#curse breaker squad
icewitcher · 2 years
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I kept having brainrots about my Hogwarts Mystery oc, Arawyn Anderson, which brought me back to the game which led me to do this since I return to what I dubbed “the chaotic year” AKA the 5th year where several things happen in the game.
And I thought “You know what else would be funny ? adding problems to your oc through the power of backstory, author and artist privileges.”
And I did. Which is listed in the first part of my doodle but not everything will be explained here.
So first thing in the list: active dragon blood.
I have already mentioned in previous and an old post that Arwayn had dragon blood in her veins. A specific blood that has been given by the ancient dragon Elmyr and old friend of Morgana le Fay, one of the most reknown sorceress in history and tales/fairy tales depending if you are a muggle or wizard. But the wise dragon had given his blood to Arawyn because he recognized her as he scent her blood, the blood of Morgana, the blood of his only friend.
He also did this because this was the only way to save a 8 year old Arwayn from death after she was attacked by R’s henchmen who only wanted to kidnap her so that Jacob could take their threats very seriously but also so they can advance in their plans. 
(Let it be known that those who dare to do this instead of waiting like they were suppose to quickly regret it when they returned to the HQ. A very angry papa Anderson was awaiting them)
Now Arawyn had never have a problem with the dragon blood, she adapted to it rather quickly thanks to the advice of her family therapist which Elmyr found weird but he put it aside because he doesn’t know how much magic changed since the era of Arthur and his knights. He had kept his worries aside until his blood started to cause problems to Arawyn at the beginning of the summer vacation between her fourth and fifth year. Problems being her whole body being in pain and reaching a temperature that a human body isn’t suppose to have. 
This time the therapist couldn’t help so Elmyr took the 15 year old teenager under its wings so that he could understand what was happening or at least helping her to have enough control on of the dragon blood and her body so that she can return safely to Hogwarts for her exam year.
Next thing is another problem Arawyn deals with and this one does not please her at all: her wands (yes plural) keep breaking.
In game, Rakepick is the one to break MC wand as a warning but not in Arawyn’s lore. Her (first) wand broke during a class with Flitwick to learn new spells. After studying the method and the theoritical part, she was about to practise the spell but the moment she pronounce the spell, the unthinkable happen, her first wand, which should have been the only, broke. 
This is an event that sent her down into a spiral of negative thoughts and she couldn’t stop thinking about Jacob, his wand who broke too and all the bad things that has been said about him or her family. She was so shock that she hasn’t notice that she had been brought to her dorm with the help of Flitwick and Rowan. She only come back to her senses in the night, hot chocolate in hand, her baby crup sleeping on her lap and her Ravenclaw’s friends sleeping around her after they had passed the whole day at her side, trying to bring her comfort.
Knowing if she got up or move they’ll woke up, Arawyn had decided to stay with them as she was still surprised by the fact a wizard most important magical artefact broke in front of her class. Arwayn wasn’t ready to see anybody as she knew that anything happening to her or related to her could spread like a wildfire.
The next full rest day she got, Flitwick himself accompanied her to Ollivander’s shop so that she can chose her new wand. Surprise for them: Ollivander was awaiting them with at least 9 wands for Arawyn that he gave her as soon as she entered shop. Arawyn exchanged a look with the head of her house and asked  what she’s suppose to do with al these wands.
“News about you travels fast, miss Anderson. But I truly understood the situation when I received a letter from Dumbledore then your friends with the details of how your accident happened. I have a theory about why it happened but for that I need you to take these with you and, unfortunately, have them to suffer the same fate.”
“By same fate, you don’t mean... Have these magical wands that cost a little fortune to break when I’m about to use a spell, do you ?”
“I’m afraid this is what needs to happen. If they all are broken before the end of your school year, please, do contact me as soon as you can. But I cannot explain it to you until I am sure that my theory is correct. And this is the fastest way to know it.”
Arawyn returns to Hogwarts as confused and lost than Professor Flitwick or than the curse breaker squad after she tells them what happened. Although, she did asked for multiple therapy session each time a wand broke.
(Spoiler ahead: Arawyn only broke 7 of these wands this way by the end of the year: the fifth of the nine that Ollivander gave her was broken by Rakepick which earned her to be launched physically at a wall by Arwayn and the seventh was broken has she prepared to protect herself from the claw of the dragon guarding the vault of the cursed portrait.) 
Cursed vaults + Rakepick + Reckless friends
This is the last thing I will talk about in this post because they are all linked to the second image on this post: Merula freaking out over Arawyn’s lesson during a flying lesson.
Merula cannot simply believe what is happening and what she hears especially after they both saw Beatrice being prisoner of a portrait which could only mean one thing: another curse coming from the vaults has been released on Hogwarts and the first victim was a first year and Penny little sister. Which should have driven her rival even harder to find the fourth cursed vault as this one must hit too close for Arawyn.
And yet, here is she, hearing her rival affirming the opposite of what Merula thought she would do. The slytherin girl tries to understand what led Arawyn to take the decision of “take a break from cursed breaking adventures” as she said.
Was Anderson more affected by all the previous fights and curses than we thought ? Did her relation with her family went south because she searched for the vault ? Did R do something to her ? Did R actually come to confront personally Anderson and threatened her seriouly ? etc, etc...
All of these thoughts push Merula for the first time to summon a curse breaking squad reunion in Madam’s Rosmerta pub/bar/inn and inviting everyone so that she can adress the situation directly. And who knows ? Maybe having her friends around her will make Arawyn crack under the pressure.
But her plan... successfully failed because Arawyn is honest with all of them: she’s tired in a way that she can’t describe it because herself she doesn’t understand it. There’s also the fact that everyone keeps seeing her as Jacob’s little sister which she is but the way she kept hearing it, it irked her so for once and only time in a year at Hogwarts she wants to do something different than her brother: live a supposedly normal year in magic school like they were all suppose to if it wasn’t for these damn vaults. 
It makes sense to Merula but then Arawyn drop her last reason which kinda makes Merula see red.
“There’s also Rakepick to take into consideration.”
“What do you mean by that Anderson ? We should seize this chance to have the most powerful curse breaker as a DADA teacher to learn as much as we can and use her knowledge to find the vault and the curse then we can have our peaceful year.”
“I can’t believe I’m saying this but I agree with Merula. Rakepick is our best shot to save Beatrice and your brother. You haven’t seen him since 5 years, Arawyn. Or all the others students that might get trapped in a portrait.”
“Penny, I understand your feelings. But there’s a difference between saving people and walk into danger without a plan which you sound like you are about to do.” Arawyn sighed before to correct herself “What I mean is Rakepick’s playing on the long term plan, the patience game and the emotional game. All at the same time. Patience because she had waited for Dumbledore to invite her back at Hogwarts for investigating the vaults and stop their curse when she could have herself written a letter to him. Long term plan game because she knows that some of you are interested in curse breaking or dark arts or how to protect themselves from it. And she’s the one holding the knowledge so you are all going to walk in the palm of her hands which will make you trust her. But... Judging by how some of you is looking at me, she already had gained it. Which brings me to the third... game. If you trust her then without knowing it, you will expose her more weakness, more information about your friends, your family and she will use it at her advantage.”
“What for ?” asked Barnaby
“At minimal ? Drive a ledge between us. Worst case scenario ? An open fight between us where we would be hostile with each other, where we would be no more friends and when Rakepick eventually betray us, none of us will admit who was in the right and who was in the wrong.” answered instead Tulip but Arawyn nodded.
So you can already what happens next: The Verbal argument of Year 5 between the squad but sooner than canon and in a different place. Since they were in a place open to public and in Hogsmeade and that multiple Hogwarts students goes there, the teachers hears about it especially Rakepick who realizes that Arawyn has her figure out despite the small amount of information she has. So what was suppose to be a silent, cold, sassy and smirky war between Rakepick and Arawyn turned out to be an open, calculate and dangerous war, one that the other teachers doesn’t dare to step in except Flitwick because he cares for his student. And he can clearly see that this open fight takes a toll on Arawyn mental state.
Most of her friends doesn’t realize it but they became distant with her just like she said because of this fight too. And since she isn’t there to give them a plan they get into dangerous situation quite often. But Arawyn still tries to protect them and Bill help her because he gets it.
To summarize we have:
Arawyn, Bill, Rowan, Barnaby, Flitwick who are respectfully trying to parent, co-parent this disastrous situtation but also to be direct moral support.
The pro Rakepick: Charlie, Merula, Ismelda and Penny
The Anti-Rakepick: Ben, Tulip, Snape (surprise, surprise),and sometimes Arawyn, joined by Rowan too
The “we’re watching this drama happening” trio: Jae, Tonks and Talbott
The “Let’s forget the cursed vaults/problems for a day or two” gang: Chiara, Diego, Hagrid, Dumbledore, Matthias Pendragon (Arawyn’s cousin), Murphy, professor Kettleburn, Andre, Badeea
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hellpmeimobsessed · 2 months
Completely Random Recom Squad Headcanons
These are all purely based on vibes, if you disagree, I'm sorry. Feel free to add on if you'd like! There are 5 headcanons to each of the 12 members of the squad.
Doesn't get into trouble often
Longest tail out of the recoms
Personal space is a must
Plays acoustic guitar
Picky eater
Second youngest recom
Most playful recom
Eats the weirdest food combos like dipping his fries in ice cream
Occasional voice cracks the squad all immediately parrot to tease him
Peak troublemaker; mocks Quaritch playfully behind his back, pulls pranks, etc
Youngest recom
Best behaved; never gets into trouble, and will actively tell on more mischievous members like Fike and Wainfleet
A pretty good visual artist has sketches of random things and people, including the squad
The hat was a gift from his younger sister
He's easy to spook outside of missions, nerves of steel when on active duty
Says he knows Spanish; only knows basic conversation starters and curse words
Drama king when he gets sick; acts like he's dying
Can't sleep without noise
Plays Solitaire when he's bored
Burns water, can't cook to save his life
Impartial to shenanigans. Will simply roll his eyes, will stay out of it and quiet, but will not actively cover anyone, just says he didn't see or hear anything.
He wears a sleep mask
Fidgets with anything in his hands
His love language is food, whether he's making it or it's being made for him, either way to him it's a very clear "I love you"
He has the most contagious laugh
Reads a lot
Likes to strike up conversation about anything; he's a natural ice-breaker and extrovert, with a wide array of knowledge.
He's a natural heater; the headband keeps the sweat out of his eyes.
He's the only recom with one fang that's smaller than the other; it's his right fang.
He's really good at cheating at cards, but you can't prove it.
Extremely light sleeper.
Dad jokes; all the time
He isn't actually grumpy, he's just so used to having to act tough all the time and has a resting bitch face as a result
Movie buff; his favorite way to relax is to put on whatever movie looks good at the time, catches and makes movie references all the time.
Snacks a lot
Physical affection is his favorite thing, always putting a hand on someone's shoulder, putting his teammates in a playful headlock, etc
Will eat anything; the actual bottomless pit
Is allergic to cats and dogs
Likes comic books and is an avid reader and collector
Snores. LOUDLY.
Spiky exterior, soft on the inside, but the trust has to be well-earned
Keeps a journal
Takes frequent naps when and where she can
Has a stuffed Lynx plushie she's had since she was a child
Tosses and turns like no tomorrow when she sleeps
He has a fursona. It's a leopard.
Has a lovely singing voice; IF you ever get to hear it
Professional gaslighter
Has at least one plant; takes very good care of it
Shyest recom member
Friendliest recom member
Bear hugs for the win
Did her own tattoos and tattoos the others; Her favorite is a rubber duck on her inner thigh
Immaculate sorting skills; everything that can be reasonably alphabetized is, and her living space is pristine
Can absolutely demolish you at Tetris
Has an amazing intuition about people
Likes reading and writing poetry
Is the fastest recom member
Stupid lucky at blackjack; everyone's convinced he's cheating, but he's not
Hums his favorite songs while he does anything tedious or repetitive, like cleaning his gun or folding laundry
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chndelure · 1 month
i used to have a twitter for liveblogging about webcomics but twitter is dying so i deleted it a few months back. that said, i miss having a webcomic posting account so badly, so webcomic Tumblr Sideblog now
main is @asexualzoro and i read smth like 200 comics week to week because i am normal
some favorite comics are Lavender Jack, Eleceed, Your Throne, Castoff, and Broccoli Soup!, but i’m reading way more
longer list of comics i like below cut (not the full list of ones im reading). in alphabetical order, w some more favorites bolded
anything for you
ask white pearl and steven
a spell for a smith
baby tyrant
the beast of hadingley hill
the blind prince
the botanist
blood bound
brain in a jar
castle swimmer
circuits and veins
city of blank
the crimson lady
cursed princess club
the curse of pirate's bay
damselfish in distress
daughter of 1000 faces
the dark lord's confession
dark zone
divorcing my tyrant husband
desert duo vigilante au
doom breaker
DPS only!
the dragon tutor
dungeon death dispatch
eaternal nocturnal
elf & warrior
fictional skin
the first night with the duke
forever after
for my derelict favorite
four leaf
fox fires
from a knight to a lady
garden club detective squad
go away romeo
gourmet hound
grand ma
guide to the land of monsters
heir's game
heroes of thantopolis
high class homos
high spirits neoma
how to be a dragon
the hunt for the holy pearl
i abdicate my title of empress
icy copper
i'm the grim reaper
i'm the queen in this life
ingress adventuring company
i want to be a cute anime girl
jupiter men
the last dimension
like wind on a dry branch
the lone necromancer
lorena immaculate
love me to death
lucid memories
magical mom
magic words
makeup remover
miracle simulator
my husband changes every night
my in laws are obsessed with me
mythos redone
my sweet archenemy
nevermore (originals)
nevermore (canvas)
nobody's library
not so shoujo love story
not your typical reincarnation story
omniscient reader
parallel city
the peculiar compendium of victor van wolfe
plague muffins
the princess and the pirate
the princess plot
prism world
purple hyacinth
rain girl
the red archer
the remarried empress
rose tide rising
sable curse
school bus graveyard
seasons of blossom
the second lead syndrome
the secret knots
the secrets of soulford
see you in my 19th life
señorita cometa
seven days in silverglen
sleepless domain
soil that binds us
somminum theatre
soul food
space boy
space princess
the spark in your eyes
spellward bound
spontaneous world shifting
suitor armor
survival diary
surviving romance
susuhara is a demon!
sweet home
swimming lessons for a mermaid
tiger, tiger
to knight the faithless
to the stars i love
trash belongs in the trash can!
the tyrant wants to be good
the uncommons
villainess for hire
warrior executioner
when the third wheel strikes back
where the heart is
the wizard of cedel
the wrath & the dawn
yuna and kawachan
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toctua · 6 months
🐍INFO Characters 🐍 Noctua Lavinia Cowell -Profile
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▹ Date of birth: the 3rd of November ▹ MBTI: INFJ-T ▹ Blood status: PureBlood ▹ Wand: Hornbeam | Unicorn Core | 12 ¼ Inches | Flexible ▹ Nickname: Noc/Nock, Notty ▹ House: Slytherin ▹ Patronus: The king cobra ▹ Boggart: Werewolfs ▹ Amortentia: lime, eucalyptus, tooth powder, cranberry juice ▹ Animagus: The king cobra (registered by the ministry) ▹Ability: Occlumency, Parselmouth.
Personality: As a child, Noctua was a eccentric child. It was hard to tell what she was thinking or what she would do, often in her own thoughts. She had no friends due to the fact that she and her father lived in the wilderness and therefore the first year at Hogwarts was difficult for her. Communication with peers the first year was burdensome for her. As she aged, Noctua began to look more like a mixture of her grandparents. She seemed to many a well-mannered and responsible girl, although in fact she had a penchant for mischief and violation of school rules. In adulthood, she became more restrained and even strict, the atmosphere of the upcoming war could temper her character, but the oppressive atmosphere rather broke her. Noctua began to experience bouts of powerlessness and alienation, increasingly closing herself off from the outside world.
Basic facts:
▹ Provided that Noctua was not particularly outgoing her first year at Hogwarts, she showed great learning ability and was one of the top students at the school from beginning to graduation.
▹Noctua was especially skilled at Transfiguration and might have become Dumbledore’s favorite if not for her friendship with Tom Riddle.
▹Although she had no sympathy for the Gaunts, due to the stories of her father and grandmother about them, she considered it a privilege to be a descendant of Salazar Slytherin. She loved to talk to snakes, and devoted a lot of time to studying books about her great ancestor.
▹She had no problem getting a job at Gringgots Bank as a curse breaker. Mostly thanks to his father’s connections, and not an excellent certificate.
▹She adored her work and treated it with great enthusiasm and interest, noting for herself how much new she discovered for her. A tech-year internship in Romania was practically a salvation for her, if it were not for the intensified longing for her native England in the third year. ▹Noctua was expelled from the family for her ongoing communication with Tom Riddle, but the father did not find the strength to inform on the young Dark Lord, as he was afraid for the fate of his daughter, even though she was in exile.
▹She was terribly offended by her father because he expelled her from the family. She was homesick just as Eleazar was for her, but did not find the strength to return, rather out of irrational fear of her father’s reaction to her appearance.
▹Noctua died under the rubble by mistake of her squad, but according to the reports, it can be understood that Noctua had the opportunity to save herself, but she chose to save her trainee.
▹Died instantly, her ribcage was thinned with a large block of stone, when the vaults of the cave collapsed, which she and a detachment of curse breakers cleared out for the goblins from Gringotts Bank. ▹It is not known exactly where she was buried, as her family did not even receive the body and did not attend the funeral. ▹On Noctua, the line of Cowells from Ominis and Aena was interrupted, as Eleazar had no more children by blood.
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The Most Powerful Waitress
Chapter four
Chapter one: School's out
Chapter two: I'd hire me
Chapter three: No cure for me
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Rinse and repeat
It hadn’t taken Merula long to find a new job. The accidental magic reversal squad was desperate for new recruits, which should have been her first sign to run. Even if she’d only worked there for a few hours, it had been a nightmare. Cleaning up after people who did stupid things was not the job for her. She should’ve known, instead of getting sacked for the second time. What a start to her career.
She paced around her house, unable to sit down. What the fuck was she supposed to do now? Every other job sounded more boring than the next, but without a job she couldn’t build experience, couldn’t show people her capabilities. What other jobs were out there anyway? She paused. What other jobs were out there? She went into the library, there had to be something here that could help her. Her library had never let her down before.
The library was her favourite room. Despite its size it still managed to feel cozy, with the fireplace casting a red glow on everything and the smell of books. Three of the walls were lined with blue bookshelves and the other had a large fireplace with the best sofa she ever sat in. The thing was light blue, soft, large and square, making it so she had room to stretch out any way she liked. There were pillows in all shapes and sizes, so she could be comfortable in any position. She pulled out some books for inspiration and stretched out.
Accountant? Yeah never. Pouring over numbers all day sounded dreadful. What could be worse than filling other people’s taxes? She’d rather go back to the reversal squad. Architect? She had never been interested in buildings, but having her name on one did sound good. As she progressed through the books she noted the jobs that did sound interesting: auror, duelling champion, potioneer, researcher at the department of mysteries. Maybe even curse-breaker after all. Or maybe even a desk job. Surely there had to be paperwork that mattered?
‘Ru, you’re not going to believe this.’
Merula sat up when she heard Quinn, who had been out all day. She’d met up with Haywood in Diagon Alley, so Merula expected to hear all kinds of gossip when she got back. But Quinn’s face was a mixture of emotions she didn’t expect to see if this was solely about gossip. She rearranged her books and notes, allowing Quinn room to sit next on the sofa too.
‘I found a place, or Pen did. She asked me if I had a house yet and when she heard I didn’t, she came with this one.’
Her eyes widened. Even though she didn’t know what to guess, this hadn’t crossed her mind. She scrambled for a response, but all that came out was, ‘Oh’.
‘I mean it’s perfect.’ Quinn’s eyes gleamed as she spoke.
Normally Merula would’ve found this sweet, but right now all she felt was shock. She didn’t say anything though, not moving in together yet had been her idea after all.
‘It’s this little studio in a side street of Diagon Alley, I’ll be in the middle of everything! And it’s quite cheap because it’s so small. But I still can’t afford it right now, I only had enough for the deposit. I tried to tell Pen that I still don’t know when I’ll start working, but you know how she is. She paid the first month rent and insists she will pay more until I can pay her back. She’s going to help me move in tomorrow.’
‘Yes and Andre is coming too, we bumped into him running an errand. He wants to get me curtains and needs to measure the windows. And-’
‘Wait, let me guess, house warming party on Saturday?’ Merula couldn’t keep the bitterness from her voice. This went waaay to fast. She’d never expected Quinn to find a house the first day she went back to real life. In her mind Quinn would’ve taken a few weeks <i>at least</i> to find something. She crossed her arms in a huff. ‘You could’ve just left if you wanted to get away from me so bad.’
‘What are you getting at? Not moving in yet was your idea! You said you needed your space.’
‘I’m not making you move out right now! You can take months, I don’t care.’
She wouldn’t have minded. This whole vacation had gone better than she could’ve imagined, because she kind of expected Quinn to get on her nerves. She’d worried Quinn would’ve wanted to spend every second together, which she did, but she hadn’t complained once about Merula’s need for time alone. Which to Merula’s surprise she hadn’t needed as much of as she thought. Reading together in silence worked as well as reading alone. They had a few arguments, mostly in the morning, but nothing serious.
Mornings hadn’t been as bad as she expected anyway. Because Quinn had fun making meals, she’d made almost every meal the past few weeks, including breakfasts. Even though Merula still disliked mornings, fresh meals made it better.
But the best had been just having her by her side, to be able to cuddle, kiss and everything else whenever they wanted. No one to look out for or having to be worried about being interrupted. They’d have to plan for that now, starting tomorrow apparently!
‘You’re just in a hurry to leave me!’
‘I’m not! I would stay if you asked.’
‘I’m not going to beg you to stay. I don’t need you.’ Merula spat. ‘Just go and have fun with your friends.’
‘Fine.’ Quinn’s voice had gotten soft and low and Merula knew she hurt her. But at the moment she didn’t care. She wasn’t the one that had decided to leave! ‘I guess I’ll go tell Pen that we can have the housewarming this weekend.’ Quinn got up and sped out of the library.
Of course something like this would happen. She should have known, nothing good ever lasted. Let Quinn tell Haywood to have that stupid party, but they better not invite her!
She got up and hurried to her bedroom. Quinn’s trunk laid open on the bed and Quinn stood next to it, gesturing at the large wardrobe. Clothes flew out, folding themselves on top of each other. She raised her eyebrow at Merula for a moment, but kept her focus on her clothes. Merula leaned against the doorpost and watched her. Despite her conflicting emotions, she couldn’t help but marvel at Quinn’s seemingly effortless use of both wandless and non-verbal magic. She’d taught her well.
‘There is no housewarming party this weekend?’
‘Give me a moment and there will be.’
‘I thought you’d have one.’
‘I will, but I wanted to do it next weekend. I wanted to spent time with you, but I guess you did get tired of me.’ She kept gesturing at her clothes.
‘I didn’t.’ Quinn gave her an expectant look at those words and Merula sighed. ‘I want to spent time with you too.’
She finally stopped. ‘You know, this is fast for me too. But I’m not passing up on a perfect studio just because it’s fast. Besides Penny wouldn’t let me anyway.’ Quinn smirked a little and Merula rolled her eyes.
‘Typical Haywood.’ They were both silent for a few moments. ‘So, uh, you still want to come over?’
‘Absolutely.’ Quinn came over and hugged her tight. ‘I love spending time with you.’
‘Good.’ Merula hugged her back. It would take time to get used to this new reality. Outside of the summer vacations they’d seen each other every day for the past seven years. Every day! Now they would have to plan. She nuzzled Quinn’s neck. It would be fine, things would be fine. They could plan. It wouldn’t change things, wouldn’t change them.
Quinn kissed the side of her face. ‘So, how was your day?’
‘It sucked. I need a new job.’
‘What went wrong with this one?’
‘People are dumb, that’s what went wrong.’ Her frustrations about the day resurfaced with a force and she let go of Quinn so she could fall backwards on her bed. ‘The reversal squad is all about cleaning up after dumb people doing dumb things and having to pretend it’s fine. It’s just a mistake. This can happen to anyone.’ Merula buried herself deeper into her bed with a groan. ‘I tried to be nice about it, but then we answered this call about a young man getting himself splinched.’
Of course it had to be Barnaby. He had been trying to get his apparition license. All he had left to do was to apparate from a field near the Forbidden Forest to the other side of Hogsmeade. Something he should have been capable of, but he failed because he saw a hippogriff flying over the forest. ‘A really pretty one!’ According to him. That unbelievable oaf got himself splinched over a hippogriff and ruined his exam. She hadn’t minced words when she saw him, because he should have done better. But her supervisor and Barnaby had for some reason decided she was rude and insulting, like it was her fault Barnaby had been as stupid as he had! But apparently they couldn’t work with someone as difficult and rude as her, so she had to leave. Well, it wasn’t like she had enjoyed any second of that job, so good riddance to them!
‘Is Barnaby okay?’ Quinn asked when she finished. She had joined Merula on the bed, sitting cross-legged against the headboard.
‘Of course he is. They found his ear and toes and reattached them. He’s fine.’
‘Oh, good!’
They were silent for a moment and Merula decided to summon her notes. ‘I was actually doing research when you came in.’
Quinn looked over them. ‘Are you going to try any of these jobs?’
‘I don’t know,’ Merula sighed. ‘I don’t know what I want. I mean, I know I want something exciting. Can you imagine anything worse than being stuck with a boring job? These jobs sounded okay to me, but I don’t know. What do you think?’
‘I think you might make a great duellist. You’re fast, very brave and you pick up new things in a flash.’
‘I do like a good battle.’
A ticking noise sounded from the window before either of them could say something else. A long-eared owl perched on the window sill and continued tapping until Quinn opened the window. Meanwhile, Merula summoned the bowl of snacks she had for the owls that delivered the paper and brought it over.
‘It’s for me.’ Quinn sounded surprised when she took the letter. ‘And it’s blank.’
‘Let me see.’ Merula turned it around and cast a few spells, but the parchment remained blank. ‘Do you think someone is pranking you?’
‘I don’t know. It doesn’t even have a name- wait, look!’
Words appeared on the backside of the letter.
I can fill up a room and take no space. When I’m gone darkness takes my place.
‘A riddle, and a really easy one too.’ Quinn frowned and took the letter back.
With a swift hand movement she cast lumos and shone the light on the parchment. Next moment dark blue ink appeared on the letter.
Dear Quinn Lee,
Your first day is tomorrow. Report to the ministry at half-past nine o’clock.
‘That’s it?!’ She turned the letter around and shone the light there to no avail. ‘I still don’t know anything. Report to the ministry? Do they realize how big- Fuck!’ The letter went up in flames and Quinn flapped her hands around.
‘Come sit.’ Merula gestured at the bed and went to get burn-healing paste. She massaged Quinn’s hands when she applied it.
‘So, tomorrow.’
‘Apparently, except I still don’t know where to go, or who to meet, or what I’ll be doing.’ Quinn pursed her lips. Then she perked up. ‘I’m going to make us a nice dinner.’
She got up so fast that her circle skirt twirled around her legs. Merula let her go and waited a bit before following her into the kitchen, giving Quinn a moment to gather herself and push any sort of anger or frustration down. Not that Merula would mind seeing Quinn like that. If you asked her, anger was a perfectly healthy outlet for frustration or just about any other feeling. Sometimes the world deserved to be set on fire. For some reason though, Quinn didn’t like being angry, especially not about things she couldn’t change. Or thought she couldn’t change, like this job. From what Quinn told her Moody and Dumbledore had arranged this job for her, expecting her to be grateful about it. Even though they never asked for her opinion. Merula didn’t understand why Quinn worried more about disappointing them than having a job she wanted, but she thought getting angry was useless and she’d rather be happy. Well, whatever worked for her.
When she thought enough time had passed, she went to the kitchen. Another thing she wanted to change, but had no idea what about what she wanted. It had pink quartz countertops atop white cabinets running along two walls and a white sink underneath the window overlooking the garden. The table in the middle and its chairs matched the colour scheme, as did the stove that was built into the other wall. Her dad had done the kitchen and while Merula liked pink, this was too much. She needed to take some time to at least try out some new colours.
Quinn stood by the window, kneading some dough with such force that her ponytail swung from side to side. The muscles in her arms tensed as she pressed into the dough and folded it over and over. Merula walked over and put her arm around Quinn’s waist.
‘Fresh pasta?’
Quinn hummed an agreement.
‘Hey,’ Merula gently bumped her hip, ‘you’ll do fine tomorrow. You are the second most powerful witch, they are the ones who should feel honoured to get to work with you, not the other way around.’
‘I just wish I knew more about it. I don’t know what am I going to do, or where. I mean, do they even want me or did they get as much choice as I did?’
Ah, so that was her real issue. She should’ve known. ‘Oh please, everyone always loves you, where-ever you go. They might not know it yet, but they’re going to love you. It’s one of those annoying things about you.’
The corners of Quinn’s lips turned up a little. ‘You think so?’
‘No, I know so.’
Quinn turned and gave her a quick kiss, which reminded Merula.
‘You forgot to greet me with a kiss today.’
A mischievous smile spread on Quinn’s face. ‘I did, didn’t I? I was hoping you forgot about it.’
‘Cheeky. I’ll keep that in mind when I think about a way you can make it up to me.’ She gave her another kiss before letting go to sit at the table.
Quinn resumed working on her dough. ‘What are you going to do tomorrow?’
‘Find a new job.’
Maybe she’d try the dreaded desk job. As long as they didn’t make her clean up other people’s messes it couldn’t be as bad as the reversal squad. Might as well try something new, until she figured out what she wanted. She could start at the ministry, plenty of desk jobs there. Knowing herself it would be mere hours before she had a new job, she could be quite convincing if she wanted to. If only this one would stick.
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retphienix · 3 months
I am once again promoting the arc thrower (and requesting you learn how to actually use the arc thrower) because I love it so much and it's such an invaluable asset in a team setting.
Infinite ammo so you're less of a drain on resources- allowing more spammy weapons to be more useful for other players and for resupplies to be used more often for stim/grenade refills over "I ran out of ammo" situation.
Insane crowd clearing potential against both enemy factions, just aim towards them and fire- you only need to charge about 60% of the way after the first shot (full charge if it seems to stop firing properly to "reset" it), watch as your team alerts like 2 patrols the entire mission but you still ended up with 3-400 kills compared to them (not a brag, it's The Arc Throwers ROLE!!!)
This weapon is one of the absolute best swarm control weapons in the entire game, vastly outperforming all primaries (breaker be damned) and support weapons in regards to this role.
It also has a consolation prize of being "Okay" at handling heavies, but it's super not its role. You can spray lightning at a charger and kill it in like 20 shots which is "fine" and has the benefit of not caring about the armor at all, but that's still like 2 full charges and you dodging before it falls. Serviceable on normal difficulties, a death sentence of "Let's just send 4 chargers and a bile titan at them" difficulties. So if you're playing solo you're either going to be bringing exclusively strategems to handle heavies, avoiding all heavies, cursing under your breath at all heavies, or just swapping to the railgun's heavy reliability lol
The arc is like the best swarm tool for both bots and bugs, ignoring armor across the board and just puncturing them for free collaterals. Love this thing.
If you heed my call to throw lightning at the enemies of managed democracy, then keep in mind that as an arc main you're really trying to hone 2 skills.
POSITIONING. Because you want to make the 'arcs' of your thrower take out multiple ENEMIES every shot, not arc to teammates. It targets the nearest enemy to your (effective) crosshair with a preference to targeting whatever is closest to you between you and the crosshair, meaning you can't shoot over the shoulder of a teammate too effectively- please don't try (unless necessary), and it arcs AWAY from "you" if applicable or to DIRECTLY ADJACENT targets, so try aiming at the heart of packs of enemies or, if a teammate is "near" target the enemy furthest your teammate in a horizontal sense (furtherest left of them etc) to sort of "trim" the horde's edge and avoid melting your teammates helmet into their skin.
Part of what this means is you're not "really" going to be flanking too extremely with the arc because you don't want to end up opposite your teammates as you'll arc THROUGH the enemies and to your squad. 90 degree flanks are good, 180 are BAD (generally).
This also means elevation is god tier, in all scenarios you'll find that swinging the camera up as you fire to shoot ABOVE enemies does a good job of tricking the arcs into clearing terrain and hitting your target- elevation can alleviate the need to aim "above".
Situational awareness is half of the purpose of emphasizing positioning. This ALSO is in regards to the Arc's weakness. Nearby enemies. If an enemy gets within melee range then the arc really struggles to hit them resulting in you needing to either swap weapon, melee, or dive/run backwards to get proper "mid-close+ range" to properly use the weapon.
The arc is effective from roughly 52~ meters to roughly 3~.
Timing! Because the arc thrower does not need to charge to full to fire at full efficacy. Charging to full is more to "cement" that it will fire properly- useful for if it decides to stop firing properly and you need to shake it into acting properly. Timing to fire as fast as possible results in the thing shooting at nearly double the fire rate of someone charging to full each time- with no downside outside of the skill check of "if you let go too early then you don't fire at all!" so practice and get that rhythm!
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II Legion "The Conquerors of Steel"
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Legion Name: The steel breakers
Legion Number: II
Primarch: Jovian Malleolus
First Captain/Legion Master: Argento Lombardi
Legion Specialties: 
Asymmetrical warfare: The legion specialized in guerrilla and sabotage warfare, crippling enemy factories, war machinery, communication, and energy sources. They collapsed the infrastructure needed to sustain any war effort.
Anti Armored support: Thanks to their specialized weapons and mutations, they offer support against armored forces exceptionally well. Their tesla/arc weapons leave most heavy vehicles inoperable as they fry the circuits, make the power source combust, or make any explosive inside the vehicle explode. They are exceptionally effective against any machine or man wielding any kind of energy weapon since their arc weapons generally make them malfunction in a gruesome fashion.
Combat Doctrine:
While they specialized in sabotaging their enemy's forces and rendering their war machinery useless, they often aimed for range combat with armored support whenever they engaged in a large-scale conflict. This doesn't mean they are incompetent in melee combat; they just don't see the logic of engaging mele in the middle of a warzone, saving mele and short-range engagement to their more precise engagement. 
Characteristic Legion Training:
Endure Anything: Training in this chapter emphasizes the need for any squad to be ready to endure any trials they find themselves in. They produce tough, durable brothers with diverse specialties. 
Special Equipment:
Rare Weaponry: The Legion has a large stock of weaponry considered rare amongst the other Chapters. Wielding one of these weapons in battle is a symbol of honor.
Special Vehicle: This Chapter prefers to ride into battle in more modern conveyances. While the traditional Space Marine vehicle is the Rhino, other Chapters may use rare vehicles as primary transport. Examples: Modified Rhino, Land Raider, or Land Speeder
Warcry: "From the flesh and blood that had been taken from us, we endure the curse of steel!
Legion Geneseed: 
The geneseed have a particular mutation that over-stimulates the cells of the body, making them generate and store energy which can later be released as electricity, which is shown in the astartes as glowing blue marks on the body. This mutation makes the acceptance rate somehow low. This required the astartes to use modified equipment to avoid malfunctioning.
Legion Culture: 
"Purity of Man." Jovian Malleolus has taught his sons the belief in the strength of the human body and humanity as a whole, and anything that contradicts that belief is despised. They understand the great sacrifice of men and women during the war when they risk their lives and bodies for their duties. Those who use cybernetic implants or prostheses after putting their life on the line for their fellow soldiers should be held in high regard and respect as they lose something that can't be recovered. 
They had an unspoken animosity with the mechanicus for the same reason. They butchered their bodies, willingly replacing the gift of flesh with the cursed metal. It filled them with disgust and contempt. Any person who defiles the human body, either their own or someone else's, should be punished because they are taking away something that can never be recovered. In modern times this belief has also extended against the forces of chaos, the genestealer and tyranids. 
Armor look and color
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Before being assigned to their primarch, they were known as the machine breaker. Sadly, The legion didn't earn such a title because of a glorious battle but because of their geneseed mutation, which made the legion members naturally generate and expel electricity through their bodies. This led to many equipment and vehicles constantly malfunctioning by the sudden discharge of electricity, which led to the mechanicus shunning them, leaving them quite often ill-equipped and fending from themselves. 
After The Emperor brought them to their primarch, he began to use his influence to aid his men, giving them proper equipment for their unique bodies and teaching them how to harness the power of their mutation. The legion began to take the teaching of their primarch at heart, especially after hearing his stories about his life on a planet controlled by an AI and how they managed to beat it. Soon they become one of the most resourceful and self-reliable legions, primarily because of their strained and almost hostile relationship with the Adeptus mechanicus, who shunned them for so long.
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grimdarknesstales · 11 months
II Legion "The Conquerors of Steel"
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Legion Name: The steel breakers
Legion Number: II
Primarch: Jovian Malleolus
First Captain/Legion Master: Argento Lombardi
Legion Specialties: 
Asymmetrical warfare: The legion specialized in guerrilla and sabotage warfare, crippling enemy factories, war machinery, communication, and energy sources. They collapsed the infrastructure needed to sustain any war effort.
Anti Armored support: Thanks to their specialized weapons and mutations, they offer support against armored forces exceptionally well. Their tesla/arc weapons leave most heavy vehicles inoperable as they fry the circuits, make the power source combust, or make any explosive inside the vehicle explode. They are exceptionally effective against any machine or man wielding any kind of energy weapon since their arc weapons generally make them malfunction in a gruesome fashion.
Combat Doctrine:
While they specialized in sabotaging their enemy's forces and rendering their war machinery useless, they often aimed for range combat with armored support whenever they engaged in a large-scale conflict. This doesn't mean they are incompetent in melee combat; they just don't see the logic of engaging mele in the middle of a warzone, saving mele and short-range engagement to their more precise engagement. 
Characteristic Legion Training:
Endure Anything: Training in this chapter emphasizes the need for any squad to be ready to endure any trials they find themselves in. They produce tough, durable brothers with diverse specialties. 
Special Equipment:
Rare Weaponry: The Legion has a large stock of weaponry considered rare amongst the other Chapters. Wielding one of these weapons in battle is a symbol of honor.
Special Vehicle: This Chapter prefers to ride into battle in more modern conveyances. While the traditional Space Marine vehicle is the Rhino, other Chapters may use rare vehicles as primary transport. Examples: Modified Rhino, Land Raider, or Land Speeder
Warcry: "From the flesh and blood that had been taken from us, we endure the curse of steel!
Legion Geneseed: 
The geneseed have a particular mutation that over-stimulates the cells of the body, making them generate and store energy which can later be released as electricity, which is shown in the astartes as glowing blue marks on the body. This mutation makes the acceptance rate somehow low. This required the astartes to use modified equipment to avoid malfunctioning.
Legion Culture: 
"Purity of Man." Jovian Malleolus has taught his sons the belief in the strength of the human body and humanity as a whole, and anything that contradicts that belief is despised. They understand the great sacrifice of men and women during the war when they risk their lives and bodies for their duties. Those who use cybernetic implants or prostheses after putting their life on the line for their fellow soldiers should be held in high regard and respect as they lose something that can't be recovered. 
They had an unspoken animosity with the mechanicus for the same reason. They butchered their bodies, willingly replacing the gift of flesh with the cursed metal. It filled them with disgust and contempt. Any person who defiles the human body, either their own or someone else's, should be punished because they are taking away something that can never be recovered. In modern times this belief has also extended against the forces of chaos, the genestealer and tyranids. 
Armor look and color
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Before being assigned to their primarch, they were known as the machine breaker. Sadly, The legion didn't earn such a title because of a glorious battle but because of their geneseed mutation, which made the legion members naturally generate and expel electricity through their bodies. This led to many equipment and vehicles constantly malfunctioning by the sudden discharge of electricity, which led to the mechanicus shunning them, leaving them quite often ill-equipped and fending from themselves. 
After The Emperor brought them to their primarch, he began to use his influence to aid his men, giving them proper equipment for their unique bodies and teaching them how to harness the power of their mutation. The legion began to take the teaching of their primarch at heart, especially after hearing his stories about his life on a planet controlled by an AI and how they managed to beat it. Soon they become one of the most resourceful and self-reliable legions, primarily because of their strained and almost hostile relationship with the Adeptus mechanicus, who shunned them for so long.
0 notes
tnott · 1 year
continued from here with @thcbriightcst
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It wasn’t the first time that Professor Vector had assigned a group project, nor was it the first time that she had assigned them specific partners. All the same, Theodora was not prepared to be paired with Hermione Granger – the stuck-up, know-it-all teacher’s pet, always soaking up all the sun, gaining points for breaking rules — even laws. She was insufferable.
At least this year the annoying bint was taking a reasonable number of classes. There had been something fishy going on in their Third Year; it was almost like she’d been given a time-turner. Who knows? Maybe she had. McGonagall would surely do anything for the golden girl of Gryffindor.
(Theo wasn’t jealous. She wasn’t. Even if Granger did outscore her on every exam, no matter how hard Theo studied–)
One single good thing could be said of Granger. Unlike many of her housemates, she wasn’t a shirker. She’d surely pull her weight. If there was one thing Theo couldn’t stand, even more than being outperformed by a Muggleborn, it was people who slacked off on group projects, leaving her to do all the work if she wanted to avoid a failing grade.
Now came the hard part. Theo didn’t like Granger. True, she didn’t go out of her way to make the girl miserable; she had better, more productive ways to use her time. But Merlin, she couldn’t stand her. However, if they were going turn in a project that was the best in the class – and the best was the only acceptable result, as far as Theo was concerned – then Granger was right. They would have to work together.
“Look,” Theo said, leaning her elbows on the table and eyeing Granger sharply. “I don’t like you, and I know full well that you don’t like me. But yes, I’m willing to put that aside, because I think the pair of us could give Vector the best project she’s ever seen. So let's get cracking, yeah?”
Pointing to a passage in their textbook, she said, "I found this section interesting, where it talks about curse-breakers using arithmantic formulas in their work. I suspect most of our classmates will skip over it, so we shouldn’t have any competition. And who knows? Maybe we’ll also learn something about curses that will be of use in our Defense OWLs. Merlin knows that hag Umbridge isn’t going to teach us what we need to know.”
It might surprise people to hear a Slytherin speak ill of Umbridge, but the silver I of the Inquisitorial Squad was conspicuously absent from Theo’s robes. It had been easy enough for Theo to avoid being pressured into signing up; she’d simply complained, quite vocally, that the extra responsibilities would cut into her study time. Her fellow Slytherins all knew how seriously she took her grades, so her refusal had surprised no one. Of course Slytherin’s swottiest resident would resent any effort to distract her from her schoolwork.
Privately, though, she thought all the fawning and toadying her housemates were involved in was embarrassing. Yes, getting into the good graces of people with influence could be a solid strategy for advancement, but there was such a thing as pride. And given the outright rebellion Umbridge was facing from both students and staff, Theo wasn’t sure the woman would remain in power long enough to be a useful connection.
0 notes
gnarf · 3 years
This is so cute I just had to!
Thanks @l0vegl0wsinthedark for tagging me 😍
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Draco was used to his life being more complicated than necessary...
So used to it...
He had always thought getting the Dark Mark would be the worst that could happen to him. Even after signing up as a Curse-Breaker, and he had seen some horrible things there.
All of this changed the second fucking Potter ran head first into danger once again and straight into a trap Draco hadn't yet dismantled.
Now Draco himself was trapped, taking care of adorable toddler Potter for the weekend until the Ministry found something to fix Potter's dumb ass.
How does one deal with a tired saviour whom refuses to take naps?
Tagging whoever wants to do one too 😍
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littlenimart · 6 years
i.. just found your blog and as someone curently playing a kenku warlock in cos.. blease.. thank you this is a blessing
screams @comicbookprincess Pluck has a fannnnnn
she’s a blessing to our party… a sweet undead bird cleric who has never done anything wrong in her life. she puts up with so much shit from this crew.
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icewitcher · 4 years
The whole disastrous curse breaker squad is here:
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And that is a bad thing since I'm (still) in year 5
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Arawyn: Were you obligate to sigh ? Even though I share your opinion...
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Tulipe: Me or you, Arawyn Anderson ?
Arawyn: Go ahead...
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Arawyn: And if it can help, my instinct, which save some of you in the past, tell me the same thing. And I'm never wrong.
Charlie: You're sure ?
Barnaby: It saved me during our third year. And it saved you last year.
Charlie: I see you're point...
Ben: And it saved me and Bill during our second year.
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Everyone: What !?
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Penny: Rowan !!!
Tonks: Forced you ?
Barnaby: Arawyn... He didn't mean that...
Arawyn: The Imperio Curse.
Jae: Not good at all for us... I mean if your enemy didn't hesitate to use the Imperio curse then...
Bill: The Cruciate curse and the Killing curse...
Andre: He could very well...
Rowan: It doesn't change my point and while we are still on this subject...
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Arawyn: That's why I hate stress and I need to be alone in a peaceful place during great period of time.
Elmyr: Does it mean...
Arawyn: Pas maintenant, mon ami...
Bill: I don't know what are you whispering but one thing is clear...
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Tonks: What Barnaby means is "let my girlfriend alone, she has a hard time and I want to cuddle her.
Arawyn: Tonks I will fucking end you one day.
Ben: Did you just curse ?
Arawyn: Yes.
Rowan: Maybe Tonks isn't wrong...
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
Masterlist 7
crush declares their undying love in a pikachu costume (ut us sf fsg fsr)
pen pals (ut us uf ht)
DDR (all)
bite me like a vampire
they drank from the paint cup
crush has pneumonia (ut uf us hs)
SO is popular (dt ot us ht)
SO has cold hands (undyne coffee jupiter pop basil oak)
SO burnt dinner
Illustrating SOs stories (coffee mal noir)
love languages (ms hf hs)
touch shy SO (ms hf hs)
skele meets SOs twin 
ice skating SO (sans rythm sugar cash)
SO gets dolled up
random 1
kid dresses up as skeledad
arcade date (coffee G pop cash)
attracting mythical creatures (mutt oak + virgin 5)
stranger tries to kidnap their kid
Popping bones (all?)
Theme songs
WAP (undyne ul ft)
Stranger is flirting with SO (fsr fsg gt hs)
Stranger is flirting again (hf ft ms)
Plane crash (ut us ul ht mt)
They’re fighting and skele say to get on thier knees (sans lord mal boss) 
picky eater SO (horrors)
random 2
SO was in the Olympics and is on TV
potty training toddler power moves (rust honey sugar peaches wine cash papyrus edge green)
making a quilt (willow sugar pop rust)
want some arthritis? 
what they want in a SO+ deal breakers (ot ul mf mt fsr hf hs)
soft random (fells)
the worst fight the brothers ever had
Papyri’s SO saves sans and looses memories 
DnD hcs (ut us uf ht)
a spider bursts into hundreds of little spiders (all)
SO puts mustard on their chips
best and worst qualities (dt ot ft)
SO with photographic memory (pop pluto honey butch)
daily lives info (uf ht fsr)
SO steals thier lollipop
half cat SO (ut us sf ht dt)
child is crying while wearing clown makeup
crush has no sense of taste (cooking bros)
brother is helping SO rehearse a play
long time crush confesses
SO picks up strays (mutt willow honey boss)
first meetings
teen weaponizes poision ivy (ut us uf ft oak G)
friend is feeling bad and wants to come over (all)
love languages (ul fsr fsg dt ot)
fake dating but they accidentally fell in love
crush says something super cute then falls asleep
kid stands up to bullies
kid tried to steal a dog
favorite chocolate (all)
relationships: who likes/dislikes who (all)
SO texts their dad they love them
SO has bad uterus pains and needs the hospital (ut us uf G rust)
SO’s older brother doesn't like skelly but respects them
cursed ask 2, SO can morph into skelly
friend feels like they aren't good enough for school (all)
SO loves sports (all)
SO used to be bullied
SO is worried about outliving husband (honey sugar rust peaches)
SO sucks at sleeping (uf ul fsg)
SO and shallow breathing
rapid kisses attack!
SO just really loves reading (pluto noir lord mutt green snipe)
dark humor (all)
kid adopts the worst dog ever 
a bit of backstory (uf sf fsr fsg)
yandere SO is way too into this (all)
super tough SO (yandere all)
honey with lazy SO
Yandere SO threatens skele
honey’s SO tries to leave him
brother finds yandere brother’s victim
Old lady squad (lord mal wine)
what they look for in a SO
the animals got out
The Mafia
they go bitty (all)
roles and backstory (all)
Boss and snipe have a sleep conversation
SOs little sister loves him (all)
SO gets hair cut by rival gang (boss)
SO does fusion cosplay (all)
SO makes realistic masks (all)
SO calls the brother bog bro (all)
SO has a police officer sibling (all)
virtues and vices (all)
mal’s friends
telling a friend about their past
aliza and frisk
edge with a brave SO
red and soulmate become friends with benifits
Fellswap Gold
dog monster SO
undyne and edgy but soft SO
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kathrynalicemc · 3 years
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Heyyo anyone interested in perhaps a club or organization of knights or paladins for HPHL? Based on this aesthetic I made agdjdhdh.
I have no ideas but I’m thinking they could have taken oaths to keep ancient magic knowledge from bad people? Or maybe to explore the “ancient magic” that is supposedly the plot for the game? Basically a knights of the round table equivalent of the curse breaker squad or aurors.
Anyways I’m looking for people to help. If you have any cool ideas lmk. Anyone can join with any MC you would think would fit.
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breaniebree · 2 years
1. Who is the official leader of the Order of the Phoenix now that Dumbledore is dead? Who’s in charge?
2. Do you have a list of all the order members?
Hi, Anon,
Harry. He took over when Sirius and Dumbledore died and Remus has defacto passed him the reins.
Sirius Black ➾ Wizengamot, Hogwarts Board of Governors, War Council
Dedalus Diggle ➾ Accidental Magic Reversal Squad
Elphias Doge ➾ Special Advisor to the Wizengamot, Hogwarts Board of Governors
Albus Dumbledore ➾ Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, Supreme Mugwump ICW, War Council, CBC, Headmaster of Hogwarts
Hestia Jones ➾ Department of Intoxicating Substances
Nymphadora Tonks-Lupin ➾ A3 Auror Department
Sturgis Podmore ➾ Department of Mysteries, Level One
Kingsley Shacklebolt ➾ Head Auror, CBC
Ted Tonks ➾ Office for the Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells and Objects
Emmeline Vance ➾ Head of Hit Wizards Division
Arthur Weasley ➾ Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office
Zee Zacarias ➾ Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, CBC
Sebastian Kane ➾ MIA Auror, Knight of the Aurors
Albus Dumbledore ➾ Headmaster (also part of Ministry of Magic)
Filius Flitwick ➾ Charms
Rubeus Hagrid ➾ Care of Magical Creatures
Remus Lupin ➾ Defence Against the Dark Arts, Werewolf packs, Deputy Headmaster
Minerva McGonagall ➾ Deputy Headmistress, Head of Gryffindor House, Transfiguration, Headmistress
Severus Snape ➾ Potions, Death Eaters
Fleur Delacour ➾ curse breaker in training
Bill Weasley ➾ curse breaker
Aberforth Dumbledore ➾ pub owner
Mundungus Fletcher ➾ professional thief
Alastor Moody ➾ retired Auror
Andromeda Tonks ➾ housewife, spy contacts, communication coordinator of Order
Molly Weasley ➾ housewife, communication coordinator of Order
Harry Potter ➾ leader of the Order (1997)
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Neville Longbottom
Theodore Nott
Ginny Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Angelina Johnson
Luna Lovegood
Alexander Papakonstantinou ➾ neuro-healer (Greece)
Althea Papakonstantinou ➾ pediahealer (Greece)
Charlie Weasley ➾ dragon tamer (Romania)
Misha Zacarias ➾ Head Auror of Russian KGB (Moscow)
Sorcha Zacarias ➾ journalist (Scotland and Moscow)
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the-al-chemist · 3 years
Future 4,5 and 7 for Artemis please
Coming straight up! Thanks for the ask!!! 🧡 Disclaimer: I am going to have to write this a: to avoid spoilers for the saga/other WIPs that are floating around in my head and notebooks, and b: as if I genuinely believe that Artemis will stick to my plans. We all know she won’t do that.
4. What’s something they were sure would happen in their future but didn’t?
A lot changed during Artemis’ teenage years. Definitely a lot of her childhood ideas she had of what her life would be like as an adult didn’t pan out. I’d say the thing that she was most sure of that never turns out the way she thought it would is her career as a Curse-Breaker. Artemis thought that was her calling, but the bureaucracy, money-mindedness, and lack of respect for human and animal welfare of Gringotts Bank completely ruin her passion for it. She lasts all of two years at Gringotts before she goes looking for a new adventure.
5. Did they get married or have a family? Why? If otherwise, why not?
No. Artemis’ deep-rooted abandonment complex tends to manifest itself in relationships as commitment issues. Someone will ask her to marry them at some point, but she won’t accept the proposal. She also didn’t have the best of luck in the parent department (not biologically anyway, she’s done quite well at finding herself replacements), and wouldn’t know how to be one herself. She has no desire to be a mother, and wouldn’t want to be one at all if it meant that she might turn out like her own. And, let’s face it, Artemis’ children would be the spawn of the devil, almost literally.
7. Are their friends still a part of their life? Are there people they are no longer in touch with, or newly important people?
Artemis’ friends are her family. They’re such an important part of her life. That being said, individual relationships always change over the years. Artemis remains in contact with the Weasley family, the Hufflepuff squad (Chiara included), Andre, Tulip, Jae Kim, and Madam Rosmerta. She also learns to work well with Merula after they both train as Curse-Breakers together, and for a while she works with Badeea Ali. In terms of people who drift out of her life, she and Barnaby lose contact for several years. As for people who take on a new significance, Kingsley Shacklebolt becomes the father Artemis never really had, and she never would have expected her former Quidditch teammate Lizzie Jameson @lifeofkaze to reach out to her after the war, nor would have guessed her reason for doing so.
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