nickireadstfc · 6 years
GET READY FOR THE BIGGEST DICKSOUTFORWYMACK MOMENT. Honestly. When you get there, YOU'LL KNOW. Its without a doubt my favourite few lines of the entire book. (Also I would die for Jeremy Knox) Nicki. My dude. This has been a ride, thank you for sharing it with us.
(Also same.)
And Mia, my dude, thank you for being with this blog since day 1, I always enjoy seeing messages from you so much, thank you for all the encouragement (and mutual crying).
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gohgue · 7 years
Book Rambling #5
Whenever I say anything about Wymack to my friend, all she responds with is ‘#dicksoutforwymack’ I strongly hope that is a real tag, but I am afraid of spoilers and have to wait until I finish the other 2/3 of The Kings Men
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Raven King, Chapter 13 – The Birth of Responsible Neil Josten
In which our favourite angsty runaway finally starts being useful, Andreil engage in some hot ab-touching, Wymack Knows™ things and I sense yet more Hufflepuffs dawning on the horizon.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Raven King.
The enw chapter starts and already we have to witness shit that I am decidedly not liking:
Nicky being super fucking miserable.
           “We shouldn’t have come here,” Nicky said, sounding as wretched as he looked. (…) “What have I done?”
On the long, long list of why I fucking hate Drake’s guts, “He made Nicky sad” is one point I am especially angry about having to add.
You know, apart from all the obvious fuckery.
Thankfully, I can trust my man Josten to stop Nicky from sinking down further into the Guilt Depression Pit:
           “You didn’t do anything,” Neil said. (…) “You didn’t know this was going to happen. None of us did. If we’d known, we wouldn’t have come.”
That’s what I was bloody saying. Thank you, Sir Runaway Angst Lord, for finally agreeing with me on something.
Also where’s this sudden rush of being the voice of reason coming from?
           “It doesn’t make sense that Drake would come here. Higgins was here a month ago. Why wait so long, and why risk it? The police can track a cross-country plane ticket easily.”
That’s……. actually a very good point I had not considered before.
Why was Drake there? To “””make amends””” with his “””little brother””” (my toenails are rolling just typing that word), sure – but why now?
There’s more to this. WHAT IS IT.
No time to deal with this now – for now, we are dealing with Andrew getting sent on a nice lil vacation to Fun Anti-Mania Rehab.
           Kevin fixed Betsy with a stunned look. “It’s too early. What do you think you’re doing?”
           “The right thing,” Betsy said.
Bless Betsy Dobson for turning cliché action movie lines into lines that make me actually emotional.
           “Who will take care of Kevin if I’m gone? I can’t trust him wandering around here by himself, and Coach can’t be with him all the time. Kevin’s kind of a full-time job.” (…)
           “I’ll watch him,” Neil said.
           “What do you think you are saying? What are you trying to do?”
           “Take responsibility,” Neil said in German.
I did not know you vocabulary even included that word.
Our boy??? Is finally starting to be responsible, adult and useful??? WHAT IS THIS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT I AM WITNESSING.
           “If I was going to leave I would have done so at the banquet when Riko called me by my name,” Neil said. “I won’t lie and say I didn’t think about it, but I decided to stay. I trusted you more than I was scared of him. So trust me now if you can. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll take care of Kevin until you return.”
Cause of death: This.
Responsible Neil, where did you suddenly come from?? And most importantly, how can we make sure you don’t transform back into Angsty and Dramatic Neil??
           “You lie, and lie, and lie, and you think I’ll trust you with his life?”
           “Then don’t tust ‘Neil’”, Neil said. “Trust me.”
           “Oh, but who are you? Do you have a name?”
           “If you need one, call me Abram.”
Oh my goooood.
Neil giving out his birth name (or parts of it) to Andrew just adds a whole ‘nother level of intimacy, rawness and seriousness to this exchange.
It also adds another level of I can’t fucking deal with this.
           With so many people watching them Neil couldn’t life his shirt. He did the next best thing and dragged one of Andrew’s hands under the hem. He pressed Andrew’s palm to the ugly scarring across his abdomen.
Touching!!!!!!!!! On his scars!!!!! Which no one has ever even seen!!!!! And Andrew gets to motherfucking touch them!!!! TOUCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Andreil heart is having a fucking rave, you guys.
           “Do you understand?” Neil asked. “Nothing Riko does will make me leave him. We will both be here when you get back.”
IM FUCKNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember when I had huge Kevandreil feels way back in the beginning/middle of the first book? Remember that?? REMEMBER????
I’m still not set on whether I ship it romantically, sexually or just hardcore-platonically (although I’m leaning to the latter), but just – THE DYNAMICS, YOU GUYS.
You can always sign me the fuck up for a good triumvirate.
And of course, not even Andrew can say no to an offer when it comes in the form of some good ab-touching, and just like that, he leaves for rehab.
Godspeed, my manic murder kitten – please come back happier, healthier, yet hopefully just as full of sass. <3
There’s a little thing at the end of this exchange, though, that is quickly glossed over but that caught my attention, and that is Wymack being a perceptive bastard:
           “Hopefully hearing about all of this (…) will get [Aaron] moving, but who knows when it comes to those two? Speaking of unpredictable assholes, when did that happen?”
           “When did what?” Neil asked.
           Wymack eyes him. “Forget it.”
Is he……….. already hinting at Neil and Andrew having A Thing………….. Wymack Knows™.
Did I mention I love that guy recently? #dicksoutforperceptivebastards
           “What about the season?” Kevin asked. “What about Riko?”
           “What about Andrew? Attempt to think about someone and something else for just a moment there.”
DID I MENTION I LOVE THAT GUY RECENTLY. #dicksoutforcaringaboutandrew
           “Look,” Wymack said. “I know I’ve always told you all to take your personal problems up with Betsy or Abby. I’ve said it’s not my place to get into anything outside the court. I hope you’ve figured out by now that I’m just blowing hot air.”
Grumpy Fox Dad ily <33
Guess who’s back now – Aaron, fresh outta custody.
Guess who’s really emo and angry about the Andrew Situation – Aaron, back to being bitter and broody as per usual.
Guess who’s finally done taking his shit and starts dishing out some reason and sensibility in this mess – RESPONSIBLE NEIL FUCKING JOSTEN.
           “Are you at all sorry?” Neil asked. “You took his family away from him. (…) Do you think Cass will ever forgive Andrew?”
Fair point – I’m all for Drake being Not A Thing anymore, of course (although imo prison would have done the job better than, you know, murder), but there is no denying that Aaron made sure the only woman that ever came close to a mum for Andrew now hates him till forever, probably.
           “I don’t care about Cass or Drake or anyone. What Drake did – no. If I could bring him back from the dead and kill him again I would.”
           “Good,” Neil said quietly. “So now you understand why Andrew killed your mother.”
Holy shit he’s fucking RIGHT oh my god. I did not see this coming at all (and neither did Aaron) and I am SHITTING MYSELF.
           “You don’t know anything,” Aaron said.
           “I know you’ve got a couple weeks to think about it,” Neil said. “When Andrew comes back sober you’ll have to talk about this. You won’t get anywhere if you start with Drake, so you might as well start with your mother.”
Neil, I am just honestly so, so impressed with you right now.
Just – this. This exchange right there so, so fucking important. I can already see that this will help the twins greatly in finally becoming real siblings, and Neil was the one who made that happen.
It’s been said time and time again how Neil will be the one bringing the Foxes together, and every time I see it actually happening now I leap out of my skin in happiness.
And the key to all of that happening is the birth of Responsible Neil we are witnessing right now.
I want you guys to really, really get how amazing I find this new development. One thing that, in hindsight, really annoyed me about Neil in the first book was how fucking Dramatic, Angsty and Extra™ he was – and I know this made for some good jokes, but it honestly also annoyed me a lot. He was just so whiny. And I know it’s for good reason, but still – I just kept hoping he would one day pull his head out of his ass.
Breaking news: Our boy Neil’s head has now left his ass.
This scene, all these scenes are so amazing because: TFC-Neil wouldn’t have done this. TFC-Neil would have stood there uncomfortably, saying nothing and staring, dramatically contemplating his own angst and his own trauma and why he should run away now and how oh so fucking tragic his own life is.
TRK-Neil does not. TRK-Neil deals with problems other than his own, starts taking responsibility and gets out of his own fucking head for once.
The monsters (minus one) and the Fox Parents get back to Palmetto, where they’re all reunited with the rest of the team – which is not as uncomfortable as I thought it would be, since apparently the story is all over the news and no dramatic retellings are in order.
Also, apparently Matt’s mom bailed Aaron out of jail, as a ‘thank you’ for him helping Matt get clean. Neat!
           “We’re all Foxes. We are a team. What happens to one of us happens to all of us, and we’re going to get each other through this.” (…)
           If it wasn’t so terrible, it’d be brilliant. This was what Dan and Matt had been waiting for all semester: a catalyst to finally unite the team.
Have I mentioned how much I’m feels-nutting every time the Foxy Team Spirit gains some bonus points? Have I?? HAVE I????????
However, it’s not all fun and games (not that it ever was fun and games), as there is Serious Exy Trouble resulting from Andrew being gone:
           “If the ERC decides Andrew isn’t part of our line-up anymore, we’re beneath size regulations. They’ll strike us from the roster and our year is over. (…) Kevin is afraid.”
Dun dun dun duuuuuuuun. That’s a pretty shit situation you got there, mate.
           Neil fixed Kevin with a stony look. “Maybe if you’d stuck around a moment longer you’d understand why I don’t care anymore. When you came upstairs, did you hear mim laughing, Kevin? (…) So yes, even I would give up on this season. And after everything he’s done and every risk he’s taken for you, you’d better feel the same.”
With Neil gone, Kevin currently takes the top spot on the List of People Who Need To get Their Heads Out Of Their Own Angsty Ass.
           “Rhemann has taken our side. He offered to speak on our behalf if need be, and he’s helped reach out to the others.”
James Rhemann, apparently, is the coach for the USC Trojans – a team that is so fair and kind they never, ever got a single red card in their entire existence.
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I am DELIGHTED. When do we meet those USC cinnamon puffs, give them to me NOW.
           “As of this morning, the vote across the Class I teams is almost unanimous,” Wymack said. “They want us to finish the season.”
           “I want one lap for every time you’ve ever said the NCAA’s never had your back.”
           “Oh, Jesus,” Nicky said. “We’ll be running all day.”
BAHAHAHAHA. I actually had to laugh so hard at that. Possibly because it’s the first time there is a reason for laughter in, like, three chapters.
But also possibly because it’s just unexpectedly really funny.
In summary: The Foxes get to play on, Andrew finally gets the help he needs and deserves, and Neil’s head gets a serious applause from me for being finally free of his ass.
If you like what I do here and you want to help me continue writing, please consider buying me a coffee! Thank you so much <3 
 One last note: New update will be out on Monday instead of Sunday because I’m gone all weekend – I’ll be at a cheerleading event with my friends! I can already hear myself going “That’s Katelyn” at every single cheerleader wearing orange. Wheee!
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Raven King, Chapter 4 – Andrew Does Shit No One Expects Him To, Pt. 2
In which Orange Sportsball finally starts to form into something resembling teamwork, the Foxes drag Neil for “I’m fine”, I suggest a quality mascot design, and Neil pulls some sweet stunts, only to be dramatically and jaw-droppingly out-stunted by Andrew ‘Extra’ Minyard.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Raven King.
GUESS WHO’S FCKNG BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have risen from the ashes of my shattered laptop, finally ready to once again bring you the foxy shitpost content you love and deserve. I’m writing this from a Dell brick that probably came out while I was still in elementary school and weighs as much as a small child, but I don’t care. It has a keyboard and a screen and Microsoft Word, and that’s all that matters.
Back not with a fizzle, but with a bang: I bring you an event filled with drama, shade and Extra, brimming with excitement and recklessness –
The first actually epic Exy game of this series: Palmetto State vs Belmonte University.
(This is a tad longer to make up for lost time, so strap yourselves in.)
           They were driving back after the game instead of checking into a hotel for the night. (…) They could have just hired a driver like most schools did, but Wymack was almost as leery of dealing with outsiders as his Foxes were. It was apparently better to be uncomfortable but safe than to trust a stranger with his fractured team.
This is ya friendly reminder that Wymack is a badass protective mother hen and deserves everything good in this world. My dude :’)))))))))) #dicksoutforwymack
           They stopped for gas and a bathroom break, stopped again for a quick dinner, and crossed a time zone on their way to Nashville.
And this is ya friendly reminder that American is large as hell. DIFFERENT TIMEZONES. IN THE SAME COUNTRY. How is this a real place.
They arrive at the stadium and Neil is once again faced with his worst enemy (besides new clothes):
Communal showers.
           The only reason the Foxes had private stalls on the men’s room was because Wymack specifically commissioned them. Neil forcibly focused back on the task at hand. First he had to survive the game, then he could worry about the showers.
I initially wanted to make fun of the fact that this is a real sentence, but actually I kind of understand what it’s like to not want to show parts of your body to everyone, so. He gets a pass.
Also, the idea of trans!Neil just does not leave my head. I want a billion pieces of fanart/fanfic now.
It’s almost game time!
           Neil didn’t see the Vixens, the Foxes’ all-girls cheerleading squad, or their mascot Rocky Foxy.
The have a fucking mascot??? Oh my actual God. What is it, an oversized Fox? Complete with a jersey, a black eye and a big FUCK YOU spelled on its forehead to match the team?
Why have we never heard of this before, this is the best thing ever.
           [Belmonte’s Terrapin mascot] stopped a safe distance back from their benches to make a couple crude thrusts at them. Nicky was happy to return it until Wymack swatted him upside his head.
Oh Nicky, never change. <3
           Kevin pulled one of his racquets free, fingered the strings like they might have come loose on the drive, and went over to the court walls. He didn’t spare the crowd a single look; all he cared about was right in front of him.
And if you look to your left, you’ll see Kevin being his usual Exy-obsessed, stoic and mighty self.
Also ahehehehe… Fingered. Hi, I’m 12.
As they are getting ready, Neil gets some sweet advice from Kevin – basically, only do boring ass gameplay until the second half and then go so hard you and I both bust a nut, also Andrew should realistically collapse field from withdrawal but he’ll probably hold up through sheer ego alone.
Sounds legit and like there could be nothing going wrong with it, at all.
We also briefly meet Katelyn, Aaron’s crush and – as I’m guessing – probably his date for the banquet thingy they’ve got coming up soon.
(You think I forgot about that, didn’t you. I never forget about opportunities for Fox banter, dress-up and hilarious social situations.)
However it’s not entirely a fun encounter as it’s time for another episode of our popular show What The Actual Fuck, Andrew?:
           “Oh.” Andrew slapped his fist into his palm as if the answer had just occurred to him. He flashed Matt a wicked grin but answered in German. “Maybe he’s afraid she’ll die on him like the last woman he really loved.”
WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, ANDREW. Also, what the actual fuck, backstory. I need it now.
No time to ponder on it, it’s game time, fuckers!
We’re kicking things off a bit unusual – literally:
           Neil listened for a serve that didn’t come. For a second he was afraid Allison would lock up and refuse to move. He was halfway to Herrera before he heard the distinctive thump of a ball against Andrew’s oversized racquet. Allison had served it back to him, and Andrew smashed it up the court toward the strikers.
Have I mentioned how much I love functioning teamwork amongst my children? Because fuck, yeah.
Have I mentioned what I also love? Some good ass Kevin/Neil Exy action.
           The only bright point was realizing his lessons with Kevin were paying off. (…) Passing wasn’t what Neil wanted to do in this game, but he could already see how he was improving. His shots were harder and more accurate, and it took him less time to figure out where to throw.
My beb :) improving :) being taught by Kevin because Kevin sees the heaps of potential in this boy and wants to make him the best he can :) I’m fine :)
           Wymack (…) send out his substitutes. Neil wasn’t between Kevin and the door, but Kevin detoured past him anyway on his way out.
           “Destroy him”, he said.
           Neil felt like he’d been waiting for this all his life. “Yeah.”
Fuck yEAH :’)))))))))))
(Again, reminding you all that I am passionate multishipper who gets into p much any ship if dynamics present themselves unto her, unless they are super problematic. If I make any comments about ships you don’t like – cool, we all have our own tastes but please don’t send me rude comments about it.)
From that point on, my friends, the game finally catches me and holds my attention way more than the first game did. It’s on, you guys. Passes are flying left and right and our faves are working together, I really cannot stress enough how much I love functioning teamwork.
And then, of course, Neil pulls This Shit™:
           He knew Herrera was right behind him for a body check. If he got crushed between the wall and Herrera, he’d lose the ball in the fight. Neil caught the ball right off the wall but didn’t try to protect it. Instead, he gave the butt of his racquet a hard pop with one fist. It sent the ball flying straight up out of the net. He dropped to his knees in the same breath.
           He almost wasn’t fast enough. Herrera crashed into him at full speed a half-second later, but Neil wasn’t where Herrera was expecting him to be. He tripped over Neil’s body and (…) crashed into the wall head-first. (…)
           Neil scooped the ball up and took off for goal. (…) He looked only at the goalkeeper and knew he was going to score. He put all of his first-half frustration behind his swing. The goalkeeper swatted at it and missed. The wall lit up red to confirm the point.
FFFUCKKK YEAHHH. This is the most badass shit he’s done since The Talk Show Incident™ (although nothing tops that ofc) and I am way proud of my son.
Also, Neil dealt with that backliner how I deal with my responsibilities: Letting them come at me full-speed and then swiftly ducking out of their reach.
Not before long, the first half is over and they’re at an even score! Amazing, wonderful, 100/10 proud mama right here.
           Neil couldn’t feel his feet, but he assumed they were down there somewhere. The shoulder he’d hurt in the first half was still throbbing thanks to the well-aimed blows of his new backliner mark.
What a fucking asshole move. Oh, you’re already injured there? Let me hit you a couple extra times, just for good measure, just to really fuck you up.
Remember that thing about Andrew staying off his meds, and how it’s going totally well? Yeah.
           Andrew stood a silent stone in their midst, looking a thousand miles away from all of this. He was a vacuum his teammates rowdy cheer couldn’t touch.
           “Stop it.” (…)
           Andrew slid a bored look Neil’s way. “I’m not doing anything.”
           “Exactly,” Neil wanted to say, but he knew it was a senseless argument. He didn’t have the right words for that gnawing feeling in his stomach.
Ah yes :)))
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Wymack shows up and scolds them for not pushing harder earlier, yadda yadda, team talk. And then, I present to you the genuinely funniest thing to happen this chapter:
           Abby came to Neil last and stayed with him, feeling the line of his shoulder armour through his jersey. “How are you doing?” (…)
           “I’m fine.”
           Nicky fist-pumped in triumph. “Thank you for being so predictable, Neil. You just scored me ten bucks with two words.”
           Matt look up. “Are you serious? Who the hell bet against you?”
           Nicky jerked a thumb at Kevin. “There’s a sucker born every minute.”
I am hOWLING. I cannot believe they bet on his “I’m fine” oh my god this is the bEST.
The running gag of Neil “I’m fine” Josten will never not make my day. Neither will the Foxes’ obsession with betting on everything. I LOVE IT.
Kevin, never able to be anything but serious, drags him even more, but not in a fun way:
           “You’re an idiot. Do you see this?” he brandished his left hand at Neil. (…) “Injuries are not a joke. They are not something to gloss over. (…) If you ever say ‘I’m fine’ about your health again, I will make you rue the day you were born.”
           Abby eyed Neil. “I’ll ask again, then. Are you okay?”
           “I’m –“ It was too automatic a response. (…) “It’s just sore. So long as I can keep my mark off my right side I’ll be – okay.”
           Matt laughed at the near-miss. “I don’t see this experiment ending well, Neil.”
           “Some people are just hardwired to be stupid,” Wymack said.
I’m literally loving every single thing about this.
Fun times over, they go back on the field for second half, where Neil sits out on the sidelines at first and uses this opportunity to talk about his favourite subject: Andrew.
           “Why does Andrew do this?” Neil asked, unable to stay quiet any longer. “If he doesn’t care about Exy, what’s the point of going through this every Friday?”
           “Would you want to be crazy high every day of your life?” Matt asked.
No, but in my opinion, that still doesn’t add up. He could have probably picked any day to go meds-free, Wymack would have taken him anyways – I don’t know, pick every Sunday or every Monday or every Wednesday after lunch, it doesn’t matter. Why Exy?
The only logical reason to pick Exy days over other days is the possibility that – shocking! – Andrew does care about this dumb sport after all.
Excited for the final explanation of this. I have a hunch there’s still more to it.
In other news – my feelings:
           The Foxes were notorious for their shoddy teamwork, so most people forgot they were a Class I school. (…) If the Foxes could get over their differences and learn to compromise every once in a while, they’d be a formidable force. (…)
           Neil wanted to be part of this evolution. He wanted to feel the team click into perfect synchrony, even if it lasted only a moment.
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Give me all that good teamwork, and give it to me now.
           The Terrapins came as hard as they could, but the Foxes shoved back with a ferocity the home team wasn’t expecting. They were exhausted, but Matt rallied the defense around him and Neil had permission to run himself ragged on the offense. (…) Every minute on the court brought him one minute closer to saying goodbye to Exy forever. He didn’t want to miss a single second.
As always, angst is the best motivator.
They’re all getting fired up and playing their hearts out when we near the most dramatic part of the game – the Foxes in the lead by one point, sixty seconds left on the clock. And then –
           Eight seconds from the end a terrapin striker got the ball. Aaron ran after him, but he was too exhausted to close the gap. The striker’s ten steps took him all the way to the foul line for his shot.
Oh shit.
           The goal was too wide and Andrew too small; there was no way Andrew could stop a shot this close-range. (…) Even if Andrew could get there fast enough, the ball was too low to the ground for him to swing his massive racquet.
Oh. Shit.
           Except Andrew was moving before the striker finished taking his shot, as if he already knew where the striker was going to aim, and he didn’t even try to swing. He threw himself at the ground as far over as he could and slammed his racquet down between the ball and the goals so hard Neil heard wood crack all the way across the court. He was just fast enough; the ball hit the taut strings of his racquet and bounced off.
This is exactly the sort of Extra and Dramatic Shit™ I was missing.
And with that, the game is over, FUCK YEAH.
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Andrew, of course, is now completely done.
           Kevin didn’t have to ask what was going on. He’d lied to cameras for years and knew how to buy Andrew time. (…)
           Andrew let go with one hand and gestured. Kevin gestured back as if having an actual conversation. The only sound either of them made was the desperate gasp of air through clenched teeth as Andrew tried not to get sick in front of the crowd.
Cool move, actually. They seem to have done this before? I continue being beyond intrigued by their dynamic.
           The rest of the team fell in around them, bringing the celebration to their strikers and forming an impromptu barricade around their fallen goalkeeper.
Team <333
Protect that smol sick bastard, he just saved all your asses.
They get Andrew off the court safely, and with that, it’s good things all around.
           Neil had never seen Wymack smile like this. It was small but fierce, as angry as it was proud. “That’s more like it. Draw sticks and figure out who’s helping me fend off the press. The rest of you get your sticky, stinky asses to the showers.”
What a DAD. Love him.
           “Renee and I will handle it,” Dan said as they headed to the locker room. “Neil, you can use the girls’ showers while we’re busy.”
           Neil stared at her. “What?”
           Dan frowned at him, so Matt explained. “There aren’t stalls here.”
LET ME FUCKING LOVE YOU. I cannot get over this move, what the hell, that is so sweet.
Foxes being there for each other :’) I’m fine :’)))))))))))))
           Neil had noticed, but he hadn’t thought his teammates would. That they had, and that they were doing something about it, knocked the wind out of him. He tried to answer, but he didn’t know what to say. The best he managed was, “Is that really okay?”
           “Kid, you’re killing me,” Nicky said. “Why do you always get that deer-in-the-headlights look when someone does something nice for you?”
Yet another installment in our popular series Neil Doesn’t Realize People Actually Care About Him, episode 4 of a billion!
Before we finally leave this long-ass trip of a chapter, Andrew briefly joins Wymack, Andrew, and Andrew’s new best friend Johnnie Walker Blue for a chat:
           “Why did you pay for stalls, Coach?”
           Wymack lifted one shoulder in a shrug. “Maybe I knew you’d need them one day.”
           Andrew smiled around the mouth of his bottle. “Neil is a walking tragedy.”
           “You’re a pretty pathetic sob story yourself,” Wymack said.
Smol beans :’) bonding over how fucked up they are :’) love em.
Also #dicksoutforwymack, all day, every day. Maybe I knew you’d need them one day, holy shit, please have my platonic babies.
           Andrew headed for the door, but Neil put a hand in his path. “How did you do it? How did you know where to go?”
           “Coach said Watts always takes his penalty shots to the bottom corner. With the game riding on him he was bound to do the same.”
           Neil stared at him, startled and disbelieving. (…) It’d been an off-the-cuff remark amidst a lot of other information. Neil hadn’t thought Andrew was even paying attention to Wymack’s spiel.
Well, my dude, seems like someone gives more fucks than we all were starting to think. OF FUCKING COURSE. I’m still grinning my face off writing this.
And with that, they’re off, back on the bus home, and we’re letting this chapter ring out but some good ol’ Neil “Oh shit, what’s this, good feelings, get them away from me” Josten.
           As he listened to them, Neil realized he was happy. It was such an unexpected and unfamiliar feeling that he lost track of the conversation for a minute. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this included or safe. It was nice but dangerous.
           Someone with a past like his, whose very survival depended on secrecy and lies, couldn’t afford to let his guard down. But as Nicky laughed and leaned closer to talk about one of Neil’s goals, Neil thought maybe he’d be okay for just one night.
Nicki out.
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Foxhole Court, Chapter 8 – The Hangover: Neil Josten Edition
In which Neil has a hangover that could kill a man, attempts to actually kill a few men (read: the monsters), Wymack is still the best person alive, and Andreil engage in some Totally Straight Bro Time™.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Foxhole Court.
So, last chapter was a train wreck. I’ve had lots of you coming up to me trying to restore Andrew’s honour and telling me it wasn’t all his fault, but still. The monsters have lost some serious sympathy points in my books.
(I’ve also been told it gets worse, which, might I add, is not reassuring what the hell.)
Let’s get crackin’ and see if our boy Neil is still alive.
           As soon as Neil could breathe again, he twisted and shoved Nicky as hard as he could. He was too sick and weak to push Nicky off the other side of the bed, but the boots he was still wearing would leave bruises on Nicky’s arms and chest.
Alive and kicking, pun absolutely intended.
Also, GOOD. Hit that fucker.
My initial love for Nicky is going through a serious dilemma right now, by the way. On one hand, he’s still the comic relief, which I love, he’s funny and loud and a much-needed ray of sunshine in this otherwise pretty depressing monster squad. On the other hand, he does not seem to understand consent, which goes against every principle I have.
He might have to settle as the Problematic Fave. We’ll see.
           “Hey, hey,” Nicky said, trying to deflect him. “It’s fine. Ouch! Relax, will you?”
           “Don’t you fucking touch me,” Neil said savagely.
I have a strong feeling Neil says everything savagely. That’s like saying Andrew said something murderously, Seth said something angrily, or Renee said something gently and glitter rained down from the sky, the sun bursts through the clouds and angels sang of everything good in this world.
It’s like, duh, that’s how they function.
           “He’s awake?” someone asked from the door.
           Neil snatched the alarm clock up and hurled it at the new arrival, who ducked out of the way just in time.
Attempted Kill Count: II.
Aaron and Nicky try to make him feel better by offering him water and food, and carrying him since he can hardly stand due to his Massive Cracker Dust Hangover, an act of niceness that I am totally not buying.
You drug him and were planning to do God knows what with him if he hadn’t had himself knocked out in time, and now you’re trying to play good Samaritan? Y’all can exit stage left.
           “Drink up,” Nicky said. “You’ll need all the water you can get today. Crackers’ll dehydrate you like nobody’s business.”
           Neil answered by upending his glass on the floor.
           “That’s mature,” Aaron said.
           Neil threw the glass at him.
Attempted Kill Count: III. Neil is on a roll today.
Neil, smart runaway that he is, does not buy the monsters’ Samaritan act either and instead does what I’d advised Nicky and Aaron to do: Exit stage left, that is to say, he gets the fuck out of there.
As soon as he’s in the vicinity of a payphone, he calls Matt and the other not-entirely insane people on this team, which is pretty much the only sensible thing to do in this kind of fuckery.
           “I’m in Columbia with Andrew.“
           “You’re – what?” Matt went from half-asleep to wide awake in a heartbeat. The alarm in his voice only made Neil feel worse. “Jesus, Neil, what the hell did you do that for? Did he–“ Matt aborted that and asked again, “Are you all right?”
           “I’m fine,” Neil lied.
The fact that this is alarming news to Matt and the gang is fucking alarming news to me. Please don’t tell me this is what happened to Matt last year. Please.
Also, Neil “I’m fine” Josten strikes again.
I am instantly proven right as we find out that yes, this is exactly what happened to Matt last year. Poor Billie Joe. You just rose so much in my sympathy ranks. <3
Neil truck-hitchhikes home which we are skipping because it is, frankly, it’s not that interesting. However, as he gets home, it is time for my undisputed fave to appear again:
           Neil wasn’t quite ready to face Andrew yet and he didn’t want to deal with his teammates’ curiosity over his prolonged absence, so he went to Wymack’s apartment instead.
Clearly, Wymack is the solution to everything. Glad my boy Neil and I are on the same page here.
           “You should have called me,” Wymack said. “Me or Abby or any of the upperclassmen. All you had to do was say you didn’t want to stay with Andrew. Any of us would have come and gotten you.”
           Neil stared at him, to startled to respond.
Hello, and welcome to our popular show Neil Doesn’t Realize People Actually Care About Him, episode 1 of a billion.
Wymack apparently has some strong feelings about Andrew and Neil not killing each other entirely, which is why he calls down Andrew for some Quality Bro Time™ with his bf Neil – in typical Wymack-y manner.
           Neil heard [Wymack’s] furious voice loud and clear.
           “You have five seconds to get your retarded psycho ass to my apartment! You even think about telling me no and I swear to god I’ll throw Kevin’s contract down a garbage disposal.”
My dude, maybe think twice about using the R-word. Otherwise, what level of i c o n i c. #dicksoutforwymack
Andrew, miraculously, follows that kind invitation instantly, and this is where stuff gets good.
           “Have a nice stroll?” he asked, interrupting Wymack’s tirade.
           Neil returned his cold stare with a heated “Fuck you.”
           Wymack snapped his fingers in front of Andrew’s face, trying to get Andrew to look at him instead of Neil.
Tough luck, buddy, have fun prying those two apart. The fuckers even switch to goddamned German to have some private one-on-one time, ahem.
Pity Neil has to reveal his secret language superpowers so early in the game, though. I was waiting for the epic moment where Neil chimes into a Kevin/Andrew/Nicky conversation in fluent German just to deliver a savage burn.
           “How about I start with your parents?”
           “Good luck,” Neil said, feeling cold all over. “They’re dead.”
           “Did you kill them?”
           He said it so casually, like he was asking for the time, that Neil could only stare at him for a minute. (…) Then he remembered who he was talking to and asked, “Did you kill yours?”
What the fuck, you guys. How is this even a conversation they’re having. Who on earth just asks stuff like that.
           The twins didn’t know who their father was, and only Aaron grew up with their biological mother. Andrew was surrendered to foster care when he was just a few days old.
Oh. In hindsight, this explains why Andrew referred to their mother as “Aaron’s mother” before, but more importantly: What the fuck, why.
Who does that to a child, heck, who does that to a baby. Surely it’s gotta be healthier for twins to stay with each other? What the hell, Minyards.
Also, how did they pick which twin to keep and which one to give away? Like, “oh, this one looks much nicer, this one looks less like it wants to murder you as soon as you threaten its favourite rattle, better take this one and chuck the other one in the realms of Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind”.
What the actual why.
Did I say this was where stuff got good? We’re not done yet, ho boy. This is where stuff gets really good:
           “I didn’t kill my parents,” Neil said. (…) “Riko’s family did.”
What follows may be the first real, pure, top-of-the-line Andreil scene we get to witness. Granted, Neil only gives Andrew the half-truth, leaving out some key details, but essentially, he pours his heart out in front of him. And I don’t only mean the whole factual side of things, but also stuff like “I’m too jealous of Kevin to stay away from him” and “He’s got you at his back telling him everything’s going to be okay” which I wish I’d made up as examples except those are actual quotes from the book.
And, might I add, not only is he confessing that stuff to one of his mortal enemies right now, he is also confessing that stuff for the first time ever to anyone at all.
I’m dead.
           Andrew reached up and forcibly uncurled Neil’s fingers from his mouth. He pushed Neil’s hand out of the way and stared Neil down with nothing between them. Neil didn’t understand the look on his face. There was no censure over Neil’s crooked parents or pity for their deaths, no triumph over having backed Neil into admitting so much, and no obvious scepticism for such an outlandish story. Whatever this look was, it was dark and intense enough to swallow Neil whole.
           “Let me stay,” Neil said quietly. “I’m not ready to give this up yet.”
Did I say I was dead? I just got fucking reanimated, lived a brief period of happiness, and died again.
WHAT LEVEL OF GAY SHIT. I know it gets even better later, [frieza voice] this isn’t even their final form, but I can’t help but be happy at the first glimpses of canon Andreil.
           Maybe Andrew’s night out in Columbia had been awful, and maybe he’d never want to say these things out loud, but having the air cleared between him and Andrew to some degree took an enormous weight of his chest.
My sad baby boy Neil gets some peace and relief and breathing room I cannot believe.
           Andrew didn’t look at Wymack. “Neil wants to come with me.”
           A day ago, those words might have been an order or a threat, but today Neil heard only truth. He’d chosen the Foxes. He’d chosen to trust Andrew, whatever that meant and whatever consequences it brought down the road. There was no reason or need to hide behind Wymack now.
Are y’all seeing what I’m seeing………… are those…….. first traces of friendship and peace……….. w h a t
As much friendship and peace as you can get with the messed-up murder maniac, at least.
I’m so happy, you guys.
This does not make up for the problems of last chapter (especially my boy Nicky and I still have a bone to pick), but it makes me tentatively look towards an eventually positive future for our angry  babies.
           Hope was a dangerous, disquieting thing, but he thought perhaps he liked it.
Couldn’t have said it better.
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Foxhole Court, Chapter 6 – Now That We’re All Here, What The Fuck Is Going On
In which we give out awards to characters we barely know, I have questions about demisexuality, Neil turns up the Gay Angst™ and the gang finally gets together although some of them could have fucking stayed home.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Foxhole Court.
           Neil left reality behind when he stepped into Dan’s room. Spending a month with Andrew’s cracked lot and a volatile Wymack had almost irreparably damaged his image of the Foxes. Now he was sipping a glass of sweet iced tea and eating cookies Renee had brought with her from home.
I’m…….. so…………. What did we do to deserve those angels……………….
           [Dan] seemed friendly enough now that Andrew was out of sight, but Neil had already noted her spine. She was made of sterner stuff, his mother might have said. Neil guessed she had to be to captain a ragtag team like this.
Don’t think I forgot the vow I made a few chapters ago:
Tumblr media
Well deserved, we honour you and your general badassery with this award today. May your spirit inspire us, guide us, and get our asses back in line when we try being Extra™.
Am I prematurely praising this character? Probably.
Do I care? Absolutely fucking not.
           Her roommate Renee was a mystery. (…) Nicky had called her the sweetheart of the team. Neil understood why as he listened to her talk. He had no idea how she qualified for the Foxes’ halfway-house team.
Murderous snowflake, I’m calling it. She probably has the darkest backstory of ‘em all. I’m so beyond intrigued by this character, she has instantly risen to the ranks of my favourites as well.
But all fun girly hangout times must end, and so they drive to the Fox Tower to finally get all the gang together.
Speaking of gangs! Neil’s favourite people, Andrew and the Murder Monster Squad, are back!
           “It’s not like we’re going to kill him,” [Nicky said.]
           “Kevin already tried,” Matt pointed out.
           “Nah, that was just a love tap.”
Nicky knows about the choking kink, you guys.
In an attempt to get the Kandreil ship sailing again make them all settle their differences, Andrew invites Neil to join them on a fun party trip in Columbia next weekend. There is absolutely no way this can go wrong, I’m sure of it.
           “Maybe [Allison and Seth] will get in a crash and won’t make it,” Nicky said hopefully.
           “Really, Nicky,” Renee said. “That’s a little inappropriate, don’t you think?”
           She said it gently, with a hint of a smile on her face, but Neil still felt the rebuke. It was subtler but somehow deadlier than the dirty looks Matt and Dan were sending Nicky, maybe because she was so sweetly disappointed in Nicky’s attitude. Nicky dropped his gaze from hers and gave an uncomfortable shrug.
Honestly, who is this Renee and why does she have such magical powers.
The way I see it, there are two ways this could go: 1) She actually has no deadly backstory (a sad, tragic one at best) and she owns the team’s hearts through sheer niceness, or 2) she is the murderous snowflake I appointed her earlier and has killed like a dozen men in her life, could slit your throat while simultaneously baking sweet cookies for her team, and is generally deadlier than all of them combined.
I’m hoping for the latter.
New character arrivals! The last ones for a longer time, I suppose, so let’s cherish them.
           Seth Gordon was the first into the room and he brought an attitude problem with him. He didn’t look happy to see any of them after only a month apart and he barely grunted at the staff in greeting. He took a second to scowl fiercely at Neil, but that was it.
Chill the fuck out, my dude. I’m taking it back, I don’t cherish him. He may be the only character I don’t instantly like, or at least find somewhat interesting.
Seriously, if you only come here to instantly non-verbally shit on everyone I’ve taken into my heart so far, you can fuck off right again.
           Allison Reynolds was only a few seconds behind him. (…) Everyone else was in jeans and rumpled from moving in. Allison looked ready for a photo shoot with perfect platinum curls, spiked heels, and a skintight dress.
Okay but. Is it intentional that she has the same name as the basket case from The Breakfast Club???? Because that just makes her overdressed outfit even more hilarious.
Also, glad to see the Extra™ represented on the female side as well.
           [Neil’s] skin stung with the memory of his mother’ heavy blows. Life on the run meant no time for friends or relationships, but that didn’t stop Neil from checking out girls as he grew older. His mother’s watchful eye noticed his lingering looks and increasing distraction. Afraid he’d spill their secrets over a childish crush, she beat him like she could kill his hormones with her bare hands. A few years of this violence and Neil finally got the hint: girls were too dangerous to consort with.
Are you telling me that his mom physically abused him for being attracted to girls. That is beyond shitty. That is so, so fucked up. Mom Josten is losing so many previously gained sympathy points right now.
Real talk time, though: How does that tie in with his demisexuality? Because evidently, he did have sexual attraction to complete strangers when he was younger. Is this suggesting that his mother’s abuse made him demisexual? Because that is problematic on so many levels, most of all because it invalidates demi people as it is suggesting you can be beaten into a sexual orientation.
The logical assumption – for me right now at this point of reading – would be that he is actually bi/pan, however his childhood abuse represses that and makes him uncomfortable in his sexual attraction to women as a Pavlovian response, similar to gay kids beaten by their homophobic parents.
Or is there just something else entirely that I’m not getting? There must be, as Nora Sakavic herself said that Neil is demisexual (or so I’ve been told).
Or am I just reading too much into this altogether?
This is v v interesting. If anyone has anything to add to this, do shoot me an ask, but please – please! – keep it spoiler-free.
(If you’re in doubt over whether something counts as a spoiler or not: Don’t send it. I’m serious.)
Back to the matter at hand: Now that all the Foxes have huddled into the Foxy Hol(e)y Court, it’s time for some real talk from Wymack.
           “Questions, comments, concerns? Anyone?”
           Seth pointed at Neil and said angrily, “I’m fucking concerned–“
           Neil guessed Wymack had heard this argument before, because he spoke over Seth like he didn’t hear him. “All right, then. Moving on…”
Ohhh, the shade. Get fucked, Seth.
           “The death threats [they received last season] were creative, though,” Nicky said. “Maybe this time they’ll follow through and actually kill one of us. Let’s vote. I nominate Seth.”
Me too, buddy.
           “Fuck you, faggot,” Seth said.
           “I don’t like that word,” Andrew said. “Don’t use it.”
My MAN. <333
           “I would say ‘fuck you, freak’, but then you wouldn’t know which one of you I was talking to.”
           “Don’t talk to us at all,” Aaron said. “You never have anything useful to say.”
Get fuckin rekt, pissbaby.
You come into my house, you insult my newly adopted characters, you can fuck the fuck off.
Sadly, Wymack breaks up what had been shaping up to be the diss battle of the decade by dropping the Edgar Allan bombshell on them. The entire team freaks out (obvs), but no one more than Andrew – however, it’s weirdly not the Ravens’ transfer he’s mad about, it’s simply the fact that Kevin didn’t tell him.
           “When were you going to tell me?”
           “I told him not to,” Wymack said.
           “You picked Coach over me?” Andrew asked, and laughed. “Ohhhh my. Favoritism, deception, betrayal, how familiar. After everything I’ve done for you.”
What, what have you done for him, I need to know.
           “It’ll be fine,” Andrew said. “I promised, didn’t I? Don’t you believe me?”
           It took a while, but at last Kevin visibly relaxed. The dead edge melted out of his eyes as he absorbed every ounce of strength Andrew could give him. The unwavering trust Kevin had in Andrew was amazing. How Kevin thought one psychotic midget could protect him against a family as twisted as the Moriyamas, Neil didn’t know.
Honestly, I can’t stress enough how interesting I find their dynamic. They switched from mortal enemies to BFFs within a season, and now they switch from viciously aggressive to almost tender within seconds. I need to know all their backstory and I need to know it now.
(Also, where’s the fanfiction at.)
           “Why does Kevin trust Andrew?”
           Renee smiled. “Because he knows he can.”
           “With so much at stake,” Neil pressed, as if she didn’t understand what was going on as well as he did. Maybe she didn’t. (…) She wasn’t like them. She was normal, or as normal as the Foxes could hope to be.
No, she fucking isn’t, don’t ask me how I know this I just know okay I know my murderous snowflake.
After this, Neil goes back to his roots in reminding us that he is, in fact, the Overlord of Angst™ in this book.
I joke about this, but those passages are always really well-written and super immersive, that is some bomb ass writing right there. Case in point:
           Kevin’s fear cut him wide open because Neil knew that feeling. Every day Neil woke up and relearned how to breathe. He gave himself two minutes every morning to calculate his chances of getting caught, weigh the benefits of staying wherever he was, and talk himself through his fear.
          Did Kevin do the same? The dead look Kevin turned on Andrew today was the same one Neil saw in his reflection.
Also ayy, back at it again with the Kevin/Neil parallels.
Following that is a lengthy description of Neil’s anxiety that I cannot quote simply because it’s too long. The key elements are this: Kevin, in all his fucked-up misery, still has Andrew to lean onto, while Neil is absolutely alone; Neil is deeply jealous of Kevin’s life, specifically of Kevin and Andrew’s trusting relationship; yet even though he hates him Neil still desperately wants to stick around to see Kevin succeed, and I fucking cry in a corner because that is too much for my poor shipping heart.
Give a girl a break.
           Finally [Seth] threw his hands up in disgust und turned on Neil. “And to make it all worse, I get stuck with a fucking amateur as a sub!”
Did I want a break? There it is. Assbrain McFuckface has graced us with his presence once again.
           Seth glared at Neil. (…) “We were supposed to make it this year. I trusted [Kevin] to pick our sub because he said he could get us past the championship death match. But this is repulsive.”
Your face is repulsive, Jesus Christ. Take a fucking chill pill, Gordon. You know this guy ten minutes and you’ve never even seen him play at all. Maybe try thinking outside of your tiny monkey brain and consider judging his game before you shit all over him.
(If anyone of you really likes Seth: I’m really sorry. But also: Why tf would you.)
Matt to the rescue!
           “At least give Neil a chance,” Matt said.
           “Day’s fucking with us,” Seth said. “It isn’t right.”
           “This attitude isn’t right,” Matt said, pointing at him.
You go, tall Billie Joe Armstrong. You’re good people.
The chapter’s almost done, save for one peculiar thing that happens towards the very end: Nicky loses Andrew – bad enough – and for some reason, turns to Renee to find him.
           Neil knew someone picked up by the way Renee smiles, but he didn’t know how Renee could smile so warmly when she was speaking to Andrew.
           “Did I wake you?” she asked in lieu of hello. “I was hoping to talk to you tonight, but Nicky says you’ve wandered off. Oh? All right, then. I’ll try again tomorrow. Lunch, perhaps? Okay. Good night.”
They go on LUNCH DATES??? I’m so fucking invested in this Brotp. Goalie bffs 4 lyfe.
But seriously, who is Renee and why is she so magical.
Find out next time, I guess.
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Foxhole Court, Chapter 2 - Twinyards!
In which we reveal Exy’s origin story, my namesake appears, Andrew has some Serious Issues™ and the Twinyards pull off the oldest twin trick in the book of twin tricks, however their punny name totally redeems them.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Foxhole Court.
Not gonna lie – I’ve been dying to read on since the last chapter. God, I just wanna sit down and burn through the entire book in two days. No. Patience, Nicki.
We start off the second chapter with yet another new character – Aaron Minyard, who is an all-black unfriendly fucker like his twin, minus the murder tendencies.
              “Neil,” Aaron said in lieu of hello, and he pointed. “Baggage claim.”
            “Just this.” Neil tapped the strap of the duffel bag hanging off his shoulder. The bag was small enough to be a carry-on and large enough to carry everything Neil owned.
What the fuck, this is the saddest thing I’ve read all day.
Aaron proves to be exactly the same shade of Extra and Dramatic as everyone else so far as he doesn’t give a flying hoot about lung cancer, polite conversation, or basic traffic regulations.
            “It’s too nice of a car to wreck,” [Neil] said pointedly.
            “Don’t be so afraid to die,” Aaron said as the car kept gliding across the four-lane road to an exit ramp. “If you are, you have no place on our court.”
Literally chill out, Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way.
Neil, unbothered by the waves of Extra currently rolling around, takes this car ride as an opportunity to talk about his favourite subject: Kevin.
            “Kevin stays on campus?” he asked.
            “Where the court is, Kevin is. He can’t exist without it,” Aaron said derisively.
What a nerd. I love it.
However, Kevin’s immense nerd-love for Exy is actually explained shortly after and answers my most burning question from last chapter: WHAT THE FUCK IS EXY IT MAKES NO SENSE SPORTS DON’T GET FAMOUS THAT FAST BLA BLA BLA.
Shut up, past!me. Nora Sakavic is gonna learn you a thing.
            Kevin’s mother Kayleigh Day and Riko’s uncle Tetsuji Moriyama created the sport roughly thirty years ago while Kayleigh was studying abroad in Fukui, Japan. What started as an experiment spread from their campus to local street teams, then across the ocean to the rest of the world. Kayleigh brought it home with her to Ireland after completing her degree and the United Stated picked it up soon after.
OKAY. First of all, thirty years is a long time and it’s fully plausible for a sport to develop this kind of following and news’ coverage in that time. For example, snowboarding was only developed in the late 70s/early 80s, yet today it’s even a Olympic discipline.
(Also, my comparison with competitive cheerleading from last chapter might have been unfair. Cheer counts as a minority sport in the US as well, yet fangirl/boy-level stalking is fully possible with American teams. Soz.)
I’d be an arrogant son of a bitch too if that had happened to me. Holy fucking what.
            Riko and Kevin were the face of the Ravens. To many, they were considered the future of Exy. (…) Except Kevin Day signed with the Foxes in March – not as a coach, but as a striker.
[fergie’s ‘london bridge’ voice] OH SHIT.
            His fans went from feeling heartbroken to feeling betrayed. Palmetto State hat borne the brunt of that rage since. The university and stadium had been vandalized upwards of a dozen times and there’d been numerous fights on campus. It would only get worse when the season started and people saw Kevin wearing the Foxes’ colours.
Fictional Sports World gets Actual Sports World’s obsessive fan violence spot on.
Also, I feel sorry for the students going to Palmetto State Uni who don’t give a fuck about Exy. Like, can y’all crazy sportsballheads stop vandalizing our campus like some people are trying to get an education here thank you. It’s like going to Hogwarts and just trying to live a chill regular life. Not happening.
As they arrive at Wymack’s house, a much-needed ray of sunshine appears: Nicky Hemmick.
            Nicholas Hemmick was the only one who looked genuinely happy to see Neil. (…) “I’m Nicky.” Nicky gave Neil’s hand another hard squeeze before letting go. “Andrew and Aaron’s cousin, backliner extraordinaire.”
            (…) “By blood?”
            Nicky laughed. “Don’t look it, right?”
I would like to point out that this is the first time a character genuinely laughs in this entire book. And we’re on page 22.
What a guy. I’m honoured to be his namesake (with minor spelling differences). Please don’t turn out to be an aggressive fuckwit as well please.
Some predictions on Nicky’s character:
- his kink is bein’ friendly and havin’ a good time
- drama kid
- g l i t t e r
- super open abt his sexuality, just loves love, essentially pansexual
- can fuck u up but does it nicely because he wants to support you and help you grow as a person
- would die for his friends (and dogs)
- essentially my headcanon courfeyrac from les mis okay shut up
Ahem. Moving on.
            “You have a nice car for someone who thinks he’s poor,” Neil said. (…)
            “Aaron’s mother bought it for us with her life insurance money,” Andrew explained.
Okay but - Aaron’s mother? What? Surely Aaron’s mother is Andrew’s mother as well if they’re twins?
I don’t believe this is lazy writing. What is going on there.
            “It’s not the world that’s cruel,” Neil said. “It’s the people in it.”
I don’t even want to know how many fangirls use this as their blog headline/Facebook status/moodboard caption/wrist tattoo.
            [Neil] was too busy staring at Aaron’s pants pockets. They were much too flat to be hiding a pack of cigarettes, but Neil had seen Aaron put the pack away before crossing the street at the airport.
Are you telling me Neil is too busy staring at Aaron’s ass (which is actually Andrew’s ass, spoiler alert) to notice when to walk into Wymack’s apartment because that might be the best thing that’s happened so far.
(Unless we’re talking about front pockets, in which case, nevermind).
And then this happens:
            “What was that all about?“
            Neil’s blood turned to slush. It wasn’t the words that got him but the language Nicky used. German was Neil’s second language thanks to three years spent living in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.
GERMANY! The mothercountry! Land of beer, sausage, and superfluously-stocked hardware stores!
Now the only thing I can imagine is Aaron and Andrew as coldmirror’s Torsten und Torben. I’m not even sorry.
            “Team’s still split fifty-fifty on whether or not [Coach Wymack and Abby] are boning. Andrew refuses to vote, which means you’re the tiebreaker. Let us know ASAP. I’ve got money riding on it.”
To no one’s surprise, Nicky is Ultimate Shipping King. I love him more by the minute.
However, these short moments of glee are immediately overridden because this happens:
          Too late, Neil remembered Nicky’s exasperated accusion in the living room: “What the hell did you say to him, Andrew?” Neil had assumed Nicky was referring to their first meeting in Millport, but Nicky had been talking about the car ride from the airport. It wasn’t Aaron who picked Neil up from the airport after all.
I mean… this is the oldest twin trick in the book, really. What is this, the Parent Trap?
No kidding, I’d pay to see the Twinyards with ginger pigtails dressed in early 20s fashion.
Also, Twinyards!! How did I not see that before!! Thank you, fandom, for finding the punniest names for everything ever.
(If you’re wondering whether I’m still laughing over this name as I type this: I am.)
Apparently, Andrew has some serious anger management issues and enough court-regulated drugs in his system to kill a small child, effectively making him a hardcore drug addict against his will.
The angst just does not stop, you guys.
Also, Wymack is back!
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          Neil looked down at the key in his palm, at the security Wymack so easily and unquestioningly gave him. Maybe Neil wouldn’t get any sleep tonight, and amybe he’d spend the next couple weeks waking up every time Wymack snored a little too loud, but maybe Neil really was okay here for now.
Oh don’t mind me I’m just crying in the corner whilst stabbing myself with my own materialized emotions.
What. A. Dude.
On a last note: How sexual was the elevator scene. I can’t even quote anything or I’d need to just slap the entire thing here because dear god, the gay is not even subtle at all.
          Neil couldn’t anticipate Kevin. (…) But Andrew was just a psychotic midget, and Neil had grown up around violence. Handling him would be easy.
Two things:
1. 20 bucks says it’s not gonna be fucking easy ho boy
2. Maybe chill on the m word, my dude.
Ughhhh. Is it Sunday already?
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
#dicksoutforwymack is quite possibly my favorite hashtag of yours of all time my friend
it’s the new meme you heard it here first kids get with the times
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
THANK YOU FOR THIS!!! I finished the first book and damn your posts are hilarious 😂 (I was also confused about this gay murder sport series, then I saw your post that got super popular and hardcore related so I started reading it) #coachwymackftw
Oh my god!! Thank you!! I’m so glad to see people are liking this :)
Also are you saying I inspired you to read tfc bc………. that’s the nicest thing…… e v e r omfg
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nickireadstfc · 6 years
The King’s Men, Chapter 16 – A Team Of Particularly Good Finders
In which I find a new favourite team, Kevin’s angrier half makes an entrance, I find a new favourite team, keys are distributed, faceclaims are suggested, and I find a new favourite team.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The King’s Men.
             Saturday morning Wymack stopped by Fox Tower with a guest. (…)
             “Thea,” Kevin finally said, and scrambled to his feet. “What are you doing here?”
I’ve been waiting for this gal ever since she was first mentioned, and my dudes my pals my homies, let me tell you – her presence does not disappoint.
Thea Muldani is big and buff and bench-presses male egos for breakfast, but also wears pastel makeup, braids and dresses like Beyoncé herself gave her fashion advice.
A certified Boss Ass Bitch, you say? Absolutely.
A definite, definite Venus Williams faceclaim, you say?
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Alternatively also Serena Williams?
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Like Kevin, Thea also left the Ravens, but she seems to have quite a different relationship to them than he does.
             Even though Thea graduated from Edgar Allan almost three years ago she still wore her Raven jersey number on a pendant around her throat.
Neil then wonders how ex-Ravens fare out there in the Real World, and he voices my thoughts precisely: Do they recover? Do they hang on? And if they do, is it because they’re broken, or out of choice?
This is Interesting Shit that I am very, very much intrigued to know more about. Since I’m not sure we’ll have quite enough time to get into this in what’s left of this book, if anyone has any fic recs dealing with this (= post-Raven recovery), hit me the hell up.
However sadly, Thea is not here to answer my deep psychological musings, and is instead very much here to tear Kevin a new one.
Or five.
             “I always wanted to talk, but it was complicated.”
             “’Complicated’,” Thea echoed. The air quotes she threw him were angry and mocking. “’Complicated’ is having to find out from a press conference that you broke your hand and left the line-up. ‘Complicated’ is finding out the hard way you disconnected your old number and having to hear from Jean that you didn’t want anything to do with any of us effective immediately. Don’t you dare use ‘complicated’ against me. I deserve better than that.”
Exy Venus Williams is mad, y’all – and completely in the right, because Kevin, you done fucked up.
Anyone who figuratively leaves his girlfriend on ‘read’ for two years deserves to have the shit bitched out of them publicly.
However, Kevin has a magic trick to at least somewhat calm his angrier half down:
Fellow ex-Raven and resident human ground beef Jean Valjean Moreau.
They go see him, but like puppies left out in the rain we don’t get to go with, which is a damn shame because I’m getting increasingly interested in how our favourite baguette is going to continue his trauma-filled existence.
             “You assume [Nicky] will survive until summer [because he’s annoying the hell out of Andrew with his Andreil shipping],” Andrew said.
             “You break him, you owe me a new defenseman,” Wymack said.
Found this chapter’s #dicksoutforwymack, that line was gold, small as it was.
             “You have one at Abby’s house.”
DAMN RIGHT. Anyone up for some Fox!Jean? Yes? Yes?
Apparently, not Kevin and Jean, who have irreparably damages their athletic compatibility at the Batcave of Extra, so Fox!Jean is a thing we may have to keep to fanfic.
Again – a damn shame.
What is decidedly not a damn shame is that Wymack has a lil something for Andrew, and when I found out what it was I may or may not have shed a lil tear of pride.
             Keys jangled as they hit the carpet, and Neil stared in disbelief. He couldn’t be right, except last summer Wymack had given Neil three new keys, too: a set for all the important doors at the Foxhole Court. (…) “Kevin said to give you those.”
This has got to be the fourth or fifth time this series has made me emotional about fucking keys, what in the absolute fuck.
             [Neil’s] heart was pounding. (…) He thought about fighting for a spot on the US Court and facing the best the world had to offer, Kevin at his side and Andrew at his back.
When will the Kandreil feels end, my money is on fucking never.
With this preliminary banter done, we move on to what’s really important in this chapter:
The first NCAA Exy championship semi-final; University of Southern California Trojans vs Palmetto State University Foxes.
Or, as I like to call it – USC Hufflepuffs vs Kevin Day’s Boner.
So much has been promised about this team, their human sunshine of a captain and their infamous Too Good For This World cinnamon roll-ness, I was buzzing in my seat waiting to get to know them.
             “[Think] about what you’re going to say in pre-game.” (…)
             “How about ‘We’re gonna own these lowers’?” Nicky suggested.
             “And that’s why you’re not allowed to talk to the press,” Matt said dryly.
Nicky, my boy, never change. <3
However, I immediately opposed any ‘loser’ insults as I finally, finally met –
The one, the only, captain of Trojans, idol of Kevin Days everywhere, the OG Cinnamon Roll™ – Jeremy Fucking Knox.
             “Kevin, you crazy fool,” he said, less formally, and clapped Kevin’s shoulder in a cheery greeting. “You never cease to amaze. You’ve got a thing for controversial teams, I think, but I like this one much better than the last one.”
Hi, marry me.
Again with the characterizations through first lines in this book, aye? Pretty sure this guy is the only one in the entire world who could bro-hug Kevin, call him a crazy fool to his face, and come away with his nose unbroken.
(He says a little bit towards Wymack before that, but we’re gonna ignore that for the meme.)
But apparently, Jeremy is not the only one who gets to say unexpected things right now.
             [Kevin] only said, “I have a backliner for you. Do you have room on next year’s line-up?”
… Does this mean what I think it means.
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My dudes, let me tell you, my ass is HERE for Trojan!Jean. Trojean. TROJEAN.
Seriously, if you want someone with a trauma caused by abusive competitive toxic teammates to recover, a team that’s known for being the friendliest, kindest and fairest motherfuckers on the planet is pretty much the absolute Way To Go.
Operation Trojean is the best rehab anyone has ever thought of, ever, and I will hear no other opinions on this.
I was already enjoying this tremendously, good things all around, how much better could it be – when Sunshine Boy decided to pull something so spectacularly Hufflepuff that I swear to fuck I heard badgers singing.
Y’all are not ready.
I was not ready.
             “Our line-up,” Jeremy explained. “It’s late to be getting it to you, I know, but we were trying to avoid as much of the backlash as possible.”
Why, what’s happ–
             “Two goalies, three backliners, two dealers, two strikers,” Jeremy said. “You’ve made it this far with those numbers. It’s time to see how we’d fare in that situation.”
You have got to be kidding me, Sunshine Boy.
You are giving up your gigantic team, your sure-as-life win, your One Big Strength – just because it’s fair? And because you want to learn from your opponents more than you want to win?
I’m out. This is too much. This team is TOO FUCKING MUCH.
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             “You’ll lose tonight if you play like this.”
             “Maybe,” Jeremy agreed, unconcerned. “Maybe not. Should be fun either way, right? I don’t remember the last time I was this psyched for a game.”
There is no way in hell I’m not faceclaiming this guy as known Puff Champion Cedric Diggory now.
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No. Way. In. Hell.
             Neil finally understood how the USC Trojans had won the Day Spirit Award eight consecutive years.
Bitch, me too, the fuck.
             “I take back what I said about earthquakes,” Nicky said weakly. “I have a new favourite team.”
And with that, the game is on, and I can’t remember the last time I was so pumped for a good ol’ match of Orange Murder Sportsball.
Despite their Line-Up of Dreams, the Trojans pretty much wipe the floor with the Foxes in the first half, as was to be expected.
But in second half – well, let’s just say I ain’t never seen a badger run a marathon.*
             USC could have taken control of the game in a heartbeat if only they’d rethink their strategy. If they pulled their three subs from the sidelined players the Foxes’ night was over. But the Trojans had made up their mind and they weren’t backing down.
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(*For the record: Foxes don’t exactly run marathons either – according to the mighty Internet, foxes can run up to 55 km/h and badgers up to 30 km/h, but both only over short distances. A human Trojan would definitely outrun a fox (or a badger) over a long distance. So much for brand accuracy.)
But then! Oh, who would have thought! This is so completely surprising! The Foxes catch their wind on the second half! Amazing, they start to dominate the game! And – and – and it’s a win! Win for the Foxes! WIN FOR THE FOXES!
Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy and excited for them and all, but as if we didn’t absolutely see this coming.
             “Is this what dying feels like?” [Alvarez] asked, and called over her shoulder, “Babe, I think I’m dying. Do I still have legs?”
Things like these make my sports-ignorant ass realize just how hardcore the Foxes playing full halves actually is.
No subs, we die like men.
Also, Alvarez’ “babe” turns out to be Laila Dermott, which makes me love the Trojans even more – and I truly did not think this was possible – because Exy Lesbians.
             “That was fantastic. (…) I want to do it again. Next year, maybe, when my legs grow back.”
             “Stop being such a baby,” Laila said.
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This banter is giving me life.
If anyone has any fanart of these two buff buttercups, please send it my way pronto.
             Neil didn’t care how many hearts they broke that night. They’d beaten USC. (…) The Foxes were going to finals, and that was the only thing that mattered.
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Before we move on to post-semi-final celebrations, allow me to gush about the Trojans one last time, and then I promise I’m done melting into a puddle every time one of them so much as speaks.
             “[Jean] will be back in the fall. He just won’t be back in black.” Jeremy flashed his toothy grin. (…) “He’s transferring to USC for his senior year.”
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This is one of the best ideas anyone has had in this entire book. Four for you, Trojean, you go, Trojean.
(And none for Riko Moriyama, bye.)
             “We’ll have to get him some sun this summer, though! He’s a little pale to pull of red and gold right now,” Jean laughed.
[To the tune of California Girls] California puffs they’re unforgettable…
Also, in which Jean is #me in summer, all day err’day.
Tanning is for weak people, we sunburn like true Germans.
             Nicky (…) cut the TV off. “I’ve got a theory that Renee and Jeremy are long-lost siblings. What do you think would happen if they ever joined force?”
             “They’d get murdered,” Aaron said. (…) “War’s profitable; no one wants their world-peace nonsense.”
Gee, thanks, you absolute walnut.
For the record, I agree with Nicky, and I’m also counting this as the reason I immediately fell in love with Jeremy.
What can I say – in a world full of Angst, Drama, Angst, Infighting and More Angst, ya girl loves herself some good sunshiney optimists.
As for post-semi-final celebrations, the gang makes good on an old tradition and goes into town for another Fun Night of Debauchery for what I’m assuming is the last time in this series.
To think that a year ago the prospect of this would have made me break out in protective Neil feels, and now I’m actually looking forward to it.
Man, we’ve come far.
Speaking of – Andrew now apparently has no need for cracker dust anymore(!!!), has nothing against being touched in public (!!!!) and doesn’t seem to mind his Bartender Pal Roland calling him out on his Very Much Gay, Very Much Official Relationship (!!!!!).
Man, we’ve come fucking far.
             “How’d you know [about Andrew being gay]?”, [Nicky said.] “Is your gaydar more advanced than mine is or – “ Nicky’s jaw dropped as he clued in. “Wait. No way. No way! Did you two –?”
Andrew hooked up with Big Intimidating Bartender Pal, this is glorious.
             Neil’s clock was still ticking down, but his numbered days followed a different schedule now. Neil had all the time in the world, and that left a heat in his gut stronger than any whiskey could.
Fuck yes.
Fuck YES.
A very good ending to a very good second to last chapter.
...Oh shit.
Second. To. Last. Chapter.
Next chapter will almost conclude this series (I’m told there is a short epilogue, so we’re not quite done). Next chapter will almost conclude this blog, holy shit.
We’ve been following the Orange Hellride that is this series for over a year now (thanks to my giant hiatuses in between, oops). This is insane.
I’ll get all emotional and grateful and weepy in the last chapter and final book recap, so dry eyes over here for now, but y’all – get ready.
This ride is about to end, and knowing this series, we’re about to go out with a fucking bang.
Oh dear.
Before I go - a quick note on the update situation for the last few uploads (meaning chapter 17, epilogue, book recap). This feels almost redundant to say after my schedule has been very loose (soz) these past few chapters anyways, but I will be taking some liberties for the finish line.
This blog has been one of my greatest pride and joys over the last year, and I really wanna stick the landing. This means I'd rather spend an extra day refining than update by hook and by crook. As a loose time estimate – expect the last chapter by the end of the week, possibly earlier.
Let me make this good for you guys. I'm way excited (and scared), and I hope you are too.
Peace and love, y'all.
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The King's Men, Chapter 1 – Hello Foxhole, My Old Friend
In which the Foxes are introduced to Meat Grinder Neil, Nicky misses an opportunity for a memeworthy Christmas gift, we find out some things about Jean, and Andrew and Neil chill on a rooftop or whatever.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The King's Men.
Hello hello hello, we’re back! Welcome to the one, the only, the glorious, all-surpassing, awe-inspiring, shade-throwing, capslock-inducing and feels-wrecking finale to this hell of a ride called All For The Game - welcome to The King's Men.
Let’s start at the very front: A cover, as always, says more than a thousand words, and this cover has one clear message it shouts in the faces of those familiar with the series, clear as day and ringing like a bell: IT'S SHOWDOWN TIME, FUCKERS.
Two Exy racquets, one orange, one black, crossed, clashing. The title, half-orange, half-black. Nora Sakavic' name at the bottom, also half-orange, half-black, menacingly laughing in my face like Rumpelstiltskin on crack, glee-drunk on my surely following future tears.
Whee-hee. Let’s fucking go.
(Also, the chapters are getting much longer by this book, so y'all will have to deal with these posts being longer as well. Soz.)
          Even after a semester at Palmetto State University and a couple weeks practicing on the largest Exy stadium in the United States, Neil was still struck breathless by the Foxhole Court.
Neil, my boy, you never disappoint. Even through hardship, bruises and cuts, one thing can always be relied on: Your gigantic boner for Exy. Get a room, you two.
          “It’s time to go,” Wymack said.
          That was enough to make Neil get up, although his battered body protested.
Oh yeah, quick reminder for anyone who might have forgotten (although – why the fuck would you ever): Neil is currently walking minced meat with Trauma Jetlag™, a literal prison tattoo, and #allnatural #naturaleyes #naturalhair #nomakeup #nofilter.
Because of that, he’s obviously not that keen on running into his squad at the moment. Can’t exactly blame the dude.
If I looked like Freddy Krueger with a facial tramp stamp, I wouldn’t go around instagramming selfies either.
Especially when I willingly ran into the arms of the dude who is nationally known for giving out facial tramp stamps.
          Wymack had even locked the office in his short absence. Neil had been in there enough times to know Wymack didn’t keep anything particularly valuable on his shelves. The only thing of any import was Neil’s duffel. (…) On Neil’s first day in South Carolina he had asked Wymack to protect his things, and seven months later Wymack was still keeping that promise. It was almost enough to make Neil forget all about Riko.
Guys, this just in: Wymack is still the best damn person alive. #dicksoutforwymack
The best damn person alive also already warned the Foxes Neil looked like a human punching bag in order to prevent them from having an actual heart attack when they see him. Yay, have fun explaining yourself to them, hombre.
          Matt moved soundlessly for a few moments before he finally managed to choked, “Jesus Christ, Neil.”
          “It’s not as bad as it looks,” Neil said.
This just in: Neil is Veronica from Heathers, minus the 80’s hair-do.
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In order to fulfill his self-appointed role as Neil’s mother hen, Matt then swiftly goes and punches newly-arrived Kevin in the fucking face – which is generally a sentiment I can support, although it really is not his fault this time.
          Matt stared at him for an endless minute, then said, “I want to break [Riko’s] face in six places. If he ever comes within a thousand yards of you again –“
Same, Matt. Fucking SAME.
Matt being protective of Neil will never not give me a healthy dose of The Feels™.
One confrontation down, four to go: What do Aaron, Nicky and Kevin have to say to Mr Meat Grinder?
          Unsurprisingly, Aaron was the safest one to look at. (…) Neil gave him a moment to see if he’d ask, but all Aaron did was shrug.
Glad to see the usual amounts of sympathy and care coming from one half of the Minyard Murder Twins.
Although I’m doubting the other half will muster up any more affection.
          Nicky, on the other hand looked absolutely crushed as he took in Neil’s wrecked appearance. He reached out as soon as Neil was close enough and wrapped his hand around the back of Neil’s neck, (…) carefully pulling Neil up against him.
Also, glad to see the usual freaking normal reaction coming from Nicky, aka some goddamn comforting hugs for once in this cold, cold monster squad.
Nicky hugs are the best hugs.
          At least Kevin had the decency to speak in French. “Tell me the master didn’t approve this.”
Every time Kevin still calls Tetsuji “the master”, a little tiny thing inside my heart dies.
10/10 would protect my tiny big ass traumatized son.
          “Riko said he’d hurt us if I change it back. All I can do is duck my head and hope for the best.” (…)
          “How long do you think he’ll let you hide before he forces you to show [the tattoo] off? The press will be all over this (…). He’s trying to get you found.”
Well, duh.
I’m already looking forward to Neil regaining his confidence, and then I’m looking forward to him sassing the absolute everloving shit out of whoever tries to come for him for his appearance and tattoo.
          “He wouldn’t waste his time unless he thinks we really are going to be a problem for his team That means something, doesn’t it? (…) Kevin, you do what you do best and focus on Exy. Take us where he doesn’t want us to go.”
Hell effin yes.
We’re gonna fucking make it to finals, and we’re gonna fucking shoot that dumb Exy ball so hard around those Raven Fuckers’ heads that we shoot the asshole smirk right off Riko’s ugly face.
          Nicky looked between them as if making sure they were done, then scooped his gift bags up again and held one out to Neil.
          “Belated Christmas present,” he said, a little sadly.
Trust this dude to always bring the sunshine around at the end of the day.
          “I’ve got Andrew’s with me, too. Actually, I got you two the same thing because you are like the most impossible people in the world to buy for.”
Knives, hair dye, black T-Shirts, cigarettes, a coupon for an anger management course,… Andreil gift-shopping ain’t that hard, homie.
But scratch all that - Nicky got them each a winter coat!
This would have been even better if Nicky hadn’t gotten the same coat for each of them, but literally the same coat – because now all I can imagine is Neil and Andrew stuck in one coat like a Get Along Shirt.
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If someone makes this into fanart, I will pay you in Ben & Jerry’s. I’m being dead serious.
Four reunions done and the most important one still to go – one road trip to Columbia later:
        “If you’ll sign in, I’ll ring Dr. Slosky and let him know you’re here.”
        (...) Neil was the only one who hesitated when his pen touched the paper. Riko hadn’t let him be “Neil” at Evermore. Every time Neil answered to it on the court, Riko beat him for it. (…) Riko wanted him to know how much trouble he’d caused the Moriyamas with all of his alibis.
Jesus fuck. Is there literally anything he didn’t get beat for at the Batcave of Extra?
Actually, don’t answer that.
Also, hate to be that person again but – shouldn’t he have gotten to that bit of trauma way earlier? Wymack and the Foxes called him Neil so many times already, why is this only kicking in now?
I legit don’t have an explanation and I think it may just be a continuity error. If anyone does have a good explanation, shoot me an ask.
They sit down to wait for Andrew and to everyone’s surprise (including mine), Kevin uses the wait to do something so incredibly out of character my figurative wig was instantly snatched:
Being a compassionate person.
        “I know what he’s like,” Kevin said. Neil looked at him, but Kevin was studying his hands. “Riko. If you want to talk.”
Fucking what.
        It was the most awkward and uncomfortable thing Kevin had ever said to him. Kevin was known for his talent, not his sensitivity. (…) That he tried at all was so unexpected Neil felt it like a balm to every bruised inch of his skin.
Oh my GOD.
HE’S TRYING, he’s trying to make Neil feel better, he just wants to help and to comfort him I’m gonna light myself the fuck on fire I can’t handle this.
These Kevin/Neil feels are ambushing me out of nowhere. I was almost over this dynamic, god damnit. What the fuck.
        “[Jean’s] father owed the Moriyamas a great deal. The master paid those debts in exchange for Jean’s presence on our court. He was property, nothing more. You are the same in their eyes. (…) I know it means he did not hold back.”
Wait – does this mean Jean initially got the same treatment that Neil just had to suffer through?
Jean Valjean has instantly risen in the ranks of my faves.
No wonder he’s a (seemingly) heartless bitch now. Kill or be killed, I guess.
        “Were you ever going to tell [Coach that he’s your father]?”
        “I was going to when he signed me,” Kevin said. “I couldn’t. (…) [Tetsuji] has never raised a hand or voice against Coach before because Coach has never been a real threat to him. I didn’t know if a confession would change things. I couldn’t risk it.”
Kevin :’( protecting and caring for Wymack :’(( just like Wymack protected and cared for him :’((((((
Before I can get too emotional over this, though, the happy Kevin/Neil Honest Conversation™ is cut short by the arrival of everyone’s favourite murder maniac, minus the meds.
(Back at it again with the alliterations, y’all.)
        If Neil hadn’t known Andrew spent the last year and a half fiercely protective and territorial of Kevin, he’d think they were strangers. Andrew treated Kevin to a bored inspection, then flicked his fingers in dismissal.
Apparently, Andrew is not that different off his meds but continues to be a Stony Sinnamon Roll, Too Indifferent To This World, Too Dead Inside™. Well, bummer.
I don't know what I expected, since we did meet him sober before, but I think I thought when he'd be off his meds permanently he'd be... More? I guess? More of a person, I mean. Less walking void, and all that jazz.
Maybe he'll come around. Give the sinnamon roll some time.
Neil and the squad, finally complete again, drive back to campus, and as they get out we get a glimpse of something amazing we'll have more of later this chapter:
It's prime fucking Andreil time.
        [Neil] straightened and turned to find out Andrew had shifted closer. There was nowhere for Neil to stand except up against Andrew, but somehow Neil didn't mind. They'd been apart for seven weeks but Neil keenly remembered why he'd stayed. He remembered is unyielding, unquestioning weight that could hold him and all of his problems without breaking a sweat. For the first time in months he could finally breathe again. It was such a relief it was frightening; Neil hadn't meant to lean on Andrew so much.
Alright alright alright. So NOT ONLY is this gay as shit as it is, and Neil is (whether he realises it or not) super fucking in love by this point, but - "Andrew had shifted closer", bitch, what.
Don't you dare tell me that boy isn't fucking infatuated with our favourite runaway drama queen.
In today's issue of The PSU Andreil Times: Heart-Eyed Little Shit Thinks He's Being Sneaky, Fails Miserably. More news on page 19.
When Neil is done waxing poetic about Andrew's ~strength~ and his ~*~unyiedling body~*~, he goes back to his dorm for part 2 of The Matt Confrontation:
        „Neil? We're here when you want to talk about it.“
        „I know.“
Is that... Neil... close to accepting actual help from outside...
        He knew just from looking at Matt that Matt would accept any truth Neil gave him right now, no matter how cruel or unbelievable. He'd done the right thing by going to Evermore; he was making the right choice in standing his ground here with the Foxes. (…) If [what happened] was the only way to keep his teammates safe from Riko's cruelty, it was an easy price to pay.
Okay ya brb while I drown myself in my own fucking tears.
FOX FAMILY. STOP RUINING MY FEELINGS. I'm supposed to be cool and witty here but I can't even do that because I'm just too emotional over this.
And the fun doesn't stop here, oh no.
Are you guys ready?
I know there are some people fidgeting excitedly in their seats right now because they know what's about to come up – the grand finale to a wonderful third-book-kick-off chapter:
The goddamn rooftop thing.
        Andrew turned to face him. „I'll take an explanation now.“
        „You couldn't ask for answers inside where it's warm?“ Neil asked.
Glad to see that even when faced with his (by now Confirmed™) crush, Neil still doesn't lose his sass.
But of course, Neil is not one to keep secrets from his murder boyfriend, and so he tells him of the Christmas Fuckery – which Andrew is decidedly not fucking liking, because of course Neil left Kevin's side and therefore kind of broke their deal.
        „Why did you go?“
        Neil didn't know if he could say it. Thinking about it was almost too much. Andrew was waiting, though, so Neil choked back his nausea. „Riko said if I didn't, Dr. Proust would-“
        Andrew clapped a hand over his mouth, smothering the rest of his words. (…) „Do not make the mistake of thinking I need your protection.“
Okay, but don't you, though?
Neil says it himself later on, and he's entirely correct: Andrew watches everyone's backs, who's gonna watch his?
He may be an expert in back-watching, but even the most back-watchiest back-watcher in the world can be out-back-watched, my dude. And who's gonna come rescue you then, hm? HMM??
Neil fucking will, of course.
        „The next time someone comes for you, stand down and let me deal with it. Do you understand?“
        „If it means losing you, then no.“
Since when are our boys so damn open with their love declarations?? This was so outta nowhere?? I'm fcukign?? Having a heart attack??
And following that – of course. The one, the only, the iconic:
        „I hate you,“ Andrew said casually. (…) „You were supposed to be a side effect of the drugs.“
        „I'm not a hallucination,“ Neil said, nonplussed.
        „You are a pipe dream,“ Andrew said.
The fact that Andrew thought his feelings (THAT ARE NOW CONFIRMED, I REPEAT, CONFIRMED ANDREW FEELINGS FOR NEIL HAVE BEEN SPOTTED) were a temporary thing, unreal, a side effect of being high out of his mind, is just like kind of, casually ruining my life. No biggie.
No fucking biggie.
Andrew quickly realizes he may have admitted too many feelings though, and in a feeble attempt to save his cold front and fragile masculinity, he throws Neil's keys off the roof, because just giving them back to him normally wouldn't have been Manly™ enough.
However Neil, once more, is able to show us that he can give as good as he gets (innuendo absolutely intended):
        Neil wasn't sure why he did it, but he plucked Andrew's cigarette off the sidewalk and stuck it between his lips. He tipped his head back to meet Andrew's unwavering gaze and tapped two fingers to his temple in Andrew's mocking salute. (…) It felt like a win, though Neil wasn't sure why.
Fucking hell.
These two are going to a) improve this last book exponentially and b) absolutely fucking ruin my life.
Nicki out.
As always: If you like what I do here and you want to help me continue writing fun things for you, please consider buying me a coffee. Every lil bit does absolutely help, getting me through uni and all that jazz. Thanks so much!!
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Raven King, Chapter 12 – No One Is Okay (I Promise)
In which we deal with the aftermath of the Thanksgiving Fuckery, Kevin is apparently not the only one with a choking kink, Neil is still obnoxiously fine, and Betsy is the best person to ever grace this planet.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Raven King.
Am I back? Yes.
Am I alive? Physically.
Am I over what happened? Fuck no.
It’s fine, though, because from what I’ve gathered no one else is, either.
No, but seriously – every time the mental image of Andrew on that bed, half-undressed, blood-splattered, has haunted me the past week, I was hit with the biggest rush of new-found love for this character, and a fierce desire to protect him. Andrew frickin’ Minyard. This dude. I love him. I need to protect him.
Life goes on, I guess?
           Neil didn’t know if [the six cops arriving at the Hemmicks’ house] had nothing better to do on a Sunday night or if they’d come following the slip of Kevin Day’s name over the police radio.
Are you telling me Kevin has fanboys in the frickin’ police. Seriously?
I am once again doubting how big of a deal Exy actually is.
After the authorities arrive, one half of the squad is shipped off to the police station, the other to the hospital. What a way to end a Thanksgiving dinner. Amazing. 10/10 would thanksgive again.
Going to the hospital has one silver lining, though (apart from the murder kitten getting medical attention ofc):
Wymack is there!
           “Kevin called me,” Wymack said.
           Neil did the math in his head, but it didn’t add up. (…) The only way Wymack could be standing here now was if Kevin called him when he first went downstairs to get Nicky. Knowing Kevin, Neil bet Wymack got the call before 911 did.
FOX DAD :’((((((( <33333 #phonesoutforwymack #dicksoutforwymack
           “What do you want me to say?”
           “The truth,” Wymack said.
           “Why not?”
Yeah, hombre. You’re not speaking to the police, you’re not speaking to Wymack – why the hell not? They’re not after you, they’re after getting the truth on how Andrew was abused, which will considerably lessen your guilt (as opposed to them just assuming you murdered that guy for the fun of it), which is in your best fucking interest.
           Something like this demanded complete honesty, and Neil had been lying since he was old enough to speak. He didn’t know how to tell the truth now. If he tried, would it still be the truth, or would he poison the words by saying them aloud?
Alright, honestly, this is one of the moments where Neil just annoys the crap out of me.
Like. There is no actual fucking reason for you not to help your friends (and you, might I add) out of this shitty ass situation, yet you don’t do it because of your fucking angst.
Chill the fuck out and get the fuck real. No one is asking you to tell them your life story, they just need a witness of what happened in that godawful room.
Help your fucking friends out, Josten. Stop whining, help your friends and help yourself.
They get Andrew out of the hospital, they get back to the cousin’s house, and before they even set foor in the door, we get another Prime Andreil Real Talk Time:
           “You helped create this mess. The least you could do is help clean it up.” (…)
           He wanted to say this wasn’t his fault, but they both knew it was. Andrew hadn’t told him about Drake, but he’d said Luther betrayed his trust. Instead of listening to that, Neil sided with Nicky’s hopeful grief. He hadn’t invited Drake to South Carolina, but he’d delivered Andrew into his waiting arms.
Hold up, hold up, hold up. I get the point, but still, this is not Neil’s fucking fault.
Andrew had said Luther “betrayed his trust”, that could have meant anything from “Luther told people I’m borderline alcoholic” to “Luther told people I’m gay”. It certainly did not immediately suggest something like Drake fucking Spear.
Neil helped create this mess, yes. But he did not do it intentionally, and you can bet your ass he wouldn’t have pushed Andrew to go to South Carolina if he had known what it would mean for him.
It’s Drake’s fault for being such an absolute fucker, and it is Luther’s fault for inviting him back into his home despite knowing what he had done in the past.
Also – two can play the guilt game:
           “So you did nothing,” Neil said. “You almost put a knife between Nicky’s ribs when he flirted with me, but you didn’t lift a finger to protect Cass’ other children. You knew what Drake would do to them but you didn’t protect them.”
Not entirely true either – he did lift a finger by telling the only responsible adult he knew at the time who wasn’t Drake’s parents or Higgins (who was pals with Drake): Luther.
And Luther told him he was wrong. He was misunderstanding the situation.
My blood still fucking boils when I think of that expression. I could retch, cry, and yell at the same time.
           “Is this how you stayed quiet?” Neil reached up and took hold of Andrew’s wrist. He couldn’t feel the scars through the cotton sleeve, but he didn’t need to. He knew they were there. (…) “Did you do this so you wouldn’t tell her the truth about her son?”
           “Maybe I did.”
ANDREW :’(((((((((((((((
Protect him.
           “All you had to do was to hold out until graduation and then she would adopt you. So what went wrong?”
Yeah – remember how I jokingly mentioned Kevin having A Thing for choking way back in Book 1?
           Andrew’s fingers slowly tightened until Neil couldn’t breathe anymore. He refused to shake Andrew off. The tightness in his chest started as simple discomfort but spread until it felt like every bone in his chest would break beneath the pressure.
Seriously, WHY is there so much choking happening in these books.
I can hear y’all going, oh Nicki, wait a second, that wasn’t sexual though, that was only the usual shade of violent we know and love, where’s the sexual tension that should accompany this?
           Instead of letting go, Andrew slid is hand around the back of Neil’s neck and pulled him in close. He put his mouth at Neil’s ear and lowered his voice.
           “Drake deferred his enlistment,” Andrew said. “He wanted to make the most of his last summer with his baby brother. (…) He wanted to get [Aaron and I] in the same place. He could imagine what we’d look like in bed together, he said. It’s be picture perfect.”
I am legit close to retching on my bed.
Seriously, this came like a punch to the gut – mostly because I’d suspected something like this earlier when we saw how protective Andrew was of Aaron concerning Drake.
           [Neil] needed to know if Andrew was screaming behind the euphoria his drugs fed his veins. But Andrew wasn’t, and Neil couldn’t live with that. (…) Tonight didn’t mean anything to him. This was a setback Andrew could sidestep and ignore.
And again – punch to the gut.
What the hell.
I am both hella scared and unbelievably sad. Also, did I mention I want to protect this sick, terrifying dude.
In better news – didn’t I mention, ages ago, how I hope Betsy Dobson comes back lots of times to grace us with wise insights and hot cocoa?
           “Are you still here, Bee?”
           “For a few moments longer,” Betsy said. “The milk’s almost done heating. I picked some up on the way so we could have some cocoa. (…) If we start drinking it now, we can probably make ourselves sick off of it by midnight.”
Oh my god. YES.
It’s been too long, but I can finally bring this back – it’s #cocoaoutforbetsy ALL THE FUCKING WAY.
I missed our Ravenclaw Molly Weasley <33333
           Neil couldn’t believe her. Chocolate wasn’t a fix-it; it wouldn’t make any of this easier to stomach.
Neil Josten has obviously never had chocolate.
I also now desperately want to do a cosplay shoot where all the Foxes just hang out and drink hot chocolate.
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           “Neil,” Wymack said.
           “I’m fine,” Neil said.
           Wymack said nothing immediately, then, “Be fine inside where it’s warmer.”
Sassy Wymack is the best Wymack.
Also, can Neil stop being fucking fine.
I mean, it’s a meme and it’s funny, but it’s also worrying the shit out of me.
A couple of hours later – after Neil has had his patented Angst Run™ and Exhaustion Nap™ - Wymack tries talking some sense into him again:
           “Your testimony could speed the process up, you know. You’re the only one besides Andrew and Aaron who was in that room when Drake died, and since Andrew won’t talk either –“
That’s what I fucking SAID. Thank you Wymack, my dude, my man, for having my back.
Also, Andrew’s not talking either even though it – surprise! – would benefit him immensely as well? Amazing. Stunning. These two are meant to fucking be.
           “Get back to bed.”
           “I’m fine.” It was out between he could stop it. (…)
           “Neil,” Wymack said, “between you and me, I don’t think you’ve ever been fine.”
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This is potentially the best sentence anyone has ever said to Neil this entire series.
In his own interest, and because I love and care about this dude – call him out on his ‘Fine’ bullshit. Please.
And as if the angels above (read: Certified Fox Parents™ Wymack, Abby and Betsy) had heard my prayers: Neil gets pressured into running errands with Bee the next morning, which Bee promptly turns into Fun Psychoanalysis Hour.
           “[Nicky] is lucky to have a friend like you worrying about him.”
           “I’m not his friend,” Neil said, “I’m his teammate. (…) What do I need friends for? I came down here to play.”
There are times where Neil just really, really annoys the shit out of me.
This is one of those times.
Like – I get that he’s miserable. I get that he’s angsty. It’s entirely justified. But he gets friends and support handed to him on a platter over and over again – and he refuses to accept it.
And I realized he’ll learn to accept it by the end of the books, he’ll grow into it, he’ll learn to let love in his life, blablabla, all good, all well. But right now, it’s just grinding my gears so much.
In other news – we are now halfway!
Not with the book, but with the entire series!
I’m equal parts sad, excited and glad – sad because that means it’ll end some time, excited for what’s to come, but also (not going to lie to you here) glad it’s ending at some point, because this is just really beginning to take up a lot of my time.
Don’t get me wrong, I love it dearly, I’m glad I’m doing it and I would not want to quit it at any point. But it’s also a lot of work.
And also – that is just halfway? I feel like we’ve been at these books for ages, and so much has happened already. This means we’ve only uncovered about half of all the shit that’s going to go down? What more fuckery could there be??
I have a very strong feeling I don’t want that question answered.
Back to Bee and Neil.
           “You can’t choke back on everything forever,” Betsy said. “You need an outlet, whether it’s with me or David or your teammates.”
           “I don’t need anyone.”
I’m v v happy about Actual Angel Bee Dobson pushing Neil towards the healthy and glittering Road Of Mental Health – even if he’s grinding his small angst-ridden orange heels into the ground refusing to budge an inch.
Somebody’s fucking got to help that boy.
Betsy and Neil go shopping, buy Neil a new racquet (RIP Wymack’s bank account) and get Andrew’s knives and keys from the Hemmicks house. Nothing interesting to report here. Next!
           “Where are Nicky and Kevin?”
           “Nicky tried to hug Andrew and almost got himself stabbed with a kitchen knife,” Wymack said.
In the words of a wise man chapters ago: Dammit Minyard, this is why we can’t have nice things.
NICKY :’((((((((((( <333333
However, Neil does not give Nicky all the hugs – instead, he frequents one of his all-time favourite hobbies: Eavesdropping on people.
           “This is the only ethical solution,” Betsy said.
What? What is? Solution to what?
           “Andrew won’t agree to this,” Abby said, a last-ditch effort to change their minds. “Going means leaving Kevin behind.”
Andrew? Going?? Going where???
           Neil ignored [Abby] and insisted, “Where are you taking him?”
           “Easthaven Hospital,” Betsy said. “I’m going to take Andrew off his medicine.”
I’m sorry, did I mention how Betsy is the best person in this entire series?? Did I?? DID I???
Apart from Wymack and Renee, of course.
Andrew going off his medicine!! Yes!! Fucking FINALLY!!
I’m excited for this because of plot reasons – what will Andrew be like off his meds? More scary? More mellow? Will he still pretend not to care about Exy? Will he still pretend not to care about Neil? Actually – will he still feel the same at all, both about Exy and Neil?
But in all honesty, I’m mostly excited for this because of the simple reason that I want Andrew Joseph Minyard to be happy and healthy.
That’s all I want.
           He’d wanted to hurt Betsy in the car for reinforcing the rules of Andrew’s awful medicine. She hadn’t defended herself because she knew she didn’t need to. She knew just like he did how cruel it was to keep Andrew on his drugs, and she’d already reached out to the people who could help him.
And apparently, that’s all Betsy wants as well.
I cannot thank the universe enough for the existence of this woman.
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If you like what I do here and you want to help me continue writing, please consider buying me a coffee! Thank you so much <3
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Raven King, Chapter 8 – Epic Ass-Kicking, Pt 1: We Get Our Asses Kicked
In which – surprise! It’s Ravens vs Foxes Death Time™! Featuring: American colleges Doing Too Fucking Much, me thinking up crack AUs at the worst times, Kevandreil pulling some sweet (read: badass) moves, and Kevin being No 1 Proud Dad.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Raven King.
So, after the absolute sassfest two chapters ago and the gigantic dump of backstory last chapter, I thought this chapter would be a bit shorter, a bit more chill, a nice lil interlude before we get on with the fuckery again.
           October arrived without warning. Neil knew their match against the Ravens was coming up fast, but it still startled him when he realized they were already a week into the month. The game was only six days away.
Where did that come from.
Seriously, a few chapters ago Neil was still angsting about having to leave the Foxes after the Raven game, it seemed like the absolute end of the journey, and now it’s just… Here?
To start this ride off, we are once again reminded of how fucking extra American colleges can be.
For real. They do not fuck around when it comes to school spirit.
Lawns are trimmed. Floors are scrubbed. Banners are hung from every square inch. Cheerleaders don’t sleep for days. Neither do bands. They have motivation parties. The mascot disturbs classes just to promote sportsball. They clean the fucking pond.
Seriously, these two pages read like the textbook definition of Doing Too Much.
Fucking chill.
           Thursday was when Dan finally started to lose her cool. (…) Seeing people finally rally behind her and her team flustered her. She kept a brave face in front of the cameras, but she spent Thursday night in Matt’s bed.
My daughter :’(((((( you’re the best you’ll be fine don’t worry.
Hey, speaking of Doing Too Much: Remember when I was raving (hah) on about how Extra and Dramatic™ the Ravens were?
           Kevin tried explaining Raven synchrony earlier this week, but Neil almost wished he could forget that story. (…) They were all enrolled in the same undergraduate degree and took their classes together in groups of three or four. They weren’t allowed to go anywhere without taking at least one teammate with them. They weren’t supposed to socialize with anyone outside the team.
What the actual fuck.
Why is Extra and Dramatic™ always paired with borderline abusive in this series. Why.
           Their intense lifestyle, forced integration, and vicious punishments put them on a whole different scale than any of their opponents. They were, in short, the complete opposite of everything the Foxes knew and understood. Tonight’s game pitted a hive mind against a fractured bunch of rejects.
That last sentence is one of my favourite sentences in that book so far.
Also, what the actual fuck.
My dudes, I’m starting to get the sinking feeling y’all are getting your assess whooped big time tonight.
           “Can you do this, Kevin?” Abby asked, searching his face for any sign he was okay. “Can you play?”
           “If I am breathing, I can play,” Kevin said. “This is my game, too.”
Well, at least now we know what Tattooface McExtra over here is getting engraved on his tombstone.
If I am breathing, I can play, jesus fuck. My eyes are doing somersaults in their sockets right now.
           “Neil, get at least five points or I’ll have you running marathons every month until graduation.”
           Neil stared at him. “Five points?”
           “You got four last week.”
           “We weren’t playing Edgar Allan last week, Coach,” Neil said.
           “Irrelevant,” Wymack said with a jerk of his hand.
Gotta love him. What a dude.
           Wymack clapped his hands at his team until they fell in line.
           “Let’s do this,” he said. “The sooner we kill these bastards, the sooner we can get roaring drunk at Abby’s place. I spent all damned morning stocking her fridge.”
           Neil looked up into a sea of orange. (…) [The Raven fans] had come in all black and took up an entire reserved section directly opposite the Foxes’ bench.
It is at this point that I have the idiotic realization that the Foxes and the Ravens together form the Wilde Kerle colours.
Why is my brain like this.
To all non-Germans reading this: Die Wilden Kerle (literally the wild guys/the wild bunch) is a German children’s book and film series about a ragtag football (meaning soccer) team. They are basically 10-year-old punks that stick it to the man, live and breathe football, and wear a lot of black and orange. They were huge around the time I was in elementary school and are probably the books that influenced me most as a child, aside from Harry Potter.
(The books were massively better than the films. Fight me.)
They look like this.
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If anyone writes me a Wilde Kerle AU of TFC I will literally pay you in Ben & Jerry’s. No questions asked. This is the most bullshit AU idea I’ve had in a long time and it works.
Alright. Shut up, brain.
           [The Ravens’ fight song] was a dark and heavy tune, an intimidating message of death and domination. The Ravens took their image seriously. Neil guessed they had a lot of intensive counseling in their futures.
Even in times like this, the Josten Sass™ cannot be tamed.
And they’re taking their spots, holy shit you guys, we’re actually doing this. I’m not ready.
           [Riko] stopped at Kevin’s side. He took his helmet off, but the cheer echoing off the court walls drowned out whatever he was saying. Kevin unstrapped his own helmet and hooked it over his fingers as he answered.
What did they say, what did they say, I need to know.
I also have the feeling I’ll find out soon enough and I will not fucking like it.
That Fucker™ also hugs Kevin shortly before the game starts. I want to punch him. 
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Get your dirty abusive hands off my dramatic idiot.
Alright. Is it starting yet?
           Neil closed his eyes and breathed. He locked away everything he was, burying his father and Nathaniel and the Moriyamas into a mental safe for later. (…) He wasn’t Neil right now. He wasn’t anything or anyone but a Fox, and he had a game to play.
And from the beginning on, as expected, this game is not messing around.
           Neil almost lost track of the ball as it shot between the Raven strikers. (…) Riko moved in a blur, and the goal lit up red. The buzzer sounded to signal the point and the crowd screamed. (…)
           They were only two minutes into the first half; it was the fastest anyone had ever scored against Andrew.
Well – fuck.
Ain’t that motivating.
The Ravens have come to collect their aforementioned ass-whooping, I fear.
           Riko wasn’t going back to the starting spot but was headed for Andrew. Andrew moved to meet him and they faced each other with just the goal line between them. Andrew waved off whatever Riko said to him with a careless waggle of his hand, but Riko didn’t leave.
Seriously, what is it with That Fucker™ and talking to my boys at the most inopportune moments?
Fuck off.
The game continues, and I take back everything I said about orange sportsball games earlier: I bloody love this. I can’t quote anything because it is just too much, but this time I am actually invested in the game and it’s thrilling.
I mean, the Foxes are so, so outplayed by the Ravens. But still. Exciting.
I have to quote one thing, though, because it is the most awesome thing anyone does this chapter:
It’s Episode 1 of Kevandreil Pull Badass Sportsball Shit Together!
           It wasn’t against the rules for goalkeepers to leave their goals, but it was extremely ill-advised considering how big their goals were and how fast a ball could move. A goalkeeper only risked it in extreme cases. Apparently tonight was one of those nights.
Oh shit vas happening??
           Neil only needed a second to realize Andrew was sending the ball to him, and his heart beat with savage triumph. (…)
All those long nights learning Raven drills had to pay off here. The perfect rebound wasn’t just about getting the ball to hit the right racquet; it was getting there at the right angle so Kevin wouldn’t have to aim. (…)
           It was the same trick the Raven strikers had been pulling all night, but the Ravens weren’t ready to see it from Neil and Kevin. (…) The Raven goal lit up red when Kevin slammed the ball against it.
           Kevin’s smile was fleeting but fierce. He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to. It was the first sign of approval Neil had gotten from him since they’d met and Neil felt it like an adrenaline boost.
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After that, the game turns violent pretty quickly – which my brain thought to comment on with a brilliant rendition of the Weather Girls while reading.
It’s raining cards, halleluhja!
And then, it’s over as fast as it begun and sadly, yet unsurprisingly, the Foxes get #owned, leaving them with a thirteen-six score. Which, you know, sucks because that’s a seven point gap and that’s also thirteen points on a bastion of a goal.
But which also fucking rules because hello, SIX POINTS against the absolute Douchemasters Of Exy™ themselves.
           As Neil watched, Andrew leaned over to pick his racquet up. He tried, anyway. He only got it a foot off the floor before he lost his grip again.
           It reminded Neil of their first practice together, when Neil almost blew his arms out playing against Andrew.
Shit, that seems like lifetimes ago. Has it really only been a few months?
Man, time flies when you’re busy with angst, drama, and gay shit. :’)
           The Ravens had taken an incredible hundred and fifty shots on goal; it was unbelievable Andrew had only missed thirteen of them.
Hello, I’d like to file a request to Andrew Joseph Minyard? I’d for him to formally LET ME LOVE HIM.
Nobody who doesn’t care about this game plays like this. Nobody. Don’t ever tell me Andrew doesn’t give a shit. He can’t move his arms anymore, for chrissakes.
Kevin, bless his idiot heart, knows exactly how to deal with the situation at hand:
           “So,” Kevin said, “did you have fun?”
           Andrew was too tired to put any heat in his words. “You are despicable, Kevin Day. I don’t know why I keep you around.”
Ma frickin BOYS. <3
Sadly, we are not left off the court to lick our wounds (with vodka, preferably) before That Fucker™ has added his irrelevant shitty commentary.
           “I cannot thank you for tonight’s game because I can’t call this debacle a game. I thought I knew what to expect when we came here tonight, but I am still embarrassed on your behalf. You have fallen so far, Kevin. You should have stayed down and saved us the trouble of forcing you back on your knees.”
I was about to go into a rant about That Fucker™’s endless shittiness and lack of any sportsmanship – but! But!! BUT!!!!!
           “I’m satisfied,” Kevin said.
UHMMM. What?
           It was the last response any of the Foxes expected from him. They forgot about Riko in favor of gaping at Kevin. “Not with their score or performance, but with their spirit. I was right. There’s more than enough here for me to work with.”
I’M SO???????
Kevin ‘Stoic And Mighty’ Day finally praising his team and being proud of them nobody fucking tOUCH ME :’)))))))))
If Kevin finally grows into the No 1 Fox Dad he was destined to be (after Wymack obvs) I might actually light myself on fire.
Y’know. I’m, like, cool with all this.
           Kevin only smiled, slow and sure and pleased, and offered Andrew a hand. Andrew looked at it, then at Kevin, and let Kevin haul him to his feet. Renee was ready when Kevin let go and looped her arms around Andrew in a fierce hug.
Renee you actual angel from the heavens, somebody finally gave this boy what I have been waiting for for chapters now – somebody hug that sad aggressive bean, and somebody did.
#hugsoutforandrew, this is the realest shit, get it trending, I’m not okay.
Is the irrelevant shitty Raven nuisance still there?
           “One man cannot carry you that far,” he said, sounding torn between incredulity and disgust. “Even you are not stupid to believe that. You should give up now.”
           It was a threat, not friendly advice, but Kevin said, “One is enough to start with.”
Okay. Okay.
Kevin Day, an anxious mess just two chapters ago, being openly threatened by his abuser and proudly sassing back right to his face, with the strength of his fierce ragtag team at his back.
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This may be my favourite Kevin moment of this series so far.
That Fucker™ fucks off after that, and the Foxes are left for traditional post-game pep talk with grumpy dad Wymack.
           “You should be pretty fucking proud of yourselves right now.”
           “Proud of that mess?” Aaron asked, tired and annoyed. “We were destroyed.” (…)
           “I’m proud,” Allison said, earning a startled look from Nicky and a half-smile from Wymack. She turned a condescending sneer on Aaron, looking more like herself than she had since Seth died. “This is only your second season with us. I wouldn’t expect you to understand what a game like this means.”
And welcome back, Allison! <333
Fucking finally. Nothing like a bit of good ol’ arch-enemy Exy smackdown to get over your dead boyfriend grief.
And to close things off, Wymack puts the cherry on top of all the good things that have happened this chapter:
           “Starting next week everyone’s finally back in their proper spots. If you two can run a full game against Edgar Allan, you’re ready to take on the rest of the season alone. Everyone else: thank you for your patience and cooperation while Kevin and Neil got adjusted. Renee especially – you’ve been a damn good sport this year. Welcome back to goal.”
Nicki happy. Nicki out.
If you like what I do here and you want to help me continue writing, please consider buying me a coffee! Thank you so much <3
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Raven King, Chapter 7 – Next Stop: Backstory Central
In which Kevin and Neil have a heart-to-heart that feels like an aftershock of last chapter’s earthquake, Neil continues his quest to becoming an actual human being, and we unlock like fifty levels of backstory thanks to everyone’s favourite chatty gay sunshine.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Raven King.
Have I recovered from the sass fest from last time?
Are we going to plunge in straight again with yet another 3k+ chapter?
Let’s go.
           “You want to tell me why you have a hard-on for antagonizing Riko?” Wymack asked.
           “He started it,” Neil muttered into his tortilla.
Reason number 4597265 why I love Wymack: He uses the exact same expressions I would.
A hard-on for antagonizing Riko, amazing. <3
           “How can you stand having a team like ours, Coach? Isn’t it exhausting dealing with us and our problems day after day?”
           Wymack emptied his coffee with one big gulp. “Nope.”
Reason number 1 why I love Wymack: THIS. FUCKING THIS.
My grumpy Hufflepuff vodka dad I love you so much.
#dicksoutforwymack, always.
Grumpy Hufflepuff vodka dad is starting to see through Neil’s bullshit, though. He confronts him about “not adding up right” and even asks him about why he’s such a smartass to the powerful Moriyamas, but flinches when Wymack makes a wrong hand movement.
And Neil – amazing! Such character development! – answers him honestly, saying he doesn’t trust men his father’s age on principle.
As a prize for Neil’s honesty, we get Wymack’s backstory in return – the first of many, many this chapter, I can promise you that.
           “You parents must be something else.”
           “So must be yours if you spend so much time on us,” Neil said.
           “They were,” Wymack agreed.
           “Oh,” Neil said. “Are they both dead?”
           Wymack looked amused by his tactlessness. “My mother OD’d almost ten years ago and my father lost a prison fight the first year I started here at Palmetto state. I hadn’t spoken to either of them since I left D.C.”
To absolutely no one’s surprise, Wymack’s family is just as fucked up as the Foxes’.
Cue generic “dude comes from broken home, tries to make a better home for younger folks in same situation” trope.
Cue me crying.
           “Sometimes the world feels so big, but then I’m reminded how small it is.”
           “Big or small, just remember that you’re not alone in it,” Wymack said. “You have your team, but that’s a double-edged sword. They’re there for you anytime you need them, and they’ll hold you up if you want them to, but you actions have consequences for all of them as well. The more you antagonize Riko, the harder you make things on them.”
And just as I was about comment on how emotional I’m getting over all the team feels – Neil goes and ends the feels time again.
           “Like with Seth,” Neil said. “I know.”
           Wymack stared at him for an endless minute, then said too quietly, “The fuck did you just say to me?”
Well…. Fuck.
Wymack is decidedly not liking Andrew’s theory over the Mysterious and Dramatic Death of one Seth Gordon. He tells Neil that whatever happened is not his fault, as Riko – whatever he may have done – definitely crossed a line, or two, or fifty, all armed with missiles and wire and Keep Out Riko, You Big Fucknut signs.
You know, what any sane human being could have told Neil chapters ago, but as we know homeboy doesn’t exactly surround himself with the sanest bunch of people.
Also, for the record, I think Andrew’s “theory” is entirely correct. But we’ll see.
Onwards to the stadium and to more interesting confrontation in this chapter: Neil vs Kevin vs Literal Years Of Repressed Childhoood Memories.
           “You’re not really him,” Kevin said so low Neil barely understood his words. “Tell me you aren’t really Nathaniel.” (…)
           “Don’t call me that. It doesn’t matter who I used to be. I’m Neil now.”
Damn, brain, back at it again with the trans!Neil headcanons.
           “I figured the chances of you remembering me were slim and I gambled on you not knowing the truth about my family.”
           “How could we not remember you?” Kevin asked.
Bitch, you literally did not remember him until violently reminded by the Ravens. Do not come  to me with that shit.
Today’s Casually Mentioned, Yet Heartbreakingly Sad Neil Fact is this:
           “My mother didn’t tell me why we were running,” Neil said. (…) “It was always about the weather or our current language or the local culture – the next time she had anything meaningful to say to me was when she was dying.”
Now, did you think we were done with all the plot twists and backstory developments last chapter?
Hell fuckin’ nope. There’s one crucial bit missing.
(And probably like a million more that I have no idea are yet to come, but let me enjoy a moment of “maybe we’re done now pls”.)
           “You father was Lord Kengo’s right hand man, the most trusted weapon in Lord Kengo’s arsenal. (…) You were supposed to be like me. You were a gift, another player for the master to train.”
Oh jeez. Oh shit. Fuck, no.
This just takes the fucking cake, but it’s considerably less yummy birthday cake and more The Help-actual-shit-cake.
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To sum this up:
Tiny baby Neil was given a chance to be recruited by the Moriyamas: If he played well enough they’d keep him as a pet, if he didn’t, his own father would personally kill him. His mother ran away with him before he could get to that tryout, yet never told him a thing about their actual situation – for no understandable reason. Neil’s life could have basically gone two directions: A youth prodigy Exy star raised on domestic abuse and crippling anxiety, or the isolated runaway with internalized trust issues he is now. And now that the Moriyamas know he’s still out there, they want to salvage their “lost property” and make him the Raven he was meant to be.
There is legit not one part of that paragraph I’m not yelling “WHAT THE FUCK” at.
What is happening?? The fuck??? THE FUCK?????
Area Girl Thought She’d Seen The Last Of This, What Happens Next Will Shock You:
Because what happens next is wonderful, wonderful character development.
           Neil crouched and pressed his hands to the orange paint. “I don’t want to run. I don’t want to be a Raven. I don’t want to be Nathaniel. I want to be a Fox. I want to play with you this year and I want us to make it to championships. And in spring when the Moriyamas come for me I’ll do what they’re so afraid I will. I’ll go to the FBI and tell them everything. Let them kill me. It’ll be too late by then.”
Have I like……….. mentioned I love this boy recently?? Yes?? Good.
           Kevin was silent for an endless minute, then said, “You should be Court.”
           It was barely a whisper, but it cut Neil to the bone. It was a resentful goodbye to the bright future Kevin had wanted for Neil.
//cries for a million years.
Honestly, the Kevin/Neil dynamic just keeps fucking getting me, and these recent developments are not helping.
Ah, speaking of character dynamics I’d probably take a bullet for –
           “Andrew has neither purpose nor ambition,” Kevin said. “I was the first person who ever looked at Andrew and told him he was worth something. When he comes off these drugs and has nothing else to hold him up I will give him something to build his life around.”
//cries for a billion years.
So, their deal is “I protect you from your crazy ass abusers and their posse, in return you give me a future”?
I can work with that. I can also imagine there’s probably more to it. Let’s wait and see.
Onwards to better and brighter things:
A few interesting developments in Neil’s Quest to Becoming An Actual Human Being.
           For the first time in his life, Neil wasn’t thinking about the future. He stopped counting days until the Ravens’ match and scaled back on how much news he watched and read. He threw all of his energy into practices, stayed awake through most of his classes, and juggled his teammates as best as he could.
You guys have no, no idea how happy that sentence makes me.
Yes, my son. Go out there and have a life full of happy practices and healthy social interactions. <3
           He knew things about [his teammates] he’d never bothered to learn about anyone else in his entire life.
Scratch that part before, this sentence makes me so much happier.
I’ll sum things up for you.
Matt comes from a wealthy, but broken family, and has a history of drug abuse (which we knew already). His boxer mum is probably the most badass woman there is.
Renee was born Natalie, used to be in the foster system (same as Andrew!), and knows Dan from back in high school where they used to be Exy rivals. Wymack signed them both and they became fast friends afterwards.
Dan did stripping as a way to support her aunt and newborn cousin while in high school, and although she has cut ties with her family, she’s still in touch with her strip squad. Dan also wants to take over coaching the Foxes after Wymack retires.
In short: FUCK. YEAH.
A few chapters ago I was just complaining about all the backstory we don’t yet have, and now we’re getting ambushed by it.
I am loving this development.
Even Allison starts coming around! We don’t get her backstory yet (although we do kind of have some already – daughter of a wealthy and famous family wants to prove herself as her own person), but she makes steps towards being a little more okay. V nice. V good.
*whispers* I really want to like you please give me a reason to.
But ah, mes amis, did you think we were done yet? Fuck, no.
Welcome to the best part of this chapter: It’s Backstory Time – Special Minyard Edition.
           “The coffee that interesting?”
           Neil wondered if the Foxes secretly installed him with a tracking chip and turned towards Nicky’s voice.
Bahahahaha. Wouldn’t put it past [eyes Kevin and Andrew suspiciously] some of them.
They bump into Aaron and Katelyn on their first totally-not-a-date (I still give about 0.2 fucks about this relationship) and Nicky doesn’t crack any jokes about it – a miracle! – but instead starts to randomly give more insights into the Andrew-Aaron dynamic.
Not that I’m fucking complaining.
           “Andrew hates her, you know?”
           “Why?” Neil asked.
           “Because Aaron likes her,” Nicky said, as if that was obvious. (…) “Andrew’s not really big on the idea of Aaron’s happiness, see? So if Aaron likes Katelyn, Andrew doesn’t want him to have her. Andrew might smile awful bright but he is a master of childish spite.”
Haha, that rhymed.
Andrew might smile awful bright, But he is a master of childish spite. “I have been raised on fear and hate Let Aaron suffer an equal fate.” His problems could be solved, my friends And Andrew could start making sense If Neil would think in that direction: The dude just needs some love and affection.
Thank you, thank you. Autographs at stage door, please.
Poetry time over.
(Who are we kidding. There’s probably still more. Dear god help me.)
           “I told you Aunt Tilda gave Andrew up, right? That’s only half of it. Truth is she put both of them in the system at first. One week later she changed her mind. (…) Andrew went off to foster care and Aaron became to living reminder of Aunt Tilda’s guilt and failure. Aunt Tilda tried as hard as she could to not deal with Aaron at all.”
Ohhh shit. One Child Neglect to go please, coming right up.
Seriously, what is wrong with that woman. Either take both of them or take none of them. Don’t separate siblings, especially not twins. What the fuck is that “I’m feeling bad so I’ll take back one BUT not bad enough to take back two” bullshit.
           “I’m thinking that’s why he wouldn’t talk to Aaron when Aaron wrote to him. He was – justifiably, I think – pissed off.”
Well, fucking duh. I’d be pissed off, too. Of course, it would be more reasonable to be pissed that the mother, but I can’t exactly blame Andrew for not being instant BFFs with Aaron.
           “Aunt Tilda moved them cross-country, started drinking more than ever, and got heavy-handed with Aaron. Aaron got into all kinds of trouble in some sort of traumatized rebellion.”
Oh nooooo shit my dude, now I do feel bad for Aaron.
What sort of fuckery even are the Minyard’s lives.
           “[Dad] introduced Aaron to Andrew. That’s when things started moving. Andrew suddenly got motivated. He started behaving and toeing the line and got released on early parole about a year later.”
           “Andrew decided he wanted a brother after all,” Neil said. “So what went wrong?”
           “Aunt Tilda died, and Aaron blames Andrew.”
Basically, what happened was that Andrew was standing in for Aaron – damn Minyards, back at it again with the twin tricks! – and he was in the car with Tilda when she caused a car crash that killed her.
Why are their lives so dramatic. What the fuck.
           “Aaron can’t accept that she’s gone. He misses her. He can’t forgive Andrew, and Andrew doesn’t understand or care about how much it hurt Aaron. Stalemate.”
Well, doesn’t that sound like a wonderful brother match made in heaven.
However, Neil has some interesting insights to share on the whole fucked-up shebang:
           “Andrew did care. That’s what went wrong. (…) Andrew would have traced Aaron’s problems back to their mother. Maybe he didn’t kill her for giving him up. Maybe he did it to protect Aaron. (…) She was hurting Aaron, so Andrew stopped her.”
For someone who says he doesn’t care about Andrew, Neil has suspiciously good understanding of how Andrew’s brain works.
Like, better than people like Nicky and Aaron, who have known him for literal years.
Just sayin’.
Also, what the fuck.
Also: That explains the “maybe he’s afraid she’ll die on him like the last woman he really loved” from a few chapters back!! Don’t you just love it when things… [clenches fist] add up.
           “I’ve realized I can’t fix it on my own. I hate to say it, but I wish Renee would hurry up and make her move.” (…)
           “What? I thought you didn’t like her.”
           Nicky bolted upright like Neil struck him. “Who doesn’t like Renee?”
Apparently, if we believe Nicky, my beloved platonic goalie BFFs ship is a lot less platonic than I thought – at least from Renee’s perspective.
Idk how I feel about this. Could be problematic. But could also be cute and very beneficial for Andrew, and my sweet murder snowflake does seem like she could handle his shit.
…Alright, who are we kidding. The latter. I love this dynamic in every way, haters to the left.
However, Neil proves once again that he has about the emotional capacity of a brick, and offers the only solution to any problem he knows:
           “What about Exy?”
           “Exy isn’t an option here, okay? You can love Exy all you want, it’s never gonna love you back.”
           “Oh my God.” Nicky looked torn between horror and pity. “Seriously? That might be the saddest thing I’ve ever heard.”
Same, Nicks.
Nicky tries talking some sense into Neil and pointing out that Exy can’t be your end-all-be-all for an emotionally healthy future, but Neil quickly derails him with Nicky’s favourite subject: Gay Talk™.
           “Why don’t you like girls?” (…)
           “They’re so soft.”
           Neil thought about Renee’s bruised knuckles, Dan’s fierce spirit, and Allison holding her ground on the court a week after Seth’s death. (…) He felt compelled to say, “Some of the strongest people I’ve known are women.”
Bless feminist Neil.
(Nicky, of course, didn’t mean it like that and was talking about literally being soft, curves and all.)
And then – did you think we were done with backstory for today?
Because there’s one bugger still missing.
           “There’s religious and there’s super psychotic religious. Me and Renee, we’re the decent sort, I think. (…) But my parents are the black-and-white-crazy kind.”
Oh, shit no.
As it turns out, Nicky (bless his heart) tried coming out to his parents despite their fanatism, which promptly resulted in them sending him to bible camp and tried to shame the gay out of him, which resulted in Nicky being hardcore depressed and suicidal.
What saved him was Germany – being abroad and having someone showing him how to balance faith and sexuality. And as much as I love this development and I’m happy for them, I can’t get over one thing:
The guy is called Erik Klose. As in, German football superstar Miroslav Klose. And I can’t get over the mental image of Nora being like “oh well, I need a German surname, guess I’ll just take a look at the football squad from that year, ah yes perfect, that one.”
It’s not even that funny, but I now cannot ever take Erik seriously.
Nicky, of course, reins the conversation back to Neil needing to have healthy emotional bonds with someone at some point, which makes Neil end the conversation altogether.
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Except for one last thing- is that a sliver of – gasp! – actual Andreil I see at the horizon?
           For a moment Neil wondered. There was only one person in the world strong enough for all of Neil’s problems, and she was dead now. (…) Andrew, though, nodded in the face of his burden and told Neil to stay. He stood his ground when neil asked him for murder and gave him a key to their house.
           But that didn’t count, because Andrew was Andrew, and this was definitely the last turn he needed his thoughts to take.
:’)))))))))))))))))))) I’m fine.
If you like what I do here and you want to help me continue writing, please consider buying me a coffee! Thank you so much <3
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Raven King, Chapter 6 – The Return Of Sassmaster McSavage
In which the Foxes and the Ravens meet, no one has any kind of chill, everyone has eaten a healthy dose of Extra and Dramatic for breakfast, and no one can keep their mouths shut – but most importantly, in which shit gets so, so fucking real.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Raven King.
You guys.
Remember how you keep telling me I’m not even ready?
I am writing this immediately after just because I could not wait to comment on the absolute FUCKERY that went down just now.
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I am writing this immediately after just because I could not wait to comment on the absolute FUCKERY that went down just now.
Fun drinking game: Take a shot every time I swear in this chapter. I have no chill left.
Let’s start at the beginning.
           They pulled onto the interstate with thirteen people on board: the Fox team, the two-man staff, and Aaron’s and Nicky’s dates.
Shame. I would have paid to see Andrew and Renee going as wonderful platonic goalie BFF dates.
It quickly becomes obvious that we’re in for a wild fucking ride when Mighty And Stoic Kevin Day already starts having panic attacks while still on the bus.
           It wasn’t just Riko Kevin was afraid of. In twenty minutes, he’d be facing his entire former team. (…) Neil didn’t know much about [Tetsuji Moriyama]. The one time Kevin mentioned him he’d slipped and called him “the master”. Neil didn’t need to hear anything else after that.
Oh yeah. THAT SHIT.
Seriously what the FUCK is up with that family. This is 24601 shades of fucked up.
Wymack, sensing Kevin’s panic (not that that’s fucking hard at the moment) resorts to some ah – unorthodox methods to keep his striker calm.
           Wymack pulled a bottle of vodka out of the bag and put it down beside Kevin. “You have ten seconds to inhale as much of this as possible. Go.”
           It was alarming how much a man could drink when he needed an emotional crutch.
Kevin doesn’t need an emotional crutch, Kevin needs an emotional wheelchair. An emotional prosthesis. Jeez. I’d be drinking, too, if I had to go meet my lifelong abusers face-to-face at a fucking banquet, having to make polite conversation with the people who broke my hand, my self-esteem and probably my will to live.
Also, I’m starting to consider Wymack not the dad of the team, but more the grumpy uncle –  not huge on emotional sappiness, getting them hard liquor, constantly calling them out on their bullshit, yet loving them all fiercely. #dicksoutforwymack
           Wymack (…) turned to Neil.
           “You,” he said, “attempt to behave this time. Don’t pick fights with him today.”
           “Yes, Coach.”
Meaning: So, so many fights will be picked today.  So many. You are not even ready for all the fight-picking my short-tempered sassy ass is about to do.
With that, the banquet is off!
           Thick cushioned mats covered the polished floor to keep table legs and chairs from scraping up the wood. (…) Neil had never seen so many people on an Exy court before. There was still plenty of room to walk around between the tables, but Neil hated seeing a court repurposed like this.
Oh my gooooooood shut the hell up you obsessed knob. It’s not being used right now, so we might as well use it to fit everyone for the banquet. It’s just a wooden floor, for fuck’s sake.
And now – this is where shits starts getting good.
Did I say Neil was Extra™? Did I complain about Kevin being too dramatic?
Forget all that. Meet the true masters of Extra And Dramatic™ – introducing: The Edgar Allan Ravens.
           The Ravens hadn’t brought dates. They hadn’t brought any colour along, either. All twenty-two of them were dressed head-to-toe in black. The twenty men wore the same shirts and slacks, and the two women wore identical dresses. They even sat the same way, all with their right elbows on the table, all of them with their chins in their hands.
Uniform is one thing, but sitting the same way, like ARE YOU ACTUALLY REAL. HOW IS THIS AN ACTUAL THING ACTUAL PEOPLE FUCKING DO.
Of course, some sly fucker in the organization committee had the hilarious idea to sit the two teams directly across from each other. Of fucking course.
Dan, ever the model captain, introduces herself and her team to Riko, as if he didn’t get completely annihilated on national TV by her striker just a few weeks ago.
That Fucker™, however, isn’t having it.
           “I know who you are,” Riko said. “Who here doesn’t? You’re the woman who captains a Class I team. You’ve done admittedly well despite your disadvantages.”
           “What disadvantages?”
           “Do you really want me to start listing them?” Riko asked. “This is only a two-day event, Hennessey.”
OI SCREW YOU YA BIG FUCKNOODLE. I will not have you insult my treasured lionheart daughter like that.
Also, I thought her name was Wilds? The fuck is a Hennessey.
(Side note: I am sorry you guys, this recap is going to be ridiculously long. Every single line here is gold. Blame Nora for writing the sassiest, shadiest, most shocking and just in general best chapter of this series so far.)
It’s time for a new character introduction, one I’ve heard many of you ramble on about on the interwebs – that French dude.
           Neil didn’t recognize the man, but he didn’t need to ask. The black number three tattooed on his left cheekbone meant he could be no one but Jean Moreau.
Lovely. Another one of those dumb ass face tattoo fuckers. I’m filing you as French and pretentious, my dude.
           “You look familiar,” Jean said in heavily accented English.
           “If you watched Kathy’s show you saw me there,” Neil said.
           “Ah, you are right. That must be it. What was your name again? Alex? Stefan? Chris?”
           In eight years on the run Neil had been through sixteen countries and twenty-two names. Hearing one name from Jean wouldn’t mean anything. Hearing three wasn’t a coincidence.
Alright, French and pretentious AND TERRIFYING. COOL.
What the hell??? How??
           “Blame my mother,” Neil said. “She named me.”
           “How is she doing, by the way?” Riko asked.
That Fucker™ knows. He knows.
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This was bound to come around at some point. Kevin being too traumatized to recognize Neil was nothing short of amazing, but I guess we can’t always be that lucky.
It was nice knowing you, Neil, because your ass is fucking dead.
           Neil might have answered, but Dan beat him to it with an annoyed “Don’t antagonize my team, Riko. This isn’t the place for it.”
           “I was being polite,” Riko said. “You haven’t seen me antagonistic yet.”
And I don’t think I fucking want to, hombre.
Excuse me for a second while I nerd out over the most unexpected reference of this entire series:
           Neither of them [Kevin and Jean] had anything else to say to each other, but they stared each other down unblinking. Andrew lost interest before long and leaned forward.
           “Jean,” he said. “Hey, Jean. Jean Valjean. Hey. Hey. Hello.”
……………………………. did you just.
However, I am decidedly not liking Jean Valjean – or either of That Fucker™’s posse, actually. They first take a few moments to talk shit about Andrew (“publicity stunt”, can you fuck the fuck off) and then they come for my firstborn daughter Renee.
           The woman now on Riko’s right gave a loud snort. “If someone like that replaced you in goal, you must be downright terrible. I can’t wait to watch one of your matches. I think it will be entertaining. We would make a drinking game of it but we don’t want to die of alcohol poisoning.”
           “Yeah, that’s be a shame,” Dan said with heavy sarcasm.
DAN <33333
My darling angel, however, doesn’t take the bait.
           “Do we have to start off so poorly?”
           “Why not? You’re poor at everything else you do,” the woman said. “Is it honestly fun to be so terrible?”
           “I imagine we have more fun than you do, yes,” Renee said.
Correction: My darling angel does take the bait – and brings the fucking shade.
           “Fun is for children,” Jean said, looking away from Andrew.
           If he’d been going to say anything else, he forgot it when he got a good look at Renee.
First of all – “fun is for children”, can you fucking chill, Monsieur Pretentieux Superlatif.
Second of all – what’s that “suddenly stopping talking when he sees Renee” thing about?? Do they have shared history as well? Is he just blinded by her angelic beauty and wants to bone her?
I am absolutely NOT LIKING the latter possibility. Protect my daughter.
The Ravens continue being The Absolute Worst™, talking about how Kevin “belongs” to them (can u fuckin not) and should come to his senses and return to them (as fucking if).
           “You should reconsider our offer before we rescind it for good, Kevin. Face the facts. You pet is and always be dead weight. It’s time to –“
           “What?” Andrew turned a wide-eyed look on Kevin. “You have a pet and never told us? Where do you keep it, Kevin?”
ANDREW LET ME LOVE YOU. I had to laugh so hard at that, oh my god. That’s the only proper way to respond to something like that, tbh.
That Fucker™, however, has found a new target to harass – ya boi Neil, who has kept admirably quiet so far and has probably bitten off his own tongue at this point trying to avoid bursting out in sass rants.
That is, until That Fucker™ comes for his mom.
           “What a coward,” Riko said with exaggerated disappointment. “Just like his mother.”
Cue the moment I stopped breathing.
           “You know, I get it,” Neil said. “Being raised as a superstar must be really, really difficult for you. Always a commodity, never a human being, not a single person in your family thinking you’re worth a damn off the court – yeah, sounds rough. Kevin and I talk about your intricate and endless daddy issues all the time.”
           “I know it’s not entirely your fault that you are mentally unbalanced and infected with these delusions of grandeur, and I know you are physically incapable of holding a decent conversation with anyone like every other normal human being can, but I don’t think any of us should have to put up with this much of your bullshit. Pity only gets you so many concessions, and you used yours up about six insults ago. So please, just shut the fuck up and leave us alone.”
I had to take a moment. I had to put the book down and fucking scream for a moment.
           Neil leaned forward and look down at the table at Dan, who sat with her face buried in her hands.
           “Dan, I said please. I tried to be nice.”
Oh my GOD. That is just the cherry on top of the sundae of EPICNESS that just went down.
I cannot handle this. I cannot. Holy shit.
           Jean turned on Kevin and spoke in quick, furious French. “What the hell is this?”
           “His antagonism is a personality flaw we’ve learned to live with,” Kevin said.
Pfftftftftftt. Kevin is entirely done with this situation and I love it.
However, fun times are immediately the fuck over, as Jean Valjean hints at someone having “bought” Neil and assumes Kevin had recruited him because of that.
And just as I was beginning to wonder hat hell he is talking about – he drops this.
           “Riko will have a few moments of your time later,” Jean said. “I suggest you speak with him if you do not want everyone to know you are the Butcher’s son.”
Kevin, who has skillfully repressed his memories of Neil up until this point, is about as shocked by this development as I am and has to go have some emergency vodka, like, asap.
Neil, on the other hand, shows some wonderful, wonderful signs of character development.
           “Neil, if you can’t be here say so,” Wymack said. “Abby can take you elsewhere until it’s time to leave. Get out of here and get some fresh air.”
           It was the perfect opening, but Neil couldn’t take it. If he did, he really would go, and he wouldn’t come back. Running wasn’t easy, but it was easier than trusting Andrew. But Neil remembered the weight of a key in his palm, its metal soaked through with another person’s body heat. He remembered Andrew’s promise to see this year through with him.
           “No,” Neil said, finally finding his voice. “I knew this was going to happen. I just wasn’t ready for it. I’m fine.”
Ma BOY <3 Neil slowly learning to trust people and deal with his problems is my No 1 kink.
Actually, No 2 kink. No 1 would be Neil absolutely shade-wrecking people.
They leave their mess of a seating arrangement and find some new spots elsewhere, and later go mingling with the other teams. This goes surprisingly well, mostly due to the fact that it gives Neil and Kevin an excuse to talk about Exy and Exy alone – which is, as we all know, the only fucking thing those two morons can talk about.
However, those admirable avoiding tactics only go well for so long.
           It took him a few seconds to realize the Ravens were coming. The entire team was crossing the court toward Kevin, walking in V formation like a flock of birds going south.
Are you serious. What level of dramatic holy SHIT.
Did they, like, form this like a dance formation before walking over? Riko instructing everyone where to stand, ‘no, you over there, leave equal amounts of space, come on guys, just form a diagonal line, we need to get going, we need to look intimidating, gUYS’
Or do they do this so often that is has become second nature by now and it’s just how they go everywhere?
I genuinely don’t know which option I find funnier.
But wait – it gets better.
           Riko stopped further away than Neil thought he would, but Neil understood a moment later. The rest of the Ravens kept going, flipping their V until they’d trapped the three Foxes between them.
I am crying so much how is this a thing you do, literally what level of Extra and Dramatic™ are you ON, I cannot deal with this.
Please – next time I comment on how extra the Foxes are being, remind me of The V Incident.
Now, just as I was thinking ‘oh shit, this is going to go south again so quickly’… Foxes to the rescue!
           Renee appeared out of nowhere at Kevin’s other side. She looped one arm through Kevin’s and held her free hand out to Jean. “Jean, wasn’t it? My name is Renee Walker. We didn’t really get a chance to talk earlier.”
           Confusion eased Jean’s stoic mask into something more than a little uncomfortable, be he accepted her handshake. “Jean Moreau.”
For real, I’m so interested in what the fuck is going on with these two. My money is on shared history. This could be my Renee’s-backstory-hungry brain talking, but reading their passages this sounds v v likely.
Did someone say backstory??
           [Matt] held out his hand but didn’t look surprised when no one took it. “Guess the pleasure’s all mine.”
           “We’re sure it is,” the Raven striker said, “seeing how you’re dating a prostitute.”
           “Stripper,” Dan corrected as she showed up and wound an arm around Matt’s waist. (…) “Hopefully you’re smart enough to distinguish between the two professions. If you’re not, I have serious concerns about your academic standings.”
She was a stripper! Holy shit! And she’s not ashamed of it, but admits it freely and is even proud of it! Holy! Shit!
Positive depictions of sex workers in pop culture is so, so rare, and I’m so happy we get some here. I did not expect this and I’m v pleasantly surprised right now.
           “Hennessey, right?” one of the strikers said. “Such a good name for such a fierce spirit.”
           “We were a little disappointed that you didn’t sign up as part of the entertainment tonight,” one of the others said. “We were looking forward to the show.” (…)
           The striker grinned at Matt over [Dan’s] shoulder, then tilted forward and sucked a deep breath against her neck.
           Dan brought her stilettos between his legs inn a vicious punch.
I repeat myself: FUCK. YEAH.
Also, that’s what a Hennessey is. Noted.
Fun backstory done – That Fucker, Senior™ has arrived. Tetsuji Moriyama is about everything I don’t want near my Foxes, combined into one slimy sack of asshole. The whole “master” thing still both scares and infuriates me.
However, we don’t have to spend long enjoying his absolutely unenjoyable company as Neil is called off to have a little tête-à-tête with That Fucker, Junior™.
           “Nathaniel, it has been so long.”
Did we just discover Neil’s true name, holy shit?????
Nathaniel is a beautiful name, though. I’ve always liked it. Shame.
Apparently, the way That Fucker™ could find Neil so quickly was by getting a glass with Neil’s fingerprints on it from Kathy Ferdinand. Well, fuck.
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           Riko started across the room on slow steps. “Jean says Kevin did not know who you are. After seeing Kevin’s reaction, I’m inclined to believe him. (…) But you must know who you are, so I am very, very curious to know what you think you are doing.”
Bitch, aren’t we all! Aren’t we fucking all!!
And now- we’ve reached the point where shit gets so, so painfully real.
Did I say earlier I stopped breathing when Neil was dragging Riko?
Fuck that. That was nothing compared to what followed next.
I was not remotely ready.
           “You have already cost my family a sizeable fortune and eight years of trouble.”
           “How?” Neil asked. “The money I took was my father’s.” (…)
           “Nothing your father owned was his!” Riko snapped.
           Riko grabbed Neil by the shoulders and slammed him into the wall. Neil’s head hit hard enough to rattle teeth.
           “I refuse to believe she never told you. All this time running and you never asked why?”
           “You were not running from your father, Nathaniel. You were running from his master.”
           What Riko was suggesting was impossible. The Butcher was one of the biggest names on the eastern seaboard. He made Baltimore his home, but his territory extended from D.C. to outer Newark. He had a fiercely loyal syndicate and a penchant for grotesque executions. (…)
           If the Moriyamas really were powerful enough to keep a man like the butcher under lock and key Neil was so far in over his head he might as well be six feet under.
That is amazingly worded, well done. Also, I’m kinda peeing my pants here.
If I’ve looked this up correctly, that’s a territory about twice the size of New York City.
Like. Imagine controlling New York City. And then that – TWICE.
And THEN imagine controlling the guy who controls all of that, and then some more.
Yeah. You dead, bro.
           “Learn your place. I will never tolerate this level of disrespect from you again. Do you understand?”
           Neil was already in his coffin. He might as well nail it shut. “Yeah, I understand you’re a complete asshole.”
Riko: Neil, no.
The Foxes: Neil, no.
Common sense: Neil, no.
Neil: Neil, yes.
Thankfully, Matt arrives in order to save Neil from digging his sass-induced grave even deeper, and after some nice threats about ratting his shitty ass behaviour out to the ERC, Riko finally fucks off.
           “I don’t think Riko likes me very much. Should I be disappointed?”
Are you fucking serious bruh. Are you serious.
           Matt looked skyward as if searching for patience.
Which is, incidentally, the No 1 reaction people have to Neil speaking more than a few polite sentences at a time.
Never talk to me or my short-tempered sassmaster idiot son ever again.
And with that trainwreck of an encounter, the Foxes take their curt leave from the banquet. Some more comments are made – Neil and Kevin will have A Talk™ tomorrow, Andrew got called Doe earlier by Jean Valjean  because that was his preliminary surname when he entered the foster system (which probably means the Ravens also know more about Andrew than we should be comfortable with) – but all of that pales in comparison to the absolute FUCKERY we just witnessed.
Holy shit.
I have to go, like, breathe into a bag for five hours.
See you Wednesday.
If you like what I do here and you want to help me continue writing, please consider buying me a coffee! Thank you so much <3
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Raven King, Chapter 1 – The Show Must Go On (And By Show We Mean Exy)
In which practices stop for no one, Wymack rules at pep talks, family sentiments are expressed to Neil via a seating order, and Andrew reaches new levels of Fucking Weird And Disturbing With A Side Of Asshole.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Raven King.
Before we begin, let’s take a look back at the foolish predictions I made a while ago about the rest of the first book (which my dumb ass forgot to include in last week’s summary):
Neil will be able to do all of the Raven drills eventually didn’t happen yet, we remain hopeful
Nicky and Neil will talk about the Club Situation yup! (kind of)
Alternatively, and even better: Andrew and Neil will talk about the Club Situation nooo sadly not
MORE KANDREIL TIMES hopefully if you count Neil defending Kevin on national television and Andrew almost punching Riko afterwards then yAAA
Either Riko or Coach Moriyama will appear HO BOIII
We will learn something about Renee’s backstory no snowflake backstory for us yet :(
Coach Wymack will be the best person alive JINX I know that’s gonna happen #dicksoutforwymack “Breaking news: I don’t care” my man
Neil will say more beautiful and savage things, dropping shade left and right HO B O I I I I
Seth will fuck off to somewhere (a girl can dream okay) oh my sweet summer child you were nOT PREPARED
I am starting to get why y’all keep telling me I am not prepared for anything that’s to come. I’M NOT.
And with that said, welcome to The Raven King! Even the cover tells us that playtime is over: It’s not the happy orange we had previously, it’s black and red and no doubt filled with violence, abuse, mean boys, infighting, and heaps of shade.
Let’s fucking go.
           It looked like Halloween outside, only two months too early. Last week Palmetto State was covered in orange and white streamers to celebrate the start of the school year. Over the weekend someone had replaced all of the white ribbons with black ones. It gave the impression that the campus was in mourning. Neil Josten thought it a cheap tribute, but that might have been his cynicism talking.
Shut the fuck up, Neil, that’s a cool as shit. My school would have probably put up one or two black ribbons on the flags next to the school gate and that would have been it. Your college decorated the entire campus. That’s a great tribute, shut up.
The book starts off with Neil and the Monster Squad on their way to the first practice after Seth’s death – gracefully scheduled for Wednesday afternoon, which is when Andrew will be in therapy.
Why not sooner, you ask?
           Generally, Andrew’s wild mood wasn’t a problem, but Andrew’s cheer didn’t make him at all friendly. An excitable Andrew confronted with the death of his least-favourite teammate was a recipe for disaster. The team should have come together Sunday morning to grieve their loss, but Andrew and Matt got into an ugly brawl instead.
I have a slight feeling Andrew’s drug-induced moods are going to play an important role this book. Just a hunch.
           Seth died Saturday night and was cremated Monday afternoon. From what Neil heard, Seth’s mother signed off on everything, but didn’t even show up at the crematorium to collect her son’s ashes.
What the fuck. What the fuck kind of mother is that. What sort of human being cares so little for their own children they won’t even show up to their funeral what the fuck.
This is the saddest shit I’ve read all day. Sure, they’re all from ~broken homes~ and whatever, but still. Some of you were also pointing out that it’s been said before that he was on antidepressants. This and how little fucks his family appears to give about him makes me feel even more sorry for him.
Ughhh. Why do I get them character feels only after his death. This sucks major ass.
           The Foxes were already the smallest team in NCAA Class I Exy. Now they were the smallest a team could be and still qualify to play. They’d lost their only fifth-year senior, and their remaining offense team consisted of an injured national champion and an amateur.
Meaning if Neil or Kevin want to take a time-out they just… can’t?
Boy, I’m sure there I absolutely nothing that can go wrong with that.
           Kevin’s presence on the team mean the Foxes needed full-time security, but the numbers had doubled over the summer when Kevin’s former team transferred to the southeastern district. Neil was getting used to seeing campus police everywhere he went, but he would always hate the sight of them.
I have a question here, which I’ve thought about before as well: What the hell is campus police? Because Germany doesn’t have that.
Is it just security guards? It’s not actual police, is it? I’m sure those guys will have more important things to do than to play standby watchdogs at a college.
           The door code was supposed to change every couple months, but with the Ravens in their district Wymack now changed it every week. This week it was the last four digits of Abby’s phone number. Neil was starting to think his teammates were right about Wymack and Abby’s secret relationship.
Honestly, how have I not seen fanart for those two yet. They’re cute as shit. Everyone, chill it on the Andreil and give me the fluffy Wymabby (Abbymack?) cuddles my heart desperately wants.
Once in the stadium, Neil finds Kevin and Aaron playing interior designers.
           “What are you doing?”
           “Finding a new way to make us fit,” Andrew said, “unless you want to stare an empty chair in the face all season. (…) Four people barely fit on a coach. Five is out of the question.”
           Kevin looked at him like he was stupid. Neil was painfully familiar with that look by now, but even after four months with Kevin he still didn’t appreciate it.
           “You do know your place, don’t you?”
Another installment in our popular series Neil Doesn’t Realize People Actually Care About Him, episode 3 of a billion.
           Neil hesitated a second too long, and Aaron finally spelled it out for him. “You’re on the couch with Kevin and Andrew. Sit down.”
It’s a Kandreil Couch! Yay!
The Kandreil Kouch™, for alliteration’s sake.
           “I don’t like being boxed in,” Neil said, “and I don’t want to sit next to your brother.”
           “Nicky put up with it for a year,” Aaron said. “You can deal with it.”
           “You’re his family,” Neil said, not like it meant a thing to them.
They’re your family as well now, ya dingus.
Neil has something to say about ~families~, though.
           Wymack only recruited athletes from broken homes. At the Foxhole Court, “family” was a fantasy invented to make books and Hollywood movies more interesting.
Was someone looking for the Extra™ in this book? Fucking found it.
Also, was someone looking for Wymack? Because I was. Where is my fave.
           From what Neil could hear, someone was harassing Wymack about the team’s tiny line-up. Wymack’s obvious irritation made his reassurances less than convincing, but Neil knew he believed every word he was saying. Wymack didn’t care if he had nine Foxes or twenty-five. He’d stand behind them until the bitter, bloody end.
THERE HE IS. <333333
Just in case anyone needed a reminder of why Wymack is, in fact, the best person in this entire series.
           He strode into the lounge a couple seconds later and followed Dan’s finger to Neil. He looked from Neil to Kevin to Aaron, then around the room at the new layout, then back at Neil.
           “Last I checked Andrew didn’t like you,” Wymack said.
           “He still doesn’t,” Neil said, but he didn’t bother to explain.
I’m just imagining Wymack looking around faster and faster like a comic character and I’m enjoying it tremendously.
Also, “he still doesn’t”, sure, honey…
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It’s time for arguably the best speech in this chapter: A Grade A Certified Wymack Pep Talk.
           Wymack folded his arms across his chest and studied each of his Foxes in turn.
           “Abby wrote me a speech to give you this afternoon. It sounded nice, had lots of stuff about courage and loss and coming together in everyone’s time of need. I tore it up and tossed it in the trash can beside my desk.”
Why do I find this so funny. I mean, harsh, dude, she put effort into that and it was actually so sweet of her, but also like. That is such a Wymack move and I love it.
           Wymack built the Foxes from the ground up and handpicked Seth for his first starting line. Between the players’ personal problems, a faulty original contract that let players walk out, and the option to graduate in four years instead of five, Seth was the only one who’d made it to a fifth year on the team. Seth had been a lot of things, most of them unpleasant, but he’d definitely been a fighter. Now he was gone.
Curse you, afterwards character feels! :(((
           Wymack cleared his throat and scratched a hand through his short hair. “Look. Shit happened. Shit’s going to keep happening. You don’t need me to tell you life isn’t fair. You’re here because you know it isn’t. Life doesn’t care what we want out of it; it’s up to us to fight for what we want with everything we’ve got. Seth wanted us to win. He wanted us to make it past the fourth match. I think we owe it to him to perform. Let’s show the world what we’ve got. Let’s make this our year.”
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An actual leaked picture of me reacting to this speech.
How do I love thee, Wymack? Let me count the ways………. A FUCKTON.
After that rousing example of a pep talk, everyone gets ready for practice, and I discover a completely accidental pun that I can’t believe I witnessed with my own two eyes:
           A vanity separated the toilets from the shower stalls, and Neil stopped there on his way back to consider his reflection. (…)
           He didn’t realize how long he’d stalled until Matt and Kevin came looking for him.
Get it? Cause he’s in the stalls………….
I’ll see myself out.
           “All the way to finals?” Neil asked.
           “Miracles happen,” Matt said.
           “Don’t rely on something as insubstantial as a miracle,” Kevin said. “You won’t win anything by standing around. Finish getting changed and get down to the court.”
           “One day I want you to look up ‘insensitivity’ in the dictionary,” Matt said, annoyed. “I’m sure it’ll do your ego wonders to see your picture printed beside it.”
GET FUCKIN REKT. Matt, baby, I didn’t know you had such hidden sass qualities. Where were you hiding them and how can we see more of them, like, now.
After a bit of training, Nicky and Andrew finally show up, but before Wymack can shoo them out onto the court, something unexpected happens:
Andrew gets a phone call.
If we learnt anything from the last one he got (which was a killer, by the way), it’s that phone calls for Andrew never mean anything fucking good.
           “Pig Higgins, is that you?” Andrew asked. “Oh, it is. Yes, I’m surprised. Did you forget I don’t like surprises? What? No, don’t stall. You wouldn’t hunt me down after all this time just to chat, so what do you want?” Andrew went quiet for a few seconds to listen, then said, “No,” and hung up.
What. What the fuck is happening. How does Andrew have this police officer so whipped that he gets to call him Pig.
           “What? No, I didn’t hang up on you. I wouldn’t do that. I – no. Shut up.”
           Andrew hung up again.
I want to find this funny, but I just find it weird and disturbing, with a side of asshole-ish. He doesn’t seem in the mood for jokes, he seems serious, yet he keeps hanging up and denying it? This is very fishy to me.
           “Go back,” Andrew finally said. “Who complained? Oh, Pig, don’t give me the runaround. I know where you work, you see. I know who you work with. That means there’s a child in her house. She isn’t supposed – what? No. Don’t ask me that. I said don’t. Leave me alone. Hey,” Andrew said, a little louder like he was trying to drown the officer’s arguments out. “Call me again and I’ll kill you.”
WHAT IS HAPPENING. Who is “she”? What is she not supposed to do? And a child? Whattt.
           “Why is the Oakland PD calling you?”
           “The pig and I go way back,” Andrew said. “He just wanted to catch up. (…) He worked with the Oakland PAL program. Thought he could save at-risk kids by teaching them sports after school. Kind of like you, yes? Idealistic to the core.”
Excuse you, bitch, you’re making that sound like an insult and I am not liking it.
After that scene, completely unimpressed by everyone’s gaping mouths and ‘what-the-fuck’ expressions (including mine), Andrew decides to once again demonstrate his absolute indifference to anything Exy and gets the fuck out of there.
           Impatience pulled Kevin’s mouth into a hard line. “Knock it off. You can’t leave.”
           There was a heartbeat of silence, and Andrew turned around with a wide, wicked smile on his lips. “I can’t, Kevin? I’ll show you what I can’t do. Try and put me on your court today and I’ll take myself off it permanently. Fuck you practice, your line-up, and your stupid fucking game.”
           “That’s enough. We don’t have time for your tantrums.”
           Andrew twisted and punched the wall hard enough to split the skin along his knuckles.
Oh my god, chill out, my dude, what the fuck, take a chill pill, calm your tatas.
Obviously, everyone lets him go after that, but Wymack isn’t quite ready to let the entire subject off the hook yet:
           “Answers, now, Aaron,” Wymack said.
           “I don’t know,” Aaron said. (…) “He was Andrew’s mentor, not mine. I only met the guy once.” (…)
           “Oh,” Nicky said in startled realization. “Is he – ?”
           He didn’t finish, but Aaron understood what he was asking.
           “Yeah,” Aaron said. “He’s the one who told me I had a brother.”
OH SHIT. I’m beyond pumped for the explanation of that backstory.
And we’re done! Good first chapter, shade, practice, violence, lil bit of cryptic backstory, standard Fox program as always. Not much has happened yet, though, as it mostly serves to get us back into the story.
I’m excited for more.
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