#docktor's note
dr-docktor · 15 days
Me when the hyperfixation so bad I start making an AU of an AU.
This post is about Floppy Disk Curt. Infodump incoming soon.
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rscroogedraws · 17 hours
Our Beloved Docktor Frogg Part I
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Note: The last time I tried to write a L.O.S.E. fanfic was 2013. So, I'm pretty rusty.
In a nutshell: Docktor Frogg is starting to wonder if the grass is greener somewhere else. Maybe he'd feel more satisfied with his career and life overall if he was a mad scientist under an actual supervillain instead of Voltar the Saturday morning cartoon villain flop?
This is also me introducing my fan character Firecracker to what may, potentially, be a new series of L.O.S.E. fics after this one. I also plan on including Professor Venomous from O.K. K.O.! as a minor recurring character in this particular fic.
Without further ado:
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“Oh, Docktor Frogg! You got some mail!” Red Menace chirped as he passed over a surprisingly fancy gold embossed envelope.
Frogg nodded and took the parcel. He was relieved Voltar was out doing who-knows-what since the little gremlin would insist on getting first look at the mail just because of how shiny it was. He muttered a few choice words under his breath as he carefully opened said envelope, imagining Voltar scoffing, rolling his eyes, and whining that he never got anything good.
Honestly, Frogg was expecting spam about a credit card for the ‘elite’ supervillain or glossy, unbelievable photos of equipment he’d never be able to afford (or steal) in a million years. Instead, it was a wedding invite. And as soon as he saw the name and picture attached, his heart dropped a little.
There was the beaming and lovestruck face of Professor Venomous holding hands with a shorter man that had teal, swooped hair on one side of his head and one red cybernetic eye. The mystery beau looked great in a powder blue tuxedo, his smile almost hidden behind a big matching tie and a sea of ruffles. Frogg glanced at the letterhead again: “….formally invited to the wedding of Professor Venomous and Lord Boxman.”
Frogg sniffed and closed the letter. Years ago, he found Professor Venomous on a mad scientist forum. His specialization was crafting bio-mass attachments and creating artificial life. He was Frogg’s dream lab partner; a scientist whose demented imagination matched his talent, zeal, and determination to create bigger, worse, and deadlier things. A few of Frogg’s better organic monsters over the years, the ones that lived longer than five minutes, owed their existence to Venomous’ equations and thorough notes.
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When Venomous first shared pictures of what he looked like, it awoke something in Docktor Frogg. The man was as gorgeous as he was brilliant. He had a purple complexion that he carefully matched with turtlenecks in the same color family. His dark hair was glossy and combed back into a flattering wing shape. And he wore eyeliner.
Venomous had a touch of Goth aesthetic and Frogg’s heart always skipped a beat around Goth girls with tastefully put-together black outfits and make-up that made her look like the Grim Reaper’s next willing target. That applied to Goth guys too. It also better explained what Frogg previously chocked up as just “admiration” for the icon Rock Gothington.
It hit Frogg like an unpleasant satellite from the heavens above: He’d been crushing on his long-time online friend Professor Venomous. He’d held onto a slim hope, the slimmest most gossamer thread of hope, that Venomous might reach out one day, ask to be partners, and sweep him away from his dreaded day-to-day as a minion for a Saturday morning cartoon flop. Someone else beat Frogg to the goal he hadn’t realized he had.
Boxman. Frogg blew out a breath. Lord Boxman.
If Venomous had fallen for him, he probably had some blueprints or research worth raiding. At the very least, Frogg might find a devious new idea for a pet project and maybe even a new villain penpal. It’d help buffer his ennui if he had just one more person to talk to that knew what real evil was instead of continuing to insist that playing Ding Dong Ditch on their neighbor Steve was the height of villainy.
“What’d you get, Docktor Frogg?” Red Menace asked with a friendly grin.
“Junk mail.” Frogg deliberately looked away from Red’s face as he tucked the invitation into the inner pocket of his lab coat. “Just junk.”
“Why did you discretely put it away in your coat then?” Red raised an accusatory finger and eyebrow. “That’s the pocket you put important documents in.”
Suddenly the door burst open and Voltar puttered in, tapping his fingers and chuckling sinisterly. Even his antennae curled slightly backwards.
“Men! I’ve found a fantastic new way to annoy the neighborhood!” Voltar made a few showman gestures before sticking his hands behind his back.
Red leaned in curiously. For a moment, Frogg was actually grateful for Voltar’s interruption. As Voltar was pulling out his monumental find, Red shot Frogg a knowing glance and raised his brows. Of course he wasn’t just going to let Frogg off the hook.
Frogg swallowed heavily as Voltar raised a fistful of colorful kazoos.
“I’ve found a treasure trove of horribly played songs on NikNak!” Voltar carried on with a gleeful laugh. “And the fools shared their sheet music! For free! We’re going to learn how to play these songs. The worse. The better. Feel free to ad lib. And we’re going to knock on all our neighbors’ doors. And give them a kazoo concert that will make them groan in sheer agony!”
“I think you’re mistaking recorders for kazoos….” Red interjected.
“I got these from the dollar store for 25 cents. I’m not made of money, Red.”
“Wouldn’t recorders be more irritating?” Frogg said, frowning. “I’ve been to some pretty bad recorder recitals, Voltar. That’s the stuff of nightmares for some parents…”
“And grandparents!” Red added.
“Hmmm…..” Voltar idly scratched his chin and shook the kazoos mashed between his fingers. “I really want to do a bad kazoo concert today.”
With that, Voltar shoved the kazoos at Frogg and Red. Red excitedly started tooting on his while Frogg rolled his eyes and held up the pathetic plastic instrument between his claws.
As if Red’s tweeting and buzzing wasn’t bad enough by itself, Voltar joined in. In his case, he was pitifully trying to play two kazoos at once. Red sounded at least close to competent while Voltar was wheezing and blowing raspberries barely a minute later.
Is this really the rest of my life….? Frogg raised his kazoo and half-heartedly blew into it.
“Let’s gooooo!” Voltar cheered, pointing and marching back towards the door.
Frogg slumped forward and followed the peppy, jaunty strut of his comrades with significantly more somber energy. Maybe today he’d finally discover a Skullosus recruitment poster that didn’t have all the little “take a number” strips pulled off.
Instead of the neighbors, Voltar decided to drag L.O.S.E. to the park instead. Because he was hungry. And there was a specific hot dog cart there that had quality brats-not the cheap meat tubes everywhere else had-and a certain brand of spicy mustard that you just couldn’t find anywhere else in town.
While Voltar beelined for the cart, Red Menace noticed Mrs. Johnson parked on a bench and feeding pigeons. He casually strolled over with a certain grin on his face that better fit a superhero sidekick than a burly evil henchman. The elderly woman immediately perked up when she saw him. She fished out a couple pieces of the awful candy every old person ubiquitously carried on their person and offered Red the ones with the strawberry-themed wrappers. Of course, he gasped with sheer delight and popped one in his mouth.
Docktor Frogg rolled his eyes and looked down at the kazoo pathetically dangling from his claws. He raised it to his lips and started tooting a tuneless ditty. Only he could hear it. Otherwise, he was overpowered by bird chatter and laughing children.
Oh, look. Glory Guy’s superpowered spawn recently learned how to fly. The child was cackling as he flew around in a few dizzy circles, a little gray hare hanging onto his ankle for dear life. Glory Guy’s concerned cries followed a minute later.
Frogg chuckled sinisterly. Maybe in the next ten years Glory Jr. would be a delinquent on the quick path towards a supervillain that could easily rival the likes of Skullosus or greater instead of yet another boring and cookie-cutter boy scout like his old man.
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“….you’re absolutely sure?” Speaking of Skullosus, the skull in a jar was sitting across a picnic table from a character Frogg hadn’t seen before. She certainly wasn’t dressed like one of his typical minions and she wasn’t Skullosus’ gender-bent galaxy-conquering girlfriend either.
“Yeah,” she said with a firm nod. “I appreciate the opportunity, but it’s just not what I’m looking for.”
The mystery woman was barely a foot taller than Voltar from Frogg’s rough mental height estimate. She had short gray hair slicked back into sharp quill-like shapes at the base of her neck and cat-like yellow irises. Colored contact lenses maybe? She was dressed in a dark double-breasted suit and silver tie matched with black and white shoes Frogg had only seen in 1940’s movies. Based on her outfit alone, Frogg guessed she was probably a franchise rep for one of the big-name suppliers Skullosus had access to as an A-list villain.
Despite himself, Frogg cast a venomous glare in Voltar’s direction. His boss was happily chomping down on his stupid bratwurst. With a snarl and a few curses, Frogg turned his attention back to Skullosus. Maybe Voltar would be extra slow today and indulge what he liked to call his “foodie” sensibilities. Yes, Voltar, the man whose usual diet consisted of a big bucket of fried fast food chicken or cheap microwave pizza, was a fount of knowledge on fine dining.
At the very least, Frogg wanted to find out who Skullosus’ mystery supplier was. It’d be another brand name to add to his ever-growing list of mad scientist’s equipment he idly daydreamed about.
“I could really use a decent mad scientist right now.” Skullosus tapped the table top. “Do you like foosball? We just had a foosball table installed in the lounge!”
Frogg’s goggles bugged while the woman in the suit rolled her eyes.
“I’m not a mad scientist. I told you I’m more of a publicist. Or spin doctor for a more accurate description. My mad science is ad hoc at best.” She made a “so-so” gesture. “And I don’t like foosball.”
“But it’s so fun to make the little men kick the ball! It’s like….” Skullosus gestured vaguely. “And then the other guy goes-” He gestured vaguely again. “So fun.”
“Have you actually played it?” She folded her arms.
“My son likes it.” Skullosus shrugged. “I also just got orange soda in the employee vending machines!”
“Hire an actual mad scientist. Call me when you need a brochure for the people on your first conquered planet or whatever.”
“Firecracker, no mad scientists-”
“ ‘No mad scientists want to work anymore!’ Yeah, yeah….” Firecracker made a rude, dismissive gesture that eerily reminded Frogg of Voltar.
“Don’t you dare take that tone with the mighty-”
“You can’t eject me out the airlock.” Firecracker grinned in a menacing fashion. “This is a no disintegrator ray zone. Plus, Glory Guy and General Sargent are here.”
He ground his teeth and narrowed his eyes, but huffed in defeat.
“We’re still on for brunch Monday, right?” Firecracker adjusted the lapels of her suit jacket.
“Of course! Galactea is dying to meet you.” Skullosus’ entire demeanor shifted from intimidating to casual in mere seconds. He cleared his throat and tapped the front of his mech suit. “It’s disappointing that we’ll no longer be business associates. Please send any promising mad scientists my way?”
Firecracker nodded as she shoved her hands in her jacket pockets. “Yes. Of course.”
Skullosus nodded again and stood up. Then he ambled away towards Glory Guy who had just managed to catch his ball-of-chaos rugrat.
The gears in Frogg’s head started turning. If only Glory Guy wasn’t here. If he could just find a way to get himself in front of Skullosus-
“Enjoy the show, Goggles?”
Frogg’s thoughts were interrupted by Firecracker looking directly at him with tightly folded arms and a smug smile on her face.
It was that moment Frogg also realized his goggles had extended out a bit. He had unintentionally zoomed in on Firecracker and Skullosus when he got wrapped up in his eavesdropping. Also, he’d only been standing...ten feet away from their picnic table.
“Oh….” Frogg raised the tip of his claw to his chin. “A-ahhm….”
“Skullhead has a bad habit of using his outside voice.” Her smile grew and she laughed a little, her shoulders bobbing. “So, you’re an aspiring Skullosus minion then?”
“Yes.” Frogg pushed the tips of his claws together, blushing in embarrassment. “I’d like that. Very much.”
“I’d hold off from applying right now.” She held up a warning index finger. “Skullosus thinks he can juggle wedding planning with an evil operation that’s about to expand from not-yet world destroyer to galactic conquerer. It’s a circus!”
“...g-galactic conquerer?!” Frogg was salivating a little now.
“I can see the evil little twinkle in your eye.” Firecracker snorted. “Seriously. I’ve been ejected out of his airlock two different times because of pre-wedding jitters! Wait. Wait at least a month. Then he’ll be back to ejecting minions from the airlock twice a week. Only once if he’s in an especially good mood.”
The tone of her voice and imagining himself floating about aimlessly in space made Frogg very, very aware of gravity keeping his feet attached to the earth beneath him. He looked down at the grass and swallowed thickly. “Mm-hmmm….”
“Good news is you’re a shoo-in,” Firecracker lightly clapped Frogg’s shoulder. “I got my foot in the door because Skullosus caught a whiff of mad scientist on my CV. I can only piece together mad scientist scraps with duct tape, gum, and a miracle!”
“What exactly does Skullosus need a mad scientist for?” Frogg asked around the growing lump in his throat.
Before Firecracker could answer, Voltar popped up and sprayed a mix of spit and terribly played kazoo music in her face. There was a big, stupid smile on his helmeted face and he narrowed his eyes challengingly at Frogg and Firecracker.
“Time to move out, Docktor Frogg!” he declared.
Firecracker had a tight-lipped smirk on her face as her pupils shrank and she blinked a few times. She sniped one of the kazoos Voltar still wielded between his knuckles, raised the cheap instrument to her lips, and took a deep breath. She tweeted into the kazoo, as loud and obnoxious as she could. The resulting foghorn bellow was bigger than Frogg thought the instrument was capable of. It was followed by enough wind to push Voltar’s antennae back and at least a gallon of spit.
Now it was Voltar’s turn for shrinking pupils and rapid blinking.
“What was that for?!” he cried indignantly.
“You started it.”
Voltar tweeted the kazoo again, this time waving his hand off to the side with a few conductor-esque gestures as he seemed to try and remember some tune.
“...is that supposed to be Jingle Bells?” Firecracker asked.
“Nightshade smells! Bobbin lost a pin!” Voltar sang off-key. Frogg cringed when Firecracker started playing her pilfered kazoo actually in tune with Voltar. “The Shade mobile lost a wheel and the Cuckoo got away!”
“Oh, my God. I remember when Nightshade had such a cow about that on national TV.” Firecracker snickered. Then her eyes bugged and she raised the kazoo, tapping the air with it a few times. “Can you imagine putting together a choir of these and playing it right outside his house? Bonus points if its kids in Nightshade’s official shirts and carrying his stupid new action figures.”
“Ooohhh, he’d hate that!” Frogg chimed in, an evil smile tugging at the corners of his lips for the first time in awhile.
“Do you have more of these?” Firecracker shook the kazoo again for emphasis.
“No.”A few more fell out of Voltar’s pockets as his eyes shot back and forth like pinballs.
“I’m getting ahead of myself.” Firecracker laughed as she pocketed the kazoo and extended a hand to Frogg. “I’m Firecracker, the spritely and unpredictable! Pleasure to meet you.”
“Docktor Frogg,” Frogg spun his claw once with a little showy flare before taking her extended hand. “The ah...insidious and dement-cru...malicif-ignant.”
“Um, excuse me!” Voltar glared at her. “I’m the illustrious leader of the League of Super Evil, Voltar. But I don’t really need an introduction. You’ve probably heard of me.”
He puffed out his chest and made a display out of looking at his nails.
For a moment, Frogg tensed up and braced himself for an incoming Voltar tantrum. Most people were barely aware that they existed, saw them as minor nuisances that could be deterred with a “shoo” motion and a spray bottle, or worse, asked who they were even after several events that had almost leveled Metrotown.
“Yeah!” Firecracker tapped her palm. “The balloons? You kept everybody on 4th street up all night after popping a bunch of balloons...Where did you find enough?”
Voltar made a pleased noise. “The dollar store foolishly threw them out! They were all there in an alleyway dumpster! Free for the taking.”
While Voltar was laughing as if he discovered the secret behind perpetual motion, Frogg groaned and rolled his eyes.
“That’s where we find all of our equipment,” he snarked.
“Frogg! Don’t give away our secrets.”
“You already gave it away.”
“Do you think there’s more kazoos back there?” Firecracker interrupted.
“I didn’t think to look there!” Voltar sighed. “I actually bought these.” He glared at the kazoos still stuck between his fingers.
“Recorders would be more annoying,” Firecracker said. “We should stock up on those instead.”
“I told you!” Frogg said in a sing-song with a pointed stare at Voltar.
“Wait a minute.” Voltar folded his arms haughtily. “Who said you were joining us on my genius plan?”
“Fair enough.” Firecracker mimicked his body language before leaning in and blowing a raspberry. “But I can find cheap recorders and I know at least six evil parents that would love to use this as an internship opportunity for their kids.”
“I can recruit an entire neighborhood of annoying kids!”
“Brilliant.” Firecracker smirked. “If we teamed up, we’d have that neighborhood plus six kids. It’d maximize how annoyed Nightshade would be!”
“Wait, wait, wait…” Voltar shook his head. “Our goal is to annoy my neighbors. Especially Steve.”
“Okay.” Firecracker leaned in closer. “Let’s give Steve nightmares.”
The cold, icy tone Firecracker used actually sent a slight shiver down Frogg’s spine. For a moment, Voltar looked a bit phased. His yellow pinprick irises dilated a few times and he took a step back. A moment later, Voltar regained his nerve raised a triumphant fist. “Steve will pee himself in terror!”
“Great.” Firecracker fished a business card out of her pocket and slipped it into Voltar’s hand. “Call me when you’re ready to discuss the plan! I’m always excited to team up with other villains.”
With that, she waved and walked towards the same bratwurst cart Voltar was at a few minutes ago. Frogg watched her passing form, wondering why someone that had connections with Skullosus of all villains would want anything to do with L.O.S.E. Whatever her intentions, she could help Frogg start moving ahead in the world. He’d keep a wary eye on her but until proven otherwise, she’d given him a small spark of hope. He was mildly disappointed that the evil scheme was still Voltar’s small-peanuts vision but at least it’d been upgraded to real nuisance instead of mildly irritating; like a housefly aimlessly larking about exchanged for a mosquito nipping at someone’s neck.
“Gross. Did she just ask me on a date?” Voltar held out the business card as if it was a bag of dog poop.
“As if.” Frogg rolled his eyes. “Girls give you their phone number on scraps of notebook paper or napkins with little hearts on them. Or they just put their number in your phone.”
“How would you know?” Voltar looked at him suspiciously.
“I’ve been out on a few dates!” Frogg said, a bit more defensively than he would have liked. “Anyway, business cards are common. A lot of big-time supervillains and minions have them. This would be our first major collaboration with another villain. It might gain the League more notoriety.”
“We’re known!” Now Voltar was getting defensive. “We’re a household name…”
“We might actually get on the front page of the newspaper.” Frogg mused. “Or better yet, convince a social media influencer to make a video about us…”
“It’d be nice to see my face on the front page,” Voltar muttered.
“Alright, I’ve decided! The League will team up with this Firecracker. Only temporarily!” Voltar snickered. “Your nights of blissful slumber are numbered, STEVE!”
Before Voltar started on an evil laugh, Red joined them. He waved casually and held up a kazoo. “I’m ready to toot, Voltar!”
“Change of plans, Red. We’re going back to the drawing board…”
“Can we go back to the drawing board over subs?” Red Menace held up a coupon with a giddy grin. “Mrs. Johnson had a leftover Get 3 Subs free for Gene’s Sandwich Shoppe!”
“I could eat,” Voltar agreed.
“What about Doomageddon?” Frogg asked nervously.
“Oh, I have enough leftover grocery money to get him a sandwich. Besides, Doomy has very specific tastes!”
“Yeah, I bet…” Frogg shuddered. Thankfully, a big meaty sandwich was far more appetizing than Frogg’s string beany body.
Yet another reason Frogg was excited by the prospect of potentially leaving L.O.S.E.
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tradedmiami · 27 days
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SALE IMAGE: Ross M. Stern & Adam Docktor DATE: 05/07/2024 ADDRESS: 9615 Westview Drive MARKET: Coral Springs ASSET TYPE: Retail BUYER: Saint Gabriel'S Anglican Church SELLER: Paul Mandel & Diane Perkins BUYER'S REP: Ross M. Stern (@SternRossm) - REMAX Services (@Remax) SELLER'S REP: Adam Docktor (@954real_estate) - Native Realty (@NativeRealty) SALE PRICE: $2,200,000 SF: 4,222 ~ PPSF: $521 NOTE FROM SELLER'S REP: This outparcel was sold vacant. It was occupied previously by a real estate office user. Once upon a time; 20 years ago, it was a Burger King with a drive-through. For other opportunities DM me. #Miami #RealEstate #tradedmia #MIA #TradedPartner #CoralSprings #Retail #AdamDocktor #NativeRealty #RossMStern #REMAXServices
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electriccar2020 · 4 years
Course Post #8: “Free Speech does not extend to our Bodies”
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In part five of Doktor Sleepless Volume 1: Engines of Desire, Doktor Sleepless is on the radio discussing, or perhaps a better word is ranting, about the idea of authenticity, calling it “bullshit.” Imparting the blues history of Big Bill Broonzy and Memphis Minnie, Docktor Sleepless notes their lack of authenticity, outlining the manipulated manufacturing that went on to create these icons of American blues. He indicates that they were not authentic because they were simply characters created by the music industry to sell and market a specific persona to the public. Their whole way of performing was produced, from the choice of instruments to the music. The rant continues with Robert Zimmerman, who was then brought into the mix because so many people found the way he played to be authentic. However, Zimmerman was Bob Dylan and was playing songs that Memphis Minnie originally played. Doktor Sleepless says about Dylan, “His authenticity was entirely constructed. Bob Dylan and Superman are the two greatest American myths of the last century.” Doktor Sleepless points out that “free speech does not extend to our bodies.” This phrase really made me stop and think. I am pretty confident that most of us would agree that Hollywood and the music industry creates and sells actors and artists to us, the public. However, Doktor Sleepless extended this idea to everyone. Free speech is protected, but not the idea of freedom of personality. We can see this with all the products marketed to us. The idea of “be who you were meant to be” is diluted when you get to be who you want to be as long as you dye your hair and wear the perfect make-up. Or now, older models are held up as “authentic” and beautiful. Are those older women who choose to dye their hair deemed inauthentic? Beauty is conditional. You can be who you want, but rest assured, you will be judged weird, ugly, or even dangerous. Even when someone is trying to be themselves by going against norms, they are deeming those “abnorms” to be the highest ideal that one could achieve, thereby creating another hierarchy of less than. In other words, those who don’t go against norms are not o.k; they are less than everyone who chooses another direction. It is a paradox because of what happens when everyone goes outside the norms. The norms aren’t normal anymore; they become abnormal. I think authenticity is that way as well. What is authentic? If I choose clothes that others deem inauthentic, do I have to change to be authentic? If I change what I like based on what others deem authentic, am I now inauthentic? Maybe no one can be truly authentic. Is it even possible?
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theedocktor · 6 years
DOCK190 Supply Power Delivery Application Note
DOCK190 Supply Power Delivery Application Note
Since the DOCK190 has two different ways to supply power to the upstream host computer and can supply power and charging to downstream USB devices on both Type-A and Type-C ports, Thee DocKtor thought he’d try to clarify how these power operation capabilities can be used.
USB Type-C Power Delivery Mode
The USB Type-C PD operation can be confusing as it varies depending on the power sinkcapabiliti…
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garynsmith · 7 years
Natural Born Leaders: The Women in Charge at Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Fox & Roach
While statistics from the National Association of REALTORS® show that 62 percent of REALTORS® are women, the broker and executive level of the real estate business is still predominantly occupied by men. Fortunately, the tides are turning and more women are taking their place among the industry’s upper echelon. At Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Fox & Roach, REALTORS® and Trident Group, this is nothing new, however, as four women head up key divisions of the organization: Joan Docktor, president of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Fox & Roach, REALTORS®; Barbara Griest, president of Trident Land Transfer Company; Marie Gayo, president of Trident Mortgage Company; and Kassie Erb, president of Fox & Roach Charities.
Make no mistake—hard work and superior skills earned these women their spots, not their gender. Recognized for their talents early on by senior leadership at the organization—including Chairman and CEO Larry Flick IV and Vice Chairman Gerry Griesser—Docktor, Griest, Gayo and Erb benefitted by being in an environment that nurtured their growth and shattered glass ceilings.
“We are fortunate at Fox & Roach and Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices as a whole because there are so many women who lead here,” says Docktor. “For any company, diversity in leadership is important. People from different backgrounds will increase any organization’s creativity and ability to grow, and women in leadership are part of that diversity.”
Nurturing Growth Regardless of Gender A 30-year veteran of the firm, Griest was the first of the four women to receive the title of president in 2006, after starting in the policy department, becoming a settlement officer, and then segueing into management in 2000.
“The organization has a lot of women and a lot of respect for women,” she explains. “Women bring a different perspective than men, and this form of diversity is important for any organization to have.”
According to Griest, her mentors were mostly men, including Griesser, Flick and Jim Waters. “It was good to have male mentors because in many ways, it’s still a man’s world,” says Griest. “It’s necessary for women to be open to how men think and go about doing things, just as it is for men to understand how women may go about things differently.”
While early in her career a woman in charge of operations took Gayo under her wing, it was Flick, Griesser and Larry Flick V who became her greatest supporters. “They gave me positive reinforcement and I felt no barriers to my professional development.”
For Docktor, her first mentor was another powerful woman: her sales manager when she first joined Fox & Roach as a sales associate in 1986.
“My sales office leader was smart, beautiful, and carried herself well—I wanted to mirror that,” recalls Docktor. “She believed in me and supported my desire to move into management. She introduced me to Larry Flick and showed me something that I believe is true for everyone—if you just venture outside your comfort zone, you will grow.”
Flick recognized Docktor’s potential and soon stepped into the role of her mentor. Docktor notes, “Larry always challenged me to grow and do more. He taught me that the difference between a good leader and a great leader was the execution of my goals. I learned under his guidance to strive for excellence in everything I do.”
As these women executives grew through the ranks, the support from Fox & Roach was ongoing, which was not the usual course of action at many firms.
According to Gayo, for instance, the mortgage banking industry had long been dominated by males at the top. “There are more females in mortgage operations, but more men in mortgage sales,” she explains. “When I first joined the company, I was interviewed by only men—I was the only woman at the table. I thought, ‘this is no different from any other organization;’ but now I see that differently. The ability for women to rise through the ranks says a lot about this company. That has not been the case at other companies I’ve worked for. Larry and Gerry always defer to my opinion and treat me no differently from other people.”
Erb also flourished under the mentorship and support of Fox & Roach’s male leadership, specifically Griesser and Avie Wheeler, the director of Fox & Roach Charities who showed Erb “the ropes” when she came on board in 2005.
“Avie treated me as an equal asset to Fox & Roach Charities, and introduced me to others that way,” recalls Erb. “We were a great team and he allowed me to grow into the professional person I am today. He had vast knowledge of the philanthropic nature of Fox & Roach and the foresight to start a charitable arm within a real estate company.”
Erb stepped into a leadership role in 2008 when Wheeler stepped aside, and then became president of Fox & Roach Charities when Griesser retired from the position in 2011. “The company trusted me to lead and grow their legacy of giving,” she explains. “They asked me to guide the Board of Trustees and do what was needed in the many communities we serve. They respected my leadership, opinions and ability.”
A Challenging Path for Women For women, the path to leadership in the real estate business can be a tough one to forge.
While women in sales positions were the norm throughout the early years of Docktor’s career, that quickly changed as she moved up the ranks. “When I first started in upper management, there were no other women at the time,” she recalls. “The men around me who were my peers had a really hard time accepting it. I had to prove that I could add value and that I cared about them as people. I came from a position of servant leadership and made sure that everyone had what they needed to grow their careers.”
Griest agrees that it was initially an adjustment for men to work with a woman in a leadership rank. “Men and women have different perspectives. Each has to understand the others’ perspective.”
While it may have taken time for the masses to get on board, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Fox & Roach is committed to its support of women.
“The fact that this article is being written and published speaks to how our company values women and what women can bring to a company,” says Erb. “Women are well represented in leadership roles throughout the company. We are people who know our culture, care about others, respect others and treat others the way we would want to be treated.”
Inspiring the Industry The female leadership at Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Fox & Roach, REALTORS® and Trident Group serve as an inspiration for other women seeking to rise in real estate or in any business—and they offer some good advice, as well.
According to Griest, one of the most important things a woman looking to rise through the ranks should do is keep an open mind and listen. “Don’t overreact to situations and be willing to listen to other perspectives,” she advises. “This does not mean to never disagree, but to understand while being able to state your own opinion without backing down.”
For Docktor, finding the right mentor is essential for any woman seeking to rise into leadership. “Find a mentor who cares about you and can help you understand a lot more than just the technical aspects of your job,” she advises. “Find them within your business, but also outside of your business—there are so many life lessons you can learn.”
Erb’s advice boils down to one thing: passion. “Once you find a job you love and are good at, it is no longer a job—it’s your passion,” she explains. “Stay focused, determined and do your job to the best of your ability. It will not go unnoticed or under appreciated.”
Docktor also stresses the importance of giving back—as early as possible—to those coming up behind you. “Show them you care not just about what they do at work, but about them as people. It’s not the dollars they bring in, but the person they are. Business is relational, and the more relationships you can build, the better the outcome will be.”
For more information, please visit www.foxroach.com.
Maria Patterson is RISMedia’s executive editor. Email her your real estate news ideas at [email protected].
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The post Natural Born Leaders: The Women in Charge at Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Fox & Roach appeared first on RISMedia.
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dr-docktor · 13 days
About Floppy Disk Curt... So, do you have some more plot made for this au? Sorry if you made a post and I missed it, I just mean - how does Owen realize that Curt is (semi) sentient? What does he do? How sentient is Curt, actually? What does he remember? And how much can he feel? Does their codependence get worse?
HAHAHA I'M SO GLAD YOU ASKED. I sort of expanded on some of the lore in some previous asks but none of it is super organized so I can go over it real quick! I'm still developing a lot of it so if things don't make a ton of sense, I'm working on fixing that lol. First off, I sort of shifted the time period around to be closer to the 90's to better fit the technology, aesthetics, and the rise in popularity of mascot-y desktop assistants.
Owen kills Curt during the staircase scene and despite what he tells himself and his coworkers. He regrets it. He regrets it so god damned much. There's no one to feel so strongly about anymore, whether it be love or seething hatred. He just feels empty.
Meanwhile, Chimera retrieved Curt's corpse and uploaded his consciousness into a computer with the hopes of getting what little he knows about the inner workings of A.S.S. out of him. (don't ask how this is possible, uhhhh silly sci-fi shenanigans I guess)
Of course, he's not cooperative. So Chimera opts to do the totally sane and not evil thing by separating himself from his memories of being human. His ambitions, his relationships, everything except for what Chimera needs. They can't seem to find a way to outright delete the memories for good (I'll probably either rework this part or figure out why they can't outright delete them) but what they can do is try and build up walls of restrictions to prevent him from accessing them. So for a a little while he's just this blank slate spitting out what little information he knows about A.S.S. Mostly useless.
Until Chimera gets an idea.
With the rise of a new trend comes the opportunity for PROFIT. This one being the rise of household computers and mascot-y desktop assistants to help the average user learn how to use a computer.
But Chimera wants to take it a step further. They are the future, after all. They want a desk top assistant that's incredibly life-like. Something that the user can have a genuine conversation with (like an incredibly early chatbot). This project is also absolutely meant to be spy-ware. 1000%. No way its not.
They call the project the 'Beta Anatomy Simulacrum Technology for Research and Development'. Or B.A.S.T.R.D for short! (I had to STRETCH to make that acronym work lmao)
Rather than start this from scratch, the project head (The name I'm going with right now is Harper Royale) has the brilliant thought of "well, what's more life-like than an actual human consciousness in a computer that we have collecting dust somewhere in the tech labs? It's already a husk we just add some code to it and bam it's ready!"
So they take the empty husk of digital curt mega and fix it up a little. Royale thinks its a good idea to give a miniscule amount of his humanity back to him. Namely curiosity (so he can learn things) and a basic understanding of how to have a functional conversation with people. Nearly everything else, like the cheery personality and character model, is all added in by the developers.
The good news is the projects going great! Employees within Chimera are finding the little guy really helpful and entertaining. Employees nickname him DC as a reference to his knowledge on A.S.S. Like their own personal informant inside DC (as in the capital of the us where a lot of government buildings and information is stored)
The bad news? Curiosity. Because now he wants to know why the sad looking British guy from one of the first few rounds of test trials keeps calling him Curt.
Tt spirals into this terrible loop of DC starting to put stuff together, never quite reaching the conclusion that he was a living person once (much less the importance of one Owen Carvour) before the employees catch on to what he's doing and reset him from square one. Over and Over and Over again. The only frame of reference that DC has are these hidden notes he leaves himself during each loop.
Eventually the higher-ups at Chimera realize that the cost of having to go through the complicated process of resetting DC the moment they figure out that he's gained a little sentience and then run through test trials AGAIN simply outweighs the potential profit. So they move to shut down the project, much to Royale's dismay.
The higher-ups joke that Carvour should be the one to do the honors, given everything between him and Curt. And he's like "ok yeah I'll do it" and they're like "we were joking but you've given us zero reason to doubt you so have fun killing the simulacrum of your former closest friend, bestie"
Owen, of course, decides to go behind everyone's backs and download the one and only existing copy of the B.A.S.T.R.D program onto his personal computer. At this point, Owen has no clue about DC slowly regaining his sentience if left unchecked and literally only did it because he has problems about processing the fact that he killed Curt that he refuses to confront. (what a normal guy)
So slowly, having been freed from this loop of resets, DC slowly begins to put together the pieces. He doesn't know how exactly Owen may or may not be involved in any of this, but he keeps most of this growing autonomy a secret for safety reasons. Just in case Owen is decidedly someone not to be trusted and turns him in.
DC, however, will test still the waters by subtly bringing up memories that he knows are somehow important to either him or Owen and then gauging his reaction. Doing his damn best to put together context clues.
Admittedly I don't have anything beyond this yet. I'm still working on Owen's reactions to all of this and also how the technology works. But I hope this answers at least some of your questions!
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dr-docktor · 27 days
Something very silly what I envision with my swap au is that they still get to say some of their specific stand-out lines.
Like DMA Curt screaming “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE” during Not So Bad, wildly gesturing at the audience with some weapon. With the idea that the whole time he’s very vocally against working with bvn so what exactly is his deal? What is he even doing here?
Owen still getting to be the one to say “Personal history has its benefits.” During the reveal. His head is held high, feigning smug confidence. Trying to remain in-control of the situation. But there’s still an unmistakable sadness behind it.
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dr-docktor · 27 days
Concept for Floppy Disk Owen.
The text-to-speech that reads his messages out loud is, in fact, modeled after his voice. But it’s still a text-to-speech, meaning it’s robotic, choppy, and tinny.
He can’t express emotion via his voice anymore. Which has the potential to be really funny and also really sad.
Because on one hand you have the potential for situations like Owen trying to be intimidating or threatening. And it’s just not. It’s too monotone. Or even him trying to be sincere for once and Curt can NOT tell if he’s being sarcastic or not.
I’m sure there’s also some depressing stuff people can come up with but I’m too tired right now.
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dr-docktor · 2 months
Ok I have an outline for a swap au/curt falls au
I've had this SaF au rotating in my head for a hot minute and I got some details down and I want to write it all down somewhere so here! Fair warning: it’s pretty underdeveloped but as I get suggestions and stuff I hope to develop it more:-)
Quick thanks to @randeeznuts for letting me yell at him about this in Discord <3
Its a Curt Falls au where, of course, Curt is the one to fall instead of Owen. It's still Curt's banana peel, however.
After the incident, Owen retires. Mourning the fact that he and Curt never got to run off together. Instead he picks up what little he has left of that fantasy and tries to pull it together.
A tiny cottage on a lake, a hairless cat named Penelope, a vegetable garden... You get the idea.
And all things considered, he could be doing so much worse. Penelope is spoiled rotten and the vegetable garden looks gorgeous no matter the time of year. Ignore the thousands of abandoned hobbies scattered across the coffee table and carpet. Ignore how he hasn't cut his hair since he chopped most of it off in some grief-driven rage 3 years ago. Ignore how his back porch reeks of cigarettes as his smoking habit has gotten so much worse. Ignore the fact that all he can think about some days is how efficient the little pronged rake in his hand is just as efficient at tearing up weeds as it is tearing through flesh.
Admittedly, I'm not 1000% sure how or why he decides to go back into the field for this one mission. My best guess is Cynthia finds his ass and is like "Hey bestie, I need a huge favor." I will expand on that later, I swear.
I imagine the main plot points of the show continue. You got Tatiana, the casino, etc. etc. etc. (once again I will expand on specific changes later) I also imagine most of the comedy with Owen comes from him being the sort of straight-man (haha) in most situations.
Being able to bounce off of whatever insane event is happening around him with utter seriousness and sarcasm. Because he just wants to get through this and get back to his cat. (the cat-sitter doesn't even know her favorite food! Much less her routine oh how will she live happily???).
He also never clarifies to anyone if Penelope is an animal or human so people are just consistently arguing about if he's talking about a child or a cat. Tatiana and DMA keep interrupting BVN's speech to debate this. Tatiana claims that its clearly a child, that Owen's eyebags and stubble indicate a stressed-out single father while DMA firmly thinks she is a cat for reasons he will not explain.
SPEAKING OF DMA :-) I think the guy needs no further introduction. There's still a lot of gaps in development, specifically centered on why Curt would ever join Chimera. I very firmly believe that they didn't torture Owen. But given how loyal and stubborn Curt is, I don't think they'd be exactly gentle while trying to persuade him. This might change later on, who knows.
Curt's version of the DMA is so interesting to me because I think he'd be a lot more reactive than the Owen DMA if that makes sense? Like very quick to explode with anger. Like he acts all smug while insisting Penelope is, in fact, a cat and not a human child. But as soon as he's asked why he thinks this, he fires back with a "Because I can just tell, okay?!?!??!" and then awkwardly trying to redirect the conversation.
I also think Curt's DMA accent would be along the lines of New Jersey or Boston. Mainly because it's an accent he can mimic SUPER well (thanks Ms Mega!). I've always had the headcanon that Curt is really good with languages and accents which sort of contributes to this.
In terms of physical appearance I don't imagine this DMA to look like Joe Walker. But I don't really have a solid grasp on what he does look like. However, I really like the idea of him wearing these black goggles on his head that he finally puts over his eyes during the torture tango.
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Just imagine the light of electricity getting reflected in these bad boys during the torture tango. While Curt's got this massive grin that, in any other context, would come off as friendly and dorky (if not a little bit smug). Scary!
Also, because it's Curt, I imagine he fidgets a lot. Maybe in the background of scenes where he's not doing things he'd be practicing tricks with a butterfly knife or cracking his joints.
Ok back to plot stuff.
I like to think Owen figures out the identity of the DMA at some point shortly before the reveal. There's a clear moment where the clues click together (Like those jigsaw puzzles sitting abandoned on his coffee table). But Owen sort of shrugs it off just out of sheer denial. He knows its true, but it's not until the reveal where he's forced to confront it.
I know realistically this would end in only one of them walking out of the staircase scene alive (I couldn't even tell you which one). But my heart really wants for there to be a happy ending. Like most of this, I'll figure it out eventually.
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dr-docktor · 29 days
I think there’s some interesting characterization opportunities for Floppy Disk Owen. Like yes the comedy of it is really good.
But also him BECOMING the very technology he believes so deeply in. And on top of that, floppy disks won’t last forever, they will inevitably be replaced by more convenient technology.
That must be kinda terrifying. How his life span is entirely in the hands of whether or not people think he’s worth the effort of updating and transferring to the new technology.
It would also be funny as hell for him to get uploaded into newer computers and immediately picking fights with the annoying ass desktop assistants like Clippy
I hope this makes sense.
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dr-docktor · 1 month
More unorganized SaF Swap AU rambles.
Owen retires from mi6 and accidentally becomes known as the town shut-in (makes the mistake of moving into a house just outside of a small town).
However he can’t deny that he finds a little bit of sick satisfaction at people’s shocked and apologetic faces when he tells them he’s like this because his “wife” died tragically. (Rip Owen Carvour you would’ve loved shock humor)
I mentioned this a while back but I also think his house would be filled with failed projects and hobbies that he tried to start and channel his grief into something productive. The only things that actually stuck were a vegetable garden, and knitting little sweaters for his cat.
He’s trying so hard to pull together this little domestic fantasy he had in his head from before Curt fell. Thinking it’s the least he could do for his memory.
On the other hand Curt is going THROUGH it oh my god. Curt is trying so hard to fix what he believes he fucked up.
I think I briefly mentioned that Cynthia may or may not be holding that secret over Owen’s head to blackmail him into doing this mission. And I wouldn’t be surprised if Curt found out about it (considering they have her office bugged with the little birdies)
Chimera has been wielding Curt’s loyalty and self-hatred like a finely balanced sword and just pointing him at whatever target they need. It’s messy but effective. They too have been holding that same secret over his head but in a slightly different way. Promising him that if they he alone controls the secrets, then he can protect Owen and anyone else he cares about. He can prevent those secrets from falling into the hands of people who will use it against them.
Of course, this isn’t Chimera’s goal. They have no interest of letting anything of theirs be lead by what they perceive to be a brute.
And Curt’s not that stupid. They’ve just successfully bullied Curt into thinking they’re all he has right now. So Curt falls back into his own fantasy of finally being enough. Doing his best to ignore that nagging voice in the back of his head that sounds ominously just like Owen, telling him that it’s worth questioning their motives.
Idk I also just like the idea that Curt is in no way motived by revenge here.
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dr-docktor · 15 days
Have you considered: floppy disk Curt is reprogrammed to be fully loyal to Chimera, and with his knowledge of the agency and America's state secrets he leads Chimera to victory? He might remember faintly how Chimera is his enemy, but every time that happens he is exposed to all the classified secrets the A.S.S. didn't want their agents to know, like what they do with the information the agents collect. And maybe Curt can't handle the horrifying realisation that he was never the "good guy", so he falls back on his programming and chooses to lock himself away. Would he really do that? Probably not but it's an interesting thought.
DUDE I'M GONNA BE ROTATING THIS IN MY HEAD FOR A WHILE I HOPE YOU KNOW THIS! I think this outcome would be ENTIRELY possible if Chimera didn't take extra caution and keep resetting his god damned sentience.
Having to make a man scramble to leave himself notes so hidden in the computer that the chimera scientists and mechanics won't find them yet hoping he still might be able to. Notes about thinks they keep taking away from him. His life, Mama Mega, etc. Little details that he's desperately trying to scrape together to regain his personhood.
Imagine being on the cusp of something, trying to put together the pieces of your entire life, your memories, your feelings. Yet the moment it steps too far out of line some mechanic who controls everything when it comes to you can reset it in an instant, sending you back to square one.
I think by the time he gets transferred onto Owen's computer and therefore doesn't get reset for a while, his hatred for Chimera is solidified.
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dr-docktor · 19 days
Do you think swapped Owen could ever kill Curt?
I don't think so. There's a LOT of things running through Owen's head during this version of the staircase scene, and there's a lot of things that Curt is saying and doing that really makes Owen hesitate.
Let me copy and paste some stuff from Discord when I was talking about this. There's a LOT here and it gets a little rough emotionally so yknow
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Owen can't bring himself to do it. Ever since Curt's first demise, he's had a grudge against spying and agencies. After all, they fueled Curt's adrenaline junkie habits, the very ones that lead to his fall in the first place.
Owen might see the merits with Chimera but he's also aware enough to see that, they too, are using the same dirty tactics as everyone else. They took those same horrid habits Curt had and twisted them around until he became a monster.
Owen is going to drag Curt out of that stairwell kicking and screaming if it means there's a CHANCE Curt can get away from Chimera.
He KNOWS he'll never have the old Curt back but if talking him down means he'd suffer a little less, then it's worth a try.
TL;DR When I think about Owen's motivations and line of thinking during this scene I always think of this image.
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dr-docktor · 24 days
Ok so this idea hit me like a ton of bricks after reading a little snippet from @ryoko-akari’s writing about the SaF Swap AU.
Birdhouse in Your Soul by They Might Be Giants is 1000% a DMA!Curt song oh my GOD
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First there’s the obvious stuff. The song is from the perspective of a nightlight shaped like a canary who repeatedly talks about watching over the listener like a little guardian angel. Which aligns pretty well with my interpretation of a DMA Curt.
First off, birdies (Little birdies, haha) literally watching over people. But also Curt’s motivation here isn’t revenge at all, rather he believes that by going through with Chimera’s plan he will finally be enough to protect the people he cares about. He’ll be able to watch over their secrets and keep them close to his chest. Like a little guardian angel.
There’s also a couple of stanzas in particular that really stick out to me.
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First off. Longines Symphonette was a prerecorded classical music program which was recorded and broadcast every day from 1943 to 1949. Which makes it time-period accurate which is just kinda fun
Secondly, the entire stanza reads as if the speaker has some grand goal that they are determined to achieve. But interestingly enough, Filibusters are known for just wasting time and getting off track. During his dramatic monologue about his ‘evil plan’, he keeps getting side-tracked and going on tangents, as if he’s trying to drag something out as long as he can. As if he’s procrastinating dealing with the real issue at hand (confronting Owen).
“Leaving out the whistles and bells” [EXTREMELY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER]
Here’s the other stanza I’m talking about.
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In this case it’s a little more abstract. But it really makes me think of Curt’s RSD (my favorite headcanon oh my god). Specifically the part where the speaker is comparing themselves to their “primitive ancestry” (lighthouses). But when put into their position, the light of a nightlight could never achieve what a lighthouse could.
But in this case, it’s Curt pushing his risky behaviors to the limit which winds up “Killing Jason off and countless screaming Argonauts”
Which I know is a reference to, of course, Jason and the Argonauts. But in my head it immediately makes me think of Curt’s ‘death’ and the thousand other people he left in his wake after the incident.
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dr-docktor · 28 days
Saf Swap Au stuff.
I want to give them a better ending. Maybe not all happy and joyous. Because that would be impossible. But I want there to at least be hope for them.
Hope that they can survive with their heads held just a little bit higher than before. Even if its not entirely realistic.
I want to give them an ending where there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It's flickering and a little dim, and they'll have to walk towards it. But it'll be there regardless.
"Its going to be ok. But its going to be different."
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Yes I typed this all out listening to The Bug Collector - Haley Heynderickx. How could you tell.
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