#dog!faunus saphron
littlelewdmable · 11 months
Jaune: I get a boner every time Ruby rubs my stomach.
Saphron: Yeah, the same thing happens to me when Terra rubs my belly.
Ruby: ... *Realization*
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notmaplemable · 1 year
Dog Garnet: Have you gotten taller?
Dog Jaune: Probably.
Dog Saphron: Might end up taller than dad at this rate.
Ruby: *Watching from a distance*
Yang: Watcha doing Rubes?
Ruby: I want them.
Yang: You want who?
Ruby: The Arcs. I want all of them.
Yang: To like pet and stuff?
Ruby: ...No.
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riku-izanami · 27 days
The follow footage is for scientific purposes only, please do not attempt to recreate.
How different faunus react to Zero Gravity:
Cat faunus- Subjests are collectively panicking
Blake: *squirmming in the air desperately try to get her footing* yang....YANG.....YANG I DON'T LIKE THIS! YANG!
Neon: *doing flips* WOAH...WOAH! WHY CAN'T I LAND!? WHAT'S GOING ON!?
Bird faunus- Both appear heavily disoriented
Raven: *trying to land but keeps raising to the ceilling* WHAT SORCERY IS THIS!?
Qrow: * doing the same* oh god *belch* i think I'm gonna hurl....
Dog Faunus- very calm
Retriever faunus jaune: *floating around with no thoughts*........so this is life now.....
Retriever faunus saphron: *pseudo moonwalking* yup, this is life now..
mouse faunus- Errr....Zoomies?
Mouse Faunus Ruby: *running/ jumping around the room* FUCK IT, WE BALL!
Mouse Nora: *doing the same* FUCK IT WE BALL!
Mouse jessica: *also the same* FUCK IT WE BALL!
Mouse Neo: *also doing the same* FUXK IT WE BALL
All four: *running around* FUCK IT WE BALL!!!!!
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constantvariations · 2 years
Hi, it's the same anon. We see Jaune and his sister's relationship before the trip to Atlas. It's warm. They fool around. Also, Jaune without hatred or aggression tells Ruby he has 7 sisters. Compare this to Weiss. We learn Jacques is bad not even from Weiss. We find out it is Blake who is talking about SDC. In v1 we are shown motivated the characters to go to Beacon and what their relationships are with their families. We see the difference between the Weiss and Ruby families. We are immediately given to understand Jacques is a bad person. We are given to understand that part of Yang's family is fractured and she loves Summer as her mother. But she keeps looking for Raven. We see Summer is dead. We see Summer was a good mother. We see who Ruby got her inspiration from. Ruby has a favorite uncle. Even Blake tells us very little information about herself. Yes, she grew up among the White Fang and went to protests. But she still has privileges. They talk about the problems of the faunus, but do not show them. We know there is a White Fang. They have protests that have gone too far. But we don't see any racism toward the fauns. Even in the most racist kingdom, we don't see racism. We see an unfortunate example of racism when the heroes just show up in town. And that's it. That's just it. There is a faunus among the Ace-Ops and no one cares. No one makes racist comments. Although Marrow's portrayal of himself is very racist. They made him a dark-skinned dog/wolf on purpose, didn't they? And they kept trying to show us how good he was. He was getting into all the timeline they had. He was a very handy tool when they decided to make James evil. Jaune doesn't talk about being forbidden to train. Jaune just went along with the crime. Blake had a reason for running away. Jaune had no reason to run away. He's just a fantasist. He didn't even know anything about the aura. Aura is a hunter's most basic skill. I wouldn't be surprised if they told us that Jaune had an abusive family all along and was forbidden to look at guns because he was a boy.
Hello again, anon! I have no idea what draws you to my blog in particular for these, but I am pleasantly surprised
Jaune’s family is mostly an enigma. Yes, we see him and Saphron (honestly I forget she exists 99% of the time) and it is a saccharine sibling dynamic, but they never mention any of the other sisters. No names, no shared memories, nothing beside the fact that Jaune and Saphron are the only ones not living at home. (Ngl when I first heard that my immediate thought was that it was a cult family and these two were the only ones to escape. It’d be a really cool subplot imo.) I think there’s a single off-handed line about Jaune’s parents in one of the early seasons, but I don’t care enough to check. Either way, there’s no concrete evidence as to the web of dynamics in the Arc family
I can’t agree with the assessment that Blake, in talking about the SDC as a whole, is the one to introduce the idea of Jacques not being a good person. A company isn’t a person. That’s like trying to pin all of RT’s own scandals on one person instead of acknowledging it’s a massive mess with dozens of participants. It’s still Weiss who talks about Jacques as a person when she tells the group that his anger at business gone bad made for a difficult childhood, and it’s through her story that we learn more of who he is as both a father and a businessman
I’m not entirely sure the purpose of the comparison between the RWBY families. It circles back to your issues with Blake and the White Fang, but I don’t know how the two connect. Unless they weren’t supposed to? It’s difficult to read long asks when there’s no paragraph breaks between topics
The racism in RWBY is poorly implemented because its writers were and are cowards about their world. They want the aesthetics of deep themes and adult topics, but have no idea about how to actually do that. What we end up with is la croix racism, where bigotry looks like high school bullying (Velvet getting her ears pulled, Robin calling Marrow “Wags,” some drunkards being mean to Blake)
When you make peace with the fact that RWBY is written by people who have no idea what they’re doing, you’ll have way more fun with this series. It won’t erase the bad writing, the promises of representation that they backpedaled on, the inherent bigotry throughout the show, BUT it will give you enough distance from the Watsonian universe that you can pluck the parts of the show you like and run away with them in your imagination
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That’s why there’s so many rewrites - and the especially fun thing about that is how every individual’s experience/interpretation will dramatically change how they rearrange RWBY. No Remnant will look exactly the same as another and I think that’s beautiful
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dark-beacon · 3 years
Terra had a very lucrative side business that earned some good Lien and gave the Freeloader Saphron something to do. Renting her wife out to be a stress relief, be it individuals or groups, gave her a tidy income, all while Saphron got cum shot into all her holes, from the Faunus group who was currently fucking her.
“So... 40 lien a hole for an hour huh.” Terra said leaning against the wall counting the lien.
“Yep. As long as we have our fun.”
“Sure sure, no condoms huh. That’s a hefty price you know, I’m not sure about supporting more kids. We already do got our precious one.”
“Don’t worry we’re renting her for a few hours at most. I’m sure you’ll give her after pills.” The faunas said as Terra thought about it.
‘Adrian does want more siblings.’ She thought before nodding. “Sure go ahead, just make sure no damage is done, and let me know when your done.” She said before leaving. Sighing she looked at Saphron clothing and rolled her eyes. “Always tossing them around.” She said passing by the room where her wife saw her.
“HMNNMGHH! MNNNGGHHN!” She saw Saphron’s pale hand reach out to her before a thick cock was pushed into her hand as Terra picked up Saphron’s clothes.
The blonde currently was having her pussy and ass fucked and rammed by a bull and dog faunas, her mouth fully stuffed with another cock as her legs were stretched up and her hands being used to jerk off two more people.
“Yes yes Saphron you’ll be fine. Just don’t make too much of a fus.” Terra said as her wife ass gang raped and used with her holes being stretched apart and baby room rammed into multiple times. Terra started to fold Saphron’s clothes neatly and let out a groan. “You guys don’t take her ring off.” She said walking past the naked men of varying sizes, some larger, some muscular and some skinny. They all paid so they had every right to fuck her wife. She soon pushed the large man pounding Saphron’s pussy aside a bit before grabbing Saphron’s when, the women shaking as she had her ring put on before Terra let go.
“Alright go on. Do what you like you all paid for it.” She said walking back out as the men went back to fucking and using Saphron for the rest of the time they had. Pumping her holes full of thick potent faunas cum, forcing her to swallow and take every load into her womb and ass, having her slender beautiful body being covered by more sperm.
Terra came back looking at her scroll and spotted Saphron. “Sorry was back an hour late. I’m sure they know when to let yah though.” She said walking over to her mind broken wife who had blank blue beautiful eyes staring off. She smiled and leaned down to kiss the woman deeply. “Good job. You made us enough lien for groceries.” She said complimenting her wife despite the cumdump she was turned into.
Once they were done Saphrons naked body was left on the table, cum dripping off her fingers and toes as she had thick loads all over her body especially oozing out of her pussy, ass and mouth. The mixed
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rwbyvein · 5 years
Arctic Warfare: A Sealed Room
RWBY and NPR sitting in sitting room at Beacon.
Ren: So, Jaune, has been kind of depressed lately, and we were hoping you could help us snap him out of it.
Yang: *looks around*
Everyone: *looks at Yang*
Yang: *points at Weiss and then Pyrrha*
Pyrrha: What can I do?
Yang: *suggestive eyebrow movement*
Weiss: Then why did you point at me.
Yang: I'm sure his Snow Angel could cheer him up.
Weiss: I'm not that kind of girl.
Yang: What kind of girl are you?
Weiss: What does that mean?
Yang: One minute you hate everything to do with your father, and the next you avoid doing anything that would DISPLEASE - YOUR - FATHER.
Weiss: Father is...
Yang: Vomit boy is becoming all shining knight that would do anything for his princess.
Weiss: I'm not a princess.
Ruby: Maybe we could do something else, like a party?
Ren: Not if you eat them all.
Nora: You do... have a point...
Pyrrha: I wouldn't. Jaune... did not... have the best childhood. And parties aren't really his thing.
* * *
Flashback to Jaune sitting alone at the table in front of a cake.
Mrs. Arc: I'm sure they'll come soon.
* * *
Pyrrha: Sometimes his sisters didn't even save any cake for him.
* * *
Little Jaune: *crying in his room*
Mrs. Arc: *loudly admonishing Jaune's sisters in the background*
Saphron: But Jaune's not going to use it.
* * *
Yang: Orgy.
Weiss: NO *swats Yang*
Yang: Another food fight?
Blake: Books always cheer me up. I don't know how much of a help that is...
Yang: Girly magazine?
Weiss: We are NOT getting him a girly magazine.
Yang: Don't worry, I'll get a tasteful one, befitting of an heiress. I'm sure Jaune would love the tasteful stuff.
Ruby: Group hug?
Yang: I'll see your group hug and raise you a dog pile.
Pyrrha: So... all I have to do is... finally... confess to him?.. And you think that would turn him around.
Weiss: Knowing him, he probably wouldn't understand what was happnening.
Ren: He does have trouble understanding when good things happen to him.
Weiss: I'm curious why everyone thinks it should be me?
Blake: Because... it would make him happy?..
Yang: That is kind of the whole point, here.
Weiss: You can't expect me to date Jaune if I don't like him.
Ren: No, we cannot.
Yang: I could always take him out for a few drinks, and then who knows.
Weiss: NO, YOU ARE NOT?!
Yang: What's it to you?
Weiss: *nervous frustration*
Yang: Say something, or Pyrrha is going to beat you to it.
Nora: A race?!
Pyrrha: Winners gets Jaune.
Weiss: I'll have you know!..
Blake: The point was to make him a bit happier. We don't need to jump straight into romance.
Ruby: I don't know, Pyrrha looks pretty determined.
Ren: In the sprit of fairness, I say we lock them in a room together and don't let them out until one of them confesses to him.
Yang: You always seemed so serious.
Ren: Does not mean I do not enjoy the antics of my teammates. I've rather grown to enjoy them. I do also wish to see this resolved.
Weiss: And if I don't want to go out with him?
Yang: Don't confess your love to him.
Pyrrha: There's no way he would want to go out with me...
Blake: He practically worships you. It's incredibly sweet.
Weiss: *stands up*
Weiss: Since we seem to have some agreement, against my wishes, but does anyone object to... locking us in a room... until Pyrrha confesses?
Weiss: *let's out a long noise, halfway between a whine and a sigh*
Weiss: Fine.
* * *
Jaune: *walks into a multipurpose room, the women all seated*
Ren: *points to the empty chair*
Jaune: *walks over to the empty chair, looking about questioningly*
Jaune: *turns his head as he hears Ren locking the door*
Ren: I stand on the precipice.
Jaune: Of what?
Ren: *gestures to the women seated about the table*
Weiss: *stands up*
Weiss: Point of order.
Ren: Yes?
Weiss: *nervously sits back down*
Ren: Still anyone's game.
Jaune: What game. We're watching a game?
RWBYP: *looks about the table nervously*
NR: *watches from beside the door*
Jaune: *looks about the room questioningly*
RWBYP: *looks about the table nervously*
Yang: Okay, how about we try this. Jaune, of the girls in this room, which ones would you date?
Jaune: Why would any of you date me? You are all superstar goddesses.
Yang: *sees as Jaune's roving gaze includes her*
Yang: Wait, me? I'm one of the superstar goddesses.
Jaune: You are unbelievably gorgeous. And you could punch out a tank.
Yang: Wait, I'm gorgeous?
Ren: Strong upset. No one saw this coming.
Nora: I did. Yang is bitchin'.
Yang: *looks at Nora and Ren* What?
Ren: We are just here as mediators.
Yang: I thought I was just here to see the...
Ren: You are sitting because you chose to sit.
Yang: And what does that mean?
Ren: It means what it means. *gestures back to the group*
Blake: You do know I'm a Faunus, right?
Jaune: An adorable Faunus.
Ruby: He's got you there.
Ruby: Wait, me too?
Jaune: *head falls back*
Jaune: *looks back foward*
Jaune: Why do you all have such trouble believing you are gorgeous?
Blake: Because... you've never acted...
Jaune: Because I was raised to be gentleman. Even if we didn't have much, you can still have manners.
Yang: Then why didn't you... I don't know... do it mannerly?
Jaune: All of my attempts were rebuffed. If figured you weren't interested.
Weiss: That doesn't mean you had to stop!
Jaune: What?
Weiss: *looks about nervously*
Weiss: Nothing.
Pyrrha: Not all of your attempts were rebuffed.
Jaune: My what now?
RWBYP: *looks about the table nervously*
Jaune: So, is there a point to this?
Ren: Yes.
Jaune: *looks at him questioningly*
Ren: *gestures to the girls at the table*
Pyrrha: *stands up*
Pyrrha: Jaune, there's something important you need to know about me.
Jaune: *intently listening*
Pyrrha: I'm not as innocent as you think I am...
Jaune: Yesterday I heard you humming the jingle to Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes.
Blake: That is pretty childlike and innocent. Just like a certain someone.
Blake: *stares at Jaune*
Pyrrha: Jaune, please listen to me.
Jaune: *intently listening*
Pyrrha: The world is different when I am around you. I am so happy...
Weiss: Point of order!
Jaune: I believe Pyrrha has the floor. *turns back to Pyrrha*
Weiss: *cutely aggrevated to the point she couldn't speak*
Pyrrha: I... I love you!
Jaune: *stunned silence*
Weiss: I... I... I...
Weiss: *runs around the table until she's beside Jaune*
Weiss: Aren't I your Snow Angel?
Jaune: Uh... but... you said...
Weiss: Well, I was wrong!
Jaune: *looks between the two*
Yang: Can we get back to how I'm apparently gorgeous.
Blake: You shouldn't need to be told about this.
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Okay everyone, pay attention as these are the rules i’m setting for this blog.
This is Primarily a RWBY blog.
I do accept crossover prompts, and I will list them further down.
This one is very important. No more than 3 characters per prompt. It’s too much work to do more than three characters, and I’ll lose focus if that’s the case.
Ruby Rose is under age, if you want a prompt for Ruby, either age her up in the ask, or fluff the hell out of the prompt.
Ilia, Saphron, and Terra Cotta are lesbian. There will be no accepted prompts of them being paired up with any male.
If there's a prompt I don't like, I will not write it (this rarely happens, but it needs to be said).
Will write
Fluff: This may be a smut blog, but I will write fluff for days.
Action: I don’t know why, but there’s something appealing to me about a couple having sex in the middle of a shootout.
Grimm on female. I don’t mind doing that ... just so long as we’re not talking about an oversized Grimm.
Tentacles. Oh hell yeah I’ll write that.
Mind break/over-stimulation. All day every day.
Futa on female
Certain amounts of incest (depends if I'm comfortable with it)
Wont write
NTR/Cuckolding. Fuck that shit, there will be none of that on this blog.
Reverse NTR or reverse rape. See above, fuck that.
Scat, piss, vore, gore, ball busting, cunt busting, skull fucking, snuff. That shit is just nasty.
Futa on male.
Characters I will NOT write for
Adam. Eve is okay, but no Adam.
Jaques. No, no, no! No Jaques!
Cardin/Team CRDL
Bakugo. He's an asshole
Mineta. He's creepy
Endevor. Same reason as Jaques
Oscar. He's underage, and no I don't care if Ozpin's spirit is inhabiting his body, he's still underage.
Characters I will write for
Everyone I didn’t list above.
I accept OC’s, however you will either need to submit a character bio to my submission box, or already have the OC’s info somewhere on your page.
OC’s I write for
My OC’s
Ryder Argent: Human. Semblance: Time stop
Wynona Argent: Ryder's twin sister
Willow Wisp: Kitsune Faunus. Semblance: Pheremones
Rouge Crimson: Bear Faunus. Semblance: Weapon summoning
Nox: Dark Elf. Magic adept
Nyx: Dark Elf. Incredible strength
Yukio Nakamura/Whirlwind: Professional Hero
James Woods: Human. Monster Hunter
Wicker Dileon: Crocodile Faunus with a comically oversized tail
Cloak & Lace: Angelic and demonic lovers
Rodderick, Aryn, and Brent Stark: Direwolf Faunus siblings
@jace-the-smut-guy‘s OC’s
Ebony Reznor: Giantess cat Faunus (Futa)
Rivy Aideen/Steele: Dragon Faunus. Important note: Rivy exists in Ryder’s universe using her maiden name Steele.
His various other OC’s 
@just-a-bit-yangry‘s OC’s
Rust Marron: Wolf Faunus
North Wilder: Bear Faunus. Big cuddly teddy bear
@lewd-sinnamon OC's
Mar Marigold: Dragon Faunus. Smol but adorable.
@thelastvoidwalker‘s OC
Ryu/Ryuka: Demi-god/goddess
@beaconfantasies‘s OC
Titania: Succubus. Very sensitive horns
@aren-freya OC's
Sable Lowel: Dog Faunus. Dominant, but loves tummy rubs
Alani Barone: Cat Faunus. Absolute sweetheart
Flora Sinclair: Human, pansexual, the softest being
Roderick Hale: Human, strong as a mountain
@alphabeowolf-ism OC's
Ava: Half Grimm woman
I do crossover prompts for the following series
Panty and Stocking
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Legend of Korra
My Hero Acedemia
Fire Emblem (provided I know the character)
Final fantasy VII and XII
High School DXD
Dark Knight Ingrid
Taimamin Asagi
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shadows-twilight · 5 years
RWBY Volume 6 Chapter 9
My various thoughts and opinions on Chapter 9 of RWBY Volume 6, "Lost"
We start off back with Emerald and Mercury. They seem to be handling their situation...well
You know, I've always wondered if Mercury might join Emerald in her potential redemption. I'm starting to have doubts.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Top dogs in Salem's new world? Well, that answers any questions about how much Salem tells her subordinates. Or at least we know how much in the know Emerald and Mercury are. I wonder if Team WTCH knows any better, or if Salem is stringing all of them along.
Ouch, Mercury telling it like it is with Cinder's feelings. It's quite sad seeing just how desperate Emerald was for affection that she'd fall for Cinder's bs.
Woah, so Mercury's father is All for One? I guess now what we know what I'm the One meant by "defiled by a father". That shit's harsh.
Ooooh, Tyrian's new tail. Me likey. I particularly like how the armor covers the entire tail, not just the prosthetic. "All you ever learned was pain and violence, and now you're too afraid to leave it." Dude, is Tyrian secretly a psychiatrist? For the bloodthirsty psychopath of the group, he can be surprisingly deep at times.
I don't know, is Tyrian the best choice to send to Atlas? I mean, Watts would obviously fit right in, but between his status as a faunus and his...unsocial tendencies, Tyrian would stick out like a sore thumb.
For a split second, I was afraid that Saphron's speech would inspire JNPR to leave the Oz party and strike off as normal Huntsmen. That would have really made me sad.
Them mentioning cafe's made me wonder, does Remnant have chain restaurants? Is there an equivalent to Starbucks in this world?
Ok, I needed a lot more warning than that maple leaf because there was NO WAY I WAS PREPARED FOR THIS!!! I mean, I was with everyone else in hoping we'd get some feelsy Pyrrha content in Argus but THIS!? There was no way in hell I was prepared for this!
This song feels like Cold Part II, save for the fact that Cold wasn't originally written for Pyrrha.
Hmmm, so we have here a red-haired woman with green eyes, who's carrying flowers symbolic of death and resurrection, voiced by Jen Brown, who mysteriously disappears and is currently unnamed. I know the implication is supposed to be that she's Pyrrha's mother or relative, but i wonder if...- No, bad hope! BAD HOPE! It's not going to happen! It's been three years now! It's not *hic* going to..happen *collapses in ugly sobs*
*bolts back up* Ok, moving on!
Oh look! Ren and Nora brought Jaune coffee, how considerate of them!
Thank you, Ren and Nora, for finally confronting Jaune on his suicidal tendencies. This scene my have ripped my heart out, but god was it needed.
Wow, Qrow managed to make it to the Cotta-Arc doorstep before passing out? That's impressive.
Yay, JNPR's sticking around after all ^-^
Hah. everyone was worried that Oscar would be found by the villains. Instead he was waiting at the house for them and- HOLY SHIT HE GOT NEW THREADS! AND THEY LOOK AMAZING!
I have to say, I was thinking that the resolution between Jaune and Oscar would be a bit more angsty, but I can't say I'm disappointed. This was honestly pretty heartwarming, and after that last scene I DEFINITELY NEEDED HEARTWARMING!
You know, for Yang having never "seen [Qrow] this bad before", he seems surprisingly sober. Grouchy, perhaps, but sober.
Oh god, the Chibi-verse is spilling into the canon-verse! First RWBY robs a bank, now Jaune wants to joyride an Atlas airship? I'd ask what's next, but I'd honestly rather not know. Heh, Ruby in for another protagonist speech. I was half hoping Qrow would do a call back to Raven's response to the last one.
Man, talk about an emotional roller coaster of an episode (albeit in the best way). I honestly can't wait for the next episode, but I think I'm going to need a minute to recover from this one.
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notmaplemable · 1 year
Kali: ...
Jaune: Hello miss.
Garnet: Care to spare some food for some poor orphans?
Saphron: They don't let faunus work in a lot of places around here, so we can't get any money.
Kelly: *Cute puppy noises*
Kali: Ghira!
Ghira: Yes dear?
Kali: *Holding up the Arc kids* Can we keep them? Please? I promise I'll take good care of them!
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littlelewdmable · 1 year
Request/Ask Guidelines (Updated)
Request Format:
Series (optional): Ex. Ginger Whisperer
Pairing: Ex. Jaune/Wolf!faunus Ruby or Futa!Pyrrha/Yang or Ren/Nora
Kinks (optional): Ex. Breeding
Length: (Optional) : Short
Prompt: Ex. Ruby asks Jaune to hold her hand for the first time.
All members of RWBY, JNPR, and STRQ are available.
With Penny, Winter, Velvet, Coco, (Dog Faunus) Zwei, Saphron, Terra, Other Arc Sisters, Goodwitch, Oscar, Whitley, Willow, Sun, Ilia and Kali also being available.
I'll do-
Regular Pairings: M/F - F/F - Futa/F - Futa/Futa
Threesome Pairings: M/F/F - M/M/F - Futa/F/F - M/F/Futa - Futa/Futa/F
OT4+ Pairings: M/Up to 4F - Futa/Up to 4F - M/F/M/F - M/F/Futa/F
Note: I will do certain incest ships if requested.
Ships I won't do-
(Nothing against you if you ship any of these, I just don't want to do them)
Ruby/Oscar, Ruby/Weiss*, Tai/Yang, Tai/Ruby, Qrow/Raven, Qrow/Ruby, and Qrow/Yang.
*Would do as part of a poly relationship
Short* - <500 words Tumblr format
Medium - 500-1000 words Long Form
Long - 1000-2000 words Long Form
One shot - 2000+ words Long Form
Mini-Series - 3000+ words per chapter over 2-6 chapters
*If no length is specified, than this will be what you get.
If you'd like any specific kinks to feature, please list them in the request.
I won't do-
Any form of NTR, cheating, or cuckolding. Scat and the like. Shaming. Dubious or Nonconsensual acts. Etc.
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vecnawrites · 3 years
Dog tail faunus Jaune goes into heat and the only one near by is Neon Katt who is more than happy to help she just under estimated how bad his heat was and what hes packing.
Jaune panted, his tail twitching as sweat dripped down his body. He fought back the urge to whine, he wasn’t a scraggly preteen dealing with his first heat, he was an adult now, with several under his belt. He would have to get back to the dorm first, before the effects really hit him; he didn’t want a repeat of the first time he had lost control, or the last time.
He had been lucky as all hell that Saphron and Terra had wanted a baby, and were going to ask him to donate anyway. So while it was awkward to mount and rut his sister-in-law in his head, it had at least worked out for them, and was nothing more than something to laugh about now.
But even more than that, he thanked the Brothers that Velvet was such a kind and understanding girl, even being sweet enough to say she was willing to help him out again if he needed it. He had been incredibly thankful, hugging the girl tightly. He did wonder why she had such a blush on her cheeks, though. It might have been embarrassment, since they were both still naked at the time.
But that was neither here nor there at this point. Velvet was on a mission with her team and Pyrrha (who had heavily insisted, cheeks as red as her hair that he come to her for help the next time his heat flared up) was away doing some sort of sponsorship thing, leaving him alone at the moment...he shook himself again. He needed to leave, to get back to the dorms, before-!
“Heeeeyyy~!” Jaune froze as the cute cat faunus from Atlas appeared before him, her eyes sultry and looking interested, roaming over his body, her own feline tail flicking back and forth. He watched her sniff the air and lick her lips, his own powerful nose picking up a sweet, almost cloyingly so, scent. His cock throbbed as he realized it was the scent of her arousal, a sweet, tempting thing that called to him, made his libido swell, his cock throbbing and straining lewdly against the fabric of his trousers.
Before he could say anything, the orangette snagged his wrist and began walking, dragging him along with her, helped out by her roller blades...it also had the added effect of flipping her skirt up every few seconds, revealing her plump, pert cheeks of her ass, and just beneath it, flashes of pink, shining under the light, which told him not only where the wonderful smell was originating from, but that this girl was very daring, going around in a skirt that short without panties.
Hey couldn’t stop the yelp from escaping his lips as he was dragged into one of the empty ‘study dorms’ (which were meant for studying, but were more often than not used for sex. He would know, one of these were where he and Velvet ended up) and shoved towards the bed as she closed and locked the door behind her. Looking up, he was met with a blur of color which knocked him to the bed with a naked orange haired girl above him, hovering with a cheeky grin on her face.
Neon Katt was what one would call a party and fun loving individual. She loved nothing more than having a good time, and orgasms definitely counted as having a good time! They were the perfect way to wind down after a long, stressful day...or just to have fun and relax!
But, much like a cat, she was also quite the opportunist. She knew that the blonde beneath her held the biggest dick in the fucking school, and she had interrogated, uh she meant, had a ‘girls chat’ with the bunny faunus in the year above when she saw the weak, bow legged, limping gait the bunny had, telling anyone who knew anything that she had been fucked marvelously.
As the mortified bunny spilled her guts to Neon, the party Katt found herself drooling from both sets of lips. Hell, she was surprised that Velvet had actually been able to walk at all from how vigorous she said that he had been!
A plan quickly hatched in her mind, a genius, diabolical plan to get some loving! A cunning plan to ensure she got fucked just as heartily and well as the bunny faunus had. It wasn’t like people were lining up to share her bed in Atlas, after all.
And so far, the plan had worked perfectly! She could feel that cock pushing up against her pantiless ass (she was beyond thankful that she had forgone the garment on the way here as she had been so wet she might have ruined it, and she might do so from now on, that was so naughty~) and gazed down at her prey with a sultry look on her face.
“Well now...I can feel you’re having a bit of a problem, big boy~” she cooed, rubbing back against the thick cock still trapped within it’s bindings. She licked her lips, sure that she was going to have a wonderful time riding that beast. “Fortunately, Neon’s more than willing to help you out!”
Scooting down, Neon licked her lips hungrily as she stared at the massive bulge, her fingers curling into the fabric of her pants, pulling them and his boxers down and-
Her vision swam, not only from the sudden strike to her face, but the thick wave of hot musk that washed over her and drove her animal instincts wild, her pussy gushing and squirting out onto the bed, panting and huffing up the delicious musk that filled her lungs and overpowered her brain, frying her synapses. She squirmed, her nose rubbing that thick length as she slumped down and forwards, until her face was covered in an almost boiling warmth, her tail flicking back and forth wildly as the mind melting smell cloaked her lungs, imprinting itself into her nose and brain.
Her small chest pushed outwards as she inhaled as deeply as she could, pale pink nipples hard and swollen, as she refused to leave the musky warmth that enamored her so. She could stay there forever...she rubbed her face deeper into that heavy sack, her toes curling.
She was so intoxicated by Jaune’s musk, she failed the warmth going missing, her being spun around and settled onto her front, face down, ass up, the blonde gripping her hips. She did, however, take notice when the thick fat shaft she had just been shamelessly rubbing her cheeks against fell between her toned ass cheeks with a loud SLAP, the fat rod rutting a bit between her cheeks before sliding down and resting against her soaking, dripping pussy lips.
She looked back drunkenly, eyes widening as she saw the large, obscenely thick cock attached to the blonde Arc, with an even thicker, bulbous, fist-sized knot at the base, twitching with every heartbeat of the young man it was attached to. She swallowed hard. “Uh, can...can we tal-”
Neon’s eyes crossed as Jaune’s bitch breaking fuck stick of a cock spread her pussy wide open, though thankfully, she could feel that massive knot still outside of her poor core. A strained mewling noise escaped her lips as her fingers curled into the sheets, her body trembling heavily from the myriad of sensations rushing through her body.
She felt her lover begin to move back, and her core, on reflex movement, began to squeeze down, trying to keep the heavy cock inside her body, before a loud yowl escaped her throat as Jaune decided to thrust back inside her body with a slick noise, her pussy clamping down hard around the shaft in a faux orgasm.
The pace wasn’t slow. It wasn’t gentle. It wasn’t loving. It was rough, primal, aggressive, outright animalistic. Neon could only release the most pitiful mewls as she was thrust into, fucked into, the bed, her tongue hanging out of her mouth, drool staining the sheets beneath her.
Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! PlaP! PlaP! PLAP! PLAP! PLAP! PLAP! PLAP! PLAP! PLAP! PLAP!
Wet, slick noises filled the study room air, along with male and female sex musk, as Neon was fucked hard, fast, brutally into the bed, her more carnal, feline instincts loving it, her pussy flexing and clamping down on the invader in constant, wet and messy orgasm.
Pap! Pap! Pap! Teal green eyes widened as Neon felt that fat knot prodding insistently at her pussy lips with every thrust now, feeling the cock within her twitching and throbbing in warning of what was to come. Gathering every bit of strength she could in her panic, Neon raised her head up. “W-wai-!”
“NNNNNNNNNN!!!” Neon’s pupils shrunk to pinpricks, before rolling up in her head as her entire body went stiff, her tail sticking straight out like a ramrod as Jaune’s knot found its way into her unprepared pussy, locking her and the blonde together, hip to ass, the tip of his cock pressed flush against her cervix.
“nnnnnnn♥~” she whined out as her blonde lover began to rut into her body again, his big strong hands moving from her hips and down to her butt, fingers sinking into the muscle as he delivered shorter, but far more powerful and intense thrusts, his tip smacking into her cervix over and over.
Fingers and toes curled into the sheets, nearly tearing them outright as Neon lost herself to the brutally intense fucking, her pussy clamping down and squeezing tightly as she squirted, reaching her most powerful orgasm yet.
She slumped to the bed, boneless and body quaking as Jaune continued to slam into her over and over and over again, his thick cock throbbing and twitching mightily deep within her, signifying that his own orgasm was imminent. Neon knew, she just knew, that the moment he came she would never be the same afterwards! Her eyes widened as she felt a powerful throb within her, followed by incredible warmth filling her belly. Her toes curled.
“Nyaaaaaaaa♥~!” she cried out, hearts in her eyes as she fell face first to the bed and quivering as she felt strong, thick spurts of warm cum filling her belly, shooting into her welcoming womb. She blissfully passed out, purring deeply, and an overjoyed expression on her face.
Huffing, Jaune slumped over Neon’s body, slowly rutting his hips as his balls steadily drained into her warm and velvety pussy. Carefully gathering the unconscious girl into his arms and turning onto their sides, Jaune tucked the unconscious cat Faunus against his front, he settled and let himself relax, letting the dopamine and serotonin from his continuous orgasm wash over him, his hand gently rubbing over his sleeping partner’s slowly swelling belly.
He closed his eyes, hoping that when both of them woke later, she would feel up to another round before separating. Burying his nose into her hair, he allowed himself to drift off, happy and content.
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