#don't see many people categorizing him as good is not nice either
the-force-awakens · 5 months
I think something that no one talks about is how Poe leans more towards being an anti-hero than just plain hero. He's willing to do the "wrong" things for the right reasons, ex: willing the kill bad people to save the innocent, basically willing to do the dirty work that no one wants to talk or think about. and I think it should be talked about more. Your post was just *chefs kiss*, the way you understood Poe is so refreshing compared to what I see him reduced to in canon
Poe definitely is willing to make the tough calls, including being willing to kill bad people to save innocent people (or destroy a planet to save countless others), but I wouldn't necessarily sort him into the antihero trope myself, more the "good is not nice" trope.
Because for as much as Poe is willing to shoot the bad guys, or blow up a planet if it means saving the galaxy, he's usually the first person to lower his blaster or offer someone a second chance. The biggest source of conflict between himself and Zorii in Free Fall is the fact that Poe can't fit into this life of shades of grey, and that's a trait that does follow him to the Resistance. He can lie (badly) for them, he can steal ships, be labeled a criminal if it's done for the right reasons/for the Resistance but at the same time, he also......really can't wrap his head around and seems uncomfortable at times with Suralinda's way of manipulating or recontextualizing the truth for propaganda purposes (which i wish had...been better explored in the comics it's Fine, but like I wanna know more about Poe "can't lie" Dameron and Suralinda "i'm here to tell a good story" Javos. I WANT TO KNOW MORE LUCASFILM), even if Suralinda is doing those things for the Resistance, so they can gain more support.
There's also this quote of Rian Johnson's, that I really love, and that I feel like sums up Poe the best for me:
“Oscar is like a reincarnation of my favorite old movie stars; he has that old school magnetism paired with insane acting chops. Poe is a straight-up, good-guy hero, and although he gets put through the wringer in this film, because of Oscar you never lose faith that he’s going to come out the other end all the better for it.” [from this post]
I'm having trouble wording/it's kind of hard for me to explain, but like. I view Poe as someone who is, like Rian describes him, as a good-guy hero, who usually cannot quite stop the instinct to do the heroic thing, and how that can make him quite reckless (I do believe Oscar actually described Poe during the TFA Press Tour as "recklessly heroic" sir I'm sorry i ever doubted you about Poe being reckless, I thoroughly learned my lesson #13 Poe issues and a knife to Poe's hand later) - but I think also that doesn't mean that Poe needs to look like the hero, and I think TLJ proves that? He does what he believes is the best for the Resistance, and seizes control of the Raddus. It's a last resort, of course, and I don't think he necessarily cares about what people might think of him for it* - he's a commander, he makes the hard calls all the time, and regardless of his own desire to be a hero, I don't think Poe necessarily wants to be praised as one. He's just gonna do the right, most heroic thing at any given moment, and doesn't care what people say. I mean...we kind of get the impression he's used to being seen a certain way, y'know? Poe doesn't seem surprised in the least when Holdo berates him, he just has this look of "oh this banthashit again I thought I'd heard the last of it", y'know?
*y'know except for leia. because he definitely makes a face when she says that thing about holdo in the transport. anyway moving on because this got completely. the train jumped the track here. adhd moment.
As much as he is willing to do some hard things for the Resistance, I feel like Poe would. not last a day in the Rebellion - the Rebellion is just gray. You have to be, fighting something like the Empire, they're quick and dirty and. manipulative and liars and assassins, and Poe...wouldn't have the heart for that, I think. So I do believe there would be a line, in what Poe would even be willing to do for the Resistance.
That said, I do wish canon/fanon would be more willing to explore....any of his. nuance. that everyone seems very allergic to acknowledging, and I'd especially be interested in seeing more of Poe's - I'm a dw nerd sorry I'm just gonna call it this every time - "oncoming storm" side because it's so much fun. There's some other facets of his character I'd love to see explored in more detail, but that one especially. It would honestly be a dream, I think, if Alex Segura got to write for him again, but perhaps this time in the Resistance era, because I think that man would have a blast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with writing a good spy adventure.
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celluloidbroomcloset · 6 months
Hi, other anon! First ranty anon here. Thanks for adding the bit about Rhys and Taika! In my head I included them in the cast and crew who helped shape their characters but actually didn't put that in the rant... 😅 And I gotta rant again, sorry! Please yell at me if I'm annoying. I just gotta rant at somebody.
But of course canyon op downplays their contributions! They're straight, they don't count! Only Con does since he's the only queer one in the "main three" cast! Besides who cares about how wonderfully adorable and romantic their little ad-libs made Ed and Stede! Nobody cares about Ed and Stede!
Never mind the (admittedly slim) possibility that either Taika or Rhys or both could be queer and just publicly identify as straight. I don't know or care if they are or aren't, that's their business. But downplaying their contributions to the show just because they identify as straight is not the best look. Same with trying to villify Jenkins for his original plan (which still doesn't matter because he scrapped it) just because he's cishet.
"Jenkins never meant for this show to be so kind to queers!" they say as if Jenkins had nothing to do with the casting of so many queer actors and the hiring of the astoundingly diverse writers' room. He asked for queer writers and actors to help him shape this! Why does canyon op try to paint it as queer actors subverting a straight showrunner to make something awesome when he asked them willingly to contribute? Is it not better that this cishet man went to members of the community to help him make his show a wonderful celebration of all types of queerness because he recognized his limitations? Do they not realize just how rare it is to have that? Do we not want more awesome queer media that treats the community with love and respect, no matter who makes it? Why try to paint one of the few truly good things we have like it's just barely dodged being yet another lame "queerbait" when it's anything but?
(sorry again but I just saw their additions and justifications and like...did you not read your own tags, canyon op? you are trying to turn people against Jenkins with your post and you are twisting his words to turn him into a villain and downplay his involvement and make the show entirely the result of the cast dodging around him and...I'll stop now. sorry! 😆)
I think the original poster blocked me, which I'm more than fine with, but I still do find it quite funny that I literally didn't realize they were going for a "David Jenkins bad!!" narrative.
It's hard to say who shapes what in a show like this; again, it seems pretty indicative that Jenkins is collaborating with others and not simply forcing through everything himself. The whole point of allyship is for those in positions of privilege and power to use that to hold the door open for others who aren't. (I know there are lots of people who take issue with Taika, for different reasons that are perfectly legitimate, but he has undoubtedly held the door open for others, and it seems that Jenkins has too.) So to criticize Jenkins for making a poor choice and then deciding he could make a better choice, and that turning into what we see on OFMD, seems not at all about allyship or queer rep, but about personal animosity.
Same goes for Taika and Rhys. Again, plenty of actors can and would categorically refuse to do the queer romance. Others would be entirely uncomfortable with it and try to brush it off. I know nothing about these men personally, but every interview has them talking about how proud they were and are about what they've been able to do. (It's also, TBH, unusual to see two straight male actors being so openly loving about each other, which I think is nice to see.)
What struck me and so many others about the first season is that...they actually did that. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop and it didn't. They're gay. It's a romance. There are bisexuals and trans/nonbinary people and asexuals and polyamorous people. The cast is hugely diverse. One of the leads is a biracial indigenous man and the other is the whitest man on the planet and they're shown falling in love (look at media history sometime and let me know how common THAT is). The big villains are toxic masculinity and colonialism. Classists get burned alive. Racists get their hands stabbed.
It is very much not a perfect show, and there are things it could do better, but what it does is fucking remarkable. You will not find someone more leery of white male artists than me, and it is always possible to be disappointed by a direction a show takes, even when its first two seasons are so good. But we should embrace it when art is done right and this show, so far, is done right.
I sure as fuck will not let a teeny group of dingbats mad that it doesn't conform to the story in their heads ruin that.
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Idk how much experience you may have with this but lately I've been thinking about how most men I know somehow can't clock transwomen as fast as I can and I'm wondering if male's like don't have as strong of a recognition of sex as women do? And maybe that's part of why a lot of transwomen think they pass when it's very obvious to us 🤔
personally i've been able to clock just about every trans person i've come across, either IRL or online just from something as small as a reddit post. most of them are pretty obvious. there's like probably 30-50 trans people at my work and i can clock all of them at first glance (there's two people I am unsure of) and only one of them knows i'm trans because i told one transman that i trust, when i told him he asked if i was transmale or transfemale.
from what i've experienced, males are atrocious at pattern recognition when it comes to people because they literally just have "man, boy (potential man), woman/girl" is how they categorize people it seems. i've heard radfems talk about how part of the reason males are worse at it might be because they don't need it to survive as much, but girls and women need to be able to accurately ID a male, in any circumstance, to survive in modern society.
for me, again personally, the only people that have really clocked me have been lesbians and gay men. most straight people seem to be completely clueless, more so men than women. i do claim i pass but when i say that i mean like in most everyday situations like going to the grocery store or to get food or something almost everyone will assume i'm a "woman" even though i'm not one. i definitely think there are plenty of women who have clocked me and just not said anything/played nice. i think any woman that spent any amount of time talking with me or hanging out with me would figure it out sooner or later, but i generally tell any close friends if we're actively talking/hanging out that much because i don't want to and don't mean to deceive them.
some anecdotes from personal experience:
i have been targeted by powerful men before because they, for some reason, legitimately thought i was female. a woman who "worked" for them also thought i was. that situation made me legit fear for my life.
the most common question i got asked at whole foods anytime i mentioned i didn't feel well, multiple women would ask if i was on my period, to which i would say just no it's just stomach cramps or w/e was making me feel crappy.
most women that do suspect me to be not what i appear usually think i'm non-binary or a transman if they ever want to ask anything.
i was disallowed from doing something at a different whole foods because they said it couldn't be a woman doing it if the other person was a man (overnights require min 2 people present). this rule miraculously disappeared after the pandemic hit and we didn't have the staff to do otherwise. i had volunteered to be the second person since i already came in early so it was no big deal to come in earlier, but they were like no it cant be a man and a woman if there's only 2 people.
this isn't me trying to say "oh i pass sooo much better" or anything like that, because i doubt i pass that particularly well but also at the same time i often struggle to make sense of what i do experience. i can't imagine this many people doing all of this just to validate me and i don't go around telling people i'm a woman, however my documentation all reflects "F". these experiences are generally why i will say i "pass" and also why i use the term "assimilated transsexual".
i think being bullied so much by boys and men plus getting into radical feminism drastically improved my human sex pattern recognition. i definitely used to not be as good at it as i am now. i can look at myself and pick out my male features fairly easily. i have had more androgynous features most of my life than anything else.
it does blow my mind when i see quite clearly men wearing makeup saying they pass and are hotter/sexier than women, because i feel like any look into the mirror would reveal otherwise... which the same could totally be said about me, maybe i look like a clown too and everyone is just nice to me who knows, but i almost never wear makeup, i've only worn it on special occasions and it's usually just eye makeup, nothing else.
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Monster Hunter Ch. 1
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Pairing: Will Ransome x Female Reader
Words: 1,516
Summary: The year was 1893 in Aldwinter Essex and William Ransome, vicar, has been battling with his towns people and the myth of monsters. Especially, after strange things keep happening in town, most recently an earthquake and even children and locals reporting the sighting of a blackwater beast. Although Will, himself doesn't believe in monsters he's been struggling to convince the town people otherwise. The problem further escalates when men of the town all begin having similar dreams and describe the same woman appearing in them. After each person has these dreams, they seem to be weaker either physically or mentally and, in most cases, have been found dead. The dreams also only started occurring after a new spinster named Y/N moved in on the outskirts of town. With all the increasing rumors, Will is forced to step in and begin to decipher what's happening especially whether he believes these things are real.  
Warnings: yes there is smut in the first piece, but it’s just with Will’s wife. Fingering and P in the V
Tiny Tag List: @venusofthehardsells @spooky1980
Notes: This story first of all wouldn’t be happening without @venusofthehardsells she was the on who first introduced me to these Tom Hiddleston photos. Which in thus created a thirst and need for a fic. But the fic is now a series! I also have not actually read The Essex Serpent and have no idea how the show is going to go, so this is my OWN interpretation and telling of his character. Please enjoy, like, reblog, and leave lots of comments!
Master List
Series Master List
Will's P.O.V
I had spent another long grueling day arguing with the members of my communion about whether the myths and monsters circulating our small town were real. The rumors began last summer and only thus worsened. I'm at my wits end with it all, and just need a way to qualm what the town is currently feeling. As I worked my way back into my office, I couldn't help but think that the new spinster, Y/N, on the outskirts of town had to have something to do with this all. Considering she had moved in around last summer when the blackwater beast stories first presented themselves. But now that she, herself, was appearing in men's dreams, and then a lot of those men found dead. It was suspicious and she surely has something to do with it all, maybe if not monsters and myths than some type of black magic or witchery.  
By the time I made it back to my office I couldn't help but pull out my hidden bottle of gin and pour myself a drink before I sat down. I manage to swallow the drink all in one swig and end up pouring myself another. Sitting down at my desk with the bottle, I press my fingers to my temples and hunch over the desk. Pondering what's been happening to my small town and why everything's suddenly topsy-turvy. I also can't help but think about how this is going to further affect the towns faith in God, especially thier view him. While my thoughts are still swirling, I throw back my second drink and decide to pour another.  
As if I have a chance to relax though, there's an overflowing pile of paperwork on my desk I still need to sort out. As well as a stack of mail that's been neglected for far too long. That's when I decide it's time to down my third drink and start sorting through the paperwork and at least categorizing it. By the time I finish organizing I have a stack of marriage certificates, christenings, new memberships, and even a decent amount of death certificates. The mail will have to wait until the morning I haven't been home all week; I keep falling asleep in my office or waking up somewhere in the pews. But I know my wife is beginning to worry and I should probably make my way home before I get stuck here.  
I pour myself one final drink for the road, throw it back and begin to push myself to my feet. I tuck the gin back in its hiding place within the bookshelf and begin to shut down the building while heading out. Specifically, blowing out all the candles, turning off oil lamps and locking the doors. Even in a buzzed stupor those are things I never forget.  
I stumble down the steps of the church and make it to the cobblestone street heading towards home. Even though there aren't many streetlamps providing light, there's a clear sky and a full moon making everything gleam and glisten in the dark. As I continue my march home, I pass one of the local pubs and see none other than Y/N, herself outside it. Conversing with John Smith, one of the older blacksmiths. It seems to be a deep intimate moment, that I interrupt by holding my gaze towards them too long. Catching their attention and weird glares back. I tip my head to them and continue walking, hoping I haven't soured their mood.  
By the time I make it home, I can see all the oil lamps are off and two candles going, one in my bedroom meaning the Mrs.'s is up reading or waiting for me. And one in the kitchen, she must have put leftovers out for me. How many times has that this happened this week? I don't want to disturb anybody, so I enter the house through the rear door that leads directly into the kitchen. There's a plate of cold food on the table for me, that I scarf down ravenously. With how little I've been home; I really haven't been eating either. Once I'm done, I rinse off the dishes, setting them aside to be washed in the morning and blow out the candle.  
I slowly make my way upstairs and begin to plot ways to get myself out of this argument with my wife. Maybe because the kids were still sleeping, she'd put off the spat and wait till she sent them off too school or her parents. Either way I wasn't prepared to walk in and find her sitting naked in the candlelight. It's almost like she knew I'd finally make my way home tonight. That or she's been truly waiting each night like this for my return home. Either way I didn't deserve a woman as good as her.  
Her sultry voice broke my shocked stupor, "I was beginning to wonder when I'd ever see you again."
I run my hands through my hair, a nervous habit, and work up a response, "you know, I can't rest easy until I convince everyone that this blackwater serpent isn't real. And now I have reports of Y/N appearing in men's dreams and a lot of those men begin found dead within a couple days or weeks shortly thereafter."
I must have been running my mouth because by the time I look to my wife again she is already up from the bed and stripping me of my clothing.  
"I understand that this is a huge deal honey, but you can't keep burning the candle at both ends and pushing yourself like this," she states while finishing pulling the reaming clothes from my body. "Come, join me in bed maybe if I provide my wifely duties, I can help break you out of this stump." Which is followed by her hands caressing my chest and moving up towards my neck, face and into my hair. Where she pulls my gaze to hers to get a clear look in my eyes. I know she can see how tired and stressed out I am.  
I let her pull me into bed, she makes it so I land on top of her, and I can't help but agree that now would be a good time to have sex. It also means she isn't mad or at least she's trying to amend things this way instead. I begin to kiss her and settle myself in between her legs where my member begins to harden against her. Our kissing becomes passionate, and I feel her entrance slicken. I slide my fingers along her slit and begin to spread her wetness around causing mewls to spill from her mouth into mine. Once she's decently wet, I slip a finger and then two into her, working them at a steady pace. While I move my lips to her chest and tell her she must quiet herself or else she'll wake the children in a hushed mummer.  
After I feel her cum around my finger, I work that same hand over my member, making sure to get it nice and wet. Then I line myself up with her entrance and push in slowly, while putting my hand over her mouth.  
"You just can't help yourself tonight my dear," I mumble into her ear while giving her a chance to adjust to my member in her. She bites my hand, a clear sign I need to get a move on, and I begin to push myself in and out of her tight channel. The pace isn't slow for long though and I begin pounding into her. Her whines spilling out but muffled behind my hand.  
"I know your close again, cum with me yeah?" She nods and with that I drop my hips lower changing the angle. Which immediately triggers her orgasm, causing her tight channel to milk me and pushing me into my orgasm. I pump my seed into her and then roll of to the side. Pulling her tightly into my arms I drift off into sleep thinking about Y/N, John Smith, and the rumors circulating our small town.  
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lighthouseborna · 3 years
mmkay so you know how the doc has this thing about killing people / he prefers to distance himself from it in a "it was out of my hands" sort of way, he tells the racnoss "then what happens next is your own doing" before he commits genocide, he won't pull the trigger but he will "get worse. Trick people into [pulling it themselves]", he likes to have a technicality where he can say That Wasn't My Fault, I Had No Choice. would henry's 'they're a monster' fall under the same category or would it be ... like his killing, would it be His Killing or would it be the 'natural course of events', they're a monster and therefore they Have To Die OR they're a monster and therefore I Will Kill Them. i don't know if this question is coming across but it's interesting to me so here i am
Ok so Ingrid's asking about (this post and its tags) for context and for the sake of answering this for my HC tag I'm also going to try to. Explain what (I'm pretty sure) this question is in case it's only clear to me because I speak Ingrid:
Like (character we're both familiar with I won't write the name of because tumblr's search function is too powerful), when Henry is [theoretically] pushed to killing, does his mindset shift the blame of the act to either the killed or some greater force, either way, in service of absolving him of responsibility for their death? Can he handle/confront murder as a personal action, or is his nature to find a way to separate it from himself?
And you know it's a good question because I have been noticing some common threads lately there are some real similarities that have cropped up and either they're written with a similar feel or I just accidentally assigned him the similarities lol, and then there's also the matter of how I phrased it, and... yeah it's a good question.
Especially considering -as I said- there's this line in the sand for Henry (which really comes down to my writing; there is..... a hint of it in the novel, I didn't pull it from nowhere, but I do feel I've exaggerated it) I was talking about where he goes from 'this is a person that I do not agree with and who is doing things that do not fit my definition of good' which may or may not warrant stopping them but ultimately just mean he considers them a very dark or different person from himself, to... 'this is not a person. People do not behave this way.' Granted, so far Salazar is... the only person he's actually met who he has categorized this way, probably. And his mental perception of Beckett and Jones would be similar, but only because they were often his childhood-story villains, so, while obviously dislikable, their villainy has been exaggerated to Henry by his own childhood imagination. Outside of these figures, two being aided by imagination and the third by a literal trauma response, he's never gotten to this point of thinking. It takes a lot. Honestly, he's old enough now that Jones and Beckett may not fall into this category the same way anymore, though you'd have to call his attention to that fact for it to be properly acknowledged. This was not the question - I was building to it but now I've lost how, the point is:
No. No I don't think he would.
You know he's not. He's not an accidental person. He's chaotic, and he's impulsive, and optimistic and so lucky so often. Be he doesn't... he doesn't nudge one thing for the sake of watching where the momentum carries the chaos, he charges for what he wants, does what he believes will set those things, specifically, in motion. Obviously not everything is going to just happen the way he wants it to, of course everyone experiences consequences they did not anticipate. But those random things aren't where he lives, he lives in intention. In drive. In doing. Do- is this making sense about how I feel it's connected? Like. Ripple pattern, butterfly effect, etc. sure that's just... part of making your choices but he makes his choices. And in this instance, that's... that's just what it is.
If Henry is at a point where his thinking becomes "this is not a man, this is a monster" it is not to say and so have killed themself by being one it is to explain "and that is why I have done what I have done." A justification, to be sure, and a fascinating peek at the way he otherizes what is contrary to him (why can it not just be a man who is evil, Henry? Why must something be inhuman to be dark? ((It's quite beautiful in a bad-thinking way, though, really. 'Humans are not this dark' you sweet, sweet summer child.))) but, ultimately, full responsibility. I don't think for a second he'd try to say there was no other path - too often the truth of life is that there are many paths you do not see until after something is done, and he knows this. I do not think for a second he'd try to remove something he did from himself - even if it's unpleasant, even when it is hard, and sometimes horrible, he did it, and that is as important to him when he doesn't like his choices as when he does. There may come a day when he disagrees with his past self, but nevertheless, he is him and he will not hide from himself. That's not his way. He does not bluff.
And ... I don't know if that he could get to this point, where he felt compelled to kill, without someone he cared about and/or himself being under active threat. Like you could be a nega-Henry, a person who believes in everything he does not and makes every choice he would never, but as long as that was just like. Existence for you? And didn't hinge on hurting his people? ... I mean he'd absolutely scowl and argue and fight but I don't think it would come to killing, from his side. Not at origin.
And it's not nice. It's not flattering. It's not enjoyable to do or pleasant knowledge to have of yourself, that there is a point at which you can kill. ...But I'm not even sure he's properly aware of it, at this juncture? While I fully believe he was, effectively and applicably, at this point with Salazar, he didn't reach immediately for it because it's not his first or even fifth or seventh or- nature, and more importantly (dynamically, thematically, etc.) he didn't have to. Jack and Barbossa saw to that (parents_defending_their_children.pdf). Salazar is dealt with without Henry having to step to that he could have been the one to do it. I'm not saying he wouldn't have I'm just saying this is also very important to the truth of Henry Turner; he is not alone and the people around him, for all his defense of them, for all his fighting on their behalf, will defend him so fiercely. too. And if he had stepped to this, and done what he believed to be the thing to do in that moment (Salazar does not stop unless he is dead - and even then......) it's important to note the way he would not expect it to change the defending. And that may be a large part of why he has no need to remove it from himself.
After all, he is His People First; if they could not handle Henry as capable of killing, I think he'd be far more likely to find a way to slough that responsibility - for their sake. But... I mean, he's a pirate. They all are.
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‘I know this is a bit of a touchy subject and its okay if you don't want to do this, but how would the guys react to finding out their crush is in a physically abusive relationship? thank you.’
 I know this is a bit of a touchy subject and its okay if you don't want to do this, but how would the guys react to finding out their crush is in a physically abusive relationship? thank you.
I had to do some research for this one, so apologies if some facts seem unrealistic. Also I made s/o’s boyfriend/girlfriend (and the s/o like I usually do) gender neutral.
 Possible trigger warning; Slight gore warning
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Saihara Shuichi:
He had noticed that you had small bruises on your arms or legs often.
“Oh, I just fell down the stairs!” “I tripped on my way to school! I’m so clumsy!” You laughed.
Eventually he began thinking that these wounds were from something else…more specifically someone else.
You were currently dating someone, he remembers meeting them once and they were really friendly and kind to him (Thank god he nearly had a heart attack from meeting them).
Even though it stung, seeing you with someone else. But he was willing to get over it, all he wanted was for you to be happy.
But at the same time there’s been situations where he himself was feeling scared with them around…
He was chatting with you before classes; you two had the same class that period so he decided to walk with you there.
Almost out of nowhere, your partner stormed over to you.
“What the fuck s/o???”
You immediately tensed, “What’s wrong?”
They took a step forwards, placing a finger on your chest “Next time fucking text back, bitch.”
With a turn of their heel they were gone, leaving both you and Saihara shaken.
You didn’t talk much for the first bit of class, a pale look on your face as you toyed with a pencil.
“I um, forgot to text him about something important…it’s my fault.” You explained later.
Saihara really wasn’t fully convinced, but he didn’t argue back.
The next time you and your partner were together, they were back to their usual self, laughing and rubbing your hair as if they never snapped at you.
…maybe I’m just over thinking it…. He thought.
Until it happened again a few weeks later, about you being late for their date. And again, you slacking off and not giving them the answers for a test.
It was around that time that the marks started to appear, he could tell they weren’t self-inflicted or by accident from his many crime cases he’s worked on
You started to lie, he could tell at times, you get pretty good at reading people after you’ve befriended Ouma Kokichi.
Finally he decided to sit you down and talk about it. Calling you over to his house to hang out.
When he finally decided to bring up the topic of that he sat you down, warning you that he needed to get something of his chest.
“You…..you’re an amazing person…” The burning of his cheeks was worth it. “You really are such a good friend to me….you make me really happy….And because of that I want you to be happy…….���
Here he goes, time to break it to you.
“Not all relationships are going to be great. There’s always some chance that something will go wrong. I think that…..the situation you’re in right now isn’t good for you to be in….”
He can see you tense, knowing exactly what he means. Tears start to form in your eyes as you shake slightly.
“….it’s ok if you need to cry, I’m always here for you.”
You explain to him how scared at times you get. Afraid of what they’ll do to you. 
“They were so kind to me…I got dragged into a situation I’m afraid to leave…” He’s holding your hand, rubbing your leg for support.
“I….I can’t leave yet…I’m sorry Saihara, I just- I just can’t…”
“It’s alright, I understand.” He smiles warmly. “If it’s aright can we make a safe plan?”
He and you plan out a procedure, in case the worse happens. He gives you a number to call in case anything worsens, he’ll let you stay at his house if it comes to that.”
You leave that night feeling better about your situation, he’s happy.
It’s only a week later when he hears the news; you’ve finally ended things with them.
He sticks by your side all the time at school, just in case they decide to get payback.
He is worried you’ll want to go back, but he assures you that he’ll be there no matter what.
When you call him ‘Shuichi’ for the first time, he knows that you’re over it for good.
Amami Rantarou:
When news hits him that you’re in a relationship he forces himself to smile.
He is happy that you’ve gotten someone you like, but that doesn’t stop the anger he feels when you kiss someone else.
They’re a bad apple. He can tell the moment he sets eyes on them. They do decently at some subjects but for others they’re lucky if they get a D.
They smoke cigarettes, and probably some other non-legal substances and always show up to school late.
He’d be better for you. He’d be a better partner than they could ever be.
Things go decently well for the first few months…you’ve been going out to more parties and started to dress ‘coolly’ as he put it.
You were changing to fit the stereotypes of society, he disliked it.
Despite what people think about him, he really isn’t that popular. He isn’t the alpha of the school.
Of course he’s pretty fashion forward as people notice, but that’s just simply because he likes fashion. Not much of a crime.
He doesn’t like to be perceived as a fuck-boy, his beliefs are different than the likes of everyone else and he is proud of it.
He’s gotten into tense arguments as he hates when people try and categorize him as a cool kid.
Is he hot? Yes. Does he care about his appearance? Yes. Does he favor how popular he is over his grades that affect his entire life? No.
So he and the person you were dating were polar opposites.
One morning he had been scrolling through a social media site, when a picture caught his eye
It was a video of some party, people from school were yelling and dancing and drinking what couldn’t be apple juice.
The camera pushes through a crowd, a circle of people are formed as the camera man pushes through them.
He has to make sure he isn’t dreaming when he sees it.
You’re lying on the ground, either passed out or knocked out. People are writing slurs and nasty images on your face, some pouring…substances…on your clothes.
He watches the video another time, shaking with rage as he reads the comments
“LMAO falling asleep, fag!”
“Dudeeeeee they got fucking ROASTED.”
Disgusting, absolutely disgusting.
He texted you, then thought better before calling you.
As it turned out, you ended up waking up in the middle of the night, lost and confused as you stumbled home.
He came over right away, not bother that it was barely 7 in the morning.
When he entered your room, you were a mess.
Your hair was knotted, marker and lipstick was smeared across your checks. You had just gotten home a few hours ago and had flopped down.
He helped you clean up, washing your face with warm water and getting you a clean pair of pajamas.
He ran a bath and allowed for you to soak for a long time, cleaning up your room a bit as he was waiting.
When you got back, he sat you down as he combed through the knots and tangles in your hair.
There was a bump by your left ear, you hissed as he brushed it.
“….Did you fall?” you were on the ground in the video.
“….I was hit.”
“Pardon?” Oh boy-
“P-please don’t get mad, I’m sorry..”
“S/o who did this to you?” He had a feeling that he knew the answer but he insisted on asking. “I’m not mad, I just want you to be ok.”
“I-I don’t want them to get in trouble…” You murmured, not looking at him.
“S/o, if they were doing the right thing then they wouldn’t be in trouble. I won’t tell anyone, just between me and you ok….”
You seemed reluctant to answer, but when you finally did Amami was right to think of your new date as ‘A bad person’.
“Is this the first time?”
Oh my god you’ve been like this for a while now-
“S/o, can I ask you to not go to those parties from now on? I don’t want you to get hurt. I care about you.”
‘I love you’ was left unsaid.
“I- I don’t want them to get angry at me…I need to do it…” your voice was cracking and Amami had to keep it from breaking.
“No one will get angry at you, I promise. I won’t let anyone hurt you, don’t worry.”
There was a moment of silence, Amami was going to break a sweat soon.
“Momota will help too, I’ve chatted with him and he’s a pretty cool dude. I’m sure that Gokuhara will pitch in if I ask.”
“They said that if I don’t fit in that I’ll be uncool….I don’t want to be one of them anymore.”
That’s all the confirmation he needs before he pulls you into a tight hug.
“You’re brave, you’re amazing. Don’t worry, just break up and leave the rest to me.”
True to his word, after you’ve finished it (over text) they leave you alone for the rest of the time.
Amami really doesn’t care, neither do you. They can be them, you’ll be you.
Ouma Kokichi:
He’s still pretty hissy over the fact that you chose someone over him.
He never lets on that he may be telling the truth when he says he’s jealous.
The days where you would be with him started to dwindle, being taken up by your date.
It irked him.
When he met the person for the first time, he tried to scare them.
“I’m a supreme ruler for a secret organization with over ten thousand members, nice to meet you.”
Of course you (Sadly) stepped in and had to interfere, saying that he was known to be something of a jokester. Ouma just laughed, hands behind his head as he smiled nonchalantly.  
Your partner laughed, seeming to get the joke and extended their hand to shake his.
His immediate reaction was to slap it away in disgust, he was never really good with physical contact in the first place, let alone someone he’s (beginning) to despise.
It’s childish that he only hates the person because they got to you first, that they were better for you. But it doesn’t’ stop him from feeling that way.
So he extends his hand, not holding on tight enough and not grabbing the hand fully but he tried.
And then the two meet eyes, and that’s when Ouma gets it.
The other person grips his hand a little too tightly, eyes locking onto him as his smile falters slightly. Deep within their pupils he can see something stirring, a spark of black. A flicker of a shadow.
“Nice to meet you, Kokichi.”
It seems to be a casual greeting, but from looking at his face, it sounds like something a lion would say to a dear before tearing its throat apart.
Ouma isn’t one to back down from a challenge; he digs his nails into the opposite hand and leans forward.
“The pleasure’s all mine.”
It’s an awkward passive aggressive atmosphere each time the two of them are alone, snarky remarks being passed back and forth.
It seems like jealousy between the two, but Ouma wonders if there’s some deeper meaning.
Classes had just finished for the day, he had to stay behind to clean up the classroom.
Usually the two of you would usually do it together, but you had to go meet up with them.
He sighed, brushing the dust and dirt into the waste bin from the dustpan. He had finally finished.
He was just grabbing his bag when he heard a sound, like two people arguing.
Now if Ouma gets a chance to snoop, he’s sure as hell going to take it.
So he slowly got closer to the noise, sticking close to the wall as he peered around the corner slightly.
“You really forgot the notes for science?! Honestly s/o you’re an idiot!” – He knew that voice.
You were standing against the locker; this so called ‘partner’ of yours had a look of arbor on his face, eyes narrowed as he started you down.
Ouma nearly screamed when he gave you a slap to the face, your head knocked against the locker with a bash.
Without another word, your partner walked away.
You sunk to your knees, sniffling which turned to whimpering and then to hushed crying.
Despite what he’s thought about them, how many times he’s wanted to fight them head on….
After seeing something like this, he somehow feels glued to the spot.
Unable to move, unable to say anything.
You’re crying, he doesn’t know what to do.
So he leaves, not being very careful when he slams the door shut.
He’s disgusted with himself when he gets home, he wasn’t even able to help you.
After that day, he tries to keep you away from that person for as long as he can, not wanting you to be alone with them.
Sometimes when you’re alone he’ll sit you down, whispering softly to you.
“Make sure you’re safe ok?” “I don’t want anyone to hurt you ok?”  “Make sure to tell me if you get hurt ok?”
He’s very blunt, not wanting you to catch on, but wanting you to get the message that you shouldn’t be around someone that’s going to make you sad.
When the day finally comes, he gets a text from you, saying that you’ve split and the reasons why.
Ouma feels like he’s on cloud nine, overcome with joy and relief for you.
If it ever happens again, he’ll take matters into his own hands- he promises himself.
When he found out that you were no longer ‘single’ as people called it, he was happy for you!
Despite his feelings for you he knew a human would always be a better fit instead of him.
He’s just a man-made robot. He never had a chance to begin with.
He still stays happy for you, even when he meets the person, he holds no grudge!
....even when you start talking to him less, and when you seem to always be with them…
He...he’s still ok with it…
But one day that all changes.
You had been away from school for a couple of days.
He had been assigned to give you all the work you had missed, he was more than happy to take a detour to your house.
When he arrives, he knocks once, twice, three times.
And waits.
When you don’t answer he rings the doorbell, and waits again.
You still don’t answer.
He’s getting worried, you should be home, so why aren’t you?
He tries the door-locked.
Deciding to disobey his ‘safety programing’(Which in turn should have stopped him from breaking any laws/ doing anything illegal or bad) he picks the lock. (Thanks to the lessons from Ouma).
He calls your name, stepping into the quiet house.
No response, he searches the house.
He eventually finds you, curled up on the floor.
He walks over, placing a hand on your shoulder- until he realizes
You’re cold, too cold.
He whispers, you stir slightly.
You turn to face him-
“I-is that blood!?”
Oh my god you’re bleeding.
That’s bad that’s bad- You could be dying.
He runs around the house, getting bandages, hydrogen peroxide, gauze, water, towels.
Everything he could possibly need, before promptly tending to your wounds with shaking hands.
Once he’s sure the you won’t die from blood loss, he sits you down, getting you something to drink.
“W-what happened?” Despite his (non-existent) heart rate having been lowered now that you’re safe, he still finds his voice shaking.
Your jaw is swollen, and your words come out muffled; “I got hit.”
The fact that you stated it plainly makes him even more shocked, “W-WHAT!?”
You insist that it was nothing, a simple argument with you and your date.
“E-excuse me but, they hurt you?”
You insist that it was entirely your fault, you deserved to be hit…
“NO I cannot accept that!” Kiibo slams his hands down on the table, the wood threatening to break beneath.
“s/o! I know you love this person, more probably than you love anything in life right now...But! If they are hurting you, they aren’t a good person to love. It’s the truth, please….just….I want you to be safe, ok? Please, be safe…”
His eyes start to water, (It’s probably some excess condensation from his reservoirs), lips quavering like a cartoon character as he holds back his tears.
Seeing at how worked up he’s gotten, you agree to at least give it a try.
A few weeks pass, you finally tell him that things have finally ended.
Kiibo makes a trip to the dollar store that night, grabbing materials for a party.
Korekiyo Shinguuji:
You have feelings for another person?
Understandable have a nice day.
He isn’t perplexed by the news in the lightest, you’re a person that can definitely catch the attention of many people.
Even he has been intrigued by you.
Despite his feelings, he’s willing to push them away if it makes you happy. He won’t put his desires in the way of others.
Any spite he feels, he puts on his normal mask and hides it.
Swallowing the bitterness, turning it into a lemonade that he drinks daily.
It’s a bit bothersome, but he’ll make do.
He always does…
But that all changes when he finds out that this ‘person’ is being abusive.
He was heading to the store after school -totally not watching you on your way home- when he sees you meet up with your date.
Things are going to get awkward if he sees you, taking his chances he hides behind the trees as he watches your conversation.
He can’t catch everything, but as the chat progresses, the other person is starting to get a bit….irritated.
They’re throwing their hands up in the air- their hands harshly swinging as you appear to cower lightly.
When he hears you two yelling from where he is- he decides to step in.
Slowly sneaking along the trees, he gets closer- sneaking up behind you.
“I don’t get it! Why couldn’t you have been here sooner?!”
“I tried..I really did.. I’m sorry..”
“Sorry?! Sorry doesn’t cut it, s/o.”
Korekiyo notices the raised hand- he jumps out from his spot.
He barely grabs the hand before it hits you.
Your partner’s eyes go wide for a second- before narrowing.
“Excuse me- I have to take s/o. Their presence was requested at school- teacher's orders.”
Korekiyo lets go of your partner’s hand- ushering you along as he leads you away.
No one says anything.
He takes you back to his house, not breaking the silence until the door is locked.
“Are you ok?” Physically, you are, he can already tell that from just looking at you. But emotionally?
You tell him that you’re fine, he nods before telling you to take a seat as he prepares you something to drink.
He waits until you’ve finished all of it before he decides to talk.
“Is….that normal? What they do to you?”
You don’t respond, he takes it as a yes.
“That is unacceptable. No one has the right to do that to anyone.”
His voice is quavering, knuckles clenching dangerously.
You apologize to him, saying that you wanted to end things and you didn’t want to make them mad and-
“I’ll take care of this.” He interrupts, “Don’t worry, nothing physical.” A somber look in his eyes.
He makes sure you’re ok with him doing so, of course.
The next day, he’s got a frigid demeanor. Repealing everyone away with his attitude.
Shit is going to get fucked today my dudes.
He finally finds them at lunchtime, spotting them at a table with a few other people.
They notice him approaching, shooting glances at each other.
“Korekiyo Shinguuji.” He spits. “You know me, right?”
Your partner nods, he takes a step forward
“You touch s/o again and you’re going to get it.”
Full of spite, and ‘don't talk to me or my son ever again’ attitude, he leaves the lunchroom with his head held high.
He’s happy to hear that your partner broke up with you that day.
Kaito Momota:
He slaps you on the back, getting stoked over the fact that you’ve ‘gotten off the market’.
He’s all smiles, despite his feelings for you, he keeps his spirits high.
In the end, you’re doing what you want right?
He’s bitter naturally, but he tries his best to hide it.
Sometimes it works, other times it doesn’t.
There are times when he’seen the two of you, sharing  a moment together.
He ends up clenching his hands so tightly that the skin breaks.
Jealousy. Rage. Nights spent with the stinging of regret.
He swallows the waves that threaten to kill him, keeping it inside him; water filling his lungs and mind as his thoughts become watery.
He’s walking home from school one day, thinking about the homework he hasn’t done when the thought of you pops into his mind.
...guess he can go say hi , right?
It’s normal for friends to do that...right?
Soon he finds himself on your doorstep- swallowing his heart as he knocks.
No one answers the door - but he can hear people talking from inside.
He knocks again- still nothing.
The noise inside doesn’t seem to be faltering in the slightest- in fact, it seems to be getting louder?
He tries the door- it’s open.
Is that….their voice?
He hears a whimper from you, it sends a wave of melancholy through his heart.
He creaks along the hallway, heading closer towards the noise.
He hears you let out various apologies; in a vain attempt to defend yourself before -
Kaito stops mid step- he feels his heart literally drop to his feet.
He picks up the pace- running through the hall until he sees you-
He screams when they hit for a second time.
The world seems to slow- the look of pain from you, the anger from your partner-
Then it speeds up too fast for his memory to recollect.
He’s pissed. Scratch that- he’s furious. He clenches his hands letting out a scream. Maybe he said something? He can’t remember.
The next thing he knows he’s lunging for the person- fists slamming into their cheek as he continues to punch. His mind is fuzzy- the fire from his anger burning up his thoughts- drying up the doleful drops from his depressed state.
There’s blood now- he doesn’t recognize if it’s his own or the other person’s
Their on the ground now- hearing the crunching of bone as he pummels their face-  
He only stops when he’s heaving for air and his knuckles are split.
He gets to his feet- a mess of torn flesh and blood lay at his feet.
His shirt is stained- making the tiger look as if it just killed a doe.
You give a small noise- and he’s over to you in a second.
Upon seeing the blood- you shy away from him, trembling and whimpering in the corner of the room.
“Oh god..” Kaito finally says, the ashes of the fire burning out in his mind as he realizes what he’s done, “Oh fuck.”
He calls the police- throwing his shirt off and cleaning the blood off his hands before finally addressing you.
“I’m sorry you had to see that- I got carried away…”
He notices the bruise on your cheek- turning a dark purple shade.
He reaches a hand out slowly- giving time for you to swat his hand away if you want to.
But you don’t- he caresses the damaged area very lightly, watching your face for any sign of pain.
You wince slightly- and he pulls his hand away.
He offers another hand, “Let’s get ya fixed.”
You delicately put a hand in his- and he hoists you up.
Gonta Gokuhara:
When you tell him that you’ve found someone to date he’s so happy for you!
He reminds you that he or she should treat you with respect! As a gentleman or woman should!
He’s giddy with excitement- asking when Gonta can meet them!
Gonta asks to show them his bugs, maybe??
It’s about a week later when Gonta finally meets them, the three of you going out to the woods for an afternoon.
Gonta really gets to know them well! He shows them pretty bugs and they liked it!
After he’s met them- Gonta really is supportive of your partner choice! They seem like a really nice person!
So the weeks go by, he notices how you two flirt between classes, how you sneak kisses behind textbooks and share food at the cafeteria.
He catches himself staring- as if in a trance.
But why?
That’s not how a gentleman should be acting!
Then...why is he doing it?
He’s puzzled by the thought for the rest of the week, thinking about it.
So he decides to bring it up to Ouma, as he would definitely know something about this!
When he explained the situation to Ouma, he just listened; eyebrows raised.
Then the smile starts.
A creepy,  blood-draining grin.
“Awww~ Is Gonta-chan in looooove?~”
Despite his protests, Ouma teases him about liking you.
Gotna wouldn’t!
You’re with another person!
The thought about him liking you doesn’t leave his mind. It stays trapped, a part of his daily thoughts.
He stops trying to pretend after a few weeks of this- he’s definitely feeling something for you.
He doesn't like it, it makes Gonta feel mushy and Gonta can never focus.
Just when he thinks you can’t handle it, you’re there.
Looking a bit rattled, and shaky, you approach him.
You say you want to talk to him in private, he agrees, his heart rate starting to rise.
Once you two are alone, you hurriedly tell him:
“Please help me….I broke up with them and now they're mad and coming for me after class-”
“Woah woah woah! Slow down S/o! What’s wrong?”
You try to explain, words fumbling left and right as your fingers twitch.
You split with your date because they were abusive.
They were w  h a t ?
They would sometimes hit you, for no reason at all. When you said through text you wanted quits well they…
“...told me ‘I was going to pay after school;.”
As if on cue, a voice cried out: “Hey!”
Gonta turned around; and was met with a crowd of people. You’re part- well now ex, in the middle.
The group moved forward- until they were but a few steps away.
Your old partner leaned back, sizing up Gonta up.
“We have business with the one behind you. Move.”
“What do you want with s/o -san?”
“None of your business.”
Gonta knew what would happen if he moved, you would ‘get it’.
Nevertheless, they persisted, threatening Gonta to move or else.
He could hear you giving a shaky breath behind him, he looked and saw you shaking, quavering.
The others were getting fed up- telling Gonta to move or they would make him.
And Gonta finally had enough of it.
They look at him with an annoyed glare.
“What do you mean no?”
“I mean-” Gonta rips off his first half of his suit, taking a defensive stance as he raises his fists. “No.”
His actions seem to leave them stunned, they turn to each other, murmuring words before they slowly start to walk away.
Your ex looks at you, whispering something about a ‘Next time’ before they’re gone.
Gonta makes sure you’re ok, he even takes you back to his house (With pure intentions!) to make sure no one decides to harm you on your way home.
He’s by your side all the time after that- being extra cautious for your safety.
After a few weeks, things seem to calm down.
He’s still going to be on edge though.
Not like he minds, as he can spend time with you.
Ryoma Hoshi:
He’s actually been your friend for a while, you’ve helped him a lot with his….problems...and for that he is forever grateful.
You were much like a therapist for him, but at the same time he had a longing for it to be more than just that.
So when he found out that you were in a relationship, he was shocked, to say the least.
Despite his shock, the only thing that comes out is “Oh..”
When you offer for him to meet them, he makes up a reason not to see them.
He wouldn’t want to be around them.
In fact, after that, he’s tried his best to keep his distance from you.
He’s not supposed to get close, he’s not supposed to be happy, he doesn’t deserve it.
His life becomes more darker, as if the light had been dimmed.
Not turned off, not burnt out….but.. Colder
And he becomes bored.
And tired
He wakes up only to sleep in.
He hasn’t texted back in days.
When was the last time he had a proper meal?
The days tend to blur.
His wrists numbing.
He’s back to the way he’s always been.
And then one day he’s awoken.
Quite literally and physically.
The doorbell rings, he doesn’t want to answer it.
But then the phone rings, followed by his alarm and he says ‘Fuck it.’
The doorbell rings again, he groans before answering it.
Out of all the people, he’s surprised that it’s you.
“Shouldn’t you be with your date?” he grumbles.
You roll your eyes , “Don’t be grumpy just because you got woken up at 9am.”
He sighs, knowing that you know him better than he does himself before letting you in.
He tries to make some tea, you end up helping him, cooking a few slices of toast while you’re at it.
After the two of you have been fed; you decide to break the news.
“It’s over.”
“Your relationship?”
You give a nod, biting your lip as he crunches on his toast a bit less grumpily.
“They were abusive.”
Toast gone. Toast on the table.
He coughs, you grab a napkin as he clears his throat.
You pull back your sleeve, revealing a colourful palette of different bruises and marks.
“Wow indeed.”
You pull your sleeve back, wincing slightly as you rest your arm by your side; “I was stupid.”
“Hey,” He interrupts. “Don’t say that. Everyone makes mistakes.”
You give him a slight smile, it warms him more than tea does.
You sip on your cup, a bird chirps in the background.
He knows he should say something “I’m so sorry” “That’s terrible.”
But then he looks at you, jam marking the corners of your mouth, in content as you listen to the birds.
You’ll talk to him when you want to.
For now, he eats his toast, letting your presence warm him life back up.
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