eternalstarlights · 2 months
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@diverse-hearts asked: "Can I help you?" - Nahida
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​Sasha stood in front of the Archon of Wisdom, feeling a little nervous. This was the first time meeting her in person. The first time meeting another goddess of wisdom. What would she think of her? Did she represent herself well as a goddess of wisdom and war?  ​ ​
She was surprised to see a young child as the Archon of Wisdom but she knew that the Archon was far older than she was. Nahida almost didn't look like an Archon of Wisdom but Sasha scolded herself for thinking like that. She didn't even give off the presence of a goddess of war and wisdom either. She still remembered the times Kardia or other people would tell her that she didn't act like a goddess of war and wisdom because she was too much of a crybaby. She understood they did not mean it in a bad way but more as an affectionate matter. However, it wasn't just them, she sometimes wondered if she was doing enough as Athena. Sometimes, she feels more like a little girl than a goddess.  ​ ​
"I apologize for bothering you but I was hoping we could have a conversation. I want to ask you a few things if you don't mind."  ​ ​
Would it be silly to ask an Archon for advice on how to be a better goddess of wisdom?   ​
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​"What is it like to be the Archon of Wisdom?" 
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frozcnlight · 3 months
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@diverse-hearts asked: “I think you’d better take a break.” - Chu Idk anymore where the ask came from :'D
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Was that what she needed? A break? She felt tiredness taking over, once she walked from her white desk over to her husband. Arms wrapping around him into a tight embrace. It felt like days since she last saw him, since she felt his warmth and the way her heart started to pound, whenever she came to see his face. Probably it wasn’t even that long. Mostly she had slept on the couch of her office, not comfortable, but at least she could quickly go back to the workload that was waiting for her day in, day out and got even more by each passing hour.
Yet she was aware that Chuuya probably had it worse than her, so she didn’t want to complain.
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“If the schedule wouldn't be so full, I might would just do that.".
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kuratm · 2 months
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@diverse-hearts asked: [ hand ] sender kisses the back of receiver's hand. - Aventurine
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penacony, land of festivities...or so it was, up front. to majority of people in vast galaxy, this was a go-to place in order to escape reality and enjoy sweet dreams but to sayu? this was a land of nightmares. while she could've opted out to stay at the express with dan heng - hell, himeko and mr.yang even offered that option, knowing full well she had a not so pleasant past with this particular planet - sayu felt that would be akin to running away from the past. if there's anything she learnt during their time spent at the xianzhou luofu, it's not to do exactly that. she needed to face it, even if it meant staring directly at the nightmare, itself.
she watches almost apathetically as the ipc representative kissed the back of her hand, brows furrowed in skepticism. sayu knew very well that in a place as penacony, you couldn't put your trust easily in anyone. schemes and backstabs were almost akin to saying "hello" to one another, so she held her guard up. aventurine, however, was different...he was charming, sure, but it was a front...for what reason? she didn't know.
either way, she quietly moves her hand as amethyst eyes look up at aventurine. ❛ it's nice to meet you as well, mr. aventurine... ❜ she says, remaining polite but clearly keeping her guard up. ❛ thank you for the help at the checkout, back then...but, why the sudden interest? ❜ she couldn't help asking. it was rather sudden, after all.
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squidsavior · 2 months
@diverse-hearts | "Do you have a name or can I just call you mine?" - Kaeya
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There… was a sudden urge to uppercut the captain, but she had to resist and hold back the impulsive thoughts. As being flirted at was something out of the ordinary for her. Deep breath... silence the thoughts.
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"It's Naomi. You don't have to say that I'm your's."
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burncdheart · 2 months
@diverse-hearts asked: “  ssh, go back to sleep.  ” - Shirase (BSD Reverse!) protective prompts - always accepting
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Small feet tapped quietly over the cold floor of their home. The girl had been unable to sleep, thirsty too and so she had went on the mission to get something to drink. Alone at that, after figuring out that her twin brother was still asleep. However, she heard voices once she had left the room, so many of them too! So she got curious and wanted to follow from where they came. But instead, she found herself tugged into another direction. Big, azure eyes starring at the man with white hair - realizing that it was her papa!
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“I…”, nervously she pulled on the long sleeve of her pyjamas, unsure if it was bad to ask if she could just stay with her parents until she got felt sleepy enough - she could just try to get something to drink by herself - with luck. The voices grew quiet and instead, a loud ‘thud’ could suddenly be heard from the other room, along with a few bad words she didn't understand.
“SHIRASE! CHUUYA!”, she could hear her mom's voice from the other room. “God, just…”, thud, “stay”, thud, “still", thud, "already...! I NEED SOME HELP HERE, BEFORE I MAKE HIS GODDAMN HEAD ROLL!”.
Confusion was clear on the little girl's face, “Is mommy playing a game?”.
If somebody were to look into the bigger room, they would find Miran trying to stop a thug from running away - trying to not show her ability too soon - at least not until they knew from where they came. Her hands held both of his wrists, but the thug - who's face was hidden beneath his hood - struggled harshly against her grip.
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galaxy-0f-muses · 10 days
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@diverse-hearts asked: "Please tell me that explosive noise wasn't you..." - Kaeya / Klee Unprompted
"It wasn't!" And it was more than her just trying to get out of something she did, too. She had been exploring outside of the Mondstadt wall when she heard it herself, and so, she had gone to check-
"Mr. Kaeya, there's people blowing up some ruins nearby." She looked more than concerned, as she looked up at him. "When I went to look, they tried catching me! I couldn't find miss Outrider, so I came looking for you." She was trying to find anyone, really. She knew what they were doing was bad, and it needed to be dealt with as soon as possible. "Please help me, Mr. Kaeya. They shouldn't be doing that, I just know it!"
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hopeful-hugz · 1 month
What are some similarities between you and your muse/muses?
What are some differences between you and your muse/muses?
Munday Questions Time || Accepting
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🕯️ Aight List Time!
🤍 Hope
Similarity :: Both cannot swim well if at all and struggle with sleep and nightmares.
Difference :: Hope is significantly smarter and has more experience in the outside world than Egg.
💙 Teal
Similarity :: Both have a fluctuating empathy-apathy scale that skews with how attached they are to someone.
Difference :: Teal is significantly more skilled with technology than Egg is, as well as runs a much more successful shop and trader outpost.
🖤 Chamyle
Similarity :: Both have a desire for more than the place they are confined to; they want to see what's out there that they can't see.
Difference :: Chamyle adores camping out with her small handful of friends, while Egg feels a lot safer and more comfortable sleeping in her own bed.
💜 Melody
Similarity :: Both love their mothers very much and love to sing and voice act for people.
Difference :: Melody's dream work path is to be a musical performer, while Egg's is to be able to create and sell her creations to people and make them smile.
🧡 Fir
Similarity :: Both have a complete fascination with cryptozoology and love reading up on it, even if they struggle with reading.
Difference :: Fir is significantly more of a risk-taker than Egg, who is rather paranoid and careful nowadays.
💚 Noir
Similarity :: Both have gone though extended periods of being around others and isolation, as well as doing their best to be the best older siblings they can.
Difference :: Noir is a lot more morally loose than Egg is for obvious weasons.
💖 Divodas
Similarity :: Both are extremely creative and enjoy fishing quite a bit.
Difference :: Divodas has a preference for fish, while Egg's meat preference leans more towards chicken.
💛 Leah
Similarity :: Both struggle with maintaining bonds or leaving their place of residence unless it's absolutely needed.
Difference :: Leah holds significant grudges when he thinks someone has critically wronged him, while Egg tends to be a lot more forgiving and forgetting. Especially forgetting.
🤎 Amygdala
Similarity :: Both have a significant desire to be something they know they never can be, due to how they biologically are.
Difference :: Amy is near-completely void of emotion and tends to be cruel because of it, Egg has significantly more emotion. Enough that it makes it hard for her to function some days.
💔 Riley
Similarity :: Both suffer from Graves Disease and Depression and are medicated for both conditions.
Difference :: Riley is significantly more cocky and sassy than Egg; who is pretty quiet nowadays. One is also in a loving relationship while to other has no chance of that in the slightest for multiple reasons.
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lcnnypooh · 8 months
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@diverse-hearts sent an ask!! :: ❝ Just let me rule you, and you can have everything that you want. ❞ - Saeran // The Labyrinth Sentence Starters.
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She's feeling flustered by her boyfriend's sudden boldness. Her cheeks heat up, turning a vibrant shade of red. While her heart pounds loudly in her chest. Her stomach feels like it's filled with fluttering butterflies.
Music from Spotify plays in the background as she sits next to him on her living room couch. Half empty boxes of take out sit on the coffee table in front of them. Normally, Lenny would make dinner, but she's exhausted from her day at school and work. So she opted for take out containers filled with noodles, vegetables, and chicken.
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"Um --- Wh-What do you mean by that?" she asks him. Curious blue eyes stare at her boyfriend.
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barxlupin · 4 months
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the inability to see the good in yourself, therefore relying on others to provide it for you your heart is so full for the people you love. it's sweet, but you've now forgotten how to care for yourself. you only seem to see great things in the people around you. they're wonderful, and you... you don't like what you're seeing in yourself, right? you need to be reminded that you're enough. that you're talented. that you're worthy. that's partly the reason why you reach out so much. you need to hear it from the lips of someone "better" than you. but afterwards, it makes you feel even more guilty and upset. you feel like your actions are self absorbed. you're aiming for perfection because you see it in others. you're failing to see the flaws in everyone else. i promise, you're no monster. i could say this again and again, but will you believe me when i say you need to find it out for yourself?
TAGGED BY: @gravityilluminated ( thank you <3 )
TAGGING: @crownshattered @diverse-hearts @smol-sirens-garden
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noctechoro · 1 year
𝕷𝖊𝖙'𝖘 𝖌𝖔 𝖙𝖔 𝖂𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖉 @diverse-hearts​ (For: Any twst muse!)
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“If you were looking to talk to Azul you’re out of luck, he and the tweels are gonna be out for a while.” The half-mer notes, arms crossing over one another as he looks towards the other. Which meant for the time being he and Ilias had been put in charge of making sure the Lounge continued to function. “Or if you were looking to be seated it’ll be a minute.”
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selcoth · 9 months
@diverse-hearts: //Ama is shaking them all
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SCREAMS INTERNALLY. And maybe a little bit externally.
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frozcnlight · 2 months
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@diverse-hearts asked: well, we're not getting out that way. - Shirase
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This room was even smaller than their usual one. Like a ball that was thrown around, she had jumped around from the ceiling, to the wall, to the door and back to another wall, in order to break ANY of this with the force of her ability. Nothing budged, but that didn't stop her from trying again and again. Each time her feet made a harder impact with whatever surface she landed on.
“There has to be!”, she countered loudly, as she once again switched from the door back to the ceiling. Finally stopping there to look down at Shirase.
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“I'm not going to wait for what's supposed to happen or for an explanation. The quicker we get out, the quicker we can grab Chuuya, destroy everything here and get out of here finally!”.
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kuratm · 2 months
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@diverse-hearts asked: ❝ i was kind to you because you looked like you needed a friend. ❞ - Jamil
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somehow, sayu found it hard to believe. maybe this school and its' students were influencing on the magicless girl - having to practically deal with a bunch of unhinged boys really was testing her patience, after all - but she was skeptical. then again, sayu was never the type to immediately believe people easily, given her life in another world and the experiences she needed to learn the hard way. regardless, her arms were crossed as her head tilts, looking up at scarabia's vice-warden with slight brow furrow.
❛ well...i guess the more accurate term would be "needing one day of peace". ❜ she speaks with pure honesty, followed by a small sigh. speaking her own thoughts out wasn't up her forte, having always preferred keeping it to herself, but after all the overblot incidents? sayu couldn't exactly keep the bitterness towards these situations - not to mention crowley continued sweeping them under the rug. pausing to take a seat, sayu smiles in jamil's way. ❛ but, thank you, regardless. er...want to join me? you need a friend, as well. ❜
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@diverse-hearts asked: “Get behind me.” - Albedo to Klee Protective Prompts
"B-but, big brother-" She wasn't entirely sure what was going on, but he was certainly a bit more... Off than usual. She had been aware that bad guys were trying to get into the city and do bad things, but all she had been doing was going to her secret place right outside and working on her projects...
She didn't expect him to catch her, much less stand between her and some bad guys. "But I can help too, really... Please let Klee help you-" She didn't want him doing this by himself... She was a big girl, too! An official Knight of Favonious!
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@diverse-hearts asked:
“I know it’s long gone and there was nothing else I could do.” - Jamil to Kalim
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There was something in how Jamil spoke those words that made Kalim realize he should really be taking this seriously. Blinking his red almost far-too-innocent eyes, the Dorm Head in name alone slowly lowered his arms from his previously relaxed and excited stance he was displaying before.
“. . . You know I don’t. . . Blame you, right, Jamil?” He asked, quietly, finally breaking the silence that seemed to engulf them both.
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terraeferae · 1 year
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@diverse-hearts​ asked:  ❝ it seems there’s more to your story than you’ve said . ❞ - Kazuha / Falabella
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“Of course there is. Did you really think that I’d share everything right off the bat, or something?”
While she said that, there was a lack of bite in the blonde’s words. Rather, she seemed quite a bit more subdued than she normally would be, only giving Kazuha a brief glance. After a moment, however, she gave a soft sigh and got to her feet once more. Perhaps she should have shared more about her story sooner...
But it was never something that she really wanted to talk about, even to close friends.
After a second, she turned her attention back to the graves she’d been seated in front of, gently placing a hand on the two, before she finally spoke again.
“It’s not exactly something I... particularly like to talk about, or relive.”
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