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Deviantartober – The "Hey, you’ve been too long on DeviantArt" shitpost challenge
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These prompts are supposed to be shitposts, so drawing them should not take longer than 15 minutes each day. Picture them as a fast warm up doodles you can do every day.
Bonus points for extra crappy art or for using software like MS Paint or very poor grade traditional materials.
THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO LOOK GOOD. We just want to have fun and loosen up about art, like our 14-year-old selves on DA used to. Don’t be a perfectionist – have fun creating something really bad and unwind!
About the badly tracing prompts: Don't get me wrong: These are shitposts, so please don't actually steal some artist's work and claim it as your own. Credit the company you took it from!
Feel free to share your results via #deviantartober
Most important of all: have fun!
Draw either yourself, your sona or your OC in MS Paint style (if you are a traditional artist, use low quality crayons or something like that).
Draw a traditional piece of either yourself, your sona or your OC and share it by taking a low quality, out of focus picture of your drawing.
Create a Sonic OC. Explain their powers.
Now use the Sonic Dollmaker to make a better Sonic OC, cuz drawing is hard: Male character dollmaker Female character dollmaker
Draw either yourself, your sona or your OC as either a wolf, lion, dragon, cat or horse. You may badly trace over Disney art.
Make that wolf/lion/dragon/cat/horse look even sparklier.
Write an excuse about why you couldn’t post today.
Take some official and well-known cover art, trace over it badly, color it with the bucket tool and claim it as your OCs. (for traditional artists: just lazily trace over it and take a pic)
Draw a character from a cartoon and add some obvious erotic undertone.
Draw an animal, paste it a few times and color them differently. Congratulations, you are an adopt artist now.
Combine an animal with a piece of food and create your own original adopt species.
Take an out of focus picture of your pet or some random merch. It is art now.
Draw something with wonky anatomy and claim it as a STYLE.
Draw either yourself, your sona or your OC overly cute and put 90% of the work into making the eyes look sparkly.
Draw an OC with uncomfortable sexy undertones. Wonky anatomy, like gazillion abs or balloon boobies are welcomed.
Ship yourself, your sona or your OC with a canon character and make them seem madly in love. You may draw your character into a screenshot, cuz again – drawing is hard.
Come up with some overly random ship (Like Mordetwi, etc.) and create a shipping name for it.
Create a DA stamp for one of these ships. (These are stamp shaped gifs, that show support of your amazing ship.)
Draw a weird DA fetish of your choice. The weirder, the better. (Honestly just browse “Newest Deviations” for a few minutes if you need inspiration)
Go on hiatus and leave a hiatus post.
Post a screenshot of a random game you are playing and pretend it’s 3d art.
Draw some edgy cats fighting – don’t use any reference!
Post some overly dramatic vent art. You may be vague about the issue and make it sound worse than it actually is. Sympathy fishing is welcomed.
Add some Linkin Park or Evanescence lyrics to a piece of art.
Create a fursona, but it’s actually just a Pokémon with different colored eyes.
Make either a My Little Pony, Homestuck, Creepypasta, Undertale, Lion King, Warriors or Balto OC. You may use free bases or lazily altered screenshots, cuz drawing is hard.
Make a new OC by copy pasting an existing OC and changing their colors into a gothic look.
Take a stock photo of a person/animal resembling that OC and badly paint over it, to make it look like your OC. Lazily altered Twilight screenshots are not forbidden.
Create some art using any sort of FREE base art.
Take some of your artwork, you did during this challenge and turn it into a blingee -> https://de.blingee.com/
It’s the final day and it’s Halloween and you don’t feel like drawing and you are artblocked, so fuck this. (You may also draw your OC being sad about being art blocked – or you may return to your normal life, because I definitely will do so)
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