#edit2: and im not like weh these people are so baby! we should never hold them accountable! its more like. this is literally set up to abuse
volinare · 10 months
i like. can barely read this. barely any mention of why these disorders develop, how they actually work internally (when that was mentioned in other chapters)
literally multiple times like 'these specific ones are super problematic' (literally used the term problematic.
and some of it is just plain wrong. or works off of a philosophy that not everyone subscribes to. like... ugh. its just.
they talk about personality disorders like if you met someone with one you woudl know immediately and like you shoukd never talk to them or theyll ruin your life.
like theyre describing bpd like these people are like monster time bombs or people with ASPD like they dont have an internal world at all.
like i just dont think 'meanness' or 'lying' should be the basis of any diagnosis. I understand why they are included but so much of behavior is influenced by circumstance.
theres also like, I just noticed this (and the next chap is on therapy so maybe theyll talk about it there) but theres like literally no mention of medications or therapy for ANY of these disorders.
it just makes me so fucking. like.
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