#ekaterina grushankaya
another-heroine · 9 months
"Let him protect you... At least for a while..."
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Thanks again @sinizade for your beautiful work. They turned out very adorable.
My first requested comm with a ship, I'm in love lol
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arrow90-art · 11 months
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Katya for @three-of-crows as my part of the art trade!
Thank you so so much for writing my kids!! I'm still reading it! 💕💕💕
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three-of-crows · 11 months
Katya ❤️
character aesthetics meme
Hi, Spyri, thanks for asking ^~^ It took a time, but I have fun during the process
Anoana (Heilung)
Wildflower, Wildfire (Lana Del Rey)
Give Me My Halo (Yonaka)
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Steal Their Look:
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I was born in a big gray cloud Screaming out a love song All the broken chords and unnamed cries What a place to come from…
(Remain Nameless - Florence and the Machine)
“He stepped down, trying not to look long at her, as if she were the sun, yet he saw her, like the sun, even without looking.” 
(Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy)
Her Aesthetic:
Sitting at the hearthfire, sunny winter days, the touch of feathers, scent of dewy grass, being wrapped by a light but warm blanket, sunlight stripes over the floor, a glimpse of flight birds
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another-heroine · 4 months
Witch Toll
Maybe I got carried away about the mission of seducing the local priest and it ended like this!
Thanks @jean-dieu for lending me your awkward Sarenite, I studied him like he was a bug and I'm pretty satisfied. And Ekaterina had some fun bullying another Inquisitor >:)
CW: slighlty dubious intentions, teasing, power dynamics, flustered tiefling, better than a simple kiss (though 'better' is not the right word for this *evil laugh*)
Another day, another opportunity for Hulrun to get on everybody’s nerves. And it was worse when Liotr was away from Kenabres like that time.
Raphaël took a deep breath. It was a matter of time. May Saranrae give him wisdom and resilience to endure that nonsensical chase by nighttime into the woods.
“By the instructions we have, they must be not far,” the Inquisitor warned his squad. “Keep your eyes open.”
Perched owls watched over them with their piercing yellow eyes. Some of the witch hunters babbled prayers while following their leader.
“Damn wenches,” one of them cussed. “Like it isn’t enough to put their worthless lives in demons’ grasp, they put innocent folk in danger as well.  Who in their right mind would stroll around here to ask for help?”
“Charmed folk,” another one replied. “The poor fellows fall for their words like flies on an open honey jar.”
“And then get slapped to death.”
Raphaël stopped suddenly and gave a stern look at them. “Are you done with chit-chatting?”
The witch hunters looked at each other and nodded, slightly embarrassed.
“Let me refresh your mind one more time,” the Inquisitor recalled. “When we find the suspect’s house, you stay right behind me and let me lead the investigation. No vandalism, no unrequired words, nothing without my approval. By Everlight, you are men, not rabid dogs!”
One witch hunter called quietly, “Inquisitor”.
Raphaël looked at him and noticed the lad was pointing to somewhere ahead. And indeed there was something: warm lights following in a line. The squad got in position without second thoughts and followed the Sarenite.
A few commoners were at the door of a humble cabin. The Inquisitor waved for his men to not approach too much yet. They had to observe them first.
The door opened and a subtly glowing figure appeared. It was kind of hard to see her face since she was surrounded by the small group. She talked in a hushed voice, giving satchels and apparently elixir vials to the visitors.
“... It should help. Come back if you need anything else,” she guaranteed to an old woman.
“Erastil blesses you, girl.”
One by one, the people dismissed through the woods, and Raphaël held the line, ignoring the antsy feeling among his squad. They were not under Hulrun’s orders, but his. They should know how to behave for good or else.
Finally it was possible to give a good look at her, though from afar. The suspect was a copper-haired aasimar. Raphaël had heard about her before, but for a long time he thought the stories were exaggerated — a child of celestial living alone in the woods, asking for nothing but for people to leave her alone and let her help them the best she could. Why was she not in the Iomedae’s ranks as many of her kind have been?
A thought sparkled in the Inquisitor’s mind — Maybe because she is not like the others of her kind.
“Inquisitor, what now?” one of his men asked.
Raphaël swallowed hard. He was not nervous, but somehow his throat got constricted and he felt thirsty.
The woman got back inside the cabin and closed the door.
“I'll go ahead.” Raphaël left the shadows. “If I need you, I’ll send a signal.”
“Yes, sir,” the group agreed.
Walking to the cabin was strange. It was like his legs weighed much more than they used to. But before the tiefling could raise his hand and knock on the door, a soft voice asked, “Come in”.
And so he did. The inside of the house was scarcely lit by oiled lamps. Raphaël stiffed for a second; he felt the same piercing yellow eyes from earlier over his head, right from the ceiling, but as he looked up, there was nothing there.
“May I help you?”
The aasimar was sitting on a straw stool, sorting some herbs. She didn’t seem bothered by the strange visitor.
Raphaël got to his composure again and asked, “How… How did you know I…”
“I saw you and your men outside. Not mean to be rude, but being discreet isn’t one of their greatest skills.”
The Inquisitor kept his mouth shut, with a bitter feeling lingering in the back of his head.
She looked at him for the first time, and a soft smile appeared on her face, though not touching her eyes. “And it’s very rare to see someone like you on their side.”
“What do you mean? Because I’m a tiefling?” Raphaël scoffed, defensive.
The woman shrugged. “Let’s be honest, you should have made a great impression over Hulrun and your comrade-in-arms for they don’t cut off your tail or horns. At least.”
Raphaël frowned. “Who are you?”
The aasimar kept organizing the herbs before her. “Just someone minding her own business. But if it’s a name you want, it’s Ekaterina.”
“By your accent you are not from here.”
The woman sighed and got up. Raphaël’s tail twitched; she was shorter than him for a few centimeters. “You are right. I’m from Irrisen. But don’t mistake me for a Winter Witch, yes? I’m a druid.”
“Why are you so far from your homeland?”
“Personal matters. And now, my turn; what’s your name?”
Her body language was quite relaxed, but yet her words made the tiefling hesitate a little. She smelled of thyme and smoke.
“Raphaël,” he exhaled noisily. “I’m a servant of Sarenrae.”
Ekaterina looked at him up and down. “I see.”
He flushed. Of course he was, otherwise he would not be wearing Sarenite motifs.
“So…” Ekaterina put her hands behind her back. “You came to my home, asking questions and giving judgemental eyes. But as you can see, there is no trap, no luring or even a hungry beast lurking to eat you alive around here. Have I satiated your curiosity already?”
Raphaël cleaned his voice. “There are rumors saying that you were involved in… hedonist rituals.”
Ekaterina’s brows raised. “Really? When?”
She did not look offended. In fact, the words of the Inquisitor made her giggle.
“Not like a host or a guest, but… Someone came here and ordered a love potion. Is that true?”
Ekaterina smiled warmly. “That’s not my kind of business. But it would be… interesting, I daresay. People say a lot of things about everyone and everything, don’t you think so?”
Raphaël nodded, feeling weird, and getting nervous for being weird. Maybe he should send the signal for the other witch hunter right the way. Or just walk through the door and put a stone over that investigation.
Ekaterina noticed his hooves bringing him back to the entrance. She shook her head and added, “You witch hunters are so childish sometimes, putting it mildly.”
Her words itched Raphaël. “What do you mean?”
“Same old stories, every day. Hedonism, eating children, demonic pacts. It doesn’t matter if someone like me is just trying to survive and help good people, for many of you, my kinship and I should be at the stake whatever it takes.”
Raphaël protested, “Not every Inquisitor is like it!”
“You mean ‘like Hulrun’, am I right? Gladly I never ever met him,” she snorted. “Everybody is afraid of you because you're always scared of anything. If you were more flesh than divine weapon, maybe things would be easier and fairest for everyone.”
He was angry, but she was right. Every word was like a scorching ray against his skin, ignoring his Hellish heritage. Like the purifying Everlight herself.
Raphaël gave up. He walked back to the druid with his fists clenched, but his voice sounded quiet, almost like a begging, “Let me prove I’m not like them”.
Why was he doing that? He had no idea. Maybe because he was unfairly suspicious towards a child of Heaven, a lonely heather. Maybe because her presence had a powerful influence over him…
Or maybe because his mortified flesh was asking for that.
Ekaterina gave him a strange glance. She did not expect her words would bring that kind of outcome. She just wanted to shoo him away, but the effects were opposite.
“Let me prove myself,” he repeated, his heart beating fast against his ribcage.
Ekaterina pondered. “Do you have any idea how strong this request is?”
“Yes,” he replied without a blink.
That was a serious matter. Then it would be. The woman suggested, “Back in my homeland, when the house owner is disrespected somehow, the offender should bring an apology token. It could be a sacrifice, a terrible secret, or even sex.”
The last word made the Inquisitor’s guts freeze.
“Whatever that makes the offender vulnerable. So, lay down on the floor.”
He asked for it. Dear Sarenrae, where was his head when he agreed with that? His tail rattled on the cold stone like an eager serpent, and involuntarily it wrapped softly on one of the druid’s ankles.
“Calm down, Inquisitor,” she stated, removing her limb from the desperate grasp like it was but a withered vine.
Dozens of ghostly-yellow eyes were watching them. Raphaël’s throat got dry again, as the woman put one foot on his chest, right over the Everlight insignia. She kept the other on the floor, next to his head, letting the worned hem of her tunic flutter on his chin and neck.
“I’m sorry,” he begged, either to her or his goddess.
“You are fine,” the druid hummed, looking deep into his eyes.
He wanted to move, to brush at least one thumb against her warm skin, from the ankle to the calf and up the way. To… kiss her. But he couldn’t do that; he made an unbreakable oath on his own.
“Don’t come back here again, unless you have a good, good reason,” she said. “Am I being clear?”Raphaël just nodded, and when she took off her feet over him, he felt… empty. And naked.
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another-heroine · 4 months
A Lovely Hand
Last one for the OC Kiss Week. I had so much fun. Even the lack of confidence about my English writing was lifted away.
Last, but not less important, this is about my fav girls in the entire Golarion. Kadira belongs to @spyridonya and Ekaterina is a well known figure around here because I’m obsessed for her lol
Thank you again for coming aboard with me and those mental barbies, Spyri.
CW: Period cramps, a ton of pain, sleeping together, just Katya being Katya
If she lay quietly, nobody would ever notice what was going on. Kadira was sure about it. She said good night to the others and slippered into her bedroll, only letting the pain flow after she was all covered up.
Good gods, how it hurted. And in those wastelands it was impossible to find any kind of herb that could relieve the sensation of her womb attempting to kill her. Kadira tried to extinguish the cramps with a magical trick, but she was so tired and disoriented it was useless.
She pouted. That was it. There was no escape.
Everybody was already asleep, except for the watchers. But she would not bother Lann, nor Ulbrig, about it. Actually, telling any of them surely would be an embarrassing situation at least — the first was too awkward, the latter probably would recommend nonsensical methods.
She had to endure it alone. It was not like the first time she was by herself though.
The woman was so deep in her ache that barely heard muffled steps approaching. A shiver ran down her spine when she finally realized that someone was right behind her. Her tail snapped under the blankets as a reflex. But soon the soft glow coming from the silent person made her nerves relax: it was Ekaterina.
“Sorry,” the aasimar said hushed. “May I sleep with you?”
Kadira felt flustered, and covered her nose like a shy kid. “Sure,” babbled.
She knew the question was really about that: only. Sleep. Ekaterina was not like Daeran, though Kadira noticed he was acting much more respectful towards her lately — in Daeran's way, of course.
The aasimar put her bedroll next to Kadira and at first sat over it. Her hair was already down, and she took off her baubles before finally joining the tiefling that night.
“There,” she giggled, pulling Kadira close. “Not quite as comfortable as we deserve, but better than nothing, right?”
Kadira nodded. Her womb twisted harder than before and she bit her lip. Damn.
The slight movement made Ekaterina frown. “Something wrong?”
Kadira swallowed. She was not Lann nor Ulbrig, thankfully. The sorceress could count on her.
“I'm… I'm sore.” Kadira turned around, slipping her tail under the blankets. “We were so busy lately that I forgot to keep track of my moons…”
Ekaterina's eyes arched. “Oh…”
“I know, it’s bad.” Kadira dropped her gaze, feeling ashamed. It was not her fault and she should not feel that way, but…
“Excuse me, my dear.”
If she was not dealing with that lot of pain, Kadira would be stiff and blush. But she let the druid rummage over the bedroll, reaching for her belly with warm hands.
“Tell me where it hurts.”
“You are on the right spot,” she affirmed.
Katya closed her eyes and concentrated. Her hand became warmer and Kadee felt magic rushing through them. It took a while to work. She took deep breaths, resting her forehead on the woman's shoulder, inhaling her scent.
When the cramps were lifted for now, Kadira finally felt her eyelids heavy. She was relaxed enough to drift to Desna's realm.
“Better?” Ekaterina asked, leaving a kiss among her thick black curls.
Kadira agreed. “Thank you.”
The druid buried her cheek in her lover's hair. “Good night, Kadee.”
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another-heroine · 8 months
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Owlcatober 2023
1. Protection
Touch me again and I'll cut off your hand
There are some things you'll never understand
You do not dance everyday with the fear
Of living in headlights, the hunted, the deer!
Just a druidic Knight Commander protecting her foster cub with fangs — literally.
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another-heroine · 9 months
You know, videogames were always a way for me to escape from reality for a while. Since I was a child, this is an activity that gives me serotonin and makes my loud brain work on new ideas.
I have never ever imagined that more than 20 years later it would keep me excited about fictional worlds and characters. And more: that I would make friends around the world because of it lol
I'm very grateful for @smuglyankabrazilyanka has presented Pathfinder to me. As I'm grateful for each member of the comunity for making it a safe place.
Happy 2nd Birthday, Wrath of the Righteous! If one thing had not lead to another, Ekaterina would never exist. And most probably, I would be in the corner yet, afraid of people's judgement about my English lol
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1, 4 and 5 (wip): @sinizade
2: @mylittlechimera
3: @arrow90-art
6: @spyridonya
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another-heroine · 10 months
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Born to dance with the fire
What they call wickedness
I call my power
Cast the witch to the fire
If this is sin to feel so free
Then burn me, then burn me
Then burn me up!
(Dance with the Fire - Karliene)
New art of Katya by @sinizade thank you again ;v;
The new outfit is for her upcoming arc either as a KC and companion. I'm playing WOTR now, and soon will be able to write about her personal sidequests yay
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another-heroine · 8 months
WOTR Random Headcanons - Part 2
Third Act Spoilers below
Ekaterina’s body temperature is deeply connected to her emotions. When she is sick or sad or even frightened (hello, nightmares!), it drops. When she is truly enraged or even aroused, she can feel perfectly every single pore sweating.
Still about her body temperature, since she is always very warm, her period doesn’t follow the moon phases as it should. One of the biggest reasons why she thinks she is unable to bear a child.
She does the second camp shift often, not only because of her light sleeping, but also because she feels more wired at nighttime. Sister Owl, you know?
Visiting Wintersun shook her beliefs, as much as the Temple of Erastil. She felt enraged with what the Worldwound and some locals have did to those lands and sacred places.
Also, the state of Pullura's Falls broke her heart.
She got more attached to Sosiel than she thought it could be, after all she can relate to him in many ways, especially towards their anger.
The mongrels are noticing the exchange of glances between the Knight Commander and Lann, even Sull — and the old man doesn’t shut up about it with his sucessor, like, "When you will bring her rats??"
Watching Ember growing up gives her hope. The girl went through harsh situations, and yet there she is.
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another-heroine · 10 months
KC as a Companion - Part One
It took forever, but THE FIRST HALF IS HERE
I need more time to write about her personal quests and romance
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Name: Ekaterina Grushankaya
Race: Aasimar (Emberkin)
Class: Blight Druid
Appearance: A tall, athletic-like aasimar (circa 180cm) with bright red hair entwined in reddish wool locks and owl feathers, grayish blue eyes, and fair-skinned, with some tattoos over her wrists and forearms. She wears worn but clean Mendevian typical clothes, humble jewelry, and a fur overcoat. Also she has an ornate quarterstaff with blue stones (can’t be taken off from her inventory). 
Favored Weapon/Equipment: Simple Weapons, Light/Medium Armor (only leather and alikes), light shield
Top Skills: Lore (Nature and Religion) and Perception
Alignment: Neutral Good
General Personality: Insecure, guilt complex, reclusive, caring, brave, and wise.
What traits/values do they admire?
Righteousness, kindness, bravery, search for balance.
What traits/values do they disapprove of?
Cruelty just for the sake of being cruel, playing god, compulsive lies, tyranny.   
Are they affiliated with any deities?
She follows the Green Faith
What do they think of their role in the Crusades, and of sharing the Commander’s Mythic powers? What are their reasons for joining the commander’s party?
Katya says she was called by the earth to do her duty as a Blight purger, and then her feet led her to Drezen and the Crusades afterwards. She joins the Commander’s party as a way to fulfill her role, and also to help the soldiers with her healing skills. About the Mythic powers, she believes that they came for one reason, and like Lann, Ekaterina supposes they came with a price. But while they are useful, she has no objections about it.
Who are their friends among the other party members?
She has a soft spot for Ember, and becomes friends with Woljif, Seelah, Lann and Arueshalae through the time.
What about rivals?
She is suspicious towards Camellia’s intentions, greatly disapproves Wenduag’s methods, and thinks Daeran is just a prick rich boy — what is not a lie though. About Greybor and Regill, she tries to stay in a neutral area, but doesn’t lose the opportunity to defend her ideals when provoked. 
Are they on any councils? If so, what sort of advice do they give?
She attends the Diplomatic and Logistic Councils, mainly advising the Commander to take care of the locals and try to preserve the ancient sites around the Wound, sending druids or other arcana experts to study these places and learn something from them.
Where do they hang out in Drezen? In the Abyss?
In Drezen, she’s next to the Abandoned House (where afterwards can be her family home). After the greenhouse is grounded, she will be there too. In the Abyss, she is next to Ember.
What are their idle animations?
Checking her belt and potions; musing something with a hand on her chin; crouching and waiting for any movement. 
If they’re taken to Areelu’s lab, what is their dream?
She is an archdruid at a Circle somewhere in Mendev. Ekaterina is attending a council and there are some Crusades’ members among the crowd. Next to her, there is a girl with short red hair (if Lann is trying to flirt with her, the girl will have little horns too).
After that, if the Commander asks what that means, she will just shrug and say, ‘It’s not a secret at all, Commander. I mean, half of Kenabres knew or supposed that I wanted a place where I could really call home. And not home just for me, but… for people like me. Or us. Kindred folk, you see?’
Do they advise the commander to abandon or keep their mythic powers?
She isn’t against any good-aligned mythic powers, but when it’s about Chaotic ones, Ekaterina has mixed opinions: she believes that Trickster and Azata disturb the universe balance, despite the good intentions of the last one, for example. But still there is a chance of her stay in the campaign either way. Except for Evil paths; she will leave as soon as the KC states they won’t renounce it.
How/when do they join the Commander’s party?
At the Second Act. But you meet her at Defender’s Heart. When the KC wakes up, she is in the room taking care of them. Irabeth comes along and introduces her before asking Katya to leave them alone. After that, you can find her outside, aiding the injured survivors. She isn’t available to join the party yet, but if you ask her to come with you, she says that she will think about it (and becomes a companion when the Crusades are officially announced).
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another-heroine · 4 months
🌺 Katya strikes me as someone who keeps a box of little mementos of people and places. Even a rock or something that only she knows the significance of.
10/10 YESSS
Even the arrow that Lann broke when he was upset with his mother trying to get closer again. Afterwards, he saw it there and asked why, what she replied with "even broken things are special, you know?"
Also, she is the kind of mother who keeps hair locks and teeth of their children.
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another-heroine · 4 months
Suddenly I've realized...
What if Ulbrig becomes Katya's stepfather???
Omg, Annya and he must have the same age (if we ignore that he was under a slumber for centuries I guess), and she has a "gift" to deal with stubborn-dummy-brave-men (like, look at Bjorn's father lol).
It would be funny, specially after the Irriseni siblings find out that Ulbrig is trying to court their mother, and their opinions about it would be very splitted among them. Bjorn is ok about it, Yelena thinks it's gross, and Ekaterina is shocked but amused. They all are adults, for gods' sake, but it doesn’t turn the situation less... disconcerting, to put it mildly.
And if this idea gains roots, guess what: Alina will not have only a silver dragon tutor (hey, @arrow90-art my dear), but a griffon gramps as well.
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another-heroine · 8 months
For Katya: 👠!
Hi Dujour, thanks for asking :3
👠 Do they coordinate their outfit and accessories carefully, or just wear any old rag that passes the sniff test and their most comfortable shoes? Somewhere in between?
I guess she is somewhere in between lol
Ekaterina thinks it's nonsense all the nobility/high society's rules towards dressing and how you should approach at each kind of party. Of course you shouldn't wandering around like a beggar when you have clean and seamed clothes, but why she has to put a freaking corset just to attend Daeran's fifth soirée of the week???
Just making it clear, she is not against pretty dresses and shoes, no, no. But like, wear what makes you happy and screw the others' opinion.
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another-heroine · 8 months
Owlcatober 2023
5. Ruins
Since I’m pensive about Areelu’s lab and Ekaterina's feelings towards it.
CW: Spoilers from Angel Path
Quietly she sat, musing about the last days. There were only her and the stars and her friends' snore around.
Ekaterina leaned her chin on hand and looked at the Wound's odd sky. Who could say that all had begun because of a woman.
The Sarkoris were vanquished, and demons kept crawling out rifts and caves and shadows. All because of her. The Architect of the Abyss.
She would never agree with Areelu’s methods. Not at all. But since they have left the former home of the sorceress, Ekaterina was caring an uneasy feeling. All her life, especially in her years in Kenabres, she saw many women being mistreated for simila reason — fear.
Witch, druid, sorceress, healer, it didn’t matter. Inquisitors and feeble-minded people would see any of them as threat. And sooner or later, their homes would be ravaged, their belongings tosses into the fire and then... their lives.
Ekaterina recalled of some Irriseni girls who ran from home to become White Witches' apprentices because they didn’t see any kind of sense in keeping being 'good'. If they had to bow to dark entities to make a living, whatever. Anything but being tossed apart from their kinfolk before they could grow fangs to defend themselves.
Areelu’s hut was turned upside down, and so Ekaterina’s. They had decades among them, and yet there was something bittersweet about that. Because it did not matter who you were, you were always walking under the headlights. A white deer.
Those ruins around them, the collision among planes at plain sight were just reflexion of a powerful being who was arruined before. Ashamed, stripped out of her powers, dragged as a dead dog.
Ekaterina felt a soft tap on her shoulder.
"Would you have done something different?"
The druid licked her lips and stretched.
"Don't try me." She didn’t turn her head. She knew who was there, as the usual.
The Other Woman chuckled low and got silent again.
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another-heroine · 11 months
Silver Lining
You probably are tired of me saying that I'm weak for parents-family-children boundaries in fiction since my irl family was disfunctional *laughing crying*
So here it comes an oneshot just for the fluff. I kept the WOTR spoilers low and Ekaterina in a 'neutral' route (it fits weather she becomes a mother after game or not, for example, regardless of romances etc)
Thank you, @silversiren1101, for lending me your little ganzi-gnome ;___;
She knew every corner of that place by heart. Even with shutted eyes, she could tell what was going on there: the birds chirping, the water fountain running, the oldest cat complaining about anything. And that sound of feathers, along the muffled giggle, was very familiar.
Ekaterina felt little hands grabbing her skirt, and heard a scare attempt, “Boo!”
The druid did her best acting, putting one hand over her heart. “Jesyll!”
The little girl laughed out loud. “Hi, auntie! I gotcha again, didn't I?”
“You always get it.” Ekaterina couldn't help but smile. She patted her head. “Hello, my dear. How are you doing?”
Jesyll hugged her legs. She adored how Auntie Kaya smelled like. It was like a fusion of a vegetable garden in summer and a pine forest. Herbs, flowers, juicy fruits.
Comfort scent.
“I came to help you.” The girl leaned her chin on the woman's leg. “What can I do?”
Ekaterina gave a half smile. She looked around; there was almost nothing more to do in that afternoon. But it would be impossible to change the mind of a ganzi-gnome child. Then she asked, “Alright, can you fetch me some water?”
“Yes, ma'am!” she happily agreed, darting through the greenhouse. The rustle of her tail always lured the stray kittens out of their feline dreams under the branches, making them run after her. Jesyll was used to that kind of buzz, and just laughed. When she had learned that it was a great way to bait them to pat them, she didn’t mind anymore about the occasional chase.
Ekaterina watched the scene, silently having fun, but also paying attention. She didn’t want anyone to get hurt in her greenhouse. And the vines, branches, playful kittens, many things there could leave a scar or two. Especially when you were small like… a gnome.
Jesyll got a bucket and filled it into the fountain. As she stopped and curled her tail, the kittens tried to nuzzle into it. She sighed, delighted with the scene, leaving the bucket on the stone edge for a while. One of the creatures had golden eyes like her, and his tail was halved. The girl pouted, thinking about what could have happened to him. She couldn’t imagine how to live without her tail, even without a tiny piece. The girl shook her head and went back to her actual task. She had to help Auntie Kaya and her plants.
Plants… Jesyll loved tending to them. Every time when she had the opportunity, she was on her Mama’s side in the gardens, taking care of roses and trying to make friends with insects. One time, she mistook wasps for honeybees, and it caused her to fall into her mother’s favorite rose bushes. She could swear that Papa’s eyes got brighter for a second when he heard about it later. And since then, everybody — mostly Auntie Kaya — kept all eyes on her when she was outside. Like that very moment, when the druid craned her neck slightly, pondering if she should disperse the curious kittens, but it was not necessary; soon the girl came back safe and sound and with a bucket of water as requested.
“Done!” Jesyll nodded. “What do I do now?”
“Now step aside, my assistant.” Ekaterina put her hands on waist.
The girl climbed a seat next to her, and watched with attention. Auntie was about to do that thing that she would never get tired of.
The druid rolled up her sleeves, revealing her Irriseni tattoos. Sometimes she let Jesyll touch them, feeling their texture, and Ekaterina told her what every piece meant. Auntie said that in her homeland, Winter Witches used to scare common people, so many girls received their tattoos when they were between nine and twelve years old. That was a way to protect them from evil, and to avoid being kidnapped by the witches. Jesyll asked once if she could get one as well, and Ekaterina smiled.
“Oh dear, it’s not necessary. You are safe here, don’t you think so?”
“Pleaseee, they are so cool!”
“Maybe when you get older, yes? And… if your parents allow…”
Jesyll was pulled to the present again when she caught the blue lines on Ekaterina’s arms starting to glow. The druid cupped water from the bucket with one hand, and the liquid became goldish. She hummed something in Hallit and little waves danced on her palm.
Before them, over the wide table, there was a dying plant. If Jesyll was recalling right, that one was touched by the Blight. Although the Worldwound was sealed a long time ago, even before she was born, there were some scratches around the world. And druids like Auntie Kaya had the duty to cleanse that mess. That was why sometimes she had to leave for weeks or months.
The enchanted water flowed into the roots of the blemished plant. At first, nothing special seemed to happen, then from the depths of the pot, golden lines began to spread through the stalk to the leaves. The black stains began to vanish, and then stopped. Ekaterina cupped more water and did that again, until the Blight lingering was gone and a small white flower popped between the revivified leaves.
In the meantime, Jesyll was grabbing the seat’s edges with anxiousness, and her tail curled on one of the wood legs. When the process was done, she sighed with relief. “I thought it would never go away!”
Ekaterina smiled gently. “Sometimes, you need to take a longer time to fix things.”
“Like… for anything?” Jesyll tilted her head.
Auntie nodded, taking the vase and placing it on a shelf. For a moment, Ekaterina thought of using the feats of the Fifth Crusade as an example, after all, it took over a century for them to finally close that crater. And it demanded a lot of time, sweat and blood. But probably Regill had already told his daughter about it, and she didn’t want to be repetitive. Also, the Crusade was not a story for little kids, although the stains of that were still spreaded out there.
She observed the full shelves of ‘rescued’ plants. Definitely there was no rest for the good ones in Golarion.
Katya felt Jesyll pulling the hem of her skirt shyly.
“Auntie… Can we have cake now?”
The druid took a moment to react, letting the demons in her memories return to their hideout. They couldn’t touch them anymore. None of them. The work would never end, but at least there was hope and renewal ahead.
And that little talkative being around her, with her curious eyes prying everything, her loud laughter and everyday discoveries was one of Ekaterina’s silver linings after the end of the Crusades.
She didn’t say anything. Ekaterina just rolled down her sleeves and took her niece’s hand. They would have cake and lemonade and anything that she wished for.
At the greenhouse’s door, they noticed the halved-tail kitten was following them. The druid stated, “He likes you”.
The girl smiled wide, looking over her shoulder. She liked him as well.
What if she hid him in her bedroom?
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another-heroine · 10 months
Sacred romantic moments (I can just hear Lann saying this one to Katya): “ you’re so damn attractive. you know that right? “
Ok, ok, hear me out (suggestive spicy ahead):
Love Drunk
The festivities were done, and so the people. Those Irriseni folk really knew how to organize a party. And even their gods gave blessings for every guest, including believers and atheists alike.
Lann stretched over the pelts. He drank enough to feel his lizard side warm. So that meant he was truly drunk, and shouldn't do harsh movements. And though, he wasn't willing to get up anyway; belly full and head funny, what else could he ask for?
Drifting to haze dreams, he heard the door being opened, but kept still, until feel a hand caressing the top of his head.
Second thoughts, that was the only thing he could ask for.
"Are you awake?"
"Dunno. I'm seeing an angel!" The mongrel muttered.
Ekaterina chuckled and sat beside him. "I'll take it as a 'yes'. I thought you would stay a bit longer."
Lann raised his head slightly. "Why, do they miss me too? I'm not that young to party hard anymore, you know?"
"Of course, grandpa," the woman mocked cheerfully. "Then let me join you."
Lann smirked. "Heh, how lucky I am, a beautiful woman is slippering into my bed right now."
"And she is also your wife." Ekaterina raised her brows like she was as surprised as him, pushing Lann.
"It must be a dream. Or I've been drinking too much. Or both, who knows?"
Ekaterina nuzzled under the blankets, and gave a chaste kiss on him. "It's very interesting your inability to stop talking, even when you are about to fall asleep."
"You can always put this in good use, you know?"
She clinged on his scaly side, hidden her face at the crook of Lann's neck. "Tempting. But what kind of person would I be taking advantage of a poor drunken mongrel?"
Lann yawned. "You are too good for this world."
Ekaterina leaned her chin over his shoulder, staring at the lizard eye. Even in the dim light, she was glowing like a rising sun.
He was so damn lucky. Pharasma could drag him anytime, and either he would crawl back to her.
Lann cupped her cheek and asked, “You’re so damn attractive. You know that right?”
Ekaterina turned her eyes away. It was adorable how she still wasn't used to his compliments.
“Oh thanks. It must be the halo.”
Lann laughed and kissed her forehead. Her brilliant forehead.
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