#dettles au
bohemian-nights · 5 months
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Dettles AU: The Hunger Games🗡️
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ride-thedragon · 25 days
Age and Gender Flipped Dettles AU.
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"What of the World."
"No man should send away his bride."
"No man should want what's the King's."
He smiled at her, saying what had been left unsaid between them because she could without concequence.
"The king should cater to those loyal to him. What I want, it seems the king will not know to miss."
Her eyes danced with hope, only stopping at the sound of Dragons.
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verschwoerer · 4 years
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Konrad Staudacher
Albert Rösti: Die Blocher-SVP vor tiefgreifenden Umwälzungen
2019 (spätestens) hätte bei der SVP das Jahr der Stab-Übergabe von Christoph Blocher (79 + gesundheitlich angeschlagen) an seine Nachfolger:In sein müssen, wäre es nach den (ursprünglich Hoffnung-vollen) Plänen der SVP von 2016 gegangen. Aber Blocher übergab den Stab nicht. Wieso? - 2016 gingen Blocher + seine Entourage noch von einer (relativen) Macht-Übernahme seiner Blocher-SVP in Bundesbern aus. Sie fand nicht statt. Sie verfehlte die damals intern angestrebten '40 % plus' bei den Wahlen 2019 bei weitem (2016 also mit ersten Anzeichen galoppierender 'Blocher-Allmacht ohne Grenzen') ... - Die aufkommende Korrektur kündigte sich dann 2017 an, als klar wurde, dass der Blocher-Zieh-Sohn 'Köppel' mit seinem schrägen Wesen bei der SVP-Basis nicht ankommt + die Blocher-Tochter Martullo an Köppels statt Notfall-mässig einspringen musste. -- Martullo selbst mit ihrem spröden Wesen kommt bei der Blocher-Basis (und darüber hinaus) auch nicht an. Aber wenigstens ist sie 'eine Blocher' + kompetent, wenn es ums Verwalten der Blocher-Finanzen für die SVP geht. Vom vielen Geld hängt in der SVP mehr ab, als ihr lieb sein kann. -- Mit dem doppelten Ausfall von Köppel + Martullo als Volks-Tribun aber steht die ganze Blocher-Nachfolge Kopf: Keiner der übrigen Papabiles geniesst auch nur annähernd das Bedingung-lose Vertrauen von Blocher-Boys + Blocher-Basis. -- Damit hängt die Blocher-SVP in der Luft wie der polternde Rücktritt des Präsidenten der SVP:ZH, Konrad Langhart, zeigt. Er vertritt in den SVP-Stamm-Landen ca. 30 % der SVP-Basis, ist in der SVP also überhaupt keine Einzel-Figur.
Wen auch immer Blocher zu seinem Nachfolger machen wird, die Wahl wird zu schweren Spannungen + wohl schon bald auch zu Richtungskämpfen in der Blocher-SVP führen: Die Zeiten einer aufstrebenden SVP sind also vorbei. Es folgt der Abstieg + das Beerben der SVP insgesamt. - Aeschi + Matter + Dettling + Köppel +++: Keiner verfügt auch nur annähernd über die überragende Statur, den wilden Blocher-Boys-Haufen mit Blochers Autorität zu führen. Und genau das würde es jetzt brauchen, wenn diese SVP als grösste Schweizer Partei noch eine Zukunft haben soll. Hat sie nicht ... - Ohne eine unbestrittene Figur an der Spitze lässt sich dieser wilde SVP-Haufen nicht zusammenhalten. Der tief-gehende Streit unter den Zürcher Blocher-Jüngern ist längst ausgebrochen + wird sich schon bald vertiefen.
Nicht umsonst wurde es nach der schweren Wahl-Schlappe + nach dem Probier-Blätz mit Köppels verzweifelter + ausufernder Wahl-Kampagne im Kt. ZH für die verflixten Wahlen 2019 extrem ruhig in den Blocher-Landen. - Der gestrige Rücktritt von Rösti als SVP-Präsident ist Folge schwerer interner Spannungen in der Blocher-SVP + kein Zufall. Mehr davon steht an, wenn Blochers Nachfolge einmal steht. Bis dann dürfte Grabes-Stille herrschen, weil sich die Blocher-Boys (mit Girl) der Tragik der Stunde durchaus bewusst sind + ohne das Blocher-Geld als in Zukunft bestimmender Macht-Faktor Nichts mehr gehen wird. - Wir müssen uns ab 2020 auf mehr, viel mehr Unstimmigkeiten in den Blocher-Landen gefasst machen ... - Der Rücktritt von Albert Rösti als 'Partei-Präsident unter Blocher' ist nur das Vor-Spiel dessen, was in der 'immer noch grössten Partei der Schweiz' auf uns zukommt.
Mich freut's, weil die Figur 'Blocher' für mich als Zeichen galoppierender Autokratie in der unumstösslich demokratischen Schweiz + damit als Fremd-Körper wirkte. - Das System stösst den Eindringling + Autokraten aus. - Doch was folgt jetzt? Eine überaus spannende Frage ...
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bohemian-nights · 6 months
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"Oh you are indeed there my skylark." -Jane Eyre
Dettles AU(Victorian Gothic Romance): Daemon Targaryen x Nettles🔥
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bohemian-nights · 4 months
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Mirror, mirror, on the wall…
Dettles AU: Snow White & the Huntsman🍎🗡️
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bohemian-nights · 4 months
What do you think Nettles would have done during the Eye Incident with Aemond?
Let’s say that Daemon gets with nettles earlier maybe like his dragon ward now wife and they go to driftmark for Laena’s funeral.
Then the incident occurred and everyone is yelling at each other but Nettles is by Daemons side watching this family destroy itself
If she and Daemon already have children she’s gathering up her babies and making sure they stay away from the mess. She is not choosing sides. Half these people have been less than kind to her to her and have looked down on her because of her background.
She just wants out of it. She's going to quietly observe everything with Daemon(and keeping him from joining in cause she knows he loves the drama).
Now, if the children already are involved somehow(let's say they tried to diffuse the situation but got caught up in the carnage), she’s keeping them glued to her side and daring anyone to say something about them or try to pull them away from her. She(and Daemon) will deal with whatever they have done later, but for now, it’s Mama Bear to the rescue.
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bohemian-nights · 4 months
How do you think a Snow White and the Huntsmen AU would work for Dettles?
In this au, the main twist would be that Nettles is the king's (Corlys) bastard who is a serving girl of the conceited queen(self-explanatory) instead of just being a princess.
Their kingdom is at war. The enemy is headed by a prince(Aegon) who has put up quite the fight. As a result, when the queen asks the magic mirror(Mysaria) if she will remain queen and defeat the threat the mirror tells her that there is a maiden close to her who will lead to her downfall unless she takes her head (think the prophecy with Cersei).
She puts two and two together(based on the description of the girl) and figures this maiden is Nettles.
Daemon is her loyal right-hand man, he’s her best general, and likely the reason she can win the war. This leads her to dispatch him to do the deed under the guise that Nettles is being sent as a peace offering to the enemy prince who is known to have a voracious appetite.
Hey if you want something done right, send in the best man).
On their journey, he gets to know her more and Unfortunately for the Queen, he just can’t bring himself to do the deed(he sees that Nettles an innocent and is quite taken with ).
He ends up freeing her instead and telling her to run to the mountains. She does this and eventually is taken in by kindly mountain folk(the hill tribes). After a while of earning their trust, she becomes their de facto leader.
Daemon knows that by freeing Nettles he cannot bring himself to show his face back at court. He is utterly disgusted by his queen's actions so goes to the enemy instead to die a hero’s death. Without her general, the kingdom is lost which inadvertently fulfills the prophecy.
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bohemian-nights · 4 months
I think you did a Dettles ballet AU a while ago but I think it was just Daemon watching Nettles perform and falling for her? But I recently re-watched Black Swan with Natalie Portman and I was thinking of a Dettles black swan au where Daemon was the dance choreographer/dance instructor!
Winona Ryder plays a character that was the previous black swan and was the previous favorite before Natalie's character took her place, and I think that could definitely be Rhaenyra or Mysaria.
That wasn’t me, that was the brilliant @lilyofthevall.
I haven’t watched Black Swan, and only have the vaguest ideas on what it’s about, but there really are a lot of different prices of media.
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bohemian-nights · 2 months
I was thinking about the Nettles being Daemon’s half-sister AU and then I was thinking what if Baelon had kinda stepped up or whatever after Nettles’s mother died and had her legitimatized and how all that would play out. And then I got to thinking about wether or not Daemon and Nettles would still support Rhaenyra and at first I thought yeah especially on the bastard situation since Nettles is a bastard but then I remembered how Rhaenyra acted towards Nettles in canon and then how in your fic she acted towards Naerys and yeah she’d still be a bitch to her and maybe not as racist but definitely classist and for that reason alone I could see them either a) staying neutral or b) siding with the greens lol. Sorry for ranting.
I love it 🙌🏽Honestly in this scenario, I could see them staying completely neutral because of Nettles. While the Greens may not be as openly hostile against her it’s very likely they’ll still hold their prejudices about her background(coupled with the fact that they think Daemon is just too much of a loose canon/thorn in their side).
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bohemian-nights · 5 months
What do you think would’ve happened if the letter never reached Madienpool? It wasn’t confiscated by the Greens it just simply vanished. Would Daemon have gone on to fight Aemond? Do you think he would’ve brought Nettles with him? Or would they have remained at Maidenpool for a little longer? Returned to Kings Landing? How do you think the actual Dance would’ve ended? Because while Aemond had to be dealt with he wasn’t the biggest threat. That was his younger brother Daeron. Do you think Daemon and Nettles would’ve gone to fight him?
The plan was always to kill Aemond, but it was very risky to go fight him alone since Vhagar was massive. They needed two riders just to take them down and even then one risks severe injury(see Rooks Rest).
Obviously Daemon started to catch feelings for Nettles(he fell hard) so her safety became top priority.
To be honest, I think Daemon was kinda stalling(as was Aemond). He’s not going to seek out the dude specifically with Netty so the only way he’d bring her with him is if they happened upon Aemond during one of their searches.
Daemon might try to send Nettles back to Maidenpool, but she doesn’t listen to him(it would be pointless to leave now that he's seen them both anyway).
Together they can take out Aemond and Vhagar.
Provided they only have a few minor injuries, nothing that would require them to convalesce at Maidenpool, they would probably make their way back to Kings Landing the next day or two.
The threat of Daeron is another story.
If everything stays the same(minus the letter being lost) then that means that Daeron more than likely will be dead before they even set out for Tumbleton.
They’d have no reason to journey straight to Tumbleton because Ulf and Hugh were supposed to be taking care of it. Since the letter never arrived Daemon and Nettles have no idea they’ve turned turncloak and joined Daeron.
Depending on when they battled Aemond it might be too late for them to do much of anything since female Maegor might’ve already fled.
If she has fled they obviously see the state of disarray from a distance and then leave to find Miss Maegor. If she hasn’t fled then Daemon has to work to keep her from going completely mad, the city from falling, free Corlys from jail, and keep Nettles from being thrown in the dungeons or being poisoned in her sleep(they’ll definitely be sharing a bed chamber☺️)
Either way planning an attack on Tumbleton when things are such a mess is out of the question( the problem will solve itself out like in the book 📖 ).
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bohemian-nights · 5 months
Dettles AU idea: Dragon shifter Daemon that is offered Nettles as a human sacrifice by the towns people
Oh, this is kinda like Beauty and the Beast. I love it🙌🏽
Like I can imagine Nettles being the town outcast/social pariah so it’s easy enough for people to corner her and offer her up to him.
She doesn’t go willingly cause she’s heard the so maybe she’s been injured in the capture. Not anything permanent, but she’s dropped at Daemon’s lair/castle sorta a broken bird.
She’s on the verge of unconsciousness. That’s how Daemon finds her and of course, he can’t harm a little thing like her…..
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bohemian-nights · 6 months
I never really considered the possibility of a sc-if Dettles AU but it sounds interesting.
It would be more light sci-fi because I don’t find heavy sci-fi(with a lot of technological and science babble) that interesting, but I feel like would be “easy” enough to place the conflict of the Dance and Dettles relationship in a sci-fi setting(with some tweaks of course)💅🏽
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bohemian-nights · 6 months
What’s your favorite Dettles AU?
Its hard to chose and I haven't really explored that(nor have I seen any real fics on Dettles from an AU perspective), but I really like the thought of Dettle's The Crown AU or one where Nettles is Daemon half-sister🔥
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bohemian-nights · 4 months
Watched Hunchback of Notre Dam and couldn't stop thinking about Nettles and Daemon Au with Frodo and Esmerelda, dark and controversial I know but Hellfire is just 🔥🔥🔥🔥
No pun intended
Very dark, but I can see it 💀
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bohemian-nights · 5 months
A Dettles headcanon
Modern day au Daemon is Nettles sugar daddy
Daemon: Gimme a kiss 💋 ✨
Nettles: give me a twenty 💵✨
She loves him, but she can’t lie, she also loves his bank account. Daemon loves spoiling her so it's a win all around 💅🏽
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bohemian-nights · 6 months
How would Nettles be Daemon’s half sister?
So in the sibling AU her age is being bumped up/the timeline would change somewhat. Instead of being born in 113 AC she’s born in 99AC. Baelon is her father(the man had been a widower for almost two decades, he wanted to feel something).
Her mother is the same as book canon(a prostitute) only this time she does know who Netty’s father is.
Baelon never visits them, but he does send them some money which stops when he dies in 101 AC(blame Jaehaerys).
Her mother dies when she’s pretty young as well(a personal headcanon of mine throughout all of my fics on her, I can’t let it go so I’m sticking with it). Thus she grows up an orphan like in canon.
Nettles obviously still claims Sheepstealer(with sheep like in canon), but it’s before any type of war.
The claiming causes her to catch the attention of Gollum and Daemon, who may or may not be aware of her existence, but they don’t care really care until they see she’s tamed a wild dragon 🐑🐉
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