#dbh poll
can-they-do-a-rko · 24 days
How successful would Markus…
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Personally, I think it's mostly the second option, but also a bit of the third option. Markus is a unique android, if he didnt shed his human facade, people could think it's just a hoax by a human. This way there's absolutely no room for doubt.
The first option doesn't make a lot of sense to me because Markus would know he's got a bunch of identifying marks all over his bare face, and even if he wasn't aware of the deviant hunter, he would know that someone, from the government or Cyberlife, could be able to quickly work out who he was. But it's a surprisingly common idea in the fandom.
If you, like me, believe two or more different options, pick the one that most fits.
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(1) “So, when you’re trying to save humans from AI, you’re the main villain!? What kinda backwards bullshit logic is this…”
(2) “So if Markus is Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, I guess that makes you J. Edgar Hoover. Not a good look, bro.”
(3) “So, we just gonna ignore how you’re a white cop hunting down a black civil rights leader? Gee, I wonder which one is more popular in the fanbase? I’m just saying.”
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homicidal-slvt · 4 months
Who would you trust to hold your drink at a party?
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
So, it is known that Hank's early concept had some tattoos, but unfortunately we haven't seen him without a shirt within a game to know if they're still there.
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So, what's your headcanon?
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wake-up-lieutenant · 1 year
(surely this will be my best mod yet)
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kayla1507 · 1 year
While I know Nines is insanely popular on social media and Connor usually wins polls by miles, I feel like there's a good portion of fellow Markus stans lurking here on tumblr with me. So I'm curious what the actual tumblr ratio is, heh! 😏 Please vote and help me gather data for "science".
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hamartia-grander · 1 year
Fellers' turn
I only included actually eligible dilfs to make it harder :)
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theo-7-77 · 1 year
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honey-beann · 6 months
Note: I know that I still haven't posted a fic after the last poll result, but I figured I would check in to see what's most important again now that it's been a few weeks to make sure I put out what people are most interested in as the Holidays begin :)
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dirty-droid · 1 year
So I'm writing a Hank/Markus fic where Carl just died. Hank and Markus are talking about life and death and whatnot. I usually like Hank and Connor and Markus as a polyamorous triad, but Connor isn't gonna be here for this fic.
My fiance said it's too sad to have Connor be fucking dead when all Hank and Markus are gonna be talking about is the people we already know they lost, that adding a mutual friend on top of that is REALLY sad, and he's right, but that could be a vibe.
Extra fic context is this is set like, six months post game, Hank and Markus have just decided that they're dating, but they're still fresh out of the talking phase, Cole is obviously dead and gone but I'm adding some 'Hank's dad died like two years before Cole was born' sadness and I think that's what makes it too sad to have Connor dead on top of it all. Every android that dies in game, Cole, Carl, Hank's dad, and Connor too??? I'm also just a little picky when it comes to pairing Connor off with anybody else but Hank or Markus, which doesn't help 😅
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littlehoneybri · 1 year
I’m not sure how to make a proper poll, so consider this one? If anyone on here is familiar with my previous works “Cream” and “Syrup”, I’d appreciate some input on a third installment.
Options are:
- Yogurt - Mayonnaise - Relish - Cream 2 - Other (if you have suggestions, let me know)
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I'm sorry everyone, I redid the poll because I forgot a couple of (amazing) people.
Again, Connor's not here because people blank out and vote Connor regardless of the question. Also, he doesn't belong here IMHO.
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willgrahamscock · 3 months
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As in: would your fav character survive Hannibal Lecter? Why do you think so? If your fav is Hannibal, would he survive himself?
Ps. add who it is in the tags!
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have you done your daily click
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iwonderwh0 · 6 months
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