diyarbakirhaberleri · 1 month
Ibom Air, Hitit Bilgisayar’ın ürününü kullanıyor
ICYMI: https://www.haberidiyarbakir.com/ibom-air-hitit-bilgisayarin-urununu-kullaniyor/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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carmenlire · 17 days
I've had this taegyu idea floating around since january but I'll readily admit that it is extremely similar to httbt so like on one hand I am absolutely a reader who often thinks "man I wanna read what I just read but new" plus it's in an entirely different fandom but on the other hand like it's literally rockstar beomgyu and probably math teacher taehyun (or maybe grad student, potentially gym owner?).
(lowkey i ended up like fully plotting out the fic/recapping my twt thread so i'm putting the rest under a cut lol.)
like whereas alec was a top 40 sensation solo pop artist, very much channeling biggest name in the industry, beomgyu would be frontman for an indie/niche band (honestly i'm picturing chase atlantic 100% whereas alec was like a tswift) but his band still sells out its tours and is somewhere on the charts, making a very respectable sum.
Beomgyu is feeling ennui, uninspired, very jaded but in a more. . . angsty way than alec? i imagine this fic to be darker/more emotional than httbt with A Big Conflict towards the end where one of them severely fucks up in classic fic fashion.
of course, i've already thought of the opening scene and it makes me realize how totally predictable i am because it's an extremely late night/early morning run-in where taegyu are obviously at very different points in their lives but they have A Conversation and it's the first time beomgyu has felt interested/intrigued by something in forever and taehyun-- actually here's a difference-- he actually has no idea who beomgyu/his band is. beomgyu, ofc, likes that. taehyun just sees a hot guy who's a little fucked up but aren't we all.
looking at my twt thread, i talk a lot about how during that first meeting, beomgyu talks a lot in half-truths, unsure if he can trust taehyun and taehyun is just blunt as always, very no bullshit. they both walk away feeling amped up-- beomgyu feels a little bit like he got an ass kicking, a breath of fresh air and taehyun is intrigued in his own way about this guy who's full of contradictions.
they keep running into each other at the park at these really intimate hours (beomgyu clearing his head/going out whenever there's less of a chance of him being seen and taehyun on his morning runs). eventually one morning, the sun is shining when they both look up and taehyun recommends a lowkey breakfast spot he knows nearby.
despite there clearly being something between them, beomgyu isn't in a place to be in a relationship and taehyun is up front about what he wants/needs and they both respect the other. of course, that doesn't stop them from growing closer until they're like best friends.
constantly texting, both of them start to depend on the other-- on their phone calls, a few minutes of stolen time, on finding the most out of the way restaurants with the best samgyeopsal.
everyone around them knows Something's going on even if taegyu remain infuriatingly tightlipped, both of them wanting to protect this thing between them. the secret relationship aspect is a lot more illicit in this than it was in httbt-- there might not be tabloids to worry about but beomgyu's had a lot of years in the business to grow jaded even if he wishes he could be as open as taehyun. There are some growing pains even if they are both fully invested/committed, even if beomgyu loves being with taehyun and can't get enough.
i'm picturing a classic fic blow-up thanks to beomgyu's rockstar past (?) clashing with taehyun's firm stance on open communication and no bullshit (the blow-up is nothing out of the usual for fic but bc i tend to really love Healthy Communication, i've never written this kinda conflict before but i do think it'll actually fit this au setup and not merely be an excuse for angst lol).
anyway, they totally break up over That Mess and cue beomgyu losing it a little. he gets drunk, writes songs about taehyun, implicitly dedicates those songs to him on stage. he hooks up with someone and feels fucking awful.
he ends up eventually (let's be real they'll probably only be broken up for like a month bc i can't do too much angst lol) doing some soul searching/reflecting on the past months with taehyun and realizing the error of his ways (and even as he was doing it, he was kicking himself bc he didn't even mean the words, he didn't wanna hurt taehyun but his mouth just started without his brain and heart's input rip).
meanwhile taehyun is totally heartbroken (while he seems fine on social media he's kinda falling apart irl) but he was always up front about what he needed from beomgyu if they were gonna do this and he won't bend his own needs and worth just to be with beomgyu.
obviously happy ending!!!! and you know i'll have to include some serious established relationship fluff to make up for all the pain :')
all of which to say..... like i know the premise is very similar to httbt and i feel like there's even more of a spotlight on it since it is obviously my most prolific work (which did also come from a chase atlantic song lmao) but there are differences too???? so like i should just write what i want right?? like especially because i'm worried about being too close to my own work, like it doesn't even matter? and there are some key differences? idk :( i just know i really like the idea.
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truemeg · 2 years
what’s your favorite type of fic to read and what’s your favorite type of fic to write?
psst i hope youre having a great day <33
Thank you so much! I had a pretty good day so far!
I don't even know how to answer this, I scrolled through my bookmarks to see if any of my favorite fics have anything in common. I think a lot of my favorite fics to read are the really long, 100k+ slow burn fics. I always liked fics like Dalton (bc I'm Fandom Old) or Rosie's SWF, ATYD, Camp Mountain Ridge, HTTBT, stuff like those.
And I've actually always wanted to write a long form fic like that too! I've just never had a solid idea for one until recently (it's a Newsies fic though). But I also tend to write fics based on other books/movies/etc. Hence the Anastasia AU so I'd say those are a favorite of mine to write!
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mehmetkali · 1 year
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havahaber · 2 years
2022'nin üçüncü çeyreğinde cirosunu yüzde 28 artıran Hitit, FAVÖK marjını yüzde 40'a çıkardı
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Havacılık teknolojileri alanında Türkiye'nin en büyük hizmet ihracatçısı olan Hitit (HTTBT), uluslararası arenadaki büyümesini istikrarlı şekilde sürdürüyor. 2022'nin üçüncü çeyreğinde son beş yılın en iyi satış performansını sergileyen Hitit, pandemi öncesi rakamlarını da geride bırakmış oldu. Şirket, 2022 yılının üçüncü çeyreği itibarıyla satış gelirlerini bir önceki yılın aynı dönemine kıyasla yüzde 28 artırarak 13 milyon dolara ulaştırdı. Hitit, Hizmet olarak Yazılım (SaaS) gelirlerinin temeli olan faturalanan yolcu sayıları da bir önceki yılın aynı dönemine göre yüzde 41 arttı. Bu artışta yeni kazanılan partnerlerin yanı sıra, mevcut partnerlerin iş hacimlerindeki artış da etkili oldu. Buna paralel olarak şirketin FAVÖK marjı da yüzde 40'a ulaşarak, pandemi öncesi dönem olan 2019'un üçüncü çeyrek oranının yüzde 2 üzerinde gerçekleşti.
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Nevra Onursal Karaağaç: Yurt dışında büyüme stratejisi sonucunda toplam gelirlerin yüzde 85 döviz, yüzde 15 TL bazında gerçekleşti Hitit'in üçüncü çeyrek gelişmeleri hakkında bilgi veren Satış ve Pazarlamadan Sorumlu Genel Müdür Yardımcısı Nevra Onursal Karaağaç, özellikle yurt dışında büyüme stratejisi sonucunda toplam gelirlerin yüzde 85'inin döviz, yüzde 15'inin TL bazında gerçekleştiğini belirterek, "Hitit olarak teknolojimizi dünyanın dört bir yanına götürmeye devam ettiğimiz bir çeyreği geride bıraktık. Pandemi döneminde havayollarının ve diğer seyahat firmalarının teknolojilerini güçlendirmek istemeleri, havacılık ve seyahat sektöründeki regülasyonlara ve yeniliklere hızlı adapte olabilmek amacıyla dijital dönüşümü ajandalarının ilk sırasına koymaları, Hitit'in bu zorlu dönemde bile satışlarını arttırmasını sağladı. Yazılım çözümlerimizin yüksek teknolojik kapasitesi ve maliyet avantajlarımızla sektörün parlayan yıldızı haline geldik. Havacılık ile ilgili en önemli ulusal ve uluslararası organizasyonları yakından takip edip, Hitit'i tüm dünyaya tanıtmaya devam ediyoruz. Hedeflerimiz çok büyük; sahip olduğumuz kalifiye insan gücümüz, güçlü finansal pozisyonumuz ve yatırımcılarımızdan aldığımız güçle hedeflerimize doğru hızla ilerliyoruz. 2022'de imzalanan anlaşmalarla yeni bir başarıya imza attık Nevra Onursal Karaağaç, "Önümüzdeki dönemde de, büyüme stratejimiz doğrultusunda sürdürdüğümüz ürün ve hizmet üretimi ile satış ve pazarlama faaliyetlerimizin yanı sıra, hedeflerimizi gerçekleştirmek üzere yatırımlarımıza devam edeceğiz. 2022 üçüncü çeyreğinde seneyi bitirmeden bir önceki yılın yeni kazanılan partner sayısı rekorunu kırmış olduk" şeklinde konuştu. Başarının sırrı, sektör ortalamasının üzerinde kıdem süresine sahip çalışanlar 2022 üçüncü çeyrek itibarıyla Hitit'in çalışan sayısının 353'e ulaştığını kaydeden Karaağaç, yakaladıkları başarılı çizgideki en büyük payın, uzun süreli ve kıdemli bilişim çalışma arkadaşları olduğunu belirtti. Karaağaç, "2021 yılı LinkedIn verilerine göre bilişim çalışanlarında ortalama kıdem süresi 2,7 yıl iken bu rakam Hitit çalışanlarında 4,7 yıl olarak tespit edildi. Sektör ortalamasının üzerinde çalışan kıdemi ve aidiyeti, yüksek çalışan memnuniyeti, deneyimli orta ve üst düzey yönetici kadrosu sayesinde, faaliyet alanımızda zor kazanılan uzmanlıklar ve kurumsal hafızanın korunmasını sağlıyoruz. Bu da sürdürülebilir başarıyı getiriyor. Ayrıca yüzde 35 kadın çalışan oranımız ile de tüm sektörlerin üzerinde performans göstermekten gurur duyuyoruz" dedi. Sezer Özmutlu: Hedeflediğimiz yatırımlarımızı yapıyoruz Hitit'in üçüncü çeyrek sonunda yurt dışından elde ettiği gelirlerin toplam cirodaki payını yüzde 68'e çıkardığını belirten Mali İşler ve Satınalmadan Sorumlu Genel Müdür Yardımcısı Sezer Özmutlu, toplam gelirlerin ise yüzde 85'inin döviz cinsinden olduğunu söyledi. Böylelikle üçüncü çeyrek sonu  itibarıyla halka arz fonlarıyla birlikte nakit ve nakit benzerleri toplamının 22,6 milyon dolara ulaştığını ifade eden  Özmutlu devamında Hitit'in bu dönem yatırımları hakkında şu bilgileri verdi:  "Teknokent mevzuatı çerçevesinde yürütülen projelere bağlı olarak üçüncü çeyrek sonu itibariyle 4,4 milyon dolarlık Ar-Ge yatırımı ile 1,3 milyon dolarlık lisans, donanım ve demirbaş yatırımı gerçekleştirdik. Yapay zeka ile makine öğrenmesi konusunda faaliyet gösteren TAZI Bilişim Teknolojileri ile imzalanan anlaşmanın ardından TAZI Yapay Zeka Platformumuz kuruldu. Bu projede, daha iyi müşteri deneyimi, operasyonel mükemmellik ve gelir artırıcı faaliyetler olarak üç alan belirlendi. Hava durumu ile gecikme tahminlemesi, dinamik fiyatlama ve kişiselleştirme alanında çalışmalara başlandı. TAZI'nın kullanımı kolay ve hızlı aksiyon alınmasını sağlayan platformu ile teknolojik kapasitesi artacak olan Crane çözümleri, Hitit'in partner havayollarının operasyonel maliyetlerini azaltırken, gelirlerini de artıracak. Bununla birlikte, dünyanın önde gelen bulut altyapı sağlayıcıları ile iş birliklerinin arttırılması yönünde çalışmalarımız devam ediyor" Read the full article
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half-bakedboy · 5 years
Just downloaded Higher than the Big Trees by @carmenlire to read on the plane tomorrow 🛫🥰 So freaking excited!
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missyousofar · 5 years
Me every single time I hear Death of a Bachelor and get major feelings about @carmenlire HTTBT and Alec’s growth:
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henryandalex · 5 years
Gotta read the new update of HTTBT first (yay! @carmenlire ) and then I will continue my Shadowhunters rewatch; although... since it's 2x12 turn today... maybe I should save the new chapter for later? 🤔😂
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lovelysapphiic · 6 years
I'm feeling a bit meh today but I have too much love to give (as always) so I'm giving it to my five favourite people on here today.
Carla, mi cariño, you're such a sweetheart who has been through so much you didn't deserve and you're still so wonderful and amazing and I just want you to be happy. I aspire to be as strong as you some day. You're an angel. (@kindaresilient )
Robi, you're very passionate about the things you love doing. You're such a supportive person and I am very proud of you, always. I'm sorry about the heart attacks I give you while talking about food. Also, you killed me when you had your hair blue!! (@sometimesambroswrites )
Megan, you're an incredibly talented writer. You're my bicon and I love you and I hope you're happy!!💖💜💙 ( @magnusbicon )
Chloe, Office Hours ruins my life everyday and I hope you're proud of yourself. You're a talented writer as well and talking to you has always been super nice. (@stupidnephilimlove )
Bri, you're so pretty!! And I know I say this everytime you post fics but they're the best everytime. Your writing style is beautiful and enticing and Httbt is currently in my head about 99% of every day. (@carmenlire )
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teknotalkweb · 2 years
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diyarbakirhaberleri · 1 month
Ibom Air, Hitit Bilgisayar’ın ürününü kullanıyor
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mehmetkali · 2 years
Hitit ve TAZI’den havacılık sektöründe yapay zeka alanında iş birliği https://ift.tt/qXBm4JA
Hitit ve TAZI’den havacılık sektöründe yapay zeka alanında iş birliği
Türkiye’nin havacılık teknolojileri alanında küresel markası Hitit ile hızla büyüyen bir Yapay Zeka (AI) SaaS şirketi olan TAZI iş birliği anlaşması imzaladı. Yapılan anlaşma ile TAZI’nin makine öğrenimi modelleri Hitit’in yazılım çözümlerinde kullanılacak.
Dünyanın öncü havayolu ve seyahat BT sağlayıcısı Hitit ile makine öğrenimi çözümleri sağlayan TAZI güçlerini birleştirdi. İki şirket, havacılık teknolojilerinin yapay zeka ile daha dijital bir yapıya kavuşması amacıyla anlaşma imzaladı. Seyahat sektörünün son yıllarda özellikle pandeminin de etkisiyle karşı karşıya kaldığı belirsizliğe bir yanıt niteliği taşıyan bu iş birliği ile yapay zekanın sektörün dönüşümüne katkı sağlaması amaçlanıyor.
Hitit ve TAZI iş birliği ile Hitit’in Crane markalı yazılım çözümlerine, uyarlamalı makine öğrenmesi tabanlı yapay zeka çözümleri entegre edilecek. TAZI’nin kullanımı kolay ve hızlı aksiyon alınmasını sağlayan platformu ile teknolojik kapasitesi artacak olan Crane çözümleri sayesinde Hitit’in partner havayollarının operasyonel maliyetleri azalırken, gelirleri de artacak.
Hitit Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı ve Genel Müdürü Nur Gökman TAZI anlaşması için şunları söyledi: “Hitit geçtiğimiz yıllarda yapay zekayı yazılım çözümlerine entegre etmeye başlamıştı. Ekip atama ve tarife planlama gibi havayollarının operasyonel işleyişinde kullanmaya başladığımız yapay zeka tabanlı uygulamaları, TAZI iş birliği ile çeşitlendiriyoruz. Ücretlendirme ve ek hizmetlerin dinamik fiyatlandırılması alanlarında da yapay zekayı kullanacağız. Önümüzdeki dönemde bu alandaki yatırımlarımızı daha da arttırarak, hem yazılım çözümlerimizin teknolojik kapasitesini güçlendirmeyi hem de sektörün ve havayolu partnerlerimizin gelişimine katkı sağlamayı amaçlıyoruz.”
TAZI AI Kurucu Ortak ve Genel Müdürü Zehra Çataltepe ise şunları ekledi: “Beni en çok heyecanlandıran konu, Hitit ile birlikte artık seyahat sektörüne değer katma gücüne sahip olmamız. Bu iş birliğinin gelecekte hem Hitit’in hem de bizim uzmanlığımızı besleyeceğine inanıyorum.”
Hitit Hakkında
Hitit, Türk Hava Yolları’nda yönetici olarak çalışan Nur Gökman ve Dilek Ovacık tarafından 1994’te kuruldu. Şirketin kuruluş amacı ve havacılığın içinden gelen kurucuların öncelikli hedefi, tamamen yerli sermaye ile çalışıp dışarıya bağımlılıktan kurtulmak ve Türkiye’yi teknoloji ihraç eden bir ülke haline getirmekti. Bu felsefe ile yola çıkan Hitit, başta havayolu şirketleri olmak üzere, havayolu ve seyahat sektörlerinde faaliyet gösteren şirketlere yeni nesil havayolu ve seyahat yazılım çözümleri üretiyor.
Sektördeki şirketlerin rezervasyon, biletleme, check-in, yolcu kalkış kontrolü, ekip planlama, sadakat yönetimi, gelir muhasebesi, gider muhasebesi, tarife planlama, operasyon kontrolü, ekip planlama, tur operatörü/charter yönetimi, geniş kapsamlı performans ölçümü ve kargo ihtiyaçlarına Crane markalı yazılım çözümleri ile tek noktadan hizmet sunan Hitit, aynı zamanda hosting ve danışmanlık hizmeti de veriyor.
%100 Türkiye’de üretilen havacılık çözümleriyle her yıl milyonlarca insanın seyahat etmesini sağlayan Hitit; Doğu Avrupa’nın En İyi Havacılık Yazılım firması, Avrupa’nın Öncü Yolcu Hizmet Sistem Sağlayıcısı, En İyi Havayolu Raporlama Sistemi, Yılın En Niş Teknoloji Firması, turizm alanında “Türkiye’nin En İyi Sektörel Yazılım Firması”, “Yılın Havacılık Yazılım Kuruluşu” ve “Yılın Havacılık Teknoloji Kuruluşu” gibi birçok ödülün de sahibi. Hitit, 3 Mart 2022 itibarıyla HTTBT koduyla Borsa İstanbul’da işlem görmektedir.
TAZI Hakkında
TAZI AI, 2017 yılında San Francisco’da kurulan ve İstanbul’daki Ar-Ge kaynakları ile her insanın daha iyi seçimler yapabilmesi için makine öğrenimini kullanmasını sağlamak gibi benzersiz bir vizyona sahip bir ölçek büyütme şirketidir. Müşterileriyle gerçek yaşam deneyimleriyle şekillenen TAZI’nin SaaS çözümleri, veri bilimi ekiplerini güçlendirirken iş uzmanlarını sürücü koltuğunda tutar. Kurucularının Caltech ve MIT’den başlayarak Makine Öğrenimi sistemleri ve yazılım geliştirmeleri konusundaki 60 yılı aşkın deneyimi ile TAZI, şu anda 3 patentli teknolojiye sahiptir.
TAZI Platformu, iş koşulları sürekli değiştikçe iş kullanıcılarının makine öğrenimi çözümleri oluşturmasını, izlemesini ve bunlara katkıda bulunmasını sağlar. Bu, TAZI’nin patentli sürekli öğrenme, açıklanabilir yapay zeka, insandan geri bildirim alabilme farklılaştırıcıları ve ayrıca ekibi sayesinde mümkündür. TAZI, Gartner tarafından Temel Yapay Zeka Teknolojileri alanında Cool Vendor olarak seçilmiş ve çeşitli analist raporlarında Sorumlu, Açıklanabilir Yapay Zeka satıcısı olarak gösterilmiştir.
The post Hitit ve TAZI’den havacılık sektöründe yapay zeka alanında iş birliği first appeared on 0 554 1730000 I [email protected] / Güncel Havacılık Haberleri.
from 0 554 1730000 I [email protected] / Güncel Havacılık Haberleri https://ift.tt/CbaMVeU via IFTTT
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carmenlire · 2 years
Alec’s more sentimental than he lets on. he thinks it's probably in the job description, the way he remembers feelings in abstract phrases and moments in quarter notes.
the sun is blinding and Alec has a hangover and there's definitely sand in places sand shouldn't even be able to get to and sure there's a part of Alec that's angry-- at the wandering sand, the blinding sun that makes him swear he can still smell the vodka seeping from his pores, at the stranger still in his bed but--
over it all he's pissed at himself. more than that, he's tired and more than a little sad and despite the disgusting cologne clinging to him, he feels lonelier than ever.
smaller than the grain of sand clinging to his ankle.
he wonders sometimes in long nights away from home, when the stage lights blind him but do nothing to shield him from a roaring crowd-- would he change things? if he could, would he go back to when his dad was someone to look up to and not something better left ground beneath his heel? would he reverse course and never show his passion project to Mr. Carstairs, the kind music teacher who saw more than he let on? God, would he prefer to be Mr. Lightwood, attorney at law, and not Alec, grammy award winning singer-songwriter?
right now Alec doesn't have an answer.
the beach is quiet and he's glad to be alone. like this, it's easier to pretend that loneliness is a choice and there's no Jace or izzy to shake him out of his wallowing.
there are worse places for a pity party, Alec supposes with a wry grin. watching the sun rise over a beach in Bali isn't a bad place to be, even if Alec wants to crawl out of his skin.
he doesn't know how much longer he can do this. he's only 23 but sometimes it feels like he's given everything to a career that wants nothing more than to chew him up and spit him right back out.
there has to be more to this life, his life. by God he has what most can only dream for and he's sitting here feeling sorry for himself.
it's shameful. he should be ashamed of himself.
still. Alec looks back over his shoulder, at the curtains blowing through the open doors of the bungalow he'd rented for the week. he can't see the man inside but he doesn't need to, doesn't want to.
he doesn't even know the man's name. he doesn't want to know that either.
Alec feels empty. there's something missing and he can just about put his finger on it but there's a bigger piece of him that's afraid of being right than is smug at having the answer.
because Alec knows what he's missing but he's goddamned if he can find a solution. he's starting to think that this is all that's left for him-- anonymous fucks in locales he can barely speak the language of, pouring himself onto stage night after night hoping the crowd can give him his sense of self back, building his armor piece by piece until no one knows that Alec lightwood is wondering if this whole fame thing isn't too much to handle after all.
this is all that's left for him. choices that lead to the same damn place, a maze of paint by numbers but the picture never changes and it paints Alec as both a bit of a fool but a bigger bastard because he refuses to let anyone see that he's more than a bit fucked up.
he's only 23 but he feels ancient. not for the first time he wonders if there's someone out there who could smooth down his edges. he wonders if he can be that for someone else.
as he squints into the dawn of another day, stinking of vodka and muddied regret, Alec scoffs.
he's Alec lightwood after all. happily ever after was never in the cards for him, not from the moment he signed that record deal and decided to chase success even if it dragged him straight to hell and to hell with anything that got in his way.
his phone vibrates, shakes Alec from his morose thoughts. fishing the damn thing takes until the final ring but Alec manages to answer in time.
"what's up, lyd?"
Lydia laughs and Alec can picture his manager halfway across the world, working hard at her desk no matter that it's almost midnight.
"I know you're probably enjoying some well deserved time off after your tour wrapped but boy do I have a proposition for you."
Alec perks up, listens attentively as he takes in the scene around him. yeah, he's in paradise but he's already feeling the familiar itch to leave.
work's as good an excuse as any. Alec figures he can distract himself and puts all his chips into working himself to the bone so he doesn't gave to think about these feelings that have started to dig their claws into him.
he's Alec lightwood after all. he knows what people want from him and who is he to disappoint.
he gives and he lets them take and through it all he wonders what'll be left of him at the end.
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carmenlire · 5 years
Higher than the Big Trees Ch. 50 Epilogue Part II: 5 Years Later (Complete)
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Amazing moodboard courtesy of @kindaresilient!
read chapter one
read on ao3
Happily Ever After: Alec and Magnus Lightwood-Bane People Magazine
The two of them walk into the little pâtisserie that had been chosen for the morning’s interview. They’re alone and the easy affection is obvious in the way they hold hands, in how Alec kisses the top of Magnus’s head as the two laugh at some joke between them.
Watching them, the reporter tries to maintain her objectivity but she can admit it’s difficult. She’d first interviewed Alec years ago when he was a rising star and had just swept through his first awards season, winning four Grammys and considerably more household notoriety.
At the time, she’d been struck by the man who reveled in his image and single status. To see him today as one half of an incandescently happy couple-- and to know why they’re on the cover of next month’s issue-- is a bit surreal.
Still, Alec and Magnus sweep into the restaurant and it’s just a few minutes before she’s starting the interview.
“So,” she starts briskly. “What’s new?”
Alec and Magnus look at each other for a minute before laughing and turning back to face her.
“Oh you know,” Magnus replies airily. “We’ve just adopted the cutest twins in the world and that’s kept our focus fairly well.”
Shaking his head with a soft smile, Alec joins in, “That’s definitely the most exciting thing that’s happened to me-- hell, all year.”
Taking the cue, the reporter leans in a little. Her eyes gleam but it’s considerably friendlier than Alec had initially thought. She’s getting her scoop but there’s genuine interest there, too, and not just a need for the exclusive they’ve granted People.
“The internet had a meltdown last week when you posted that photo on Instagram of the two of you, each holding a baby. Did you anticipate that level of fervor?”
Alec’s mouth kicks up into a lazy grin as he relaxes back against his husband. “People don’t like change and even when they do like it, they want to be the first to know. That’s why we’re doing this. The babies are getting old enough to where we’ll want to take them out of the apartment and I wanted to face the world before we made that first step.”
“Our children’s privacy and safety is of the utmost importance to us. While this isn’t an invitation further into our lives, we had the discussion and it was equally important to be able to acknowledge and celebrate that our family had grown from two to four recently,” Magnus interjects.
“How recently?”
“The twins are seven months old and we adopted them the day they were born. It was finalized earlier this summer.”
“A lot of people were shocked to see that you two were officially parents. Had this been the goal all along or was it a more recent desire for a bigger family?”
“My brother Jace and his wife Clary had their first kid a couple of years ago. I was away from home as often as I was in the city back then and neither one of us had any thought of settling down. But then Jace asked Magnus and I to be godparents and it became an elephant in the room for a little while. Neither of us wanted to come out and say that we wanted kids but every time we babysat or talked about kids in general, it was fairly obvious we were thinking along the same lines.”
“I never really let myself think of the possibility of being a father,” Magnus says softly, flicking his gaze from Alec to the reporter. “I always joked that my students were my children and that I didn’t have time for kids of my own. Alexander was home for a few months on a break, however, and as we started babysitting regularly I think there was a sort of mutual realization that our goals had shifted. Alec was like a new father, anyway, with the way he was constantly researching how to care for a baby. It was as adorable as it was exasperating.”
"Hey," Alec cuts in indignantly. "I wanted to be prepared! I wanted my niece to be as comfortable and safe and happy as possible."
Humoring him, Magnus agrees, "You did. But it was also a sign that maybe we were both ready and eager for that next step."
Alec nods along.
“Yeah, there were a few hard discussions about how to make it work and if we really were ready but at the end of the day, I love Magnus and I want it all with him.” With a laugh that edges on self deprecating, Alec adds, “I’m very happy that he feels the same.”
“Of course, darling,” Magnus murmurs before raising their joined hands up to his mouth for a kiss.
It’s quiet for a moment and the reporter watches as Magnus and Alec share a look that feels intrusive to witness, no matter that they’re in public.
Clearing her throat a little, she diverts the conversation. “The last time you two were on our cover was four years ago when we were given exclusive access to your wedding in Florence. In that time, things have changed quite a bit for you, isn’t that right Alec? Fans and media have missed you as you’ve moved to a position behind the scenes of the music industry.”
Alec takes in the question lurking in her tone and crosses one leg over the other. Absently fiddling with his wedding ring, he answers her unasked query with a raised brow.
“I’m just as active on my social media as I’ve ever been with the exception of keeping quiet about our kids. While my role has shifted to producing and writing, I’m still very much an entertainer and artist. It’s just that I keep more regular hours and get to spend more time with Magnus these days.”
Humming thoughtfully, the reporter’s eyes sharpen as she bluntly asks, ���Do you miss it?”
“Touring?” Alec chuckles, shaking his head in a wondering yet confident gesture. “It’s not like I’ll never go on tour again. I’m just enjoying this time now. It’s been wonderful to challenge myself in a new area of the industry and establishing Iratze Records has been a very rewarding, if grueling, process. I still perform a few times a year and that’s enough for me. It’s more than enough that I get to have the best of both worlds.”
"And what about you, Magnus. You last book landed on the New York Times Bestsellers list in the nonfiction category where it's still sitting at number one. Last fall you were brought onto an Emmy winning show as a historical consultant and that's not to mention your duties as the Chair of the Columbia University's history department. Do you two find it difficult to juggle caring for kids with your demanding careers?"
"It's hard work," Magnus allows but looking at him, it's hard to picture the man breaking a sweat over anything. "We work hard, every day, to be the best we can be-- the best partners, the best parents, the best professionals. It's exhausting but I wouldn't trade my life now for anything."
Alec grins and it's a little dopey at the corners as he looks over at his husband with his heart in his eyes. "What he said."
“You sound like the picture of a happily settled man, Alec. It’s hard to believe that at one time you were known as a sort of Lothario. Is it true what they say then?” There’s a glint of humor in her eyes as she asks, “Do reformed rakes make the best husbands?”
Magnus is quiet though he flashes a quick grin as he looks down at his wedding ring. It’s a simple band but is obviously well cared for. They both seem to be waiting for Alec to answer and Alec does so, but not before taking his husband’s hand and interlacing their fingers.
“I love Magnus more than anyone in the world,” he says, “And there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him. The truth is, if he asked me to give it all up today, right now, I’d do it, no hesitation.”
Alec glances over at his husband just to see Magnus already staring at him, smiling with eyes so warm that he can’t ever imagine being cold again.
“But I wouldn’t,” Magnus says softly, thumb stroking over Alec’s where they’re hands rest on his thigh.
“But he wouldn’t,” Alec echoes with a quiet smile. He forgets for a minute that they’re not alone, that there’s a journalist right on the other side of the coffee table watching them with eyes that capture everything.
He comes back to himself after a minute though, looking over at her with an apologetic grimace that the reporter waves away, her expression far from annoyed and instead veering much closer towards enamored.
Clearing his throat, Alec says, “The past five years have been one hell of a journey and I couldn’t imagine anyone else by my side other than Magnus. I’m grateful every day that I stepped into that diner in the middle of the night and that Magnus took a chance on me. This next adventure, kids? I never thought that was in the cards for me.”
His voice is self-deprecating as he continues, “I never thought any of this was meant for me. I’m excited, though-- we’re excited to grow our family by two more and be the best parents we can be, every day.”
The journalist’s voice is warm, curious as she asks, “So is it fair to say that Alec Lightwood is still at the top of his game, even if he’s more concerned with his family and producing behind the scenes these days?”
Alec’s voice is confident as he answers, “Yeah. I’ve never felt better. I’ve finally found my place and that’s worth all the sold-out stadiums in the world.”
Magnus scoffs a little, though his expression is anything but doubting as Alec raises their joined hands up to his lips, kissing his husband just above his wedding ring.
As the reporter watches her subjects, the can’t help but think that this is one of the easiest, most enjoyable interviews she’s ever done. She’s writes the conclusion of the article as she watches the couple in front of her act like the newlyweds they haven’t been in years.
Alec Lightwood’s been a staple of these pages since he was a teenager. It’s been a long time coming, but the boy is now a man and instead of the confirmed bachelor we’d started thinking of Lightwood as a few years ago, domestic bliss is his best look yet.
There’s an easy contentment to Alec now, as he sits beside his husband and they banter back and forth, easily answering our questions between little inside jokes that we have no hope of deciphering.
We don’t mind, though. It’s hard to when the couple sitting across from you looks nothing but ecstatically happy.
We can’t wait to see what’s next for Alec and Magnus and their growing family. Best of luck to the Lightwood-Banes. We’re sure this is far from the last time we’ll see them between our pages!
Make sure to check out Alec’s new single What a Heavenly Way to Die, available now on a variety of streaming platforms and wherever music is sold.
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carmenlire · 5 years
Higher than the Big Trees Ch. 48
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amazing moodboard courtesy of @kindaresilient!
read chapter one
read on ao3
Alec looks over as the door to his dressing room opens, smiling as his boyfriend pokes his head in.
“Hey, you,” Magnus says as he kicks the door closed.
“Hey, yourself. How are things out there?”
Setting his drink down on the vanity, Alec hears the tinkling of ice against the glass as Magnus wraps his arms around his neck from behind. Leaning down until their cheeks brush, he turns his head a little so that he can lay a kiss over Alec’s jaw.
“Last I saw, the crowd had started spontaneously singing one of your songs. Chocolate Raspberry, I think?”
Alec smiles a little, just a tilt of his mouth that betrays his endless relief and gratitude. “I always love when they do that.”
“It gave me chills,” Magnus agrees. “Thousands of people singing something you wrote acapella is a little eerie.”
“You never get used to it,” Alec says softly and there’s something there, behind the words, lingering in the undertones so that he’s not surprised when he sees Magnus’s eyes sharpen in the mirror.
“And how are things in here, Alexander?”
Alec doesn’t say anything for a moment, instead taking the time to look at the image the two of them present in the vanity’s mirror. So close they’re touching, Magnus’s hair tickling his ear, his boyfriend wrapped around him with a warmth that makes him shiver.
His mouth upturns slowly until he’s grinning, until his eyes crinkle at the corners in a hint of the laugh lines that will start forming in just a few years.
“We’re pretty damn good, babe.”
He’s gratified to hear Magnus snort out a laugh as his arms tighten around Alec’s neck.
“Well, I’m happy to hear that, darling. I was a little worried.”
Shrugging a little, Alec swivels his chair around until he’s facing Magnus, bringing him in until he’s between spread thighs. With fingers hooked into his belt loops, Alec tugs him closer.
“I’m always a little sentimental before my first show of the tour. It never gets old, you know? Sorry if I worried you.”
Magnus waves that away with a quiet smile. He reaches out a hand, sweeps a thumb over Alec’s cheek before cupping his face. “No need to apologize, I assure you. I’m just happy to see that you don’t appear to suffer from stage fright.”
Alec laughs. “No, I’ve never really been one to get nervous in front of crowds-- and good thing too. I had my meet and greet and soundcheck a couple of hours ago and everyone was friendly and excited. It helped temper any nerves that may have cropped up anyway. No, I was just thinking about the past year-- the past decade since my career took off.”
“Good things I hope?”
“The very best,” Alec assures him. His gaze drops down to the mostly undone buttons of Magnus’s shirt, to the bare skin visible between silk. He raises a brow as he laughs to himself.
“Did you know that I’ve ripped my pants on stage before? And I fell once-- well, twice,” Alec corrects with a grimace. “It was raining and the stage was slick as hell. My ass was bruised for a week.”
“Poor Alec,” Magnus drawls, reaching out with his other hand to rest against his chest. “However did you recover?”
Alec just sends him a droll look. “I laughed it off and hobbled over to the mic stand. I stayed in the same spot pretty much the entire concert. Walking hurt too much.”
“At least it’s sunny today, not a cloud in the sky.”
“Yeah,” Alec agrees. “But that just means it’s a hundred degrees and when the stage lights go up, it’s going to feel like I’m boiling.”
“It is summer in New York, darling.”
Huffing out a laugh, Alec just replies, “Hazards of the job, I suppose.”
Silence falls over them and while Alec can hear the shout of his techs out in the hallway, in his dressing room it’s a goddamn oasis of tranquility. While Alec was always more than willing to help out-- he was a very small piece of the performance, after all, even if he was the most visible-- he was usually left alone before the concert to get ready, relax, have a drink with some friends.
It leaves a lot of room to think.
They’ve been skirting the topic for ages, it seems. It’s been almost two months since his album dropped back in June and Alec had watched as the start date for his tour grew closer and closer with anticipation and dread.
Tonight was a home show in New York to kick off his tour. The first date of over a hundred. The first night in a long line that wouldn’t wrap up for over six months.
As Alec looks up and meets Magnus’s eyes, he sees that knowledge there, the grim reality.
“So,” Alec starts, tongue darting out to run over his bottom lip. “Tonight’s the night, huh?”
Magnus smiles though it doesn’t quite manage to reach his eyes. “It is and I’m so incredibly proud of you.”
Alec relaxes in his seat a little before he reaches up and grabs Magnus’s hands, intertwining their fingers. He squeezes a little before tugging Magnus closer until he gets the hint and straddles him.
Raising their hands up to his lips, he kisses the back of Magnus’s hands. “How are you feeling,” Alec asks and he tenses a little as he waits for an honest answer.
Magnus hums a little and this time when he smiles, it’s real even if it’s a little wan. “While I’m looking forward to seeing you perform, I’ll admit it’s a little bittersweet.”
“Yeah,” Alec breathes, tightening his hands on Magnus’s hips. “It’ll be an adjustment.”
Magnus’s hands go into his hair, careful not to muss too much, as he says, “There’s always texting and face time and who knows,” he teases, “Maybe I’ll even be able to visit you for a few dates during the fall semester.”
“I’m in Amsterdam and Germany during Columbia’s fall break,” Alec replies immediately and his grin turns smug as his boyfriend just stares at him. “What,” he asks coyly. “So I did a little research when I got the finalized itinerary.”
Magnus shakes his head a little, bemused, before tilting his face up with a finger under his chin. He leans down and kisses Alec and he breathes easier at the gesture.
“Well, then,” he says softly. “I’ve always wanted to visit Berlin and the Netherlands.”
He leans down a little more and Alec’s eyes sweep shut as their foreheads touch. They breathe each other in and distantly, Alec knows that he has to start getting ready in earnest for his show but he’s loathe to do anything that will take him away from Magnus. This is the first of three nights in New York City and he wants to steal every second he can with his boyfriend.
It feels like grains of sand, golden and all too fleeting, are falling through his fingers and he knows it's only a few months but that doesn't make the prospect of going weeks and months without being with Magnus any easier. He's trying to hold onto as many grains-- as many seconds and minutes and memories-- as he can before his tour bus rolls out of the city in a few days.
Never enough, he thinks. He could have an eternity with Magnus and it would never be enough.
His nose wrinkles when he feels Magnus brush it with his own, pulling him away from his thoughts. Easing away the tiniest bit, Alec opens his eyes to stare up at his boyfriend.
He sees bright eyes and artfully done makeup. He sees intelligence and wit and so much warmth that it reaches out, wraps around Alec’s bones until he figures he’ll never be cold again.
He sees his life, so much different than it was a few years ago. The tour is bigger, the stakes always higher. The man in front of him is his solace, though, his eye of the storm.
Magnus is everything to Alec and his chest cracks open at the knowledge.
His breath fractures and Alec’s mouth kicks up. “I’ve never done this before, you know.”
Making some noise of confusion, Magnus strokes along the back of Alec’s neck with a raised brow.
“I’m notorious for tour being no strings attached.”
“Yes, I’d heard,” Magnus replies dryly.
Glaring without heat, Alec runs his hands down Magnus’s thighs. “I just want to be sure that you know this is a first for me, too. I have no idea what the hell I’m doing.” Looking up, his smile is small and barely there when he asks, “Just don’t forget about me, okay?”
Magnus is quiet for a moment and Alec sees something shift in his expression, too quick for him to pin down, before it settles into humor. “I’ll make you a deal,” his boyfriend says lowly. “I won’t forget about you as long as you don’t forget about me.”
“Not a chance in hell, Magnus. I couldn’t forget about you if I tried.” His voice drops to a whisper as he adds, “You’re it for me, babe.”
Tension ratchets up, a heady promise. Before their lips can connect-- before they can say another word-- the door to the dressing room is flying open and Lydia’s walking in, phone to her ear as she scowls at the two of them.
Magnus climbs off Alec and he shakes his head, laughing to himself as Alec lets him go but not without sweeping a hand over his ass. Magnus sends him a wry look he pretends not to catch.
Lydia hangs up and shoves her phone in to her pocket before giving both of them a once over. “How are you feeling Alec? It’s forty five minutes to show time.”
Alec’s reply is easy as he answers, “Never been better,” with a surreptitious wink in Magnus’s direction.
It’s Lydia who rolls her eyes but she only maintains her stern look for a few seconds before she eases into a grin. She walks over to him, spins him around until he’s facing the vanity mirror once again. The lights are bright as she slaps her hands on top of his shoulders and meets his eyes through the glass.
“Ready for another go around the block?”
Alec grins. “You know it.”
Lydia laughs, patting his shoulder a few times before stepping back. “Get ready then,” she scolds goodnaturedly. “Simon’s killing it out there and the crowd is definitely ready for you.”
She leaves just a few moments later, waving at Magnus on her way out.
Alec looks up, meets Magnus’s eyes. “What were your plans until the concert started?”
“Why,” Magnus asks, standing from where he’d been relaxing on the couch.
Arching a brow, Alec reaches for the eyeliner. When he waves it, there’s a challenge heating his eyes. “Thought you might want to make yourself useful.”
Magnus laughs as he takes the few strides over to the vanity. He plucks the eyeliner out of Alec’s hand before flicking him on the shoulder. “Oh,” he asks idly. “I thought you had people for that?”
Shrugging a little, Alec nudges Magnus’s shoe with his own as his chair is spun around yet again. “If I feel like makeup, I usually do it. I already have a wardrobe designer on tour. No need for a makeup artist too whenever the most I ever do is, like, eyeliner.”
“Well, then,” Magnus says archly. “Say no more, darling.”
The next few minutes pass silently. Alec’s breath catches in his chest as Magnus leans close, as he follows murmured directions to close his eyes. His breath shudders out and Alec smells the whiskey on Magnus’s breath and he laughs a little, stills almost immediately after hushed orders not to mess up his boyfriend’s work.
Magnus pulls back but Alec still doesn’t open his eyes. Instead, he sighs as he feels Magnus’s hand sweep over a brow and down his cheek.
“Beautiful,” Magnus whispers and when Alec opens his eyes it’s to see his boyfriend leveling him with a stare, intent.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” Alec demurs and then he’s laughing out loud as Magnus harrumphs, as he shoves playfully at his shoulder.
Someone knocks on the door and it’s the costume designer with his outfit for the night. Magnus acknowledges her and then his train of thought’s lost as Magnus pulls him in for a smacking kiss before grabbing the glass he’d left on the vanity and starting toward the door.
Looking over his shoulder, Magnus says, “I’ll let you get changed in peace. See you later.”
Alec nods back and then the costume designer’s closing the door and motioning for Alec to undress while she unzips the garment bag.
Alec rakes a critical gaze over the finished suit and he’s pleased with the result. It was linen and the button down that accompanied it was almost see-through, easily breathable for whenever the stage inevitably grew too warm.
The turquoise tone is warm against his skin and, deciding to take a page out of his boyfriend’s book, Alec leaves a few buttons undone.
After making sure all’s well, the designer leaves and Alec’s left alone. He only has fifteen minutes or so before it’s time to take his place and mic up and Alec breathes deep in the quiet of his dressing room.
Leaning down until he rests flat palms against the counter, Alec leans close to the mirror, stares into his own kohl-rimmed eyes, runs his gaze over a perfect complexion thanks to stage makeup and last night’s face mask.
He’s twenty seven and at the top of his game. His tour is sold out-- every date, every venue. There’s fifteen thousand people waiting just outside these doors to see him, to hear his music, to have a night that they’ll always remember.
It’s heady and overwhelming in the best goddamn way.
He smiles a little, tracks the shift of expression in the mirror. He’s done this a thousand times and if he has anything to say about it, he will a thousand more. Magnus is his constant and even if he’s in a different city every night, he hopes he can be the same for his boyfriend.
“Let’s do this,” he says under his breath.
Turning, Alec’s left his dressing room and is just about to make the final turn to where the stage is when someone wraps a hand around his arm. Alec looks over his shoulder, expecting a tech with panic in their eyes from an impending disaster that’s always in the periphery of tour. Instead, he sees a man that fills his mouth with a sour taste.
“What the hell are you doing here,” Alec hisses before wrenching his arm free.
Jordan raises his hands in an appeasing move. “There was a time I was on the standing invitation list.”
“Yeah, well, those days are over,” Alec snaps back. “How the fuck did you get through security?”
“I have my ways,” Jordan replies slyly but when Alec doesn’t say anything, just stares at him without flinching, the man begrudgingly adds, “I may have bribed Raj.”
“Fucking Raj.” Alec curses viciously under his breath before glaring at Jordan. “You need to leave.”
Jordan ignores the threat in Alec’s eyes. He moves closer until he’s just in front of Alec and Alec’s gut twists at the lascivious once over he’s treated to.
“We had some great times last tour, Alec. I didn’t think it was out of the question to think we might have a few more this time around.”
“You thought wrong,” Alec grits out.
He doesn’t have a chance to say anything else before Jordan reaches out, trailing a finger over his open shirt. The bastard has a spare second to dip below the linen before Alec snatches his hand, tightening his fist around it.
“In case you’ve been living under a rock, I’m taken.” Alec’s voice is low, feels forced from his throat.
To his frustration, Jordan doesn’t back off, just smiles and it’s smarmy. Alec’s left feeling distinctly unclean at the fact that he let the man anywhere near him once upon a time. Exasperated, he reflects that he’d had no idea Jordan would take his ignoring his calls so ill-mannerly.
“You were always up for a good time, Lightwood. Don’t tell me that’s changed now.”
Alec smiles but it’s cold. “Oh no, I’m still always up for a good time. It’s just that now I have my fun with my boyfriend. Magnus.”
Jordan’s stare is incredulous when it lands on him, when it lifts from his chest. “You can’t really expect me to believe that, can you? Alec Lightwood’s, what? You’re monogamous now? A one man kind of guy? I call bullshit. There’s no way-- especially when you have tour about to start.”
“I don’t give a good goddamn what you think, Jordan. All you need to know is the last time we fucked, it was the last. I don’t cheat and I don’t lie. Now I suggest you leave before I really get angry.”
Alec twists his hand, and he’s gratified to hear Jordan’s little grunt of pain before he’s moving smoothly back, just in time for security to come barreling up to him. With a curt nod, Alec lets them have Jordan, who’s cursing him as he’s taken to the exit.
“Hawkblue,” Alec calls out, not looking back to his Head of Security.
“Yes, boss?”
“Raj won’t be here when I get to the venue tomorrow. Got it?”
There’s a beat of silence before Jessica’s answers smoothly. “Whatever you say, boss.”
Alec’s mouth twists in a wry grin and as he looks down at his watch, he curses as he sees there’s only five minutes until the concert starts. Right on time, the lights outside in the audience go out and the shrieks are almost enough to make his ears bleed.
God, he loves it.
Turning on his heel, Alec’s just set to hurry to get his mic and earpieces. He stumbles to a stop when he sees the person casually leaning against the wall, arm crossed, watching him silently.
“Magnus,” Alec greets. He wracks his brain for any hint of when his boyfriend might have joined the scene. “What’s up?”
He watches as Magnus’s mouth kicks up before he’s straightening. When Alec reaches him, Magnus still hasn’t said anything and then he’s grabbing Alec by the lapels and pulling him close for a searing kiss that launches Alec’s brain offline.
When Magnus ends the kiss, they’re both breathing hard and Magnus is grinning when he says, “I like this suit, darling.”
“Yeah,” Alec breathes in the space between their mouths.
“Oh yeah,” Magnus echoes and then he’s pulling Alec in for a lingering kiss that’s twice as intent as the first. “Break a leg.”
And then Magnus is shoving him away, towards the stage. On the clock visible behind the stage, Alec sees he has two minutes to mic up and he’s cursing and laughing as he turns to the sound tech that’s waiting impatiently at the edge of the stage.
Alec takes the mic pack as he looks over his shoulder to see Magnus studying him intently.
“Yeah, babe,” Alec asks when the silence stretches between them.
Magnus’s grin is wicked, a little sharp, as he merely offers, “I like you taken.”
It takes Alec a second to place the words and when he does, his eyes widen before he’s grimacing. He takes a sharper look at Magnus but his boyfriend looks perfectly unperturbed. Deciding to trust his gut, Alec shoots back, “Then it's a good thing that I like being taken.”
Magnus’s expression lightens and then they’re both laughing and Alec swears that if he wasn’t about to walk out on stage in front of thousands of people that he’d haul Magnus close and never let go.
He sees the rueful acknowledgement in Magnus’s eyes and then the crowd just yards away is absolutely losing their minds as the timer on stage starts blinking a row of zeroes.
Alec shoves his earpieces in and strides out to his mark. Everything falls away except the chants of the crowd, their screams, their love and support and fury that never stops making his chest ache under the onslaught.
The opening notes to his latest single starts and Alec picks up the mic and hits his cue dead on.
The lights come up, bathing him in warm golds and blues. He can only see the first few rows from his vantage point and as he nears the edge of the stage he looks down into the grinning faces of his family as they sing along to his music in the front row.
The crowd is an echoing cry and he sees countless phone lights in a veritable sea of fans. He pulls the mic away from his face at the last chorus and it’s only a little bit to catch his breath.
He’s stunned but unsurprised when the crowd fills the stadium, singing his words back to him, following his melody until it feels like the venue will collapse under the weight of it all.
Alec feels on top of the world and when he turns his face away from the crowd and looks to the side of the stage, he sees Magnus singing along, too, and his heart feels fit enough to burst inside his chest.
He wonders how a body’s meant to contain it all. He feels happy and full and like every damn dream he’s ever had has come true.
He smiles at Magnus, nods in a gesture that he knows is arrogant and cocksure but he just can’t help himself.
Magnus laughs and dances a little in his place and Alec swallows hard as he turns to look back at the blinding crowd.
He’s on top of the world and there’s not a fucking thing he’d change about it all.
Every failure, every nerve-wracking bit of doubt has brought him here and it coalesces in Alec’s chest, makes him shudder on the pedestal that he’s by turns resented and yearned for since the start. He’s luckier than most, Alec reflects, and he still has his whole life ahead of him.
With Magnus at his side, Alec knows anything’s possible.
As he brings his mic back up, as the song transitions into what will be his next single in the fall-- and hadn’t that music video with Magnus been a blast to film-- Alec lets it wrap around him, gives himself up to the feelings crashing through him.
He wouldn’t have it any other way.
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carmenlire · 5 years
Higher than the Big Trees Ch. 46
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read chapter one
read on ao3
“When you said it would take a few hours to get ready, I thought you were joking.”
Alec looks up at Magnus, who’s standing by the drink cart with a martini. Careful not to move his head too much, he raises a brow. “Why would I joke about that?”
Shrugging a little, Magnus takes a sip of gin before wandering over to the couch. He lowers himself gracefully, crossing one leg over the other while he studies him.
“I’ve never known you to take more than half an hour to get ready. I didn’t know it took so much. . . effort to make you look so good on the red carpet, darling.”
Magnus’s voice is teasing and Alec laughs, shaking his head before wincing as the hair stylist pointedly shifts his head back into position with a harrumph.
“Everything you see on the red carpet is a carefully planned illusion,” Alec says dryly. “It takes a village, don’t you know.”
“I’m getting the idea,” Magnus replies with an arch look.
Looking up as the makeup artist nears, the room falls to its busy silence. There are muttered directions and the team surrounding Alec works like a well oiled machine. Hair finishes after another half hour or so but he’s not allowed to look at the mirror until his makeup is complete.
From the corner of his eye, Alec sees Magnus’s brows almost fly off his face as the makeup artist comes back to his side with an eyeshadow palette.
With a faint grin, Alec prods his boyfriend. “Yes?”
“I thought when you said the makeup team would be here at four, you meant-- I don’t know. Foundation, maybe a bit of concealer. I didn’t expect actual makeup.”
Looking up at the artist’s instruction, Alec focuses on not blinking as eyeliner is applied to his lower lid.
“I wear makeup sometimes. It’s usually for work-- concerts, award shows-- but I’ve been known to occasionally sport some eyeliner when I’m in the mood.”
“You’re so full of surprises,” Magnus replies and Alec hears the smile in his voice.
He smiles a little to himself and the next little while passes in silence. Once his makeup is finished, his chair is turned toward the vanity that had been set up in their living room.
Leaning towards the mirror, Alec studies his image.
He likes it.
It’s nothing too brazen but tonight’s a big night and he’d wanted to add a little extra something for the Grammys. His eyeshadow is dark, smoky, and there’s sharp silver eyeliner complementing the black. It adds depth to his eyes and will go well with his outfit for the night.
Shaking the hands of the team, Alec heads to the bedroom and changes into his tuxedo. It’s one of three outfits he’ll wear by the end of the night. Reaching for one of two hangers, he looks up as Magnus walks into the room.
“Getting dressed now, too?”
“Since you’re finally ready, I thought that was my cue to get dressed,” Magnus teases as he takes the other tux off the rack.
They turn to face each other and Alec stills, letting Magnus study his red carpet look with sharp eyes.
“So,” he asks, breaking the spell of silence that seems to have fallen over them. “What do you think?”
Humming a little, Magnus gives his face a thorough onceover. “I like it,” he says after another moment. “You’re certainly going to make an impression.”
“That’s the goal.”
They both change into their suits and Alec shrugs into his jacket as he looks up, the breath knocked out of him at the sight of his boyfriend in purple.
“That looks even better on you than it did on the hanger.”
Smoothing down his shirt, Magnus preens a bit. “It is my first awards show and I’m accompanying the Alec Lightwood. I have to dress my best.”
“You could be wearing a burlap sack and still look edible.”
Raising a brow, Magnus echoes, “Edible, huh?”
“Yeah.” Alec’s voice lowers a bit as he nears him, just to place a kiss at the corner of his eye. “You’ll fit right in.”
Pulling back, Alec turns toward the door as he looks at Magnus over his shoulder. “I’m gonna go out for last minute alterations. You still need to finish your makeup right?”
Magnus waves him on. “Yes, I do. I’ll be out whenever I’m done.”
Alec takes his cue, grinning as he leaves their bedroom. Magnus had done his hair and most of his makeup earlier. There were just a few finishing touches to complete before they were ready to leave for Madison Square Garden.
Leaving him to it, Alec lets the design team fuss over his outfit, making sure it drapes perfectly over his frame. It’s nothing wild-- a standard black tuxedo with black satin trim. While he’d gone for more colorful or interesting suits in the past, Alec hadn’t wanted anything that screamed statement this year. He was only nominated in two categories-- Record and Song of the Year, respectively-- and was going more for moral support to a few friends than any real hope that he’d win.
Plus, he was looking forward to bringing Magnus. When he’d offered his plus one to his boyfriend, he’d been a little hesitant. It was the Grammys, for God’s sake. There was no mistaking that if Magnus accompanied him then they’d be inundated with press and scrutiny. Still, Alec reflects. He was looking forward to tonight. They’d do a few dozen interviews, sit and relax for a few hours, and then head to the after party at Pandemonium.
All in all, there were far worse ways to spend an evening.
To his delight, Magnus had readily accepted his invitation. Alec had offered to get a team for Magnus but his boyfriend had waved it away, exclaiming that he was more than capable of doing his own hair and makeup.
Alec had been beyond thrilled, however, when Magnus had let him take care of his outfit. They were both wearing custom pieces by Tom Ford-- and hadn’t those fittings been fun.
Magnus was a natural, following the designers instructions and they’d each went for styles that suited them. Magnus’s aubergine shirt had little embellishments with a textured black jacket that fit him like a dream.
Rolling his shoulders a little, Alec tries to release some pent up tension.
The past few days have been a whirlwind, what with rehearsals and last minute fittings and meetings with his label. Alec was performing his latest single tonight-- it’s been holding steady at number one since it’s drop back in the fall-- and hadn’t that been a delightful relief-- and his album is set to be released in just a few short months, with tour immediately following.
Ruefully reflecting that he’d had damn near a year to rest on his laurels, Alec knows that his life is about to kick back into high gear as he starts promo for this next record. After promo, he’s going to eat, breathe, and live this album as he tours for the next several months and while Alec’s ready to get back in the saddle, he’s a little wary, too.
It won’t be the first but it’ll definitely be a considerable adjustment for his relationship. Tour is grueling even when he’s enjoying himself, even when it’s easy. Alec has faith in them, though, that they can weather whatever life throws their way.
He has to, he thinks, or this thing is doomed before it even starts.
This performance tonight is a declaration of sorts. It’s his first real performance since early last summer-- damage control back in August doesn’t count-- and there are nerves he didn’t anticipate. This album was undeniably different to what he’s released in the past. It’s softer; it’s less gritty. It’s a love letter to Magnus, after all, and that’s far different than the songs he’s known for about partying and fucking and all around being the stereotypical elusive celebrity.
It’s him, though. It’s authentic as hell and Alec had been gratifyingly surprised at the reception the single had gotten. Released without promo, it’d reached number one in eighty four countries within the first six hours. It’s been at the top of Billboard since that first day and it’s been certified triple platinum in the meanwhile.
Not bad when this time last year, Alec had been feeling burnt out and damn near despondent over his writer’s block, over the pressure of performing when he didn’t know what his next step should be.
Laughing a little under his breath, Alec knows that he never could’ve anticipated Magnus and the effect he’d have on his music-- on his life.
Alec doesn’t notice as everyone takes a step back from him and he startles a little when arms reach around him, familiar in their familiarity.
“Where’d your mind go, darling?”
Shaking himself from his reveries, Alec smiles over at Magnus. “Just thinking about how this is the first Grammys I actually have a date.”
Watching as everyone finishes packing up, Alec hears his phone vibrate on the coffee table. Picking it up, he sees a text from Dave.
Ready whenever you are, boss.
Taking a deep breath, Alec turns to look at Magnus. “Dave’s downstairs.”
Magnus reaches over like he can sense Alec’s nerves and it’s ridiculous because he’s Alec fucking Lightwood. He’s been to dozens of awards shows over the years. He’s intimately acquainted with the carefully erected facade, knows the ins and outs and the behind the scenes fuckery that they’re all plagued with and this should just be another evening where he networks and performs and loses himself in vodka and dancing at the end of things.
It’s not, though. It’s a declaration professionally but it’s also a statement on his personal life.
Magnus is going to stand next to him for all the interviews. He’ll be asked questions-- and hadn’t that coaching with Lydia been fun-- and the public will really see him for the first time.
And there will be judgement.
His appearance will be remarked on and so will his answers. People won’t see Dr. Magnus Bane, professor. They’ll see Magnus, Alec’s boyfriend.
Alec’s under no illusions that the red carpet’s going to be anything but exhausting.
Still. This is his job and it’s his life and for better or worse, Magnus has thrown himself right alongside Alec come what may.
Realizing that he still hasn’t answered his boyfriend, Alec looks up, smiling a little as he sees Magnus watching him with that patient look that sneaks under his defenses.
“Are you sure,” he asks one last time. “Are you ready to throw yourself to the wolves?”
Are you sure about me?
While Alec and Magnus have stopped hiding their relationship, they’ve been infuriatingly tight-lipped about it to the media. There may be pictures of them holding hands or enjoying brunch, but neither have said a word about each other since Alec’s little damage control tour.
It’s a new stage and as new phases always are, it’s nerve wracking. This is the last barrier between Magnus and the rest of the world and Alec doesn’t take that lightly.
As his eyes meet Magnus’s, he sees his real question is clear. But Magnus doesn’t pull away, doesn’t change his mind.
Instead, he winks, reaching a hand up to smooth down his lapel. “Don’t think you’re going to offer to take me to my first Grammys and then try to back out of it, Alexander. I believe I was promised the celebrity experience?”
Alec laughs, wrapping his arms around Magnus’s waist to haul him closer. He hears the closing of the door and knows they’re alone now.
“I am a man of my word,” he murmurs, nosing along Magnus’s jaw.
Without warning, Magnus is pulling back and Alec opens eyes that have fallen shut as Magnus reaches for his hands, intertwining their fingers before taking a step back towards the door. He watches as Magnus tilts his head in that direction, affection overlaid with challenge.
“Shall we?”
Alec follows eagerly and they go down the elevator, and Alec almost runs into Magnus when he stops abruptly in the lobby.
Humming a little, Alec looks up from where he’d been staring at his ass to see what must have caused such a reaction. He grins when he realizes.
He throws an arm over his shoulders, leading him outside where Dave is holding open the back door to the limousine.
Nodding in his direction, Alec urges Magnus inside. He’s bemused as he sees Magnus shake his head a little as he follows but Alec doesn’t immediately slide into the backseat.
Instead, he stands just outside of it, looking over at Dave.
“Think you’ll win anything tonight?”
“Nah,” Alec replies with an easy grin. “An Arrow in the Dark won its awards last year. I only have one song up for anything but I’ve been on hiatus so damn long they’ve probably forgotten about me.”
Dave scoffs. “It’ll take more than six months for the world to forget about you, Mr. Lightwood. Not with your date this evening.”
Leveling his driver with a look, Alec asks sotto voce, “How many reporters are gonna be on my shit list by the end of the night, do you think?”
Laughing heartily, Dave just shakes his head as he shoos Alec into the car. “Don’t tempt fate, Boss. Always go into things on a positive note, that’s what I always say.”
Alec doesn’t deign to answer to that-- he and Dave have talked shit about too many in the industry to give credit to his response-- and he hears his driver chuckle as he closes the door behind him.
Settling into his seat, Alec glances over to see Magnus giving him an appraising look.
“You don’t do anything by half measures, do you?”
“It’s the Grammys, babe. There’s no such thing as half measures.”
With a raised brow, Magnus replies, “You would know, I suppose.”
Reaching over, Alec lays his hand on top of Magnus’s for a brief moment before flipping it over and interlacing their hands. He brings their joined hands up and kisses the back of Magnus’s hand, just above his rings.
“Are you excited?”
Leaning against him, Magnus plays with his fingers absently as he answers. “I can’t deny that I’m looking forward to seeing what it’s like actually being there, instead of just watching it through the television.” Looking up from under his lashes, Magnus smirks a little. “And I can’t wait to see you perform.”
“How’d you know I was performing,” Alec asks with a little noise of indignation. He’d been looking forward to surprising Magnus with it.
Magnus just sends him a deadpan look. “Forgetting that you’ve been oddly mum about how you’ve been spending your days for the past week and I’d have to be living under a rock not to hear the commercials on the radio and TV. They’ve listed your name along with half a dozen others set to perform tonight.”
“I wanted it to be a surprise,” Alec says glumly before looking over. “I’ll be gone about half an hour during the show between costume changes and the actual performance. Think you can handle things without me?”
“I’m sure I’ll manage and even if, for some reason the hot seat gets a little too warm, I’ll have Simon there.”
“Definitely,” Alec says. “I’m so glad they seated us next to each other this year. Simon hates sitting with people he doesn’t know and this way you have someone to talk to during the lulls.”
“I only wish Raphael was attending, too. That would’ve been too much fun.”
Alec just looks at him. “Something tells me awards show will never be Raphael’s cup of tea.”
“How right you are, darling. Raphael despises this sort of thing. Whenever Catarina used to talk about these events, you could just see his eyes glaze over in a combination of boredom and horror.”
Switching topics, Magnus asks, “Do you think we’ll see Catarina tonight? She told me Ragnor and she hired a babysitter for the evening.”
“I’d imagine. I don’t know where their seats are but we’ll make sure to at least say hi.”
Before Alec quite knows it, they’re slowing down as they join the line of other celebrities waiting to be let out. While the Grammys alternated between here and L.A., Alec was glad to be on his home turf for the night.
Seeing them creep up to where they’re to be dropped off, at the start of the press frenzy, Alec brings Magnus’s chin up, wanting to make sure this moment holds the gravitas he feels it deserves.
“Remember what Lydia told us,” he starts warmly. “Thankfully she doesn’t like to micromanage the entirety of my press but she doesn’t want us--”
“Revealing everything. Yes, I know. We can talk a little, throw a few details out there, but we don’t want to spill our entire story. I was listening, you know,” Magnus teases him.
Letting his lips tip up into a faint smile, Alec continues, “I’m not going to harp on your every word. You can say whatever you want and I’ll have your back but I want to know if there’s anything you don’t want me to say up front?”
Magnus shakes his head. “I trust you, Alexander. I trust that you won’t go divulging our personal business to the entire world. Whatever you let slip, I’ll support you, too.”
Alec’s eyes warm at his boyfriend’s answer and then Dave is pulling up to the curb and he watches as Magnus takes a deep breath before almost bracing himself.
“Hey,” he soothes, turning so that he can run his arms over his shoulders. “Whatever’s waiting for us out there, I want you to know I love you and I’m so incredibly proud to stand next to you tonight. You’re the only one I want by my side. You can’t fuck this up, babe.”
Looking up, Magnus meets his eyes. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Alec echoes on a breath. “I think it’s time we gave everyone what they want, don’t you?”
Alec’s relieved to see Magnus’s shoulders lose a bit of their tension and the grin at each other before Magnus is pulling him close for a desperate kiss.
When he pulls back, Alec opens his eyes and feels a little dazed at the sight in front of him.
“I love you so much, Alexander. Thank you for inviting me here, for thinking I’m worth it.”
“Don’t you know,” he asks softly, heart aching in the best damn way. “You’re worth everything.”
Letting the words hang in the backseat, Alec steps out of the limo. Almost immediately, he’s blinded by the flash of dozens of cameras and he throws them all an easy grin as he turns back to the car. Holding out a hand, he leans close as he murmurs, “Out of the frying pan?”
He’s delighted as Magnus laughs, as he lays his hand in Alec’s. “And into the fire,” he agrees.
If Alec thought the cacophony at his arrival was loud, it’s nothing compared to the dull roar of the reporter’s crowd when they realize that he’s brought a date-- that he’s brought Magnus.
Sliding a hand around Magnus’s waist, Alec leans close to to murmur in his ear, “Let me know if it becomes too much, okay?”
Looking over at Alec, Magnus raises a brow. “I think you’ll find I can handle myself just fine, darling.”
Alec’s grin ratchets up a notch and then they’re in line for interviews. To his surprise, Magnus is a natural. He knows when to play coy and Alec already knows his boyfriend is going to make the morning’s best dressed list.
Some reporters ask evasive, pointed questions but Alec handles them like a pro, not giving Magnus any opportunity to falter as he throws out such riveting information like if Magnus was still working, if there was any hope for his fans or if he was off the market for good, or how they split bills.
Thankfully, they’re mostly done when Alec sees one of his favorite faces in front of them. Turning his head so that his lips touch Magnus’s ear, Alec says, “Our next interviewer is a friend. You can relax with her.”
Magnus nods to show he’s heard and then Alec breaks away from where they’d been holding hands for most of the press walk. He takes a few steps away to stand in front of a photo spot. He poses for a few moments, just him, and when he glances over at Magnus it’s to see his boyfriend smiling at him.
Throwing him a wink, Alec sees more than hears Magnus laugh and so when he turns back to the cameras, his grin is a little more natural-- real-- than they usually are during these sorts of things. Not wanting to hog the spotlight, though, Alec quickly gestures for Magnus to join him, holding out a hand.
Magnus goes to his side without hesitating, lifting a hand to rest it over his chest while Alec’s arm goes around his middle, pulling him imperceptibly closer.
As he stands in front of dozens of reporters and cameras blind them, Alec feels something settle over him.
This is his life. While he often enjoys awards shows, they’ve also become ordinary. A chore that needs completed. Alec’s been around the block more times than he cares to count and it’s all old hat to him. It’s just another day at work.
It’s different today. Magnus is the one standing next to him, looking over at him with warm eyes whenever they have a moment to breathe and he doesn’t look on the edge of panic. No, he doesn’t look like he’s in desperate need of an exit. He stands next to Alec and he contributes beautifully to soundbites that will be buzzing around the internet tomorrow. He’s his regularly charming self that Alec fell for so long ago-- that he falls a little more in love with every day.
Finally, Alec sees their future. He can see them next year, five years from now. Ten. He sees Magnus teaching and the occasional gala and forty eight hours stolen from jampacked tours just to fly home and see Magnus-- or for Magnus to fly to whatever city he’s in just to see each other.
It’s all so painfully mundane yet extraordinary that Alec can’t breathe for a moment. For the first time, everything seems not like a desperate wish but something they have a shot at after all.
He guides them to the next reporter on autopilot, shaking off epiphanies and he grins as he sees a welcome face.
He sees Magnus’s surprise as he leans in for a quick hug. “Evening, ladies.”
Laughing, Aline hugs him back. “Evening, Alec!” She pulls back and Alec doesn’t try to hide his smile as his cousin goes to hug Magnus next.
Magnus warms up quickly, staring over Aline’s shoulder with bemused eyes.
Shrugging a little, Alec says, “Did I forget to mention? Aline’s my cousin. She and Helen are my favorite reporters in New York.”
“Don’t lie, Lightwood. We’re your favorite reporters anywhere.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” he agrees easily and the next few minutes are the best so far. It’s far more relaxed than the other interviews and Aline knows what questions to ask and which to steer away from. He’s definitely a little disappointed when it’s time to move on.
Looking over his shoulder, Alec calls out, “Text me and we’ll get lunch sometime.”
“A double date,” Helen asks and Magnus nods with a grin.
“Count on it,” he replies and they hear Aline and Helen laugh behind them.
It’s not too much longer and they’re in Madison Square Garden. Alec’s just guiding them to their seating area when he hears someone shout his name and then Magnus is putting a hand to his chest to stop him.
Looking up, Alec scowls. “What are you doing here?”
Simon bounds up to them looking far too happy. He claps him on the shoulder before turning to Magnus to do the same.
“Hey,” he says. “I’m nominated for a Grammy the same as you tonight.”
Alec lets his expression ease into a faint smile and he doesn’t even grimace-- too much at least--as Simon pulls him into a hug.
“Nice suit,” he says, raising a brow at the maroon silk, but Simon doesn’t bat an eye, just smiles serenely.
“Nice eyeshadow.”
Alec barks out a laugh as he shakes his head ruefully, Magnus joining him as their hips bump into each other.
They walk to their seats together. MSG’s a dull roar as everyone socializes, as the fans talk amongst themselves.
He’s just about to sit down when Simon exclaims, “Wait!”
Pausing, Alec raises a brow. “Yeah?”
Waving at them, Simon says, “Let me get a pic of you two! It’s Magnus’s first Grammys and--” he throws a reassuring smile to Magnus as he continues, “I know how surreal it can be. Alec’s been to so many that it doesn’t even faze him anymore but you two will definitely want a picture to commemorate the occasion!”
Alec looks over at Magnus and they share a look before shrugging. They move until they’re standing in the aisle and Alec hands Simon his phone. Standing close, he’s smiling for the camera when something catches his eye. He turns to look at Magnus and he just can’t help himself.
He leans in and he’s smiling as he kisses his boyfriend. He hears Magnus make a sound of surprise, feels the faint hum against his lips, but he’s kissing back.
Just a moment and then Alec pulls back and he raises a hand to brush over Magnus’s cheek.
“Love you,” he says quietly, in the space between them.
“I love you, too.”
Abruptly remembering where they are, Alec turns back to Simon who’s watching them with a delighted gaze.
“I feel like a proud parent at prom,” Simon says, wiping an imaginary tear from his eye. “You two are just too damned cute.”
Wondering for the millionth time why he’s best friends with Simon, Alec tries to glare at him, though even he can tell there’s next to no heat to it.
They take their seats after that and Simon leaves them alone as he makes his rounds. Alec takes out his phone when it’s just the two of them and Magnus leans close as he starts scrolling through the pictures Simon had just taken.
There’s about a thousand and it looks like Simon had just pressed the shutter every goddamn millisecond.
They decide on a photo and Alec types out the caption before posting.
It’s a picture of the two of them kissing. The caption reads everything’s better with a plus one.
The awards start not long after that Alec looks over a few times to see Magnus taking every detail in. When an attendant comes up to him a little while later and taps him on the shoulder, Alec nods before turning to his boyfriend.
Not wanting to disturb everyone, he leans close, whispering, “Hey babe, I have to go get ready. I’ll see you in a little bit, okay?”
Magnus looks over at him, smiling a little before pulling him in with a quick kiss. “Break a leg, darling.”
Huffing out a laugh, Alec follows the attendant backstage. There, he’s escorted to his dressing room where he changed into his second outfit of the night. It’s just a black t-shirt under another black suit jacket with black leather accents. It perfectly complements his black leather pants and then he’s getting set up with his ear piece and mic pack.
Through the ear piece-- the custom ones he’d used last tour-- Alec hears the latest category announcement and listens to the pop star’s speech. He bounces up and down on the balls of his feet a few times before cracking his neck. He walks over to the stage and lets a dozen people fuss over him, making sure everything’s set as they adjust his mic and everyone rushes to their places.
He’s done this a thousand times before and he feels the familiar rush of energy flow into him. As nice as his break’s been, he has missed performing-- the rush, the heat, the energy-- and he’s looking forward to the next four minutes.
Hearing the celebrity who was announcing him, Alec tunes into her spiel.
“Our next performer is no stranger to this stage. He’s won eight Grammys, including last year’s Album of the Year for An Arrow in the Dark. That album would go on to win him three Grammys alone. The song he’s performing tonight is his lead single for his next album, expected this spring. Everyone give it up for Alec Lightwood!”
Alec grins as the crowd roars at him. Counting beats in his head, Alec looks up as the band starts playing the intro.
Since Feel Something is a slower song, it’s just Alec performing in front of a microphone. No background dancers or extravagant scenery, no one else except background vocals standing behind him. The lights are low, twisting shades of gray and wolf’s blue and Alec can’t see the crowd through the heat of the lights in his eyes.
So he closes them instead and sinks into a feeling he knows as well as breathing. It’s his first performance of anything new in over a year. There are always trials when performing new songs-- making sure he knows them inside and out can only go so far sometimes.
Luckily, everything goes wonderfully. He hits his notes and as the bridge comes around Alec takes his mic from its stand and pulls his ear plug out, wanting to hear the crowd without restriction.
He loses himself in performing and it’s all so beautifully familiar. The heat on his skin, the feeling of thousands of eyes on him, the euphoria of doing what he loves.
This song packs one hell of a punch as well and as Alec’s eyes close for the chorus, it feels like the emotions are being ripped out of him.
By the time the last note rings out, the chorus accompanying him echoing in the arena, Alec feels a little wrung out. It’s a combination of not performing in a little while and the sheer feeling that grabbed his throat and squeezed for those few minutes.
Alec slides the mic back into its stand as the stage lights go out around him, leaving him barely visible to everyone. He still hears the cheers, though, and they light a fire inside of him.
He’s still got it.
Walking backstage, one of the managers eagerly takes his mic pack and any other tech. He grabs a flute of champagne and downs it in one go, relishing the muted burn of alcohol. He heads back to his dressing room and takes a look in the mirror. His makeup is remarkably intact and it goes with his performance outfit so Alec doesn’t deign to change. Instead, he runs a hand through his hair and with one last once over, leaves the dressing room.
It’s a commercial break when he slides back into his seat next to Magnus but his boyfriend barely glances over, all of his attention focused on something going on across the room.
“What’s happening,” Alec asks under his breath and he scowls as Simon reaches over and hits him with a hissed, “Shut up.”
Distractedly, Magnus replies, “A waiter spilled wine on an artist’s dress and she has to present an award soon. She’s giving him hell.”
Alec looks up and snorts softly as he sees who the star in question is. “She’s a bit of an ass. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was her fault and she’s blaming the poor guy now.”
Relaxing in his seat now that his job for the evening is done, Alec reaches over and rests his hand on Magnus’s thigh. He tunes out the drama on the side of the room and instead people watches. He sees a few friends in the rows around him and he wonders if he’ll run into any of them at Pandemonium later.
As a celebrity hot spot, Pandemonium was going to be busy as hell tonight. Alec couldn’t wait.
Still, there were a couple of hours left at this shindig. Catarina wins a Grammy for a song she’d written and recorded for one of last year’s biggest films and Magnus is the first out of his seat as he claps for all he’s worth.
Alec stands next to him and it’s a little different-- sure he has friends in the industry but no one he’s so close to besides Simon. It’s a nice feeling to know that the artist deserves every bit of praise and some more besides.
As they sit back down, the next announcer steps up to the stand. Alec mostly tunes her out but he shakes his head a little when he sees a snippet of the Empty Hearts music video.
“And the winner for Song of the Year is. . . Alec Lightwood and Simon Lewis: Feel Something!”
Simon catapults out of his seat but it takes Alec a second to realize what’s just happened. He looks over to Magnus to see him grinning, laughing as he claps along with everyone else.
It’s like time fast forwards and then he’s standing and pulling Simon in for a bear hug. Simon holds on tight and Alec knows that he’s not imagining the breath that sounds suspiciously like a sob in his ear. Alec goes to follow Simon to the stage but at the last minute, he turns around and grabs Magnus by the lapels, pulling him in for a bruising kiss. It’s only a second before he breaks the kiss. He winks at Magnus-- who looks a little dazed-- and then continues his path.
While Alec had been primary songwriter, Simon had a credit on the song. Greeting the announcer, Simon takes the Grammy and holds it up, everyone laughing at his unbridled joy. Alec lets Simon take over the acceptance speech. It was his first Grammy, after all. While he’d been nominated a few times before, this was Simon’s very first win and Alec is more than willing to take a back seat and let his friend bask.
Simon’s speech is a little rambling and a lot endearing and by the time he finishes there’s no time for Alec to say anything. He waves to the crowd, touching his fingers to his mouth and blowing a kiss for an exuberant, heartfelt thanks.
It feels like just a few minutes later that his next category is being called and he feels Magnus tense beside him as the nominees for Record of the Year are announced, his face showing on the screen with the other four artists.
And the truth is, while Alec had downplayed his chances to everyone else, he wants this award. He’d just made the deadline for this single to be considered for the 2019 awards season and privately, he thinks his chances are good. He hasn’t released a music video for the song yet-- he was waiting to drop it with his album release-- but even without one, it had been staying steady on the charts. The past five months have been good to that song and his optimism for this next phase of his career and he’d love to be able to point to something tangible-- like an award-- and know that he was on the right track, that something different could still bring him gold.
Alec lets out quiet breath as announcer fiddles with the envelope, seemingly taking ages to open it. He feels Magnus lean close, hand on his thigh, and he relaxes the tiniest bit in his seat.
His eyes close when he feels his boyfriend’s breath on his ear. “While I have every confidence that your name is in that envelope, I want you to know we’re still going to celebrate handsomely tonight, Alexander.”
Without quite planning it, Alec’s grinning at Magnus’s words and a second later he hears his name being called out from the stage.
Eyes flying open, his first sight is Magnus. His smile is quieter but no less heartfelt and this time around, it’s him who pulls Alec close for a searing kiss, running a hand through his hair for a moment that runs white hot before he’s pulling back and all but shoving Alec towards the stage.
Clearing his throat, Alec tries to clear his head and as he passes around Simon’s seat, he sees his friend giving an exuberant thumbs up and smiling widely.
Walking to the stage solo, Alec works on his breathing, trying to calm his racing heart. It’s always a rush to win something-- let alone a fucking Grammy-- no matter what Simon might think.
He hugs the announcer, shaking their hand, and then he’s holding the little gold statue of a gramophone. He looks down at it and then up into the blinding lights and cheering crowd.
Alec leans down toward the mic, still sporting a smile, and starts his acceptance speech.
“What an incredible honor it is to receive this award tonight. I honestly didn’t expect this even if I secretly hoped,” he laughs and he hears everyone echo that laughter as he continues. “Feel Something is a little different to what I’m sure everyone’s used to from me. I’m glad you all like this new direction of my music and I’m eager to see everyone’s reactions when the album’s released in a few months. I’d like to thank my manager, Lydia, my team at Institute Records, my family for always having my back and-- one last person.”
Looking down, Alec gathers his thoughts before he lifts his head and makes eye contact with Magnus. His smile turns deeper, softer and everyone else in the room seems to vanish for a brief moment as he says, “He’s the reason that I’m holding this award tonight. When I met him, I’d just finished my world tour for An Arrow in the Dark and I was facing a turning point in my career. Truth be told, I was in crisis mode. And then I met him and he breathed new life into me and my music in a way that I never could have anticipated. So thank you, Magnus, for loving me and letting me love you. I couldn’t have done it without you, babe.”
Alec steps back from the mic, raising the award in a salute of sorts as he clears his throat again. He heads to the side entrance of the stage, entering backstage where he takes a few press photos before he’s allowed back to his seat.
When he finally gets back to Magnus, it’s to see his boyfriend talking animatedly with Simon. Sitting down, Alec barely opens his mouth before Magnus is kissing him. Immediately abandoning any thought of talking, he raises his free hand to cup Magnus’s face, shifting for a deeper angle.
He doesn’t know how long they stay like that before Magnus pulls back. Alec looks up, catching his breath, only to lose it again when their eyes meet.
Magnus runs a thumb over his lip and Alec shudders.
“You really are extraordinary, aren’t you,” Magnus asks.
Alec’s voice is hoarse when he replies, “Every word, babe. I mean every goddamn word.”
He leans close and the kiss this time is softer, lingering. Alec gives up on paying attention to the show, clapping on autopilot when he hears everyone else do so.
His attention is far too full of Magnus to give a fuck about anything else.
Finally, finally, the show is over and everyone is escorted to their cars. There’s a bit of shuffling and they lose track of Simon-- though they do run into Catarina and Ragnor for a few moments waiting for their rides to pull up-- and then Alec and Magnus are climbing into their limo.
There’s an ice bucket there and Alec laughs when he sees what’s inside.
“What is it,” Magnus asks bemused.
“Lydia,” Alec replies shortly before he grabs two flutes. The bottle’s already been opened and he fills the glasses as Dave makes his painstaking way through traffic. “We have this tradition. Every time I win a Grammy, she surprises me with champagne for the ride to the after party.”
Magnus accepts his glass graciously, taking a sip while he eyes Alec over the rim. “That’s a lovely tradition. And definitely well deserved since you won not one but two awards tonight. That’s such an achievement, Alexander.”
Chuckling, Alec shakes his head ruefully. “I didn’t think I’d win either. Today’s turning out to be one hell of day.”
Magnus moves closer, coming to rest a hand on the side of his neck. “I’m proud of you, Alec. I know I’m a little biased but I love that song and you deserve recognition for it. You took a chance and-- well,” he trails off sheepishly. “I’m so happy that chance was worth it.”
Turning his head a little so that he can kiss the palm of Magnus’s hand, Alec sighs. “I’m happy you like it and that the world doesn’t hate it. That’s more than enough for me.”
“So the two Grammy’s aren’t really important?”
“Hey,” Alec says with a grin. “I didn’t say that.”
The two of them laugh, leaning into each other.
Traffic is brutal tonight, even for New York standards, and it takes almost an hour to get back to Magnus’s loft. Alec reaches for the champagne a few times, refilling his glass often since every time he looks down, it’s turned empty somehow.
He always tops off Magnus’s flute before his own and they spend the drive to their place talking quietly in the backseat. They can hear the radio playing in the front-- Dave’s always loved smooth jazz-- and it’s nice. Alec’s not already drunk, like he’s been known to be in the past and it’s nice, to be able to enjoy some calm in the storm.
Unlocking his phone, Alec sees a dozen texts of congratulations from his family and he laughs a little when he sees the dozen heart eye emojis accompanying Izzy’s message mentioning his acceptance speech. Opening Twitter, retweets a few links to news articles about his win and both he and Magnus making it onto the best dressed side of red carpet looks. He likes a few other tweets that are just fans talking about him and Magnus.
While there are a few posts that are bullshit, that are nasty and entitled and just plain wrong, there are far more people supporting Magnus, including one from a Twitter handle that makes him laugh out loud.
@prayformalec: omg did you see the way @AlecLightwood was looking at Magnus when he was talking about their first date? I got cavities just watching those two! And don’t get me started on the way they couldn’t keep their hands off each other djfhgsdjsdfkh
@Alec_komh: Holy shit @AlecLightwood always looks amazing but can we talk about MAGNUS!!! Can he p l e a s e **** ** ****
Shaking his head a little, he shows Magnus that one and they both laugh at his fan’s exuberant support.
They make it back to Brooklyn and get ready for the after party. Magnus changes into a sheer maroon button down that he leaves undone to his fucking navel. Over that, he’s wearing a dark blue jacket and it leaves his chest-- and most of his abs-- on display. Alec watches as his boyfriend goes through his jewelry, deciding on a handful of necklaces in varying lengths.
Alec, for his part, stays in the leather pants he’d worn for his performance. He just switches his shirt for a see-through black lace one with a floral pattern. He’d bought it ages ago but was never in the mood to wear out. Giving a mental shrug, Alec figures tonight’s as good a time as any.
Cleaning up his makeup a little, Alec’s ready before Magnus. He heads to the living room to wait and ends up standing in front of the drink cart. He pours a finger or two of whiskey in a glass, taking his time as he drinks.
“Ready, darling?”
Alec looks up but doesn’t say anything right away. Instead, he blinks. His gaze roves over his boyfriend and he swallows hard.
Magnus doesn’t seem to mind the silence. His mouth kicks up in a lazy grin as he walks over to him. Sliding fingers into the waistband of Alec’s pants, Magnus uses his free hand to snag Alec’s half-finished glass, swallowing the rest of it in one go.
He’s barely lowered the glass when Alec’s tipping his face up for a kiss. He’s dizzy with it, the taste of whiskey on Magnus’s tongue, the smell of his cologne, the sounds Magnus makes that he feels more than hears.
Half of him thinks about abandoning the rest of their plans for the night. His mind fills with images of stripping Magnus bare, laying him out on their bed, and spending hours trying to show Magnus how he makes him feel.
His rumination is fractured, though, as Magnus breaks the kiss, leaving Alec breathless and more than a little confused.
When he opens his eyes, it’s to see his boyfriend staring at him with amusement. “I do believe we have plans, Alexander. It wouldn’t do for us to get too carried away.”
“I think that’d be just fine,” Alec says, voice low in the quiet of their loft.
Magnus laughs a little before he brings Alec close for a smacking kiss on his lips. “Let’s go.”
Alec grumbles a little but it turns mostly for show as they head downstairs. Thankfully Pandemonium isn’t too far away and they’re pulling up to the front of the club a short while later.
Even through the blacked out windows, Alec sees hordes of paparazzi lingering on the sidewalk. The flashes from their cameras are a hundred starbursts and Alec rolls his eyes as he opens the door.
Almost immediately, the cameras turn to him. He ignores them as he turns back to escort Magnus out and without ceremony, he throws an arm over his shoulders, pulling him close to the side. Questions are shouted at him but Alec doesn’t even try to pick them out of the cacophony.
Nodding to the bouncer, there’s not a hitch in his step as the rope is pulled back to grant them access, allowing them to bypass the line stretched around the corner for those still waiting admittance.
The club is dark and full of flashing lights in a riot of color. He feels the bass in his chest and snags Magnus’s hands as he forces their way to the bar.
He’s immediately ordering half a dozen shots. Making way for Magnus, he hands one to his boyfriend and his gaze is struck by the way slender fingers pick up the shot glass, the way his throat works as he swallows.
They finish the shots in rapid succession and then it’s Magnus who’s pulling Alec onto the crowded dance floor.
The music is loud, drowning everything else out but the way Magnus feels against him. Lights bounce off highlighter, plays over his boyfriend until he’s covered in shifting shadows. Letting his hands rest on his hips, Alec pulls him closer.
He loses track of time quickly. There are more shots and the music doesn’t stop and Alec’s dizzy in a mix of low grade lust and top shelf liquor.
He knows people in the crowd, though, and he does rounds. Bringing Magnus with him, Alec introduces him to acquaintances and friends and-- to his surprise-- Magnus isn’t cowed by the dozen celebrities he talks to. He’s witty as ever, as irresistible as ever, and it’s a potent sight to see his boyfriend fit in seamlessly with another part of his life altogether.
Alec doesn’t remember quite how it happened, but the next thing he knows, he’s popping open a bottle a Dom Perignon. He has no goddamn clue where the cork is but it doesn’t matter. Bringing the bottle up to his lips, Alec drinks straight from the bottle before handing it over to Magnus who accepts it with an arch look, smug grin on his face as he tips it up and takes a healthy swig.
It’s all so much and it’s been ages since Alec felt like this-- like he was on top of the world, like nothing mattered except right now, here in the moment.
He’s won two fucking Grammys-- bringing his total up to ten-- and his album has been sent off to be mastered. He’s at the top of his game with no signs of that changing anytime soon.
He’s so in love he doesn’t know what to do with himself. He’s in love with the man in front of him and it’s all so overwhelming.
Time seems to slow for an imperceptible moment. His mind is hazy, the only thought he can catch Magnus, and so he pulls his boyfriend in, sliding a hand to his back. Leaning close, he kisses the pulse at Magnus’s throat and tastes salt. He sucks a bruise or three along unblemished skin, losing himself in the warm scent that lingers there.
One hand brings their hips together while the other goes to Magnus’s nape. He moans low in his throat when his boyfriend arches his neck, granting more access, but it’s drowned out by the crowd and music.
Leaning back to admire his handiwork, Alec takes in blown pupils and the flush that rides high on Magnus’s cheek bones.
They grin at each other, heated smiles, and then Alec’s pulling Magnus with him. Away from the dance floor, away from most eyes.
They stumble down a dark corridor on the edge of the room and Magnus lets Alec guide him until his back hits the wall. Magnus is already reaching for him, pulling him close, and it’s a heady feeling to be the one he wants.
Magnus’s hips roll up to meet his and Alec’s gasp turns into a stuttered groan at the friction. Nothing matters so much as this and Alec knows he’s a hair's breadth from coming in his pants.
There are hands in his hair, running through messy locks and pulling, just the tiniest bit, and it goes straight to his dick, leaves him feeling lightheaded and like he’s about to burst.
Still while this is far from the first time Alec’s had a hookup at a club, he doesn’t want that here. It takes infinitely more willpower than he thought himself capable of but Alec pulls back-- almost immediately going back in when he sees Magnus, waiting and willing.
He ducks close so that his lips touch Magnus’s ear. He feels the shiver that wracks his boyfriend and grins.
“I think it’s time we headed home, don’t you?”
Magnus nods so fast he almost gives himself whiplash and then they’re both laughing as they stumble to the front of the club. They can’t keep their hands off each other and Alec finds that he doesn't want to.
Pandemonium is still crowded and they run into more people than he can count. Finally, though, cool air wraps around them as they make it to the front entrance.
As soon as they have the space, Alec’s spinning Magnus around. His arms are around his waist and the only thing he knows is the man in front of him.
They kiss and it’s a mess, even as drunk as he is, Alec knows that. It doesn't matter though because Magnus is kissing him back and then they’re tripping on the sidewalk. Pulling back just enough for a desperate breath, Alec tries to gain his equilibrium. He sees the limo down the block and tugs Magnus in that direction and in the back of his head he knows-- he knows-- that there have to be reporters around, that this will probably be plastered across the internet tomorrow but it’s just so good and Magnus is so hot and it seems a crime to think about anything else.
The partition is up when they fall into the backseat and Alec doesn’t waste time. Dave pulls away from the curb and they fall sideways on the seat, Alec on top of Magnus-- and then they’re laughing. And it’s so silly and they’re so drunk but it doesn’t matter because Alec has everything he ever wanted and it’s all in front of him.
They pick up right where they left off in the dark of the club and Magnus reaches for his pants. With a broad, deliberate stroke along his cock, he takes his time unzipping Alec’s pants and Alec would glare if it didn’t feel so goddamn good, if he had the breath to do anything but chant Magnus’s name in an endless stream of please and faster and fuck, babe, that feels so good.
After moments of agonizing anticipation, Magnus’s hand finally closes around his cock and Alec groans harshly in the silence of the car. Jesus Christ, he thinks and then he’s not thinking at all.
He gets enough wherewithal to undo Magnus’s pants and then he’s reaching for a compartment on the side of the limo, breaking the kiss to glare at the space when he can’t find what he needs.
Magnus glares at him in turn and Alec’s breath stalls in his chest at the look, at the way his eyes reflect the muted light. Finally his hand closes around a small bottle and Alec grins sharply.
It takes Magnus a moment but when he focuses on the object in his hands he laughs, even as his legs fall open wider, one foot planted on the floorboard to steady them.
“Really, Alexander?”
His voice is breathless, teasing but his eyes are trained on him-- on the bottle-- and Alec’s nodding even as he flicks it open.
“‘Course, babe. Always be prepared, that’s my motto.”
Magnus laughs out loud but it turns into a long, drawn out moan as Alec finally gets a hand around him, now warm and slick.
They shove their pants and underwear down and when Magnus arches up, their cocks slide together. It’s messy and when they run over a pothole it’s downright hazardous but they just press together more, seeking friction and that overwhelming, scorching heat.
Alec comes first, pressing desperate fingers into Magnus’s hips hard enough to bruise and it doesn’t take more than a dozen thrusts before Magnus is following him, spilling across their stomachs.
It takes several minutes for them to catch their breaths, both of them gasping harshly in the backseat. There’s a buzzing under Alec’s skin and even though he knows the mess between them will be annoying soon enough, he’s perfectly content for the moment as he places kisses across Magnus’s chest, over his heart.
Magnus slides hands through his hair and Alec lets out a little hum of happiness and the gentle scratch against this scalp.
It takes herculean effort but they manage to eventually sit up. Thankfully, Alec really had prepared for anything and they manage to clean everything up and straighten their clothes remarkably easily.
Dave doesn’t get out and Alec’s grateful. They make their stumbling way out of the car. It seems like they both want to be as close as possible and so they keep tripping over each other’s feet.
They fall against the back wall of the elevator eventually. Alec’s arm is over Magnus shoulder as his boyfriend leans against him and he turns his head, nosing along his hair before laying a soft kiss against his temple.
Everything’s hazy and slow. Looking through the balcony doors once they make it into the loft, Alec’s almost positive he can see the first traces of dawn in the dark sky.
His focus shifts as Magnus comes around to face him, smiling at him.
“Time for bed,” he asks lowly and Alec bites his lip at the promise in his voice.
Nodding, Alec follows him to the bedroom. Their clothes are taken care of quickly and then they’re falling into bed.
The energy from earlier is disappearing, being replaced by exhaustion. Alec’s eyes close of their own volition and he shivers as Magnus mouths over his collarbone, tongue dipping into the hollow of his throat.
He feels so close to falling asleep but he can’t, not when everything feels so good. Alec runs a hand down Magnus’s back, stroking his ass, urging him closer.
This second time is slow and sweet. Instead of frantic hands, there are lingering touches as the shadows in their bedroom grow shorter. Sighs replace groans and Alec feels like he’s sinking into the bed, like he could wake up at any moment just to discover everything’s been a dream.
The best dream.
He grins up at Magnus and sees the happiness that seems to be pouring through him in waves reflected in achingly warm brown eyes.
There are low words, murmurs they strain to hear. “I love you,” they both whisper and it’s quiet but no less profound, the way Alec’s heart surges in his chest.
Sunlight spills through the curtains when they finally fall asleep, wrapped around each other, a haphazard sheet pulled up to their waists.
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