#diabetes sucks
notfitforconsumption · 9 months
Dad: I'm so sick, I'm dying. Nobody loves me and I'm merely waiting for the end.😥
Also dad: I'm healthiest man the doctor has ever seen. Nothing is wrong with me. I no longer need my life saving medication that will absolutely kill me if I stop taking them. 😇
Also also dad: the glucometer and blood pressure cuff are liars. I'm only dehydrated. 😤
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bishiglomper · 1 year
Ugh I'm LOW again 😩
I already FED YOU today! Wtf else do you want from me you stupid pos tamagachi sonnuva bish of a body. u suck
also I'm itchy all over. But trying to scratch, even as lightly as flippin' possible feels like fire
Another reason my body sucks
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beckyg1016 · 1 year
I am literally never crankier than when I have fasting bloodwork.
No breakfast, no coffee, and then I have to go sit in the waiting room where the nurse will inevitably tell me they don't have my orders on file and I will have to pull up the patient portal to show them I do, and then I have to get like 6 vials of blood drawn.
Since I'm very sensitive to that and my sugars are already low from not eating, it's a dangerous crap shoot on if I can drive myself to food before I start getting dizzy and blurry. And they don't even have snacks!
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nattravn-art · 1 month
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David Eilander "the Magician"
You might've seen him before at @thecrimsonvalley-creates since we came up with this face together!
I personally headcanon that he's got dubious eating/sleeping habits. He sometimes cuts meals by smoking and consuming large amounts of caffeine and sugar. As shown here: drinking Rusty Lake Cola, made with genuine Lake water. There are no side effects to this drink. Don't worry about it. :)
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delinquunt · 2 months
extreme edgeplay under the cut. check tags.
neglecting my poor toy, making them watch the CGM alert them while they're tied back, bound and unable to do anything about it, insulin just out of reach. giving them just enough to stay alive, until their extremities start wailing, itching, screaming in pain. watching the discomfort on their face as they squirm, horrified, and then begin to cry, day in and out, as the numbness sets in and the feeling leaves them. cackling with maniacal glee as I slip my cock between their nerve-burnt soles and fuck them to my heart's content while they weep, unable to feel it.
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guinevereslancelot · 1 month
most fucked up thing about the body's response to not eating is when you're so hungry you feel like you're gonna throw up. this does not make it easier to eat food actually
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densewentz · 3 months
exhausted health update because I have to rant somewhere lol
So we're ending day 12 of my mysterious right-sided numbness. It's moved from just my torso all the way down my right leg to my toes, so now I'm just hobbling around half numb rip. And now the torso numbness feels like im being vacuum sealed or something, just a horrible tightness and lack that makes it impossible to ignore. Went to the ER the other night and had 2 panic attacks within the span of the several hours I was there, got my bloodwork redone and a cat scan which all came back with a big Nothing on them. They told me I needed an MRI but that I'd have to go through my Primary Care and after I told them my primary wouldnt see me until May they referred me to a new primary not in my network so that's been a dead end rip. So far everyone is pointing at my horrific anxiety as the cause but not one doctor has actually offered me help for the anxiety despite me having the active panic attacks in the office lol. My Primary wont see me for several months despite the severity of my current condition and none of the mental health programs I've reached out to will get back to me so for now I'm just. Existing in this anxiety Ouroboros where my anxiety causes my numbness which causes anxiety which causes numbness. I'm trying stupid home remedies to try and minimize the active anxiety attacks but so far we've just been circling around alternating Holy Basil, Benadryl and literally just drinking Rum and going to sleep, which sure all help my anxiety a little maybe but also make it almost impossible for me to function normally during the day. This is making art difficult so commissions are going slow which is obviously making me more anxious lol. I also am home alone most of the week managing the household, which is made more difficult since right now the numbness in my foot/leg makes it dangerous for me to drive and difficult for me to get around my house to do daily tasks. Idk man I'm just tired as all hell and I seem to vacillate wildly between full anxiety breakdowns and depressive/dissociative episodes. At any rate during the week I'll just be constantly calling and harassing every doctor/therapist I can get a number for trying to find someone who will be able to either address my anxiety directly or can at least get me into an MRI to rule out MS or anything else that ISNT anxiety. I'm going to become the bane of the medical profession for a while. Wish me luck!
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arionawrites · 6 months
decided to make a list of all my diagnosed issues and like fucking. god damn. how am i just living day to day.
#nine bullet points#of diagnosed things i struggle#i struggle with#1. type one diabetes 2. adhd 3. bipolar 4. severe anxiety 5. depression 6. insomnia 7. migraines 8. dpdr 9. ptsd#and im just ?? existing like this??? literally how what the fuck#there’s more than that too thats just like the actual able to be diagnosed shit#probably also at least slightly autistic but my psychologist said that its not bad enough to impact me big time and a diagnosis would do mor#more harm than good so im just kind. Not lmao#but also: abandonment issues self worth issues guilty conscience issues feeling unworthy of literally everything issues#awful at establishing boundaries#sh issues#(not for like years but its a struggle to not relapse every year esp during winter)#suicidal ideation but at least ive never actually been suicidal#not bc i particularly love being alive but because the fact that i dont know what comes after death scares me too much lmao#even at my lowest of lows i have not wanted to kms SOLELY bc the unknown scares me enough to be like#yeah this sucks but at least i know it#at least it’s like familiar which is sad but still true lma#OH ALSO eating disorder lmao. diabulimia is a thing.#genuinely how have i not been fucking hospitalized#not in a bad way but like. idk how i havent gotten to that point yet#tho to be fair there are multiple points i probably should have been tbh#i just. dont want to worry people? or inconvenience anyone. and i know im not gonna kms so its easy to be like ‘i dont need that’#i have overshared way too much in these tags sorry i’ll stop now#if anyone has actually read all of these: i’m sorry. i love you. i hope you feel better than i do. i hope you smiled today.
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fuzzypeachflower · 11 months
my parents refuse to cover my insulin for the month bc "i can just pay for it" im a minor and I don't have insurance for it. but if I don't have it I can get really sick and die, I'm really scared right now.
I really don't want to bother anyone but can someone venmo me please.. it would also just help to repost if you don't have enough money
it's Tammy-Johnson-811.
or add my friends cashapp so they can pay me
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detentiontrack · 5 months
I have this theory that 99.5% of people who drink diet soda don’t actually “prefer the taste of diet”, they just have diet culture deeply embedded into their brain and it’s second nature to choose the zero calorie option
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thatspecificanomaly · 16 days
Eating Mac n cheese while my blood sugar is ,over 500 :)
Edit: I have moderate ketones and I feel like I'm going to throw up :(
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mandalhoerian · 10 months
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🎀 show what your OC would be like if they never went through that one defining traumatic event they did, and then show what becomes of them after that trauma (basically the un-traumatize your oc trend on tiktok). the picrew. tagging: @lucky-peenut @shadowsofrose @the-resident-vampire @mishwanders @winksasleeplesseye (and everyone who would like to do it!)
1. Raccoon City Outbreak never happened, and Vera remained as a private investigator with a peculiar skillset. This is the “somehow Umbrella disappeared” ending lmao
2. No Time To Die events.
3. Post-NTTD. No comment.
4. bonus: if she remained in turkey and never ended up in america at all — studying engineering in boğaziçi university at 21. She would eventually pass away during the 17 August Earthquake at age 22 before her last year in uni could even start.
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clementimetodie · 8 months
fuck insurance man
I tried to get an emergency rx of insulin because I didn't bring enough on my trip but my insurance refused it because it's "too early for a new prescription" so I had to pay $140 for shitty generic insulin
my blood sugar has been over 300 like 7 or 8 times in the last 3 days
they really said "fuck you, we'd rather you risk going to the ER or DYING than give you your insulin bitch 🖕🖕🖕🖕"
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smilesrobotlover · 8 months
Put in the Dexcom by myself this time. It went a lot better than the Libre that’s for sure… and the Dexcom 4
Ok story time. I used to use the old school G4 Dexcom which I HATED. It was uncomfortable, it was loud, and I used this big mp3 player looking thing that vibrated so loud. It hurt my arm whenever I swam and I hated it. I honestly stopped putting it in (well I would always have my mom do it cuz the way you put it in was very intimidating. You pushed down on a giant plunger and the Dexcom would go in). And I moved on to the Libre. The Libre is much smaller and you use your phone to scan it. It doesn’t warn you about your blood sugar, so no alarms, it lasted two weeks, and it gave me serious rashes, but gosh it was soooo much better than the Dexcom. The alarms were unbearable with the Dexcom and it was nice to have a break. But I always had my mom put it in cuz when I did try to put it in myself it was midnight and I was crying 😭😭😭 luckily diabetes camp gave me the courage to do it myself and I never had issues with putting it in since (I believe all type 1 diabetics should go to camp, or even volunteer if you’re too old. It’s truly incredible). I did try out the Libre 2 and 3, and those did have alarms, but you still had to scan it to see your blood sugar which, at that point you might as well not use the Libre cuz it now has alarms and you can’t just see where you’re at. But still, the Libre never gave me issues with movement. Now it did fall off a lot, but a major improvement from the G4 Dexcom.
Now I’m new to the g6 Dexcom but it’s ten billion times better than the G4. Where it was on my arm for some reason hurt for a week tho idk why, but I didn’t work out cuz of it. But I was def scared to put it in myself just cuz it’s new. But luckily putting in the new dexcoms are MUCH better than the G4. Just look at these pictures:
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Look at the thing that you use to put it in. It was big. You stuck it on and pushed down on a giant plunger. It was clunky are very scary for little ol me. And then here’s the g6
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I use my phone so I don’t have the receiver, but the thing is still a little big, but you just push a button to get it in. Nice and easy and less scary. Plus having a phone instead of the receiver is so much nicer. Plus it’s even an improvement from the libres. You stick the thing on you and THEN you push the button in to insert the needle. Plus the button is super easy. Easier than the Libre I’d say. Tho there will probably be moments when it will jam. I can tell. And just for fun here are the libres:
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The Libre 1 and 2 looked the same, but the Libre 2 had alarms while 1 didn’t. It’s hard to see the size but you can look it all up on google if you want to see it compared to a person, but the applicator was much nicer than the g4. You just put in on you and push down. It was more like a giant button than a giant needle. The libres however don’t stick onto you before the needles go in like the dexcoms do. So you can’t stick it on and then push down, you have to have it in the right position before you push down. And here’s the Libre 3 size difference.
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Ignore the text and the markings but the Libre three is TINY. Which is nice since it means less rash areas. Very comfy too. For reason I always had the sensors and pumps that gave me rashes lol. But yeah. Idk why I went on a super long tangent about cgms lol. Hope it was educational at least?
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orcelito · 13 days
Omfg. So I've long had a sensitivity to sugar. Can't eat too much of it w/o feeling nauseous. Etc etc. Just kinda the way of my life.
I was talking with family over the weekend tho and it came up and they were like. "Maybe you should get checked for pre-diabetes" 😅😅
& see the thing is. I have. So many family members who are/were diabetic. On both sides of the family. I really do have a genetic predisposition for it, maybe. Enough to make it worth getting checked out haha
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asteralpine · 5 months
Hey could someone do me a favor and tell me exactly how my blood sugar was "so low" last night and this morning that my Dexcom kept waking me up with those terrifying URGENT LOW alarms (that I mostly just ignored and didn't treat because I felt absolutely fine), but now that I'm up and moving around (without eating), the sensor is reading in the low 200s?
(I don't sleep on my sensor, so it's not compression lows. Maybe just lack-of-blood-flow lows or let's-fuck-with-her-lol lows.)
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