#do you agree its normal wear and tear
lunicho · 30 days
Here r my thoughts !! I hope they’re ok bc I’m really sleepy rn so idk if they make sense lololll
K: def a dom
- like I CANT see him as a sub
- If u try to make him submissive he’ll just mock u n make fun of the things u say when ur with him
- You: “Stop making fun of me”
- K: “I thought this was normal sub behavior 😋😋”
Fuma: soft dom
- likes taking care of you n worries about ur pleasure first
- If u want to be the dominant one he doesn’t mind and let’s u
- Subby Fuma tho…mmm tastyyy
- a soft dom but can be a mean one if he’s feeling extra possessive
Nico: switch (or is it called vers? Like versatile? I forgot 😟)
- a little controversial(/j) but I’ll d!e on this hill
- He tries to be the dominant one all the time but if he goes more than 2 days without ur pussy he’s on his knees begging for you and is at your mercy
- He just wants to be good to you so he’ll want to be in control but every now and again he wants to be taken care of and have you make him feel so good
EJ: service top with a sprinkle of sub
- As much as I love subby Juju and making him tear up I see him more as a service top but the subby parts of him comes out and he ends up falling apart bc u feel so good around him when he was supposed to put you first
- I looooooveeee service top juju
- he is MEAN
- He makes FUN OF YOU
- But the dick is so good you’ll only go to him (so basically the mean dom Yuma you always talk about LOL)
- He’s actually not mean which is the funny part 😭 when y’all aren’t having sex he’s so chill and easy to hang out with 😭 he just likes seeing you cry and whimper as he fucks you and calling you names is the fastest way to do it LOL
- I KNOW the jealous sex is so good bc he gets jealous and possessive so easily so if another man tries to make a move on you he is FUMING and he needs to fuck you as fast as possible
Jo: sub
- pov: ur at the “I love sub!Jo” contest and ur opponent is me 😋😋😋😋
- Sub!Jo is so beautiful in my mind like him just laying down while i have my mouth on him PLEASEEE
- He likes it when you praise him omfg praise kink Jo 😵‍💫 but that’s for another time
- Tbh I see him as the type of guy that’ll do anything for you so you can praise him
Harua: switch
- as you know I’m a switch!Harua truther
- This section won’t be long since I already talked about it it
- But bratty sub Harua 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
- Sassy dom Harua who knows how to control you 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
Taki: switch but u HAVE to hear me out
- every time I think of Taki most of the time it’s just pretty shiny sub Taki who wants all of your attention on him
- The type to D!E if you don’t take care of him and his raging boner /j
- Whines a lot 😵‍💫
- Recently…him and his “morality police” bit where he’s (playfully) telling the members to cover up and not wear revealing outfits
- Makes me think of mean dom Taki 😵‍💫 where you wear revealing and skimpy outfits to mess with him and he fucks you harddddd bc he knows you’re just trying to get his attention and to rile him up
Overall I also think that they’re all really possessive with the exception of Jo but those thoughts haven’t marinated long enough in my brain yet 😙
HOPE U GOT SOME REST BOO THANG, u came and u served and now its time for u to get the rest u so rightfully deserve bc this right here ‼️‼️
kei - okay so i do agree, he most often takes on a dominant role just because he enjoys it and it comes so naturally for him. BUT i had a convo with one of my moots (shout out mel 🙏🏾) where we explored the idea of subby kei and i think he's in there somewhere. he has the potential to be submissive but may not know how to go about it or how to commit to that fully which is why he'd rather be all snappy and mean and mock u about it and in other words that's why he kinda acts like a brat 🤷🏾‍♀️. but dom kei is so so real there's no denying that ☝🏾😌
fuma - YES. everyone who read my fuma a-z knows i agree cuz like duh, he's so soft dom to me but he has a love for being the submissive one. he may not be THE MOST submissive guy out there but being under u and being doted on is something he enjoys thoroughly. but yeah like u said ur his baby and his top priority so he loves taking care of u <3 subby fuma is incredibly delicious to think about if im so fr like idk
nico - i giggled. SWITCH NICHO IS SO REAL TO ME 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. ppl are too scared to play around with the idea of subby nicho but COME ONNNN u can't tell me this man wouldn't look and sound so good when he's getting edged and ur sucking him off or jerking him off or riding him like i can hear it so clearly in my mind how he'd suck in a breath thru his teeth and how he'll grunt and groan sm and how- yeah. also pussy obsessed nicho?? hello??? him not being able to be without pussy is so true i could say sm abt that but imma move on for everyone sake
juju - the way when i read his section the first time i went "NOOOOOO" but then i read it again and was like,,, oh wait kinda true tho. he leans so subby cuz of how well he listens and how obedient he is. he'll let u use him and grind against his face/ride his face, he'll let u pull his hair and get yourself off using his tongue like 😞. he's a service top cuz he likes making u feel good but i will never deny sub juju. i will never deny how pathetically hard he gets sometimes and how he Will tear up in front of u quicker than either of u could even process 😞
yuma - EXACTLY LMAOHSJS he's not actually mean or crazy at all like he is during sex which is what makes it hotter cuz he's so versatile. i do think that he can change up a lot and he can be soft and sweet at times too but he's just a rough sex enjoyer what can i say 🤷🏾‍♀️. i do wish ppl would fuck around with the idea of sub yuma more tho cuz i need people to feed me those thoughts like i wanna hear what ppl say so bad 😞 (teamies dom, sub, switch analysis but it's just me wanting people to explore the idea of sub teamies) AND THE JEALOUS SEX?? big yes he's sooo jealous and possessive sometimes like it's crazy 💔
jo - ?!?!?!?!?! $! $;! #;#;#? +#(#) #+#-(# like what like ?!?! $? ;$? $+($-# and why have u never come to my inbox abt sub jo?? didn't even know this was an agenda u had wtf??? LITERALLY okay. okay. let me control myself. i see him as a sub as well and i see him as the type who's a little naive but not necessarily in a bad way. he's just the type to follow you so blindly just bc ur his partner and he wants to do anything to please you so he can be ur good boy 😞 i could see the dom jo agenda but it's smth abt sub jo that feels so true to him 😞 he's so cute ugh
harua - yes 😞 i am aware of your switch rua agenda 🙏🏾 and honestly i think it's quite accurate i just cannot fully process harua as a dom like it just won't register in my mind so i always just think of him as a sub. and i always feel like he's not really like a brat he's just kinda moody and super needy and if he ever is bratty it's cuz of him acting up for your attention 😞
taki - ??!?!?!!!!! $;! $:$? $($(($$ okay so?!?!? fuck i literally agree like FUCKK 😭 taki can be so submissive to the point where if u told him to get on all fours and bark then he fucking would. this man will do anything for some pussy like im being so fr. he just might fall over and die if u haven't made him cum in a little while cuz he's like erm hello??? but he's such a good sub like genuinely 😞 but as a dom?? 😵‍💫😵‍💫 can't even properly process the thoughts that are happening in my mind but i just know he's rough and mean like u said, a little controlling too if im so so honest with u ohhh em geeeee. like maybe he only rlly doms on specific occasions or like maybe u both just switch often cuz i could see him needing someone who's willing to switch up regularly depending on your moods yk? (FUCK HOW'D THIS PARAGRAPH GET SO LONG??? i feel like i didn't even say anything 😭)
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ash5monster01 · 7 months
First Snow
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x FemReader
Warnings: grief, mentions of depression, mentions of suicide, angst, language, coping, fluff, comfort, romance.
Summary: Charlie used to love the first snow of the year, now all it did was remind him of Neil. When the first snow comes you do everything in your power to make it better for him. Even if it doesn’t entirely work he still loves you for trying.
a/n: this is loosely based around Lorelei Gilmore’s love of snow and the fact that I live in Western New York and we’ve already gotten our first snow of the season. It’s that time of year folks, enjoy xx
word count: 2k
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It was normal for you and Charlie to spend time like this. Side by side in a quiet home, books propped in hand, glasses hung low on your faces. Sometimes it was pleasant to have someone to spend those quiet moments with and not feel the need to fill the silence with unnecessary conversation. You could just coexist, in one spot, and one moment, enjoying the presence of another while imagining another world in itself. You lived for nights like this and loved the man beside you. Normally nothing could keep you from shattering such a perfect moment but then you see it.
At first you think you’re imagining it but as your eyes flick up from the page of your book into the window outside you realize it’s snowing. Probably has been all afternoon and you both had been too busy reading to notice. It’s almost impossible to sit still as the excitement rushes through you. You loved snow. Especially the first real snow of the season. There was something magical about it and it reminded you of all the good in the world. Thing was, the boy beside you didn’t quite feel the same. Snow was not something that brought him happiness, instead it reminded him of moments lost in time, full of grief and heart ache.
You were torn and doing everything you could not to burst with excitement because it was snowing and had been long enough to cover the ground in pillows of fluffy white snow. They flakes were thick and falling heavy. The wind blowing them around and the lights from peoples homes illuminating them on the ground. It was as if the lawn was covered in sparkles and its spot light was the moon. Nothing would make you happier than going outside and breathing in that fresh snow air. The only thing stopping you was finding the right way to get the boy beside you to agree.
“Charles?” you hummed out, eyes finally moving from the window pane in front of you to look at the boy beside you. Your hand fell softly on his leg and his stomach instantly erupted in butterflies from your touch.
“Yes honey” he asked sweetly, eyes struggling to pull from the page he was on in his book.
“If I ask you something can you promise not to say no?” now he was confused, eyebrows furrowing as he glanced up at you.
“I could never say no to you” he told you earnestly and the sentence almost made you feel somewhat guilty for what you were about to say to him.
“Would you go outside with me?” you quickly asked before you lost the nerve and Charlie wore his confused look until his eyes flicked to the window and then back to you. It was snow. You loved snow. He hated snow.
It was snowing the last time he had ever seen his friend, wearing that devastated face as he got in the car with his Dad. It was snowing when he was woken up by that dreaded phone call. It was snowing when he had to tell all of his friends and see their heartbroken faces. It was snowing when they chased Todd outside. That very snow clung to his eyelashes and melted beside his tears. He had to scoop a handful of that snow to wipe away Todd’s puke. It was snow that tripped up Todd as he cried and yelled out for their friend. Snow was nothing other than frozen tears falling from the sky in mourning of Neil. He hated snow, but he loved you.
“I- baby” he didn’t want to say no. How could he? Not after what he just said.
“I know, I know you hate it. I know what snow means to you, but Charlie it’s beautiful out there. Can’t you see it?” you begged and Charlie nervously looked to the window. It was beautiful, and maybe that was why it hurt so much. That something so beautiful can become ugly after moments in time. Snow once did remind him of Winters at Welton, throwing snowballs at each other’s heads, sneaking out at midnight to the old Indian Cave. Snow used to be youthful and now it was dreadful.
“Ten minutes” he finally said, eyes softening towards you. Probably the only person he’d be willing to face the snow with.
“Thirty” you bargained and he couldn’t help the chuckle that fell from his lips.
“Twenty and we can make hot chocolate” now you were bouncing in your seat, no longer holding back the excitement over the first snow of the year.
“Deal” you cheered before planting a wet kiss on his cheek and rushing to grab your coats, gloves, hats, and scarves. Charlie only chuckled as he finally abandoned his book and stood to make the promised hot chocolate.
It isn’t long until you’re both stood on the porch of your home. The snow flurrying around you and to the ground. Charlie thinks you’re absolutely adorable in your knitted hat and matching scarf. Your hot chocolate is half drank but you’re ready to abandon it for the snow. He doesn’t want to hold you back since you’re clearly jittery, eyes wide as you stare at the snow that you can’t decide what to do with first. A snow angel, maybe a snowball to throw at a Charlie, or best of all a snow man even though there clearly isn’t enough for it.
“Do you want to dance?” it’s you who is shocked now, eyes wide as you look at Charlie who suggested it. Dancing didn’t entirely have anything to do with snow, he could dance. He has always loved dancing with you, what difference did it make if it was in this chilly weather?
“I’d love too” you told him quickly and he smiled as he pulled you down the porch with him and into the lawn. The snow crunched beneath your feet and you couldn’t help but giggle as he swung you into his arms and started to sway.
“There isn’t any music” you told him softly, eyes fluttering to his pink cheeks, airbrushed by the cold air itself.
“We don’t need it” he told you and finally you were grinning as you held him close and waltzed through the fluffy white yard. You let the moment sink in, soft cheek pressed to Charlie’s warm chest. The snow fluttered to the ground around you and you couldn’t keep the question in any longer.
“Do you think there will ever be a time the snow reminds you of this moment and not the bad ones?” you felt him stiffen against you, shocked and bit confused by your question.
“I don’t think so, I think there will be a time that reminds me of both though. That gives me hope” you smile against his chest as your heart aches for him. You wish he hadn’t faced the things in life that he did. Charlie should’ve been too pure to be touched by the harsh world.
“Can you tell me a happy memory about snow?” you asked softly into the night air and you felt Charlie’s cheek press against the top of your head.
“When we were thirteen the first snow came to Welton. Neil loved snow. It was the only day he couldn’t focus in class because he could see the snow out of the window. He somehow convinced me to ditch Mr. McAllisters latin class to go outside” you chuckled softly against him, knowing it didn’t take much convincing at all the get Charlie to skip latin.
“Ditching class at Welton, risky” you commented and Charlie just grinned, trying to picture that perfect white snow behind his thirteen year old eyes.
“It was, which is why it was no surprise we were caught within twenty minutes, having been spotted from the classroom windows throwing snowballs at one another” and now you were downright laughing and Charlie chuckled along with you, the memory burning a hole through the bad ones.
“That wasn’t very clever, obviously class was still going on” you teased and he just rolled his eyes as he tipped your face up to look at him again.
“It didn’t matter to us, until Nolan came outside to break us up. Neil had ducked and my snowball launched straight into Nolan’s face. I was put on pots and pans for three weeks but the image of that snow bursting across his face made it all worth it” Charlie told you before pressing a small kiss to the tip of your nose that had now become red from the chilly air.
“Only you” you muttered and even though it was vague Charlie knew what it meant. It was your way of saying he was the only one for you. So he kissed you as the snow fell and stuck to your clothes. You hummed in delight over the chocolate taste of his lips and kissing him in the snow which was now so much better than the rain. Whoever thought kissing in the rain was more romantic than a quiet snowy night was wrong.
“Do you have your gloves?” Charlie softly asked after he pulled away, eyes searching your own and filled with adoration.
“Yeah, why?” you furrowed your brows and he cracked a smile, gloved hand pressing out the crease between your brows.
“You won’t know if we can build a snowman unless you try” and you were grinning ear to ear, hugging him tight before dropping to the ground in the soft snow. Charlie only laughed as you put on your gloves and started to scoop in the small layer of snow dusting the yard.
“I’ll find him some arms and eyes” he told you, and you nodded as you focused on combining the snow together. By the time Charlie had returned with sticks and a few rocks you had made a base of the snowman baseball size and the head as teeny as a golf ball. He snorted lightly as he dropped beside you with his sticks that were much too big for your snowman.
“He’s terrible, I know” you pouted lightly, cursing mother nature for not gifting enough snow to make the snowman of your dreams.
“No, he’s perfect. He’s just missing a few things” Charlie told you, reaching for his branches where he snapped off two twigs and stuck them into the sides. Then he grabbed the smallest two rocks he had found and shoved them in the head that was still just a touch to small for them.
“His eyes are huge” you giggled and Charlie smiled at you as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
“He just has a lot of things he wants to see” Charlie told you and you grinned at him as you both took in the sight of your foot tall snowman.
“He’ll grow into them” you told him and he smiled, lips grazing across your chilled forehead.
“Yeah, he’s still young” he agreed and you knew in a way that meant Charlie would be willing to do this again, when more snow finally fell to the earth and surrounded you both.
“I’m pretty sure it’s been twenty minutes” you told him and he shrugged, eyes looking up to the sky that continued to drop snowflakes to the ground.
“It’s okay, I’m okay right here” he told you and you quickly hugged him close, lips capturing his own. They were almost a touch too cold, a chance of getting stuck together, but you didn’t mind. This was progress and if Charlie could make snow happy again you would never be in a position to say no.
“I love you” you told him and he smiled as he brushed some snowflakes away from your eyelashes.
“More than snow?” he questioned and you laughed, the sound filling the cold night air around you.
“A hundred times more than snow”
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rockingrobin69 · 8 months
“Did you look in the—”
“Yes, darling,” not rolling his eyes anymore, coming closer with his hands out, and Harry’s frown which used to be funny is, is, not. “Hey. Harry.”
“It’s,” hyperventilating, “it’s from Molly, I can’t—it has to be somewhere in here, right,” and Draco scoops him in his arms and squeezes.
Squeezes harder until the shaking stops. “Darling,” he whispers, and “sweetheart.” They find their way to bed and Draco layers him with so many kisses Harry can’t even grumble anymore, can’t, move, probably, until he’s laughing, wiping his face on the pillowcase.
“Sorry,” he says, much later, and Draco shushes him with clinical efficiency and rinses the suds out of his hair.
How hard can crocheting be, for crying out loud? He might not be Molly-Weasley-level natural caretaker, but he can bloody do this. He’ll pick up the yarn and the—needles? Tomorrow. He’ll replace this priceless heirloom of a bloody doily and Harry will be… will be happy again.
“Which tie do you think I should—oh,” looking up and Draco’s already wrapping it around his neck, pout melting into fond smile. “Really? That one?”
“Really,” Draco murmurs. Tying the knot is the easiest thing, and his fingers are happy to do it, skirting over the soft material and, cheekily, over Harry’s tense shoulders. “It’s going to be fine,” he says.
“I know.” Harry’s looking at them in the mirror. Draco wonders what he sees, besides for muggle suits and all the hair. “You look nice.”
Draco huffs. “I always look nice.”
“All right then, you look fucking sexy. You should always wear a tux.”
“Hmm? Even in bed? Sounds clunky.”
“Clunky? Is it a suit of armour or something?” but the babbling is a sign of its own, and Draco, raised eyebrow, takes his hand.
“We only need to be there for five, ten minutes. I told the Minister you won’t be staying for the full event.”
“How did you get him to agree to that?”
“Charm,” Draco says.
“You mean blackmail.”
“I mean, a lovely personality and a knack for fortunate scheduling.”
Harry’s smiling so wide it feels, ridiculously, that he’d tear out of his suit. “You’re incorrigible,” but he’s quiet after that, which Draco takes as a win. And really, how hard is it to threaten a Minister?
With economical moves, he brushes a lucky piece of lint off Harry’s arm. They’ll make the obligatory appearance, keep the peace or—give hope to the nation, whatever, and then he’ll take Harry to the kebab place outside the Ministry and feed him chips till he’s happy.
“Where do we keep the lens cleaner spray?”
Because he doesn’t like the marks the charm leaves. “Third drawer on the right.”
Rattling: “Found it. You picked a film yet?”
“Mm-hmm.” Arranging the bowls, leaning back on the sofa.
“Good. And it’s not Mean Girls again, right? Because love you know I’ll watch anything with you but I think four times a month is, er, wha—” stops with his pretty mouth open, leaning against the doorway with a little swoon. “Draco? What’s this? What are you wearing?”
“There’s a pair for you as well,” the fluffiest material Draco had ever seen, with a pattern of little polar bears in bowties. “Go on, get changed.”
“Is that… I thought we weren’t allowed to eat on the new sofa.”
Draco shrugged. “What’s a hoover charm for? They’re selling your favourite apple-cinnamon popcorn again, I couldn’t resist.”
“Clearly,” with a grin that swallowed the whole room. “You’re aware this is excessive, love, yes? You know this isn’t normal behaviour.”
With a huff, “And we’re entirely normal people?”
Harry laughs, shaking his head. He comes to grab the pyjamas, but takes a detour to Draco, to kiss the top of his head. “You’re bonkers,” whispered into his hair.
“For you,” Draco concedes. “Now go on. I hope you don’t mind, but I chose Princess Bride.”
“You unbearable sap,” with affection so thick in his tone it drips, tiny little kisses on his forehead, his eyebrows, his nose. Happy, Draco thinks with relief: Harry was already happy, and he plans to only make him happier. And really, how hard can it be to get far too much popcorn and his favourite film?
“Oh, shit,” Draco says, “I forgot the markers.”
“Markers. For the… they help much better than a spell. I’ll have to go back to the office supply shop,” sighing, rubbing his buzzing eyelids. Too little sleep and big test coming up, the constant headache Harry says comes from stress and—
“These ones?” producing a whole pack, unopened, from his work bag.
“What,” Draco says, not quite a question. “You don’t use these.”
“Highlighters? No, not really. I got them for you.” Nudging them closer, nose scrunching on a frown. “What? Why’s that so shocking?”
“It’s not.”
Harry stares. “But?” to the shake of the head, “What, is it only you who’s allowed to take care of me?”
More desperate shaking. Draco’s too tightly strung on no sleep and many-many cups of coffee, and he’s seeing double, and the tears come out unbidden and unexpected.
“Love,” Harry gasps, and cradles weeping Draco in his arms like he would a baby, “I’m sorry, I didn’t—”
“No, no,” nonsensical and silly, “it’s—Harry, you’re so, it’s unfair how much you’re—”
“You’re unfair,” and Harry’s voice is raw too, and they’re both so silly. “Do you even know, do you have any idea how awfully happy you make me just by—”
“Stop, stop,” too weak for the attack, and the markers, and it’s Wednesday and his test is on Friday, and he’s sick with how lovely this is. “Okay, we’re both saps.”
They make each other’s tea and then drink from each other’s cup. Draco’s is too sweet and Harry’s is too strong. Draco’s tired and a little bit terrified, but he keeps thinking, how hard can this be? Not that hard after all.
(For flufftober day 25. Find the soft AO3 collection here).
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blue-slxt · 11 months
Tame Me - Chapter 3
🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
A/N: Since you guys have been showing so much love to the series, I decided to go ahead and post Part 3 early. With the way it ends, I might write a bonus chapter so let me know if that's something you guys would like to see. Thank you again for all the likes, reblogs, and comments! Hope you horny sluts enjoy! All characters are aged up.
Previous Part | Next Part
Pairing: Neteyam x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
Warnings: Explicit Smut, P in V, Oral (M receiving), Creampie, Knotting, Praise Kink, Bonding, I think that's it
Word Count: 3.3k
Summary: The day has come for Neteyam to complete his Iknimaya and for the two of you to officially be mated.
It’s been three days since you agreed to be Neteyam’s mate. You were constantly lost in thought. You almost didn’t recognize the person you had become. You were still a fierce warrior and extremely proud, but you now allowed yourself to feel moments of softness. But of course, the only person who ever saw them was Neteyam. Everyone could notice a change in you lately, though. The constant glare of your eyes had eased and your strong, prideful strut had dissipated under the fluid sway of your hips. Men would still stare at you with a mix of jealousy and lust recognizing the new scent you carried in your skin. A lot of people had their eye on you, but now you only ever had your eye out for one man.
Tonight was the night. The young men in the clan would complete their Iknimaya and you and Neteyam would officially be mated.
You figured that you should put a little extra effort into your appearance tonight since it was an important time. Your favorite woven top adorned your torso with multicolored beads and a loincloth that was slightly shorter in the front than you’d normally wear and it had beads that matched your top along the string on your hips. You pull the top half of your locs up and out of your face into a ponytail and let the rest fall down your back.
You admired yourself for a moment. You never took a particular interest in how you looked, but this was the first time you actually took a little bit of pride in your appearance. It still feels like it’s missing something, though. You rummage around in the multitude of courting gifts that Neteyam gave you in the previous weeks and stumble across the perfect accessory. A small, braided ankle bracelet that he made for you. You didn’t think it looked particularly special when you first got it, but now you hold it like a precious treasure in your hands. You secure it around your ankle and finally feel complete.
Your ears perk up at the sound of horns blaring. The men have returned. It was finally time. Your heart picks up its pace as you rush out of your tent and head in the same direction as the gathering crowd. A group of young men came swooping in on their ikrans and your eyes scan each one of them searching for Neteyam. He finally lands with the back half of the group and you feel all your worry melt away. He made it back. Of course he did. If he could manage to get you to submit, then surely this was no challenge for him.
The crowd cheers for the group of men and the meat from their hunt is quickly gathered and taken to be prepared for the celebration.
The celebration came quickly. Most of the prep had been done in the weeks leading up to the Iknimaya. You watched timidly as everyone danced and enjoyed themselves opting instead to keep to yourself and warm your hands by the fire. You didn’t have many friends to speak of and Neteyam was being pulled in every which direction all night. You didn’t want to interrupt his conversations. Everybody sang him words of praise all night and he deserved it. You decided to let him have this.
You couldn’t tear your eyes away from him all night, following his braids that swayed with every step he took. But you also didn’t miss the other girls eyeing him. Nearly all of them had their heart set on being taken by the future Olo’eyktan and you growl lowly to yourself in frustration. One of the girls must feel the intensity of your glare because she switches her gaze to you for a moment. If looks could kill, you certainly would have sent her to be with Eywa right now. It turns out that Neteyam wasn’t the only one between you that had a tendency to be possessive. Neteyam’s eyes catch yours from across the way and he gives you a warm smile before he starts walking towards you. You stand up a little straighter and adjust your top quickly making sure you stay looking put together.
“Not joining the festivities?” he teases.
“I don’t usually do well at these kind of things. I don’t really have anybody to hang out with and talk to.” You hold your own hand trying to sooth your own anxiety. It was true, you didn’t usually do well in big crowds. You were a lone wolf and didn’t know how to normally interact with people.
“Well, that’s no good. Here, come with me” he holds his hand out to you. You hesitate for a second, but you put your trust in him and take his hand. His fingers intertwined with yours and you let him lead you through the sea of people. Whispers and hushed words of shock came from the crowd around you as the two of you walked hand in hand. Neteyam squeezed your hand reassuringly and you let the quiet murmurs from other people roll off your back.
He brings you over to his family and you tense up again. You weren’t sure you were ready for this conversation just yet. This was the Olo’eyktan and his family. You respected them highly and you were unsure of how they would feel about their eldest son choosing a warrior instead of a healer for his mate.
“Mother, father, I’d like to introduce you to someone.” Neteyam brings you around to his side and holds on tight to your hand.
You use your three fingers to respectfully gesture your greeting to the both of them before introducing yourself.
“I have chosen her as my mate.” He says proudly to his family.
His siblings all break out into smiles. Tuk, the youngest child, cheers for her brother and wraps her arms around your waist in a hug “That’s great Neteyam! She’s so pretty!” You feel yourself blush a little bit at her sweet words. Lo’ak pats his brother’s shoulders, “Respect, bro. I’ve always known you like a challenge, but this really takes the cake.” Kiri rolls her eyes at her brothers and steps forward to take ahold of your free hand, “Congratulations.”
You smile at all of them appreciating the warm welcome. You look between his parents trying to gauge their reactions and Jake crosses his arms over his chest. It seems like he’s about to disapprove until he flashes a giant smile at you and his son. He hits him on the back knocking him forward a little laughing. “Good job, boy. I see you like the strong ones. Just like your old man.” Neytiri giggles a little to herself and approaches you. She wraps you in a warm hug, “May Eywa bless your union.”
Tears threaten to swell in your eyes. You blink them back and hold it together. You’ve never known such an inviting atmosphere. Immediately being welcomed with literal open arms.
You stay with Neteyam for the rest of the night. Anxiety would flood your body without him and he didn’t mind. He let you cling on to him as much as you needed to feel comfortable. He actually found it quite adorable. As the night dwindled down, Neteyam offered to walk you back to your tent. You both waved your goodbyes to his family and you don’t miss the way that Lo’ak raises his eyebrows at his brother before the two of you disappeared off into the night.
You hold on to his hand the entire walk back and you can’t stop the big goofy grin plastered on your face. When you get home, you stand at the entrance, still never letting go of his hand. “Would you like to come inside?” Neteyam smiles at you, “Of course, yawne.”
You tried to not let him see the way you smiled at the name, but he saw it. He always saw.
Once you’re inside, his hands immediately find their way around your waist. You let your arms fall around his neck and you stare up at his face. You trace over the stripes on his face with your eyes and study the small stars freckled around his features. There was no way you could dismiss the fact that you had fallen completely in love with him. And even though you were out of your heat, your body still burned for him.
You push up on your toes to kiss him and he blissfully kissed you back. It was gentle and full of love. As much as you loved when he fucked you dumb, you had to admit that his tender love for you made your heart feel full. The kiss is slow, but builds speed and intensity with the mounting tension. He playfully nips at your bottom lip making you giggle against him.
You pull away from the kiss to catch your breath and he smiles down at you flashing his sharp canines. Remembering his teeth in your shoulder makes you shudder and you slide down to sit on your knees. Neteyam watches you and his heart is relentlessly beating on the inside of his chest.
“I figured since it’s a special night, I wanted to do something special for you.” He watches you undo the tie of his loincloth and it falls to the floor.
His size still amazed you. No matter how many times you see it, it still makes your mouth water and he was already rock hard. You cock an eyebrow up at him and he laughs a little. “Do not give me that face. Have you seen yourself tonight? How could I not be like this?”
You smile pleased with yourself and part your lips to take him into your mouth. You’ve never done this before and you’re not even exactly sure how to do this properly, but you wanted to do something that makes him feel good. You push him as far as you can trying to get his whole length in your mouth.
Neteyam sucks in a sharp breath and his eyes close savoring the feeling. You look up to watch his face so you can watch his expressions for what he likes and doesn’t. You slowly slide your head back and forth and use your tongue to drag against the underside of his tip. He throws his head back and lets out a series of moans at the sensation. The sounds coming from him make your whole body feel like it’s vibrating. Your core is hot with desire watching him lose himself to the pleasure. His hips start rocking into your face little by little and you keep moving your head to match his movements. At one point, you push a little harder and his tip slips down the back of your throat. It makes you gag and choke a bit. Judging by the look on his face, he liked that the most so far. So you do it again. You pull in a big breath before you push him as far down your throat as you can. You hold him there and try to breathe out of your nose as your throat spasms around his sensitive tip and tears stream down your face. “Oh fuck, syulang” his hands hold on to the side of your head and he fully thrusts himself into your mouth. He looks down at your face and damn, were you breathtaking. With your hair pulled back, he could fully see your big round eyes looking right into his soul and the tears that raced out of them while you deliciously swallowed his dick. The sight was enough to make him cum. He shot thick ropes of white directly down your throat with soul shattering relief.
You were almost sure you could drown from the amount of cum he released in your mouth, but you would die happy. Neteyam slid his dick out of your mouth and a single drop of his seed fell on your lips. You maintained searing eye contact with him as you dragged your tongue across the drop and let the flavor of him dance in your mouth.
“Oh, Great Mother, you are going to be the death of me, you know that?” he says kneeling down to get on your level.
You blink up at him waiting for the response he knew you wanted. He holds your chin with his fingers and gently kisses your lips. “Good girl.” Your tail swishes with joy. Even when Neteyam was gentle with you, he never stopped showering you with praise. You loved it and he knew that. You shimmy out of your loincloth and lay it on the floor next to you. You lie on your back and open your legs to expose your soaking pussy for him. You hold out your arms eagerly waiting for his body to be against yours. Neteyam hovers over you as he slides himself inside of you. It’s slow, but it lets you appreciate every single inch and ridge and curve.
You let out a moan at the full feeling. You pull his face down to yours and you hungrily kiss him, sliding your tongue across his. The taste of his seed is still fresh in your mouth and he adored when you tasted like him. It scratched this primal itch in his brain and he couldn’t get enough of it. He slides in and out of you easily as he gives you hard, loving thrusts. You moan against the kiss adoring the way your bodies fit together.
“Mmh, Ma’Teyam..”
His name in your mouth tasted just as good as he did. You break the kiss to pull your queue around in front of you. He looks at the bright pink tendrils dancing around in your hand. “I want you to make me yours, Ma’Teyam. I want to be yours forever.”
Neteyam’s chest squeezes with love and he reaches behind him to take ahold of his own queue. He holds it next to yours and the tips of the tendrils find each other and dance together until they form one cohesive bond.
Both of your pupils blow wide open as you now share every sensation from both of your bodies. You can feel his love and devotion for you rooted deep in his heart. He feels your safety and adoration. You can both feel each others’ impending orgasm. You can both feel the build and the full body tingles.
‘I love you, Ma’Teyam’ he can hear inside your thoughts. And you can feel how overwhelmingly his love floods over his head.
“I love you, yawntutsyip”, he says out loud. You kiss him and your bodies move in total sync. So much so that you can feel both of your orgasms approaching in sync. Your back arches and you hold on to Neteyam tightly sinking your nails into his back to hopefully tether you to the world.
The base of his dick starts to grow and you can feel how close he is. Neteyam hooks his arms under your legs so that your ankles are on his shoulders while he ruts into you. With this new angle, the tip of his dick is threatening to pierce right thru your cervix and it is fucking fantastic. He looks to the side and notices you’re wearing the ankle bracelet he made for you weeks ago. He kisses your leg tenderly as he speeds up his thrusts. He looks at your face silently asking you for permission and you nod your head wanting to feel him fill you again. It was truly euphoric. He pushes his knot in past your opening making your body jolt with electricity. He rolls his hips into yours and you both let go. Your orgasms crash into one another and the mental overstimulation makes your head feel like it’s spinning and your vision goes blurry. Neteyam slows down his movements riding out both of your highs and lets your walls pulsate around him and milk every last drop of his cum deep into your womb.
You both fall to the floor out of breath and gasp for air feeling each others’ struggle too. Neteyam falls onto his back and you fall on top of him resting your head on his chest. He held you close and closed his eyes wishing to never wake from this dream. You listened to his heart and felt your own heart beat in time with his. It felt like your body was glowing from the inside. Words couldn’t describe the joy you felt knowing you belonged to him and he belonged to you.
You never imagined that anyone would be able to tame you; you’d live out the rest of your days being known as the woman that couldn’t be broken. But Neteyam did it, he cracked the code. It still surprised you when you thought about it for too long.
Neteyam looked down at where your queues were still connected, “Do you want to let go?”
You shook your head against his chest. Words seemed to elude you at the moment, but you wanted to stay connected to him for a little longer.
Before either of you knew it, you both drifted off.
Weeks have passed and life has felt lighter than before. You were still a bit of a wild card, but you became much more friendly with other people in the clan. You would invite other people hunting with you from time to time and people seemed to not be so afraid of you anymore. It was like a whole new life.
And you had grown incredibly close with Neteyam’s family. They let you in and treated you just like family. You would help Tuk weave all kinds of accessories, you would hang out with Kiri in the healing tent picking up tips and tricks, and you would wreak havoc with Lo’ak. Having a family was nice.
And, of course, nothing compared to coming home every day to your lover. Feeling his caring embrace softened all your rough edges. It didn’t stop you from still giving him a hard time every now and then just so that he would absolutely devastate your body. He always took such good care of you afterwards too. You couldn’t find a fault in him if you tried. It was the most contented life you could have asked for.
Sitting in your tent, you try to practice your weaving. Your old foraging basket ripped and you were in need of a new one. You hear the flap open and feel big arms wrap around you from behind. “Welcome home ‘Teyam” you say without turning around. He buries his face in the back of your neck and his breath tickles your skin. His breathing is heavy and your nose twitches at something unfamiliar in the air. A scent you didn’t quite recognize, but it was delectable. “Yawne…” his voice was a low growl. Your hands paused and you finally turned to look at him. His eyes were a darker color than usual and sweat beads sat on his forehead. His half-lidded eyes trail your body full of hunger.
It’s his rut.
You hadn’t experienced one of his ruts yet. From what you heard, it’s rough. If it were even half as excruciating as your heat felt, you deeply sympathized with him. Neteyam had told you before that he completely loses sight of himself during this time. He has no real control over what he says or does. He described it as a switch being flipped and a demon taking over his mind and body. He meant it as a warning, but it just excited your senses. A day full of cruel poundings, endless knotting, and countless markings; your body is trembling with anticipation. You wanted to see this brutal, merciless animal that he would become while he bent you into whatever position pleased him in the moment. An eager smirk crawled onto your lips.
You had no idea what you were getting yourself into.
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wed-in-the-apocalypse · 7 months
The Conversation
Kinda drabble but its long so idk
Tara Carpenter x Reader
Fluff and angst
It was after 5 weeks of dating you that Tara started getting scared.
Not by you, never by you, but she was scared that if she told you what happened, that you would leave her, just like everyone else had, like her mom, and her father, like Sam did.
She was scared you'd call her a monster and leave her.
But she figured you already knew, of course you knew, she knew the killings were famous, that everyone knew who she was.
What she did.
What amber did.
But you weren't like amber, no, you were so sweet, and kind, you always made sure she felt safe, never pushed her to do anything, but you kept her grounded, kept her responsible.
5 weeks of utter bliss, 5 weeks of being the happiest she'd ever been.
And she was scared to ruin it.
She dreaded ever telling you.
And you never brought it up, until now.
She was sitting on your bed, she had told Sam that Mindy wanted to watch the latest horror movie with her, so she agreed to let her go.
She was scrolling through movies to watch while you were in the shower.
She settled on a movie when you walked out, hair still wet, wearing an oversized T-shirt and sweatpants and a towel over your shoulders.
You sat down on the bed, back resting on the headboard next to Tara.
"So what'd you pick?" You asked as she put her legs over yours and put her head on your shoulder cuddling up to you.
"Knives out" you quirked your head at her. "But I thought you wanted to watch the new insidious?" She nodded. "I know, but I've been picking movies and I wanted to put on something for you" your heart fluttered, even with something as small as putting on your favorite movie, it made you fall even harder for her.
"Thanks Tar" you kissed her forehead and she blushed. "Its nothing," you shuffled closer, if even possible. "Let's watch the movie now" you turned to the screen, still smiling.
It was halfway through when she noticed you hadn't talked for over 20 minutes, normally while watching a movie you loved to talk, not that she hated it, quite the opposite, she liked the way you were so engrossed by the story, or sometimes not, when you pointed out how ridiculous it was or how no one would ever do that.
But you were completely silent, Tara knew that was bad, silence never meant anything good, she learned that long ago.
And when she glanced at you it looked like you were staring right past the TV and through the wall, lost in thought.
"Hey y/n, you okay? Is something on your mind?" You shook your head to get out of your trance. "Yeah I was just thinking" you gave her a comforting smile, but she didn't believe it.
"Tell me what you're thinking, you know you can tell me" she placed her hand on yours that rested on your thigh. "I-..." you cut off, unsure if you should ask her, she nodded her head, encouraging you to continue. you inhaled deeply through your nose and turned to look at her with serious eyes.
"I want to know why you avoid talking about.." you hesitated. "Amber.." She froze, she avoided your eyes and took her hand away to rub the scar on her palm, one she created.
Her ears ringed, she felt nauseous, tears were pricking at her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.
She hated that name, she hated her.
But she had loved her, oh how she loved her, and she thought amber loved her too, even though she broke her over and over again, she loved her, she dealt with it because she thought it was what she deserved.
When she was first attacked, she went to amber, she had come to her hospital bed and faked concern, she remembered her saying; "I was so worried, I came as soon as I could" she had kissed her head and told her she loved her, and Tara believed it, but she learned later that she lied.
She lied, she lied to her, she's the one who gave her that scar, she's the reason she has a slight limp, why she has seven stab wounds littered across her body, from her stomach to her back, why she cried at night.
It hurt so much when she shot Liv, she was horrified, she tried to take the gun from her, but amber was stronger, she tied her up in a closet and taped her mouth shut while she cried and begged her to stop.
She had cried when she beat her with her crutches, and tears were still streaming when she shot her, and her voice trembled when she said; "you were a shitty girlfriend" and she fell into Sam's arms when she hugged her, she had seen ambers lifeless body fall on the floor.
She was a killer.
Just like her.
You immediately regretted what you said when she pulled away. "I'm sorry Tara, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, you don't have to answer" she didn't look at you, you took her hand in yours, she tried to blink away the tears but she couldn't stop herself from crying, tears felt like lava in her eyes, it hurt to cry, you pulled her into your chest as she did.
"I-... I loved her y/n.." She sobbed "shh.. Its okay I'm here" you whispered into her ear while she cried. "I killed her-" she broke off with another sob, and you whispered reassuring words in her ear, trying to soothe her. "I'm a killer.. just like her" you stroked her back and held her tightly as she broke down.
After she finally stopped crying and laid with you did she tell you everything, how she treated her, how she sometimes cries at night, how she haunts her in her sleep when she's alone in the dark.
Your heart broke and ached for her, your own tears were starting to appear when she told you how it hurt, you wondered why anyone, how, anyone could ever so much as think of hurting her, you would drive a knife through your own beating heart before you even lay a finger on her, so why would anyone especially her own girlfriend, try to kill her, her sister, and all her friends, for what? Fame? To make a new movie? It made you sick, your blood boiled when she told you, but you hurt for Tara more.
If you could heal her, take her place and take all that pain away, you would.
When she finished you held her tight, promising to never hurt or leave her.
And Tara believed it, and she knew you were telling the truth this time.
She would have you to help her heal.
Though she knew she could never forget, she knew you would be there to help her through it.
And she knew amber would still haunt her, and she'd still wake up at night because of it, but she knew you would be there to hold her and comfort her, you promised it.
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Sorry not sorry :)
Go to @dreamersbcll they talk about her trauma better then I can
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irondiotallica · 2 months
Flare Up
I went a little ham with this one. Couldn't stop writing it seems, but here is a new blurb. It's def a little clunkier than the other one, but I like the idea of Steve becoming a physical therapist after everything and offering his services to the cute metalhead he's had a crush on since the upside down. Idk. Oh and fun fact, Times Square used to be the porn capital before the 1990s when Mayor Rudolph Giuliani shut it down to clean up the city. Anyway, enjoy the blurb! -Silas
Eddie’s hip furiously blazed with a flash of stabbing pain. His joints had been bothering him underneath the scars left by the bats and their fucked up little teeth. The scarred flesh on his left hip was uncomfortably tight, pulled taut over his muscles and bones.
The damaged skin constricted his right shoulder, as though the skin would burst into a bleeding fissure with the tiny struggling breaths that Eddie was pushing through in labored waves. He was moments away from caving and taking a dosage of pills despite having agreed to take them less.
He felt as though his insides weren’t aware that he had been kept alive. It felt like his nerves had continued to decay turning into soaked cotton doused in kerosene with one little spark of discomfort able to render him incapacitated. 
Eddie shuffled to his phone with dread flooding through his system like an unprepared county during monsoon season. He knew that he had to call, but he was reluctant to do so. Even if he had been told it was no trouble, he knew it was more than it was worth.
He fidgeted, clenching his fingers around the coiled cord that connected the phone to the receiver. He dialed the numbers still imprinted in his brain from the day they had been hastily scribbled with a wolfish grin and intoxicating charm. The phone rang once, twice, three times, and Eddie began to put the phone back in its cradle when he heard a warm voice call out.
“Hello! This is Hawkins Physio Clinic, Dr. Harrington’s office. How may I help you?”
Eddie felt his face flush at the rush that hearing Steve’s voice gave him.
“Um H-hi,” Eddie coughed as he tried to clear the nervous lump from his throat,” Hey Steve.”
His words came out weak and nervous to his ears, he couldn’t imagine how it sounded to Steve.
Eddie could practically hear the grin that Steve was wearing through the phone.
“What can I do for you Eds,” Steve huffed out behind quiet chuckles.
Eddie tried to think before he spoke, but the words were flashing like the overwhelming neon signs that covered the porn capital of seemingly the world, Times Square. He continued to stumble through his words.
“Well, you said, uh,” his words were stubbornly refusing to come out of his mouth, thick with nerves,” you said if my joints were giving trouble, to call you.”
Eddie was not used to this. Asking for help was difficult and normally he wouldn’t ask, letting the issue fester, but he was dying. The pain was consistent and recurring. Somedays were good, but for the last week, he had mainly bad days filled with tears and laying on the floor praying for the pain to pass.
“I did say that. Are you finally taking me up on my offer? I’ve been told that I’ve got the magic touch.”
God, the cocky assurance in his voice was enough to make Eddie stand at attention in more ways than one, but another jolt of agony quickly snubbed that thought out.
It slipped past his lips before he could stop himself. His free hand gripped his thigh as he slid himself down to the ground waiting for the pain to pass. His breath was coming out short and a little frantic.
“Eddie, are you okay?”
Steve’s voice was warm and sweet like heated milk before bed as the cockiness dissipated, replaced with concern. Eddie wanted to answer, but the pain was crashing in waves and drowning him mercilessly. Still, he tries to answer.
“Ye-,” Eddie takes a deep breath in, feeling a few tears slip past his bottom eyelid,” Yeah, Steve. My nerves are just-”
Eddie breathes in again. He can’t stop the slew of pants leaving his lungs. 
“-misfiring. Just misfiring or whatever the fuck the doctor said,” he finally choked out, his voice tense and seizing with stress.
“I’ll be right there, okay? Just stay put.”
Eddie laughs at that although it comes out weak and soft.
“Where am I gonna go?”
“Oh shut up, you dork. You know what I mean.”
Eddie laughs a bit more before a groan leaves his lips at another jolt. He hears the click of disconnection and puts the phone down on the floor before laying on the tiles hoping for the chilly ceramic to ease the continuous, seizing torture. 
Eddie is still on the floor when a series of knocks echoes around him. Three rapid ones followed by four spaced out. Steve was here.
“It’s open,” Eddie calls out as he strains with tension.
Steve steps in and immediately heads to Eddie with graceful movements. Eddie looks at him through slitted eyes. Steve reaches down, pulling Eddie close, and murmuring sweet words to him. You’re so good, doing amazing, such a strong guy, so strong for me; flowing past his plush lips into Eddie’s ears.
A warm, secure, big hand grips Eddie’s hip as the palm presses down and drags his hip, resulting in a quick crack and Eddie feeling his joint loosen. Eddie pushed his face into Steve’s shoulder letting those hands massage his hip and the muscles surrounding it.
 God, Steve did have the magic touch, Eddie thought to himself with each warm bout of pressure. 
He let a sigh slip as those hands deviated to pop his shoulder before massaging the sore blades. He felt good, floaty in Steve’s care.
“There we go. Good job Eds. Always so good for me.”
Eddie feels his cheeks glow red as he tries not to think of the implications of those words. Eddie stays wrapped in Steve’s arms, comfortable.
“Thank you,” he stutters out with relief weighing his voice down.
Steve grins down at him with something akin to infatuation glimmering brightly in his gaze. Eddie couldn’t help but stare unabashedly at the pretty picture that Steve Harrington made. His warm brown eyes brimming with life. His little moles that were perfectly placed on his face as though planned. Those stupidly perfect, stupidly white teeth that Eddie had thought only possible in movies. Who could forget the hair? That stupidly styled mop of gorgeous mousy brown hair. Steve was stunning in Eddie’s eyes.
“If you really want to thank me, you could let me take you out this Saturday; see that new sequel to Alien?”
“You have the worst timing for things. Robin was right, you are a dingus,” Eddie teased, laughing at the way Steve looked away with a blush that went as far as the tips of his ears. 
“Shut up,” he grumbled out, squeezing Eddie just a little tighter. 
After Steve had finally collected himself, he looked at Eddie questioningly,” So? Are you letting me take you out?”
Eddie nodded with a grin, boyish and wide. 
Steve responded with a match grin and confirmation.
“It’s a date.”
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masha-nikita · 2 months
Fedor von Bock's War Diary, a commentary
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I have been reading von Bock’s war diary, and have noticed some interesting trends. I tend to agree with the Amazon top reviewer M. G Watson’s opinion, that it is written in excruciating details and professional jargon, and it may pose some problems for casual readers.
To a lay person, von Bock’s diary is heavily bogged down by factual statements and descriptions of the frontline situation, and its lack of sensibility means that the entries do not take the viewers deeper into analyzing a bigger picture nor do they show the colors of the writer’s mind and intentions- yet paradoxically, it is precisely what Bock’s mind is like- soldierly and loyal, to a point that he lacks common sense in basic human relations.
You’d get a sense that, yes, clearly this beauty is a bit off-kilter; no wonder according to E.A. Hart's "Hitler’s Generals", he was a social outcast among the officers, his harsh professional skills have no use in a normal civil society, and in turn, anything or anybody not wearing an uniform does not exist to him. You couldn't get more "autistic" than that.
The diary is clearly self-conscious that there may be readers, and oh boy, does von Bock like to complain to his readers that the OKH commanders are idiots! But not to a point that it attempts to manipulate the readers’ perceptions in order to virtue signal or to back stab, like certain historical memoirs do.
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What I do not agree with Watson entirely, is whether or not his respect for Hitler was genuine, as Bock needed to maintain a positive relationship with the Fuhrer to get what he wanted, or else Halder would limit his actions left right and center, which exasperates von Bock.
It is said that Bock was initially heavily implicated in the 720 plot, only to be spared because one of his former staff commented that “Bock has been very respectful of the Fuhrer”—the thing is, that officer cited this according to his older memories, not knowing that in his retirement, Bock demonstrated how hateful he was of Hitler’s guts (source needed).
Personal comments and private sentiments are so lacking in this diary that I believe Bock was secretly socially awkward-- yet he was not afraid to make other generals awkward with him. He only regarded other generals as parts of his professional military machinery. However, he didn’t seem to hold any grudges-- I mean, the Kluge-Guderian kind of negativity, hating other generals and trying on colleagues' career destruction all the damn time.
Basically, people agreeing with Bock = a happy Bock; people not agreeing with Bock = a angry-crying emoji Bock. He also uses simplistic language like “beautiful lads”, “the soldier beamed at me", “the division is good but tired” that gives off impressions of him speaking whatever is on his mind. He keeps his diary content strictly professional, so when emotions do break out, these are oh so simple, pure and raw. Bock uses exclamation marks too excessively, a sign that he doesn’t know how to employ elaborate words to communicate how he feels.
When he laughs, he laughs; he laughs at the paranoid patients' wild antics; when he's upset, he's upset, saying "Schlieffen turns in his grave!" because "I am not allowed freedom further eastward!" It pains me to see he say things like "The misery those fleeing the war is terrible", "frightful misery of the refugees, but what can I do?" The helplessness in Bock's voice is so astounding when his personal interests, his character and the war context are taken into consideration.
It is so beautiful when a butcher knife weeps tears of blood.
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If the emotion runs even deeper, he becomes quieter and more reserved. The readers have no chance seeing his softer spots. Who could blame this hardened soul for never writing anything about his stepson, whom he dressed up in little sailor outfit and took to see a military parade, so full of hope that the boy could be like him, or his grief when his family died?
11-9, 1939, Fedor von Bock very briefly and vaguely ordered von Kuchler to convene a court martial. Through the editor's archival supplement, we see that the SS artillery members killed lots of Polish Jews, and Fedi was NOT pleased. This informs me that when Fedi lingers on the "positive notes" about Hitler, it was probably artificial. Either massive Jewish civilian death really shook him, or he deliberately hid this court martial incident from his readers-- of whom there were certainly Nazi personnel.
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love-toxin · 1 year
Opinion on this idea: Instead of an engagement ring, Bully!Eddie makes reader get a tattoo of his name somewhere where he can only see 😼 (But maybe will give her a nice engagement ring down the line once he's able to save up).
(cws: bully!Eddie, tattooing, needles, f!angelface.)
for one: homemade tattoo. Eddie designs it and tells you he's gonna apply it himself, don't be a baby he's done it before, but he refuses to let you see the tattoo beforehand. you're terrified but you did agree to it, and you agreed to marry him, so.....all you can really do is just trust him. he wants to put it on your chest, right in the middle and just below your tits, so it'll be covered by your clothes and only occasionally seen if you wear a bikini or something. when he dips that scary-looking needle into his little pot of ink you're shaking, already close to tears and expecting him to just jab it right in--but he's so gentle, does the tiniest line and looks up at you to ask "s' the pain okay?" and when you process what he's saying and finally nod, he goes back to it, focused hard on what he's doing and slinking one of his hands up to hold yours when it gets really painful.
when it's done, somehow you're even more scared to see it, even though he doesn't have that smug smirk on his face that would tell you he's done something awful. but once Eddie's deemed that you've been laying down enough and he's gotten a little water in you, he helps you up and shows you what it looks like in the mirror, uncharacteristically quiet all the while. what you see staring back at you is a little black bat just like his, but its wings are outstretched and written across them are a line of little letters in a gothic-esque script; an E followed by a plus and the initial of your first name, with Munson carefully scrawled even smaller underneath it so the whole name fits. it's.....it's nicer than you were expecting, and you have no idea how relieved Eddie is when you tell him you love it. he can't even boast, he just smiles to himself, grateful that those long weeks of planning out the design and redrawing it a million times paid off.
aside from that, I also like the idea of bully!Eddie having no real concept of what's appropriate for an engagement ring. he knows what you like, but he doesn't know how much he should spend--and when he's saved up enough, he's stricken with fear when he shows what he picked out to his uncle, and Wayne just goes white as a sheet.
"fuck, what is it? is the colour off? does it look cheap? goddamn it, that lying fucking prick of a salesman-" Eddie nearly goes into a full, flustered rant as he pulls his hand back, looking over the ring like he hadn't done so a million times before he bought it and after--until Wayne stops him, and laughs.
"son, she's going to have a heart attack when she sees that, it's gorgeous. what on god's earth did you pay for a ring like that?"
let's just say Wayne is rendered speechless for a second time when Eddie tells him the price, completely blown away by how nonchalant his nephew is as he asks "what? i saved up my bonuses, and it's the kind she likes. you don't give a woman like that some cheap piece of shit." needless to say, Eddie's surprised to hear that he's probably spent about two or three times the amount any normal person would, but there's no way he's returning it for something more reasonable, cause it's the one ring he's found that's exactly what you would look for. of course, he's not gonna be totally certain until he gives it to you, but he's definitely gonna have quite the puddle of happy and shocked tears to mop up when he pulls it out on your anniversary.
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sapphic-lottienat · 5 months
a lil lottienat fic
summary: pre-crash, a bit of a continuation of a scene in season one and some first kiss flashback content (i sorta hate it its not the best thing ive written but oh well)
a/n: just kisses, flirting, and some in-character swearing <3
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“You know what? Fuck this.” 
Natalie resisted the urge to flip off her teammate as she spoke, resorting to turning and walking down the other end of the courtyard. She’d always known Taissa was the kind of girl who would do anything to get what she wanted. She’d even been known to convince teachers to raise her grade by a few marks. But freezing out a teammate? A freshman? It was a new low, and she wasn’t about to stoop to Taissa’s level.
She knew full well that the others, being the timid sheep they were, would probably agree, no matter how begrudgingly. That’s why she couldn’t help but be startled as a girl suddenly appeared next to her, offering a small smile.
“Lottie. Hey.” She struggled to hide the surprise in her voice. “Shouldn’t you be figuring out how to freeze Allie out?” She asked coolly.
Lottie shifted uncomfortably, falling into step beside her.
“Well- no, you’re right. I don’t want to. But you know Taissa, none of us could convince her otherwise even if we tried. Well- maybe Van could, but I don’t think Tai would want us to tell her.”
Natalie rolled her eyes, but smiled gently at the mention of Van.
“Those two are-”
“Totally dating?” Lottie finished, a slight twinkle in her eye as she glanced at Natalie. The blonde girl laughed a little, and nodded her agreement.
A silence fell over the two as they walked together. The differences between them stood out sorely, and if they weren’t wearing the same soccer uniform, anyone would assume they didn’t know each other.
Lottie loomed over Natalie, and carried herself with the reluctant elegance of a girl born into a more privileged lifestyle than Natalie, to say the least. Natalie was much shorter, hair dyed a messy blond and smelling faintly of some sort of alcohol, as she often did.
Lottie noticed this, and decided to break the silence.
“Drinking again?”
“Mind your own business.” Natalie retorted instinctively, but softened a little as she saw Lottie flinch.
“No, I’m kidding- yeah, my friend snuck in a bottle. Why, you want me to get you some too?”
Lottie wrinkled her nose at the thought, which made Natalie laugh.
“Nah, don’t worry. I know you don’t like that kinda stuff.”
As the two approached the soccer field, Lottie paused next to the bleachers, causing Natalie to halt too, offering a curious look and a slight tilt of the head.
“So… if you know I don’t like that stuff, do you know what I do like?” She smirked a little as she spoke, leaning against the wall beside her. Natalie glanced nervously towards the field, torn between what to do.
“Lot, maybe here isn’t the best time, someone could see-”
She shut up quickly at the brunette’s pout, which seemed to be one of her few weaknesses. She met Lottie’s gaze, hating herself for the way she felt her cheeks burn against her pale skin. She wasn’t supposed to have a weakness, something that could make her knees go weak. She was the strong one. The tough one. And she didn’t, up until a few weeks ago.
It had been their closest game of the season, and things were tense. The girls were silent in the locker room, and all of them left with more haste than normal. Natalie had sat against the lockers, fighting tears for the first time in a while. She could usually suppress them easily, but she had choked today. She wasn’t meant to do that.
She had let the defender slip right past her, letting her secure one of the team’s two goals. It was the worst slip up of the whole season, and everyone knew it. She also knew all too well that some of her teammates were a little scared of her to say the least — except for maybe Lottie — so no one said a word. Not even Jackie, confident and assured team captain. Not even Taissa, headstrong and ready to call Natalie out on the smallest mistake.
That’s how she knew it was bad.
When it got to the point where she was sure everyone had left, she let herself cry. God, had it felt good. For the first time in months, a pure, genuine release of-
She ran an arm across her face, and glared up at the source of the interruption.
“The fuck are you doing here, Lottie?” She seethed, looking away guiltily at Lottie’s wounded expression. The taller girl fumbled her words.
“Shit, I’m so sorry- I didn’t mean… are you okay?”
She lowered herself to sit next to Natalie, awkwardly resting her arm over her shoulder. At this level of affection, Natalie began to cry more, turning to bury her face into Lottie’s neck. The two sat, not talking, for a few minutes before the blonde girl's crying died away.
“S-sorry you had to see that.” She mumbled awkwardly, turning her head.
“No! It’s fine, I promise. Are you okay, though? I… I know it seemed bad out there, but we won in the end, right? Just because you let that ball slip past, it does not make you a bad soccer player, okay? You’re one of the best on the team, and everyone loves you-”
“Everyone hates me.” She interjected, turning to face Lottie. Eyeliner was smudged beneath her eyes, and her lip quivered a little. Even if Lottie knew Natalie was hard to figure out, she could tell one thing; Natalie was being genuine. She really thought no one liked her. And the knowledge of that broke her a little. Natalie went on.
“I just- you’re all popular and sporty and rich, and I’m what? I’m just the burnout that people are scared of. Who lives in a trailer park, who gets bad grades, who messes up soccer games. No one has any hopes for me, because why should they?” 
She looked away again, fighting another wave of tears.
“I don’t.” 
The words were spoken quietly, almost at a whisper, but they were sincere. Natalie turned to look at Lottie, who was staring at the floor. She glanced up, offering a soft smile.
“Uh- hate you, that is. I don’t hate you. And I really don’t think the others do. Everyone thinks you’re cool, Nat. And so what if you’re a bit intimidating? At least the opponents are scared of you.”
Natalie chuckled a little at that, and shook her head slightly.
“I don’t get it.”
Lottie cocked her head. “Get what?”
“...Why you’re so nice to me? You’re kind of the only one. It’s…” She paused to think, and met the brunette’s gaze with a smirk. “It’s actually sort of adorable.”
Lottie’s eyes widened, though not in surprise. That is, not in surprise of what she said. She knew there had been something between them for ages, a palpable tension that tightened at every slight glance, every small smirk. But she had never expected Natalie to act on it, and definitely not now.
Natalie gently reached her hand to cup the taller girl’s cheek. She felt Lottie’s face grow warm under her touch, smirking at her flustered expression. She giggled a little, leaning in ever so slightly.
“Is this oka-”
Lottie surged forwards impulsively, closing the gap. The kiss lasted for hardly a second before Natalie pulled away, settling into a smirk at Lottie’s wide-eyed expression.
“I… that was… nice. Could you… kiss me again?” Lottie glanced away awkwardly, a little embarrassed at her boldness.
Natalie grinned, wrapping her hand around the back of the other girl’s neck, pulling her in again. This time, the kiss lasted for longer, both of them leaning in further, relaxing, melting into each other's touch.
That was why now, weeks later, they were making out behind the bleachers, giddy with love. Natalie, being much shorter than Lottie, raised herself on her tip-toes as high as she could, grumbling something unhappily every time the other girl would tease her by lifting her head just out of her reach.
“Hm- Lottie stop it-”
“Aww but it’s so fun teasing you.” She giggled back, but lowered her head to kiss her more, both of them so desperate for the other. Natalie moved her hand to the bottom of Lottie’s shirt, beginning to feel her way under. Lottie pulled away in surprise, taking a slight step back. The blonde girl flushed red, and looked away.
“Shit- sorry.”
“No, it- it’s okay. Maybe another time. But we should go to training. C’mon.” She pecked Natalie gently on the cheek, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the field. The shorter girl followed after, head still dizzy, and very in love.
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depravitycentral · 1 year
Cw: yandere, dub-con, oral (m receiving), degradation, cum play, spitting, photography, fem reader
When you ask him to call you pretty, he does.
Especially when he’s got you on your knees in front of him, chest heaving, your eyes a little teary. He likes how they get all glassy like this, your pretty hair all messed up and tangly from him gripping it so tightly.
He likes how your lips are still parted, swollen and pink, a bit of drool staining your chin, a bit of sweat at your temples. He likes how the mascara he’d asked you to wear is starting to run, the dark color leaving little trails across your cheeks that make him stifle a groan.
He likes the way your body looks in the pretty dress he’d picked out for you to wear, the satin material making your skin look even smoother and softer than normal. It’s his favorite color, you know – his favorite girl in his favorite color. It makes him blush like a school boy, but he knows you wouldn’t dare mention it.
He likes the way the gold jewelry he’d gifted you for this evening looks against your collarbones – dainty and loopy, his initials inscribed against your throat like a mark of ownership. It looks nice against the hickeys and bruises he’d sucked into your neck earlier, he thinks.
He likes the way one of your tits is hanging out of the dress, nipple perked up and taut, the material bunched up at its bottom. He’d had bad self control, he’ll admit – he wanted to keep you pristine and perfect for this, but his hands had a mind of their own.
But most of all, he likes the way his cum looks smeared across your face, the off-white making your skin glow. It’s in ribbons across your lips and cheeks, a bit on your forehead, even some in your hair. Cum stains the lovely jewelry you’re wearing, and he shudders at the sight. A dribble rolls down your breast, pooling at your nipple, before dripping down onto your lap.
He licks his lips.
“Ask me to call you pretty. Ask me if you’re pretty right now.” He says, and you do.
“Am I pretty?”
He’s silent for a moment, before a smile slowly spreads across his lips. His thumb comes up to your cheek, the pad rubbing against your skin – for comfort, you hope, though you know he’s just rubbing his cum harder against you, spreading it along your skin to claim you as his his his.
“So pretty.” He murmurs, and for a moment your heart leaps out of your chest.
But then the smile turns sour, like a rotten apple, and he pinches your cheeks between his thumb and forefinger.
“My pretty little slut, covered in my cum. What would all your friends and family say now, huh? Now that you’re just my little toy to fuck and taint?”
His voice is cruel, and fresh tears well up in your eyes as he whips his phone out, the flash of the camera blinding you.
“You’re very pretty, babe. Very. But I think you’d look even prettier with my cum in that pretty ass of yours, yeah?”
You don’t agree, but as he slaps your cheek and sneers down at you to get on your hands and knees, you do it.
You say nothing as the zipper of his suit trousers goes town, veiny hands tugging his tie looser around his neck, the white dress shirt he sports scrunched up at the elbows.
And when he flips up the bottom of your dress, nudging your legs apart and spitting down onto your pretty folds, you say nothing. What can you say? He’s right, after all.
You really are just his slut, and you’ll take whatever he gives you.
He thinks you’re pretty, after all.
Tetsurou Kuroo, Kei Tsukishima, Tooru Oikawa, Kenjiro Shirabu, Kenji Futakuchi, Rintarou Suna Pariston Hill, Shalnark, Milluki Zoldyck
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fabunicorn · 1 year
Can you do forced agre with the hosts club
Immediately yes I have an idea it could become a series depending on my motivation levels, anyways bone apple teeth looks like it’s gonna be a long one.
Almost forgot all characters in this are aged up (almost forgot they weren’t adults then i remembered oh yeah the anime has high school in the name, so yeah their alleged up and ouran academy is a universitypls forgive me lol i dot know how i forgot tho it is agere so does it matter idk tell me in the comments since its not sexual i dont think it is but i could be wrong)
Forced agree
Mention of death
Mention of reader being an orphan
Slight mention of diaper wetting and messing (very brief doesn’t actually happen just mentioned)
Ouran academy. A place where rich snobs learn and do genuinely pointless things in between they call it the playground for the rich and beautiful a fitting name for it as those who learn there are automatically placed into power and are sheltered throughout there whole lives.
You are Y/n L/n you came from a normal family, you weren’t rich by any means however you weren’t poor either, you got into ouran academy based on your excellent grades you were offered a full scholarship today was your first day and things definitely weren’t going good. People stared at you in awe and pity as you walked though the Halls “poor thing how can she live as a commoner” one of the girls whispered to her friends as you walked past “she’s so cute like a little fawn” a boy across the hall spoke as you turned and gave him a glare. Who do these people think they are just because your poor doesn’t mean your life sucks, you’ll show them you’ll show all of them you will become the most successful person ever seen in ouran.
You were looking for a library that wasn’t full of pretentious sobs chattering, all you wanted was some piece and quite before your first class started. “Music room three, seems pretty quiet” you muttered to yourself opening the door being blinded by a bright light and barrage of rose petals, “welcome princess to our land of beauty” you heard a voice speak as your eyes finally adjusted to the surprise. You saw a boy with bright blonde hair and purpleish blue eyes, your eye twitched in annoyance ‘is there a room in this place where there isn’t s many people’ when the boy finally stopped posing and opened his eyes he gasped with a wide smile and tears coming out of his eyes “OH MY, your so cute” he said in a lively tone before grabbing you in a hug and spinning you around in circles.
Pushing the boy off you growled narrowing your eyes at him, looking behind the boy you saw others one small boy with blonde eyes and honey coloured eyes, a tall stoic looking boy with dark hair and a set of twins with quaffed orange hair and finally a ratherbored looking boy with rounded glasses and a girl with short brown hair but wearing the boys uniform? That same lively voice from before broke you from your thoughts “sorry dear please forgive me,my name is Tamaki Suoh you look new allow us to relax you with our esteemed host club” he spoke moving his hair from his face. “No way, who do you think you are? You can’t just randomly hug people without permission.” You said in an angry tone. One of the twin spoke “boss look at her clothes, she must be a commoner” the boy called tamaki looked at you eyes widening in shock and surprise gasping dramatically “oh my poor thing! You serve so much better your so cute and I bet once we get past that surprise and anger you’d be so sweet too.” Your brow twitched at the blondes words “just because I’m poor doesn’t mean anything, and don’t make assumptions about people you don’t know its rude.”
The girl spoke up “I agree with her on this senpai” you looked in her direction and smiled, you liked her she seemed nice “thanks” you said to the girl before hearing gasps from all of the boys “look at that smile how cute!” You groaned in annoyance before the boy wearing glasses spoke up “I never thought I’d say this but I agree with you boys she is quite adorable.” Tamaki at hearing this grabbed you and started spinning you around again “you even made the stoic kyoya smile what talent! You must join the host club your so cute everyone would love you.” You pushed tamaki off you again becoming dizzy you stumbled before you bumped into a table knocking off a variety of teacups and teapots.
“Uh oh” sang one of the twins “we were going to sell those in our next auction” spoke the other one,you sweat dropped “look even though its not my fault cuz you spun me I’ll pay you back” the boy in glasses chuckled “sorry princes but it would take you years to pay this off” you frowned your first day at this school was not going well, the boys interrupted you “please step outside while we discuss what we should do.” You nodded a solemn look on your face before stepping outside.
The boys huddled together whispering “she’s sweet and cute don’t you agree” Tamaki spoke a chorus of hums following in reply “she’s poor too a girl as sweet and cute like that deserves better.” Spoke Hikaru, kyoya piped up “I took a look at her files apparently sh was bullied in her own school and lives alone, her parents are dead.” Honey geared up at this “you mean she is an orphan?” Kyoya nodded a serious look crossing his features “oh that poor girl she must be working else how is she providing for herself” Tamaki spoke “she works in a cafe” kyoya replied, a though popped into all of their heads and they smiled. “I believe we are all thinking the same thing” kyoya said “I bet she’s stressed and I’ve seen something called ageregressio. It supposed to help, plus she’s so cute and sweet someone like her should never have to lift a finger especially after what she’s been through.” Spoke tamaki “then its settled well tale her to one o our houses to do this then well come back once she’s settled in” spoke kyoya. Surprisingly harsh I agreed with them too, she genuinely thought it would help you.
Haruhi went to let you back in “you can come back in now” she spoke in a soft tone a small smile gracing her features. You gulped in fear ‘these people can do whatever they want they will only believe the and even if they don’t they can pay people off’ you thought anxiously before stepping back into the room, the boys smiled as you walked in “we have come to a decision that we will tell you at one of our houses later, for now I believe it’s best for us to introduce ourselves” kyoya said that same bored expression back on his face “you already know me little one my name is tamaki suoh” the tall blonde spoke with a dazzling smile, “I’m honey and this here is Takeshi” spoke the small boy as h pointed to himself and the tall stoic boy who only gave a solemn nod in your direction. “We are the twins hikaru and Koaru dont worry your little head over who’s who you’ll never be able to tell” they giggled in sync with one another “I’m haruhi” said the girl whom you actually liked you smiled sadly at her before turning your attention back to the boy with glasses “my name is kyoya” he spoke plainly before tuning back to his clipboard.
“Okay little one meet us at the front of the school after lunch” spoke tamaki once more offering you a bright smile before showing you off “now hurry little one dont want to be late for your first class” he said finally allowing you to leave, you did so hoping to not arouse their anger.
They boys spoke in a hushed tone “we’ve got a lot of work to do, let’s get started.”
Lunch could not have come quicker and you were waiting anxiously swaying at the front of the school where the boys told you to wait, a limousine pulled up beside the boys all inside dragging your in a settling you between them before producing a cloth soaked in a strong liquid that knocked you out almost immediately.
“Shhhh dont wake her, she’s had. Rough day she needs all the rest she can get” spoke one voice “oh but kyoya I need to cuddle my little girl now” whined another voice in reply, you slowly opened your eyes sitting up before noticing something was very wrong. One you were in a bassinet,two you were in a soft onesie and diaper and three you couldn’t move very much. “See now look what you did.” Spoke the boy you remembered being kyoya they both turned and cooed to you before tamaki picked you up and settled you on his hip “oh my little girl welcome back daddy will explain soon but first we gotta get that diaper checked we dont want you getting a rash now do we little bug?” He spoke in a warm tone, your eyes widened at this “no,no dont touch me you sick freak what the hell is going on.” You spoke angrily kyoya turned around and glared at you “unless you want a red bottom I suggest you let your daddy check you” this scared you enough to stop all movements and let tamaki undres you and slip a finger down your diaper checking for any wetness or messes “all dry and clean” tamaki cheered.
“Hmm if she doesn’t go soon we will have to give her some medicine we don’t want her getting sick.” Chimed kyoya with a worried expression on his face before his smile returns and he grabs you from tamaki “lets go down and see your daddies and mommy huh little one, then we can get some nice milk in your tummy.” He spoke before taking you downstairs. Once you were downstairs you entered a living room that had another bassinet a baby bouncer wing and some soft toys you were so mortified you almost didn’t notice the others I the room smiling at you. “Hey little one hows our baby doing huh.” Spoke haruhi as tamaki sat down with you settled in his lap before she put a pacifier in your mouth. You spat it out and kyoya and Moro gave you a warning look so you took it and left it in, ‘these people are weird, best not to anger them you though as tamaki broke you from your thoughts.
‘So my little girl as you may have guessed you are bing put into age regression we know ll about your past and since we all like you so much and this can help you, this is how you will be paying us back do yo understand baby.” Tamaki cooed. You nodded already making escape plan in your mind. “Now there are a few rules you must follow and things you must do for this to work.” Kyoya interrupted “you must use your diaper for all purposes, you will be treated like a newborn as we feel that will be most comforting and relaxed, you must drink out of bottles and aching else we may give you and overall act like a baby and behave or you will be punished. Understand.” Kyoya said, you nodded playing along so they would trust you.
Honey tried waving usa chan in your face making voices and trying to make your laugh but you were too mentally exhausted to deal with that so mori took you from tamaki “it seems our little girl is tired so for now its a baba and a nap.” He spoke in a gruff tone, the others agreed and one of them left to make you a bottle whilst you were being rocked in moris arms.
‘Lord give me strength’ you thought with a blank stare.
To be continued…
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ambrosiaferine · 1 year
So, I've been thinking, sometimes one species becomes attracted to another, sometimes even more so than other members of their own.
What is there was an alien species that did something like that? What if in their culture to get a mate, they just have to be persistent, just has to get their potential mate to agree to go into their home. What if they've watched a lot of human romance in media, so now they think Humans act the same?
Just imagine, space travel is a thing. All different sorts of aliens are relatively normal to see, and you've recently been befriended one. Your friend has been asking you to come visit its home for mouths now, and you finally have both the time and money to do so.
Everything seems normal at first. Your friend lets you in and gives you a tour. It presents you with a large spread of food. And sure, your friend has been a bit more affectionate with you, but it's probably because it just feels more comfortable in its home.
But as the day wears on the more..... touchy it gets.
Your friend seemed nervous as it led you to a specific room. You weren't sure what it was called as the name had no equivalent in any human language.
Suddenly you're thrown to the ground, but before you could demand what was going one of the alien's many appendages is shoved down your throat.
Your friend makes a whining sound. It's shaking from anticipation, the need to take you, to breed you, overwhelmed it.
Its claws tear through your clothes, leaving you bare. And the alien before you salivates at the sight.
More appendages appear and tightly wrap around you, keeping you still.
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sunnydayroleplay · 1 year
Hiiii! How are you? Don't hate me, but they had no right to make Ian cuteee- I'm sorry! He's just adorable! I would take him back- That sounds toxic, but ANYHOW. how would Ian react to MC taking him back?
This is the first post I’ve ever gotten about Ian omfg-
I aint gonna yuck your yums, I agree they had no right to make him so adorable. He’s quite cute aha~
Now, let’s write!
Contents Inside: Heavy Emotions (Crying, Anger), Uhhh Ian getting a bunch of speeding tickets most likely, You fucking slap his hoe ass, Cuddle times.
18- DNI, even though this is a relatively SFW post, the game it is based off of is an 18+ community. It is for your own safety, and you interacting not only jeopardizes that, it jeopardizes mine, and the creators of the games. For SFW + 18- safe content, check out my art page instead. @feralhalfnhalfcreamer
Countless missed phone calls, some unopened letters, he was desperate. He was desperate to win you back, or even just a word from you. He didn’t know how you were anymore because of him. All those memories from your guys’ childhood just vanished like that because of him and he hated it. If only he hadn’t went to that bar. If only he hadn’t finished that last drink. Maybe you’d be still together.
Tiresome nights, he still hasn’t gotten over you. And you couldn’t get him out of your head. You find yourself wearing his old shirts when you go to bed. The way his smell lingered in your nose was comforting yet infuriating. You’d sleep in his untouched room, on that same bed you’d talk to him in.
Was this normal? You know “getting over with” is different for everybody, but why is it lasting for so long? Why do you still love him? Why can’t you bring yourself to love someone else after months have passed? Why do you have the sudden urge to call him back and tell him you love him?
You shouldn’t. He cheated on you, regardless if he was drunk or not. He hurt you so badly, you don’t know if he’s only going to do it again. But, you can’t help but to find out. You want to hear his voice again one last time and have it not be his crying.
Your phone was vibrating on your nightstand. You leaned over to check who it was, and sure enough it was Ian. Your heart was racing, should you answer it? Do you want to try at this again? You’ve known him for the longest time, and you know he wouldn’t cheat on you to be a dick. That he wouldn’t hurt you just to hurt you. Maybe he really was sorry. Maybe you should answer it.
Letting out a sigh, you pick up the phone and press ‘accept’. You hear a shocked gasp from the other line.
“Y/N?! I-Is that you? Oh god..please I’m so sorry, I-“
“Come over. We need to talk.”
“Wait wh-“
You hang up and throw your phone across the room: Did you really tell him to come by to what was once both of your homes? And is he going to see that you still kept everything of his intact? Your heart is pounding, your mind is racing, you don’t know what to do or say, but you know that its not gonna be good.
Were you happy about this? Were you really going to let him back into your life after that last few months have been a living hell? So many questions and not enough answers. It felt like you were in your bed panicking for only mere seconds until you heard a knock on your door.
It’s him.
Practically falling out of your bed, you try to wipe away your tears as you crawl out of your room and towards the front door. Should you open it? Are you really going to do this. Yes, you are. You unlock the door, and slowly open it up.
Standing in the door way was a light brunette haired man, freckles covering his soft face. He had a brown coat on, with a rough pair of jeans. His neck wore that necklace you once matched with.
You looked up at him, tears still streaming down your face. He clenched on his bag strap harder, trying not to do anything rash. Furrowing your eyebrows, you clenched your fists, and brought up a hand to slap him as hard as you could.
Ian immediately let go of his bag and held onto the side of his face that you hit him on.
“Ow!! I.. that was deserved..”
Like a typical day in Autumn, you couldn’t not let out your rain. Tears just falling down from your eyes, you tried your best to keep up your composure, but you couldn’t. Ian let go of his face. It was obvious that he wanted to go inside and hold you in his embrace that he had done so many times before. But he refrained.
You jumped in his arms, holding on for dear life as if he was going too disappear into ash and crumb.
“You’re a fucking dick! I hate you so much! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!!”
You hit him after every emphasis given. Ian didn’t say anything about it. He just wanted to comfort you. His hands ran up and down your spine as he tried to shush you softly. Like he had always done beforehand.
You hated how it felt so nice. How it felt so good the way he treated you in the moment. Eventually he let go off you, and you managed to calm down enough to start a basic conversation.
The two of you talked, you actually talked. After so long, you got to see each other, and it was actually nice. Ian talked about how it went on, and how he was deeply sorry. He went on his knees and practically begged for you to take him back. That he couldn’t live without you.
And to be honest, you knew you couldn’t either. He was one of the only things on your mind since he left. You knew you couldn’t get over him. You lept into his arms again, and held him close. You weren’t crying this time, at least not that much.
He pressed a kiss against your forehead, his hand resting behind your back, playing with your hair.
“I’m sorry Y/N.. I-I know that I-“
“Shut up and just.. stay with me..don’t leave me again..please..”
“You really mean it? You’re not just saying that..?”
“Do you want me to change my mind? I-I’ll be honest.. I couldn’t get over you either..it was hard.. You left me Ian. You left when I needed you most.”
“I won’t leave you again. I-I will always be here, okay? Please, I promise, I-I love you, you’re m-my everything..!”
Should you fall for those sentimental words again? Are you truly ready to start things over? It’s hard to decide, but you have an answer. Yes, you’re ready. Slowly but surely.
“J-Just come inside..”
You finally step aside and let him in, closing the door behind him. He walks over to that same familiar couch that the two of you got off the side of the road in a “rich people” neighborhood.
The two of you managed to calm down enough. Your ear pressed against Ian’s chest. Your breathing almost aligning up with his. He had both his arms wrapped around you. Its been awhile since you had done something like this with him. In general its been awhile since you had done anything with him.
Sure, its going to take a long time to build up trust with him, but at least he’s willing to do anything for it.
After so many nights of crying yourself to sleep, this was the one time in forever where you could sleep happy. Even if it meant getting back with your ex. And happily so.
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sereshawl · 1 year
I can't believe no one's asked for this one yet, it's so Hangster! "Is that my shirt?"
Oh, I’ve been waiting for this one.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 555
Bradley is minding his business, staring at the pool table and trying to figure out his next shot, when his world tilts on its axis. He glances up just in time to watch Jake stroll through the door.
Usually this wouldn’t mean much, Jake doesn’t even acknowledge him after all. But Bradley can’t tear his eyes away as he makes his way over to the bar.
Jake is wearing Bradley’s shirt. It’s a navy blue hawaiian shirt that Jake would not be caught dead in normally. He’s made fun of Bradley’s clothing choices countless times. How did he even get it? Now that Bradley thinks about it, he hasn’t seen that shirt in a while.
Fuck. Jake’s walking towards them now and with every step Bradley gets a better look. He’s got three of the buttons undone, showing off his chest, the thin chain of his dog tags hanging in the center.
It isn’t until Jake stops on the other side of the table that Bradley finally tears his eyes away and looks up. Immediately they make eye contact and Bradley realizes Jake has a shit eating grin on his face.
Jake tucks his sunglasses into the v of the shirt neck, low on his chest. The action brings Bradley’s eyes down again and he can’t look away.
“Is that my shirt?” He asks absentmindedly. He knows it is, he doesn’t need confirmation.
Jake hums and shrugs, waving him off in favor of saying hello to Coyote. Oh right. There’s other people here. He looks up to find Phoenix has started a new game entirely, a smirk on her face. How long has he been standing there looking like an idiot?
Jake mingles, talking to anyone and everyone while Bradley stands off to the side and stares. Jake doesn’t look at him, doesn’t even glance.
They agreed to keep whatever this is quiet. No one needed to know before they even knew themselves. But then Jake walked in wearing that shirt and all of that went out the fucking window.
Bradley steps in between Jake and Payback, drawing both of their attention. Jake’s green eyes are sparkling with amusement when they meet Bradley’s brown ones. “We’re leaving.”
Jake scoffs, “oh, are we?”
Bradley grabs his wrist with one hand and turns towards the door, not bothering with anything else. He hears someone whistle right before he drags Jake through the doors.
From there it’s a blur. Bradley broke a fuck ton of traffic laws. As soon as they are in Bradley’s door he crowds Jake against a wall, grabbing a handful of the shirt, “do you have any idea what this does to me?”
Jake hasn’t stopped grinning, “maybe you’ll have to show me.”
He fucks Jake on his back. Jake’s still wearing the shirt, the buttons completely undone as it hangs off his shoulders and splays across the bedding. Jake moans and keens under him, the red blush flooding down his chest and up his neck is stark against the deep blue.
When they are done, sated and sweaty, Bradley finally lets Jake throw the shirt to the side. “Did I leave that at your place?”
Jake laughs, collapsing against the bed again, “nah, I took it out of your closet. Surprised you didn’t notice.”
Bradley hums, “you should wear my clothes more often.
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vikenticomeshome · 3 months
The Cyberchase Homepage Through the Years: part 2 (January 6, 2005 through February 10, 2007)
I decided to pick up where I left off on my earlier post documenting the Cyberchase homepage over the years. Here is a capture from January 6th, 2005. The page is now back to normal after Starlight Night 2004. We now have an advertisement for "Cyberchase: The Quest".
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On January 30th, 2005, we got the Valentines Day design again. Cyberchase had wrapped Season 3 in December of 2004, and they wouldn't start airing Season 4 until April, so I suppose they didn't have anything new to promote just yet. I only just noticed that Matt is holding a flower as part of this artwork. I'm a bit surprised that neither of the girls are holding anything.
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They went back to advertising Cyberchase: The Quest by February 20, 2005.
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On April 6th, 2005, Digit started advertising "Know Your Dough", which was all about teaching children about money management.
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This capture from June 28th, 2005 shows an advertisement for "Quest 2: Race for Radopolis".
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On July 21, 2005, we got this promotion for Hacker's secret.
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This was referring to the main part of the "Transformatron Story Arc", as it discussed the four episodes where The Hacker was assembling the Transformatron. This was also where Slider was reunited with his dad.
Season 4 Episode 2: "The Icky Factor"
Season 4 Episode 3: "Penguin Tears"
Season 4 Episode 4: "Past Perfect Prediction"
Season 4 Epsiode 5: "Measure for Measure"
I may do a separate post talking about the promotional content, as it is no longer on the PBS Kids website, but I have recovered most of it for the FlashPoint Archive Project. Unfortunately, that video preview was in RealPlayer, and those files are lost now. But, the rest of it is now preserved.
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By August 7th, 2005, the "Hacker's Secret" promotion was gone. At that point they didn't have any advertisement in the bottom right corner. Fun fact, the file names refer to this bottom-right-corner advertisement as a "bug", regardless of what was being advertised. This would have been in reference to bottom-right-corner station IDs that you would see on television channels.
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I found a capture from September 30th, 2005 where they re-worked the page. The background is the same, but they've added new screens, kicked out Buzz and Delete, and now we get a count-down for new episodes, which are given a more prominent place. There is also a mention of a contest for 2005. It looks like another Intel partnership where winners would get laptop computers, similar to the 2004 contest. I need to dig around and see what can be retrieved from that and make a separate post.
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It's October 13th, 2005, and we get a Halloween version of the site. It looks like they just recycled it from last year. It is a bit of a shame, as I liked the new screen arrangement.
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And then, when November 2nd, 2005 rolled around, we are back to the advertisement for Cyberchase: The Quest.
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Here we see a capture from December 5th, 2005, and its a little bit confusing. The kids are all dressed up in their winter wear, and we have Cybersite Penguia as our backdrop. It looks nice until you start thinking about it.
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At first, I thought the kids had lugged the terminals and computer screens out there for this winter photoshoot. But then I saw the whole-ass balcony was also out there. How would they get that all that way to Penguia? Portal? Why would Motherboard agree to that? Was she in a particularly silly mood? And why were Buzz and Delete invited to this photoshoot? I think this is a Star Trek Holodeck type of situation where they haven't left the original room, and they are just simulating Penguia.
And now, we have this capture from December 10th, 2005, where Bianca makes a cameo to announce the winners of the 2005 contest. I don't think the kids have noticed her yet. Otherwise, they would be very surprised.
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And now, it is January 18th, 2006, and we get a promotion for Cyberchase Super Science coming in 12 days. I don't remember what this was off the top of my head.
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It is now February 2nd, 2006. The winter theme is gone, and the screens have been shifted around again to advertise "Cyberchase: The Quest 3" (the top left Cyber-beast), and "Cyberchase Super Science".
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This was an initiative that focused on kids designing, creating, and customizing things. This is something else that I need to make a separate post on at some point, depending on what I am able to recover. I can see that we have a link to "Cyberspace News Issue #3", which is a little confusing. The "Hacker's Secret" promotion gave us an un-numbered issue of "Cyberspace News", which I assume was Issue #1. I don't remember seeing an issue #2 anywhere. I need to look into that.
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This capture from April 10th, 2006, shows the "Know Your Dough" advertisement has returned. Maybe the kids spent too much money on the screens and needed a refresher.
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An June 15th, 2006, we get a promotion for "My Cyberchase Summer", pushing aside the Cyberchase Super Science promotion. This new promotion does feature The Hacker, and he would do something like that. This section had a list of the different episodes that were going to air during the summer of 2006, and they included activities to go along with them. Maybe I'll make a separate post all about this section later.
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It is now September 25, 2006. They finally kicked The Hacker off the screen and replaced him with a promotion for "My Big Idea".
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This was an initiative where parents could submit videos of their children working on inventions. This page talks about the invention videos being put up on the website and potentially aired on TV. The TV airing would have been part of "Cyberchase: My Big Idea", which was a two-hour special hosted by Harry and Bianca. The special used four episodes aired in a row, and Harry and Bianca would show up in-between them to talk about inventions and show the clips of the kids. I need to see if this is still around somewhere.
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Here we go. It is October 23rd, 2006, and the site has had a major redesign. They had been serving Flash games for years now, but now the homepage interface is all Flash. Additionally, the kids get idle animations. I can post a still image, but that can only show so much when the whole point is that the site is full of animations now. This particular page is advertising the new episodes coming in February, the character gallery where they put artwork submitted by viewers, a Starlight Night theme, and an advertisement for "Cyberchase: The Quest.
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Delete shows up if you click on this door.
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Uh oh! Buzz and The Hacker have gotten into wherever this place is. If we don't count The Hacker appearing on a screen or advertising bug, I think this is the first time The Hacker has shown up "for real" on the homepage. Maybe the Cybersquad should do something about that.
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Hey, I just wanted to point out that it is February 2nd, 2007, and the kids haven't taken down their Starlight decorations yet. https://web.archive.org/web/20070202023432/http://pbskids.org:80/cyberchase/index.html
They did them down sometime between February 2nd and February 8th.
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I think this is a fair place to stop for right now, before I hit the image or character limit.
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itsbackwoodsbby · 1 year
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Brent Faiyaz x Black Fem Reader
Summary: Your daughter can’t sleep because she misses her daddy, who is back doing tours after your daughter’s arrival. This makes you wonder is this the right time to have another kid with Christopher.
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it’s 3am and you’re up listening to a lofi radio on youtube as you’re finishing up some schoolwork that’s due earlier that night. you normally would do it in morning, but you’re going to be so busy today. you want to take your daughter out on a girls’ day out to get her mind off of her dad. you understand her because you miss your boyfriend so much. he barely has any time to respond back to your text and calls.
as you’re closing up your laptop, you hear baby footsteps walking slowly towards your room. you rush to put the blanket over your head.
“mommy?” your whining toddler comes in your room, rubbing her wet eyes. “when is daddy coming back?”
you try to ignore her by pretending you’re sleep, but your quietness makes her upset, she cries again. you sigh and pick her up.
“isabella, your dad won’t back until next month.” you say to her. “can i call him?” she says, trying to find a little hope. “isa, its 3am. he’s probably sleep.” you say.
you feel a few teardrops on your arm, as her sniffles fill the room. you look at her. her face is very red and covered with tears. you grab your phone and you scroll through your contacts until you see the contact that said “cw 💍” and you hit it.
it rings for a couple minutes and then he answers. “hey baby.” he says. “hey bae.” you say. then isabella hops in the camera, with only her right eye and her matching bonnet with you, “hey daddy!” she yells. he smiles, “hey baby girl.” he says to her, laughing a little over her excitement.
you turn on the light and set the camera up to where everyone can be seen.
“has my baby been crying?” he says. she nods her head yes. “why you been crying baby girl?” he asks her. “i miss you daddy.” she says biting her finger. “aw i miss you too sweetie.” he says back to her. “why can’t you come home now?” she coos at him. “i’m busy on tour, but i’ll be home next month baby. i promise when i’m home, we can do whatever you want to princess.” he says to her. she smiles at him, “okay daddy.”
they talk for a few and then he looks at the time. “should daddy sing you to sleep? it’s late. you should be be sleep.” he says. she yawns, “i’m not tired.” she says, as her pretty brown eyes slowly start closing. he starts singing her a llubaby and she’s off to sleep.
you pick her up and place her back in her room. you come back to your room and you see chris eating a piece of chicken. you take a picture of him.
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“come on y/n.” he laughs. “i’m sorry.” you let out a cute giggle. “i really just couldn’t help myself.” he smiles, “god, i miss you guys so much.” you smile back, “i miss you too chris.” he looks at you, admiring your beauty for a moment, “you were doing some schoolwork, baby?” he ask. you were smiling really hard, “yeah. i finished up before lil mama came in the room.” you say as you take off your glasses and get comfortable in bed again.
you love how observant chris is. he notices the little things. how you only wear your glasses at night to do school. it’s silly and small, but it shows he knows you and he cares.
you two are silence for a couple moments until finally you break it. “chris… i think we should hold off on trying.” you say quickly hoping he didn’t understand you. but he did and he looks at you, hurt. “why? this is the perfect time y/n.” you inhale and exhale, “it’s just… i hate seeing isabella sad like this because you’re gone. how am i supposed to handle isa and a newborn baby?” you say.
he’s quiet for a moment, “y/n, i want this. i’ll take you guys on tour with me.” you look at him, “what about baby appointment? who’s going to watch them during your shows? after the shows? what about substances? you know your tours have weed and alcohol everywhere. we agreed to keep that stuff away from our kids until they were older enough to understand.” you starts listing all the cons of going on tour with him. “only way, i could get what i want is if i stop touring.” you see that made him even more hurt. “y/n… i don’t want to stop touring. this tour has made me realize how bad i miss it. i don’t want to stop now.”
you feel bad for making him choose between tour or another child, so you try to cheer him up. “baby, i’m sorry, but think of it like this. everything good sometimes takes time. maybe soon, we’ll have a little cj running around here.” he smiles, “i love that idea baby.”
so you fall asleep on the phone. eventually chris wakes you up and tells you he’s getting ready to go and he has to hang up. you pout about it but he reassures you that he’ll call back later after your girls’ day with isabella. you two hang up and you go right back to sleep.
around 11, you’re waking up to isabella jumping on the bed. you smile. she hasn’t did that in a while. you get up get both of y’all ready for the day and then you two leave the house. the girls’ day activities were: getting breakfast, getting the nails down (which y’all got matching colors of light blue), going to trampoline park, going to the movies, and going on a target run.
you get more dolls for isabella and … a pregnancy test. of recent, you been waking up very nauseous and you’ve been getting tired more than usual and not to mention… you’re late on your period… but not too late, but you’re still worried.
you go home and open isa’s dolls and she runs straight to her room and plays with her doll house. you go to the bathroom and take the pregnancy test. you wash you hands, feed you and your baby, and start getting her ready for bed. you do everything but look at the damn stick.
y/n, everything is fine. you’re overthinking. you’re not pregnant.
you’ve been repeating this to yourself for a while as you bathe isa. you dry her off and get her in the pink onesies. then you shower yourself and get ready for bed. she chills in the room with you, waiting for the phone to ring so she can talk to her daddy. you go to test. you look at the results. you had no time to think about it and react, because chris calls.
“mommy! hurry! daddy’s calling!” she rushes you. you run out the bathroom and answer the phone.
the phone call went the same as usual. he talked to isabella and then she fell asleep. faster this time because of the fun she had. you’ve been quiet the whole time. he looks at you.
“y/n, are you okay? you haven’t been talk?” he says, making you tear up randomly. you weren’t sad. it’s just now all the emotions hit you at once. “chris, i’m pregnant.”
maybe a part two 👀
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