#ddlc natsuki x reader
pineappleciders · 1 year
hello there! if its not to much trouble I was wondering if you would be able to write some DDLC (natsuki & yuri) x shy/quite GN!reader headcannons. thank you in advance also sorry if its a vague prompt
natsuki and yuri with a shy/quiet S/O (also some crush headcanons?)
A/N: not troublesome at all!!! and don't worry about it, i love vague prompts because i get to use my imagination!!!
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before getting to know you she gets a little insecure around you. mainly because she's scared to say or do something that would hurt your feelings
she just kinda assumes you're super quiet because you struggle with something so it just makes her really awkward around you. like she gets kinda frustrated when she snaps at you and you don't retaliate and she just feels bad
but eventually she warms up with you!! once you two start dating she's always bugging you about putting yourself out there and making friends
but she's a total hypocrite and knows it, she doesn't want to force you as she knows it's hard and honestly prefers to just spend alone time with you and only you
she just wants you to be happy and have someone there for you in case she isn't there!!
she's honestly a little shy herself but she'll definitely stand up for you if you need it. she will absolutely destroy anyone who tried to pick on you
she doesn't like to but she'll order at the counter for you and talk to employees if you really don't want to. but only if you do it for her as well
doesn't mind your quietness, in fact she thinks you're very peaceful to be around and enjoys just reading in silence with you. she might get a lil frustrated if you act stupid after doing something that flustered her
she's honestly relieved to know someone similar to her, but that doesn't stop the fact that she's terrified to talk to you at first
she's afraid to talk to anyone new really, but you especially because she knows you're shy like her and probably won't want to talk!! and she really doesn't wanna mess up her one chance!!!!
she probably just watches you in class absentmindedly and when you lock eyes with her she looks away super embarrassed
you two probably end up talking by being paired together for a project, where you both find you share some interests!!! she gets so happy when you tell her you don't mind her rants
she always blurts things around you out of pure nervousness. she screams into her pillow at home thinking ab how you said it was cute
communication might be a slight issue in your relationship as you both have a hard time talking about your feelings!!! so she vowed to herself that she'd take responsibility and tell you when something was wrong, even if it was scary for her
really likes the comfortable silence you two share!! reading books together side-by-side with tea, how despite all of the little insecurities and fears you two share, you both know you don't have to worry about them when you're with each other.
she might get a little loud sometimes in the relationship and so do you,,, you both get embarrassed about it afterwards but it makes her very happy to know you're comfortable around her :))
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Tohru, Marin Kitagawa, Tamaki Suoh, Mipha, Natsuki, Kōsei Arima taking care of a very sick reader who can't even get out of bed.
Sick!S/O can't even get out of bed
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Tohru, Marin, Tamaki, Mipha, Natsuki, Kousei ]
[ Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid ] [ My Dress-Up Darling ] [ Ouran High School Host ] [ Breath of the Wild ] [ Doki Doki Literature Club ] [ Your lie in April ]
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The last time i was so sick that i can't get out of bed was so long ago, and even if it was just one day I felt like dying 😩
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Once Torhu falls in love she start to get clingy and caring towards you, as well as little possessive (is more like her dragon nature). Even when she has some problem to comprehend your feelings if you don't tell her directly (specially if you aren't a dragon) she wants to have a relationship with you where you can rely and even depend on her, even if is just a little it will make her happy
Whenever you get sick she worries but her excitment quickly overcome that feeling, don't take her wrong she doesn't like to see you in such pain but it makes her excited the idea of being able to take care of you, and she will totally take advantage of the situation. Although the firsts times you get sick she is more worried and desperate for find a way to help you
When you get so sick that you can't get out of bed it scares her a lot, fearing that something really bad happened to you, mixed between despertly trying to find out what happened and how to help you and getting mad thinking that this may be someone's fault. Still is probably that you manage to calm her down enough to explain that you aren't going to die or that no one caused this, you will be fine with seeing a doctor
Tohru will be really hesitant of letting a doctor see you in such vulnerable state so is more probably that she ask Fafnir or Quetzalcoatl for help, she can even ask Kobayashi of what she is supoused to do and at the end she will try a lot of different things between dragons and humans solutions
Once you finally manage to calm her down enough to finally convince her to at least follow your lead on how to help you and take proper care of you she will totally go in nurse mode and even promise to make you feel better in no time
She will totally take advantage of this situation to fully take care of you and baby you all she wants, specially if normally you don't let her, as well she will cuddle you a lot, holding you close to her and even putting you on top of her with the excuse of helping you stay warm and comfortable
Tohru tries to follow the human medicine and the instructions the doctor give you but she can't help to think that the process is too slow (even when she is enjoying it) so she will try the healing methods of her world in hopes that it help you get better faster (she won't really tell you this if she knows that you will disapprove it)
Tohru cheerish for you to get better soon but enjoys every little moment of it
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Marin Kitagawa
Marin is really caring a loving, but she is pretty dumb too so if you aren't obvious or directly tell her about how you feel or when you are troubles for something she probably won't discover it herself
Marin is most of the time alone so she has to take care of herself, and even when she isn't the best to do so she is proud of what she knows to do, as well she tries to look after your well-being too, if she ever notice that you seem to not beem taking care of yourself she will insist that you have to do it, and that if she has to do it herself she will
Speaking of, anytime you get sick she gets really worried it doesn't matter if is just a little fever or something really serious she will be really worried (she could overeact a little), that is why the moment you tell her that you are feeling so bad that you can't get out of bed she gets worried sick and start overthinking everything, her friends has to calm her down at least enough to wait until she had the opportunity to go to see you, reminding her that you aren't alone or that at least you are already taking meds and resting
Still the very moment she is free she is already running to where you are, and when she finally get to see you someone has to stop her before she throw herself to your arms with tears in her eyes, and if she actually does it she will end up apologizing really dramaticly for hurting you again
She will bombard you with questions about what happened, how you feel, where it hurts and so on, after a while she will calm down and start to recover her cheerful self again and start to comforting you as well as promising to take good care of you
And as she said she will spend all the free time she has by your side taking care of you, and even if you try to tell her that she doesn't have to she will just giggle and insist on doing it. If you feel insecure for looking bad she offers to fix yourself a little if you want
Also she will take seriously her promise of take care of yourself, or at least tries to, so she will be making sure you are always comfy and don't overwork yourself, as well that you always take your meds and eat properly. She is a little ashame of it, but she is enjoying taking care of you a little to much, if you let her she will like to baby you from time to time
As well she offer you to watch some anime so you don't get all bored but you will have to remind her that you two can't cuddle right now or else she will end up getting sick too, she will be pouty for it for a while but if you promise to cuddle her when you get better she imediatly feels happy again
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Tamaki Suoh
Tamaki is pretty dramatic and spontaneos and that is showed in his relasionship, he is really loving and caring and he is always really open with his love for you (unless you feel uncomfortable with it he will try to calm down)
He doesnt worry much about you, or at least tries not to, and when he does it his reaction is always really dramatic, when you seem troubled by something he imediatly ask you about it but he tries to don't pry until is something really serious or that is afecting you a lot (or at least he tries to because most of the time he end up having a childish reaction), so when you get sick he tries to keep his cool and help you out (even when is just a little fever)
However you being so sick that you can't get out of bed make him worried sick, by the very moment he gets the news he is mixed between fearing the worst and trying to use everything he can to help you get better. He will try to get as soon as posible to your side and he practicaly throw to your arms dramaticly tearing up when he finally sees you (probably end up kneeling next to your bed with puppy eyes)
He tries to ask you what happened and how you feel but he is making a lot of questions so quickly that he doesn't give you time to even try to answer if no one stop him it will take him a long time to calm down, and even so is probably that he doesn't exactly calm down, will be more like changing his behavior in a more determinante to help you
Ouran High School is a school for rich people so is probably that you have the resources to afore a good medical treatment, and even if you can't he will make sure to provide it to you himself as well as make sure that you take your meds and proper rest, even if you have someone by your side in charge of taking care of you he will insist on taking care of you himself
You don't being able to move much gives him the opportunity to baby you, he hates seeing you in such pain and he almost cries anytime he hears you complain and that is why he start doing a little too much for you
You won't be able to convice him to leave your side, he may even invite over the rest of the club as long as he knows that it won't upset you. Also if you feel insecure or bad for being a mess while being sick he himself will makes sure to fix your hair as well that you use cute clothes and are wrapped in cute and fluffy blankets (is one of his ways to help you to feel at least a little better)
If you need comfort either for the pain or for feeling like a bother he is up to comfort you, you don't even have to ask because he is already giving you compliments
Is practically a miracle that he doesn't get sick too for how much time he spends close to you
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Mipha is really caring and sweet, is like a nature for her being so caring so that is going to be expressed in her relasionship too, although she tries to not be overwhelming or overcome your bounduries and respect your privacy, specially if you are a warrior or an adventurous, she worries for you but she doesn't want to stop you from doing what you love
Also Mipha has healing powers so everytime you get hurt or even sick she is inmediatly by your side healing you, she insist on doing it because it comfort her being of help when you need it, and you won't really be able to convice her otherwise always insisting that she is just caring for the one she loves the most, also if you ever try to hide it from her for trying to not worry or bother her she will scold you, even remind you that she is the leader of the Zora Kingdom is her work to worry for her people (even if you aren't a Zora)
That is why the moment she gets the news of you being so sick that you can't get out of bed she gets worried sick for you, if she had the opportunity she will drop everything and just go to your side, still there is the posibility that she isn't able to get away from her responsabilities (specially if you are outside of the Zora Kingdom, although in that case she is just even more worried)
When she finally is by your side she first asks you what happened and how you feel, she is eager to help you but first needs to know what exactly happened, she tries to waste not too much time before starting healing you and there is no way you will stop her, specially if you seem too uncomfortable or hurt for your sickness
Is more probably that she stops until at least what you have becomes a little annoyance, either because she end up exhausted or because you convince her to don't use all her strength on it, in any case she will still feel bad and makes sure to take care of you the rest of the time
Also even if she had helped you get better already she still feels uneasy about you so she prefer to stay by your side at least a little longer and keep a close eye on you, she knows you aren't exactly in danger but she can help but fear (seeing you in so much pain truly affect her). As well even if she manage to fully heal you she will insist on you taking a break and just rest as well as asking you to be more careful next time, although now you will be able to convince her to rest with you so she can recover her energy too
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Natsuki has a big problem with both trusting people and showing her emotions, that is why when she finally trust you and open up to you she becomes more caring and even soft with you
Whenever you are troubled by something or even sick she worries but always show it up in discreet ways, she could even ask you about what is happen though a message before asking you in person
When you get so sick that you can't get out of bed she gets worried sick, Natsuki tries to stay calm or at least seem calm but his mind is going crazy and if no one stop her quickly she will end up having an anxiety attack by fearing losing you. At the end the other girls of the club have to help her calm down
Once she finally has the time and had calm down enough she inmediatly make her way towards your house, but she still fears that will better to let you rest or even that you will reject her (if you two were texting it would help her feel more sure about visiting you)
She doesn't like seeing you so sick and in such pain, it make her feel frustrated and powerless, but she still wants to give a try, she ask you what happened and she may be a little harsh with her words (she may or may not call you idiot for getting sick) but is her worries and desesperation talking
She will try to pay you a visit in all her free time but she is still troubled for the frustration, it has to be their friends who give her the comfort and motivation she needs
Natsuki will be taking care a lot of you in discreet ways, when she is with you she handle you whatever you need and making sure you are taking your meds, she even stay by your side when you are napping and when she sees you sleeping peaceful is all the reasurance she needs to know that you will be fine. She also ask the person who is in charge of take care of you how are you doing and if there is something she can do to help (she may be embarrased for having to do it but she want to). As well she make sure to pay extra attention in class to explain it to you later while you are skipping classes, as well as taking extra notes for you of the most important, is the least she feels she can do
Once you are better she will make you some of your favorite cupcakes and may or may not write a poem expresing how much she missed you and how worried she was (if you tease her for it she will turn around the situation and scold you for getting sick on the first place and making her so worry)
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Kousei Arima
He is really caring of you and he is a little observant so after a while of knowing you (even before start dating) he learn to notice when you aren't feeling too well, so you won't be able to hide from him that you are feeling sick
Kousei can be pretty hypocrite in this part because for him is easy to get so invested on playing the piano that he forget to take care of himself, going as far as falling sleep in the floor next to the piano, but when it comes to you he always insist that you should take proper care of yourself
Anytime you get sick he worries a lot for you, specially when you tell him directly, it makes him feel uneasy is just that he can't help but remember her mother (or Kaori), but he always calms himself down, or at least never shows how worried he really is (although, as long as you don't have to go to the hospital he doesn't have much troubles). Even if you feel a little sick he insist that you should at least rest for a while
When you fall so sick that can't even get out of the bed is shocking for him, he will have to take a while to calm himself down or else he will have a panic attack or something, although if you explain to him that is just something not really serious, maybe just like fever or even cramps and you can't move much out of pain it help calm down more easily, but still make him feel uneasy
Even if you try to tell him to don't go to see you he will, he doesn't say it out loud but it make him feel more comfortable if he is by your side, and he will keep you company all the time he can, even when he is doubting if he is of help
It makes his really worried that you can't get out of bed for your sickness but everytime you look at him he has a smile in his face (although you could notice that when he gets more worried when his smiles are more forced), he just know that right now all your body hurts and he doesn't want to bother you with his worries
He will spend all the time with you until you finally feel better so he will be taking care of you, and if there is someone else taking care of you (like your parent) he will help them too, he just want to be of help for you and even if you still can move but you shouldn't he is the one making sure you stay still and just rest
If you feel insecure for him seeing you right now for the mess you are he calls you silly, is obvious that right now you can't do much for your appearance since you are sick but he doesn't care
Kousei has not problem with comfort you if you need it, and he talks a lot about what you two will do once you get better if it helps you
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nogenderbee · 1 year
hello there, I would like to request some headcannons for DDLC (natsuki and yuri specifically) x a reserved/quiet M!reader. sorry if its a very vauge ask, also thanks in advance
Of course! Happy to see some DDLC requests! Honestly I love all the girls but decided that actually those two will be the most interesting so I wrote just them! Hope it's alright and hope you enjoy <3
Yuri, Natsuki with quiet!male!reader
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⊱ Yuri is pretty quiet as well so most of your conversations are probably just comfortable silence
⊱ she did got anxious ar first since she wasn't sure of what she should say or if you have good time since you two had problems with starting conversations
⊱ but once you both opened up to each other, there was no more awkwardness between you two
⊱ you can't really say that there was someone who started the most conversations... both of you were kinda equal
⊱ but you did started most conversations at the beginning and she started most conversations when you grew closer and broke first walls
⊱ sometimes you two even talk and maybe complain about your personality traits just for other one to comfort another
"N-No! Please don't talk badly about yourself! There's nothing wrong with being a bit quiet... at least I hope..."
⊱ but let's finally talk about your reserved side... Yuri makes it her duty to discover what's behind your shield, like those people in detective novel!
⊱ it doesn't really matter how much it takes her but just the amount of satisfaction she gets after solving all her doubts is unimaginable
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⊱ it's easy to say that at first you pissed off Natsuki so much, maybe even not knowing it
⊱ but as the time passed, she got used to your quiet and reserved nature even tho it definitely took you some courage to start conversation with her first few times
⊱ but luckily you just needed to start few conversations and she started coming up to you on her own!
⊱ but once you got into a relationship, she can't say she's not interested by your reserved personality (although you will never hear her admit it)
⊱ she may insult you a bit but she never means it, she really likes your personality but she gets easily flustered so she ceny bring herself to tell you what she truly means
"Well yeah, I know I said it but... it's not THAT bad, okey?! It's... tolerable... there, I said it! Happy?"
⊱ someone else ever tries to say anything bad about you and she'll be there to protect your honor
⊱ I dare you, tease her about it later. She doesn't expect it since you're usually quiet so she'll get extra flustered
⊱ you secretly remind her of cool character from manga and she loves your personality even more
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wabatle · 25 days
okay okay what if
natsuki (ddlc) with a rlly affectionate fem s/o (basically the opposite of her personality) /nf
☆~Natsuki with an s/o that’s the polar opposite of her
wabatle nonsense:
ty for picking ddlc AND my FAVORITE NONETHELESS (i also like sayori; tbh I love all of them)
warnings: none!
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Let’s just say…she was not expecting that
She wasn’t expecting you to be able to express yourself so easily, to be able to openly tell people you’re worried about them, and things like that
She also appreciates how easily you settle arguments between her and her friends, especially if they’re making fun of her
Although she will never admit it, she finds your personality amazing and wishes she could be more like you
She also really loves how kind you are to her, though she may get jealous when you’re kind to someone else
Whenever you compliment her, she gets really red and flustered, then tells you the same thing back but in her tsundere way
When it comes to your affection, she would never let you be that way with her in public, but at home it’s fine, as long as you’re not doing anything flirty, or she’ll get flustered and mad
But if you’re just cuddling, it’s okay
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🔞 How Moniko/Monika would catch you and the others in the act 🔞
Tw: sexual themes, oral, penetration, & getting caught
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I feel like Mon would also find Naruki/Natsuki & Y/n in the clubroom can't go to his house cause parents & Na would be way to embarrassed about doing it in a bathroom
'In the bathroom what if someone else hears! N-No way!'
Naruki/Natsuki would somehow be face fucking you while they stood
Na would either be thrusting into your mouth or smothering you with her pussy
Naruki would just face fucking you not giving you a chance to really breath and doesnt notice Moniko until he’s cumming down your throat
Na would totally freak out and cover themself instead of covering Y/n or Na would like shrink down behind Y/n while they tried to turn away and whip the cum off there lips
Would definitely say Y/n made them do it while it was really the other way around
Mon is low level jealous of Naruki/Natsuki - Mon would just be more surprised if you actually like someone with Na's personality.
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Mon would most likely come over to Satori/Sayuri's house unannounced for club leader activities after school finding Y/n & Sa in bed
I feel like it would be full on missionary. Nervous but not exactly the first time nervous but definitely still nervous.
Sa would yell and either lay down to cover Y/n or to pull Y/n down on top of her
It would be Satori/Sayuri throwing something at Mon to get them to leave the room
Sa would ask you if you were alright before they worried about themselves and they made sure you both got a quick shower before they go to talk to Mon in another room
Moniko/Monika is most jealous of Sa cause the close relationship Sa & Y/n have had since childhood
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Mon would find y/n & Yu in the club room
The two of you would not be full on doing it Mon would most likely find the two of you cuddled in the corner
'Y/n…since we're all alone I was wondering if you'd let me try something I've read about'
Y/n getting fingered or jerked off by Yu who would freeze when Mon walked in you have to shake Yuki/Yuri to get a reaction to which they would fix there or your clothes
Moniko/Monika is mid tear jealous of Yuki/Yuri - Mon jealous over hight or build & sees Yu better for Y/n in that way
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Moniko would definitely have you in his lap / Monika in your lap
They reassured you that you wouldn’t be caught but specifically asked the club member showing the most interest in you to show up
Mon would cover you by keeping her skirt on or not taking you skirt off. Panties pulled off and thrown away kinda sex.
Even if you're nervous because you are inexperienced or just about getting caught for Mon it’s just an act.
‘I’m nervous too, but isn’t this kind of exciting y/n?’
Mon isn’t to loud but makes sure you can hear them likes to breath and moan in your ears
If it’s specifically Satori/Sayuri they’re trying to make jealous you do it at your house only thing different is you/they sit on your computer chair or bed and the sex is a bit louder
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mantizimus · 1 year
Hello there! Could I request a one shot between natsuki(Ddlc) x m!reader, possibly something along the lines of they go to the club after school but end up being the only ones there. I’m not very used to requesting stuff on here so I’m sorry if it vague. But thank you in advance:)
Alone in the Club
The bell, signifying the end of class, rang through the words of the teacher giving homework. "Finally," rushed through your head. You've been waiting a long time for an opportunity to see your girlfriend and spend time with her. Yes, due to the fact that there were also Monika, Sayori, and Yuri in the literature club besides the two of you, the chances of being alone were only slightly above zero, but that didn't upset you. When you reached the club, you almost ran into Natsuki, but you snapped out of your thoughts in time. After a very brief conversation, you walked into an empty room. "Um… Where are the others?" you asked perplexedly, looking around. "Maybe they haven't come up yet?" suggested Natsuki uncertainly, approaching the back room and looking inside. A moment later, an ask for help rang out from there, forcing you to go inside. "Monika put the manga on the top shelf again," no question, an assertion. "As you can see, yes," the pink-haired woman replied, looking up with annoyance, "Can you help?" Instead of answering, you removed the box and handed it to your girlfriend. "Thank you," she thanked you, carrying it out of the back room. "You're welcome," you answered her. Deciding to wait another ten minutes before doing anything, you got to talking about manga. "By the way, Nats, did you hear that the anime Spy x Family is announced for next April?" you informed her of the upcoming adaptation of one of your favorite comedy manga. "Spy x Family? Now I've heard," the pink-haired girl replied, looking at you with slight joy, "We have to watch it, S/O, do you hear me ? We have to!" "Don't worry, we'll watch it. If I don't get distracted by your cuteness, of course," Natsuki darkened slightly after that. "I'm not cute," she muttered, looking away. You only laughed softly. After all, her tsundere features were very amusing at times. Suddenly, you had a thought that was so obvious that you wanted to punch yourself for not thinking of it right away. Taking your cell phone out of your pocket, you glanced at your club's group chat room. Frowning, you shifted your look to your girlfriend. "Bad news, Nats. Yuri is sick and Monika and Sayori are very busy," you muttered, quietly angry that you hadn't opened that chat room sooner. "So what do we do now?" asked Natsuki, judging by the expression on her face, feeling similar feelings. You just shrugged uncertainly, not having the slightest clue. You looked at each other in silence for a couple of seconds before you remembered what you could do. "How about reading some manga?" the pink-haired girl smiled almost immediately. "Good idea," she replied, getting up from her desk and walking over to the box, "And we'll save the poems for next time." "Okay," you agreed. It looked like the day promised to be anything but boring.
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fr4nkie0stein · 7 months
Doki Doki Literature Club masterlist
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Sayori 🎀
Yuri ✒
Natsuki 🍪
Monika 📓
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tryingtofindava · 8 months
: ̗̀➛Back to DDLC
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"Seriously? Who brought a boy?"
• ╭──╯ . . . . . 𝗛𝗘��𝗗𝗖𝗔𝗡𝗢𝗡𝗦
• ╭──╯ . . . . . 𝗢𝗡𝗘-𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗧𝗦
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fiona-my-love · 9 months
Could you a ddlc headcanons what it’s like to be dating them in the beginning of the relationship with the reader?
DDLC x reader beginning relationships headcanons
not my best work, but I'm straight out of a long hiatus so what can I say lol
- She'd open up weirdly fast??? Like, she acts as if you've been together for a year lmfao
- Takes you to all of her piano recitals. Sometimes she sneaks small, loving glances into the crowd, looking for your approval.
- yyeeeeaaaaaaa, prepare to be indoctrinated into the literature club.
- Parades you around school happily, like "Hey everyone! Look who I pulled!"
- Free tutoring, piano lessons, and poetry I guess! She's a liiittttllleee too interested in showing you everything she likes.
- Late nights spent in the empty club room, looking over homework and reading poetry is her idea of relaxing.
- Honestly, I feel like it wouldn't be that different.
- I mean, you guys have been friends for so long, so it's only natural!
- You two are already used to physical touch n stuff, so kissing comes pretty quick.
- Get ready for as much PDA as you're comfortable with! clingy ass
- She's always hanging on you in some way,, PLEASE give her attention.
- You lying on her lap while she writes is, like, a dream for her.
- She would definitely take a while to open up.
- She’s still pretty shy around you, dating or not, but that’s just how she is lmfao
- Eventually, she’ll get used to the idea of being in a relationship, making dates and affection a regular thing.
- You're the ONLY person she's ever taken to a bookstore,, like she usually does that shit herself.
- Horror movies. HORROR MOVIES. And if you're scared, she'll hold you the whole way through <33
- She loves going to coffee shops with you in the morning SO muchhhh,,
- Similar to Yuri, she doesn’t let her guard down for a while.
- Would probably make you little snacks. Not full blown meals like she would make later in your relationship, but this is just her warming up to the idea.
- Bake with her and she’ll warm up like 10x faster. Like her heart will MELT.
- It’ll take a long time for her to open up about her home life.
- Sorry, but you're not gonna be able to come over to her house- hope you like hosting!
- Cuddling and reading manga,,, hhnngggg
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frickingnerd · 6 months
natsuki with an affectionate s/o
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pairing: natsuki x gn!reader
tags: fluff, tsundere natsuki
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natsuki really needs someone in her life who's openly affectionate towards her and doesn't shy away from complimenting her
and yet, when she started dating you, it was rather overwhelming for her
she appreciates how sweet you are, but can't help but wonder if you are truly sincere about the things you say and do
the first few times you tried to kiss her, she turned away and you kissed her cheek instead, as natsuki wasn't sure if you were being genuine
though despite that, you seem to find it endearing when she acts this way, despite natsuki thinking you'd hate her for it
it takes her a while to realize you are truly genuine, which is when natsuki warms up more towards you
slowly, she stops pushing you away when you try to kiss her or calling you an idiot
though when you playfully tease her about how much you liked her like that, you're immediately called an idiot again by her! 
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pineappleciders · 1 year
Ddlc girls with an s/o who acts edgy, snappy, and aloof because they don't want to get attached because of all their friends moving away when they were little? (Totally not me requesting for comfort of my favorite characters)
INCLUDES: monika, sayori, natsuki, and yuri
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she kinda unintentionally gets you to open up and be softer around her. you don't know what it is, but she's just easy to talk to
she never pushes you to talk about yourself or anything, and she decides that if you wanted to talk about something then you'd come to her
when you do, she sits down and pays careful attention to what you say
when you start talking about your friends leaving you as a kid, she listens intently and waits for you to finish, getting all of your anger and sadness out
she puts an arm around you and holds you close, reassuring you and being quiet while you cry or just sit in her arms
monika is good at respecting boundaries. she doesn't try to push being friends or talking onto you when you first meet, so you guys just kinda ended up getting close without even knowing how it happened
when you two start dating she doesn't push you into anything. she encourages you to maybe come to her club or meet her friends, but she understands if you don't want to, and is sure to let her friends know not to push you
she's vry sweet and respectful, and doesn't get frustrated easily so she doesn't mind if you're snappy or mean sometimes.
when u two have been dating for awhile she might scold you for saying something rude to someone, but it's lighthearted and she understands why you lash out sometimes
sayori, similar to monika, is pretty patient. but when you two meet she's kind of insecure that you dislike her or don't want to talk to her, so she might not talk to you for a bit and isolate herself
it might take a talk with monika for her to learn that you don't dislike her, it's just the way that you are
when she understands that it's a coping mechanism, she still wants to get close to you but she doesn't push anything (if you get upset with her she might withdraw from talking to you for a bit, the last thing sayori wants to do is make you uncomfortable)
she might get a little giddy and happy when you laugh at one of her jokes or open up about yourself,, but quickly tries to calm herself down as to not scare you off
she has the urge to isolate herself and push everyone away a lot, and sometimes does, so she understands the need to be edgy and stuff
it honestly makes her sad when you're sad, so if you're sad and opening up about your abandonment issues she'll try her best to listen and comfort you
it ends up with her trying to distract you by making your favorite food or taking you somewhere; or just cuddling and watching your favorite shows
she's super nice but she'll get insecure if you ignore her or act mean,, so when you first met she makes it her goal to get you to warm up to her!! doing little things like showing interest in what you're doing or buying you something from the vending machine
natsuki also acts snappy and aloof because of abandonment issues
since you both kinda built a wall for your own protection, it might take a while to get to know each other and chip at the walls
but when you two become friends, she's less mean and stuff (especially when she gets to talk about what she loves; if you like manga she'll ramble about it for hours with no care in the world)
she starts audibly laughing at your jokes and being goofy with you, and you do the same. it's basically u two let your walls down around each other and nobody else
you both learn to communicate with each other for the sake of your relationship, because it would be incredibly difficult otherwise if you two just huffed and walked away every time
if you snap at her or say something you don't mean, she'll run off and ignore you for awhile, eventually forgiving you and telling you that you hurt her feelings
if she snaps at you, she'll constantly try to talk to you every chance she gets at school but you keep turning your bead. eventually she gets you to stay and talk it out with her, and she apologizes saying she didn't mean that and she was just upset
natsuki is naturally insecure of her tendencies to push people away and be rude to protect herself, and she honestly hates herself for it. so having another person that does the same thing might help her understand you better
she feels bad about you losing all of your friends as a kid, and she'll low-key insult them for moving away (even if it wasn't their fault) and she tells you that it wasn't your fault and that you have her and the others now :)
she's also lost many friends in a short amount of time and has abandonment issues, so you two stick together like glue. lots of sitting in your bed together, watching tv or listening to music. you two feel very safe in each other's presence
yuri is kinda awkward around u at first. she's not really sure how to start conversation or talk to you at all (she already struggles with making convo, but your rough exterior makes it harder)
you get closer as the two of you share your passions and interests, like when she rambles about her favorite books or poetry, and gets all shy afterwards
she kind of assumed you wouldn't really care, but her eyes light up when you share your passions and express interests in hers as well
similar to her and natsuki, you two might butt heads or not get along at first, but yuri really cares about you and you the same. despite some arguments you two always end up together
she's less shy and more awkward and weird with you. she isn't really scared of what you think (or at least, she doesn't show it) but she's more curious as to what's going on in your head (sometimes it results in her zoning out and staring at you and getting embarrassed and apologizing when you notice)
yuri feels bad about your childhood. she doesn't really expect for you or anyone else to stay with her, so she's weirdly relieved about you also struggling with issues of your own
you both have tendencies to push people away, intentionally or not. yuri is shy and hides in her she if she makes a mistake or is judged, constantly afraid that she'll scare people off. you're aloof and also hide in your shell, to protect yourself and to not have to face losing people you love again
when you're dating you're very comfortable around each other. you both expect the other to leave, but it doesn't happen, and yuri couldn't be more thankful
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Toshi Mashibasa, Kaguya Shinomiya, Hero, Kyoya Ootori, Natsuki, Monika with a bullied reader.
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Toshi, Kaguya, Hero, Kyoka, Natsuki, Monika ]
[ A silent voice ] [ Kaguya-sama Love is war ] [ Omori ] [ Ouran High School Host Club ] [ Doki Doki Literature Club ]
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I really REALLY hope that you aren't suffering of bullying and you just like the prompt!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did while writing it ❤️ stay safe my dear
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Toshi Mashibasa
Toshi is the kind of person to be best friends with his partner, and he doesn't show it much but he is really caring, also he is perceptual and smart so even when he doesn't pry on your personal life if you don't talk about it he can tell when you aren't feeling well
Still he doesn't pry until he sees you really bothered for something or it had passed a long time, his first approach is to ask you if you are alright or if you have a problem, as well as remembering you that you can count in him for everything
For him to discover that you are being bullied could be because you open up to him or because he see it himself, in both cases he will be furious (he tries to seem calm and collected if you tell him but if he sees it he imediatly step in to defend you), it doesn't matter the intensity of their abuse it still make him angry, but he will never dare to let it out on you or blame you for it, and in this case he will pry for more information but still trying to be gentle
Depending on how deep the bullying you are suffering is it would be how furious and eager to do something he will be, and even if they just make bad comments he won't tolerate it, and not matter how mad he is he will try to calm down enough to comfort you (even if you insist that it doesn't affect you he insist on take some time to spoil you)
Toshi used to be bullied but he get over it some time ago, still that doesn't mean he isn't worried about you, he decide to just stay by your side to protect in case you need it, he will even be a little more clingy to let clear to everyone that you aren't alone. As well he will try to talk to the teacher about this problem (and you won't be able to stop him, although if you are nervous of doing it he will help you feel safe before doing it, comforting you and promising to not leave your side), but even if they actually do something to help you that won't stop him to help you on his own
Toshi will confront your bullies only if he has the opportunity (like they show up and try to mess with both), he is really smart and will know how to handle it without having a physical confront, still if it end like that he will do it only as the last resort and making sure they were the ones starting the fight
However he doesn't really want to confront your bullies since he just want to focus on you, he wants to shield you and comfort you, making sure to help you recover from whatever those bastards did to you, either emotional or physical
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Kaguya Shinomiya
Kaguya's prideful side stop her from show how much she really loves and cares for you, as well for how much attention she puts on you (something that she is actually proud of) so even is if you try to hide something from her is probably that she will find out at some point
Kaguya herself won't really ask you directly about your problems (or at least not imediatly), but that doesn't mean she doesn't care, whenever you seem troubled or struguling with something she is eager to find out what is troubleling that pretty mind of yours, so she does it discreetly, slowly leading the conversation to whatever that could give her hints of what is happening to you
It won't take her long for her to find out that you are being bullied, specially with Sayaka's help, still she probably find out by her own and once she does she is furious, she is surrounded by a dark aura while asking for more details, even if people are just saying bad comments about you to her is like a sin, Kaguya take it as a personal offence and she will treat it as such
Kaguya is making her plan to take revenge and make them pay for whatever they had done, and how cruel she will act towards them depend on how deep the bullying was. As well, Kaguya will try to find out a way to tell you that she knows about this situation (she is surprisingly nervous about bring out the topic), but once she finally does it she focus on making sure you know that you had done nothing wrong and it isn't your fault, as well as comforting you, if physical affection is your comfort she will do it (while trying to not conbust from the inside), but she prefers to spoil you to try to comfort you
Kaguya will totally take care of the bullies on her own, so don't be surprise if they stop messing with you overnight, or even if they seem afraid and/or apologetic with you (again, it depend in how bad they treated you)
Also, from then Kaguya grows a little more clingy for a while, wanting to be able to shield you in case some other idiot try to mess with you, and if you actually grow clingy yourself and even hide behind her it make her really proud of herself (and really flustered too)
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Hero has been always really caring, is like a second nature for him (specially because he is constantly taking care of his friends), and even when he isn't the most perceptual or observant person he always tries to look after your well-being
Hero doesn't like to pry because he feels like he is invading your privacy but he always remind you that you can rely on him when you have troubles, although if he sees you really down or affected by whatever is bothering you he insist on wanting to know, making clear that he is just really worried about you
For how caring he is is easy to bring you a sense of security that could lead you to open up about you being bullied, although it could be that he see it himself too, in that case he immediatly step in to defend you. No matter how he find out at the end he is really worried about you, he is mad at whoever are abusing using you like this but his worry is bigger
Hero immediatly comforts you, holding you close while he ask you what they exactly have done to you, although if you don't want to talk about it, either because you don't feel comfortable or you are nervous is alright, he will wait until you feel ready, in the meantime he will be focus on comforting you
Hero knows that this kind of problem doesn't get solved overnight so he will hold an immense patience with you, helping you get out of it little by little, if you let him he will become more clingy, not really wanting to leave your side to be able to protect you from the bullies and don't let you forget that you aren't alone. Also, he wants to ask for help to the teacher, and he even ask Mari some advice (that could make the rest of the group find out too and they aren't going to stay quiet)
The intensity of the bullying you suffered is just important to him for how much it affected you, he is bothered by it even if they were just saying bad comments about you (but the more aggresive they were to you the more angry Hero gets, even reaching the point where he will think on confronting them)
This just make Hero more caring towards you, specially in the emotionally part, he wants to make sure you don't get yourself carry away for what they had told you and done to you
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Kyoka Ootori
Is really difficult to get into Kyoka's life since he isn't really interested in relate in a personal way with anyone, however once he decided to start a relasionship with you is because he is really sure that is what he wants
Kyoka is observant and perceptual, even if you try to hide it he knows when something is bothering you, although if you decide to don't talk about it he will just make it clear that he knows that you aren't al right, but also makes clear that even when he isn't going to force you to talk if he is able to help you he will
Even when it doesn't seem like it he is pretty caring over you, you are special to him and even when he has problems to say it out loud he show it in other ways, like paying attention on you making sure you are taking care of yourself, that is why, soon or later, if you don't tell him he will find out about the bullying (the worst it is the bullying or the more it affects you the faster he will find out)
Since the start he suspect that something is bothering you but he didn't wanted to jump into the conclution of the bullying right away, but at the end his fear become true because you were actually being bullied, and once he finally found out exactly how deep the bullying is he is furious, even if others are just talking bad about you it still makes him mad
Kyoka normally doesn't pry in your personal life but for this he has the intention to pry every single detail, and he will use his intimidating stare if he has to, but he isn't mad at you is just that he is frustrated that something so serious is happening to you and he didn't notice it earlier (but he will scold you later for dont telling him)
He isn't the best to comfort but he will try (specially if you start crying), but he is more focused on making a plan to take revenge of those bastards who made you suffer like this, Kyoka is smart enough to come up with a plan to make them pay without getting involved into, and he will be just as harch as they had went to you, he won't directly confront them but they will be too busy trying to solve whatever Kyoka cause them to keep bothering you
Again, he isn't the best when it comes to comfort you but he will be more direct with his care for you, making more clear how much he worries for you, even making sure you are taking care of yourself, as well he makes sure to remember you how amazing you are (his attempt to give you compliments)
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Natsuki has problems to read other people, specially because her anxiety and past bad experiences she could easily misunderstand a little the situation, and even when loves you that doesn't make easier things for her
She want to be able to help you when you need it but she still has a lot of problems to express herself so she does it in other ways, trying to get more close and a little affectionate when she sees you down or baking you some cupcakes to cheer you up
It would be really difficult to reach the point where you open up to her and tell her about the bullying because she gets nervous whenever you two talk in a more serious manner and abuse is a sensitive topic for her, so is more probably that she end up seeing it herself and the moment she does it she react immediatly and aggresibly, going against the bullies and calling them idiots for what they are doing (still she doesn't want to get into a physical fight)
Is probably that she will seem mad at you when she ask you about it, but she isn't, is just that it frustrated her that you are suffering from this kind of abuse, and even more that she didn't noticed it earlier (even more because she is a victim from abuse too), she will apologize later and make it clear that she isn't mad at you but at herself
She will overcome her nervous and frustration and ask you about what those idiots had been doing to you, it doesn't matter if they had been just saying bad things about you or they actually physically attack you she is mad at them, Natsuki won't really ask for help to anyone else (maybe to the rest of the club only if is something too deep)
Natsuki isn't the best to comfort you but she still tries to, but she is more focused on shield you from the bullies, she already has a bad reputation since she tend to be pretty aggresive with words so it isn't nothing new for her, she react really aggresive to whoever even speak bad about you but still tries to avoid getting physical
Natsuki still has problems dealing with her own traumas with the abuse she suffer from her house so after this she probably end up insolating with you a little more as well as getting more clingy, and since now you somehow can understand her better she will open up more about her own experience, being a healing process for both
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Monika is really caring and she is pretty observant too so for her isn't too difficult to tell when you aren't feeling too well, and she wants to be of help whenever you have troubles but she still has problems to bring up the topic, fearing that she may be invasive or rude
Whenever you seem troubled with something Monika tries to motivate you to talk to her, remembering you that you can count with her and that she will always help you at the best of her habilities
For Monika to discover that you are bullied is because she sees it herself (in this case she will imediatly stand up for you, she doesn't want to confront them directly but she at least will help you get away from them) or because you open up to her (since she is pretty caring and willing to heard you vent it could give you a sense of security about saying her directly)
Monika feel horrible that you had to suffer from all that, she has to hold herself back before she start crying out of sadness and frustration, even is they are just saying bad comments about you it doesn't matter because you shouldn't be suffering for that, and she doesn't want to cry right now because she needs to focus on you, in how to help you and to comfort you
Her plan is to notify the teachers or someone who could help as well as not leaving your side in hopes of not giving the bullies the opportunity to attack you again, although if the bullying is really bad or it affected you a lot, or even if no one is willing to help Monika herself will step in, she won't fight them physicaly but she can be really intimidating when she wants to, also she know how to identify and take advantage of others weakness if she has to
Aside from that Monika is really worried about you so she will be taking care of you for a while, both physicaly and emotionaly, she just want to make sure you don't let yourself down just because others can't see how amazing you are, and she is eager to be of help
Also Monika feels really bad that she didn't notice it before, and the more time you suffered this the more frustrated she feels so, somehow, she is trying to make it up for you too
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nogenderbee · 20 days
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕄𝕦𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕝 𝕓𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ daily anon request: I finally get to request ddic MY TIMES BOUT A SHINE !! !! !! !
OKAY, OKAY, how about the ddlc girls and reader (gender neutral) in which reader has been pining the girls for 2 years? But reader didnt know that girls has been pining reader too!
(pining basically means infatuated or deeply inlove where you think its not possible to be together🤓🤭)
Just angst then comfort at the end, like they snaps and confesses to reader when theyre both arguing and readers like "damn, you feel the same way?"
Also, what would be your fave char in ddlc? Mine would be monika! She's the sweetest💕💕
-daily! Anon
Also- ARE WE TWINSIES OR SOMETHING?! Monika is my favorite too!! At the beginning I was like "oooh Monika is the one I want ^^" AND I FELT SO BETRAYED WHEN I COULDN'T WRITE A POEM FOR HER ToT
It's alright tho, she got her ending <3
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ Sayori isn't the most obvious at letting someone know she has a crush on them... she's usually pretty secret with it even if she tries to be obvious
✧ and apparently, your signs are too small for her as well because she doesn't see anything that could boost her confidence and get her to confess to you!
✧ so when one day you have a fight about whayever, as long as it's serious one, she feels it's harder to keep her emotions in with every passing second
"I'm trying my best, okey? It feels like you're completely blind to my work!"
"I'm not blind! Listen, I get you may need attention but you can't blame me for not noticing the tiniest details!"
"Except it's not details! You think why I'm always rushing towards wending machine when you say you're thirst or hungry? Or why I smile so brightly when I see you?!"
"Huh? Well.... wait.. are you.."
"Yes..! Maybe I did feel for you but-"
"Wait, you too-?"
✧ during your fight the girl probably began to get a bit emotional and the only thing that stopped her from changing into crying mess was your sudden confession
✧ it's pretty obvious she was a bit shocked at your blunt answer, both shocked that you didn't noticed her hints and that you actually felt the same when she tried noticing something for past 2 YEARS if not more!
✧ in the end tho, she's truly happy you two can finally be together like she always dreamed about~
@hayillaaaaaaa - come get your hungry sleepyhead!
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✧ Yuri's hints are actually very easy to miss, even if she's trying her best to make you notice them
✧ she's quite shy so even if you give her obvious clue, she'll wait for you to notice hers first... unless lots of time passes, then she'll try to confess...
✧ but before that, she's just gonna quietly admire you from afar... and you seem to be blind because how do you not notice her little acts of service she does only for you?
✧ so when the two of you have small fight, she tried replying calmly but her tone and way with words was still harsh and firm
"I didn't do anything. Someone else must've done it. I admit, I used spare keys to your locker, but only to give you somethign sweet..."
"Sweet? There wasn't anything like that! Why would you even want to give me that without ocassion?!"
"Well I... just wanted to see you happy and... to notice..."
"Notice what, huh?"
"N-Notice that I like.. you..."
✧ she probably accidentally mumbled it out to avoid you getting too mad at her... she prefered to admit to her feelings than let you hate her for something she didn't do, mean or want
✧ under bangs, she's definitely blushing like crazy after what she just did
✧ but hearing your reassurance and how you feel, quickly makes her smile softly, but also adds to the blush.. just a little bit~
@hayillaaaaaaa - come get your shy bookworm~
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✧ Natsuki knows her hints are easy to miss... but even then, she had no plans on changing the way they are
✧ she's not gonna be lovey dovey! Even if you give her quite obvious hints, she's not gonna confess... she might make her hints w tad bit more obvious tho...
✧ like giving you a special treatment that no one else gets, hoping you'll notice how she feels
✧ but when you don't, even she can get annoyed! Especially when she doesn't notices a single of your clues!
"You're just so blind!! Why even are you getting someone flowers?!"
"Well to confess of course! I think it's nice addition..."
"Then why didn't you just said you're not interested?! I've been giving you special treatment just to discover you don't feel the same!?"
"But the flowers were for you-"
"Exactly! You- wait, what...?"
✧ you got her shocked and emberassed she had to admit to her feelings in literal argument...
✧ but hey, at least she's calm down because she doesn't have to deal with your bluntness and worrying about her crush!
✧ so it all ends well if you ask her~ tho she probably won't admit to that so easily
@hayillaaaaaaa - come get your tsundere!
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✧ Monika thinks she's quite obvious with her hints, she's so flirty, yet she gets how you'd miss them since she limits them to not make anyone uncomfortable by accident
✧ but she's not giving up! She's patient, so she's ready to wait as long as you're not running to anyone else
✧ but poor girl is so in love, she thinks your hints aren't really thinks and it's just her crush acting up!
✧ and oh how surprised was she when you two ended up in calm yet slightly heated argument
"Why did you even do that?!"
"I didn't mean anything bad by doing it! I simply wanted to make your day easier..."
"Well it obviously didn't work!"
"I'm sorry I just... I wanted to do something nice for the one I love..."
"You didn-! 'The one you love'...?"
✧ in the end she had no choice but to admit to it if she didn't wanted to loose the most important person in her life... so she was willing to just admit to it
✧ and you bet she felt so happy when you returned her feelings and the argument turned out to be just a big misunderstanding
✧ plus, she can finally be with you! So she's proudly admitting all you both went to was worth the ending~
@hayillaaaaaaa - come get your perfect pianist~
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theveesbf · 3 months
🤭 thanks for reading my request pooks
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DDLC girls X Sunshine!Naive!Reader
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⌗notes - HII POOKIE!! I was planning to murder your family if the last request was another ddlc one but it was a rarity one so you're good😊/j
⌗content - headcanons of ddlc girls X reader who is a ray of sunshine, naive and talks a lot
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Monika was so happy when you joined the club!! And you didn't have difficulty on being friends with the other girls as well! She loved talking to you, but especially listening to your voice. You never stopped talking once you begun, and she didn't mind that one bit.
Monika noticed how you had a harder time on seeing the deeper meaning of the poems, especially Yuri's one. She would protect you from literally anyone at school that even dared lay an eye on you in the wrong way. Whenever the club's mood were down, you and Sayori helped everyone to brighten up!
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Natsuki gets annoyed at how much you talk at first. Especially when she's trying to say something and you keep interrupting her to make a comment. But after some time she learns you're not really doing it to actually interrupt her, you're just being yourself-
Which she eventually ends up liking. Even scolding anyone who tries to say something bad about you. Would get mad at you for not understanding her poems and it's meanings. But than she'd notice you're just really.. Too naive to understand her poems who sometimes have a darker meaning. It's not like she can blame you. Natsuki is willing to fight any person who is rude to you. How could they? You're such a sweetheart!
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Yuri was a bit awkward when talking to you at first because of how different you two were. But you quickly got closer to her since Yuri isn't really the best at leading a conversation, which is exactly what you always do! So she's always there listening to whatever you have to tell her. Yuri was a little confused on how you didn't understand the meaning of her poems. If you were in the club you had to have at least a good interpretation? That's when she found out you're not really dumb, just too naive to understand the deeper meanings. Poems that are less "deep" you have no trouble on understanding. She doesn't know how to explain to you without killing your innocence so she doesn't. Would go on a full debate with someone who were being rude to you.
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You and Sayori are in a friendly battle of who talks the most inside a conversation. You two talk a lot, which leads to a lot of interruptions during your conversations with her. Whenever someone said something more dark or dirty, Sayori would be worried about you hearing it! She knows how innocent you are, and she doesn't want to take that from you. So whenever someone says something like that, she's going to tell them to not say it near you. Sayori can be mean to some people depending on what they did, and so, she's going to be like that to anyone who insists on trying to take away your innocence. She'd try to help you understand better the other girl's poems, because it's a bit awkward when they just stare at you while you have no idea what "I like when papa is too tired to notice me" was supposed to mean..
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lillythecoolest · 4 months
Heyo! Could i suggest a sorta platonic thing with the doki girls and their friend? You can add anything else you want in it :D
Doki Doki Girls x Friend Reader!
Platonic! No warnings.
Summary : Doki Doki girls reacting to you joining the literature club!
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• She convinced Natsuki to give you 2 cupcakes just for showing up
•Probably spent the whole first club meeting trying to help you find the perfect book
•If you ever have trouble with ANYTHING just ask, she’ll help!
•Even if she doesn’t know what to do to help, she will!
•Honestly Sayori would do it for her
•Please let her ramble about books to you! Even better, read what’s she likes, she’d be so happy :(
•She might get emotional because you actually came and you’re actually enjoying yourself :(
•She knew you’d come (she didn’t)
•Acts unimpressed but shes so so happy!
•Secretly gives you two cupcakes
•She’d try as hard as she could to convince you manga is literature, and to rub it in that would be all she reads. Makes snarky comments like “Oh, what am I doing? Just reading literature.”
•I think being in the club with her would strengthen your relationship, making her more relaxed and more herself around you.
•Probably persuaded you into joining
•She went on and on about how much it means to her, and how much more it would mean to her if you joined.
•Actually quite surprised when you showed up.
•Writes poems with you to help if you need it, but she considers you her most loyal student!
•She’d write a song on the piano for you! She’d say it’s for everyone, but everyone knows it’s all for you.
thank you for the request! 🩷 it’s actually really fun to have so much creative freedom tee hee
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mantizimus · 1 year
Beach date
She WILL bring homemade cupcakes on this date.
Will be a little shy about her appearance. So you should say that she is still beautiful.
She will call you stupid, but it will be clear from her eyes that she is pleased.
Prefers putting sunscreen on herself personally.
May splash water on you while swimming.
If you offer her to make a sand castle, she will say that it is for kids. That, however, won't stop her from participating in this.
Will try to make the castle as cute as possible, but will stubbornly deny it if you bring up this topic.
Offer you to meet the sunset on the beach, eating cupcakes and hugging you.
Will definitely offer to repeat it, and if you agree, she's gonna be on cloud nine.
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