#dfjgdf now i gotta pack for vacation tomorrow
carmenlire · 6 years
Higher than the Big Trees Ch. 16
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Edit credit: @kindaresilient <3
Two chapters in two days? Don’t get used to this lmao
read chapter one
read on ao3
Alec stands in front of Magnus’s door and takes a breath before reaching out to knock.
He’s not nervous. Even though it’s the first time that he’s going to be visiting Magnus at his place, there’s no butterflies or lead in his stomach.
Remarkably, he feels relaxed. He’s hung out with Magnus before and it didn’t end in disaster.
Hopefully, he can keep up that streak.
Plus, it’s not as if this is a date. They’re friends, nothing more.
As Alec knocks, he takes in the corridor. Magnus lived in Brooklyn, on the top floor of one of the many buildings that had been renovated a few years ago. There’s exposed brickwork and intermittent light fixtures and it all seems to fit Magnus’s style, perfectly. It’s elegant but with character.
Magnus opens the door just a few seconds later, smiling.
“Good evening, Alexander.”
“Magnus, hi.”
Alec smiles back as he gives him a onceover. Magnus had apparently changed when he’d gotten home because he’s the most dressed down Alec’s ever seen him. He’s wearing a pair of yoga pants with a plain black singlet. His feet are bare, toes painted a dark emerald and adorned with a silver ring.
What the fuck.
Alec swallows as he sees Magnus’s arms. How were clothes able to hide so much?
He clears his throat and meets Magnus’s eyes for a beat before Magnus steps back and swings the door open wider, beckoning Alec in.
“Welcome. Did you have any trouble finding it?”
Alec steps over the threshold, immediately toeing off his Nikes.
“No,” he says distractedly. “Google Maps has yet to let me down.”
His gaze roves over what he can see of Magnus’s apartment. He sees more exposed brick, rich tapestries and colorful furniture. It’s a weird hybrid of old and new-- modern and ancient-- and Alec loves it.
From behind him, he hears, “Well, that makes one of us, darling. Once I was in Estonia trying to find this historically significant cathedral and the app just kept leading me in circles. A twenty minute stroll turned into a two hour fiasco. It was a mess.”
Alec turns around. “Maybe it was operator error,” he teases.
Magnus huffs, rolling his eyes. “Believe whatever you like. I’m usually an expert explorer, I have a sixth sense, but during that trip I got lost too many times to count. I was just running in circles. Plus, the Estonian language isn’t for the faint of heart-- I didn’t have a clue of what anything meant.”
“At least you have a story to tell now.”
“Like I need more of those,” Magnus says ruefully.
“Let’s move things out of my foyer.” He nods towards the living room and Alec follows him as he heads to the couch. There’s an infinitesimal pause, Alec only notices it because he’s neurotic, but Magnus chooses one end of the couch, the one closest to the french doors.
Alec has a minute to panic-- couch or chair or other chair-- but in the end his brain short circuits and he goes with the closest option.
The other end of the couch.
There’s an entire cushion between them and Magnus doesn’t look like he’s judging him too hard, so Alec relaxes against the surprisingly comfortable couch. It looks like it’s supposed to be a statement piece not to actually sit on, but as Alec leans against the back, it’s nice as hell.
Magnus looks smug. “Not as hard as it looks, huh?”
“I thought I was going to have to pretend like I wasn’t extremely uncomfortable for the entire night but this couch is actually a dream.”
Magnus nods a little as he settles against his armrest, bringing one leg up to tuck under the other. “I know exactly what you mean. When I first went furniture shopping, I wanted something comfortable but not shabby, you know? I walked by this couch a dozen times because it looked like something rich people have-- useless and purely decorative. But, I hadn’t found anything yet and it was in my budget so on a whim I sat down and almost melted into it. I bought it on the spot. I’ve had it eight years and it looks the same as the day I bought it-- definitely one of the best purchases I ever made.”
Alec mirrors Magnus’s position, runs a hand through his hair. “I know exactly what you mean. I bought the couch I have now when I moved out on my own. I won’t lie, it looks like shit, but it’s comfortable as hell and I know that I won’t ever get rid of it. It was the first big purchase I bought when the money came in from my first single. I’m emotionally attached to it.”
Magnus hums, looks at Alec with narrowed eyes. “I wouldn’t have expected that. You keep surprising me.”
Alec blinks. “Good surprises, I hope?”
“Very good,” Magnus says softly.
There’s a moment as the two of them just look at each other. It’s not uncomfortable, just a pause in the conversation, but it strikes Alec.
He can’t remember the last person he could share the quiet with.
He clears his throat, raises one of his eyebrows. “What are these surprises?”
Magnus grins, reaching out one of his legs to gently poke at Alec’s. “You’re a superstar, darling. I’m sure you could buy a thousand couches and it wouldn’t dent your credit card. But, you keep the first couch you had for sentimental reasons. You tip lavishly-- don’t think I didn’t notice how much you left Anna and Marv a few weeks ago. You’re not an asshole,” Magnus concludes bluntly.
Barking out a laugh, Alec says, “That’s good to know. I try not to be an asshole. I’ve been doing this since I was sixteen. I’ve seen a lot of people come and go and I just try to be good. Not the best, but it doesn’t take a lot to say please or thank you or not to trash a hotel room.”
He breaks off, stares into nothing for a minute. When he looks back up at Magnus, he finds him already staring at him, eyes intense.
“I have an image. I actively cultivate that reputation as a playboy and rockstar. I don’t hide the fact that I like to have a good time. But, I also work my ass off. Some of my peers get into the industry and they see the signing bonuses and the easy hookups and they think that’s it. They don’t see the hundred of hours that go into producing an album or how important it is to network professionally or that the life isn’t for everyone.
“So, yeah, I tip because it means nothing to me but a lot to them. That couch is comfy as hell and I’m sentimental. I’m glad you see beyond the surface, Magnus.
“I’m glad you care enough to want to,” he says, voice low.
Magnus studies Alec for a moment, eyes flitting across his face. Voice just above a whisper, he says, “Of course I do.”
He straightens and leans forward imperceptibly. Alec catches himself swaying towards, just a little.
The air is tense with the promise of something and Alec's close enough to see Magnus's eyes dilate.
Magnus jerks a little and leans back against the armrest.
Alec lets out a breath.
“So,” Magnus starts. “I have all four movies and a drawer full of take out menus. Are you hungry?”
Magnus laughs. “Okay, that’s good. What are you in the mood for? I’m hungry, too.”
Alec thinks for a minute. “Is there a local place that’s your go-to? I’m not too familiar with Brooklyn but I’m sure there something you’re in the mood for?”
Alec can’t be sure, but he thinks Magnus’s eyes might drop down to his mouth for a millisecond. He shakes himself. As if.
“Twilight is a bit of a comfort watch for me-- the movies really are shit and I usually just order a pizza from this place down the block. It’s a family owned place and they know what they’re doing.”
Alec’s nodding before Magnus even finishes. “That sounds amazing. My brother dragged me to the gym for hours today. I really am starving.”
“Say no more, darling-- oh, is there anything you don’t like on your pizza?”
Alec shakes his head and Magnus stands up and heads to what Alec presumes is his bedroom. He comes back a minute later, phone to his ear. He doesn’t go back to the couch. Instead, he wanders around the living room aimlessly while he talks to whoever is on the line.
“Good evening Tony, it’s Magnus. . . Oh, I’m fine. How’s your family?. . . They do grow up so fast. . . I’m still teaching, summer classes right now. . . Yup, the usual but let’s double the bread and the brownies. Thanks man, I’ll see Mikey soon.”
He hangs up, looks over at Alec with an amused expression. “Tony likes to talk. You can’t just order pizza-- you have to observe the pleasantries. He and his wife have been making pizza for thirty years and it’s a local joint. They pretty much know everyone.”
He comes around the couch, settling back into his spot. He relaxes, sprawls out a little more.
“I usually get an extra large supreme with an order of cheesy bread and brownies for dessert. How does that sound?”
Alec’s stomach growls and Magnus laughs.
“I’ll take that as approval. Now, let me put the first movie in and we can pause it when the food is delivered?”
“Sounds great.”
A few minutes later, the starting credits start to play.
Alec usually likes to watch movies silently, especially the first time. He hates when people talk during movies, distracting him, detracting from the experience.
But-- it’s so bad.
They’re only about halfway through the first one, but Alec's already looking forward to the rest of them. Edward looks like he’d literally rather die than look at Bella, Jacob is a little pathetic, and Bella herself looks like Alec feels-- there are really no good options, here.
Magnus and him make fun of the movie until there are tears in their eyes.
They’ve just gotten past the part where Edward scrabbles up a tree, shining like a disco ball, and Alec’s absolutely losing his shit.
“Oh my God,” he gasps. “What the fuck. What is wrong with him?”
Magnus’s mouth is open to reply when there’s a knock on the door. He stands up, chuckling. Over his shoulder, he calls out, “Why do you think they live in the Pacific Northwest, darling? The sun makes them sparkle and it just wouldn’t do for people to see that.”
Magnus opens the door, taking the boxes and sliding cash to the delivery boy.
“Thanks, Mikey.”
“No problem, Magnus. Enjoy your food--” he leans to the side, sees Alec half reclining on the couch. “And your date.”
The teenager leaves, chortling, pocketing the bills.
Magnus turns around, arms full and Alec rushes up to help him, grabbing the smaller boxes.
Magnus rolls his eyes. “Youths. They’re so precocious and they think they're so funny.” He sets the food down on the kitchen bar.
“I want to say that I was never such an asshat, but tragically, I know that I was probably worse.”
Alec nods and opens the pizza box, mouth watering at the smell of garlic and cheese and sauce.
“Oh, I know I was a bit of a nightmare. I was either really quiet and surly or over the top. I was a mess. Holy fuck, Magnus, this pizza looks amazing.”
Magnus grabs plates, handing one to Alec while he opens the box of cheesy bread.
“It really does. Tony’s outdone himself tonight.”
They two plate up and head back to the living room, collapsing against cushions and resuming the movie.
They both go back for seconds and pop in the second movie, polishing off the brownies during it.
As the credits start to roll, Alec slouches in his seat a little. Their plates are on the coffee table in front of them and they’re angled towards each other, knees barely touching.
Magnus climbs to his feet and stretches.
“Ready for number three?”
Alec groans. “I’m so full that all I’m ready for is a nap. I haven’t eaten that much in ages.”
Magnus disappears somewhere but Alec can still hear his voice.
“That’s what movie nights are for, Alexander. Eating too much unhealthy food and watching questionable movies.”
He comes back a moment later carrying a huge ass blanket.
“I was getting a little chilly, but I’d rather be cold with a blanket than fine without one, so.”
He sits down on the edge of the couch and looks over at Alec, he waves his blanket a little. “Want to share? I don’t know how you’re feeling but this blanket is definitely big enough for the two of us.”
Alec debates for a second before he’s scooching over to the middle cushion. “Whoever says no to additional coziness?”
Magnus grins and sits down next to Alec, they’re sides touching.
Alec is overtly aware of exactly where they’re touching.
Magnus settles the blanket over them both, smoothing it down.
He looks at Alec expectantly and Alec gives him a droll look. “Yes, you’re right, this is the best blanket I’ve ever had the good fortune to use.”
Magnus beams. “Told you so, darling.”
What Alec doesn't say is that the blanket smells like Magnus, sandalwood a subtle scent. It's nice.
Beyond nice.
Magnus starts Eclipse and minute by minute, Alec can feel himself getting sleepier. He’s stuffed with amazing food, Magnus is a long line of warmth beside him, and the couch combined with the damned blanket is making him drowsy.
Magnus shuffles a little, moving imperceptibly closer, leaning into Alec a little more.
Alec turns away, muffling a yawn, and slides down the couch a little, leg settling more firmly against Magnus.
He closes his eyes, just for a minute, and the next thing he’s aware of is someone on top of him.
He moves, just a little, and discovers that he’s laying down. Opening his eyes, he immediately squints as sunlight comes pouring in through the french doors, hitting him right in the face.
He closes his eyes again and just takes a few minutes to breathe and get his bearings.
His eyes fly open as he remembers where he is. Who he’s with.
He looks down and gets a face full of hair, Magnus settled against his chest.
Alec has a brief thought of oh shit, but he can’t deny that this feels good.
Honestly, it’s been awhile since he woke up next to a guy and didn’t immediately look for the exit.
He moves, just a little, and Magnus hums, squeezing him from where he’s wrapped an arm around his middle.
Alec feels Magnus waking up and has a moment to panic-- will Magnus think this is too forward? Friends fall asleep together, right? This won’t turn into an awkward morning after-- forgetting that nothing even happened?
Magnus noses along his tshirt before he freezes. He looks up and meets Alec’s eyes.
There’s a moment of silence as they just look at each other. Magnus looks a little ridiculous, makeup smudged all to hell and back, his hair rumpled and Alec knows he doesn’t look any better.
“Well.” Magnus’s lips quirk up. “We didn’t get to the fourth movie.”
Alec laughs, surprised.
“No,” he agrees. “Your blanket was too comfortable. It lulled me right to sleep.”
Magnus sighs. “It is magic.”
He looks back up at Alec, solemnly. “Your hair’s a mess, Alexander.”
Alec snorts. “You should see your face, Magnus.”
Magnus jolts upright, eyes widening in horror. “I fell asleep with my makeup on! Oh, I bet I look like a raccoon that lost a fight with Sephora.”
In the next moment, he’s shrugging, nonchalantly. “It happens. It’s better that you see me like this now so that I know if this friendship can continue or if messy makeup is too much for you.”
Laughing, Alec sits up, pulls the blanket into his lap from where it was pooling on the floor.
“It’ll take more than smeared makeup to scare me off, don’t worry.”
Magnus smiles and there’s a few minutes of silence as they relax on the couch.
It’s weird, but Alec doesn’t feel need to make a mad dash to the door. He’s not feeling like a clock’s ticking menacingly. He doesn’t feel judged for not immediately making an excuse for why he needs to leave.
There’s no pressure here and it feels damned good.
His thoughts break off as Magnus starts talking.
“I don’t know what you have planned today-- we had really just discussed last night-- but I know this place that serves a mean belgian waffle. Feel like breakfast?”
Alec takes stock, grimaces. “I’d love to but I’d also really love to not look like I just rolled out of bed if we go out.”
Magnus shrugs. “I have two bathrooms with extra supplies. Feel free to get ready here, if you’re interested.”
Grinning, Alec says, “Alright, sounds like a plan. When do you want to leave?”
Magnus looks at the clock above the television. “How about forty five minutes?”
Alec nods and stands, cracking his back. “Meet you back here then.”
He starts walking but pauses, turning back. “Where’s your bathroom?”
Magnus laughs and points to the left of the entryway. “Down that corridor, there’s a bathroom that’s the second door on the right. You should have everything you need but let me know if you don’t see something.”
Alec nods and turns back. He finds the bathroom without a problem. It’s elegant, if eccentric. It’s done in shades of burgundy and there’s an elephant toothbrush holder on the sink.
He finds toothpaste, towels, and a spare toothbrush. He takes a shower-- the water pressure is amazing-- and gets out, wrapping a towel around his waist. He brushes his teeth and finger combs his hair as best he can.
He doesn’t have any other clothes, so he has to wear yesterday’s. There’s a bedroom right next to the bathroom and Alec gathers his clothes-- it’s a bitch to get dressed in a steamy bathroom.
He opens the door and almost walks into Magnus.
They both step back and Alec immediately remembers that he’s half naked, the flimsy towel wrapped around his waist the only thing keeping him decent.
Magnus seems a little dazed, staring at Alec’s chest with a sort of mesmerized intensity.
Magnus jolts, turns up to smile at Alec.
“Alexander! I was just seeing if you needed anything.”
Magnus’s gaze keeps dropping to below Alec’s face and Alec feels heat climb up his neck. While it was gratifying to be checked out, especially by Magnus, he was probably reading what he wanted into things.
Alec shakes his head a little, clearing it and realizing that he hasn’t answered Magnus yet.
“I’m fine-- I was just going to get dressed in the guest room.”
Magnus nods a little too enthusiastically. “Okay then, help yourself. I’ll leave you to it. See you in a few.”
He turns on his heel and heads to the other side of the loft.
Alec watches him leave for a few seconds before going across the hall to the guest room. It only takes him a minute and then he’s opening the door and heading to the living room.
He debates what to do. Seeing that he has twenty minutes until they’re set to leave, he walks over to the end table, picks up his phone.
Finding that it's had died sometime in the night he turns instead to the bookshelf on the wall. It looks to be a mix of knickknacks and books and Alec’s eyes snag on European Conquerors.
Alec still has his copy at home-- he’s been making slow but steady progress, saving Magnus’s chapter for last.
He stands by the wall and opens the book, easily finding his place. He gets absorbed and is startled when he hears a cough.
He looks over his shoulder and sees Magnus looking at him, brows raised.
Alec brings the book up, showing him the cover.
“I saw this on your shelf and thought I’d read while I waited for you.”
Magnus looks unguarded. “You’re actually reading that?”
Alec shakes his head, confused. “Yeah? I told you I would and I checked it out of the library. Plus, you wrote it. There’s no way that I’m not going to.”
Magnus’s face is the picture of surprise before his expression melts into one of fondness.
He clears his throat.
“Well. What do you think of it so far?”
Alec shrugs, looks down at the book.
“It’s dense but really interesting. I liked Gregor’s account of the Dutch East Indies-- I learned a lot. But I didn’t care too much about Lorsch’s chapter on Britain's economic theory. I comprehended it but I couldn’t help but think that he supported colonialism in the end. He didn’t really write as a historian.”
Magnus rolls his eyes. “That’s because the old windbag devoutly believes in British superiority and thinks that the fact that they invaded half the world is a testament to its strength and vivacity. He mourns the loss of the Great British Empire like a baby mourns stolen candy.”
He walks over to the foyer, sliding his keys into his pocket.
He looks over his shoulder. “Have you read my chapter, yet?”
Alec shakes his head, tucking the book back into its place before snagging his phone from the table.
“No.” He grins. “I figured that I would save the best for last.”
Magnus rolls his eyes but Alec can tell that he’s pleased.
“Well, then, you’ll just have to keep me updated.”
Alec smiles. “I guess I will.”
The head out the door into a warm June morning.
The sun is shining and people are milling about.
Alec and Magnus head out to breakfast and enjoy crisp, fluffy Belgian waffles, Alec insisting on paying since Magnus picked up the takeout last night.
Neither can remember smiling so much during a mundane breakfast.
Both are already looking forward to the next time they can see each other.
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