Elfuary prompt #1 What would fit better to fire than Gouda? (454 words)
There was usually a feeling inside him when he watched flames, the bonfire or the magic he himself cast. A warmth that spread through his whole body and of course he heard the explanation “It’s fire, idiot. That’s what it does,” but he knew it wasn’t that warmth.
Right now, however, a cold chill ran down his spine while the flames almost licked at his clothes and the heat hit him in the face as the wind suddenly turned. There was no smell of burning wood in the air, the familiar sound of it cracking under the temperature. Instead the air was filled with screams and the scent of burnt flesh. And even if he wanted to the sight before him was too hypnotising to look away. Not that Gouda was able to see any people but from where he was he saw the sea of fire drowning the village beneath him completely as well as the surrounding fields and up the hill to him. He knew that, if no one was going to do something against it, the fire would most likely spread even more. It was it’s nature after all and the wind was blowing strong enough to carry the sparks and ash away. Still, and he was sure of it, there was no way of saving anyone down there. Even those who weren’t able to cast fire-spells would have to agree with him on this matter.
One last glance at the burning hell below him and he turned around, his steps crunching on the dried grass as he walked away. This wasn’t something Gouda had to take care off. As much as a lot of people seem to love playing the hero, he wasn’t one of them. On top of that everything involving this village was a quest that was set to fail no matter how hard one might try. He knew a lost battle when he saw one. Other than some of the people he knew.
While he left he thought about how lucky he had been. The people who started the fire, and let’s be honest here, there was no way this happened with a natural cause, could have easily seen his camp if they had walked up the hill. And there was no way to tell what they would’ve done then. Maybe tried the same, maybe tried to go by unnoticed. Who could answer that now anyways?
Gouda unconsciously grabbed his potion pouch. Not that there was anything in it that would miraculously make a fire vanish but it gave him strength to not look back once again. He would do what the firebug did: Walk away and additionally hope that the fire wouldn’t catch up to him.
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