#it turned out so good!
masterattendanthuang · 10 months
oh, and my part for @tibbycaps 's seashells collab, naturally i had to take the only frame with cleo on it
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totsandnuggsrebloggs · 9 months
I made a Moomin cake :>
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I am so proud of it :]
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cinlat · 1 year
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Shout out to @kunoichi-ume​ and @tishinada​ for letting me borrow Koko and Zas!
Word Count: 702 Characters: Salix Tia @kunoichi-ume​ Koko and @tishinada​ Zastelar
Tonberry Trauma
Few places were safer than the downstairs room that Salix shared with whoever happened to stop by Zas's house. The walls were thick and well guarded from the Coerthan cold, and no one dared encroach upon the house of the famed Warrior of Light. 
These were the things young Salix Tia, fledgling scholar and adventurer, told himself each night when he ascended the latter to his nest of blankets on the top bunk. He was brave for his part, but more importantly, he was safe. Besides, Zastelar's room was directly at the bottom of the stairs. She'd hear any threat and act long before him.
As it happened on the night in question, Salix lacked the energy to climb into his preferred bed. He'd been training all day, and Eros drove him harder than Selene. Koko, the rambunctious lalafell lass who usually claimed the bottom bunk, was in the Shroud learning a new skill. She wouldn't be back for weeks. So, Salix slumped onto her mattress and let exhaustion sing its sweet lullaby. As he drifted to sleep, Salix pondered briefly on how quiet the house was without Koko. He realized on the brink of slumber that he missed her noise, and hoped she'd return soon.
What happened next is largely debated to this day. Zastelar, with her keen elezen ears, woke the most horrendous keening. It likened unto that of the dying shrieks of ghouls and turned her blood to ice. Grabbing her bow, the brave warrior dashed from her room in naught sleep shirt and shorts, heart hammering with dread when she realized where the sound had originated. 
Zastelar burst through the door where her protege slept, then stopped short of stumbling over a wayward...Tonberry. It stood in the middle of the room, head tilted back. To Zastelar's knowledge, the curse on the Tonberries had been lifted. Salix had aided in the process off freeing the poor creatures himself. The lance attached to this particular visitor registered a heartbeat later, and so Zastelar's bow made its appearance. 
A glance around the room showed no sign of blood, so the creature had not harmed Salix. But neither was he in either of the beds. The Tonberry turned towards Zas and spoke in Eorzean. "What's his problem?"
"Koko?" The name wrenched itself from Zastelar's lips, and her arrow lowered. Only then did the bard look up to where the Koko-like Tonberry pointed.
Salix had always been a silly boy. Skittish and shy, constantly lecturing about being quiet and scaring the fishes. But when Koko raced home to show her best friend the new outfit she'd won, she had expected more grins and less…mortal terror.
Though he was hard to see against the shadows, Salix clung to the ceiling by his claws and only the gods knew what else. Huffing, Koko removed her helmet. "Well, that's just rude. I worked hard for this stuff. It's the perfect protection against the cold up here and loose enough that I can move. Why are you acting like such a damn fool?"
The light flicked on, and Zas came to stand beside Koko. Sighing, the bard rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Come down, boy. 'Tis only our mischievous lalafellan."
Salix did so, keeping a wary eye on the domed head tucked under Koko's arm. His bare feet touched the floor, and the young miqo'te rubbed the back of his neck. "Apologies, lass. You gave me a start, is all."
"Was that gods awful sound you?" Zas asked before she could stop herself.
Salix flushed darker and took a step away. "I've got history with the likes of them." He jutted his chin towards Koko, then blanched a paler shade of grey. "Tonberries, I mean. I didn't expect to find one standing next to my bed."
"My bed," Koko pointed out, still huffy about how dreadful her reveal had gone. 
Salix dipped his head. "Fair enough. I'll make it up to you." Maybe he'd buy her a new costume to obsess over. Something not reminiscent of murderous beasties. Something cute and befitting of her salt and bubbles personality. 
A sardonic laugh bubbled up Salix's throat then. Only an hour ago, he'd missed the little terror.
A few days later, Salix proposed a new costume idea to his spunky friend. Thankfully, she agreed.
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riacte · 6 months
not romantic not platonic but a secret third thing [what would happen between earth and the moon if the earth stopped spinning as illustrated by xkcd randall munroe]
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kavaleyre · 2 months
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• The Hanged Man •
“Compared to what Falin went through? This is nothing.”
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jacobglaser · 10 months
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He's just an Angel... I know.
Good Omens (2019-)
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mroddmod · 2 months
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everyone be quiet i'm manifesting
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hansoeii · 8 months
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one day they might be brave enough
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allysketches · 3 months
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this drawing started off as tv crowley and aziraphale dressed like their book cover counterparts, but then I got carried away and it turned out... not being exactly that anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️
so... late 80s/early 90s au? (aka. literally the book lol)
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sunnyyyteaaa · 8 months
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🌺 DID A 4-WAY COLLAB WITH @droppincofdrops , @staticwither , SUN AND ME !!!!!! YOU CAN SEE WHO WORKED ON WHAT UNDER THE CUT!!!
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This collab was so fun!!!! So happy we got such awesome friends to do this with 💖💖
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egophiliac · 2 months
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IT WAS ERIC AFTER ALL!!!! I'm so glad we got to meet him (before Vil snaps him away with those Infinity Gauntlets) (can't wait to see what happens when we get the matching Infinity Tiara to go with them, there will be no survivors)
(sorry to be so slow/rough lately, just got a lot of stuff on the ol' brain at the moment! alas, if only I could spend all my time drawing incredibly stupid characters I mean I do but)
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kristina100000 · 9 months
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i randomly bring this up to people once in 2 years just to remind them love is universal
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inkiedraws · 3 months
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"LOL this flip-flop wearing loser thinks he's gonna kick my ass and destroy my whole kingdom in the span of an afternoon. What an idiot"
I didn't intend for this to be a full comic, which is why it just kinda ends. Sowwy
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radioducky · 2 months
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Excited for the Casino Party in the upcoming chapter “Of Saints and Sinners” by @morningstarwrites 🫶
It was meant to be a sketch…
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tennant-davids · 11 months
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GOOD OMENS 1x02 - 2x06
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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The musical episode.
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