#drunk ominis gaunt
jmliebert · 9 months
a.k.a one saturday night... (a headcanon)
is all over the place
lots of bro hugs
the one who wants to sing
and he's doing it loudly may I add
not a single thought behind those eyes at the end of the party (he's very drunk)
very excited about the whole ~party~ situation
lots oh happy hands-clapping
doing some cool wandless magic just for the sake of it
teasing everyone softly
and is the one who wants to dance
the life of the party
is up for everything and is laughing all the time
W I L D !
and effortlessly funny
sadly the first to get knocked-out
sleeps peacefully on the sofa for the half of the night
only to be disturbed by Garreth bonding a tie around his forehead with a bow on top of it
the one to smuggle the alcohol
dirty and bold statements that make Onai and Ominis raise their eyebrows in confusion
plus points when Amit covers his mouth #scandalised
but Sebastian just want to impress MC, ok? and it's complicated when he's drunk...
blushes a lot when MC is near, of course
"so...wha..whaad you think of meee?"
lots of finger-pointing
teasing Garreth (making Sebastian proud)
when girls start to compliment him he loses all his composure
*cutie hihi*
is the one who is the best dancer
very gallant when drunk treating girls like princesses and always agreeing when they want to dance with him
soon Garreth want to dance with him too, holding hands, swirling and all
heart-throb of the party
laughs a lot
and everyone thinks she's totally adorable
with puffskien on her lap
cleans-up the mess
in charge of food
 you can find more of my works about hogwarts legacy ♡here♡
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cursedonyx · 2 months
How the HL Cast Act When They’re Drunk 🍻
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Sebastian Sallow
This lad has three main modes when he’s had a few to drink, and it’s all entirely dependent on how he was feeling beforehand. He will either be the sweetest, cuddliest little snugglebug you’ve ever met, who hugs anyone and everyone regardless of how well he knows them and tells everyone he loves them (unless he’s in an established relationship, then his partner is the only one who receives such ardent affection), or he could be the life and soul of the party, challenging everyone to dares, games and other challenges, accepting pretty much all dares for a laugh, encouraging people to get up and dance and have fun, telling outrageous jokes and more… Or, he will be sullen, moody, and prone to fights. It’s best not to let Sebastian drink too much if he’s in a grump, because it won’t end well.
He's got a pretty good memory for his drunk antics and never gets blackout. This is useful for both making sure his friends are safe and for embarrassing everyone with tales of their conduct the next day, but it’s a double-edged sword, as he will remember everything he did as well.
Ominis Gaunt
A charming man at the best of times, drunk Ominis is a shameless flirt, and will make pretty much everyone fall in love with him at some point during the course of the evening, regardless of which way they swing. He’s got a pretty good head on his shoulders and tends to toe the line of tipsy and inebriated quite well, but if he pitches a bit too far and ends up sauced, his inhibitions are going to go right out the window. He’ll be the first to dance on a tabletop, he swears far more frequently and is prone to showing off a bit, though he still draws the line at public nudity, which is a shame. Chances are, if there’s a piano nearby, he’ll play for everyone with exceptional skill and, if the stars align, he’ll even sing, which is a rare treat for all involved. Mans got the voice of an angel. If he’s in an established relationship, he’s far more comfortable with PDAs and will be much more open to experimenting with his partner once they’re alone.
Though he rarely gets blackout drunk, Ominis can struggle to remember all the details of what he got up to if he has one too many, which without fail will leave him utterly mortified and swearing never to drink again, even if he had a good time. It’ll take a week or two before he’s ready to even have a glass of wine with dinner if he’s embarrassed himself.
Garreth Weasley
Garreth is usually the one to bring his experimental brews to the party and he’s usually swiftly banned from wherever the drinks are being kept. Regardless, after a few bevvies he’s loud, boisterous, and usually found challenging Sebastian to various dares and competitions. A cheerful and popular chap, Garreth is likely to get people singing along to various songs he knows, or ones he’s made up on the spot. Whilst not as tall as Leander, Garreth is a big lad and quite strong too, so any of the girls present might find themselves picked up without warning and swung all about as he tries to dance, and one of his favourite memories of a previous party is trying to pick up all the girls at once and immediately falling over, ending up buried under a pile of laughing women. If Garreth is in an established relationship, very little changes, but you can be safe in the knowledge that even though he's flirting, that’s as far as it will ever go.
Garreth never gets hangovers, no matter how much he drinks, and he’ll be the first one awake the next day, helping to clean up or cook breakfast or make everyone a strong cup of tea.
Leander Prewett
Bless his heart, Leander tries very hard to fit in with his friends and as such will likely end up drinking too much too quickly, meaning he’s usually the first one to suffer the worst effects of drinking. That said, he handles it well, and after chundering once or twice he’s usually ready to keep going. Being a gangly lad, his sense of balance is terrible when he’s blotto, and he’ll trip on a bit of dense air if there’s nothing else to fall over. If the others manage to keep his drinking at a reasonable pace, Leander will often be found trying to flirt with everyone, and though he doesn’t have Ominis’ natural talent for it, he’s a surprisingly smooth talker when he’s not worried about being rejected, and he’s pretty much guaranteed to go home with someone at the end of the night. That is, if he’s single. If Leander is in an established relationship, he’ll follow his partner around, making sure they’re comfortable, warning off potential challenges to his territory, and he won’t even look at another girl.
Leander’s memory of the night before will be hazy at best, and though he knows full well he probably embarrassed himself, he’ll choose to believe he didn’t, so long as no one got hurt.
Amit Thakkar
Amit doesn’t drink much at all, but when he does and has one too many, he’s going to be talking at a mile a minute about whatever’s on his mind, whether that’s his memoirs, his gobbledegook, his stargazing, other people at the party, who he fancies, any gossip he’s overheard, and on and on and on and on. At some point during the night, he stops talking, sits down in the nearest seat, curls up and goes to sleep, no matter how noisy it is, and it’s pretty much like someone flipped a switch. You could be sitting on the sofa with him listening to him babble, then literally a second later he’s out for the count, and he probably won’t wake up for a good few hours, so move him somewhere where he won’t be trodden on. If Amit is in an established relationship, nothing changes about his drunk behaviour, because he’s endearingly loyal at the best of times.
Amit remembers well who he spoke to and what about, but rarely does he realise how much he gabbles on. He tends to take this with a reasonable degree of humility, but aside from hoping he didn’t bore anyone, he’s content that he didn’t embarrass himself.
Andrew Larson
He’s going to be mooning after everyone pretty the moment he gets trashed, and if Ominis is playing the piano, that lad better hope he’s got his girlfriend nearby because Andrew’s going to try his luck and be deeply disappointed by the inevitable rejection. Andrew lives by his emotions and will cry at the drop of a hat or a picture of a cat if he’s had enough to drink, but he will be laughing seconds later if someone falls over or tells him a joke. If the mood takes him, he’ll likely be having long, philosophical debates with anyone who’ll listen (most likely Amit) and he’s prone to wandering off at random moments because he saw something interesting and wants to go on an adventure. He needs a minder. If Andrew is in an established relationship he’s less likely to be a liability because his Alice in Wonderland moments are going to be focused entirely on his partner (and Ominis will remain unaccosted).
Andrew sways between having a good memory for his antics and remembering absolutely nada, sometimes in the same night. Parts of the evening will be clear as day, and parts will be obscured completely. He doesn’t tend to feel too embarrassed for himself, but more for others because it’s a guarantee someone else is going to have done something worse.
Natsai Onai
Even hammered, Natty is the mum friend. She’s the one making sure everyone drinks water in between their booze-infused bevvies, helping people up if they fall over, cleaning up puke and intervening in any brewing fights. Left to her own devices when no one needs her help, she’s sneakily encouraging Garreth to sing rude, memorable shanties, Poppy to climb the walls and jump on people, and Sebastian to run around the garden in the buff because if he doesn’t then Leander will. A master of planting ideas in drunk people’s heads, she usually makes sure things don’t go too far while masterminding entertainment for everyone involved. If Natty is in an established relationship, she’ll still be doing all of the above, but her partner needs to steer her more into the ‘having fun’ side of things so people don’t come to rely on her too much.
She’s got a reasonable memory for drunk happenings, but as she usually doesn’t embarrass herself, she’s pretty good to go the morning after. That said, if Natty does something embarrassing, she goes the whole hog, like the time she got stuck on the roof with only a tea towel for cover. That gets brought up a lot, and she wants to sink into the ground every time it does.
Poppy Sweeting
If you thought Poppy was a nutter beforehand, just wait until she’s got some beers in her. Poppy will be the first to try swinging from the chandelier, the first to encourage everyone to do shots, the first to run around the room with her shirt off, the real life and soul of the party. Once she’s drunk, she’s feral, and will climb over everyone and everything. Once she’s spent her boundless energy, she becomes incredibly cuddly, and if she chooses you to cuddle good luck getting her off you. Regardless of who you’re both respectively dating, you may find yourself going home with Poppy and her partner if the two of you aren’t together and she chooses you to snuggle. It’s not that she’s trying to get you in bed, she just loves cuddles and you smell safe.
She remembers nothing. Absolutely zilch once her blood alcohol level reaches a certain point. No embarrassment either, no matter what she did, she’s just happy everyone had fun.
Imelda Reyes
Competitive as ever, Imelda will likely be challenging people to drinking competitions (and usually Leander’s the only one to take her up on it, most people know better). Imelda has the blood of a Scot (and likely a Viking too) so she can outdrink almost everyone with relative ease. That said, once she’s drunk, she’s drunk. Swaying all over the place, her accent almost incomprehensible, and prone to getting into fights, Imelda is either the worst person to drink with, or the best. If she decides she’s looking after you that night, you’ll not have to worry about a thing, this girl would fight off a dragon for you. If you want to do something, whether it’s playing a certain game, talking to a certain someone, or just chilling outside for a bit, Imelda will make it happen. If you’re not the Chosen One, you can expect things to be very chaotic around Imelda when she gets cunted. If Imelda has a partner, her Chosen One will always be them.
Imelda’s memory is crystal, and no matter what she did, she feels no shame. Why would she? She was only looking out for her bestie or lover, and if someone got offended over that, well then that’s their problem. She’s not responsible for other people’s emotional reactions, after all.
Duncan Hobhouse
Will boast about being able to outdrink Imelda, then throw up and pass out after two butterbeers. Best to move him outside, because he’s going to shit his pants.
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trappezoider · 6 months
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Dampness cooled the skin of Ominis' neck. He grazed the underside of Sebastian's eye with his thumb and found more moisture there. They hadn't gotten far from Hogsmeade – Ominis could tell by the layout his wand revealed to him. With the exception of someone spewing out their drinks a couple of blocks down into the town, there were hardly any people around. So, Ominis did what he had wanted to do for a long time, for the past six years, in fact. He turned his head, meeting the tip of his nose with Sebastian's, arched himself to the side and finally, at last, he kissed him.
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This week, my therapist and I talked about the serenity prayer. I was having trouble remembering it, so I made this
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can someone please? explain? how he can—
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weirdraccoon · 1 year
Mc *humming while casting curses*
Sebastian *growling while casting curses*
Tom *laughing while casting curses*
Ominis: I don't even know who's the worst.
Mc, Sebastian and Tom *killing different people for different reasons*
Ominis: Probably me for loving them anyway.
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Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🩷💜💙 I am off to write fanfics where my masc presenting MC charms the pants off Sebastian and Ominis.
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little-emerald-snake · 2 months
Drunk Virgins - Ominis Gaunt X F!MC
Warnings: implied alcohol use, embarrassing erection, slightly painful virginity sex, drunk sex, unprotected p-in-v, mentions of blood
1.5k words
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Ominis swayed, more drunk then he’d honestly like to be. Fuck Sebastian for pushing more alcohol and damn himself for agreeing to if because if she was agreeing to do shots with Sebastian, so should he. Sobriety be damned.
It was disorienting enough being blind in a room full of loud music and lots of bodies. But he knew his friends were close, never drifting far from one voice in particular.
It was at that moment as her small body crashed into his, erupting into a fit of giggles against his front. He held her close, afraid that if he didn’t she would tumble to the ground in a drunken fit of giggles.
She seemed to get her bearings, swaying and bouncing against him. He smiled and laughed with her, doing his best to mimic her bounces and movements.
The song switched and the room got louder with cheers and whoops. Her scent invaded his senses as she moved again, this time turning away from him but still plastered to the front of him.
He wasn’t quite sure what to do with his hands so they hovered around her till she grabbed them and firmly placed them to her hips. He felt her bend at the waist in front of him, rear pressed up against his crotch and immediately ripping the air from his lungs in shock.
He heard the whoops and cheers of their friends cheering as she began to wiggle against him. He’d heard of this before. This was what his friends had called twerking and his cheeks went scarlet.
He couldn’t help the really inconvenient swell of his cock as he used his grasp to urge her away. She fought back, eager to stay against him and he swallowed nervously as she suddenly stopped, standing back up and turning to face him.
He braced for the inevitable slap across the cheek that was coming. But was surprised when instead her hand gently caressed the outline of his cock through his trousers.
She giggled, removing her hand and standing up on her tiptoes to talk next to his ear. “Looks like someone got a little too excited.”
He was absolutely mortified. This was where she’d leave him, unseeing and with a quite noticeable erection in the middle of a dance floor of his drunken peers. Embarrassed as he tried to duck to safety. But that’s not what happened.
Instead she stayed in front of him, taking his hand and guiding him through the crowd till the music was a bit quieter. He was vaguely aware they’d changed locations when he heard a door shut, dampening the music further.
He was about to inquire where they were but was stopped by a silky soft pair of lips meeting his which were slightly numbed from the alcohol. His hand struggled, one settling on her waist and the other wrapping around the back of her warm neck and into her hair.
She took this well, moaning into his mouth and pushing him back against a wall. Something clattered to the ground beside them but it didn’t perturb her as she pushed herself against him.
He could feel all her soft curves through their clothing, could feel the quick rise and fall of her chest against his. He was hyper aware of her small whimpers she let loose into their kiss. Godrick. She felt like heaven and sin wrapped into one.
His body was an inferno, red hot embers glowing to life beneath his skin where she touched him. His head spun but he was vaguely aware of her moving and his belt being tugged at.
He couldn’t believe what was happening but the alcohol swimming through his veins did nothing to stop what was about to happen.
Her lips finally left his and he heard her voice, small and out of breath as she asked him something. It took a bit to process it. What had she asked? “Do you have a condom?”
He shook his head. Because he didn’t. He had some in his dorm, ones that Sebastian had always told him he was free to use but he’d never carried them on his person because…he was Ominis Gaunt. Probably one of the least likely blokes to get action (besides maybe the coward Hobbhouse).
She finally tugged his belt open, the lack of protection not seeming to dull her need as she slurred, pulling at his pants fastenings. “S’fine. M’on the potion. Gotta have you in me.”
In her? For Merlin’s sake. She freed him, tugging his trousers and underwear down just enough for his heavy erection to spring free. She gasped. “So good. Gonna be so big inside…”
Was she complimenting his size? Was he considered big by a witch's standards? He wouldn’t have anything to compare himself to but if she was pleased that’s all that mattered.
He heard her hiking her skirts as she pulled him off the wall and closer to her. Her hips seeming to be higher, she tugged him till he stumbled, catching himself on a wooden crate she seemed to be sitting on.
She tugged him closer and he allowed himself to clumsily grab onto her, lifting her leg and clumsily brushing his stiffness against her. She moaned and he swallowed nervously.
She was feeling impatient, reaching between them and lining him up against her opening. “C-come on. Please. J-just fuck me Ominis…”
She sounded so good and like she needed this so badly. He had no clue what he was doing but thrust forward, wringing a strangled cry from her throat.
He was in heaven, she was sure of it. Sheathed in a tight wet heat that he’d never even imagined. He bucked his hips, wringing another cry from between her lips. She was so loud, louder than the thumping music outside, he was sure of it.
He groaned, pulling out and pushing back in, way deeper than last time and wringing a yelp from her. She gripped the forearm that held her tightly. Only now did he feel her shaking.
He pulled out of her, causing a sharp cry from her now and he worriedly brought his hands up to her face. “O-oh fffuck, are you okay?! D-did I hurt you?”
She pulled him closer and confusion took hold of him, sobering him just a bit and he realized the gravity of what he’d done. He could smell the metallic tinge of blood. He’d just lost his virginity and taken hers in the process. “Shit…I didn’t know…”
His hands smoothed over her hair and he held her close, feeling her wet lashes against his neck. He held her like that till she nudged him. He quickly backed off but she pulled him closer by his tie. “I wanna keep going.”
He went still as stone in front of her. He hated the hopeful twitch of his desire between them. “B-but you’re hurt. We don’t need to…we shouldn’t.”
She pulled him against her and he swallowed nervously, feeling her wetness kissing his tip. She felt so slick, like he could slide back in too easily. “It’s normal. That’s supposed to happen. Please, Ominis…”
Her plea sent a pang through him and he nodded, deciding mentally it would likely hurt her worse if he took this moment from her and didn’t even go through with it.
She tugged him again and he slid back in with no resistance. Guilt hammered inside of him. She was only slick from her blood and he’s ashamed at the wave of heat that causes to rush through him.
Her heat enveloping him again felt too good and with a positive sounding whimper he slowly pushed deeper. She gasped but didn't push away. He lifted her leg up to lay in the crook of his elbow and she moaned, tightening around him and causing a wave of blood to rush to his head.
He was dizzy with the need to let instinct take over and buck greedily into her now pliant body. He kept his composure though, fucking her slowly and tenderly. His other hand came up, kneading her breast through her shirt and he groaned when he felt the peak of her nipple through the fabric.
He moaned, whispering praises and sweet nothings as she moaned and whimpered with every crash of his hips. His pace picked up, getting harder and faster and soon she was a moaning mess, tightening and squeezing around him while he fucked her vigorously.
A sharp cry left her lips and she tightened so fucking tight around him. Crying out her release. He pressed his sweaty forehead against hers, fucking her through it before deciding to pull out, stroking himself till a guttural moan left him and thick milky spurts of cum decorated her inner thigh.
He was tired and embarrassed in a way he never had been before, leaning against her for support. She regulated her breathing then gave a breathy chuckle. They’d made an absolute mess of the closet. “Careful…we’re both pretty covered in blood.”
A blush darkened his cheeks but she pulled her wand, casting a cleaning charm on them and he sighed with relief when he no longer felt sticky with her blood. She helped tuck him away and fixed his hair back to a neat coif.
There was so much not said between them as she climbed down off the crate, straightening her clothes out. What did this mean for them? He supposed they’d have to sober up and have a conversation about it sooner rather than later.
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atypicalamortentia · 8 months
They Find Out You're Pregnant
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Synopsis - The Hogwarts Legacy characters find out you're pregnant!
Warnings - Slightly NSFW.
Notes - All characters are 18+!
Word Count - 0.8k.
[Caffeinate Me]
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SEBASTIAN SALLOW isn’t surprised at all. The two of you had been having raw sex for months after you both agreed sex felt better without protection. It was only a matter of time before you fell pregnant. You waited until your first scan to tell him. You made a little baby box with the scan photo, your positive pregnancy test and a little babygrow with your expected date on it. Sebastian’s eyes lit up when he opened the box. Although you hadn’t been trying for a baby, he was excited. He pulled you into a hug so bone shattering that you were genuinely concerned he’d crack one of your ribs. You both talked into the night, coming up with baby names and talking about how the two of you had never thought you’d ever end up having children. Sebastian seems more excited than you, but after all, he isn’t the one that has to push a human out of him.
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OMINIS GAUNT is over the moon. He’s the type of man to use protection until you’re both ready to have a baby, and when you finally are, the condom comes off. Ominis already has a variety of names picked out along with schools and various other things. Ominis finds out with you. After all, you had been trying to make a baby for a few months now that when you missed your first period, he ran to the shop to pick up a test for you. He was just as nervous as you were whilst you were awaiting the results. When the test came back positive, he’d begin to cry. Tears of joy, of course. He was determined to give your baby the life he never had growing up. He is prepared for every possible situation. Probably the best person to have a baby with. 
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GARRETH WEASLEY is shocked. You only had unprotected sex one time when you were drunk??? He can’t seem to get it into his mind that it only takes once. He can’t shake the fear he feels when you show up to his home with the positive pregnancy test in hand. At first he’s in denial. It’s not that he doesn’t want a baby with you, this just isn’t how he thought it would happen. He wanted a memorable baby making story, but he can’t remember anything from that night other than the two of you woke up naked next to each other the next morning. You're both filled with fear, but after talking it through with each other you realise that you’re both ready to take this step together. It doesn’t take Garreth long to become excited at all. A mini-him! He hoped that your baby had your eyes and his red hair. Oh they would be the cutest baby ever. Will throw out obscure names that you obviously have to veto. 
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LEANDER PREWETT is full of love and excitement. You’re actually having a baby with HIM. Of all people, you chose to start a family with HIM. He almost can’t believe his luck. You’re just as excited as he is when you first find out, running to your shared bedroom and throwing the pregnancy test at him. His eyes widen with surprise, but he stands from his laying position on the bed and pulls you into a passionate kiss. “I can’t wait to meet our baby,” he says softly into your lips. Even though you only find out at roughly 13 weeks, he cradles your stomach claiming that he can see your small bump forming. As soon as he finds out you're pregnant, Leander is talking to your stomach, explaining who he is and how lucky he is to have met you. Leander is so sweet to you and does everything for you as soon as he finds out you're expecting. Don’t even try to do something yourself, he’ll do it for you, don’t worry. 
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AMIT THAKKAR is just as shocked as Garreth. He’s also slightly afraid of bringing a new person into the world. It’s a lot of responsibility. You explain to him that the two of you can do it as long as you’re together, and that seems enough to convince Amit. Once the fear subsides, he’s just as excited as the others. He goes baby clothes shopping before you even know the sex of the baby, buying the cutest gender neutral clothes he can find and surprising you with them when he comes home. He can’t wait to meet the baby and has a counter that counts down the days until your due date. Like Leander, he won’t let you raise a finger around the house once he finds out you're pregnant. All the house chores are for him to do, the cooking, the cleaning, everything. You just stay put, comfy and growing his child. That will make him the happiest man alive. 
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callmehopeless · 1 year
A Recounting Of Moments
Ominis Gaunt x Reader
Plot: Ominis Gaunt gives MC cunnilingus. No other plot. It's just horny, man. (Below the cut because 18+)
Word Count: 1,500
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He's loved her since those very first days.
Since the threads of him first tangled with the threads of her - tentative. A curious meeting outside of the Undercroft; he was angry, then, at the intrusion of the thing. It felt like the twisting knife that curled in his heart, and he was blinded (if you'll forgive him that one) by a rage too thick to see through.
It's always been the three of them, you see.
Sebastian, and Anne, and Ominis. A triad of troublemakers; or friends, at the least of it. Three people who have trusted eachother, beyond all recognition. Beyond sense, or sanity, or any which ways you turn the dial.
But then there was her.
Oh, Merlin--he never expected this.
It's the way she kisses him. The way her lips press to his that makes him drunk on it; on the madness that can barely be contained in him. Ominis Gaunt has grown around the madness: a pox of his family, and he's the pox on that, too. Stains upon stains, until you become lost in the fabric of an addled tapestry that doesn't make you a Gaunt. Doesn't make you anything else, either - but he's not sure where he fits, anymore.
Between her lips, though: he fits there just fine.
He thinks he'd like to stay there forever. Build a home in the space between those places; write poetic lines right into the cords of her throat. Tell her she's magical; tell her she's shaking the very fabric of him into misery and madness, just by the way her back arches against this window.
He shouldn't be fucking her here.
But he's fucking her all the same.
Not yet: not quite. But his lips drag up her ankle: her back pressed against the window of the Common Room like it's solid enough to support the way their souls vibrate. He can feel the way she's trembling against it; how the water pushes and pulls against the glass as she hitches her skirt, and Ominis Gaunt is lost in kissing upward. Upward, inch by inch: as slowly as one can kiss, when all is said and done.
"You don't know, do you?" he asks her, between smattered promises on her skin, "don't know what I've held back from doing to you all day?"
Of course she doesn't.
If she did - she'd hardly be threading her fingers through his hair and dragging her nails over his scalp like this. She'd be shredding her voice on his name; aching, wild: she'd be tearing the tapestries from the walls with screams of his name. There's a strength to the thoughts he's brimming with: too deep and dark to explain to her, in the heat of this moment.
"Tell me," she begs him, and it drips like honey. Right down his spine; right over the fabric of his clothes. Drenches him.
He kisses up towards her knee, now. Sucks a kiss on the inside of her right one, pulling it just up over his shoulder. His hands thread higher to the curves of her; he can see her in perfect detail like this. The way she'd fill a uniform to perfection. Fill a skirt to absolution.
Fit around him like she was made to.
Perhaps that's too crass of him. Filth and dirt: not befitting a man of his station.
Ominis cares little for it.
He cares for the way gooseflesh pricks under his fingers, though. And that's far more real than any suppositions might be.
"First," he tells her, his voice husky in his throat, "I thought of you at breakfast. Sitting in my lap. The way you like to put those delicate lips to my neck."
He tells her it without any need to compose himself: he's already lost in her. His trousers are too tight, when he kisses upward. Bites, a little bit, at her left leg first. He moves to the right to give it equal attention, and his nails dig crescents ever so gently against the outside of her thigh. She intakes sharply; a lungful of air that feels almost reverent.
"Go on," she implores, and he feels rather lost in it all.
"Then; Charms."
Ominis lets his breath flutter on her as he moves upward; it's warmer, here. Softer. The skin is tender and untouched by anyone but him - he's maddened by the salty taste of the sweat against his lips.
"You held that wand deftly," he feels almost wild, now. His cock throbs in his trousers; spitting. Spilling. "Agony. All agony. You're a vision; and I wish your hands had been on me in much the same way."
He can feel her heartbeat in her thigh, and it's enough to bring him further into a deep, agonising place.
Merlin; but this worship is better than what his body craves.
To show her what this is is bliss in of itself. The denial is half of the prize: a man earns his keep, after all.
"I wish I had, now." Her voice cracks on the last word; his nails drag on the inside of her thighs, and there is no fabric to bar him at all.
"At dinner," he swallows, desperate for air, "I craved only this."
I craved only you.
He thinks he says it in English, at first. But there's a brilliant tremble to her body as he breathes it, so close to the wet heat of her - and it's not English at all. It's a hiss, and a flick of the tongue; the language of snakes, and a blessed relief to finally let free from himself. Like a breath he's been holding for far too long; he feels the tip of his tongue ache with the sound of it.
Or, perhaps, the desire to taste her.
She's trembling beneath his touch, and Ominis can barely contain it, as he kneels in blissful reverence before her. He's never been one for sermons, but it feels like something of a pledge; a promise, and a hymnal, and a tempestuous force from his lungs that wants to swallow him whole.
She whimpers at the touch, and he nibbles just so.
"Ominis," she begs, her pulse fluttering, "please. Please."
Ominis Gaunt is many things.
But no - he will never deny her this.
So his mouth creeps upward; lips parted, teeth nibbling. Gentle and slow, as he feels the fabric of her skirt against the nape of his neck. He breathes in the scent of her, and it makes him just about mad with the promise of the whole bloody thing.
"Oh; you have no idea how delicious you are, do you?"
She can't ever know.
There are no words for it. None he knows; none that matter. None that would make sense  - not to him, not to her, nor to anyone. But his nails grab at the curve of her: higher, feeling the flesh ooze around his fingernails, and he's no longer a devout follower.
He's a reverent, repentant sinner.
His tongue comes first - stretches out. The tip of it is ever so gentle: he wants and wants, begging for a taste of her as though it'll cure every ill in his body. Maps her with his hands; but his tongue is the true vision of the peace. When he finds her; she trembles with a whine, and Ominis wishes he were a stronger man.
He isn't. No man is this strong.
He buries his face into her cunt: presses his lips to it in absolute, agonizing want. The feeling is ecstasy; the taste is madness. Keening, pure absolution - incomprehensible, in all that it is.
His groan is loud enough to wake half the Common Room; but that's half of the daring of it.
The other half is deep within her; and he'll gladly lick it out. Spread the flat of his tongue clean against her, until she's writhing and wild against his face; fisting his hair and begging with his name upon her lips.
He's loved her all along, after all.
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orqheuss · 1 year
Seven new ways that you can eat your young
(Ominis Gaunt/Sebastian Sallow/F!Reader SMUT)
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I'm starvin', darlin', let me put my lips to something, let me wrap my teeth around the world. *** In the midst of the end-of-the-year Slytherin party for the graduating seventh years, Ominis hears something that makes his blood boil. *** Smut based on the Hozier song, "Eat Your Young."
word count: 6.4K
AN: I'm reposting all of my fics from ao3 on to here for easier access! We're starting with the smut.
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Slytherin’s always threw the best parties. That’s what everyone said, at least. It was the eve of the last week before the seventh-year’s graduated. All of the older students gathered in the Slytherin common room, ready to shake off any stress they had about the inevitable future. The merriment flowed like the goblets filled with firewhiskey and butterbeer sloshing in their hands. The room smelled heavily like sweat, alcohol, and sex. Some couples had already retired to their respective common rooms, leaving the main living area filled with green-colored horny teenagers and a few singletons still floating around. 
Ominis stood off to the side of the party, back leaning against the cool wall of the common room. The glow of the black lake through the large cathedral style windows danced across his face, making him look ethereal. He wasn’t a fan of parties— much too loud for him. But, he promised Sebastian that he would try to have fun at the last party of their school career. Many people have approached to ask him for a dance, but he declined each time. He did not dance, even with his closest friends. His limbs were too long, too gangly to move smoothly. While he had filled out some since he was a newly minted young adult, he was still made out of all bony angles. From his vantage point in the room, he could hear absolutely everything that was happening. With his enhanced hearing, he could even go as far as pinpoint exactly where his companions were and what they were doing. He had memorized their sounds long ago— their distinct walking pattern, their strong heartbeats, their melodic voices. It was like recognizing his favorite song coming out of a gramophone across the room from him. 
Sebastian was in the far corner of the room, over by the fireplace. There were multiple, feminine shaped forms around him. Ominis could hear him laugh at something one of them said, or maybe at a joke that came out of his mouth. Either way, the man was most definitely trying to have some unseemly fun with one of his many admirers that night. His heart was beating at a steady pace in his chest; the alcohol definitely calmed his nerves. Sebastian may have been a ladies man, but he fumbled around like the best of them when he thought too hard. There was something so drawing, so enticing about him. Maybe it was the cadence that he held himself with, how he was so confident in himself but still so humble about his achievements. Or maybe it was his charismatic voice— he could charm the pants off of the Minister of Magic. Either way, Sebastian Sallow was attractive. To anyone else in the common room, it would just seem like the brunette was just using his charm on the ladies of Slytherin house. But, Ominis knew the truth; Sebastian always liked to tease him about his jealous tendencies. Even if they weren’t together, not unless they were drunk, of course, the brunette knew that it bothered the blond to his very core that he was so irresistible to the rest of the student body. Any other time of the day, or other level of sobriety, it probably would bother the Gaunt man, but he knew that once this night was over and all of the others had gone to bed, he would be in the Undercroft absolutely pounding the brattiness out of his best friend. The blond smirked to himself, looking down at his foaming drink and taking a long sip to hide his smugness. Images of the last Slytherin party filled his mind, like when Sebastian danced into their shared room and took his hand before eagerly dragging him to their secret hideaway. He remembered the feeling of his smooth skin against his fingertips as he shoved him over the arm of the settee he had conjured up and lined up with his entrance; the mental image caused the slight bulge in his trousers to jump. He was pleasantly tipsy, the alcoholic concoction that Imelda made him sending little shivers of warmth through his system and making his thoughts disapparate into a lovely fog. Oh yes, he knew that he would have a good night tonight. What he hadn’t expected was for his other best friend to be a part of it, as well. 
Ominis’ ears twitched in the direction of his female companion, hearing your twinkling giggle coming from the dance floor. He could sense the shape of your body dancing against the pelvis of someone else, someone much taller and much more muscular. The soft curves of your body were visible for once to the boy— the sound waves from the thumping music cascaded around you and formed a distinct shape in his mind. You were truly captivating, each sound you made jumped from his ears directly to his heart and more private places. A new feeling of jealousy bubbled under the surface of his skin at the idea of someone else touching you. The man’s hands were on your hips, pressing your behind into his front in a raunchy show of lust. A deep chuckle filled his ears, his eyebrows stitching together in annoyance. Weasley. That rat had his hands on his best friend, drawing those delicious mewls from your throat. He could hear your harsh breathing from his post; you were absolutely panting in need. Your hips gyrated on the redhead’s lap, swinging back and forth in captivating circles that caused Ominis’ mind to go to some dark places. He could see the shadow of the Gryffindor’s pinky enter the band of your skirt, his head tip towards your stretched taut neck, and his vision filled with red. Jealousy flooded his body at the thought of Garreth Weasley, of all people, touching something that was rightfully his . He didn’t know when his subconscious had taken ownership of you, but in that moment it was singing for revenge. 
Absolutely not. Fuck that.  
Downing the rest of his drink, the blond slammed his goblet on the nearest bookshelf and stalked towards the pair grinding on each other. Steam seemed to come out of his nose in anger like a charging bull. Grasping you by her shoulder in a strong grip, he spun you away from the redhead and pressed your backside against his front, a protective arm wrapped around the top of your chest. Ominis glowered at the startled Gryffindor, shoving a finger against his chest and sending him stumbling back slightly. 
“No Gryffindor’s allowed, get out.” 
Garreth stuttered in confusion and outrage, gesturing with his hands to the people around him. “What, who said that?” 
Ominis growled, “I did. Now leave, Weaselby, before I make you.” 
With a huff, the redhead stalked off of the dance floor, mumbling about how he didn’t even want to be there anyway. The blond smirked triumphantly in his direction, raising his hand from his side and twiddling his fingers in a snarky goodbye. The woman he had taken wiggled against his chest slightly, turning your head towards his arm and looking up at his face. 
“Ominis, what was that—”
He squeezed the arm across your chest tighter, pressing you back further into his chest. It was now or never, he supposed. He leaned down towards your ear, his hot breath fanning against your pulse point with captivating warmth. He nosed at the base of your throat, dragging the tip up, up, up and behind your ear, slightly nibbling at the cuff before pulling away and hovering his lips over your ear canal. 
“Saucy thing, you are, thinking you could dance with someone else when you belong to Sebastian and I.” 
Your breathing caught in your throat, a warmth spreading down your chest and straight down to what was between your legs at his tone of voice. You had never heard Ominis sound so hot and bothered before. 
He chuckled at how tense you had gotten, licking the edge of your ear and whispering, “Only we are allowed to touch you like that, darling.” 
Ominis had never thought these words about his companion, never once considered the idea of them being together, but something about it felt so damned right. Your heartbeat stuttered against his arm, speeding up to a rapid rate. You gasped a small sigh, your breath fluttering out of your chest in captivated bliss. 
“Ominis, I—”
“Shh, pet.” He leaned down once again and pressed his lips to the part where your shoulder met your throat, leaving a bruising kiss on the skin. “Just let me worship you.” 
He didn’t think that your heart could beat any faster— the organ thumping against your rib cage at the speed of a hummingbird's wings. Ominis smiled against your skin, lightly biting where he had kissed and beginning to move his hips against your plump rear. His hot breath fluttered over your neck and down your chest, a soft “fuck,” leaving his mouth at the new friction. The crassness of his language sent another burst of warmth to your most intimate place; the blond very rarely swore, and the taboo-ness of it sent a shiver down your spine in pleasure. You slowly began to rotate your hips against the lithe man, pressing further into his pelvic bone and feeling his prominent arousal against your lower back. Soft moans of pleasure drifted out of your parted lips, your eyes shut in ecstasy as a hand reached up and buried itself into the man’s silken hair. His other arm stretched around your waist, gripping your skin there with enough pressure to leave fingerprints on you tomorrow. If you were to die here, on that dance floor, you would consider it a blessing. 
In your state of bliss, you did not notice the second man approaching the pair of you from the front. Another pair of strong arms wrapped around your form, one hand resting on the small of your back and the other pressing the blond closer by his rear. A familiar, gruff voice filled the ears of the two. 
“Please, don’t let me stop you both from enjoying yourself.” Sebastian laughed breathily against the other side of your neck, releasing you from his grip, pulling the collar of your shirt down slightly further, and pressing a hot, open mouthed kiss on your newly exposed shoulder. You were now sandwiched between your two best friends, and Merlin, you loved every second of it. Sebastian grinded his hard-on against the front of your clothed center, drawing a startled whimper from your throat and a buck of your hips against his. He groaned softly, his hand trailing to your neck and closing around it, slightly cutting off your air supply. Ominis grasped the brunette by the scruff of his neck, pulling him slightly further into the throes of your hot bodies and pushing him to mouth at his pulse point. A near silent moan rumbled against your back, his voice bleeding into your sensitive skin and lighting your nerves on fire. 
Visions filled your mind of the two boys and what you wanted them to do to you.
You were on your back, stripped of your clothes and your legs spread and pressed up near your ears. The brunette pounded into you with the strength of ten men, sending pleasurable shock waves through your entire body and causing a cascade of moans to leave your open throat. Ominis soon joined you both in the sweet sin, crawling towards the pair of students on his hands and knees with a look of hunger decorating his face. He leaned up and whispered something in Sebastian’s ear, grinning in delighted villainy. Sebastian smirked down at you, grasping you by the hips and flipping you quickly over onto your stomach, pulling your rear towards his awaiting cock and sliding in once again. You mewled at the new angle that his hot member could reach inside you. Ominis made his way to your face, his cock swinging in your eyesight and causing your mouth to water. He lifted your chin, gently rubbing his thumb against your cheekbone and smiling down at you. He pressed the tip of his dick against your slightly parted lips, dragging it along your bottom lip and wetting it with his excitement. 
He swore at the feeling, whispering, “Be a good girl and pleasure me with your mouth. I want to feel your moans around my hard cock. Let me know how much you’re enjoying us.” 
Your jaw went slack at his words, eyes rolling into the back of your head at the dirty words that flowed from his kiss-bruised lips. He took your hair into his hand, gathering it up into a ponytail at the base of your skull before pulling you gently forward and letting your lips wrap around his head. You stuck your tongue out and ran it along the prominent vein on the underside, drawing a stuttered moan from the boy above you. The one behind you gave you a particularly harsh thrust, pressing your soft behind roughly against his crotch. You groaned at the feeling, sending vibrations around the swollen member filling your mouth and throat.
A sharp tug at your hair brought you back to reality, both boys harshly grinding against you at the same time sending a moan rocketing out of your lips. Ominis laughed behind you, leaning down and whispering in your ear, “Dirty girl! Thinking those crass things about us and what we could do to you. Were those thoughts just for me to see?” 
Fuck. You forgot he was a legilimens. 
He laughed even more when you stiffened against him in embarrassed shock. He leaned away from you, instead slightly craning his neck towards the other boy you were sandwiched between. 
“Sebastian, if only you could see the things going through her mind right now. It’s downright filthy.” 
The boy groaned at the sharp thrust the blond made against you, sending your clothed heat directly into his waiting, throbbing bulge, before humming in thought against the side of your neck. 
“I suppose we should go fulfill her dreams, then.” 
The men detached themselves from you, both grabbing a hand and pulling you towards the direction of the exit. Hoots and hollers could be heard at their back, their fellow Slytherin’s cheering them on for the show. Ominis could hear Imelda amongst the masses, cheering alongside them and shouting, “About bloody time, ya bastards!” 
You three stumbled out of the common room exit and spilled into the castle dungeon hallway, giggles wracking your frames as the warmth of firewhiskey and pure arousal burned through your bodies. Sebastian quickly turned towards you, wrapping an arm around your waist and heaving you over his shoulder in a fireman's carry. You laughed hysterically, hands playing bongos against his peachy rump. He swatted yours in return, before turning towards the Grand Staircase and sprinting off towards the Undercroft, Ominis on his heels and laughing into the wind. 
The three of you bounded down the abandoned castle halls, laughter bouncing off the tall ceilings and echoing into the beautiful night sky. Ghosts watched as you all passed by, before turning their heads back towards each other and shrugging, softly smiling at the feeling of young love shedding off of the trio in waves. 
Sebastian did not place you back on the ground until you crossed the threshold of the secret hideaway. As soon as your feet touched stone once again, he quickly pulled you against his chest and brought your lips to his, teeth clashing together in his rush and desire to feel your kiss for the first time. Ominis listened to both of your sounds, his cock pulsing once again and threatening to burst through the zipper of his trousers. He quickly transformed three of the crates lined up next to each other into a large, four poster bed. He ran towards the cushioned surface, leaping into the air and body slamming on to the linen quilt adorning the top. He laughed heartily into the blanket before turning on to his back and leaning against the bed frame, his legs crossed elegantly in front of him and his arms raising to cross behind his head in relaxation. 
The brunette released you from the bruising kiss, looking over to his companion across the room and feeling a large smile stretch across his cheeks. He grasped your hand in his, pulling you towards the large bed and lifting you up, setting you down right on the edge and pushing his way between your thighs. His arms caged you on either side of your hips as his lips found yours again, tongue tracing your bottom lip and asking for access to your awaiting mouth. You laughed against his soft lips before opening yours, deepening the kiss and drawing a growl from his chest. You felt the blond behind you push your hair to the side, leaning down and nibbling at your pulse point once again. His teeth nipped at your skin before smoothing away the slight pain with his tongue, doing this all the way up your neck and stopping just below your jawbone where he sucked a dark hickey into your skin. His hands trailed down your shoulders and over your chest, slowly undoing the laces of your corset and throwing it over the side of the bed before grabbing your collared shirt by the top and pulling it apart. Buttons broke away from the fabric and scattered along the stone ground, but you couldn’t care less if they suddenly came to life and started doing a tap dance routine— you would tell them to fuck right off and leave you to the absolute pleasure you were about to experience. 
Sebastian hungrily grasped at the skin of your waist, now exposed to the cooling air of the Undercroft and littering you with goosebumps. He slid his palms up your sides before brushing his thumbs gently against the band of your brassiere, his mouth still ravishing yours. You nodded your head minutely against his lips, and he slid his fingers carefully under the fabric, tracing your rib cage and sending a shudder down your spine. Ominis put his nimble fingers to use once again, unhooking the stays at the front and sliding the straps down your shoulders before tossing the undergarment in the same direction of your shirt. 
You shifted on the bed, bringing your body to kneel in the middle of the mattress. Your chest was heaving in lust, a rouge color spreading from your cheeks to your collarbones. Sebastian stood enraptured by the rise and fall of your breasts, your nipples standing at attention in arousal. He quickly made his way fully onto the bed, kicking off his boots and yanking the tie around his neck undone before kneeling at your side, each thigh pressed on either side of yours and his hardness rubbing against the area where your thigh met your hip. He grasped at one of your breasts, shoving his face back into your neck and biting . He could hear the other man do the same on the other side of you before assuming the same position as the brunette. Ominis pawed at your other breast, taking your nipple between his pointer finger and thumb and pinching it while capturing your lips with his. Both boys kissed you with a bruising strength, biting at your bottom lip in ownership and sending fire to your loins. Sebastian reached around your hips, undoing the button at the side of your skirt and shucking it from your body, leaving you just in your knickers. Moans and whimpers filled the space around you, the three of you deep in the throes of pleasure. 
Ominis pulled away, your lips chasing his in a desperate attempt to keep the kiss going. He grabbed ahold of your throat, gently squeezing your windpipe and turning your head in his direction. He spoke directly to you, his voice flushed with absolute debauchery and seriousness. "Say the word and this stops right now. I need your explicit consent before this goes any farther."
He released your neck so you could reply to his demand. Your heart fluttered slightly at his concern for your well being; you didn't need to think hard about your decision at all. "Yes, I want this, Ominis. From the both of you." You grinned cheekily at his predatory gaze, meeting it in a silent challenge. You were nothing if not competitive. You giggled at his shift in demeanor, whispering teasingly against his lips, "My safe word is Graphorn."
The blond barked a laugh, before grasping you by the neck once again and pulling you back in for a searing kiss.
With your consent still fresh in the air, Sebastian leaned back against the plush pillows, dragging your body down with him and twisting you so your back was against his chest and his feet held your legs apart. Ominis could smell your arousal, similar to your normal scent but more musky, more primal. He licked his lips hungrily, his pupils blowing up to twice their size. He felt around the bed, finding first the brunette’s leg and then one of yours. He slotted himself between your supple thighs, elbows bent and pushing down further on both sides while his fingertips dug into the meat of your hips. He breathed hotly against your clothed sex, mouthing at the damp cloth and drawing a loud gasp from your open lips. Sebastian continued to fondle at your chest, taking turns twisting each nipple between his two fingers and squeezing at the soft flesh. Ominis turned towards your left inner thigh, placing open mouthed kisses at the burning flesh and sucking hickeys into your skin before turning to the other thigh and doing the same. More lust filled mewls spilled from your lips and were swallowed by the plush comforter below. The blond grasped at the sides of your panties, silently asking for permission to fully expose yourself to the both of them. You went to nod your head, but thought better and instead stretched your hand towards the boy, running your fingers through his hair and pulling lightly. He nipped at your hip in warning before pulling the cloth down your legs— you raising your hips slightly to help him get them all the way off. He was the one in charge tonight, not you, with your increasingly strong ancient magic and domineering personality. The hums that slid from your throat filled the blond with pride, his ego expanding tenfold. He was doing this to you; he was the one reducing your once boisterous energy to complete putty at his hands and mouth.
You were now completely nude before your best friends. Sebastian choked on his inhale at the sight of your glistening lips, absolutely dripping with arousal and emitting enough heat to keep them warm all winter. Ominis stretched his lips in a wide, toothy smile, looking very similar to the Cheshire cat, and whispered against your dripping cunt.
“You smell so wonderful. I am going to devour you.”
He then dove into your sweet paradise, lapping at your folds like a starving dog and drawing loud groans from your chest. Each flick of his tongue sent a shock wave of pleasure through your stomach, the knot in your lower abdomen beginning to form and tighten. Sebastian continued his assault on your breasts, but you craved even more. Grasping at the ends of his tie still dangling loosely around his neck, you pulled him roughly under your arm and brought his mouth level with your heaving chest. The boy got the message quickly, taking your nipple between his teeth and lightly biting— his other hand reaching around and tweaking the other once again. You cried out in pleasure, their names flowing into the air and disappearing like a puff of smoke. Ominis moved up towards your throbbing clit, taking it in his mouth and sucking it. Your cries got louder, your orgasm teetering at the very edge of the precipice. Each wiggle of your hips rubbed against the straining bulge in Sebastian’s pants, causing him to groan and rut against you in desire. Ominis couldn’t take the sounds of both of your moans, his composure completely dissolving around him and leaving him panting and thrusting his hips against the silk sheets. Each of his groans sent a vibration through your clit, heightening your pleasure and sending more whimpers from your lips. 
"Fuck! Ominis, Sebastian."
You distantly remembered a conversation you had with Imelda a few days ago about his particularly long fingers when he ran his middle finger along your opening before slowly entering your pussy. Absolutely abhorrent sounds flowed from where your opening met his hand, wet noises filling the room and permeating the air with the smell of sex. He listened to your arousal spiking in captivated awe, pushing in a second finger and curling them against the spot that made you see stars. It became a competition about who would cum first, you, Sebastian, or Ominis. Both boys continued to rut against you and the bed respectively while also providing you immense amounts of pleasure. Your legs shook, an inhuman strength ripping them away from their confinement, and clamping around the face of the handsome blond. Ominis grasped onto your thigh with his free hand, shoving you deeper into his awaiting mouth. If this was where he died, he would go out a happy man. The knot in your stomach pulled taut, threatening to snap at any moment. Your hips were moving against your will, circling and bucking into the air while you chased the orgasm just out of your reach. You pulled harder at the blond’s hair, a loud grunt leaving him and causing a harsh thrust against the mattress below him. One particularly hard bump downwards and against Sebastian’s cock made him exhale harshly out of his nose and roughly bite at the skin of your side to muffle his shout. You felt his teeth sink into you and draw blood, and with that little taste of pain, the knot inside you snapped and you were launched into sweet oblivion. 
Ominis happily helped you through your orgasm, gently licking the slick from your leaking cunt and cleaning up the cum that spilled out of you. You whined from over-stimulation, and with a chuckle he detached his lips from your dripping pussy and leaned up on his elbows, resting his chin against your pubic bone and listening to the sweet sounds that flowed from your throat; your drippings coated his mouth and chin, glittering in the low lamplight. 
In your blissed-out state, you decided that your boys were wearing far too many pieces of clothing. You tugged at their sleeves, hoping that they would get the message without you having to say anything. You did not trust your voice at the moment, your bones feeling like jelly inside your skin. Luckily they did, and Ominis stood up from the bed and began to quickly disrobe. Sebastian followed soon after, gently moving you from his chest and resting you against the soft pillows as you continued to hopelessly try and catch your breath. You turn to the side and gaze at your best friends, their hands fumbling uselessly around the other’s body and pulling at the cloth like it’ll come off on its own. Their mouths clashed together, uncouth moans spilling from their mouths only to be swallowed by the other. Ominis reached his hands down frantically towards Sebastian’s belt, threading the leather through the buckle and unlatching it, quickly pulling it from his belt loops and tossing it to the ground with a loud clang. Sebastian undid the buttons of the Gaunt boy’s shirt, throwing it off of his shoulders and chucking it to the ground like it affronted him. He mouthed hotly against the blond's collarbone, causing Ominis to throw his head back and whine . Pure burning heat shot down to your pussy at the sound and made your clit throb. The boy threaded his fingers through the brunette’s curly hair, gliding up the back and stopping just at the back of his skull before yanking as hard as he could. It was Sebastian’s turn to whine, and you had never heard a more beautiful, more filthy sound. Ominis let go of his hair and clasped his hand around his throat, squeezing slightly like the brunette had done to you in the common room. With his other hand, he undid the buttons of his companion’s shirt, tossing it unceremoniously somewhere in the vast cavern below Hogwarts, before shoving his trousers and pants down his toned thighs, leaving him bare and ready. Ominis then grabbed at his burning cock, giving it a sharp stroke. The brunette’s head fell back in pleasure, a silent moan leaving his open, smiling mouth. 
The blond leaned closer, whispering at the column of his neck, “You go get her ready, I’ll be there in a moment.” 
Sebastian turned towards you once again, hunger still burning in his irises, and began to climb back up the bed. He positioned himself between your spread thighs, leaning down and capturing your lips in a searing kiss. His hard cock rubbed against your slick folds, sending moans out of both of your lips only to be swallowed by the other. The tip of his dick found your entrance, slightly pushing in before pausing. A hiss left his clenched teeth as he clutched at the pillows on either side of your head with his fists. 
“I am going to ruin that pretty pussy of yours. Please, can I feel you?” He begged against your lips. 
“Yes, Merlin, please, yes,” you cooed at him, lashes fluttering at the sweet taste of fullness.
Slowly, he began to stretch you out, the both of you releasing relieved groans in tandem. Slight pain knit your eyebrows together, and the boy inside you kissed at the wrinkles until it disapparated into sweet pleasure. You could feel every ridge of him inside you, he filled you up so well. Needy whines left your throat at each thrust, the heat of his member absolutely setting your insides on fire. You had never been so happy to burn. You grasped at the comforter under you, your knuckles turning white in the strength of your grip. 
Just like your dream, Ominis crawled onto the bed and smiled at you like a predator hunting his prey. You were suddenly on your stomach, and Sebastian was pounding into you from behind with the greediest grip on your hips. The blond boy tilted your head up, his weeping cock inches from your mouth. 
He chuckled at your fucked-out expression. “Let’s make that dream of yours a reality, hmm?” 
You nodded, opening your mouth and allowing him to slide into your throat. He groaned at the sweet, wet feeling of your mouth around him, gathering your hair and holding it gently as he rocked his hips against you. You stuck your tongue out, letting him slide even deeper and vibrating his entire member with your moans. He gripped at your hair harder, fully fucking your face. 
His eyes shut tightly in raptured pleasure, his mouth falling open and moans leaving his throat at a volume that would make a nun blush. He groaned, whispering from his very soul, “This is so much better than I ever imagined. Take my cock just like that, my darling. You’re doing so good, sweet girl.” 
You nearly came on the spot from his filthy words. Sebastian growled behind you, thrusting faster into your boiling heat. You felt his hips stutter— he was getting close. You reached your hand down in between your legs in ecstasy, finding your button and circling it with your middle finger. Moans poured from your mouth like a leaking faucet, each vocalization sending Ominis closer to his own release. He heard the sound of you playing with yourself and he bit his lip, running his fingers through your hair in a strange moment of gentleness. 
“Yes, my darling, pleasure yourself. Make yourself cum on his delicious cock. Show us exactly what we do to you— how we make you feel.” 
Your steadily creeping second orgasm hit its all time spike at his direction. You circle your bud even faster, rocking back and meeting the brunette’s thrusts. He swore, grabbing your hips with a bruising strength as he felt you clench around him as your release tore through you. Ominis groaned at your sounds, quickly pulling his leaking member out of your mouth and edging off his orgasm. 
"Shit,” he whispered, “I have to feel your hot cunt. I need to be inside you.” 
He felt around the bed, sliding down underneath you and lining up with your bruised pussy. Sebastian stilled in his movements, pulling out and causing you to whine at the sudden emptiness inside you. He leaned back on his hands, closing his eyes and trying to steady his rapid breathing. Ominis shifted under you until he was in the perfect spot, tapping you lightly on the thigh and grabbing at your waist.
“Slide down on me, my darling. I crave you. I want your heat wrapped around me.” 
You quickly complied, spreading your shaking knees further apart and slowly lowering yourself onto his swollen cock with little assistance. Ominis’ mouth dropped open in a silent moan, the warmth and tightness around him sending stars behind his eyes. 
You groan above him, giving in to the dirty talk flowing around the room and gathering in the air, “You feel so good inside me. You both do, fuck.” 
That was enough for the blond boy to lose his last shred of composure. With renewed strength, he grabbed you by the rear and began pounding into you like an animal in heat. Both of your voices blended together in sweet, blissful harmony. 
Sebastian watched the show before him like it was the last thing he would ever see. He leaned back up on his knees behind you, spreading your cheeks and gently thumbing at your other hole. A startled gasp escaped out of your mouth and you pushed back lightly on his finger. He groaned in agony, wetting his thumb in your juices and slowly stretching you out. He didn’t know that you could get louder. If the room wasn’t so far below the school, he was sure they would somehow get caught. He carefully pumped in and out of you, feeling the other man thrusting into you through your skin. He slowly eased in two more fingers, stretching you out enough so he could fit himself inside. Once satisfied with his job, he took his still throbbing member and rubbed it along your wetness, gathering enough to serve as lube. 
He leaned down over you, the head of his cock pressing lightly against your ass, and kissed a freckle on the back of your shoulder before groaning against your skin. 
“May I please enter you again, my love? Do you think you can handle the both of us at once? You dirty girl, I know these pretty holes of yours can take it.” 
You nodded your head rapidly, nearly giving yourself whiplash in your aroused excitement— a sound very similar to the word “please” made its way out of your mewling throat. Sebastian slowly pushed in, his teeth biting into your shoulder, drawing blood once again at the tightness surrounding him, before gently thrusting in and out. You were filled to the brim with pleasure, rocking back and forth against both of your boys and matching their rhythms. The feeling of their members rubbing against each other inside of you sent both boys rocketing close to their orgasms. 
Sebastian panted against your shoulder, echoing an earlier statement from the blond below the both of you, “Merlin, you're beautiful. Touch yourself, pretty girl. Cum around our cocks.” 
You brought your hand back down to where you and Ominis were connected, rubbing frantically against your clit and speeding yourself closer to your orgasm. No words were said from the three friends, each lost in their own personal raptures. 
Stars danced behind your closed eyelids, your third orgasm crashing over you like a sudden wave, thrice as strong as the other two. You cry out both of your friend’s names, clenching around their throbbing members and sending them both into a state of pure bliss. You felt them release inside of both of your holes, their delicious cum painting your inner walls white. Your legs gave out, sending you sprawling across the chest of the blond boy under you and bringing down the brunette at your back with you. The three of you lied there for a moment, panting as the breath desperately tried to enter your lungs once again, before the blond began to struggle under the combined weight of you both. 
Now on your sides, your head resting on Ominis’ chest and Sebastian’s arm strewn across your waist, you let your eyes shut into the beginnings of a blissful sleep. The brunette took a deep breath, preparing to speak and inevitably ask what all of this means now— he was always the more anxious of the three— when the blond patted around his cheek with his hand before eventually landing across his mouth. He quietly shushed the brown eyed Slytherin, smiling in happiness and whispering against the tuft of your hair tickling his nose.
“Quiet, we’ll talk about it tomorrow. Just sleep now.” 
Sebastian thought for a moment before shrugging against your back, tucking himself closer to his two best friends and digging deeper under the soft covers, a soft smile dancing at the corners of his mouth. Ominis closed his eyes, a fullness filling his chest and sending butterflies into his stomach. Yes, they would all talk about it tomorrow, and inevitably admit the feelings that they had been most definitely harboring for the others in their trio for a long while. But for now, the three students were lulled into a gentle sleep, the sounds of each other's heartbeats filling their ears and becoming the sweetest lullaby each of you had ever heard. 
like what you read? here's more!
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cursedonyx · 9 months
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Fondly remembering the time I got the Emerald Trio drunk in the Undercroft 🥰🥰
WIP from Chapter 15 of my fic; find it on Ao3 and Wattpad
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sebluvi · 1 year
Love Sick
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ Word count: 2,700
Ominis Gaunt x fem!reader
One sided Sebastian Sallow x fem!reader
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Sebastian is in love with y/n, but she is in love with his best friend. How far will he go to steal an intimate moment with her alone?
~Based on a request I received!~
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There she sat, hooded eyes looking upwards at him through her eyelashes. Her plump, glossed lips hung slightly open, and she ran the tip of her tongue along them slightly without even noticing. She swept her hair behind one of her ears, letting her locks flow perfectly over one shoulder, and the rest lay over her other, spilling over her robes. The smile on her face was sickeningly sweet.
She was beautiful. Flawlessly, thoughtlessly, obliviously perfect.
 Her posture was straight and direct, leaning the slightest bit towards him as if she was drinking in every detail of what he was saying to her. She would glance down his body and slowly rake her eyes up back to his eyes, shamelessly checking him out.
 She was entranced,
love drunk,
And he was sick.
He was physically nauseous watching her look at his best friend like that.
What did Ominis have that Sebastian didn’t?
Well for one, Sebastian had sight at least.
He shook his head at his rude internal thought.
Okay, Too far. Shouldn’t have thought that.
He opted to turn his gaze back to his food in front of him, deciding to stare down at his plate instead of at the dastardly sight. He poked his fork at his potatoes, mindlessly moving them around his plate.
Jealous, green, thoughts swirled maniacally through his mind.
“Hm?” He turned towards the voice.
“Did you hear me?”
He did not hear him actually, he was too busy plotting his murder.
Not really.
“..I asked if you wanted to accompany me to Hogsmeade tonight. Y/n can’t since she’ll be at the astronomy tower starcharting.”
She smiled at him while listening to him speak.
Sebastian rolled his eyes, taking advantage of the fact his friend couldn’t see the rude gesture. He was becoming increasingly more aggravated at not particularly anything but his friend getting more attention than him.
“I’d rather not. I have assignments to attend to.” Sebastian idly waved off his friend, rejecting his former invitation. He didn’t have any assignments, not any he had to do tonight specifically anyway, but he truly did not want to hear his friend gush about y/n all night.
He was feeling figuratively sick as is, and didn’t need his friend’s innocent expressions about y/n bothering the quality of sleep he had that night.
He shoved some peas in his mouth, signaling that he was done chatting for now.
Y/n stood up, and placed her hand gently on Ominis’ shoulder, squeezing gently. “Let’s go to the library Ominis, you can help me gather notes for tonight since you can't join me.” Her hand slid further down his arm until she was gripping his upper arm right above his elbow.
Ominis smiled at the touch, turning towards her. “Of course. I'll see you later, Sebastian.”
She quickly slipped her arm into his, linking them together, gave Sebastian one last glance, smiling weakly, and she proceeded to lead Ominis out.
Sebastian watched them walk away with a bitter expression on his face, and he shoved more peas in his mouth, angrily staring at the wall in front of him.
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Sebastian was walking back to the slytherin common room..
After he had enough of angrily eating peas and glaring at a wall, he decided to get up and actually get some studying done as he claimed to have to do to his friends earlier.
He trudged through the halls, gripping his textbooks so hard his knuckles were turning white. Silent rage coursed through his veins, and he had no idea what to do about it, other than distracting himself. He eventually found himself impatiently waiting for the stone snake in the ground to form into the door of his beloved common room. Once it opened, he started towards his room.
He truly did not understand what she saw in Ominis that she didn’t see in himself.
If one thing is for certain Ominis surely didn’t see anything in her,
 or at all.
He shook his head again, eyebrows furrowed at himself.
They weren’t even compatible! She was bold, brave, spontaneous, witty, and insanely competitive.
Ominis tended to shy away from battle, carefully calculated all his moves, and tended to keep to himself most of the time.
Most of all, she was incredibly independent. Yet, Ominis had her wrapped around his finger, and that fact alone infuriated Sebastian.
Ominis and y/n were complete opposites, yet Sebastian felt that he had never met someone so familiar to himself. He felt as if she truly understood him. She was made for him, and he would win her eventually. He hoped he wouldn’t have to play the patient game, but it looked as if that was the only option.
 The thought of having to wait for her killed him. I mean, how long would he have to wait? Weeks? Months? Years? If you and Ominis ended up together, how long would he have to wait after the two of you split to make a move? Actually, would it ever truly be appropriate to pursue her after his best friend had fallen in love with her?
He opened the door to his room, slamming it behind him. He tossed his books on the bed, a couple falling off onto the floor, and shrugged his robe off, letting it pool at the bottom of his feet He flopped carelessly onto his bed, laid on his back, and struggled to unwrap his scarf from his neck. After successfully doing so, he tossed it across the room. Where it landed, he had no idea. He turned over on his side, and then to his belly and stared out the window of his room. His cheek smushed against his silk sheets and he let a hand dangle over the side of his bed, fingers grazing the floor. A loud dramatic sigh fell from his lips.
He'd never have her, and he needed to come to terms with that.
For y/n , Ominis, and his own sanity, he had to let you go.
How he would do that, he had no idea.
He shifted his gaze from the window towards the floor where his books had fallen to. His eyes landed on a book, his potions textbook to be exact. When his book toppled to the ground, it managed to flip open to a page he had bookmarked previously in class. In big letters the top of the page spelled Polyjuice Potion.
 It was a potion they had learned about a few weeks prior. Professor Sharp was going to have them attempt to create the potion in time, and he made the students bookmark the page so they’d have the correct information easily accessible to gather the resources required to craft the potion. Sebastian did his fair share of foraging whenever he went out on adventures with y/n, so he always had potion ingredients readily available and normally didn’t need to make special trips to gather them.
 The only catch was the potioneer needed some sort of DNA from the person they wanted to turn into. Professor Sharp was responsible for finding a volunteer who wouldn’t mind an entire class of 5th year students turning into them for a short period of time, which was a harder task than one may think.
Sebastian’s eyes widened.
Polyjuice potion.
That was it! He was brilliant!
He rolled off the bed, landing swiftly on his feet and skipped to the other side of the room to Ominis’ bed. He grabbed Ominis’ hairbrush from his nightstand and plucked a blonde strand of hair out from it, holding it up to his eye.
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Some time after, Sebastian had found himself in the empty potions classroom, with a bottle of Polyjuice potion in hand. His potioneering skills were exceptional, as well as everything else he did if you asked him, and the potion turned out perfect.
It was getting late at this point, and Sebastian knew 3 things.
Y/n was at the astronomy tower, most likely alone.
Ominis was in Hogsmeade, and would be for a while since he did not have someone accompanying him.
Y/n and Ominis both were under the impression that Sebastian would be in his room all night, working on assignments.
He had the perfect opportunity.
He quickly made his way out of the potions classroom, and headed towards the bathroom. He needed to drink the potion in a private area. Professor Sharp walking in on Sebastian morphing into his best friend in the middle of the classroom wasn’t entirely an ideal scenario.
He ran to a stall and closed the door behind him. He held the small bottle in front of his face, analyzing it’s features. The potion was lime green, and had what seemed to be shiny glittery specks moving throughout the liquid, yet something told him it wouldn’t taste like limeade. He closed his eyes, bracing himself, and downed the liquid.
After a few seconds of intense pain and feeling his organs shift around in his body, he opened his eyes.
He looked down, and noticed his skin was a paler shade of white, and that his freckles that normally scattered throughout his skin was gone.
He also noticed he could see. Which was nice, he honestly was worried he’d receive all of Ominis’ characteristics and that wouldn’t have been very good. He slipped out of the stall and ran to the mirror, examining himself.
He ran his hands over his face, taking it in. As he stared in the mirror, he made eye contact with his best friend.
He smirked.
You told him fun was a relative term, but one thing he knew is that this....
This was going to be fun.
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He rushed to the astronomy tower, hoping to still catch you there alone. Once he made his way up the ladder, and through the classroom, he put on his façade.
He stepped out onto the balcony, and saw you there, sitting next to the telescope, taking notes in the moonlight.
You sat, one leg crossed over the other, eyebrows furrowed in concentration at the notebook clutched in your hands. It looked as if you were writing notes, presumably about the stars positions in the sky. You had a couple strands of hair falling over your face, and you gently bit your bottom lip in concentration.
He took another step towards you. Your head snapped up towards his direction, alerted by the presence of another person. Once she saw Seb- well, Ominis..her features softened.
“Oh..It’s just you.” She smiled warmly at him. “Back from Hogsmeade early?”
“Yes..I figured I’d find you up here. I tried to hurry back so I could join you.” He smiled.
She sat her notebook on the bench next to her, and slowly got up, walking to him. She gently grabbed his arm, pulling him towards her. “Come.” She started backing towards the bench, signifying she wanted him to sit with her. He let her pull her towards the bench, and then he stopped. He put a hand on her upper arm, stopping her, and kept his eyes diverted towards the ground.
“Hm?” She cocked her head to the side. “What is it?”
Sebastian had realized he hadn’t much time, and he needed to cut to the chase. Now..this was the part he hadn’t quite thought of yet. All he figured he needed to plan was just actually getting here, and he figured the rest would come naturally.
“I need to tell you something.” He raised his eyes, looking directly into hers, and stepped closer.
He let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, and gently let his forehead fall onto hers. She allowed it, and let her mouth gape open slightly, and she stared into his eyes through her thick eyelashes, awaiting his next statement. "Yes..?" His eyes fluttered closed, and he took a deep breath. He let his hand trail down her arm, to her hand, and he squeezed it gently. He let his eyes open, and looked at how her hand fit in his. He raised her hand to his lips, closed his eyes once more, and left a gentle kiss to her knuckles.
And then, it all came rushing.
Every unresolved, convoluted feeling he ever had for her came rushing to him all at once.
It hit him like a bag of bricks.
He realized it.
He loved her.
                                                     He loved her.
                   He loved her.
                                                                                  He loved her.
He loved her
                          ˙ɹǝɥ pǝʌol ǝH
ᴴᵉ ˡᵒᵛᵉᵈ ʰᵉʳ.
A single tear trickled its way down his cheek, falling onto their intertwined hands.
He couldn’t do this.
What kind of sick fucking pervert would take advantage of the woman he was in love with without consent?
He was betraying her trust, hell, his best friends trust just being in this situation right now.
He had to stop.
“I’m sorry y/n, I don’t know what came over me.”
He let go of her hand, taking a step back, attempting to distance himself from her. She gasped at the loss of contact, and quickly grabbed his hand again, pulling him towards her.
“No. Don’t be sorry, please.”
She pulled him straight into her chest, and onto her lips.
Her free hand travelled up his arm, over his shoulder, to the back of his head. She tangled her fingers in his hair, pulling him deeper into the kiss. His eyes fluttered closed, and he found his hand grasping at her waist, pulling her as close to him as he could manage. She was perfect. Everything about her was perfect. The way her lips felt against his, the way she tasted, the way she smelled. Everything.  He poured every ounce of passion and feeling he had into her lips,
and then it was gone.
She pulled away, cheeks flushed, chest rising and falling rapidly, and her eyes hooded and filled with lust,
and then...... they weren’t.
First it was her eyebrows. They furrowed together. Led by her eyes widening. Her lips parted into a frown, and she took an urgent step back.
She stood, silent, chest heaving, and stared.
The look of horror, no, betrayal, on her face would haunt him for the rest of his life.
He looked back down at his hands, and saw freckles that scattered over them.
He had morphed back into himself sometime during the kiss.
He stood there, silent.
He was going to stop, abandon the plan, but he was too late.
He had nothing to say.
All he felt was shame.
He raised his shame-filled eyes and looked into her shocked ones.
She started, “I-“
“No.” He said sternly. “Don’t say anything, please. I can’t bear it.”
He took a step towards her, tears beginning to spill over his cheeks. He reached up and wiped the tears off her cheek with his finger, letting it linger for a second.
He reached his hand down under his robe, and swiftly pulled out his wand.
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I really liked this one. If you liked this please give me some nice words of encouragement, it really means a lot and gives me the motivation to write more! My requests are open! Feel free toa sk me anything or just send in a request!
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fierymiasma · 1 year
⚜ Hogwarts Legacy Fanfic Masterlist ⚜
PLEASE DO NOT REPOST MY WORK. YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION. Reblogs and tagging my blog for credit. If there are any headcanons that you would like to use, please contact me!
ꕥ 《 As always: Accepting Requests 》 ꕥ
|| My Other Work || AO3 || Works in Progress ||
Sebastian Sallow x f!MC
🌸Five Times Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
Five times Sebastian Sallow Was Jealous and One Time He Didn't Have to Be
🌸Homecoming Part 1 || Part 2
She visits Sebastian in Azkaban ten years after sending him there.
🌸 You Look Better In Green
🌸 Part 2: And You Look Fetching in Yellow
Sebastian sees the new transfer student wearing someone else's scarf and proceeds to absolutely lose it.
🌸 For Her Own Good
🌸 Part 2: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
 Sebastian gives f!MC Amortentia, so she never tries to leave him again. He instantly regrets it.
🌸 Keeping His Promise
10 year reunion fic: Sebastian sees her again at the 10 year Hogwarts reunion. He's not letting her get away this time.
🌸 Monstrous
She couldn't believe that Sebastian was ever capable of casting the Killing Curse. Now she doesn't know what to do with him.
🌸 Firewhiskey and Apple Tarts
Sebastian is tasked to take a drunk hero of Hogwarts back to her dorm after a wild party in the Slytherin Common Room.
🌸 Tear You Apart
Sebastian and the hero of Hogwarts try to make each other jealous. It doesn't end well.
Ominis Gaunt x f!MC
🌸 Poetic Misunderstanding
10 year reunion: The last thing that Ominis expected from their ten year class reunion was to end up in the middle of Three Broomsticks kissing the savior of Hogwarts. 
🌸 Drowning In Jealousy 🔞
The hero of Hogwarts has been recently attracting a lot of unwanted attention. Jealous Ominis makes sure to remind his pretty little dove who she belongs to.
Silver Trio - Sebastian x f!MC x Ominis
🌸 A Little Game Part 2
A contest: whoever charms you more, gets your first kiss.
🌸 Between
Sebastian is jealous over both of his friends only to find out that they're room enough for all of them.
🌸 Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon
Ominis catches Sebastian and MC sneaking out again, off on another dangerous adventure without him. They find a way to make it up to him
🌸 The Spare
Sebastian and f!MC try repeatedly to court an oblivious Ominis.
🌸 Teach Him a Lesson 🔞
Ever since the three of them started dating, Sebastian's been getting really jealous whenever Ominis starts kissing their girlfriend. It's about time they teach him a lesson.
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slytherin-paramour · 1 year
~Once a coward, always a coward~
Ominis Gaunt x MC *With a hint of pining Puffskein Dunkein* SLIGHT NSFW in this part!
The door slammed behind you with a reverberating clash as you stepped out onto the cobbled stones that lined the street in front of your home. You were angry. Infuriated. You stormed along the pathway, turning to move into the alley way that lead to the Leaky Cauldron on Charing Cross Road, the old brickwork of the building calming your racing heart a little as it came into view. You did so love the ancient little pub.
Stepping through the threshold, you took a sobering glance around the room at the clientele, an eclectic range of witches and wizards old and young, (mostly old, if you were being honest) gossiping amongst their groups and laughing jovially. More than once, you witnessed sprays of liquid sloshing out of silver goblets and splattering over the tables (and people). The sight caused you to chuckle, momentarily forgetting your fury. You soured once more, thinking back not fifteen minutes ago to the heated argument that you'd had with your obstinate husband.
Ominis wasn't usually the type to become angry, especially not toward you. And especially not over something as god-damned insignificant as an owl from Duncan Hobhouse.
You scoffed incredulously to yourself, pulling up your long, green skirts in order to slide comfortably into a quiet booth in the corner of the pub. Resting your chin in the palm of your hand, your eyes scanned around the stuffy room again. The fingers on your free hand tapped against the wood , betraying your inner irritation. You thought of Ominis again and to the cause of your argument with a grimace.
*Earlier that day*
He stepped through the door of your lovely London apartment that morning, after quite a gruelling night shift at the Ministry, making his way through to your earthy and open kitchen. He could smell the strong scent of fresh basil leaves, knowing that you loved to grow the little herb and dot them about the place.
You smiled as you saw him enter the room, moving into his space gently to lean up and press a soft kiss against his sparsely freckled cheek.
A sigh left his lips, and he wound his arms around your waist with a smile, resting his face into the crook of your neck and inhaled your floral scent. He pressed his lips against the pulse at your throat, and your heart rate increased rapidly.
"Rough night, my love?"
Ominis pulled his mouth away from your skin reluctantly, and you took his cool hand in yours, leading him over to sit at the little table in the corner of your kitchen. He sat down, another sigh falling from him as he ran his long fingers through his fair hair.
Ominis worked in the Muggle Laison Office, ensuring that any official business of the Wizarding World that may or may not affect the day to day life of muggles passed by smoothly and without issue. As of late, he'd reluctantly taken over a few jobs that had required him to work overnight, hence the early arrival that morning.
"You have no idea. Fenwick bloody Taylorson somehow managed to reveal something quite confidential to some lower members of the muggle parliament whilst rip-roaringly drunk on a drink that they call 'gin'. Obviously, he neglected to obliviate the muggles, and I was called in to hunt them down again and perform the task! How he's still employed in our office I shall never understand."
You squeezed his hand sympatetically, a chuckle falling from your lips as you moved to the stove, the whistling sound of the teapot that sat there drawing your attention away.
"Fenwick is a bit of a dullard, always has been. What on earth is he doing getting drunk with muggles? That's a dangerous combination right there."
You removed the teapot from the heat, hissing slightly when you accidentally brushed your thumb over the burning steel. Ominis snapped his head in your direction, sensitive hearing alerting him to the sound of your pain.
"Did you burn yourself, darling? Are you alright?"
You smiled over at the exhausted man, affection flooding through your veins at his attentiveness. You continued to pour the hot water over a tea strainer into your favourite teacups, a beautiful little set that you'd received from Poppy Sweeting as a wedding gift. They were a white china adorned with tiny little golden snidgets, swirls of green and gold leaf patterning swirling around the birds and ending at the handle.
"You worry too much, Ominis. I only grazed the pot."
The blonde wizard scoffed a little from his seat, undoing the buttons of his forest green waistcoat as you carefully placed his earl grey tea down in front of him.
"My dear, given your track record and penchant for reckless behaviour, I do believe that I am quite entitled to "worry too much" about you. Remind me again what it is that you'll be undertaking at work in the morning?"
You laughed then, not even able to counter his 'reckless' comment. Given your affinity with magical creatures during your more turbulent years at Hogwarts, you had chosen to work with the Beasts Division of the Ministry. It seemed to fit. You never had fancied working inside a stuffy office, much preferring the great outdoors, not afraid to get your hands dirty.
"We need to help our female Graphorn give birth to her calf and then introduce the father to its new baby. Come now, Ominis, that hardly counts as reckless!"
You took a sip of your tea with a sigh, relishing in the citrus tang that hit your tongue. Ominis tutted stubbornly.
"Oh yes, I'm sure that dealing with one of the Wizarding Worlds most dangerous creatures, whilst in the throws of giving birth, will be as safe as gathering some honking daffodils!"
Your face shone with amusement as you pulled out your ebony wand, flicking it to the window to open the curtains there, letting in some of the morning suns rays. The warm beams of light hit your face, and you closed your eyes, feeling quite content.
"You know that I'm always careful, darling. I know what I'm doing."
You looked to your husband again, who was now leaning back against the wall, also basking in the warmth of the sunlight. Your heart flipped a somersault. Gods, he was beautiful.
"I know that you are perfectly capable at your job, MC. However, I do sometimes wish that all you had to deal with was something as simple as a puffskein."
A light flickered in your brain at his mention of the little fluffy creatures, eyes widening a fraction. You turned to pull open one of the kitchen drawers whilst Ominis was busy taking a sip of his tea. He could hear the rustling of papers and clinking of the various bric-a-brac that were muddled together in there.
"Aha! There it is."
You pulled out a neatly folded bit of parchment and opened it up, stepping towards the table and sliding it across the wooden surface so that Ominis could read it. Ominis placed his teacup back on its saucer and picked up his wand, preparing to go over the contents of the letter.
"It's from Duncan Hobhouse! You must remember him?"
Those were the words that started it all.
You continued to speak, failing to notice the rising iritation in your husband, his wand glowing red at its tip as he ran it over the parchment with a little more force than usual.
"He's asked if I'd meet with him tonight at The Leaky Cauldon for a catch-up. He actually works at a different branch of the Beast's division in Wales, believe it or not! Though I never took him as someone who'd end up working with creatures, if I'm honest."
You finished wiping down one of your side counters as you spoke before noticing Ominis' silence. The letter wasn't particularly long, so he should have finished reading it by now.
"You declined, I presume?"
He spoke with such a tone of finality that it halted you where you stood. You looked at him incredulously, trying to understand the meaning behind his assumption. He was frowning down at the parchment, fingers gripping into it so tightly it seemed as if he were holding back from ripping it up into tiny pieces.
"I did not decline, actually. It's been a good long while since I've seen him, and we were good friends at Hogwarts."
Ominis was glaring in your direction now, seemingly just as surprised at your answer as you were of his own. He crumpled the letter up in his palm and pointed his wand at its edge, muttering incendio. The parchment lit up in flames, disintegrating into nothing.
"You're not going, MC. I shan't allow it. Why on earth would you want to acquiesce a request to spend time with Puffskein bloody Dunkein!?"
It was your turn to frown now, your eyes narrowing in ire. Firstly, it irked you to no end that Ominis presumed that he had any say over whom you could meet and speak with.
Secondly, you had always hated that god-awful nickname that poor Duncan had to endure as a student. Yes the poor lad was known to be a bit introverted and afraid to step out of his comfort zones, and perhaps his fear of Puffskeins was a little bit silly, but you found the bullying to be completely unwarranted.
This was the reason that you had agreed to assist the boy when he'd approached you in the Defence against the Dark Arts tower that day. You'd completed the task at hand (not without a few stings left over from all of the bloody Devils Snare that lined the walls in that place) and handed over the largest Tentacula leaf that you'd ever come across. Of course, you'd also advised him with a smile that he should ignore all of the idiots that made fun of him in the halls, and perhaps it wouldn't hurt for him to learn to be a little braver. He'd thanked you profusely, face noticeably a shade darker, and then ran off to Merlin knows where.
You were brought out of your memories by a short, cold laugh from Ominis.
"I wonder if he's still as much of a coward as he used to be? If there was ever a reason for you to meet up with him again, it would be to find out that bit of gossip!"
You slapped the washcloth you were holding down onto the countertop, the reverberation causing the drying dishes there to clink together loudly. The sudden noise startled Ominis into silence, a sharp tension forming in the room as you glared at your husband dangerously.
"Ominis Gaunt."
Your voice was short and dangerous. You really disliked this side of the blonde man and only used his full name when you were particularly upset with him.
"Do you honestly still hold such animosity towards a fellow that you haven't even seen in over ten years? I know that you had some sort of issue with him at school, but I would like to remind you that he was, in fact, a good friend of mine. And I shan't listen to you slander him."
You folded your arms over your chest, awaiting his response. You did hope that he would relent in his behaviour. However, the part of you that knew your stubborn husband all too well was dubious about this.
Ominis scoffed loudly, shifting in his seat. He flattened his palms against the table to push himself into a standing position. He could feel the pressure of his wedding band digging into his finger as he did so. The frown had deepened into a scowl, his gaze boring into you from across the room.
"And what exactly, pray tell, do you believe was Hobhouse's reasoning for requesting MY wife's company this evening? And do not tell me that he simply wishes to "catch up" with you, as you stated. We both know that his intentions are below the board."
As much as a small flame ignited in you at the possessive way in which Ominis proclaimed you as his, you seethed with indignation at his underlying implications and stomped over to the tall man, jabbing a finger into his well toned chest.
"Just what are you implying, darling? Come now, don't be cryptic about it. You know that I have no patience for dancing around the issue. Say what it is you mean to say, for goodness sake!"
Your finger continued to press at his front, anger still evident all across your features. Ominis couldn't see your anger, but by Merlin, he could feel it. He brought a hand up to wrap around your petite wrist that was accosting his sternum, halting its movement. He dragged your hand up to his mouth and pressed his lips against the pad of your forefinger softly. It was barely a touch, but your traitorous body shivered involuntarily.
"MC, you must know that Hobhouse fancied you back in Hogwarts?"
He ghosted his mouth over your middle finger, and you tried to remain focused on your anger.
"You're being ridiculous, Ominis. Even if that were remotely true, why would that be an issue now? Do you think I'm going to take one look at the felllow and fall madly in love with him? Merlins beard! Prepare me a thestral and carriage, we're to elope at midnight!"
Ominis' face hardened, and he gripped at your waist tightly with his free hand. Even the hypothetical talk of Dunkein laying his lecherous eyes on his wife was enough to turn him into a ball of possessive rage. He leaned down to mouth a kiss at the thin skin along your wrist, the tip of his tongue running wetly across your quickening pulse. The hand at your waist pulled at your hips until they were pressed firmly against his, where you could feel his growing desire for you, pushing against the junction of your thigh.
You swallowed deeply, trying to will away your own arousal that showed its tell-tale signs in your abdomen. There was no way you were letting him fuck his way out of your bad books.
Taking a step away from the solid press of Ominis' form, no easy task due to his vice grip, you took a sobering breath and spoke firmly up at him.
"I've already replied and accepted Duncans request, Ominis. I'm heading out to meet him this evening at around seven. I would appreciate your understanding, at the very least."
~End of PT.1~
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lorrainmorgan · 4 months
Serpents in Detention
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🔞❤️‍🔥 NSFW // MDNI 🔞❤️‍🔥
Ominis x F!Reader
👉 Full pic on my PoiPiku 🐍❤️‍🔥💦
👉 This is not canon from ff Looking thru my 🐍 eyes but I really enjoyed it... muahaha 🙊
The Detention Chamber. Great. Just Great. 
Thank you Ominis Gaunt… If it wasn't for your stupid silly flirtatious joke in Mr Ronen's class, we wouldn't be here… 
Ominis was already there, wand in hand, “reading” a book, elegantly sitting on a comfortable chair, awaiting my arrival to join him. 
"Ugh, you again" I greeted him.  
Ominis turned the page of whatever book he was reading, It seemed to be titled: “A history of magic in ancient civilization”. He finally responded in a teasing tone of voice.
“If you have such a problem with me, then why don’t YOU leave?” I noticed he wanted to keep riling me up just as he did in class, he seemed to enjoy the banter between the two of us.
"Because I’m here stuck with you thanks to your chatter in class" I laughed blaming him while putting my things on an empty chair.
Ominis put his book down “You know… if you keep this behavior up, you’re going to start thinking I enjoy having detention with you.”
"Maybe you do"
Ominis smiled and laughed to himself, he seemed to be enjoying teasing me and seeing me flustered.
His voice was playfully sarcastic “Maybe, maybe not… you’ll just have to keep showing up here to find out, won’t you?”
"No thank you, I hate being locked up. I have Quidditch practice with Sallow in two hours"
The minutes passed and we were dying of boredom, talking about nonsense, remembering the time when Sebastian was so drunk he fought a scarecrow, until a question captured my blind wizard’s attention. 
"You guide yourself around the castle with your wand, right? How does it feel?" I asked curiously. 
He swallowed and seemed to be gathering the correct words to explain to me how it worked “It helps me to orient myself and know which way I am going. It has its own personality you could say… like a compass… it guides me. I can sense what the wand is perceiving, feeling…”
"You can sense  it? That's incredible... and a little scary" I knew he used it to move around but didn't know those specific details.
“I don’t know about scary, it’s quite fascinating if you ask me..”
"Scary as in you can sense people? how people walk, how they move... everything they do… am I right?" My tone got more and more curious.
A naughty smile appeared on Ominis’s pale face when I asked him. “Yes, you could say that.”
I stood up and came closer to him. "If I take your wand from you- grabbing it gently away from his grasp- are you still being able to “sense” something? "
As I grabbed  it away from him, he jolted forward in his chair a little bit. He blinked a couple of times, confused. “I don’t think that’s how it works… but to be honest I haven't tried it before”
"Let's play a game... shall we?" I said as I still held his wand carefully. "You tell me if you sense what I'm pointing at with your wand, if you're correct, I'll give you a treat. Deal?"
Ominis laughed at me, he found my request a bit amusingly odd. The thought of “seeing” without touching his wand intrigued him, he closed his eyes and signed deeply. Weak waves of red light began to emanate from his wand. Their connection was truly both a miracle and a mystery to me. L
I proceed to point at one of the books near us. "Well?"
Ominis raised an eyebrow and tilted his head slightly, this gesture seemed to indicate he was considering what to answer. He was almost smiling at the same time as a mischievous glint appeared in his eyes. 
“Hmm… that is one of my history books, yes.”
"Correct" I lean forward and gave him a kiss in the corner of his mouth without warning him. 
After a quick beat he blinked a couple of times and then spoke in a low voice that was nearly a whisper “You… I-I-I…”
"Next object” I said cutting him off pointing at a demiguise statue “Go"
“A demiguise statue.” 
"What about now?" I asked while pointing at my hair.
Ominis’s lips curled into a playful smile and he almost purred his answer “Well, my guess is your hair, very soft indeed, almost silky-like. I would imagine that it would feel very nice to the touch, wouldn’t I be right?”
His words melted my last brain cell. "Correct". I answered as I deliberately sat on his lap and kissed him on the nose.
My legs embraced his hips and I could feel his bulkiness starting to grow under me. Grabbing my waist, he began gently pushing me down on him, making my body urgent to finally taste a little of the hardness growing on him. Showing off what I did to him. How I drove him incredibly mad. 
I stared into his eyes. Those beautiful light blue eyes that seemed to gather an electric storm within them. I came closer to his cheek, counting the perfect constellation of moles with his wand out loud. 
“One.. two… three… four… five” I whispered only mere inches away from his thin lips. His breath embraced my essence with a sign of desperation and urgency. 
My hips began to move to the rhythm he imposed, slow and controlled movements. From my mouth escaped an almost inaudible moan of pleasure as my skirt began to come up little by little thanks to his needy hands. 
“What do you sense now, Ominis?” I teased one last time before putting his wand between his hard cock and my soaked folds. 
He grabbed his wand and casted “Nox”. The room fell into complete darkness. My eyes had not adjusted yet to the obscurity when his hands began to unbutton my shirt. His warm breath began to travel down my neck, leaving invisible red bite marks. With circular motions on his tongue he proceeded to tease my nipples. The only thing I could do was throw my head back and pray to the gods that this wasn't a dream. My fingers navigated his perfectly combed blonde hair, messing it a little. 
Ominis went back up and found my lips. Finally. They crushed on his with hunger. We couldn't bear the thought of separating from each other, even to get some air. That’d had been such a waste of our precious time together. 
I searched for his belt with trembling hands and undid it, zipping out his member in a second from his trousers, finally releasing him from its agony. 
A sound of relief left his mouth and his chest finally relaxed. I couldn’t see anything at this point but my senses began to reach their peak of  maximum sensitivity. Was this his plan all along? To take me down this path with him to experience how he feels? 
Ominis’ hand reached his wand and put it in front of me. Now he was cheating. He could “see” me. 
“Kneel.” He demanded.
I didn't even hesitate. As if he would have cast Imperio on me, I collapsed to the floor on my knees, not being able to break the gaze between his flickering wand that illuminated just slightly his beautiful silhouette. 
He opened his legs and waited for me to find my way to his cock. It was warm, and the tip had already been “crying” for attention. He twitched when I put it between my lips, moisturizing it before I found his sweet spot right below his tip with my tongue. He wrapped his fingers on my hair and waited patiently for my next move. 
I introduced his hard member in my mouth and started to bubble my head up and down. His hand followed my head’s rhythm the entire time, making sure my hair was not in the way. 
His hips began to move from his seat, craving more deep than my throat could take. I could hear his shoe sole squeak from each thrust I gave with my mouth. His grip on his wand began to tighten as he lowered it at me from time to time, illuminating once more his face full of lust and pleasure, with eyes wide shut. 
“Stand” He then commanded, breaking the ritual I was very immersed in. 
I did. I was at his mercy. He was in control. I was merely a peon on his game that started as my own. Oh, how the tables had turned…
I sat on his lap again. His cock almost touching my belly button. He cupped my face with his hands and kissed me passionately, making me feel like I was drowning, caressing my back, my arms, my shoulders, like an old lover whom I haven't seen in years, like we’d been waiting to do this for ages. 
He put his member in position, aligning it with my entrance. He pushed me down in a heartbeat, my fingernails holding on for dear life on his shoulders. I went to heaven and back as he thrusted in and out of me, intensifying each time. He put away his wand, grabbing my neck on one hand, and my hip on the other, dominating my movements as he pleased. My back was arched all the way from his touch, his cold and long fingers explored every inch of my body, leaving no place untouched. 
“W-wha- What?” 
“Beg me”. He then pulled out of me. I moaned at his sudden decision. My breath was caught in my throat at his sudden request. And so, I did as he pleased: 
“Touch me, Ominis” It wasn't really a beg- but I couldn't find another way of letting him know how much I needed him. “Don’t do this to me, please”.. There it was… 
“Do what to you, darlin’?” He mocked me by letting his cock touch my inner thighs. He then went back and devoured my breasts as I tried to pull him back in, unsuccessfully. 
“Tell me…” 
“Make me yours again… please?” That “please” went down so pitiful and full of lust I almost cried. 
“One.. two… three… four… five” He whispered only mere inches away from my lips. This man was killing me. He abruptly inserted himself in me, again, without warning, pulling all the air that was left in my lungs. 
“Mhmn…fuck, yess-sss” I heard him purred more than once.
I could've sworn the chair was breaking from our savage almost animal-like movements. Pulling, Pushing and moaning we got lost in our climax as we both reached our orgasms. He filled me up entirely, his body tensed every muscle in it. His grip started to loosen up little by little, leaving beautiful and possessive marks on my pale skin. 
Still twitching, I wrapped my arms around his neck and signed in satisfaction. He traced once more my body, his domain, with his lips as we recovered our breaths. 
 Pulling me closer he embraced me in his arms in a warm hug. We stayed like that for a few moments, face to face. I was mesmerized by his eyes, those beautiful eyes. “How could nature be so cruel to you and yet make you so perfect?” I thought to myself.  
“Let me gather your things, darlin” And with a small and delicate wand move, I was dressed. I couldn't speak nor think at that moment. 
I sat next to him. speechless. “Lumos” he finally said. 
As the light began to fill the room, I got a better look of him. His face and ears were bright red, lips swollen from all the kisses, curses and moans from moments ago. Sweaty yet incredibly adorable. He was just pure art. 
“Are you alright?” He finally asked, concerned about my muteness. 
“I think I’m gonna skip Quidditch practice today.” 
“I think so too… Nox”
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