#earl lindo
Round Two
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Bob Marley and the Wailers
Defeated opponents: Max Webster
Formed in: 1963
Genres: Reggae, ska, rocksteady
Lineup: Bob Marley – lead vocal, rhythm guitar, acoustic guitar
Aston "Family Man" Barrett – bass, piano, guitar, percussion
Carlton Barrett – drums, percussion
Carlton "Santa" Davis – drums
Tyrone Downie – keyboards, backing vocal
Alvin Patterson – percussion
Junior Marvin – lead guitar, backing vocal
Earl Lindo – keyboards
Al Anderson – lead guitar
I Threes (Rita Marley, Marcia Griffiths and Judy Mowatt) – backing vocals
Albums from the 80s:
Uprising (1980)
Confrontation (1983)
Legend (1984)
Rebel Music (1986)
Talking Heads 
Defeated opponents: Los Lobos
Formed in: 1975
Genres: New Wave 
Lineup: David Byrne- lead vocals/guitar
Chris Frantz- drums
Tina Weymouth- bass
Jerry Harrison- keyboard/guitar
Albums from the 80s: 
Remain in Light (1980)
Speaking in Tongues (1983)
Little Creatures (1985)
True Stories (1986)
Naked (1988)
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longliverockback · 1 year
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Bob Marley and the Wailers Confrontation 1983 Island ————————————————— Tracks: 01. Chant down Babylon 02. Buffalo Soldier 03. Jump Nyabinghi 04. Mix up, Mix Up 05. Give Thanks & Praises 06. Blackman Redemption 07. Trench Town 08. Stiff Necked Fools 09. I Know 10. Rastaman Live Up! —————————————————
Al Anderson
Aston Barrett
Carlton Barrett
Tyrone Downie
Earl Lindo
Bob Marley
Junior Marvin
Alvin Patterson
* Long Live Rock Archive
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spilladabalia · 1 year
Concrete Jungle - Bob Marley & The Wailers play live 1979
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myvinylplaylist · 1 year
Bob Marley & The Wailers: Legend (1984)
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2020 Walmart Exclusive Tri-Color Red, Yellow & Green Vinyl
Tuff Gong Records
Island Records
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charlotte-of-wales · 2 months
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Happy 6th birthday to Prince Louis of Wales!
Born on April 23rd 2018, Louis Arthur Charles is the third and youngest child of William, Prince of Wales, and Catherine, Princess of Wales, as well as a grandson of King Charles III. Louis is currently fourth in the line of succession to the British throne.
Prince Louis was born in the Lindo Wing of St Mary's Hospital, London, at 11:01 BST II as the third child of the then Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. On April 27th April 2018, it was announced that the baby had been named Louis Arthur Charles, after his paternal great-great-granduncle Louis, Earl Mountbatten of Burma, his paternal grandfather King Charles III and his father, the Prince of Wales.
On 9 July 2018, Louis was christened by the Archbishop of Canterbury in the Chapel Royal at St James's Palace, using water from the River Jordan. He currently lives in Adelaide Cottage in Windsor Home Park and attends the Lambrook preparatory school in Berkshire.
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nicocota · 4 months
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- Tyrone Downie
- Julian “Junior” Marvin
- Earl “Wire” Lindo
- Alvin “Seeco” Patterson
- Carlton Barrett
- Bob Marley
- Allan “Al” Anderson
- Aston “Family Man” Barrett
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thebexp · 1 year
O que eu assisti em dezembro de 2022 (dias 1-10)
por Hanna Silva
The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, 1982
Eu comecei esse mês bem e me deixei apreciar esse aqui e galera… foi muito divertido.
A Melhor Casa Suspeita do Texas é um filme baseado na peça de mesmo nome e foi dirigido por Colin Higgins – o cara que dirigiu Nine to Five. Esse filme, como Nine to Five, também tem a Dolly Parton! E, diferente de Nine to Five, é um musical, assim como a peça original, a única diferença é a adição de uma música da Dolly.
O enredo é bem especial, um televangelista decide fechar o Rancho das Galinhas – o lugar que dá o nome do filme – e sua dona, Mona (Dolly Parton), e o xerife Ed Earl (Burt Reynolds) irão tentar pará-lo.
Música ótima, história ótima, sets e figurinos ótimos se juntam à Dolly Parton, que está incrível, e dão um ar de musical especial ao filme.
O antagonista era, para mim, um pouco desconcertante, mas isso é bom para ele, né? E além de uma musiquinha que o governador canta eu não tenho nada de mal para dizer desse filme.
E também foi incrível descobrir, por meio desse filme, que a Dolly Parton escreveu “I Will Always Love You".
Esse filme tem tudo que precisa pra ser um clássico cult, as pessoas só tem que achá-lo.
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Closer, 2004
Foi uma decisão ruim assistir esse filme só porque achei que seria, no mínimo, legal por ter a Julia Roberts no elenco.
Dirigido por Mike Nichols, esse filme parece ser adorado por muitos, mas eu realmente não gostei. Tive problemas com o jeito que a história progredia e todos os conflitos poderiam ter sidos resolvidos em 30 minutos se os personagens estivessem aberto à um relacionamento poligâmico.
Tenho que admitir que é meio legal saber que o nome de algumas músicas do Panic! At the Disco vieram da frase "lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off, but it's better if you do" do filme. Mas é só isso mesmo.
Todas as minhas estrelas vão para Julia Roberts e Natalie Portman.
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Volver, 2006
Pedro Almodóvar, eu te amo!
Eu cresci ouvindo meu irmão elogiando o trabalho do Pedro Almodóvar e agora fico feliz em concordar com ele. Volver não é o primeiro filme do Almodóvar que eu vi mas se tornou o meu favorito – por enquanto.
O filme, como muitos do Almodóvar, contém várias histórias que se cruzam, nesse temos: Raimunda escondendo o corpo do ex marido no freezer, Agustina tentando descobrir o que aconteceu com sua mãe e Sole, irmã de Raimunda, escondendo o fantasma de sua mãe.
Eu queria poder contar como tudo se resolve mas não vou arruinar um filme tão incrível e sincero. Só posso recomendar que assista.
Visuais, cores e sets lindos compõem esse filme maravilhoso. Almodóvar é incrível no que faz e ele mostra muito bem isso com essa ótima história.
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Fome de Viver, 1983
Eu mergulhei nesse esperando assistir um filme muito legal com a minha musa, Susan Sarandon. Vampiros? Amantes? Susan Sarandon? Por favor!
Mas… eu não gostei.
Senti que o filme arrastou muito. Demorou muito para concluir algo que estava estabelecido desde o começo e só na metade do filme a história realmente começa. O enredo tinha um grande potencial que não pareceu ter sido usado por completo.
Não me relacionei muito bem com os visuais diferentes do comum, trazidos pelo diretor Tony Scott e chegou um momento que estava torcendo para o filme acabar.
Foram muitos sentimentos, a maioria não foi boa.
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Ponyo, 2008
Ponyo ponyo ponyo 🎶
Teve momentos que não entendi direito o que estava acontecendo? Sim. Também amei demais todos esses momentos? Sim!!!
Esse filme é tão doce. Hayao Miyazaki é realmente um mestre no que faz.
Eu honestamente não sei o que dizer sobre Ponyo. Só… me fez chorar, me fez feliz, e deixou meu coração quentinho.
Um menino de oito anos faz amizade com uma princesa peixe que ganha a habilidade de se tornar humana e também tem poderes mágicos e ~coisas acontecem? Isso tá marcado para ser incrível e realmente é.
Eu achei meio engraçado que a mãe da Ponyo me lembrou tanto a Rose Quartz de Steven Universo. Galera… assiste Ponyo, tá bom? É sério.
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Queen & Slim – Os Perseguidos, 2019
Esse filme é bonito de se ver. Os visuais são elegantes e afiados de um jeito muito específico e isso vem da diretora Melina Matsoukas, que é conhecida por dirigir clipes musicais.
Aqui tá a coisa. A premissa é ótima e começa muito bem, mas parece que se perde um pouco em algum momento e as coisas de repente se arrastam muito e, para mim, o final não foi tudo aquilo que poderia ter sido.
É um bom filme, com ótimas performances de Daniel Kaluuya, Jodie Turner-Smith e do elenco coadjuvante. Apenas senti que faltou alguma coisa ou talvez minhas expectativas para ele só estivessem muito altas.
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444names · 2 years
scandinavian names + american and german forenames
Aabel Aagar Aandt Abill Ablund Acreyr Adogren Aeva Agne Albren Alin Alla Almfrit Alvar Amunda Anfina Ansgard Arilla Arnade Arnka Arnot Artina Arvi Arwig Asgar Ashorn Asmund Astr Atlesen Audbjörk Audni Auth Aðalster Bald Ball Bast Basteind Beate Becca Bekke Beng Bengsen Bentz Bergh Bert Berthe Berthr Bertjof Bertson Bessen Birgh Birke Bjarna Bjerg Bjoe Bjorgen Blegerdr Bogene Bony Borkeby Boroline Bost Bred Brekt Breth Breve Brie Brielson Brik Bryndin Calvi Camily Camineta Carlstad Cassen Chele Chris Chriskar Christ Claud Claug Coranca Corieder Curtine Dagberg Dagman Danie Dary Daryan Deleah Dellst Dian Didrich Dolborge Dolph Dore Doren Dori Dottsson Earls Edmar Edwig Egel Eirid Eithildr Ekvaldr Elia Ellian Ellin Ellison Elstremy Elvirger Emelby Emilla Emilynur Emme Englan Enstracy Erica Eritt Erlen Erlin Erman Ermine Eskelle Eskilli Estur Eunild Evans Evar Evard Eystrom Filippa Finsson Flore Floren Florene Fold Ford Forsen Frand Frit Fritsen Fulker Gabrian Gabrith Gens Gerdi Gierson Ginn Gonner Greg Gren Gudman Gudricky Gudro Gund Gunilde Gunna Gunneth Gust Gustad Gustan Gutto Guðjon Göranch Haala Hage Halbria Halmberg Halve Hann Hannove Hara Hegstrom Heido Hein Heith Helen Helger Helgrete Hellson Helma Helmin Henne Hennie Herlen Herma Hermaine Heth Hild Hildrin Hildson Hillias Holmluna Holstad Hrun Hunthony Hyerd Hylda Ingerdr Ingja Ingmari Ingvild Jacob Jacque Jamilo Janesen Jarlberg Jena Joanner Johann Johannet Johannie Johnni Jonsen Jonssen Jose Josen Juane Kardis Karius Karolaf Katrid Katrín Kender Kittlest Kjeldr Kjellie Klaug Korend Kris Krist Kristi Kronda Kronnie Kyler Kylerina Kysten Laer Lage Lambert Lando Larstina Leka Leonatal Lient Lindborg Lindis Lindo Line Lisby Liskette Lode Loree Lovia Lovis Lundsen Manssen Marcelie Marilyn Marilyne Marin Marta Martina Matha Mathi Mattir Medal Megare Melie Melin Merek Metten Mich Mine Minn Mollene Mone Monicolt Morkman Morte Nanne Neil Neilson Nice Nicolan Niel Nilsea Niva Njorg Norbjorn Norder Nordi Nordo Norlidi Nygar Oakenson Olene Ollert Ollice Orance Oscarry Otheleah Otherea Othy Ottosse Overa Patt Pede Pederly Perner Peterwig Phild Phylling Prister Pristeve Pustian Ragne Ragnús Ramberg Ramonly Rasminar Reid Rhond Rich Ringren Rithr Roberg Rosally Rose Rosen Rost Rudo Rustie Rúnard Sand Sander Saralp Seansson Seas Sebonya Selin Selleroy Selmedar Seven Sevenson Sheil Sheleah Sheritta Shersen Shora Sigefrid Sinn Sissen Siversen Sjody Sjold Sjurhuus Skaas Skadhaug Skjalte Skjolf Snaeva Snar Snofritt Soling Sorence Sten Storlen Stram Streen Sude Sundsen Sungrene Svensen Sverson Sylvig Tabin Tamie Tanborg Tedt Terra Ther Thew Thorela Thorian Thorlin Thorm Thorn Thorsson Thorum Throna Tobin Torberg Torgeni Torke Torken Tranz Tren Turik Turith Tycholge Tyrbjörg Tyrvid Unnun Utney Utte Vadet Valde Valte Vand Vanhvit Vermak Vetles Victordi Vira Vithryn Vithur Völund Völundin Walbert Wallcup Wence Wench Westahl Westhir Wideborg Widem Widhugh Wilmarl Wiltrud Wulla Yggenson Ylways Yngve Árnar Åradley Órarren Óska
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byneddiedingo · 7 months
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Yvonne Buckingham in Sapphire (Basil Dearden, 1959)
Cast: Nigel Patrick, Michael Craig, Paul Massie, Bernard Miles, Yvonne Mitchell, Olga Lindo, Earl Cameron, Gordon Heath, Jocelyn Britton, Harry Baird, Orlando Martins, Rupert Davies, Freda Bamford, Robert Adams, Yvonne Buckingham. Screenplay: Janet Green, Lukas Heller. Cinematography: Harry Waxman. Art direction: Carmen Dillon. Film editing: John D. Guthridge. Music: Philip Green. 
The police procedural/whodunit faces several problems inherent to the genre when it comes to not giving away the ending: One is that the "who" is never the one the police suspect. Another is that it's also never the one you first suspect. And a third is that if either the victim or the prime suspect (or both) belongs to a socially marginalized community -- racial, religious, sexual, etc. -- then the perpetrator is not going to be a member of that community. So when a Black woman who is passing for white is found dead on Hampstead Heath, the first suspect is her fiancé, a white man. Still, as the evidence mounts, there are more and more reasons to suspect him until suspicion arises and evidence is found that the murderer was a Black man. Is Basil Dearden's procedural Sapphire going to be an exception to the rules of the genre? Dearden's film has not aged well. Its portrait of British racism is outdated, and even the jazzy musical underscoring by Philip Green is of another era. At one point, the score even resorts to a "dun-dun-DUNN" sting when a somewhat minor revelation occurs. In short, it's a lot like an old-fashioned one-hour TV procedural. The chief inspector, played by Nigel Patrick, is one of those British cops who keep their cool at any turn, while his assistant (Michael Craig) is a hothead who jumps to conclusions that are invariably wrong. There are moments of real energy in the film, especially when the cops are invading the turf of London's Black community, though the movie's point of view is as secure in middle-class respectability as the victim's father (Earl Cameron), a physician dressed in tweeds.   
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chonacas · 1 year
The Collaboration on Broadway with Actor Erik Jensen
Erik Jensen is an actor, writer and director. As an actor, Erik appeared regularly in both seasons of the ABC series “For Life.” Other TV credits include major arcs on “The Walking Dead,” “Mindhunter” and “Mr. Robot,” appearances on “The Americans,” “House of Cards,” “Elementary,” The Blacklist,” and many more, including his critically acclaimed portrayal of legendary NY Yankee Thurman Munson in “The Bronx is Burning.” Film credits include the upcoming Viral with Blair Underwood and Alfre Woodard, Black Knight, The Love Letter and more than two dozen indie films. His theater credits as an actor include The Collaboration on Broadway opposite Paul Bettany and Jeremy Pope, the Pulitzer-Prize winning production of Disgraced at Lincoln Center, The Good Negro at the Public Theater, Arthur Kopit's Y2K and Terrance McNally's Corpus Christi at MTC, and Lester Bangs in his play How To Be A Rock Critic (Kirk Douglas, South Coast Rep, ArtsEmerson, Steppenwolf, The Public). Erik's sci-fi graphic novel The Reconcilers was published in 2010 to wide acclaim, and he is co-host and co-creator of the podcast BardQuest Empire, which brings together entertainment industry professionals who play Dungeons & Dragons to talk about the intersections of D&D and storytelling.
As a writer, Erik has been named by the New Yorker as “among the foremost practitioners of documentary theater in the U.S.” With his wife Jessica Blank, he is author of The Exonerated, a genre-defining play based on interviews they conducted with over 40 wrongly convicted death row inmates across the United States, which Governor George Ryan cited as instrumental in his 2003 decision to clear Illinois’ death row. The Exonerated won Lucille Lortel, Outer Critics Circle, Drama Desk, Ovation, Fringe First and Herald Angel Awards, and was nominated for the Hull-Warriner Award and the John Gassner Playwriting Award; it has also received awards from Amnesty International, the American Bar Association, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Death Penalty Focus, and Court TV, and was named Best Play of the Year by the New York Times. The Exonerated has been translated into Spanish, French, Italian, Farsi, Mandarin and Japanese and adapted by Erik and Jessica into an award-winning TV movie starring Susan Sarandon, Danny Glover, Brian Dennehy, Aidan Quinn and Delroy Lindo. Living Justice, Erik and Jessica’s book on the making of The Exonerated, was published by Simon and Schuster. Their documentary play Aftermath, based on interviews they conducted with Iraqi civilian refugees in Jordan, had its Off Broadway premiere at New York Theater Workshop, was a New York Times Critics’ Pick, toured internationally for two years and was nominated for two Drama League Awards. Their play How to be a Rock Critic (based on the writings of Lester Bangs) played sold-out runs at the Kirk Douglas, South Coast Rep, ArtsEmerson, Steppenwolf, and the Public Theater, with Erik starring as Lester Bangs; they are currently developing How To Be A Rock Critic for feature film.
Their documentary play Coal Country, about West Virginia’s 2010 Upper Big Branch Mine disaster, opened at the Public Theater on March 3, 2020, with original music written and performed by three-time Grammy Award-winning musician Steve Earle (Edgerton New Play Award, 2 Drama Desk noms, Lortel Award nom). When its run was cut short by COVID-19, the pair pivoted and wrote The Line, a documentary play based on firsthand interviews with NYC medical first responders at the height of the pandemic, starring Lorraine Toussaint, John Ortiz, Alison Pill, Santino Fontana and more. Also a NYT Critics’ Pick, The Line garnered rave reviews from coast to coast and was viewed by over 85,000 people in 50 countries. Coal Country recently reopened commercially at the Cherry Lane Theater in 2022 to massive critical acclaim, produced by the Public and Audible, and was recorded for Audible Theater (Signal Award for Best Drama) . Erik and Jessica currently have a major new musical under commission with the Public Theater.
As TV/screenwriters, Erik and Jessica currently have projects in development with David Simon/Blown Deadline, Levinson/Fontana, and Ed Burns (The Wire, Generation Kill). They wrote the pilot The Negotiator for Gaumont TV (EP Tom Fontana) and have developed with Fox TV Studios, 20th Century TV, Levinson/Fontana, Avenue Pictures, Sunswept, Virgin Produced, and Radical Media. Erik and Jessica’s first feature as writer/directors, Almost Home, was released by Vertical Entertainment in 2019 and their second scripted feature, How To Be A Rock Critic, is currently in development. They are in pre-production with Meteor17 to co-direct a feature documentary about legendary rock engineer Eddie Kramer (Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, the Rolling Stones) in collaboration with the Hendrix estate, and in development for a feature documentary about the Upper Big Branch Mine Disaster, produced by Audrey Rosenberg (I Am Not Your Negro, HBO’s Katrina Babies) and executive produced by Steve Earle.
Erik lives in Brooklyn with his wife Jessica and their daughter Sadie.
Connect more with Erik: 
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ejensen123
Twitter https://twitter.com/erikjensen123
Social media links:
  Disclaimer: None of the information in the podcast should be considered as a financial advice. Always do your own research.
Check out this episode streaming now in over 100 countries
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emiliorivero · 1 year
My favorite songs, 2022
100. “Half Moon Mornings” – Curren$y, The Alchemist
99.   “No Body” –  King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard
98.   “COMATOSE” –  ill peach
97.   “All I Need To Hear” –  The 1975
96.   “I Don’t Wanna Be Famous” –  NNAMDI
95.   “BOMBAY” –  Girl Ultra
94.   “Once a Man, Twice a Child” –  Nas
93.   “THREE HEADS*” –  Jean Dawson
92.   “Ser De Ti” –  Silvana Estrada
91.   “PUFFIN ON ZOOTIEZ” –  Future
90.   “Medicine” –  070 Shake
89.   “Don’t Forget” –  Sky Ferreira
88.   “Evergreen (You Didn’t Deserve Me  At All)” – Omar Apollo
87.   “Working Boy in New York City” –  Belle and Sebastian
86.   “I Figured You Out” –  Mary Lou Lord
85.   “Super Gremlin” –  Kodak Black
84.   “Marijuana’s A Working Woman” – of  Montreal
83.   “The Garden Path” –  Kamasi Washington
82.   “Always Together With You” –  Spiritualized
81.   “2010” –  Earl Sweatshirt
80.   “Horse and Rider” –  Richard Dawson
79.   “Anything But Me” –  MUNA
78.   “POF” –  Ari  Lennox
77.   “MAMIII” – Becky G, KAROL G
76.   “AMERICAN GURL” – Kilo Kish
75.   “Only You Know” –  Beach House
74.   “Gold Chain Punk (whogonbeatmyass?)” – Soul Glo
73.   “Doritos & Fritos” – 100 gecs
72.   “DRILL MUSIC IN ZION” –  Lupe Fiasco
71.   “In A Minute” –  Lil Baby
70.   “RUN (feat. Young Thug)” –  Killer Mike
69.   “Perm Act” –  Thee Oh Sees
68.   “DANCE CRIP” –  Trueno
67.   “Punk Rock Loser” –  Viagra Boys
66.   “Welcome To Hell” –  black midi
65.   “Cash In Cash Out” –  Pharrell Williams, 21 Savage, Tyler The Creator
64.   “Happier When You’re Gone” – alt-J
63.   “Clara (the night is dark)” –  Fred again…
62.   “American Teenager” –  Ethel Cain
61.   “This Hell” –  Rina Sawayama
60.   “Monotonía” –  Shakira, Ozuna
59.   “My Lady” –  Coast Contra
58.   “Taking Me Back” –  Jack White
57.   “Ego Killah” –  Ezra Collective
56.   “Taco” –  IDK
55.   “Wrong for It” –  Obongjayar, Nubya Garcia
54.   “Do Better” –  Ab-Soul
53.   “Asylum” –  billy woods
52.   “Alive Ain’t Always Living” –  Quelle Chris
51.   “Chronicles (feat. H.E.R.  and Lil Durk)” – Cordae
50.   “Out Loud (feat. Kehlani)”  – Syd
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49.   “Love Looks Different” –  Madi Diaz
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47.   “meta angel” –  FKA twigs
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46.   “pushin P (feat. Young Thug)” – Gunna, Future
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45.   “This is Not America (feat. Ibeyi)”  – Residente
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44.   “Billions” –  Caroline Polachek
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43.   “It’s Not Just Me, It’s Everybody” – Weyes Blood
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42.   “I Deserve (w/NOS.)”  – Smino
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41.   “By Design [Evel Knievel]” –  Jacob Banks
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40.   “better” –  redveil
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39.   “Want What” –  Maggie Rogers
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38.   “Runner” –  Alex G
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37.   “Selfish Soul” –  Sudan Archives
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36.   “Heavy Heart” –  Bartees Strange
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35.   “EAST POINT PRAYER” –  Vince Staples, Lil Baby
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34.   “Roulette” –  Red Hot Chili Peppers
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33.   “Should’ve Been Me” –  Mitski
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32.   “Boyfriends” –  Harry Styles
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31.   “Dolly” –  Tierra Whack
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30.   “Walkin” –  Denzel Curry
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29.   “Easy On Your Own?” –  Alvvays
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28.   “Too Many Nights (feat. Don  Toliver, Future)” – Metro Boomin
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27.   “The Fool” –  Cory Henry
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26.   “Contigo No Fue” –  Adriel Favela
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25.   “Surround Sound (feat. 21 Savage  & Baby Tate)”—JID
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24.   “Survivor’s Guilt” –  Joey Bada$$
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23.   “Yuck” –  Charli XCX
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22.   “I Love You” –  Fontaines DC
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21.   “BREAK MY SOUL” –  Beyoncé
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20.   “Spitting Off the Edge of the  World” – Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Perfume Genius
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19.   “Less Than Zero” –  The Weeknd
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18.   “You Will Never Work In Television  Again” – The Smile
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17.   “Because (feat. Joey Bada$$, Russ)” –  Danger Mouse, Black Thought
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16.   “Chale” –  Eden Munoz
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15.   “Goodbye Mr. Blue” –  Father John Misty
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14.   “Die Hard” –  Kendrick Lamar
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13.   “Gorilla” –  Little Simz
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12.   “Mercury” – Steve  Lacey
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11.   “Fables” –  Interpol
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10.   “God Don’t Make Mistakes (feat. Annette Price)” – Conway the Machine
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9.      “Maria la Curandera” – Natalia Lafourcade
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8.      “SOS”  – SZA
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7.      “Come My Way (feat. Krayzie Bone)” – Saba
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6.      “Mon Amour – Remix” – zzoilo, Aitana
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5.      “Cursed” –  King Princess
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4.      “Ojitos  Lindos” – bad bunny
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3.      “Dreamin Of The Past” – Pusha T
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2.      “Concorde” –  Black Country, New Road
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1.      “DESPECHÁ” –  Rosalía
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spilladabalia · 2 years
Peter Tosh Bob Marley And The Wailers - You Can't Blame The Youth - Capitol Session '73
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myvinylplaylist · 2 years
Bob Marley & The Wailers: Uprising (1980)
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Compact Disc
Tuff Gong
Island Records
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charlotte-of-wales · 1 year
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Happy 5th birthday to (the boss baby) Prince Louis of Wales!
Born on April 23rd 2018, Louis Arthur Charles is the third and youngest child of William, Prince of Wales, and Catherine, Princess of Wales, as well as a grandson of King Charles III. Louis is currently fourth in the line of succession to the British throne.
Prince Louis was born in the Lindo Wing of St Mary's Hospital, London, at 11:01 BST II as the third child of the then Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. On April 27th April 2018, it was announced that the baby had been named Louis Arthur Charles, after his paternal great-great-granduncle Louis, Earl Mountbatten of Burma, his paternal grandfather King Charles III and his father, the Prince of Wales.
On 9 July 2018, Louis was christened by the Archbishop of Canterbury in the Chapel Royal at St James's Palace, using water from the River Jordan. He currently lives in Adelaide Cottage in Windsor Home Park and attends the Lambrook preparatory school in Berkshire.
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guerrilla-operator · 4 years
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nofatclips · 3 years
Zion Train by Bob Marley & The Wailers from the album Uprising
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