terrasurtravels · 2 years
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How cute are our travelers? 😍 We love to see our them have the best time while supporting local businesses by visiting museums, buying souvenirs that were made by local artisans and staying in locally owned boutique hotels. The best way to travel! . . . . . . #travelingcouples #coupleslove #couplesthattravel #ecuadortravel #ecuador #mitaddelmundo #equator (at Ecuador) https://www.instagram.com/p/CklwRRlO8OV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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heros-shadow · 5 months
Eight days in Ecuador
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Embark on an unforgettable journey through Ecuador's stunning landscapes and rich culture - immerse yourself in eight days of pure adventure.
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aintborntipycal · 6 months
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Blue Footed Booby Galapagos Islands Witness the mesmerizing dance of the Blue Footed Booby in the breathtaking Galapagos Islands.
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xofstardust-art · 6 months
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Eight days in Ecuador Embark on an unforgettable journey through Ecuador's stunning landscapes and rich culture - immerse yourself in eight days of pure adventure.
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dogsandcatstexting · 9 months
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Top 15 Things to Do in Ecuador: Andes Mountains Escape to the mystical realm of Ecuador's majestic Andes Mountains and immerse yourself in a tapestry of ancient traditions and awe-inspiring landscapes. Let our curated list of the 15 most unforgettable attractions ignite your wanderlust.
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uteretemporibus · 9 months
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Blue Footed Booby Galapagos Islands Discover the vibrant world of the Galapagos Islands through the captivating presence of the Blue Footed Booby.
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themomtm10 · 9 months
Beach Vlog... Party Night in Ecuador
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roamanddiscover · 11 months
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Ecuador is a country located in South America that boasts a diverse mix of geography, culture, and wildlife. It is also one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, home to many unique ecosystems and endemic species. Ecuador is truly a nature lover's paradise, with stunning landscapes ranging from the Andes Mountains and Amazon Rainforest to the beautiful Galapagos Islands. Visitors to the country can experience a vibrant culture that has been shaped by Indigenous, African, and European influences. Ecuador is a destination that offers endless opportunities for exploration and adventure. In terms of geography, Ecuador has a unique position on the planet. It is situated right on the equator, which means that it has a warm climate and variable weather conditions that depend on the region. The Andes Mountains are the backbone of Ecuador, and they run from north to south, serving as a dividing line between the coastal lowlands and the Amazon rainforest. Ecuador is also home to the famous Galapagos Islands, which are known for their unique wildlife, natural beauty, and scientific significance. - The capital city of Ecuador is Quito, which is located in the Andes Mountains. It is considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in South America, and it has a well-preserved historic center that is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. - Another popular city in Ecuador is Guayaquil, which is located on the coast. It is famous for its vibrant nightlife and its bustling port, which is one of the busiest in South America. - Cuenca is another city that is worth a visit. It is located in the Andes Mountains and has a well-preserved colonial center that is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Ecuador's culture is an interesting mix of Indigenous, African, and European influences. This is reflected in the country's music, art, and literature. Ecuadorians are known for being friendly and welcoming, and visitors to the country can experience this hospitality firsthand. Ecuador's economy is based on oil exports, agriculture, and tourism. The country has modern infrastructure, including airports, highways, and telecommunications systems. Ecuador has also made significant strides in developing its science and technology sectors, including in areas such as biotechnology and renewable energy. Ecuador is a popular travel destination and has been featured in many travel shows and documentaries. It is a paradise for nature lovers and adventurers, offering endless opportunities for exploration and discovery. Whether you're hiking in the Andes Mountains, exploring the Amazon Rainforest, or visiting the Galapagos Islands, there's always something new and exciting to discover in Ecuador.
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'ecuador', meaning 'equator,' because the country is located along the equator line. Ecuador was officially named the Republic of Ecuador in 1830 after gaining its independence from Spain. Prior to that, the region was known as the Kingdom of Quito, part of the Inca Empire. The Spanish language has had a significant influence on the country's culture, and the majority of the population speaks Spanish as their first language. However, there are also many Indigenous languages spoken in Ecuador, including Quechua and Shuar. In addition to Spanish, the country's official languages also include Quechua, Shuar, and other Indigenous languages. The naming of Ecuador plays a significant role in the country's cultural identity, as it reflects its location on the equator and the unique diversity of its people and history.
Ecuador has a rich and complex history that spans thousands of years. The region was first inhabited by Indigenous peoples, including the Caras, Quitus, and Cañaris, who developed sophisticated societies with advanced agriculture, architecture, and art. In the 15th century, the Inca Empire conquered much of what is now Ecuador and incorporated it into their vast territory. When the Spanish arrived in the 16th century, they encountered a complex and highly organized society with advanced systems of trade and governance. Spanish colonization led to the subjugation and exploitation of Indigenous peoples, as well as the introduction of Christianity and European culture. The conquistadors established cities such as Quito and Guayaquil, which grew rapidly thanks to the exploitation of Indigenous labor and the establishment of trade routes. The struggle for independence began in the late 1700s, when Ecuador was still part of the Spanish Empire. Several uprisings and battles took place over the next few decades, culminating in the establishment of the Republic of Ecuador in 1830. Politics in the newly independent country were tumultuous, with frequent changes in leadership and military coups. In the early 20th century, Indigenous populations began to organize politically and demand greater rights and representation in government. In the 1950s and 60s, Ecuador underwent a period of democratic reform and modernization, with the establishment of new social and labor laws and the growth of industries such as oil and mining. However, political instability persisted, and the country experienced several more coups and periods of authoritarian rule. In the 21st century, Ecuador has continued to struggle with political instability, corruption, and economic challenges. However, the country has also made progress in areas such as human rights, environmental protection, and social justice, and remains a vibrant and dynamic society with a rich cultural heritage.
Ecuador's location on the Pacific Ring of Fire makes it a region of high seismic activity and volcanic eruptions. The country has more than 30 active volcanoes, including the Cotopaxi volcano, which is considered one of the world's most dangerous. The Andes Mountains, which run through the center of Ecuador, are the longest continental mountain range in the world. These mountains are home to many snow-capped peaks and are the source of many of the country's rivers. The coastal regions of Ecuador are characterized by their sandy beaches, lush vegetation, and dense mangrove forests. The Galapagos Islands, located west of mainland Ecuador, are a unique archipelago with a diverse range of volcanic landscapes, from dry lava fields to lush forests. Ecuador's diverse geology has a rich geological history that has resulted in unique landscapes and ecosystems. Many of these formations can be explored through guided tours and adventures. Visitors can hike to the summits of volcanoes, explore the Andes Mountains on horseback, or snorkel among the diverse marine life off the coast of the Galapagos Islands. The country's geological diversity has also led to unique natural resources and minerals, including gold, silver, and copper. Ecuador's mining industry is an important contributor to the country's economy. Ecuador's diverse geology provides endless opportunities for exploration and adventure, making it a popular destination for travelers and outdoor enthusiasts.
Ecuador is a geographically diverse country located in South America, which has the Andes Mountains running throughout the western portion of the country. The Andes Mountains run parallel to the Pacific coast, creating a landscape of peaks, valleys, and plateaus. The mountain range has many active and dormant volcanoes, including the Cotopaxi Volcano, the Chimborazo Volcano, and the Tungurahua Volcano. The Amazon Rainforest covers much of the eastern part of the country, making it one of the most ecologically diverse areas on the planet. The vegetation in the rainforest is so thick that it makes up 10% of the world's oxygen, inhaling carbon dioxide, and releasing vast amounts of clean air for the planet. The Galapagos Islands, located about 600 miles off the coast of Ecuador, are an archipelago of 19 islands and several islets. The Galapagos Islands are well-known for their unique ecosystem and endemic species, including giant tortoises, marine iguanas, and Darwin's finches. Other notable geographical features in Ecuador include the beaches along the Pacific coast, the Cajas National Park, and the El Cajas Massif in the Andes Mountains. Ecuador's geography is diverse and varied, spanning from the Andes Mountains to the Amazon Rainforest and the Galapagos Islands. Each of these regions has its own unique characteristics and contributes to the country's rich natural beauty.
Ecuador is known for its incredible biodiversity and is considered one of the most ecologically diverse countries in the world. Its unique geographical location and diverse terrain have created a plethora of distinct ecosystems, each hosting its own endemic plant and animal species. The country boasts an extensive coastline, high Andean mountains, tropical rainforests, and the Galapagos Islands. These varied landscapes support a range of environments, including dry forests, cloud forests, mangroves, and paramos. Ecuador's diverse ecosystems house over 25,000 species of plants, roughly 17% of which are indigenous. Ecuador's ecosystems are home to some of the most famous and unique species, such as the Andean spectacled bear, the Galapagos giant tortoise, and the Amazon pink river dolphin. The country is also known to have over 1,600 species of birds, making it one of the most popular birdwatching destinations in the world. Ecuador has a large selection of national parks and protected areas to preserve its unique and precious ecosystems. Some of the most famous parks include the Yasuni National Park in the Amazon, the Galapagos Marine Reserve, and the Cotopaxi National Park in the Andean region. These parks not only preserve biodiversity but also promote sustainable tourism. Unfortunately, Ecuador is also facing significant environmental issues, including deforestation, pollution, and climate change. Rapid industrialization and oil extraction have been putting the country's biodiversity and ecosystems at risk, with the Amazon rainforest being the most affected. Ecuador has been working on implementing various sustainability policies and initiatives to combat these environmental issues, including the Yasuni-ITT Initiative and the Green Growth Strategy. These projects aim to bring the economy and sustainability together to promote sustainable development and safeguard the country's ecological heritage. Ecuador's incredible biodiversity and unique ecosystems make it a vital destination for any nature lover. Despite facing environmental challenges, the country is continually working towards keeping its natural resources intact while promoting sustainable tourism.
Ecuador's location on the equator, along with its varied geography and climate, has resulted in an incredibly diverse range of flora and fauna. The country is home to over 25,000 plant species, including orchids, bromeliads, and cacti, as well as hundreds of animal species, many of which are endemic to the country. One of Ecuador's most famous inhabitants is the Galapagos tortoise, which can live for over 100 years and can weigh over 600 pounds. The Galapagos Islands are also home to many unique bird species, including the blue-footed booby, the flightless cormorant, and the Galapagos penguin. The Amazon Rainforest covers a significant portion of Ecuador's territory, and many of the world's most threatened animal and plant species can be found here. Jaguars, macaws, and anacondas are just a few of the many species that call Ecuador's Amazon home. The Andean region of Ecuador is also home to many unique species, including llamas, alpacas, and the Andean condor, the largest flying bird in the world. The Andean bear, also known as the spectacled bear due to the distinctive patterns around its eyes, is also found in Ecuador's highlands. In addition to its terrestrial biodiversity, Ecuador's marine life is also incredibly varied. The Galapagos Islands are especially well-known for their marine inhabitants, including hammerhead sharks, sea lions, and numerous species of fish and sea turtles. Unfortunately, like many countries around the world, Ecuador's biodiversity is under threat due to deforestation, poaching, and climate change. However, the government and many local organizations are working hard to protect and preserve Ecuador's unique and precious flora and fauna.
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Ecuador is located on the equator, but its climate varies significantly depending on the region. The country can be divided into four main regions: the Andes Mountains, the Amazon Rainforest, the coastal regions, and the Galapagos Islands. The Andes Mountains have a cool and temperate climate, with temperatures ranging from 50°F (10°C) to 70°F (21°C). The dry season in the Andes is from June to September and the wet season from October to May. The Amazon Rainforest is hot and humid, with an average temperature of around 80°F (27°C). It rains all year round in the Amazon, but the heaviest rains occur from March to June and from October to December. The coastal regions of Ecuador have a tropical climate, with temperatures ranging from 75°F (24°C) to 85°F (29°C). The dry season runs from June to December and the wet season from January to May. The Galapagos Islands have a pleasant subtropical climate, with temperatures ranging from 70°F (21°C) to 84°F (29°C). The dry season in the Galapagos is from June to December and the wet season from January to May. If you plan to visit Ecuador, it is important to consider the climate of the region you will be visiting. Make sure to pack appropriate clothing and gear for the activities you plan to do and the climate you will encounter.
Environmental Issues
Ecuador, like many countries around the world, is facing significant environmental challenges. Deforestation is one of the most pressing issues, with the country losing an estimated 200,000 hectares of forest each year. This is largely due to illegal logging, mining, and agricultural activities. In addition to the loss of biodiversity, deforestation also contributes to soil erosion and increases the risk of landslides and flooding. Pollution is another environmental issue facing Ecuador, particularly in urban areas. Air pollution from vehicles and industry is a major problem, with the city of Quito experiencing high levels of smog on a regular basis. Water pollution is also a concern, with untreated sewage and mining waste polluting rivers and streams. Climate change is perhaps the most serious environmental issue facing Ecuador. The country is already experiencing the effects of rising temperatures and changing weather patterns, including more frequent and severe floods and droughts. This is having a significant impact on agriculture, reducing crop yields and driving up food prices. The government of Ecuador has taken steps to address these environmental issues, including creating protected areas and implementing pollution control measures. However, much more needs to be done to address deforestation and climate change. - One approach is to promote sustainable agriculture and forestry practices, which can help to boost rural economies while preserving natural resources. - Investing in renewable energy sources like wind and solar can also help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change. - Another solution is to promote ecotourism, which can generate income for local communities while preserving natural habitats. Ultimately, it will take a concerted effort from all sectors of society to address the environmental challenges facing Ecuador and the world as a whole. By working together, we can help to preserve the country's rich biodiversity and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.
Ecuador has a unique political system that is based on a presidential representative democratic republic. This means that the president is the head of state and government, and is elected by the people for a term of up to four years. The president is supported by a cabinet of ministers who are appointed by the president and approved by the National Assembly. The National Assembly is the legislative branch of government and is composed of 137 members who are elected by the people for a term of up to four years. The National Assembly is responsible for passing laws and overseeing the work of the government. The assembly is divided into several committees, each of which is responsible for a different area of public policy. Ecuador's political system is also characterized by a multi-party system, which means that there are multiple political parties that can participate in elections and vie for political power. The major political parties in Ecuador include the PAIS Alliance, the Social Christian Party, and the Democratic Left Party. The constitution of Ecuador guarantees citizens certain political rights and freedoms, including the right to free and fair elections, freedom of speech, and the right to form political parties and participate in the political process. There have been several instances of political instability and unrest in recent years, including protests against government corruption and economic policies. Ecuador has a complex relationship with the United States, which has historically been an important trading partner and source of foreign aid for the country. However, there have also been tensions between the two countries over issues such as Ecuador's ties to socialist governments in the region and its approach to environmental protection.
Ecuador's economy is a mix of modern industries and traditional activities, with a focus on natural resources. The country is one of the largest oil producers in South America and relies heavily on oil exports. However, Ecuador has also recognized the importance of diversifying its economy and has made efforts to promote other sectors, including agriculture and tourism. Agriculture is an important part of Ecuador's economy, accounting for a significant portion of the country's GDP and employing a large number of people. The country is known for its exports of bananas, flowers, cocoa, and coffee. Ecuador also has a growing aquaculture industry, with shrimp farming and fishing being important activities along the coast. Tourism has become an increasingly important industry in Ecuador, with the country attracting visitors from around the world to its natural beauty, cultural heritage, and adventure tourism opportunities. The Galapagos Islands, Ecuador's Amazon Rainforest, and the Andes Mountains are popular destinations for tourists. Exports Value (USD millions) Crude Petroleum 5,564 Bananas 3,004 Cocoa Beans 658 Flowers 625 Despite its abundance of natural resources, Ecuador faces many economic challenges, including inequality, poverty, and unemployment. The country has also faced economic and political instability in the past, including a major financial crisis in the late 1990s. Read the full article
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dobbysaurio7 · 1 year
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Lleva a tus peluditos de vacaciones 🐶🐾♥️ 👨🏻‍💻 Info: Link in bio Conoce más sobre nosotros en nuestro perfil 😉🤩 Encuéntranos en redes como @PuertoQuitoLodge 💛💙❤️ 🐶 Hostería Pet Friendly ☑️ Reconocimiento de Bio Seguridad por el GAD Provincial de Pichincha. Destino seguro. 📍 Dirección: Vía El Achiote km 2, Puerto Quito #ecuadorians593 #ecuador #ecuadorturistico #ecuadorprimero #ecuadortravel #puertoquito #puertoquitolodge #piscina #travelgramecuador #middleoftheworld #paisajesecuador #turismoecuador #ecuadorysuspaisajes593 #landscapeecuador #ecuadorpotenciaturistica #ecuadorentusojos #ecuadorisallyouneed #lallyouneedisecuador #quitoturismo #megaturismoec #turismoecológico #campingecuador #ecuadorians593 #ecuadortravel_ig #viajesecuador #ecuadormagico #4mundosecuador #petfriendly (en Puerto Quito Lodge) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpqiOFyP7S4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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patog · 1 year
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El #Antisana es la cuarta montaña más alta del #Ecuador con 5.758 msnm y uno de los volcanes nevados más hermosos, su nombre significa cordero o montaña obscura traducido desde la lengua Cañari #lifeatitspurest #lavidaenestadopuro #Andes #ecuadortravel #volcan https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmj_k0GvtZP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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blogsantiagomorales · 2 years
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“Elige un trabajo que te guste y no tendrás que trabajar ni un día de tu vida” Y esto es exactamente lo que siento. A veces pienso que tengo que descansar y bajar el ritmo, pero el trabajo es mi motivación y me mantiene activo, vivo y alegre 😉 Conocer a gente que lucha por sus sueños es una suerte y me da mucha fuerza para continuar con mi proyecto con ganas e ilusión #ecuadorprimero #guayaquilecuador #ecuadorentusojos #ecpostales #ecuadortulugarenelmundo #ectulugarenelmundo #ecuapostales #turismoecuador #discoverecuador #explorandoecuador #viajaprimeroecuador #ecuadorpotenciaturistica #ecuadortravel #ecuaworld #ecuadorturistico #turismoec #Ecpaisdeloscuatromundos #ecuadorians593 #allyouneedisecuador #postalesdelplaneta593 #bewellinecuador #ecuadorpostales593 #visitguayaquil #ecuadoramalavida #discoverecuador #ecua_turistico (en Centro de Convenciones de Guayaquil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmA9dtSNfBZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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terrasurtravels · 1 year
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Here I am (Angelica), enjoying my favorite Ecuadorian dish in the best place you can have it, El Hornado from El Mercado de la Merced in Riobamba! Riobamba is the world capital of Hornado. Its flavor is unmistakable due to its sour chiriucho prepared with chicha, beer, onion, and chili. It is a tradition of the Chimborazo Province to the famous and unique Hornado de Riobamba prepared in a wood oven with eucalyptus leaves, which maintain the perfect temperature with charcoal in wooden drawers; Thus, the pork reaches a unique cooking and texture that makes this Hornado so special. The second thing I like the most about this market is how the vendors make you feel. You are the center of attraction from the second you enter the food stalls. "My love, come and try this delight," "Come here princess", "My queen come this way"! The vendors (all women, btw) tell you these to attract your attention and to buy the hornado from their stall. The best place to eat this delicious dish and to increase your self-esteem! . . . . . #ecuadortravel #ecuadorturistico #discoverecuador #turismoecuador #travelecuador #ecuador #ecuadormipais #ecuadorisallyouneed #ecuador593 #ecuadortulugarenelmundo #ecuadorpotenciaturistica #hornado #riobamba #riobambaecuador (at Mercado De La Merced Riobamba) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-qEVNOzMH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Si estás aquí, entonces sabes tomar decisiones correctas ✌️ Menciona a la persona que tiene que disfrutar de la #naturaleza 🏨 @suchipakariamazonlodge 📧 [email protected] 🌎 www.suchipakari.com #turismoecuador #ecuador #allyouneedisecuador #ecuadortravel #ecuadorturistico #ecuadoramalavida #turismo #ecuadorprimero #ecuadorentusojos #paisajesecuador #travelecuador #discoverecuador #ecuadorpotenciaturistica #travel #viajaprimeroecuador #fotografiandoecuador #quito #naturaleza #ecuadorians #nature #ecuadorisallyouneed #primeroecuador #instameetec #naturephotography #photography #quitoecuador #ecuadorians593 #593ecuador #ecuadortulugarenelmundo #ecpostales (en Suchipakari Ecuadorian Jungle Lodge) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkDps8QrrBn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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otachi13 · 2 years
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La Mitad del Mundo, Quito #mitaddelmundo #quitoecuador #igersecuador #ecuadortravel (en Quito, Mitad del Mundo) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch7uhhqpuCV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sucreecuadoroutdoor · 2 years
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LUZ LED SHAD compatible con maleta shad SH26 SH29 SH33 SH39 SH40 SH45 SH48 📱 WHATSAPP 0995151184 https://wa.me/593995151184 📍Local en Guayaquil Sector Urdesa Calle Ilanes y Carlos Julio Arosemena. Km 2 1/2 REFERENCIAS Centro Comercial La Tienda 2 Frente a Unidad Judicial del CC Albán Borja 📍Local en Quito Sector Ponceano Alto o Carcelén industrial Vicente Duque N73-201. Referencia: frente a la puerta posterior de Imecanic 📍🌐Tienda online www.importadorasucre.com #envios a todo #🇪🇨 incluido #galapagosislands #galapagos #adventure #adventures #motos #rider #riders #envios #expe #Experiencia #ecuador #ecuadortravel #shad #moteros #motorcycleride #guayas #motoviajero #motogirl #motoaventura #ecuadorenmoto #guayaquil #cuencaecuador #motosec #ecuadorcuatromundos #amazonia #cuenca #zamorachinchipe #fypシ #tripecuador https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgm20R2uyH7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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21 Nov 2023 That 'Ecuador house is how much?' $150k - by 'Adventure Freaksss' - 1.28K subscribers, "Jack Abercrombie, a seasoned expat hailing from the United States, has immersed himself in Ecuadorian life for a remarkable 15 years. Leveraging his expertise as a Strategic Location Specialist, Jack extends an invitation to join his exclusive Expat tours designed for those contemplating a move or retirement in Ecuador. Our discussion covers essential topics such as visa prerequisites, minimum financial criteria, and the incredible real estate opportunities awaiting expats and retirees at surprisingly attractive prices. Thank you for viewing our content!" - https://youtu.be/gzEMYgCwwJs?si=psW0GqNXFBWtVvRs Ecuador Expat Tours Ecuadorexpatjourneys.com Jack Abercrombie [email protected]  #journeymanjackecuador #ecuador #ecuadortravel #southamerica #ecuador #ecuadortravel #southamerica
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