#dasha navalnaya
porquevi · 1 year
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"Navalny" (idem) - hbo max.
Documentário que concorre ao Oscar sobre Alexei Navalny, político russo que desafiou Putin e acabou envenenado. O caso internacional ficou bastante conhecido e fiquei interessado em saber mais detalhes da história toda. A Rússia partiu pra guerra contra a Ucrânia e o mundo está assustado. Jogar uma luz nesse país sombrio é importante.
depois de ver: parece um filme de espionagem, mas é real. a parte final é surpreendente, quando descobrimos a maneira que usaram pra envenenar. vale ver.
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arianakozlova · 10 months
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Alexei Navalny's wife, son and daughter
photographed by Arseny Jabiev
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kum-mer · 2 years
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rasiansus · 4 months
“If we do not stand up for them now, then who will be left for us to stand up later?”
-Dasha Navalnaya
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"The day Putin killed Alexei Navalny, Yulia Navalnaya immediately knew that she was now to carry on Alexei’s fight for a democratic Russia. On that day, February 16, 2024, Yulia and I were both at the Munich Security Conference. Just moments after learning of her husband’s death, she called me not as a member of the Russian opposition, but as a mother, to ask my family to make sure that her daughter, Dasha – currently a student at Stanford – was okay. Moments after our brief call, Julia, now as a political leader, appeared on stage at the Munich Security Conference to deliver a very powerful, moving speech to the world’s leaders. She made it clear that she was stepping in to lead Russia’s movement against Putin’s autocratic and criminal regime. She was mourning of course, but already fighting too."
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Chris Britt, Florida Politics
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President Biden meets with Yulia and Dasha Navalnaya.
As Trump and the GOP twisted themselves into knots to avoid admitting that Putin assassinated Alexei Navalny, President Biden met with Navalny’s widow—Yulia Navalnaya—and his daughter, Dasha Navalnaya. It is worth pausing here to acknowledge that Biden has proven himself to be a compassionate and empathetic person capable of understanding the suffering of others.
Those qualities are strikingly absent from Trump's warped personality—and from his MAGA supporters, who take their cue from Trump in all things. America deserves and needs a president capable of understanding the suffering of others.
After meeting with Yulia and Dasha Navalnaya, Biden said
Today, I met with Yulia and Dasha Navalnaya – Aleksey Navalny's loved ones – to express my condolences for their devastating loss. Aleksey's legacy of courage will live on in Yulia and Dasha, and the countless people across Russia fighting for democracy and human rights.
Biden later said,
This morning I had the honor of meeting with Alexey Navalny's wife and daughter. As to state the obvious, he was a man of incredible courage. And it's amazing how his wife and daughter are emulating that.
Meanwhile, Trump maintains his silence on the assassination of Navalny and his minions dodge questions about Putin’s responsibility by saying they “Don’t know enough to answer.” Hmm . . . these are the same people who raged endlessly against Biden based on an unverified, quadruple-hearsay document from a confidential informant who was not believed by his FBI handlers.
The embrace of Putin by the Republican Party is troubling because of the implications for the defense of Ukraine and the integrity of the 2024 election. We have already seen one attempt by Russia to interfere on behalf of Trump, and we are witnessing the real-time betrayal of Ukraine on the floor of the House of Representatives.
Meanwhile, Republicans are trying to pretend as though Alexander Smirnov never happened. Read on!
House Oversight Committee removes references to FBI informant under cover of night
Speaking of the now-discredited FBI informant, his GOP champions in the House initially responded to his indictment for lying by claiming that his information was only a portion of the evidence they had against Joe Biden.
But actions speak actions louder than words. On Thursday, the House Oversight Committee quietly removed all references to Alexander Smirnov’s statements from the Oversight Committee’s website. See Meidas Touch Network, House GOP Quietly Deletes Russian Disinformation from Impeachment Website.
It is not enough for the House impeachment caucus to surreptitiously remove references to a Russian plant from its list of evidence against Joe Biden. Republicans should acknowledge their error and apologize—but they will not. The US media, however, should be a different story. They amplified and promoted the Russian lies about Biden—and are having a difficult time admitting their error.
As Josh Marshall wrote in his editor’s blog in Talking Points Memo,
The story here isn’t that the “Biden Crime Family” nonsense didn’t pan out. That was always transparently bogus. The story here is how the U.S. again got bamboozled by transparent foreign manipulation and how the U.S. political press bought into it pretty much whole hog. That doesn’t mean they accepted all the claims. But they treated it as reasonable, worthy of a presumption of seriousness, a serious story to be covered as such. Even with the veritable forest of red flags.
Donald Trump and his MAGA legions have spent years shock-training reporters not to bring up anything else about Russian disinformation programs aimed at helping Donald Trump. But they’re real. They’re continuing. They’re actually working. . . . Reporters have been conditioned to ignore the clear implications of what we’re learning.
So, the House Oversight Committee can try to slink away under dark of night to conceal the obvious effort by Russia to interfere in the 2024 election . . . but the media should not allow Trump to do so. As Marshall writes, Russia’s efforts to interfere are “real, continuing, and working.”
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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bestofrussiantrolls · 3 months
"Dasha Navalnaya, la fille d'Alexeï Navalny, 23 ans et la résistance en héritage"
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🤡 Yvonne, la ménagère française de 50 ans extrêmement au fait de la vie politique russe 🤡
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trojerucica-blr · 4 months
Lessons from My Father, Alexey Navalny | Dasha Navalnaya | TED
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formeroklahoman · 4 months
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President Biden met with Yulia and Dasha Navalnaya - Aleksey Navalny's widow and daughter, respectively - to express his condolences for their devastating loss.
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haor-org · 4 months
Who is Dasha Navalnaya? Biden Meets Alexei Navalny’s Daughter and Widow Yulia, Calls Her ‘Yolanda’ Afterward
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luigidigrazia · 4 months
Biden riceve vedova e figlia di Navalny
22.00 Il presidente Joe Biden si è incontrato a San Francisco con Yulia e Dasha Navalnaya,vedova e figlia di Alexei.Biden ha espresso alla vedova e alla figlia dell’oppositore morto in prigione Navanly “le sue più sentite condoglianze” e ha espresso la sua ammirazione per lo straordinario coraggio di Navalny e la sua eredità nella lotta contro la corruzione e per una Russia democratica. Biden ha…
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panelki · 4 months
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Biden Met With Navalny’s Widow, Daughter – White House President Joe Biden met privately in California on Thursday with the widow and daughter of Kremlin opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who died last week in a Russian prison, the White House said. Biden met with Yulia and Dasha Navalnaya in San Francisco "to express his heartfelt condolences for their terrible loss," a statement said, adding that Biden reaffirmed an announcement on Friday of new sanctions against Russia. Read more | Subscribe to our channel
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deadlinecom · 4 months
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hinahasan · 4 months
exactly my point what the priest said to you in that letter.., everyones equal in gods eyes he deserves a respectful burial fast. return his body immediately putin….. this is unheard of. return his remains to his mother now. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/yulia-navalnaya-says-she-daughter-dasha-are-comforting-each-other-2024-02-22
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t-jfh · 4 months
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Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has died in jail.
Alexei Navalny mocked Vladimir Putin regularly — in Russia, dissent can come with lethal consequences
Alexei Navalny, who was found dead in prison on Friday, got under the skin of Vladimir Putin like no-one else.
The 47-year-old exposed the so-called "strongman" of Russian politics for what he really was — an authoritarian president fearful of free elections, free speech and a free press.
An insecure man who is terrified of the truth and of justice, who crushes any form of dissent through violence and incarceration.
By Europe bureau chief Steve Cannane in London
ABC News - 18 February 2024
PLEASE NOTE: The following article ‘Navalny’s Lesson For The World’ was published on April 22, 2021 by The Atlantic. Its inclusion here reflects an historical perspective in relation to current geopolitical developments and the ongoing quest for evolutionary democracy >>
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Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny gestures behind a glass enclosure during his trial at the Babuskinsky District Court. (Photo: AP)
Navalny’s Lesson For The World
The Russian opposition leader showed what courage means.
By Anne Applebaum
The Atlantic - April 22, 2021 p p pop
Shared from Apple News
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Aleksei Navalny during his campaign for mayor of Moscow in 2013. (Photo: Sergey Ponomarev for The New York Times)
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Mr. Navalny’s wife Yulia Navalnaya, daughter Daria (aka Dasha) and son Zahar accept the award for best documentary feature film with the creators of “Navalny” at the 2023 Oscars.
(Photo: Todd Heisler / The New York Times)
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Mr. Navalny in an image from a video link during a court hearing in Kovrov, Russia, in 2022.
(Photo: Yulia Morozova / Reuters)
Who was Aleksei Navalny?
Aleksei A. Navalny, the outspoken activist who died in prison on Friday, was born on June 4, 1976, according to his website, and grew up outside Moscow to liberal parents who opposed Soviet rule.
Starting his political career as an anticorruption blogger who organized street protests, Mr. Navalny mobilized a generation of young Russians through social media and rose to prominence for investigations into Russia’s elite.
Here’s a look at Mr. Navalny’s career:
By Gaya Gupta
The New York Times - February 16, 2024
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Flowers and a photo of Alexei Navalny at a memorial near the Russian consulate in Frankfurt, Germany on Saturday.
In Russia, such tributes to Alexei Navalny - typically laid at improvised memorial sites - not only serve as a symbol of mourning but also as a form of protest in a country where even the mildest dissent can risk police beatings, arrest and detention.
(Photo: Michael Probst / AP)
Alexei Navalny had a vision of a democratic Russia. That terrified Vladimir Putin to the core.
Alexei Navalny was a giant figure in Russian politics. No other individual rivalled the threat he posed to the Putin regime. His death in an Arctic labour camp is a blow to all those who dreamed he might emerge as the leader of a future democratic Russia.
By Robert Horvath
The Conversation - February 18, 2024
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paulsmarj · 8 months
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Lessons from my father, Alexey Navalny | Dasha Navalnaya http://dlvr.it/SxQ26L
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