#dowoon imagine
blu-joons · 2 years
When They Get Needy For Your Attention ~ Day6 Reaction
Your hand moved out of the way as a hand came up to try and take your phone out of it, a disgruntled Sungjin laying beside you.
“Focus on me,” he whispered, unsure as to what you were doing as you continued to type away on your phone with a wide smile.
“I’ve just got to reply to this,” you tried to tell him, reading through the messages that had popped up in your work group chat.
As your phone vibrated again and again, the louder the sighs got from Sungjin. The moment you were done, he was onto you, snuggling ever so tightly into your side.
“Look, my phone is finally going down now.”
“No picking it up for tonight now.”
“Alright,” you chuckled, wrapping your arm around Sungjin’s frame, “I promise that my attention is yours for the rest of the night.
“I’m watching you,” he joked, glancing across to make sure that your phone was on the table like you had assured him that it was.
“What has gotten into you tonight?” You then asked, only to get a shrug from Sungjin, unsure a little bit himself too.
“I guess I just want to be with you, that’s all.”
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Young K:
Your eyes rolled as Younghyun stood in front of the television screen again, blocking off your view of the drama that you were watching.
“You’ve watched this before,” he tried to tell you, waving his arms up and down to make sure that you couldn’t see anything.
“I’m in the middle of an episode,” you tried to protest, “it’s not my fault that you’ve spent all day at work and just come home now.”
Slowly Younghyun walked towards you, with his arms wide. After standing in front of you for a few moments, he dropped down and wrapped his arms around your frame.
“I can’t see anything on the screen now.”
“Then it seems my plan worked.”
“You’re impossible,” you laughed as Younghyun scooped you up and turned you away from the screen, focusing on him instead.
“I’ve been at work all day, it’s my turn for your attention now,” Younghyun confidently told you with a wide smile on his face.
“You’re not going to stop, are you?” You questioned, knowing Younghyun all too well when it came to something he wanted.
“Not when it comes to you, I’ll never do that.”
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Your eyes rolled as a call of your name came yet again as you tried to read your book, glancing to your left where Wonpil was.
“Hi,” he innocently smiled as he met your eyes with a shy chuckle, “that looks boring,” he added, pointing at what you were reading.
“I’m enjoying it,” you responded, turning your attention back to your magazine, only for your name to be murmured once again.
As he spoke, Wonpil shuffled closer and closer to you until his breath began to hit against your cheek, cold and sending a shiver down your spine as you tried to concentrate.
“How long are you keeping this up?”
“Until you pay attention to me.”
“You’ll be there a while,” you tried to tell Wonpil, but he wasn’t afraid of spending all night there if he needed to get your attention for a while.
“I’ve got all night,” he smartly responded, moving even closer towards you, “why can’t you read your magazine when I’m at work instead of now?”
“Do you really want me that bad?” You quizzed, placing your finger into your magazine as a bookmark while you spoke to him.
“I knew you would cave in no time at all.”
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A hand drawing against your waist slowly began to distract you as you tried to concentrate on dinner, with an impatient figure behind you.
“How much longer?” Dowoon frowned, bouncing up and down on his toes, “I want to sit down and tell you about today.
“About ten minutes,” you tried to tell him, only for a disgruntled groan to come from Dowoon, desperate for your attention.
He stayed glued to your side as you began to get everything prepped for dinner, getting plates and cutlery down for the two of you to use and placing them on the table.
“You’re making me take longer you know.”
“I want to be with you though.”
“If you let go, I can hurry up and then listen to what you’ve got to say,” you tried to reason, slowly feeling his arms untangle form you.
“Hurry!” Dowoon called out as soon as he stepped back and continued to watch you, expecting you to pick up the pace straight away.
“You really are needy tonight,” you teased in reply to Dowoon, “I’ve not seen you like this in a very long time, it’s quite funny.”
“I just want to tell you everything.”
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koos-euphoria · 4 years
day6 dick sizes?
Jaehyung: okay so this man is pretty tall, so I’d say he’s just above average on the dick sizes, maybe 6inch? But it’s skinner than the average girth.
Sungjin: I feel like this man has a t h i c k dick. Idk why ahskaa. I think he’s average in length however, so around 5/5.5inches.
Younghyun: okay so I just know he’s like big. Like I feel like he’s the biggest in the group??? I’d say 6.5/7??? Avg in girth.
Wonpil: I feel like this man has a pretty dick ahdkfl. Avg in length, so 5/5.5 but is also avg in girth, it’s just really pretty tho.
Dowoon: I feel like he’s avg in length too, so 5/5.5 but he’s definitely on the thicker size of the girth’s. Idk I just feel like it is.
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cloudykaii · 4 years
pairing: yoon dowoon x reader
summary:  Can I request a Dowoon imagine with 69, 229 and 225 where he and pocket sized reader got into an argument right before the band had to go on tour. And several days into the tour, when Dowoon and the other members dont hear or see the reader, they think its because the reader wants to be left alone. But they soon realise that they accidentally left the reader back at the dorms.
warnings: arguing, cursing, theres a bit of crying
69. “Don’t act so innocent. I heard you.” / 229. “That’s it. I quit, I’m sick of this.” / 225. “Don’t touch me.”
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Usually when you and Dowoon argued, it was about something dumb. It was always small and more often than not ended with one of you comforting the other, and finding a way to compromise. Not this time, this time was different. 
He had walked in after helping get everything settled, ready to hug his girlfriend and help her. He had called out your name softly, only to quickly cut himself off as he heard you on the phone. “-that I’m just using him, or that I don’t actually love him. That would be a disaster.”
His heart stopped hearing that. He didn’t even hear the rest of your little ramble to your best friend, the words blurring together in his mind as the phrase swam around his head in a loop. “You’re lying to me?” The question was soft and timid as it left him, full of hurt, but it was enough to have you telling your best friend you had to go before turning to him in confusion. “Baby? What are you talking about, of course I’m not-”
“Don’t act so innocent. I heard you!” His voice got louder. “You said you were just using me.”
You felt like you were at a serious disadvantage as he yelled at you. He was glaring down at you as you stood up on the bed to look at him better. “That’s not what I said,” you tried to approach the situation calmly and explain that he had only heard part of what you were saying, but he just talked over you, having convinced himself you were lying. He suddenly took a deep breath, holding his hands up. “That’s it, I quit. I’m sick of this.” 
“Dowoon!” You yelled after him, so very hurt and confused. What did he mean? Did he mean he was sick of you? You climbed down the bed, rushing after him, but he was long gone... he didn’t even take you with him. Tears formed in your eyes as you slumped against the floor. 
That was three days ago. Now, they were all just sitting around the room, left to their own devices until Wonpil suddenly asked, “How bad of a fight was it?”
Dowoon rolled his eyes at the sudden question. “Does it matter?”
“I’m just saying.. I haven’t seen Y/N at all. How badly did you fuck up that she needs this much space from you?” He frowned at that, going to defend himself but stopping as his phone rang. He rolled his eyes at the sight of your best friend’s name across the top of the screen. “Hello?”
“Are you an idiot?” Her voice was so loud he had to pull the phone away from his ear. “That’s not a rhetorical question.” 
He rolled his eyes. “Why are you calling me? You could’ve just called-”
“Oh, so you are an idiot,” she snapped, and Wonpil muttered out an, oh, that bad. Dowoon let out an aggravated sigh. “After what she did, why do you feel the need to call me?”
There was a moment of silence before you friend snapped back, “Are you fucking kidding me?” The boys all shared a look as she started. “You hear part of a conversation she has with me, accuse her of something she hasn’t done, then leave without her, and you think you’re in the right?”
“I heard the important part of the conversation,” he growled. “And we didn’t leave her, she’s just distancing herself.” Brian stood up to go look for you.
Your friend was close to killing him. “You didn’t even notice that she’s not there? Dowoon, you are single handedly the worst person I know. Y/N told me she turned down an offer of yours to help her with money because she didn’t want you to feel like she was just taking advantage of you, then you didn’t even let her explain what you heard, and she has been locked up inside an apartment by herself for three days because her boyfriend is too selfish to care about anyone but himself.”
He paled at that. No way... he couldn’t have been so stupid as to do all of that. Brian came back into the room, out of breath. “She’s really not here guys.”
“Fuck,” Dowoon cursed loudly, “I fucked up. Oh god..”
“You did,” she said bluntly. “You have one chance to fix this. If I get in your apartment and she’s not okay... it’s on you.” The call ended abruptly, and he just stared down at the device in his hand. Had he really jumped to such conclusions like that? Using him didn’t even seem like something you would do. And now you were all alone, in an apartment not made for someone your size. A sinking feeling hit his chest as he stood up. He had to fix this. 
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lemonietrinket · 4 years
Rain Beat ||| Dowoon x Reader
Summary: In an attempt to coax Dowoon out of his shell that he only seems to occupy when with you, you ask him if he’s willing to teach you how to drum Genre: Fluff i guess  Warning(s): None Word Count: 1434  Song(s): Ambience  AN: Happy Birthday to my favourite bean Dowoon!!!!
Rain hammered against the open window above your head, the cool air slipping through the gap and threading through the room. It would have risen a chill across your skin had you not been focusing intently on the instrument before you in an effort to desperately not make a fool of yourself. The rain had a beat of its own, and within seconds it had thrown you off the simple one you were striking with your hands. The bass thudded by your feet keenly—there’d been a flurry of joy that erupted in a giggle as you found keeping a rhythm with your foot simple enough—meanwhile its current partner, the snare drum, lagged a solid pulse behind.
With the joy fizzling out alongside the innocent dreamlike thoughts proposing ‘what if you were a natural’ and ‘what if you were destined to become the next drum prodigy’, you sighed and dejectedly came to a stop. The thunder rumbled in discontent in the sky far beyond.
“Ah, it’s ok! Try again, I’m sure you can...”
You glanced up to your mentor who was stood just to your side. He was twirling a drumstick of his own in his hand and if you hadn’t known better you could have taken it as him showing off. This was Dowoon after all, and he would do no such thing. Despite how effortless it came to him, smooth wood gliding over rolling fingers, it was clear that he was just as nervous in a way as you were—if the blushed ears and trailed off words hadn’t given it away already.
You had figured this would have brought him out of his shell more with you, since the drums were his passion, his terrain, something he knew well like the back of his hands. He would feel comfortable talking to you about it because it was something he knew in spools more than you ever would, you had reasoned. If that hadn’t occurred right away, it surely wouldn’t be long before your lack of ability would at least settle the tone into a more lighthearted one. However, it was only now that you were beginning to contemplate that you had misjudged.
“Ah, I think...” As he fumbled with his own hands, soft cheeks puffing as his brain worked through how to describe what he meant, you watched as he stopped spinning his drumsticks and procured them proudly to you instead. It took you a few moments to connect the dots.
“Oh, right! Oops,” you chuckled, shimmying your hands towards the ends of your own, “would be good to hold the drumsticks properly, right?”
His smile flashed before your eyes as he nodded and hummed. “Oh... yeah, that would... that would be good!”
After a few moments you attempted to strike up a beat again, but as soon as you hit the snare you realised you were doomed to slip out of beat. You had adjusted your grip but had forgotten how tightly you should probably hold them, and within moments the two had slipped out of synchrony. You let your arms still as you huffed, trying to keep a bright face.
You didn’t want to let Dowoon down, because you had previously figured your sense of rhythm was good and had announced so to him and the rest of the band, but more importantly because it was Dowoon specifically in question. Sweet, kind, gentle Dowoon. With his soft grins and deep voice, who was a comedic genius with the others, but seemed to always retreat when he came to stand at your side. You couldn’t picture his face contorting into disappointment at you or your crappy drumming no matter how bad it was, but it didn’t halt the uneasy trickling of shame in your chest. It sat right next to the heart that was beating erratically, a thrum too fast for what your body was trying to manage itself, and too loud for you to truly concentrate.
You wanted to succeed though, for him, despite the obvious difficulties that ironically presented themselves in the form of the person you needed to very much complete them in the first place. Clearly this was something you had in common as well, as when you came to your jagged stop, Dowoon shuffled a bit closer to you after a deep inhale.
“It’s ok, this isn’t the easiest beat to start with,” he reassured, voice dipped low in a surprising quiet clarity, “I struggled too when I first started out. It’ll be a bit easier if you hold them like... this and... aim for this part of the skin.”
You were well aware that Dowoon was talented. There was no doubt about it. He had been chosen specifically for his job, and the job itself came with many restrictions and added dollops of hard work and care. However, the level of that hard work had never hit home quite like it did to you right then.
He poised his drumsticks on the chair he had refused to leave once you’d entered the room, and offered his now-empty hands towards you. It wasn’t a request for you to hold them, his palms were visible to you but turned towards your own, still gripping your own pair of sticks and were once again too far down the wood. You didn’t move, and just gazed curiously as one of his hands gently enveloped one of your own.
Now you were certain that the gesture was nothing more than correcting your poor placement, but you were even more certain that sparks practically flew as his skin met yours. His hands were hot, as if they’d been rubbed in combat to the cold or nerves, and you very nearly went limp at his touch and dropped the drumstick entirely. Though, they were also rough. Against the smooth skin of the back of your palm, the etched lines and faint rises of callouses stood out like mountains and rivers to your own. They sat at his joints and ran across your knuckles as he manoeuvred your fingers into the correct grip, a sign of how much he practised and wore himself down until the music sounded just right. Despite the surface his touch was nothing but soft, treating it as if he didn’t want the same to happen to you. There was something so mellowing about it that you couldn’t help but speak up.
When Dowoon brought your hand back to the snare, guiding you to tap the head of the drumstick against the prime part of the snare drum, you uttered, “Does it hurt? Drumming?”
As your eyes crept up to his and he met your gaze with the fading look of a deer caught in headlights, you wondered if he would answer at all until he finally did.
“At first... yeah, but it gets easier,” he said slowly, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, “I don’t think getting good at anything is painless, though.”
Lips opening to debate you quickly found words falling to the wayside while you nodded instead, looking away. He was right, though he had surprised you with the accuracy and the depth that appeared out of nowhere. Just, it only made him more endearing.
It was at that moment you noticed he was still holding your hand. He held onto you firmer than he had done before, the joints of his fingers melding with yours as the tip of your thumb traced across his.
You immediately wished you hadn’t gawped so poignantly at the caress, as despite your true feelings Dowoon’s hand left yours like a cracked whip, returning to his chest before he scooped up his drumsticks once again.
“I’ll try again,” you covered, hoping that he would understand that you saw no harm in what he did, and praying that he would see how it was truly quite the opposite, “maybe I’ll get it this time!”
Stringing up the rhythm once again, beginning with the bass and adding the snare only when you were certain your foot wouldn’t falter, your eyes were impossible to focus upon the drum kit before you. They kept dragging themselves back, back towards Dowoon and his small smile that flickered like a candle flame but shone brighter than the sun.
In the end, you still got it wrong, especially when you tried to add a crash cymbal to the mix. But you were at least sure that it had nothing to do with the rain this time around. That truly had to go to the hope that flourished in your chest every time your glances met.
AN: well i had no idea where this was going to go when i started it, but it turned out like this so idk if its boring or not :((
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youngkbf · 4 years
When You Love Someone ↠ Kang Younghyun
pairing: kang younghyun (youngk) x reader gender neutral
request by anon: Young k + when you love someone :)
summary: there’s not much I can do for you except being next to you, i’m sorry
genre: non idol!au, angst
warnings: none
wc: 1k+
an: i’m so so so so so sorry that this took me forever to do, i’m working on my mental health and i’ve recently got back to writing so hopefully i’ll post more soon. i hope you like it :)
masterlist in bio
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gif credits to youngqk
It wasn’t hard to notice it. If Younghyun was a cartoon character, little pink hearts would float around his head in an almost comical way. And even if it wasn’t hard to spot it, you’d still see it, desperately trying to see if the glint in his eyes mirrored yours whenever he looked at you. It was there, just not because of you. It was unrequited on both sides: you loved him but he loved someone else that didn’t love him back. It was almost like a broken love triangle, too unstable to shape itself into something real.
You knew from the start but never told him. Younghyun would never believe you, too hopeful, thinking he had a chance and refusing to see what was right in front of him. This was something that he had to figure out on his own, it was the only way he’d believe it.
That realization came sooner than you expected it, the clock on your nightstand indicating that it was past 1 am when Younghyun showed up at your door, hair and clothes dripping wet from the pouring rain. You ushered him inside, running to get him a towel and some clothes that he had left at your place after sleepovers. You didn’t notice right away that he was crying. Only when you sat behind him on your bed to dry his hair with the towel, Younghyun let out a sob. You called out his name gently as you moved to sit in front of him, the towel immediately forgotten at the foot of the bed.
“I’m sorry.” He brought a shaky hand up to wipe his tears “I’m sorry. I just didn’t know where else to go.” He sniffled.
Your heart broke seeing him cry and the way that his voice sounded so weak did nothing to soothe your aching chest. But you remained silent, knowing that he’d talk at his own pace, opting to squeeze his hand in wordless reassurance.
“I confessed…” Younghyun started after a few seconds of silence “I thought I had a chance but-” Another sob escaped his lips, the memory, and the pain both still fresh in his mind “They’re in love with Sungjin.”
Park Sungjin, the bane of your existence. You knew who he was and his role in the dysfunctional love triangle ー perhaps square, if he’s in it too ー that you found yourself into. There was a part of you, the selfish one, that was glad that he existed since he was the reason your heart wasn’t completely torn apart. God knew how much it’d hurt to see Younghyun with someone else and in a somewhat good way, Sungjin was the one preventing that from happening. But the other part of you despised him. He was part of the reason Younghyun was falling apart right in front of your eyes. And as much as you hated the idea of seeing him with someone else, you hated to see him like that even more. You wanted him to be happy more than anything, even if it meant getting your heart broken.
“I’m sorry.” With your free hand, you pulled him in for a hug, rubbing his back as he buried his head on the crook of your neck.
“It’s not your fault.”
His words brought tears to your eyes. But I knew, you wanted to say, but bit your tongue and remained quiet. He had had enough heartbreak for one night, and you didn’t want to be responsible for changing the memory of when he saw the world through rose-colored lenses. When another sob escaped his lips and his free hand fisted the back of your shirt in an attempt to get some comfort, you were pulled away from your thoughts. Pushing your own struggles and pain aside, you focused on Younghyun. You held him until he stopped crying, rubbing his back and whispering reassuring words into his ear every once in a while.
Younghyun’s crying eventually died down, his body out of energy to cry for the night. You ushered him to lay down, eyes struggling to stay open as he sank into the warmth of your covers. Your stomach turned as the thought that Younghyun basically cried himself to sleep crossed your mind, but you forced yourself to keep it together just for a bit longer as you grabbed your pillow, ready to head to the couch for the rest of the night. However, Younghyun’s hand grabbed your wrist, stopping you from doing so.
“Stay.” He whispered, voice hoarse from all the crying “Please.”
Every fiber in your body knew this was a bad idea. You couldn’t fix his broken heart, and you couldn’t take away his pain no matter how much you wished for it. But that didn’t mean you had to sacrifice your own, right? One look at his pleading eyes, and you were already pulling back the covers. Younghyun’s hand quickly looked for yours under the covers and squeezed as if to remind himself he wasn’t going through this alone. It felt wrong, the way that your heart fluttered and broke in your chest, your stomach dropping but still filled with butterflies. But you let him, knowing that he needed it and once again putting him before everything, even yourself. Then his other arm was wrapped around your waist to pull you close so that he could bury his head in the crook of your neck. And you still let him.
“I love you.” Younghyun mumbled, lips brushing against your collarbone.
Your breath hitched in your throat before you managed to say it back, aware that your words had different meanings. He fell asleep soon after, breathing steady and his grip on you still firm. The knot in your throat kept getting tighter until you felt like you couldn’t breathe properly, but you couldn’t cry either. Not when Younghyun was sleeping next to you. The rain hitting the window brought you some comfort, if you couldn’t cry, the sky would do it for you.
Eventually, Younghyun’s warmth and the rain lulled you to sleep, with a heavy chest and mind clouded by a messy thread of thoughts that led you nowhere. You decided to set everything aside just for the rest of the night. There was nothing else you could do at the moment and in the end, you would still have to pick up the pieces of your broken heart. But not until you put his back together.
feedback is appreciated :)
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wonpeeler · 3 years
okay. i haven’t written fanfiction(to post) in a while so um. don’t expect too much from this
this contains; royalty au, lapslock, mentions of jaehyungparkian being married and marrying, dowoon being the main focus of this lil drabble, princes!jhpian, servants!dopil , improper grammar, trying to be formal text but not being formal text, being anxious and/or nervous, and mentions of repeating a thing for a long time
486 words, not proofread (lowercase intended)
ah. the comforting smell of something cooking on the stove while aching fingers held onto the same beautifully crafted but slightly cracked teapot. shaking, he tried his best to get all of the liquid into his glass. he wasn’t doing very well. 
you see, in around 15 hours (or 4 days? the man couldn’t seem to remember some of the most important details) dowoon had to do something he’d never done before. he was going to wait tables for the prince jaehyung and his soon-to-be husband, prince younghyun. at a meal with the royal family, not long after their wedding. 
yes, he’d been training for this for a while. only his friends and even dowoon himself a fool would put it off until mere minutes before the wedding itself. that’s why he put it off until just 30 minutes ago started practicing all he needed to do as quick as he learned he needed to do it.
this would be the height of dowoon’s job working at the kingdom. the only thing better being having the opportunity to be caught drumming and have his skill praised by the queens. it was only really important to him, but it was one of his favorite memories.
enough of getting off track, if dowoon was going to get anything doe he needed to focus. this is not focusing. he poured the water in the cup back into the teapot. he wanted to look elegant as he poured the drinks into their glasses. this was not elegant.
dowoon and wonpil were close friends. wonpil was very elegant (at the least dowoon thought he was) and enjoyed teaching dowoon ways to be more graceful. the problem was that last time wonpil had taught the boy these things felt as though it was many moons ago, and dowoon was a little too shy to ask for tips himself. so instead he studied the way the other people working would act. the problem with this was that dowoon was a bit too shy to not panic when getting caught watching them. it seemed there was a problem with every solution to the problem at hand.
so instead of trying to get someone’s help in some other way, dowoon went back to testing new ways and angles to pour the tea.
dowoon had been working at it for about a few hours, pouring the water from the teapot into the cup, pouring the water from the cup into the teapot, repeating it over and over with slight changes, occasionally just drinking the water from the cup and getting new water to practice with,, he was definitely not giving up on this challenge. though it took a good amount of attempts to pour, observing other people, getting ready to ask for help and getting scared, he was definitely getting better. 
and while he may not be the best, dowoon was sure he’d do just fine.
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March 27th
Master List
“And the sky, it's this amazing shade of blue, and all the clouds change color during sunrise and sunset.” Jae gushed, waving his hands in the air as he spoke. “I can’t wait for you to meet him, Brian, Younghyun, he’s literally the coolest dude ever.” You laughed along with your best friend, truly happy for him, but your heart still clenched at his words. You weren’t even sure what the color blue looked like. 
In your world, everything was shades of black and white, no other colors. This was a common occurrence, everyone was born seeing the world in black and white, only gaining the ability to see in a full spectrum once you encounter your soulmate. For most people your age, their soulmates had been found ages ago. Jae was an exception, at 27 he should have met his soulmate ages ago, but that had only happened over the weekend when he encountered Brian, Kang Younghyun, at a bar and upon bumping into him, found out beer was yellow. You wanted to be happy for your friend, and you were, but part of you still aches when he talked about his boyfriend. 
“He’s a songwriter, you know Park Sungjin? The cool guitarist a year above me?” You nodded blankly at Jae’s words, staring out the café window as you sip your drink. “He’s in a band with him and a couple other kids from here.” Jae gestures to the campus around you. “A keyboardist and a drummer. They’re playing at Club Xion next Saturday, you should come with me.”
“Are you playing?” You ask, opting not to answer his question. 
“Yeah,” His face erupts into a grin. “I’m heading over to Brian’s tomorrow for some practice, you should roll up, meet everyone, bring me lunch.” Your friend’s words bring you back into the present and you can only shake your head at them, not the least bit shocked at his audacity.
“So that’s the real reason huh? To bring you food?” You laugh, rolling your eyes slightly. 
“And because I think you should meet my new friends.” He reasoned, sighing at your grimace. “Come on, you and I have been besties since we were in diapers, it’s only right that you met my soulmate and judge them to the best of your abilities.” You chuckle at his remark, sipping your drink again. “Please?” He whines and you finally cave, sighing and looking away from him. 
“You owe me.” You huff, slumping slightly in your seat, and as you expected Jae is leaning over the table to shake you vigorously in excitement.
“Oh my god I love you, I’ll buy you dinner for a week, or that giant shark plushie we saw at the store the other day. Whatever you want, I’ll get it for you, promise.” He cheers. 
“This better be worth it Jaehyung Park, or I’m going to tie weights to your ankles and throw you in the Han.”
“It will be I swear, Brian tells me they’re awesome. You’re the best, I love you so much.” 
“I know, calm down.” You finally push him away, picking up your drink once more and gazing back out the window. “This had better be worth it.” 
“So, he’s really your soulmate.” Wonpil sighed dreamily, elbow resting on his keyboard. “That’s so cool. Was it romantic?” Younghyun chuckles, shaking his head as he tunes his bass. 
“Oh not remotely. We bumped into each other at Xion, he dropped his beer on me and we both started seeing colors instantly.” 
“What color did you see first?” Seungjin asked, eyes still trained on his guitar.
“Yellow.” Younghyun grins and Dowoon has to physically stop himself from gagging. Colors, of course, they were talking about colors. Dowoon was sick of hearing about colors, it’s all any of the boys wanted to talk about, Sungjin had found his soulmate back in middle school, Wonpil found his during the gap year he took in college, and now Younghyun had found his. 
This was bullshit in Dowoon’s opinion.
“What’s with the sour face kid?” Jae’s voice filled the room, jolting Dowoon from his thoughts. 
“We’ve got a sour little brother, cause he’s the only one who hasn’t found his soulmate.” Wonpil teased, earning a drumstick thrown at him. “Ha, now I have your drumstick, what are you gonna do about it?” Wonpil jokes, and in retaliation, Dowoon picks up another drumstick. 
“Alright that’s enough,” Younghyun interjects, “Hi babe,” He greets his partner with a kiss that has Dowoon rolling his eyes. “Everyone, this is Jae, Jae you already know Sungjin, and this is Kim Wonpil, a genius with the keyboard and synth,” Wonpil flashes the older man one of his charming smiles and a peace sign. “And this is our baby brother, Dowoon, an excellent drummer and the best boy.” Dowoon only offers the older man a wave of a drumstick. “He’ll warm up to you.”
“It’s nice to meet you two, I hope you guys don’t mind, but my friend is bringing food later, for everyone.” 
“You conned someone into buying food for a bunch of strangers?” Sungjin asked. 
“Why are you complaining?” Wonpil inquired, glancing over at Dowoon to find him trying to balance a drumstick on his upper lip.
“I didn’t con her, she’s my best friend, she’d do anything for me.” Jae defended, setting down his guitar bag. The sound of a drumstick clattering to the floor alerted everyone that he had failed in his balancing attempts. “So, did we want to start practice?” 
It’s almost two hours before the group breaks for a breather. Dowoon has almost successfully gotten his frustrations out via his drums, and now that he’s worked up a sweat, he’s hungry as fuck. 
“Hey, Jae hyung, when is your friend going to be here?” Sungjin whines, flicking his pic at the oldest man. 
“Soon, she said she was just down the street a few minutes ago,” Jae tells the group, just as a knock echoes on the door. “And there she is, the love of my life.” Jae cries, throwing open the door. Dowoon wasn’t paying attention at first but the moment the door was opened his eyes landed on the person standing there. You were rolling your eyes at your tall friend, holding bags of food in each hand. 
“I’m only your bestie cause I bring you food.” You scoff, to which Jae feigns hurt. 
“Not true, you’re my bestie cause I’m the only one who puts up with your crap.” He jokes and you gasp in shock. 
“Someone come take this food, I gotta beat this punk’s ass.” You hold up both bags and Sungjin and Wonpil immediately surge towards you to take them. Dowoon remains hidden behind the drums, not wanting to get too close to you, meeting Jae was enough for one day. Once the food was out of your hands, you kicked your leg up and would have nailed Jae in the face if he hadn’t blocked it. It was actually really cool watching you fight Jae, and while neither of you actually managed to hit each other, the two-minute brawl was flashy, to say the least. That was until Jae knocked you over and you almost toppled onto Dowoon’s drums. 
The man had never moved so fast in his life when he saw your figure stagger towards his instrument. One moment he was sitting playing with his sticks, the next the clattering of wood resounded on the floor and he was grabbing you by the shoulders to keep you upright. His fingers barely brushed the skin under your sleeve, but it was enough to send sparks across his whole body. In the instant your skin touched, the crimson of his drums lit up his vision, a similar red to the stripes on your bag. 
You all played it off pretty well for the time you were with them, sitting as far away from Dowoon as possible as you ate with the boys. Neither of you spoke about the colors and didn’t speak at all about your soulmates. It isn’t until you’re leaving that someone finally asks.
“Hey, Y/n, have you met your soulmate?” Brian finally blurts. You paused at the doorway, and it became obvious that Jae was growing uncomfortable. At that moment, you decided that yes, it was time to be a pain in the ass.
“Hey maybe we shouldn’t-” Jae started, trying to play it off. 
“I’m not sure.” You began, shouldering your bag, and turning back to the group slightly. Your gaze raked over the boys before landing on the youngest. Your smile broadened before you shifted your gaze to his drum set. “Maybe.” You mused, chuckling as Jae practically began to vibrate. “Either way, I like your drums.” All the eyes landed on the drums, except for Dowoon, who continued to stare at you. With a wink and another small laugh you properly left the room, calling out: “Red suits you.” 
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jane-writes-stuff · 4 years
Coffee and Cuddles - Yoon Dowoon Imagine
A/N: some fluff for y’all, it’s short though! This lil nugget is a keeper of my heart.
Pairing: Yoon Dowoon (DAY6) x Fem!reader
Summary: after a rough day at school you just wanted to have a cup of coffee and cuddles from your loving boyfriend Yoon Dowoon.
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“Jagiya! I’m so glad you’re back home!”, you heard your loving boyfriend of two years say as he heard you coming in. 
“Oh, baby what happened?”, he asked you. 
He could immediately tell you had a rough day. Your hair was literally a bird’s nest, your jacket was only half over your shoulder, you had bags under your eyes and your face was puffy. Dowoon gently walked towards and took off your backpack and jacket, while you took off your shoes. 
“Come here baby”, he said gently while taking you in his arms. 
You flung your arms around him and started crying again. He gently led the way to your couch as you continued crying, making his black hoodie wet from the tears falling on it. He gently guided you to the couch and made you sit down on it. He wanted to get a blanket so you could cuddle together but you wouldn’t let go of him. You had a pretty strong grip on his hoodie. He couldn’t help but smile at your antics. He loved you very much and it broke his heart. You were hurt and crying. You pulled him to you so he laid down next to you on the couch. You shuffled a little lower so you could put your head on his chest and put your leg around his waist. He patted your head a few times before he started playing with your hair. You know he loved doing that because it helped you relax faster. 
“I was going to make you a coffee, you know”, he said chuckling. 
“Yeah, that would be great. I need to work for school. I can’t fall asleep now”, you said sleepily, stretching your limbs after you said that. Dowoon got up and you quickly followed him to the couch. You sat down at the kitchen island as he started making the both of you a cup of coffee. 
“Now, baby, tell me what happened at school”, he said with a small smile as he sat down next to you with his cup in hand while sliding yours towards you.
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br0ken-writes · 5 years
Day6 “Their GF gets jealous easily”
Ask: Day6 reaction when their gf getting jealous easily
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Kinda shocked at first, he really didn’t expect it. Jae always had a lot of female staff around him so he really never thought anything of it. The band was going on a show where they would perform and be interviewed and some of the staff for the show was helping Jae set up and test his guitar when one of them started to get a little close to him, doing things like touching his hand for longer than needed or running a hand down his arm when he makes a joke and she laughed. Once the boys sound check is finished, they all pile into their dressing room and you sit next to Jae to wait for the show to start. You link your arm with his and lay your head on his shoulder while closing your eyes and keeping him close to you.
“Are you okay?” He asked and laced your fingers together “That lady that was helping you got really close and I got jealous” You mumble to him while pouting, refusing to look at him as well. He laughed “Really?” He asked, voice high and you looked at him now, a little upset with him “I only have eyes for you baby” He says with a smile and you smack his chest while you smile back at him and blushed.
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100% not here for it. Sungjin was trying to work on his music but you were wanting attention and started to get jealous of his job. He was in the studio and listening to one of the bands new songs that was recorded and making notes as he did as well as clipping the song and playing it back multiple times. You sighed, getting up from the couch that was sat behind his set up and walked up behind him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders while resting your chin on the top of his head “I’m trying to work” Sungjin told you, not giving you any more attention than that before ignoring you again. “But you’ve been staring at the screen for hours~” You whine and move his chair around to keep him from working any more.
“If you’re going to be jealous of my work then go home, I’ll be there later,” He said, dismissing you with the shake of his head towards the direction of the door “Fine.” You said and stomped out of the studio and went home. Sungjin came home later that night with your favorite food and some flowers, kissing your cheek softly as an apology which you happily accepted.
Young K:
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Younghyun that you were super cute because if it. The two of you went to a market to buy somethings and it was crowded as it was the weekend but it was one of the only days you and Younghyun were together and he had a break. You guys were walking by some cute trinket stands ran by older ladies and they stared ogling over Younghyun. “Awe he’s so cute, I’ll give you a 10% discount” The lady that was closest to the two of you called out “No, coming over here! I’ll give you a 15% discount for that handsome face!” Another one called out and Younghyun started to get shy and scratched the back of his neck “Let’s get everything we need and leave quickly” You whined and pulled at his sleeve.
“What? Is my baby getting jealous?” He teased you and you pouted before pulling him away from all the older ladies calling out to him.
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He got a little embarrassed but you loved it honestly. You were at the practice room with everyone and the members were babying him once again, normally it made you smile and see that they all were truly like brothers but today, they were doing it more than usual. The boys normally only babied him for a little while before moving on but the entire day they were attached to him “Cute little baby Wonpil~” Jae sing songed while he was hugging Wonpil from behind and Wonpil just laughed and went along with it. “Stop it~ You’re hogging my Wonpil~” You whined and Jae and wrapped your arms around Wonpil’s waist to get Jae to back off your boyfriend.
“Woah, are you being jealous?” Jae asked and Wonpil’s face burned red before hugging you back “Don’t worry, I’m only your baby” Wonpil told you before kissing your nose.
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He was really confused and didn’t understand why you were being so clingy. All-day, Dowoon was playing his games, during the early morning he was sitting at his desk on his computer and after a quick lunch, he settled on the couch and started playing on his console. The boys finally got a break after they finished their tour so Dowoon was home for quite a while but hardly paid any attention to you. You started to make a lot of noise to try and get Dowoon’s attention but when that failed, you moved to plan b and started to get in his line of sight for him to look at you. You walked past the TV multiple times, each time a little slower until you give up and plop down next to him and sigh loudly.
“Is something wrong?” Dowoon asks, not looking at you and you climb onto his lap, forcing him to pause the game and give you his full attention “Pay attention to me~” You whine and he laughs before hugging you and lying the both of you down on the couch, turning off his game and playing a movie instead.
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yyparkq · 5 years
untitled 10/28
“1 to 5, with 5 being the highest, how likely are you to cheat on me?” Dowoon asks, pure curiosity written on his face. 
Being his first girlfriend, he seems to be thirsty for all the drama the universe could possibly give him. 
She rolls her eyes, slightly getting annoyed at his series of silly questions, and answers. “4.5 if you ask that stupid question again, Yoon Dowoon.” 
He feigns shock and hurt expression while clutching the piece of fabric from his sweatshirt just right above his chest. “I can’t believe I still trust you with my heart and my future.” Dowoon says with a cheeky smile. 
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blu-joons · 2 years
When You Get Protective Of Him ~ Day6 Reaction
Your eyes watched closely as one of the dancers got uncomfortably close to Sungjin, resting her hand against his arm as she spoke, with a wide smile across her face.
“I should get going,” you overheard Sungjin anxiously tell her as he began to get nervous, trying his best to back away from her.
“Don’t go yet,” she replied, the final straw for you as you stood up from your table and made your way to the bar, taking a tight hold of Sungjin’s hand.
The look on the woman’s face dropped as her eyes glared across at you. “Are you ordering drinks or what? You’re taking a while?” You asked him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
It was enough to encourage her to back away, letting go of Sungjin’s arm and moving back to her table, shaking her head at herself. “Thank you,” Sungjin whispered to your ear.
“I leave you alone for five minutes,” you teased, squeezing against his hand, “I had no idea that you were such a catch with the ladies.”
Sungjin’s eyes rolled as one of the waiters approached you, “trust me, there’s only one person’s attention that I want.”
“And that is the correct answer too.”
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Young K:
The silence as Younghyun entered the tour bus was telling for him as he looked to you, sat at the back, curled up on the television with a blanket wrapped around you.
“Sorry, I didn’t think that that would take so long,” Younghyun weakly smiled, noticing the blank look that was on your face.
“I always forget how many fans you have,” you whispered, staring off into the distance, “people who dream of touching you and being able to talk to you.”
He perched down on the end of the sofa, resting his hand over your exposed feet, “they’re just fans, there’s no way that they could touch me, that’s what we have security for.”
Your head nodded, trying your best to seem unbothered by the female attention that Younghyun garnered. “Do you ever spot a fan and wonder what life could be like with them?”
“No,” Younghyun frowned, drawing your eyes across to look at him, “the only person that I ever think about the future with is you.”
You smiled weakly, feeling Younghyun tickle against your skin, “I’m not trying to be difficult, it’s just a lot for me at times.”
“I get it, there’s no need to explain.”
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Your hand remained holding onto Wonpil’s as he pulled you to one side, excusing the two of you from your group of friends that had invited you both to dinner.
“You’ve got to relax,” Wonpil told you once everyone else was out of earshot, “you acting as if one of them might kiss me.”
“You’ve got to admit, they’re being quite flirty around you,” you sighed, glancing back to the table, “they’re supposed to be my friends, but I’m not sure.”
Wonpil’s head shook back at you, holding onto your waist, “I get that you’re protective, but your friends are just trying to get to know me and welcome me into the group.”
Your eyes closed, taking a deep breath to try and compose yourself. “I know they’re harmless, but seeing them all over you, pushing me to one side, it doesn’t feel nice to watch.”
“Why don’t you move and sit next to me?” Wonpil offered with a smile, “I could do with you next to me, I feel lost to be honest.”
Your head nodded in reply, “I did warn you that my friends could be a handful, but now you’re here, you get to see it.”
“I can definitely see where you get it from.”
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Your eyebrows furrowed as Dowoon returned to the table, taking a seat opposite you with a wide smile on his face, still chuckling from the conversation that he had finished.
“She’s so funny,” he told you, taking a sip from the now cold coffee that he had ordered with you, “I don’t know how she does it.”
“Who even is she?” You asked, unable to mask the bitter tone in your voice, “she’s not someone that I remember you mentioning to me before.”
Dowoon looked back to see where the person that he had spoken to had gone, “that’s Yeejun, she’s one of the techs that’s joining us on tour, her husband is in charge of lighting.”
Your eyes went wide, hearing Dowoon scoff as he knew exactly what was on your mind. “S-she’s married, I wasn’t expecting that,” you muttered to yourself.
“Yeah, I can tell,” Dowoon smirked, shaking his head back at you, “did you think there was something going on there?”
Your head shook, but Dowoon knew you all too well. “I was just interested, hers is a face that I don’t recognise, that’s all.”
“You don’t have to worry about Yeejun Y/N.”
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koos-euphoria · 4 years
dom!dowoon w a degradation kink (giving) plz 🥺 ur writing is sosoosossoos good 👉👈
Aw, thank you sm love🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Dowoon stares down at you as you sit on your knees, his whole body towering over you. Swallowing the saliva that has built up in your throat as you wait patiently with your sweaty palms on your thighs. You hear him tsk to himself head shaking slightly as he grasps you chin. “Little slut, couldn’t even wait until I got home” you feel his thumb graze against your bottom lip before he pats it gently “open up.” He demands. You open your mouth straight away whimpering as he pushes the tip of his thumb in between them. Forcing you to suck on it. “Now are you going to be a good girl for me?”
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luv4day6 · 5 years
2:50 am
Rain softly hit your window as Dowoon gently drummed his fingertips against the top of your thigh. He was listening to music tapping out the beat of it on top on your leg while you just scrolled through your phone. There was nothing particularly special about this moment but the times Dowoon’s face lit up when a good song came on made your heart flutter. He would just shyly giggle when you saw him and go back to listening but these moments really hit your heart.
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faqelcve · 5 years
DAY6 reaction to you saying you hate them during an argument.
Requested By: @blondeapple11
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As your argument with Jae got even worse you couldn’t help but scream at the top of your lungs that you hated him. As soon as those words left your mouth everything became silent. Jae couldn’t look at you, he just kept his eyes to the side as he went through various expressions. You look down at the floor and let out a sigh “Jae... I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I could never hate you. I just hate us fighting like this.” Jae finally lifted his head and looked straight at you,
“You sure?” You nodded and sighed “I guess um let’s figure this out together.” You look at him,
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As those words left your lips Sungjin stared at you with hurt in his eyes “What?” He let out as his voice cracked a bit. You look at him sadly and shake your head,
“I didn’t mean it... I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I don’t hate you at all. But, can’t we just stop all this fighting..?” He looked down at the ground for a moment to collect his thoughts then looked back at you,
“I don’t like this fighting either... I guess just the thought of you hating me really messes with my head..” You walk closer to him and rub his arm,
“I don’t hate you... I don’t think I could ever.” He looked up at you then sighed and nodded,
“I’m sorry. Let’s not fight anymore...”
Young K
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Young K froze in place after you shouted you hated him during an argument. He looked down at the floor then back up at you with a sad expression “Do you actually...?” You looked at him sadly, you’ve never seen him this upset before. Which made you feel horrible for telling him this lie.
“No... Young K I don’t. I’m sorry for saying that. I crossed the line. I love you..” He looked at you and sighed then rubbed his eyes,
“If our fights get that bad, I don’t want to fight anymore. We need to talk some things through so we don’t fight anymore.” You nodded and looked at him,
“I agree.”
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Wonpil stopped arguing with you as he heard you shout you hated him. He grabbed your hands and looked into your eyes with tears building up “Please don’t hate me Y/N...” He shook his head and wiped his eyes then held your hands again “I’m sorry... Let’s not fight anymore. Just please don’t hate me..” You immediately started to cry as you shook your head, “I’m sorry... I could never hate you Wonpil... I didn’t mean it.” He looked at you and let out a sigh then pulled you in for a hug and rubbed your back slowly,
“It’s okay Y/N... Let’s not fight anymore.”
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Dowoon let out a small laugh after you shouted you hated him. It only took him a second for his smile to fade as he realized that you saying that wasn’t a joke “Wait, I’m confused Y/N.” You let out a soft sigh as you shook your head,
“I don’t actually... I guess I’m just frustrated. I don’t like fighting with you Dowoon. I like being with you and laughing like crazy because we're both weird. Can’t we just stop this fighting talk it through then go back to how we were? Or even become closer than before.” He looked at you and to the side and nodded,
“That sounds like a good idea... Let’s talk through our problems and fix this.”
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youngkbf · 4 years
How Can I Say? ↠ Kang Younghyun
pairing: kang younghyun (youngk) x reader gender neutral
request by anon: Any song you want with Younghyun! 💞
summary: how can i say that my heart has already left? i can’t put the words together...oh how can i say?
inspired by ‘how can i say’ by day6
genre: non idol!au, angst
warnings: like one curse word
wc: 0.9k+
an: once again so so so sorry that this took me forever. i hope you like it :)
masterlist in bio
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gif credits to youngqk
It's okay to fall out of love. It's as natural as falling in, and one cannot live without the other. What it's not okay, is to hide it. Younghyun feels it, or he doesn't. His heart doesn't speed up at the mention of your name anymore, there are no butterflies in his stomach when you kiss him, and he feels better when you're not around. He doesn't know when it happened, if it was sudden or if it just happened gradually. But he knows there's no going back. He doesn't love you anymore.
Younghyun feels guilty. He knows what he has to do, the words that have to come out of his mouth whether he wants to say them out loud or not. He does, but he doesn't. He wants to let you go, he wants to give himself — and you — the chance of finding someone new. But at the same time, he doesn't want to be responsible for your heartbreak. It's inevitable, but he delays it for as much as he can. He knows that you still love him the same and that you think everything is okay between the two of you. And you're right to think that. Nothing could ever predict what would happen, but it's not like Younghyun chose to fall out of love with you.
He doesn't know what to say, but he has to say something. And as you sit across from him on the couch, eyes full of love and admiration as you wait for him to speak, Younghyun thinks that he should've thought about what he's going to say. He knows the gist of it, but depending on the exact words he uses, the night may end with you heartbroken and hating him or just heartbroken. He cares about you too much to leave knowing that you hate him and he also doesn't want to feel guilty.
"I-" He starts, but his eyes meet yours and his mind goes blank once again "I don't..." I don't love you anymore, it's what he wants to say but he stops himself and cringes at his own choice of words "We can't be together anymore."
The silence in the room feels louder than anything he's ever heard, and Younghyun dares to look at you, ready to take any harsh words you throw at him. Instead, he's met with watery eyes, trembling chin, and panic was written all across your face.
"What?" You mumble, voice so low that he barely hears it.
"I'm sorry." Younghyun feels the need to apologize, although he's not sure why. But it feels right.
"What do you mean you don't love me anymore?" You stand up frustrated, one hand running through your hair and you tug at its roots "Was it something I did?"
"No, no." Younghyun is quick to reassure you, standing up to walk over to you but you step back "It's me. I'm the problem."
You're quiet for a few seconds until your face changes, eyebrows raising in disbelief as if you don't want to believe what had just gone through your head.
"There's someone else..." You trail off, not even questioning it.
You're not wrong to think like that. Why else would he be leaving when there was nothing wrong between the two of you in the first place? There has to be someone else, right?
"No, there isn't." It takes Younghyun a bit too long to reply, but it's long enough for you to think that he's lying "I promise there isn't."
"What is it then?" You raise your voice, hands falling limp to your sides in defeat.
"I...I don't love you anymore." He confesses but immediately regrets it.
Your eyes widen in shock after he says it. Anger flashes across them for a split second but it's gone just as quick as it comes because it hurts too much. You break down in tears, hands covering your face so that he doesn't see you cry as you slowly sit back on the couch. Younghyun freezes, torn between comforting you or just leaving. He curses the universe for not letting him take back his words, but it's in vain. Nothing will change. And the sobbing mess in front of him — you — is all his fault. He denies the guilt, pushes it aside for his own sake and his hand reaches out to you, settling on your shoulder.
"I'm sorry." It's all that he manages to say, afraid of opening his mouth and making things worse "I really am."
He is, he really is whether you believe him or not. You don't reply, but the increasing intensity of your sobs lets him know you heard him. Younghyun still knows you like the back of his hand and he knows you need some time alone. He's reluctant on leaving you alone in this state, but he knows it's the right thing to do. Right now, he's probably the last person you want to see, and he can't blame you for that.
"I'll come to get my things in the morning." His voice cuts through the silence and it almost feels too loud.
"I fucking hate you." Your voice comes out muffled, but he can still understand you clearly.
His heart breaks a little at your words and he feels the need to apologize once again. As he walks out the door, after looking back at you one last time, Younghyun pushes down the guilt in his chest. It's not my fault, he tells himself.
So why does he feel like it is?
feedback is appreciated :)
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kpoptionate · 5 years
[11:31pm] dowoon smiles to himself as he walks into his and your shared apartment, seeing you curled up on the couch fast asleep with his cats on your body. he lightly picks them up off of you and then your own body, carrying you to bed and tucking you in before lying down beside you, arm wrapped around your waist and head in your shoulder.
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