iamthecomet · 7 months
Dismiss Your Demons
AKA: Kinktober Day 28 - Sounding
Rating: E Pairing: Cirrus/Dew Featuring: Service Dom Cirrus. Soft Dom Cirrus. Sub Dew. He's a tiny bit of a brat if you squint, but not really. He just likes giving Cirrus shit. Sounding. Character development cleverly disguised as porn. Aftercare (in the form of cuddles). Word Count: 3.1k. I did not read through this after I wrote it, so it is what it is, friends. I hope it makes sense. Read it on AO3.
Or under the cut.
Dew can’t think . He’s sweating. It’s pooling low on his back. He twitches his fingers where he has them pinned there. Wishing for something, anything, to flip through his fingers. 
He loves Cirrus. 
But Satanas does she make him nervous.  Especially with this look on her angular face. A crooked smile. Movements too easy, body too loose. He’s well and truly fucked.  That’s what he gets for telling her he needed to get out of his head and she could do anything.   It’s been a long week. A brutal few days on the road that have left all of them snapping at each other. Even Papa has had enough. Bad weather, bus problems, hotel mix-ups, three terrible catering companies in a row. They’ve all had enough.  Dew looks across the hotel room and longs for his bed at home. For dark abbey hallways, and candle light, and the smell of incense. He is sick of fluorescent lighting and white walls and low pile carpet. He digs his toes into it anyway, dissatisfied. 
He watches Cirrus as she flits around the room. Movements loose. More relaxed than she has any right to be given everything that’s been going on. But maybe it isn’t bothering her as much as it is Dew. She comes off as type A for sure. A control freak. But she’s more flexible than he is. Waves off problems and stupid tour bullshit with a shrug as if to say “oh well it happened, let’s move on.” 
She’s always reminded him of Aether in that way. Certainly the person they look for leadership, but because of their flexibility rather than the rigidness of someone like Dew who needs things to be right or he will feel like his skin is too small. 
That’s how he feels right now, watching Cirrus bounce around the room. Feeling like he’s just put his life in her hands. He takes a deep, breathe out. Frowns when his exhale comes out a little smokey. Tinged with anxiety. Cirrus notice, dark brows furrowing. She frowns a little at him–worried. 
“We won’t do anything you won’t like,” she reassures him. She fusses with her hair. Scrubbing her manicured nails over the shaved side. Her fingernails are electric blue, blunt like always. No deadly manicures like Aurora or Cumulus. No stiletto nails dragging over the head of his dick tonight. As pretty as that is–he’s ok with it. 
“You said something new,” he says. Allows himself this moment of vulnerability. Cirrus tilts her head at him. 
“You really are stuck aren’t you?” 
Dew grimaces. He hates it sometimes. The way she reads him like a book–all of them. So much like Aether. That’s probably why he pulled her aside after the show instead of someone else. Seeking a grounding touch someone to pull him back to earth without him really having to ask for it. 
“I want to go home,” he says. It sounds stupid. He shrugs. Doesn’t move, back straight, fingers still twitching behind his back. Knuckles flexing over the soft cotton of his t-shirt. 
“I can’t help you with that.” Cirrus sits on edge of the bed, pets the spot next to her. Dew drops down next to her. He presses his elbows into his thighs, he digs his fingers into his scalp until it hurts. Cirrus pulls him apart, uncurls him. Cool fingers unclenching his from his hair. She leans in, bumps her horns against his. 
“Enough of that,” she chides. “Aether will kill me if you come home bald.” 
Dew’s lips twitch upward. “Should shave it. Just to spite him. Punishment for abandoning us.” 
Cirrus ruffles his hair. “Don’t even think about it, firefly.” 
She presses her forehead against his. He breathes in deep, inhaling the fresh cotton smell of her. Cool and clean. He closes his eyes, nuzzles his face against her, horns bumping together. 
“Take care of me,” he says, finally. “Please.” 
“You’ll let me try something new?” 
He nods. “Anything.” 
Cirrus stands. Dew feels her vacancy in his bones. He turns his head, opens his eyes to watch her riffling through her bag. She produces a small leather case. She starts to unzip it and Dew feels his mouth go dry already. 
Not so new then. 
“Cir, that’s not–I’ve–”
Her eyes flash, so light blue they’re almost white. She grins at him, too many fangs. A chill rolls up his spine, and he swallows the rest of his words. 
“I know you’ve done this before. I’ve heard all about what you do when you’re alone with a fire.” 
Dew groans, he rolls his eyes. Tipping back onto the bed dramatically. Hair fanning out around his head. “Fucking Swiss .” “Why don’t you ever ask me to come see?” 
Dew flushes, he can’t help it. He covers his face to hide it. “You don’t usually like to just watch.” 
Dew hears the zipper on the case. The clink of metal. He shudders. Chubbing up in his jeans already. Anticipation thruming through him from sound alone. He has the vague realization that he is like a trained dog. Conditioned into arousal by the idea of sounding rods. 
“I could be compelled. Especially since you stole a rod from me to do it. I’m still missing it, by the way.” 
Cirrus kicks one of his feet where it’s planted on the shitty carpet. Knocking his legs a little further apart so she can step between them. He feels the swell of her thighs between his. He moves his arm, looks up at her, towering over him, flipping one glinting rod through her fingers. 
“You’re not. Don’t lie.” 
Dew sits up. Reaches for her. She allows it. Allows him to put his hands on her waist, the curve of it. To slip his warm hands under her over-sized t-shirt and touch her ever-cool skin. 
“I’ll give it back when we get home.” 
Cirrus rolls her eyes instead of calling his bluff. “Strip.” 
“Don’t I get a kiss first?” 
“Brat,” she admonishes, but bends down and kiss him anyway. Full lips pressed against his. Cool. She tastes like red wine, black raspberries. He chases in, tongue sliding over hers. Taking one hand from her waist to lace in the longer side of her hair. Fingers carding through impossibly soft strands. 
She pulls back and Dew chases her lips. His cock twitches against his thigh, more than chubby now. He reaches down to adjust, gives himself a small squeeze just before Cirrus bats his hand away. 
“I asked you to do something, Firefly.” 
Dew hauls his shirt over his head, tosses it somewhere and gets to work on his belt. He shoves his and boxers down in one motion and kicks them away.
Cirrus sinks down, kneeling between his spread legs, a bottle of lube and the set of sounding rods between her knees. 
She’s right this is new. Cirrus doesn’t kneel for him. Only has ever bottomed for him when she’s been in heat. The look she gives him–cast up through long eyelashes–goes right to his dick. His stomach flips. She smooths a cool hand up over his thigh. 
“Don’t get any ideas,” she says softly. Running a blunt nail down the seam of his balls. He twitches. Digs his teeth into his cheek.  
“Never,” Dew gasps out with a shake of his head. He knows, even on her knees, Cirrus is in charge.  She’s just so pretty like this, gorgeous. Sitting low, legs tucked under her ass. Shoulders pressed between Dew’s knees. 
He slips a hand up his stomach to tug at a nipple ring as she drags her palm over the hard line of his cock. Soft hands feather light over his skin. He groans, as she palms at him, one hand after another over the underside of his cock where it curves up toward his stomatch. Not circling, more petting than anything. Just enough pressure to brush the wet tip over his sparse happy trail. 
“Lay back,” she says. The words are soft but there is no mistaking them for anything but an order.  “Let me help.” 
Dew does. Falling back onto the bed like dead weight. Toes digging into the carpet as Cirrus pets him. She polishes the head, smears precum over the ruddy head. Dew digs his fangs into his lip until he tastes copper. 
“ Relax ” she orders again. “Let go.” 
It takes effort to loosen his jaw. To allow himself to groan as one of her hands dips lower to roll his balls between her deft fingers. He melts into the bed as she touches him. Works him up with slow easy movements. Cock twitching under her hands. Spitting precum onto her hands, his belly.
He winces when he whimpers, high and reedy. He hates it, but it’s gone now, already out of his mouth. It takes a minute, but eventually he feels the tension in his head start to unravel. Feels knots loosen. He stops hearing himself. Stops worrying about how desperate he sounds. How needy. How Rain can probably hear him from the next room over. 
Instead, he hopes Rain has his ear pressed to the wall to listen. Embarrassment fading with the rest of the day–the week. 
“Good boy,” Cirrus purrs. Dew’s floating by the time he hears her open the lube bottle. Disant. Brought down by gentle hands instead of harsh words. That’s new too. He’s hazy, glassy. Every stupid annoyance is distant, he can’t even think about them. Can’t think about anything except how Cirrus touches him. 
How her hands–too soft for all of the music she plays–feel on him. He would do anything for her to have her keep touching him like that.  
“Ready?” she purrs.  Dew nods. He slurs around a yes , and a please . Hips twitching up toward her hands. His eyes are closed tight. An arm thrown over his eyes, blush burning against his forearm. With the other hand he plucks at his nipples. Tugs on the bar. Rolls the pebbled nub through his fingers. A  little rough, the little bite of pain just adding to everything. 
Cirrus starts with the smallest rod. Dew jolts when the cold metal touches his slit, presses down. More newness. When he plays with himself the metal is always warm, burning hot usually. The cold in contrast to his own body temperature makes stars dance behind his eyes. 
Cirrus is uncharacteristically gentle with him. He’s more intune to it this way–expecting a shift. For her to start fucking the sounding rod into him with abandon. But instead she works it in slowly. She leaves it deep, opting to press her fingers along the underside of his cock instead. More petting strokes, rolling the rod inside of him. 
It only takes him two more minutes to need more . A bigger rod. For her to actually stroke him. For her to thrust that ice cold metal in and out of his body. To really give him something. But he should have known that Cirrus’ gentleness would be his downfall. 
They follow the same pattern. It’s all so slow, so easy. Dew’s hips flex up toward every touch. Whines bubbling out of his throat at every twitch. Cirrus coos at him, shushes him when he really starts to whine, to beg.  She kisses the inside of his thigh. His hip bones. Drags her free hand up over his legs his belly. “Give me a color, baby.” 
“Green. Just. More . I need more .” 
“But you’re doing so good.” 
Dew digs his claws into the comforter. He could scream. Pleasure burns low in his gut. A fire he doesn’t know how to feed, not enough kindling. Just enough fuel to flicker to life, but not enough to rage. Everything is sharp, intense. He shudders with it. Nerve alight. 
Dew props himself up on his elbow, dragging his arm away from his face, opening his eyes. The room is too bright. Cirrus is looking up at him from between his legs smirk still firmly in place. 
She’s up to the second largest rod now. Dew can see the way it bulges the underside of his cock. Cirrus runs a nail over it. Fingers catching on the piercing just below the head. Swiping over his frenulum with her thumb. He sobs at the sudden jolt of pleasure. Gasping in, breath catching. 
“Hey, firefly,” Cirrus says softly. She reaches up along the length of his body, sitting up on her knees to brush her fingers over his flushed cheeks, over his throat, his pounding pulse. “How do you feel?” 
“Like I want to cum.” 
“Not what I meant.” 
Dew sighs, whimpering as Cirrus twists the sounding rod. “Floaty. Fuck . Better. Please, Cir. At least let me see you. Give me something. ”
“Don’t be greedy,” Cirrus admonishes. “I’ve given you plenty.” Despite the words she leans back, pulls her hands away just long enough to pull her shirt over her head. Dew’s throat clicks when he swallows. Eyes dragging over her tits, her stomach. The curve of her waist. He wants to touch. Wants to lay back as she rides his face. Wants her to take everything from him. 
Cirrus scoffs at the look on his face. “You’re so easy.” 
Dew nods dumbly. Of course he is. Weak, always, to the power of Cirrus’ tits. 
“Make me cum?” he means for it to come out as a demand, but instead it’s a question. Breathless. 
Cirrus cocks a dark eyebrow. She lowers herself back, sitting on her heels. Her tits brushing his thighs as she goes, one dusky nipple dragging over his thigh. Dew wants to latch onto it with his mouth. Wants to suck it swollen. 
He licks his lips, tries not to stare too much and fails. 
“I’ll do anything.” 
Cirrus’ eyebrow stays up, her head tips. She pets his cock again, watching as it twitches and spits precum onto his stomach. There’s a puddle of it there now, slick and shiny. The head of his dick is swollen, nearly purple. Cirrus bends down, and swipes her tongue up along the underside, pressing down hard on the rod as she goes. 
Dew bucks up toward her mouth. Swears he’s going to burst into flames if she keeps going. If she doesn’t just–Cirrus smirks at him and sucks the head into his mouth. Tongue pressing down on the top of the rod to keep it in place. 
He’s going to die. This is it. Death by sounding in a shitty hotel in the middle of nowhere USA. He’s fucked, utterly fucked. He falls back onto the bed, unable to hold himself up anymore. 
Cirrus pulls off with a pop. “Anything?” 
“Fuck– fuck– yes. Anything. Satanas whatever you want just fucking touch it. Make it cum. I can’t– fuck .” 
Cirrus’s hand finally curls around the base of him. The other pulls at the sounding rod. Fucking it into him. She times her strokes with it, a counter rhythm that has him seeing stars.  “Promise me.” 
“I promise. ”  Cirrus licks a stripe over his hip bone. Sucks a mark into the hollow there as she strokes him. Teeth digging in and making him gasp. Dew’s distantly aware of the sound he’s making. High pitched, whining. Desperate. If Rain wasn’t listening at the wall before he definitely is now. He bucks toward Cirrus’ hand, toes curling in the carpet. 
“ Close .” 
“Then cum,” Cirrus whispers against his hip. “Let it out. Let me see how messy you get.” 
His balls draw up tight, he sobs as it hits him. Pleasure burning through his veins. His back arches as he cums. Cirrus pulls the sounding rod in just in time for the first spurt to hit Dew’s stomach. It dribbles down Cirrus fingers, into his pubic hair. Dew closes his eyes so tight he sees red. It feels like it goes on forever. Body still twitching long after he stops shooting. Cirrus strokes him through it, doesn’t stop until she’s squeezed every drop she can from him. 
Dew waits for Cirrus to pounce on him. To force him into overstimulation. To straddle his face. She doesn’t. Instead, she wipes him up with her t-shirt, apologizing softly as he hisses in overstimulation. Then she pokes and prods him until he shifts. Muscles like jelly. He pulls himself fully onto the bed, finally laying in in properly. Cirrus settles in next to him, pulling him down to her. Curling an arm around him and pressing his head to her chest. Cheek pillowed by soft plush flesh as she pets the side of his head. He listens to her heart as he comes back down. Steady, solid. He clings to her. Fingers dimpling into her waist. 
“Give me a minute and I can–whatever you want.” 
“I’m fine, Dew.” She kisses him between the horns. 
“Not fair,” he says sleepily. “You should get off too.” 
She shrugs beneath him. “You know how it is for me. It’s not that easy. Watching you is just as good, you know that. Do you feel better? Quieter?” 
Dew nods. Yawns, nuzzles into her breast. He presses open mouthed kisses across the freckled skin there. Lazy. Appreciative. “Yeah. Thank you, you’re too good to me.” 
“No, I’m not. You don’t have to carry so much on your shoulders, Dew. You can let other people hold it sometimes.” 
He shrugs. “Dunno how.” 
He feels her smile against his hair, she kisses him again, at the base of his horn this time. She settles in, breath huffing out over his slap as she cradles him. He feels her relax beneath him, heart slowing, breathing going even. Comfortable beneath his warmth, his weight. Dew feels sleep tugging at him. He cracks his eyes open to stave it off for just a few more minutes. 
“What do you want then? Something, obviously,,” Dew mumbles sleepily. Cirrus chuckles, still stroking her fingers through his hair, working through tangles. When he tips his head to look up at her, he finds her eyes closed, face open and relaxed. 
“Next time you sound yourself, I want you to call me so I can come watch.” 
Dew blinks at her, head tipping to the side in confusion. “That’s it?” 
Cirrus laughs, she cracks an eye open, lips twisting up into that same mischievous smirk from before.  “Is it ever?” 
Dew pulls his gaze away from her face and puts his head back where it belongs. He sucks her nipple into his mouth, teeth dragging over it as it hardens against his tongue. Soothing more than sexual. He doesn’t answer. They both know there’s more. And Dew could ask for a clue–but he likes it better when Cirrus surprises him. 
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itstimetoghoul · 22 days
Whenever Cirrus and Dew finally end up kissing, during sex or not (its a plus if its just romantic and they can finally have that heart to heart abt their obvious pining), just mending their little relationship ill jump for joy in my seat!!! Hearing even little snippets or piecing the art together from the past to see their dynamic makes me go oowahh!!! so cool!!! so happy!! ❤ woww!!! Love them fr Cant lie though that feud they got going is (to me at least) a really interesting way to put their relationship. I havent seen the fandom do that much with ghoul x ghoulette ships, and esp the underrated ship of cirrus x dew! You're very creative
I'm gonna preface this ramble with 'potential spoiler' warnings because I kinda get into the overall view of my character studies for these two fnsdjgndfj.
When it comes to all the ghouls I like them being equal-opportunity relationships that could become something more in an open, poly way? Everyone is gay in some way and M/F presenting ghouls can have very queer encounters.
With Dew and Cirrus I really love the potential of their rivalry because in my eyes they are equals in their skill as musicians, ghouls, strength and so on. Cirrus performs a lot of the same feral posturing as Dew (and Swiss) does and that made me really want to write/draw the progression of playful rough housing into a rivalry- into the anxiety of potentially losing and liking it. Not because of something socially manufactured like gender difference, or one kind of elemental ghoul being inferior to another. Only losing and being forced to face the additional feelings that rise to the surface alongside the enjoyment of it.
I threw a lot of my own experiences of presenting masc when AFAB onto her and the experience of fear revolving around a creeping morph of a casual, competitive relationship and the sudden unstoppable approach of change- the oppressive lurch to confront it, confirm it, become something different- new on the other side. Born Again some might say...... B)
This is just a small expression of my own experiences, so it may be messy or uncomfortable for some people. Nonetheless, if even a little bit of this dynamic resonates or connects to those I hope it does I will be thrilled!
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thelampisaflashlight · 4 months
Swiss, hanging out with Dew: "So, humor me here, you fulltime ghoulies, you guys have, like, individual scents, yeah?" Dew, nodding: "Yeah, it's like, our base smell. Humans have them, too, but it's usually subtler." Swiss, curious: "What do I smell like?" Dew, thinking: "On a good day? Kind of like movie theater popcorn, which might not sound that impressive, but it's the vibe, too. Like, smells like going to the movies with friends on a summer day and you just got that first blast of AC on your skin. Not unpleasant, but kind of bittersweet." Swiss, surprised: "Huh, so it's more than just a scent, it's a vibe, too? Okay, what about you? What have you been told you smell like?" Dew, looking away: "Uhhh..." Swiss: "What? What's wrong?" Cumulus, walking by: "He smells like oat milk and honey, because he's such a sweetheart~!" Dew: "I do not! I smell like brimstone and hellfire!" Cirrus, poking her head in: "Warm baked potato with sour cream that was cooked in foil over a campfire with a hint of s'mores." Dew, embarrassed: "Only the fire part is correct!" Aether, from the kitchen: "Kind of like warm chamomile tea with condensed milk on a rainy day!" Swiss, leaning over and smelling him: "..." Dew, flustered: "What??" Swiss, about to cry: "...You smell like the tres leches cake made by my grandma-"
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cirrus-ghoulette · 4 months
So I may have made some acceptance letters for the Ministry of Ghost...
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These letters include a personalised acceptance letter, a packing list, a daily schedule, and a grucifix necklace! They're also hand stamped with a wax Grucifix seal, and put inside a hand lettered envelope. You can choose for the signature at the end to be from Papa Primo, Secondo, Terzo, Copia, or Cardinal Copia!
If you'd like, can get your acceptance letter here! I also have the code PLUSHIA for 10% off your order!
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themelioragrand · 9 months
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Closeups from the IMPERA - Extended Box Set lyric booklet.
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telleriy · 7 months
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Full pack
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weensysunshine · 7 months
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they’re gossiping (aka the least explosive way for dew to talk about his feelings)
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pyrefection · 8 months
No one talks about how Dew faces away during Cirrus’s solo in Mummy Dust so the white of her Keytar stands out against the black of everyone else
It is the Highest form of respect IMO
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ethereal-maniac · 2 months
What Sodo Does On Clingy Days
He purrs into Swiss’ tummy and kneads the parts his face isn’t smushed against.
He rubs against Phantoms whole body, trying to melt into bugs skin.
He has a dopey smile on his face as he preens from Aethers many kisses.
He licks Rain’s cheeks to wake him up in the morning and get his attention.
He takes Mount’s hand and wanders around the gardens with him.
He trills as Cumulus gently rubs his cheek while she reads in the library.
He clings to Cirrus’ leg as she tries to practice the keytar, occasionally giving him head scratches.
He crouches on Copia’s desk, watching him work with focused unblinking eyes.
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iamthecomet · 9 months
oh comet 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
20 with dew and cirrus??? (Can be any ghoulette of your choosing, I think you said earlier you’ve been feeling cumdrop so that’d be fine too!!)
bossy!Dew and needy!Ghoulette 🥵
Oh man, role reversal my belovedddd. 20. "Go on. Ride my thigh."
Dew can't remember the last time he saw Cirrus like this. Maybe never. Doesn't matter, he isn't about to start questioning things. Not when he has a lap full of her. Knees on either side of one of his skinny thighs. Her back bowed, head tipped down to rest against his collarbone. He nuzzles his nose through her dark hair, smells her jasmine shampoo, sweat, and underneath all of that, the simmering bite of heat. That's interesting. He'd ask her why him. Why she's decided to grace him with her presence when she's at her neediest. But he's pretty sure as soon as he does, it'll break the spell. And it's not every day Cirrus is nuzzling against his jaw, pressing open mouth kisses to his hammering pulse. Whispering please against his overheated skin. "Dewy," she says, voice cracking as she presses closer, digs her nose into the hinge of his jaw, rubs herself all over him like a cat trying to mark it's territory. Dew holds her close, steady, with a firm hand at the small of her back and another laced in the sweaty hair at the back of her head. Fingers pressing against her skull, rubbing, soothing he hopes. Cirrus shifts her hips, a little roll that makes her gasp. Even though the layers of their pants he can feel how warm she is. Can feel dampness soaking through into his sweatpants. She stalls, holding herself still. Like she's fighting against her own need. Desperate not to prostrate herself for Dew but already doing it. He kisses the side of her head. Tastes her desperation in the sweat there. He wants to devour her. He wonders if she'll let him. Even like this he'd be stupid to think he's actually the one in control. "Go on," he whispers into her hair, "ride my thigh. Take what you need." Her breath hitches, but her hips roll, shifting on their own accord as her fingers dig hard into his boney shoulders. He urges her forward with that hand on her back, pushing and pulling, helping her keep rhythm as she goes to work making a mess of his neck with tongue and teeth. He knows, she might just use him for this--to get off. To take the brutal edge of her heat off so she can go find someone else to actually knot her. He tries not to get his hopes up that maybe she trusts him enough now. That maybe she wants him. Either way, he won't complain about it. About the noises she makes in his ear as she grinds down on the hard ridge of his thigh. About the way she's soaking into his jeans, sure to leave a stain. Or the way her thigh rolls up to grind against his aching cock with every pass. If all he gets is to watch her cum all over his thigh? That'll be more than good enough.
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itstimetoghoul · 11 months
Hi hi! Just recently discovered your art and it's absolutely gorgeous! I love everything about it, it inspires me so much and your fic about Dew and Cirrus actually inspired me to start a comic about the ghouls and ghulehs!
It's been raining a lot around here. It's cold and the vibes are cozy, so if you still do requests, I'd love to see some cozy Dew and Cirrus sleeping and cuddling in a nest of pillows and blankets while it rains? Fire ghouls are a great source of heat, after all XD
If you don't take requests anymore or don't want to draw this, please feel free to ignore! Have a great day! ^^
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with most request asks i am fillin this one SO late!! some creative liberties were taken but i still get cozy feelings from this :>
+ BONUS cumulus/dew/cirrus heater time :)
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cirrus-ghoulette · 18 days
Ghost BC Whump Month is back!
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That's right. 30 days of hurt with no (or very little) comfort!
For Whump Month, you can use any characters you want in the Ghost universe, including OCs. You can use platonic relationships, you can use romantic relationships, you can use relationships where both characters hate each other, you can use relationships where neither characters have met!
Starting on the first of June 2024, you can write, you can draw, and you can create in any way you want for these prompts.
If you do create anything, please tag me in it! I wanna see your work! I'll reblog any Whump Month creations.
Of course, make sure your creations are CWed appropriately, and then make sure you tag 'Whump Month 2024', so that everything can be found easily!
Have fun!
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queer-and-nerdy · 7 months
there are two wolves inside of you. one says that ghost is metal. the other says that ghost isn’t metal. both of these wolves are boys. they are kissing. they are gay wolves.
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sodoshame · 10 months
Are You Warm Enough?
Nameless Ghouls x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None! Just fluff.
Summary: You fall asleep in the library, waking up in a ghouls arms. You then end up in a ghoul pile.
A/N: This is quite short, I’m sorry! Hope you enjoy though!
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Trying to keep my eyes open, I groan as I sit up in my chair, stretching my arms out. I’m so, so incredibly tired; but Sister Imperator is insisting that I get this task done before the end of the day. Looking around the library, I realise there’s no-one else here. Surely a little nap won’t hurt? I set an alarm on my phone for twenty minutes, and I rest my head on the desk, allowing my eyes to close.
~20 minutes later~
I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket. Confused, my eyes flicker open. Suddenly I realise I’m being carried. Looking up, I see a familiar, friendly face.
“Hey, sleepyhead.” Aether smiles at me, still walking whilst carrying me.
“Aeth? I- What?” I mumble, still sleepy and confused.
“You’re gonna come back to the ghoul den, okay? You’ve been working too much, and we miss you.” He said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“But- Sister Imperator-” I start, looking around in slight confusion.
“Don’t worry about her. We’ll take care of it.” He smiles at me again, entering the common room. Putting me back on my feet, Aether shouts out to the others, alerting them of my presence.
Before I can do anything about it, I feel a strong pair of arms lift me up again, carrying me to the couch. I look up, being met with a toothy grin.
“Hi there, baby girl.” Swiss grins, sitting on the sofa and positioning me so my head is on his lap. Still sleepy, I look around, not really knowing what’s going on. I feel Swiss start to scratch my head gently with his claws, making me relax a bit.
“Mhm, that’s nice…” I mumble sleepily, letting my eyes close again.
I feel my legs be lifted up, then put back down. Opening my eyes again, I glance over to see Aether, who’s gently massaging my calves. Before I know it, Dew jumps on top of me, promptly snuggling his head into my neck, wrapping his arms around my waist, immediately purring.
“Oh, hey Dewy.” I chuckle sleepily. He responds by giving me a little squeeze and nuzzling into my neck.
Mountain walks in, ruffling my hair, as he sits down by Swiss’ legs, leaning against him. I smile at him, just accepting what I now knew was happening. A ghoul cuddle pile.
I hear excited chattering, I look up to see Cirrus and Cumulus walk in. They both grin at me and Cumulus settles down next to Swiss, leaning against him, and Cirrus plants herself on top of her. Then comes Rain and Phantom; they sit either side of Mountain, snuggling into him. Rain holds his hand up, clutching mine and giving it a little squeeze. I feel Dew raise his head slightly.
“Are you warm enough?” He asks, sounding tired himself.
“Yeah, but guys-” I start talking but am immediately interrupted by Dew snuggling his face back into my neck.
“Then sleep.” He mumbles simply.
I chuckle, finally giving into my tiredness. There’s no place I’d rather be than surrounded by my ghouls.
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cardi-c · 11 months
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autumnblooms · 11 months
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Dancin’ in the moonlight~
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