#drugs bad okay
machinecatgirl · 24 days
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luck-of-the-drawings · 5 months
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#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi suckening#jrwi suckening spoilers#RRAAHH IM IN LOVE WITH THIS SHOW SOOO GOODDAMN MUCH!! each o these characters has STOLEN my HEART!!!#LIKE EMIZEEELLL i love emizel so much.. runnin around announcing that HE isa PRINCE while shiloh FINALLY quietly clicks the pieces together#nathan hanover you MADMAN!!! that slow dramatic guitar riff as emizel makes that announcement was so fuckin COOL UGHHHH#MR HANOVER DOES IT AGAIN just creating tracks that absoultely WORM into my MIND and HHEAARRT UUGHHGHH#emizel is so cool and so funny and so adorable UUGHH ill gush abt him more when i finally post my emizel n soda doodle page#ARTHUR FUCKING BENNET. i totally get why grizz has a hard time playing him. hes cool and stoic n its not easy to play a man o little words#BUT BBOOOY DOES HE DO IT WELL!! arthur DOES come off as so stoic n cool & it just makes his lil misfortunes all the more charming#like falling into the red fear or confrontin edward twilight or accidentally doing lsd. I LOVE THATS HES THE BAD LUCK GUY.#okay uhhu uhh i have limited room here what else should i say uhh. THE NPCS. MY GOD THE NPCS. CHARLIE U WONDERFUL MADMAN#edward twilight is SUCH a funny fucking antagonist. and supposedly his magic stuff is super scary?? SO EXCITED TO SEE MORE OF THAT#ill ramble abt mr deacon keller later eheh i have a. uh. a doodle page in the works. so in the meantime DAYBRINGER SOLOMON!!#“HERE COMES THE SUN MOTHERFUCKER!” “ILL SEE YOU IN HELL. NOT. IM GOING TO HEAVEN. BITCH.” like come on now. oh my god. i need him#BIG POWERFUL BEAST AND EVERY WORD HE SAYS HAS ME CRACKING UP. THE MUFFLED VOICE IN THE DARK BROKEN BY “LIGHT!”#TRULY HILARIOUS AND YET TRULY HORRIFYING. I FUCKIN LOVE CHARLIE NPCS SO MUCH. I HOPE WE SEE HIM AGAIN OHH MY GOOOODDD#OKAYokay. im normal now. ill talk abt the piece. if u read my tags this far then u get special secret knowledge abt the artistic process#IM VERY HAPPY WITH MY COLORS! i know they were hallucinating on drugs so i just recalled the times i did drugs & used that as my influence#REMEMBER KIDS! acid is totally fine if ur safe and responsible about it. do acid and then stare at my art for a bit trrruuust me. IT MOVES!#anyway i think thats all my thoughts here. thank you for looking at my art n thanku if ur one o the ppl that says nice things in the tags#U are LITERLY my life blood i pick up each of u n kiss u so sweetly on the head. remember to try acid!!!!
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hollowfairybabybat · 22 days
lemme tattoo u with some dumb lil cute design then u n then tell everyone its ur kids drawing
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(I saw them content warnings and the first thing that came to my mind to the mention of weed was peppino sitting on a bean bag smoking some zaza
(Ajfdjdf, that's pretty much spot on! Peppino sometimes gotta chill tf out, and Gus knows where the good stuff is!
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I'm not sure about Pep tho, I am imagining all his animal DNA would not gel with the weed, and he just ends up sick
But that also means he could be affected by catnip instead, and that is very funny to me)
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 3 months
Febuwhump Day 28: "Not like this,"
Content warning: drugging, spiked drink, kidnapping, discussion of noncon touch
Things were going smoothly. They usually did, in Caretaker’s experience.
It hadn’t been a hard job. Sneak into the party, get close to the target, bring them out. The fact that Whumpee was already a few drinks in only made it easier. It’d barely taken any effort to get their trust, and before long Caretaker had been left to watch over their drink as Whumpee stumbled to the bathroom.
It’d been easy to slip something into their drink. Easy to lead them out of the party the second they showed signs of feeling the effects. By the time Whumper had driven up with the car, Whumpee was too far gone to even complain when Caretaker manhandled them into the backseat. The whole process had taken no more than an hour.
Caretaker found that kidnappings were a lot more boring than television would make you think.
They were in the backseat with Whumpee now, just in case something went wrong. Not that they expected it to; Whumpee was quiet in their seat, half slumped and staring lazily out the window. They almost looked like they were there willingly, no restraints, no look of horror on their face.
Whatever mix of chemicals was in the powder— it wasn’t Caretaker’s job to know, just to get it into Whumpee— its effects were subtle. Whumpee had no trouble walking out of the party on their own two feet, movements more coordinated than most of the partygoers. The drug didn’t steal their motor control, didn’t force Caretaker to do more than guide them out by the hand. All it did was make sure they’d follow Caretaker along without any questions.
They were like a sleepwalker. Pupils blown wide and nothing going on behind them, but just present enough to seem normal from a distance.
It put Caretaker’s teeth on edge. They wished they could go back to just knocking the marks out, but they couldn’t deny this was more efficient.
“God, you can be such a fuckin’ prude,” Whumper called from the front, voice loud to be heard over the radio. They adjusted their rearview mirror to lock eyes with Caretaker, giving them a look of mock disappointment. “I thought you jumped back there to get a feel or something, but you’re just sitting there like you’re in church.”
Caretaker gave them a disgusted look, earning a laugh. They crossed their arms, turning their body away from Whumpee. “Don’t be a creep. Let’s just keep it professional.”
Whumper scoffed. “Sure, professional. Like you weren’t halfway in their pants back there anyway. They’re hot, we’ve got a long drive. Why not?”
Whumpee sat oblivious to all of this. They were simply gone, staring at nothing.
“I was just doing my job, Whumper. Why don’t you do your job and drive?”
“God you’re pissy tonight. Don’t gotta be an asshole about it,” Whumper grumbled, rolling their eyes. They turned their gaze back to the road. “You know they never remember anything, right? You can do literally whatever you want.”
As if them remembering was the problem. Caretaker would remember what they’d done, when someone was totally helpless in front of them. They’d decided long ago that they’d never do more than necessary, never put someone through more than what they had to. They wouldn’t touch Whumpee. Not like this, not when they weren’t capable of even beginning to defend themselves.
They had morals. Weak, barely there, but Caretaker had them. They needed to cling to that fact. They were just doing their job.
“I’m not a monster. I’m just doing what I have to.” Caretaker said, too quiet to be heard over the radio, just loud enough for Whumpee to hear.
Whumpee didn’t respond.
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the-chaos-crew · 7 months
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I am obsessed with these sillies I can't stop drawing them
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anthromimicry · 8 days
you know, i never thought i would say this, but i think misao and one of my other characters (barton) actually DO have something in common. and that is that they are the kind of person to do something extremely risky, like chase painkillers with alcohol, but whenever someone else tries to do it especially if they are one of their loved ones, then they are basically the embodiment of this meme:
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and then they immediately try to STOP them like they didn't just do the same exact thing that was on the borderline of being almost self-injurious with how reckless it was. like, UMMM idk whether to just be genuinely concerned for these two or to reacquaint them with the reasoning behind why doing that is SUCH a bad idea 😭
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wineonmytshirt · 1 month
hmmm unfollowing and blocking lots of people
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lttleghost · 1 year
literally the people in the BrBa fandom who like think its super important to focus somewhat on the bad things Jesse's done instead of just acknowledging those things tend to have misunderstandings on either how selling drugs increase harm (which while there's other complexities to parts of the drug trade, simply making and providing drugs alone does not increase the harm those drugs cause) or they have misremembered some of his actual actions as being more in his control than they actually were, and with some people it really feels like it comes from the stigma against addicts even if they think they're not falling into that
and like again this lack of understanding around everything relating to drugs and addiction especially, even from people that mean well, is the whole reason it's more important to focus on the good in Jesse and how he's the victim rather than acting like there's no one acknowledges his flaws and the bad things he's done, cause a huge fucking swath of people outside our little tumblr circles do and act like every single bad thing in his life as entirely his responsibility without aknowledging any way that the world worked against him or the abuse he faced and see him as less of a person because he's an addict
and like I do think if Jesse wasn't the type of person that sees his own flaws and ultimately tries to do his best to change and learn even in the terrible situation he's in that doesn't want that change to happen, and instead needed people to like... constantly tell him to be better, then yeah it'd definitely be much more important to focus on those flaws and the bad things he did... but that's not the case, even the one thing he plans to do that was awful AND fully his choice (trying to sell drugs to the rehab group) was something he snapped himself out of when he was able to concretely see a consequence he hadn't considered before, this doesn't negate that trying to sell drugs to the rehab group was wrong, but it does add complexity to how we judge that action playing into Jesse as a whole
like you can't just sit there and act like ur so smart for aknowledging a character written like a real person is complex without thinking about the greater social commentary you're getting across when you insist we can't simply aknowledge the bad things a character does and have to still really judge them on those things or say calling them a "good person" erases the bad they've done and not consider if what you're saying is like... useful on a wider scale in combating the stigmatization of characters like Jesse (especially surrounding drug selling/making/using drugs) or if you're just refering to "woobification" bullshit that isn't particularly prevalent in the wider world
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bricky-brikson · 2 months
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I’ve decided to do a Bad Things Happen Bingo!
My goal is to get at least one (1) bingo, but honestly I just want to write some suffering
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How this is going to work:
Send me an ask with one (1) prompt + the character(s)/media.
I’ll mark that prompt as “claimed” on this post by editing (so check the original post before you ask).
When the writing is done (and published), I’ll shade the prompt in completely.
Prompts that are shaded in or claimed cannot be asked for! So if there’s something here you like, grab it quick!
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Things I’m willing to write:
My original characters. See my #dear cassedy tag, but I also have some OCs who have yet to be formally introduced on this account (a vampire nurse with a werewolf bf and plural chemist who makes LSD - they're not from the same universe).
Drabbles of characters created solely for the situation/prompt. In this case, the asker has to propose the characters themselves. Please don't use this as a roundabout way to get writings of your OCs.
Sky: Children Of The Light (Elders and Spirits, I’m not big on writing skykids)
(Maybe) Hazbin Hotel
Hollow Knight
[I can't think of much else right now, but if it comes to me I'll add it.]
Things might get a little homoerotic (especially with the cannibalism prompt), but I won't do straight-up NSFW, since I'm still 17. Gore though? That's fine.
As always, I retain the right to refuse a prompt if it squicks me or it's just not something I'm interested in writing, in which case I'll respond to the ask privately stating as much.
Prompts are listed in the alt text for those with screen-readers. Below divider by @/cafekitsune. I don't remember where I got the snake dividers, sorry :(
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boyobjectifier · 5 months
made two phone calls, one of which was successful and the other ended in needing a call back tomorrow to schedule an endocrinology appointment i’ve been trying to schedule for over a month and a half now :-)
but tbh i’m glad i got it over with bc i’ve been meaning to make these calls and keep forgetting until it’s the weekend lmfao
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ineffablefool · 9 months
The lil corner of the Good Omens fandom that I generally see is getting more and more into publicly declaring that That Theory I Dislike Is Bad And People Who Ascribe To It Should Feel Bad, and I don't know if it's really new, or if I was just lucky enough to generally be missed with that shit the last four years.
Different people's brains work differently, which means they will notice things, form interpretations, maybe come to extremely firm conclusions, all different from each others'. Different from mine, different from yours.
I get that some people think that they have the brain which produces the Objectively Superior theories (and/or which can easily determine which other people's theories are the Objectively Inferior ones). I just really missed the memo where Your Interpretation Is Not My Interpretation (And That's Okay) was dragged out back and fucking shot.
Anyway this blog is an "I may not agree with your theory but you may trust that I won't publicly heap scorn upon the very idea of having it" zone if anyone was wondering.
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cruelsister-moved2 · 6 months
speaking as an autistic person, the secret to making friends (and meaningful romantic/sexual relationships) is 95% just engaging in a genuine way. if someone doesn't want to be friends with you when you're being yourself, their friendship wouldn't be something you want anyway. the sad irony is that a lot of SELF-consciousness puts ppl off because... they can tell you're thinking about yourself & not them.
people just want to be seen and valued as a human being (and to have fun!). they don't want to feel like you're just using them to fill a need, or their company actually makes you kind of miserable and stressed or you can't be yourself around them. they want to feel like you enjoy their company and are interested in them. if you're autistic use your earnest swag & they love it because it invites them to be genuine and at ease too!!
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it's so funny to me that hazbin hotel is referred to as an adult cartoon. that show is about as adult as a 13 year old stealing his first cigarette from his dad and then puking when he tries to smoke it.
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hella1975 · 1 year
some people really still treat drugs like it's a fun little thing and im trying SO hard not to get mad about it
#like okay so the set-up is this my flatmate (F) is chronically ill and is on immunosuppressants as well as a fuckton of other stuff#and she started smoking weed bc it's the only thing she's ever found that even touches her pain#ive NEVER had a problem with that ive never had a problem with WEED even IVE done it a couple times#but me and her have VERY different attitudes towards drugs#i came from a hometown where we were between two notoriously drug-high towns/cities and we get caught in a lot of the trading#between those towns so naturally my town just generated a fuck ton of dealers starting when they were like. thirteen years old#i saw it through my entire year i was exposed to class A drugs when i was like. fifteen at parties and shit#it's HUGE in my town i seriously can't express how much it's crippled the youth of my town#like my childhood best mate's brother literally got glassed bc he got into debt with dealers it's just everywhere#so that alone makes me very wary of drugs and like. the novelty of them is just NOT THERE for me at all i actively dislike them#AND THEN there's all the kids in my year that have died bc of substances. there's the phone call when i was AT A PARTY#that my seventeen year old cousin had OD'd. like that just summed it up for me it's so prevelant that i was at a party with drugs#while he was dying. so yeah wholeheartedly i couldn't give a shit about drugs i wont touch anything stronger than weed and even that#im not keen on. my flatmate however? she DOES drugs like she smokes regularly and she likes edibles#but she doesn't come from a druggy place so it's a weird combo of me (doesn't do drugs) knowing more than her (does do drugs)#and bc she's the one who actually does them she pure WONT LISTEN TO ME#and do u know what happened last night? this girl on IMMUNOSUPPRESSANTS got completely fucked#like drank 2/3 of a big bottle of vodka within an hour. and then she fucking went and did ket#and i literally was like 'that would be an awful idea anyway but ket you're REALLY supposed to not mix with alcohol'#like obvs mixing any high class drugs is bad news but ket is renowned for going bad with alcohol#i think it's bc it shuts off the opposite side of the brain that alcohol does? so taking both increases risk of shutting the whole thing of#or smthn. like people forget than an overdose isn't always fatal and i think bc they associate overdosing = dying#they assume the risk is EXTREMELY low especially when ur young and feel untouchable#AND THEN she smoked some weed as well. like i literally sat sober with her and her mate the entire time and again in the kitchen#bc i thought id distracted her from the weed and sitting with her she thought i was just hanging out#like NO BITCH IM MAKING SURE YOU DONT KHOLE BC YOU WERE TOO STUPID TO LISTEN TO ME#and i hardly slept last night bc i convinced myself when i woke up she'd be dead in her room#and we had such a nice day planned today like it's super sunny and me F and another mate are spending the whole day at the park#but she's just cancelled bc she feels too shit and im just. TRYING not to be angry about it#WHY ARE SOME PEOPLE SO DUMB
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arthur-r · 8 days
(stupid vent in the tags i’m maybe struggling a lot. not feeling particularly real or handling my life and relationships maturely at all)
#i love i LOVE how i can write out three fucking pages of how well and normal my life is going and then just fall apart#is this directly correlated to whether i take my anxiety medication? certainly but the side effects are SHIT and its not mandatory anymore#(realizing the amount of my shit relationship that i spent fucking drugged up by myself is SHIT!! i wasn’t a real human being i was so#fucking out of it all the time and he DIDNT FUCKING CARE and i’m upset. that being said i’m anxious as shit now without my meds)#anyway i’m meeting up with two people tomorrow and they’re both the most fucked up sorts of relationships where they’ve been almost my#entire life at certain points of time but are also people who have made me FUCKING UNCOMFORTABLE but with no ill will just fucked situation#problem is one is just an asshole but the other is an incredible person with delusions attached. i think. i’m struggling#i was so fucking healthy two days ago and i thought its a good idea to say hi when i’m in town. but no actually i’m fucked in the head#i feel like he’s either going to kill me or fall in love with me. he’s ten years older than me. and has done NOTHING WRONG IM JUST INSANE#should i not show up?? this is a normal fucking person this is a normal person and i want to say hi. already sent him a long fucking email#so we’re a little late to lose this relationship. and it’s FUCKING NORMAL. normal fucking person. mentor figure positive fucking role model#what the fuck is wrong with me!!!! i’m so fucking normal i just get insane. i’m being like my nemesis actually. ex-bandmate who fucked me u#and didn’t fucking care about anyone and saw me as a character i’m doing her fucking thing. im talking about a normal man who cares about m#a normal amount. ​and interacts with me in a NORMAL FUCKING WAY. who SAVED MY FUCKING LIFE. what is WRONG WITH ME#aside from that…. i’m just feeling sick and awful. my little sister is really struggling and so am i. and i talk so much and never listen#and i could have fucking sworn that i was doing well. fucking LAST NIGHT i wrote all about how fucking stable i am. how i’m going to be oka#AND I AM. i just feel like shit. and i don’t know what’s wrong with me. i’m going on testosterone TOMORROW if all goes well. why can’t i#just fucking focus on that?!!?!?!?? and i’m dysphoric as shit it’s half of what’s wrong with me right now. maybe t will just fucking fix me#but what the fuck. what the fuck. i dont know. all of a sudden i’m in a bad place. i just want to be okay.#i hope everyone is well and i’m sorry for venting. i would almost not post this but i don’t feel real#i don’t know. sending love…. let me know if you need anything please. be well 💛#friends only#vent cw#like if read#delete later#ask to tag
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