#cuz they were all for that subjugation!
navree · 3 months
anyway i know people don't like to hear it because of the whole 'sic semper tyrannus' vibe of it all but the modern day equivalent of the ides of march would be if all those senators who've been in office since the 50s and were getting busted for insider trading in 2020 got together and stabbed bernie sanders to death in the capitol rotunda. i'm not even kidding.
#personal#ides of march#like let's be clear this wasn't the oppressed masses rising up against a tyrant#it was a bunch of aristocratic nepo babies who were the wealthiest and most elite of roman society#deciding that they didn't like This One Guy's Ambition and deciding to perform extrajudicial murder#and then utterly failing to plan for after that#given that this guy had a reputation as being 'a man of the people' and created a lot of infrastructure to help the plebes and the masses#so you know the actual people and not just pseudo-royalty of the time were really fucking pissed about the whole thing#and because the conspirators were apparently fucking DUMB they didn't have contingencies and basically hastened along roman autocracy#by thrusting the infinitely more ruthless and bloodthirsty octavian into power during a time that demanded ruthlessness#like caesar was a tyrant in the sense that he went around the countries that weren't his conquering and killing and colonizing#but like the senate didn't give a shit about any actual atrocities he might have committed against other peoples as he subjugated them#cuz they were all for that subjugation!#their grievances were just the most upper echelons of society deciding they knew best and being dumbasses all the while#sorry to burst any bubbles#(also very funny that sic semper tyrannus gets thrown around a lot as a thing for pro ides people)#(cuz the most famous moment where someone said that was when pathetic racist asshole john wilkes booth said it after shooting lincoln)#so you know. shrug dot emoji on that too
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blunderpuff · 2 months
in the expanded DS9 universe in my head, Tora Ziyal kept in touch with the Bajorans and Cardassians she was enslaved with on that desert planet
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
Can i request headcandons of the spiderverse Boys with a shy nurse reader who is constantly tired? Being nurse and spider person is a physically and mentally demanding job and i think that would be nice see more spiderverse content, but if u don't want to make this request i understand
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A/n: I’m sorry Most of these are either short cuz I didn’t know what to put for them or come across as a carbon copy of the other in due to me not knowing what to put there instead🤣
Miles sympathises with you wholeheartedly.
Trying to find a healthy balance between being a nurse -an intensive and highly demanding profession- and being a hero was definitely a challenge that had detrimental affects upon one’s mental and physical health.
Miles would affirm you with his words of praises and encouragement all the while holding you tightly, wilfully being your personal pillow/recharging station that often times he’d catch you fall asleep against him because his presence was that warm and comforting to you that it lulled you into a peaceful sleep.
Miles deeply admires your dedication to saving people not only as hero but also within the medical field. But he often does worry that you work yourself to the bone trying to find a way to perform both tasks without having them overlap one another.
There do come days where it all becomes a bit too much as your body grows sick and tired of your constant negligence and choose it’s way of rebelling by refusing you any sort of mobility of your limbs. Your mental state also tanks which only made your want to move even harder as you didn’t even have to willpower to make it so.
Miles would be a major source of comfort during these moments as he would remind you of all the achievements and accomplishments you’ve made during your tenure as both hero and Nurse. He’d probably have his music on as background noise whilst he’s taking the time and effort in making sure you’re as comfortable as possible.
Things he most often says are;
‘You have done so many amazing things and your only just getting started! How cool is that?!’
‘You’re an inspiration to not only the people you save on a daily basis but your also an inspiration to me as well that I even made art about you. Here, take a look!’
‘Don’t beat yourself up over this, you always get back up and hit them twice as hard because that’s what my y/n does, for my y/n ain’t no quitter, they’re a fighter.’
‘Bad days come to pass because the better ones always remain.’
‘Rest, I’ll take over from here.’
‘You’re not alone in this because I’m not going anywhere, I’ll be right here to catch you when you need me to.’
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Pavitr would, If you let him, smother you in affection and cuddles but to the right amount so it doesn’t cross the border where it could potentially get annoying.
Which with Pav, it never does because his hugs and cuddles were the best and yet to be topped by anything or anyone because they are superior.
Plus they brought you warmth and comfort that you can’t help but bury yourself into his neck after a shit day in hopes of forgetting all about it as his hand rubs your back soothingly whilst also fighting the urge to just fall asleep then and there.
Also this lad would just spoil you with small gifts as to show his appreciation for you even though he does so quite eloquently enough with his words and his actions that this was merely the cherry on top.
Due to Pavitr being more able to read people then most, he’d notice the indicators within you that told him you weren’t feeling your best and he would make sure to take you to his favourite places within Mumbattan in hopes that it’ll help you by even just a little bit. After all he’s aware of the concept that fresh air and a change of pace were beneficial to a better mental health, and all he wants was for you to feel better, even if it was by a little that would mean a whole lot to him.
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Hobie would want you to have a change of scenery from the hustle and bustle you subjugate yourself to on an daily basis to somewhere less noisy and loud within any aspect.
Sure it’s not his kind of scene but for you and how much work you put on yourself just to come home, looking as though any minute you were going to collapse? It was worth seeing you gradually become more relaxed and at peace to the point you fall asleep against his shoulder and he has to carry you back home.
again Hobie didn’t care since he knew how much sleep you missed out on and would not hesitate to get you a few days off if he feels as though you workplace was taking the piss out of you by thinking you were expendable.
He ain’t having none of that shit when it came to you.
Hobie wasn’t about to let you work yourself to the bone and not get a single thanks nor your flowers for busting your ass.
You tell him that it doesn’t bother you as you were doing what your job entails but Hobie more or less your backbone within these sorts of situations because he didn’t want you being taken advantage of just because you were ‘hard working.’ Not to say you aren’t but Hobie was more then well aware that this was often the excuse given when some shit stain wanted to offload their work onto someone else for personal gain.
It was always the ones who worked the least or didn’t work at all that got the appraisal and the promotions.
So Hobie would always and I mean ALWAYS praise you for everything you’ve done for he doesn’t believe you hear it enough for his liking.
Also he’s great with advice so when the days were particularly rough, he’d probably drop a bit of sage advice in regards to any aspect that you were finding hard to cope with like; ‘while the aspiration to save everyone is admirable; it’s unrealistic. For you’re setting yourself up to traverse down a road where instead of pointing out the problem, you are made to believe that you are the problem. Instead of trying to save everyone, focus on saving one person at a time for that one person could be someone else’s everything.’
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Being the absolute secret sweetheart that he is, Miguel would try and help take the weight off of your shoulders and make your life a whole lot more easier by performing small acts of service that he knows you’ll greatly appreciate.
Even if it was the minuscule things such as; making you your favourite beverage, setting up a relaxing bath/ shower. fluffing up the pillows, smoothing the creases out of the duvet, cooking your favourite food since you always tell him that one of the things you always loved coming home to was the smell of his cooking. Hell do it all if it made you happy.
Miguel defiantly pampers you on the days where you felt more fatigued from your dual jobs. He doesn’t want you to do anything for you’ve already done enough to warrant yourself some much needed rest.
He lives to serve his beloved and would reject your requests to help him by planting kisses to your lips until you ultimately accept his pampering with little to no complaint.
If you were in the spider society, he’d give you time off because he’s the boss and all and if you were to go against his request for you to take time for yourself, he’d threaten to double it even though he was seriously considering it with how obvious tightroping two jobs was negatively effecting you.
Miguel doesn’t want you to overwork yourself but will overwork himself…what a hypocrite.
Soft Miguel is only soft with you.
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give-headpats-or-else · 2 months
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I’m a catgirl. I’m cute of course, but I’m also prideful. I’m very territorial over my subjects. If you mess with me then you’re in for a world of hurt. I’ve got everyone wrapped around my finger, and everyone likes it that way. My glare is fierce, and nobody can resist cracking under it and submitting to me.
But then, I heard that sound.
click good girl~
One of the people I was subjugated made this odd sound, and said those words. Still it didn’t feel bad, honestly it felt kinda good, so I let it slide.
I went over to her again. I wanted some stress relief and she was always quite obedient, always closing her eyes and grinning whenever I called her. She’d bark and lie on her back every time I did anything, exposing the collar on her neck with her name written across it. I guess it was some kinda submission pose. Either way she made a very willing plaything, always saying
“Good girls like me don’t use our minds, we just obey, cuz that’s what makes us feel all warm and fuzzy.”
However this time something was different. When I called her over, she bounded over towards me, barking all excitedly, but instead of lying at my feet, she jumped on me. Normally I would’ve cut down anyone who tried that with my claws, but I was surprised because I never expected it from her. I was going to throw her off and punish her, but I hesitated. It seemed she had something in mind.
She did. She pulled me into a deep, wet kiss, and before I could throw her off her paw pressed against my crotch. I froze. I didn’t know what was happening but it felt good. It felt right, being underneath her. My arms were wrapped around her but I couldn’t make myself throw her off, instead I held onto her and pulled her in.
click Awww, such a good girl~ click
I didn’t know what was happening, but I couldn’t make myself stop it. It felt so good, every time I built enough willpower to start pushing her away, I felt the searing pain of her absence, and fell back down into her, unable to resist the urge to pull her back in. More than that, with every time I pulled her back, I heard another beautiful sound.
That’s right, you need me. Such a good girl~ click
She pushed me down further, my back on the floor, desperately pulling her against me as she rubbed my crotch, her mouth still alternating between feeling every inch of my mouth, or praising my wonderful obedience. Her paw lifted off my crotch, and at first I protested, but was reminded to never doubt her. Her own crotch began to rub against mine, and my pleasure intensified tenfold. I couldn’t hold it anymore. As she moved her head back for another round of praise, a moan escaped my throat.
Everything stopped. My mind went wild. What’s going on? Why won’t she keep going? Did I do something wrong? Did I disappoint her? My fears were validated when I looked in her eyes. She looked down at me in disgust. I couldn’t bear it. I just wanted to crawl in a hole and die, to carve out my stomach in a fatal apology for whatever mistake I made.
That’s not how good girls do it.
Her voice was cold and distant. I had to appease her. I had to return to where we were. I tried to think, but nothing came. My mind kept wandering back to the absence I felt all over me with her now gone. My mind failed me.
That’s it. I shouldn’t have been using my mind. After all,
Good girls like me don’t use our minds, we just obey, cuz that’s what makes us feel all warm and fuzzy.
I let go of my mind. I let go of all my thoughts, all my pride, all my territory.
With my now empty mind, something new bubbled up. I could feel my body changing, but thought nothing of it, because I had no thoughts. A new sound came from my mouth, but now rather than fail to hold it down, I succeeded in thrusting it outward.
I had never seen such a big smile move across her face. Just seeing it brought me greater joy than I’d ever felt. Before I knew it her tongue was on my face again, but this time licking the top, rather than going in my mouth. The whole time she was returning barks back to me, coupled with a symphony of beautiful noise.
click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click
The noises filled me with elation like never before. My mind had no say anymore. My body propelled itself to ultimate salvation. I barked at every opportunity, and licked her face while she licked mine. Our crotches furiously rubbed against each other until our bliss reached its grand finale. While I layer in a motionless daze, she had some final purpose to fulfill. I heard a familiar, but slightly different sound.
I panted, barked, and wagged my tail on instinct, wishing to obey the sound, before then noticing where it came from. Around my neck was a brand new collar, with a brand new name on it.
“You don’t need that old name of yours. This one fits you much better. Now be a good girl and show your owner how much you appreciate her.”
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I’m a puppygirl. I’m cute of course, but I’m also loyal. I’m very territorial over my owner. If you mess with her then you’re in for a world of hurt. She’s got me wrapped around her finger, and I like it that way. Her gaze is entrancing, and nobody can resist cracking under it and submitting to her.
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leportraitducadavre · 5 months
I saw some Naruto stans say that it's not Naruto's fault that he projects onto people cuz Pain and Obito both projected onto him first and told him they were similar. Therefore Naruto just responds to them and tries to show he understands them to a degree and it's basic empathy - which sounds kinda wrong to me but I don't know why. Maybe it's cuz to me he seems to put himself on the higher moral ground as he chose to forgive his enemy and doesn't care about what causes their pain, he also seems to think that their pain is all the same but again Pain and Obito starts it first so I guess it's fair. Or maybe it's all just my bias, idk, what do u think about this?
I've wrote something on the matter before, so I'll copy it here:
To expect nothing but gratitude from a subjugated group when intervened/helped by a representative of the community that subjugated them in the first place (white people) is Hollywood-level nonsense. For instance, to believe that a third-world country will welcome with open arms the assistance of USA militia to “restore peace” when such a country was devastated economically by first-world international politics that forced their currencies to lower their value to keep the dollar and euro afloat is only possible in their cinematic productions. (...) Naruto is another prime example, he’s the Captain America/Santiago Maratea of the Narutoverse, the representation of the repressor that wants to help the repressed with what he considers they need, without actually listening to what they have to say and, furthermore, without questioning his nation/culture responsibility on the matter. The system ends up untouched because the actions of Konoha against minority groups and/or nations get solely linked to a person rather than the entire nationalist structure.  And let me add something here for good measure: Being part of a subjugated group does not automatically make you empathetic towards every subjugated group nor does exclude you from becoming/being an oppressor. (...) In this sense, Naruto is from a subjugated and minoritarian group (there are nine bijuus, so nine jinchurikis at most), yet he became the oppressor when he silenced other minorities to push his narrative. I have read people commenting on the issue: “Why do they ask for help if afterward, they will complain about it?!” And it's one thing to help and another thing to provide alms. The first one implies a relationship where both parties work as equals regardless of one of them being more equipped to provide assistance, while the other puts one of them in a position of moral, economic, and cultural superiority that ultimately ends up reproducing the system that put one above the other in the first place; forcing the subjugated to live off the goodwill of the subjugator. In that sense, Naruto made minorities absolutely dependent on him. He transformed himself into a necessity because it’s not about Konoha in itself but about Naruto in the Hokage’s seat; if he dies, nothing guarantees that minority groups will be safe from future governments because Naruto’s system depends on him and his wishes. People acknowledged him as he wanted because he forced them to; small nations are bound to watch him because their existence and/or survival depend on him. The idea of the white boy, the hero, is about control over those he helps and, more importantly, about the acknowledgment that should come for his actions. Good actions must have a reward, and that reward always translates to power: The acknowledgment of those he saves, who then put him on a pedestal and become dependent on him and, in the case of Naruto, the Hokage’s seat and the absolute and very real power that comes with it.  The white savior narrative still puts the idea of goodness and justice in white hands, it doesn’t question the oppressor/oppressed, superior/inferior dynamic because white people are still the ones with the power to determine what’s fair and what's not, what’s good or not, and most importantly, what justice actually means: If it's carried out by white people (particularly men), then is justice; if it's carried out by non-white people, then is violence and subversion.
Within the military-political structure in which they communicate, there is no instance where two people belonging to the groups to which the aforementioned characters belong do not resemble each other. Naruto, Obito, and Nagato are people who, under the premise of a natural biological condition (Sharingan), an imposed nature (Kyuubi), or a geographical position (Ame), were repressed, used as a weapon at the disposal of the government and/or stripped of any human condition. In that sense, none of the three differ too much from other members of the shinobi forces, so their similarities are reflected in several, if not almost all, the members of such a system.
Obito and Nagato reflecting themselves in Naruto does not have to do with similarities beyond those mentioned since they are aware that they share such aspects with more than one individual; rather, they use such argument to deepen the logic of their actions.
The relevance of Naruto and the reason why they carry out such speech has little to do with him being a perfect reflection of both of them, but with him being the jinchuuriki of the strongest tailed beast [besides their interactions being a device used by Kishimoto to allow Naruto to change their minds]. Obito and Nagato use their experiences to connect with Naruto and explain their reasoning, while Naruto counteracts by arguing their actions under the premise of "I had it similar/worse, and I didn't become a traitor of the state therefore your response to oppression is out of proportion."
Naruto perceives injustice only when it’s similar to the one he lived (like Hinata or Lee), so he’s not someone who empathizes with everyone’s pain or tries to understand their motives:
Regarding Naruto’s characterization, antagonizing the "prodigy" notion is incredibly important to him, not because he (truly) denies the strength of those who are given the title, but because their existence denies him of the acknowledgment he seeks, as all his accomplishments are "overshadowed" by Neji and Sasuke's sole presence. Therefore being recognized (positively so) by their ninja skills (as such is the political and cultural importance of such aspects inside the Shinobi system) is, to him, the most important category when pointing out a person’s value.  To Naruto (and a big portion of the fandom) Neji is not considered a failure (unlike himself, Hinata, or Lee) therefore he somehow has an easier life despite being, in every other manner, oppressed by his family. This is a mindset that Konoha in itself teaches to its citizens as this dogma’s value rests on the fact that it guarantees the success and preservation of the status quo established. Therefore, for Will of Fire supporters,  Sasuke couldn’t be discriminated against because he was praised for his techniques/was popular, Neji might be a slave but he’s incredibly valuable to Konoha due to his strength, so there is some sort of “retribution”.  The problem with this mindset is that it diminishes valid criticisms as it downgrades minorities' arguments by pointing out the person's "worth" inside the overall structure: They're valuable for Konoha's militia as their power benefits them militarily, therefore this recognition discredits any other way they are politically, culturally or economically oppressed.
He usually changes the subject when in front of someone oppressed by the system to return to his own experiences, for what he seeks is to generate empathy by putting himself as the bigger victim to downgrade the other’s response to such abuse. By comparing his story to others and by telling them that although he understands them, he condones their way of dealing with the trauma, he's questioning their status as victims, implying that their disproportionate reaction leads to nothing more than the repetition of the same "cycle of hate"; without realizing that the defense of that same system perpetuates violence against minorities.
In his mind, expanding such violence against those in power doesn't solve violence in itself, but he fails to give a permanent solution to the oppressed's conundrum. He encourages them to seek a resolve through dialogue, as he puts himself at the forefront of such an answer (becoming the representative of all oppressed) without understanding that such a path only guarantees minorities to keep suffering until a solution is reached through time.
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blueiight · 11 months
I was reading your tags to dre's published ask. Do you think while writing about these blood sucking monsters, Anne deliberately made one of them a former slave master? I mean the way this man during his mortal times had benefited by preying on the black race and the reflection of it in his fate where he is now in literal terms an entity who survives by preying on people? Or is it like twilight ( movies) where Jasper's past as a confederate soldeir is just dropped as if it's the most casual thing to shrug away.
( something is up with vampire media and all of them being connected to slave trade my god. Either it is a social commentary or people really do not have any self awarenesses?
i dont know about twilight book or movie to make a meaningful comparison to louis’s book counterpart. i wish i knew. and tbh, its hard to prescribe authorial intent on a dead woman who wrote a sprawling epic of 20+ books for 50 years , especially with shifting perspectives , namely pivoting away from louis to lestat as her MC bc of what fantasy/POV was more interesting to her. but i think in the first book there was some intention there, i cant just say how much. lestat wants to hunt the runaway slaves along the freniere plantation, and louis discourages him from doing it not out of compassion for enslaved people (which would be condescending and abysmal writing for a slaveowning character), but for his proximity to the freniere’s as fellow planters. ive talked about it a lot how its really interesting in the first 2 books that the american planter is created both literally + vampirically by the european aristocrat.. and theyre both parasitic beings in relation to the enslaved people, eventually draining them+ burning the plantation down. iwtv early book louis is resentful of lestat in part bc he thought lestat wanted his plantation, but when he learns who lestat is + where he came from, the power and will he has. hes far more genial to him. its a very dark book, and i think the fact that these characters are so vicious + melancholic is intentional on the authors part. i dont know how much race based chattel slavery is meaningfully explored from the perspective of the slaveowner, but book louis thinking of people in his captivity as fixtures, as creepy ‘things’ more proximate to the supernatural bc of their ‘african nature’ (that had yet to be ‘trained’ out of them) is a very probable, chilling, and haunting perspective of a former slaveowner to take even a hundred and some years removed from it. or if we take it as book louis immersing himself in his perspective @ the time. either way. and its pathetic when fans try to flatten book louis into ‘he was a good slaveowner’ cuz at that point theyre just conflating the movie with the book. i kinda joke that book louis is the vampire it girl bc he was such a terrible mortal LOL. im still indeterminate on the exact mode or purpose, or how much it was just about the aesthetic of gothic horror (re: the earth’s a savage garden). especially bc later books fixate on very discrete modes and metaphors of servitude/subjugation ‘being a slave to the blood’ is a recurring motif running antiparallel with the motif of ‘purifying the african/asian/foreign’ (through ‘admixture’ with the ‘european’) (s/o poacher bro gabi + talamasca bro dave ig) and in later works, theres the cycle of slavery through marius & armand.. marius, whos mother was a slave, purchases armand. chattel slavery took inspo from the romans in the idea of maternal based slave caste inheritance.. idk. idk. ive had very long rambly convos w ppl on here in the past (& im still a bit embarrased abt it) on this, but i think the reasons why fans dont rly get into it is cuz most ppl got into these books at a young age + was just into the cool lore or the queer shit and were able to handwave things as just aesthetic/era/quirky anne things etc. idk.
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gardensprincess · 1 month
I wrote a synopsis of the beginning of age of sigmar for a fren
I’m forcing you to read it now
In the beginning the world exploded
And magic brought back 8 entire flat earths each based on each kind of magic
Hysh: The realm (flat earth) of light
Ulgu: the realm of shadow
Chamon: the realm of metal
Ghur: the realm of beasts
Ghyran: the realm of life
Shyish: the realm of death
Aqshy: the realm of fire
Azyr: The realm of heaven
As well as the aetheric void and a bunch of other sub realms we can talk about later
After the world exploded a few funny friends were still kickin around somehow
One of which was Sigmar Heldenhammer, who for all intents and purposes is British Zeus. He hit his head on a rock and died kinda but woke up in azyr and thought “huh, I guess I should build a city” and so azyrheim was built, from here humans kinda appeared and started populating the other realms slowly through grueling pilgrimages called dawnbringer crusades, where they literally DRAG A FUCKING CITY ALONG A LEY LINE
In between Ulgu and Hysh, a few other gods were still hoppin about
Tyrion and Teclis, the twin gods of light
Malerion(formerly malekith), the god of shadows
And the only gods to canonically fuck: kurnoth and allarielle, the god of the hunt and the goddes of life
They were huddled around the sorta dead sorta captured body of the chaos god of excess, slaanesh, who ate all the elven souls from the world that exploded. Slaanesh didn’t do that tho that was Archaon, we’ll talk about him later. Anyway slaanesh ate all the elven souls cuz they were hungy and the elven gods didn’t like that, so they cut slaanesh open to retrieve the souls
But just before the do, malerions mortal mom, morathi, pops out of slaanesh and is immediately mad she’s not a god.
But they use her survival to help take out elven souls from the tummy of slaanesh
The first souls sucked and telcis hated them and was gonna kill them all but they fled to the depths of the seas and became the idoneth, the sea elves
After that malerion and morathi were like “you suck” and took a bunch of souls out and they become umbraneth, the dark elves
Morathi also took the opportunity to start slowly eating a bunch of souls herself to become a god, which we’ll get to in a few millennia
The other gods thought that was very rude and kept salvaging souls
Next came the kurnothi and sylvaneth, wild and wood elves (wood elves are mostly trees) which kurnoth and allarielle decided to take care of
Finally teclis and tyrion took out the last of what they could and made the lumineth, the high elves.
Back in not space there are a bunch of frogs and lizards in ships, they aren’t important yet
Meanwhile the dwarven gods get no lore except a few sentences, grungi is helping sigmar with a special project, and grimnyr fuxking exploded
During this time a bunch of cool stuff happens in the age of myth
But the good times can’t last and the gods of chaos figure out “oh hey, people are still alive???” So they break reality and start subjugating the mortal realms
Khorne, the blood god
Nurgle, the plague god
Tzeentch, the magic squid man
Slaanesh is still being help via her cock ring in ulgysh (I’m not kidding)
After a few billion years of this (not really) sigmar and grungi finish their special project and make the stormcast eternals to kill chaos, this is using souls stolen from nagash, the god of death and he’s all bad
Nagash and his most not loyal followers start fuckin with both chaos daemons and the other “good” guys and invent skeletons, ghosts, ghouls, and vampires
Meanwhile orks appear out of nowhere and there are goblins piloting majoras mask moons, there’s also rat men
Congratulations that’s the base knowledge. I’m so sorry I went too hard
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diejager · 3 months
I have so many ideas of angst with the thing I came up with, and my poor sibling has listened to almost all of it
Subjugating your sibling to hearing you ramble.
Honestly, I do that with friends when I start having the biggest shit storm coming in, I spoke a bit with @yawnderu on discord and I swear, we were both gushing about big and burly men! I just love myself a big man, you know? Maybe leaning more towards a pudgy stomach than washboard abs cuz it’s softer to lay my head on😩
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can you do an Eddie Munson x fem alpha werewolf reader ? Reader was kicked out of her pack cuz she refused to be the mate of the pack leader, after that she arrives in Hawkins to start a new life, when she enters the school everybody looks at her because of her scars and tattoos, Eddie thinks she is hot and when she discovers that, she wants him to be her mate
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not my gif
Eddie Munson x Female Alpha Werewolf Reader
Summary: After being exiled from your pack, you move to Hawkins to find a mate.
Warnings: Cursing, Violence, Smoking, Making Out
You were harshly pushed back by sharp claws that dug through your skin. Biting back the scream in the back of your throat, you focus on the gnawing pain across your body.
“Look at me.”
Your pack leader commands, staying in his human form but eyes glowing golden like yours. All the members of your pack were huddled together, focused on you. Some of your most loyal subjects feel the need to interfere. However, what you have done is a violation of your laws, a disgrace.
This is not the proper example an alpha should instill upon their pack.
There's blood dripping down your bruised face, the red liquid coating your lips, leaving a metallic taste in its wake. Your throat feels dry, but there’s still energy coursing through your veins that is only made stronger by the influence of the full moon. Radiating confidence, you spit at Theseus' face. “There. I’m looking at you.”
Theseus angrily connects his left fist with your cheek. “Foolish girl! Do you not realize the gravity of your actions?”
“I understand it just fine.” You shrug, tugging at the metal chains that attempt to hold you back from ripping his head off.
Theseus looks away from you to grab the scroll handed to him by the elders of your pack.
Shame to see it end this way. You were friends during the time you were pups. It didn't last long. Growing up and having to assume greater responsibilities meant ending childish concerns. This is where it’s come to.
For a second, you see his expression falter.
There was pity.
It disappears just as quickly as it came, his stare returning to the sharp ones everyone is accustomed to. The pack watches with bated breath, awaiting your judgment.
Theseus clears his throat.
“By the sacred laws forged by our ancestors, I, Theseus Whitlock, hereby sentence Alpha Y/n Y/l/n to temporary exile. She is kicked out of the pack and will be forbidden to enter our sacred grounds for 78 fortnights. She should secure a mate before her return. If she chooses to neglect this condition, she will be subjugated by the pack to mate with one of their choosing. Alpha L/n should come back at the time agreed upon by the pack. Failure to do so would result in permanent banishment or death.”
“Miss? We’re here.”
Trying to blink away the sleep from your eyes, you hand the cab driver money. “Thank you.” You say to him, noting how raspy your voice sounds from the lack of use. Your pack was forbidden to speak to you, not giving you the chance to say goodbye to those who you would do anything for.
The driver helps you get your luggage out of the trunk despite your insistence that you could carry it yourself. As soon as you step away from the vehicle, the scorching heat of Indiana hits you, highlighting your toned arms, making you look like a vampire standing under the sun. Ironic since you’re a werewolf.
A sleeveless shirt might have been the wrong idea.
“Oh, you really didn’t have to, but thanks.” You get your luggage from the driver.
“It’s no problem. You seem new around town, might as well welcome you.”
You give a tight-lipped smile.
Once the car sped off to who knows where, you read the sign that says, “Hawkins, Indiana”.
“New start, here I am.”
For the first few days that you settled in, you became the talk of the town. You know how Hawkins works by now.
Small town, big mouths.
Gossipers everywhere.
People don’t seem to like minding their own business.
Can’t a girl just do the best she can?
You’re here to move forward, maybe find yourself a mate. Though, you wouldn’t sweat about it too much. If your future here is bleak, you'll stay until the sun comes up and the sky becomes clear. You don’t like running unless it’s unavoidable.
Going to school seems like a normal thing for a nineteen-year-old to do, right?
You took a year off because it didn’t seem significant to you before yet here you are, willingly offering yourself up to be the center of attention. You glance at yourself in Hawkins High’s bathroom mirror. With your hair brushed properly, a band shirt, and jeans, you looked almost unrecognizable. Maybe it’s the start to three years accompanied by a good sense of style.
Scars litter your body like a map. You have three noticeable ones on your right cheek, your back, and your left arm while the rest you covered with tattoos with noteworthy context. Instantly, you feel the prying gazes of girls in the back of your skull.
“Got anything to say or are you just gonna stare all day?”
They look away in alarm.
You wipe off your hands using tissues situated beside the sink. “Don’t worry. I don’t bite.” You smile.
Okay, not necessarily correct.
First class of the day was tolerable.
Only downside: homework.
The second class was more interesting.
Mrs. Mackie loudly connects her hands together three times and the chattering students stop what they were doing to pay attention to her. In every school, there’s always that one teacher who everybody fears.
You lean sideways to speak to the boy beside you.
The boy has long, curly hair and is wearing a bored expression until he shows attentiveness to you more than the teacher in front of him. His eyes brighten, brows raised in query.
“Students seem scared of her. Can you tell me why?” You don’t miss the way he scans you up and down.
His eyes land to a tattoo exposed on your arm. He doesn’t comment on it. “Mackie beat a fifth grader because the kid made fun of her face. I believe her name was Addison. She never went to jail for it, but that was when she started to terrorize students.”
“What a bitch.” Grimacing, you shake your head at Mrs. Mackie. “I’m Y/n.” You introduce yourself.
“Eddie Munson.”
“Co –”
Being so fascinated by Eddie, you don’t see Mrs. Mackie storm towards you, only detecting her irritation when stacks of books were slammed against your chair’s table. “Ms. L/n! I understand that you’re a new student, but you still need to listen in my class. If you don’t want to learn, get up and leave this room.”
“Trust me, I want to.” You roll your eyes at her. “So do the other human beings in here. They’re just scared of you because you’re a big old bitch.”
Upon watching the students’ chuckle, Mrs. Mackie raises a hand towards you, nose flaring.
Instinctively, you catch her hand before it makes contact to your face. She reminds you of Theseus. Anger bubbles up in your chest, threatening to come out.
“What are you –”
She yells in agony as you twist her wrist until you hear a bone snap. Mrs. Mackie drops to the ground, tears streaming down her face. “Help. G-get help.”
You smile sarcastically, passing over her body. “I’d rather leave like you suggested since I don��t feel like listening to your dumb lessons today.” You wave your hand at her as you walk through the teenagers whose eyes were as wide as their textbooks. They seem both impressed and anxious, having just witnessed what you’re capable of.
Using your peripheral vision, you see Eddie smirk. “Hot.” He says, face turning beet red after he registers that he said it out loud. The curly haired boy looks away, self-conscious all of the sudden.
It appears as if you found your mate.
Eddie finds you when lunch starts, sitting in the corner of the cafeteria. By now, you’re already looking at him. He successfully makes it past the self-entitled jocks to speak to you, unknowingly fueling your confidence that he’ll agree to what you would soon offer.
“Hi. Can I talk to you?” You ask.
His shoulders visibly relax, thanking his luck that you seem to like making the first move even if he was initially the one who started the conversation. “You’re already talking to me, sweetheart.” Eddie teases.
“No, I mean, in private.”
Eddie shrugs. “Oh, of course, yes.”
You gesture to the door with your head, leading the way outside the school grounds. The sunrays blind your vision for two seconds. “I’m never going to get used to the heat.” You mumble.
The boy laughs. “That’s Hawkins for you.”
Once you make it to the back of the school, you take out a cigarette from your pocket. “Light my cigarette.”
He fumbles around his leather jacket to retrieve the item needed for smoking, doing as told. “Here you go.”
“Thanks.” You bring the cigarette in between your lips, taking a long drag. When you finish, you extend your hand to him. “Wanna try?”
Eddie takes the cigarette from you, nodding.
This is when you notice his Hellfire Club shirt. “Tell me about that.” You point.
“This baby is what I wear for my D&D club. You know, Dungeons and Dragons.”
“I know what that is.”
“YOU DO?” He pretends to not act surprised since most people have asked him what D&D was whenever he mentions it, which made him make assumptions. But you’re not like them. That much is clear.
You nod, lifting your shirt to reveal a tattoo of the D&D dice. “Yep. Used to play it with my friends back at home.” When the memories resurface, you cover your body. “Do you believe in the supernatural, Eddie?”
Although Eddie takes note of the change in topic, he doesn’t overstep your boundaries, knowing that you would only tell him more if you want to.
“Werewolves? Vampires? Witches? All that stuff?”
“Given how cursed this town is, yeah.”
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued. “How would you react if I told you I am a werewolf?”
For the sake of jokes, Eddie plays along. “I’d run for the hills, assuming you’d bite me.”
“That’s more of a vampire thing. However, if you ask nicely, I could.”
You wink at him.
Another chuckle spills out from his mouth.
You would not mind having to hear that for the rest of your life.
Eddie’s scent invades your nostrils. He smells of nicotine and smoke. It’s addicting and it draws you more to him. You can’t put this off anymore. “I am a werewolf, Eddie Munson,” You close your eyes. When you open them again, they’re a different color contrasting to your y/e/c ones. The complexion almost drains from his face. “and I want you to be my mate.”
“I’m not British.”
It’s your turn to laugh. At least he didn’t run for the hills like he said he would. “You do know what a mate is?”
Eddie’s eyes flicker to your lips, dropping the cigarette in his hand while you move closer. “Yeah.” He doesn’t think he can utter more words when you’re right there in front of him, so gorgeous, an unstoppable force pulling him to you. He can’t stop his heart from palpitating, a fluttering sensation in his stomach.
It feels like the energy in his body is used solely to exist in your space and Eddie cannot manage to do anything else. He can’t function each second you are close. Is it possible to act this way for someone who you just met? Eddie has no answer to it but hopes to find one with you.
“Will you be my mate?”
Eddie inclines his head in record time. “Yes. Can I kiss you?”
Before he could do it himself, you connect your lips with Eddie’s, being painstakingly slow regardless of your natural instincts. Wanting to be gentle so as not to hurt him, you bring your hands up to his face. Eddie kisses back with vigor, the palm of your hands caressing his skin; acting like the world was in your hands.
In a way, it was.
Eddie’s hands settle themselves on your waist, pulling you closer together. You can taste the nicotine on his lips, making you assume you taste similarly close as well, having smoked the cigarette with him. Eventually, you turn him around, pinning him against the wall.
You pull away for a moment, seeing Eddie in a daze, his chest rising and falling at a rapid rate. “Are you aware of the process of becoming the mate of an Alpha?”
Eddie inches his face closer, his breath against your lips.
“Show me.”
Notes: I thought the "I'm not British." joke was funny, okay?
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transgenderer · 8 months
is taiwan a straightforward settler colony?
(in response to a question abt this from @max1461)
mostly yes! but its complicated. note that this is all based on wikipedia stuff so like. grain of salt
okay, so quick history of taiwan
~1300-1600s: han chinese start visiting taiwan, chinese mechants, fishermen, pirates do some trading there, pretty run of the mill nearby islands stuff.
1600s: briefly, netherlands and spain have colonies there. last <50 years. usual bad colonialism stuff. dutch encourage chinese immigration as workers. briefly, a chinese guy has an independent kingdom in taiwan. did some classic colonialism type stuff. only lasted for 20 years. tens of thousands of chinese ppl on taiwan, i think. actual control over most of taiwans territory very limited during this period, its mostly limited+coastal
1700-1800: qing now controls taiwan. as above, control limited and coastal. the qing forbid mainlanders from coming to taiwan, expel many already there. however, demand for manpower for farming means lots of illegal immigration. central govt is trying to minimize expansion
1800-1875: expansion continues, still gradual, mostly as result of local forces. less limited than before though
1875-1895: japan tries to invade, china freaks out, this is the first time we see the govt actively encouraging settlement and subjugation of aborigines, etc. colonization still weirdly slow, and weirdly unagressive. they didnt want to do war so they paid the chiefs. weird. gradual assimilation of aborigines in low-lying areas. population numbers: millions of chinese, hundreds of thousands of aborigines
1895-1945: japan gets ownership from china. as far as i can tell, japanese settlement of like 350k by 1945, majority left after 1945. some perfunctory attempts at japanizaiton that didnt do much. they were pretty repressive though, on both the chinese and aborigines.
after this its under kuomintang control, they bring over like 10% of the population. anyway
so like. big picture is nowadays taiwan is vast vast majority self reported han chinese. like 97%. and there was mass-displacement but this is not a typical settler colony! its weird, as settler colonies go. far less govt encouraged. its definitely settlement, violent settlement, but not normal colonization from the perspective of a state. its weird. very contentious how much intermarriage there was. some people want to claim there was a lot but probably not. there are far more indigenous people in taiwan than there were before the settlement, cuz population growth
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t4tpumpkinduo · 2 months
hello gm i just thinking abt age things dsmp style and well....
i've seen multiple people draw up their cq as like. 8-10 yrs older than cclingy and uhm. huh? huh? he's like. their slightly older peer 😭 both point blank and narratively
we have canon conformation that ccling are minors on account of the eyes that we have and the ears that we use. but if you wanna be difficult abt it the exile contract plainly states that cdrm wants to keep tommy in there 'until he's 18.'
which. uhm. first of all, hope he boils alive in a giant pot. secondly, that makes ctommy at THE VERY LEAST 17 at that point, logically younger. he never ages out of the exile contract. both ctommy and ceret confirm it took place over Multiple Months, and he must've not been in the age range to have that happen, as neither the conditioning + torture AND the subjugation of nlm are ever talked abt with having a nearby end in sight. (cdrm melt alive in boiling acid challenge. btw. )
anyways cq is likely 18-19 at the start of the dsmp because he talks abt having JUST gotten out of juvie. like this JUST happened. you don't say you JUST got out of smthing if it was 8 or 6 or 3 or even 2 yrs ago 😭 cuz it. Just Happened. what age do you need to be to age out of juvie. are you saying ccling were 10 yrs old in the beginning streams. cmon man.
on the topic of character ages, imo cschlatt my sweet lil princess is likely 21-ish bcs smplive is explicitly canon. how can he be a geezer when he and wilbur are canonical situationship, when he and connor are treated like peers. cclingy see him in the same admire box they see cwilb in like 😭 how would tht be possible if he was 93. and the geezer jokes are just jokes IN CANON. you guys are just ableist w no media literacy.
if anything i think it makes more sense for ppl to have hced cwilb as older but god forbid our blorbo be anything but the youngest possible age so h(i am forcibly removed off stage). anyways that said i Do think it makes sense for him to be 24ish. the smplive-isms mean he's likely still 3ish yrs older than schlatt and the way he acts is super. postgrad daddy issues burnout guy who can't get his anti psychotics filled. the narratives you understand. it makes sense for him to be young.
he does however have a whole ass old ass son tho? 😭 and i DON'T WANT TO HEAR 'ohhh what if fundy ages different what if he-' FUNDY DOESN'T. he confirms he's 22 in later streams and he's on equal standing w niki at the start who's like 18. he doesn't show any kind of rapid onset age growth on screen at all despite multiple years passing so WHY would that suddenly stop being a factor as soon as the cameras turn away. be serious.
(my hc abt that is cfundy got whisked away/went missing to vault hunters as a v v young toddler, [he knows who iskall is and is actively friendly w him, he even invites him to the dsmp!], and came back way older cuz time there works differently and it REALLY wasn't that long for cwilb maybe a couple horrible grief stricken years. and the gap and strain isn't smthing they're able to work through v well because. how can you be normal. abt any of that. yr dad coddles and talks down to you because he still sees you as his little boy because How Can't He but also yr a grown ass man and yr own person with yr own thoughts and wants and opinions. and yr still so deeply desperate his attention and his approval. he didn't raise you. and he loves these other kids way more than he could ever love you. let's kill ourselves over this btw.)
anyways idont really have a point to this i just like yapping ^__^ 👍ppl can have their own interpretations it's whatever do whatever who cares i don't begrudge that but like. idk it's v interesting how narrative age Does play a factor into sm things and the few clues left around fr character's canonisms are very fun to discover.
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bright-eyed · 10 months
Long af rant about the American attitude toward taxes and the public good blah blah sorry
This whole thing in america where people hate taxes it’s like i get that it seems horrible and unfair that people who make the least amount of money pay proportionally more of their usable income in taxes but also it’s like if you were to not have to pay taxes then you would still have to pay something right? The money won’t be yours to use on like a boat or something like it is for the rich.
Like where I live there are pretty low taxes but we have no real public transportation and poor roads and schools. So it’s like, either you pay higher taxes and share the financial burden with a million other people so you all get cheaper and more convenient transportation and free or affordable education. Or maybe you DON’T pay as much in taxes but you EACH individually pay hundreds of dollars every month on a car that you drive down roads with potholes and hazardous debris everywhere, risking your life, spending an average of 300+ hours every year literally just sitting in traffic because everyone else also has to take their own car that they pay for themselves to drive to places themselves just to do ANYTHING so the roads are always overcrowded and we’re all trying to alleviate our annoyance by listening to podcasts.
Or maybe you spend hundreds/thousands a year to send your kids to schools without asbestos or plumbing coming apart in the ceilings, or if you don’t you spend thousands getting a degree or a certification after high school to get a job that actually pays well. And this all could have been free or affordable and much more convenient and equitable if we’d all just paid a few hundred more per year and if the rich paid the millions or billions they’re currently not paying which we allow because we all have this idea that taxes are inherently exploitative and unfair even though they’re literally the solution to the unfairness that currently underlies our entire society and which robs the most vulnerable of us of opportunities for advancement or even just basic life things.
It’s just like such a scam idea like it’s not 1773 anymore and we allegedly have a functioning democracy now where we get to decide how our taxes are used but people are just generally so disenchanted or disinterested or distrustful of the whole concept of american democracy that they think the solution is some wild west shit where everyone is on their own forever and to depend on society at all is a moral failing even though it’s all so much easier if we are able to depend on our systems and on each other and we’re all living in denial about our supposed independence cuz eventually we won’t be able to think ourselves john wayne free spirit bootstrap types cuz we’re all gonna get sick or lose our jobs or experience tragedy and we’re gonna need help or we’re gonna die or at least experience completely avoidable suffering that could have been prevented for all of society if we’d just thought of taxes as if not a privilege to do good for other then at least the price of living in a free and just society instead of as a burden.
Anyway it’s just so stupid. And it just reveals a deep condescension for other people that has always irked me. The way we’re all allowed to think we’re better than other people and if those people can’t afford something we have then they must be less deserving than us! And this allows us also to live our whole lives without once reckoning with how much of what we consider proof of our superiority is actually just inherited wealth or privilege that springs directly from the discrimination and subjugation of others. This is antidemocratic and it’s wrong!!!!! And people have always treated me like an insane person for trying to argue this because it goes against the grain of acceptable thought in this stupid ass backwards doublethinking fucking country
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raitrolling · 1 year
was thinking about chucklevoodoos earlier cuz while i dont enjoy writing subjugs at all i do like my Funky Fucked Up Mind Powers
glasya’s astral projection / dream walking ability is related to their dormant chucklevoodoos, which would have been the ability to trap trolls in their own worst nightmare. in their current state, they can warp the dreams belonging to those they astral project into, but instead it changes the dreamscape to match their own (aka Horrible Flesh Hell based on their own nightmares)
viltau and shirei presumably have their own dormant chucklevoodoos, but i havent thought too much about them. i had originally considered viltau’s to be emotion manipulation of some description (such as making trolls feel more excitable, but also more violent), but i think manipulation of the senses could be more interesting. maybe making trolls feel hunger cravings for certain things, or making non-food items smell irresistibly tasty. shirei ive got no fuckin clue lmao
lanthi is just an npc, but shes also the only troll of mine who is actually part of the cult. her chucklevoodoos allow her to implant and manipulate memories via suggestion. she uses this to insert herself into people’s lives by asking if they remember her from their childhood, and then uses that to gain their trust. because of course youd want to welcome an old childhood friend back into your life, wouldnt you?
belial (the trenchcoat guy i drew the other week) is a troll so old he actually predates chucklevoodoos being a Thing in canon - from what i could tell the concept was introduced in august 2011, but i’ve got sprites and doodles of him dating around june-july 2011. in his original concept he had psiionics that were constantly active and made anyone who spent prolonged amounts of time around him start to feel depressed. if i were to properly revisit him i think i would make his powers chucklevoodoos and have him be an ex-subjug. his voodoos would be either be emotion manipulation or emotional vampirism, and some circumstances forced him to overclock his powers until they just straight-up broke and now they affect him more than they affect other people (and then got ousted from the cult as a result). man literally out here weaponising sadness
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rejectedcopy · 2 years
Fuck it, Countryhumans headcannons 1/?
Czechia cuz I’m bored
Czechia has three siblings, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia, since all of them came after the fall of the Great Moravian Empire. Technically there is a fifth brother, but none of them remember him very well as he died young.
Hungary is the only sister in their little group and usually the odd one out, as even her language is very different to theirs. There’s also the rivalry between her and Slovakia, though that had died down these days into more of a teasing dynamic.
He is the oldest at 1152 years old.
Countries do not actually die when they change names, so Czechia had been here the entire time, first as Bohemia, then the Lands of the Czech crown under the rule of Austria and later Hungary, later on he unified with Slovakia into a single body and they tore away from Austria-Hungary.
There’s a story to that too. For a long time, the siblings basically lost all contact and just existed apart from each other, but during that time, Hungary took over Slovakia, and when Czechia met him again, he was dying.
You can kill a country by destroying their culture, of which language is a huge part. The people need to think of themselves as the ‘correct’ nationality as well, so if you were to kill everyone in a country, the country itself would die as well. A much simpler way to go about it would be to just take over and erase the culture over time, as Austria and Hungary have done.
Czechia was also kind of limping along during that time so he took his brother under his wing and decided to make both of them better.
That was when National Revival began in full swing. Czech’s and Slovakia’s people were writing in Czech and Slovak respectively, doing their best to unearth their history again and so on.
Eventually, they did grow strong enough to realise that there wasn’t enough room for them in the monarchy. Czechia was kind of split on how to go about solving this problem, though. There was one part of him that wanted to unify with Russian Empire, as he was the only Slavic country not to be subjugated, and another part of him wanted to stay with Austria but do the same as Hungary had, and get on the same level. 
During WWI, though, he got another idea.
What if the two of them... ran away together, and didn’t join anyone?
It’s been so long since Czechia was on his own that at first, he was doubtful it would even work, but with Slovakia, it just might.
With the chaos that was WWI, Austria wanted anyone and everyone to fight, and Czechia and Slovakia ended up on the Eastern front.
That was a mistake.
The two of them viewed Russia as a brother of sorts, and definitelly didn’t want to fight him, so, along with other humans, they deserted and started to create the Czechoslovak legions (that’s when Czechia and Slovakia joined together into a singular Czechoslovakia). With the start of the revolution, though, everything got a lot more complicated and once the war on the Eastern front kind of fizzled out, Czechoslovakia just wanted to go home.
Long story short, he kicked USSR’s ass during that time, though it was mostly thanks to luck and USSR being really busy with the whole revolution business.
Czechoslovakia was still one of the first of his kind, though. It was almost unheard of for countries to join together as equals instead of one subjugating the other.
Suffice it to say, it didn’t really work.
But that’s a story for another time lmao.
All the old countries, which had to fight and earn the animals on their coats of arms have animal characteristics. If there is a bird in the coat of arms, then the country has wings, if there was a lion, they have a lion tail and so on. Czechia has two mismatched wings, one for each of the eagles, and a two pronged tail. As Czechoslovakia, they used to have two pairs of wings, but not anymore.
Some time after WWII, Czechia did do drugs. He’s clean these days, but it did happen. Slovakia knows about it, but he’s pretty much the only one. He was also the one to eventually convince Czechia to stop.
He is also one scarred bastard, though he doesn’t like to talk about it. Most the incidents are still vivid in his mind.
Whenever he gets overwhelmed, he visits the memorials around the country. It hurts him, but also gets him to feel better, almost like a reminder that he lived through it and it’s over now.
The triangle part of his flag is an eyepatch, hiding something beneath it.
Despite everything, though, Czechia is a jokey bastard. The thing about living so long is that one stops seeing the value in life, so Czechia can come across as rather insensitive to others. But joking is just his way of coping, he can’t really help it. It had gotten him through some tough times, though.
He doesn’t act his age, so not many even know just how damn old he is. Many others either don’t remember or don’t even bother looking at him. Another reason for his disregard of boundaries, it will be forgotten in a while, so it really doesn’t matter.
During his birthdays (the times when he’d been liberated from another), Czechia does get really depressed. He usually gets drunk during those times just to escape for a bit. The day after, he’s grumpy and hungover and always regrets his choices.
Will kill for Slovakia.
Doesn’t actually share the views of his politicians, though dictators can change it, influencing the country in question and moulding them. That’s what happened to him a few times, but before WWII, the effects of dictators weren’t really talked about, especially the long-term issues with basically being a walking puppet.
Humans do hold a great deal of power over them, of course. If enough of them rally together, they will be heard, one way or another.
If a distaster of some kind happens on the territory of the country in question, they form wounds in accordance, though those heal rather quickly and leave no marks.
If something of historical significance, however, happens, it does leave a scar.
Czechia is afraid of fire, because of the many incidents with it, though mainly thanks to the one that happened during WWII. It hurts to think about and since then, he hated any fire larger than a matchstick.
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firecrackerhh · 6 days
Seeing someone be a fan of helluva boss and also post fucking SWERF and TERF talking points in other posts is like…bitch are you a fucking retard?
Like for fucks sake why tf do fucking weirdo conservatives (cuz frankly if you think that way, you’re a conservative) even like Viv’s stuff to begin with?
Like how can you be ok with messy gays but bitch about inclusive cute comics about non-binary and trans identities or cry about “duh liberals!!!” Or cry that men paying sex workers is “rape culture” as if every sex worker is being forced into it or some fucking horseshit.
I’m not saying I’m against discussions about this shit, I’m not saying there’s no nuance, but assuming every guy is automatically a rapist over consensual sex is fucking bullshit. That’s not nuance, that’s misandry.
You second wave feminist types have some shit to work through or something I stg.
Like for the love of god the cognitive dissonance is astounding, how can you even feed yourself, I’m surprised people like that like anything Viv creates.
Cognitive dissonance is a fascinating phenomenon truly.
For the record, I don’t tolerate that fucking SWERF/TERF shit, if you do that shit and you follow me you can frankly take a nice long walk off a short fucking pier, I don’t care, die mad about it.
If you’re a piece of shit to innocent people for no good fucking reason, you are frankly, vermin to me, I reiterate, you can fucking die mad about it.
And honestly, if you’re a TERF/SWERF, I don’t think you should be watching Viv’s stuff either, people like you just…frankly, you go against everything the show itself stands for, neither of Viv’s shows promote conservative values of any kind, and if you think they do…there’s not enough insults I can throw your way.
And if you’re a fucking “progressive” person who uses conservative talking points to try to make yourself look ‘better’ than the other left leaning people around you, you’re a fucking pick-me and it’s fucking pathetic.
If you think shitting on enby or trans identities or sex work or any other kind of “degenerate” behavior will make you look better in the eyes of conservatives…there’s not enough insults.
Conservatives will never like you, just cuz you’re the last person to die at the gas chamber doesn’t change the fact you’re in the fucking gas chamber!
How can I respect these people when they don’t even have respect for themselves?
I’m just keeping it real here, if left leaning people are “degenerate” because of the gays and sex work or whatever else, then hoo BOY conservatives are no fucking better.
Stg some conservatives practically wanna go back to the days of the Roman Empire, motherfucking Ancient Greece kinda bullshit, (I’m pretty sure going backwards to such an extent is also degeneracy tbh, if we’re going by the actual definition of the word,) and even then, they can’t fucking escape the gays or sex work, motherfucker do you not realize how fucking gay the Greeks and Roman’s were???? (Well, to the Greeks and Romans at the time, it wasn’t gay if you were a top)
Sex work, prostitution, whatever you call it, is considered “the oldest profession” for a reason! As if someone selling their body for sex is in any way different from how every day people sell their fucking bodies to their dead-end jobs or the fucking military, it’s all fucking capitalism baby and we’re the fucking currency!
Who cares about dollars and cents when it’s people that make the system work, monetary value is rather arbitrary to begin with imo, and it’ll be especially worthless if God forbid the nukes drop and kill us all. No people, no money,
Don’t even get me started on that retarded fucking 1950s ad campaign bullshit that conservatives are retarded enough to believe was in any way real and not purely fucking…well, advertising.
All conservatives really want is for everyone to be fucking subjugated under their fucking heel, so convinced they will be at the top of the hierarchy without realizing that, realistically, they would also be eating their fair share of shit, it’s not like every Roman citizen was a part of the Senate, not every white man in the 50s was fucking living it up in suburbia with a happy wife and 2 kids and a dog. (Never mind how many fucking tranqs those poor women probably had to take so they didn’t fucking off themselves or their husbands after they got an ass whooping for forgetting to smile or some retarded ass shit)
And if you’re a woman (or a minority in general tbh) and fucking drinking that Kool-Aid?
I reiterate, how on God’s green earth, heaven, and Lucifer’s infernal hell, could I possibly respect you if it’s obvious you don’t respect yourself?
If you honestly think life would be better for you…frankly I think you should be checked out, your delusions cause you nothing but suffering.
But hey, it ain’t my life, if you wanna be miserable, go ahead, just remember when reality knocks you the fuck out one day, I imagine very few people are going to have sympathy for you.
…I can’t stay on topic for shit can I?
Whatever, not like anything I said wasn’t truthful, I may be harsh, but it isn’t without good reason.
Some people make me wanna just…crawl into their brain so I can study it like an entomologist would study a bug.
Hell, sometimes I wish I could do that for myself just so I could know wtf my problem is Lmao.
🔥🧨~Firecracker out~🔥🧨
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Also happy Pride month 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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the-firebird69 · 28 days
There's a few people here who need to leave I'll tell you what it's all these idiots sick and tired of explaining basic stuff over and over you're completely stupid and you leave our kid alone we're going to mess you up the sick of you too Mac you're a fool and you're bringing heavy in it's constantly leaving these people are now fighting back and you're probably die like you say and you shouldn't have done it. And yeah you can it helps come up with this stupid stuff and you're getting your ass kicked by it and you're saying a Sunday and he has to go through it and stuff so I'm going to start taking your businesses over I don't see why not then Arnold wants us to we have to
-today in the stock exchange we did very well we had new stocks come our way no we had a bought a lot of stuff we purchased a lot of shares and companies mac daddy is really mad he's making us more angry tomorrow the markets are closed and we will begin Monday and we do know what to purchase and you can't really purchase it without it being offered and we keep getting in there ahead of people and we are going to keep doing it right now we are going to buy out a huge bunch of companies that the pseudo empire has been holding it and how are you going to do that is the morlock are attacking them for ships and ground base lasers and a lot of stuff they took it's going back the other way to a degree and they're going to try and bring their ships closer and Tommy f is going to start threatening like mad and you won't be able to use them and he is going to have to be removed for it to work and it's true and people are fighting them all over the world and they're finding out that they're kind of weak and this is one reason and it's tired of being subjugated by him he is a relentless tyrant yeah it's taking your businesses and stuff blaming our son and you fall for it cuz you're fried pieces of shit. It forces us to hit you and others like you. You get killed. Some of the businesses we purchased
-Ingersoll Rand we're now up to 25% it's a big company it's global it's the biggest with regards to track equipment and they did a lot of projects nowadays and they're very much wanted more shortly because they're people are useless half of them are more luck and don't show up at all and they're going to fire them and have a fight and the other half will probably die fighting and we'll go to the stock market
-John Deere we purchased 20% and have a total of 25% for real in the perimeter same with Ingersoll rand. We are acquiring our own areas and our own equipment that matches our 25% we will continue to do so as we purchase the stock yes we are sort it out you know how to do that we know
-Case equipment we have 50% of the company and it is hours and it's going to be controlled by us how it is and this chair is in the perimeter and control everything inside the perimeter regardless and a 50% of cases pretty big actually we purchase 20% today. And we have controlling share we did go kind of into an emergency mode and shut down certain operations that were not to our liking and took the equipment and certain construction projects that are not approved by the government and illegal ones too and we brought back equipment people were paying payments on and that's equipment contaminated or not and we are melting down the contaminated and we're telling them they have to pay fines for using it on illegal illicit sites and or it's contaminated and has to be melted down hey there firing back you have no way to take them and stuff so we are going to sue them both ways some of them are decent sized construction companies that need to leave part of them does
-Morrison Knudsen it's over about 30% of this company today and now we have 50% shares and it was close and a struggle and we had an opposition fierce opposition and we have it now and they're telling us they won't do stuff so we have our end of the operation hey we're taking over a lot more of it and by the end of the day we'll probably have 80% of it and they'll still be saying we have 50 eventually they'll sell the stock and we'll take the money cuz they cannot stop us from doing that and it was controlling share once we're done taking areas and who can tell right it's true we will begin construction projects that are very huge a lot of wish Matt have been what and the idiots are just sitting there looking at it when they could have built them and take them over and they're fools. We have seven very huge projects coming up the require giant construction teams they are all over the world and it's infrastructure and it's to just two maintenance only and we're going to start it up and I'm going to have to get it going employee meetings and big ones and about health and safety if you feel groggy or dizzy you go to the break room on site and take a break get some air some liquids and sustenance and see if you feel better if not there might be something on site and we ensure it should be health issue with encourage people to take a break if they are feeling sick usually goes away and sometimes they hit a pocket of gas on site we are hiring tons of people it is crazy and it's good A lot of people want to work there's a ton of people 50% pseudo empire and there's more luck and they want to work and we hire them and they get in there and they do all right and you have to switch jobs and they find a job they like and they work a decent week not no time but it's work and they do the job and big Cruise go in and out and it's helpful doing it this way.
-Turner construction and yeah they get mentioned separate they say and they are very big they've always been big we purchased 20% more and we have about 40%, we are acquiring about 12% more on Monday and it's not private sale but we know we're going to and we are going to do it hell or high water and this company is stagnant just sitting there and people want to do work and they want the cover and he wants a job and they want to prestige and it's protection that you're valuable and the work for us and say that they have dual protection or dual citizenship and people date they dig it and it did work for people out in the Midwest and there's a lot of people who want to do that it is a huge number now who realize this is actually something that protects you and they're hoping we take over Monday and get projects going and right now we have seven projects going for Morrison Kmudsen and two more for them on Monday and we actually notified a lot of people and they're coming to work and their team leaders superintendents and assistance supers project managers and a general managers all sorts of people
-and we also have 30% of perini and we notice it there doing the same thing they're sitting around doing nothing there's some projects going but they're not really that big and they need all sorts of things to happen we're hoping to purchase 30% more this coming week what might happen is that these other companies see the other two doing well and they're not the kind of people that go attack people for that they're the people who want people to get going and think they can do better and they have work in their areas there might be some of that and they'll be stopped quite literally but we saw it happen before and they usually get things going and who would advise them to try to get the company going rather than start trouble that's what we want and you should too preemie builds a lot of structures perini builds a lot of structures as does Turner they build medium structures that are ancillary to sewer treatment to and they build a large tunnels for traffic and similar they build structures for the highway but Morrison builds huge structures large large power plants and dams and things like that and they also build cities Turner and perini will build smaller cities whereas Morrison Knutson will build huge ones from scratch and the world needs that stuff it's really slowed down and it's gotten ugly and we need places for people to live and in a several of these plant the large ones there are 10 and they're not starting up yet seven of them are Morrison condensing three are Bechtel and we have 20% of that company and we're probably only buy 20% this week depending it might be people who offer it for sale and they would sell to get the company going no but they might so we're waiting on that it's a big company but Morrison is huge and we are in talks right now about three of them and the others are going to come in Monday morning and talk about cities and where is interesting and the same place they still want them there and it's going forward pretty soon and yeah there's some mega structures in there they're not huge bunkers but there's some pretty big structures and we might put in a Vault or two and several people are going to inquire they say they want to make sure they get there what's in vault in
-couple more companies come after that and they are very big but their engineering companies like black and Veach we will have about 30% total this week but we are engineering like madness with our percent, and some of them are other types of companies
-Leggit McCall we plan to purchase 30% more and we have 20%. We might have controlling share if we do on Monday we will begin acquiring huge amounts of land to develop and yeah we don't just buy the land we are going to develop it and own huge apartments. It's a huge huge deal. We plan to put in tons of buildings all over the place and we have the ability
-along with this type of company we need infrastructure companies a couple of them have it because they're so big but most of them need to have sewer and water and electrical by others we are purchasing some some contractors our son knows about and one of them is consolidated electric they do a ton of projects in big ones a lot of high tech stuff and even military and could continue to we will have 30% this week total and continue to try and acquire more and Griffin electric will have 20% and yeah they're public there's a couple more we will have about 10% of this week. Consolidated is huge they do work across the board and the areas will take over we'll start blooming and others will see it and we'll see that they're still working and we'll have us do it
-we are working on other things and other companies Ford motor company we will have 20% total of this week and not controlling share and Chevy will be 15% but it's outside of our areas and that was a strange experience and we have a certain percent that we control and run and make money but they are considering us outside of their stock market which doesn't make sense but okay and we just leave it there we are also going to shift our production to their areas and it's true I require more equipment we acquire more equipment this week to do that. Other companies around the same percentage Honda and Toyota and more and John fang we don't have any percentage
-we're beginning to build other things as well but we do make a lot of necessities and we are purchasing large portions of those companies we will have controlling share of 10 necessity companies out of the 20 big ones. And it continues the harassment sort of slap them with harassment suits
-along with necessities we are building other things and is consumer goods appliances we're acquiring controlling share whirlpool and is a huge company. They make a decent quality product still and they're selling it off hoping that it would fail that's why and it won't fail and we are going to bolster it instead of making it not work and we're doing that everywhere but they don't see it and they're trying to attack so we're defending no they makes about 40% of the world's appliances for real and we mean washers dryers dishwashers and similar they don't make refrigerators or stoves now they make refrigerators they don't make that many refrigerators but we probably will
-along with whirlpool which we will have control and share of hopefully this week there are several other companies that make similar type things and from construction related products to tools to and ancillary things like water systems for houses and we require them and we acquire them and places like home Depot and Lowe's and Ace as well and gaf and lumber companies and huge ones too we are going to try and acquire this week we're going to probably have controlling share of three very large companies one of them will be our second lumber supply company this one has the name is more familiar to our son but he's not recalling it now it's a very big material company and we are going to acquire it and make lumber tons of it is they're allowing it to be wood frame right now and we're going to go ahead with it Georgia-Pacific and that's the company and they're based in Georgia we are going to hopefully have 50% this coming week and it would be the second largest company in the Earth for lumber supply for lumber yes huge huge company and it will have a lot more production coming out of it but and it's going to be done in purpose and a lot of companies for roofing material are coming our way and it would suggest certain methods for certain areas what they're doing here is ridiculous and a bunch of jerks and we mean the code people here. We did see the people who are making the code are making stupid codes and laws too we're going to crack down on that and the pseudo empire is going to quash all these dumb laws and start throwing them out starting Monday at least get all this time being jerks to everybody.
-there are several big companies coming our way in addition to the above one of them is gigantic and it's komatsu and yeah father went to town working on them so you brought him out there and just walking him around and they said yeah that's what we do so now that now they're going to get their asses handed to them and over and over until they shut up and it's because they're stupid and it has something to do with Ghost in the Shell believe it or not komatsu has several robotics divisions and they build a lot of robots and they don't want to sit in there but we're going to have 50%, it's coming week and they go out there screaming and yelling and they don't come back
-there's a couple other companies like that we're shooting for a 50%? We have 30% of we mentioned earlier John Deere and we will have 50%, there's a lot of things we plan on doing we plan on relocating manufacturing we plan on upgrading the parts we plan on using better metal and selling to people who are going to use it correctly and also we're starting a heavy equipment division and John Deere had one but it was in the Midwest and we're going to start that in Texas and Arizona and it will be the first out there that we have and they're going to try and take stuff one of the groups that tries quite a bit out of the trumps and it's because of what we're saying in large part and the pseudo empire is using the vehicles and they nail the idiots relentlessly they try and do stuff and get nails no one stop Non-Stop and as legend has it as if we're up to and we are the war of 1812 ends in 1814 and they're saying that the empire is pushed out and in the past that's what happened at present it is currently not happening that way they are securing areas and plan to hold on the war of 1812 remake has yet to begin and the empire is not been pushed out yet which is prior to 1812 we are ahead of it and the coach the last used was as I described and it was used in Rhode Island and Connecticut and that was during the revolutionary war and he's right the French come and help Indians helped out a little too and it is a canadian-made car which is French and Indian but that would be the Renault. During the war of 1812 Germans sent troops but then again they sent troops to the revolutionary war. And we're saying that it already happened but no they have not been pushed to Boston yet and the Germans came earlier on and they were Hessians and Christopher Walken is Trump and he was there and this is part of the story in remake is the headless horseman.. and and that's the part of the story that we're at so we're going to publish we have more to talk about that he will have to get some sleep
Thor Freya
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