He had so much to piece together of what had been going on the past week.  Memories that did not belong to his former self rested in his mind.  What worse was that he felt like he had missed several days which was evident due to him knowing full well that the date today was several days ahead.  Something had happened in the city, he was certain.  As to what?  He wasn’t too sure on that.  Something to deal with the past?  He sat outside with his eyes focused on the ground and a bottled drink next to him.  Trying to piece out all of this to make sense of what may have happened..
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“What have I all done...” he muttered to himself as he wondered.  His biggest fear was his ignorance at a younger age.  He knows he had done something ... well, he knew he would be paying for something in the near future.  He had explaining to set up.  He couldn’t deny himself, and he couldn’t apologize for it either.  Besides the headache he had for his scrambled memories, he also had the headache of knowing just how powerless he was over the matter.  If he was lucky, maybe the memories would fade.  ... Yeah, lucky.  He highly doubted any luck would benefit him anytime soon.
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rnasp · 4 years
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decodetalking · 4 years
It was really hot during the day, but it could get really cold at night. Still, venturing out to mall left him with wonder that only a child could have. The bright displays signalling the stores inside of the Mermaid Cove Mall, and a trampoline parks...Stopping in front, he bundled his coat around him and suppressed a shiver as he looked around at the rides. Even at this age, and not knowing who could buy him anything else, he knew he should be avoiding expenditures like this.
Really, he should be going home.
But where was home? There was that place he could stay with that AI, but it was far away now...Across the city actually. He’d walked pretty far that day, likely getting into all sorts of trouble.
Walking up to the door, he opened the heavy glass and made his way into the mall, welcoming the warmth. Now that he could feel his hands again,
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“One, I have to find a way home. Two, I need to find a way to use it. Three, I find a way to pay for it.” Three things to do, and so he moved to his first task. A tall woman with warm eyes was the only other person he could see this late, so he walked up to her. So many adults he had to talk to, but not really a place to go.
“Do you know where I can find the bus schedule?”
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helpingthelongrain · 4 years
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Put a character from my muse’s fandom in my inbox to find out what I think of them.
@dongbaek-kkot​​​ asked: ❃ - Kaguya Houraisan [ talk to me about my queen ]
❃ — Mun’s Thoughts
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Kaguya!! She’s always been one of my favorites— but has never really been too important to Touhou games and stories following her debut, and a few chapters in one of the novels unfortunately. Which always bums me out a little, because I think she’s a lot of fun!
She’s effectively the very same Princess Kaguya like the fairy tale— albeit as a fugitive from the moon, which houses the hyper futuristic Lunarians of the Lunar Capital, and I feel like she has a lot of potential to do a lot of cool stuff. But... unfortunately, she doesn’t really?
Kaguya and fellow fugitive Eirin mostly just stick to themselves, and while Eirin works as a doctor for the locals, Kaguya herself doesn’t do too much outside of fighting with another character... so it’s a bit of a shame. I’d really like to see her in more media...! It’d be nice to see her character expanded on, and just more of what she can do in general. Because, unfortunately, there’s a lot of mysteries concerning her— especially in regards to her abilities.
Her somewhat haughty, but casual personality is cute, and her overall design is just absolutely gorgeous... so really, I like her a lot!! I just wish she did more stuff...!!
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isolaradiale · 4 years
so i know that your character can not become something that isn't from their world but does that include knowledge of it? example being is vampires. they do in fact exist in her world (as folk lore and actual beings), however she lives in korea and they don't have any knowledge of vampires until much later in her time. so would she still be able to be a vampire?
Hey there!
In terms of generic monster types it’s okay even if they don’t exist in your character’s world! Things like vampires, zombies, etc. That rule is more to prevent people from using very specific things from other worlds!
Hope that helps!
-- mod altair.
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redlichbluelich · 4 years
🏃 - Are they athletic?
Not particularly athletic, but he is a decently strong person, and can hold his own in a physical fight. He’s not about to win any physical competitions, though. He’s better at magic!
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lyrafallen · 4 years
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@dongbaek-kkot​ inquired ; “You look a little out of place.”
Miscellaneous Meeting Starters ( accepting! )
The star had become quite used to floating around whenever she had a chance to, so it had only made sense for her to float and relax in the local park! Aside from the occasional glances she could feel on herself every now and again, no one seemed to really take note of what seemed to be a floating woman. Either that or everyone was just used to this sort of thing because of other people floating around and just continued on with their day. It was hard to tell, and she couldn’t exactly ask either! But floating next to the lake was nice... she liked looking at the fish that swam around in the same space over and over.
She wondered if they wanted to get out of that lake to go to wider waters one day...
Halfway into her mind, she almost didn’t notice that she had gained someone’s attention until she had heard them beginning to speak, turning around to look at them with a confused look on her face. Out of place? Surely she wasn’t the only one floating in this park! ...Right? A quick glance around had proven her otherwise; everyone clearly had their feet on the ground and enjoying their time. Some of them even looked at her when they felt her eyes make contact with them.
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Out of slight embarrassment, the star allowed her feet to make contact with the ground again, stopping what she was doing now. She didn’t know why she felt embarrassed, but being called out for something that came quite naturally for her made her feel... odd. Like she wanted to just run off and hide somewhere. Social interactions like these always left an odd feeling in her core... well, what should be a heart for her.
Despite that, she still tried to give a nervous smile, as if apologising for what she was doing. But it was noticeable that she was taking occasional glances around now, making sure there was no one still looking at the embarrassing display she was making this interaction become.
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sunwoofs · 4 years
9 !
09:  Something that frightens your character
Helplessness. She’s faced down pretty awful creatures and overwhelming odds, has literally died before to fairly intense injury- that does not scare her very much. As long as she has herself and her power, she’ll do everything she can to stop something bad from happening; but not being enough, having to sit behind and watch other people suffer- that scares her.
Even her reaction to death, she was more distraught by the powerlessness that came with it than the pain. It was one of the only times in her life she genuinely felt like a small animal.
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mojavemassacre · 4 years
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Headcanon meme | not accepting.
@dongbaek-kkot said: “♬”
A song that fits Six: “The Bullet” by The Devil Makes Three (link)
Said I'll never live down upon my bended knees
Said I see the game, and the game it sees me
And we will dance until they bury me
These lyrics are a good representation of how Six views his life of danger, deceit, and seemingly endless ambition. Also when I think of him my mind just gravitates to country music like this...
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To say this was what he expected?  Well, he didn’t expect things to be so simple.  Coming to this prison island was probably the worst idea he had, but he decided to go along to see not only if he could find information but if he could also help anyone that may be here as well. He’d admit that he actually wasn’t too sure what it was he clicked on ... Now that he knew, he had a thought of what he needed to do.  Unfortunately, being surrounded by gruesome souls possibly used as experiments was not one of his plans.  Red hues were watching the group approach him from all sides.  Reasoning was out of the question, and he couldn’t do anything that’d risk anyone else’s safety if he wasn’t alone in this.  With a kunai in hand, the Uchiha would have his vision dance between each approaching being.  As soon as the first one launch, the others would follow with a shriek.
Sharingan eyes would lead Itachi’s movements as he cut down one while positioning himself to dodge the oncoming enemy.  A dance of war would occur with Itachi striking and cutting those unfortunate enough to be in his range.  His strength was enough to push back the enemy, but the kunai was what ended the lives when he found a kill shot.  Before long, he would throw the weapon into the throat of one while weaving hand seals followed with his hand throwing more tools, shuriken.  Fire would soon ignite the weapons before flying out to hit their targets and set them ablaze.  Before long, Itachi would be the last one standing with a number of bodies covering what was once a cafeteria floor ... It’s what he assumed.
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“... What is the point of this?  A choice that leads to danger?” he asked himself before shaking his head.  He only found more questions in the end.
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kujoutengu · 4 years
❛ Are you okay? ❜
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“Oui. Why would I not be?” A smile remained on his lips, even though the look in his eyes didn’t match. In fact, the look was a mix of emotions that it would be hard to discern just what was going through his head at the moment. 
He soon directed his gaze back to the moon, which he had been observing before being disturbed.
“...I am quite fine, so you need not worry,” he said, repeating himself with a calm tone.
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give me your top ten couples in the dramas you've watched and why they're so great
Okay this is gonna be super in depth + full of spoilers so details below the cut to spare y’all scrolling on your phones haha. 
Chen Qing Qing x Situ Feng (Accidentally in Love, Cdrama) - I love both of these characters so much. Qing Qing is such a bad*ss, and Situ Feng is such a lovable dork. I love how well-matched they are in wit and humor. They are also the best example of enemies-to-friends-to-lovers I’ve seen on any drama so far. The way their bond developed was so natural. I also LOVE how obsessed they are with each other while also remaining independent. They are physically affectionate in a believable way that you don’t see often in dramas. 
Nam See Hee x Yoon Ji Ho (Because This Is My First Life, Kdrama) - This couple is just so soft. They’re also so dang compatible--they genuinely enjoy each other’s company/habits and support each other without jealousy or drama. I appreciate how they subvert traditional drama stereotypes-- See Hee is blunt + honest without being mean, and Ji Ho prioritizes her work + friendships just as much as her relationship. Also, they have one of the most beautiful, sexy, realistic first kisses in any drama ever!!! THEY ACTUALLY  MOVE THEIR LIPS AND EVERYTHING.
Woo Soo-Ji x Ma Sang-Goo (Because This Is My First Life, Kdrama) - What do we love more than a cool, confident, feminist heroine? A man who adores and supports a cool, confident, feminist heroine. Their scenes together range from sexy, to sweet, to tender, to comedic. Both actors bring so much depth and range to their individual characters, thereby creating what is one of the most interesting and shippable beta romances (imo).
Wang Qiang Wei x Wang Qiang Da (Lion Pride, Tdrama) - THESE TWO. The jokes, the eye contact, the mystery solving--everything about the way they interact is just so CUTE. The scene right after they’ve kissed and are hugging in the street (when Si De tries to prevent Tsiao Tie from seeing them) is just bursting with intimacy and affection. They strike the perfect balance between a youthful, innocent romance and a more domestic, mature romance. 
Lian Si De x Tie Bu Fan (Lion Pride, Tdrama) - What I love most about these two is how similar they are. On the outside, they’re confident, stars of their workplaces, and popular in the dating world. But at their core, they are loyal, selfless, hard on themselves when they make mistakes, and the two best friends anyone could have. Watching them fall for each other amongst the crazy circumstances of the mystery plotline endeared them to me so much. Also, that scene with the umbrella is A+ ROMANCE. Still mad they never got to kiss. 
Pi Yanuo x Du Zifeng (Bromance, Tdrama) - If you want a couple with red-hot passion, you don’t need to look further than these two. The sexual tension between them had me screaming “JUST KISS!” at my TV practically every episode. Beyond that, the level of trust + loyalty was beautiful--they really were equal partners in the relationship. Also, I LOVE that the show explicitly stated that Du Zifeng’s attraction for Yanuo went beyond her gender, and he would love her the same no matter how she identified. (Also, that final scene in the hotel hallway is, to this day, the hottest scene I’ve ever witnessed in a drama.) 
Liao Guang Chao x Zi Han (Bromance, Tdrama) - At first, this couple felt more like a “pair the spares” situation for me. But the more time they spent together, the more I appreciated the humor of their moments. By the show’s end, I fell in love with how they bring out the best in one another + help each other grow. A-Chao challenges Zi Han to rethink her assumptions, manage her temper, and be less selfish. Zi Han emboldens A-Chao and inspires him to be more hard-working, brave, and determined. The actors are also comedic gold individually and as a pair, so that helps them slip into the top 10. 
Lu Yang x Lin Jingxiao (A Love So Beautiful, Cdrama) - These two were the real otp of ALSB, lemma tell ya. First of all, Jingxiao’s super cool: feisty, intelligent, and ambitious, but also a little too aggressive sometimes. Lu Yang’s obvious adoration of her, as well as his charming, loyal, humorous, and slightly scaredy-cat personality, made them such a fun and lively pair. I also appreciated their “you exasperate me but also I would die for you” dynamic and how that continued after they became official--I can’t stand when a drama has a couple get together and then changes one of their personalities to hide the fact that they just wouldn’t work (*cough* *cough* like they did with the main couple for this show). 
Oh Dong-baek x Hwang Yong-sik (When the Camellia Blooms, Kdrama) -  I am 100% on board with this pair!!! I ADORE their honesty and communication. So many dramas are exasperating bc their leads constantly misunderstand each other or can’t explain what they want, but not these angels! They excel at compromising to suit the other’s needs/wants and find ways to show love through meaningful actions. The level of care and nurturing is so lovely. Also, the actors have amazing chemistry--they genuinely look so happy together! (Where can I get me a Yong-sik???)
Fei Fei x Wen Li (Well-Intended Love 2, Cdrama) - The only thing that got me through season 1 of this show, tbh. I will say that I liked the development of their relationship in season 2 a lot more. Unlike a lot of other couples, the awkward moments in their relationship came off as comedic rather than cringey. Their meet-cute at the bar and the scene where Wen Li cleans Fei Fei’s house while she sleeps showed how sweet and genuine their connection was. I’m glad they gave them that shift where Fei Fei realized she had to go after him and put her all in the relationship too--Wen Li was such an angel, so I'm glad he got to be the one who was romanced after spending so much time romancing her. 
LET IT BE KNOWN that I wanted to include Ji Jia Wei x Xiao Tong from the Tdrama Murphy’s Law of Love on this list, because Jia Wei is my favorite male lead of all the dramas I’ve watched so far. Unfortunately, the consistent wishy-washy-ness of Xiao Tong prevents me from doing so. I still can’t get over how she constantly misinterpreted what was happening in their relationship and refused to communicate DESPITE LITERALLY BEING A DATING EXPERT. 
Also honorable mention to Cha Soo-hyun x Park Hae-young (Signal, Kdrama) because although they aren’t a canon couple, they clearly have intense chemistry considering how much they invade each other’s space, and their intense emotional connection coupled with what a dream team they are as crime-solvers just gets me, y’know? If the season 2 rumors are true, I’ve got my fingers crossed for them to go canon!!
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helpingthelongrain · 4 years
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movement and posture headcanons!
@dongbaek-kkot​ said: ♫
Rinnosuke... cannot dance in the slightest.
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Not one for physical activities much in general, if he attempted to try, he more than likely would just trip over his two left feet. If you asked, he’d say that he’s the sort of person who believes there to be more elegance in simply watching others dance, as opposed to taking part of it himself. And while that is 100% an excuse, it’s likely something he actually believes.
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isolaradiale · 4 years
hello! here's seong mi-na from soulcalibur! her application can be found on the left side or via /app (: thank you
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Seong!
You’ll be staying in CONDO 427.
You’ll retain your ability to use Soul Charge five times a day, but only to push others back.
You’ll also receive a Wooden Spear.
Have a nice time! :)
– ⋆ δ Caeli
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greenishmoon · 4 years
“Hello there dear, you look capable.”
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“Do you think you could give me a hand with one of these boxes? I feel like I’ve been carrying books all afternoon.”
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yajmae · 4 years
        WELL, SHE HAD CERTAINLY CHOSEN A... charming backdrop for her training; beneath a canopy of branches lush with months of growth, amid aisles of trees, each no different to the last, the sun’s light barely breaching the thick of leaves overhead. a lonely place, far from the prying eyes of those who would seek to disturb the quiet. few ventured here, by the looks of it, with the exception of those who sought this manner of solitude, or perhaps the wilderness had some kind of... pull, for some. he wouldn’t pretend to know what called her here other than the apparent need to hone her skills.
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        she seemed to know what she was doing with that wooden spear, his lingering observation had noted, at the very least--- for a human.
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