#education for democracy
mariocki · 1 month
"From a very early age the child becomes part of a pattern he never fully understands and is powerless to change. It is a pattern that is made up of rituals - of form periods, morning assemblies, lessons that follow each other in quick succession for no apparent reason, bells rung by other people that govern his changes of activity, milk, school dinners, homework. His life is part of a scheme that has been devised by people he does not know, and into which he is expected to fit without question.
And it is here that we come to the real content of our educational structure. At school, the child is taught by experience that it is normal for other people to organize his life. He will be told in Civics or History that he lives in a democracy, which means that people govern themselves. But he will know as an experienced fact that he must expect to be governed by other people who know better than he does."
- Albert Hunt, The Tyranny of Subjects, in Education for Democracy (2nd ed., 1972)
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writing-with-olive · 1 year
when you call your reps to ask them to pretty please stop taking away your rights, remember:
In deep red areas you're a republican who is thinking of voting for someone else if they don't vote what you want on this specific bill because it impacts your republican ideals so very much
In swing states you're an undecided voter who's gonna go blue if they don't vote how you like
remember to call because that way their phone is going off and their peers can hear it because their offices are close together (emails and letters don't work like that), so it can rattle them if they get high volumes. remember that you gotta make them feel like they're losing something.
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dayofdemocracy · 7 years
Democracy, Youth, and the United Nations.
More than 40% of the global population is younger than 25. The youth faces huge challenges, such as climate change, unemployment, inequalities and exclusion. Many migrate in response. Meanwhile, young people connect and give voice to issues that matter. They use new media to fight injustice, discrimination, and human rights abuses; and take action for what they believe in. Young people also have an eloquent voice that resonates deeply with their own generation – from Malala Yousafzai on the universal right to education, to Greta Thunberg on leading the fight against climate change.
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The Secretary-General made working with and for young people one of his top priorities. He appointed the first Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth, mandated with the task of developing a UN Youth Strategy. The UN General Assembly in March 2015 adopted Education for Democracy, a resolution encouraging all UN entities to use education to promote peace, human rights, and democracy. The resolution encourages Member States to integrate education for democracy into their education standards.
DESA’s World Youth Report addresses key areas of youth development around the world. Another platform for the youth is the ECOSOC Youth Forum, where young people can voice their needs and concerns through informal dialogue with other stakeholders. The Forum represents the most institutionalized venue for youth participation in UN deliberations and is an important vehicle to mobilize young people for implementing the 2030 Agenda.
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agentfascinateur · 9 months
Palestinian educators have previously told Middle East Eye that Israeli authorities were aiming to eliminate its curriculum in favour of the Israeli version, in an attempt to erode Palestinian identity and "distort" history. 
Academic content Israel has sought to censor, they said, includes the logo of the Palestinian Authority, the Palestinian flag, lessons that discuss the Palestinian struggle against occupation, the right of return and prisoners, settlements, the immigration of settlers to Palestine, military checkpoints, the intifada, displaced villages, and considering Zionism a racist political movement.
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reality-detective · 16 days
What’s in the vitamin K shot they give to newborns........ they have been poisoning our babies for decades. Stop injecting your children with these toxins. 🤔
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philosophybits · 4 months
Society is one word, but many things.
John Dewey, Democracy and Education
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kafkasapartment · 1 year
I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.
John Adams
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senatortedcruz · 3 months
If you said immigration is your top issue in these exit polls you need to venmo me some money because clearly you have no real problems in your life
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karinyosa · 7 months
reminder that you can email congress for a ceasefire here and the white house here. don't forget to mention/also email about us government ending funding to israel and sanctioning them, and holding them accountable for war crimes, but the immediate need right now is a ceasefire. there are other online writing actions on the first link including calling the white house
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commonsensecommentary · 9 months
The entrenched intolerance on America’s college campuses isn’t a surprise. The Leftist effort to censor and outlaw speech and ideas they don’t like was born in our halls of higher education. Coddled, arrogant minds naturally tend toward totalitarianism.
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omegaphilosophia · 8 months
Unmasking the Actions of Corrupt Politicians: A Closer Look at Political Malpractice
Corrupt politicians engage in a wide range of unethical and illegal activities to maintain and expand their power, often at the expense of the public interest. Some common actions and behaviors associated with corrupt politicians include:
Bribery: Accepting money, gifts, or favors in exchange for political favors, such as favorable legislation or government contracts.
Embezzlement: Misappropriating public funds for personal use or diverting money intended for public programs.
Nepotism: Appointing or promoting family members and close associates to government positions, often without regard for their qualifications.
Cronyism: Favoring friends and allies in political appointments, regardless of their competence or suitability for the role.
Kickbacks: Receiving a portion of the funds from government contracts awarded to certain businesses or individuals.
Extortion: Using threats or coercion to obtain money or support for personal or political gain.
Money Laundering: Funneling ill-gotten gains through legitimate financial channels to conceal their origin.
Corrupt Campaign Financing: Accepting illegal campaign contributions or using campaign funds for personal expenses.
Obstruction of Justice: Interfering with investigations, destroying evidence, or intimidating witnesses to avoid accountability.
Vote Rigging: Manipulating election results through voter suppression, ballot stuffing, or other fraudulent means.
Abuse of Power: Using one's political position to harass, intimidate, or retaliate against perceived enemies or whistleblowers.
Influence Peddling: Selling access to government officials or decision-makers to private interests seeking favorable outcomes.
Gerrymandering: Manipulating electoral district boundaries to favor one's political party and ensure re-election.
Lobbying Malpractice: Engaging in unethical lobbying practices, such as misrepresenting facts or exerting undue influence on legislators.
Conflict of Interest: Failing to disclose or address personal financial interests that may compromise one's ability to make impartial decisions.
Corrupt politicians undermine the principles of democracy, erode public trust in government, and divert resources away from essential public services. It's crucial to combat corruption through transparency, accountability, and legal mechanisms to uphold the integrity of political systems.
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davidson-eric · 2 months
BE ALERT!!! 👇👇👇💯💯
Imagine a future where the central bank holds all the power and control over our financial transactions.
This is the reality that could come with the introduction of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Unlike traditional forms of money, a CBDC would give the central bank absolute authority over the rules and regulations that dictate its use. This means that the government would have unprecedented control over our financial activity, which could have dire consequences for our freedom.
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One of the biggest concerns with a CBDC is its potential threat to privacy. With the ability to track every transaction and gather vast amounts of data, the government would have endless opportunities to monitor and control citizen's financial activity. This level of surveillance could be used to target political opponents and suppress dissent. The mere thought of a government having such power should raise alarm bells for anyone who values their freedom and privacy.
Furthermore, a CBDC could be easily weaponized against those who oppose the government’s agenda. By controlling access to funds and monitoring transactions, the government could effectively silence dissenting voices and stifle any opposition. This would create a chilling effect on free speech and undermine the very foundations of FREEDOM
It is crucial that we carefully consider the implications it could have on our freedom and privacy. The power that a central bank would wield with a CBDC is unprecedented, and we must ensure that safeguards are in place to protect our rights and liberties. The future of CBDC should not come at the expense of our fundamental freedoms. Congress should prohibit the Fed and Treasury from issuing such. CBDCs have no place in the American economy.
Move your funds into the Quantum Ledger Account and be safe from government agendist. We can be reached via email (check bio for email) or a DM away.
# EyesOpenAmerica
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alpaca-clouds · 10 months
Social Democracy is not Socialism
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Nevermind me. Just me crying about people not understanding politics. Just let me rant, alright?
So, I was talking to a friend recently. A left wing, European friend. And then they said it: "I mean, at least we have not capitalism in Europe." Und I was just standing there like: 😐
Upon prodding I found out that, yes, indeed, the believed that Social Democracy as we have it in most European countries is not in fact capitalism, but a form of socialism. And once again I was standing there like: 😐
Europe has capitalism. Europe is capitalist. While not as guilty of intervening in the politics of other countries to keep capitalism going as the US, Europe still did a lot of that. There is not a single socialist (let alone communist) country is Europe.
What we have is capitalism with the minimalist safeguards to keep capitalism doing the capitalism thing and literally and figurative KILLING PEOPLE. We have a few rules for capitalism to follow. We have a few things for people not to literally starve when they are jobless. But that's it.
We absolutely still have capitalism.
Which is why we do not manage to go CO2 neutral and what not. Because capitalism cannot do capitalism and go CO2 neutral. Both things are mutual exclusive.
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a-feller · 3 months
Research project 2025. Vote knowing it exists.
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agentfascinateur · 9 months
Palestinian children want to learn, like everyone else.
According to the head of the village council, Yaqoub Owais, the illegal Zionist settlers employ threats, intimidation, coercion and violence against Palestinian pedestrians, including students, as they pass through the main road leading to the school. The Israeli police and army, Owaid said, encourage such aggression and give full protection to violent settlers who have attacked the school of 400 students several times. The settlers often throw stones at the school property and smash its doors and windows. Owais said none of the attackers have ever been arrested by the Israeli police.
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isawthismeme · 6 days
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