#dainsleif x reader angst
fallingdownhell · 4 months
Hiii! Can I request Aether, Kaeya and Dainsleif (or just one of them!) Angst where they’ve been dismissive of reader for days but then they forget a date reader took a long time planning so they can spend some time together, so reader comes home late to find them there and angrily unloads and breaks up with them and starts trying to leave but they beg for reader to stay (whether reader stays or not can be up to you <3)
*rubbing hands toghether, laughing evily* Hehehe.. Characters Included: Aether; Kaeya; Dainsleif Content: gender neutral reader; established relationship; angst; hurt/no comfort; breaking up; hurt/comfort; not proofread yet Word count: 3,9k words And just to say this from the get go.. THIS IS A STAND ALONE. THERE WON'T BE A PART 2 TO THIS! With that out of the way... enjoy!
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You were tapping your fingers on the kitchen table. It had a somewhat rhythmical sound to it, yet inside, you were feeling restless and defeated.
The food you had spent almost the entire afternoon preparing and cooking, has already gotten cold in front of you. Keeping hope that Aether might still show up, you had reheated it three separate times. And yet, he never showed up.
He was three hours late at this point and you have lost all hope that he was actually showing up any time soon. Even though he had promised you a hundred times that he would not forget this time.
With a sigh, you stand up from the table, collecting the food and bringing it back to the kitchen. You contemplated wether it would be worth it to keep, but in the end, you just threw it away, thinking that it would be bad from all the reheating you had done.
Cleaning up took you longer than expected, your movements slow as your thoughts contined to drift off all the time. Wandering back to the absence of your boyfriend. How he promised to be here today, with you, since he already missed or had forgotten about other dates in the past.
You understand him, you really do. Travelling the entirety of Teyvat, trying to find his missing sister. But then again, why get into a relationship with you when he knew he would be absent the entire time? Why did you even agree to dating Aether in the first place?
Thoughts like that continued to plague your mind until you were done washing up, putting the damp towel away as you decided to head to bed for the day. A part of you still hoped that he didn't forget, that he was just running late and would burst through the door anytime, apologizing profusely for the delay. You hoped for this the entire time you got changed, brushed your teeth and then tugged yourself in bed.
Yet it never happened.
A single tear ran down your cheek as you turned around and fell asleep, the dissapointment having settled deep within you.
Over the course of the next two days, you contined to hope for Aether to come back, while you were also reevaluating the entirety of your relationship with Aether at this point.
He was gone 90% of the time, and even if he did come back to Mondstadt, he only stayed for a couple of days. And even in those few days, the time you actually got to spend alone with him was very limited, making you feel like you barely even had a relationship with him at all, at this point. He was always so focused on finding his sister and helping others, that there just wasn't any time left for you.
You took your time to thourougly think things over those two days, and in the end, you came to the decision that this whole thing wasn't worth it anymore.
You were done waiting around for him. You were done feeling lonely and isolated, hoping for Aether to come back to you just for him to leave again. You wanted to feel loved and appreciated, like you deserved to.
So, on the third day after he missed yet another date, you pulled through with your decision and packed up all of the things he had left at your place. Which wasn't much since he wasn't around that much. It all fit pretty much into one single backpack.
You were just finishing up when you suddenly heard the sound of the front door unlocking, a sound that you desperately had hoped to hear just a few days ago. A sound that usually sent butterflies flying through your entire body. And a sound that now made your heart sink. You had made the decision to end this relationship, and yet, you didn't feel ready to face Aether just yet. But there was no running away anymore.
"(Name)? I'm back!", you heard his soft voice call out to you as he closed the door behind him gently. You took a deep breath in, trying to put on a tough facade, then grabbed the backpack and headed out of the bedroom to face your still-boyfriend for the final time.
Aether's face lit up into a bright smile upon seeing you, but when he didn't get the same reaction from you, his face dropped a bit.
"What's wrong, (Name)? Did something happen?", he asked, concern evident in his voice.
"It sure did. Remember when you promised to show up for our dinner date three days ago? The one you swore up and down you wouldn't forget this time and actually be there for?", you asked him. Your tone of voice was utterly calm, no hint of accusation found whatsoever.
You could see his face drop in sudden realization and he already opened his mouth to say something, most likely apology after apology, with the promise to do better in the future. Like he always did. But before Aether could get out a single word, you extended the backpack towards him, waiting for him to take it.
"..what's this?", he asked as he hesitantly reached out and took it from your hand.
"All your stuff you had lying around here. I'm breaking up with you, Aether. I'm done with all of this. Please leave."
"Wait, (Name)! I'm sorry, okay! I know this is purely my fault, but please don't do this! I promise this won't happen again! Please, give me a chance to prove myself!", he started begging as soon as the words of breaking up with him left your lips.
Your heart clenched at hearing his words, you wanted to trust him so badly, but it was finally time to prioritize yourself.
"No. I'm sorry, but that's not happening. You've had chance after chance to prove yourself. To prove to me that our relationship actually meant something to you. But time and time again, you only proved to me that you don't care. You only care about finding your sister. And that is fine. But I'm done hoping to become just as important to you when that's never going to happen."
"No, you're wrong! I love you, (Name)! Please, don't do this!", he was begging now, almost falling to his knees when he saw how serious you were in your decision.
A single tear ran down your cheek and you couldn't help the small smile forming. "I love you too, Aether. I do, but this just doesn't work anymore. Maybe, this is just a case of meeting the right person at the wrong time. But regardless, I can't do this anymore. I can't contine to wait around for you when I could be with someone who appreciates me like I deserve to. So please, just.. leave."
He was silent after you said that, staring at you. You could both feel his heart shattering into pieces, tears threatening to fall, but he kept them in. After a moment, he just nodded, gripping the backpack with his stuff close to his chest as he turned around and headed towards the front door.
But before he left, he turned to face you once again. "I really do love you, (Name). But if this is what you want, I won't fight you on it. I honestly wish you the best in life, and that you find happiness."
"...Good luck with finding your sister.", you said after a nod, which he returned. And then, he opened the front door, leaving both your house and your life.
Only then did the reality of it all sink into you and you couldn't hold back the tears anymore. It hurt, but you still thought it to be the right decision.
You'd heal, but it will take some time..
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For a few weeks now, your Cavalry Captain boyfriend has been swamped with work, to the point where he spends entire nights at the Knights headquarters to try and finish up, but every time, a new pile of work gets added on, so he just never quite finishes with it.
Thanks to this, your relationship and the time spent with him has suffered quite a lot. You try to be understanding and support him with whatever you can, but it's hard not seeing him at all.
The few times he comes home, he almost instantly gets into bed and falls asleep, only to be gone again when you wake up. Or, when you still used to go visit him to bring him something to eat. But when he yelled at you for distracting him from his work, you also stopped doing that.
You had been feeling neglected for some time now, but every time you bring this up to Kaeya, he brushes you off and tells you that it'll be over soon. That he will be done with his work soon and then everything will go back to the way it has been. You want to believe him so bad, but it's hard.
But after that talk, nothing seemed to change for yet another week, so you decided to try and talk to him again. This time, it seemed to go a lot smoother than last time, and you actually got him to see things from your point of view, which led to the two of you agreeing to just take some time for the relationship again and go on a date, since you haven't been able to do that for some time.
Nothing too fancy, just going out for some nice dinner and having the time to talk to each other again, maybe a walk around the city or outside for a bit before heading home again. You didn't need anything fancy or big, it would be enough just to spend some time with your boyfriend again.
At the night you two settled on, you arrived first and got seated. Since you didn't see any harm in it, you ordered yourself something to drink while waiting for Kaeya to show up.
And wait you did.
After twenty minutes, you ordered some wine.
After another half hour, he still wasn't there, no sign of him ever showing up.
You saw the pityful looks of other patrons and the staff, which only led you to drink even more.
When Kaeya didn't show up after another twenty minutes, you decided to pay and leave. The entire way back to your home, your head hung low and you were fighting the tears that threatened to escape.
Only when the front door was finally shut behind you did you allow the floodgates to open, the tears now freely running down your cheeks as you sank down along the door, hitting the floor and finally breaking down.
The alcohol in your system helped to rile your feelings up and your cried and sobbed for what felt like forever. When the tears finally stopped, you felt like running on autopilot when you got changed and walked into the bedroom.
To your utter surprise, there was Kaeya, fast asleep on the bed, like nothing was wrong. You just stood there, mouth hanging open when you saw him sleeping peacefully.
So, he totally forgot about the date and just went home and to sleep without a care in the world.
You had half a mind to wake him up and confront him, but decided against it, seeing as the alcohol would probably not contribute to you making smart decisions. So, you decided to wait until morning to do so.
When morning rose, you were woken up by Kaeya as he got himself ready for work. Normally, you'd just go back to sleep, but not this time. Instead, you sat up and looked at him, and when he turned to you, he noticed your red and swollen eyes.
"You've been crying? What happened?", he asked you. He was concerned, but while asking you, he continued to get himself ready, only half his attention on you, even when noticing something wasn't right with you. It ticked you off, but you still tried to remain calm for now.
"Oh, I don't know. Maybe the fact that I got stood up by my own boyfriend yesterday. Maybe the fact that I was worried about something happening to him, only to find out that he totally forgot about our date and just went to sleep without a care in the world.", you said, sarcasm rooted deep within your statement.
Hearing that, a quiet string of curses left Kaeya's mouth before he came facing you again. "Yeah, I totally forgot. Sorry about that. But it's not like it was that important anyways. I had a pretty exhausting day yesterday, I was tired, so I forgot about it."
You were stumped by his words, your eyes widening. "That's it? That's your excuse for not showing up?"
"Relax. It's not like it was a life or death situation. We can have another date at any given time.", he just brushed you off like that, waving his hand like it all didn't mean anything to him.
And you realized at that point that nothing was going to change if you didn't do anything about it.
"I want to break up.", you said, tone cold and controlled, and you finally caught Kaeya's attention with that. He froze in his steps and turned around to face you, now finally putting his full attention on you.
"...What?", he asked, his one eye that wasn't hidden by his eyepatch widening in disbelief, like he couldn't believe those words you just spoke.
"You heard me. I want to break up with you."
"Over that? Because I forgot one date?"
"No. Because I barely get to see you anymore. You're never there to spend time with me anymore. And when you promised me to finally do so and go on a date with me, you stood me up! I know my worth and I know I deserve better than that."
"You know how busy the Knights have been recently! Everyone has to work hard these days!"
"And yet, everyone else still seems to care enough about themselves to leave when work is over and spend some time away, maybe with their families. Except you.
Have you ever considered asking for help with all the work you have? Asking someone else to take over a portion of it for you? Or just going to Jean and telling her to not add anymore for you to do when you haven't even finished your other work?"
You listed off all the things he could have done to handle the work better, and knowing that Kaeya hadn't done anything to ask fo help, he remained silent, averting his eyes as the guilty conscious caught up to him.
"I tried to be understand, and I tried to help you. But I can't keep going like this without anything changing. Your work is becoming more important to you than anything else. And I'm not about to sit back and watch you destroy yourself."
After that, silence ensued between the two of you, where you were staring at Kaeya, waiting for him to say something, while he was intently staring at the floor, thinking over everything that had happened and realising that you were right. He has been neglecting you and the relationship. And because of that, he was about to loose you... He couldn't let that happen!
"You're right..", he said, his voice quiet, but growing stronger with every word he said. "You're right. I was to caught up with everything and I didn't even think to ask for help. I didn't even realize how I was treating you as a result. I'm sorry, (Name).
I.. I know this isn't an excuse for anything, but I promise I'll do better. Just please.. give me a chance to prove it to you. I promise to treat you better from now on, like you deserve to be treated. Please, give me one last chance."
He was walking over to you, as you were still sitting in the bed, and dropped to his knees in front of the bed, taking one of your hand between his hands, holding it close in front of his face, and you could see a single tear run down his cheek from his blue eye that was staring at your intertwined hands.
You wring with yourself, contemplating your choices and wether you wanted to go through with the breakup or not. With bated breath, Kaeya remained where he was, just waiting for your answer. He didn't know if he could accept it if you did decide to break up with him. He never wanted to loose you.. especially not over something like this...
In the end, you let out a sigh as you leaned towards him, lowering your hands so you could look into his eye properly.
"Okay. I'm giving you one chance. One only. If nothing is changing, I'm going through with the breakup. I can't go on feeling like not even a second choice to you."
Relief washed over his face, evident by the first shocked expression, then the smile that soon followed. Kaeya leaning into you as well, putting his forehead against yours, his eye closing as he soaked up the feeling of you so close to him again.
"You're always my first choice, (Name). I'm sorry I made you feel like that wasn't the case. I love you, and I promise I'll do my best to prove it to you from here on out."
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You thought you knew what you were getting yourself into when entering a relationship with Dainsleif. You may not know everything about him or his past, but you didn't need to in order to love him. That's what you had thought, at least...
Now, after some months of dating... you did slowly realize that maybe, love isn't always enough.
How often was it that he was gone, claiming to be searching for something, yet never telling you what it was, aside that it was important and had to do with his past.
How often did you wait for him when he told you he'd be back after a week, only for him to never keep the promise.
How often have you told him how lonely you felt without him, only for him to spend a bit more time with you, before ultimately having to leave again? And every time he left, it hurt more than all the times before.
And now, it seems you've reached a breaking point.
Today was your six month anniversary with him, and although you weren't usually one to celebrate such things, you decided to use it as an excuse to spend some alone time with him again. When you told him about your plans, he seemed excited and promised to be there to celebrate the event with you.
But he never showed up.
You've been waiting the whole day for him, but seeing as it was almost the next day already, you were certain that he wasn't going to show up anymore.
It wasn't even like you had something big planned. You just wanted some nice and quiet alone time with him, to celebrate you staying together for so long. But now, you felt stupid for it.
Why were you even wasting so much time and energy into this when it didn't seem like he was doing the same thing in the first place?
You thought back to the time you asked him about the celebration, and how he seemed excited. Was that for real? Or was he only faking it to appease you? You couldn't tell anymore.
He promised to be there, but here you were, all alone. Like you seem to be almost every day now..
But even then, hope was a traitorous little thing. It made you stay, hoping for him to show up and apologize for making you wait. Only for that hope to be crushed again and again with every day that passed after it.
And yet, you kept hoping and waiting for Dainsleif, for a whole week. And still, he never showed up.
He told you he would only be gone for a short while, that he would be back on time for the celebration.
He promised it... and broke it so easily.
As the week had passed, and you didn't get a single sign of him, all the hope you had left had finally been crushed, with no hope of it ever coming back. You were finally done. You couldn't handle the pain and heartbreak any longer. On the inside, you were done with this relationship. It hardly felt like it even was one to begin with.
You took your time when you were packing up your things, since you didn't think he'd show up now, of all times. And you should be proven right, once again.
Still, you felt bad if you just up and left without a word of explanation, so you decided to write him a little note. Which turned out to be more of a letter that you then left on the kitchen table.
Getting the help of an old friend, you managed to grab all of your stuff in only one trip. You did feel bad for leaving just like that, but it also felt... liberating.
Like you could finally breathe again.
A huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders. And although you still loved Dain, you also felt.. happy.
It took Dainsleif another whole week until he finally returned back to the small home he shared with you. He couldn't wait to finally see you again, hold you in his arms, feel you against him again. He'd missed you so very much.
He'd wanted to come back for so long, but the Abyss has been relentless in hunting him down, and he couldn't risk to lead them to you, so he had to stay away until he was certain that it was safe to return again.
But, upon entering the home, he immediately knew something was off. It just felt... empty.
He called out your name, but when no response came, he went to search for you. When Dainsleif couldn't find you, panic began to settle in him. He was about to run out and look for you, when some pieces of paper caught his attention.
The letter you wrote for him.
The more he read through it, the more his hands began to shake, crumbling the paper between his fingers.
When he finished reading through its contents, he didn't know what to feel.
There was anger, despair, some resentment, but most of all.. guilt. And longing.
A longing to go out and search for you, to clear things up and, if he had to, beg for you to take him back.
But he couldn't.
You had made it very clear in your letter that you didn't want to see him anymore. And no matter how much it hurt him, Dainsleif had always respected your wishes. To act against them now, would only make him feel worse.
He would honor your wish for now, hoping that, maybe, in the future, you'd seek him out to talk things through with him. Maybe then, he could ask for your forgiveness, and hopefully, another chance.
But until then, he'd make sure that you'd be safe from afar, watching over you and keeping his love for you alive..
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versadies · 2 years
Congratulations on 7k your works are amazing and you deserve very single follower you get!❤️ In regards to the event dainsleif+windrise+prompts 1 and 10+morning & night+sunny pretty please with a lavender melon on top🫶🏾
my knight, my light (w/ gn!reader)
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AIRLINE… my knight, my light (pt two of lovely man, kindly man)
STEWARD… dainsleif (w/ gn!reader)
LOCATION... windrise (secret relationship!au), 1-10 ST. “i don’t deserve you.” + "say it again." ; "...i love you", on a sunny weather in the morning till night (drabble, fluff/angst)
PLANE… fluff/angst/comfort (with happy ending), major character death (reader), reincarnation au, secret relationship au, mentions of coughing, mentions of alcohol, mentions of dainsleif being sort of insecure, ooc!dainsleif (?)
PASSENGERS… @scaraslover @saving-for-xiao @dawgimsohot @kazu-topia @chiruru @aqualesha @renamichii @mrkamisato @shenhesl0ver @serami00 @serenareiss @hiqhkey @emperatris-rinaka @bystander36 @irisxiel @ladycoleigh @034ven @dear-dairiess @owozi8 @hadesaedes @chiro-chiro-kun @hersscherofyatta @mariusvonhangme @yuzuricebun @nejibot @hoshikistarlette @solaaresque @crowbird @lordbugs @flowersforayato @headintheclouddd @estelwrld @giyusimpsassemble @irethepotatosblog @moonlightaangel @alice0blog @shotosbrainrot @sniffoat @chihawari @mxsomn @kuni-kuzushii @jiminscarmex @mitsukii14 @nejibot @ylimeprive @sachispet @loreleis-world @sn-owo @starforecasts @someonetookmynamelmao @ceylestia @lychme @ymikkos @reallysporadicarcade @melodyyamino @dudufodd
LANDING… in which he thinks you deserve better than him and still believes it after years have passed.
LUGGAGE… 1.7k words
PILOT… you can consider this connected to one of my works "lovely man, kindly man" as its prequel ! but you don’t have to read the first one to understand this fic :DD
Sometimes, Dainsleif can’t help but let his inner thoughts get the best of him. 
He didn’t think he’d fall in love with someone, let alone the successor to Khaneri’ah’s throne, yet here he is, standing by your side as you chat with him in the royal ballroom with a smile on both of your faces. 
You knew it was wrong to be with the knight captain of the Royal Guard, but you still chose to be with him. The only condition you two had to take is to keep your relationship a secret, so you had to only be open to your affection inside your chambers or somewhere else where nobody can catch you two. 
It’s a condition you’re both willing to take as long as you’re together. Though, this condition didn’t stop you two from sharing lingering glances towards one another whenever you’re in public (not that people noticed, of course), nor did it stop you from brushing each other’s hands whenever you can. 
It’s clear enough for Dainsleif that you love him as much as he loves you. You’ve always been so dedicated and kind, you’re basically the sun that shines brighter than any star while he is the moon that follows you forevermore. No matter what, he’d always choose and stay by your side. 
He knows you love him, yet a pang in his chest says otherwise when he sees a man greeting you during the ball. He does not know his name, but he knows he is one important person seeing how his attire is what a noble would wear in Khaneri’ah. 
Of course, it’s normal for you to be greeted by many men and women alike in celebrations given that it’s courtesy for nobles to greet their rulers and future rulers on such occasions, so he didn’t mind it.
So why does he feel bothered? 
Was it the way he sees your parents looking at you and the man in approval as though they wouldn’t mind if that man is your suitor? Was it the way you were surprised by something he said that the knight captain didn’t manage to hear? 
Or.. Was it simply the way he agreed with some nobles who were whispering to each other about how you’d make a lovely couple with that man? 
Whatever the reason is, it made him think about some things. How would everyone feel if they happen to find out about your relationship…? Would your parents approve of him? Would everyone not mind about it? 
How strange… Just what is this feeling that’s bothering him so deeply? 
For the rest of the night, Dainsleif ponders on his feelings, conflicted of what happens to you two if people find out. 
By the time you realize there’s something that’s bothering your lover, it is when you two are finally in your chambers after the celebration, sitting on your sofa together with your head leaning against his shoulder, your outfit is changed from your formal attire to the one that’s for sleeping. 
When you were done conversing about the ball, you decided to ask him what’s on his mind.
“What’s bothering you, Dain?” You ask in a soft tone, your fingers intertwined with his that’s covered in his glove. 
He stayed quiet for a moment, “it’s nothing, just exhausted from the ball.” 
You chuckled. “You know that’s not going to fool me.” You then lift your head up and look at him, “you could always tell me when you want to. Now, what’s wrong?” 
He lets out a defeated sigh before turning to look at you as well. “You know me well.” He takes a few seconds of silence before answering your question, “You deserve better than me.” 
Your small smile drops from hearing those words coming out from the man you love, turning to his direction. “...Pardon?” 
He looks away from your stare. “I saw you and a noble together and noticed how everyone was talking about you two. It brought me to think about what could’ve happened if everyone finds out about our relationship.” He explains. “Would they have approved? Would they talk about us like how they talked about you and that man–?”
“Dain… I do deserve you, I’m grateful to have someone like you in my life and be here for me. I don’t care about what everyone would think when they find out.” You reassured him, your other hand touching his hand that’s entangled with yours as a way to comfort him. “Who cares if they don’t approve of it? Surely it won’t stop you and I from being together – they can get used to it, right?” 
“Of course it won’t,” He says, now looking at you, “but depending on their reactions, it will affect your reputation and your path to take the throne – especially if your parents will disapprove us.” 
“Then so be it. As long as you’re still here, then what more can I ask?” You respond.
He shakes his head. “( Name ), please…”
“I know, I know…” You slowly lift one of your hands up to cup his cheek. “It worries me too, sometimes. But I know that we’ll get through it together when that time comes. I’m sure I can do something should my parents disapprove.”
“Always such an optimist.” Dainsleif comments with a sigh, knowing that you won’t give up so easily. Although he still believes you truly do deserve better, he knows you won’t change anything with what you have with him. 
Perhaps.. That alone is enough for him to try and worry about the future next time. 
“Let’s continue relaxing, I’m terribly exhausted from chatting all those boring nobles earlier.” You said with a yawn, leaning your head on his shoulder once again. 
He lays his head on top of yours. “Anything for you, your highness.” 
As he stands by the field of dandelions, he wonders what could’ve been if he knew there was no future for the both of you to worry about. 
“I was right,” He spoke softly, watching the dandelions move with the winds, “you deserve better than me.” You deserve a better lover that everyone would approve of, you deserve a better man to be with, and you deserve a better knight who would have protected you better than him when Khaneri’ah was attacked and fell to ruins. 
“You have to go, Dain.” You coughed out as you held onto his hand weakly. “Please… Live for me.” 
“I love you, ( Name ).” He whispers in defeat, leaning his forehead against yours as you two try to ignore the chaos that surrounded you both. 
You close your eyes, a small smile forms on your face. “Say it again.” 
“I love you… I love you so so much.”  He chants those words like a prayer, as though saying it again and again would heal the major injuries that’s on you.
It didn't.
He closes his eyes when he feels a wind fly past him. He imagines it was you who did it as a way to try and comfort him, to try and let him know you’re here even when you’re gone.
It’s been so many years, yet he will never forget the love that comforts him, the voice that soothes him, the optimism that gives him hope, and everything else that’s yours. 
If you were still here, then perhaps living as a cursed immortal wouldn’t be so bad. 
If you were still here, you would’ve loved the dandelions that he sees right now. 
Soon, when time is right and when life is merciful enough, he’d be able to finally meet you again someday in whatever afterlife is. He’d be able to see your face, hear your voice, feel your warmth, and bask in your love. 
For now, he must go further on his journey.
Mondstadt isn’t far from where he is, and visiting Angel’s Share doesn’t sound so bad. So he decides that’ll be the first place he’ll go to by the time he arrives in the city of freedom. 
As he enters the tavern, he immediately orders the tavern’s strongest drink and goes towards the only table that’s not occupied. Just as he was about to sit down, he felt like his heart stopped when he heard something he never thought he’d hear for years. 
That laugh… 
Dainsleif’s eyes quickly inspects the whole room, desperately hoping that it is what he’s thinking–
His breath hitches when he sees a familiar face talking to the bartender of the tavern.
Across the room stands the person he never thought he’d see this soon, the person who he’s willing to sacrifice his life for, the person who he failed to save when everything is in chaos–
His lover, his light, you. 
It clearly isn’t you – he’s well aware of that fact alone after witnessing your tragic death in his own eyes during the cataclysm – but he knows long enough what this is. 
So people were right when they said reincarnation exists. 
He tries not to look as if he’s watching you, trying to act normal when in reality his heart is beating so fast at the sight of you. It reminded him of the old days when he admired you from afar before finding out his love is requited. 
He can’t help but feel relieved seeing how happy you looked. At least life is kind to you and gives you a life where you’re safe and happy. 
It’s best that he does not interfere in your life, knowing you’re better off without Dainsleif, knowing that you’re okay and well is enough for the knight captain to live on with his journey,
And knowing that you deserve this better than the life you had with him before.
Just as he’s about to mind his own business, he hears someone clearing their throat, causing him to look at the person in front of him in confusion. 
“Mind if I sit here, kind sir?” You ask with a polite smile. You look different wearing a Mondstadt outfit, but that doesn't mean you look horrible in it. In his eyes, you always look breathtaking. 
He hesitated for a moment, looking around his surroundings, only to realize that they’re all occupied.
“...I don’t mind.” He spoke up, gesturing you to sit down on the seat across from him. 
Perhaps it won’t hurt to at least talk to your reincarnation before he leaves… Just for tonight. 
276 notes · View notes
elixrr · 6 months
“Please,” He murmured with a slight tremble in his voice, “don't leave. Don't go just yet.”
His arms snuck around your figure and wrapped you in his embrace. He just needed to feel you, to know that you're there. A smile graced your face in response, a blissful sight gifted to him from the heavens.
“I won't.”
“You won't go?” his eyes hesitantly met yours. He felt so weak, so vulnerable for the first time in ages. He felt powerless in your presence.
“Why would I?”
He stared into your eyes, confusion catching him. He held you tighter.
“You mean you wouldn't have a reason to?”
You chuckled, leaning in to kiss his forehead.
“Never in my life.”
You liar.
He snapped back into reality, chasing after you through the city crowd.
He sobbed, not caring if the entire universe could hear him. He cried your name, pushing through the crowd but—
Why did you leave him?
You were nowhere to be seen. This isn't real. This can't be. Why are you leaving? Why'd you have to go? He finally trudged through the last few people of the crowd, jumping out of it. He frantically looked around for you.
Show yourself. Show up.
But you were nowhere—
Show yourself. Show up. Please.
Please don't leave me.
—But you were nowhere to be seen.
He tripped on the sidewalk, falling over, but without you? He didn't have a reason to even want to get up.
“Hey, hey? Hey!” You whisper-yelled next to him, dressed in your usual clothing.
Your boyfriend woke up, groggy and sweating. He stretched, yawning, and then looked down at the bed.
“I've got to go now. Sorry for waking you up, I wanted to get you up and going for work later.”
You smiled at him, and when he only looked at you without a single noticeable piece of love in his eyes, you stopped.
In contrast, he looked up at you like you were his savior. You, who he thought he just lost, are back here with him. You're still with him. You're still in love with him. It was all just a bad dream.
“Actually, uhm, can I...” You looked away. You stopped smiling at him. He looked up at you in wonder.
“...Can I talk to you later?”
His heart dropped.
“We need to talk.”
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(inspired by @areislol) / I wrote this in 15 mins it's kind of shit
2K notes · View notes
bluexiao · 2 years
#are you leaving? are you leaving me?
—how would they react if you stormed off after an argument (for the first time) and they thought you were leaving them for good? 
CHARACTERS. Aether, Albedo, Ayato, Childe, Cyno, Dainsleif, Diluc, Gorou Heizou, Itto, Kaeya, Kazuha, Scaramouche, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, Zhongli; gn! Raader
THEMES. Angst; Hurt (no or with) comfort; can be reversed comfort too; has varying intensities so there are others that has fluff/crack (im looking at you heizou and kazu)
WARNINGS. may emphasize venti’s drinking on his part 
NOTES. I was supposed to post another one but I really can’t stand not answering this request so good luck with two consecutive angst everyone~ I’ll post the other one next week! 
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ZHONGLI would look rather calm, no matter how big the argument was. He normally would not let the argument go further, but today was rather stressful, even for someone like him. With all the arguments at work and also to those who would ask for his help even when he was just on his way home, and now, everything piled up and he… maybe he needed a bit of rest. 
“Let us discuss this tomorrow, beloved, I-”
However, all he heard was the sound of the doors closing, and there was no sight of you in the room.  
He sighs heavily, thinking that you probably had only gone out of the room to calm down. Of course, he only realized he was the only one in the house when he woke up and there’s still not a sight of you beside him. Startled, he stood up and found himself scavenging the entire house—could you have left him?—this thought was all in his mind but as soon as he turned to the living room, there you were, sleeping so peacefully on the couch. He heaves out a sigh immediately, kneeling in front of you, taking your hands to his and bringing them to his lips. He had never in this life felt so anxious—it had been awhile, he thinks, but maybe this was more…-
“Zhongli?” He heard you call for his name by then, but before you could fully comprehend what was happening, he was hushing at you, whispering so slowly to not awaken you any further. 
“There’s no need to wake, my love.” It’s going to be alright. 
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XIAO and you had been arguing for the whole week. Actually, he only showed up today after being gone for three straight days. Three! And now he expects you to pretend that everything is okay? 
“What is the matter with you, Xiao? Really? Three days?“
He clicks his tongue, not even looking at you as he crosses his arms. 
“Really? That’s how you’re going to respond? Talk to me! Please!” 
“What do you want me to say?”
XIAO purses his lips and by then, you’ve had enough. 
You had always seen him disappear in front of you and you figured that this was just the same—you were only doing what he had been doing to you. However, unbeknownst to you, his mind was already racing—-you were going to leave him, this was for sure. But… why does his chest hurt very much? Does the idea of not having you in his life that-
He falls to his knees upon realizing the answer to his question. 
This is it, he thinks, he had finally ruined the only thing that was beautiful in his life. 
When you returned to the Inn that same night from your night stroll, you were taken aback by the sight of your lover sitting on the bed, head in his hands and upon your entrance, he raised his head, and with shaky eyes, he whispered, “Y/n? Is that… you?” 
There was disbelief in his voice, you could only stand still when he slowly stood and found his way to you, reaching out his hand. You let him when he caressed your cheek—how could you not? Not when he was looking at you as if you were a cloud, about to fade away upon his touch. 
“Is that really you?” Only then did you find your strength to nod slowly and silently as a response. He was silent for a while, golden eyes scanning yours before he released a breath of relief, leaning his head over your shoulder and pressing a kiss on your neck. 
“Thank you… for coming back to me.” 
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
VENTI has been drinking far more than he usually would lately. Of course, he does not even have the mind to comprehend what you were saying before you left him in the bar that night, and by the time he came home, morning came and apparently, the house was empty. 
He was groggy and almost too sleepy when he scoured the whole home and soon, the whole city. Maybe he just forgot? What did you even say to him before you had gone? 
He can just remember you screaming at him. 
“Have you seen Y/n?” Everyone could only shake their heads as an answer to the bard, some even whispering how you had finally decided to leave him all alone. 
“Oh, no, it’s nothing… I just can’t remember where they went so…” he scratches the back of his head, but despite the smile on his face, this was far from what he truly feels on the inside. 
Perhaps… you truly had gone and left him? 
Ah, no, no, maybe it was just a commission so far away… right? 
He sits at the bar but no matter how many drinks he had gotten, there was no erasing this stupid feeling on his chest that taunts in his mind that maybe you were never going back. 
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Someone like THOMA is rare. It would take forever for you to find someone else like him—not that you would ever do so. 
And at that moment—at that very moment, that was all in your mind. And thus, you could not do anything else but find your way out. Maybe your mind would calm down once you’ve breathed the freshness of the air and felt the stars ground you back and remind you of your worth and commitment to this relationship. 
THOMA on the other hand was too tempted to rush to your side, already wanting to take you to his embrace and cast all the negativity aside. 
Apparently, it proved the same for you and you both were already running to each other, engulfing one another in each other’s arms. 
“I’m sorry… I did not mean to raise my voice, Y/n…” 
You sank into his shoulder as you shook your head, “I’m sorry as well, Thoma…” 
Usually, he had more words to say, but he thinks this will be enough for now. Just having you here is enough. 
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
Loving SCARAMOUCHE takes a lot. Being patient with him is far more. 
It does lead you to often walk off and leave for the meantime to give space to the both of you—it’s just the stress, the pressure of being a Harbinger, you’d reason to yourself. 
But that was earlier. 
Now was the second time you had walked out of the conversation (argument) for today. 
You sighed heavily and his subordinates all around you could tell just by one look that something was going on, but none had the courage to go and speak to you about it. 
It was nightfall when SCARAMOUCHE realizes that you were nowhere to be found. 
As the camp was surrounded by the forest, ideally, there was nothing out there—not unless you’ve decided to leave without another word and escape from his grasp. 
As if he’d let you—but he doubts that it was what you did. 
“Where’s Y/n?” 
“W-We… We do not have any idea, my lord, maybe the lord Y/n merely went out on a walk-”
“I don’t care,” he snaps, “find them! Now!” 
He chews on the inside of his cheeks as he paces around the campsite—where are you even?! For all, he knows you could’ve been attacked by some Treasure Hoarder and maybe other beasts out there! 
“How could you be so careless!” he disregards how his shoulders eased down and his breath evened just as soon as he saw you safe and sound. 
“If you’re going to fight with me again, I might just very well leave,” you glared at him and he tenses up. Every move you made makes him flinch and when he realizes that you were walking off to the tent, he follows suit with a heavy sigh. 
“Wait,” he speaks as soon as you both got inside the tent, and when you stopped, he was inspecting you, making sure, “you’re not hurt, are you?” he asks, far calmer than he usually was the whole day—or maybe it was just the exhaustion. Either way, it was enough for you to do the same and silently shake your head. 
“Why? Are you worried?” 
He scoffs but says nothing more. 
Oh, you knew that he definitely was. Unknowingly much more than that. 
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KAZUHA does not come home that often. Actually, does he ever come home? One minute he’s there and the next moment, before you knew it, he was already saying goodbye to you. 
“Is this how we’re going to be? Kazuha?” 
Those were your last words to him before you left him on the docks that night, turning away and leaving without even hearing if he had an answer or not. 
You see, he figured that it would soon fade away, your anger would dissipate just as the other sailors said, telling him that’s how their own lovers say goodbye sometimes and they’d still be there waiting for them. 
But the thing is, he was wrong for believing them. 
By the time he had returned from their trip to Inazuma, instead of seeing your usual figure in the docks, waving at him cheerfully with a smile and tears attempting to escape your eyes, you were nowhere to be found. 
His heart sinks, far enough that Beidou and the others could not even find him a second after for he was already rushing to your place—are you still there? 
Please still be there. 
You weren’t. 
KAZUHA could feel his knees weaken but they were unmoving. When was the last time he had felt this way? He could remember, but he could not have expected to feel this too soon. 
Everything was going well—or was that all in his mind? 
He stands all alone in the house, and even if you do come home, he wonders if he really is doing the right thing to keep all of these like this. 
You were right. 
Is this really how you two were going to be? 
The uncertainty kills him, and he realizes that this must be the pain you had been feeling as well whenever he was gone. 
But now, it’s him who was tasting his own medicine. 
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
KAEYA has a knack of teasing you, maybe far too much. 
Ah, when you walked out, at first, it felt like he just won. But not a minute longer, his brother was already sending him a dirty look. “How can you act like that? Pathetic.” 
May it be the harsh words his brother had told him or the realization that he may very well had been a jerk, he felt an unpleasant flutter in the pit of his stomach—he definitely was in the wrong this time. 
“Y/n?” Of course, he knew where to find you, but whether he did the right thing or not, he could only contemplate it only afterwards. 
“Why did you follow me, Kaeya?” 
“Don’t babe me,” you snapped your head at him and sent him a glare, “that was embarrassing, Kaeya! What do you think I should’ve done? Stayed?!” 
“I know, I know…” he attempts to bring a hand over your shoulder to console you, and when you let him, he sighs in relief. “I’m sorry, I should’ve known better.” 
At this point, he was tempted to kiss the pout on your lips but he resists. 
Maybe later, he thinks. 
But he’s glad that you at least let him have a chance once more.
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
Now you do feel bad for ITTO whenever he gets accused over something and he gets jail time over it. Most of the time, it’s really unavoidable, as he does things without fear that even if he did have a good motive, he gets misunderstood easily.
The problem is, his jail time was eating away all your time with him, and now you doubt that there will ever be a time when he will stay, even for a week without being too far away inside his prison cell that the Tenryou Commission had always settled him in.
“Ugh this is giving me a headache,” you groaned as you attempted to walk off in the middle of the argument (actually, it was just a conversation that was slowly getting heated).
“Wait, wait, wait, where are you going? You’re not leaving are you?” he immediately tries to stop you and you could only narrow your eyes at him with a hand still on your forehead. “Are you angry? Oh please don’t be angry, babe, please?”
“I’m not leaving-”
“You look like you are!”
“But I’m really not!”
“Wait, really?”
Your hand fell from your forehead to your eyes with a heavy sigh.
“Babe, please, let me take a breather, my head is aching.”
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HEIZOU knew it the moment you stormed out of the door. He knew it right from his guts and yet he did not move—he was frozen, as if someone attempted to glue his feet on the floor and prevent him from stopping you.
It turns out, that person was him—he was the one stopping himself.
He knows very well how unpredictable people are, how emotions can make them do something that no one else expects, not even people they were very close with.
At this point, HEIZOU was at a loss.
Maybe if he went out and followed you then he will be able to ask for your forgiveness?
But it had been awhile since you’ve gone out, who knows where you’ve gone, and what if you go back home anyway and he’s not there?
Now what should he do?!
He spends the whole time thinking and brooding to himself that he did not even realize that it was nighttime already. He already had a plan in mind—of course, he should follow you! Maybe you encounter some sort of danger and–when so suddenly, the door opened and revealed your figure coming in. You were startled upon seeing him still sitting in the same place you left him but soon pretended as if you did not see him and went on to attempt walking away further inside the house.
Unfortunately for you, he was already standing up by the time you passed by his form and before you know it, he had wrapped his arms around you, pulling you by the waist and your back pressed to his chest.
“Leave me be, Zou… Is this not what you want? For me to leave you alone?”
“Y/n… don’t be like that-”
“You can say those to me but I cannot say it to you?”
You break away from his grasp even if he tried holding on.
And when he was left all alone in the living room did he have time to contemplate the seriousness of the situation.
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
GOROU is going nuts the second you turned around. He was debating with himself if he should immediately stop you before you step out but his feet only moved when you were almost closing the door, it was just a good thing that he was able to move and stop you in time.
“A-Are you leaving? Where are you going?” Are you leaving me? He was about to say but he bit his lip in order to stop himself.
“Gorou… I need some air-”
“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry, Y/n.” he says but he doesn’t let go of the sleeve of your shirt.
“I’m really sorry, I did not mean to say those to you and raise my tone, I’m really really sorry-”
“Baby,” you immediately stop him as soon as you faced the man, holding both of his hands with yours and looking at him straight on the eye.
“I’m not leaving you… okay? I just-I just needed air and we can talk about this later, okay?”
He bites his lip further and this did not go unnoticed to you. You had to let go of one of his hands to bring it on his chin and use your thumb to pull his lower lip out of his teeth gently.
“You’ll injure yourself…” you muttered with a frown before landing a kiss on his cheek.
“I’ll be back, okay?”
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
DILUC wants to stop you but ends up being too engulfed with his pride to even move a little bit.
Don’t go. He wanted to say those two words but it got stuck in his throat.
You were probably the one who realized that you were leaving without a word and had instinctively gone back inside the manor after only taking a few steps. When you went inside, he was standing still, still in the same place you left him not moments later.
“Luc?” you called him and only then did he regain his senses, flinching upon your touch when you took hold of his cheek, only to relax and kean onto the warmth of your palm.
“I’m sorry, I left without a word-”
“It’s understandable,” he interrupts, bringing a hand over your own, “I was at fault, allow me to apologize to you first.”
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DAINSLEIF had been through a lot over the years, But it seems he had not learned that much as he lets you walk out and off, ready to let you go at that very moment. But was he?
He was holding your hand before you could take even a step out of the door,
“I apologize, I didn't mean to raise my voice, Y/n.”
You pondered in silence and despite not being the type, he felt compelled to say more, “I hope… you can forgive me.”
You sighed and for a moment, he thought about the worst—-were you going to tell him how sick you are? You probably wouldn’t… but he wouldn’t be surprised if you would.
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CYNO is far too logical for this.
So he does not really understand the meaning why you stormed off like that.He had seen others do it but… what does he do? It’s not like he had experienced this before.
“Where are you going?” he stopped you just in time before you had gone far away, hand wrapped on your wrist, effectively stopping you from stepping away any further.
“If you’re going to leave, say it to my face.” he says even if the thought brings an unpleasant feeling in his stomach. Will you end it? He wanted to ask, just to get it done with, but he couldn’t find his voice. Why was it so difficult to say?
Maybe he really does not want to say it.
But what should he do if you do the very thing he couldn’t comprehend?
Out of all the questions thrown his way, this one was probably one of the only things he couldn’t answer.
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CHILDE’s naturally competitive personality does have its ups and downs. And clearly, this one is one of the latter.
It’s not so often that you find yourself walking out but you do have those times when you’re just too pissed at him that you couldn’t bear to see his face.
“Hey! Babe! I’m sorry, I didn't mean it!” he was following you, of course, he was. He just doesn’t know when to stop, that’s who he was and is—even you couldn’t find a way out of it.
“Oh, please, you did! And can you stop following me?! I told you I’m just going to take a walk!”
You two had probably caught other people’s attention by then but you kept on walking.
You look back to where he was and you find that he is not there anymore. Feeling slightly disappointed, you turned around, now stepping calmly further on.
Unknowingly however, he is indeed following you. Of course, he needs to make sure you are safe, especially since you’re stepping out of Liyue.
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AYATO is well-versed with his words and his expressions. It was how he grew up and how he went through his social gatherings each and every day.
This was the first time he had let you walk out of your own, and that was because he thought that you needed it—taking a fresh breath of air would always help someone clear their mind, and he knew full well that you were only stepping out for that very same reason.
He is rather calm and would stay so, but he would stay outside of the door, waiting for you, and by the time you had done so, he will be there.
“Shall we discuss about it or do you want to have cuddles instead?” he smiles at you warmly, maybe even too much that you forgot all your anger already.
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ALBEDO knows you very well, maybe too much. However, since this is the first time that you had done such a thing, he was rather taken aback and it kept him thinking the whole time that you were gone.
He looks over the way out of the laboratory and frowns. It has been a while since you’ve walked off, will you be okay? Should he go and follow you?
He ponders even more.
Your safety is indeed more important, and thus, he decides to go and search for you. Just as he was about to, however, you were already back, but you did see him prepare to go out of the laboratory—which he never does so often.
“Are you going back to Mondstadt?” you asked him even if you still felt hesitant after the argument earlier. You had cleared your mind but you still couldn’t find yourself looking him directly in the eye.
This didn’t go unnoticed to the other, however, as he stepped in front of you and brought his hand on your chin, instinctively making you meet his eyes—ah, what a wrong move, you began to think.
“I apologize for what I did earlier, I must have hurt your feelings.” He looks away for a moment and composes himself, “I was quite unsure what to think when you left. I admit, I felt rather guilty. With that, I am very sorry, love. Can you forgive me?”
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
AETHER and you never argued that much. They were all easily prevented and he has the person who has the longest patience you’ve ever known.
Today was only different, driven by exhaustion and the pressure of his identity, it was easy for anyone to ask him for help and him to accept them. You, on the other hand, felt that it was getting out of hand and told him to say no at least a couple of times. Of course, the kind person AETHER is, he still went on a big mission that left you hanging for a whole month. Day by day you were left praying he would send word to you that he was doing alright—that he was alive, but nothing.
When he came back, it turns out he had gone to Inazuma and even Liyue’s Chasm! Of course, you were relieved, but you figured that it was too much.
For both of you.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I can do this anymore.”
When you turned around, you almost knew that he would not follow you.
How could he? When he knew as well that keeping this up would only hurt the two of you more.
Your chest felt heavy, every step you took carried al the weight you’ev had on your shoulders this whole time.
Of course, it was hard to leave. Who were you to think that this was the only way to lessen the pain?
You turn around not long after, only to find him running after you, even crashing you into an embrace that you could not have ever expected. By then, tears were already falling down your eyes without your permission—why does it feel so good? His warmth—it feels… calming.
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Reblogs and comments are very appreciated~
TAGLIST (fill the form to be added/removed) (bold=cannot tag)
@softlybeloved @icecappa @sushiyay @scaraslover @beastielevi @rviden @thesatanofpizza @izayanna @stellumi @coco-goat-milk @nonniechan @m3gitsune @chuubear @kiyoobi @catisnerd @ventislatte @weakestpoint @pinkfeiry @aweebstuff @zhongchi14 @windwheel-aster @irethepotato @squiddaloo @scaramunch @cruxdou @favonius-captain @aqualesha @kazuhas-alphabet @astreankitsune @lordbugs @itsghostgirlyo @his-simp @meumorio @tkooooop @fiona782 @my-goldfish-is-not-gold @lisalanding @ezra0000 @extrakuli @kazu-topia @rayskyee @b1loop @kanattac @basicsofdying @windwheel-aster @serenenation @hadesgift @kazewhara @lilikags @solaaresque @yuremini @chichikoi @mooonluv @cloudysky0 @lunaeire @corlapisminer @hahakoharu @myrenbworks @brazilian-anon @k-a-z-u-h-a  @kaeyaheart @irethepotato @disa-ster @hoshikistarlette @astrothighology @sinhasfluffyheadfur @nejibot @myaaki @kaedelove @nejibot @sarahyumiko2 @kaerui-kaisen @loyal-to-my-dilf  @yaexure @random-names-stuff @yumekos-gamble @nejibot @emperatris-rinaka @starforecasts @dai-tsukki-desu @xiaogens @stygianoir @the-midnightskies @apricot-shark @genshinparty @katsumikumo @deathkat657 @bl6o6dy @aikochan4859 @q1ngx1n @scaramouchesfootstool @jaynahh @afchicken @theother-victoria @ynxalynx @ksjjkthpjm
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kaeyas-beloved · 7 months
val’s no sympathy november!!
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this november, just before the merriest time of the year, val of @/kaeyas-beloved presents the most gut punching, tear jerking, heart shredding fanfics of your favourite genshin characters. why? just because :)
The following is a list of to be released fics along with their corresponding characters. individual works will all feature their own cws.
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nov 1st - 6th: a moment too late
— where your husband doesn’t arrive in time… [Ayato, Diluc, Childe, Cyno, Wriothesley, Zhongli]
nov 7th: turn the clock back
— he should know by now that no one is exactly the same after death [Zhongli, Reincarnation AU]
nov 8th: dust
— when chalk crumbs, all that’s left is dust [Albedo]
nov 9th: a shot in the dark
— his fourth and final betrayal [Wanderer, Apocalypse AU]
nov 10th-12th: accident
— he didn’t mean to… hurt you… [Itto, Childe, Gorou]
nov 13th: marigolds for us
— may the march of time halt, if not just to have one more second with you [Dainsleif]
nov 14th - 15th: catch-up (if needed)
— life gets in the way sometimes :((
nov 16th: drive the knife, twist it good
— when words cut deeper than any blade ever could [Xiao]
nov 17th - 18th: red drops on my white cuffs
— he’s a doctor, so why couldn't he save you? [Baizhu, Dottore]
nov 19th: tbd
nov 20th: two birds with one confession
— you lost two friends in one confession [Alhaitham & Tighnari]
nov 21st: lovers < oath
— his oath far out weighs your love [Childe]
nov 22nd: four sides and a bottom
— a box full of your things, that’s it, that’s all [Kaveh]
nov 23rd: before i could tell you
— he died never knowing your greatest secret [Wriothesley]
nov 24th-26th: behind the veil of lies
— “can you see my disguise // i’m different inside” [Lyney, Venti, Pantalone]
nov 27th: unlawfully punished
— does the punishment really fit the crime? [Neuvillette]
nov 28th: drowning
— apparently, you’re everything he doesn’t want… [???]
nov 29th: heart, bruised then broken
— history repeats itself, and he can’t handle that [Diluc]
nov 30th: spider lily
— the gods really do scorn his existence [Kaeya]
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all works will be tagged with #val’s nsn!
682 notes · View notes
Genshin Cuddles HCs: Part the Second (Kaeya, Dainsleif, Zhongli)
Is it any coincidence that I'm tired again while doing cuddles head canons? Probably not. I imagine I get really clingy and cuddly towards the end of the day.
But apparently not as tired lol
CW: A little angst, fluff
A/N: As per the last one, reader is presumed to be short because this 100% self insert
kaeya x gn!reader, Zhognli x gn!reader, Dainsleif x gn!reader
(PS. If you want tagged for certain kinds of content, hit me up in the asks. I'll be happy to put together some taglists)
To be honest, on first starting to date Kaeya, you'd think that he would be a huge tease (I mean, it is Kaeya)
But when it comes to stuff like cuddling and mid winter snuggling, it's usually quite the opposite.
After all, Kaeya is far more serious and earnest, I think, than he allows himself to let on.
Cuddles with Kaeya come in three forms
The first is him big spooning and you little spooning. He absolutely loves being the big spoon. You're so small in his arms and it feels wonderful to know that you trust him like that.
When big spooning he really loves to bury his face in your hair and trace little gentle shapes over your skin
Other times things are reversed. He really never thought that he'd enjoy being the little spoon, but he trusts you without reservation. These are moments where he has no responsibility, instead just lets you take care of him
He frequently falls asleep like this, which really warms the heart. It's moments like these where he'll let you take off his eyepatch and set it to the side
What he doesn't know is that when you do, you usually press a little kiss to the scar
Then there's the third kind
These are almost exclusively late at night, when even the strongest masks start to lower.
Sometimes he'll reach out for you, pulling you into his embrace. He'll hold you like you're fragile, like he's afraid you'll break. it's in these moments where he'll whisper in your ear the most genuine words of love
They would be the warmest moments, but in those moments you hear a truth he never speaks. He's terrified of losing you, that you--like everyone else in his life--will not find him worthy of keeping
All you can do in lose moments is lay your head on his chest, letting him wrap you in his arms, until he's convinced that not only are you still here, but that you're not going to leave him
Dainsleif, I think, is surprisingly good at cuddling
I was honestly surprised in 3.5 when we saw a very gentle side of him and I think that would apply to his significant other
Seriously, the man has lost everything. He's gonna treat his s/o right, no matter what
For Dain, and for you as well, cuddling is a way to relieve stress
It really doesn't matter the position either, as long as you're sharing warmth on cold nights
You can't count the number of times you've curled up against a rock--though you find that's not the most comfortable spot for really anything--laying your head on his chest, just listening to his heart beat
It's just as often that you find his head in your lap, blond hair splayed out while you rub circles into his scalp. The touch is soothing, grounding him in the moment
Of course, there are times when you curl up under a blanket, limbs tangled together, pressed so close you can't tell where you end and Dain begins. Those are almost desperate in nature, as if warding on the ever encroaching nature of time. It's in these moments that Dain finds himself scared, and intent on branding these memories in his mind
Compared to Dain and Kaeya, cuddles with Zhongli are the fluffiest things on the planet
They usually happen at two times of day, with some exceptions
It's not uncommon to start the day with cuddles in bed. You'll wake up to find a pair of strong arms holding you close and a pair of molten gold eyes watching you sleep.
It never fails to make you blush, because he looks at you like you're the entire world. Which is really rather flattering given the power and status of the man currently giving you this ridiculously soft smile
The other time you two cuddle is at the end of the day. Sometimes it's inside by the fire. Other times it's outside looking at the stars, but you almost always end up wrapped up in each other
So many nights, you're tucked under is arm, or laying your head on his lap while you listen to the stories from the past or random every day advice
It's really soothing. He's got the beautiful deep voice that is almost magnetic.
The exception to the rule is when you're upset. There are times when something happened during the day, or you wake up after a nightmare and all you want is to be held and reassured. And he's good at that too. Grounding you, centering you.
Of course you do the same for him, though, given his personality it is very rare. But there are times when the past catches up to him, where an event he is incapable of forgetting weighs on his mind. He's found that your touch, your embrace, you holding him the same way he loves to hold you, makes it a little better
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lyneira · 1 year
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◇ unrequited love ◇
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-> how would they react when they realize that you, their crush, are in love with someone else?
(mostly angst!)
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Distances themselves from you
Alhaitham, Dainsleif, Ayato, Albedo, Cyno
They feel that it's the practical thing to do. There's no use in going after you if you're interested in someone else. Nor would they want to stay by your side, watching as you look at someone else with the love and affection that they wished you'd given them. It would be foolish to willingly endure such things.
Still wants to be friends with you
Kazuha, Thoma, Zhongli, Baizhu, Gorou
They know you're in love with someone else, but that doesn’t mean that they have to leave you. They'd still want to be friends. And they swear to themselves that they'll try not to make anything awkward.
Though your eyes are set on someone else, you're still the one whom they adore and care for. If they can at least be there for you, support you, and keep you smiling, that's good enough for them.
Acts as if it's nothing to them
Kaeya, Xiao, Diluc, Tighnari, Scaramouche
He'll try to act as he normally does around you and would simply try to shrug it off. That's just how things are, aren't they? He can't make you love him, and so he tells himself he can easily get over you. You were just a silly little crush anyway.
Yet, with the way his heart wrenches each time he sees you smile so tenderly at the one whom you adore, seeing how you fawn over them, face aglow, and the way he sometimes has to excuse himself because of it makes it clear that you weren't "little" or "silly" to him at all. He loves you terribly and wishes he didn't.
Tries to show off
Childe, Itto
If he proves that he's better than the one you've set your eyes on, then your attention should switch to him, right? He believes that you deserved to be with someone great and someone who was going to love you deeply and properly take care of you, after all.
Needless to say, he's still confident. He thinks that you're still fair game if you're not technically with that person yet. If there’s still a chance, then he’ll take it (unless you’ve told him to go away). So he's not going to give up on you. He's just gonna try harder to gain your affection.
Confesses to you
Venti, Heizou, Kaveh
He knows he'd regret it if he never admitted his feelings for you, told you what he loves about you, and told you just how much he adores you. Yes, he knows that it's gonna be awkward, but he already regrets that he hadn't confessed sooner. And he's always thinking that if he had, then maybe he would have had a better chance with you.
Frankly, he's prepared for whatever outcome he may face, but at least he'll be able to find some release and might be able to move on if you still reject him.
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a/n: I'm always writing fluff hcs most of the time so why not switch it up? let's see these boys suffer a bit, hehe
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areislol · 1 year
"gonna hold you, gonna kiss you in my arms"
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ft— anyone
warning — major character death, angst with no comfort (?) kinda rushed
a/n— im too lazy to add anything so here is this plain format :) i felt like writing angst so here this is, i should be studying right now </3 i also forgot to eat dinner
wordcount. 748
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can you imagine the gut wrenching pain of knowing that you are about to take your last breath in your lover's arms?
can you imagine the ache in your heart as you feel the life slipping away from you, the unbearable pain of leaving behind the one you love the most in the world. this is not how you imagined the way your life would be ending, but fate has brought you to this moment, and there is nothing you can do but surrender to it?
as you look into your lover's eyes, you see the agony and desperation in their gaze. they are holding on to you tightly, as if they were trying to keep you from leaving this world if they just hold on hard enough. thinking that if they held onto you tightly, the cruel gods wouldn't take you, the universe wouldn't take you. but you know that it's time to let go.
your lover's face becomes a blur as tears cloud your vision. you try to speak, but the words won't come out. the pain in your chest intensifies, and you know that your time is running out. you feel a sense of regret for all the things you didn't do and all the words left unsaid. you wish you could go back and make things right, but it's too late now.
and in your final moments, you think about all the things you wished you could have done differently. you wish you had told your lover how much they meant to you more often, but now.. it's too late.
your lover's arms are the only thing that brings you comfort in your final moments. the warmth of their embrace and the sound of their voice soothe your soul yet hurts you so much, their cracking voice, the way they're hyperventilating, the way their whole body is shaking, the way they look at you with such.. scared and confused eyes. you feel safe and loved. But as much as their presence helps ease the pain, it also magnifies it. the thought of leaving them behind is too much to bear.
at first, they're screaming, wailing, begging for you to stay awake, begging the gods to not take you away from him. their hot and angry tears dropping onto your clothes, their tears seeping into your clothes, forming wet splotches.
but as your breathing becomes shallow and ragged, your lover leans in closer to you, some what accepting the fate, whispering words of comfort and love. you can feel their tears falling on your face as they hold you tighter, not wanting to let go. but eventually, they have to accept that it's time to say goodbye.
as you feel your life slipping away, you cling onto your lover's arm with all your strength, hoping that it will somehow prolong your existence. the world around you fades away, and all you can hear is the sound of your own labored breathing and the faint voices of your lover. in that moment, all the trivial things that used to matter to you suddenly become insignificant, and all that you care about is the person holding you.
you close your eyes and take one last deep breath, knowing that your lover will be there until the very end. you feel the coldness creeping into your body, and the darkness closing in around you.
your last breath leaves your body, and your lover feels your heart stop beating against their chest, their world comes crashing down, their eyes wide and dull, confused about what had just happened, did you.. really go? they are left alone with their grief, holding on to the memory of the person they loved most in this cruel and wretched world.
the pain of losing someone so dear to you is gut-wrenching, and it will take time for them to heal. but even in death, your love for them lives on. they will always carry a piece of you with them, and they will never forget the way it felt to hold you in their arms as you passed from this world to the next.
and all you can do is hope that your love for them will live on after you're gone. you could only wish that they find someone better than you, someone who they will live their life to the fullest with, but you have an aching feeling that... they will never. with you gone, there is nothing to look for.
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i made myself cry. guilty.
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strawchocoberry · 10 months
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୨୧ featuring: dainsleif, alhaitham, kaeya, tartaglia x fem reader
ଘ tw: angst || abduction (dainsleif’s part) || blood, violence (tartaglia’s part)
ଘ cw: lore spoilers || smut, fingering, handjob, oral sex, multiple orgasms, breeding kink, intimate sex
୨୧ synopsis: even after breaking up, the two of you can’t seem to let each other go
ଘ wc: 7k
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After the destruction of Khaenri’ah, Dainsleif had never thought that he’d find someone to connect with. Due to his curse, he kept his distance and refrained from meddling with other people. During one of his travels he encountered you. Monsters of the Abyss Order had surrounded you, trying to tear you apart. Without a second thought, he fought off the monsters and saved your life. Dainsleif thought you were weird when you willingly left your nation to join him in his travels. You argued that you had always wished to travel across Teyvat and you couldn’t let this chance pass by. He wasn’t thrilled with the idea of having a travelling companion, but he soon changed his mind. 
You had noticed him disappearing in the middle of the night sometimes, only for him to be back in the morning, acting like he had never left. Once, hearing his footsteps get away, you decided to follow him. You found him a couple metres away, writhing in pain. And that’s when Dainsleif told you of his origin and his curse. He didn’t want you to know, so whenever the effects of erosion were too much for him, he would disappear so as to prevent you from finding out. You hugged him and ran your fingers soothingly through his hair, whispering that you were right there with him. Paradoxically, he found some comfort in your warmth, feeling his body numbing. 
You travelled together, fought monsters together — mostly Dainsleif fought them, but you helped as best as you could too. Falling in love wasn’t planned, yet it happened. And none of you complained. Despite the obstacles you faced, you were the happiest you could be at the time. You wished you could live like that forever. But Dainsleif was well aware that the gods weren’t favourable towards the people of Khaenri’ah. In the back of his mind, there was always fear. Fear that something would happen and he’d lose you. 
Since it would be dark soon, you found a cave to spend the night. Dainsleif went out to gather some wood for you to start a fire, while you gathered fruits from nearby trees and bushes. When he returned, you were nowhere to be found around the cave. He called your name several times, but received no response. He noticed how the fruits had fallen to the ground, some of them had been smashed from the fall. Remnants of abyssal energy were left behind. Following the trail, Dainsleif tracked you down, who had been abducted by an Abyss Herald that had been looking for him. 
“You finally appeared, Dainsleif,” the Abyss Herald remarked. “I was thinking of sending her corpse to you if you hadn’t appeared within the next hour.”
“I-I’m sorry, Dain…” you cried your apology. 
“Release her, now,” Dainsleif demanded, getting ready to engage in battle if it were needed. 
And when the former refused to cooperate with him, he easily took care of the Abyss Herald and rushed to your side immediately. “It’s fine, you’re safe now,” he whispered in your ear, kissing the top of your head. Your abduction made it clear to him that the Abyss Order knew about you. Dainsleif cursed at himself for putting your life in danger because of him. A few days later, you arrived back to the place you had first met. And that’s where Dainsleif bid you goodbye. He knew he was a coward, leaving you there alone and vanishing in the shadows of the night, but he couldn’t allow you to get hurt because of him again. 
There was no happily ever after for you. You realised that the next morning when you couldn’t find him anywhere. You were in pain. You cursed at him endlessly, whilst wishing for his return. Some of your old friends found you by chance and took care of you. Your house surprisingly was still intact, everything was exactly how you had left it. Your old life was forced upon you, only now it appeared to be an even greater burden. Knowing Dainsleif, you were well aware that you wouldn’t see him again. He would never return and even if you embarked on a journey to search for him, he’d make sure you never find him. 
Without you by his side, Dainsleif returned back to his old ways. He slayed monsters and hunted down the Abyss Order. The effects of his erosion seemed to have taken a turn for the worse. He hadn’t realised how much serenity you brought to his turbulent soul. He had promised that he’d stay away. He had promised that he’d never step foot there again. And yet there he was, asking around for the direction of your house. Dainsleif planned to take a quick look and make sure you were okay; nothing more, nothing less. The basket with fruits fell from your hands when you saw him standing at your front door. 
“Shit…” he cursed, noticing you behind him. He should have known better than to act so recklessly, but he couldn’t help himself. Dainsleif attempted to flee again, only this time you didn’t let him. Catching his wrist, you dragged him behind you inside your house, shutting the door behind you. Before he could react, you slapped him with such force that his head turned to the side. Touching upon his reddened cheek, Dainsleif turned to look at you. His eyes widened at your broken expression, tears falling from your eyes. 
“Why…” you murmured. “Tell me why…! Why did you leave?!” Your voice broke in the end. 
“To keep you safe,” he responded. “As long as you were with me, the Abyss Order would hurt you again and again just to find me. I left to protect you.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh. “Protect me?” you questioned. Lifting up your sleeve, he was left shocked to look at the scar in your arm. “An Abyss Herald came looking for me a few days ago,” you revealed, rolling your sleeve back down. “It doesn't matter whether I am with you or not anymore. The Abyss Order knows about me being involved with you and they’ll come for me either way.” You sighed, wrapping your arms around your body as if to protect yourself. 
His mind started making what if scenarios; If she was with me, then maybe she wouldn’t have got hurt. Maybe she wouldn’t have to be so scared. Maybe we… Dainsleif stopped himself. If he got caught in that endless spiral, then it was over. His eyes were locked on your trembling form. He knew he had to say something, but he didn’t know what. If he apologised, would you feel better or would that enrage you? If he left now, would you follow him? If he asked you to join him in his travels again, would you consider that he was being selfish? 
“I’m so stupid for loving you even now…” you mumbled. 
But he heard you. 
“How can you still love me?”
“I can’t hate you, Dain…”
You took a step towards him, he took a step back. He was scared of letting you in again. It hadn’t been that long since you stopped travelling together. Maybe if a little more time passed, the Abyss Order would realise that you were useless to them and leave you alone. And yet when his back hit the wall and you were standing right in front of him, Dainsleif couldn’t stop himself from kissing you. He hated himself for giving in, but only he knew how much his heart had suffered all this time you were apart. 
His hand roamed down to your thighs and lifted you up. You wrapped your legs around his torso as he walked towards the table across him. Placing you on top of it, he kissed your lips, as he stood in-between your legs. You undressed each other, kissing now as if you were starved people. You palmed his hard cock, whilst Dainsleif teased your clit with his thumb, his right hand massaging your breast. You both moaned in your kiss as you cummed. Laying you on your back, he placed your legs on his shoulders, as he aligned himself with your dripping cunt. His thrusts were slow, yet he reached deep inside you, having you cream all over him. 
He had missed how your cunt clamped down at him, making his eyes roll to the back of his skull. Dainsleif couldn’t take his eyes off of you. You were the most beautiful person he had ever seen, holding tightly onto either side of the bed with your parted lips that moaned his name again and again and again. You could feel him throbbing against your velvet walls, which drove you mad. No, there could never be a chance for the two of you to be apart. You were too perfectly made for each other to be able to live without one another. 
Your body trembled as you reached your orgasm. A few more thrusts later, Dainsleif pulled back and cummed all over your lower abdomen. Lowering your legs from his shoulders, he pulled you up, your chest colliding with his. You were both panting hard, as you looked deeply into each other’s eyes. Your fingers traced the red handprint on his cheek, making him wince a little, causing you to giggle, before you kissed his lips. You shared slow, open-mouthed kisses until you had been deprived of oxygen again. The night was young and Dainsleif was going to make sure to repay you for the pain he had caused you. 
His promises of never leaving you again got you high, as he washed your body in all kinds of pleasures. You were taken over by feelings of immense love, adoring every single mark Dainsleif painted upon the canvas that was your body. You could see the sun threaten to rise in the sky, you could feel your body having grown numb from the overstimulation. And yet, you still wished this moment would never come to an end. 
Usually, one would be most glad to receive a promotion. However, Alhaitham would beg to disagree. When he was asked to assume the role of Grand Sage after the events that drastically changed all of Sumeru, he flat out refused, knowing all too well how much of a hustle that would be. And he was proved correct, as now that he was temporarily occupying the position, Alhaitham was too immersed in his work, not even having time to enjoy the luxury of a good night’s sleep. And you? He hated to admit that you didn’t cross his mind once; at least not on a personal level. 
“I tried to find a better solution. But all my calculations led to this single answer.” 
You could see the sadness behind his usually apathetic eyes. Alhaitham hated every moment of shattering your precious heart to pieces, the part of you he loved the most, though he had no other choice. The Acting Grand Sage had expressed countless times his desire for being released of his duties as soon as possible, yet finding the person who would assume the position next proved to be a more difficult task than it was first anticipated. And Alhaitham had grown tired of giving you false hope. He was certain that at this point, he might be forced onto the role permanently. 
“I understand,” you replied, giving him the best smile you could at the moment, as tears threatened to fall from your eyes. “If you’ll excuse me.” 
Running out of his office, you bumped into Kaveh, who was just about to knock on the door. You passed by him, without so much as exchanging a word with him and ran out of the Akademiya. Returning to your house, you fell onto your bed and cried your heart out to your pillow. You loved Alhaitham more than you had expected at the start of your relationship. You realised that he wasn’t happy about this turn of events. Looking at the side of the bed he usually occupied, you couldn’t help recalling him sitting there with a book in hand, welcoming you to another day. You cursed at him, cursed at his decision to choose his work over you. “I hate—” And yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to utter those words. 
And as Kaveh gave him an earful, Alhaitham could only think of you crying. He appeared perfectly composed on the outside, but on the inside he was being eaten alive. He was well aware that now that’s taken care of, he should probably focus on his work. But that seemed quite unrealistic at the moment. He chose the irrational decision of allowing himself to leave early that night and drink his sorrow away at the tavern. Kaveh realised how hurt he was when he invited him to join him. And while he tagged along, he didn’t have a single glass of wine that night, knowing that he should at least stay sober and help Alhaitham return home. 
The timing of your breakup couldn’t have been worse. The next day, as the newly appointed Grand Conservator you had to give your monthly report to the Acting Grand Sage. Both of you refrained from making eye contact with each other. Instead, you only gave yourselves permission to steal a few glances at one another’s state. Alhaitham noticed your puffy red eyes, as you elaborated on some problems the House of Daena was facing in a monotonous voice. As he went through the documents, you observed how he rested his head on his hand, grimacing from time to time, a sign that he was experiencing a headache. Or more like a hangover, as he reeked of alcohol. 
Your meetings continued like that. Neither making eye contact nor making small talk. You simply sat back and watched each other being eaten alive by everyday life’s troubles and the weight of one’s absence from the other’s life. Kaveh, who was close to both of you, couldn’t help but be worried for the two of you. He had planned a trip to the desert for research, but he ultimately postponed it and stayed behind to help you out. Time seemed to pass slowly, the hours working in the Akademiya felt endless and you were both desperate for some time off work, even though that was impossible at the moment. It took all his willpower, but Alhaitham managed to erase you from his mind, him now focusing solely on his work, just as he wished. 
It was late at night. You simply needed to put two books back on the shelves and you could clock out. You noticed that the last book belonged to a higher shelf than you could reach. You sighed as you stood on your toes, struggling to put the book back. You were about to give up, when someone took it from your hand and placed it on the shelf. Turning over your shoulder to look at the tall figure looming over you, your eyes widened in shock at the person standing behind you. 
“A-Acting Grand Sage?!” you exclaimed. 
Alhaitham clicked his tongue in annoyance, hearing you call him that. Ever since you two broke up, you hadn’t once called him by his name. His features softened with a sigh, as he leant closer to you, pinning you onto the bookcase. He remained silent for a moment, before he took a deep breath and started speaking. “I realised that breaking up with you was the most irrational choice I had ever made. I realised that when I stopped thinking about you. But even that is a lie, because truthfully you were always in the back of my mind.” He wrapped his left arm around you, bringing your body closer to his. “I know that I’m not worthy of your heart anymore. However, if you could—”
“Don’t misunderstand,” you interrupted him. He couldn’t see your face, but the tightening of your stomach made it clear to him that you were on the verge of crying. “I… I want you back. However, you have your own responsibilities. And I don’t want to put you in a position where you have to choose me or your work again.”
“I quit,” he announced. “Everyone kept asking me to stay, even though I had expressed my desire not to. So, I pressured them into making haste with the procedures of finding a suitable Grand Sage.” Alhaitham turned you around, a bittersweet smile curving on his lips, looking at you crying. “And now, I’m back to being the Akademiya’s Scribe,” he said, wiping away the tears. He caressed softly your cheek, his eyes looking deep into yours. “Fuck, I’ve missed you so much.”
His lips crushed yours, finally feeling alive. He clung to you desperately, for you were oxygen, breathing life into him. Alhaitham placed his hand on the back of your head, as he pinned you back onto the bookshelf. Sucking you dry of oxygen, he pulled back, looking at you panting hard. You were breathless, but he couldn’t help thinking how breathtakingly beautiful you were. The most gorgeous being in Teyvat. And you were his, again. His usually calm heart had started skipping beats, just how it always did when you were around him. 
You grasped his biceps frantically, burying your face on his chest, as his fingers slipped underneath your skirt, rubbing now your clothed cunt, feeling you getting slowly aroused. Under any other circumstances, you would have already pulled back, insisting that it was inappropriate of you to have sex in the House of Daena. Nonetheless, your willpower to pull away was long gone, not to mention that nobody was there except for the two of you. You craved his touching you, craved his moaning your name, craved his intimate side only you were aware of. 
Pulling his collar, you sucked on his exposed neck. You couldn’t help but moan, as Alhaitham pulled your panties to the side and slid his fingers into your soaked cunt. Unconsciously, you bit his neck, making him whimper, but he didn’t mind you marking him, since it meant that you marked what was yours. Your nails dug into his black sleeves and you were thankful for his hand holding you, because otherwise you might have already lost your balance long ago. Your moans were a blessing, the long awaited reward for his hard work. And despite loving hearing you moan his name, Alhaitham couldn’t resist his urge to kiss you. 
Your walls tightened around his fingers, coating them in your slick, his name breathlessly escaping your lips. Pulling them out, he licked them clean and kissed your cheek, as you tried to regulate your breathing. Burying himself in the crook of your neck, Alhaitham lovingly kissed your upper body. “I need you… Inside me… Please… Alhaitham…” you breathed your plea, attempting to unbuckle his belt. And who was he to deny your request? Giving you a helping hand, he kissed your lips, as he aligned himself with your cunt. You both moaned as he slowly dived in, your bodies overtaken by the familiar feeling of belonging. 
With your back on the bookshelf and his hand to protect your head, Alhaitham used his other hand to rock your hips on his, thrusting at a slow pace, feeling his cock stretch every part of you. His touch set your body ablaze, but even if you were to get burnt, you wouldn’t mind if it was because of him. You felt drunk, overwhelmed by the intimacy of having him in you once again. His hold on you was delicate, yet firm, for he feared you might slip out of his hands. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pulled him closer to you and kissed him, reassuring him that you weren’t going anywhere. 
“I love you…” he whispered in your lips. 
“I love you too…” you whispered back. 
You could both feel your releases building up. And yet, you didn’t wish to rush it, wanting to cherish the moments leading up to euphoria. The love-dipped gazes, the moaning of each other’s names, the hold grip on one another’s body; you were getting high by the intimacy you shared for the first time in a long time. Alhaitham slammed your body in his, burying himself deep in your cunt, as you both orgasmed at the same time. He remained still, as he grabbed your chin and tilted your head up to face him, his lips capturing yours.
“You’re serious about him?”
“I am.” 
“I see.” Diluc sighed. “Just be careful. You might find something that you don’t like in time.” 
Diluc wasn’t one to meddle in your private life. Although since you were involved with Kaeya on a personal level, he couldn’t help but worry for your well-being, knowing all too well every aspect of his adoptive brother. You sometimes remembered back when you were young, the three of you played together in the Dawn Winery. Everything changed with Crepus Ragnvindr’s death about three years ago. At the time, your superior, Lisa, had sent you to Liyue to acquire some new books for the library. Informed of the events that had occurred in Mondstadt, you hurried back, only to meet the two once close brothers torn apart. You never learnt what was the real reason for their fallout. 
Truthfully speaking, you didn’t take Diluc’s words seriously, thinking that they stemmed from his hatred towards Kaeya. You didn’t believe him, until it was too late. You had accidentally stumbled upon a peculiar book hidden in Kaeya’s apartment. It piqued your interest, so without giving much thought to it, you started reading it. It turned out to be a diary of someone from Khaenri’ah. Not much is known about that nation, only that no god ruled over it. “This is your chance. You are our last hope.”, my father told me, then vanished. You were slowly starting to realise that you had touched something forbidden. You should have quickly put it back where you found it, yet you couldn’t stop reading. 
“What are you doing?” Kaeya’s ice cold voice startled you. 
Raising your head, you met his gaze, fierce madness glowing in his eyes. He didn’t falter, not even at the sight of your tears that always had him worry sick and burn with anger as he would hunt down whoever had dared to hurt you. Kaeya didn’t utter a single word, he just looked at you through narrowed eyes, noticing how you were unwilling to answer his question. Taking the diary — his diary — from your hands, he put some distance between you two, facing the window, as he took a look upon the part you had been reading when he caught you. He heaved a deep sigh, noticing you had reached the fateful day he and Diluc fell apart; the day he gained his Cryo Vision in his duel with Diluc. 
“You weren’t supposed to find out about this,” Kaeya mumbled to himself, earning a sorrowful “yes” from you. “Get out.” 
“Get out!” he yelled, as he turned around to face you. “Get out now!” 
He was brimming with anger. You had never seen him this enraged before. Your body started trembling as one feeling instinctively usurped control of your body; fear. You were scared — scared of him. The moment you stepped out of his house you knew. It was over. Running in the rain, your heart left behind a trail of blood, aching in your chest as if you had been stabbed. Kaeya let out a frustrated shout, starting wrecking the place, whilst tears fell from his eyes. 
“I’m sorry, we’re closed.”
“Diluc—” Your voice was caught in your throat, unable to let another word come out. 
You knew that you were selfish at the moment, running into his arms and crying, especially when the cause of your tears was one of the people stuck in his heart like a thorn. You didn’t know where else to go, though. “I had warned you about him.” Diluc sighed, as he soothingly rubbed your back. And right then, you wished you had listened to him more carefully. Maybe if you had, you would have been more prepared for this. 
The next day, at the headquarters of the Knights of Favonius, everyone quickly picked up on the blizzard of an atmosphere that surrounded the two of you. You holed up in the library, taking all the books out and dusting them off, then putting them back to their place, over and over again. You needed to keep your mind occupied, otherwise you feared you would collapse. Receiving news that the Cavalry Captain had left for a mission to Dragonspine made you feel both relief and pain. 
Kaeya had lost track of time. He killed and killed monsters every day, occasionally engaging in battle with some Fatui that sought to vex him. The Knights had lost contact with him. When they were informed of a collapse in the Starglow Cavern, the last place Kaeya was seen before communications were cut off, Jean sent a team to search for him. Ultimately, he was found a little further from there, once more killing monsters. When he returned to Mondstadt, the Active Grand Master scolded him for his inappropriate conduct. Yet now that he was back, all Kaeya could think was you. 
Without realising, he found himself in front of your house. He hesitated, but eventually he knocked on your door. Emerging from the depths of your house, you went to open the door to see who it was at such a late hour. You thought that Diluc might have passed by again, asking you to come stay at the Dawn Winery for a few days, so that he can keep a better eye on you. You clearly weren’t expecting Kaeya standing at your doorstep. He was a wreck; dark circles underneath his eye, loss of weight and no sign of his mischievous smile. Not that you were one to judge, being in a similar state. 
“I…” he started, but paused. 
Would you listen to him? Would you even want to listen to him in the first place? Those questions tormented him. He hadn’t thought about your feelings prior to his appearance at your doorstep. Kaeya was driven by his desire to talk to you, explain to you the horrors in his mind in hopes that maybe he could save whatever fragment of your relationship had endured thus far, no matter how small and insignificant it was. Looking at you, your terrified expression of that night flashed before his eyes. He was about to run away, when you caught his wrist. 
“Come inside. It’s rather cold out here, isn’t it?” You nervously smiled. 
Reluctantly, he followed you inside and sat beside you on the couch. He was confused as to why you hadn’t already kicked him out. You had promised yourself that if he came looking for you, you’d give him the chance to speak his mind, whatever that might be. He could curse you or answer all your questions; it didn’t matter to you. But you weren’t going to go find him, not wanting to aggravate him. If he never came, then that’s that and you were going to accept it. However, there was one thing you wanted to tell him if you ever got the chance. 
“I’m sorry for reading your diary that night. I… I shouldn’t have read something so personal to you. I apologise for making you angry. You had every right to be enraged with me.” 
“I… I wasn’t enraged with you,” Kaeya revealed. “I was pissed at myself. I knew that the day would come when you would find out, when everyone would find out. I didn’t tell you, because I was scared of losing you… Just like I lost Diluc… And I… I wouldn’t be able to live if you were gone—” 
You interrupted him by kissing his lips. Pulling back, you caressed his cheek, wiping away the tear that fell from his eye. You marvelled at the star-shaped iris, as you had assumed you would never see it again this close. Wrapping his arm on your waist, Kaeya pulled you on his lap, his lips finding yours once more. Your fingers ran through his hair, as his hands delicately traced your back. Breaking the kiss, you were both out of breath, yet you craved for each other, having missed the warmth of one another’s body. 
Ridding him of his cape and blouse, you kissed his lips, then his neck and all the way down to his tight pants. Sitting now on your knees in-between his spread legs, you removed the remaining clothes that were in your way and looked up at him, as you took his cock in your palm, slowly starting to stroke him. You licked his tip that was already leaking some precum, aroused only by you slightly touching him. Kaeya let out a deep moan, as you wrapped your lips around him, your tongue swirling around his shaft and teasing that one vein that had him grab hard onto the couch. 
Taking a glance at him, you noticed how flushed red his cheeks were, drunk as he was, despite not having had a single drop of alcohol. You heard him moaning your name, drenching your panties at the melody. One hand slipped down and pulled your panties aside, then you rubbed your clit, slick coating your fingers. Kaeya was close, but he couldn’t wait any longer. Pulling you onto his lap once again, he undressed you in a hurry, then buried his face on your breasts, taking one nipple in your mouth and sucking on it, as his fingers were already working on your pulsating cunt. 
Your eyes rolled to the back of your skull and a whiny whimper escaped your lips at the loss of his fingers right before your release, but soon enough you felt his cock slowly immersing in your tight walls. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you kissed his lips, as he started guiding your hips into riding him. Your back arched and his name echoed in your moans, whilst Kaeya was busy leaving love marks all over your breasts, holding your upper body carefully in place with one hand, the other resting on your ass, giving it a slight squeeze from time to time. 
Already aroused as you were, it didn’t take long for the two of you to cum. Even so, you weren’t quite done yet, not feeling satisfied enough by this tiny bit of intimacy you had shared. You craved for more, the hole of each other’s disappearance not having yet healed. Holding onto your hand, Kaeya brought it to his lips and kissed the back of your palm, then locked your fingers, as he continued thrusting into you, driving you towards your orgasm once more. 
“I think I didn’t hear you correctly, sir,” Tartaglia sneered, before his expression turned deadly. “Mind repeating that?”
“That woman has made you soft. She is restraining your killing tendencies. She is a threat to you,” Pierro repeated calmly. “Kill her.” 
“I refuse.” 
Pierro sighed deeply. The next moment the leader of the Harbingers looked at Tartaglia, he hated to admit that the bloodlust made him tremble. He was well aware of the Jester’s capabilities and to what lengths he would go to achieve his goals. 
“Kill. Her.” 
“I… I can’t…” Tartaglia confessed, his voice breaking. 
“This is what I mean when I say that she’s a thorn on your side. You must get rid of her.” Pierro turned to look the younger dead in the eyes. “Otherwise, I will.”
The 11th Harbinger thought hard about a way to fix this. It was known within the ranks of the Fatui that he was in a relationship with his second-in-command. Tartaglia never intended to hide it anyway. And whilst nobody seemed to be bothered, after all this time you had been together, Pierro had put you on his black list of people he must eliminate. Convincing the adamant Jester wasn’t an easy task, but in the end, he managed to reach the most favourable conclusion he could have hoped to achieve. 
“I… I can’t do this anymore…” 
“A-Ajax…?” You felt your heart clenching on your chest. His words kept ringing like a curse in your ears. And yet, you couldn’t understand what had happened for you to end up to this very moment. You knew that Tartaglia wasn’t the person to joke about such matters and, no matter how many times you observed him, there was no hint of lying on his face. But you couldn’t accept that. As you fell on your knees, you wished that he was joking. Looking up at him with tears welled up in your eyes, you came to the harsh realisation that this was no prank. He meant every single word. 
Before his self-control crumbled to dust and he knelt down to hug you tightly, apologising for his cruel words, Tartaglia turned around and left your house. As he closed the door behind him, he heard you screaming his name, followed by painful sobs. It took everything he had not to turn back. The further away he got from you, the more his mask had broken, his tears falling from his eyes. He deliberately spent the evening out in the cold snow in hopes that his tears would seize. He barely made it back home. He cursed at himself for he was weak. Yes, he was weak against the Jester. Even if he challenged him to a duel, Tartaglia knew that he was going to lose. 
There was a morning meeting of the Harbingers the next day. Pacing through the corridors, you headed over to the meeting room. You were baffled as to why you had been called. And while you should have been pondering over that, the only thing on your mind was how you were going to behave in front of him. No matter how much makeup you used, your eyes still betrayed the fact that you had cried yourself to sleep till late at night. If you were to see him now, you weren’t sure whether you’d break down or attack him, demanding an explanation. The strong auras of the Harbingers didn’t give you the chance to lament further, as you were abruptly forced into work mode. 
“As of today, you will be working under the Captain,” Pierro informed you. 
You didn’t understand what led to your transfer under another Harbinger, but you thanked Her Royal Highness for this development. It was an understatement that working under Tartaglia would have been pure torture right now. A lot of people praised the Captain. You remember Viktor mentioning that he wished to work under him one day. Walking behind the tall man, the two of you already being dispatched for a mission, you thought that you had been lucky. You wouldn’t have wanted to end up working for the Doctor or the Jester himself. 
Soon enough you realised that the missions the ever-righteous Captain was sent to were a hundred — maybe a thousand — times more dangerous than those you and Tartaglia were sent to. In order to stay true to himself and uphold his unwavering sense of justice, the Captain wasn’t afraid to brutally crush his opponents. One thought crossed your mind, as you watched him tearing apart his enemies; If I get in his way, I’ll die. You made sure to keep that in mind. 
You were soon forced to admit that you needed to train more, as you had been circled by four opponents. Cuts and wounds had covered your body, while you struggled to fight back. It took all you had to manage to cut down those fiends, before collapsing on the ground, feeling dizzy by the blood loss. You felt something warm falling onto your shoulders and noticed that it was the Captain’s coat. The Harbinger lifted you in his arms and took you to a nearby Fatui camp, where he treated your wounds. He seemed different from when he was fighting. Maybe it was his intimidating appearance, but you thought that he was much more gentle and kind than you had anticipated. 
And despite having to throw yourself in danger during every mission, your mind couldn’t stop thinking about him. You cursed at him as you slayed your enemies, imagining them as him. The Captain noticed how you had gradually grown to be more reckless and offered his help to lessen your burden. No matter how much you cursed him, your heart would still bleed for him. Half a year had passed and you were still yearning for him. Thankfully, you had an abundance of enemies to take your anger out on, without having to feel any remorse. 
Tartaglia hadn’t been in a better state than you. His heart had broken millions of times seeing you after a mission again and again covered in blood — your blood. You were punishing yourself for still harbouring feelings for him. He knew that, because he knew you. He had once overheard some of the Captain’s subordinates discuss how your latest recklessness was going to cost you. He told himself that he wasn’t going to intervene in your mission, he was only going to watch you from afar. However, his body reacted before his mind could give the command, killing the enemy that was about to drive their sword straight through your heart from the back. 
Noticing him standing behind you, pulling out his blade from the now dead enemy, you couldn’t control yourself in the heat of the moment and attacked him. “Why are you here?!” you yelled. Despite you launching attack after attack, Tartaglia didn’t once go on the offensive; he only guarded himself against your lethal attacks, letting you inflict minor wounds throughout his entire body. This continued for a while, until you were both cut off from the Captain’s group and lost within the snowy forest. You were panting hard, tired from your previous battle. Your sword fell from your hand, as you collapsed on his chest. Even so, you continued punching him with your weak fists until you lost consciousness. 
When you woke up, you found yourself lying down on his bed with him standing next to you, gently caressing your hair. You tried to get away from him, but he managed to immobilise your body within mere seconds. You yelled at him to release you, but Tartaglia wasn’t going to. For once, he was going to act shamelessly and selfishly. “I… I never wanted to break up with you.” Despite your resistance, he explained to you what the Jester had asked of him and what he sacrificed in exchange for keeping you alive. “Her Royal Highness, the Tsaritsa, found out about Pierro's order. And she wasn’t particularly happy to say the least.” 
By now, you had calmed down, resting your head on his chest, barely keeping yourself from crying your heart out, realising how stupid you had been this past half year. “I know I should have told you about all this earlier. Maybe if I had… I… I didn’t want to get you killed because I’m weak…” His grip around you tightened. You could hear his voice breaking, as he buried his face on your shoulder. Turning around, you cupped his cheeks and smiled, as tears fell from your eyes, apologising for all the pain you caused him. 
He caught you off guard by kissing your lips. His arms were tightly holding onto your body, as if to prevent you from slipping away again. You wrapped your arms around his neck, moaning as he bit your lower lip, his tongue infiltrating your mouth to find yours. Your body was set ablaze, memories of passionate nights taking over, as you started grinding against his clothed cock. Tartaglia pulled back and watched your head falling back, moaning his name, feeling himself getting hard. It had been so long since you last had sex and he wanted to relish the moment. 
He undressed you slowly, kissing every part of your body that had suffered in countless battles. “Ajax… Ajax…” Your moans made him impatient, yet he managed to maintain a level of self-control. Lying you delicately back on the mattress, he kissed your inner thighs, sucking on the tender flesh, before focusing on your drenched cunt. Tartaglia slowly ate you out, whilst keeping his eyes locked on you, watching you squirm and tightly grasp the bed sheets. His tongue was sucking your clit, while two of his fingers stretched out your hole, leading you to your release. 
Ridding himself of his clothes, he stroked his cock a few times, teasingly rubbing the tip on your wet folds, coating it in your slick. With a sharp thrust of his hips, he dived in your cunt, forcing the air out of your lungs. His thrusts were slow, yet intense. Leaning over you, Tartaglia buried his face on the crook of your neck, leaving behind his marks. Holding your hands, he intertwined your fingers. “I love you…” he moaned with each thrust. Your back arched, your eyes rolled to the back of your skull. For the first time in half a year, you felt alive. You caught his neck and forced him to lean closer, your lips crushing his, whilst your fingers ran through his ginger hair. 
“Ajax… Cum in me…” you requested. And he could never refuse you. You cunt spasmed on his throbbing cock, as you reached your high, moaning his name in his lips. Not long after, Tartaglia moaned your name in your lips, as he orgasmed, filling you up with his cum as you had asked him. He stayed deep inside you, as he kissed your lips. His hands caressed your cheek, not quite yet believing that you were truly there. He had promised himself that he would strive to get stronger so that nobody could tear you apart again. For the time being though, his main focus was making you feel loved.
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© strawchocoberry — do not copy, repost, translate or reuse my work
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riminiscensce · 5 months
Genshin Impact (Taylor's Version)
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➠ G.I. characters x gn/fem reader, but it’s based off of a song from each of Taylor Swift’s albums ♡
➠ monthly updates (hopefully) , will update this list once the respective fic has been posted !!
current status : ongoing / slow updates
here are the line-up with summaries :)
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STAY BEAUTIFUL by Kaedehara Kazuha
“And when you find everything you looked for, I hope your life will lead you back to my door."
✧ …
You love nothing more than to get lost in the labyrinth that are his eyes, the sweet feeling of basking in his presence fills you with the selfishness of wanting to keep it like that.
But you soon find that your path with Kazuha was one that welcomed acceptance.
"You're beautiful, every little piece, love."
"I could give you fifty reasons why I should be the one you choose."
✧ …
Venti has seen all kinds of people as he lived amongst his people, he has witnessed levels of ambitions, beauty and wonder.
But he wouldn’t have said the same about how your existence shines amongst the billions of stars around him.
And as stars do, they attract people’s longing and adoration. But would they even dare to express their feelings for you the same way he does?
✧ …
"All those other girls, well, they're beautiful, but would they write a song for you?"
Speak Now
I CAN SEE YOU by Wriothesley
"And we keep everything professional, but something's changed, It's something I like."
✧ …
The fortress of meropide is and will always be a place of professionalism for the Duke.
Although he can't help but feel a sense of restlessness whenever he would pass by you in the hallways, acting as if both of you passed by no one in particular.
It wasn't the kind of restlessness that would agitate him to no end, but rather the kind of restlessness of impatience and the dying need to let loose.
✧ …
"And I could see you being my addiction. You can see me as a secret mission."
Stay Stay Stay by Thoma
"I was expecting some dramatic turn away. But you stayed."
✧ …
You knew you were always a flawed individual, not having a good control over your violent sentiments, always ending up bursting in strong anger.
Although amidst the outburst of your volcanic emotions, Thoma always sees the beauty through your flaws.
He knows and understands every part of you, even better than you do.
✧ …
"All those times that you didn’t leave, it’s been occurring to me. I’d like to hang out with you for my whole life. "
“Slut!” by Lyney
"Lovelorn and nobody knows. Love thorns all over this rose. I'll pay the price, you won't."
✧ …
Being a noble in Fontaine never proved to be easy. Ever since being born with a sin now forgiven, you have always had your life spread out in front of you.
You never bothered making a choice for yourself, why would you when people already did that for you anyway.
But your emotions made itself apparent after feeling the lingering want and need for Fontaine's magician.
Now you're facing the words of others that regard your feelings for him.
✧ …
"You're not saying you're in love with me. But you're going to."
Call It What You Want by Xiao
"My baby's fit like a daydream, walking with his head down, I'm the one he's walking to."
✧ …
With the sudden death of your reputation, no one was willing to turn a sparing look towards your direction.
It did bother you, but as time passes you find yourself detaching from the drama.
After all, why wish for hundreds of people's gaze when you can have Xiao's sole attention.
With the death of something so crucial, he made you feel the most alive.
And he knows that you don't need to have him save you, but have it be only mentioned, and he is willing to forget everything and run away with you.
✧ …
"You don't need to save me. But would you run away with me?"
Cornelia Street by Kaveh
"I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends."
✧ …
You were the greatest thing that happened to him. Your existence felt like a reward that was given to him by the after years of silent suffering.
Though it slowly irks Kaveh that things in his life are becoming a bit too good.
Usually when it happens, fate does something bad to balance his life out. But he knows this is never the case, whatever the source of his misfortune is, it just wants to toy with him.
And he knows that you might be next in line for it. He can only hope to never lose you.
Not when the very city he lives in is filled with the thought of you.
✧ …
"That's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend."
august by Shikanoin Heizou
"Wanting was enough, for me it was enough."
✧ …
Summer was always supposed to be a season you looked forward to the most.
It only made you feel elated with the presence of Heizou, the guy you swore you were in love with.
Summer was always the best for you.
But soon after having been faced with reality, you found that summer served only as a painful reminder of what could have been.
✧ …
"To live for the hope of it all. Cancel plans just in case you'd call."
tolerate it by Zhongli
"You're so much older and wiser and I wait by the door like I'm just a kid."
✧ …
He was so wise. So sentient, so formal. And you were just there. You never knew why you were there exactly.
The man you knew to have been there for your protection against the thorny pricks of barbed wires in your life, now slowly fading away to merely just a man.
And when he does, you now just realize the existence of a gaping abyss between you and him.
You give him the best of your everything, yet he only spares you his tolerance.
✧ …
"I made you my temple, my mural, my sky. Now I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life."
Midnight Rain by Neuvillette
"He wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain."
✧ …
Having chosen to be the Iudex for Fontaine's court system, Neuvillette already had his path sprawled in front of him.
Turning to a different path was a bad idea that he knew he shouldn't have considered, for it only led him back to his initial path, although now bearing more weight than he originally had.
He became more aware, he wasn't going to put his position at risk for something like relationships, or even marriage.
The only commitment he was willing to take upon was overseeing the nation of justice, nothing else.
Not even you.
✧ …
"He stayed the same, all of me changed like midnight."
Need by Dainsleif
"Passion is a passing thing, It's accidental chemistry."
✧ …
He only has time for short-lived bursts of events.
Perhaps he only prioritizes his fallen nation to pay attention to anything deeper than fleeting feelings.
Dainsleif believes that everything is deceptive and lasts not for eternity. But he soon grows to realize that you two were nothing like that at all.
And he slowly realizes his need for a passion of something worthwhile and long-lasting. His need for you.
✧ …
"Lust is a liar, a short-lived fire. It ain't what you and I are at all."
For The Holidays !
Christmas Tree Farm by your favorite !
“In my heart is a Christmas tree farm where the people would come to dance under sparkles and lights.”
✧ …
What's a better way to celebrate the Holiday than to celebrate it with them?
✧ …
"Sweet dreams of holly and ribbon, mistakes are forgiven. And everything is icy and blue, and you would be there, too."
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rimi’s notes …
hi!! this is my first time posting on tumblr, so I hope my layout kinda makes sense 😭 I’ve been writing genshin fics for a while now (wp : riminiscence) and I figured that I really like writing with a taylor swift song in mind…
hearts / reblogs / follows are very much appreciated ★
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238 notes · View notes
danger-noodle-uwu · 1 year
𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑠𝑘𝑖𝑛♥︎
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𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦; 𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘯𝘰 𝘱𝘭𝘰𝘵/𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘺'𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘩𝘶𝘣𝘣𝘺𝘴/𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺/SMUT/MDNI/18+/
𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴; 1!𝖿 𝖺𝗇𝖽 2!𝖬/𝗍𝗁𝗋𝖾𝖾𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾/𝘷𝘰𝘺𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘮/𝘥𝘳𝘺 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨/𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘯𝘦𝘬𝘰/𝘥𝘰𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯/𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘣𝘺𝘴𝘴 𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳/𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯/𝘤𝘶𝘮𝘧𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯/𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘨𝘯𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘺/𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮-𝘱𝘪𝘦/𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘰𝘤𝘬 𝘤𝘶𝘻 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘶;)/𝖺𝗇𝖺𝗅 𝗌𝖾𝗑/𝖿𝗂𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀/𝗂𝗆 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝗌𝗎𝗋𝖾/𝗄𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗒 𝗂𝗌 𝖼𝗈𝖼𝗄-𝖽𝗋𝗎𝗇𝗄/𝖽𝖺𝖼𝗋𝗒𝗉𝗁𝗂𝗅𝗂𝖺/𝖽𝖾𝗀𝗋𝖺𝖽𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇/𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀/𝖻𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀/
𝖲𝗎𝗆𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗒; 𝗄𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗒, 𝖺 𝗉𝗈𝗈𝗋 𝗇𝖾𝗄𝗈 𝗂𝗇 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗍, 𝗆𝗂𝗌𝗌𝖾𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗍𝗈𝗎𝖼𝗁 𝗈𝖿 𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝖽𝖾𝖺𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝗁𝗎𝗌𝖻𝖺𝗇𝖽𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖽𝖺𝗒𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗆𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗆 𝗍𝗈𝗎𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝗎𝗄𝗇𝗈𝗐𝗇 𝗍𝗈 𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝖺 𝗌𝗎𝗋𝗉𝗋𝗂𝗌𝖾 𝖺𝗐𝖺𝗂𝗍𝗌; 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗏𝖾𝗌 𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗌𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗌𝖿𝗂𝖾𝖽.
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Traces. Leftover traces still stained your skin, from the last time dainsleif visited; the passion and emotion he's contained because of his journey buried deep inside your pussy. Similar fact retained with Enjou who visited more often though stayed much longer, loving every touch and kiss. And when both would leave, you would be left alone with your own head playing to its own accord; thoughts and ideas of pleasure lingering but could never reach contentment.
To be honest, nor Dainsleif neither Enjou could blame you for such perverted thoughts considering the way how each and every moment with them turns into a more vulnerable and melts back to the same; your face buried in either's chest as both compete to fill you up; rearranging your insides as your body shakes due to the intensityof the moment. And honestly, it wasn't like you didn't enjoy it as if you weren't letting yourself become drunk on pleasure, babbling nonsense or screaming their names.
However, this time was different neither of them were at home nor did they send any letters of notice that they'd be late. Nothing...seriously, even after they knew you're in heat, practically drooling for their touches, affection...their everything. Their fingers to pinch your clit, their cocks to abuse that one spot your digits can't reach, them to cage you into their arms as you can't escape and fuck you into oblivion...now that's an exaggeration and you can't be one to blame though you're in heat.
'Today wasn't that special to them, afterall it's just my heat cycle.' you assumed as the ice cream slowly melted to the heat and onto your shirt, making your scowl out of annoyance. The frozen dessert managed to stain the new shirt you had received from Enjou though it supposed to be for him, he would mind seeing you in it.
You cleaned the stain with a tissue that was on the table while you laid in bed again trying to think about anything to ignore the tingling between your legs or the way your tail twisted itself. It was indeed very hard without them; such a hot temperature, fatigue killing your back and this torturous sensation due to your heat.
No matter how many times you tried to focus on a book to entertain yourself the romance slowly molds into something more passionate and if you'd dare think about trying to get a commission done or so the glares from the sun would murder you for sure.
Yet no one was stopping you from relieving yourself of this agony, especially not the pillows that still bore the scent of a certain blond man that loved you more than a poet could recite or a writer to narrate. This scent was exactly what you longed for.
His image fresh in your mind as subconsciously your tailed curled around the pillow while you were busy dreaming about Dainsleif; a blush appeared on your face as thoughts which started as missing his kisses turned to missing a lot more.
And your body being on fire wasn't helping either, so of course; here you were on his pillow dragging your pussy on it, trying ot attain some amount of pleasure as if it will help. Your face turning red due to the lack of pleasure despite the attempts and tears starting to sting your eyes out of frustration as you tore off the shorts leaving the shirt and your panties as the only garments upon your bare body.
"It's not enough, need more...more..!!" you sighed as your administrations got faster and rougher but despite this the pillow could never compare to the men who knew every inch of your body.
"Wish you were here, Dain...Enjou...need you so much please, aahh~" shamelessly you called their name in hopes they would magically appear and tend to your needs as your hands circled your clit while your panties dripped with arousal had already stained the pillow and your tail curled.
Unbeknownst to you however were two people listening to your calls—an Abyss lector and the twilight sword; one merely amused at the attempt of you to try and pleasure yourself with a pillow and the other fixated on how your pussy was dripping arousal as it roughly dragged around the smooth fabric.
"Oh dear! couldn't you wait until master was home, pet?" Enjou gasped with such dramatic manner but loud enough to make your ears shoot up and cheeks burn with embarrassment. However, Dainsleif beside him was admiring the scene before him as you grew even redder at realization that they've been there for quite sometime; witnessing at your every attempt to reach that peak where your mind swirls into nothingness.
"Now now don't be shy~ we've done this before, haven't we Dainsleif?" Though the Abyss lector mad full effort to annoy the other as his hands curled around the mounds on your chest, groping them deliciously but it didn't faze the blond much; he couldn't be distracted as his gaze on you intensified and his eyes grew somewhat dark.
"Dain--mmpfh!!" You barely could choke out before he crashed his lips onto yours his hands roaming free, caressing every curve. His lips made you dizzy for lack of oxygen or the excitement of what comes next, you couldn't tell but what you could tell was how Enjou was toying with your breasts, pinching and squeezing.
"I apologize that I wasn't here for you before but assure you I am now...and to make up for it..." you could swear you had never heard mischief in Dain's voice before and neither had Enjou yet he caught the hint much before you did. His abysmal form re-emerged from this humanoid form he was in while your body burned much harshly begging for their touches in the right places making you moan while being caged by both of them.
"Sweet little kitty, can you handle a little apology from the Abyss or do you shiver at the thought..hmm?" His playful tone makes you shiver but not as much as what pokes your ass meanwhile jealousy seeps into the other as his hand latches itself onto your clit, digits circling your clit at a rough pace through your drenched underwear.
"Enj—mpfhmmm~ please dain~" you pleaded Dainsleif to continue and tease you as they were previously doing and begged for more. Yet Enjou didn't feel satisfied without drawing out a reaction from you and felt himself tearing that cloth that prevented from his thick digits to penetrate into your leaking hole; three golden fingers dragging and thrusting themselves against that one sensitive spot as you arched your back against his chest, screaming their name like a prayer while legs shook violently.
"'jou please~ more, ahhh~" you could only manage a few words as the intensity of the pleasure increased and the knott in your stomach felt tighter. Dain's hands became more rough as his lips sucked upon the soft flesh of your collarbone and Enjou's pace was faster as his other hand harshly gripped your hips.
"Isn't it amazing, my dear to have such a caring partner who tends to your needs when you're busy like a bitch in heat, hmm.?" Despite his degradation your pussy still clamped on his digits, focused on the pleasure that was raking through your whole body. Dainsleif on the other hand, removed himself off of you and was busier with something else rather than toying with you or hearing your melodious screams.
"'Am gonna cum!!please~enjou-enjou!!♡" oh how much he adored that red blush on your face as you cum all over his fingers, the way your tongue is captured between those pretty teeth or how the that tail is wrapped around his waist and how despite your arched back, small you are compared to him. A truly tiny yet adorable creature that babbles nonsense on his fingers.
"Cumming already..? You've barely been fucked...but you're cock-drunk already?" Dainslief tilted your chin upwards forcing you to return his gaze as you realize that he's stripped himself of clothing already and Enjou isn't bothered at all. Instead he's continuing to pump his fingers in and out of your squelching pussy but his other hand is busy trying to rip off his own clothing.
Nervousness takes over you as you come to the realization that they won't be taking turns today instead your brains will be fucked out by both of them at the same time. However, that doesn't stop you from spreading your thighs letting them see what they do to you; making their pants feel far confining than they did before as smile takes over your face. You know the consequences but it's not like you can control how incredibly aroused you are due to them.
"Fuck! You know what you are doing, you bitch!!" Enjou cussed as his hands fumbled before forcefully ripping his pants off before hissing again at that stunt you pulled. "There's no requirement to blame your lack of patience on kitty; but what you did was very wrong kitten and you're going to be punished for that." The blond only needed to smirk at you to know his intent.
The men that surrounded you were now like hungry animals only satisfied after they've finished their meal or in this case; overstimulate you until you're reduced to a crying mess. Crumbling into their hands like putty as you beg them to go harder and harder until you're completely tainted and ruined.
"Mmmhhh~~please do it, punish me♡~~" you teased as your hand grabbed Enjou's cock, the tip already leaking pre-cum and pumped him a couple times using lube as the other was busy stretching out your ass with same preping you for the 'punishment'.
"Please~ keeping going, hah~~" you barely breathed out as Dainsleif inserted a third digit in and still continued while Enjou caged your lips into a kiss then later letting his tongue (longer compared to a human considering he's a lector) dance with yours as drool trickles down your chin and blissed out expression is the only response he receives. But this bliss shortened as Dainsleif stopped his motions and turned you towards himself.
"Ready for your punishment, my dear?" the blond cooed mischievously into your ear before his thick veiny cock entered your pussy without waiting for a reply and wasted no time in thrusting into you, hitting your cervix as of his life depended on breeding you; his hands having a bruising grip on your hips, offering your already salivating pussy no time to adjust to his girth. Such euphoria, you were in that you were screaming his name like a song that could probably be heard from celestia to even make the gods envious of him.
On the other hand, Enjou didn't either spare a moment before inserting his cock that was now much thicker and longer compared to his human self and much bigger than you were used to, into your ass without a warning as you squeezed much hard around his length making him hiss and his vision Spun as if he were about to cum by simply how cutely your asshole squeezed him. Only did he have mercy and slowly pumped himself into you; sparing you yet still made you scream his name with every thrust.
Though his patience was much short lived as rough thrust started to pound your ass; his heavy balls full of his seed smacking against your ass and Dainsleif harshly abusing your cervix from the front. They were both making love to you, making you scream their names and breeding you at the same time.
"Aaahh~♡!! Harder harder~!♡!" You choked between screams of their name as their pace became faster, more meaner and Enjou's hand squeezed your breast with one hand and the other held your waist. Whilst the other sucked onto the skin over your breasts and collarbone leaving a marking on every inch of your body that belonged to him.
"You are our cock-drunk whore, aren't you?" Enjou asked tugging at your tail making you whimper due to the sensitivity. Meanwhile Dainsleif only chuckled while continuing to pound into your quivering pussy.
"Mmhphmmm~~♡!!" You couldn't focus on anything when they both pound into you and having your walls stretched out so nicely sent you off the peak making you crash down so hard as your cum gushed out dripping down but they don't stop or give you a break.
Their dicks continue to attack your sweet spots, uncaring of the tears that stream down your face or tongue lolling out due to overstimulation but solely chasing their own high through making a mess out of you.
"Fuck—'Am gonna cum! fill you up nicely,heh!!" The Abyss lector moaned out as his thrusts grew sloppy and deeper but for Dainsleif his pounding remained the same; mind still clouded with the idea of your swollen belly full of his seed.
"E-enjou~ Dain~♡!" Half lidded Teary-eyes stared at them as you leaned to kiss them both, one then the other; fatigue taking over your body as another orgasm feels like it's being tugged out of you; making your body shake and you cry into enjou's shoulder due to the sensitivity.
"F-fuck, so 'close, so close!!" Dainsleif muttered as his pounding slowed a little and his teeth harshly marked the skin on your collarbone; littering love bites here and there.
" 'Am cumming!!♡! F-fuck~!♡!" A scream was ripped from your throat as you squirted all over yourself and Dainsleif who seemed to mich delighted at your reactions.
"Aahhh~~!! S-shit kitty" Enjou couldn't hold back any further as he came inside your ass; thick cum leaking out of your ass as he removes his lengths from inside you. He notices that and frowns before shoving it all back, making sure you're nicely stuffed meanwhile dainsleif dutifully inflates you with his cum; his seed buried deep into your pussy and your belly looks swollen up. Though he does wonder, how would you look if he actually impregnated you; a belly swelled with his child and oh how would you glow—but not for now.
"Kitty! Hah~!!" He hissed before pulling out. Afterwards, he kisses you; this time much gently on the lips as Enjou lays on your left hugging your bare body whispering sweet nothings into your ear as you slowly calm down from the high and Dainsleif settles on the right side with your head resting upon his chest.
At last, you return to a much required rest and return to dreamland.
"We're so going to continue this in the evening..!" Enjou whisper-yells at Dainsleif excitedly like a child, loud enough for him to hear but not enough for you to be woken up.
"Seriously..?" "Yea!" "Alright sure, why not?" Dainsleif rolls his eyes before fist-bumping the Abyss lector and pulling a blanket over three of you.
"But I'll be on the front this time!" "Yea sure..."
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𝖠/𝗇; 𝗀𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗌 𝗐𝗁𝗈𝗌𝖾 𝗍𝖺𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗋𝖾𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗌��𝗌 𝖺𝗀𝖺𝗂𝗇? 𝖸𝖾𝗉, 𝗆𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗐𝗁𝗈 𝗂𝗌𝗇'𝗍 𝖽𝖾𝖺𝖽? 𝖬𝖾 𝖺𝗀𝖺𝗂𝗇. 𝖠𝗇𝗒𝗐𝖺𝗒, 𝗂 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗇𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗇 𝖺 𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗈𝗇𝖺𝗅𝗂𝗓𝖾𝖽 𝗋𝖾𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗆𝗒 𝖿𝗂𝗋𝗌𝗍 𝖺𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗆𝗉𝗍 𝖺𝗍 𝗂𝗍.
ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥 𝕕𝕒𝕪!!
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cephei-ea · 1 year
Genshin - Argument pt2
Characters: Diluc, Ch*lde, Dainsleif
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort
Synopsis: You walked out after an argument and the guys are a mess
Warnings: cursing, mentions of assault, mugging, car crash and murder/kidnapping, ch*lde content, no HCs for this one sorry😔 Can be read as a stand alone but it may be confusing, refer to part one for a full experience. (Argument, genshin 2)
A/N: can you tell i rushed the fuck out of this after realizing how long it’s been since this was requested? This is not my best writing I have to admit my heat wasn’t in it for some reason and I’ve been super busy. I was hit by some old man in a sudan a few weeks ago and I only recently healed so I just finished. Enjoy
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Diluc ripped the blazer pulled taut around his strong torso off and discarded it haphazardly on the floor below. The material clacked together and landed with a dull thud with its weight in front of the fire. He stood, ripping his gloves off of his hands and loosening the shirt constricting his airway.
He hadn’t experienced true panic in a long time but the thought that you were most absolutely pissed off with him gave him chills that ran violently through the vertebrae of his spine. The fact that you up and left, intensified those chills. He was unsure whether you would be back tonight, next week or ever at all, but even considering entertaining the idea of you never returning to him made his blood boil beneath his veins despite his years upon long years of steeling himself and building walls up around himself. In his mind, you could do no wrong and if his dear lover had deemed it necessary to leave the house because something he said that had stung so badly, it must have been true that he deserved it.
Ripping the leather gloves from his hands, his skin crawled at the image of your back facing him. At the idea that you were somewhere he couldn’t find you and that you could have been in immense danger. At the sour, fist clenching reminder that despite the long hours of search he conducted for you, it proved inadequate, Diluc slammed his hands aggressively against the nearby ebony console stand. In one swift, yet piercingly angry motion, Diluc had belted every set of papers, folder, candle and any other item on the surface, to the floor. The crimson seeping from his hand did not cease for a moment and instead smeared against the wood of the console stand. The fire wielder dragged a hand through his unruly red hair and found that the knots building in his locks had become out of control. The hair tie used to keep his hair from his face was proving inadequate after so many hours of running and panicking.
Finally, after nearly ten minutes of trashing his office and then another 30 spent roaming the winery aimlessly in search of the strongest liquor he had and knocking down anything in his way, Diluc sat down at his couch. With his messy thoughts and scrambled heart, the building was left in total shambles.
The fire in front of him was dimming, the numbness and amnesia it’s bright light and the buzz from the alcohol he managed to dig up gave him, at once began to fade. Luckily, with his worried heart and a pounding headache, the world favored Diluc and allowed him to find sleep. Though his rest was all but pleasant, Diluc awoke a much more sane man. His irrationality from the previous night of delirium had worn off and he was ready to ask around for you. Call in as many favors as he needed.
Against his plans and his wishes, before the redhead could manage to sit up, an aggressive, dull pounding emerged beneath the skin of his forehead. He fell immediately back onto the couch, gripping his head, skin wrinkled with pain. For a moment, Ragnvindr did not attempt to so much as open his eyes again until he was sure he wouldn’t fall on his ass or vomit the second he watched the world spin. What woke him, albeit the pain all over his body and the protests his muscles screamed at him, was the sound of the doors to the winery opening.
Had he lost his mind?
Diluc must have lost his mind.
The maids and butlers wouldn’t be here for another hour or two and the building, still, was a mess. To say the least. He shot up from his seat, praying that when he turned to the door, he would find a servant that arrived early, rather than a customer.
Not only were his expectations not met, but they were far, far exceeded at the same time. Instead, Diluc found himself staring at you as you gaped at the mess burdening the building. Your jaw all but dropped, wide eyes staring at the shattered glass of a vase he swore he liked when you asked him, papers and an old telephone from an antiques store you two visited in your free time left forgotten on the floor. Everywhere. Looking up, you noted that Diluc himself, had been mirroring his panicked mind in the state of his winery. His hair was ruffled and knotted, clothes from the night prior still glued to his body.
“Diluc what the hell happened!? Did someone break in!?” You shouted, kneeling in front of a flower vase nearby and lifting it back into place. You liked that one, thankfully it was intact. A painting of you two in your 2 year long honeymoon phase was tilted on the wall. “I leave for five minutes, Diluc!! What happened to you, why are you bleeding!?” The vase as well as the painting, however, were both quickly forgotten. You instead lent your focus to your lover, crawled out of the couch and staring at you like you weren’t real. A thick white wrapping of bandages covered your abdomen, wrapped around your waist and the smallest of patches of red had seeped through the side. Where the glass shard from earlier had hit you. Dilucs mouth hung agape, he couldn’t find the words to say to you before you were kneeled before him. Using your strength to gather him in your arms and help him up. Though it didn’t require much effort on your part, Diluc could feel you picking up the pieces right in front of him. The pieces of his heart that had dropped when you left. He was quick to wrap his muscle corded arms around your neck and hold you against him.
“I’m... so sorry.” He didn’t lift his head in fear that if he did, you would be reminded of what he did, and leave him again. “Don’t go. Please, don’t.” The red head was only put at ease when he felt your secure arms hold him back. And though your hands didn’t reach far enough to touch around his back, Ragnvindr had never felt so at home and so relieved than in your warm embrace. He finally allowed a sniffle to escape him; but was sure to block you from the view of the countless tears slipping down his cheeks. “Where- where can I go without you?” This failed, however, as it was all too clear that you’d heard his quiet sobs of relief and the desperation in his voice. The last question in his mind was whether or not you would forgive him or not. Whether or not you could move on and forgive his outburst. The fit of rage that had left a small gash on your abdomen. And even if you could find it in your heart to accept his apologies, Diluc knew this night would be branded into his memory with a hot iron rod. His fingers tightened against your clothes and the knight could swear he felt his knees weaken when he saw the blood staining your side. How could he ever recover from this? From such a wicked sin? He couldn’t, for once, imagine the day he would forget hurting the single most important person to him. The idea itself was so repulsively vile that his stomach tighten with the weight of his actions. He gently pressed his hand against the wound, through the pain seeding through his own skin. “Darling, I don’t have the words.” He shied from your gaze, constantly blinking away the tears that threatened to spill again. What could he say to you? How could he know what you were thinking?
“Okay- okay, Diluc come here.” You placed a hand against his and gently pried it from your side, instead placing your lips against his knuckles when you felt the tremble beneath his skin. And the crimson dripping down his arms and outlining his veins. “It’s alright-“
“It’s not. It’s not alright.” He suddenly spat, eyes having softened upon watching as you forgave him.
“Diluc it’s okay. I wouldn’t lie to you, alright?” The knight latched onto your hand so tightly, you feared it might have fallen off, should he have let go. “It’s okay.” Small sniffles, and another sob erupted from your ever stoic lover. Finally the walls of the strongest man you knew were coming down and you were awaiting readily to gather him in your arms and accept every apology he chanted.
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As soon as Tartaglia’s key alights his car with its colored LEDs, the gas pedal is nearly floored. You couldn’t have gotten far, surely. Surely, you were okay with all of the snow and slush caking the concrete roads at this ungodly hour. Surely, you would have kept a level head while driving and ensured your own safe. All the same, Childe gripped the steering wheel like it was keeping him from losing his shit. That it was. His eyes, burning bright and blue searched every bus stop, every bench, every dark sidewalk where you may have stopped.
“Crash reported ahead.”
His navigation blared, pumping a newfound level of fear into the blood of his popping veins. He never imagined a few words could end with the love of his life running in search of escape from him, of all people. That it could have resulted in the possibility of losing you so suddenly. That the consequence to his mistake would have been so grand. The ginger ground his teeth to dust, pressing on the gas until he was doubling the speed limit. Still, not a gust of a wind of your presence or merely your scent, whatsoever. Nevertheless, his speed did not hinder him from checking the car parked on the side of the road, it’s hood decimated horribly by a girthy tree. The second he did not recognize the vehicle, he sped on, sighing a breath of relief he had no idea he’d held in until the moment it escaped him. Childe could not comprehend all of the terrible things that might have happened to you in this cold, icy weather. Nor did he want to. The guilt from his having said something cruel enough to make you leave crushed him under its weight alone. The ginger wanted to pull out his hair. Might something have happened to you during the time which you were meant to be under his protection, his worries would not have lied with his reputation. But in the fear that you would not return to him.
Childe slammed his hand against the steering wheel, blaring his horn at a slow car in front of his. He didn’t have time for this. No time to wait for you. No time to wait on this perfectly sane person. No time to be waiting around for you as if you’d fall into his hold once again. He could not, Childe opted, give you the time to consider leaving him because you really would this time.
“Piece of shit.” He seethed through his teeth, swerving past the small Sudan as soon as a clearing to the side of the road opened wide enough. And it astounded him above all else, really, how fast you must have been going to have avoided his sights for so long. The wind howled, the blizzard seemed to pick up significantly, ice and snowflakes blaring at his window. It took the ginger all too long, too much driving, too much fear, too much gas to finally catch sight of the car you’d taken. Seeing it, a newfound relief washed over him like a tidal wave and he floored the gas pedal again. Childe thanked the good heavens that the freeway the two of you had entered was fairly unoccupied. Between the cars and the lanes of the road came opportunity for the ginger to swerve skillfully between tanks of metal in order to finally approach yours. You were quick to make your exit not long after, however. He was glad you didn’t seem to notice his car following you but as he thought about it, Childe hadn’t thought about what he would do when he found you. At the time of his chase, he had been too panicked to decide on how he would get you back home to him.
The car you’d picked came to a stop in front of the ocean. Though you couldn’t see the moon nor the stars, the blizzard seemed to have calmed momentarily. Hopefully, you thought, long enough to dip your toes in the freezing sea water and distract your mind from the screams of the argument you hadn’t resolved.
Childe watched you exit the car slowly, hair blowing wildly in the wind and frost almost instantly forming on the soft locks of your hair. You hadn’t expected it, despite the weather, to be so difficult to move your legs. To step away from the car you two shared and in your mind, just one step farther from a solution with your lover. Walking away from that car was like walking away from him, so your lead-heavy legs worked like steam engines to push you forward with your hesitation. It did not pass the harbinger how you had removed your shoes and left them in the car, reddening your toes and making your fingers tremble from the sheer cold. His panic hadn’t dissolved, however, and Childe struggled to unbuckle himself as quickly as possible. His lithe fingers fumbled hurriedly against his buckle and the car door handle. He couldn’t take his eyes off you. Fortunately for him, you stopped dead in your tracks the moment you heard his car door shut behind you. With wide eyes meeting his, you paced backwards.
How did he find you? You didn’t know. You thought you’d been sure you sped enough to escape him, even if he’d followed right after you (which you weren’t actually expecting). Just as quickly as you met his eyes, he’d sped to you so quickly you couldn’t back up. Childe looked livid, volatile and like if you said the wrong thing, he would turn red and explode. So you kept your mouth tightly shut when he picked you up and quite literally shoved you into his passenger seat. Finally sitting beside you once more, he looked to you, the windshield, down at his lap and back to you again. His hands trembled, unsure of whether to touch you, support his pounding head or slam against the wheel in frustration.
“What are you thinki-…. What were you thinking!!!???” Childe screamed at you, wiping a palm against his mouth in an attempt to calm himself. “Can you even fathom how afraid I was!? There is a Snezhnayan blizzard out here right now and you want to hit, what, 110 on the fucking highway!!?? Are you out of your mind!?” His eyes were red, a sudden change from his blue irises. “What if you crashed!!?? Huh!!?? What the fuck do I-…” he covered his mouth for a moment before continuing. “What am I supposed to do? If I can’t find you one day?” His tone was soft now, cold and shaky hands gripping the steering wheel like a vice and head resting against his forearms.
“You’re yelling at me again?” You spoke after many too moments of silence but Childe didn’t so much as lift his head. “Is this how you want it to be? Constantly screaming and cursing at each other over things that can be prevented?” You were sick of seeing merely his orange tuft of hair. How could you get him to meet your gaze? “How do you think I’ve felt for months now, Tartaglia?” The ginger immediately shook his head and for once leaned back into his seat.
“Don’t say that. Don’t call me that. That’s not my name.” The harbinger was long past recognizing his mistakes. His issue now was his guilt. Because, yes, he definitely knew how you felt. Those nights coming home half breathing had flown past him. Never would he have thought that they affected you so deeply, had you not said something. And at those times when he was so very tired, so very sore and ultimately craving sleep and nothing more, screams of displeasure and fear from his lover we’re of his least concern. He imagined you felt the same way at that moment. Listening to him scream about how you could have died had the highway not been so fortunately empty was likely nothing but a passing nuisance to you now. Hearing his harbinger name form on your tongue cut deeper than any wound he’d earned in battle. That name was reserved for those he did not trust and those who did not care for nor trust him either. The only name his ears craved to hear you speak was Childe, Ajax or a pet name. Now after such a long day and so much stress and screaming and driving, Childe swore he was going to have a heart attack if you continued using that godforsaken name of his.
“Try again. Maybe an apology, Tartaglia- why don’t we start with th-” you retorted, unprepared for him to cut you off with yet another scream.
“-That’s not my name!!!” He still wouldn’t opt to meet your eyes but you could tell he craved to with how his head shook. “I’m sorry. Okay, I’m sorry.” Finally his eyes were visible and you leaned forward to put yourself in his line of sight. Hesitant but relieved you didn’t seem angry, Childe finally complied. “I didn’t know it was so important and I brushed it off because I really didn’t think much of it. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, if I knew it pained you this much I never would have ignored you.” He fought a small battle in his mind. Whether to try and grab your hand and selfishly soothe his own nerves with the softness of your skin or to allow you to come to him. He placed his shaky hand open in front of you, fingers bent and aching to enclose around yours. “Please. Don’t use that name.” If it made him feel like he’d lost you, it was clear you did not care. But when you placed your hand in his scarred palm, his fingers reacted like the teeth of a Venus flytrap and ensured you could not let go of him. He’d felt so sure of himself when he thought that you were overreacting when you scolded him for returning home hardly alive. Of course while it was clear to him how dangerous his line of work was, it hadn’t occurred to him that it would pain you emotionally as much as it did him physically.
“Okay, Childe. Tell me honestly. If me driving in the snow was so scary, how would you feel if I returned home every day from now on on the brink of death and bleeding into the carpet? Just imagine it-“ You’re voice shook with each word, holding back tears of frustration at the reminder of how much you despised the night time upon catching sight of his bandages again. The harbinger shook his head furiously in an instant. Then he did again, even more aggressively this time and his nails dug into your hand. He didn’t want to imagine that. He couldn’t. You reciprocated, knowing that he could imagine the stress he’d caused you. “Childe because I can’t-“ you clasped a hand over your mouth for a second and dragged it down with the tear that slipped past your defenses. “I can’t keep seeing you like that.” Your voice was a whisper and Childe took that as his queue to stop being pathetic. After all, he was the one who cursed himself to death or a fate worse than death a mere few minutes ago. A life without you. “And I can’t… literally can’t handle it. I’m not strong enough, I’m sorry. I never imagined you felt that you’d rather die than stay with me. If you felt that way you could have said something. I’m not here to hold you down and if you- if you di… die-“ your tongue went rigid. Hiccups and small gasps of fear erupted mortifyingly from your throat. You couldn’t finish your sentence fast enough before your lover yanked you into his embrace and curled his muscle-corded arms around you.
“My god I didn’t mean that. A life without you is worse than death. A life without you is stripped of meaning. Is bland and colorless. I can’t do…” he smooshed your face into his warm chest and you muffled a sob into his chest. “Cant do without you.” He rested his cheek on your head and rubbed it snuggly into you. “Love you so much. Cant leave me okay? Okay?” He chanted with a voice so genuinely dripping with honey that you quite literally melted into his arms. Your body went limp in his hold apart from your hands gripping the back of his black t-shirt. “You’re not leaving me. You can’t.” He smiled to himself, eyes red and trained on your smaller figure smooshed like slime to his. You only hummed in response. And if that meant you would die before leaving him; and if it meant he would kill anyone before letting you leave him, you didn’t care.
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If Dainsleif had gone insane, he wasn’t sure. But waiting for a few hours at your shared house had never felt so long. Nothing had felt so long. The blonde could brandish his achievement of living for centuries at any moment. And it was clear in his appearance, his intelligence, experience and demeanor that he’d had already seen more than he could handle. He’d experienced wars, heartbreak, torture, decades in complete solitude with no one to care for nor anyone to care for him. When you came along and lit a small wisp of a flame in his heart, it made all the difference. He found himself quickly addicted to your smile and the way your heart beated for him and him alone. You made as much clear. This warm love for you was not exempt from becoming a problem, however. Though Dainsleif would never admit it, he loved you sincerely, cripplingly and cruelly. Dainsleif found himself searching for you at his lowest, with you at his highest and when without you, paralyzed. You'd forced your nimble fingers into the cracks of his shielded heart and wedged it open, finding a way to corrupt his steeled mind to depend solely on you and your affection in order to survive. He knew then, when you'd left him in your house alone that you'd succeeded. The moment you shut the door and whispered his greatest nightmare to his face, the blonde couldn't breathe. He stumbled over himself when his legs instinctively took action to catch up to you but it was almost immediately that he failed. His boot caught on his heel and Dainsleif almost went tumbling to the wood floor.
Should he follow you? Should he wait here? Should he call you, knowing there was no chance you wanted to hear from him? He was lost when it came to you. You were the only one who could ever rule him completely disoriented. It took him a long while to realize he had been taking himself in laps around the living room. His mind raced faster than his heart. Where were you? Were you okay? What if you’d been kidnapped or mugged or assaulted or raped? He felt his blood run colder than the endless snowstorms that ruled Snezhnaya at the prospect of not being sure whether or not someone had their rancid hands on you.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” Any sailer would have been proud of the string of prays and curses Dainsleif muttered every few seconds. As long as you returned, he told himself. As long as you came back to him unharmed and alive, everything would be okay. That obsession he had with you had, somewhere along the way, had given Dainsleif the irresistible urge to brutally disembowel and skin alive any person who spoke to you for too long. Anyone who smiled just a little too much beside you. If he said he hadn’t hunted down at least one or two people for crossing a line with you, he’d be lying. Now, however, the only solution to his guilt ridden mind was to have you chew him out.
You, nevertheless, were too plagued at the brain with thoughts of insecurity and doubt to even think of returning home to your worried lover. Your mind drifted to his scrunched face, angry tone, and the phrase that lived only in your nightmares until that day. The nightmares you would wake from in a cold sweat, yearning for his reassurance and affections. Hoping so dearly with everything within you that you would never screw up bad enough to receive such a world ending look directed at you. Dainsleif was usually hyper aware of your doubtful mind. Sensing the moments when your insecurities surfaced in the slight stilling of your dulled eyes or the way your fingers twitched. Tonight, you realized quite vividly he hadn’t noticed a single one of those signs.
Instead, the worried man was questioning whether you were alive. Or if, instead, you’d been stolen off the streets at the ungodly hour it was. Maybe you’d been hurt. Or raped. Or murdered. What scared Dain the most, above anything in the universe that could possibly frighten him, was the unknown. More especially when it came to you. Not knowing where you were, if you were healthy or okay. Not knowing what to do in order to soothe his heart pounding through the gaps in his rib cage and attacking his chest. While his impenetrable immortality was a benefit when it came to protecting you, if you were not there to be protected, Dainsleif was the most powerless man on the planet. And he couldn’t stand the feeling of knowing that if you were screaming for his help to save you at that very moment, he wouldn’t know until later that night when the police arrived at his door with news that you’d been stolen from him for good this time. And that moment would crush him under the weight of every syllable. And his world would legitimately collapse within an instant. And his sanity would shatter like a cheap wine glass in front of his very eyes. And his life and his purpose would crumble away.
If you should have returned home, you didn’t know. What was clear to you was that you were ready to make up with him. Whether he wanted you there or not, you were unsure of as well. But you were prepared to pack your bags if he asked it of you. If what he said was true, in that extreme moment of anger, then it would be better to remain there, at the beach you walked down as you released every milliliter of terminal heartbreak in the form of every tear your eyes could manage. Avoiding the thought of him was impossible; as you’d found a long, long while ago, without being dead. Dainsleif occupied and owned every fiber of the pathetic excuse for a brain you called your own. Any waking moment was lived entirely in hopes that maybe he would praise you, give you a kiss or lend you some of his precious time. And now that your world had crumbled before you, you weren’t sure of how to react. Sure, there had been nights were your dreams turned to nightmares in which Dainsleif would leave you, abandon you or incidents like these would occur. But similar to dying in a nightmare, you’d woken up before they progressed and were left to dread every idea of an outcome. Now that those vile words had actually been directed towards you, all that preparation to feel indifferent about heartbreak over the years went out of the window. As you sat silently and pathetically alone by the water, you sobbed with fear. Fear that you weren’t sure of how to react. How to move on. How to respond to his humiliating confession. How was it possible to move past this? You’d wanted to believe so desperately that you were dreaming still, your brain finally able to fabricate some form of a story to break your heart again. Alas, you heard your lover speak it with his own lips. And ignoring the invisible fist gripping your heart painfully, you stood with shaky legs and a trembling lip. You knew what was to come.
Now, whatever you may have thought was to come, definitely had not looked anything like that. Arriving home to find your calm, collected boyfriend ripping his hair out. Like literally he ran in laps around the room, hands gripping the light of his locks and letting an unnatural amount of hair fall to the floor. You cringed at the awful state of your home. Had the house been ransacked in that short period of time you’d been gone? And was Dainsleif so disoriented that he would let an intruder tear your home apart to such a degree? Why was there a knife lodged into the flat screen tv that took you three months to save up for? With part of the carpet torn up from the floor and the biggest knife of them all gripped tightly in your lovers hand. Of course, that wasn’t the least of it. Plenty of other sharp objects had been stuck into various spots around the room, a plate or two shattered on the kitchen floor and your dining table quite literally knocked over.
You were surprised at the level of shock Dain must have been experiencing considering the fact that he didn’t so much as notice your return to the house for a few minutes. You stared in awe at the prospect of your sweet lover making a mess of the place. He’d never been one for a mess, for trouble and certainly not for any kind of chaos. Being as calm and collected as he was, it was out of character when Dainsleif whipped his head to you with wide, red eyes when your keys fell with a tension shattering clatter. It was like he’d seen a ghost with his hollowed irises. Had he truly been jumped in your absence? If he had, it wasn’t like your immortal lover was incapable of defending himself. He was more than adept at subduing any threat that crossed his path.
“Dainsleif what happened in here?” You asked in genuine concern. He could only open and close his mouth in shock, likely not having had expected you to return. And most definitely not having a word to say in response. In all honesty he, too, did not know how the apartment managed to reach such a state. More than likely, the disheveled rooms were a reflection as well as a result of the delusions he’d fabricated in the confines of his own mind. It showed in the trembling of his fingers that were gripping another knife he planned on throwing into some other expensive piece of furniture.
“You… here… why-when did you-why did you come here?” You hardly had to ponder the answer to his question. You knitted your brows together, confused beyond belief.
“What do you mean why, Dain? I live here. With you. Remember?” You scoffed, trying to imagine a reason behind his clear outburst.
“You haven’t… chosen to leave?” The five words he’d spoken out of fear in that moment told you everything you needed to know. He was afraid. He’d expressed his grief and crippling fear in the destruction of countless items in your home together. Finally— and likely for the first time that night— Dainsleif looked around him at the chaos that had ensued. It would take a burglar effort to cause as much damage in a number of hours that Dainsleif had in only one. It astounded him what he was capable of when he didn’t put his mind to it. Truthfully, he’d felt so many negative emotions for the first time that night that the memory of destroying the house was but a fleeting concern. Now with you having returned when he could have promised that you were to leave him, Dainsleif teared up.
“No! Why would I leave you, Dainsleif that is ridiculous! Did you do this shit!? What are you, five!?” It’s clear in your tone of voice that you’re not happy with him, but Dainsleif could not care less about how angry you would be with him. Even if he hugged your leg with sweaty skin and teary cheeks, at least you would interact with him. Thankfully he opted to refrain from touching you. You looked angry. Confused or overwhelmed. He couldn’t tell which. You looked so troubled that despite his desperation for you touch, he wouldn’t risk losing you.
“Are you upset with me?” He whispered, straining his wilting muscles to stand up. You weren’t mad. Not with the looks he gave you. Not with how much he loved you so preciously. You knew he hadn’t meant what he said. Dainsleif wasn’t the type and never had been. You weren’t stupid; well aware of the fact (especially with the disorder in your home as a consequence to your absence for a mere hour or two) that he had regretted what he said. The look in his eyes when your eyebrows furrowed at his question reassured you of it.
“Dainsleif I’m not mad. I just wouldn’t have taken you as the type to trash the house in a hissy fit in a matter of, what, an hour?” His face scrunched with what looked to be discomfort.
“No! Please don’t do that. Be upset with me. Hit me.” Was he angry?? Surely not. He stepped closer to you and gripped your wrist. Thrusting your hesitant hand against his chest and repeatedly slamming it against himself, he looked as though he would cry. “Yell at me.”Watching your lover as he lifted your hand once more and hit it harshly against his face broke your heart. Thud after thud, he was unrelenting. “Hit me and label me with terrible names. Hate me.” You began to bawl. Maybe your arm pulled back in protest but Dain had always been stronger. Smarter. More experienced. You couldn’t overpower him or his insatiable desire to feel you release your anger onto him. You tried. And with all your might to stop him from forcing your hand against his skin. To stop even yourself from leaving such red marks against his skin. “I’m sorry.” Now he slowed. Suddenly he loosened his grip on your hand; it hardly mattered. Your guilt ate you alive. You made him feel this way. If you’d had no heart to be upset with him for what he’d said, now you certainly had no right. You weren’t even strong enough to tell your lover to stop hurting himself. It hardly mattered whether he would retain the damage or not. Never would you lay a hand on the man you loved. Dainsleif, however, could say the same thing when it came to how tears spilled down your cheeks. He’d been the cause despite his endless promises to protect you.
“Don’t make me do that to you.” Your wrists fell from his hands. “I could never do that-“ your sniffles must have ripped courage from Dainsleif. He’d found the strength to wrap his arms around your smaller frame and crush you against him. “I could never hate you. I don’t ever want to hurt you.” Burying your face into his warm chest, you kept a mental note to speak with him. I’m the moment, your priority would be to hold him in your arms and drill the fact that he was long past forgiveness into his heart.
Thanks for reading
Sorry for the delay, it will be a normal occurance
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ikaroux · 1 year
Learn to love yourself
Synopsis: There are things about you that you can hate. Curves that are too pronounced. A face that is too round. A more self-effacing character. And you sometimes wonder, "Why did he choose me?"
Style: female reader, Cute, sweet, loving, reassuring, established relationship.
Alert: None.
Characters: Venti, Dainsleif, Ayato.
Note: I love writing about Venti, especially since I started writing "Before the Sun and Moon." I know this character isn't necessarily the most beloved of the boys, and I won't hide the fact that Diluc is still number one in my heart. Nevertheless, I hope to make him more attractive to you… On the other hand, it's quite short, but I appreciate having written for these three characters.
Part 1: Diluc Zhongli Kaeya Xiao
Part 2: Albedo, Kazuha, Tartaglia/Childe
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Sitting in front of your dressing table, your eyes stared at that large brown spot with no distinct shape imprinted on your neck since birth. You hated it, you always did… Not only were you born with it, but it was in a place that was nearly impossible for you to cover, except in the winter when you wore turtlenecks. Of course, you tried to use makeup to hide this birthmark, but despite your best efforts, it was impossible to cover it completely.
Your frustration and discomfort had intensified when you met Venti. Over the months, he had become so dear to your heart. So gentle and loving, making you feel beautiful and loved. You had done everything to hide this flaw from him, for fear that it would disgust him… But Venti was the kind of man who liked physical contact, and he often wondered why you always wore something around your neck, preventing him from placing teasing kisses on it. But he never forced you to respond, showing patience and restraint.
Caressing your birthmark with your fingertip, your mind wandering in the twists and turns of your imagination, you didn't notice that your boyfriend had come in through your bedroom window, as he so often did with his anemo vision. When you felt lips brush against your ear, a gasp almost made you fall off the stool you were sitting on as your hand reflexively came to cover your neck.
"Venti! I already told you not to come in through the window!" The young man laughed as usual, apologizing without much conviction as his aqua green eyes seemed to be drawn to what your hand was hiding.
"What are you hiding from me my dove?"
"I-I- Nothing at all! Go wait for me in the living room!" Venti did not move as you asked, instead tilting his head to the side when he caught the tremor in your voice.
"What are you so afraid of, my sweet spring? Don't tell me someone has hurt you?" Venti walked over to you, settling behind your back, his hands firmly on your tense shoulders. When you looked at his face in the reflection of the mirror, something unusual caught your eye… His eyes and the tips of his pigtails were glowing with an intense glow, identical to that of his anemo vision. Anger seemed to be what had triggered this strange reaction.
"No one hurt me… I-" You lowered your head, tightening your grip on your neck. It was then that tender arms encircled your chest as Venti's face rested on the hollow of your shoulder.
"So tell me what you're afraid of. I love you my dove, you know you can tell me anything."
"I don't want to put you off me…" Venti moved slightly away from you, his bewildered eyes staring at you as if you had just said the stupidest thing in the world. You turned your face toward him, your lips close to his. Your hand trembled against your skin, hesitant to move against his gaze. "I love you Venti, I don't want to lose you. You're the best thing that ever happened to me in my life. Try to understand me…" Venti sighed, delicately moving closer to you to place a tender but brief kiss on your lips. As soon as he pulled away, the young man rested his forehead against your shoulder, his arms tightening their grip around you.
"It's more like I should be afraid of losing you. There's so much about me that you don't know… That could scare you or worse, make you hate me. Believe me when I tell you that you are more precious to me than anything else in the world. You will never keep me away from you. Never." Tears welled up in your eyes and slowly, carefully, you slid your hand down your neck, revealing the mark that painted your skin. You closed your eyes, waiting for your lover's reaction. You felt him move behind you before the warmth of his lips kissed your birthmark, making you flinch slightly. "You are beautiful, Y/N. More beautiful than anything I've ever seen. Sweeter than any poem I've ever heard or sung. I'm so glad I met you." And before he could give you time to respond, he held you closer to him, placing eager kisses on your neck, letting only a few moans escape your lips. Venti accepted you completely, carving out a place in your heart that would be reserved for him forever. You hoped that one day he too would be able to face his fears and open up to you…
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"Did you see how skinny she is." Whispered a passerby to her friend.
"Yes, how awful!"
"Don't tell me that the handsome blond guy with her is her boyfriend?"
"No way!" Sneered the stranger.
Dainsleif turned around to face the two women who were openly criticizing you, his cool gaze and poise silencing them immediately. He proudly took your hand to lead you away from the atmosphere that he knew was making you sadder than ever.
Dainsleif was not always present at your side, too busy fighting the abyss and protecting the world you lived in. He always expressed his affection, his love for you. But you couldn't help thinking that these women were right… You were too thin, wiry, nothing attractive to men. Dainsleif was… well he was perfect. An angelic face, blond hair framing his jaw perfectly, blue eyes that seemed to hold a deep, quiet ocean, a beautifully sculpted body…
"Don't pay attention to what they say." Dain muttered softly as he continued to walk quietly, his hand still firmly holding yours.
"Why? You know it's the truth. I don't need them to know that my body is… Hideous. I don't even know what attracted you to me in the first place." Dainsleif paused, slowly turning to face you, his gaze still soft when it came to you. His free hand came to rest on your cheek, his thumb tenderly caressing your skin.
"I love your eyes." He said softly, his caresses extending to your eyelid. "I love your nose." The warmth of his finger ran along the bridge of your nose until it reached your mouth, his thumb lovingly brushing your bottom lip. "I love your lips." His hand planted itself on the back of your neck, drawing you into a sudden, deep kiss, eliciting soft moans between breaths. "I love your voice." Finally, he gently placed his forehead against yours, keeping his hand in your hair. Closing your eyes, you both savored this tender moment. "Do you need a reason to love someone? I love you for who you are, not for what others think of you. I absolutely love every part of your body, every part of your soul." And you knew that Dainsleif spoke sincerely, he was a man who never lied, his sincerity and honesty could sometimes be hurtful, but always helped you move on. More than that, Dainsleif had helped you learn to love yourself step by step, even if it wasn't always easy, even if the looks on your face kept tearing you apart from the inside, as long as he stayed by your side, the world would keep turning.
"I love you Dain." A rare frank smile stretched his features as he pulled you closer to him.
"I love you Y/N." Such simple words yet brimming with emotion when spoken by him. Dainsleif held you in his arms for a long time, kissing every part of your face that your proximity allowed him to reach. Ignoring the regular passage of strangers, their curious eyes gazing at your two bodies tenderly entangled against each other.
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Ayato was the very personification of perfection. He was an upright man, always elegant, always polite, always discreet… A clan leader leading the cultural commission with a masterful hand. When he spoke, people listened, when he fought, it was always with elegance and determination. However, Ayato had sides that he preferred to hide from others, even from his sister. Manipulative, cunning, ingenious, hiding behind his false smiles his real intentions. Only in front of you could he show himself… The trust and love he had for you made you so happy and yet… You were infuriatingly clumsy. Appearances in Inazuma were something essential in society, the slightest slip could bring shame and dishonor to a clan… Slipping on a stone in public. Spilling a cup of tea. Breaking a precious object. Ayato always stood behind you, catching your blunders. You were so ashamed of yourself. So ashamed to embarrass him in front of those who held him in respect.
You were a burden in his life…
Little by little, you began to refuse to accompany him to official dinners or meetings with other clan leaders, using any excuse to justify your absence from his side. But Ayato wasn't blind, watching your every reaction with sadness. He wanted to wait for you to make the first move to confide in him, which you never did… You were pulling away from him, and he couldn't stand that.
"Y/N, how about coming with me to this new restaurant they opened in town? They serve some strange drinks there that I would love to try."
"Not tonight Ayato, I have to visit a sick friend." Ayato watched you out of the corner of his eye, putting on his gloves with more rigor than he wanted.
"You don't have any sick friends." He said simply, pulling on his white jacket over his shirt, consciously ignoring the stiffness in your body at his words. "I asked Thomas to watch you when I couldn't. I was worried about your change in attitude. Why are you avoiding me Y/N? I'd rather you tell me if I've done anything that might have hurt you than watch you grow further and further away from me." You remained silent, clenching your fists in your lap. Ayato sighed loudly, his arms falling heavily at his sides. "Do you still love me?" He asked in a quavering voice, fear soaking into it like ink on paper.
"Of course!"
"Then why do I feel like I'm losing you?" Ayato finally turned to you, his face marked by loneliness and anxiety. "Tell me what I've done, and I promise to do everything I can to make it up to you. I love you and-I don't want to see you walk away from me again."
"You didn't do anything wrong! I'm the one who… I'm embarrassing you with my clumsiness. I feel… Unworthy of you." You lowered your head, hiding the feeling of humiliation that invaded you behind your closed eyelids. Ayato seemed to want to remain silent, his blue eyes watching you carefully. How could he let you think that about yourself? Did you really think you were beneath him? Ayato felt hurt… Not because of you, no, but because of his own incompetence. Wasn't it him who didn't deserve you? After all, he hadn't been able to immediately see the distress his status had caused you. Hesitantly, he slowly approached you, kneeling beside you and lifting your chin to him with his fingertip.
"Forgive me for not understanding what was wrong…" Your eyes glistened with tears that you refused to let fall. "I love your clumsiness. I love your innocence as well as your pure naivety. All these parts of you melt my heart. It doesn't matter what other people think… Did you ever notice my amusement when you spilled your tea on one of the clansmen?" A tear rolled down your cheek as a soft smile stretched your lips. "Or the tenderness in my eyes when you caught yourself on my arm when you were about to fall? Ayato placed a soft kiss on your forehead. "Oh, and that day when you broke a Kujou clan vase. If I hadn't had my younger sister by my side, I don't think I would have been able to keep my urge to laugh out loud locked inside me." Said he, starting to laugh as he reviewed the images flashing through his head. A blush warmly invaded your cheeks as you tugged on the sleeve of his coat, laughing softly with him.
"It's-It's okay I get it! You can stop right there!" Ayato slowly stopped laughing, affection evident in his eyes focused on you.
"I love you my precious Y/N. Don't turn away from me. You bring so much joy to my life… More than I could ever feel. Don't be ashamed of yourself, because I absolutely love all sides of you." He placed a tender kiss on your lips before rising to his feet, reaching out to help you. "Well, how about we go taste this drink that seems to be all the rage?"
"D-Don't come complaining if I spill my drink on you!" A wry smile spread across his face.
"I wouldn't complain, considering you'll be the one to clean me up." The man made you stammer incoherent words, the red on your cheeks spreading to your ears. "Perhaps I should force this inevitable fate and bring about the catastrophe?" Ayato brought your hand to his lips, a mischievous smile on his face.
"You wouldn't dare!?" A squeak escaped your lips as he pulled you outside the Kamisato domain, lovingly intertwining his fingers with yours…
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nuumbie · 9 days
Prompt: And so live—ever or else swoon to death. Dain, what does that strand of hair mean to you? Someone you must kill? Or an object of your penitence?
Author’s Note: The Road Not Taken Trailer stuck with me. Abyss Prince/Princess ! Reader. Something overtook me while writing this… I wrote this so I’ve officially have proof of writing for all three fandoms this blog writes for… but at what cost… ( my sanity )
Trigger Warnings: Depression and not being mentally good is pretty heavy handed, the idea of “missing” someone, grief and loss, just generally upsetting mental concepts. And of course. Genshin Spoilers…
Codependency, babes!
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Cursed to live as an immortal. His life no longer belonged to only him. For every life which could no longer speak-- he would live in their place. Until his body had decayed. Until he could no longer move.
And that day would never come. It would haunt him forever until he’s become so numb to everything.
When he meets you all he's managed to save is the sky. The sky to the world which has taken everything from him. He wondered if his brethren would be happy to continue the shared existence of this world even after they’re gone. To care for the soil which they once lived.
Yes, he was a traveler back then — directionless and without a purpose. Without meaning. A wanderer without a home to return to.
Such different lives. Yet you met at the same road at the same time. Khaenri'a Land. He remembers the destruction, the screaming, all the lives lost.
You share those memories. Why was it. That fate chose to let you both live? Was it destiny’s cruel game? That you both found yourselves in the same world with the same matching wounds.
He wonders when you changed paths?
The world moves on while you both stand there. Firmly rooted in that place and time. Perhaps, he could have stayed there forever.
He remembers— you’re the one who broke the silence. The memory grows farther and farther. But his time with you is something he’s yet to let go.
“The Gods.” you walk next to him, you’ve already seen to found your answer as you tilt your head up towards him. You’re the first pair of eyes in a long time who’s peered into him to acknowledge his existence. He hasn’t communicated in awhile. He can’t remember how long. “Are the worst.”
He stares out at the fallen rubble before meeting your gaze. There’s a burning light. “They are.”
“The Gods look down at the people all the same, yet they meddle with their lives and twist them so.” you laugh. “It’s just not fair. Why is it out of my control?”
Dainsleif’s eyes catch the bodies underneath the rubble. “It’s not fair. You’re right.”
“Hey, you’re traveling too, right? I know you are.” You glance over the fallen wreckage as if that’s proof enough that he’s looking for somewhere to go. “I’m a traveler too… I’m looking for my sibling.”
He can hear the yearning in your tone. You have faith unlike him. He acknowledges. You still have a chance.
Your voice says you believe that so firmly with all of your heart. Dainsleif glances at the gathered proof there’s nothing left for him at his feet.
“Come with me.” You finally say. “Travel with me.”
“I’m lonely.” Is your only reply. You don’t look at him. A life-long regret. He’ll never have gotten to known what you were thinking. Not really. “You seemed lonely, too.”
Did he?
He hadn’t noticed.
He thinks about it.
And he has nothing else to do but to live.
“500 mora.”
“Huh?” You squint your eyes. “I— that’s too cheap. Why? Is this a weekly payment or something?”
“In a way it is.” He sighs. “500 mora every week.”
“It should around as much money needed to buy the ingredients for sticky honey roast.”
You give him the stink eye.
But you’re lonely enough to begrudgingly take the mora out into his hands.
And so you both go on a journey. People change lives. You’ve changed the impact of his.
Your first stop is Mondstadt. He’s buying the ingredients for tonight’s dinner. He has a bit extra change to spare. Mondstadt’s prices are cheap.
It’ll get harder to save when you reach the other nations. So, it’s better to save up now.
He realizes you’ve escaped his side a little too late. He looks around— when he isn’t looking you’re already a distance away from him. Even though you’re the one who asked him to walk this path with you.
You’re staring at the Mondstadt Fountain. In hindsight. It’s a very pretty fountain. But you’re staring at the water a bit too closely. He walks up from behind you and stares at his own reflection which looks back at him.
You both do look strange in comparison to the locals. People have been giving you both odd-stares. He makes a face at the water and tries to smile.
He doesn’t look very accommodating nor welcoming at all. His smile drops. And he’s glad that your eyes are always directed everywhere but him.
Glancing towards you. You don’t look at the water like it’s a reflection of yourself but something else.
You finally notice his staring though it’s far too late. You jump up a little — but you pretend like you weren’t so lost in thought that you hadn’t noticed him sneak up on you. Like always. He doesn’t tell you he knows. You’ve fallen into a pattern like that.
“Do you have a coin?” You glance at him and try to change topics quickly. “Dain.“
“Ah.” He looks at you and blinks as he realizes what’s going through your head. Though, he wonders if it’s something else. You were staring at your own face. “Oh, that is a Mondstadt Custom. Making wishes… I see.”
He takes out the coin. The leftovers. It’s a meaningless gesture. But, you stare at him like it’s what matters most in this world.
The borough keeper does not have anything to wish for. He realizes rather quickly. He glances down at the coin.
His hand grows a little shaky at that thought. Nothing to wish for. So, he instead directs it towards you.
“You should do it, then.” He offers the coin to you. “You’re the one who has a wish. So, why should I?”
Dumbly, you take it. “Huh? Seriously…?”
“Fine… I guess I will then…”
You think— it doesn’t take that long.
Not nearly as long. You’ve already have your mind up. You glance at the water. “I’ll have to make it come true myself in the end. I’m still going to work as hard.”
“Then, what’s the point of the wish?” Dainsleif asks.
“It’s insurance.” You sigh. “It’s comforting. You seriously have no trace of romance in your heart.”
“What did you wish for?” Dainsleif looks at the coin sunken at the bottom of the fountain.
“If I say it then it won’t come true. You’re meant to keep it a secret, Dain. That’s how wishes work.”
Is that so?
He knows what you wished for. But he doesn’t say it.
Some things are better kept never never said.
He's growing older.
You travel to a Liyuan Village, Quingce. It's the perfect day. You’ve both arrived at perfect timing. They’re holding a small festival to celebrate the living.
The joy they experience is vibrant. In comparison. The both of you stand out. Throughout the laughter, the joy, you both sit there in relative silence. Two unhappy people painted against a happy scene.
The sky being dyed in such unnatural colors reminds him of memories that are turned into reasons. He wonders what those colors mean to you? He wonders what goes on in your head.
You're whispering. Do you expect him not to hear? The sound of the fireworks is loud. Each with a loud pop. He wouldn't expect you to be paying attention to him instead of the loud bursts of light.
"We don't belong in this world." Is the words that leave your mouth. He doesn't respond. You repeat it quieter. "We don't belong here."
You’re looking at the children.
You’re curled up in fetal position. Your knees pressed against your chest. It looks painful. You stand at a ten foot distance to him.
You don’t say anything else and continue to watch the fireworks.
When you walk back to your hotel room your voice is weak and you’re clutching tightly to your own shirt.
“Dain.” You make conversation. “Do you think we could be happy?”
He doesn’t know.
“There’s still a long way ahead. Don’t lose hope.”
“I know I can’t.” You sigh. “I know that.”
“It’s just hard sometimes.” You look outside. “They don’t know a thing.”
“It’s just unfair.” You laugh. “Why can’t I live like that?”
“But that’s how it is.”
There’s a silence which lasts only a little. It seems you don’t wish to continue down this line of thought. You give.
“Guess so.” Your eyes meet his and you smile sheepishly. “I’m glad I know you. I’m not alone.”
But you are. That’s why you asked. Because you felt there was nobody who could understand.
And, perhaps, he still doesn’t know you either. No. He’s sure he doesn’t.
When you bring a topic up. It’s very likely you never bring it up again.
He doesn’t usher it out of you. The next morning you wave the children goodbye— wishing them happy lives.
They’re younger than you both yet you’ll both grow to outlive them. You’re fundamentally different. Dainsleif presumes that’s the same case with you both as well.
In Inazuma you take a quick resting stop. You plan on camping that night. You seem enraptured that night. You’ve gone into the slow flowing river. It seemed clear. So, he hadn’t stopped you.
You reach your hands towards a bright sky.
You’re in a far off place. He wonders if he could reach you if he really tried.
He doesn’t bother. He sits there and watches your distant figure watch the stars.
He watches after you. Some days. He feels like a bystander in your life.
You stay like that for awhile before you finally return to him. You’re holding your shoes in your hand— you drop them before awkwardly plopping yourself next to him.
“They told me if I was ever lost. All I needed to do was look up to the stars because we’d be looking up at the same sky.”
"I wonder what they'd think if they saw it. The stars are beautiful here. Even though the sky itself is the cause of all my problems. I still love the stars. They won’t ruin it for me.”
“Dain, what do you think?”
You’re not really asking him.
“It’s nice.” He responds. “I think they’re beautiful, too.”
You rarely talk about yourself he notices. You rarely think about yourself.
“Do you like it?” He asks.
“I do. But it hurts. Does that make sense, Dain?”
“It does.” He replies and he hopes that gives you some ounce of peace.
You smile a little. He wishes it could last.
You’re someplace far away. He looks down at you— and, making a move, for the first time he offers you his hand.
You take it and fall asleep against his shoulder.
He clings to your warmth and holds you.
When he wakes up you’re already gone.
You revert back to your normal and neither of you bring it up. But even if it’s left unspoken.
It’s already been said.
In Sumeru while exploring the wilderness you’ve sunken to your knees. The sight of something has caught your attention.
It's rare to see you stray from your goal.
You gaze down at the white flowers for a few seconds. Most often your eyes dance around. It's very rare that something strikes you enough to linger on. To hold still for just a moment in time.
It's rare that you let anything hold you back. Each nation. You grow a little faster. A little more distant.
You glance up at him, wordlessly as you go to kneel to clutch the flower between your palms, it's often that you do things just like this. Ask him to speak up on the matter and info-dump so you can understand the world better. It's the little conversation you both have.
“Dain, what is this?”
"It's a flower native to Kharenri'ah." His heart winces a little at the word. It appears that the wound has not mended itself. It won't ever. He's made peace with that. He merely wonders when he'll learn to live with that truth. "It's called the Intreyvat. It has 2-weeks before it wilts. It's aligned with elemental energy as for why it glows. Elemental Energy isn't edible nor does it taste very good for those who've tried it. So please do not eat it."
You don't respond. So he continues with other facts assuming you're not satisfied. "It's called the wanderer's flower for it's properties which--"
"I'm not going to eat it, idiot. I'm not insane to eat flowers. You're my emergency food rations." Contradiction. He thinks that cannibalism is more insane than eating flora. But, he chocks it up to either sarcasm or a testament to your oddness. It's likely the former. Your face warmed up. Embarrassed that he’d even imply it. Melanin rushing straight to your face to the tips of your ears. you whisper, hushed, as you cradle the flower delicately in your arms. Like it can hear your argument. It can't. It’s not alive in that sense. a fact he would point out. But he knows it’s not the time for that. He opts for silence as he usually does. "They just grew these back home. My actual home. Before it got destroyed."
You have a deep longing in your eyes. All-consuming devotion. "Some things remain constant through different worlds. There's likely another you somewhere on one of the many worlds that exist."
"I saw these with my sibling when I first arrived at Teyvat. The flower were the first thing we saw. A field of them." you churn out. your grip on the flower grows tighter. it's petals crush beneath your fingers at how tight you hold it. you don't seem to notice. " All things meet similar fates. So, of course these flowers were meant to fade away in this world too."
"It’s okay. These aren’t actually my homeland’s flowers. It’s not mine.” You laugh as you let go of the flower. leaving the crushed white petals lay dirtily discarded on the floor. "It was never mine. But the sight of it regardless bought me joy."
It's left in the dirt. You stand on wobbly knees. He thinks to mention it but you have enough to worry about already.
Dainsleif knows it’s better not to linger as well. So he chases after you. At some point it changed from him walking meaninglessly.
He drifts after your footsteps. Behind you.
You’re always changing. Slowly, bit by bit, the person he met so long ago becomes a stranger distant in his mind.
Time is passing. He doesn’t keep track. Do you?
When you’re at Fontaine you finally let yourself break.
So maybe you are. It explains why you finally go mad. The process of traveling place to place.
It must have been draining.
His hand curls around your face. You’re both doing an odd-job for money to travel so often from place to place.
You’ve both finished killing another hilichurl camp which stood in the way. Wiping the splattered blood from your cheek. A little too closely but you don’t seem to mind. “Is it yours or theirs?”
You don’t answer. Which does nothing to ease his worries. He goes to wipe the rest of the blood to see if you have any injuries. This isn’t like either of you. To dote on another like this. These moments are sparse, few and far between in your own words until you’re at a certain breaking point — nothing more than travel companions until you need someone to catch you before you fall. That’s why you called for him.
Because you were alone. Because he was alone.
It’s transactional.
It should be, anyway. You tremble and bite your lip hard enough that it bleeds. What you have feels heavier than that.
“I don’t want to ever kill another hilichurl again.”
“We’ll never have to kill another one again.” He tries to soothe you. “We can stop taking requests like this.”
It must be bad. You’re holding still. Barely reacting to the feather-light touch. He squeezes your face.
You react at that. Your eyes narrowing ever so slightly. He lets go once he sees that’s enough to rouse you out of your own head.
“We should take a break.” He finally says. “We haven’t had one in awhile-“
“I don’t want to stop.” You reply back. “It gets worse when we stop.”
You‘ve been tired for a long time.
Wiping the rest of the blood on his cape. He doesn’t struggle. But that doesn’t mean he’s entirely indifferent to the process. But he never struggles against you. So he doesn’t even budge. He just looks at you with that prey animal stare reserved for only you. “Ah.”
“My cape.” He holds the tassel and flops it around. As subdued and subpar as it is. “Isn’t a napkin.”
“We’re both dirty, now.” That brings an odd joy he’ll have to worry about later. You ramble as you use it to wipe your tears away as well. “Now we both need showers and…”
“Dain.” You ask quietly. “Why do you stay with me?”
You’re not yourself. You’ll regret this later. He comforts you now and answers regardless.
“I care about you even if it doesn’t seem that way at times.”
You stare at him like his words are hard to believe. Your mouth opening and closing like a goldfish. Who would expect that? He can see the thoughts racing behind your eyes. But, what you settle on is— “You’re so stupid.”
You don’t seem entirely unhappy with his answer despite the words that you say considering you’re laughing. It’s an oddly sad laugh.
He tries to ignore the pink color that rises to his cheeks.
“So stupid.” You cry a little harder.
He knows you wish someone else could hold you.
He knows that it isn’t the same nor will it ever live up to the real thing.
You both never purposefully kill a Hilichurl again.
He does his best to avoid them on the roads. Whenever you see one — a deep sadness falls over you. So, he does his best to stifle that grief and ease that burden,
You haven’t asked as much questions lately since arriving at Natlan. You’ve quit speaking entirely at some points in time.
Your light has dimmed. This world is killing you.
“Why do you travel at all?”
He stares at you through a mouthful of mushroom-chicken skewers.
You’ve never asked before. You’ve asked all sorts of questions. But never that.
“It was sort of implied at the fountain that you didn’t know.”
“Did you figure it out, Dain?”
Maybe he did.
He thinks about keeping it to himself. Holding on to that answer just this once.
But maybe it’s something worth saying.
No, maybe it’s something…
He just wants to admit. To say out loud. Just once.
Even though he knows you know.
“I want to see your journey to its end.”
You instantaneously groan.
“I’d thought you’d answer that.” You pout. “When did you grow so obsessed with me?”
He doesn’t know himself. He doesn’t know why or how.
“You should live for yourself.” Hypocrite. “Beyond Khaenri'ah and beyond me.”
Dainsleif sighs and…
He continues. Despite the voice in his head. Telling him it likely isn’t right.
“I really like you.”
Time stops.
He’s a little surprised the words actually came out of his mouth. But they did.
He can’t take it back now that it’s been said. That’s how it works.
He could pretend that his words had a different meaning. He could create some lie. And you could just eat it up.
But he chooses not to. Why is that?
“I like you. That’s why I wish to see it through with you. I wish to see you happy. Typically. You wish to be with the people you like.” He repeats. Louder. So you can’t misinterpret it or pretend you’ve heard him wrong, He chews on the mushroom skewer. Feeling his face heat up. Some days. He wished his mask covered the entirety of his face.
He feigns how okay he is with these words leaving his mouth. Pretends like he isn’t pouring a deep part of himself out to you. “Don’t mind where. I just wish to be by your side.”
“You’ve been my reason for awhile now.“
“I want to see you achieve your own happiness. If I could be there till your end. I would.”
And he continues. A little too much. He realizes. He stops and looks at you to use as measure for how much he’s talked.
Quite a lot. You stare at him in horror.
“I— don’t repeat it!” You yell and look around like somebody can hear you both. There’s nobody for miles. In the end. It’s always you both alone. “What’s gotten into you?”
“You asked.” Dainsleif points out and bites down on the shame. “I answered.”
“It wouldn’t work.” You stumble. “You and me—“
“It doesn’t have to be as lovers. My… current goal… the… reason I’m traveling with you… what I want most is just… to see you be okay.“
“Your terminology was confusing! It’s not my fault—“
“But if you want to entertain the idea… of… us being partners and such. I wouldn’t mind traveling with you. To see other worlds. If you could bring me.” He can’t bear to look at you. “Though, I have a task as a Borough Keeper… I…”
“You wish for me to live for myself. Is that not proof I am? Willing to find a reason to live past that role?”
“T-Travel with me…” the room grows hotter. “Wait, that’s not the point!”
“It still doesn’t work!” You yelp. “Just…”
“Maybe at the end of the road when I reunite with my...” You mumble. “I… no…”
“No… I don’t think… you… we should.”
“We shouldn’t.”
You don’t explain why.
Dainsleif flushes… and looks away. Understanding. He tries to be understanding.
Even if he’s not very good at it.
“I understand… I told you. I just… wish for your happiness.”
“You shouldn’t.“
And you don’t elaborate. You never really do.
He doesn’t understand how bad it gets until it’s too late.
Because you were right.
Thinking about it now, it was an omen, a warning more than anything. You likely should have thrown him loose a long time ago.
Did you not think about that? Or was it now when everything’s finally proved that this was where your path must lead? Were you hoping that there was another option?
Was this your last choice?
Well, it’s already history. You must have known that. That’s why you were so insistent on it. To limit the heart-ache. The tragedy. If you held on even tighter. Then, the pain of separation would hurt even more.
You’re already painfully familiar.
You should have never offered your hand to him at all. But it was this journey it was knowing which made you into this, wasn’t it?
He was there to witness your unraveling. And he didn’t do a thing to stop it.
The sword has pierced through his stomach. He’ll survive. That’s what he was cursed to do. To eternally grieve. You know that. You aren’t actually trying to kill him. You’re sparing him. And that’s even more painful.
There’s no light in your eyes. You’ve chosen the road ahead. It’s a road you cannot travel back from. You will die. You will destroy everything. And you will repeat the endless cycle of bloodshed.
This is the second time his reason for living was entirely stolen. How fun. How grand. How sick. But he should have known, too. Even if you’re immortal as well—
The things he loved were bound to get torn from him. His life will forever be a game of give and take.
“There’s nothing else.” You glance out into the darkness. “For me to see. I’ve seen it all. And it’s driven me mad.”
“I understand now. You don’t have to follow me anymore. You’ve done your job of seeing me through to the end. And I thank you for that. You’ve been a good guide. I’ve cherished this time together.”
Like this isn’t it. As if you aren’t severing your paths entirely. You dig the sword deeply into his stomach like you’re cutting whatever has connected you both all this time to each other.
But it did matter. Everything mattered. It mattered so much to the point where you’ve come down to this. He holds the sword and tries to push it out.
You’ve detached. When was it when you pulled yourself away from him entirely? He never noticed the gap between you had grown so deep.
“You’re not joining me are you?”
“I’m not.” He responds from the floor. He chokes on his own blood. It isn’t the first. Nor will it be the last time. He can see his future from here. Because life refuses to let him live languid life. He could never agree with the tragedy you intend to cause. The world you wish to ruin— still belongs to him. “You’re right. I can’t agree. I could never agree.”
And more than that, you’re likening yourself to a monster. This path. Paved in blood. If you walk it you will be no better than them. You’re making a mistake. You’re so much more than this. And he knows. Because he was there for you for so long.
“If this is the path you plan to take. I will oppose for eternity.” He spits.
For some reason that gets you to share with him a rare smile.
The way you smile at him then still haunts his dreams.
“I knew you could do it.”
It is your hands which he trusted so which push him into the abyss. The hands which he had done his best to have lovingly held. It is his first betrayal.
And yet he still tries to have faith.
Your paths diverge…
But regardless of that.
You’re not out of reach.
He can still save you.
Is this how you’ve felt all this time? With a flickering inch of hope? Given so little yet still believing in that faint chance of reunion?
He’ll force your paths back together himself.
He’s begun to try to count the time.
He just measures it against the day which took everything.
500 years.
He's come here before. The bar called Dawn Winery’s-- it's peaceful in comparison to the other worlds. Though so dreadfully close to Celestia. You’re close. He knows you are. Thus why he’s here to begin with.
The bartender has changed again since he was last here. He’s witnessed many faces since that time so long ago. He almost got mistaken. It seems it’s the previous incarnation’s son? He wears his father's skin, has his bright crimson hair, the only thing lacking is the life in his eyes. He must not be have taken the loss well.
Dainsleif's taste buds have faded with time. But the wine goes down as easily as he remembers. He relies on his sight to enjoy it. It’s changed over the years. The bottle itself. The liquid’s color isn’t as he remembers and it never is the same—
A familiar voice.
He can feel time pause.
“Hi… I’m an adventurer from the adventure’s guild!”
He doesn’t respond.
The voice is insistent despite him clearly ignoring them.
“How do you do… I’m an honorary member of the Knights of Favonius!”
If he turns around, if he wants so deeply, then it feels as if it’ll be even farther. If the very act of wanting will make it so Celestia tears it away from him.
But the voice continues. A different one. There’s another. There’s two?
“Wow… he has no intention of paying us any mind.”
“So… uh… I’m a traveler.”
Two people, one pair of footsteps. This isn’t an ordinary person.
Dainsleif doesn’t look back but he repeats a question. A question from a long time ago.
“A traveler you say. Why do you travel?”
He can feel the awkward smile tugging on the other party’s lips. There’s a light. Unending. Unendurable.
“Well… looking for my lost relative… could it be possible that you’ve seen them?”
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meguminne · 8 months
Love, Lost and Wandered࿐ ࿔*:・゚
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dainleif is scared of forgetting you, he would traverse the cursed plains of the irminsul to remember you. — cursed grounds that belonged to one of those damned archons just to remember you. his curse now includes you as well. im gonna be honest and tell you straight up idk how the irminsul or dainsleif work and whether or not this is accurate to their lore, i just want to write a devoted lover dain who’s willing to beg to the archons for reader like that one questline. also!! reblogs and follows are very appreciated as it lets me know you guys enjoy my writing!! . (reader x dainsleif) oct. 15 2023 part one (?)
dainsleif is too ashamed to admit this aloud but he finds himself forgetting you. who once was his most precious, his beloved; your voice, your laugh, even your smile. — the gods are merciless but were ‘kind’ enough to spare you from turning you into the hilichurls doomed to wander the earth, loyal only to their most primal instincts. they were ‘kind’ enough to spare you from the curse of immortality, the pain of living and unable to die. he wonders which fate would have been better for the both of you, but he does believe death has been the most merciful outcome.
the only thing he has of you is the memory of your name, the love he can’t forget, and the dreams you’ve left with him. — but they’re not immune to the weathering of time. he finds himself slipping, forgetting the little things that complete your image, the treasures he salvaged from the remnants of his home broken down with the centuries that came with immortality and the dreams you held with him now seem blurry as though he couldn’t fathom to sleep and dream without you. it’s been eons and yet he still hasn’t gotten used to your absence beside him.
when fate is kind enough to grant him the time to paint, his mind goes over to the idea of you and he seems to get the gist of your frame, your figure but your face only seems to be drawn as a mixture of swirls, indescribable and indistinguishable from the fog that surrounds the memory of you.
as much as he hated to admit it, he was slowly forgetting you.
but he’s not ready yet, to forget you is to let you die once and for all. he’s the only one who holds the memory of you and if he forgets, you’re gone forever. — amidst the false gods, their endless pride and the heavens; you were the angel that almost made dainsleif believe in divinity.
he’s desperate to maintain that memory of you, to keep you alive and beside him to the best of his ability for forgetting you might doom to an eternity of restless living cursed only for vengeance.
dainsleif was desperate enough to keep that memory of you that he was willing to trek onto the irminsul, the ‘sacred’ grounds of the dendro archon that records say remembers everything. the memories stored within the ley lines that have touched all of teyvat, the ley lines that rooted itself deep beneath the grounds; roots that listened to every drop of rain, whisper and wind. — he was willing to traverse and resort to the divinities he loathed just to remember you. whether it’s be by force, or if he had to kneel, beg and grovel at the archon’s feet just to be welcomed into the dreamlike plains; he would do it for his pride was nothing next to his devotion for you.
the only obstacle now was whether or not the archon, buer was willing to let a khaenri'ahn survivor step foot into the holy grounds. — or if he could even ask for help from the traveler..
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silkjade · 1 year
in the moment we’re lost & found
Featuring— albedo, kaveh, zhongli, dainsleif ⤀ gn!reader, reincarnation au but also a some soulmate au vibes (?), dark / light academia themed a/n: i picked charas i thought would suit the aesthetic cus my favorite flavor of reincarnation au has to do with art and museums / luv history + art + museums + galleries !
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as an up-and-coming artist, albedo is a rising star in teyvat’s art world, but lately he’s been haunted by a face he sees only in his dreams. it’s unclear, and it drives him insane that he can’t quite make out all the details of this mysterious figure. albedo, whose artwork is notoriously lifelike, knows that something just isn't right; something is missing and he can't quite grasp it. countless times, he's tried to translate the idea of you onto paper, and countless times he's ripped out pages of his sketchbook, the abandoned drawings left crumpled in random corners of his studio, of his house, of his room. they say the mind is unable to create faces of its own so where did you come from? it consumes him— the way you replay in his head once he closes his eyes, as if he'd somehow stolen the memories of somebody else. perhaps this is what the tortured artists sing of when they descend to madness, haunted by an absent muse. at least… until the fateful day he sees you out on the cobbled streets of mondstadt. you pass by quickly, the moment as fleeting as a shooting star, and something in albedo clicks. he doesn’t have time to think, he just moves. his muse is here now within reach; how can he risk letting you slip away?
careless collision, staggering steps… you snap your eyes shut as you try to mentally prepare yourself for the utter humiliation of falling into the akademiya fountain. except it never comes. your eyes flutter open, and are instantly met with just about the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. however, his expression is one of shock, as if he’s just as surprised as you are of his own actions, and truth be told, he is. because he seemed to have been able to watch the scene unfold, even before the other party had bumped into you. because kaveh is sure something had come over him, with the way time appeared to have stopped and his legs moved of their own accord. like his body was suddenly able to predict the future, or that it was the work of some absurd sense of muscle memory. even so, the weight of you in his grasp feels uncannily familiar. in a good way. it feels right; it feels like he had waited his whole life for this moment.
and suddenly you're hyperaware of how close the two of you actually are— but also of how safe you feel with his arm wrapped around your waist, or of how his large doe eyes seem to peer into your very soul, the carmine hues dancing with renewed life. you really can't shake the overwhelming feeling that you've met before, that perhaps this isn't your first time around at all. and so you have to ask, “have we met before?”
"no, but I'd like to again."
you quite literally walk into zhongli, knocking his documents out of his hands and all across the marble floor of liyue’s national museum. zhongli sighs without looking up; he had spent the better half of a day organizing contracts and paperwork for a loan agreement to inazuma, though he supposes he should share in the blame for not watching where he was going. hundreds of years have passed since the immortal ex-archon worked as a funeral consultant; these days, zhongli opts to spend his time surrounded by artifacts of bygone times and bygone people. but when he looks up, his golden eyes widen and his blood runs cold at the sight of you in front of him. he freezes, as if time seems to have stopped for the both of you. his focus shifts back and forth between you and the painting across the room: a seemingly ordinary portrait, dated from around the time of the blonde traveler. still, whenever asked, he can confidently say that it’s his favorite piece, even in this house of invaluable artifacts and monuments to heroes, even among all the rich antiquities teyvat has to offer. and here you were in front of him, a perfect match to the painting's subject. the one whom he had once held so dear before being torn away by the hands of time, is now kneeling on the floor in front of him, frantically trying to gather the scattered documents, of which he had long deemed irrelevant. he feels his impenetrable stone heart flutter for the first time in what feels like a millennia because it’s you. he's sure of it. it's you, it's you, it's you.
ever since your move to mondstadt, you've started having satin dreams of knights and castles, false flowers and fictional faces; dreams that undoubtedly end in war and destruction because everything shifts. castles crumble, faces morph— it becomes a nightmare so vivid it feels more akin to a memory than a dream. but through it all only one thing remains constant in that, in every iteration, you always fall in love with the same blonde man.
wandering the tranquil halls of mondstadt's national gallery, you find yourself before The Destruction of Khaenri'ah, a painting tragically beautiful in it's depiction of the ancient nation's condemnation by the heavens. you feel your eyes threaten to water, the ache in your chest an indication that the same anguish you've felt in your nightmares, has now sunk its claws into your heart. it's the first time a piece of art has moved you like this. so much so that you’re rooted in a trance-like state until someone beside you clears his throat, snapping you back to reality. he himself also gazes at the painting although his arm is outstretched; a handkerchief in offering for your tears. it isn't until your fingers brush against his that the blonde man turns to meet your gaze. shades of cerulean, bluer than the depths of the seas, all a mere backdrop to the stars shining in his eyes. stars that match the ones sitting in your own eyes. your heart skips a beat at the revelation. it's him, the man from your dreams. he’s real.
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