#early 70s are now taken for granted in most popular approaches to pedagogical ideals. elsewhere tho there are radical suggestions for
mariocki · 1 month
"From a very early age the child becomes part of a pattern he never fully understands and is powerless to change. It is a pattern that is made up of rituals - of form periods, morning assemblies, lessons that follow each other in quick succession for no apparent reason, bells rung by other people that govern his changes of activity, milk, school dinners, homework. His life is part of a scheme that has been devised by people he does not know, and into which he is expected to fit without question.
And it is here that we come to the real content of our educational structure. At school, the child is taught by experience that it is normal for other people to organize his life. He will be told in Civics or History that he lives in a democracy, which means that people govern themselves. But he will know as an experienced fact that he must expect to be governed by other people who know better than he does."
- Albert Hunt, The Tyranny of Subjects, in Education for Democracy (2nd ed., 1972)
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