themogaidragon · 11 months
Are there any labels that mean someone on the aro spec that can't be in a relationship because of trauma/can't trust or just because they believe they're incapable of love but want to?
Caedromantic: a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum, defined as someone who feels that they were alloromantic at one point, but that has been taken or “cut away” from them due to past trauma.
Erasromantic: a romantic identity on the aromantic spectrum in which one's alloromanticism randomly vanished partially or wholly, whether it be due to trauma, another reason, or no reason.
Colidaro: an arospec orientation where one is aro because they have a hard time making connections with people. This can be due to the lack of time, not liking people, or trauma.
Perdiromantic: identifying as arospec but feeling like your trauma, unhealthy/toxic upbringing or mental illnesses do affect it as well, causing you to feel lost and unsure about whether its just the trauma or if you’re really arospec.
Acoromantic: an identity on aromantic spectrum that refers to someone who experiencing romantic attraction that one wants to act on, but at the same time has a strong aversion to engaging in it due to bad experiences, apprehension, or other misgivings about being involved in romantic relationships or activities involved in a romantic relationship, etc.
Aegoromantic: a microlabel on the aromantic spectrum that describes those who enjoy the concept of romance but have a disconnection between themself and the subject of romantic fantasies. Aegoromantic individuals may have romantic fantasies, enjoy romantic media, or engage in shipping in fandoms, but they tend to feel little to no romantic attraction in real life and typically do not desire a romantic relationship. Oftentimes, their romantic fantasies are viewed from a dissociative third-person perspective, and not from the first person. They usually involve other individuals, such as fictional characters or celebrities with the aegoromantic individual only being a disembodied observer.
Chronosaromantic: someone who takes an extremely long time to like and/or love someone. (usually well over a few months) They also can sometimes “tell” who they will be able to love in the future, and sometimes take steps to keep that person in their lives. Others who identify with this label may choose to not get involved in any romantic relationships. Occasionally, someone who identifies with this label may feel that they are chronosaromantic because of trauma they experienced, or because of any other emotion-inhibiting experience, but the label is not exclusive to those who feel this way.
Cupioromantic: a microlabel on the aromantic spectrum. Cupioromantic is defined as someone who does not experience romantic attraction but still desires a romantic relationship. Cupioromantic individuals are typically romance favorable but they do not have to be. Cupioromantic may also be used by those who sometimes feel romantic attraction but still desire a romantic relationship even without attraction, for example, a demiromantic individual who dates someone before they feel attraction to them, possibly on the assumption that they will develop romantic attraction later on. Another example could be someone who is frayromantic who dates someone after they lose their romantic attraction.
Disakoiromantic: a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. Someone who is disakoiromantic may experience the desire to feel romantic attraction from someone else onto themselves, but are unable to reciprocate it due to only being able to experience a different form of attraction, being romance-repulsed, or being aromantic in general. This does not mean that they cannot be in a relationship with said person(s).
Lingerromantic: an aromantic label where one experiences little to no romantic attraction but desires it to be in a romantic relationship, but due to trauma, religion, stories, or simply a "gut-feeling", has an unconditional fear of going into a romantic relationship. Yet they seek a romantic relationship with someone who they know they could trust, and could take a long period of time for someone who uses lingerromantic to feel comfortable enough to engage in other romantic attraction labels due to past trauma or stress. It can be considered a subtype of caedoromantic.
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acespec-ed · 2 years
This week’s obscure aspec label is...
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Disakoisexual is someone who wants other people to be sexually attracted to them, but is unable to reciprocate that feeling due to being asexual or sex-repulsed. It’s a bit of an opposite to lith/akoisexual, which is when you can feel sexual attraction towards people, but don’t want the feeling reciprocated.
The romantic equivalent is disakoiromantic.
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