#e: converse 1019
draco-dormiens · 1 year
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draco x fem!ravenclaw reader / postwar au series
warnings: angst ;)
wc: 3326
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Chapter Sixteen - The Night of the Ball
Saturday was met with pure excitement.
You woke to the sound of adrenaline filled conversations and girls running from dorm to dorm to show off their outfits. The thundering noise of running feet and squeals eventually stirred you from your prolonged slumber. Sitting up, you rub the sleep from your eyes to see the time on your bedside clock read 11:03am.
"Oh jeez," you mumble to yourself, "I missed breakfast."
Stretching, you throw the warm duvet from your legs and swing them off the side, expecting to be met with the wooden floor. Your feet collide with a box, and your still hazy mind short circuits for a second. It's wrapped in a blue ribbon, a card nestled between the bow at the top.
"Huh?" you sound, reaching down to retrieve it from the ground. How it got there was a mystery, unless Luna had placed it conveniently next to your bed. You take the card from the ribbon and open it, to read neatly curved writing that said:
and blue it shall be. see you at 7 in the common room. E x
Your eyes widen. The only E you are aware of is Edward, so this package must be from him, which only makes your stomach drop. Quickly you scramble to untie the ribbon and remove the box lid, rummaging through the pink tissue paper to be met with a sight that almost made you choke on nothing.
"Merlin above," you mutter, taking the blue fabric you knew so well between your fingers and carefully lifting it before you. The dress from Gladrags Wizardwear, in all its silky, blue glory, was folded amongst the tissue paper. You scoff in amazement, unsure what to think about the gesture after knowing the price tag. There was only one person with you that day, so Hermione must have told him. Did he ask her? Did he just guess? So many thoughts your mind started to feel even hazier. You take it from its box and place it over your body, looking at yourself in the floor length mirror. A smile creeps across your face, even though you had no idea how to thank him for such a gift. You stare at it for a long while, tracing the lines of it with your fingers.
"I could return it and give him the money back," you ponder, "or I could just accept it as a nice gesture and not feel guilty about it..."
Your stomach then grumbled furiously, bringing you back to the room. It was almost twelve in the afternoon now, so in order to seize as much of the day before the ball, you bundle the first clothes you see and head for the showers. You replay in your mind how you were to thank Edward, do you just show up in a dress worth Galleons or do you acknowledge it beforehand? It bothered you the entire way to the kitchen for leftovers. As you reach the lower floors of the castle, you catch a whiff of the remaining smell of delicious breakfast foods, enticing your legs to move faster towards the kitchen entrance. Upon entering, you see the tables full of foil covered plates and jugs of pumpkin juice. Starving, you begin peeling back the foil to see pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs and blueberry muffins. You help yourself, the house elves would rather you eat it than it go to waste. So engrossed in your munching, you didn't really register when the door squeaked open.
You turn, teeth still sunk into a muffin, to see Draco stood there. Quickly you remove the cake from your mouth and wipe your lips on the back of your sleeve.
"Draco," you mumble, "Hi."
"Hi," he says, cautiously walking over to where you were stood, "I, uh, don't usually see anyone down here at this time."
"You come down here after meals?" you ask him curiously, taking another huge bite from the muffin. He nods in response, taking one for himself. He peels back the casing, before indulging in the soft sponge with a satisfied hum. It's quiet for a while as you both eat, unsure what to say to lift the ever present awkwardness between the two of you now. Draco is the first to speak.
"So, uh, I guess I should apologise for being an arse the other night."
You wipe your hands on a nearby napkin.
"Yeah, you probably should," you say, looking at the napkin intently to avoid having to look directly at him. You'd forgive him in a heartbeat if you did.
"I just wasn't expecting to see you with-"
"Someone else?"
You break your own rule and make eye contact with him. He's staring back at you with an intensity, clearly annoyed about something he has no right to be annoyed about.
"I never said that."
"But that's why you were rude to Edward, isn't it?" you challenge, "because I was with him?"
Draco's jaw clenches. He feels bad about it, but yeah, he was annoyed.
"Just sudden, is all," he then mutters, reaching for another muffin. You scoff.
"Well, I'm not dating him if that's what you think," you spell out for him harshly, and Draco doesn't dare look in your direction, "I don't know what you take me for, Draco, but I'm not Pansy Parkinson."
You turn away from him, back to fiddling with your napkin. It's quiet again. Draco is picking at his muffin now, suddenly losing his appetite immensely. The tension is so thick you could spread it on toast and serve it.
"So, uh, you're not, like, seeing him?" Draco sort of mumbles, but you hear him loud and clear.
"No," you sigh, "but I am going to the ball with him tonight."
"Seriously?" Draco shoots you a disapproving look. It boils your blood.
"Is that an issue?" you ask, and he just sulks, huffing to himself.
"Not at all," he says, but it certainly sounds like an issue, "go with who you want."
"I hardly think it can be an issue when it was your decision to stop meeting one another," you then tell him, forcefully shoving your napkin into the bin, "this isn't my doing."
"Like you need to remind me," Draco mutters solemnly. You don't want to argue with him, but the ever growing distance between you is causing friction when you do speak to one another. And now this with Edward seems to have really grinded his gears. You let out a heavy, sad sigh.
"I don't think you have the right to be annoyed," you say, making your way towards the door, "but I get it. I'm guilty of it too."
"You are?" he said, stopping you in your tracks. You turn to face him one last time.
"If I am or not, it doesn't change anything. We'll be forever dancing in circles. That's just how the universe wishes us to be."
He has a longing look in his eyes. You wish to quell the demons that rage inside him and save his soul from his families clutches, but the further you get from him, the more you realise that you are just not that person. You give him a sad smile before turning back to the door, when his voice speaks out.
"I'm taking Astoria," he confesses to you, and your heart drops to the pit of your stomach, "I just think you should know before tonight, that's all."
"Right," you breathe, "I can't say I'm surprised."
You left before he could say anymore, feeling tears sting the corners of your eyes as you make your way back above ground. He was left melancholy in the kitchen, caught between the selfish but elated feeling that you too were experiencing the sting of jealousy, and the growing guilt he feels for another life he has managed to taint. The rest of the muffin is discarded in the bin, along with any hope of keeping you in his life somehow.
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As the evening drew in, the dormant nerves in your stomach started to swirl. You drew out the last finishing touches to your look, hoping that time wasn't moving as fast as it was, but the clock almost read 7:00pm.
Edward would be waiting in the common room by now, you imagine. After leaving the kitchen in a state, you made your way to Gryffindor tower in hopes to find Hermione. To your luck she was home, busy helping Ginny make some last minute alterations to her dress. When she appeared through the portrait hole, her expression immediately became concerned.
"What's happened?" she rushed to say, placing her hands on your arms. The comfort of her being near caused the damn to break, and the tears just wouldn't stop coming. She led you inside to her dorm room, locking the door behind you both. From there you proceeded to tell her everything, from the dress, to the card, to Draco and Astoria.
"I didn't tell Edward anything about the dress," she goes on to say, passing you tissues, "even if he had asked me, I knew you wouldn't want someone buying that for you. And as for Malfoy, he has some serious audacity to be the tiniest bit annoyed."
She always knew how to make you feel better, even when you didn't think anything could. After a long talk and a whole pack of tissues, the weight felt much lighter on your shoulders. Hermione told you to try and enjoy yourself, and that however Edward found out about the dress, he wouldn't have bought if he didn't have the money. "He must want you to wear it," she had said, "and you'll look amazing. Just accept the kind gesture. It's not like he'll take it back."
Now you were staring at yourself with the dream dress on your figure, hair done and makeup complete. You wished there was something that would make you feel the excitement everyone else seemed to be experiencing, but it simply wasn't coming to you. You check the clock again, and your stomach hits the floor.
It's time.
Grabbing your jacket and purse, you head towards the common room, passing excited groups of girls making their way downstairs. As you enter the common room, you look around to find Edward when you feel a hand on your shoulder.
"Evening," he says smoothly, "you look divine."
So did he. His tie matched your dress, and so did the handkerchief in his pocket. He was smiling down at you with a glint in his eyes, a look you had seen before in a different pair.
"Thank you," you breathe, and smile, "and so do you, Edward. You look lovely."
His grin gets wider, holding out his arm for you. "Ready?" he says softly, and you loop your arm in his, allowing him to escort you to the Great Hall. Along the way you see students and classmates, either with friends or a date, their faces a picture of pure delight. It lifted your spirits to see the halls filled with such happiness. From time to time you could feel the lingering stares, knowing it was because of who you were holding onto. You glance up at him.
Just enjoy it, you tell yourself.
Upon entering the hall you were met by teachers, all dressed in their best for the occasion. Professor McGonagall greeted you both at the door, a house elf offering a sparkling drink. Edward takes one for the both of you, and you sip it to taste notes of apple and pear. Several long tables are lined with delicious food and mouth watering desserts. Elves wander around with trays of drinks, some couples are dancing to the gentle music the orchestra is playing and the guests from outside of Hogwarts are mingling from table to table. The hall was decorated to the nines, streamers of gold and white across the beams and twinkling lights dotted the dark ceiling. Candles lit the tables, the sparkle from the dresses catching the dim light as people twirled together. It was a wonderful sight.
"Would you like to dance?" Edward offers you his hand, and you begin to feel a little hot in the face. You hadn't danced in so long, you were afraid you might have forgotten how to. Edward senses your hesitation, and then leans in to whisper, "I've got you, don't worry."
You allow him to guide you, his hands taking your waist, your arms finding place around his neck. He smelt incredible, the music drifting across the room as you gentle swayed.
"I should thank you for the dress," you break the silence, "you really didn't have to."
"Oh, but I did," he chuckled lightly, "I wanted you to feel as beautiful as you are."
That had you flustered. You smile and look away instantly, but two fingers press under your chin, bringing your line of vision back to him. Your heart is thundering, but it's a feeling of wanting to run, as if you're doing something wrong. He's looking at you so intently, thumb brushing across your chin. You feel hot, but not in a nervous way, in a suffocating way.
"You know," he whispers, "I really didn't think you'd say yes."
"Huh?" you sound.
"Well, after running into Malfoy the other night, I thought you might have history," he then says, and your entire body tenses at the name, "but, if you said yes to me, then I guess I was wrong."
"You were," you quickly say, swallowing thickly, "Draco is an old friend."
Just then, as if you had summoned him, he enters the hall with Astoria on his arm. At first you don't notice, too consumed by Edwards clear advances.
"Do you want another drink?" Edward asks, breaking the intimate hold he had on you. You nod with your best smile, and he leaves momentarily. You make your way off the dance floor, just wanting to breathe and have some space, when you finally spot him.
It was like the whole world stopped, and it was just you and them in a empty room. Everything else went quiet. They waltzed in, Draco's award winning smile charming the teachers and Astoria's hand firmly around his arm. She's wearing green. Just as you thought she would. Draco's tie matches. His hair is neat and tidy, his suit a dark grey. He looks incredible. So does she. You find yourself staring, and in that moment, like a punch to your gut, you realise many things all at once.
You were not in their league. You are not a pureblood witch. Green is not your colour. Draco is not yours. He never was. Astoria is better. She walks beside him like she belongs there. Draco is a far away as he is close. He is not yours.
Your feet move before you, but a hand stops you. It's Hermione, she's smiling until she sees the distress on your face. "What's wrong?" she says, but it's almost like everything is in slow motion, your vision blurry and head a mess. Edward then returns, a look of concern on his face also, when you finally snap out of your trance.
"Y/N?" he says gently, "are you alright? Do you need some air?"
"I'm fine," you breathe deeply, mustering up a smile, "just got a little hot, is all. Thank you for the drink. Edward, this is Hermione, I'm not sure you've met."
You take a big gulp of the drink Edward passes to you, and Hermione shakes your dates hand and compliments his outfit. Your eyes wander over to Draco once again, now chatting away to one of the guests, no doubt a family friend. Astoria is laughing alongside him, leaning into his frame and resting her head on his shoulder. You feel physically sick, until Hermione turns to speak.
"Have you tried the food?" she says enthusiastically, "it's delicious, they even have your favourite cake."
"How nice," you smile, but Hermione isn't buying your facade. Edward seems to be, which is the only thing that really matters, "shall we go and look, Edward?"
He agrees wholeheartedly. Hermione goes to say something, no doubt to ask to speak with you, but soon swallows her words. She smiles, and then excuses herself to speak to Professor Slughorn who had just wandered in. Once at the food laid tables, your stomach churns at the thought of eating, when Edward offers you a delicious looking slice of cake. You pick at it, listening to him talk about everything and nothing. You make small inputs, nodding your head or occasionally making a sound of agreement. He doesn't seem to sense the tension.
Just across the hall stands Draco, with Astoria on his arm still, running her fingers up and down his forearm affectionately. The gesture makes him feel uneasy as one of his parents acquaintances talk at him about their business and how 'wonderful it would be to employ a Malfoy someday.' He does as his mother had taught him; you smile, look enthusiastic and never, ever show how disinterested you really are. His eyes keep finding you, and the sour taste in his mouth intensifies each time Chambers hands touch your body. It makes his blood feel like fire in his veins. You look so good he's almost jealous of anyone who approaches you. Draco doesn't think he's ever felt fury like it, and when Chambers leans in to whisper against your ear he abruptly ends the conversation and detaches Astoria from his arm.
He ignores the girls call to him, making a beeline towards where you were standing. Chambers arm was now around your waist, but you make no sudden moves. Then you laugh, and it's so sweet he could drown in the sound of it. Almost there, you're within a reach of his hand, when the music suddenly changes and Astoria catches up to him.
"Where are you going?" she speaks over the louder music, "it's the main dance, c'mon."
She takes his hand. Draco turns back to see you had retreated, possibly towards the dance floor as well. Couples begin to twirl and spin, the dance floor now littered with warm bodies and rosey cheeks. His focus is elsewhere, eyes frantically trying to find you. Astoria's hand guides his eyes back to her, pulling him against her frame as he automatically begins to dance. It's been driven into his system so much that his feet move without his brain telling them to. Edward had made a snarky comment about Professor Binns, and you couldn't help but chuckle before his gentle hands guided you towards the floor for the main event. Once again your arms rested around his shoulders, his hands securely at your waistline as he effortlessly glided around the room. He was focused on you, his eyes never leaving yours as the swift movements of the dance transport you to another place, the feeling of flying as your dress floats around your body, taking over your senses. You felt at ease dancing with him, but at the same time all wrong. As the music begins to slow, he pulls you back into him, gazing down at you with that same glint in his eyes.
"You, Y/N Y/L/N, are truly breathtaking," he compliments, and suddenly you have no idea what to do, as he closes the gap between you. His lips are an inch from yours seconds before you push him away, his face a look of pure shock. You're stood in the middle of the dance floor, heart pounding against your chest.
"I can't," you say, backing away through the crowd, "I'm so sorry, I can't."
It doesn't take long before you're rushing out the hall, gaining the attention of Hermione who swiftly follows in your direction, but also the boy who had been searching the sea of dancing students for you. Draco races after Hermione, desperate for a chance to stop her. He follows her with haste out into the cold corridor, ignoring the fact he had just left Astoria confused on the dance floor. Just as a reaches her, he takes her wrist, causing the brunette to spin and face him.
"Please," he pants, a frown forming on her face the moment her eyes land on him, "please, let me go after her."
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disclaimer: i do not own hp or any of the characters in this story
dividers from: @firefly-graphics & @happy-ash-edits
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happyzyx · 5 years
his laugh🥺🥺
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compneuropapers · 3 years
Interesting Papers for Week 27, 2021
Sequence Learning Induces Selectivity to Multiple Task Parameters in Mouse Somatosensory Cortex. Bale, M. R., Bitzidou, M., Giusto, E., Kinghorn, P., & Maravall, M. (2021). Current Biology, 31(3), 473-485.e5.
Sparse deep predictive coding captures contour integration capabilities of the early visual system. Boutin, V., Franciosini, A., Chavane, F., Ruffier, F., & Perrinet, L. (2021). PLOS Computational Biology, 17(1), e1008629.
Do marmosets understand others’ conversations? A thermography approach. Brügger, R. K., Willems, E. P., & Burkart, J. M. (2021). Science Advances, 7(6), eabc8790.
Finding Distributed Needles in Neural Haystacks. Cox, C. R., & Rogers, T. T. (2021). Journal of Neuroscience, 41(5), 1019–1032.
Extensive Cortical Convergence to Primate Reticulospinal Pathways. Fisher, K. M., Zaaimi, B., Edgley, S. A., & Baker, S. N. (2021). Journal of Neuroscience, 41(5), 1005–1018.
How Behavior Shapes the Brain and the Brain Shapes Behavior: Insights from Memory Development. Geng, F., Botdorf, M., & Riggins, T. (2021). Journal of Neuroscience, 41(5), 981–990.
Differential Synaptic Input to External Globus Pallidus Neuronal Subpopulations In Vivo. Ketzef, M., & Silberberg, G. (2021). Neuron, 109(3), 516-529.e4.
Model based planners reflect on their model-free propensities. Moran, R., Keramati, M., & Dolan, R. J. (2021). PLOS Computational Biology, 17(1), e1008552.
Dissecting the links between reward and loss, decision-making, and self-reported affect using a computational approach. Neville, V., Dayan, P., Gilchrist, I. D., Paul, E. S., & Mendl, M. (2021). PLOS Computational Biology, 17(1), e1008555.
The Neurophysiological Basis of the Trial-Wise and Cumulative Ventriloquism Aftereffects. Park, H., & Kayser, C. (2021). Journal of Neuroscience, 41(5), 1068–1079.
A theory of memory for binary sequences: Evidence for a mental compression algorithm in humans. Planton, S., van Kerkoerle, T., Abbih, L., Maheu, M., Meyniel, F., Sigman, M., … Dehaene, S. (2021). PLOS Computational Biology, 17(1), e1008598.
Cortical response selectivity derives from strength in numbers of synapses. Scholl, B., Thomas, C. I., Ryan, M. A., Kamasawa, N., & Fitzpatrick, D. (2021). Nature, 590(7844), 111–114.
Dorsomedial striatal contributions to different forms of risk/reward decision making. Schumacher, J. D., van Holstein, M., Bagrodia, V., Le Bouder, H. B., & Floresco, S. B. (2021). Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 178, 107369.
Scalable representation of time in the hippocampus. Shimbo, A., Izawa, E.-I., & Fujisawa, S. (2021). Science Advances, 7(6), eabd7013.
Predicting synchronous firing of large neural populations from sequential recordings. Sorochynskyi, O., Deny, S., Marre, O., & Ferrari, U. (2021). PLOS Computational Biology, 17(1), e1008501.
Modelling thalamocortical circuitry shows that visually induced LTP changes laminar connectivity in human visual cortex. Sumner, R. L., Spriggs, M. J., & Shaw, A. D. (2021). PLOS Computational Biology, 17(1), e1008414.
Reinforcement Signaling Can Be Used to Reduce Elements of Cerebellar Reaching Ataxia. Therrien, A. S., Statton, M. A., & Bastian, A. J. (2021). The Cerebellum, 20(1), 62–73.
Sleep Promotes Downward Firing Rate Homeostasis. Torrado Pacheco, A., Bottorff, J., Gao, Y., & Turrigiano, G. G. (2021). Neuron, 109(3), 530-544.e6.
A sensory integration account for time perception. Toso, A., Fassihi, A., Paz, L., Pulecchi, F., & Diamond, M. E. (2021). PLOS Computational Biology, 17(1), e1008668.
Psychostimulants may block long-term memory formation via degraded sleep in healthy adults. Whitehurst, L. N., & Mednick, S. C. (2021). Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 178, 107342.
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I’m back with the last episode of 2018! A conversation with a friend sparked this idea and I just ran with it while I had the inspiration, so please enjoy an episode on the strange and wonderful scales that astronomers have created to quantify data that is very unusual. 
Below the cut are the glossary, transcript, sources, and music credits. Send me any topic suggestions via Tumblr message (you don’t need an account for it!). You can also tweet at me on Twitter at @HDandtheVoid, or you can ask me to my face if you know me. Subscribe on iTunes to get the new episodes of my ideally-monthly-updated podcast (I hope I have more inspiration/time in 2019), and please please please rate and review it. Go ahead and tell friends if you think they’d like to hear it, too!
(My thoughts on the next episode are the Coriolus Force, Stephen Hawking, or famous comets. The next episode will go up in 2019, hopefully in early January!)
background risk - the average risk from random impacts of space objects with Earth.
Bortle Scale - an objective scale to measure the clarity and effect of light pollution on a night’s stargazing.
Drake Equation - a way to estimate the number of potential active, communicative civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy based on 1) the average rate of star formation in our galaxy 2) the fraction of those stars that have planets 3) the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star with its own orbiting planets 4) the fraction of planets that could support life which actually develop life at some point 5) the fraction of planets with life that actually go on to develop intelligent life and civilizations 6) the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space 7) the length of time it would take those civilizations release detectable signals into space.
Hynek Scale - quantifies encounters with UFOs and aliens.
Kardashev Scale - measures how advanced a civilization’s technology is based on their mastery of resources and exploration into space.
METI - Messaging to ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence
Palermo Technical Impact Hazard Scale - categorizes and prioritizes the potential impact risks of objects in space, such as asteroids.
Rio Scale - quantifies the impact of any public announcement regarding evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence.
San Marino Scale - quantifies the impact of sending transmissions from Earth to extraterrestrial intelligence.
SETI - the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence.
Torino Scale - communicates the risk associated with a particular asteroid or comet’s potential to impact with Earth to the public.
10 Unusual Scientific Scales via Listverse (Sep 2010)
John Bortle’s article on his magnitude scale via Sky and Telescope, July 2006
“I have created a nine-level scale. It is based on nearly 50 years of observing experience. I hope it will prove both enlightening and useful to observers — though it may stun or even horrify some! Should it come into wide use, it would provide a consistent standard for comparing observations with light pollution.”
Bortle dark sky scale via Big Sky Astronomy Club
Bortle dark sky scale via LSU
Palermo Technical Impact Hazard Scale via NASA
The Palermo Scale is the base-10 logarithm of the relative risk.
PS = log10 R.
The relative risk R is given by R = PI / (fB × DT), where PI is the impact probability of the event in question and DT is the time until the potential event, measured in years. 
The annual background impact frequency, fB = 0.03 × E-4/5, is the annual probability of an impact event with energy (E, in megatons of TNT) at least as large as the event in question.
Torino Impact Hazard Scale via NASA
Rio Scale via SETI League
San Marino Scale via SETI League
Rio and San Marino Scale history via Wikipedia
Drake Equation via Wikipedia
Nikolai Kardashev via Wikipedia
"energy consumption at ≈4×1019 erg/sec (4 × 1012 watts)."
New Variation of Kardashev Scale Developed via Edgy Labs (June 2018)
J. Allen Hynek's Scale Of UFO Classification via The Night Sky
Hynek's UFO Classification System via The Center for UFO Studies
Intro Music: ‘Better Times Will Come’ by No Luck Club off their album Prosperity
Outro Music: ‘Fields of Russia’ by Mutefish off their album On Draught
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leisrealty · 4 years
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Rare Find.....Stately home in a park like setting back a paved drive sitting on 3 acres in town. This home has much to offer, you will love the beautiful wood floors, spacious living with natural lighting and fireplace to cozy up to. You will find yourself enjoying nature and good conversation in your 3 season room. Step saver kitchen leads into a breakfast nook for the quick meals then into dining room when family is all home. The office has built-in book shelves and leads out to a covered porch when you need a break from work. Wood staircase leads you to the bedrooms with wood floors throughout. In-law suite offers a separate entrance. The full basement has a room you can use for a family room or make it a rec room, full bathroom and loads of storage. You will enjoy entertaining on the large deck while watching the children play in the backyard where you have enough room for the volleyball net in one area and the fire pit and the other. Did I mention the 5 car garage! 🏡1019 E. Fourth St. Greenville, OH🏡 💲List Price:$179,900. ☎️Call/Text Leis Realty REALTOR® Kim Leis Anderson 937-417-3923 or Leis Realty REALTOR® Don Leis 937-459-0886. (at Leis Realty) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFPlMZrlja0/?igshid=1283cu1cikb1i
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Bills to Support
Last Updated: 5/14/2017
This is a full list of bills that have been introduced that hit my radar as ones you should support as a MN progressive.
For each alert check the linked member list. If your representative is on the list, please reach out to them. If not, reach out to the chair. If your rep is one of the authors, reach out to them and let them know how you feel about their bill (good or bad).
You can find the full text of bills by going to https://www.leg.state.mn.us/, selecting Bills, then searching the House and Senate bills by the listed bill number.
In addition to calling your reps if they are on these committees / authors, you can also encourage your representatives to sign onto bills as authors. 
HF59 – De-escalation training for police officers
Introduced: 1/5/2017
Authors: Johnson S, Lien, Loeffler, Lee, Thissen, Slocum, Bly, Lien (1/9), Loeffler (1/9), Lee (1/9), Thissen (1/11), Slocum (1/11), Bly (2/2)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF464
Introduced: 1/30/2017
Authors: Hawj, Dziedzic, Champion, Marty (3/16)
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF92 – Allow people to buy-in to the MinnesotaCare health plan
Introduced: 1/9/2017
Authors:   Johnson, C., Liebling, Murphy, E., Schultz, Considine, Moran, Loeffler, Hausman, Hornstein, Freiberg, Lien, Olson, Ecklund, Dehn, R., Poppe, Koegel, Fischer, Slocum, Johnson, S., Bernardy, Mahoney, Kunesh-Podein, Allen, Wagenius, Nelson, Murphy, M., Masin, Flanagan, Hansen, Lillie, Clark, Omar, Bly, Lee, Mariani (1/30)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF58
Introduced: 1/9/2017
Authors: Lourey, Hayden, Rest, Wiklund, Klein (1/11)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF96 – Makes it harder to opt-out of vaccinations
Minnesota currently has pockets of low immunization rates in schools--these low rates could spark disease outbreaks and threaten the most vulnerable children in our schools. HF96 replaces the easy-to-obtain notary signature with a doctor's signature. This "informed refusal" bill requires parents have a conversation with a doctor about the risks of refusing vaccines before opting out of school entry vaccine requirements.
Introduced: 1/9/2017
Authors: Freiberg, Uglem, Carlson, L., Kunesh-Podein, Halverson, Loeffler, Davnie, Slocum, Metsa, Schultz, Bernardy, Murphy, E., Ward, Fischer, Liebling, Youakim, Carlson, A.,  Youakim (1/17), Carlson A (1/17), Dehn R (3/14), Flanagan (5/10)
Committee: Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill Senate Bill SF143
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors: Eaton, Marty, Hawj, Wiklund
Committee: Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
  HF116 – Affirmative consent standards in campus sexual assault policies required, sexual violence grant program established, consent curriculum and sexual violence protection funding provided, and money appropriated.
As we saw with the recent Gopher’s Football team, sexual assault on campus is still a problem in need of focus
Introduced: 1/9/2017
Authors: Reps. Murphy E, Omar, Flanagan, Becker-Finn, Hortman, Freiberg, Masin, Kunesh-Podein, Pinto, Ecklund (1/11), Lee (1/11), Clark (1/17), Olson (1/30), Bly (2/2), Schultz (2/9), Dehn (3/14)
Committee: Higher Education and Career Readiness Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90016
Companion Senate Bill: SF145
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors: Dziedzic, Schoen, Pappas, Latz
Committee: Higher Education Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3097&ls=90
 HF119 – Decreasing property taxes for disabled veterans
We should help our veterans any way we can
Introduced: 1/9/2017
Authors: Dettmer, Howe (1/11), Poston (1/23) Davids (1/23), Lueck (1/26), Barr R (2/9), Pugh (2/27), Heintzeman (3/27), Pierson (3/28)
Status: Passed hearing and referred to Taxes Committee. Referred by Chair of Taxes to the Property Tax and Local Government Finance Division http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90024
Companion Senate Bill: SF84
Introduced: 1/11/2017
Authors: Lang, Anderson B, Nelson, Jasinski, Housley
Status: Passed first committee and referred to Taxes http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1019&ls=90
Also added to omnibus bill HF4
 HF142 – Legislatures can request legislation has a disparity impact analysis to asses increases and decreases in economic, employment, health, education, or public safety outcomes between the population as a whole and groups defined by race, gender and geography
Introduced: 1/11/2017
Authors: Thissen, Davnie (1/12), Dehn R (1/12), Lee (1/12), Mahoney (1/12), Slocum (1/12), Johnson S (2/1), Schultz (2/2), Pinto (2/2), Bly (2/2), Maye Quade (2/9)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF295
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Hayden, Marty, Dziedzic
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF155 – Allow tax deductions for individual insurance and out of pocket medical expenses
Doesn’t help people who are too poor to pay taxes, but solid concept for middle class.
Introduced: 1/11/2017
Authors: Gruenhagen, Davids, Howe (1/12)
Status: Passed committee and referred to Taxes http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90023
 HF189 – Constitutional Amendment for Gender Equality
Introduced: 1/12/2017
Authors: Omar, Clark (1/17), Dehn R (1/17), Bly (2/2), Kunesh-Podein (3/1), Considine (3/13), Hansen (3/13), Murphy E (3/13)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011    
Companion Senate Bill: SF224
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Cohen, Dziedzic, Pappas, Klein, Franzen (1/26)
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90        
 HF239 – Wage theft protection, paid family medical leave and earned sick time
Introduced: 1/12/2017
Author: Thissen, Moran (1/17), Omar (1/17), Slocum (1/19), Lee (1/23), Clark (1/23), Schultz (2/2), Bernardy (2/2), Johnson S (2/2), Bly (2/2), Hausman (2/2), Kunesh-Podein (3/1)
Committee: Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90017
 HF245 - Automatic voter registration
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors: Shultz, Hansen, Ecklund, Freiberg, Johnson C, Nelson, Mahoney, Sundin, Lesch, Omar, Bly, Olson, Koegel, Flanagan, Lien (1/19), Lee (1/19), Maye Quade (1/19), Dehn (1/19), Youakim (1/19), Allen (1/19), Liebling (2/16), Kunesh-Podein (3/1)
Committee: Transportation and Regional Governance Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90026
Companion Senate Bill: SF323
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Laine, Marty, Carlson, Hayden, Klein
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections Committee where it was laid over for consideration for an omnibus bill  http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF261 - will add training in de-escalation techniques for community safety officers
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors: O'Driscoll, Dettmer, Rosenthal, Bliss, Howe, Freiberg, Lee, Franke, Lohmer added (1/19), Poston, Davids added (1/23), Becker-Finn, Johnson B, Lueck added (1/26), Ward (2/22), Nornes (2/23/), Pugh (2/27), Christensen (3/6)
Status: Passed first committee and referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF322
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Fischbach, Ingebrigtsen, Anderson B, Schoen (2/2) , Rudd (2/9)
Status: Passed first committee and referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF270 – Tax credits for hiring veterans
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors: Franke, Dettmer, Bliss, Lesch, Lee, Jurgens, Ward,Maye Quade (1/19), Howe (1/19), Lohmer (1/19), Erickson (2/9), Pugh (2/27), Christensen (3/6)
Status: Passed first committee and referred to Taxes Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90023
Companion Senate Bill: SF484
Introduced: 1/30/2017
Authors: Goggin, Housley, Anderson B, Lang, Hall
Status: Passed first committee and referred to Taxes http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1019&ls=90
 HF275 - Creates a health and climate change resiliency plan for Minnesota.
Regardless of whether someone thinks current climate change in man-made (it is, btw) it is happening and it is only common sense to plan for the impacts.
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors: Bly
Committee: Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90008
Companion Senate Bill: SF1269
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Dibble
Status: Referred to Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Legacy Finance http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3094&ls=90
 HF277 - Constitutional amendment to declare access to certain health services a human right
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors: Bly
Committee: Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90012
 HF303 - Undo a preemption law that prevents the regulation of pesticides.
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Author: Davnie
Committee: Agriculture Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90002
Companion Senate Bill SF431
Introduced: 1/30/2017
Authors: Dziedzic, Dibble, Hawj
Committee: Agriculture, Rural Development, and Housing Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3089&ls=90
 HF312 – Prohibits employment discrimination based on current employee status
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Hornstein, Moran (1/19)
Status: Referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
Companion Senate Bill SF185
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Dibble, Mary, Dziedzic
Committee: Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3098&ls=90
 HF313 - Constitutional amendment for gender equality
Be sure to tell your reps this must include gender identity, not just biological gender assigned at birth
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors: Hornstein, Schultz (2/9), Considine (3/13), Hansen (3/13)
Committee: Government Operations and Elections Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF101
Introduced 1/12/2017
Authors: Dibble, Kent, Wiklund, Torres Ray, Cwodzinski
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_members.php?ls=&cmte_id=3099
 HF341 – Protection for minority students
Pursuing strategies to prevent over-enrolling minority students and English learners in special education, dismissing more minority students than other students with disabilities, or placing more minority students than other students in settings other than general education classrooms; emphasizing cultural competency
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Thissen, Lee (1/23), Mariani (1/23), Maye Quade (2/15)
Committee: Education Innovation Policy
 HF346 – Crisis response, conflict management, and diversity training for police
Requiring peace officers to receive training in crisis response, conflict management, and cultural diversity
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Cornish, Hilstrom (1/23), Lohmer (1/23), Theis (1/23), O'Neill (1/23), Bennett (1/23), Becker-Finn (1/23), Franke (1/23), Rosenthal (1/23), Ecklund (1/23), Fischer (1/23), Clark (1/23), Dehn, R (1/23), Carlson, L (1/23), Lee (1/23), Omar (1/23), Maye Quade (1/23), Nelson (1/23), Erickson (1/23), and Poston (1/23), Heintzeman (1/26), Olson (2/1), Slocum (2/1), Pinto (2/13), Lillie (2/16), Moran (2/20), Franson (2/20), Daniels (2/20), Nornes (2/20), Jessup (2/20), Whelan (2/22), Newberger (2/22), Anderson P (2/22), Howe (2/22), Youakim (2/22)
Committee: Passed first committee and referred to Ways and Means http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90027
Companion Senate Bill SF445
Introduced: 1/30/2017
Authors: Limmer, Ingebrigtsen, Schoen, Latz, Carlson (2/2)
Status: Had second reading in the senate and is waiting for a vote
 HF355 – Lower blood lead level that is considered an “elevated level”
I can’t say this enough: there is no safe level of lead. Encourage a strong statement on this, but overall this is heading in the right direction
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Wagenius; Murphy, E.; Maye Quade; Lee and Liebling, Dehn R (1/23), Moran (1/23), Clark (1/23), Fischer (2/2), Schultz (2/9)
Committee: Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill SF447
Introduced: 1/30/2017
Authors: Dziedzic, Hayden, Champion, Lourey (2/2)
Committee: Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF356 – Urge US Congress to remove the deadline for the US Equal Rights Amendment to be ratified by the states (that’s right, equal rights are not guaranteed by the constitution at this point).
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Moran, Dehn R (1/23), Thissen (1/23), Schultz (2/9), Liebling (3/20), Johnson C (3/27)
Committee: Civil Law and Data Practice Policy
Companion Senate Bill SF229
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Pappas, Latz (3/9), Cwodzinski (3/14)
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF358 – Guaranteeing healthcare is available and affordable for every Minnesotan
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Bly; Koegel; Clark; Dehn, R.; Ward; Allen; Lee; Sundin; Ecklund; Nelson; Hausman; Carlson, L.; Bernardy; Omar; Moran; Wagenius; Schultz; Mahoney; Flanagan; Hansen; Freiberg; Olson; Considine; Lien; Slocum; Liebling; Lesch; Pinto; Fischer; Masin; Lillie; Johnson, C.; Mariani; Davnie and Hornstein
Committee: Health and Human Services Reform
Companion Senate Bill: SF219
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Marty, Eken, Bakk, Torres Ray, Lourey
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF361 - Requiring the payout of earned paid time off at separation from employment
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Nelson, Slocum (2/1)
Committee: Commerce and Regulatory Reform
Companion Senate Bill SF198
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Newton
Committee: Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3098&ls= 
 HF384 – Allowing for early voting and appropriating money for it
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Bernardy
Committee: Government Operations and Elections Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90011
 HF411 - Authorizing health care providers to provide patients with health information and services that are medically accurate, evidence-based, and appropriate for the patient; repealing informed consent requirements before abortions may be performed
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Halverson; Murphy, E.; Liebling; Moran; Fischer; Lillie; Slocum; Loeffler; Bernardy; Maye Quade; Flanagan; Allen; Mariani; Omar; Ward; Koegel; Rosenthal; Carlson, A.; Kunesh-Podein; Bly, Olson, Clark (1/26), Mahoney (1/26), Youakim (1/26), Masin (3/29)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Service Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF281
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Klein, Pappas, Marty, Lourey, and Schoen
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF459 – Amends MN constitution to include electronic communications and data in our right to be secure from unreasonable searches and seizures
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Lucero, Scott, Lesch, Thissen, Davnie, Drazkowski, Whelan, Zerwas, Newberger, McDonald, Smith, Metsa, Dehn R (1/26), Knoblach (1/26)
Status: Referred to Committee on Civil Law and Data Practices Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90004
 HF463 – (Tentative Support). Removes “7 days” provisions from absentee ballot access requirements and does not specify a new timeline.
Issue: “(a) The county auditor may make available a ballot counter and ballot box for use by the voters during the seven days before the election.”
The League of Women Voters supports this change. Arguably it should allow for more days for early voting. I’m a little concerned it might be abused to restrict early voting to fewer days so I’ll keep an eye on this one.
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Fenton, Lillie, O'Driscoll, Nelson, Peterson, Applebaum (1/26), Berdardy (1/26), Halverson (1/26), Youakim (1/30)
Status: Bill tabled in Government Operations and Elections Policy committee.
Companion Senate Bill: SF500
Introduced: 2/2/2017
Authors: Housley, Schoen, Chamberlain, Wiger, Kent
Status: Referred to Committee on State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF488 – Guarantee healthcare if available and affordable to every Minnesotan
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Bly, Murphy E, Applebaum, Lesch, Johnson S, Kunesh-Podein, Thissen, Metsa, Murphy M, Sandstede (1/30), Hausman (1/30), Clark (1/30), Hornstein (1/30), Wagenius (3/23)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill SF220
Introduced: 1/19/2017
Authors: Carlson, Dziedzic, Hawj, Dibble, Wiger
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF496 – Allow individuals to buy into the state employee group insurance plan
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Schultz, Bly, Sandstede, Rosenthal (1/30), Metsa (1/30), Liebling (2/16)
Status: Referred to Commerce and Regulatory Reform Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90005
Companion Senate Bill: SF365
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Klein, Marty, Dziedzic (1/30)
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF516 – Modified working family credit, end result is a slight increase
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Loeffler; Carlson, L.; Schultz; Marquart; Slocum; Metsa; Maye Quade; Lee; Halverson; Bernardy; Hortman; Youakim; Dehn, R.; Clark; Allen; Sandstede and Omar, Kunesh-Podein (3/1), Hilstrom (3/13), Koegel (3/13), Fischer (3/20), Murphy E (3/31)
Status: Referred to Taxes Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90023
Companion Senate Bill S28
Introduced: 1/5/2017
Authors: Rest, Bakk, Dziedzic, Franzen (1/12), Senjem (2/13)
Status: Referred to Taxes Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1019&ls=90
 HF541 – Allow state to accept foreign identification for getting a state ID or driver’s license.
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Clark, Mariani, Hamilton, Baker, Hornstein, Allen, Loeffler, Omar, Ward, Moran, Mahoney, Johnson, S., Lee, Dehn, R., Maye Quade, Youakim, Fischer, Carlson, L., Bernardy, Lillie, Masin, Kunesh-Podein, Hausman, Hansen, Metsa, Freiberg, Olson, Rosenthal, Carlson, A., Pinto, Murphy, E., Bly, Davnie, Thissen (1/30)
Status: Referred to Transportation and Regional Governance Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90026
 HF542 – Decrease abuse of using terrorism charges in non-terror cases
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Lesch, Omar (1/30)
Status: Referred to Committee on Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill SF433
Introduced: 1/30/2017
Authors: Klein
Committee: Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF577 – Create a pilot grant program to encourage underrepresented and disadvantages girls to pursue STEM
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Moran, Lee (1/30), Maye Quade (1/30), Clark (1/30), Thissen (1/30), Omar (3/7)
Status: Referred to Committee on Education Innovation Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90007
Companion Senate Bill: SF2264
Introduced: 3/28/2017
Authors: Hoffman, Dziedzic
Status: Referred to E-12 Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3091&ls=90
  HF634 – Requires most recent tax return from presidential candidates that want to get onto the MN ballot
Introduced: 1/30/2017
Authors: Schultz, Metsa, Hansen
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF759
Introduced: 2/9/2017
Authors: Laine
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
  HF645 – Prohibits legislatures from becoming lobbyists within a year of leaving office
Introduced: 1/30/2017
Authors: Liebling, Drazkowski, Sauke, Bly, Koegel
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF1083
Introduced: 2/16/2017
Authors: Marty, Laine, Carlson
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF703 – Automatic voter registration when you get a driver’s license or ID
Introduced: 2/1/2017
Authors: Nelson, Dehn (2/2), Clark (2/2)
Status: Referred to Transportation and Regional Governance Policy Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90026
Companion Senate Bill: SF796
Introduced: 2/9/2017
Authors: Eaton, Cwodzinski, Kent, Carlson, Isaacson
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections committee   http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF704 - Requires candidates release 5 years of tax returns to be put on the MN presidential ballot
Introduced: 2/1/2017
Authors: Garofalo
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF358
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Schoen, Rest, Dziedzic, Dibble, Frentz
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF742 – addresses abuses in the use of isolation on the MN criminal justice system
Introduced: 2/2/2017
Authors: Zerwas, O’Neill, Howe, Considine, Omar (3/7), Lee (3/15)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committeemembers.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF608
Introduced: 2/2/2017
Authors: Hall, Latz (2/9), Cohen (2/9)
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF762 - Enhanced penalties for hate crimes
Introduced: 2/2/2017
Authors: Hornstein, Lee, Freiberg, Omar, Dehn R, Hilstrom, Flanagan, Slocum (2/9), Kunesh-Podein (3/1)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF377
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Latz, Hayden, Dibble, Hawj, Torres Ray
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF795 - Requires health plans and public health care to cover a 12-month supply of prescription contraceptives
Introduced: 2/2/2017
Authors: Murphy E, Flanagan, Sundin, Mahoney, Ecklund, Freiberg, Halverson, Dehn R, Koegel, Fischer, Bernardy, Kunesh-Podein, Moran, Omar, Pinto, Maye Quade, Slocum (2/9), Schultz (2/9), Bly (2/9), Youakim (2/13), Masin (3/29)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF409
Introduced: 1/26/2017
Authors: Pappas, Marty (3/8)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
  HF824 – Outside agency investigations for police officer involved incidents results in great bodily harm or death
Introduced: 2/6/2017
Authors: Moran, Lee (2/9), Clark (2/9), Mahoney (2/9), Slocum (2/13)
Status: referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
  HF845 – National Popular Vote bill
Introduced: 2/6/2017
Authors: Freiberg, Carlson L (2/9), Flanagan (2/9), Slocum (2/13), Fischer (3/20)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF16
Authors: Rest, Dibble, Wiger, Marty (1/12), Schoen (2/2)
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF926 – Legalizes recreational marijuana
Introduced: 2/9/2017
Authors: Metsa, Applebaum, Schultz, Ecklund, Sundin, Dehn, R., Kunesh-Podein, Considine, Flanagan, Omar (2/13), Mariani (2/13), Moran (2/13), Hausman (2/20), Lee (3/28)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
 HF927 – Legalizes recreational marijuana
Introduced: 2/9/2017
Authors: Applebaum, Metsa, Sundin, Ecklund, Dehn, R., Slocum (2/13), Moran (2/15), Hausman (2/20), Lee (3/28), Hornstein (4/24)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF1320
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Hayden
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
  HF931 – Requires taxes from another who wants to be on the Presidential or Vice Presidential ballots in MN
Introduced: 2/9/2017
Authors: Omar, Dehn R (2/13), Moran (3/13)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF2203
Introduced: 3/20/2017
Authors: Torres Ray, Carlson, Pappas, Eaton, Hawj
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF951 – Restores voting rights after a person’s sentence is complete
Introduced: 2/9/2017
Authors: Dehn, R., Hertaus, Zerwas, McDonald, Moran, Omar, Maye Quade, Mariani, Cornish, Lee, Allen, Flanagan, Freiberg, Hamilton (2/13), Kiel (2/13), Rosenthal (2/13), Carlson, A. (2/13), Pinto (2/13), Bernardy (2/13), Bly (2/13), Hansen (2/13), Murphy, E., (2/13) Howe (2/13), Garofalo (2/13), Baker (2/13), Schultz (2/13), Metsa (2/13), Youakim (2/13), Mahoney (2/13), Fischer (2/13), Davnie (2/13), Becker-Finn (2/13), Ward (2/13)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance Committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
 HF1065 – Requires legislative branch to adhere to open meeting laws and data practices
Introduced: 2/9/2017
Authors: Thissen, Lesch (2/15), Howe (3/9), Halverson (5/11)
Status: Referred to Civil Law and Data Practice Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90004
Companion Senate Bill: SF1393
Introduced: 2/23/2017
Authors: Laine
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF1075 – Calls on the US Congress to adopt an American Recovery program
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: Bly, Ecklund, Hornstein, Dehn R
Status: Referred to Commerce and Regulatory Reform committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90005
Companion Senate Bill: SF934
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: Laine
Status: Referred to Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3098&ls=90
 HF1088 – Allows the costs to modify a home to be accessible for a disabled person to be tax deductible
Introduced; 2/13/2017
Authors: Hamilton, Daniels, Schomacker, Loon, Metsa, Koegel (2/15), Peterson (2/22), Fischer (2/22), McDonald (2/22), Dettmer (3/15)
Status: Referred to Taxes committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90023
Companion Senate Bill: SF869
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: Fischbach, Limmer, Hoffman, Eken, Anderson P
Status: Referred to Taxes Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1019&ls=90
 HF1095 – Establishes a Human Right to Water Act
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: Fischer
Status: Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90008
Companion Senate Bill: SF1968
Introduced: 3/9/2017
Authors: Wiger, Dibble
Status: Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Legacy Finance http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3094&ls=90
 HF1100 – Create a critical incident review process for police officer involved shootings
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: Fischer, Lee
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
 HF1140 – Allow pharmacists to prescribe hormonal birth control
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: Peterson, Baker, Albright, Franson, Murphy E, Schultz, Hamilton, Allen (2/23)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF1049
Introduced: 2/16/2017
Authors: Lourey, Rosen, Hoffman, Abeler
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF1148 – Allows police officers to serve restraining orders. This will allow more people to do this, getting them to the person being served more quickly and making their targets safer.
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: O'Neill, Becker-Finn, Pinto, O'Driscoll, Pugh, Howe, Newberger, Lohmer, Allen (2/15)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF1229
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Limmer
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
  HF1175 – Seeks a federal waiver to allow people to buy coverage with MinnesotaCare even if their income is above the eligibility level
Introduced: 2/13/2017
Authors: Johnson, C., Metsa, Pinto, Carlson, L., Davnie, Ward, Rosenthal, Sundin, Sandstede, Kunesh-Podein (3/1), Maye Quade (3/6)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
 HF1200 – Prevent law enforcement from using drones to collect evidence without a warrant
Introduced: 2/15/2017
Authors: Johnson B
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF1529
Introduced: 2/27/2017
Authors: Mathews
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
  HF1335 – Prohibits discrimination based on national origin in state contracts
Introduced: 2/16/2017
Authors: Hornstein, Flanagan, Youakim, Omar, Rosenthal, Liebling, Bly, Lee, Johnson, S., Kunesh-Podein, Clark, Allen, Pinto, Olson, Moran, Kresha, Fischer (2/22)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy committee http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF1081
Introduced: 2/16/2017
Authors: Pappas, Dibble
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF1391 – Prohibits wage theft
Introduced: 2/16/2017
Authors: Mahoney, Thissen, Pinto, Becker-Finn, Maye Quade, Metsa, Hilstrom, Davnie, Dehn, R., Nelson, Carlson, L., Wagenius, Hausman, Mariani, Clark, Moran, Youakim, Lillie, Bernardy, Koegel, Slocum, Allen, Loeffler, Johnson, S., Fischer, Carlson, A., Applebaum, Lee (2/20), Olson (3/2), Baker (3/2)
Status: Referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
Companion Senate Bill: SF1329
Introduced: 2/23/2017
Authors: Champion, Schoen, Hayden, Dziedzic, Isaacson (5/1)
Status: Referred to Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3098&ls=90
 HF1446 - requiring medical assistance to cover medically necessary gender dysphoria and certain prescribed drugs for treatment of gender dysphoria
Introduced: 2/20/2017
Authors: Allen, Murphy, E., Maye Quade, Fischer, Clark, Schultz, Olson, Flanagan, Omar, Ward (2/22), Hornstein (2/22)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF1178
Introduced: 2/20/2017
Authors: Dribble, Simonson
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF1497 – Rebate program for renewable energy technologies
Introduced: 2/20/2017
Authors: Davids, Hamilton, Mahoney
Status: Referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
Companion Senate Bill: SF1174
Introduced: 2/2/2017
Authors: Miller, Weber, Eken, Senjem
Status: Referred to Energy and Utilities Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3092&ls=90
 HF1576 – Makes Minnesota a sanctuary state for immigration enforcement purposes
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Omar, Moran, Hornstein, Lee, Flanagan, Murphy, E., Dehn, R., Hamilton, Fischer, Applebaum, Bernardy, Davnie, Clark, Olson (3/1), Kunesh-Podein (3/1)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF1110
Introduced: 2/16/2017
Authors: Torres Ray, Hawj, Carlson, Pappas, Eaton
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF1605 – Allows police and family to petition a court to deny possession of a firearm to someone deemed significantly dangerous to themselves or others
Introduced: 2/23/2017
Authors: Pinto, Considine, Becker-Finn, Sauke, Bly, Pryor, Fischer, Maye Quade, Youakim, Masin, Freiberg, Rosenthal, Carlson, A., Hausman, Johnson, S., Lee, Kunesh-Podein, Halverson, Davnie, Ward, Hansen, Murphy, E., Schultz, Olson, Allen, Flanagan, Wagenius, Slocum, Sundin, Applebaum, Dehn, R., Bernardy, Omar, Clark (2/27), Moran (3/13)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Service Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF1262
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Latz, Schoen, Hayden, Dziedzic, Cwodzinski
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF1642 – Prohibits people from interfering with access to reproductive health facilities
Introduced: 2/23/2017
Authors: Becker-Finn, Maye Quade, Murphy, E., Halverson, Youakim, Olson, Schultz, Koegel, Omar, Slocum (3/2)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF1671
Introduced: 3/2/2017
Authors: Latz, Marty, Pappas, Dziedzic, Schoen
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF1669 – Requiring criminal background checks for firearm transfers
Introduced: 2/23/2017
Authors: Pinto, Bly, Sauke, Considine, Becker-Finn, Lee, Ward, Omar, Youakim, Moran, Flanagan, Bernardy, Olson, Maye Quade, Loeffler, Kunesh-Podein, Freiberg, Wagenius, Schultz, Fischer, Johnson, S., Slocum, Halverson, Mariani, Carlson, A., Pryor, Liebling, Murphy E (3/2)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF1261
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Latz, Schoen, Hayden, Cohen, Dziedzic
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF1678 – Taylor Hayden Fun Violence Prevention Act. A grant program for gun violence prevention programs
Introduced: 2/23/2017
Authors: Lee, Pinto, Maye Quade, Dehn, R., Carlson, A., Moran, Fischer, Wagenius, Omar, Ward, Hausman, Becker-Finn (2/27), Kunesh-Podein (3/1), Murphy E (3/2), Rosenthal (3/6), Liebling (3/6)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF1263
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Hayden, Champion, Schoen, Latz, Bakk
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3096&ls=90
 HF1692 – Require state and local jails and prisons to be publicly owned and operated
Introduced: 2/23/2017
Authors: Hillstrom, Flanagan, Hortman, Dehn R, Becker-Finn, Ward, Murphy E, Moran (2/27), Lee (2/27)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF1675
Introduced: 3/2/2017
Authors: Latz, Pappas, Isaacson, Bakk (3/6), Dziedzic (3/6)
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
  HF1726 – Establishes a statewide policy for use of deadly force by state and local law enforcement
Introduced: 2/27/2017
Authors: Dehn R, Lee (3/7)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
 HF1813 – Requires a disparities impact report for new and existing programs
Introduced: 2/27/2017
Authors: Thissen, Maye Quade, Moran (3/1), Lee (3/7)
Status: Referred to Legacy Funding and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90018
Companion Senate Bill: SF1923
Introduced: 3/8/2017
Authors: Hayden
Status: Referred to Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Legacy Finance http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3094&ls=90
 HF1814 - Directing the Legislative Commission on Data Practices and Personal Data Privacy to study and recommend options for expanding public access to legislative records and meetings.
Introduced: 2/27/2017
Authors: Thissen, Howe (3/9)
Status: Referred to Civil Law and Data Practices Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90004
Companion Senate Bill: SF1553
Introduced: 2/27/2017
Authors: Nelson
Status: Passed first committee and referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF1885 – Death with dignity law
Introduced: 3/1/2017
Authors: Freiberg, Liebling, Lesch, Schultz, Sundin, Considine, Slocum, Allen, Hornstein, Dehn, R., Kunesh-Podein, Thissen, Clark, Nelson, Hansen, Lee, Loeffler, Ward, Bly, Moran
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF1572
Introduced: 2/27/2017
Authors: Eaton, Klein, Marty, Dibble, Latz
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
  HF1965 - $15 min wage phased in by 2022 and other worker benefits
Introduced: 3/2/2017
Authors: Flanagan, Thissen (3/6), Hausman (3/6), Lee (3/7), Bly (3/13), Moran (3/20)
Status: Referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
Companion Senate Bill: SF1318
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Marty, Torres Ray, Eaton, Hawj, Carlson (3/27)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF1967 – Earned sick and safe time
Introduced: 3/2/2017
Authors: Lesch, Murphy, E., Moran, Omar, Olson, Mahoney, Wagenius, Clark, Ecklund, Schultz, Lee, Metsa, Koegel, Johnson, S., Hausman, Carlson, A., Lien (3/6), Dehn, R. (3/6), Bernardy (3/6), Johnson, C (3/6), Youakim (3/23)
Status: Referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
Companion Senate Bill: SF1794
Introduced: 3/6/2017
Authors: Pappas, Bakk, Champion, Simonson
Status: Referred to Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3098&ls=90
 HF1965 – Min wage increase and other worker protections
Introduced: 3/2/2017
Authors: Flanagan, Thissen (3/6), Hausman (3/6), Lee (3/7), Bly (3/13), Moran (3/20)
Status: Referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
Companion Senate Bill: SF1318
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Marty, Torres Ray, Eaton, Hawj, Carlson (3/27)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF2116 - Prohibits employers from accessing employee social media accounts, forcing employees to "friend" employers so they can view social media accounts or making employees login to their social media accounts in the presence of the employer to look at their postings.
Introduced: 3/6/2017
Authors: Lesch
Status: Referred to Civil Law and Data Practices Policy
Companion Senate Bill: SF2038
Introduced: 3/13/2017
Authors: Dibble
Status: Referred to Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3098&ls=90
 HF2139 - Requests that Congress clarify that the rights protected under the Constitution are the rights of natural persons and not the rights of artificial entities and that spending money to influence elections is not speech under the First Amendment
Introduced: 3/6/2017
Authors: Dehn R, Thissen (3/7), Lee (3/7), Mariani (4/24)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF1082
Introduced: 2/16/2017
Authors: Marty, Clausen, Carlson
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF2228 - Prohibits pipelines near wild-rice waters
Introduced: 3/8/2017
Authors: Becker0Finn, Clark, Flanagan, Kunesh-Podein, Hornstein, Lee (3/9), Hausman (3/9), Bly (3/13)
Status: Referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
 HF2246 - Prohibiting conversion therapy with children or vulnerable adults; prohibiting medical assistance coverage for conversion therapy
Introduced: 3/8/2017
Authors: Maye Quade, Fischer, Clark
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF1854
Introduced: 3/6/2017
Authors: Mart, Dibble, Lourey, Torres Ray, Dziedzic (3/13)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF2253 - Phases in a $15 min wage by 2020
Introduced: 3/8/2017
Authors: Hornstein, Dehn R (3/13)
Status: Referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
Companion Senate Bill: SF2012
Introduced: 3/9/2017
Authors: Dibble
Status: Referred to Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3098&ls=90
 HF2281 - Prohibiting conversion therapy with children or vulnerable adults; prohibiting medical assistance coverage for conversion therapy
Introduced: 3/9/2017
Authors: Maye Quade, Fischer (3/13), Ward (3/13), Mahoney (3/13), Freiberg (5/1), Loeffler (5/1)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF1974
Introduced: 3/9/2017
Authors: Dibble, Dziedzic (3/13), Eaton (4/24)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF2313 - Tuition subsidies for Minnesota State Colleges
Introduced: 3/9/2017
Authors: Christensen, Maye Quade (5/4)
Status: Referred to Higher Education and Career Readiness Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90016
Companion Senate Bill: SF1519
Introduced: 2/27/2017
Authors: Abeler, Klein
Status: Referred to Higher Education Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3097&ls=90
 HF2322 - Allow jurisdictions to implement ranked choice voting
Introduced: 3/9/2017
Authors: Albright, Halverson, Maye Quade (5/4)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF2071
Introduced: 3/13/2017
Authors: Ingebrigtsen, Rest
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF2330 – Creates a green roof advisory task force
Introduced: 3/13/2017
Authors: Loeffler
Status: Referred to Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90008
Companion Senate Bill: SF316
Introduced: 1/23/2017
Authors: Dziedzic, Hawj, Dibble, Hoffman, Abeler
Status: Referred to Energy and Utilities Finance and Policy
 HF2331 – Increase Teachers of Color Act. Doubles teachers of color and native American teachers by 2020 and increases their representation in the hiring pipeline
Introduced: 3/13/1027
Authors: Maye Quade, Lee, Becker-Finn, Kunesh-Podein, Omar, Flanagan, Moran (3/14), Bly (3/15)
Status: Referred to Education Innovation Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90007
Companion Senate Bill: SF2182
Introduced: 3/20/2017
Authors: Hawj, Champion, Franzen, Hayden, Wiger (3/23)
Status: Referred to E-12 Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3091&ls=90
  HF2338 – Establishes an office of economic equity and opportunity
Introduced: 3/13/2017
Authors: Maye Quade, Omar, Lee, Moran, Kunesh-Podein, Allen, Mariani, Flanagan, Bly (3/15), Loeffler (5/1)
Status: Referred to Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90017
Companion Senate Bill: SF1296
Introduced: 2/22/2017
Authors: Housley, Dziedzic (2/23)
Status: Referred to Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3098&ls=90
 HF2348 – Urges US congress to reauthorize the Perkins Loan (student loan) program
Introduced: 3/13/2017
Authors: Pryor, Bernardy, Lee, Youakim, Kunesh-Podein, Allen, Maye-Quade (3/23)
Status: Referred to Higher Education and Career Readiness Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90016
Companion Senate Bill: SF2001
Introduced: 3/9/2017
Authors: Eken
Status: Referred to Higher Education Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3097&ls=90
 HF2469 – Allow minors to get the HPV vaccines (prevents most types of cervical cancer) without the consent of an adult
Introduced: 3/20/2017
Authors: Freiberg
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF1129
Introduced: 2/20/2017
Authors: Franzen, Klein, Dziedzic (2/22)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy Committee http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF2472 - Mandating a report on the impact of climate change on the fossil fuel investments currently held by the State Board of Investment
Introduced: 3/20/2017
Authors: Thissen, Hornstein (3/23)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF2085
Introduced: 3/13/2017
Authors: Pappas, Dziedzic, Dibble, Marty
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF2491 - Extends a rule that limits the use of prior criminal history to discriminate against hiring, and currently covers just public employees, to all employees that do the majority of their work in MN
Introduced: 3/23/2017
Authors: Olson, Mahoney, Dehn R, Ward, Fischer, Schultz, Cornish, Lee (3/27)
Status: Referred to Commerce and Regulatory Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90005
Companion Senate Bill: SF2049
Introduced: 3/13/2017
Authors: Simonson, Champion, Schoen, Dibble
Status: Referred to Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3098&ls=90
 HF2503 - Requires conference committees and budget negotiations to be open to the public. Puts increased restrictions on lobbying
Introduced: 3/23/2017
Authors: Lee, Freiberg, Kunesh-Podein, Considine, Lien, Rosenthal, Maye Quade (3/27), Dehn (3/27), Ward (3/27), Bly (3/27)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Companion Senate Bill: SF1976
Introduced: 3/9/2017
Authors: Marty, Carlson, Laine
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF2518 - Requires police training in crisis response, conflict management, and cultural diversity
Introduced: 3/27/2017
Authors: Lee, Moran, Kunesh-Podein, Maye Quade, Becker-Finn, Olson, Davnie, Rosenthal, Bernardy, Bly, Nelson, Youakim, Liebling, Dehn (3/28)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF2276
Introduced: 3/30/2017
Authors: Torres Ray, Hawj, Franzen, Champion, Marty (4/18)
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF2570 - Creates a state retirement plan for private company employees whose employers do not offer retirement plans. Would allow people to have contributions deducted directly from their paychecks to improve savings rates.
Introduced: 3/31/2017
Authors: Becker-Finn, Thissen, Bernardy, Metsa, Freiberg, Maye Quade, Lien (4/3), Lee (4/27), Schultz (5/4)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Senate Companion Bill: SF2303
Introduced: 3/31/2017
Authors: Pappas, Abeler, Eaton, Rosen, Dziedzic (4/18)
Status:  Referred to Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3098&ls=90
 HF2579 - Prevent ISPs from selling your browsing information without your express written approval
Introduced: 4/4/2017
Authors: Thissen, Pinto, Freiberg, Kunesh-Podein, Rosenthal, Carlson A, Hortman, Maye Quade (4/5), Liebling (4/5), Schultz (4/18), Loeffler (5/1)
Status: Referred to Commerce and Regulatory Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90005
Senate Companion Bill: SF2309
Introduced: 4/6/2017
Authors: Latz, Limmer, Miller, Abeler, Kent
Status: Referred to Energy and Utilities Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3092&ls=90
 HF2580 - Requires racial impact screening for certain types of legislation
Introduced: 4/4/2017
Authors: Thissen, Dehn R, Maye Quade, Moran, Lee (4/5), Liebling (4/5), Bly (4/18)
Status: Referred to Government Operations and Elections Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90011
Senate Companion Bill: SF138
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors: Dibble, Dziedzic (1/23)
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 HF2594 - Appropriates money to freeze tuition at Minnesota State Collges and Universities and the University of Minnesota and increases grant amounts. Works to make college more affordable
Introduced: 4/7/2017
Authors: Pelowski, Hortmand, Johnson C, Schultz, Pryor, Pinto, Maye Quade, Omar, Freiberg, Ward, Poppe, Lien, Halverson, Youakim, Rosenthal, Carlson A, Johnson S, Considine, Murphy M, Mariani, Hilstrom, Masin, Hausman, Carlson L, Loeffler, Lillie (4/7), Bly (4/18), Bernardy (4/18), Clark (4/18)
Status: Referred to Higher Education and Career Readiness Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90016
 HF2596 - Money for a passenger rail demonstration project and studying a Northstar commuter rail extension
Introduced: 4/18/2017
Authors: Bly, Hornstein, Masin (4/20), Hausman (4/20)
Status: Referred to Transportation Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90025
Companion Senate Bill: SF2345
Introduced: 4/27/2017
Authors: Simonson, Dibble
Status: Referred to Transportation Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3102&ls=90
  HF2600 - Asks the EPA to act on its findings that the pesticide chlorphyrifos is harmful at levels less than current regulations and to establish short-term deadlines for steps to end the use of this pesticide.
Introduced: 4/20/2017
Authors: Mariani, Omar, Kunesh-Podein, Allen, Davnie, Maye Quade, Thissen, Bly, Flanagan
Status: Referred to Agriculture Policy http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90002
Companion Senate Bill: SF2342
Introduced: 4/24/2017
Authors: Hawj, Torres Ray, Dziedzic, Hayden, Eaton
Status: Referred to Agriculture, Rural Development, and Housing Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3089&ls=90
 HF2605 - Reduces fares on all forms of public transit to 25 cents to increase ridership
Introduced: 4/20/2017
Authors: Hausman, Lee (4/24)
Status: Referred to Transportation Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90025
Companion Senate Bill: SF2316
Introduced: 4/18/2017
Authors: Marty, Torres Ray, Carlson
Status: Referred to Transportation Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3102&ls=90
 HF2606 - Prevents telecommunications companies and ISPs from collecting personal information without consent
Introduced: 4/20/2017
Authors: Hertaus, Lucero
Status: Referred to Commerce and Regulatory Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90005
Companion Senate Bill: SF2323
Introduced: 4/18/2017
Authors: Osmek, Miller, Limmer, Benson, Abeler
Status: Referred to Energy and Utilities Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3092&ls=90
 HF2612 - A program to provide community violence prevention programs for African-American children
Introduced: 4/24/2017
Authors: Dehn R, Lee, Clark
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF2249
Introduced: 3/23/2017
Authors: Abeler, Marty
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 HF2617 - Creates a task force to work out a process for notifying business owners of their building's compliance with ADA requirements whenever they submit plans for any renovation, remodel, or structural change
Introduced: 4/27/2017
Authors: Fischer, Smith, Becker-Finn (5/1), Olson (5/1)
Status: Referred to Commerce and Regulatory Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90005
Companion Senate Bill: SF2348
Introduced: 4/27/2017
Authors: Dziedzic, Relph
Status: Referred to Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3098&ls=90
 HF2621 - Increases penalties for female genital mutilation to include holding the parents/guardians of the child responsible for a felony and removing custody
Introduced: 4/27/2017
Authors: Franson
Status: Passed  
Companion Senate Bill: SF2355
Introduced: 5/1/2017
Authors: Housley, Anderson B (5/4), Mathews (5/8), Benson (5/9), Hall (5/16)
Status: Second reading in the Senate
 HF2630 - Establishes a grant program to fund vaccination activities in high risk communities and geographies or ones experiencing a current outbreak
Introduced: 5/1/2017
Authors: Omar, Freiberg, Liebling, Bernardy, Ward, Youakim, Murphy E (5/4), Hausman (5/4), Halverson (5/4), Hornstein (5/4), Fischer (5/4), Dehn R (5/4), Lee (5/4), Maye Quade (5/4), Schultz (5/4), Thissen (5/4)
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
Companion Senate Bill: SF2374
Introduced: 5/4/2017
Authors: Hayden, Dziedzic
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3095&ls=90
 HF2633 - Directs the Commissioner of Human Services to come up with a plan to increase the min wage for direct service staff to $15/hr. Direct services staff provide one-on-one and small group services to recipients of medical assistance waiver services.
Introduced: 5/4/2017
Authors: Loeffler              
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
 HF2634 – (same as 2633) Directs the Commissioner of Human Services to come up with a plan to increase the min wage for direct service staff to $15/hr. Direct services staff provide one-on-one and small group services to recipients of medical assistance waiver services.
Introduced: 5/4/2017
Authors: Loeffler
Status: Referred to Health and Human Services Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90013
 HF2635 - Requires that any landscaping related to state-funded capital projects be pollinator friendly
Introduced: 5/4/2017
Authors: Loeffler
Status: Referred to Capital Investment http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90003
 HF2637 - Requires pipelines owners to remove and clean up after pipelines once they cease using them or they are abandoned.
Introduced: 5/4/2017
Authors: Hansen, Bly (5/8), Becker-Finn (5/8), Wagenius (5/8), Hornstein (5/8), Flanagan (5/8), Dehn R (5/8), Fischer (5/10)
Status: Referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90019
Companion Senate Bill: SF2376
Introduced: 5/8/2017
Authors: Dibble
Status: Referred to Transportation Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3102&ls=90
 HF2642 - Requires ISPs to reimburse customers for data of value to the ISP that they collect and distribute to other entities
Introduced: 5/4/2017
Authors: Thissen, Metsa
Status: Referred to Commerce and Regulatory Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90005
 HF2651 - Prevents an entity from remotely enabling a microphone in a user device and listening to, recording, or storing information collected without express written consent from the use
Introduced: 5/8/2017
Authors: Thissen
Status: Referred to Commerce and Regulatory Reform http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/comm/committee.asp?comm=90005
 Senate Bill SF134 - Moves the prosecution of police shootings out of grand juries and into a special prosecutor’s office.
Creates a board of 5 community members (requiring one victim or relation to a victim of police force, a peace officer, at least one person of color, and an attorney). This board picks and monitors a special prosecutor’s office. The special prosecutor’s job will be to investigate and prosecute cases that involve an officer involved [great bodily harm or death] incidents. Seems like a positive bill to hold peace-officer accountable for incident of violence, as well as creating an outside of the police organization to removed biased investigations
Introduced: 1/17/2017
Authors:  Dibble
Committee: Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
 SF1454 – Prohibits state and local officials from acting as immigration enforcement
Introduced: 2/27/2017
Authors: Dibble
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
  SF2052 - Creates a redistricting commission staffed by judges (not legislators).
Introduced: 3/13/2017
Authors: Cohen
Status: Referred to State Government Finance and Policy and Elections http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3101&ls=90
 SF2357 - Prohibits unrelated policy provisions in state government, tax, and capital investment omnibus bills
Introduced: 5/1/2017
Authors: Osmek
Status: Referred to Rules and Administration http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=1017&ls=90
 SF2385 - Urge the President and Congress to take action to halt the persecution of gay men in Chechnya
Introduced: 5/10/2017
Authors: Dibble, Kent, Simonson, Eaton, Hayden
Status: Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/committees/committee_bio.php?cmte_id=3099&ls=90
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happyzyx · 5 years
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happyzyx · 5 years
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Tattoo 🌟 do not edit.
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happyzyx · 5 years
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happyzyx · 5 years
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happyzyx · 5 years
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happyzyx · 5 years
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happyzyx · 5 years
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WHISKY_1007 🌟 do not edit.
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happyzyx · 5 years
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WHISKY_1007 🌟 do not edit.
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happyzyx · 5 years
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chere mamie 🌟do not edit.
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