#didn’t have any alcohol so I had to mix the dye with water which eventually meant we had to blow dry it to keep it together
totsandnuggsrebloggs · 9 months
I made a Moomin cake :>
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I am so proud of it :]
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N.H ASK 1 - tequila sunrise N.H X FEM!READER
An afternoon with the boys is what you expected on the sunny bank holiday; it was a rare occasion that everyone was in London. You had decided to host impromptu drinks on the roof of your building. The sun’s heat shone down from the moment it licked the surface of London’s outskirts at dawn that morning. The glass shards warmed quickly making your alternative looking flat warm, almost sauna like.
You had made a quick effort to prepare minimal beverages as you knew the boys would bring their own. Your flat was relatively small yet housed you and your best friend Anita perfectly. She wasn’t around much pulling long shifts at St Pancras Hospital so that meant you often had the space to yourself. You didn’t host marvellous parties or spontaneous get-togethers like today’s event often, most of your time between reading novels for the publishing company you worked for was or spent watching crime dramas to the late am. But this august bank holiday was the first in perhaps years that Anita didn’t have to work.
Anita, a tall and thin creature, long ginger hair which subjected her to the odd ginger joke of course. She had dark green eyes which ensured her uncanny resembled to cartoon character: Kim Possible. However, this did mean she went as Kim Possible every year for Halloween.
“Doll?” she called from down the hallway. You liked this flat a lot; the bedrooms were across from each other and yet both were spacious. You had the roof flat so unlike every other flat you didn’t have the access to a balcony, so the landlord had given you access to the roof. You and Anita had lived there for 5 years which meant your bank holidays had been spent doing up the roof and previously shattered greenhouse for your use. “I’m gonna take the ice buckets up – you gonna be okay?” she asked, smiling at you as she filled up the flimsy plastic buckets with weird side handles with ice and water. You nodded, mixing the last of the tequila in your pitcher of tequila sunrise. The amount of alcohol in these jugs would put you in the hospital if you consumed them alone.
You had gotten out 7 glasses to hold cocktails, each with a different coloured umbrella, one with stripes on from the last party you had hosted last year; you had also chopped up various complimentary fruits to go with the drinks and some carrots to dip in some homemade hummus. You brushed yourself down, the boys would be arriving soon and that would be chaotic from the second they stepped foot indoors.
Anita had convinced you to wear a pretty dress with your sandals rather than melting in your jeans and t-shirt. It was something you had purchased on sale a while back – completely on a whim. It was a short maxi dress, the straps crossed at the back; the dress itself was white but was covered in sunflowers, you had a pair of worn orange Birkenstocks on with matching nail polish on your nails. Despite having good company, you didn’t bother with much makeup or anything too full on with your hair – you just shoved it up in something in between a bun and ponytail.
As if on cue there was a knock at the door, evident commotion happening outside. You walked over and opened the door with ease; the boys never seemed to get you starstruck anymore, to you they were normal people.
“’Ello” Louis called, patting you on the back as he put some beers in your fridge and crisps on your countertop. You greeted Harry while he was mid carrot – a snack he knew you had gotten purposely for him. “Payno” you called hugging Liam who harboured more alcohol, this time with mixers as well.
“where’s goldilocks?” you asked, Niall had recently used a box dye in his hair, and it had gone a bit bright before a hairdresser had snuck into a hotel room and fixed it for him. That was, of course, before he regrettably sent a picture to you, who had later put it in the group chat where it was meme’d. Louis laughed at your nickname,
“on his way, had errands or something” he replies nonchalantly. The boys helped themselves to the drinks and made their way to the roof. They had been in your flat more times than you could count. During the world cup you had found yourself watching it with Tommo and Payno getting a little too aggressive when your preferred team wasn’t doing so well.
You ushered the boys to the roof while you waited on Niall. He was never usually late, if anything that was usually Louis.
“oi tommo, take some of this booze up, yeah?” you called, not turning back to him to see if he took anything but presumed from the brief ruckus he did. You fumbled around the flat looking for some sun cream and sunglasses but disturbing the search was the sound of the door opening and quickly shutting again.
“You’re late Horan” you called, not looking behind to him until you had found the things you were looking for.
“Sorry, perfection takes time” he shoots back, his wit - dry as always
“Yet you’re still so far from it” you snort, eventually greeting him. He hugs you briefly before giving you a bunch of flowers; tulips, your favourite, a bunch of red and orange ones.
“you like ‘em, pet?” he asks, you nod a little with a smile. “still your favourite then?”
“yeah, something like that Nialler. The boys are upstairs so head up when you’re ready” you inform him. You grab a glass vase from the cupboard beneath the sink, filling it with fresh water. You notice in your own company that these aren’t just shop-brought, but from a florist. You appreciated the sentiment, but Niall had several zeros in his bank account so you knew he could afford random trips to the florist.
When you reached the roof, the others had put on some background music and were already joking around with each other. You took the remaining seat in between Anita and Niall, sipping on your glass of tequila sunrise – something which cause you to meet your demise. The sun rays warmed your skin, something you basked in. You adored the sun, always trying to spend as much time in it as possible.
The song changed to Taylor Swift’s 22 and you just laughed to yourself.
“sorry curly, this gotta be awkward for ya” you joked, Harry just rolled his eyes before shaking his head.
“nah, she didn’t write this one about me” he humoured you, taking a pseudo-angry bite from a carrot stick. You listened more to the to and fro, seeing Anita exchange in light-hearted conversation with Liam and Harry was nice- it was rare she let her hair down for more than five minutes. You squirted some sun cream into your hand as you felt your skin getting warm; you got your legs fine and your arms but knew you would have to ask for help on your back – your eyes flicked to Anita who was deep in conversation, then to niall on your left, he seemed content on his phone.
“hey Nialler, do us a favour?” you asked, he turned off his phone placing his focus on you. “do me back?” you asked, smiling widely at him. He nodded with no pushback; his hands were calloused from playing the strings yet were gentle on your skin.
“can I move the straps?” he asked, you nodded, he fiddled with the straps of your dress rubbing the cream into your back and shoulders slowly ensuring he was covering the exposed skin.
“ay up what we missed? Nialler is feeling up our resident geek” Tommo shouts from the other side of the circle of chairs, a grin on his face. The rest of the group turns to see what he’s going on about.
“it’s the luck of the Irish, not every day I get to touch a shoulder” jokes Niall. You lean towards the direction Louis was sat in before announcing:
“It’s the accent really” you flirted with great ease and choosing to wink at Tommo who just shakes his head turning back to his conversation with Harry. His interest was lost after your response, you hadn’t bitten in the way he wanted. You leant back into Niall’s touch, relaxing beneath it. He finished up a couple of moments later, closing the cap of the bottle with a sharp snap. “thank you” you supply with a genuine smile.
“what’s the latest read?” he asks, it’s not often you’re asked about your work from anyone but Anita, so his query takes you by surprise.
“I always get lumbered with the romance novels” you complain, “suppose it’s the apparent trail of broken hearts I leave behind” you joke, he looks confused, “one of my co-workers hit on me and I tried to reject him nicely but he didn’t get the hint”
“oh” Niall replies, you continue,
“he was nice enough but he’s not the calibre of man that I usually go for”
“calibre of man?” he laughed, saying it a little louder then you would’ve liked.
“yeah, I’ve got standards” you retort. He is still laughing at your phrasing, so you sip more of your drink to wait it out. You slipped your feet out of your sandals and rested them upon his lap, he stopped laughing shortly after your action. You remembered to keep your legs closed as you weren’t wearing shorts beneath the dress.
“oh yeah? Giv’ us ya check list, am sure we know a bloke for our bookworm” he asks, waiting out your initial hesitance.
“natural brunettes; tattoo free and Irish. Know anyone?” you asked, teasing him on purpose, “doesn’t sound like anyone I know” he barks, his laugh overshadowing the rest of the chatter. You heard Louis mumble something which earned the others laugh but you felt the moment to ask him to repeat himself had passed.
“nah, no one I know at least” he finally announced, still laughing at you. Your cheeks had tinged. “I like your dress” he adds.
You notice now it’s a little low cut, you hadn’t realised it, but it really showed your cleavage – especially with the bra you were wearing. “not too much?” you ask, still feeling a little uneasy in it.
“nah, look’s good.” He confirmed, “wearing it for any reason”
“Anita” you replied quickly, “I brought it ages ago and she seems to think today is the best occasion for it” he is tapping the beat of the song on your legs, an action which didn’t go unnoticed by you.
“she’s right” he mutters, “‘s a good look” you nod not knowing what to do with the information, so you sip the last bit from your drink. You move to go refill it but harry stops you, taking your empty glass from your hands.
“stay love, I’ll do it”
“thanks H, you gem” you return, you smile at him before looking back to Niall. Anita however doesn’t let this moment lasts when she pulls you up to dance. You had met Anita when you went to university together; she was studying nursing and you studied English literature. Avril Lavigne’s Girlfriend switched on, it had been in the charts in your last year of uni and countless nights out had started with this playing while you got ready. You jumped and sang with her, no care in the world. Liam had gotten up to twirl you both about; Tommo watched from his chair when Harry had returned and joined in. the song ended in laughter all around, you sat on Niall’s lap, resting your head on his shoulder – his hands rested either on your leg or waist.
“why didn’t you come dance?” you asked.
“I ‘aven’t had enough to drink to do tha’” he replied, you shook your head in disbelief.
“drink up then as I’m getting the shots” you told him, vacating his person to bring up shot glasses and the various spirits you had to do shots with.  
When you had returned to the roof another body had arrived, it must’ve happened while you rooted around for spirits in the pantry.
“Capaldi! Thought you’d got lost” you cheered, awkwardly side hugging him while balancing everything else on a tray. You poured shots and everyone did a few rounds to feel the buzz. Niall was talking deeply with Lewis, so you went over to Louis and Harry to see what had captured their attention.
They were discussing Harry’s sister, her new boyfriend or something you gathered.
“hey” you said, waving a little as you sat beside Louis.
“what can I do for ya’” Tommo asked, you laughed,
“nothin’ just couldn’t corrupt our church boy for much longer” you taunted; Louis laughed at your remark.
“tha’s good, I like tha’” he comments, Harry speaks next.
“you publishin’ anything I’d like?”
“nah, H. I promised I’d text if there was anything of your taste” you remind him, he doesn’t really respond. “how is my favourite styles anyway?”
“I’m alright” harry jokes, you scoffed rolling your eyes, knowing he’d bite regarding your comment about Gemma.
The evening passed in an alcohol induced haze; despite being late Lewis had tried to catch up on the alcohol consumption and was significantly more drunk then the rest of the guests at your social gathering. The atmosphere was relaxed, Anita lounged across Harry and Louis who were in deep conversation; Liam was on the phone in the corner speaking passionately to whoever had captured his attention while Niall and Lewis barked with contagious laughter in the seat Niall had claimed since he arrived.
you held your glass high and navigated around the chairs and empty bottles over to the clowns making more noise than everyone else combined.
“hey guys” you chirp, taking a seat beside Lewis. Niall, while listening to Lewis’ anecdote fixes his glance on you, it lingers for a few seconds shared with a soft smile before Lewis’ hand gestures grabbed his attention again. Niall had briefly excused himself which earned Lewis’ joking with your usual banter until Niall returned to match it.
The sun had long gone, and a breeze filled the air; goose bumps littered your skin, and would no doubt cause a shiver or chattering of your teeth if you didn’t equip yourself with an extra layer. Before you could do such a chore Niall returned baring a cup of tea in your favourite mug and his hoodie which he had discarded earlier on that afternoon.
“’ere” he passes the hoodie to you which you take no time in slipping on before carefully handing you the mug.
“how’d you know I was gonna go get a jumper?” you asked bewildered, slightly laughing at the coincidence of it all. Niall shrugged, “just know ya, I guess” he mumbles while he takes the seat he occupied before. You mouthed a quick thank you as to not interrupt Lewis’ resumed story to Niall.
The first to leave was Liam, soon after his departure people started yawning and stopped drinking; Harry and Louis left thirty and forty-five minutes after Liam which just left Niall, Lewis, Anita and yourself.
The party had taken itself naturally back indoors, Anita was half asleep on the couch as she had since changed into her pyjamas and cozied up beneath a knitted blanket she had purchased from John Lewis on sale a week prior, Lewis was dozing next to her and Niall and yourself lounged on smaller couch together – the seat was really meant for one yet you almost always seemed to fit both of you on there, you always found yourself cuddled into Niall’s grasp and quite often with a stolen layer from him.
“wha’ you doing tomorrow, blondie?” you asked, looking up at him in such proximity.
“well I was hopin’ that you’d wanna do something” he replied, his voice quiet, “jus’ me and you” you beamed up at him.
“I’d love that” you whispered back; he smiles.
“don’t put it in the group chat Tommo will only take the piss” he states after, not meeting your gaze.
“that’s okay Nialler, don’t want them crashing like they did last time” you laughed lightly, he just smiles squeezing you. You just rest your eyes basking in the warmth and the flowing serotonin that is coupled with hugging someone with such intimate affection.
You were, and are always, content when you were with Niall.
Thank you to @socialfake for the ask! hope you like it xo
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linger like a tattoo kiss
chapter two of the peter losing wendy series
*inspired by Taylor Swift’s Folklore*
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Original Character (Liz Walker)
Warnings: mentions of suicide, PLEASE proceed with caution, drinking/partying, smoking, mentions of emotional abuse, does not follow the plot of the canon material
Word Count: 5.4K
Summary: Liz has a run-in with a Kook at a party. JJ, strangely, shows up late.
May 4, 2019
With a headache, Liz awoke, scrunching up her nose at the sound of the rooster out in the chicken coop. The sky was just barely alight with the rising sun, and a chilly morning breeze blew through the screens in the windows. Early May, and summer had still yet to set in. Not a problem to Liz, though. She was always glad to go a few extra weeks without the thick blanket of humidity which began to suffocate the Outer Banks every year by June. Debating whether or not to move, she stared up at the ceiling with tired eyes. There were cracks on the white surface, and a couple brownish water stains from the last tropical storm.
Despite the open windows, John B’s house still smelled stale after a night of debauchery. Empty bags of chips, green glass bottles, and rolling papers littered the rickety dining table. After the party at the Boneyard, the Pogues had migrated back to the Chateau and continued into the darkest hours of the night. Judging from the orangey hue of the sky, they couldn’t have gone to bed more than a couple hours prior. Of course, Kie and Pope had gone back to the Carrera residence, claiming to want to sleep in a ‘real’ bed. Kie could never stand the uncomfortable springs sticking out of the pullout couch mattress, or the mattress in the spare bedroom.
JJ usually got the spare, but both he and Liz had ended up sprawled out on the pullout instead. She would have worried about John B suspecting something fishy going on, but she could hear his faint snores coming from the direction of his bedroom. Not that he would’ve ever raised an eyebrow at seeing them share a bed. Liz was just a textbook worrywart. Besides, the living room was empty save for the two of them after everyone else had gone to bed, when they’d stayed up talking and sharing a final blunt to take the edge off and kissing softly. No; they’d had the whole world to themselves, it had seemed, in the living room of the Chateau in the wee hours of the new spring day. Though she felt silly, Liz couldn’t help letting a small smirk ghost over her lips at the memory of only hours earlier.
After a moment more indecision, she found herself doing her best to rise from the bed without waking JJ. It took more than a few seconds to pluck his arm from where it was draped over her stomach. Drool leaked from the corner of his mouth where his face was smashed up against the pillow. Liz’s smile widened just a bit at the sight. Noticing the goosebumps which rose on her arms at the lack of JJ’s body heat, she grabbed the crumpled gray cardigan from under the pullout mattress. She’d noticed it under there the night before as JJ was sucking on her neck.
Grimacing at the light from the back windows, Liz went up to the kitchen sink and got herself a glass of tap water. There was simply no way she was getting back to sleep with the hangover throbbing behind her eyes. But she didn’t particularly mind with such a beautiful sunrise. She had seen it so many times over the course of her life, on daybreak fishing trips and in the aftermath of long nights, but it always felt like the first time. Through the windows above the sink, she could see the reflection of the warmly painted sky against the water in the marsh. It glistened in small, glowing pearls on the dewy blades of tall grass in John B’s backyard.
As she was setting the emptied glass down in the sink, she felt a pair of arms snake around her waist. She startled, but relaxed into JJ’s touch after a moment. He had barely made any noise at all while padding over to her in his socked feet.
“Fuck, JJ!” she exclaimed quietly, letting out an anxious, breathy chuckle. “Announce yourself, sunshine.”
Not quite yet awake, JJ leaned against her. His head was on her shoulder, eyes closed as he spoke in drowsy slurs.
“Jesus, what time is it?” he asked.
“My name’s Liz, not Jesus. But, hey, we’ve only known each other since we were seven, after all,” she quipped, teasing.
He fought the urge to roll his eyes, eager to lay back down. The flashes across his memory of all the alcohol he’d downed the night before made him a little nauseous. “Gimme a break, Lizzie.”
She snickered, but relented, looking over at the clock on the microwave. “Half past five.”
He groaned in response, shaking his head a bit. “I have to leave for work in like twenty minutes.”
“Shit. Why?”
“Early bird breakfast,” he grumbled.
“That sucks ass,” Liz said. “There’s some aspirin left in the medicine cabinet, I think. If you want to take some before you leave.”
He hummed in acknowledgement. The tank top Liz wore slipped down over her right arm just a bit. JJ pressed a kiss to the exposed skin of her shoulder, on which her small, black and white tattoo of a betta fish peeked out from the neckline of the cardigan. She’d gotten it the day after turning sixteen, with a forged signature on the parental release form. It was the only tattoo she had. Since JJ had begun kissing her, it had become one of his favorite spots. Hers, too. The feather-light pressure of his lips reminded her of the night before, when she’d touched him just as gingerly.
.   .   .
Rarely did Liz arrive at a party before JJ. He was usually the first to run down the beach, leading the way as he helped carry the keg. As he shouted in excitement, she could normally only manage a nervous half-grimace. But JJ was still nowhere to be found fifteen minutes after they’d finished setting up shop. Even the bonfire was lit. The past few days had been dry, and Liz hadn’t encountered too much trouble getting the logs to ignite. She was a former girl scout, and had slowly become the honorary firestarter of the group. She stood next to her creation, a red solo cup in her hand. John B had gone all out, supplying not just a keg but also the materials for mixed drinks. Liz was nursing a vodka-cranberry, taking slow, small sips. She was being careful to pace herself after the sloppy table dance she’d performed a few weeks back.
The late afternoon had just begun bleeding into evening, and the sky had darkened to a strange mixture of pinks and blues. A chilly breeze blew past her as the sun disappeared behind the horizon, and she took a couple more steps towards the heat of the bonfire. Still, she kept a careful distance from the main crowd. Kie had gotten into a conversation with Pope about use of fracking on the mainland as they sat next to each other in the circle around the fire. Liz could see how completely engrossed Pope was in Kie’s words, and if JJ had been there, she would have faked a gag at how cute they were. John B and Sarah, too, were lost in their own world, sharing flirty touches and lingering looks as they manned the keg. Though it had been months since the two had started dating, Liz still wasn’t sure how she felt about Sarah. The ice had melted between the Kook princess and the rest of the Pogues, but Liz just couldn’t bring herself to feel comfortable. Not around a girl who wore necklaces made of solid gold and got her highlights professionally done. The most Liz could afford was a seven-dollar box of dye, but years of practice had served her well. She’d started dying her auburn hair a fiery shade of copper during freshman year, just after her father died, and never looked back.
While she’d been getting ready for the party, she’d decided to channel Halloween, even though it was May. John B and Pope had watched curiously as she donned her black lipstick and smudged eyeliner. Sarah had extended the offer for Liz to come and get ready with her and Kie. But Liz brushed it off. Most of her makeup was at John B’s house, anyway, considering how often she stayed there. Why bring it all the way to the Figure Eight? Liz couldn’t imagine stepping into Sarah Cameron’s room, seeing the closet filled to the brim with designer dresses; velvet and silk and tulle. Especially not when the best Liz could do for a party outfit was an ancient Jimi Hendrix t-shirt and a semi-clean polka dot skirt.
Before she could spiral deeper into the bitter storm in her mind, Liz was pulled from her reverie when someone bumped hard into her shoulder. Liz barely registered what had happened until she felt the lukewarm drink spill down the front of her shirt. The gray fabric on which Jimi Hendrix’s face was printed was splashed right down the front with a deep, pinkish-red stain. Furrowing her brows, Liz looked up to see the Kook girl who had walked into her retreating, barely casting Liz a glance. The girl, who Liz recognized eventually as being called Ally, was struggling to walk on her high heels in the sand, while also typing away on her brand new phone, adorned with a sequined case. Maybe it wasn’t such a big deal. Maybe it didn’t matter that Ally hadn’t said a word, hadn’t looked Liz’s way, hadn’t apologized. But Liz looked around and found almost no one had seen what happened. John B and Sarah were all the way across the beach, and Liz could see Pope and Kie in a lively debate. JJ had still yet to arrive, it seemed. The t-shirt had been Liz’s father’s, vintage from his youth. And Liz knew it was unlikely such a stain would come out. She saw a flash of red and gripped the plastic cup so hard in her hand that it crumpled.
“Hey!” she exclaimed, as her stomach swirled with nerves and her hands began to shake. She knew she should have just let it go, as she always did. The idea of starting something with a Kook had her heart in her throat. But it was her father’s shirt. Sometimes, she thought she could still smell him when she wore it.
Ally didn’t turn around until Liz called out to her a couple more times. She spun around slowly on her heel, just barely looking up from her phone. Confusion painted her face as she realized who was addressing her. “Yeah?”
“Do you see what you just did to my shirt?” Liz asked, gesturing down at herself, voice raised over the blaring music and the chatter of fellow partygoers. A few people at the edges of the bonfire circle, where Ally had been headed, began to look up at the commotion.
Ally stared blankly at Liz’s shirt for a moment and then shrugged in disinterest. “Oh, yeah. Sorry.”
Scoffing, Liz let an angry, sardonic smirk cross her face. “Damn, someone should give you an Oscar for that acting.”
“What’s your problem?” Ally asked, finally giving Liz her full attention as her face twisted in disgust.
“My problem is my shirt is ruined,” Liz continued, not knowing exactly what she wanted to get out of the exchange. She only knew that she was pissed, and she hadn’t felt quite so pissed in a long time. It confused her, but the few sips of vodka she’d downed were apparently making her more courageous already.
Ally looked at Liz’s shirt for another moment. “I don’t know. I’d say I did you a favor.”
Liz narrowed her eyes at Ally, who appeared to think the exchange was over and began turning away again. But before she could disappear into the small crowd of onlookers which had formed, Liz grabbed the drink from Ally’s left hand and tossed the mixture onto the girl’s white crop top and mini skirt set. The color was even more vivid against such a light fabric, and it looked like a scene out of a horror movie. A chorus of cliché gasps erupted from the voyeurs standing around, and Pope and Kie had finally gotten wind of the situation. They had yet to intervene, standing with hesitation. It wasn’t like Liz to start fights. Usually, she was the one who ended them. Pope always called her the dependent variable, but she was certainly deviating from the norm tonight.
“Pogue bitch!” Ally shrieked, looking down at her ruined outfit.
Liz only smirked, feigning innocence and shrugging in a mock imitation. She couldn’t help but feel instant satisfaction. “You could always buy new, right?”
Ally’s face grew red with anger at the sound of Liz’s aloof tone. “This was two hundred dollars in New York, you cunt!”
“Tragic,” Liz replied coolly. “You poor baby.”
Ally took a couple threatening steps forward and Liz let out a bark of laughter. She threw the cups in her hands to the side (which she would be picking up as soon as she could, knowing how upset Kie would be if she didn’t). She advanced to Ally and met her eyes. Without the heels, Ally would have been significantly shorter than Liz. With them, she was almost as tall. But it didn’t matter. Liz stared her down like she was a bug about to be squashed.
“You gonna fight me, princess?” Liz asked huskily, feeling the lively fire in her stomach rising in her throat. Her smirk was ever-present, joyless. “Do it. Fight the Pogue cunt. See how that works out for you.”
“You’re fucking crazy,” Ally said. She wasn’t quite scared, only surprised. Her brow was crinkled analytically. All this over a t-shirt.
“Oh, am I?” Liz asked, eyes wide in askance and mocking.
“Yeah. Just like your daddy,” Ally replied viciously, letting a smugness come over her face. She had recognized Liz only a few moments prior. On such a small island, word of tragedy got around. Most everyone knew about the girl whose father was found dangling from a beam in the attic. The audience made a sound of shock and awe.
Feeling her stomach do another flip, Liz clenched her hands into tight fists at her sides. Her nails began to cut into her palms. Just as she was launching herself forward, ready to hit someone for the first time in many years, she felt herself being pulled clumsily away by the shoulders and the waist. She struggled in the hold for only a moment, before she saw Ally retreating back to her friends and heard Kie yelling in her ear to calm the hell down. Sarah and John B were running over, the entire beach now aware something was going on.
“Let me go, Pope! I’m fine!” Liz yelled, tearing his arms from her sides and feeling freer at the release. Even though it was Pope, she still couldn’t help the panic which bubbled up within her from being restrained.
“What the hell was that?” John B asked as he came over, Sarah trailing behind.
“Why do you care? Why don’t you go fuck your girlfriend?” Liz snapped coldly.
A pit of regret immediately sank in her stomach. Her entire body was flushed and adrenaline pulsed through her. Even if John B was pretty much her brother, she couldn’t help but let all her negative feelings about everyone mix into an indecipherable rage. Not her father’s shirt. Not some lousy Kook calling her father crazy. She simply couldn’t handle it. Sure, she knew people whispered comments to each other when she walked down the street. She knew the Kooks talked shit about her behind her back. But to her face was something else entirely.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” John B said, taken aback by the outburst.
“Just forget it, alright?” Liz sighed, breathing harshly. “I’m sorry...I’m just...my fucking shirt!”
Kie tilted her head at Liz in confusion, bringing a gentle hand to her shoulder. “Why-“
Liz shrugged her off. “I said forget it! Can someone please just get me a new drink?!”
Recoiling, Kie stepped away and plucked the cups from where Liz had tossed them in the sand. Liz wanted so badly to make a full apology. She really did. And she would, once they got back to the Chateau. But she felt almost incapable at the moment, stewing with such uncharacteristic rage.
Silence and doubtful looks were exchanged, but eventually Sarah volunteered to go get Liz the drink and John B followed, tossing concerned glances over his shoulder at Liz as they went. She thanked them quietly, embarrassed, but then yelled after them, requesting they keep the cranberry juice to a minimum. Not much more than a chaser.
“Are you sure-” Pope began, but he stopped immediately when Liz locked eyes with him. She meant business. No more fun and games.
“Not tonight, okay, Pope?” she asked, a pleading, tired crack in her voice. It made Pope want to say more, but Liz cut him off again with another exclamation as she began walking away. “Where the fuck is JJ?!”
.   .   .
Down the beach from the party, Liz could barely see the orange glow of the fire past the crowd. She was still nursing her vodka-cranberry, a bit buzzed but not nearly enough to forget what had happened. Her eyes were burning with tears, but whenever she felt herself truly welling up, she would stop it. She’d sniff and look up at the sky until her eyes were dry. It was clear, and she could see the swirl of the stars so vividly against the pitch-black sky. Humming a Nirvana song under her breath, she sat with her arms on her knees, one hand clasped around the opposite wrist. The drink on her shirt had long since dried, but she was still chilly in the ocean wind. She’d thought about going back to the Chateau, but decided she didn’t have the energy to make the walk alone. Instead, she’d gone a good distance down the shore, and sat a few inches up from where the tide was coming in. The moon shone silver on the waves, and the sight of it almost made her feel better. But it didn’t.
She was only sad and tipsy. In her solitude, her mind wandered to her mother and father. To her siblings. She wondered what her mother was doing, probably already asleep. A bottle of Jack somewhere near the bed. It made Liz feel guilty for getting buzzed, but she only downed more of the drink in an effort to get the feeling to disappear. Her sisters, too, she wondered about. They didn’t call much, and she didn’t blame them. The oldest two were off at college on the mainland, living separate lives with their scholarships. The other, Nicole, checked in even less reilably. Last Liz heard, she was somewhere in New Mexico finding herself. And Liz was where she had always been, spending her nights at home cleaning up after her mother, sitting through tearful diatribes about what a saint her father had been. Biting her tongue through her mother’s lies. She was glad the Chateau had become the place to rest her head since her father’s death. Had she been forced to stay at home every night, she imagined she would have run off long ago.
JJ strode up to her with his hands in his pockets, hat backwards on his head as usual. He sat down next to her without a word, carrying his own cup. Liz didn’t startle at his presence. Instead, she only breathed a sigh of relief. She wasn’t sure exactly what time it was, but he was more than late.
“Contemplating the mysteries of the universe?” he asked, a small smile on his face.
She chuckled humorlessly, clearing her throat and sniffing. “Not quite. Just thinking about Kurt Cobain.”
“Well, no wonder you’re down here all angsty and alone, hot stuff,” he teased, but when he spoke again his voice was more solemn. “JB said you got in a fight with a Kook.”
“He’s a drama queen. I didn’t fight her,” Liz said, staring out at the ocean still. The breeze was cold but welcome, clarifying, and she took in a deep breath through her nose. “Ally spilled her drink on me. And then she said some shit about my dad...it was nothing.”
“Sure doesn’t look like nothing,” JJ said, eyeing the stain across Jimi Hendrix’s face in the dimness.
She snorted a laugh, looking down at herself. “Maybe not. But I was going for a Patrick Bateman thing tonight, anyway.”
JJ sighed, licking at his lips. He debated arguing, maybe even getting fired up enough to go find some random Kook in retaliation. But he didn’t. He knew how she hated when he fought. Instead, he only took off his hat, pulled his sweatshirt over his head and went to hand it to her.
“You’re cold,” he said insistently, watching her shiver in the nighttime wind. She still hadn’t looked over at him, only staring out blankly at the waves. “And your shirt looks like you just went all Mrs. Crain on someone.”
After a long moment, she nodded, taking a final sip of her drink and then placing the cup down on the sand beside her. She still didn’t look over at him as she put it on. It warmed her up instantly.  The smell of JJ, Old Spice and weed and smoke, mixed with the ocean breeze. The wind blew past her again, the tips of her red hair just brushing her shoulders. She would have to cut it again soon. Since she was little, she could never handle her hair getting longer than her collarbones. It was just too much effort.
With JJ’s sweatshirt on, she wasn’t nearly as freezing.  “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, red,” he replied easily, taking another sip of his drink.
“Where’ve you been?” she asked quietly, trying her best not to sound needy. “We got here, like, three hours ago.”
“Oh, you know. Just robbing a bank or two,” he quipped.
She rolled her eyes, but smiled nonetheless. Her face fell, though, when she finally ventured a full glance at him. In the moonlight and the distant glow of the bonfire, she could see the cut on his cheek which was still oozing blood.
“Holy shit!” she exclaimed, placing gingerly fingers on his jaw so he would face her. But his eyes didn’t quite meet hers.
“I’m fine, Lizzie,” he muttered, swatting her hand away.
“Who did that to you?” she asked softly, tilting her head at him.
JJ shrugged. “Just ran into Rafe on the way over. I would’ve called, but I figured I should clean up a little so you wouldn’t freak out when you saw me. I guess that was a waste.”
She shook her head a little. “That motherfucker.”
“Seriously, it’s fine. You should see the other guy,” JJ continued, smirking though it didn’t reach his eyes.
Liz breathed out a sigh and thought about asking more, but didn’t. Instead, she leaned in and pressed a soft kiss on the apple of his cheek, the skin around the cut already bruising a deep purple. Her black lipstick had long since been wiped off, after her scuffle with Ally. Before JJ had arrived, she’d used the inside of her shirt to rub furiously at her face. Her lips were sore and pinkish, but soft against JJ’s skin.
Fighting to keep the shine of tears from his blue eyes, JJ let a small giggle slip. If his father’s fist had been a scream, her kiss was a whisper. It was so gentle he could barely contain himself, his heart skipping a beat. “Feels better already.”
“Does it?” she asked, pulling away with a tiny smile.
He hummed in confirmation. Tossing a glance over his shoulder at the party, he shifted closer to her. The kiss that followed was heated and hungry, both tasting vodka on each other’s tongues. Liz wasn’t surprised JJ was a bit buzzed as well. If she knew John B, he had shoved a drink in JJ’s hand as soon as he saw his eye. JJ was hard to read at times, but alcohol or weed were always surefire ways to cheer him up. And John B always made himself the captain of the party and the guests’ happiness.
Liz was out of breath, but she still smiled against JJ’s  lips. As fishy as his late arrival was, she was just happy to see him. Simple as that. In the weeks since they’d gone from friends to something more, she’d found herself thinking of him always. What he was doing, how he was feeling, whether he was thinking of her too. Usually, he was.
Away from the party, she could kiss him like she meant to, nowhere near the lingering eyes of her friends. No one else in the world knew but the two of them, not even the other Pogues. While the inter-group macking rule had long since been broken, there were other reasons to keep the secret. Sure, everyone had always said they belonged together. But neither of them were ready to let it be known to the world. Truthfully, Liz feared the pit of dread in her stomach, worrying over what would happen to their friendship if whatever they were doing fizzled out, would only grow heavier if everyone knew. JJ’s hand slipped beneath the soft sweatshirt and the stained t-shirt as they kissed, though. And, for the moment, Liz forgot all of her worries.
.   .   .
Despite everything, Liz found herself laughing wildly in the back of Twinkie, the rear doors opened. As she sat on the edge of the car’s floor, the carpeting plush against the backs of her thighs, she watched JJ dancing beneath the streetlight. They’d decided to head back to the Chateau, not particularly in the mood to deal with the Kooks who had ventured over to the other side of the island for the rest of the night. John B had thrown JJ the keys while they were still on the beach, instructing his friend to head to the car while he gathered Sarah, Kie, and Pope up. Liz looked more freezing by the minute, and while Twinkie’s heating wasn’t optimal, it was better than braving the ocean wind. John B was partial to being the designated driver, especially on the night of such a big bash. And, of course, especially when they already had supplies for an after party set out on his kitchen table.
Instead of huddling down in the trunk with Liz though, JJ took advantage of the pleasant, alcohol-induced flush warming his skin. He danced along to the Elvis tune playing from the radio in his cutoff Levis. The keys were in the ignition while the car sat in park, the heat blasting and the engine whirring quietly. Liz had heard the song many times on her father’s records. JJ gyrated his hips, ran his hands through his hair in an attempt to create a sloppy pompadour. He wasn’t very drunk, still coordinated enough to make a real show of it.
“Just take a walk down lonely street, to the heartbreak hotel,” JJ sang along, curling his lip in a decent imitation.
Liz snorted and rolled her eyes at his theatrics, but giggled along. Ever since they were little, JJ was always performing, mostly for her. A strange sense of nostalgia washed over her as he watched him, under the makeshift spotlight in the inky blue midnight. Down below, the party raged on, but neither Liz nor JJ took notice any longer. For the moment, it was just the two of them. Eventually, the song faded away and JJ finished his impression. Liz clapped a few times, slow and almost mocking. Pouting at the lackluster response, JJ sat down heavily next to her and put his head on her shoulder. The laughter would suffice to please him; he’d only done the dance to cheer her up, after all, guilty he hadn’t been at the party earlier, when she’d needed him. But he whined playfully, nonetheless.
“Tough fucking crowd.”
“I’m just kidding, sunshine. You were just like the king, alright?” she said, starting to sober up but still focusing on the tingling of her skin at the drinks and his touch. Slinging an arm around his shoulders, she brought him closer and kissed the crown of his head affectionately.
.   .   .
Rolling to a stop, Liz leaned her bike against the oak tree and ran her hands through her hair. It was greasy, and she decided she needed to shower before her lunchtime shift at the Wreck. It was a double, but she’d be back at John B’s by nine, with plans for a chill movie night. Kie and Pope probably wouldn’t make it, more eager for alone time in recent months. But there would still be the four of them. After they all went to bed, Liz could pad over from the pullout couch in the living room to JJ’s bed, as she’d made a habit of doing in the past few weeks. Though she was always annoyed with such a long shift, especially when the damn Tourons were starting their vacation season, it was good to know there was something to look forward to at the end of the day.
The sun was high in the sky, having risen fully, as she ascended the creaky porch steps into her house. The wind chimes near the door jingled quietly in the slight breeze. Doing her best to shut the rusty screen door silently behind her, Liz jumped when she saw her mother already up and having her coffee at the kitchen table. Usually, she was still out cold.
“Hey, mom,” Liz said, forcing a weak smile on her lips. She slipped her backpack from her shoulders and set it down next to the door. Then, she tugged her shoes off and went towards the kitchen.
“Oh, hi,” her mother muttered, yawning, looking up from her paper and over the reading glasses on her nose at her daughter.
Ruth Walker was lately a quiet woman, but still remained every bit as incisive as she had been before her husband died. She watched as Liz poured herself a mug of black coffee, dressed in her cardigan and one of JJ’s t-shirts. Only her skirt was the same from the night before. Liz had been careful to make sure she left her ruined t-shirt at John B’s. The sight of it might have been enough to make her mother burst into tears. Liz’s hair was back in a low ponytail, and Ruth immediately noticed the dark mark peeking out from the neckline of the t-shirt.
“Guess it was a fun party,” Ruth said, eyebrows raised but voice mostly disinterested.
Liz furrowed her brows at her mother’s tone, taking a sip of the coffee and turning to face her. “Hm?”
“That love bite on your neck,” Ruth explained, staring at the hickey.
Immediately, Liz flushed scarlet. She was glad she had left just after JJ, as the rest of the Pogues were still snoring. Certainly, someone would have noticed. They were usually careful, but as high as she and JJ were, she wasn’t entirely surprised they had gotten a bit carried away. She didn’t have time to stutter out a response before her mother continued.
“Just make sure he’s clean. And please don’t get pregnant,” Ruth said, sighing slightly. “Girls your age know nothing about nothing. We can’t add another mouth to feed into the mix. I don’t need that right now.”
Clearing her throat awkwardly, Liz looked down into her coffee and nodded. “Yeah, yeah. I won’t. You know I won’t.”
Shrugging, Ruth went back to her paper. From her spot leaning against the sink, Liz couldn’t quite make out what her mother was reading, but she knew what it was anyway. Especially since her mother held a red pen in her left hand. She was circling real estate listings from the Figure Eight. Houses they could never even dream of living in. Swallowing harshly, Liz tried not to think too hard about what her mother was doing and instead straightened her back, about to head to the bathroom.
“So, mom, I’m gonna shower and then head to work. I’m probably gonna stay at John B’s again tonight. And maybe a few more nights after, since John has-”
“Fine,” Ruth said flippantly, not bothering to listen to her daughter’s rambled reasonings. “Make good choices.”
Ruth didn’t look up from her paper as she spoke. Liz waited a minute for more, then finally made her way towards the small hallway when her mother kept silent.
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So....it was my friend’s 21st birthday party last night...
- I got there and Raychel was immediately like “Molly are you planning on drinking?” and I was like “Yes duh” and she, deep-voiced, goes “Good. You deserve it. You deserve the world and I deserve to see you get it”
- I forgot that I hate chocolate vodka and got a spiked milkshake at the restaurant
- People were just. screaming about anime. Everyone else in the place must have hated us
- “the asshole is my enemy and needs to be punished.”
- “So...my girlfriend like, bought chloroform?” “Have fun with that.”
- I literally forgot to get her a present whoops
- birthday girl, on her third drink: “Listen I know we’re going  back to my house to drink after this but don’t worry!!! I’m not gonna get that drunk tonight, it won’t be bad”
- l m a o
- we get to her house, immediately start doing shots. I hadn’t touched anything yet bc there was a bottle of electric blue shit and I knew damn well that was going into my body but I was told to wait until people got back with sodas for mixers
- but this guy Patrick who I went all thru grade school with goes “Molly, you’re a real man”, hands me a bottle of whiskey and was like “I feel like my entire childhood was leading up to drinking whiskey with you” and honestly I couldn’t argue??? I felt that way too
- a wholesome experience I'm sure all of our old teachers would be so proud to see us finally bonding and getting along lmao
- Jacqui wanted some whiskey and we’re like “you had two margarita’s at the restaurant maybe not” but she didn’t listen and after she took a shot I had to hide the bottle from her to stop her from having any more lol
- Jacqui, drunk “Mollllly you’re my wiiiiife!”
- Raychel (bd girl) also drunk, across the room “But she’s my alpha husband what the fuck!!!!”
- I was not fucking looking when Raychel’s drink was mixed but it was like. Emerald fucking green. I know it had the sour apple shit vodka in it but idk what else. And then they added food dye and cake glitter so it turned into a galaxy drink holy shit
- Jacqui mixed the blue stuff with sprite and I took a sip and it tasted amazing??? So then I poured my own and I don’t know if I used too much alcohol or too much soda but it tasted like draino I literally had a brief Heather Chandler moment
- Kept drinking it but that’s besides the point
- Now, we need to talk about my alcohol tolerance. It’s high. It’s strong.
- So almost everyone else was drunk out of their asses and I’m sitting there like???? What the fuck???? I want to be intoxicated???? This is hell???? Like at this point I had to have had??? A total six or so shots of vodka and the whiskey and I was FINE and mad about that lmao
- That’s my thing it takes me forever to get drunk and then I get really drunk and blessedly never have hangovers so I can’t really complain I guess?
- But when this happens the logical next step is to drink more lmao Raychel started insisting I share her ridiculous drink with her
- That thing....tasted like everything Jesus died to save us from.
- Also I think I ended up drinking more of it than she did lmao
- Pocket full of sunshine started playing and half the room got turnt while the other half watched in confusion
- I kept trying to take selfies with Raychel and in ever one??? She looks inhumanely gorgeous???? And I look like a goblin???? What the fuck
- At this point I was finally getting drunk so Raychel gave me her phone going “you have my favorite face in the world take so many selfies for me!!!” and....bitch I did. I had that phone for about three hours, barely put it down, loved every single one of my angles for the first time in my life, and I honestly do not know how many selfies of me she’s going to find later lmao
- “I once made an art piece out of my pubic hair but like I lost it in someone’s apartment”
- Garrett, who’s apparently never drank before, whisper-yelling in horror “I took a lot of shots....On purpose!!!! ....I’m sorry,”
- He got very wasted very fast and then went upstairs to sleep lmao
- Raychel started crying telling me I was pretty and I was like “Thanks but you do this when you’re sober so I don’t believe you??” and then her friend who barely talks to me comes over and is like “Honey listen I’m the least drunk person her and you’re gorgeous” and it eventually spiraled into “Molly, CHRISTINA AGUILERA thinks she’s ugly. Lady GaGa- BRITTNEY SPEARS CLEARLY HAS SELF ESTEEM ISSUES EVEN THO SHES A FUCKING SEX ICON. So you’re- OH my God!!! Adam Lambert probably thinks he’s the ugliest fucker in the world!!!!! So you’re beautiful!!!!” and like honestly? Feeling good rn
- To counter this I spent like half the night telling Patrick’s shy and quiet girlfriend Maura that she was the prettiest person I’ve ever seen. I couldn’t leave this poor girl alone she was adorable omfg
- Raychel, the one who ‘wasn’t going to get that drunk’: *spinning wildly, holding 13 conversations at once, constantly yelling about the pubic bone and the vulva, crying about plastic babies in a glitter tube*
- UPDATE AS IM TYPING THIS: Raychel has announced that she found a total of 438 pictures and videos on her phone OH MY GOD @PAST ME
- And that’s only on her phone I got a lot on my phone too and other people had cameras out lord knows how many were taken
- So when I’m drunk I feel a little lightheaded but ultimately fine until I like move a limb and it’s like ‘holy shit my head isn’t connect to my body’ like. so fucking dizzy. At one point I stood and was like ‘who wants to bet I can’t walk to the bathroom’ and someone decided to walk me there lmao
- Someone made glitter bombs out of eggs and we threw them in the street while angrily screaming things like “I LOVE MY FAMILY!” and “WHY DOES EVERY ACTUALLY NICE GUY I MEET HAVE A SMALL DICK!”
- Raychel gave me a tiny ball of clay and I really treasured it but then it broke apart I was so sad
- “Burt Macklin is a fucking bitch!” “Don’t talk to the kitten that way he’s the prettiest cat I’ve ever seen!”
- Jacqui got a slice of cake and then remembered she cannot eat when she’s drunk so I ended up eating. just a lot of cake
- My Little Pony songs were playing on the tv???? I’m still not sure how that got started
- Screaming about Alaska Thunderfuck
- I bet Patrick he’d be the first to puke but he left and I think I threw up in the bathroom???? I’m not 100% positive I did but the fact that I have doubt means he wins unfortunately
- There was one guy there I don’t think I actually got his name but he gave me a great hug when he was leaving. You know when like a bird lands on you and you feel like you’re special and have been chosen???? That’s what the hug felt like lmao
- Someone pulled buffalo chicken dip out of thin air which is my weakness and she told me to have some but like. I put one dipped chip in my mouth and knew it was a mistake. I felt it in my stomach. I hadn’t even fucking swallowed yet it was literally just in my mouth and my body was like ‘bitch can you take a break and let me live!’ omfg
- Since Raychel finally dumped her boyfriend I had no qualms about telling her I didn’t like him and she asked why and I was like “he tried to mansplain Greek mythology to me and he wasn’t even right!!!” and for some reason that made at least five people loose it.
- At the stroke of midnight, Raychel, pointing to the crucifix in the living room. “JESUS....HE’S HERE. HE’S ALIVE.”
- At some point I apparently started drunk texting a few of my friend’s that weren’t there w h o o p s
- Me, trying to explain myself to them this morning “You know, that Easter wine just really gets to me”
- I was stuck in the ‘coming down’ stage for like a million years. Like, still clearly drunk but Not As Bad
- And I was trying to get better before I texted my mother for a ride so like. I spent so long chugging water. I literally don’t think I've ever had that much water in my entire life. Raychel’s father and sister kept getting it for me as I continuously told them they were life savers. But it barely helped omfg
- Was definitely still a little wobbly when I woke up for water at like 6:30 but all good now and the hangover skipped over my soul @my genetic makeup bless you
- Fun night though!!! But now I’m off to an Easter family party so...we’ll see how that goes lol
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evodex · 6 years
11 Best Baby Cream For Face
I didn’t try any kind of cream or lotion for my little one till her 5th month. My mom used to apply coconut milk mixed with turmeric before taking her bath. Her skin was soft and smooth at that time. Suddenly, things changed when we entered the winter season. She got rashes on her cheeks and legs, that turned her skin itchy and reddish. Even my mom tried using milk cream, curd, and aloe vera extract but nothing worked perfectly. I had no other way than consulting a pediatrician. She recommended using Curatio Atogla cream which worked like a charm on my baby’s skin. Applying 2-3 times a day eventually reduced the dryness and itching on her skin.
I was personally against all kind of baby skin care products, but this experience changed my mindset completely. Now I know the importance of baby skin care products and how it should be carefully selected from the market without harming my baby’s delicate skin.
Baby lotions usually preferred on normal skin types. But when your baby skin is extremely dry or sensitive, you need to go for baby creams because creams are thicker in consistency and it makes a firm protective coat on your baby’s delicate skin.
Before selecting a random cream or lotion for your little one from the marketplace, you should check the following important criterions which define the quality of the product.
● pH balanced ● Non-greasy or easily absorbable ● Paraben-free ● Hypoallergenic ● Mild Fragrance ● Supports the natural lipid balance ● Ingredients ● Price
pH of the skin care product is an important factor while you select either a baby lotion or a baby cream. The pH of skin is 4.5, called as acid mantle which acts as a protective layer on the baby skin. So, it is important to select a baby skin care product of pH close to the acid mantle, so that it won’t disturb the protective layer of baby skin.
Here is a list of best baby lotions and creams categorized based on the baby skin type, age, and climate.
Baby Face Cream for Dry Skin
#1. Sebamed Baby Cream, Extra Soft
Sebamed Baby Cream Extra Soft with pH 5.5 is a perfect choice for babies with atopic dermatitis, also called as atopic eczema (results itchy, red, swollen, and cracked skin). It soothes baby’s sensitive skin.
Best to use on cheeks as well as high-stress areas like elbow, knees, and legs.
Its ingredients are 42% natural lipids (lipids are the skin’s natural fats – it act as the skin’s protective barrier, help in the skin’s natural repair process, and minimize the epidermal water loss), Panthenol (skin conditioning), Allantoin (FDA approved drug, heal wounds and skin irritations), and chamomile extracts (soothe and regenerate baby’s skin).
It is recommended to get an advice from a pediatrician before using on baby’s atopic skin.
Best For: Babies having Atopic eczema Amazon Customer Rating: 4.0 / 5
pH 5.5 helps in the development of acid mantle
Protective, nurturing emollient with 42% lipids
Perfect cold weather protection
It is irritant-free. Free from Paraffin / Silicon oil / Parabens / Propylene glycol
Rich in panthenol, allantoin and chamomile extract, the moisturizing and protective complex soothes and regenerates the irritated skin.
Dermatologically tested
Bit pricey compared to other brands
#2. Himalaya Baby Cream
Himalaya Baby cream is aimed to protect your baby’s dry cheeks, tender noses, rubbed elbows and crawler’s knees.
A major portion of this baby cream’s ingredients are herbal which is always good for your baby’s tender skin. Ingredients include Olive oil (soothes the skin), Country Mallow (protect the baby skin from germs) and Licorice (reducing redness, make the skin brighter).
Best For: Babies with dry and sensitive skin, best for the winter season
Amazon Customer Rating: 4.3 / 5
Low cost, easily available in almost all marketplaces
It has a mild fragrance
Best suited for dry and sensitive skin, apt on winter season
Available in 3 different sizes. 50 ml, 100 ml, and 200 ml packs.
It may not be that good for oily skin.
#3. Curatio Atogla Cream
If you are looking for a baby face and skin cream which can be used in winter and extremely dry skin conditions, Curatio Atogla would be a great choice.
Atogla Baby cream acts as a good moisturizer, treats rashes and itchiness, leaves a soft and soothed skin.
It has a special blend of Ceramide, Cholesterol, and GLA which reduces water loss from the skin thus making your baby skin soft and supple.
It has a mild good fragrance which keeps your baby feel fresh and pleasant.
Best For: Babies of extremely dry and itchy skin, suited for winter and monsoon season
Amazon Customer Rating: 4.2 / 5
Perfect for the winter and monsoon seasons
Soothes rashes and itchiness
Mild fragrance keeps your baby pleasant and fresh
Keeps skin hydrated
Absorbed quickly
Non-greasy formula
Need to apply several times a day for better result
#4. Pigeon Baby Cream
Pigeon Baby Cream is enriched with olive, rosehip and chamomile extracts. It is hypoallergenic, paraben free, pH balanced and dermatologically tested, which makes the cream perfect choice for newborn babies of dry and sensitive skin.
This baby cream is fragrance-free and it is free from synthetic colors which reduces the chances of skin allergies for babies.
This is a good moisturizer with a medium texture that serves both as a face cream and a body lotion for babies.
Best For: Newborn Babies with dry and sensitive skin
Amazon Customer Rating: 3.6 / 5
Hypoallergenic, paraben free, pH balanced and dermatologically tested
Ideal for newborn babies
Affordable price
Easily absorbed by baby’s skin
May not work for every baby with dry skin
Best Baby Cream for Fairness
#5. Mamaearth Milky Soft Face Cream for Babies
Mamaearth milky soft baby face cream prevents rashes on your baby facial skin and helps in keeping it soft and moisturized. Applying on a regular basis improves the skin texture and turn the baby’s face bright and glowing.
This baby face cream made up of a great composition of milk protein and murumuru butter (obtained from the seeds of the murumuru palm tree – high content of deeply moisturizing oleic acid) along with shea butter, Cocoa Butter, Sesame Oil, Almond oil, Glycerine, Olive oil, Lavender Oil and Chamomile Oil.
It is free of mineral oil, petroleum, paraben, synthetic perfumes and artificial preservatives.
Best For: Babies of dry and dull skin type
Amazon Customer Rating: 3.7 / 5
Contains 100% natural oils, there is no harmful chemicals
Mild Fragrance
Dermatologically tested
pH balanced
Hypoallergenic, clinically tested in Europe
There are complaints of a package, chances to break the tube nozzle while shipping. Most of the times when I received MamaEarth products, its unsealed, leaked.
#6. Chicco Natural Sensation Face Cream
The goodness of shea butter and Vitamin E itself makes the Chicco Natural Sensation Face Cream perfect fit for your baby’s delicate facial skin, protecting it from weather changes and contact dermatitis (skin reaction while in contact with irritants like saliva or milk residue).
Shea butter helps to regenerate the skin and Vitamin E restores lost moisture, thereby it works well on dry, damaged and sensitive skin. It calmly raises the natural glow on the face skin.
It is non-greasy and gets absorbed quickly.
Best For: Babies with dry and sensitive skin
Amazon Customer Rating: 4.8 / 5
Moisturizes the baby’s delicate skin without causing any allergy
It absorbs quickly and non-greasy
It is free of parabens, dyes, and alcohol
Some people may find it bit expensive
Best Baby Lotion Newborns with Sensitive Skin
#7. Aveeno Baby Daily Moisturising Lotion for Delicate Skin
Aveeno baby lotion is made up of a composition of active natural oat extract (extracted from oats kernel) blended with 5 vital elements (proteins, lipids, enzymes, vitamins, and antioxidants) provides a soothing effect while deeply nourishing delicate baby skin. As a skin protectant active ingredient, oatmeal can help restore skin’s normal pH and help to maintain the skin’s moisture barrier.
This baby lotion is fragrance-free, hypoallergenic, thereby a good choice for newborn babies with sensitive skins. It has a non-greasy, non-sticky formula absorbs quickly, moisturizes whole day, contains no drying alcohols and won’t clog pores.
The tube packaging is quite good, the cap shuts firmly, a travel-friendly packing.
Best For: Newborn babies of sensitive skin
Amazon Customer Rating: 4.4 / 5
Travel-friendly packaging
Fragrance-free, phthalate free, paraben free, steroid free and alcohol-free
Natural colloidal oatmeal helps to soothe baby’s dry skin. Oats is a dermatologist recommended ingredient.
It’s non-greasy, lightweight and spreads easily on skin
Gives hydration for longer hours
Bit pricey
#8. Mee Mee Moisturising Baby Lotion with Fruit Extracts
Mee Mee moisturizing baby lotion is prepared from chamomile extract and olive fruit oils. The presence of chamomile extract gently prevents the skin from dryness and it acts as a natural eczema remedy.
Due to its thick consistency, Mee Mee baby lotion is a good choice in the winter season in order to prevent your baby’s sensitive skin from dryness and rashes.
Though it labeled as a baby lotion, it has a consistency equals a baby cream. Someone may find it as a drawback while piercing the tube, not so easy to get it out.
Best For: Babies of dry skin in the winter season
Amazon Customer Rating: 4.2 / 5
Fast absorbing, non-greasy and non-sticky
Mild good fragrance
Keeping baby skin soft and supple in the winter season
Affordable price
Thick consistency, hard to get it out once it reaches halfway down
#9. Life & Pursuits – Certified Organic Ayurveda Face & Body Lotion for Baby, with Organic Aloe Vera
Life & Pursuits – Certified Organic Ayurveda Face & Body Baby Lotion is a unique blend of extra-virgin, cold-pressed, pure natural, certified organic oils, and medicinal Ayurveda herbs. The goodness of Aloe Vera gel gently moisturizes the sensitive skin of infants and toddlers.
This organic baby lotion nourishes, soothes and softens the baby skin. It leaves no greasy after-effect.
It is advised to use on a daily basis on all weather conditions, though works great on summer season. Not actually recommended for winter.
This Life & Pursuits baby lotion is free from mineral oil, synthetic fragrance, colors, parabens, and toxic chemicals.
Best For: Babies of dry and sensitive skin in the summer season
Amazon Customer Rating: 4.0 / 5 Pros:
It is an Organic product
No greasy after-effect
Soothes the skin against dry and sensitive conditions
Provides good moisturization to the skin all time
No synthetic colors, preservatives, and toxic chemicals
Though mentioned as an all-weather product, it is not good for acute winter season.
Best Natural Baby Cream and Lotion For Face
#10. Cetaphil Baby Daily Lotion with Organic Calendula, Sweet Almond Oil and Sunflower Oil, 13.5 Ounce
Organic Calendula (extracted from marigold flowers), one of the main ingredient of Cetaphil Baby Daily Lotion act as a great moisturizing and soothing agent which reduces the dry skin, eczema and diaper rash on your baby’s delicate skin. Sweet Almond Oil and Sunflower Oil soften and smoothen the baby skin.
Cetaphil Baby Daily Lotion is dermatologically tested and recommended by pediatricians. It is paraben free, colorant free and hypoallergenic.
Best For: Babies with Very Dry skin and Eczema Amazon Customer Rating: 3.3 / 5
Ideal for baby face and body
Treats extreme dry skin and eczema
Reduces diaper rash
Paraben free and colorant free
Have a good cap that prevents spillage
Check for manufacturing date and expiry date, some may find difficult to find out
It has a perfumed smell, may not be that good for sensitive skin types
Comparatively costly
#11. Weleda White Mallow Face Cream
This Made in Germany, Weleda White Mallow Face Cream has been specifically developed to calm dry or irritated skin. It is made up of 97% organic ingredients to relieve the baby skin from itching.
The main ingredient – White Mallow, is a soft, warm plant which offers a holistic effect on the nerve system of the skin’s epidermis and excellent for protecting hypersensitive skin. Other ingredients are pansy, sweet almond, beeswax, and coconut. Best For: Babies with hypersensitive and very dry skin
Amazon Customer Rating: 4.3 / 5
97% organic ingredients
Fragrance-free and dermatologically tested
Free from synthetic preservatives, fragrances, and colorants
Best for hypersensitive and eczema skins
Certified natural by NATRUE
It is always a good practice to do patch up test (checking the safety of the product) before applying any kind of skin care products to your baby’s delicate skin, which can avoid harmful reactions to your little one’s gentle skin.
Steps To Do Patch Test
To do the patch test, dab a little amount of moisturizer or cream on the back side of your baby’s palm and see if it’s good with your child skin.
If you see any type of rashes then avoid using that cream or lotion.
This list of baby creams and lotions definitely give you an idea of the best available products in the market. Though it is advisable to apply on your baby’s skin with the recommendation of a dermatologist or pediatrician.
The post 11 Best Baby Cream For Face appeared first on Being Happy Mom.
11 Best Baby Cream For Face published first on https://bestbabyinc.tumblr.com
0 notes
ashafriesen · 6 years
11 Best Baby Cream For Face
I didn’t try any kind of cream or lotion for my little one till her 5th month. My mom used to apply coconut milk mixed with turmeric before taking her bath. Her skin was soft and smooth at that time. Suddenly, things changed when we entered the winter season. She got rashes on her cheeks and legs, that turned her skin itchy and reddish. Even my mom tried using milk cream, curd, and aloe vera extract but nothing worked perfectly. I had no other way than consulting a pediatrician. She recommended using Curatio Atogla cream which worked like a charm on my baby’s skin. Applying 2-3 times a day eventually reduced the dryness and itching on her skin.
I was personally against all kind of baby skin care products, but this experience changed my mindset completely. Now I know the importance of baby skin care products and how it should be carefully selected from the market without harming my baby’s delicate skin.
Baby lotions usually preferred on normal skin types. But when your baby skin is extremely dry or sensitive, you need to go for baby creams because creams are thicker in consistency and it makes a firm protective coat on your baby’s delicate skin.
Before selecting a random cream or lotion for your little one from the marketplace, you should check the following important criterions which define the quality of the product.
● pH balanced ● Non-greasy or easily absorbable ● Paraben-free ● Hypoallergenic ● Mild Fragrance ● Supports the natural lipid balance ● Ingredients ● Price
pH of the skin care product is an important factor while you select either a baby lotion or a baby cream. The pH of skin is 4.5, called as acid mantle which acts as a protective layer on the baby skin. So, it is important to select a baby skin care product of pH close to the acid mantle, so that it won’t disturb the protective layer of baby skin.
Here is a list of best baby lotions and creams categorized based on the baby skin type, age, and climate.
Baby Face Cream for Dry Skin
#1. Sebamed Baby Cream, Extra Soft
Sebamed Baby Cream Extra Soft with pH 5.5 is a perfect choice for babies with atopic dermatitis, also called as atopic eczema (results itchy, red, swollen, and cracked skin). It soothes baby’s sensitive skin.
Best to use on cheeks as well as high-stress areas like elbow, knees, and legs.
Its ingredients are 42% natural lipids (lipids are the skin’s natural fats – it act as the skin’s protective barrier, help in the skin’s natural repair process, and minimize the epidermal water loss), Panthenol (skin conditioning), Allantoin (FDA approved drug, heal wounds and skin irritations), and chamomile extracts (soothe and regenerate baby’s skin).
It is recommended to get an advice from a pediatrician before using on baby’s atopic skin.
Best For: Babies having Atopic eczema Amazon Customer Rating: 4.0 / 5
pH 5.5 helps in the development of acid mantle
Protective, nurturing emollient with 42% lipids
Perfect cold weather protection
It is irritant-free. Free from Paraffin / Silicon oil / Parabens / Propylene glycol
Rich in panthenol, allantoin and chamomile extract, the moisturizing and protective complex soothes and regenerates the irritated skin.
Dermatologically tested
Bit pricey compared to other brands
#2. Himalaya Baby Cream
Himalaya Baby cream is aimed to protect your baby’s dry cheeks, tender noses, rubbed elbows and crawler’s knees.
A major portion of this baby cream’s ingredients are herbal which is always good for your baby’s tender skin. Ingredients include Olive oil (soothes the skin), Country Mallow (protect the baby skin from germs) and Licorice (reducing redness, make the skin brighter).
Best For: Babies with dry and sensitive skin, best for the winter season
Amazon Customer Rating: 4.3 / 5
Low cost, easily available in almost all marketplaces
It has a mild fragrance
Best suited for dry and sensitive skin, apt on winter season
Available in 3 different sizes. 50 ml, 100 ml, and 200 ml packs.
It may not be that good for oily skin.
#3. Curatio Atogla Cream
If you are looking for a baby face and skin cream which can be used in winter and extremely dry skin conditions, Curatio Atogla would be a great choice.
Atogla Baby cream acts as a good moisturizer, treats rashes and itchiness, leaves a soft and soothed skin.
It has a special blend of Ceramide, Cholesterol, and GLA which reduces water loss from the skin thus making your baby skin soft and supple.
It has a mild good fragrance which keeps your baby feel fresh and pleasant.
Best For: Babies of extremely dry and itchy skin, suited for winter and monsoon season
Amazon Customer Rating: 4.2 / 5
Perfect for the winter and monsoon seasons
Soothes rashes and itchiness
Mild fragrance keeps your baby pleasant and fresh
Keeps skin hydrated
Absorbed quickly
Non-greasy formula
Need to apply several times a day for better result
#4. Pigeon Baby Cream
Pigeon Baby Cream is enriched with olive, rosehip and chamomile extracts. It is hypoallergenic, paraben free, pH balanced and dermatologically tested, which makes the cream perfect choice for newborn babies of dry and sensitive skin.
This baby cream is fragrance-free and it is free from synthetic colors which reduces the chances of skin allergies for babies.
This is a good moisturizer with a medium texture that serves both as a face cream and a body lotion for babies.
Best For: Newborn Babies with dry and sensitive skin
Amazon Customer Rating: 3.6 / 5
Hypoallergenic, paraben free, pH balanced and dermatologically tested
Ideal for newborn babies
Affordable price
Easily absorbed by baby’s skin
May not work for every baby with dry skin
Best Baby Cream for Fairness
#5. Mamaearth Milky Soft Face Cream for Babies
Mamaearth milky soft baby face cream prevents rashes on your baby facial skin and helps in keeping it soft and moisturized. Applying on a regular basis improves the skin texture and turn the baby’s face bright and glowing.
This baby face cream made up of a great composition of milk protein and murumuru butter (obtained from the seeds of the murumuru palm tree – high content of deeply moisturizing oleic acid) along with shea butter, Cocoa Butter, Sesame Oil, Almond oil, Glycerine, Olive oil, Lavender Oil and Chamomile Oil.
It is free of mineral oil, petroleum, paraben, synthetic perfumes and artificial preservatives.
Best For: Babies of dry and dull skin type
Amazon Customer Rating: 3.7 / 5
Contains 100% natural oils, there is no harmful chemicals
Mild Fragrance
Dermatologically tested
pH balanced
Hypoallergenic, clinically tested in Europe
There are complaints of a package, chances to break the tube nozzle while shipping. Most of the times when I received MamaEarth products, its unsealed, leaked.
#6. Chicco Natural Sensation Face Cream
The goodness of shea butter and Vitamin E itself makes the Chicco Natural Sensation Face Cream perfect fit for your baby’s delicate facial skin, protecting it from weather changes and contact dermatitis (skin reaction while in contact with irritants like saliva or milk residue).
Shea butter helps to regenerate the skin and Vitamin E restores lost moisture, thereby it works well on dry, damaged and sensitive skin. It calmly raises the natural glow on the face skin.
It is non-greasy and gets absorbed quickly.
Best For: Babies with dry and sensitive skin
Amazon Customer Rating: 4.8 / 5
Moisturizes the baby’s delicate skin without causing any allergy
It absorbs quickly and non-greasy
It is free of parabens, dyes, and alcohol
Some people may find it bit expensive
Best Baby Lotion Newborns with Sensitive Skin
#7. Aveeno Baby Daily Moisturising Lotion for Delicate Skin
Aveeno baby lotion is made up of a composition of active natural oat extract (extracted from oats kernel) blended with 5 vital elements (proteins, lipids, enzymes, vitamins, and antioxidants) provides a soothing effect while deeply nourishing delicate baby skin. As a skin protectant active ingredient, oatmeal can help restore skin’s normal pH and help to maintain the skin’s moisture barrier.
This baby lotion is fragrance-free, hypoallergenic, thereby a good choice for newborn babies with sensitive skins. It has a non-greasy, non-sticky formula absorbs quickly, moisturizes whole day, contains no drying alcohols and won’t clog pores.
The tube packaging is quite good, the cap shuts firmly, a travel-friendly packing.
Best For: Newborn babies of sensitive skin
Amazon Customer Rating: 4.4 / 5
Travel-friendly packaging
Fragrance-free, phthalate free, paraben free, steroid free and alcohol-free
Natural colloidal oatmeal helps to soothe baby’s dry skin. Oats is a dermatologist recommended ingredient.
It’s non-greasy, lightweight and spreads easily on skin
Gives hydration for longer hours
Bit pricey
#8. Mee Mee Moisturising Baby Lotion with Fruit Extracts
Mee Mee moisturizing baby lotion is prepared from chamomile extract and olive fruit oils. The presence of chamomile extract gently prevents the skin from dryness and it acts as a natural eczema remedy.
Due to its thick consistency, Mee Mee baby lotion is a good choice in the winter season in order to prevent your baby’s sensitive skin from dryness and rashes.
Though it labeled as a baby lotion, it has a consistency equals a baby cream. Someone may find it as a drawback while piercing the tube, not so easy to get it out.
Best For: Babies of dry skin in the winter season
Amazon Customer Rating: 4.2 / 5
Fast absorbing, non-greasy and non-sticky
Mild good fragrance
Keeping baby skin soft and supple in the winter season
Affordable price
Thick consistency, hard to get it out once it reaches halfway down
#9. Life & Pursuits – Certified Organic Ayurveda Face & Body Lotion for Baby, with Organic Aloe Vera
Life & Pursuits – Certified Organic Ayurveda Face & Body Baby Lotion is a unique blend of extra-virgin, cold-pressed, pure natural, certified organic oils, and medicinal Ayurveda herbs. The goodness of Aloe Vera gel gently moisturizes the sensitive skin of infants and toddlers.
This organic baby lotion nourishes, soothes and softens the baby skin. It leaves no greasy after-effect.
It is advised to use on a daily basis on all weather conditions, though works great on summer season. Not actually recommended for winter.
This Life & Pursuits baby lotion is free from mineral oil, synthetic fragrance, colors, parabens, and toxic chemicals.
Best For: Babies of dry and sensitive skin in the summer season
Amazon Customer Rating: 4.0 / 5 Pros:
It is an Organic product
No greasy after-effect
Soothes the skin against dry and sensitive conditions
Provides good moisturization to the skin all time
No synthetic colors, preservatives, and toxic chemicals
Though mentioned as an all-weather product, it is not good for acute winter season.
Best Natural Baby Cream and Lotion For Face
#10. Cetaphil Baby Daily Lotion with Organic Calendula, Sweet Almond Oil and Sunflower Oil, 13.5 Ounce
Organic Calendula (extracted from marigold flowers), one of the main ingredient of Cetaphil Baby Daily Lotion act as a great moisturizing and soothing agent which reduces the dry skin, eczema and diaper rash on your baby’s delicate skin. Sweet Almond Oil and Sunflower Oil soften and smoothen the baby skin.
Cetaphil Baby Daily Lotion is dermatologically tested and recommended by pediatricians. It is paraben free, colorant free and hypoallergenic.
Best For: Babies with Very Dry skin and Eczema Amazon Customer Rating: 3.3 / 5
Ideal for baby face and body
Treats extreme dry skin and eczema
Reduces diaper rash
Paraben free and colorant free
Have a good cap that prevents spillage
Check for manufacturing date and expiry date, some may find difficult to find out
It has a perfumed smell, may not be that good for sensitive skin types
Comparatively costly
#11. Weleda White Mallow Face Cream
This Made in Germany, Weleda White Mallow Face Cream has been specifically developed to calm dry or irritated skin. It is made up of 97% organic ingredients to relieve the baby skin from itching.
The main ingredient – White Mallow, is a soft, warm plant which offers a holistic effect on the nerve system of the skin’s epidermis and excellent for protecting hypersensitive skin. Other ingredients are pansy, sweet almond, beeswax, and coconut. Best For: Babies with hypersensitive and very dry skin
Amazon Customer Rating: 4.3 / 5
97% organic ingredients
Fragrance-free and dermatologically tested
Free from synthetic preservatives, fragrances, and colorants
Best for hypersensitive and eczema skins
Certified natural by NATRUE
It is always a good practice to do patch up test (checking the safety of the product) before applying any kind of skin care products to your baby’s delicate skin, which can avoid harmful reactions to your little one’s gentle skin.
Steps To Do Patch Test
To do the patch test, dab a little amount of moisturizer or cream on the back side of your baby’s palm and see if it’s good with your child skin.
If you see any type of rashes then avoid using that cream or lotion.
This list of baby creams and lotions definitely give you an idea of the best available products in the market. Though it is advisable to apply on your baby’s skin with the recommendation of a dermatologist or pediatrician.
The post 11 Best Baby Cream For Face appeared first on Being Happy Mom.
11 Best Baby Cream For Face published first on https://parentcenternetwork.tumblr.com/
0 notes
evodex · 6 years
11 Best Baby Cream For Face
I didn’t try any kind of cream or lotion for my little one till her 5th month. My mom used to apply coconut milk mixed with turmeric before taking her bath. Her skin was soft and smooth at that time. Suddenly, things changed when we entered the winter season. She got rashes on her cheeks and legs, that turned her skin itchy and reddish. Even my mom tried using milk cream, curd, and aloe vera extract but nothing worked perfectly. I had no other way than consulting a pediatrician. She recommended using Curatio Atogla cream which worked like a charm on my baby’s skin. Applying 2-3 times a day eventually reduced the dryness and itching on her skin.
I was personally against all kind of baby skin care products, but this experience changed my mindset completely. Now I know the importance of baby skin care products and how it should be carefully selected from the market without harming my baby’s delicate skin.
Baby lotions usually preferred on normal skin types. But when your baby skin is extremely dry or sensitive, you need to go for baby creams because creams are thicker in consistency and it makes a firm protective coat on your baby’s delicate skin.
Before selecting a random cream or lotion for your little one from the marketplace, you should check the following important criterions which define the quality of the product.
● pH balanced ● Non-greasy or easily absorbable ● Paraben-free ● Hypoallergenic ● Mild Fragrance ● Supports the natural lipid balance ● Ingredients ● Price
pH of the skin care product is an important factor while you select either a baby lotion or a baby cream. The pH of skin is 4.5, called as acid mantle which acts as a protective layer on the baby skin. So, it is important to select a baby skin care product of pH close to the acid mantle, so that it won’t disturb the protective layer of baby skin.
Here is a list of best baby lotions and creams categorized based on the baby skin type, age, and climate.
Baby Face Cream for Dry Skin
#1. Sebamed Baby Cream, Extra Soft
Sebamed Baby Cream Extra Soft with pH 5.5 is a perfect choice for babies with atopic dermatitis, also called as atopic eczema (results itchy, red, swollen, and cracked skin). It soothes baby’s sensitive skin.
Best to use on cheeks as well as high-stress areas like elbow, knees, and legs.
Its ingredients are 42% natural lipids (lipids are the skin’s natural fats – it act as the skin’s protective barrier, help in the skin’s natural repair process, and minimize the epidermal water loss), Panthenol (skin conditioning), Allantoin (FDA approved drug, heal wounds and skin irritations), and chamomile extracts (soothe and regenerate baby’s skin).
It is recommended to get an advice from a pediatrician before using on baby’s atopic skin.
Best For: Babies having Atopic eczema Amazon Customer Rating: 4.0 / 5
pH 5.5 helps in the development of acid mantle
Protective, nurturing emollient with 42% lipids
Perfect cold weather protection
It is irritant-free. Free from Paraffin / Silicon oil / Parabens / Propylene glycol
Rich in panthenol, allantoin and chamomile extract, the moisturizing and protective complex soothes and regenerates the irritated skin.
Dermatologically tested
Bit pricey compared to other brands
#2. Himalaya Baby Cream
Himalaya Baby cream is aimed to protect your baby’s dry cheeks, tender noses, rubbed elbows and crawler’s knees.
A major portion of this baby cream’s ingredients are herbal which is always good for your baby’s tender skin. Ingredients include Olive oil (soothes the skin), Country Mallow (protect the baby skin from germs) and Licorice (reducing redness, make the skin brighter).
Best For: Babies with dry and sensitive skin, best for the winter season
Amazon Customer Rating: 4.3 / 5
Low cost, easily available in almost all marketplaces
It has a mild fragrance
Best suited for dry and sensitive skin, apt on winter season
Available in 3 different sizes. 50 ml, 100 ml, and 200 ml packs.
It may not be that good for oily skin.
#3. Curatio Atogla Cream
If you are looking for a baby face and skin cream which can be used in winter and extremely dry skin conditions, Curatio Atogla would be a great choice.
Atogla Baby cream acts as a good moisturizer, treats rashes and itchiness, leaves a soft and soothed skin.
It has a special blend of Ceramide, Cholesterol, and GLA which reduces water loss from the skin thus making your baby skin soft and supple.
It has a mild good fragrance which keeps your baby feel fresh and pleasant.
Best For: Babies of extremely dry and itchy skin, suited for winter and monsoon season
Amazon Customer Rating: 4.2 / 5
Perfect for the winter and monsoon seasons
Soothes rashes and itchiness
Mild fragrance keeps your baby pleasant and fresh
Keeps skin hydrated
Absorbed quickly
Non-greasy formula
Need to apply several times a day for better result
#4. Pigeon Baby Cream
Pigeon Baby Cream is enriched with olive, rosehip and chamomile extracts. It is hypoallergenic, paraben free, pH balanced and dermatologically tested, which makes the cream perfect choice for newborn babies of dry and sensitive skin.
This baby cream is fragrance-free and it is free from synthetic colors which reduces the chances of skin allergies for babies.
This is a good moisturizer with a medium texture that serves both as a face cream and a body lotion for babies.
Best For: Newborn Babies with dry and sensitive skin
Amazon Customer Rating: 3.6 / 5
Hypoallergenic, paraben free, pH balanced and dermatologically tested
Ideal for newborn babies
Affordable price
Easily absorbed by baby’s skin
May not work for every baby with dry skin
Best Baby Cream for Fairness
#5. Mamaearth Milky Soft Face Cream for Babies
Mamaearth milky soft baby face cream prevents rashes on your baby facial skin and helps in keeping it soft and moisturized. Applying on a regular basis improves the skin texture and turn the baby’s face bright and glowing.
This baby face cream made up of a great composition of milk protein and murumuru butter (obtained from the seeds of the murumuru palm tree – high content of deeply moisturizing oleic acid) along with shea butter, Cocoa Butter, Sesame Oil, Almond oil, Glycerine, Olive oil, Lavender Oil and Chamomile Oil.
It is free of mineral oil, petroleum, paraben, synthetic perfumes and artificial preservatives.
Best For: Babies of dry and dull skin type
Amazon Customer Rating: 3.7 / 5
Contains 100% natural oils, there is no harmful chemicals
Mild Fragrance
Dermatologically tested
pH balanced
Hypoallergenic, clinically tested in Europe
There are complaints of a package, chances to break the tube nozzle while shipping. Most of the times when I received MamaEarth products, its unsealed, leaked.
#6. Chicco Natural Sensation Face Cream
The goodness of shea butter and Vitamin E itself makes the Chicco Natural Sensation Face Cream perfect fit for your baby’s delicate facial skin, protecting it from weather changes and contact dermatitis (skin reaction while in contact with irritants like saliva or milk residue).
Shea butter helps to regenerate the skin and Vitamin E restores lost moisture, thereby it works well on dry, damaged and sensitive skin. It calmly raises the natural glow on the face skin.
It is non-greasy and gets absorbed quickly.
Best For: Babies with dry and sensitive skin
Amazon Customer Rating: 4.8 / 5
Moisturizes the baby’s delicate skin without causing any allergy
It absorbs quickly and non-greasy
It is free of parabens, dyes, and alcohol
Some people may find it bit expensive
Best Baby Lotion Newborns with Sensitive Skin
#7. Aveeno Baby Daily Moisturising Lotion for Delicate Skin
Aveeno baby lotion is made up of a composition of active natural oat extract (extracted from oats kernel) blended with 5 vital elements (proteins, lipids, enzymes, vitamins, and antioxidants) provides a soothing effect while deeply nourishing delicate baby skin. As a skin protectant active ingredient, oatmeal can help restore skin’s normal pH and help to maintain the skin’s moisture barrier.
This baby lotion is fragrance-free, hypoallergenic, thereby a good choice for newborn babies with sensitive skins. It has a non-greasy, non-sticky formula absorbs quickly, moisturizes whole day, contains no drying alcohols and won’t clog pores.
The tube packaging is quite good, the cap shuts firmly, a travel-friendly packing.
Best For: Newborn babies of sensitive skin
Amazon Customer Rating: 4.4 / 5
Travel-friendly packaging
Fragrance-free, phthalate free, paraben free, steroid free and alcohol-free
Natural colloidal oatmeal helps to soothe baby’s dry skin. Oats is a dermatologist recommended ingredient.
It’s non-greasy, lightweight and spreads easily on skin
Gives hydration for longer hours
Bit pricey
#8. Mee Mee Moisturising Baby Lotion with Fruit Extracts
Mee Mee moisturizing baby lotion is prepared from chamomile extract and olive fruit oils. The presence of chamomile extract gently prevents the skin from dryness and it acts as a natural eczema remedy.
Due to its thick consistency, Mee Mee baby lotion is a good choice in the winter season in order to prevent your baby’s sensitive skin from dryness and rashes.
Though it labeled as a baby lotion, it has a consistency equals a baby cream. Someone may find it as a drawback while piercing the tube, not so easy to get it out.
Best For: Babies of dry skin in the winter season
Amazon Customer Rating: 4.2 / 5
Fast absorbing, non-greasy and non-sticky
Mild good fragrance
Keeping baby skin soft and supple in the winter season
Affordable price
Thick consistency, hard to get it out once it reaches halfway down
#9. Life & Pursuits – Certified Organic Ayurveda Face & Body Lotion for Baby, with Organic Aloe Vera
Life & Pursuits – Certified Organic Ayurveda Face & Body Baby Lotion is a unique blend of extra-virgin, cold-pressed, pure natural, certified organic oils, and medicinal Ayurveda herbs. The goodness of Aloe Vera gel gently moisturizes the sensitive skin of infants and toddlers.
This organic baby lotion nourishes, soothes and softens the baby skin. It leaves no greasy after-effect.
It is advised to use on a daily basis on all weather conditions, though works great on summer season. Not actually recommended for winter.
This Life & Pursuits baby lotion is free from mineral oil, synthetic fragrance, colors, parabens, and toxic chemicals.
Best For: Babies of dry and sensitive skin in the summer season
Amazon Customer Rating: 4.0 / 5 Pros:
It is an Organic product
No greasy after-effect
Soothes the skin against dry and sensitive conditions
Provides good moisturization to the skin all time
No synthetic colors, preservatives, and toxic chemicals
Though mentioned as an all-weather product, it is not good for acute winter season.
Best Natural Baby Cream and Lotion For Face
#10. Cetaphil Baby Daily Lotion with Organic Calendula, Sweet Almond Oil and Sunflower Oil, 13.5 Ounce
Organic Calendula (extracted from marigold flowers), one of the main ingredient of Cetaphil Baby Daily Lotion act as a great moisturizing and soothing agent which reduces the dry skin, eczema and diaper rash on your baby’s delicate skin. Sweet Almond Oil and Sunflower Oil soften and smoothen the baby skin.
Cetaphil Baby Daily Lotion is dermatologically tested and recommended by pediatricians. It is paraben free, colorant free and hypoallergenic.
Best For: Babies with Very Dry skin and Eczema Amazon Customer Rating: 3.3 / 5
Ideal for baby face and body
Treats extreme dry skin and eczema
Reduces diaper rash
Paraben free and colorant free
Have a good cap that prevents spillage
Check for manufacturing date and expiry date, some may find difficult to find out
It has a perfumed smell, may not be that good for sensitive skin types
Comparatively costly
#11. Weleda White Mallow Face Cream
This Made in Germany, Weleda White Mallow Face Cream has been specifically developed to calm dry or irritated skin. It is made up of 97% organic ingredients to relieve the baby skin from itching.
The main ingredient – White Mallow, is a soft, warm plant which offers a holistic effect on the nerve system of the skin’s epidermis and excellent for protecting hypersensitive skin. Other ingredients are pansy, sweet almond, beeswax, and coconut. Best For: Babies with hypersensitive and very dry skin
Amazon Customer Rating: 4.3 / 5
97% organic ingredients
Fragrance-free and dermatologically tested
Free from synthetic preservatives, fragrances, and colorants
Best for hypersensitive and eczema skins
Certified natural by NATRUE
It is always a good practice to do patch up test (checking the safety of the product) before applying any kind of skin care products to your baby’s delicate skin, which can avoid harmful reactions to your little one’s gentle skin.
Steps To Do Patch Test
To do the patch test, dab a little amount of moisturizer or cream on the back side of your baby’s palm and see if it’s good with your child skin.
If you see any type of rashes then avoid using that cream or lotion.
This list of baby creams and lotions definitely give you an idea of the best available products in the market. Though it is advisable to apply on your baby’s skin with the recommendation of a dermatologist or pediatrician.
The post 11 Best Baby Cream For Face appeared first on Being Happy Mom.
11 Best Baby Cream For Face published first on https://bestbabyinc.tumblr.com
0 notes