#david ricketts
mitjalovse · 1 month
Some female singers-songwriters from the 90's ended up having a bitter-sweet recall for their work then, i.e. they achieved their biggest success and that was all there was. Meredith Brooks was one such case despite the fact she had more to offer than many assumed at the time. Then again, her example causes us to ask ourselves an important question – how come some musicians manage to get a career out of their hits, whereas some ended up with them as the biggest hurdle? No one can answer that completely, the record labels attempt to do so, yet they merely destroyed many players this way. To return to Brooks – she was a peculiar example thanks to her achieving her success so late and the ageism in the music industry remains present. Then again, she also sounded way too similar to many.
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boomgers · 8 months
En la era del Terror Lila, el amor es peligroso… “Compañeros De Viaje”
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La historia gira en torno a la relación, arriesgada y volátil, entre el carismático y ambicioso Hawkins ‘Hawk’ Fuller y el piadoso e idealista Tim Laughlin, dos funcionarios políticos que se enamoran en el apogeo del Terror Lila de la década de 1950, cuando Joseph McCarthy y Roy Cohn declaran la guerra a los “subversivos y desviados sexuales”, iniciando uno de los períodos más oscuros de la historia estadounidense del siglo XX.
Estreno: 28 de octubre de 2023 en Paramount+.
La serie cuenta con las actuaciones de Matt Bomer, Jonathan Bailey, Jelani Alladin, Allison Williams, Noah J. Ricketts, Jane Moffat, Teagan Sellers, Michael Therriault, Keara Graves, Ben Sanders, Mike Taylor, David Tomlinson, Etienne Kellici, entre otros.
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Sesión Fotográfica
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studioahead · 1 year
Artist Spotlight: Leslie Williamson
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Leslie Williamson is a photographer of interiors. We mean this literally – in books like Still Lives and Modern Originals she photographed the studios and homes of iconic artists, including some of our Northern California favorites – but also figuratively, because what is remarkable about Williamson is her ability to touch upon the life of a space, or as she calls it, the soul – the part that offers a glimpse of a person's inner world, even when that person is no longer part of this one. In speaking with her, and looking at the mysterious, quiet, strangely emotional places she has photographed, I kept thinking of Gaston Bachelard's maxim in The Poetics of Space: "all really inhabited space bears the essence of the notion of home." Flip through any one of her books, and you will see how such notions take shape.
Studio AHEAD: Let's start with your essay "Doc's Lab," published a few weeks ago in a recent WildSam guide, Big Sur & HW 1. Tell us about it and what draws you to this particular landmark in Monterey.
Leslie Williamson: It’s funny how that came about. I became a little enthralled with Ed Ricketts and his Pacific Biological Laboratories when I moved to Monterey in April 2020 (yes, a pandemic move…). I am sure it won’t surprise you to learn that when I am in a new place, I research “house museum” to find what is around me, and when I did this in Monterey, Pacific Biological Laboratories came up. I have never read any Steinbeck so I wasn’t familiar with Ricketts and his story, but with the quiet of the pandemic I soon became a fan. Ricketts is such an inspiring character! It’s no wonder he was Steinbeck’s best friend and muse.
Anyhow, I tried and tried to visit Pacific Biological Laboratories throughout the pandemic but it was always closed. Finally one day, as I was on a walk, the door was open and the nice docent let me in even though I didn’t have a reservation. Oh my goodness that space, it gave me goosebumps!!! It is just so special – steeped in history on a few different levels: early 20th-century Cannery Row and the PBL/Doc Ricketts era and through to the birthplace of the Monterey Jazz Festival and the men’s club that left it to the city of Monterey. Of course I photographed the space and my plan was to write an essay to accompany it that would go on the Still Lives Portal on my website. I have begun sharing my stories in real time there. Happily the WildSam project seamlessly dovetailed in unexpectedly. I am thrilled they wanted to publish my essay in their 50th WildSam guide. I hope people will read the essay while looking at the images. It will really bring it to life.
SA: While we're talking about places, I want to mention a photograph you took that I find so compelling: of JB Blunk's Moongate sculpture that leads to JB Blunk's house. We've been to the estate, and to get there you have to go deep into the woods of Inverness, along a windy road up a steep mountain far from everything, and there is a sense of the space caught unawares, as if no one is supposed to see it. I'm not really sure this is a question! But maybe you can speak about this feeling; it's very powerful.
LW: Thank you! It is a special place for sure. I experienced that same feeling on my first visit. Somehow my emotions come through in my images a lot of the time. I’m not sure I can say more than that. It has always been that way. 
SA: I love the home libraries of various Californian luminaries that you shot in Interior Portraits – partly because whenever I'm in someone's house for the first time I head straight to their bookshelf, and partly because they're incredible spaces. Ray Kappe's library, with its bright blue cushions and the bamboo forest outside, shows his relation to reading. What sort of objects "speak" to you as the kind that tell a story, and how do you photograph that object in way that helps it best tell its story?
LW: First off, can I just say I love libraries too…so much. There was a time when our bookshelves were a window to our mind, heart and soul. I just added a Bibliophilia section on my SL Portal that shares people's bookshelves. I always photograph them and they never make them into my books so I decided they needed a venue of their own.
As for other objects that speak to me, I never know what they are going to be. It is different for every person/space I am in. I generally just trust my gut. From Una Jeffer’s narwhal tusk, to Georgia O’Keeffe’s record collection, I seem to be able to sense where there are meaningful stories.
SA: What role does writing play in your photography, and vice versa?
LW: My writing is still a surprise to me. I see it as in service to my photography; but having said that, the "Doc’s Lab" story ran in WildSam with none of my photographs, so maybe that is evolving? When I wrote Handcrafted Modern, it was a bit of an unexpected turn of events that led me to writing the book, as well. But in hindsight, it was the magic combination of expression I didn’t know I was looking for. The photography always comes first and I let my curiosity run rampant as I shoot. Then, after I have edited the images, I hone in on the stories I want to share in the writing. That is the general scenario my process takes.
SA: Speaking of which, you've now published four books. Tell us a little bit about this process – whether you've a vague idea for each project... or how you build a narrative between each space photographed ... maybe a hint as to the next project you're working on…..
LW: The process of creating my books has evolved quite a bit since Handcrafted Modern. I began just because I wanted to see the spaces of my favorite architects and designers and this evolved into a plan to create a library of how creative people live in the 20th/21st centuries. And that is still happening, but I realized pretty quickly that the discernment of my choice of spaces to photograph is very specific. I am looking for what I call “soul spaces”: spaces that are still imbued with their inhabitant’s soul if they are no longer with us and an innate expression of the owner if they are still living there. There is always a certain je ne sais quoi that I am looking for. I know it when I see/feel it. But I am not sure there are words to describe it.
As for what’s next, I am looking to more shows in art galleries and museums. There is a particular project I am just diving into that will be in a major museum in a few years. I can’t say more. And of course there will be an accompanying book. Creating books is in my DNA.
SA: Finally, pretend you are not Leslie Williamson and that Leslie Williamson comes to one of the homes you've lived in – any of them from your whole life – to photograph it for Still Lives: The Sequel. What room would you want her to capture? What is in it?
LW: Oh wow…what a question! I am not sure any of my former or current homes would warrant being included in one of my books. But I do wish I could time travel back and photograph all of my former living spaces starting with my childhood home, where my father still lives, before we remodeled it in 1976. I can’t really remember it before that and am curious what it was like in its original state and how my parents had it set up, what objects they had, etc. I also wonder if there is an evolutionary through line of my own that would be evident in my own bedroom/homes throughout my life starting from my first bedroom. Like artists who make a portrait of themselves once a year, I wish I had a portrait of my living spaces for every year. I would be fascinated to see that, just for my own curiosity and self learning.
Photos by Leslie Williamson
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Leslie Williamson’s home in Monterrey, CA.
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“The Party Room” at Doc’s Lab on Cannery Row in Monterey. Originally the home of noted marine biologist and Steinbeck muse Ed Ricketts.
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Detail in Ed Rickett's former home and business, Pacific Biological Laboratories, on Cannery Row. Monterey, CA.
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JB Blunk’s ‘Moongate’ sculpture and his home in Inverness, CA. 
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Detail of the living and loft area in JB Blunk’s home.
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Artist and AIDS activist Derek Jarman’s library at Prospect Cottage, his home in Dungeness, UK.
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The kitchen/greenhouse and a longe area in the home of artists Evan Shively and Madeleine Fitzpatrick. Marshall, CA.
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Artist David Ireland’s sitting room in his home and masterwork, 500 Capp Street. San Francisco, CA.
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Stair detail in artist Jesse Schlesinger’s home. Sausalito, CA.
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nanobreaker · 2 months
UK government under pressure from Tories to stop arming Israel
Lib Dems also call for action to suspend arms exports to Israel after seven aid workers killed in Gaza
Wed 3 April 2024
From the article:
Ministers are under pressure from Tory MPs and peers to stop arming Israel after seven humanitarian aid workers were killed by an Israeli airstrike in Gaza.
Three Conservatives told the Guardian on Wednesday that the UK should stop exporting arms to Israel after the strike, which killed three British aid workers.
Their intervention comes after Peter Ricketts, who was a government national security adviser during David Cameron’s premiership, said the “time has come” to send a signal and stop exporting arms.
The Liberal Democrats called on Wednesday morning for UK arms exports to Israel to be suspended. The SNP said parliament should be recalled from its Easter recess to discuss the crisis.
Lord Ricketts, who is also a former permanent secretary of the Foreign Office, told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “I think there’s abundant evidence now that Israel hasn’t been taking enough care to fulfil its obligations on the safety of civilians. And a country that gets arms from the UK has to comply with international humanitarian law. That’s a condition of the arms export licence. So honestly, I think the time has come to send that signal.
“It won’t change the course of the war. It would be a powerful political message. And it might just stimulate debate in the US as well, which would be the real gamechanger.”
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quakinqueer · 3 months
Hey so I've had this in my drafts for well over a month, then that recent smosh mouth came out, rendering this near useless, but I'm still gonna post it cause why not.
Beginner's Guide to Smosh Seasonal Games
(For newer fans, even though no one asked. And yes I'm manifesting summer/winter games 2024, look away.) Mostly sourced from the Smosh Wiki.
1- Smosh Summer Games! (2015)
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1st trailer aired: June 27, 2015 ~ Finale: July 31, 2015 This was the OG that started it all! No theme, unless you count it being entirely held at a beach house. Very classic smosh vibes, inappropriate jokes, and queerbaiting galore, with 12 episodes total across Pit (2nd channel at the time) and Games. (tbh I haven't seen this one). This was held shortly after the 'main squad' was cast (Keith, N*ah, Olivia, and Courtney), and was Shayne's official introduction to the channel! Teams/Cast: Bananarama: Anthony (Captain), Lasercorn (David Moss), Courtney, N*ah, Mari Takahashi, Jovenshire (Joshua Evan Ovenshire). Jiggle Physics: Ian (Captain), W*s J*hns*n, Sohinki (Matt Sohinki), Flitz (Amra Ricketts). Keith, Olivia. Refs/Hosts: Shayne, Joe Beretta Winners: Bananarama Special Awards: MVP - N*ah, LVP - Lasercorn, Biggest Fail - Olivia.
2- Smosh Winter Games! (2016)
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1st trailer aired: Jan 30, 2016 ~ Final Ep: Feb 29, 2016 The first Winter Games! Similar classic vibes to the first, except by this time the 'main squad' was much more settled in and comfortable with each other, and the overall cast. Strangely, Ian and Anthony didn't actually participate in the games, but commentated (not sure why). Combo of actual competition eps and also videos for other shows aka specials (s-s-s-sleepover, put it in my mouth) that were winter games themed. 23 videos total across 2nd Channel (Pit) and Games. Teams/Cast: Snow Fleeks: Anthony (captain), Mari, W*s, Sohinki, Keith, Olivia, refs. Blue Balls: Ian (captain), Lasercorn, Shayne, Courtney, Flitz, N*ah, Jovenshire. Refs/Hosts: M*tt R**b, Joe Beretta, Sunny Peabody. Winners: Blue Balls Special Awards: MVP- Olivia, LVP- Joven, Epic Moment- Lasercorn, Biggest Fail- W*s. (Lasercorn got Epic Moment for dropping an actual fire rap during the *wrap* battle)
3- Smosh Summer Games: Camp (2016)
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1st trailer aired: June 25, 2016 ~ Final Ep: July 30, 2016 The first one to have a theme, extremely iconic, the vibes were starting to peak around this time with the main squad being almost fully settled in by this point. For those of you who do not know, back in the day Smosh had separate casts for main/pit and for games, and the seasonal games were one of the only series where they would consistently appear together, and were originally intended to be a bonding activity. This one was the first to really let those dynamics *shine*, and really have them interact in memorable ways. Also best challenges up until this point cause of the theme. 13 specials and 9 competition episodes across games and 2nd channel, this time accompanied by a few vlogs on Courtney's personal channel. Teams/Cast: Kumbayaaas: Anthony (captain), Jovenshire, N*ah, Olivia, W*s, Courtney, Sohinki Harshmallows: Ian (captain), Mari, Keith, Shayne, Lasercorn, Flitz, refs Refs/Camp Counselors: M*tt R**b, Joe Beretta, Sunny Peabody. Winners: Harshmallows Special Awards: MVP- Olivia, LVP- Sohinki, Epic moment- Ian, Biggest Fail- W*s (Sohinki had to leave early due to sickness and so automatically got LVP)
4- Smosh Winter Games: Again! (2017)
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1st trailer aired: Jan 31, 2017 - Final Ep: Feb 28, 2017 Longest seasonal games by far, lot of iconic moments and fun specials, featured CFM's 2nd ever appearance, and was also Boze's debut as a games member! Not much else to say about this one, it's a blast with a lot of classic moments. Oh, and it was the last seasonal games to feature both Ian and Anthony as team captains :,). 19 specials (Game Bang, Board af, hot tub truth or dare, etc.) and 8 competition episodes across pit and games. Teams/Cast: Spaghetti Yetis: Anthony (captain), Boze, Sohinki, Lasercorn, Olivia, Flitz, Shayne Dablizzards: Ian (captain), Keith, W*s, Mari, N*ah, Courtney, Jovenshire Refs/Hosts: M*tt R**b, Joe Beretta, Sunny Peabody, Sarah Whittle, Tanner Risner. Winners: Spaghetti Yetis Special Awards: MVP - Anthony, LVP - Jovenshire, Epic Moment - Shayne, Biggest Fail - Boze
5- Smosh Summer Games: Wild West! (2017)
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Trailer aired: June 26, 2017 - Final ep: July 31, 2017 WWIIIILLLLDDDD HWEST! Let me tell yall this one is ICONIC, for so many reasons, in so many ways. Filmed on an awesome location (a ranch in Nevada), great teams, the production quality was top-notch, and let's not forget the infamous bar-brawl fight choreography of the trailer. So many iconic moments its astounding. Damien's first seasonal games, and also the first to neither feature Anthony nor have team captains (instead of picking teams dodgeball style like they had done previously, this time the teams were picked via a lottery). 15 specials (maricraft, board af, etc.), and 8 competition episodes across pit and games. Fun fact, this season was filmed a week before the "Anthony is leaving smosh" video was released. Teams/Cast: Randy Bandits: Lasercorn, N*ah, Olivia, Damien, Mari, Ian, Flitz Cowbaes: Jovenshire, Courtney, Shayne, Keith, W*s, Sohinki, Boze Refs/Sheriffs: M*tt R**b, Joe Beretta, Sunny Peabody Winners: Randy Bandits Special Awards: MVP - Flitz, LVP - W*s, Epic Moment - Shayne, Biggest Fail - Jovenshire Shayne told his Epic Moment story on the pod, but incase you missed it: during a hangman competition he managed to guess a 2-word answer, with no letters on the board, on his first try. The answer was Wyatt Earp. Some out of context references: "MUNGE", "My name is Calamity Janet, and I am crazy.", "Sorry"×20, *wide shot of damien holding up his fist for like 3 minutes*, *Mama bird*, *shot in the chest* "Where's Anthony?"
6- Smosh Summer Games: We Blew It! (2018)
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Trailer aired: August 17, 2018 - Final ep: August 24, 2018 Folks, what can I say, they blew it. They had 10 dollars and a dream for this one, and they tried their best, but it is admittedly still the weakest of the Summer Games. Between airing later than any other, taking place within only a week as opposed to a month, having the least amount of competitions (5) and the least amount of specials (1 Smosh and Order), this one really is a last-ditch effort sort of ordeal. But make no mistake, it's no one's fault but Defy Fuckhead Media Inc.; in case you missed the Smosh mouth ep, the story goes that Defy simply didn't want summer games to happen that year, and gave M*tt R**b an eighth of the usual budget. Despite all this, I'm sure if you go back and watch it, the videos are actually really enjoyable with some fun goofs and special moments. The first games to not feature Sohinki or Flitz, and this time there were team captains, chosen according to the personal awards given the prior year. Teams/Cast: Inflatabulls: Jovenshire (Captain, previous winner of Biggest Fail), Mari, Damien, Courtney, Keith, Boze Balloonatics: Shayne (Captain, previous winner of Most Epic Moment), Lasercorn, N*ah, Ian, W*s, Olivia Refs: M*tt R**b, Sarah Whittle Guest Refs/Guest Judges:  Garrett Palm, Joe Bereta, Spencer Agnew, Tanner Risner and Tim Baker Winners: Balloonatics Special Awards: MVP - Mari, LVP - Damien, Epic Moment/Biggest Win - Lasercorn, Biggest Fail - W*s
7- Smosh Summer Games: Apocalypse! (2019)
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Trailer aired: July 15, 2019 - Final ep: August 16, 2019 APPOOOCALYPSSE!! This one ROCKS! Not quite as iconic as Wild West, but it's honestly up there in my opinion. The first and only summer games post-mythical, and a return to normalcy from We Blew It in terms of length, airing schedule, etc., probably because they'd managed to find a sponsor to help with the budget. This one had some greeaat specials, including Spelling Bee-kini Wax, Maricraft, Try Not To Laugh: Gauntlet (so many iconic bits from these tntls, and if I'm not mistaken one of Tommy's earliest appearances), and a lot of Smoshcast. Fun fact, Sohinki was actually invited to participate but was in Italy at the time, so Kimmy was cast as a guest participant instead to even out the teams. The first to have no team selection process or opening ceremony, instead the teams were pre-picked at random and revealed during the trailer. 18 specials and 8 competition episodes across Pit, Games, and Smoshcast. Teams/Cast: ToxiciTea: Jovenshire, Ian, Olivia, Mari, Shayne, W*s Mushroom Clout: N*ah, Lasercorn, Damien, Keith, Courtney, Kimmy Refs: M*tt R**b, Sarah Whittle Guest Refs/Guest Judges:  Joe Bereta Winners: ToxiciTea Special Awards: MVP - Joven, LVP - Shayne, Epic Win/Moment - Courtney, Epic Fail - Ian Fun little end note, Lasercorn, up until this point, had never lost a single season, and had been described for a while as having a 'Winning Streak'. That became a big running gag this season in particular, with Lasercorn describing his team as being 'Blessed by the power of the streak', while ToxiciTea claimed that was the year the streak would be broken. In the end, it was. On Twitter and other socials, the hashtags "#Breakthestreak" and "#Thestreakisreal" were used by the fandom to support either team. Overall super fun season with a lot of fandom involvement.
This took me way too long. Enjoy!
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voices-of-hope-county · 2 months
Are there, by chance, voice files of the female deputy actually speaking, or a name of the voice actor who recorded the sound effects?
The female Deputy never speaks, but it sounds to me like she has the same voice actor as one of the cultists. You can find a transcript of most of her lines in this document if you search for “CULT_FOLLOWER_FEMALE_05”. One of the Angels might be played by the same person too.
I know Randy Yuen did motion capture for the Deputy in general, and maybe the male Deputy has his voice, but there is no information about who played “CULT_FOLLOWER_FEMALE_05” and the female Deputy…
The actor’s name must be in the credits, however, so probably one of these people:
VOICE TALENT Doug Abrahams Marty Adams Claire Armstrong Ted Atherton Kailea Banka Carolina Bartczak Lawrence Bayne Bruce Blain Jesse Bond Sarah Booth Marc-André Boulanger Wyatt Bowen Paul Braunstein Kimberly D. Brooks Jason Bryden Nicki Burke Mark Camacho Braeden Clarke Lucinda Davis Stacey DePass Bruce Edwards Jake Epstein Jonathan Goad Amber Goldfarb Alain Goulem Rob Greenway Gavin Hammon Ian Hanlin Lauren Jackson Julianne Jain Mara Junot Helen King Jameson Kraemer Gabe Kunda Tristan D. Lalla Erica Lindbeck Erin Mathews James Mathis III Jon McLaren Scott McNeil Cynthia Kaye McWilliams Chimwemwe Miller Julie Nathanson Mayko Nguyen Peter Outerbridge Lindsay Owen-Pierre Giles Panton Christopher Parson Kristen Peace Murry Peeters Simon Lee Phillips Geoffrey Pounsett Claire Rankin David Richmond-Peck Cara Ricketts Kyle Rideout Charlotte Rogers Paula Shaw Jesse Sherman Ivan Sherry Howard Siegel Jonathan Silver Dylan Taylor Jeff Teravainen Brett Watson Jane Wheeler Dan White Scott Whyte Debra Wilson Kim Yarbrough Farid Yazdani
And there is a little more information about who played who on IMDb.
This is all I know for the moment... but I hope it helps :)
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mbari-blog · 1 year
Today is MBARI's 36th anniversary! To celebrate, we are sharing the story of MBARI's R/V Western Flyer.
David Packard believed that addressing the challenges of ocean exploration required a new type of research institute—one independent in spirit and collaborative by design. He founded MBARI on the core principle of scientists, engineers, and marine operations working in equal partnership to develop innovative marine technology. The research vessel Western Flyer embodied MBARI’s willingness to think big, be bold, and invest in long-term outcomes.
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Constructed in 1996 with a unique twin hull design, the 117-foot SWATH vessel represented David Packard’s vision of developing innovative new platforms to better access and explore the ocean. SWATH, which stands for small waterplane area twin hull, means the ship is much more stable than more common monohulled vessels. This stability, combined with a specially constructed moonpool at the center of the vessel, made the ship an ideal platform to deploy, operate, and recover remotely operated vehicles (ROVs). For much of its time at MBARI the Western Flyer worked together with the Doc Ricketts, MBARI’s ROV capable of exploring to depths of 4,000 meters (2.5 miles).
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The Western Flyer was instrumental to many of MBARI’s achievements: from studying ecosystems that could give insights into the impacts of climate change on the ocean, to identifying more than 200 new species—including a crown jelly, a harp sponge, and an incredible bone-eating worm named Osedax westernflyer in honor of the ship itself. During its quarter-century at MBARI, the Western Flyer also traveled to conduct research beyond its home base of Monterey Bay, venturing northwards to sites such as the Pacific Northwest, and southwards to places like Hawaii and Mexico’s Gulf of California.
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After 25 years of serving as MBARI’s flagship research vessel, the Western Flyer has begun a new chapter in education. MBARI granted the ship to the University of South Florida, which hosts the Florida Institute of Oceanography (FIO), for use as a sailing classroom. FIO will provide students with a unique mix of at-sea and on-shore training and mentoring to build ocean science, engineering, and maritime trade skills. The new program will focus on engaging students from historically black colleges and universities, minority-serving institutions, and tribal colleges, providing an opportunity for students of diverse backgrounds and experiences to learn more about careers in ocean science, engineering, and marine operations. MBARI wishes the Western Flyer well in this next stage of its life, as it continues to foster the spirit of exploration in future generations of the ocean STEM community. Learn more on our website. 
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widowshill · 9 months
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OSCAR ARCHIBALD RICKETTS. @criticalfai1ure for r/v au.
THERE'S SOMETHING LIKE HOPE AGAIN, living in her skin, giving color to the blood worn thin & blue by those long nights at Collinwood. much as she has tried to talk herself out of that foolish romanticism, as if she has any reason to suspect this engagement will fare any better than the others. she doesn't. and in all likelihood, knowing the marital fates that await those on top of the hill, A LOGICAL MIND would suspect that this marriage might very well end worse, and she had best prepare herself to weather that unwelcome fate. but that does not keep the grin from her cheeks, silly though it is. even her WORST misgivings do not outweigh the gravity of diamond on her finger, and the ghosts cannot distract her from its gleam. even the antics of her student ––  her son, soon to be ! ––  cannot upset her, for it is the very qualifier that redeems him.
she supposes the shine will dull by the time the wedding date arrives. all the glee of a betrothal tarnished in the oxide of the courtroom, in the long, unpleasant days ahead of their respective annulments. and perhaps that is true. but for now, the future Mrs. Collins summons wayward scholar more eagerly than she ever has, for the history of Maine has never looked brighter than when she is to be written into it. she gives four knocks at the old, salt-kissed wood of the door.
❝ Archie, oh, I'm sorry to trouble you. David's run off, have you seen him ? he's so curious about the lighthouse, I thought he might have come here. ❞
the face of the spectral keeper is thinner than last she saw him, whiter, too. that ought to be normal, for one in his profession, but her brows draw lower nonetheless, though politesse keeps her from remarking on his health. I should check in on him more regularly. it's what the MISTRESS OF THE HOUSE would do, anyway. and no better time than the present to start practicing.
❝ I've a mind to put a leash on him next time. he won't escape his English lessons then. ❞
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fearsmagazine · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS:  James and Em are soaking up the sun, having a perfect vacation at an isolated island resort of pristine beaches and exceptional staff. When they encounter the seductive and mysterious Gabi and her husband they venture outside the fenced in resort grounds and into the local culture filled with violence, hedonism, and untold horror. On the ride back to the resort a tragic accident leaves them facing a zero tolerance policy for crime: either you'll be executed, or, if you're rich enough to afford it, you can watch yourself die instead. James’ decision opens up a Pandora's box of nightmares and horrors that will fracture his reality.
REVIEW: Brandon Cronenberg’s screenplay for INFINITY POOL has a literary intensity reminiscent of the works of Oscar Wilde, Joseph Conrad, and William Golding. His commanding, mind-blowing visual style demonstrates the influences of, of course, his dad (David Cronenberg), Ken Russell and Nicolas Roeg. This is a ride not taken in ages and reminds one what an adult cinematic experience can be.
I’ve already dropped some literary references in regards to the screenplay. I’ve mentioned many times in the past that a good film based on a published work should leave you with a desire to read that work. This is the first film I’ve seen that left me with a desire to read the screenplay. This is a masterclass in storytelling. He seductively weaves a tale of a character’s epic journey into the dark night of the soul. You can almost hear the creatures of H. G. Wells’ 1896 science fiction novel “The Island of Doctor Moreau” cries echoing across the decades transformed into  Cronenberg’s contemporary characters grappling with the terrors of the human condition. Cronenberg brings horror back to its roots as he lays bear darkness of the human condition, a quest for the nature of the soul, in a darker, graphic, contemporary tale that is a cinematic reimagining, after a fashion, of Robert Louis Stevenson’s “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.” My only wish is that Cronenberg would have offered a more ambiguous ending.
This is an amazing ensemble cast. There is a brilliant depth to these performances that can only be achieved through a unique amount of trust between the director and his cast. These performances breath, expand and contract, impacting on the viewer’s psyche. It is so real, so intense that it stirs emotions like live theater. I must add, there was something about Alexander Skarsgård's performance at the beginning of the film where if you closed your eyes he sounded just like his dad, Stellan. It was creepy.
Cronenberg’s film work is profound. He transcends homage, weaving visual keynotes together into a cinematic symphony that ignites the viewer’s emotions. There are classic visual effects beautifully reimagined with the aid of contemporary technology. He makes the ugly, the horrific beautiful. There is choreography to his framing and editing, enhanced by the cinematography palette. The resort and the police precinct are excellent locations that he manipulates and exploits to the story’s advantage. I loved the way the film’s opening twits images of the resort to clearly set in the viewer’s mind that there is something not right here. He builds with the tools at his disposal what many filmmakers aspire to and what few writers achieve on the page.
INFINITY POOL is a bold, unflinching, stylized and mind-blowing assault on the imagination that is a contemporary masterpiece on the odyssey into the darkness of the human condition. From the page to the screen, it embraces many traditions but undoubtedly sets Brandon Cronenberg's position firmly as a maestro of the cinema, not to forget these arresting performances.. Nothing can prepare you for this cinematic experience that will leave an indelible mark on your psyche.
CAST: Alexander Skarsgård, Mia Goth, Cleopatra Coleman, Jalil Lespert, Amanda Brugel, John Ralston, Jeffrey Ricketts, Caroline Boulton, and Thomas Kretschmann. CREW: Director/Screenplay - Brandon Cronenberg; Producers - Karen Harnisch, Andrew Cividino, Christina Piovesan, Noah Segal, Rob Cotterill, Anita Juka, Daniel Kresmery, and Jonathan Halperyn; Cinematographer - Karim Hussain; Score - Tim Hecker; Editor - James Vandewater; Production Designer - Zosia Mackenzie; Costume Designer - Mária Popovits-Fatér; Special Makeup & Figurative Effects - Dan Martin; Special Effects Supervisor - Paul Stephenson; Visual Effects - Andy Robinson. OFFICIAL: www.infinitypool.film FACEBOOK: N.A. TWITTER: twitter.com/neonrated TRAILER: https://youtu.be/OzhKA8hBFu8 RELEASE DATE: In theaters January 27th, 2023
**Until we can all head back into the theaters our “COVID Reel Value” will be similar to how you rate a film on digital platforms - 👍 (Like), 👌 (It’s just okay),  or 👎 (Dislike)
Reviewed by Joseph B Mauceri
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
All Eyez on Me chronicles the life and legacy of Tupac Shakur, including his rise to superstardom as a hip-hop artist, actor, poet and activist, as well as his imprisonment and prolific, controversial time at Death Row Records. Against insurmountable odds, Tupac rose to become a cultural icon whose career and persona both continue to grow long after his passing. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Tupac Shakur: Demetrius Shipp Jr. Afeni Shakur: Danai Gurira Jada Pinkett: Kat Graham Biggie Smalls: Jamal Woolard Suge Knight: Dominic L. Santana Kidada Jones: Annie Ilonzeh Leila Steinberg: Lauren Cohan Hatian Jack: Cory Hardrict Faith Evans: Grace Gibson Street Entrepreneur: DeSean Jackson Ted Field: Brandon Sauve Tom Whalley: Josh Ventura Daz: Azad Arnaud Big B: Sean Baker Dr. Dre: Harold “House” Moore Queen Latifah: Khadija Copeland Aunt Linda: Chanel Young Shock G.: Chris Clarke Money B.: Money-B Ronnie: Hamid-Reza Benjamin Thompson Legs: DeRay Davis Black C.O.: Bruce Davis Atron: Keith D. Robinson Attorney: Gary Weeks Snoop Dogg: Jarrett Ellis Floyd: Clifton Powell Set: Rayven Symone Ferrell Scott Whitwell: Scott Hunter Ray Luv (uncredited): Johnell Young Treach (uncredited): Rayan Lawrence Mall Patron (uncredited): Sheril Rodgers Film Crew: Costume Design: Francine Jamison-Tanchuck Director: Benny Boom Screenplay: Jeremy Haft Screenplay: Eddie Gonzalez Producer: L.T. Hutton Producer: David Robinson Producer: James G. Robinson Screenplay: Steven Bagatourian Art Department Coordinator: Shauna Williams Assistant Art Director: Shawn D. Bronson Key Makeup Artist: Patrice Coleman Music: John Paesano Tattooist: Dennis Dago Ceelo Key Makeup Artist: Mi Young Casting: Michelle Wade Byrd Hair Department Head: Taylor Knight Art Direction: John Richardson Construction Coordinator: Wally Mikowlski Casting Associate: Lavonna Cupid Tailor: Carl Ulysses Bowen Production Design: Derek R. Hill Editor: Joel Cox Key Hair Stylist: Charles Gregory Ross Casting: Winsome Sinclair Key Hair Stylist: Vincent Gideon Property Master: Ian Roylance Researcher: Deborah Ricketts Director of Photography: Peter Menzies Jr. Casting: Andrea Craven Set Decoration: Merissa Lombardo Costume Supervisor: Tom Bronson Set Costumer: Korii Young Assistant Costume Designer: Jennifer Leigh-Scott Costume Supervisor: K. Drew Fuller Casting: Mary Vernieu Key Costumer: Heather Sease Key Costumer: Earl Tanchuck Makeup Department Head: Carol Rasheed Movie Reviews: Gimly: In terms of perspective, it’s pretty much exactly what I was afraid _Straight Outta Compton_ would be. As a movie itself though, it’s a disjointed, cheap-looking, paint by numbers biopic that did not manage overcome its niche at all… Fuck that kid looks the part though. _Final rating:★½: – Boring/disappointing. Avoid where possible._
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uchicagomagazine · 5 months
Greetings, Maroons!
Tumblr, it's been a while. We're ringing in the new year (and our return to this platform) in rhyme. A sample here, the rest there. By Laura Demanski, AM'94.
Themistocles, Thucydides, The Peloponnesian—whoa, not these! Behold fresh lines of air-light verse To cheer the path to Jan the first. Greetings! We’re back dispensing more Rhymed merriment for ’24: Happy year, Deans Miles and Hale, Provost Baicker, Leila Sales, Waldo E. Johnson, David Pickett, Roopa Gandhi, Thomas Ricketts! From 61st to 53rd, May these ovations reach all nerds. ...
Read the whole poem
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mitjalovse · 1 month
Which one of the 90's female singer-songwriters continues to exemplify the period? I'm unsure about the answer here, yet I would dare to suggest Sheryl Crow. She's basically one of the epitomes of the scene I discuss, though the question might be what that was. No, she wasn't a popstar in the vein of Madonna, but she also couldn't be understood as an alternative rock player. She was – my view – being an overlap between these two crowds, because her tunes were hits, yet few felt bad for liking them. True, this is an example of tautology from my side, though the 90's still had this rockism crap prevalent in the critical thinking at the time. One could claim Sheryl Crow could be seen as one of those who challenged that notion.
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chicagocubsreactions · 7 months
Cubs again plan to investigate possibility of signing Shohei Ohtani
[original article]
Why did Shohei Ohtani meet with the Chicago Cubs? That question has never been fully answered in detail. Ohtani rarely speaks with the media and his representatives at Creative Artists Agency closely guard the information around the Japanese superstar.
The Cubs were granted an audience with Ohtani in December 2017, which could mean nothing in the complex negotiations that will fascinate the baseball world. But the Cubs again plan to be involved in Ohtani’s process, a league source confirmed, which doesn’t guarantee anything other than more rumors and daydreaming about him performing at Wrigley Field.
Cubs executives simply wouldn’t be doing their jobs if they didn’t seriously investigate this possibility. It would also be bad business for a multibillion-dollar franchise to ignore the global marketing possibilities around the team’s iconic stadium and streaming platforms with Ohtani as must-see TV.
Jed Hoyer’s bold decision to sign Craig Counsell to a five-year, $40 million contract and fire manager David Ross dominated the news cycles this week at Major League Baseball’s general manager meetings in Arizona. But as executives and agents wheeled their suitcases through an outdoor plaza Thursday and checked out of the Omni Scottsdale Resort & Spa at Montelucia, the offseason focus will shift back to the players.
It’s unclear if there are any clues in the seven finalists Ohtani chose when he narrowed the list from the 30 teams that were sent a questionnaire that asked for detailed explanations on how each organization would handle the assimilation process from Japan and maximize his enormous talents as a hitter and a pitcher.
Clearly, the calculus has changed. The National League now features the full-time designated hitter and Ohtani will be recovering from elbow surgery and unavailable to pitch next season. The Los Angeles Angels squandered their six years with Ohtani, who never competed in a playoff game with Mike Trout.
The Los Angeles Dodgers are widely seen as a team that will aggressively pursue Ohtani. The Texas Rangers are coming off their first World Series title in franchise history. The San Diego Padres are preparing to cut payroll. The Seattle Mariners and San Francisco Giants could be appealing if Ohtani still has a geographic preference. The Cubs were also invited to CAA headquarters in Los Angeles to make their recruiting pitch.
“I look back on that,” Hoyer said. “We had a great meeting. It felt like we prepared a ton. It was a really good dialogue, good conversation. Obviously, he was going to only choose one out of seven. But we had been to three NLCSs in a row and won a World Series. We had things rolling pretty well.
“It doesn’t surprise me he took a meeting with us, even though us and Texas were the only two teams that weren’t on the West Coast. I think that’s why we were outliers. But it doesn’t surprise me, given when it happened. We had it rolling at that point and I think he was intrigued.”
The Cubs built part of their presentation off material they gathered while unsuccessfully courting Japanese pitcher Masahiro Tanaka after a last-place season in 2013. Cubs chairman Tom Ricketts and Theo Epstein, the president of baseball operations at that time, were involved in the Ohtani meeting. Nao Masamoto, a longtime Cubs official, served as an interpreter. To answer any questions about the team’s pitching infrastructure, the Cubs included Tommy Hottovy, the future pitching coach, and Kyle Hendricks, their World Series Game 7 starter. The Cubs showed Ohtani a piece of virtual-reality equipment used by their hitters.
“Going back to when he came over and when we met with him, there were zero questions about his ability on the mound,” Hoyer said. “That’s all borne out. But I feel like with the bat, there were a lot of questions about how things would translate and would he be able to handle inside fastballs and stuff like that. He proved he could do it.”
Hoyer laughed and continued: “There’s no question the offensive part of his game was underestimated. I think the pitching was probably viewed accurately.”
This time, the Cubs won’t be capped at a $300,000 maximum bonus and Ohtani won’t be restricted by the international signing rules. There were also some health questions back then about Ohtani, who underwent Tommy John surgery in 2018. But this is still a perennial MVP candidate with the left-handed power to hit 40 home runs a year and pitch like a Cy Young Award winner when healthy. Future Hall of Famer sounds like an understatement when describing someone who’s already one of the best athletes in the history of professional sports.
“It was pretty clear that he wanted to do both and DH-ing was the best option for that,” Hoyer said. “We couldn’t provide that. The Dodgers and Padres couldn’t provide that. It was four NL teams and three AL teams and I thought we were at a big disadvantage because we couldn’t offer him the ability to DH. As good as the meeting went, we knew that was always going to be an uphill climb.
“It doesn’t surprise me in the end that he picked an AL team. But I wish we could roll back the clock and take a shot at it again.”
That rare opportunity is here again and no one expected Counsell to pick the Cubs, either.
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Hugo de Lantins (fl. 1420-1430) - "Chanter ne scay"
Alkemie : Elena Mullins, voice; Sian Ricketts, recorder; David McCormick & Niccolo Seligmann, vielles
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diarioelpepazo · 9 months
La "Reina del Salto Triple" se hace del tercer Diamante de su carrera y con la mejor marca del año JESÚS DAVID CASTELLANO La plusmarquista mundial y campeona olimpica de Salto Triple femenino, la venezolana Yulimar Rojas, conquista otro diamante; al subirse a lo más alto del podio con un salto de 15.35 metros en la final de la disciplina en la parada de Eugene (Oregon, Estados Unidos).  ESTE ES EL SALTO CON EL QUE LA REINA YULIMAR ROJAS ASALTÓ EL LIDERATO DE LA COMPETENCIA ¿NO LO VIERON? ¿NO LO LEYERON? FUE DE 15.35 M… 15.35 M… 15.35 MPIC.TWITTER.COM/FORV2PBSJR — Líder en Deportes (@LiderEsDeporte) September 16, 2023 Yulimar; que también se alzó con la victoria en la parada de Zúrich (Suiza) tras saltar más de 15 metros, comenzó lenta la cpmpetencia, al no tener saltos válidos en sus primeros dos intentos. Así jamaiquina Shanieka Ricketts empalmaba 14.69 y 14.79 metros para pasar a ser líder de la competición en tierras norteamericanas. Posteriormente, la criolla se elevó 14.53mts en su tercer salto. Apenas le bastó para ubicarse en el tercer lugar, detrás de la otra jamaiquina, Kimberly Williams; que tuvo 14.61 en su intento. El cuarto salto de la venezolana fue invalidado y solo una antesala a su elevación de más de 15 metros, suficiente para alzarse con el tercer Diamante de su laureada trayectoria. Shanieka Ricketts escoltó a la criolla. Su mejor salto fue 15.03mts y el tercer escalón del podio fue para Kimberly Williams (14.61mts). Por su parte, ese salto de 15.35 se convierte en la mejor marca del Meeting y del año. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Líder
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whistledownhq · 1 year
do you have any fc suggestions for children or siblings to the king & queen?
absolutely ! i'd recommend using the periodfcnetwork directory if none of these tickle your fancy, but my favorites are below. i've noted fcs that would need to not be full blood relatives of one or both. siblings: danny sapani, asabe madacki, marsha thomason (mixed), adrian lester, steve toussaint, antonia thomas (mixed), gentry white, denzel washington, idris elba, keke palmer, aja naomi king children: aaron fontaine, sope dirisu, jennifer ezekiel ade, jessica parker kennedy (mixed), theo nate, bethany antonia, ebonee noel, lakeith stanfield, mckell david, ruby barker (mixed), cara ricketts, samantha logan, daniel ezra, peyton alex smith, kofi siriboe
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