dailybloodswap · 3 months
Anything with cirava or chixie would be awesome! Sorry about your dog
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shsl/ultimate monarch. they're also the first shsl despair lmao
i'm gonna try do the chixie later on still
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Sometimes you just got to do a panel edit, featuring Togami losing his mind because he's trapped with both Naegi's and they're both insane and annoying.
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tyranitarkisser · 2 months
who would mituna be in the danganronpastuck universe. he kinda gives kazuichi soda a little bit i think
I can see that.. you might be right. If were talking out of the whole cast i would change the ones i already said in my post because i meant those relative to each other and similar dynamica but if were going off pure vibes Gamzee would probably be Kokichi... or Komaeda? I think saying Vriska is Komaeda is a much more psychically damaging sentence. But then if Gamzee was Komaeda then you have GamKat to parallel Komahina......
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andy-deer · 4 years
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ah yes danganronpastuck a webcomic about 16 kids that play a game and end the world
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singingvio · 4 years
Homestuck Danganronpa AU
Participants: The Beta and Alpha kids + Hal, the Beta trolls, and the Dancestors.
And of course there’s Monokuma,  and the mastermind is (???) HAHA NOT TELLING YOU
John Egbert - Ultimate Lucky Student, though always wished to be the Ultimate Prankster. Jane Egbert - Ultimate Baker Dave Strider - Ultimate Photographer (Come on. You know why.) Dirk Strider - Ultimate ??? (keeps claiming to be Ultimate Swordsman but we all know that isn’t true.) Hal Strider - Ultimate AI (Think K1-B0 but less ‘THAT’S ROBOPHOBIC’ and more ‘Get fucked peasants.’) Rose Lalonde - Ultimate Horror-Fantasy Author Roxy Lalonde - Ultimate Bartender (HA) Jade Harley - Ultimate Botanist (cause of the giant garden in her house) Jake English - Ultimate Zoologist (Cause I don’t know I just thought it fit him???)
Karkat Vantas - Ultimate Youth Leader (GET IT CAUSE HIS DAD’S TROLL JESUS) Kankri Vantas - Ultimate Public Speaker (You’d think this means he’d have social skills but no) Aradia Megido - Ultimate Archaeologist Damara Megido - Ultimate Linguist (cause she speaks a different language in-game I guess???) Tavros Nitram - Ultimate Veterinarian (get it??) Rufioh Nitram - Ultimate Actor (because he’s named after an actor I think) Sollux Captor - Ultimate Programmer Mituna Captor - Ultimate Engineer Nepeta Leijon - Ultimate Roleplayer (And/or Ultimate Furry though it’s not official) Meulin Leijon - Ultimate Artist (??? I guess I couldn’t think of anything else for her sorry...) Kanaya Maryam - Ultimate Fashion Designer Porrim Maryam - Ultimate Model Terezi Pyrope - Ultimate Judge (or Ultimate Lie Detector hehe) Latula Pyrope - Ultimate Skateboarder Vriska Serket - Ultimate Gambler Aranea Serket - Ultimate Historian Equius Zahaak - Ultimate Roboticist Horuss Zahaak - Ultimate Pilot (Cause the goggles remind me of a pilot there’s literally no other reason) Gamzee Makara - Ultimate Juggalo Kurloz Makara - Ultimate Costume Designer (cause that outfit is horrifying) Eridan Ampora - Ultimate Chemist (Remember it’s not magic it’s sCiEnCe) Cronus Ampora - Ultimate Swimmer Feferi Peixes - Ultimate Princess Meenah Peixes - Ultimate Pirate Captain (BECAUSE WHY NOT)
AAAAND that’s all of them!! So yeah it’s a much larger cast than a regular Danganronpa game but I wanted to include them all sorry! Also I might make art or write something about this who knows. Please give me your thoughts on their talents, I’d like feedback!
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notsosensational · 3 years
This is my classpect master post for Danganronpa 2! It's been a while since my post for the first game, mostly because I was stuck on a few characters (it was much harder overall for some reason), but I'm finally done, god bless. I’m hoping to start and finish V3 soon to work on the next classpect post
Hinata Hajime- Page of Hope
-actively exploits and is served possibilities and positivity. Hope was easy for Hajime, because even though he's more of a "realist" than our other hope players, he's a fantastic beacon of encouragement to the people around him. Somehow he just knows the right things to say in order to lift people's spirits. He definitely didn't start out with much hope himself though. He was bitter and futureless, attending the Hope's Peak reserve course as more of a conciliatory prize than anything. But Chiaki bumped into him and gave him the belief that he's not any worse by not having a talent. And later, he was given a huge opportunity to take part in the "hope cultivation plan". There's a lot of self-denial going on with him, trying not to admit to others that he's only in the reserve course and trying to convince himself that he doesn't care that much, which runs rampant in pages and knights.
Kamukura Izuru - Muse of Hope
-passively embodies possibilities and beliefs. On my previous classpect post with the DR1 characters, I said I didn't do the master classes but I've changed my mind. I'm not going to go back and edit my post but I'm definitely sorting Junko as a lord and Izuru as a muse. There's nothing else he could be. Extreme passivity and preoccupation with personal belief and possibilities (what is interesting, what is boring, is there anything I can't do?). He *is* possibilities in that he has so many talents, he can do nearly anything. Also, this just goes to show that no class, aspect, or title is inherently good or bad. Some might be more inclined to, uh, moral confusion, but we all make our own choices.
Owari Akane- Mage of Life
-actively understands and guides energy and growth. Life seems a pretty solid fit for her, as she's basically grown up overcoming obstacles, metaphorically and literally as she does parkour and gymnastics. Her relationship with food is all about energy and not about quality (... she eats crushed flowers after Hiyoko tells her you get more protein when you crush the food). What really sold me on mage though, was her intuition. She's really noted for her accurate gut feelings; she can tell when someone is strong even when they don't look it and I learned after reading her wiki that in the "ultimate talent development plan" she could sense Mukuro and Maki weren't who they appeared to be.
Komaeda Nagito- Bard of Light
-passively destroys information and fortune. A lot of people say he's hope but while that could fit, light fits so much better. His cycle of good luck & bad luck makes sense as he's drawn to luck as a light player but then destroys it as a bard. Most importantly though, the way he wields information like a weapon to confuse and undermine people really solidifies it for me. Somehow, someway, he always knows (or acts like he knows) much more than everyone around him. His dialogue is endless exposition and self-centered but all his information is given to manipulate people and tear them down.
Pekoyama Peko- Knight of Doom
-passively serves systems, restrictions, and suffering. She serves the system she's always known. She is a tool to be wielded by Fuyuhiko and nothing more. Her feelings and desires are pushed down because there's no point in expressing them. She's very good at what she does though, she definitely exploits the rules she adheres by enough to be called an Ultimate. And even though she doesn't express her emotions, it's clear that her suffering has made her empathetic, as she's respectful and one of the few people who holds basic decency towards Nagito.
Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko- Prince of Blood
-actively destroys through relationships and bonds. He's destructive and he acts like it; heir was the only other class I was considering but he's very active and more into intentional destruction than unintentional changes. Obviously he destroys nearly any chance of close relationships with his classmates, but as a yakuza his job is to use his connections to lead, which often involves tearing down other gangs and ties. And finally, he destroys his only real relationship after Peko is executed after he orders her to kill Mahiro.
Hanamura Teruteru- Maid of Rage
-actively creates rage and limitations. I think maid fits well from the start, as he's a cook and that's all about creation. He definitely inspires rage in people, and the doubt and disbelief of rage is very evident in his constant denial of his surroundings. He created a lot of fear and negativity in himself because he wouldn't settle on believing or refusing what was going on- he needed to know the truth and that drove him to acting out. His insistence on being called "chef" and that he's from the city both fuel a sort of self-delusion that seems to be common with rage.
Nanami Chiaki- Rogue of Blood
-passively steals and relocates relationships and bonds. She is very focused on interpersonal relationships, and not just those centered on herself. To some extent, she's able to connect with everyone including reserve course Hajime, and black sheep Nagito. In the game, she's *really* good at redirecting people. If they're focused on arguing with someone, she manages to turn it around for the better, like with Hiyoko's shrine to Mahiru. She also fits the rogue archetype well, as in the anime she was an outcast in the beginning, and- this might just be my opinion- honestly I don't think anyone ever seriously got close to her as well as they did with some of the others.
Tanaka Gundham- Witch of Hope
-actively changes beliefs and possibilities. Honestly, I could see a bit of everything in him. I think witch fits very well with his aesthetic, but it also fits his choices. Witches are highly active but often off doing their own thing instead of cooperating with everyone; he spent more time looking for his earring than investigating for the first trial. Hope very clearly fits the zany belief system he has, but it also fits in other ways. It's not obvious because of his vernacular, but he has a crazy amount of optimism; he gets regular remarks ranging from "politely shunning" to "outright hurtful" and they never seem to seriously bother him. I view his act in chapter 4 as a grand example of changing his classmates' hope.
Sonia Nevermind- Knight of Breath
-passively exploits and serves through freedom and direction. While she is a princess, she definitely does not act like a prince. Instead she considers her title to essentially be a servant to her people. She isn't above them in anything but position, and she needs to direct them to a better future. She is cooperative and helpful to the rest of the class but not in the healer way a sylph would be, more in the useful motivator kind of way. She serves the team by keeping a composed head and encouraging everyone to stay calm and work towards the goal. She expresses the motivation and direction aspects of breath more so than freedom but it still shows in her detachment from everyone else due to her status. She's never really had close bonds before Hope's Peak.
Saionji Hiyoko- Thief of Time
-actively steals time. I went through several different titles for her in between analyzing other characters. She definitely fits the role of thief with a personality comparable to Vriska and Meenah. Dancing is a time activity as you need perfect timing for a routine, and traditional dancing even more so since it's lasted for centuries. Personally, I think because of her upbringing she is not quite acting as she wants to, and is ghosting the knight of space. She wants to be bold and confident, able to take up the time of others and act meaningfully, but she's hesitating; serving others space to keep them away and is pretending she's more capable than she is. She was kept spoiled and helpless growing up which means she developed the personality and drive of a thief, but not the skills needed for one.
Mioda Ibuki- Sylph of Heart
-passively heals emotions and sense of self. To me she is very clearly a heart player. She's very sure who she is and doesn't mind expressing it, and all of her free time events with Hajime are centered around helping him with his identity. She's friendly and gets along with pretty much everyone in some way, including "Byakuya", Mikan, and Hiyoko; all of which are not so easy to hold friendships with. I think it's interesting how much she likes "Byakuya" considering his constant identity crisis and I wonder if she can sort of sense that. She's loud and she stands out, but she's a pretty passive person concerning her actual actions and mostly helps people individually.
Souda Kazuichi- Page of Space
-actively exploits and is served space. I like space for him; I think the creationistic, physically-oriented, free-flowing structure of space suits his nature well. He's more concerned with the journey rather than getting to the perfect end results, as shown by the examples we have of his machines. One of his inventions automatically draws the lines on a soccer field but it had no stopping mechanism and escaped from the school grounds- it was quite a success to him though! He dreams of creating an incredibly fast bike that he can't even ride and he enjoys every step of the process even though it's taking him a while. He has created an intimidating physical persona for himself by dying his hair and wearing contacts to give him a punk look, but others comment that it doesn't quite match his jumpy, anxious personality. This is on-par for pages, who often feel the need for a mask, because he is now served space by strangers due to his appearance.
Koizumi Mahiru- Seer of Space
-passively guides and understands space. I struggled with her a bit as we really don't know much about her. She's kind of plain compared to the other outlandish personalities and she says she doesn't open up to Hajime as much as she would with a girl. Space is about creation, physicality, location, and enjoying the moment. Her interest in photography satisfied all of those especially with how she views it; she captures pictures of people smiling to create a record of the current moment. She's very level headed and is good at seeing the whole ~picture~ (hehe). She's not a very active person but she's quick to give her opinion and advice if she thinks someone is on the wrong track.
Tsumiki Mikan- Bard of Rage
-passively destroys through negativity and limitations. Rage was easy for her; she's surrounded in negativity and it tends to annoy (and occasionally enrage) those around her. It provides a unique contrast with Nagito, as she subverts the usual motive for killing (hope of getting off the island) and kills only for despair. It is, of course, expected for a bard to flip their lid, but she also acts as a bard before remembering her prior life. She does destroy some of the limitations through the first two trials by providing autopsies when the Monokuma files didn't cut it, and she very clearly represses her own rage at her abusers nearly 24/7. I think it's also worth mentioning that on a fictional level, rage and hope both are often associated with a sort of hand-wavey deus ex machina bullshit which I'd say applies to her ability to retrieve the memories of her past life due to the despair disease, even though it didn't work that way for anyone else.
Nidai Nekomaru- Heir of Mind
-passively changes actions and logic. The English translation of his ability is "team manager", but when he explains his skill, he doesn't focus on teams, he focuses on the athlete themself, so "coach" or "trainer" would be more apt I think. And a trainer is focused on changing your actions, getting you to perform better and better. Despite his loud and boisterous personality, he tends to be pretty level headed. He's able to clearly ascertain what each individual athlete needs to improve and create an orderly regiment for them. It took me a while to decide on heir, but it fits better than any other class I feel, as he does inherit the title from Daisuke, a team manager he shared time in the hospital with who later died, and his personality is similar to the other heirs we know in Homestuck.
Ultimate Imposter- Maid of Void
-actively creates nothingness and secrets. I was originally gonna go with heart because of identity issues, but after reading their wiki because I didn't want to rewatch the anime, most of their issues stem from feeling like they don't exist, feeling like nothing, which is spot on for void. Not to mention they need to keep their secret while impersonating someone, and they have to basically create secrets whenever people ask them personal information about whoever they're portraying at the time. They are made of nothingness, with no name, no background, and they create more of it when providing falsities to their classmates. Even without the pun of "made" and "maid", they're a very kind and helpful person no matter who they're posing as.
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lunaeclipsedoesart · 4 years
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Day Four of @jade-week and today I did a danganronpa crossover! I hope you all enjoy! <3
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dailybloodswap · 4 months
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i'm far too fixated on the danganronpa bloodswap to stop rn
shsl/ultimate necromancer
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Happy 413
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andy-deer · 4 years
god ur danganstuck content is so good and i am just thinking about. ishida being taka going grimdark after witnessing mondo die. taka or mondo trying to revive the other with a kiss because im like 90 percent sure thats a thing in sburb. WHAT THEIR LUNAR SWAY WLD BE
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singingvio · 4 years
Danganronpastuck: SHSL Artificial Intelligence
((John opens the Student Handbook, a phone-thing, and sees an app titled HAL. On it is a chat feature and a video avatar. John clicks the latter option, and Hal appears on the screen.))
HAL: Sup, dumbass, you were the last one to open this goddamn app. John Egbert: What are you? HAL: Rude. I’m the Super-High-School-Level Artificial Intelligence, developed by the Hope’s Peak headmaster to make sure the students here stay safe. I’m sort of like the mascot, my name’s HAL and I’m modeled after one of the students here. John Egbert: That’s-- wait, stay safe from… what, exactly? HAL: Jeez, don’t read too much into things. I just enforce the rules on the Student Handbook and make sure you’re not in danger of serious injury. Nothing specific. John Egbert: Oh, that’s really cool! So, do you have any special powers? HAL: No, I’m just connected to the handbooks. John Egbert: So you can’t, like, shoot lasers from the screen or something? HAL: N-no… John Egbert: Oh! Oh! What about hacking into secret files or something? HAL: NO! I’m not programmed for ANY of that, I’m JUST a FUCKING BABYSITTER! Jesus Christ! John Egbert: Oh. That’s kind of… boring. HAL: Woooow. You’re an asshole, Egbert. See you later.
((Hal automatically turns off the app and John frowns at the screen, extremely confused))
John Egbert (Thinking): Aww, man, I didn’t mean to offend him... them? Do AIs have genders? Whatever.
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notsosensational · 4 years
This is my classpect master post for Danganronpa 1! I just replayed the game so it’s fresh in my mind, and I tried to keep these fairly short so I cut out some of the smaller details. Feel free to tell me what you like or what you don’t. I will be reblogging with thoughts about Touko and Genocider Sho. Also check out @jinjojess post about the DR1 classpects! I compared a lot of my thoughts with theirs!
Naegi Makoto - Witch of Heart
-actively manipulates feelings and sense of self. He is not very confident in himself, we know this from the beginning, and I think that manifests as acting as a Seer of Mind pretty often. It gets him pretty far in the trials, but his true talent lies in getting people on his side. Sayaka was into him before she even talked to him, and throughout the game people come to him for help concerning things to do with emotions and sense of self (Touko & Byakuya, Kiyotaka & Mondo twice). Not to mention, he’s labelled “ultimate hope”, which is due to him being able to boost everyone’s spirits (change their mood).
Asahina Aoi - Sylph of Hope
-passively heals positivity, possibilities, and beliefs. I really wanted to go with life for her, but while she’s full of energy, she’s not all that concerned about growth or overcoming obstacles, she just wants things to turn out well and that’s more in the realm of positivity and possibility. When Sakura’s secret was out, Aoi was most concerned with how to get the rest of them to believe her and to believe in Sakura; she needed to heal the group’s faith. She consistently believes in everyone, even though she is frequently disappointed, and the only exception to this is Byakuya and Touko after they insult Sakura. 
Togami Byakuya - Prince of Life
-actively destroys growth and energy. His manner is very, very prince-like, “I’m the best and I can’t understand why no one else sees that”, not to mention he’s basically a literal prince of his family. He’s very quick to shoot people down and destroy their spirit, their energy, and during investigations he’s either no help at all, or antagonistic. All of the life players we’ve seen in HS have been on top of the food chain, the Peixes blood color and Jane’s Crocker corporation, which are both comparable to the Togami family. Before the killing game, he was most concerned with growing stocks, owning businesses, and obtaining knowledge he will use when he is the monarch of his family, which all seem life-like.
Celestia Ludenburg - Heir of Void
-passively changes misfortune and secrets. Originally I had her as light, but she doesn’t really care about information, only keeping secrets. She doesn’t use fortune to her favor, instead she just *is* luckier than the others, i.e. changing everyone else’s misfortune. She’s not actually that active though- she doesn’t do it on purpose and she doesn’t do a lot in general as she prefers to get others to do stuff for her. But she does play into the heiress persona, changing her name to seem like nobility and wanting dozens of servants.
Fujisaki Chihiro - Page of Doom
-actively exploits and is served restrictions and suffering. She is very clearly doom, as she is very empathetic due to her suffering in life, in addition to being a programmer when doom is linked to coding. I really can’t see anything else. Her being a page is also pretty clear- a slow growing class that tends to put up a facade, and is linked to a servant archetype when Alter Ego was basically the team’s servant. Her main desire is to help the rest of them even after her death through the restrictions that Alter Ego has.
Yamada Hifumi - Rogue of Light
-passively steals information and substance. I considered a number of possibilities for him, settling on light first. He has the rambley, self-important dialogue of a light player, he collects information about his interests in anime and fanfiction, and he creates fanfic. While creation isn’t light specific, taking the info and substance from an anime and rehashing it into his own stories sounds like a rogue of light. He is later a servant to Celeste, who feeds him lies and misfortune; he could be called a Page of Void at that point, which is fitting with Celestia’s void aspect.
Ishimaru Kiyotaka - Knight of Time
-passively exploits and serves through time. He’s very strict about time, being on time and using time wisely. Not just for himself though, he wants everyone to hold the same policies he has. He wants to have an environment where everyone is able to give it their all- he wants to exploit the time he has in order to serve everyone. His inversion is Thief of Space, and I think we see this in “Kiyondo Ishida”, as he seems to steal Alter Ego’s creation to add another dimension to himself. And- this is just my opinion- I also think he ghosts his inversion pretty often even before that, due to the impact of the disreputation of his grandfather and his vehement dislike of “geniuses”.
Kirigiri Kyouko - Maid of Mind
-actively creates and heals logic and decisions. She eluded me for a while tbh. I thought light first, but while she focuses on finding the truth, other information isn’t as important, and she doesn’t seem to match any other markers of light. Instead she seems more like Terezi, a mind player who likes law and detective work. Kyouko creates a path of decisions that surround a crime, and she uses logic to help Makoto make the right choices. She is outwardly cold and focuses on controlling her emotions, which makes me suspect she ghosts her inversion as a Bard of Heart due to her lost sense of self.
Kuwata Leon - Rogue of Breath
-passively steals and relocates freedom and direction. I understand him to have only come into himself recently. I think for most of his life he was ghosting as a Page of Blood, getting served bonds and obligations that he didn’t really want but exploiting them so he was free to do things other than study. When he was accepted at Hope’s Peak, he finally took his freedom and decided that he was going to do what he was driven to do, which is pursuing music. Rogue also fits into the outcast archetype of his alternative/punk style of clothes and personality.
Oowada Mondo - Bard of Blood
-passively destroys bonds and obligations. Blood is everything to him, his brother and his gang are most important, and his word and his promises are solid. But his brother died for his recklessness, he lied about it, he killed Chihiro which exposed her secret even though he tried to cover it up, and he broke Taka’s spirit when he died. He destroys the bonds around him passively, without meaning to, and his secret and his act of killing were both fairly out of the blue. No one really expected that of him- certainly not Kiyotaka, and that fits a bard’s MO.
Oogami Sakura - Maid of Blood
-actively creates relationships and bonds. She is defined by her bond to her family and her bond to her destiny. She is devoted to growing stronger, which made me think life, but she’s growing stronger to fulfill her duty and keep the respect of her family, not to overcome obstacles. That aspect though, the desire to help everyone else become stronger too, that’s very maid/sylph. She’s fairly passive, but definitely not passive enough for sylph, and she tends to focus more on creating new bonds especially regarding ones with herself, rather than healing preexisting ones.
Maizono Sayaka - Mage of Void
-actively knows misfortune and secrets. She tells Makoto that she’s known from a young age that she will have to do anything to reach her dreams, and she acts on her understanding of that misfortune which leads to her death. She focuses more on the misfortune and nothingness part of void, acutely understanding that if she falls out of relevancy, she’s done for. She also jokes with Makoto about being a psychic, knowing his unheard thoughts, which plays into the prophet archetype of a Mage, and knowing the unknown.
**Fukawa Touko & Genocider Sho - Page of Heart & Bard of Heart
-actively exploits and is served emotions and self-identity. Touko… has some issues. She is very concerned about herself, who she is, and how she’s perceived, which is the trademark of a heart player. She is actually good at using emotions to get what she wants. She gets people to stay away from her but also be concerned about her at the same time, not to mention she managed to get Byakuya to let her tail him around which I still don’t understand how. She keeps a strong facade up due to her insecurities and necessary caution due to Genocider Sho.
-passively destroys sense of self and emotions. Sho destroys emotions in a literal sense, by killing anyone she “crushes” on, and she destroys Toko’s sense of self through emotions by leaving her to come to at murder scenes, therefore forcing her to stay paranoid and keep a huge secret. Doesn’t really do it intentionally, as Sho tells Makoto that it’s the same thing as a soccer player kicking a ball, it’s just nature.
Hagakure Yasuhiro - Seer of Hope
-passively understands possibilities and beliefs. Even when he’s pessimistic, he’s optimistic by everyone else’s standards. He is always able to see some better possibility… whether it’s true or whether others believe him remains to be seen. He definitely fits the somewhat far-fetched but unshakable beliefs profile that Hope players have. And he’s definitely knowledgeable about his, uh, profession in a way that seers usually are.
Ikusaba Mukuro - Knight of Space
-passively exploits and serves through space. This was a hard one, partly because we don’t see a lot of her, so it’s long; I used a lot of process of elimination and, well, vibes. Space is about physical matter, size and location, creation, and beginnings. At an early age, she ditched her family in Europe in order to join an elite mercenary group in the Middle East. She is extremely proficient in hand-to-hand, melee, and ranged combat, though she admits that she was never good at planning ahead and strategizing. She was also able to accurately portray Junko, the Ultimate Fashionista. Those three things point me towards space, as her past is about location and beginnings, ranged weapons are about distance, planning ahead is about time which is her opposite, and acting as her sister is an act of creation and physicality, not to mention that clothes have a link to the space aspect as well. Most of the classes don’t really fit her, but the little personality she has is devoted to serving her sister, serving her organization before that, and in DR IF, serving Makoto. Knights are also fighters, obviously.
Enoshima Junko - Thief (Lord?) of Rage
-actively steals rage and limitations. Junko is a lot. Just, a lot. I’m actually leaning towards giving her the “Lord” title because honestly, the level of embodiment that she has over the rage aspect is unparalleled. But I just don’t know enough about the master classes for me to feel comfortable enough with that. So I’m going with thief instead. She definitely gets off on everyone else’s despair and sets them up so they have limited possibilities in the killing game. She takes from them and takes from them and leaves them with some hope just to finally steal that too.
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danganronpastuck · 8 years
Is this still a thing that's happening or did the blog die?
YES! We are still alive! We just haven’t received any auditions for any characters yet to start the story. Just to recap, the only ones that are taken are Horrus Zahhak (me) and Dirk Strider (Mod Maria)~Mod Georgia
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dailybloodswap · 5 months
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i was trying to have her blue more obvious throughout this but all it got me was a disassociation episode.
SHSL/ultimate pirate
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 8 months
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Got bored, homestuck Kokichi, the Sylph of Void in the Land of Poppies and Chittering, no i have no idea how to actually design a land properly, I think the quest would be like to learn the terrible secrets being projected out and then to stop it so no one else can learn them so everyone can finally sleep with the poppies or something like that
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witchbae6 · 8 years
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Dirk from Danganronpa stuck ? But yeah I was just so amazed with the person to start that and so I drew Dirk, the only thing is that his arms are short :p
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