustful of everyone outside their family, they regarded anyone not in Skull as an enemy. But they weren’t malicious, just hurt and desperately trying to stay alive, held together by Guzma’s sheer charisma and restrained by Wicke’s moderation, effectively becoming a bunch of looters and scavengers.
This changed when they met the Endowed Fleet.
At the time, the Rockets were expanding into Skull territory, wiping out everything they’d built and harrying them as lowly space scum, and the Skulls responded with frenzied rage, their bonds to their Pokemon vastly outscoring the Rocket’s own skills. The Endowed Fleet became involved at this point, and both groups had many close calls and conflicts until a chance meeting with Guzma and several Fleet heroines, exploring their people’s origin, caused them to realize that they had much in common. As both groups had to work together to fend of the Rockets, they worked together, and Skull eventually thought of the Fleet not as a potential enemy, but as friends.
And once the Rockets were repelled, the Skulls didn’t want to see them go, and joined the Fleet entirely. Their spaceship station has since been remodeled into a living ship, the Pokemon comprising it already freed from corruption by the presence of the Skulls, and the Skulls are happy members of the Fleet, with many of them becoming Endowed and parents to many children. Guzma in particular is a good friend to Sierra and one of her many boyfriends and sidekicks, and Skull Grunts comprise a large number of the Fleet’s ground forces in average fights. The big sister of Skull, Plumeria, is a big name in the Fleet now, and she is Endowed as well, becoming a hyper MILF giantess with poison-themed powers: among other things, her hair transforms into toxic substances when she fully powers up, and she likes to use the traits of Muk (slimy absorbing body), Crobat (bat wings, health absorbing bites), Toxapex (hard shell) and Salazzle (big sharp teeth, reptile tail). Plumeria is essentially an administrator in the Fleet and an organizer, and thinks of everyone else that isn’t Endowed as being an adorably helpless goofball that needs her; she’s friendly but hides it beneath a teasing demeanor.
Skulls tendency for torn up grunge-y outfits, skull imagery, goofy attempts to look spooky, and scavenger attire are a big influence on the Fleet’s fashion! Imagine Borderlands fused with Team Skull, and you have the aesthetic of the Fleet down.
There are many worlds of perilous wastelands in the multiverse, lands where corrupt warlords dominate with lost technology, powerful techno-artifacts, and sorcerous techniques kept among their dynasties. Cipher and its military division, Snagem, descended from one such dynasty and one of such influence that it dominated several solar systems of inhabitable planets (if only barely livable ones) that had been reduced to apocalyptic wastelands even all these eons after the cataclysm.
A man named Gonzap was the first of his dynasty to really take the techniques and magical abilities passed down by his ancestors into industrialized quality: through the use of technological armaments and specialized techniques, they had learned how to summon forth spirits and chain them to the will of a summoner without the usual two-way relationship that a true summoning entails. This wound up making the summoning quite weak, as a normal summoning grants strange to both as their relationship progresses, but it was also quite easy to maintain, allowing his ancestors to summon thousands of spiritual entities as cannon fodder. Gonzap and his advisors worked out a way to make this easy for their ordinary soldiers to use without being able to rework the technique, making use of special gauntlets; in time, they turned their attention to Pokemon, chaining those wild and lost powers to their own uses. Snagem developed as the ones to capture new Pokemon, and in time, the ones who fielded them. Cipher developed into a proto-aristocracy.
Cipher expanded very quickly, dominating a respectable amount of space; as much as possible, given the limits that pre-FTL travel imposes on the ability to organize any kind of extrasolar space travel. And, amazingly, they even managed to find a corrupted avatar of Lugia, which was single-handedly responsible for conquering several worlds… and annihilating many others before they managed to get even a small sliver of control over it.
Cipher was ultimately foiled, though, when Gonzap’s heir (a man named Wes) revolted against the dynasty and went on the run with a powerful psionic woman named Rui, and along with a young apprentice of Wes’ own, they went on the run and determiend how to properly bond with Pokemon and free them of corruption, which they used to great effect and won the corrupted Pokemon of Cipher and Snagem to their side, even the Lugia avatar. As Wes’ crew started a short and brutal war against Cipher, other rival empires moved in and attacked; Cipher still exists, but is a shadow of its former power.
Cipher was, in its day, absolutely brutal towards its captive Pokemon and spirits in a way unequaled by even the most ruthless members of Rocket; accordingly, those who work with Pokemon gravely dislike them, and Pokemon themselves generally have sworn oaths of vengeance against them for their crimes against Pokemonkind. Cipher, even so, is working to regain its former power and are likely to be antagonists or enemy mercenaries; their soldiers will hire themselves out to anyone, for loot and experience.
Wes and his crew are still around, independent heroes for hire in an adventure guild that mostly consists of the Pokemon the crew helped in the old days. Wes himself is likely a mentor figure to the likes of Ash and the other trainers, and a inspirational story to those who fear that relation to evil forces means you are doomed to evil yourself.
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
Pokemon in Crossthicc - Teams, Aether Foundation
The various criminal organizations within Pokemon’s canon are present in Crossthicc, though generally as foes that have already been defeated in the past; most of them are shadows of what they were, working in the shadows to accomplish their goals, and perhaps part of the various conspiracies littering the AU.
All of them, though, even if they’ve been beaten, are very large. These are not organizations that span a single country or even multiple ones, but having enough manpower, influence and resources to dominate solar systems, if not rule their own intergalactic empires. Accordingly, they are a lot more powerful than they are in canon, even in defeat. They’re also often linked to pre-existing empires, conspiracies and groups. They are generally as diverse as any other group in terms of species. Given how ‘wild’ Pokemon are effectively severely traumatized spirits, this casts many of these Teams in a more sinister light than in canon.
First one off here is:
Aether Foundation! Initially a scientific assortment of many different species and worlds that had recovered sufficiently to go into outer space and realize that the monster attacks weren’t isolated, their mandate was to investigate the origins of those monsters and all related entities. Eventually they diverged from this towards specifically researching Pokemon and how they had descended into feral savagery when once they had been spiritual teachers and guardians. Under its director, Lusamine, this further developed into them finding a way to make use of them and grow more powerful. The Foundation wound up in the middle of a great conflict; early in the history of the Cobalts and Endowed, both factions encountered the Foundation and it dissolved in the wake of that adventure, with most of it following Lusamine to the Stingers; those who genuinely believed in its cover image of conservation went to the public sector.
The image of the Aether Foundation and it’s uniforms have become a core part of the Stinger’s visual aesthetic. Clean smooth lines, elegant one-piece bodysuits, stark white colors and extremely form-fitting fabrics have been married to the Stinger’s love for gaudy accessories and glamorous shiny things for a signature look; combine the Foundation’s canon uniforms, space opera it up a bit, and add a LOT of shiny things and you have the Stinger’s look. Appropriately, this contrasts well with the Fleet’s Team Skull-esque outfit styles.
The Foundation has two members of great importance to the AU:
Wicke: A compassionate and gentle soul striving to understand rather than exploit, she had issues with the leadership and had actually left long ago, eventually being discovered by a band of survivors called Team Skull and becoming the Skull Mom, with a huge collection of devoted followers and boytoys to take care of; Guzma, most of all, and her influence made him a much more temperate person in this AU. She never forgot her failures to stem the Foundation’s abuses, though, and after Skull joined the Fleet, she convinced her new friends to help her stop the Foundation; she’s now one of the Fleet’s top scientists and researcher into magical studies. She is Endowed herself, with a number of Pokemon-derived mods and powers (generally Psychic in nature, with some Fairy as well), and has the classic hyper curvy build, with more emphasis on her massive hips and her impossibly gigantic hair. She is absurdly powerful, due to the sheer number of children she’s had, though she’s not much of a fighter. At her full, maximum size… well, she has no upper limit in terms of size, and she’s been bigger than galaxies when fully unleashed, though she prefers not to fight at all. She’s instead a protective supporter, who would rather stay at the Fleet doing Science and protecting the smaller ones! She definitely has a lot of intelligence boosting mods, and is one of the greatest scientific and Pokemon authorities in the entire Fleet, and to pretty much anyone they meet, too.
She’s a bit cagey about her origins, but she’s indicated to her loved ones (of which she has no small amount of admirers and lovers) that she was originally from a high-class metropolitan world that came under attack from the otherworldly monsters, and her talent for research got her noticed. As a result she has somewhat higher standards of living than most, but she’s adapted pretty well, and doesn’t seem to mind the Fleet’s usual dress code of ‘a thrift store exploded at you’. She does tend to get awkward about how little it covers, though.
She’s usually very large even when powered down, indicating her sheer strength; forty feet is a common size, but she can get smaller, but never less than twelve feet. She hasn’t bonded that much with different Pokemon, but she has demonstrated mutations matching the Stufful/Bewear line of Pokemon, including strong claws, alterations to her body that make her look like a living plushie (complete with stitches), and bear ears. She’s also got a whole group of Dittos, and can transform parts of her body into an amorphous pink mass that can absorb people, harden or get stretchy, and transform into anything she is at least somewhat familiar with.
Lusamine: Initially, she was secretly working with the Ringers, though she was unaware that was their true nature. She nonetheless gleaned something of their intentions, and used their resources anyway in order to fulfill her experimental goals. She happily signed up with Vriska’s crew, and formed the beginnings of their scientific crew. To this day she is one of their main heads of research, developing very powerful and extensive power sets and mods, derived from Legendaries themselves, and she is positively thrilled to have a budget that can actually keep up with her ideas, not to mention a patron that tolerates her grandiose schemes and plots; Lusamine is a major instigator within the Stingers, constantly seeking out new things for them to do or steal, and she’s slowly shifting from a selfish mentality into a bit more of a team player. She’s since proclaimed herself the Stinger Research President, and since the Cobalts trade titles and ranks around in card games and battles, its impressive she’s held onto it for so long; according to rumor, she has never been bested.
Lusamine’s origins are also a mystery, but she is apparently from the same world as Wicke, with the same broad origins. Unlike Wicke, though, she maneuvered herself into a high position of authority, from which she was able to develop the Aether Foundation, and retains this drive for power. Not necessarily out of ambition alone, but her interest in producing the best gene mods and making herself the finest in her chosen field requires that she stand higher than anyone else. At least, she feels this way. She was once good friends with Wicke, but they’ve since become fierce rivals, even if it's mostly from Lusamine’s direction.
Lusamine is extremely large; not as big as Wicke, though she is constantly trying to best her old friend and rival and make herself ever larger to compete with her. At the very least, she can easily boast over thirty feet without even activating any of her secondary powers or mods, and can grow over a hundred when fully powered up. She employs many Pokemon mutations, including from the Clefairy line (huge fairy wings, tail additions), the Misdreavus line (hair mutations and shadow-themed powers), Milotic (serpentine traits, naga body), but most of all her close connection to Nihilego gives her arms made of a transparent substance and some subtle jellyfish girl attributes. At will, she can transform her arms into several, extremely powerful tentacles.
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
Pokemon in Crossthicc - Professors
The Pokemon professors are, for the most part, probably not Endowed or going to have much association with the Fleet as a whole. Those who do were most likely born into it, long before Pokemon show up on the Fleet’s radar, or were part of the Smash fleet. Otherwise they will largely be independents living on minor worlds, seperate from conspiracies or other factions, doing their own thing. Whether or not they are friendly with the Fleet or the Stingers depends on how they are approached.
Some Professors of note, and as I’m not totally familiar with a lot of later entries in the series, feel free to ask me about anyone you want to know about and i will do my best to come up with something cool for them:
Oak: Born into the Fleet and a real adventurer archaeologist back in his day, with traits derived from Arcanine, Exeggutor, Tauros and Arcanine, among others, and he was a romantic partner to Aradia and Damara back in the day, with many children resulting. He’s since grown old and he’s not powerful enough for longevity mods to really take hold, and at the moment, he’s content to stay an old man until times or failing health demand him to rejuvenate himself. He came pretty late to the Pokemon research, but is fascinated by the psychic bonds between them and those they befriend; he’s also pretty good at figuring out inter-person psychic stuff, too. In his young forms, he’s likely to be fairly dude-thicc.
Juniper: Also born into the fleet around the same time as Oak, though she’s a few years older than him. Never terribly interested in adventure, she opted to stay at home aboard the convoys (and later, ships) unless she had no real alternative, and grew interested in Pokemon when they first started popping up, She befriended an Accelgor and Karrablast and helped return them to normal, and now always sports some of their traits, such as having wheel-like growths on her calves similar to her Accelgor friend’s helmet head. It's unknown if she is Endowed or not, but she certainly has a super hourglass build; since she’s otherwise not too powerful, it's either her being Endowed or she is overflowing with Pokemon energies. She’s had her number of children too, of course. She works in research and ancient studies, and she is one of those who worked out the origin of Pokemon and how they came to be in their current condition.
Fennel: Originally found wandering the deeper levels of the magical realms, bordering the self-contained universes in the Astral Sea, and it appears she’s been there for a VERY long time randomly playing the parts of different people’s memories, and has largely forgotten her original life. In her youth Juniper helped bring her back to the physical work and taught her modern language, as she spoke nothing anyone could recognize. Fennel, from what she’s worked out, is VERY old, predating the cataclysm; she remembers a time when Pokemon did not suffer as they do today. Her long ages of wandering have given her a great insight into other worlds and the realms of magic, and she is a lot more powerful than she lets on. Her boobs are tad less gigantic than average, but her hips are extremely wide, and her hair is incredibly massive.
Ivy: Independant, totally doing her own thing but she’s willing enough to work with the Fleet and Stingers; she’s a bit leery of the latter, and has grown increasingly wary of them. Hailing from a planet of nothing but beaches and shorelines (probably artificially made), and she investigates ancient artifacts in tightly controlled situations to determine what they can actually do - and more importantly, how to recreate them. She is Endowed, though not a member of the Fleet; she made a bargain with Sierra in exchange for her expertise, to be given the same powers as the others. As a result, she is VERY large, with enormous MILFy curves rather wider than she is tall, standing almost twenty five feet tall at her full power, and she has spontaneously populated several islands all on her own.
Burnet: Endowed, and Lillie’s adoptive mother. She has a very ferocious and even vindictive rivalry with Lusamine, and not a friendly one at that. A researcher of dimensional magic, such as teleportation, spacial gates, and esoteric attempts to surpass FTL limits. She might have developed some gate-related powers, at that. She’s got some Mantine-based traits; lage glls, wing-like fins from her back, and a whiplike tail. She has signs of more esoteric mutations like tattoo-marks of gleaming space twists on her skin, implying more exotic alterations.
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
Pokemon in Crossthicc - Trainers and Gym Leaders
An important note, regarding the use of the Japanese original names of the trainers or the Americanized names; personally i prefer the original names, but I figure the English ones are more familiar. So, consider this: the majority of the Pokemon trainer characters originate from worlds and territories that were culturally dominated by, and descended from, Japan. Their actual names are, thus, their Japanese ones. However, as they learned the languages of many different worlds, they came to adopt various screen names and nicknames, regarding their real names as something personal and special. They use these names, like Ash, Brock or Dawn, among strangers, reserving the names of their homeland for only trusted family-friends.
They’re all older in this AU; around 20 years old at minimum. If they’ve been around for the majority of the fleet’s existence, they’ll be a few hundred years old, kept eternally young by longevity mods and their increasing power, and bonds to their Pokemon.
It can be generally assumed that Pokemon characters that were originally from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh are descended from Japanese colonists from ancient human explorers, Unovans are a grab-bag of different colonists and ancestries, Kalosites are descended from France, and the Alolans’ ancestors were indigenous Hawaiians. Other possibilities can be worked out individually, or just going with what feels right. If non-human species feels right for them, that can also be factored in.
Finally, any Pokemon trainer can assume any trait, mod or physical mutation that would be appropriate to the Pokemon most associated with them: if they have ever trained a particular Pokemon, or it suit their theme, they can take on traits from that Pokemon. This can be a deliberate mod they’ve taken, or a consequence of growing close to their Pokemon summons.
Ash/Satoshi: Combining elements of both their anime character and Red from the first generation, he’s a bit of a dork who is staggeringly good with Pokemon. Rather genderfluid, keeping with later games allowing you to play as girl or boy without issue, though retaining a very macho attitude through it all, and not terribly bright. Generally has Pikachu traits, but has manifested aspects from all befriended Pokemon; Charizard wings, Squirtle shell, Meganium vines, Latias wings… really, it’d be easier to say what traits they haven’t got access to!
Misty/Kasumi: Endowed, favoring water-themed powers and partially transforming into a liquid state. Likes modding herself into an aquatic dragon girl or with fierce sea monster traits. She’s something of a big sister to anyone around her, but very fiercely so. Romantically involved with Ash, but probably gives them noogies. Hyper hourglass body, absolutely massive bust. Even bigger hair! That side ponytail is to get it out of the way, really. For mutations, she often has the gills, sharp claws and tail of a Gyrados, the strong horns and tough shell of a Corsola, and the angelic wings of a Togetic. She likes any mutation or power that is water-related and cute, though.
May/Haruka: Endowed, and prefers a life of showmanship and performance to the battlefield, taking part in acts of daring choreography and bonding with Pokemon through art. Her choice of mods tend to include big wings, soft fur, a dextrous tail, and big digging claws, as well as hyper flexibility for really interesting possibilities in performance art. Generally thick, but with impressively hyper breasts. Generally goes for fire powers and avian legs from her Blaziken friend, but she’s also sported Beautifly wings, Venusaur vines, and the jaws of a Snorlax (With an appetite to match).
Iris: A brash, cocky and tough fighter doing her absolute best to prove herself worthy of being Endowed, and to this end she is constantly going on adventures to power up Sierra to the point that she’ll be happy to give Iris the gift of being Huge! As it is, Iris is already a pretty big girl, with absolutely ludicrous hair mods of astounding size, and immensely wide hips for a hyper pear shape. She favors dragon-themed mods, including transforming into a mash-up of different dragon Pokemon for dicey fights. Otherwise she prefers Dragonite wings, can turn her limbs into Excadrill weapons, and a lot of Garchomp power ups. Unlike some other Pokemon summoners, she’s fine using her homeland name among outsiders.
Serana: Not technically a trainer of any kind; she just has a hard-earned knack for getting the respect of Pokemon. An accomplished dancer and racer, she has declined the opportunity to become Endowed in favor of settling down on a fleet world somewhere. Until then, she is a valued member of a performance troupe. Slimmer than average for a thicc girl, but very fit and strong, and still bigger than humanly possible. She often sports the flame powers and fur of a Fennekin, Pancham jaws, and the ribbon-like tendrils of a Sylveon.
Lillie: Daughter of Lusamine, and possibly with no father at all, born of genetic cloning here. (Her canon dad DID raise her, though.) She harbors a deep terror of Pokemon after seeing the destruction they can unleash in their corruption, and to be fair, that is quite sensible. Nonetheless they are drawn to her, and she has been taught how to deal with them and relieve them from their pains. She has a very complicated relationship with her mother, and prefers not to deal with her if she can avoid it at all. Not Endowed herself, she lives off the fleet on one of their worlds, working at a quiet shipping company. Hyper pear shape-type figure! Very close to her Cosmog, which tends to be a floaty shortstack monster girl. Lillie herself often has a cosmic-looking body of black, gaseous substance glowing with starlike shapes. Should she have to power up for a fight, she can materialize the aspects of Lunala (large batlike wings and hard outer shell) and Solgaleo (spiky mane hair, huge claws, organic armor).
Hilda: A good-natured and somewhat BOOYAH type heroine, she is very obviously one of the Endowed, being much taller than any of the other trainer girls and having the absolute largest, most hyper thicc body of anyone of them. Her hair isn’t modded much, it's just really big. Older than any of the other trainers, she’s a mom-friend leader of the magical creature caretakers on the Fleet. Her taste in mods is a bit all over the place, and she favors pretty much any style of mod, with a lean towards raw athletic potential and destructive power. In general, her physical mutations lean towards Tepig tusks and legs, and the thick tail of a Serperior.
Other characters: Characters like Brock, Max, Tracey, Cilan, minor trainers of all sorts, and other characters that don’t seem instantly suitable to the ‘big girls’ nature of the AU. They are most likely all researchers and investigators into the resurgent Pokemon, with twists for their canon interests or expertise, and close to at least a few Pokemon friends: Brock, for instance, is likely a veterinarian for magical beings. They are likely to be in the Fleet, but it's most likely they are just living on its worlds as citizens. Originally part of the Smash Fleet, but headed off on their own after they merged with the MILF Fleet, settling down on various worlds the MILFs claimed.
We can’t forget the most important characters either: the Pokemon themselves. All Pokemon associated with the characters (such as on their teams in the anime) travel with their human friend pretty much full time, without really concerned about team number restrictions, as that’s not a factor here, with no real Elite Four or League questions arising. Some Pokemon may prefer to take a bit of a vacation at the various zoos where animals and beasts of the Fleet or Stingers are cared for, so that can be LIKE the whole ‘hanging out on the ranch’ deal.
Their personalities are pretty much as per canon; protectors are liable to be guardians and proactive fighters on behalf of their friends, the more calm like to sit back and do their own thing and avoid too much adventure, and the more inquisitive or bright might be doing science work. Pokemon in this AU are, fundamentally, people, even if they are eldritch spirit-beings.
Gym Leaders, in this AU, are people who have a long-time expertise understanding Pokemon and working with them, as best they can. Ultimately this may not mean much, based on how dangerous a corrupted Pokemon can be, but they are by far much more experienced than anyone else in a practical sense. Professors are similar, with more interest in theory and research. Given the nature of the AU, they may not even have any connection to Pokemon at all, but be magical researchers in a broader sense pursuing their own investigations entirely. For the most part, assume that they are not connected to the fleet, but are independants, with some exceptions as noted below.
Erika: A motherly and hyper thicc woman (though not Endowed) with plant-like traits; her feet are roots, and flowers sprout from her bust. She enjoys working in the agriculture part of the fleet, using her bond with Grass Pokemon to understand how plants work and devise superior methods of growing crops.
Sabrina: An incredibly powerful psionic, to the point that she is periodically crippled by the intense pain her growing powers can cause her body. She has become Endowed and has gotten better at handling them, but her powers grow in proportion to her expanding body, and so she’s something of a glass cannon. Powerful, but not able to fight for long. Very fit and super thicc, but burns through her curves easily. Often has the big tail and whisker-things of the Abra line.
Whitney: A very big, curvaceous woman that runs a farm on the agriculture fleet ships, favoring Miltank-based mods; she’s effectively a superpower cowgirl at this point! Extremely big, strong, nad using the Rollout power to catapult herself at high speeds, she’s also become a contender in big time racing as well. Uses Miltank mods and LOTS of them; she’s had huge horns, hooves, a bovine tail, and sometimes multi boob when she feels like it.
Claire: Hyper hourglass traveling heroine, seeking out dragon Pokemon to save them from the corruption, often by besting them in physical combat. A hyper hourglass-type, she is incredibly strong, as befits her massive proportions, and bears many dragon-themed mods. Wings sprout from her back, her limbs end in fearsome claws, and her scaly skin resists damage like armor. She may even be able to physically transform into a dragon herself.
Roxanne: A studious, thicc researcher with an affinity for mods that make her more resilient and stonelike, and rumored to have actually spoken with the mysterious Regirock at some point. Sher certainly develops stony skin at times.
Flannery: Big-time hourglass with flame characteristics, and an enthusiastic prizefighter who can fight well against the Fleet’s best when they face off against her. She’s made use of various fire-like mods and strung them together so that she has awakened flame-themed powers by communing with her fire Pokemon friends. Sports a Torkoal shell, as well.
Lenora: A hyper thicc MILF; she’s a gentle soul who has opted to remain with the Fleet, intent on seeing legendary archeological discoveries with her own eyes. She is close with the Megido trolls, and forms a kind of team alongside them when they go to dig zones and ancient sites to explore or examine them. Her mods are mostly subtle (sub-dermal armor, hard nail-claws, enhanced muscles) but can be activated to enhance themselves and mutate for maximum effect. One of the main Pokemon characters of the AU! She can swell her tongue into a massive prehensile form like a Lickiliki, grow large Sawsbuck antlers, Braviary wings and talons, and the fearsome armor of a Kangaskhan mother.
Skyla: an explorer and ace fighter pilot, she enjoys traveling worlds with a small group of flying Pokemon she is working to fully counsel, and is friendly enough with the Fleet, though she finds them a bit wanton. She is thinking about signing up, maybe. Not much of a modder herself, she has still gone in for an unusual mod: built-in organic jet engines on her body, so she can fly on her own! Hyper hourglass, fit body type. She has multiple wings, the different sets various mixtures of avian pokemon (Swanna, Archeops, Braviary, and Mandibuzz), her arms can transform into the multiple limbs of a Drifblim, and she can sport fluffy feathers when she likes.
Olivia: A Fleet member with excellent reputation, a good-natured competitor who does her best to bring out all her opponents have to offer, she has bonded with her own Pokemon friends so well they can fight through her, fusing with her in order to battle effectively. She has innovated the Pokemon fusion techniques, to excellent effect. Hyper thicc, very tall, and Endowed as well. She’s got a wide variety of different mods to choose from, and her most common arsenal includes Armaldo claws and tail (with some armor mods based off them, too), Cradily tendrils, Gigalith spikes, and the jaws and fluff from a Lycanroc.
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
Pokemon in Crossthicc - Legendaries
Legendaries are some of the oldest and mightiest gods in existence.
Unlike many other deities, their origin is virtually impossible to pinpoint. Some gods came from mortals who were so influential that their heroism (or villainy) transmuted into belief, and they ascended to godhood. Others were dreamed into being, raw belief shaping cultural ideas and spirits into mighty beings out to protect their people. And still others were once alien entities that became attached to mortals, and were shaped by them and the power of belief.
But Legendary Pokemon, the monster-gods of the elements, did not arise from mortal belief in any way. They simply are. They cannot explain their origins and don’t seem to find it that interesting, and some may find it amusing to devise multiple stories based on what is most relevant to the mortal asking them. But they are, in a sense, the very first Pokemon, the first true elemental beings.
They often came to the mortal worlds, in ancient times, in special avatars akin to the Legendary Pokemon of canon; more limited avatars with as much power as they could manifest without breaking the cosmos, interacting with mortals as their more limited kin did, growing from meeting them, and constantly evolving, always remaining in tune with the universes they embody.
Ever since the cataclysm, they have been somewhat fractured, as their avatars have gone just as corrupted and this has badly affected the minds of their god-selves in their personal realms and sanctum-planes, splintering them and in some cases splitting the gods into shards with very different personalities. This has, in turn, had disastrous consequences on the concepts those gods embody.
The gods themselves are still uncorrupted, for the most part, but they are much weaker than they were, and cannot reintegrate their corrupted avatars until somehow those avatars are helped and befriended; in the meantime those avatars slumber as monstrous forces of nature, periodically awakening to unleash horrific destruction on galactic scales and then slumbering in magical realms, destroying all around them and weeping at what they have become. Part of fixing up the multiverse would require finding these avatars and bringing peace to them, allowing the gods to incorporate them and become whole once more. And it doesn’t help that some of those shards are incredibly violent and vindictive entities that embody that god’s most unlikable aspects.
The Legendaries, physically speaking, are much larger than in canon; even their small forms tower over kaiju, ranging to the size of mountains even when they are deliberately restraining themselves. In monster girl form, they can easily reach planetary size and beyond… again, without really straining themselves, and with absolutely ludicrous proportions and gargantuan figures that the mightiest warriors are stunned by. In their full power, the Legendaries are bigger than entire universes, and cannot materialize into the physical world for being far too large.
They are therefore a byword for raw power, and while the Legendaries are splintered, that doesn’t mean they’re not trying to take an interest. Many factions in the coming ages have gotten their interest and managed to earn the right to summon forth very limited avatars of them. While these avatars represent only a tiny fraction of their strength, these Legendaries are able to act on behalf of their greater selves, gaining power and finding new worship, tapping into ancient pools of power and regaining what they have lost. Those who help Pokemon are getting their attention, and the Fleet’s patronage of Pokemon has gained them divine favor. The Cobalts have accidentally done something similar. It is rumored that the Ringers have acquired the services of the Elemental Birds, at the least, but this has not been confirmed. In any case, finding Legendary avatars and freeing them of corruption is a major concern for all factions; it's both a matter of finding divine allies (the Legendaries are grateful for anyone who can help them) and common sense; corrupted Legendary avatars are beings of mass destruction who will annihilate anything they encounter, and letting them wander around will only end in catastrophe.
Legendaries actively working with the Fleet include the golem quartet (Registeel, Regice, Regirock, and Regigigas) Giratina, Lugia and Regigigas. They are part of the God Squad of divinities who form the Fleet’s local pantheon and are worshiped by it, though most of them pay a fairly passive role in the Squad as a whole. The Alolan Guardians may also have an interest in them, but it's hard to say if they are actually involved or not..
Legendaries who might a part of the Stingers include Kyogre, Ho-Oh, and the Legendary Beasts (Entei, Raikou, and Suicune). The Tao Trio may be covertly interested in them, or at least be worshiped by the Stingers.
Other Legendaries have yet to appear. Those who have are akin to mobile natural disasters, and it is vital not to summon them at all without extremely extensive preparations first.
There are natural-born Pokemon and monster girl Pokemon who appear to be made in the mold of the Legendaries (in case you want OCs or characters who are, say, Giratina girls), but they’re not usually particularly powerful. They might be descendants of the Legendary avatars and have not really inherited their divine power, and are essentially like Pokemon of the same type and a bit more raw power than usual.
Ultra Beasts
These entities deserve special consideration. They are considered Pokemon, for a certain value; they are similar in many ways but appear to come from another realm entirely. Speculation from various factions has settled onto the theory that they are Pokemon who found a way to subsist on the raw magic of the deeper parts of the magical planes, and are sometimes drawn to places in the mortal realms that have the same broad flavor. They have little control over this, and the experience tends to make them highly unstable and fearful; it’s hard to say if they have been corrupted or not. In general, it's safe to assume that they are indeed Pokemon, but ones that embody concepts alien to mortal realms.
The Endowed Fleet have earned the respect of a few Celesteela, and have learned to create powers emulating its powerful blasts and plant-like qualities; mostly she remains dormant and slumbers continually, but is willing to interact with others. Others of note include Guzzlords (who happily eats whatever they ask and tends to follow people around for snacks, bestowing the power of perfect digestion as a gift), and Stakataka, from which they have developed the Stacking Block power to emulate its assembled body.
The Cobalts, largely through the work of Lusamine and her followers, have managed to entice Nihilego, who has given them the power to parasitically merge with others for greater power, and Lusamine is fond of mutating her limbs into tentacles similar to Nihilego. Pheromosa has also conceded to aid them, as long as she is endlessly admired by those around her.
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twitchesandstitches · 4 years
Do you have any headcanons on Iris, Melony and Wicke you'd like to share?
Iris: she loves dressing up and feeling pretty, though she feels she shouldn’t. She thinks it goes against her cool, badass persona, but her more elaborate outfits are her leaning more towards this part of herself; she’s not a fashionista by any means, and her taste in clothing is... kinda tasteless, to be honest! But she knows what she likes.
crossthicc iris headcanon: she greatly admires dragons, wyverns (animallistc dragon variations) and other beasts of all sorts, and is gradually transforming into a dragon monster girl herself. She’s found herself a mentor in Lady Sybil Ramkin, a noblewoman of high status and higher respect in draconic circles, and Iris may have been taught by her since childhood; as they are both noblewomen, it works out the same!
Melony: Her motherly attitude is genuine, but its not her core; she is genuinely rather cold, even harsh and unyielding, as stern as the glaciers and hard-bitten cliffs themselves. She is kind and sweet because she has chosen to be, not because she’s naturally that way.
crossthicc Melony headcanon: She’s essentially the sci fi version of an ancient highlander warrior-queen, thrust into a situation where endless war to protect you and yours is no longer sensible or entirely practical, and while she’s having some difficulty adjusting, she is doing her best. she CRAVES a good fight, and does not really hold back except to ensure the fairest, most entertaining battle.
Wicke; She’s extremely non confrontational, to the point of being almost avoidant; she REALLY doesn’t like rocking the boat, for fear of making things worse, and so while she was in rebellion against Lusamine’s plans, she dealt with it by using subtler means and arranging things so that other, more combat-suited people could deal with her, and she cleared the way for them. She’s also not above setting things up so she is in charge, though she’s far from power hungry; she simply thinks she can help everyone that way, and views it as service to the good of all.
crossthicc wicke headcanon: she’s absurdly strong since she’s had thousands of children (human, pokegirl hybrids, and more), many cybernetic and bio-enchancements tested out on herself, and she’s gone through scores of increasingly better bodies, but this isn’t readily appearant. Wicke isn’t inclined to fight, though she does love adventuring and exploring lost places for treasures and making contact with new societies, so few realize how powerful she is. At full power, Wicke becomes so massive she can swallow up galaxies on accident, and her boobs and butt grow to such immense proportions they warp gravity around them like a super massive black hole.
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twitchesandstitches · 4 years
I’ve been playing through Pokemon Shield and I’ve got Ideas but one thing I’m conflicted about, as far as this AU goes, is Team Yell.
on the one hand, their aesthetic is PURE Fleet; the punky look, the face paint, the in your face swagger, that is exactly the Fleet’s entire look.
on the other hand, their cheerful subservience and dedication to cheering one particular person on, even if its not exactly welcomed, is absolutely the kind of thing the Stingers attract.
alternatively, I might make a dark horse choice and assign them to a faction that has had little attention, such as the Earthborn Coalition (their battle squads need lots of cheers to bring in views!) or the Ringers? whom, whatever sub-empire we’re talking about here, would benefit from that kind of thing. team yell might even constitute a specific battle role assigned to bard types and monster trainers to encourage more extreme fighting.
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
Is Jessie from Pokemon a part of this goofball villains?
absolutely, yep!
I’ve mentioned before in some detail that Team Rocket in the AU is a splinter group of the criminal underground of the HUman Commonwealth using their connections to forge their own empire, with little interest for the Commonweath’s diabolical ideals and who specialize in monster weaponization. Since this predated the Cartels concept, consider the Rockets to be a major crime family among them, if not a major power bloc and the ones who do all the monster-related stuff.
Now, Jessie (along with James and Meowth) were notable as being the odd ones out in that group, as they are too harmless/non-malicious to be involved in that. Thus I labeled them as part of the Stingers, and this is still true; the goofball villain is also present in the Stingers, though less regulated and not a specific job. It’s more a common niche Stinger adventurers do, as space pirates, world conquerers, and more straight forward supervillains.
they have a lot of presentation and have fairly tight standards. (For example, a Stinger villainess might stomp cities down, but it has to be part of a big scheme, and the people have to survive unless they have wronged the Stinger in some way. Random destruction is so unseemly!) They also tend to blur the lines between pop idol and space pirate, to the point that their supervillain schemes are called performances!
They also don’t really do their plans in Stinger territory, but on other worlds. These are usually to allure people and draw them into Stinger influence, wowing them with their power and sexiness, and soon they succumb beneath the weight of how cool the stinger idol-villains are.
Jessie is this specifically, with James, Meowth and her pokemon as her partners. Jessie is a giantess of respectable power (about 60 feet tall on average, she can go up to 200 feet when fully powered, and may get bigger) and usually demonstrates aspects of her pokemon. She can be an Arbox naga/lamia, manifest Mimiku’s ghostly abilities, develop a Likitung’s masive tongue and thiccness armor, a Wobbufet’s defensive powers and blue appearance (at the cost of immobility) and a Dustox’s wings. Usually she tends to focus on a single Pokemon rather than chimerizing herself.
Jessie has powered based around glamour and illusion to make herself look cooler, and it mixes with her powers; turning poisonous projectiles into autonomous clones, for example, or producing pyrotechnics out of nowhere. This makes her a FANTASTIC performer and stunt show woman, and she is extremely skilled at special effects. As a villain, though, she’s not very successful, but has a very popular fandom.
Jessie is a hyper hourglass with hips over four feet wide (proportionate to herself, of course) and breasts that can be as big as her entire body above the waist. Her backside is fairly large, though not QUITE as big as her boobs they are quite close! Her hair is her pride, extremely big, extremly poofy, and tends to transform the most quickly.
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
Jazz: TAKE COVER! EVERYBOT FOR THEMSELVES! WHEELJACK IS ABOUT TO DO AN EXPERIMENT! Wheeljack: Oh come on, i don’t blow up THAT often. Ratchet: Correct, not often, but all the time, and i am going to run away now.
Wheeljack scoffed; originating from a deep province in Simfur away from Functionalist control and the breeding programs that kept non-humanoid face patterns from appearing, she didn’t have a mouth (at the moment) but the express light-fins at the side of her head communicated displeasure. “Hmph!” When she spoke, the fins brightened and dimmed with the syllables. It was kind of like an audio visualizer. “You punks, stuff only blows up when I want it to!”
Jazz crossed her arms; considerably thicker in build (as befit someone with a top-line construction chassis), and she had unusual dexterity in adjusting it. Just the tilt of her hips and multiple sections of waist conveyed smirking doubt. Her actual smirk helped. “I’m getting outta here before it goes sky high!” She transformed into her current alt mode of choice, a very fancy shuttle car, and zoomed away to a safe distance.
Ratchet (older, heavily scarred and built like the ambulance truck she turned into) sighed. Her optics dimmed and she retreated behind the nearest barrier.
“Aw, c’mon!” Wheeljack complained. “You too? Fine! I’ll SHOW YOU ALL!”
Wheeljack said that a lot when she was annoyed. Not a great sign.
She pulled the lever, she put the toast into place, and then, she dared to flip the coins. Next came the fire extinguishers, the popcorn salt, the myriad other factors in this experiment...
Eventually, there was an explosion.
In the very same building, as the glass blew up and heavy robots landed, Wheeljack yelling about workign out what she did wrong, Wicke glanced up and sighed. “Ah. It must be Tuesday again. About time for Wheeljack to start.”
Mei and Symmetra, working in the same lab complex as her that day, nodded briefly, lowering their protective shields (an ice wall and a hard light construct in the shape of a stop sign saying ‘NO’).
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
Red Lantern Alighting
In the dark, there was loss.
In ages so often made dark and grim by the selfishness and vainglory of those who measured personal achievement in mountains of the dead, there were plenty who looked up from the bottom of the heap, and found something there.
Jackboots ground down on their faces, and the warlords who destroyed their lives cared nothing for the suffering they wrought. Tyrants, fascists, conquerors and world-wreckers all simply did their thing, and like incredibly inattentive farmers, did not realize what they were sowing.
The people ground down on the bottom learned well what it meant to suffer. To lose everything. And in the pits, in the slave arenas and at the end of an overseer’s whip, they learned the shape of hate.
And one day, on so many worlds stained with suffering, made into something filthy by despair and torment, a red star bloomed in the sky.
And those who suffered the most, burning on the inside, found a clawed hand extended to them.
And in his claws, there was a ring offered out to them.
“Make them pay.”
It was a common rumor, perhaps to pass the time, but there was enough of an edge to it to suggest some panic that remained in the news, all the same:
Ten thousand worlds are burning.
To many across the places touched by the Eunoianet, the magical web of communications, stories, and media that connected the Fleet worlds and kept their culture alive, there was some mild interest. Plenty took the news literally, and organized fire brigade fleets to put the fires out.
Blaster, an Endowed Autobot with a keen interest in xenosociology particularly as related to culture and music, thought something was off the moment she first heard the specific phrasing, and its connections to conflicts on a chain of interstellar empires.
“Ten thousands worlds,” as she told her team, “Is a kenning.” Her team gave her politely incomprehensible looks. With a look of delight, one of her daughters (a minibot named Rewind) eagerly leaned out of her seat, visor shining bright, faceplate wiggling excitedly.
Wicke, possibly one of Blaster’s closest friends in the theoretical engineering sub-sets, opened her mouth to say that she knew what it meant. Blaster shook her head repeatedly. ‘Let Rewind have her moment!’
Rewind spoke up. Like many minibots, she was human-sized; about seven feet tall, but so incredibly thick that she was almost that wide too (at least at the chest-mounted Energon tanks and her impressively massive hips), her heavily plated exterior indicating her preferred alt mode of a tanky attack drone. As she began to speak, her present siblings (both of them beastformers; a moody red robot rhino named Ramhorn and a yellow leonine tracker called Steeljaw) rolled their optics. “Did you all know? A kenning! Is a common term for a culture-specific metaphor, usually tied to folklore. Typically it is a shorthand for a more complicated concept, you see!”
Wicke, shifting about and balancing her gargantuan breasts onto legs easily thick enough to be bust-supporting shelves, nodded. “And what might this kenning refer to, dear?”
The other two of this particular mission winced at Rewind went into a needlessly and painful convoluted explanation with too much time spent on unnecessary asides on cultural context. Bismuth, rolled her temporary optics and tried to nap. A tricky thing considering that to save on space, she had installed her Gem into a fembot shell that at least matched her amazonian, outrageously curvy true form, but one of the things it couldn’t do was sleep. Smaller even than Rewind was arguably the most famous of them all; Toshinori Yagi, better known by his professional name All Might; once a massive tower of muscle and masculine charm, his self-sacrificing job as a Fleet champion had left him an emaciated wreck, his powers too dangerous to access often. Nonetheless, his experience made him a highly skilled mech pilot to channel his spirit. He was doing his best to pretend to be listening but was clearly suffering.
The gist of the lecture, in any case, was this: ‘a thousand worlds is slang, in this little intersection between a dozen or so little empires, for all known worlds’.
“So,” Toshinori said gravely after some thought. “It’s a great deal more serious than even ten thousand individual worlds!”
Bismuth’s fembot shell shrugged its expansive shoulders. “Honestly, you sure it’s even appropriate for us to get involved? I mean, I’m all for intervening, but the people in this area…” Her shell’s emoticon-displaying face cycled through a number of uncomfortable expressions. “They’re not gonna be welcoming or appreciate us.”
“The power structure could use a shake-up,” Steeljaw observed, his voice cultured, deliberately refined. This was the voice of a cat-bot who could somehow hold a cup with his pinky-claw out. It was a strange thing to see from someone who had grown up in a society where setting yourself on fire was considered a good icebreaker. “They’re… well, I shouldn’t SAY they are dreadful tyrants, by and by, but alas…”
“Can we kick their ass?” Ramhorn said hopefully. “Please tell me, we get to do some tyrant toppling!”
They looked at Blaster, to see what her vote might be. She thought about it and shrugged. “Personally I’d rather do what we can if trouble comes to us; I won’t say no to rescue, even if the folks around here yell at us. But actively dismantling their empire, however deserved, is really not a good idea. We’d need to work things out better before we decide if we have the RIGHT to do that or not.”
The ship approached the first world to investigate, and Toshinori’s eyes widened, the modded dark patches around them accentuating his shock. “I… do not believe we will have the opportunity! Look!”
They looked out.
The flames were bright on the windows, even from super-orbit.
They had seen continents, entire landmasses, on fire before.
They hadn’t often seen the landmasses in question rearranged to spell out an extremely crude message.
“...Ah,” Wicke said, wincing. “I suppose the worlds being on fire was not entirely a metaphor, then.”
The ship found stable orbit, relatively safe from most sensors, and with their on-board alchemizers and raw materials, it was a simple matter to build an observation station to live in and wait to come to some kind of a conclusion. If there was a problem with the Fleet’s organization, Blaster mused, it was that waiting for every participating citizen to come to some kind of a consensus took forever, even with cybernetic telepathic stations to work it out. At least with this small group, it was easier to work it out.
Rewind and Blaster were considered the best at stealth to go down and put the fires out; Wicke was undoubtedly the most powerful but her raw power made her inefficient at HIDING her presence, and they weren’t sure if they were ready for confrontation. Bismuth waiting for the all clear (and once she got it, she alchemized terraforming rainfall that put the fires out in days), and Toshinori had many sterling qualities to make him such a paragon, they put his face in the Big Book of How To Hero. Holding back or being stealthy was NOT one of those traits.
Before Bismuth got to work, Rewind gave her report to the others:
“Most strange, so very strange indeed? Did you know, it is very strange for there to be no one left on the planet?”
“The place WAS on fire,” Bismuth had said. Sourly, she had added, “Maybe they were attacking each other… this whole region is a mess of conquerors trying to kill each other. Yeerks looking for better hosts to enslave, elven supremacists, orks that kill everything just to get a better fight out of it…”
Rewind nodded. “Yes, certainly! But, there were NO bodies! Not on the scale that we ought to have seen!” She had paused, looking uncomfortable. “At the very least, those bodies were not killed by the fire.”
Wicke frowned. “What do you mean?”
Rewind was equipped with recording abilities, in her role as a scout. She did warn them first, though, that it would be graphic; Wicke often was employed as a coroner to study the bodies of metanatural encounters, Bismuth was a vetern of many revolutions, and Toshinori had been a hero for a very long time. All of them were acquainted with brutality.
Even so, they were taken aback by the horrors on the screen. “Oh… Arceus’ peg…” Wicke said softly, as they showed them ashen streets and bodies that were by then mostly… pulled apart. Heads were mounted on spikes, and were the only recognizable bit. Everything else had been torn apart, burned so badly and then pulverized into a meaty pulp to coat buildings and streets.
The Fleet was a rough place, and its heroes tended towards extreme fury and ferocity as a rule; nonetheless, this was extreme, even by the standards Wicke knew. “I thought you said fire hadn’t killed them?”
“Analysis indicates that they WERE burned to death, but not by the fires we see. It was a different sort of burning inconsistent with what’s ravaging the planets.
Bismuth had examined several other such photos. She was a ferocious fighter, even by the standards of her Dinobot partners (long since married to them, by this point), but even the greatest savagery of Grimlock or the combined fury of Volcanicus had a point; the shock was intended to terrify the enemy into retreat, or encourage allies to greater morale. This felt more like just randomized lashing out.
Toshinori didn’t much like what he was looking at. “Infighting, perhaps? This is just so… excessive, though. Why would they kill each other so brutally?”
“Rivalries? Combat doctrine?” Ramhorn suggested.
“Or maybe whoever killed them was really angry,” Bismuth suggested. “I’ve done stuff that… okay, not as bad as THIS but… when you’ve been ground done long enough, you’d be surprised what happens when you let that monster off its leash.”
Toshinori considered this. His eyes widened. “Oh…! Rewind, Blaster! You said there were no bodies found, yes?”
“Indeed, sir!” Rewind said. “No bodies besides these!”
“No ashes, then?”
“None that would fit the profile of the bodies, or any traces of incinerated corpses on the scale of an entire population.”
Toshinori looked thoughtful. “Perhaps there are no survivors because they have already been evacuated from the world.”
Bismuth brightened up. “Oh! That’d be a relief.” Perhaps thinking along the same lines as whatever was prompting Toshinori, she compared the visible mounted heads, stabbed on display by whoever had been angry enough to burn the whole planet down, and compared them with all Fleet records of multiversally-wanted villains.
Most of them matched someone on the lists, with the ones who weren’t at least suspected of awful crimes. Bismuth did not much dwell on the evil deeds attached to them; it was sickening to behold, but it was enough to know that very evil men and women had died this day. “Check this out. I compared the skulls to records of some serious bad guys, and they’re all… yeah, the multiverse is better off without them.”
Toshinori nodded. “As I suspected.”
Steeljaw was several times the size of Toshinori (who was tall for a human, but puny by Fleet women standards), but he gave him an adoring look nonetheless. “Sir, do you perhaps have an idea?”
Toshinori looked thoughtful. “Let us at least consider the idea that the downtrodden of this world may have had their opportunity to rise up, at least.”
“You think so?” Wicke said, raising an eyebrow. “This much destruction is rather excessive.”
“People who have suffered terribly, all their lives, often do not have much reason to hold back once they have the opportunity to strike!”
“True enough.” Wicke had turned, and other matters called their attention.
Bismuth’s terraformers conjured forth enough rain, with a mild connection to the Elemental Plane of Water, to put out the fires and render the planet suitable for all of them to at least walk on. Several days onwards, they landed to investigate properly.
As they suspected, there was no life on the planet anywhere. Blaster had flown across the planet in her preferred aerial form with a massive armory of sensory drones, and there was no signs of life; no organic presence, no living movement, no hints of the electromagnetic activity that marked the presence of synthetic life forms. And the ashes of burned things did not account for all the inhabitants being dead, either.
Several days, the mystery continued to deepen as they continued the search on other worlds, and the pattern on the first repeated itself. Uncannily the same, at that.
And it WAS a pattern; Wicke was certain.
Above them, far in the sky, a red star seemed to appear; the figure within watched them dispassionately, weighing their hearts.
They shone bright and good. But, he judged, they did not have the burning anger he sought out.
He contemplated the Gem, however. There was the spark of fury there…. Perhaps later, then.
The red light flew away, leaving the battleground behind.
And in the meantime, unaware of this, Blaster’s team continued to search. Unexpectedly, they found something interesting on one of the cities that hadn’t quite been exploded.
Blaster was over sixty feet tall, her minibot offspring incorporated into her body in cassette forms and channeling their power to her, so she could achieve a far greater size and curve level than normal, and she had to be careful not to let her waist-level bustline demolish things worse. Slowly she leaned forward, studying something on the wall. “I found something!”
Bismuth was in her true form now that she had room to grow, and she stood over a hundred and twenty feet, not even a trickle of her full power being used. SHe wasn’t just an amazon, she was a gigantic gray-blue beauty, her multi-colored dreadlocks shining bright, her gem core just barely visible in the cleavage of two massive breasts with lower slopes extending past her mighty thighs. Power crackled in her hard light body, and she was cheerfully refusing to reign it in. (“This much awesome DESERVES to be on display!” she had boasted, and kissed her biceps.) “Whatcha got there, Blast?”
Toshinori approached. While he did have his own powers, they were so strong as to be a serious threat to his emaciated body, and he preferred to channel them through powered exoskeleton frames; in this case, he operated a mech slightly too large to be considered power armor, but small enough to operate on a human scale, which seemed to be the standard size on this world. It looked like a brightly colored egg, with powerful limbs to channel his energies through and punch things, and a colorful aura of energy created a luminous V-shape above him from the back.
Its sensors relayed it to him. Toshinori studied it. “Graffiti, or perhaps a calling card.”
Wicke, standing at a very far distance from everyone else in case she suddenly needed to grow to fight (and would thus need a LOT of space; she could exceed planetary size without even putting in effort), linked up to Toshinori’s mech to see it for herself. “It IS more recent. I think this was left as a message.”
It was all red against the slag; a bright cherry-red color that would have been friendly if not for it being carved into the collected skulls of, apparently, the most cruel and hateful tyrants in the entire system. It had been burned into them, in fact, possibly by whatever had set the planets on fire, and then painted over.
It looked a little bit, then, like a round circle. Two vertical lines were set on either side, with additional zags moving outwards over that. There was a short message, written in an unfamiliar script similar to the Daedric alphabet. “A curious sign,” Rewind communed to Blaster. “It resembles that of the Green Lantern Order.”
“Green Lanterns?” Blaster said aloud.
Toshinori shifted. “Green Lanterns, did you say?” He looked at the sign. Bismuth and Wicke were running a translation cipher, comparing the letters to the most likely solutions. “They were an ancient order of heroes! They predated the Cataclysm by many eons; I suspect the last of them perished trying to fight that disaster, though they left behind relics and lore.” He patted his chest proudly. “My heroic predecessor, One For All, supposedly refined the power I carry with Green Lantern secrets!”
“So perhaps whoever did this was evoking their legacy?” Blaster said. Well, Ramhorn asked, and she relayed it.
Toshinori considered it. “I think that is possible, but it would be an odd thing. The symbol is different; the Green Lantern sigil was a, well, a lantern, with horizontal lines above and below.” He pointed out another thing: two circles inside the sign, at angles. “Nothing like that there. And it was green, of course. Not… well, red.”
Bismuth glanced aside. “It does look like a lantern, though.”
“Yes,” Blaster said thoughtfully, surrounded by charred landscape, burned by the rage of those suffering for so long. “A red lantern.”
“Got it!” Wicke said triumphantly. “The script originates from Beforus! A curious thing; It hasn’t been spoken since Beforus.was lost; it is similar to various forms that have derived from it since then, but… oh, just a digression, not that important.”
Rewind perked up, eager to hear more, but Blaster was in a hurry. “So why Beforus? It’s not anywhere near here, and these worlds didn’t have a significant troll population.”
“Yes. That is the difficult part. And the language is fairly obscure; there are a few figures who survived Beforus and gained the ability to avoid aging who would still speak it, but I can’t imagine what they would be doing here.”
The Condesce, Blaster thought. The Dolorosa, mother of vampires. The Grand Highblood. The Blue Arrow and executioner of the degenerate. The Psiionic, sailor of the stars. And the others, the founders of modern troll-kind and preservationists of their culture; most were within the Fleet, and all of them had at least spent some time with it, in the past. Most were accounted for.
But not at all.
Bismuth frowned as the translation software ran. “The symbol thing is a bit wonky; someone chipped away a few bits here and there. See?”
“Yes,” Toshinori said. “It looks a bit like like an incomplete circle, then. I wonder if it was sending a message?”
Blaster leaned in. “And with those little circles inside, it kind of looks like the astrological sign for Cancer, doesn’t it?”
“Ah, it does!”
Blaster chuckled. “Now that’s obscure, what does that even-”
Oh. OH.
Bright red colored. Mutant red.
A sign that looked like what trolls called the Iron Manacles, the Crab Claws.
And Beforan script, as would be remembered by someone who had actually lived through the fall of Beforus.
And now, she realized, she had seen this level of brutal destructiveness, this unfettered and passionate rage.
She kept it to herself for now. “Is that translation ready?”
“Yes,” said Wicke. She cleared her throat, and spoke aloud. “Bear in mind, this is quite a rough translation, and the software likes poetic meter, but nonetheless, this should get the spirit across.”
Wicke translated thusly:
“With blood and rage of crimson red,
“Passed on by those long dead.
“Together with our righteous hate,
“We will burn them all.
“No one else will share our fate.”
Wicke finished. “And it is signed… I think it translates as the Anointed.  Of… the Red Lantern Corps? I don’t suppose you know anyone by that term.”
“None that fit the situation,” Toshinori said. Bismuth said much the same.
“Kankri Vantas the first.”
Blaster said this heavily, with mounting shock.
The name called to mind a fussy and passive-aggressively angry young troll, a bit older than the likes of Terezi and her generation. “Uh, are you sure you have the right guy?” Bismuth said. “Kankri, you said? Chubby, really pretty? Has a really bad case of pent-up anger he needs to deal with?”
“Not him,” Bismuth said. “The other one.”
“What other one, I don’t- oh.” Bismuth’s eyes widened. “Oh.”
“The Sufferer.” Toshinori said, horrified. “He’s here!?”
“Or he was. It fits his… preference for rising up. But on a bigger scale. And of course, the Anointed is what Beforan religious practices named him. He’s never liked being called the Sufferer or the Signless.”
There was silence, then, for a time.
It was not bad news, exactly. But it was certainly concerning.
The Signless, the Suffferer or whatever you might call him, had come here. He had… slaughtered the worst of these worlds, and had done something with everyone else. The wording indicated numbers; the ‘we’ and all’. Perhaps… he had been recruiting?
For what?
They stared at the sign of a red lantern, shaped to be like the sign of suffering among trolls; an icon of enduring the unspeakable, a sign for those fighting to make a kinder world even if you did it on a tide of blood.
Kankri Vantas of Beforus was the kindest of his people. A living prophet to some, handing down law and covenant to mortals, fulfilling ancient prophecies and setting people free. He was a just man, a good man.
And he was also someone who had waged wars so bloody that even the Condesce, a woman no stranger to cruelty and ferocity, had been afraid of his savagery.
“Let’s get back up and upload our findings to the Eunoianet,” Blaster suggested. “We need to figure out what to do from here. And someone give the word to Karkat Vantas that I need to have a talk with him,” she said wearily.
“We’ve found his ancestor.”
(It should be noted that some elements of this fic aren’t exactly in chronlogical order.
Yes, the Signless is the leader of the Red Lanterns here, rather than Atrocitus. As it is, they are the only extant Lanterns, but the others will soon arise, more likely than not. This much is certain!
However, I’ve planned for Signless’ Red Lanterns to predate the Fleet, at least as a fully functional organization. He may either have been making it during his initial time with the Fleet, or at some point, the proto-Fleet’s founding families discovered relics that the Signless was inspired to create the first Red Power Battery and rings from; it could be that he’s only recently made them fully practical and is expanding his Corps’ reach.
They are intended as heroes; merciless, angry and destructive, but they are good guys all the same. Their job is to make the monsters fuckin’ BURN. They are not antagonists, but the Fleet does not yet know what to make of them!)
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
“Pinned Via (Ass)” Sonia: Hm? Oh, sorry, didn't see you there. You must be Wicke, right? It's rare to meet someone almost my size.
Wicke gazed up past the curves of tremendous buttock blotting out the sky, barely conntained in their fabric shielding, squishing into trees and buildings and her own landscape-dwarfing form!
Sure to leave an hourglass-shaped crater in the ground, Wicke struggled, without success. “Ah... good to meet you too, dear...!” she managed to say. Goodness, how many children had this young lady already bore? Or by what means had she made herself so powerful, to grow so large?!
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
it was just a dang genealogy record
Terezi sashayed onto a booth, one of the omnipresent little communications broadcasting to every cranial-mounted relay and telepathic network implant so that everyone in the fleet would hear her, and just barely managing to cram her frankly ludicrous curves into it, she made her case. “I know this sounds dull and way too bookkeeping-ish, but we need to install a genealogy records library.”
Every single thousand-plus member of the fleet responded in turn, and it took time for the system to filter it through.
“Yeah, sure,” agreed the Dinobots collectively. “Makes sense.”
The Gems were generally bewildered. Rose Quartz asked, “What,- what is a genealogy?” And some other gems echoed this.
On another ship, Sierra said, with the perfect assurance of someone who had no idea what they were talking about, said, “It’s the science of making your jeans look real nice.”
“NO,” said Undyne haughtily, on a lone fighter craft. “It’s for keeping track of your ancestors and kids!”
“Ohhh,” The Chystral Gems replied.
There was a long pause and then a lot of arguging amid the fleet that amounted to ‘why do we need one then?’.
Wicke, one of the curviest humans of all and with about the biggest hair to boot, softly cleared her voice. “Ah... I believe I understand. We are all pumping out children at a rate of a dozen every few months... and they will grow up, and want their own families, but considering how we romance anyone nearby without worry, this might cause some... ah.”
“Some what?” prompted Meulin Leijon.
Wicke sighed. There was no delicate way to say it. “We want to avoid our children accidentally finding mates with half-siblings, and a genealogy library would avoid that.”
There was much debate and arguing, but in the end, it was agreed that this was for the best, and so, over the course of many years, one was constructed to avoid the whole ‘accidental inbreeding’ issue.
However, such knowledge also provided evidence of which mods might be inherited. Valuable, combat-grade mods. The ones barred from ever being publicly sold.
It was an easy moment for a spy, traveling for a time with the fleet, to locate a copy.
And so, when they spy returned to their base, and presented a minor corporate lord of the feudal lands of the Miscella hyper corporation with a list of people who had inherited powerful abilities, that they could be reverse engineered from, it would prove to be a serious complication indeed.
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
since a big part of crossthicc is hype pregnancy/mass reproduction and all the fun stuff of having broodmothers for main characters - birthing numbers in the hundreds or thousands, modifying the young to be entire new species, making them genetically unrelated to themselves or their creator so they can reproduce normally - i had a worldbuilding thought: what if this is ncessecary to some degree?
it follows the vibe of the setting so far; the multiverse of Crossthicc is a DANGEROUS place. Rampaging armies of fiends periodically get spit out from magical hole sin the universe, laying waste to all they encounter. Pokemon rampage as mindlessly agonized kaiju, natural disasters that yell a lot. Warlords, conquerers, slavetakers ad corporate dominators are an ever present threat EVERYWHERE you go. And that’s not even getting into the giant monsters that show up everywhere, or the risk of some domineering woman growing larger and larger with her political and magical powers until she is a giantess and her appetite causes her to devour her armies and then her very world, the metaphor of conquest becoming literal as she EATS her planet and evolves to a titan of greed and narcissism.
Prior to the main events of the AU and its stories, death tolls were catastrophically high every where you go; most civilizations collapsed in the cataclysm of ancient days, many species outright went extinct in the chaos that followed, and countless more societies have risen up and collapsed since. And the multiverse is SO dangerous that all these disasters, wars and monsters destroy EVERYTHING in their sight. Lives are very brief, and people die fast, reproducig quickly just to keep society alive. And that’s not even bringing into the possibility of hyper voracious appetites from women who develop the more destructive kinds of powers.
The multiverse wasn’t half-empty, it had a huge crack in it and popluation number were constantly dropping.
That is, until the coming of the Endowed Fleet, the predominance of the Ringer empires, and the security brought by the Cobalt Stingers, as well as the other factions and interstellar groups produced by their wake.
When Sierra woke up the Matriatrix and devised its powers to imbue others with enormous fertility, limitless child-bearing potential and the power to grow stronger through it, she rammed this death toll right in its face and turned it around; she, her allies, friends and those who have the same fertility powers can produce so many children they can populate entire worlds, all on their own, and with the power from it, they and their offspring can take down those threats with a single blow.
Hyper pregnancy powers (like having babies by the thousands, growing them EXTREMELY fast and getting a power boost for every child born) are now increasingly common, with mods to enable them nearly universal. Even random unpowered characters are likely to be superhumanly fertile or virile, and so populations explode overnight, filling up a multiverse largely depopulated and empty.
this fits with the trend of Crossthicc’s overall vibe of an age of excitement and adventure, rising out of a seemingly endless era of darkness!
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