#deria martell
fandom-trash-goblin · 3 months
nymeria of ny sar really built up a kingdom from rag-tag war-torn refugees, changed the male primogeniture, pieced together a broken land and meria martell said, point blank, in the range of dragonfire "return at your own peril" and made sure her threat was true and deria martell really walked into a city of murderers that wanted her dead and desecrated and walked out without harm, with a treaty that promised peace.
and you're asking me to stan rhaenyra "i forgot my step-daughter's claim so my totally not a bastard son could inherit" as the original westeros feminist? umm no
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atopvisenyashill · 11 months
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A timeline of the ruling princes and princesses of Dorne from Meria Martell’s death to the formal union of Dorne and the rest of the Seven Kingdoms in 187 AC.
Anything marked with a * means it’s a canon date. The rest are speculation and a lot of math on my part. I also made up the names for a few characters as well! Also rip the quality on this but when you click it, it looks better.
More explanation under the cut.
Where I ran into most trouble in trying to figure out this timeline when we have not nearly as much information as we do about literally every other major Great House of Westeros, is the line from Morion the Mad to Qoren Martell. There’s several quick changes in princes during that time and we don’t even know what their relation is to one another in several instances. So I tried working out the timeline in a few different ways - I tried it with Mara Martell, Morion’s heir, as his very young daughter, as a twin sister, as a younger sister, and I finally settled on her being his much older aunt as making the most sense.
I think it makes the most sense because Morion is considered young and yet his father was Prince for a very long time; it doesn’t make sense that a ruling prince would wait so long to have an heir unless in a parallel to Jaehaerys’ later issue, several of his heirs die and leave the line of succession a bit uncertain. So I concluded that Morion’s father, who I named Voren, had several older children that died, likely during the Vulture King’s first war (we know it’s suspected Deria was funding him) so when Voren died, the throne went to his reckless, dumb ass youngest son, Morion. With Morion dying without any children, the throne passes next to Deria’s second child, Mara, and the Nymeros Martell line descends from them. This also makes sense because in canon, Morion was angry that his father didn’t send soldiers to kick the Iron Throne out of the Dornish Marches during Lord Rogar’s War; if Voren had children that had died in a previous conflict, it would make sense that he’d hesitate to get involved again.
Qoren was also a bit tricky. He had to be old enough to fight in the Stepstones War against Daemon, but young enough to not be married yet and be considered a potential match for Rhaenyra two years later. After a lot of wondering how in the hell I make that work, I finally figured - again, similar to Cregan Stark and Jaeherys, that there was a surplus of heirs at this time. Mara would have come into her throne already old with children and grandchildren, and her heir would come into the throne also already old, same as Meria/Nymor/Deria. Makes sense that the prince before Qoren was therefore a grandfather or great-grandfather, and that Qoren’s father never took the Sunspear Throne.
I stopped at the unification of the Seven Kingdoms simply because we get absolutely no information on what was going on in Dorne until Doran’s mother. Apparently, Dorne was real quiet during the Blackfyre Rebellions, hah.
And as for names...
Voren - we have several instances of Dornishmen with names that end in the -en sound. Doran, Oberyn, Llewyn, Yoren, etc. It seems like a common naming quirk, similar to the Northerners being really fond of -on and -ard endings. I thought Voren sounded the most like a real name.
Ellario - We have Elia and Ellaria so I figured there should be a male version of the name. I didn’t want to use Elio, so Ellario was born.
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twoiafart · 2 years
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Princess Deria Martell giving Aegon Prince Nymor's letter by Lily Abdullina
“Dorne was a scorched wasteland by this point. There was no sign that the Targaryens would relent in their destruction until Dorne yielded, but neither was there any sign that the Dornish would yield. However, in 13 AC, Meria Martell, the Yellow Toad, died. Her son, Prince Nymor, succeeded her, and he seemed less willing to continue the conflict than his mother. He dispatched his heir, Princess Deria, to King’s Landing with the skill of Meraxes and an offer of peace - though one thay left Dorne independent.”
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Deria Martell in The Rise of the Dragon
Age and ill health finally did what dragons and armies could not. In 13 AC, Meria Martell, the Yellow Toad of Dorne, died abed (whilst having intimate relations with a stallion, her enemies insisted). Her son Nymor succeeded her as Lord of Sunspear and Prince of Dorne. Sixty years old, his health already failing, the new Dornish prince had no appetite for further slaughter. He began his reign by sending a delegation to King’s Landing, to return the skull of the dragon Meraxes and offer King Aegon terms of peace. His own heir, his daughter Deria, led the embassy. Prince Nymor’s peace proposals encountered strong opposition in King’s Landing. Queen Visenya was hard set against them. “No peace without submission,” she declared, and her friends on the king’s council echoed her words. Orys Baratheon, who had grown bent and bitter in his later years, argued for sending Princess Deria back to her father less a hand. Lord Oakheart sent a raven, suggesting that the Dornish girl be sold into “the meanest brothel in King’s Landing, till every beggar in the city has had his pleasure of her.” Aegon Targaryen dismissed all such proposals; Princess Deria had come as an envoy under a banner of peace and would suffer no harm under his roof, he vowed. -- Fire and Blood
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dorneuniverse · 2 years
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Princess Deria Martell
-> by Lily Abdullina
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sebeth · 1 year
TWOIAF/Fire & Blood: The End Of The First Dornish War
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
  The last installment ended with the Dornish War’s most famous fatalities: Queen Rhaenys and Meraxes.
10 to 12 AC are referred to as the Dragon’s Wroth. Every castle in Dorne, except Sunspear, were burned thrice over by Balerion and Vhagar. The sands around the Hellholt (the site of Rhaenys’ death) were fused into glass.
Why was Sunspear spared the repeated destruction? Was it an attempt to turn the Dornish against the Martells ala “see how you suffer while your lords do nothing”?
The Dornish lords went into hiding but were still pursued by Targaryen forces. Aegon the Conquerer had offered a “lord’s ransom in gold for the head of any Dornish lord, leading to the deaths of Lord Fowler, Lady Vaith, Lady Toland, and four successive Lords of the Hellholt.
Only two of the killers lived to collect their rewards and the Dornish repaid blood with blood: “Lord Connington of Griffin’s Roost was killed while hunting, Lord Mertyns of Mistwood poisoned with his whole household by a cask of Dornish wine, Lord Fell smothered in a brothel in King’s Landing.
Dornish assassins attacked Aegon thrice and he “would have fallen on two of those occasions but for his guards. They also attacked Visenya and her escorts – two were slain before Visenya killed the last attacker with Dark Sister.
The “infamous act of that bloody age” occurred in 12 AC, when Wyl of Wyl, the Widow-lover, crashed the wedding of Ser Jon Cafferen, heir to Fawntown, to Alys Oakheart, daughter of the Lord of Old Oak. Admitted into the area by a treacherous servant, Wyl and his forces “slew Lord Oakheart and most of the wedding guests, then made the bride look on as they gelded her husband. Afterward they took turns raping Lady Alys and her handmaids, then carried them off and sold them to a Myrish slaver.”
I would have used “disgusting” instead of “Infamous”. The Oakheart-Cafferen wedding is as horrifying as the Red Wedding. Worse in many aspects. In the Red Wedding, the Freys, Lannisters, Boltons, and Starks were active participants in the War of the Five Kings. The attack during the wedding was treacherous, cowardly, and terrible but the Northern and Riverlands lords did have targets on their back.
The attack on the Cafferen-Oakheart wedding seemed to be picking a random Stormlands and Reach family and deciding to unleash hell for kicks.
Did Tywin Lannister read about the Cafferen-Oakheart wedding in a history book and think to himself: “I can top that”.
By the way, Dorne is now a “smoking desert, beset by famine, plague, and blight – referred to as a “blasted land” by traders from the Free Cities.
The book states that the Martells remained “Unbowed, Unbent, and Unbroken”. It might be true for the Martells but their land has been annihilated.
In 13 AC, Meria Martell died (while having sex with a stallion, according to her enemies). How very Catherine the Great of her!
Meria’s son, Nymor, becomes the Prince of Dorne. Nymor is tired of war and sends his Deria, his daughter, to King’s Landing, to propose peace terms.
Deria and her fellow Dornish didn’t receive a warm welcome. Queen Visenya declared “No peace without submission” and Orys Baratheon suggested removing a hand from Deria before sending her back to Dorne. Lord Oakheart, father of Alys, wanted her sold to the “meanest brothel in King’s Landing”.
Aegon rejected all the proposals by stating that an “envoy under a banner of peace would suffer no harm under his roof.”
Grand Maester Lucan wrote Aegon was weary of war but couldn’t see a way to end the war due to the following reasons:
·         Queen Rhaenys’ death would have been in vain
·         It could inspire rebellions from other regions
·         The Reach, the Stormlands, and the Marches had suffered horrendously would neither forgive or forget
Aegon almost refused the peace terms when Deria handed him a letter from her father.  Aegon read the letter while gripping the Iron Throne so hard he cut himself open. He left for Dragonstone and returned the next day, accepting the peace terms. He signed a treaty of eternal peace with Dorne. Aegon must have forgotten to explain the “eternal” part to his descendants as this is the end of the First Dornish War.
No one knows the content of the letter but a few possibilities are put forth:
·         A simple plea from one father to another
·         A list of all the lords and noble knights who lost their lives during the war
·         Septons suggest in was an ensorcelled missive, using Meria’s blood, and Aegon was unable to resist its “malign magic”
·         The threat of hiring a Faceless Men of Braavos to kill Aenys, Aegon’s heir
It’s not mentioned in the books but fans have theorized the letter could have contained an offer to end a still-alive Rhaeny’s suffering or that her bones had been returned to Dragonstone.
I’m not sure why Aegon would keep the return of Rhaenys’s bones a secret. Wouldn’t he want a state funeral for his beloved sister-wife? If the offer was the return of Rhaneys’s bones did Aegon ever tell Visenya, Orys, and Rhaenys about it? Surely they would have the right to know.
I doubt the letter contained magic. The Faceless Man threat is a possibility. It would explain why Aegon never told Visenya the contents of the letter. I could see her going nuclear on Dorne if she knew of the threat – and Sunspear would no longer be spared.
So what did the two idiots (Aegon & Meria) achieve during this decade-long pissing match:
On Aegon’s side we have:
·         The death of a sister-wife and mother of his heir
·         The death of a dragon – one of the weapons that made the Conquest possible
·         The mutilation of a brother – one who underwent a marked personality change as a result of his captivity
·         Thousands dead, and the suffering and mutilation of thousands more
 On Meria’s side we have:
·         Dorne turned into a “blasted land”  of plague, famine, and desolation
·         Thousands dead, and the suffering of thousands more
 Both sides are idiots and I’m equally disgusted with the Targaryens and Meria Martell.
Aegon’s obsession with unifying the Seven Kingdoms (and satisfying his own ego) led to a brutal war that he justified by his “dragon dream” of an unknown threat from the North.
The only finished product in the ASOIAF-verse is the show and what was Dorne’s contribution to the Long Night, round 2? Nothing! Maybe there was an unnamed Dornish in the Night’s Watch.  If I had to guess, it won’t be much different in the books. Oberyn and Quentyn took themselves out due to ego and stupidity. The rest of House Martell will be wiped out in the upcoming Dany-Faegon confrontation. Dorne’s forces will suffer in that same confrontation so we’re not going to see them in the North fighting wights.
Meria’s refusal to negotiate with Aegon due to her own ego led to thousands of Dornish deaths. Harrenhal and the Field of Fire had happened by this death. She refused to treat with Aegon, knowing it would result in thousands of Dornish deaths, and she did not care as she had to remain “unbowed, unbent, unbroken”. Horrible woman. And if your country has undergone such destruction, they gossip over it on another continent, you are in fact “broken”.
The aftermath of the war led to the normally tense relations between the Stormlands/the Reach and Dorne to escalate to intense hatred – which would cause issues for generations to come.
Dorne’s reputation would suffer – they would be known as treacherous, untrustworthy cowards. Not to mention the years/decades it took to fully recover from the Dragon’s Wroth.
Up next, Aegon has accomplishments that don’t involve mass-killings.
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asoiafandotherbooks · 6 months
TWOIAF/Fire & Blood: Thoughts on Rebellions
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
In the previous two posts of a World of Ice And Fire, I recapped the rebellions Aenys faced in his first year as king. The second post was long so I’ll share my thoughts of the events in this post.
Aenys was weak and indecisive. How he can be so surprised over these rebellions? It has been less than forty years since the Targaryens conquered Westeros. A conquest that caused tens of thousands of deaths. There are still survivors of the Conquest alive during Aenys’ reign. We have countries in the real world that were conquered/colonized centuries ago, and there is still much resentment, anger, and bitterness over it. Forty years is nothing in comparison.
Aenys was told to use Quicksilver at Harrenhal and he declined. Dragons are the only deterring force the Targaryens have – if they aren’t going to be used to put down rebellions, what do the opposing forces have to fear? Minus the dragons, the Targaryens are just another Westerosi lord.
Aenys’ sole contribution to resolving these disputes was to send Lord Alyn Stokeworth. Even that decision was multiple choice: sail to the Vale, stay in King’s Landing, pursue Harren the Red.
The Rise of the Dragons mentions Aenys’ resentment of Visenya but he should thank the Old Gods and the New that he had her. Visenya was the one to take decisive action to end these rebellions. Visenya had to be seething at Aenys’ weakness and indecisiveness. Aenys should also be grateful that various lords stayed loyal and took their own initiative to resolve these conflicts.
As to why the four rebellions erupted at that time – I understand why the rebels sensed a weakness – Aegon the Conqueror is dead, Balerion unclaimed, Rhaenys and Meraxes are dead, Aenys is unfit for the throne…but Visenya, Vhagar, and Orys Baratheon are still alive. All three are battle-hardened and took active parts in the conquest. Maegor has shown to be an individual who is not be messed with. Did the rebels assume Aenys wouldn’t allow Visenya to take charge? Does Visenya seem like someone who can be put in the corner. Or did they pull a D&D and simply forget about Visenya, Vhagar, Orys, and Maegor? Visenya and Orys lost a sister to the Conquest, Orys lost his hand in the war with Dorne – there was no way they were going to stand aside and let their dynasty be overthrown.
As for the individual rebellions, I wrote most of my thoughts on Harren the Red post, but I would love to know more about him: actual descendant of Harren the Black, descendant of a survivor of the original Harrenhal staff, a Joker-type spreading anarchy in the Riverlands for fun?
The Vale – Jonos had to seriously resent Ronnel to not only overthrow him but also to murder him. Kinslaying is such a taboo in Westeros that Roose Bolton and Tywin Lannister refuse to commit the crime. Jonos threw Ronnel out the Moon Door without a second thought. Would the Crown have intervened if Jonos simply proclaimed himself the new Lord of the Vale as opposed to the “King of the Mountain and Vale”? Jonos was stupid to rely on the natural defenses of the Eyrie to protect himself as Visenya had already proven that strategy to be useless during the Conquest. Jonos and fellow conspirators must have peed themselves when Maegor and Balerion (!) showed up on their doorstep. I wish we had been told Visenya’s thoughts on the death of Ronnel – the one moment of softness she receives in the entire story is when she takes Ronnel on a dragon ride after securing the Vale’s submission. Sending Maegor and Balerion, along with the execution of the conspirators even after their surrender – could be an indication of Visenya’s anger over the situation.
The Iron Islands – Goren Greyjoy was an intelligent man. He knew he couldn’t battle dragons, but he could put down a crazy drowned priest. In a decisive moment, he ended Lodos Reborn’s rebellion, preventing an invasion from mainland forces, and was able to secure a boon from the Iron Throne. Said boon enabled Goren to expel all Septas and Septons from the Iron Islands. Goren is now vastly elevated in his fellow Ironborns’ esteem as he has now eliminated the hated Faith of the Seven from the Iron Islands. Take that, Lodos!
Dorne – Not surprising that Dorne had the largest rebellion. The Dornish War was less than thirty years ago, and massive atrocities were committed by both sides. The Targaryens must take most of the blame since they started the confrontation with Dorne. Hatred runs deep between the sides. It’s noted that few Dornish lords participated in the rebellion so most of the Vulture Kings’s forces could have been survivors/descendants of the survivors of the Dragon’s Wroth. I imagine if you aren’t a rich Dornish lord, and your home/land/family destroyed by fire-breathing dragons, and you don’t have the resources to rebuild – well, joining a rebellion against the dragon overlords might seem like a great idea.
Was Deria Martell aiding the Vulture King? After all, it was Deria’s father that made peace with Aegon Targaryen, not Deria. Does Deria have more of her grandmother in her than her father? Deria’s grandmother, the Yellow Toad (sorry, I’m blanking on her first name) was defiant to the end. Deria may wish to war against the Targaryens but knows it’s a battle she can’t win, so as the Vulture King rampages, she throws her hands up and says “so sorry, Vulture King bad, wish he would stop” while doing nothing to stop his rebellion?
Orys Baratheon died happily while avenging his most humiliating defeat. Orys’ death left Visenya truly alone – she is now the last of her generation of Targaryens. We don’t receive any details of Orys’ relationship with his sisters, only that he was very close to Aegon. Argella Durrandon Baratheon – did she mourn? Was she relieved to be a widow? Was she still alive at this point?
So many fun characters involved in the Vulture Hunt – “Savage” Sam Tarly, Ellyn “Lady Nightsong” Caron, Harmon “No-Nose” Dondarrion! Would love to know more about these characters. Don’t mess with marcher lords or ladies, they’re crazy!
Up next, the one-close bond between the brothers dissolves.
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THE PRINCESS DERIA MARTELL - art by Lily Abdullina
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princessnysar · 11 months
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At oasis of peace 
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dwellordream · 1 year
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sennia nanua could absolutely do adult rhaenys, deria martell, or aliandra martell
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asongofsilks · 2 years
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Darlessa Marbrand (b. approx. 270 AC): Widow of Tygett Lannister, younger brother of Lord Tywin, and mother of his son, Tyrek, who is missing since the hunger riots of King's Landing. Fancast: Rhianna McGreevy.
Deana Hardyng (main series era): Wife of Walton Frey, grandson of Lord Walder Frey through his eldest son and heir, Ser Stevron. Fancast: Olivia Wilde.
Delena Florent (b. approx. 270 AC): A cousin to Selyse Florent, wife of Stannis Baratheon, Delena was impregnated by King Robert at Stannis and Selyse's wedding feast. She is the mother of Edric Storm, Robert's only male acknowledged bastard. Fancast: Jennie Jacques.
Delonne Allyrion (b. approx. 240 AC): The Lady of Godsgrace and Head of House Allyrion, she is the mother of Ser Ryon Allyrion and the grandmother of his bastard son, Daemon Sand. Fancast: Julianne Moore.
Denyse Hightower (main series era): Fourth daughter of Lord Leyton Hightower and wife of a knight of House Redwyne. Fancast: Polly Walker.
Deria Martell (b. approx. 20 BC): A ruling Princess of Dorne, she was the granddaughter of Meria Martell, who successfully resisted Aegon the Conqueror during the First Dornish War. When Meria died and her father became the ruling Prince, he sent her to King's Landing with an offer of peace for Aegon. It is not known why Aegon, who was opposed to Dorne's terms, accepted the peace. Fancast: Naomi Scott.
Desmera Redwyne (b. 283 AC): Daughter of Lord Paxter Redwyne and his wife, Mina Tyrell, who is the younger sister of Mace Tyrell, Lord of Highgarden. Fancast: AmyBeth McNulty.
Donella Manderly (c. 250-299 AC): Wife of Lord Halys Hornwood of the Hornwood, and mother to one son, Daryn. After both her husband and son are killed in the War of the Five Kings, it sparks a crisis in the North regarding the inheritance of her lands. She is kidnapped and forcibly married to Ramsay Snow, after which he locks her in a tower and starves her to death. This act turns out to be House Bolton's first sally in their takeover of the North. Fancast: Alison Bruce.
Septa Donyse (main series era): A septa in King's Landing. She helps Brienne of Tarth find good clothing that fits her. Fancast: Molly C. Quinn.
Dorcas (main series era): A servant in service of Queen Cersei in King's Landing. Fancast: Amanda Hale.
Dorea Sand (b. 292 AC): Third-born bastard daughter of Prince Oberyn Martell, younger brother of the ruling Prince, Doran Martell, and his paramour Ellaria Sand. She owns a morningstar and currently lives at the Water Gardens. Fancast: Keisha Castle-Hughes.
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atopvisenyashill · 8 months
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The Ruling Princes and Princesses of Dorne
Leaders of Dorne During the Dornish Wars
Meria Nymeros Martell - Teresita Reyes
She’s Chilean and Palestinian, and I thought “casting” a few Latino Palestinians would be a fun little nod to Pedro Pascal, hah.
Nymor Nymeros Martell - Sami Bouajila
Deria Nymeros Martell - Iman el Deeb
she looks so much like the Deria art to me!
Voren Nymeros Martell - Motaz Malhees
We have several instances of Dornishmen with names that end in the -en sound. Doran, Oberyn, Llewyn, Yoren, etc. It seems like a common naming quirk in Dorne.
I thought Voren sounded the most like a real name, hah.
Morian the Mad - Mena Massoud
Mara Nymeros Martell - Salwa Nakkara
Explanation on her age is here in my Dornish Rulers Timeline.
Ellario Nymeros Martell - Hani Al Naimi 
We have Elia and Ellaria so I figured there should be a male version of the name.
I didn’t want to use Elio, so Ellario was born.
Qoren Nymeros Martell - Mahesh Jadu
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It was then that Princess Deria presented the king with a sealed letter from her father. "For your eyes only, Your Grace."
King Aeon read Prince Nymor's words in open court, stone-faced and silent, whilst seated on the Iron Throne. When he rose afterward, men said, his hand was dripping blood. He burned the letter and never spoke of it again, but that night he mounted Balerion and flew off across the waters of Blackwater Bay, to Dragonstone upon its smoking mountain. When he returned the next morning, Aegon Targaryen agreed to the terms proposed by Nymor. Soon thereafter he signed a treaty of eternal peace with Dorne.
Princess Deria of Dorne treats with Aegon I
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alicenttully · 3 months
quite frankly, if they're gonna insist on doing something as boring as the conquest, they should just focus on the most interesting part of it which is dorne!
dorne like the other kingdoms refused to submit to the targaryens, but it was dorne alone that actually succeeded. and the person who was instrumental in that victory (albeit a heavy one) was princess meria martell. she was no dragonrider, just an old woman who quite frankly probably didn't relish the idea of war, but respected the meaning of her house words more. y'all can call that selfish, but how is that any more selfish than aegon deciding he needed to have westeros? at least dorne was meria's home and she was doing what her people wanted.
all the other kingdoms was solved fairly quickly but the first dornish war took 9 years. they killed rhaenys and her dragon. it would end with princess meria's death and her granddaughter travelling to a city that was full of people who wanted her dead or worse with terms for aegon, and ended up leaving it with dorne remaining independent due to aegon finally agreeing to it. and this was all thanks to a letter from prince nymor that nobody besides aegon knew the contents of.
edit: oh and poc writers being heavily involved would be necessary, a must
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dorneuniverse · 2 years
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We're happy to announce that the Pre-Canon Dorne Week starts in less than 2 week! From AUGUST 3RD to AUGUST 6TH, we will be celebrating the Dornish Kingdom from its formation all the way up to the start of A Game of Thrones. Take a step back into the history of Dorne, the events that shaped it, and the characters who were present.
All kinds of posts are accepted, including gifsets, graphics, fanart, meta, fanfictions, videos, etc. Please use #precanondorneweek and #dornesolstice in the tags as it will make it easier to find your posts. We have also created a fic collection on AO3 specifically for the event and we encourage you to use the #precanondorneweek and #dornesoltice tags on your fanfics as well.
The prompts are as follows
The Rhoynar
Major Events
Dornish characters
Free Choice
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asoiafandotherbooks · 6 months
TWOIAF/Fire & Blood: The King Who Flew Flies One Last Time, Lodos Reborn, A Vulture King Emerges, and Harren the Red Runs Wild...
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
Aenys has only been king for a few months and he’s already endured a challenge to his authority in the Riverlands. Unfortunately, his tepid response has only encouraged rebellions in other regions.
Aenys returned to King’s Landing only to discover that Lord Ronnel Arryn, The King Who Flew, has been deposed and imprisoned by Jonos Arryn, his younger brother. Jonos then proclaimed himself the “King of the Mountain and the Vale”.
In the Iron Islands, a drowned priest proclaimed himself Lodos the Twice-Drowned, finally returned from visiting the hall of the Drowned God. It’s been 36 years since Lodos drowned himself, so that was quite the visit.
In Dorne, a man calling himself the Vulture King rose in the Red Mountains of Dorne. Princess Deria Martell denounced the Vulture King but thousands flocked to his banner. The siren call of avenging the evils the Targaryens visited on the Dornish was too tempting to resist.
Lord Harmon Dondarrion wrote to Aenys of the Vulture King: “This Vulture King is half-mad, and his followers are a rabble, undisciplined and unwashed. We can smell them coming fifty leagues away”.
The Vulture King must have taken great offense to the question of his personal hygiene as Blackhaven, home of the Dondarrions, became his first target. The Vulture King’s followers stormed the castle and the Vulture King himself sliced off Dondarrion’s nose. His followers then torched Blackhaven and marched away.
Aenys sat befuddled and indecisive in King’s Landing. Grand Maester Gawen stated the King couldn’t understand why this was happening. The small folk loved him, why don’t these rebels? If they had grievances, why not come to court and tell him – he would listen! Aenys would make a decision only to countermand it shortly after. For instance, he ordered Hand of the King Alyn Stokeworth to sail a fleet to the Vale to aid Ronnel Arryn, only to recall the fleet as he was afraid to leave King’s Landing undefended. As if King’s Landing could be undefended with Visenya and Vhagar only a short flight away on Dragonstone. The only concrete decision Aenys made was to send Queen Alyssa and the children to Dragonstone.
Aenys thought the next move should be to hold a grand council to discuss options. Dowager Queen Visenya decided to skip the council and issue orders.
The Rise of the Dragons has a passage not in The World Of Ice And Fire or Fire and Blood: “During Aegon’s reign, Visenya often assumed the daily tasks of ruling while Aegon was off on his royal progresses. Visenya’s role changed when Aenys assumed the throne, and she became more an advisor – and an often unwelcome one – rather than a co-ruler whose decisions had the force of law. It could truthfully be said, however, that Dowager Queen Visenya was still the most influential woman in the realm during Aenys’ reign – even more so than his own queen, Alyssa. But Visenya’s lack of direct power – and her clear preference for his own son, Prince Maegor – would eventually alienate the two entirely.”
First, Alyn Stokeworth accompanied by a few hundred men entered the Riverlands to hunt down Harren the Red. (To be fair to Aenys, he had input into this decision – but only this decision).
Second, Lord Allard Royce of Runstone (on his own initiative) assembled loyal bannermen and demanded the release of Ronnel. Jonos granted that request by throwing Ronnel through the Moon Door. The Eyrie is impregnable to any conventional assaults, but Visenya had a solution to that: sending Prince Maelor astride the recently claimed Balerion the Black Dread, Jonos’ lackeys lost their nerve upon spotting Balerion and threw Jonos through the moon door in an attempt at mercy. Maegor “mercifully” executed the traitors by hanging instead of burning. The World of Ice and Fire notes the traitors all died by Maegor’s hand, so Maegor seems to be a “man who passes sentence must swing the sword” type. Hubert Arryn, a cousin of Ronnel and Jonos, was installed as Lord of the Eyrie. Hubert had six sons by his wife, a Royce of Runestone.
Third, Goren Greyjoy, the Lord Reaper of Pyke, marshalled a hundred longships to descend on Old Wyk and Great Wyk. He put thousands of Lodos’ followers to the sword. Goren then had the head of Lodos prickled in brine and sent to King’s Landing. Aenys was overjoyed by the gift and granted Goren a boon. Goren asked for the right to expel every septa and septon from the Iron Islands, which Aenys reluctantly granted.
Fourth, was the Vulture King. Princess Deria continued to denounce the rebellion but did nothing to stop the Vulture King. Many suspected she was sending the Vulture King men, money, and supplies. The Vulture King had thirty thousand men under his command but made a fatal mistake in splitting his forces in two.
The Vulture King took his force to march west against Nightsong and Horn Hill Lord Walter Wyl, the son of the Widow-Lover, commanded the force sent to besiege Stonehelm, seat of House Swann.
Orys “Orys One-Hand” Baratheon left Storm’s End one final time to defend Stonehelm. He smashed the Dornish forces. Walter Wyl was then delivered to Orys: “Your father took my hand. I claim yours as repayment.” He then proceeded to take Walter’s other hand and both feet as “usury”. Apparently, Lannisters aren’t the only one to pay their debts.
Orys died on the march back to Storn’s End from wounds taken in battle. Davos, Ory’s son, said he died content, smiling at the rotting hand and feet.
By this point, the Vulture King had to abandon the siege of Nightsong. He marched east only to have Lady Caron (of Nightsong) join with a strong force of marchers led by the the noseless Harmon Dondarrion. Then “Savage” Sam Tarly decided to join the party with several thousand knights and archers. Savage Sam personally cut down dozens of Dornishmen with Heartsbane, the Tarly Valyrian sword. The Dornish broke and tried to retreat to the mountains only to be cut down by the marcher lords in the “Vulture Hunt”.
The Vulture King himself was taken alive and tied naked between two posts by Savage Sam, dying up thirst and exposure, his corpse feasted upon by vultures. His death is considered the end of the Second Dornish War but few Dornish Lords actually participated.
Harren the Red was both the first to rebel and the last to be put down. Harren was cornered in a village west of the Gods Eye. Harren slew Lord Alyn Stokeworth before being cut down by Bernarr Brune, Alyn’s squire.
King Aenys knighted Bernarr Brune and granted gold, offices, and honors to Davos Baratheon, Samwell Tarly, No-Nose Dondarrion, Ellyn Caron, Allard Royce, and Goren Greyjoy. Prince Maegor returned to King’s Landing to cheering crowds and proclaimed a hero. Aenys named Maegor as Hand of the King.
Up next, my thoughts on the rebellions.
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