#ellie and henry are jerks
androidcharles · 1 year
What's Amelia's and Charles's favorite song?
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"I know that's a little bit vague, but having a favorite song is kinda overrated... especially since it changes for me every week, haha..."
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"I don't really have a 'favorite' song, but around this time of year I love listening to this ancient song called 'All I Want for Christmas is You.'"
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corazondebeskar-reads · 6 months
you know you never stood a chance - chapter seven
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you know you never stood a chance series
seven: lest we bleed ourselves
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Joel Miller x f!reader
Words: 3.6k
Summary: Things don't go well on your journey, but you make your way to Jackson.
Warnings: dub-con due to power imbalance, free use, sex as payment, vaginal sex, cum eating, oral (m & f receiving), anal fingering, Joel is mean/bad with feelings, this is not canon compliant, but minor canon character deaths are mentioned, no use of y/n, canon-typical violence and danger, graphic description of injury, graphic description of corpses (in a dream), dreams of major character death
also on ao3
dividers by @saradika-graphics
a/n: hello my lovely friends. here we are at the penultimate chapter. next week is the final, with the epilogue a week later. there will be some "deleted scenes" one-shots, but I can't promise you a date on those. thank you so much to everyone who has stuck out this journey, i love you.
He doesn’t teach you to shoot. There isn’t the time. Not after what waits for him at Bill’s house.
It’s not safe to stay, not with the property unsecured as it’s been.
Instead, while Ellie showers, he fucks you. There’s no guarantee of shelter in the upcoming days, so he has you kneel on a plush armchair while he takes what he needs.
You arch your back and dig your fingers into the back of the chair while he opens you up, sucking and licking at your clit while he pries you apart with three fingers at once.
There isn’t the time for more. As soon as you’ve cum, he thrusts in smoothly, pushing relentlessly until he’s seated as deep within you as he can reach.
Now you’re really digging into the chair, face smooshed against it, while he fucks into you from behind. He spits on your asshole, pushing his thumb in behind it and fucking it into you, opposing the beats of his cock in your cunt.
You cum two more times as he works you over. It’s silent, both of you choking back gasps and whimpers and desperate words.
He pulls out abruptly and yanks on your arm until you twist around and get the message, falling to your knees before he fills your waiting mouth. You swallow him down eagerly.
He cups your cheek. “Good girl. Now go get ready; it’s your turn next,” he jerks his thumb toward the bathroom, where the shower is just being turned off.
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And after that, there isn’t the time for anything. You can’t catch a moment safe enough to breathe, let alone learn to use a gun or fuck.
No, there wasn’t the time, but there were a thousand times you could have helped if there had been. Infected, hunters, the whole nightmare in Pittsburgh. You’re still not really sure how the three of you made it out.
You buried Sam and Henry, but their loss hangs on Ellie like she’s carrying their headstones in her backpack. There’s nothing you could do to protect her, not from the violence, not from the grief.
You can tell it’s all wearing Joel down, too. He’s less and less brusque, watching her from the peripherals. More and more, his anxious hands twitch, like he has to shake the blood off before he lays a finger on either of you.
Now that Ellie knows, though, it’s like he can't help himself. There’s a quiet desperation to the new, tiny ways he reassures himself that you’re both alive. The way his arm shoots out to steady her even if the path is safe, or the pat pat to her shoulder when it’s time to move forward.
His hands brush your shoulders when he passes by, fit to the small of your back to steer you, and his lips find your head so lightly that you often think you imagined it. The only thing that doesn’t change, the one thing you still wish would, is that you still sleep several feet apart.
It all rubs off on Ellie, too, and she sticks to your side more often than not and lets you wrap an arm around her shoulder sometimes—if it’s playful. Anything too close to affectionate, and she spooks. She’s still a little skittish with Joel, but they help each other easily, and the way she looks at him—like he has all the answers in the world—tells you more than anything else.
To be fair, you feel that way sometimes, too. He’s steadfast and sure, and the way he keeps his head in an emergency and protects both of you with every fiber of his core buys him both of your fierce loyalties.
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After everything, it’s hard to believe you made it to Jackson even when you’re within its walls. Half dead, half defeated. And it’s so weird.
They clean you, clothe you, feed you, and all the while, you keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. You can see it on Ellie’s face, too.
Neither of you expected it to come from Joel.
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“I told you a thousand times, I can’t protect you out here,” he says, trying to keep his voice low even though he’s the one who chose to have this conversation just outside the mess hall.
“You have so far!” Your face is aflame, but you’re too consumed by it to be embarrassed, too busy burning with rage. Your vision is dark around the edges; the tunnel focused right on the way he raised his hands to placate you.
“Ain’t anywhere safer than here.”
“You said I’m always safer with you.”
You see him drop the act—or maybe put one on—before he speaks again; his eyes go hard, and he bares his teeth.
“Will you shut up?” he snarls. “Y’ain’t comin’ with me. That’s final.”
You snort, lip twitching into a sneer. Too many things to say snap across your brain, each crueler than the last, but you can’t get your hook in one. The tell-tale dryness in your throat makes you angrier.
Shaking your head, you look anywhere but him. Anywhere but his stupid, beautiful face. “Fuck you, Miller.”
You turn on your heel and leave, heavy steps maybe a little too much like stomping away for your pride. You get just down the street when his fingers wrap around your arm and yank.
His momentum pulls you hard against his chest, and he turns you with two tight hands on your shoulders. The heat of his mouth against yours is overwhelming, brain still scrambling to catch up, and he tangles a hand in your hair, biting at your lip.
When your senses come careening back, you shove him away. “Don’t you fuckin’ touch me. I don’t owe you anything for leaving me behind. I’ll never owe you anything again.”
He doesn’t come after you this time.
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In the morning, after Joel shows his sheepish face, Ellie asks where you are.
“She ain’t comin’,” Joel says, but he won’t look her in the eye.
“You try to ditch her too?”
“She only ever wanted to be someplace safe. Now she is. Let’s go.”
Before they take off, he looks back at Tommy. His brother is shaking his head but throws his hands up as if to say, “sure, I’ll clean up your mess.”
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“No, thank you,” you tell Tommy Miller for the third Friday in a row when he invites you to come to the Tipsy Bison and meet people. It’s not that he doesn’t bother you on other days; it’s that he’s full of a weekly rotating calendar of suggestions.
You decline all of them. He doesn’t seem to realize you have met people, and you’re just not interested in making friends. Not yet. He’s been here too long, you think, to remember life in the QZ. He thinks you’ll latch on to the sense of community.
“Just because we lived in the same building before doesn’t mean we need to be best friends,” you tell him, narrowed eyes burning the warning into him.
But he doesn’t get it. “Oh, nah, I forgot about that, actually. I just, since you—well, Joel—”
“Thanks, but no thanks,” you tell him, not unkindly, with a pat on his shoulder.
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“He’s just worried,” Maria says when you complain a little after weeks turn into months. “It’s the only mode he has right now. He about cried when I told him I was switchin’ partners today. But if he doesn’t want me going up to the lodge, then he’s gotta go with someone else.”
It’s a patrol for her and a lesson for you. Nothing too far from town, but she’s brought you out here to hunt since Joel never did get around to teaching you. You’re getting better. You haven’t caught anything, but you came close earlier. When you had startled the deer with the near-miss, she had taken it out while it ran off.
Ok, so maybe you aren’t getting a lot better. You can’t hit a still target, let alone a moving one. But you’ve stopped shaking when you raise the gun, so.
The carcass is draped over a saddle. You’re both walking since Maria can’t ride, but you’ve got two mares along in case there’s an emergency. Luckily, you make it back before she gasps in pain.
You grab her arm immediately, worried she’ll fall. “What’s wrong?”
One of the teens working the stables takes the horses' reins from you, already having passed the deer off to someone else.
“It’s probably nothing,” she says and grits her teeth.
“I’m going to send someone for Tommy,” you say.
“No! No, don’t freak him out. Will you help me to Alice?”
“Of course,” you say.
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Alice’s house is close, given that it also functions as a clinic. She was a nurse once, retired before the world ended, but still hanging on.
“Could be Braxton-Hicks. False labor,” she tells Maria. “Hard to know for sure. You need to slow down. I don’t want to put you on bed rest, but I will.”
“You can try,” Maria mutters.
You’re hovering awkwardly in the next room, but with only an archway between them, it’s not like you can’t hear every word.
Maria comes out, Alice on her heels, reminding her about kick counting and proper hydration. You rock back and forth on your heels, dirty boots adding to the scuffs on the foyer floor.
“You make sure she goes straight home,” Alice tells you.
“Yes, ma’am,” you say, even though you know Maria will only go where she wants to.
To your surprise, though, she starts heading that way anyway. The contractions are still happening, but there’s no discernable pattern, and they don’t seem to be worsening. But it was enough to worry her, though she swore you to secrecy.
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You don’t betray her, even when Tommy ends up stuck with you the next day. He’s taken over the foolhardy mission to teach you how to shoot.
No, the only person you betray that day is yourself.
Tommy is infuriatingly kind. There’s none of Joel’s coldness in him, even if they do share the same crooked grin. And Tommy’s eyes, the same shade and shape as Joel’s, are always warm.
He helps you readjust your grip on the pistol and, through a system of trial and error, figures out the whole reason you can’t hit the target.
“Shit, you’re left handed!” he says, like he’s solved world hunger. “Everyone’s been trying to get you to shoot with your right, huh?”
You hadn’t even thought about it, since you used two hands to shoot. You had just taken the positions they told you to, leading with your right foot but then targeting with your left eye on instinct. It takes a few tries to get comfortable with the change, but you manage to hit a rabbit before it’s time to head in.
“Holy shit,” you say, making sure the safety is on before you jump up and down. “Did you see that? Oh my god.”
Tommy’s beaming and he pulls you in for a hug. When he pulls back, he shakes his head. “I can’t believe Joel didn’t figure that out. He usually notices that kind of shit.”
Your stomach sours and the grin drops off, lost in the chilly breeze. “Joel didn’t teach me anything, Tommy. And I guarantee he has no clue I’m left handed.”
But that’s not true, you realize. He’d known that was half the reason you were slow at work, back when your wrist was broken. And now that you think about it, when he reached across the space between you to hand you things, it was always to your left.
The wind’s picked up, and the sun is starting to set. You’re thankful for both, because it means if Tommy does see how tears prick in the corners of your eyes, he might believe it’s the sharp bite of winter.
He doesn’t. You’re almost back to town when he stops you for a moment. “Look, I hate to ask—”
“So don’t.” It’s sharper than the breeze, and you feel bad immediately when the hurt flashes in his eyes. He'd kept himself from asking since the morning he told you Joel had gone with Ellie and that they'd both be back. You hadn't given him anything then, either.
“It’s just, I know you say there was nothin’ between—”
“It’s none of your business, Tommy, but like I’ve told you again and again, there’s nothin’ to even tell. I went out on jobs sometimes with him and Tess, and I got stuck on this one. S’all there is to it.”
“Alright, m’sorry. I’ll drop it,” he says, but you know he doesn’t buy it. After all, he’s the one that just taught you to use a gun. What use would you have been out there with them? But he lets it go and clicks his tongue so the horses pick back up toward home.
To his credit, he does drop it. But as Maria got further along, you found yourself on the wall with Tommy more and more as the winter turned harsh. You weren’t ready to be out in the more dangerous conditions, and Tommy was sticking close, just in case the baby came early.
Neither of you spoke of Joel, but you had the same dark circles and stress lines creeping in as the weather turned nasty. The looks you shared when the blizzards turned the snow from a problem to an emergency said enough.
You decide not to worry. Not to think about Ellie out there in the storm, not to think about how the cold will make it harder on Joel’s knees and the hand that never healed quite right. Instead, you focus your worry on Maria.
Which is to say, you and Tommy become irreparably bonded.
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Winter is trailing off, but it gives one final performance when the baby is born. When the Davies’ boy comes to get you, you’re asleep on your sofa, the weak afternoon sun all but obscured by snow.
In your dream, you’re out on patrol with a faceless partner. Sometimes it’s Tommy, sometimes it’s Chris. Sometimes, like today, it’s just a blur. It doesn’t matter. They can never help.
It’s always too late. Whether buried in snow or leaves, you always find them half-decayed. Ellie’s skull cracked open, or head missing entirely. Joel's ribs cracked open, and his entrails long eaten away. Sometimes, his eyes are open, unmoving. Sometimes, Ellie’s hands, mostly bone and rotting flesh, are wrapped around a gun. Sometimes, it’s lined up with the hole in Joel’s head.
It doesn’t matter. You’re always too late.
This time, the knocking wakes you up as you find them less decayed than usual, almost whole, with crows pecking at Ellie’s eye and Joel’s ribcage. You almost throw up when you wake up—it’s never been quite so graphic.
“Miss?” the kid calls again.
You can’t tell him apart from his brothers, John or Mike or James or something, but you know why he’s there as soon as you open the door. You grab a jacket and shove your feet into boots to stumble out into the raging snow behind him.
The kid doesn’t seem to be in a rush, but it doesn’t stop your heart from pounding until your pulse is throbbing in your fingertips. You’re not sure when you started to love these people, but you know it’s too late now to turn back.
You’re not happy about how you ended up here, but you just might be able to be happy here.
Your panic is for nothing. The baby was born in the wee hours of the morning without incident. Alice tells you it’s a beautiful thing, how mothers' bodies never forget what to do, and through the uninhibited happiness of the occasion, you think you can see Kevin’s ghost on his mama’s lap.
She certainly does.
You hover awkwardly until Tommy reminds you that they want you there. It doesn’t go down easily, a raw feeling full of gravel as you swallow. You’re not sure you know the last time someone wanted you around. Not for what you could offer, but just for you. Maybe before.
You let him corral you into the bedroom and place Aléjandra in your arms while you sit on the side of the mattress near Maria. She looks a lot like her mama, in that approximate way that newborns do, like a photocopy picked up before the ink is dry, but she’s got her daddy’s nose.
The immediate love you feel for her is overwhelming. Like you’re the one rotting in the forest, chest cracked open for the crows to eat away at your heart. You think of the last baby you held—your sister, too long ago. After you’ve doted on her an appropriate amount, you make excuses about Maria needing sleep and slip out of the room.
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Alice is more than happy to put you to work. She’s taken it upon herself to clean the Miller’s home and you lose yourself in it quickly. News spreads fast in town and, per Maria’s wishes, you field the well-wishers at the door, gathering and storing the casseroles and pies they bring, collecting little tokens or clothes for the baby into a basket to take upstairs later on.
A different one of the Davies’ boys comes to walk Alice home. Before she leaves, she stops you with a hand on your arm.
“Stay here tonight, would you please? I don’t think there’s anything to worry about, but sometimes we don’t know if there were issues with the afterbirth until later on.”
You nod and promise to get her right away if anything happens. Her description of what to watch out for makes you queasy again. Less because of the details like “golf ball sized blood clots” and more because you didn’t realize all the potential for danger. It spikes your anxiety back higher than the mountaintops.
You scrub your brain for something to tell Tommy and Maria. In the end, you don’t need to.
Tommy comes down the stairs a while later. “Hey, you can say no, but can I tempt you with our guest room rather than goin’ back out in the storm?”
When you accept, he puts on a stern face. “It’s just, I don’t want you havin’ to—hang on, did you say yes?”
“You had a speech all ready to go, huh?”
“Thought you’d fight me on it, yeah.”
“It’s nasty out there, Tommy. Thank you. Now go get some sleep while you can.” You’re familiar enough with their house to find your way, so you shoo him when he tries to help you get settled.
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It’s not Maria or the baby that causes a ruckus in the middle of the night, though. It’s you.
The dreams are worse. It’s not just Joel and Ellie, it’s Tommy, Maria, and the baby, too. And they’re all alive when it starts.
There are no crows or critters. There are only men, nasty and bloodthirsty, and you’re hidden away while they’re cornered. Completely helpless, as usual. Unarmed. And you watch them tear into your family, watch them shoot Joel and Tommy first. It’s not until they lunge for Ellie that you can finally get your feet to move, to scream, to try to distract them.
It doesn’t matter. You’re always too late.
Tommy wakes you up, shaking you with hands on both shoulders. “Hey,” he says as you scramble to get away from him. “You’re okay, hon, you’re safe.”
You try to shove him off you, but he doesn’t let go.
“You’re safe. You’re at my house. Everything is okay,” he repeats in that calm, unnerved manner you’ve come to lean on.
You stop fighting him and focus on slowing your heaving chest, on bringing air to your lungs. That’s when you hear the baby crying.
“Oh, shit, Tommy. I’m so sorry. I woke her up, didn’t I?”
“She was already up eatin’,” he lies. “Just scared us all a little.”
“Sorry, fuck. I’m sorry. I’ll go home so y’all can rest.”
“Now, I’m not gonna let ya do that. You think any of us haven’t been there? Hell, if it wasn’t you, it probably woulda been me. It’s not the first or last time someone’ll wake everyone in this house yellin’ for Joel.”
Your heart sinks, and you stare at the blanket, folding and unfolding a pinched corner of it.
“I know you don’t wanna tell me,” he starts, and you look further away from him, staring at the windowsill. “But I gotta ask you a question. And I’d really like it if ya answered.”
You don’t respond, which he takes as permission to continue.
“Were you afraid of him or for him?”
You look at him, startled, and blink stupidly for a minute.
“He never hurt me, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“You wanna talk about the dream?” Maria says from the doorway, Alé over her shoulder.
“Not really. Nothin’ special. Rotating cast of people I know dead or dying. I’m sorry I woke you up.”
“Stop apologizin’. But if you wanna make up for it…” the glimmer is back in Tommy’s eyes, and he’s grinning like he’s got a poorly kept secret.
You don’t need to read minds to guess. The baby’s eyes are wide and shiny. “Want me to hang out with her for a while until she’s ready to go back to sleep?”
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It’s not until Alé is asleep in your arms at their kitchen table, just the two of you in the strip of moonlight, that you think about it, about how that feeling of family from your dream had seeped out into real life, and you let yourself cry.
next chapter
*title from "Jars" by Chevelle
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absurdthirst · 1 year
Claimed {Alpha!Joel Miller x Omega!F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 11.1k
Warnings: A/B/O dynamics, mentions of bonding/claiming, heats, suppressants, threats of death, cannon violence, fingering, begging, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, knotting, pregnancy, biting, oral sex (female receiving)
Comments: Saved by an alpha and his young charge in Kansas City, you are worried about the basic needs of your body when your suppressants run out. Leaving you to need an alpha, your alpha to claim you.
*** When reblogging or talking about Omegaverse, please remember that ‘a/b/o’ without the slash punctuation marks (/) is considered a slur for the Aboriginal people in Australia. 
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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You’re shaking when the flashlight shines in your face. Your hiding place is now discovered by people you can’t even see due to the bright light. “Please. Please don’t hurt me.” You plead, you haven’t eaten for a few days, too scared to move since you came down into the tunnels. Since Katherine wanted you dead for your part in her brother’s death, you have been on the run. It’s been terrifying. Being alone since you separated from Sam and Henry. You had turned in Katherine’s brother to get the meds you so desperately need but that backfired since KC fell to the rebellion.
You smell them, sensing an alpha, two betas and a scent you’ve never smelled before, making your brow furrow. You’re terrified of the alpha hurting you, maybe the betas will harm you until you hear your name. “Henry?” You gasp, recognizing your friend's voice. 
“It’s me. Me and Sam.” He tells you and the light is moved so you can see the group, and you struggle as you stumble to your feet.
Joel grips the gun even tighter, shaking his head half a motion before he catches himself. There’s something about your scent, or distinct lack thereof, that’s making him hesitate pulling the trigger. “Stay still.” He growls at you, watching in disbelief as Henry and Sam rush towards you as if you aren’t a threat. Why are you down here? Are you infected, are you hiding?”
“I- Sam! Henry! You’re okay!” You are relieved as you wrap your arms around your friend. “Thank God.” You sigh and stroke Sam’s cheek, glad he’s safe. You sign to him that you missed him, glad Henry had taught you some signs.
Sam beams and Joel growls, “are you fuckin’ infected?” He asks and you shake your head. 
“No. No. I’m not infected. I was hiding here from Katherine. Henry and I- she wants us dead. I got separated from them so I came down here, knowing it was Henry’s plan to come to the tunnels.” You explain, still shaking from exhaustion. You haven’t slept, too scared that you’d be found by Katherine’s men.
“Fuck, lighten up old man.” Ellie rolls her eyes at the alpha who is in charge of her protection. She moves forward to greet the new woman that has appeared in front of her, it’s been awhile since she’s been able to talk to another woman. “I’m Ellie.” She greets you, jerking her head back towards Joel. “He’s Joel, he’s okay. He’s an alpha but he’s not one of those alphas.” She wants you to feel comfortable, given the uneasy expression on your face.
You’re confused by her scent, a mixture of alpha, beta and omega. Like nothing you’ve ever smelled before. “I-” You swallow harshly, throat dry, before you introduce yourself. Glancing over her shoulder to see Joel lower his weapon, his dark eyes on yours. You lick your lips, “I’m - I’m an omega but I’m on meds. Well, until they run out.” You confess, knowing it’s risky to introduce yourself like this but you need him to understand you, especially if you are to get out of Kansas City alive.
“Shit.” Joel hisses, looking away from you in exasperation because he knows you being an omega is a complication he doesn’t need. It’s risky, traveling with an unbonded omega, when you run out of meds, any alpha for miles will smell you in heat. 
“She comes with us.” Henry immediately demands, making him roll his eyes and sigh after a long moment. 
“Are you hungry?” Joel asks you begrudgingly. He might not like it, but he won't starve you.
“Starving. I- I ran out of food a few days ago.” You admit and he sighs, reaching into his pack to toss the jerky he has left over to you. You moan when you bite into it, uncaring of chewiness when it’s something to eat. 
“She’s coming with us.” Henry repeats when he sees the look in Joel’s eyes. 
It takes him a moment, but he nods once, “let’s get moving.” He says and you lift your backpack onto your shoulder, following the group through the tunnel you collapsed down in when the exhaustion becomes too much.
Stumbling upon the abandoned, underground housing seems like a godsend and Joel agrees to stop until nightfall. You look exhausted and you probably need some water. It irritates him that he’s even thinking along those lines but the alpha instinct to protect and care for an omega is strong with you for some reason. He grunts as you collapse into a chair, having polished off the jerky and shoves a water bottle into your hand. “You don’t need to fall behind later on.” He warns you. “I will leave you.”
You nod, knowing how harsh alphas have become in this new world. You know it's dog eat dog and your omega nature makes it harder to survive. A lot of your peers are under the thumb of an alpha, unable to survive alone. You are trying to be different and look how it's worked out so far. You gulp down some water and your eyes are struggling to stay open. "Sleep." Joel orders and you shift to stand, gathering the bean bags to create a safe area for you to sleep, surrounded and you feel safe with the alpha watching over you.
“She’s good.” Henri leans forward in his chair and promises Joel. “She’s a good person, a good omega.” He pauses for a second. “She doesn’t need to be treated badly, there was enough of that under FEDRA here.” He looks over at you, already asleep and then over at where Ellie and Sam are giggling together. “It’s been a long time since I’ve heard that sound.” He tells Joel, making the alpha glance over at the kids with a sense of melancholy. 
Glancing back over at you before looking down at his hands, Joel sighs. There was a time when being around omegas was easier, when he was less abrasive, but that died the day he failed to protect his baby girl. The little girl who had just presented as an omega right before the world had gone to shit. “Once we get out of the city, what you do is up to you.” He tells Henry, frowning slightly at his own words. The smell of comfort and peace drifts from your little nest of beanbags and he wonders when the last time you exuded that scent was.
Henry sighs, telling Joel about Katherine's brother. "Sam had leukemia and I- I had to get him the medicine he needed. FEDRA wanted more. So I gave them Katherine's brother. He was a good man, a great man. She - she needed her meds to suppress her scent and she backed up my story. Katherine wants us both dead. Still think I'm the good guy?" Henry scoffs, crossing his arms.
Joel can’t answer that. Not realistically. Not when he knows he would have done anything to keep Sarah safe and healthy. Has already killed to protect Ellie. His eyes slide away from Henry’s guiltily and he taps his finger on the table. “We should go.” He huffs after a moment, watching as you continue to sleep. “We now have to sneak an omega out of the city too.”
You whimper when someone shakes you gently to wake you up. You look up to see Ellie standing there, her eyes soft and comforting enough that you aren't scared. "We are leaving." She says and you nod, sitting up. You feel rested despite the short amount of time you've been asleep. "Let's go." You say as you swing your pack over your shoulder. Joel swings the door open, walking ahead and you follow, trying to keep quiet.
Joel’s hackles are raised, eyes cautious for any sense of danger. Overly protective now that an omega is in the group. He huffs to himself, keeping himself closer to you and Ellie, naturally puffing up slightly. “How many pills do you have left?” Joel asks, knowing that his own rut is long overdue and if you are close to running out, he needs to get away from you as soon as possible.
You bite your lip as you stay close to him, instinct driving you to be with him. “About three months. I managed to ration them, cut them in half so my scent isn’t completely concealed but it keeps my heat at bay.” You reveal and Joel nods, knowing that it won’t last forever and eventually, you’ll have every damn alpha in the Midwest after you. You eventually come to the end of the tunnel and Henry is cocky as he says his plan worked…until the bullets start to fly.
“Get down!” Joel grabs you and Ellie, pulling you towards the abandoned cars for cover. Henry starts to freak out, taking Sam and trying to run away. “What are you doing? Get down!” Joel shouts, pulling his gun out and looking over the hood of the car. Bullets spray around Henry's feet and they run back towards you and the safety of the car.
Your heart pounds in your ears as Joel tells Ellie the guy has shit aim and he’s gonna go take him out. You are shaking, knife in hand that you grabbed from your boot, and you watch Joel ask Ellie if she trusts him. The girl nods and you know you trust him too. You swallow harshly, terrified as the bullets keep flying…until they stop. When you hear the cars, you barely hear Joel shouting “run! Run!” and you sprint with Ellie’s hand in yours, Sam and Henry not too far behind you.
Joel keeps his eyes focused on you and Ellie as the group with Kathleen pulls up. Chambering another round and keeping it ready as she makes her way out of the truck and implores you and Henry to come out. The truck he had killed the driver in is on fire, making him aware that his options for getting Ellie out of this situation are slowly starting to dwindle. He growls, narrowing his eyes as he focuses on Kathleen’s head. He’ll kill her. Then they will scatter.
You huddle behind the car with Ellie and Sam, Henry standing up and you can’t let him sacrifice himself. “Wait!” You stand up, holding your hands up. “You can’t kill Henry. He has Sam. He can’t - he has family. If you’re going to kill someone, kill me.” You order and Kathleen’s finger hovers over the trigger. You brace yourself for the bullet, knowing that you have fared well for an omega in this world. Kathleen turns around when she hears the truck disappear into the ground and your eyes widen when the stalkers start to rush out. “Shit!” You shriek, running to grab Ellie and keep her safe.
Joel’s heart is pounding in his chest, firing shot after shot, afraid that he might not be quick enough. The group of soldiers that are with Kathleen quickly turn their weapons on the rushing horde, but there are too many of them. All manner of infected leaping out of that pit as Joel keeps Ellie and you in his sights and takes out the dangers around you.
“Shit. Shit. Shit.” You curse when you see Ellie trapped in the car. You are trying to open the door while trying to fend off any stalkers that come at you and when you hear the growls, you spin and see them taken out by a bullet from above. “Ellie! Quick, take my hand.” You order when you manage to get the door open and you’re running only to see Henry and Sam under the car. You drag the stalker off of Henry, stabbing it quickly and you push the body aside, trying to get to Sam. “Quick. Quick. Run!” You order when Ellie manages to kill the stalker and the four of you run towards the bridge.
Joel meets up with the four of you, checking to make sure that Ellie is okay before he turns towards you and the Betas. “Are you okay?” He demands, making you nod quickly. He ignores the need to reassure you, hating that he feels that way and looks back towards the flickering light of the fires. “We need to get farther away.” He tucks the rifle up on his shoulder and starts to move quickly, knowing its best to put distance between you and the horde of infected in case some came this way instead of going into the city. Kansas City is about to fall.
“Stop!” Kathleen approaches and you move to step in front Ellie. Joel’s fingers twitch and you try to be brave. Ellie and Joel don’t deserve to pay for your mistakes. She doesn’t get a chance to continue when she’s jumped on and torn apart. “This way now! Move!” Joel shouts and your heart pounds as you run away from the massacre. 
You lean against the wall, exhaustion seeping into your bones while you listen to Ellie and Sam read the comic book together. Joel looks exhausted and Henry breaks the tension by asking “you think they’ll be okay?” 
Joel nods, “yeah, I think. It’s easier when you’re a kid anyway.” Joel looks over at you, swallowing harshly before he looks back at Henry, “you don’t have anybody else relying on you. That’s the hard part.” 
Henry nods, “well, I guess we’re doing a good job then.” 
Joel nods, glancing back at you, “what’s that comic book say? Endure and survive?” He asks and Henry confirms it. 
“That shit’s redundant.” You snort and Joel nods, “yeah, it’s not great.” 
The quiet huffing of amusement passes and Joel sighs, “look, I don’t know how I’m getting to Wyoming, I’m probably walkin’ but, you know, if you want to.” 
Henry nods, “yeah. Yeah. I think it’d be nice for Sam to have a friend.” 
You bite your lip, “what about me?”
Joel frowns as he stares at you for a moment. His jaw tightening when he smells the wave of apprehension and fear pouring out of you. He knows what an unbonded omega can expect out here. You would be abused, mistreated by any alpha that came across you. You are capable, he’s seen that, but you need an alpha to protect you. He sighs softly after a moment. “All three of you.” He tells you. “I won’t touch you. Don’t worry. I don’t- you’ll be safe with me, with us.” He snorts. “Or as safe as you can fucking get nowadays.”
You can’t deny that you’re relieved and you nod, offering him a soft smile, “thank you, alpha.” You address him formally, wanting him to know how much you appreciate it. 
“Get some sleep.” Joel says, his stomach twisting at hearing you call him ‘alpha’ and he watches as you lay down to curl up around yourself. 
You wake up to Ellie screaming, fumbling to sit up just as she comes running out of the bedroom with Sam trying to bite her. “No!” You cry, hating that Sam was infected and you see the look on Henry’s face. He fought so hard to protect his brother, he did what he had to do, and in the end, it’s all been for nothing. 
“Joel!” Ellie screams and Joel holds his hands up when Henry grabs the gun. Shooting the floor when Joel tries to help Ellie. 
“Henry! Please!” You beg, knowing what needs to be done. Henry shoots Sam seconds later and you choke on the sob, holding your hands up when Henry aims the gun at you and then at Joel, switching between you.
His heart pounding, Joel hates that he can’t do anything. Helpless as Henry sways slightly holding the gun, eyes frantic. “Henry, give me the gun.” He urges quietly, edging towards him. He’s seen that look too many times. “Give me the gun Henry. Just give it to me.” His hands are still up and he’s trying to keep his voice calm, betas don’t respond to commands like an omega would. 
“What have I done?” Henry asks, looking at you desperately, and Joel swallows. 
“Give me the gun.” Henry shakes his head and lifts the gun up. “Henry no!” Joel cries right as Henry pulls the trigger and Ellie cries out again, making Joel close his eyes in defeat, failing again at protecting people.
You feel sick, losing your close friends in a matter of seconds has you rushing across the room to throw up, hands shaking and you know Joel and Ellie are affected. "Oh my God. Oh my God." You keep muttering, in shock as you stand up and you watch Joel make sure Ellie is okay before he's crossing the room to grab your shoulders.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asks and you shake your head, "I- I'm okay." You tell the alpha, his scent soothing you and you wrap your arms around him, pulling him close so you can breathe him in.
Joel stiffens but he doesn’t pull away from you, knowing you need the comfort of his classification for the moment. Ellie is too shocked to smirk when he awkwardly puts his arm around you so he can rub your back. He feels guilty, wishing he had demanded that everyone be searched after the attacks, just in case. He could have talked Henry through the acceptance of losing Sam rather than the abrupt loss. “I’m sorry.” He manages, knowing they were your friends. “I- I’m going to bury them.” He promises, feeling the brothers deserve that at least.
You want to stay in his arms, feel that comfort that only an alpha can give you but he’s not your alpha, he’s stiff and awkward when you pull back. “Sorry.” You murmur and he clears his throat, turning towards Ellie to guide her out of the hotel room and away from the bodies. 
You sniff when you see Ellie place Sam’s board down on his grave with the word ‘sorry’ written on it. You glance back to see Joel waiting for you and you wipe your eyes, adjusting your backpack as you make your way across the country to Wyoming.
Joel walks silently for a long time, everyone lost in their own thoughts as the miles from the motel increase. He has questions, plenty of them, but he doesn’t voice them. Knowing that right now isn’t the time. Instead he glances around, looking for signs of game. There’s another mouth to feed and he wants to make sure that you have enough since it’s been a few days since you’ve had anything more than the jerky he had tossed you.
The walk is long and you try to keep up with your meds, rationing them to stretch them as long as possible but as the days turn into weeks, you’re starting to panic. The fall turns to winter and the snow is heavy this year, making you shiver under the coat Joel had given you. He found another coat but you love this one, how it smells like him, giving you comfort during the arduous journey. The relationship between you and Joel is tense, both of you fighting your instincts and trying to keep your composure for Ellie’s sake. It would be easy to give in but it would only lead to complications. The alpha is tough, emotionally stunted, and stubborn, but you see how he is with Ellie. The softness in his eyes for the girl. You can understand it, having grown affectionate for her. She is a wonder. Not alpha, not omega, not beta. She’s a perfect combination of all three. Her scent is muted and she bears the best of each status, like fire and ice. A juxtaposition in one little girl who plans on being the solution to all your problems. A cure to your status. A world where every person is equal regardless of their composition. It’s beautiful and you hope she’s right, that she could be their cure to a never ending biological battle.
“We need to find somewhere to shelter.” Joel grunts out, feeling the temperature dropping. There is a storm coming, he can feel the heavy ache in his knitted together knuckles at the joints that remind him how fucking old he is. Too old to be your alpha, as much as he craves it. Every day it’s getting harder to resist the lure of your scent, to stay away from you. You are kind and gentle, although there is a stiffness to your spine that he admires. You ensure and bear the hardship of this journey without complaint, and he hasn’t missed you slipping Ellie some of your own meal when there’s not enough to completely fill the girl’s stomach. He watches you, while you’re sleeping, hearing your whimpers and it makes him want to crawl into the sleeping bag he had given you. The pride of you curling into his scent and being comforted by it makes his need to care for you roar to life. “We need a fire. Snow’s coming in.”
You nod, glancing up at the sky. It’s been a long day, the wind has been brutal, hitting you in the face, and Joel is quick to find a cave near the river for you to settle in. You pull the coat closer around you, watching Joel start the fire, and you remember you need to take your meds. Pulling the last packet out, you curse, fumbling with the packet to find one last pill. “Shit. Shit.” You hiss and Ellie looks over at you, “fuck. I- I’ve run out.” You want to cry, certain that you had another week if you rationed and you know you’re screwed. In the middle of nowhere, without your meds, and you know you’re going to go into heat soon. “Shit.” You sob, knowing this is going to a hellish time.
Joel closes his eyes, knowing he needs to find better shelter for you than this cave. If you are out of meds, you will have a hellacious heat the first time. It would beckon any alpha for miles. An open cave is not where he wants you. “Heat up some snow for water.” He orders Ellie, picking up the gun again. You will need plenty of nutrients for the heat and he needs to see if there is anywhere around that would be better. “I’ll be back.” He raises his eyebrows at Ellie. “Get your gun out. Anyone but me comes, you shoot them.” He orders.
You cry, hating that you have run out of meds. You feel vulnerable and you know you’ll be surviving this heat alone. “I’m sorry.” Ellie says, holding her gun as she keeps watch while Joel heads out. 
“I- it’s okay. It’s just- I - I hate being an omega. I hate being this weak. I wish I could be stronger.” You feel sorry for yourself, knowing that you’ll need Joel’s sleeping bag and coat for his scent and you breathe it in from your coat, feeling a little calmer.
“What?” Ellie makes a face at you. “You aren’t weak. You are so strong.” She insists, turning towards you and cocking her head. “You have walked hundreds of miles with a strange alpha and even from the beginning, you trusted him. You take less food than you need when you think I’ll be hungry and you are not even a little irritated with me when I talk and talk and talk.” She rolls her eyes and grins at you. “Unlike him. But you are strong. You can’t help your heats, no more than alphas can help their ruts.”
Her words make your heart swell and you smile, “thank you, El.” You feel better from her words and you stand up, wanting to help by heating up the snow so you can have some water to drink. You pull Ellie in for a quick hug, “thank you, sweetheart.” You inhale her neutral scent and step back to get to work. “For the record, I think Joel likes your puns.” You tell her, making her smile and you are both quiet until Joel returns.
Joel has a pair of rabbits in his hand, holding them by the ears but there is something much more important. “Grab your packs.” He orders, immediately moving over to the fire to put it out. “I found a cabin. It’s- the roof is solid and the walls are thick.” He looks over at you with a knowing expression. “It has a bed and plenty of blankets.”
You want to kiss him in appreciation but you scramble to get your pack, Ellie following so you can make your way to the cabin. You can feel the tightness starting in your stomach and your clothes feel too tight, your brow starting to sweat as your heat starts to creep in, too long with too little medication has made it burn through your system. “We gotta go.” You rasp, needing to strip down and start nesting. “Now.” You tell Joel, knowing he can smell the change in you.
“Shit.” Joel hisses, nodding and picking up his pace through the snow as he treks back to the cabin he had found. He had already started a fire when he had checked it out, knowing it was perfect. The fireplace was in the middle of the cabin so it would keep the room you holed up for your heat warm. Now he just needs to get some food into you before you need to nest and he has to keep himself sane and try not to touch you. “Come on. It’s not far.”
You are feeling the ache, making it harder to walk, but you push yourself, knowing that you can’t just collapse in the damn snow. Joel’s back is rigid and you sigh in relief when you arrive at the cabin, entering and exhaling when the warmth of the fire immediately hits you. “I need to-” You shrug off his coat, working on stripping down to your t-shirt and leggings that you have on under your jeans. It’s still too many clothes but you can’t just strip off in front of Joel and Ellie.
“Ellie, go help her.” Joel urges, closing the door and barring it so he can get the food over the flames. You need to eat before it gets too bad. He knows he will have to go out to hunt often. For you, since you will require more food while you are nesting, and to keep from smelling your intoxicating pheromones all the time. “Get her ready. Take my sleeping bag too.”
Ellie is unsure of what to do but you are frantically pulling at your clothes until you’re in your underwear. Ellie grabs Joel’s sleeping bag and puts it down for you alongside your own on the bed. You grab the pillows, working fast to create a nest, grabbing Joel’s coat to put it in the nest. “I’ll be okay, El.” You promise, getting yourself comfortable.
“O-okay. I’m gonna- I’m gonna go out to Joel.” The younger girl is backing out of the room, unable to do anything more and she is wildly uncomfortable with the entire idea of a heat. Regular periods already suck, but she feels sorry for the pain you are going to go through. “I’ll get you water, too.”
As soon as the door is shut, you strip out of your underwear, your hand sliding between your folds to find you soaking wet and you can’t stop the moan of relief that escapes your lips when you rub your clit. Joel’s scent is surrounding you and while it’s not him, it’s enough for now. “Fuck.” You pant, rubbing your clit a little faster, wishing it was Joel, imagining his calloused fingers and his gruff voice telling you how good you are for him.
Ellie comes out of the bedroom, shutting the door behind her. “She’s about to get bad.” She tells Joel, making him grunt as he turns the rabbits over the flames. He can smell the arousal and need pouring off of you, making his cock harden even as he tries to ignore the way that your scent is calling to him. He had promised you that he wouldn’t touch you and he meant it. Even if he had to go jerk off every hour, he wouldn’t touch you.
You bite your lip to smother your moan when you cum from rubbing your clit. The relief only soothes you for a few moments before the need flares to life again. You hear the knock on the door and you cover yourself up so Ellie can bring in the food. “Thank you. I- I need you to go into the room furthest away from this one. I don’t want you to hear me. I- I won’t be myself.” You tell her and she nods, setting the container of water down. As soon as she’s gone, you force yourself to eat, your hands shaking and your cunt dripping as the urge to touch yourself is almost overwhelming. The rabbit bones are pushed aside and you wipe your hands before your fingers push back into your pussy, a loud moan escaping your lips as you fuck yourself with your fingers, your skin is gleaming with sweat and you swear your heat has never been this intense.
Joel clenches his jaw and closes his eyes, hearing the needy moan coming from the room and his fists curl in on themselves. Blowing out a sigh, he takes a deep breath, pulling the air in from his mouth so he doesn’t smell your pheromones as strongly. You are already filling the cabin with your mouth watering scent. “Shit.” He hisses, feeling his cock twitch again, already straining at his jeans. “Fuck, I’ll be back.” He growls, standing and grabbing the rifle as he flees the cabin so he can find some relief.
Ellie decides to take her leave in one of the back rooms away from yours, not wanting to invade your privacy. You pant, curling your fingers but it’s not enough. It’s never enough. You need an alpha. You need Joel. You whine, reminding yourself that it won’t happen but your mind runs wild, imagining him coming into your room, stripping off and sliding his cock inside of you, knotting you. “Oh fuck. Joel.” You choke as you cum around your fingers, unaware that he’s jerking off outside in the freezing cold, having hoped the cold would get rid of his erection but he is still hard even as his cum spills onto the snow. “Oh God.” You whine, rubbing your clit while your fingers are buried deep, using two hands in hopes of satiating the heat curling in your belly.
Joel growls as he tucks his still hard cock back into his pants. It hasn't helped much but he doesn’t feel like he’s about to crawl out of his skin. Huffing from the cold, his breath shows in the air. He should hunt, but his instinct is to keep close to you so he stomps back into the cabin to shut the door and feed more logs onto the fire.
You’ve lost track of time. It could have been hours, maybe days. Ellie has brought you food and water, and cool rags to wipe yourself with, but the sweat still pools on your skin. You’re almost delirious with need, your hands aching and you can’t bring yourself to make yourself cum again. You need an alpha. You can’t deny it anymore. “Joel.” You call out, voice cracking. “Joel. Please. I need you.” You beg, needing to feel something, anything.
His chest puffing up in pleasure, Joel tries to deny that he had been anticipating this. He had melted more snow to bathe with, cleaning up for the omega in heat. Unknowingly preparing himself but still he shakes his head and closes his eyes. “You- you don’t mean that. It’s just the heat, omega. Be calm.” He orders you softly through the door, his fingers nearly digging into the wood as he stands there.
His words, his voice, soothe you for a moment until the ache flares. “No. No. Don’t go. Please. I- I need you. I need you so much Joel. Alpha, please. Please. I need you. My alpha.” You plead, thrashing in the nest you made as his scent lingers in the fabric.
Joel shudders, his entire body flooded with pleasure at being called your alpha. His control slips slightly and his hand moves down to the knob. “I- you don’t - you’re not thinking clearly.” He pants out, his heart pounding in his chest and his own pheromones flooding into the air. “I- I can’t- it’s been so long since I’ve had an omega.” He confesses, knowing he would never be able to pull out of you. He wants to knot you too badly, to fill your aching cunt with his seed.
“I know I need you. I need you now. Please alpha, it hurts. I can’t - nothing is working. My hands hurt.” You sob, growing more desperate for him by the second as you push your fingers back inside of you but your wrist aches, making it hurt. You know that Tess was an alpha, both of them taking their needs out on each other without the emotional danger. “Please Joel. Alpha. I need you.” You beg, smelling his pheromones and another wave of slick coats your hand as you try to make yourself cum.
His cock throbs in his jeans and his head hits the door with a thud. The sound of you whining is gorgeous, making him start to turn the handle but he stops. Turning around and making sure the cabin door is locked and barred takes precious few minutes but his entire body is primed, listening to the sounds of your fingers plunging into your cunt and your moans of his name. He grabs the water bottle and bursts through the door of your room.
When he enters the room, your entire body cries for him, aching and you keep pushing your fingers into your cunt as his scent floods the room. He slams the door behind him and tosses the water bottle down, striding over to the bed and he pulls your fingers out of your cunt, making you whine. When he replaces them with his own, you moan loud in relief, tossing your head back as you cry out, “yes! Alpha!”
Joel groans when he feels how wet you are, his fingers immediately soaked with you and squelch as he pumps them deep into your needy cunt. “I’m here, this what you need, omega? You need an alpha to take care of you? To fuck you until you scream?”
“Yes. Yes. I need you. I need you alpha. I can’t - it’s not enough. Never enough.” You whine, delirious as his fingers already make you feel better than you did before he came in the room. “Fuck. Oh fuck.” You whine, hips rolling up to meet his fingers as he pumps them faster. “I’m gonna - oh. Oh.” You gasp, eyes rolling into the back of your head as he makes you cum for the first time.
Joel hisses as your walls clamp down on his fingers. You’re so fucking tight, imagining that you’re going to feel even better when his cock is inside you. When his knot is inside you. “Give me another.” He demands, pulling his fingers almost completely out so he can add a third finger. “Give me one more and I’ll fuck you.” Joel promises, wanting to make sure you are nice and prepared for his cock, “be my good omega.” He coos, watching you whine and preen when he calls you his.
It’s too much and yet not enough, making you pant as his fingers stretch you out like you’ve desperately needed. “Alpha. Oh fuck.” You whine, reaching up to squeeze your own breasts when he presses his thumb to your clit, those thick digits twisting inside of you. “Yes!” You cry, almost sobbing as you clamp down on his fingers again, soaking his wrist with your slick.
“Good girl.” Joel growls, curling his fingers one last time before he pulls them out of your warm, wet cunt. “Can I enter your nest, omega?” He’s aware that you are calling for him, but this is your space, your comfort is priority. Most alpha snow didn’t observe the customs of pre-outbreak but he wanted you to control this. “Will you let me take care of you, sweet girl?”
You reach for him, hands shaking a little with the need still overwhelming you. Yes, he’s made you cum twice but it’s not enough. You need to feel him surrounding you, inside of you. “Please, alpha. I need you. Come here.” You beg, patting the pillows and blankets you have gathered around yourself, most of it with his scent but it’s nothing like the real thing. He strips off and you eagerly watch, his shirt coming off then his jeans and finally his threadbare boxers. You are all wearing worn clothing now, but when he’s naked, your mouth waters. “So - so beautiful.” You gasp in awe of the strong alpha Joel is. He’s a paradox. A strong man, capable, and yet he asked to enter your nest when most alphas would’ve already been pushing inside of you. He’s soft and caring yet fierce and unforgiving.
Joel climbs into the nest of blankets and pillows you’ve created, groaning at how you are already spreading your legs and inviting him inside you. “I cleaned up, omega.” He promises, knowing that some might not have taken the time, but he didn’t want to risk your health. Hovering over you with his cock hanging between you, he leans down and presses his lips to yours.
You moan into the kiss, tangling your fingers in his hair to try and pull him closer. His cock is pressed against your thigh and it’s not close enough. His tongue slides against yours and you reach between you to wrap your fingers around his cock, pumping him.
“Stop.” He commands, his tone rough. He knows he will cum if you touch him too much. It’s been so long since he has filled someone, even longer since he had had an omega. He doesn’t want to disappoint you. “Let me take care of you, omega. You just lay back and let me make you feel good.”
You nod, letting go of his cock and he shuffles to kneel between your legs, gripping his cock to guide himself to your entrance. He slowly pushes into you, making you moan at the stretch, the connection is instantaneous but you don’t mention it, knowing he will withdraw from you, physically and emotionally. “Alpha.” You sigh in relief when he is fully inside of you.
Joel groans, closing his eyes and feeling the shift in your pheromones. You change from desperate and needy to pleased, the sweet scent of it filling your nest. “I’ve got you.” He promises. “I’ll take care of you.” He grinds his hips deeper before he starts to slowly withdraw. He knows you need to cum again, your heat demanding it. His hand slides down your thigh and he pulls it up onto his hip. “Such a good omega for me. Letting me take care of you.”
You cling to him, nails digging into his shoulders as he starts to move inside of you. "Oh fuck, alpha. Joel." You pant, feeling the fire that threatened to consume you dampen a bit. The slow way he moves inside of you is tearing you apart, piece by piece, and you tilt your head so you can kiss along his jaw and down his neck, wanting him to feel the same way.
He knows that it’s been a long time since you’ve had a heat, since you’ve had sex, so he keeps the pace slow. Knowing that he could easily hurt you and he doesn’t want to do that. Too often omegas get caught up in the desperation and the alphas are uncaring and they injure the omegas they are supposed to be comforting. He had never understood that mentality, while he was harsh in many ways, he would never abuse an omega like that. “Good girl.” He coos in your ear, voice slipping into something smoother, lower pitched. “You’re going to take my knot and then feel so full, aren’t you? That what you want?”
His voice makes you shiver and you wrap your legs around him, trying to push him deeper. “Fuck. Yes alpha. That’s what I- I want. I need it. I need you to knot me.” Your voice is whiny, displaying the need you have for him. “I need it over and over again.” You pant, his hips pushing against yours when he buries himself deep on each thrust. Your stomach twists as he pushes you higher, slow grinds making you pant, and you eventually fall over the edge with a soft cry of his name, clamping down on his cock.
“Shit.” He hisses, leaning down and pressing his nose against your scent gland, inhaling the scent of your pleasure as he rocks into you. Working you through the first of many times you will fall apart on his cock before you are done with your heat. Often days are spent in the nest when a heat is on, the alpha caring for the omega and making sure that they are not neglecting  themselves. It’s been a long time since he has wanted to do that. Since his ex wife. He hadn’t bonded with her because they were so young and she had left him for another alpha shortly after Sarah had been born. He had never gotten attached to another omega since then. Until you.
You moan at how good it feels, the ache abading for a moment so you can properly breathe. "Fuck baby." You murmur, caressing his back, "alpha. Taking - taking such good care of me already." You sigh, burying your face in his neck to breathe him in. The smell of smoke and whiskey combined with the strength of Joel has you clenching around him, the need returning within a few moments of your orgasm. You won't be fully satisfied until he knots you.
“I’ve got you, I’ve got you, sweet girl.” He moans, his tongue tracing your gland as he rolls his hips. Shifting onto his side so he can slide one hand between you. Finding your clit with the rough pads of his fingers to rub tight circles on the sensitive nub. “You’re doing so good. So good for me. Taking me perfectly. Gonna knot you, make you feel even better.” He rambles.
“Shit, I - I - fuck. Alpha.” You whine softly when he rubs your clit, making you clench around him, and you pant as he starts to rock into you once more, the new angle making him hit even deeper inside of you. “Oh God.” You moan, heels digging into his ass as you try to push him deeper with each rock of his hips, his hand trapped between you.
Turning his head, Joel kisses you. Absorbing your whines and mewls as his tongue slides into your mouth, loving how you are responding to him. A part of him had feared that he had changed too much, given up too much of his soul to be a good alpha for an omega. You are wonderfully pliant under him, giving him so much of yourself as he works his cock deeper and deeper, feeling the base of his cock starting to swell as he gets closer to knotting you.
You are getting close again, feeling his knot starting to catch inside of you, and you desperately want him to fill you up. Neither of you are thinking about the consequences of him fucking you raw like this but you can’t bring yourself to care, just needing him to fill you up. “Baby. Oh Alpha, I - I’m gonna -” You choke when he hits just right and makes you cum again, soaking him and making you throw your head back to expose your neck to him.
The urge to mark you, to bond you to him is nearly overwhelming. Making Joel growl as he picks up his pace. Instead of grinding into you, he starts thrusting harder, driving his cock deeper in an effort to push his expanding knot into your narrow passage and lock you together for the next hour. 
“Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck.” You pant, pushed through your orgasm as Joel starts to fuck you, making your eyes roll into the back of your head. “Yes! Yes baby. Oh God. Alpha. Cum for me. Please, need you to fill me up.” You beg, closing your eyes as you are pushed over the edge again.
He knows the basic biology of this, knowing that in order to make your heat as comfortable as possible, your body demands his seed. Nothing but that would truly make you feel good. There are a million reasons why he shouldn’t fill you up, but he can’t pull out of you. Pushing harshly when the knot starts to swell, feeling it slip inside you with a groan of your name.
You feel the relief when his cum starts to paint your walls, knot catching to keep him inside of you as his cock pulses, a groan of your name and “omega” leaving his lips. “Fuck. Joel, alpha.” You murmur, pulling him close and you throw your head back again as you cum once more, triggered by his orgasm.
He cums forever, his cock pulsing and pumping you full of his seed. Knowing that his knot will be keeping you full and he will cum several more times before it goes down. “Good girl, oh take it.” He grunts, feeling better than he has in a long time. He kisses along your throat as you squeeze him tight again, shaking underneath him.
You want him to bite you, to claim you as his to every other alpha out there but you know it’s not possible. You pant, turning your head so you can kiss him again, sliding your tongue into his mouth as his cock finishes twitching and you relax beneath him, legs lowering from his hips to cradle him on top of you.
Joel makes sure that he keeps his weight braces so he’s not too heavy on you, stroking your side and kissing along your shoulder. He feels a connection, one that should terrify him, but he just closes his eyes. Breathing you in with a soft sigh. “How are you feeling, omega?” He asks softly, opening his eyes as he pulls back to watch you.
“I’m feeling good, alpha.” You smile lazily, running your fingers through his hair. The need has been satiated for now and you are enjoying the feel of him surrounding you, his scent is comforting. It’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.
“Good.” He hums, kissing your lips again before he slides his arms under you so he can roll you over on top of him. He can bear your weight better than you can his. Letting you sprawl out on top of him while he strokes your back. His knot is still firmly embedded inside you, so you aren’t going anywhere. “You can sleep, sweet girl. I know you are tired.”
You hum, closing your eyes as he caresses your back. You feel safe and satiated for the first time since you can’t even remember when. “Love you.” You murmur, falling asleep within moments of your soft confession.
“Fuck. Joel!” You squeal as he pounds into you from behind. He grips your hips and your body aches from the days of fucking but you are still needy for more. You need him to fill you up. “Fuck. Oh shit! Alpha!” You squeal, knowing that later on, you’ll cringe about the fact that Ellie is somewhere in the cabin, having to hear you, but you can’t stop yourself. He growls, jaw clenched and you look over your shoulder at the alpha pounding into you. “Yes. Yes. Yes!” You cry, falling forward onto your elbows.
“That’s it.” Joel hisses, feeling like he’s going to cum, but he needs you to cum first. You’re still so needy for him, and he’s doing his best to make sure you are looked after. Only leaving your nest a few times over the past few days to hunt and make sure Ellie is okay.
“Fuck. Oh fuck.” You whine, clamping down on his cock as you cum, soaking him and your cheek presses into the blankets beneath you, the material permeated with your combined scents and it makes you shiver as his hands squeeze your flesh.
Every time he fucks you, he comes closer and closer to binding you to him, biting your gland and claiming you as his for everyone to know. Growling as he imagines it; he pushes his hips forward again, feeling his knot popping into your cunt as he starts to cum.
You whine when he starts to fill you up and you arch your back, loving the way his knot stretches you and his cum paints your walls. You moan his name followed by ‘alpha’ and you rest your cheek on the blankets, closing your eyes as you enjoy the feel of him filling you up. You’re not stupid, you know he’s likely gotten you pregnant during your heat with the amount of times he’s cum inside of you but you can’t bring yourself to care.
Panting, Joel collapses against your back, closing his eyes as he tries to catch his breath. Soon the three of you will need to move. To continue on to look for Tommy. “My good omega.” He murmurs softly, caressing your hip. He knows he needs to find a safe place for you. Somewhere that you can thrive, somewhere where omegas are treated with respect.
When the dog sniffs Ellie, your heart pounds in your chest, and you are glancing at Joel’s back, knowing he must be freaking out. Helpless to do anything when the alphas surround you. You close your eyes, not wanting to hear Ellie torn apart. She’s not an omega or alpha or beta like the dog is trained to identify, wanting to weed out the alphas who threaten most of mankind. When the world fell because of the virus, you knew that alphas had taken advantage, some feeling it was their right to take the world as their own, to bring society back to the old ways where omegas were second class citizens. When Ellie giggles, you relax a little and you sense the relief in Joel, connected after your heat. You’ve never spoken about your confession of love, just continuing your journey to find Tommy.
Joel feels lightheaded, heart pounding and he doesn’t know how you don’t smell the fear and desperation on him. Terrified that he can’t protect you, or Ellie from this group. He’s relieved when two horses are brought for the three of you to ride and he insists that you sit ahead of him, wanting you close.
You breathe Joel in as you enter the compound, wanting the comfort only he can bring and soon the horse is coming to a stop as he shouts his brother’s name. “Tommy!” He yells and you glance at Ellie, shocked to have found Joel’s brother.
After introductions are made, you are escorted to the cafeteria where the three of you dig into your meal like you haven’t eaten for weeks which is half true. It’s been too long since you had a proper meal and you are moaning when you shove the food into your mouth, feeling Tommy’s eyes on you.
Joel hisses at Ellie for being so crass, but he can’t reprimand you for eating vigorously. He knows you need the nutrients after your heat. You haven’t been able to properly have more than almost half of a rabbit or bird, Joel giving up most of his portions between you and Ellie. He’s stunned when he hears Tommy is bonded to the alpha at the table, Marie. His brother was never really cut out for the alpha designation and he frowns slightly at the two of them.
You want to comfort Joel, knowing it must be hard to know that the brother he has nearly died while trying to find is alive and well, thriving in a beautiful community. You want to reach for his hand but you aren’t bonded and you don’t want to overstep. Maria is quick to ask you and Ellie if you want to shower and you look at Joel for guidance, he nods and you all leave the cafeteria while Maria gives you a tour of the town. “Like communists?” Joel asks and you smother you giggle when his brother seems shocked by the phrase. 
“Joel. Can we talk?” Tommy asks and Maria says “I can take them to clean up.” 
You look at Joel who nods, “go on, omega.” You are anxious but you follow Maria to the house, glancing over your shoulder to see Joel one last time.
They have a bar. An honest to god fucking bar. Joel rubs the shiny, slick wood and shakes his head in disbelief as Tommy ambles behind the bar to pour him a drink. “Been a long time since we’ve done this.” He reminisces, unable to believe that he’s about to have a drink in comfort with his brother. Almost as if nothing has ever happened and the world wasn’t destroyed around this little community. “Surprising to see you bonded to an alpha.” He begins.
“Surprising to see you with an omega. Doesn’t look like you’ve bonded with her yet.” He says and Joel looks down at the bar while his brother pours a glass of whiskey with ice. 
“It’s complicated.” Joel murmurs and Tommy sets the glass down in front of him. 
“When isn’t it complicated?”
“She was with a couple of Betas in Kansas City. They- uh, when they were gone, I couldn’t leave her out there by herself.” Joel rationalizes. “You know what would have happened to her.”
Tommy nods, knowing how hard this world is for omegas. He barely manages as a beta and Maria saved him from the wilderness. “I can’t just leave.” Tommy says when Joel mentions going to Colorado, “I- I’m going to be a dad.” He reveals and Joel’s heart sinks, reminded of Sarah and how he failed her.
“I guess we’ll see.” Joel grunts after Tommy expressed that he’s thinking he’ll be a good father and that pisses his brother off. “We’ll see? I’m sorry about Sarah but-“ Joel’s heart clenches and he can’t even hear the rest of Tommy’s comment before he pushes away from the bar and storms out. Worried because he’s already failed once and there’s no way he didn’t get you pregnant when he worked you through your heat nearly two months ago.
You stare at the test in your hand, waiting for the result. When you walked into the bedroom to find the menstrual cup, you are reminded that you haven’t had your period for two months. Time tends to blur when you’re in the wilderness and you lost track, but you know it’s been about two months since you and Joel fucked. “Shit.” You groan when the test shows positive. You’d asked Maria for a test and her eyebrows had raised but she’d quickly located one for you and now it’s positive. You have to tell Joel.
Walking around has nearly ripped his heart out. Having a panic attack and Tommy finding him after he had seen a woman who from behind made him think of Sarah had been soul crushing. His fear of failure pulls tears out of the alpha and he feels like his designation had been wrong, he’s not an alpha. He can’t protect anyone. Tommy had talked some sense into him during his breakdown and he shoves his hands in his pockets as he walks to the house that he had been told that you and Ellie are in. Drawn back to you, and wondering how you are finding this little commune.
You look up when you see Joel walking into the room, your face stained with tears and you hold the test in your hand. His eyes flick down to it and he immediately knows. “I- I’m so sorry, Joel. This is all my fault.” You choke, knowing he won’t be happy about it. You’ve ruined everything. He has made it obvious that he doesn’t want connections and you just created the biggest connection of all.
Joel closes his eyes, reaching for you blindly to pull you into his arms. “It’s okay omega.” He growls softly, aware that you were always going to end up pregnant after that week in your nest. Even if he hadn’t touched you since, he had filled you with his seed more times than he could count. “We knew it would happen.” He tells you softly, knowing you thought about it too, even if you hadn’t talked about it.
You bury your face in his chest, breathing him in, and you let his scent comfort you. "I know but I - alpha. I know you didn't want connections." You murmur, pulling back to look into his eyes. "I'm so sorry baby." You choke, feeling guilty for making him fuck you during your heat when he tried so hard to leave you alone.
“I-“ Joel stops, thinking for a moment before he shakes his head. “I’m not.” He swallows harshly and reaches up, pulling your shirt down over your gland and rubbing his thumb over the skin. “Do you know how many times I wanted to mark you in your nest? Make you mine?” He asks softly. “You were desperate, needy for me, begging me to take care of you but I didn’t want to claim you when you were so desperate.”
Despite Joel being such a hard man, rough in so many ways, he’s soft underneath. His dark eyes meet yours and you cup his cheek, “I want you to make me yours. I’m not in my heat. If you want me, I’m yours, alpha.” You tell him, rubbing his jaw with your thumb.
His chest puffs up in pride, pleased with your answer even as he searches your eyes with a need to make sure you really want this. “I want you, omega.” He growls. “I want you to carry my mark, for everyone to know who planted their seed in your belly.” He inhales deeply. “Take me to the bedroom you claimed as yours.” He keeps the command out of his voice, giving you the choice to lead him to your room.
There isn’t a choice to make, you’ve been in love with him since before he marked you. You take his hand and guide him to the room you claimed as yours, down the hall from Ellie. He swallows harshly when you open the door and you turn towards him, wanting to be a good omega as you work on the buttons of his shirt, working on undressing him.
Joel lets you undress him, aware of what you are doing for him. What you are trying to show him. Watching you as every article of clothing falls to the floor, until you reach for your own shirt. Then he stops you. Wanting to undress you himself, he slowly lifts your shirt over your head and tosses it aside. “My beautiful omega.” He groans, kneeling down and kissing your stomach before he starts to unbutton your jeans. “Took my seed and gave me hope.”
You look down as he kneels in front of you, pulling your jeans down, and you run your fingers through his hair, loving how he’s kissing your stomach. “My alpha. So strong. So brave.” You murmur, caressing his cheek and you step out of the jeans as he pulls them all the way down. “I love you, alpha.”
He leans into your touch, knowing that you won’t think him weak for taking comfort from you. Some alphas think that finding comfort in their omega beyond just physical is weak but he doesn’t. “I- I love you, omega.” He murmurs before he whispers your name. Peeling your panties down and he licks his lips. “Put your leg on my shoulder, omega.”
You follow his order, body shaking slightly from the overwhelming emotion surging through you, and you stumble slightly as you lift your leg onto his shoulder. His nose trails along your thigh, pressing kisses on the flesh and you sigh, pulling on his hair to get him to move faster. When his tongue slides through your folds, you throw your head back with a moan of his name.
The entire time he had been in your nest, there hadn’t been time for oral. You had been too needy for his cock, tongue and fingers unable to do the job that his knot did. Now, he groans at the tangy taste of your cunt, enjoying the fact that you’ve showered and are ready for him. His nose presses deep into your curls as his tongue pushes into your soaked walls.
You whimper, looking down at him, and his eyes are closed as his nose presses against your clit. “Oh fuck, Joel.” You pant, moaning as his tongue pushes deep. You love the way he groans into your flesh and your heart pounds in your chest. “Oh shit. I- I need you inside of me. Please.” You beg, wanting to feel him.
Joel can’t deny you, not when he desperately wants to be buried inside you again. Taking one last, long lick of your cunt, he pulls away reluctantly. “Go lay down on your bed, baby.” He grunts, smirking up at you. “I want to mark you in a bed, be inside you when I claim you as mine.” 
You nod, shifting to lay down on the bed. Settled against the pillows, you look up at him as he stands at the foot of the bed. “Do you want me on my hands and knees?” You ask, wondering if he wants you in the traditional claiming position.
His cock twitches, imagining taking you from behind as he bites into your scent gland, permanently bonding you to him. But he shakes his head, wanting to look at your face when you cum, watch your face as you realize that you are bound to him. “I want to take you on your back.” He tells you quietly, waiting for your reaction. 
You nod, keeping your eyes on him as you spread your legs to show him your dripping folds, wet with your arousal and his saliva. “Take me, alpha. I’m yours. In every way.” You promise, caressing your stomach.
“I am yours too.” He promises, knowing that even if he claims you, you hold a claim on him too. He doesn’t want to just possess you, he wants to be possessed by you. He crawls onto the bed and drops another kiss onto your stomach, and he looks up at you. “You are mine and I am yours.” It’s the closest that he would get to marriage now, the institution didn’t exactly exist anymore but he knows he will try to find you a ring to wear. Something beyond his marks. 
You smile, tears stinging in your eyes as you watch the man you love crawl up your body until his cock is sliding through your folds. “I love you.” You sigh and he starts to push into you, making you whimper and you caress his neck, pulling him close so you can press your lips to his.
You smile against his lips when he kisses you, wrapping your legs around his hips to pull him closer, and you love how he pushes deeper inside of you. You feel safe, his scent making you feel protected and loved. “Oh God, Joel.” You moan when he shifts onto his elbows, adjusting the position so he’s pressing against your back wall.
He feels the way that you yield to him. The scent of your happiness unfurling around him as he starts to rock into you. He keeps the pace slow, aware that you are more sensitive now that you are carrying. He doesn’t want to hurt you or the baby for his own needs. “My beautiful omega. My love.” He moans, kissing along your neck, straying away from the scent gland. 
His words make you preen and you slide your leg along his, wanting to feel closer as he rocks into you. Your hands caress his back and you whine when he pushes deep, “baby. Oh baby.” You pant when the hairs at the base of his cock brush your clit.
“Hmm.” Joel smirks against your skin, happy he can make you breathless. “You like that don’t you? Like the way I take care of you?” His tongue presses against your gland and he licks the clean skin and groans at the way you taste. The burst of pleasure flooding from your pores. “Always gonna take care of you.” 
You whimper, loving his words, the comfort coming from his scent, and you love his accent seeping through as he gets lost in the pleasure. "Fuck. I- I love you." You moan, so close to your orgasm. The pregnancy has made you sensitive. "Fuck, I - I'm gonna - Joel." You moan as you clamp down around him, your cry going silent from the pleasure coursing through you.
Joel groans, closing his eyes and shuddering as you clamp down around him. “Perfect.” He hisses. “My perfect omega.” His hips rock forward more eagerly, chasing his own orgasm as he lets his teeth scrap over your gland.
"Do it." You beg breathlessly, "make me yours. I'm yours alpha. Show the world who I belong to." You want him to sink his teeth into your gland, to claim you as his forever because you already belong to him in every other way.
Joel growls, pulling his lips back and with a sharp snap of his hips, he buries his cock deep inside you. Sinking his teeth into your gland and breaking the skin to mark you as his. Filling you with his seed as he groans and the coppery taste of your blood hits his teeth.Joel growls, pulling his lips back and with a sharp snap of his hips, he buries his cock deep inside you. Sinking his teeth into your gland and breaking the skin to mark you as his. Filling you with his seed as he groans and the coppery taste of your blood hits his teeth.
You cum again at the feel of his teeth in your neck, claiming you as his. You whimper, clinging to him as his cock pulses inside of you, filling you up, and you know this is where you've always belonged. In his arms. Tears sting in your eyes and you feel safe, protected, and loved. Something you never imagined before you met Joel.
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echotrinityme · 7 months
Unexpected Love: Chapter 1:Lonely
A/N: It's time for the Calvin x Henry ship to shine! 
Warning: This story will be heavy angst and some fluff but mostly angst due to Calvin being a jerk in this story. Also, what Calvin will do to Henry is a replica of how my last relationship was. It will be almost the same thing that happened to me but with a few changes. 
Henry was reading a book when he heard a moan from the next room.
He groaned as he put his head inside his book.
He heard Charles's soft voice and Ellie's giggles.
It's been a year since Charles and Ellie had gotten together and it's made Henry both happy and annoyed.
Happy because Charles broke up with Calvin Bukowski after an incident that shall not be named. And annoyed because when Ellie asked Charles out, they became a couple and they were very happy. However, Charles and Ellie were kind of...annoying when they were together. 
They act like sickenly sweethearts in front of everyone and most people find that annoying. Henry was glad they were happy but at the same time, he wished that they would tone down their love. It made him feel lonely and a third wheel every time they hung out. 
Henry put on his noise-canceling headphones and continued reading his book.
Meanwhile, a certain orange-haired soldier was sulking while his brother was playing a video game on his portable system. 
Konrad paused his game to look over at Calvin who had his arms crossed and was laying down on his bed like a child that got punished for being rowdy. Konrad silently sighed as he put down his game and sat up. He knew that his brother still felt depressed after his break-up with Charles. 
Calvin didn't answer him.
"Cal, I know you can hear me," Konrad saw Calvin shift but stayed in the same position, "Calvin, please talk to me,"
Calvin glanced over at Konrad and he sat up. He didn't say anything as Konrad got up and went over to his brother. Without saying anything, Konrad brought his brother into a hug. Calvin didn't want to hug him but after a moment, he hugged his brother back. They hugged for a couple of minutes then they let go of each other.
"Feel better?" Konrad asked, smiling.
Calvin shook his head but gave his brother a small smile.
Konrad saw the sad, puppy look that his brother was giving him. Konrad sighed again as he blew out a puff of air, he crossed his arms.
"Calvin Bukowski. It's been over a year since Charles broke up with you and had gotten together with Ellie but I think it's time to move on," Konrad said firmly.
Calvin stood up so fast that you might have thought that he had super speed, Konrad blinked as he saw Calvin's glare. 
Konrad rolled his eyes as he stood up, "Don't get mad at me because I'm right,"
"Shut up," Calvin growled.
"Ugh! Seriously, Calvin, move on. Charles has moved on and you should too,"
Before Calvin could say anything else, Konrad turned around and headed out of their tent. Before he left, he glanced at his brother. "I'm going to leave you alone. I'm going to go hang out with June or be at the cafeteria,"
Konrad left Calvin alone without saying goodbye.
Calvin growled before he grabbed a random object and threw it on the ground. He hated it when Konrad was right. He needed to move on. But how? He was madly in love with Charles for a long time and was happy when they were together. They were happy. All was good. So what happened? 
It all started when Henry and Ellie joined the Government. And Calvin's jealousy reared its ugly head.
They started fighting about how Charles was spending more time with Henry and Ellie and spending less time with Calvin. At first, it was just small fights, but the fights got worse. It got to the point that they had to break up because the relationship turned toxic. 
After they broke up, Calvin was depressed and Charles was angry.
They refused to speak to each other and Charles refused to work with Calvin. 
Then things became bright for Charles when Ellie started to help him through his pain. They didn't know how they managed to fall in love but they did. When Calvin heard Charles and Ellie were a couple, his heart broke. Calvin tries his best to move on but no matter what he does, his feelings for Charles never change. Instead, his feelings for Charles were too strong.
Calvin felt his bitterness and resentment start to boil. He started pacing around the tent as the feelings of hurt, bitterness, and resentment started boiling more and more intense like a sinister potion in a cauldron. He was about to shout to let out his anger when his brain gave him an idea.
"Hey, Henry's alone with them," Calvin's brain told him, "He has to deal with their couple stuff and he must be lonely,"
Calvin blinked as he sat down on his bed, "How about some revenge?" the voice in Calvin's head continued, "Why don't we ask Henry out as revenge?"
Calvin had a confused look on his face, "How would that be revenge?" he asked himself.
"You can ask Henry out as revenge. If Charles sees you dating Henry, he will come to his senses and leave Ellie to go back to you," his brain explained the plan while Calvin was listening, "If you play your cards right, you will get Charles back,"
Calvin stared at the wall after his brain gave him a plan. After going over the plan, he gave himself a big grin.
"Payback is going to be fun," he said with a giggle.
A/N: What?! I'm starting a new story without finishing "See You Again"? Yes, I am.
I do plan on finishing See You Again but that story is going to be on hiatus till further notice. 
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I can’t get out of my head how in episode 5, that morning when Sam attacked Ellie, they cut to Joel laying on the floor. First time around I thought absolutely nothing of it, he was asleep, nothing special to it. He was out, heard commotion, woke up. Easy enough. But I watched it again today and I realized something. Joel was laying on his left side, his good side. Meaning most sounds would’ve been exceptionally muffled from both ears, cause like his right ear he can’t even really hear out of and his left would’ve been covered by his jacket as well as his arm, once again I say, muffling sounds and making it difficult to hear, therefore making it difficult to wake up or at least wake up quickly. But he did, and he woke up so fast. And I can’t stop thinking about how earlier in that episode when he didn’t wake up to the glass but woke up to Ellie saying his name. Like even though it’s probably so hard for him to really register who it is, or even hear it at all, every bone in his body is screaming at him to get up, to wake up right then. And my only reasoning is that it’s because it’s Ellie. It may just be me being the delusional whore I am. But it makes me wanna sob everytime. Like HE KNOWS ITS HIS BABYGIRL, HIS KID, so obviously he’s gonna wake up. Like tell me I’m wrong 😭😭😭😭
I literally can’t stop thinking about it
Somebody save me from my brain plz
You're not wrong!!
Well, mostly. Joel is lying on his right side when he wakes up in Episode 5, so his good ear wouldn't have been muffled.
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But Ellie's voice, especially with a scream or that tinge of panic, is absolutely the most efficient way to wake him up. He has to protect his babygirl 😭 I am completely convinced that once they get back to Jackson, Joel jerks awake with some regularity to hallucinations/nightmares of Ellie screaming.
In rewatching this scene, I realized- I've never noticed the desperate, strangled "Joel!"s that she screams out (that prompt him to ignore Henry's gun and try to pull Sam off her with his bare hands). I thought she was just generically screaming the whole time and HOO BOY is this fucking me up rn I can't stop thinking about Joel hearing those screams and NOT BEING ABLE TO GET TO HER. No wonder he bared his teeth and growled at Henry when he stopped him
I can't save you from your brain, mine is too busy churning over Joel and Ellie constantly. We suffer together!
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rockstarstate32 · 2 years
Matthew Engler x reader  smut
You're Joe Goldbergs adopted daughter. He adopted you before he met Love. You liked Love, she was better than Beck... who you knew was definately not right for your dad. But, again, you liked Love, she cooked good food and her baked goods were always fantastic. She loved you like you were her own daughter.
As long Joe was busy at the library and Love was taking care of Henry doing 'Mommy and Me' classes with the other stuckup moms, you had your freedom to spy on your neighbor Matthew. You were totally digging the dadbod. "Hot Zaddy" as Ellie would say.
You stayed perched on your bench by the window, watching as he typed away on his computer and spoke on the phone. Cary made a joke once that the only way to get Matthew hard was data collection, once you finally saw Matthew, you found yourself wondering what really made Matty boy hard.
You hopped off the bench and ran down stairs. You threw open the door to the back patio and pulled a chair to the fence and looked over at Matthew.
"Hey Neighbor" you said. He looked over and smiled at you. "Not gonna come say hi?"
"Hi (y/n)" He walked over and waved at you. "You enjoy the view when you're stalking me from that bedroom window?" he teased.
"Y'know, I think I'd like the view of you partially undressed better" You responded.
"How classy of you, (y/n)" he rolled his eyes. "Why don't you come over the fence and hang out?" he offered. You smiled and nodded, hopping over the fence and into Matthews arms. This was the normal tradition.
"Nice hair" You commented as you ruffled it.
"Thanks" he set you down. "Care for a drink? I can make you a Piña Colada... it's pretty hot out"
"Sure" you said and followed him inside. You threw yourself up onto his kitchen counter and watched him make you your drink.
"So, how many times have you fingered yourself to the sight of by the pool?" He asked teasingly.
"Not as many times as I've seen you jerk off in the water" you sass back.
"Smart ass!" He chuckled. "you have a serious attitude problem" he rolled his eyes.
"You're the one asking about masturbation..."
"How old are you again?"
"18 and single" you smirk. His lips soon crashed onto yours. "Woah" You whispered. "Do it again" As you grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him closer he smirked against your lips. You felt his herection press against your core.
"Fuck" he muttered taking his hardness into account. You smirk and palm him from the outside of his shorts. He left hot open mouthed kisses on your neck and trailed down to your collar bone.
"Matt!" you squealed at the satisfying sensation. His hand shot to your shorts and unbuttoned them, letting his finger trace your folds teasingly. You whimpered at the feeling and your core ached for him.
He groaned as you pulled him out of his pants. You slightly spread your legs, pleading eyes looking up at him as he stood in front of you, cock hard, and mouth agape. "God, you are so bad for me" he said shaking his head. Holding you close to him, he pushed in. The small gasp leaving your lips as began moving himself inside of you enticing him furthermore.
"Matt" your whimpery voice sounding out made his cock twitch even while he was fucking you.
"God (Y/N)" he groans in your ear.
"Matt harder" you say. and he obeyed. Angling himself to hit that golden spot and he pounded into you, earning curses and his name in tight, breathless moans.
"God, that sounds great. But, scream for me" he teases as his hands search and find your clit.
"Matthew" you drug your nails into his back. His hips stutter at the new pleasure. Putting you closer and closer to your climax your fingers dug deeper and deeper. Finally, you met your release, screaming his name as your drug your fingers down his bad. Matthew pulled out just in time to release anywhere but on you.
"(Y/N)" He wipes you off. "That was the most amazing thing." He breathes and he wipes himself. "I have ever done." He pulled up his shorts/
"My parents will be home soon" You suddenly realize. He looked at you taken aback. "Sex was great... but oh shit my parents"
"Sweetheart, you're 18." He said chuckling as he held you to his chest.
"Right..." you sigh. "Holy shit, that sex was so good. We have to do it again."
"You're telling me" he laughed. You heard a car pull into a driveway. Your eyes widened.
"Go hop the fence, and I'll distract them" He smiled and kissed you again. You smiled and ran out the back. Little did you know what the distraction was...
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knightmareaceblue · 2 years
I really liked your comic about Henry exploring being non-binary. I've been struggling with gender stuff myself recently, it made me feel a lot better. Also, I laughed so hard at that last bit. The Toppats may be hardened criminals, but at least they respect people's pronouns
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I'm happy to hear my drawing made you feel better. Gender can be confusing, but I hope you find a place where you're comfortable soon, my friend.
And yeah, I figure the Toppats are a pretty accepting bunch. Henry may be the jerk that got them all arrested, but they're still afforded all the respect a decent enemy deserves. Of course, respecting Henry's pronouns won't stop them from kicking the Toppats' butts for kidnapping Charles and Ellie, lol.
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(I forgot to add few more details to this but i was feeling lazy to fix it so I'll leave like this... DEAL WITH IT!)
This story sets two months after Fleeing The Complex.
"Hey... My name is Ellie Rose, current leader of the Toppat Clan, but i wasn't always the leader, i actually stole the leadership to the original leader, Henry Stickmin, we meet each other in the Wall two months ago."
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"He suddenly asked me for help so i helped him escape... And he helped me back, but i didn't trust him very much that time because i had a feeling that he was a jerk (Like any other boys i met) so i... Left him there..."
"After that i arrived to the Toppat Airship and Reginald asks me about Henry... I panicked because if i told them the truth they could kill me, so i lied to them saying that Henry give me his Toppat leadership right before he died, i though they weren't going to believe me but... They all fall for it, including the RHM"
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"Soon i became their new leader and everything was going awesome! I became feared and respected by everyone in the clan! And i made so many friends! Although... Most of the time i feel insecure hiding them the truth that i left their real leader in a complex, they're my friends and my family and I'm lying to the-"
Ellie's thoughts were interrupted when she heard someone calling her out, it was Reginald, it seems like they were in the middle of an important conversation and Ellie somehow got distracted with her thoughts.
Reginald: Ellie? Are you okay?
Ellie: E-eh? Yeah Reginald, I'm okay..
Reginald: Are you sure? We can take you to the medway if you want.
Ellie: No no I'm fine i swear, i just got distracted..
Reginald: If you say so.
Ellie: let's just continue with the reunion...
Reginald: Of course, as I was saying, once we have arrived, we should be able to launch the orbital station before we get attacked by any government trying to take us down.
Ellie: yeah, but most importantly we need to be prepared in case of an surprise attack, any suggestions?
Toppat #1: Nope.
Toppat #2: Sorry Miss Ellie.
Toppat #3: I think Geoffrey might have an idea.
Reginald: Ah yes! Geoffrey Plump! Our man idea! Has anyone sees him?
RHM: Last time I seen Geoffrey was like two months ago.
Reginald: That's weird, because as far as I know Thomas Chestersire was not seen in the past two months.
Ellie: That's very weird.
Reginald: Indeed, i wonder where did they went...
"Oh you wanna know?"
Everyone turned to where the voice sounded, and for everyone's surprise it was Geoffrey Plump along with Thomas Chestersire and.... Henry Stickmin!?
Thomas: We went outside to took for the REAL leader!
Everyone (except for Ellie): HENRY?!?
Ellie: (💭O-oh no...)
Reginald: Henry?? You're alive?? Ellie told us you died!
Henry: That was a pathetic lie from that dumb redhead! She abandoned me and run away! I was about to give up and let myself scum in the Wall but then Thomas and Geoffrey manage to burst me out of there!
Geoffrey: That's right! *Looks at Ellie* He helped you escape and you just left him!
Everyone in the airship (except for few Toppats) were completely shocked about what they all heard, the girl who has been their leader for 2 months has been lying to them the whole time, they felt angry and betrayed, so mostly everyone looked Ellie with an anger look.
Ellie: I-i can explain-
RHM: Silence Ellie, we already heard enough.
Reginald: And I need to ask you something very serious.
Ellie: (💭I-i'm so dead...)
Henry: (💭Heh heh, bye bye Ellie Rose.)
Ellie gulped and brace herself for her destiny but things didn't go like she thought.
Reginald: Why didn't you kill him instead?
RHM: Yea.
Ellie: (💭E-eh??)
Henry, Thomas and Geoffrey: (💭WHAT!!??)
Ellie: Y-you're not mad a me??
Reginald: Why would we mad at you? What you did was something that I should've done so long ago.
RHM: Yea I agree with Reg.
Reginald: Plus we didn't wanted Henry as a leader in the first place, after what he has donde to Righty.
Ellie: *Sighs in relief* (💭Thank goodness...)
Henry: (💭I should've know those two didn't trust me!)
Reginald: I'm sorry Henry but Ellie's still the leader, she's a lot better than you.
RHM: Yea.
Toppat: Even if she lied??? That's selfish!
Other Toppat: Yeah! She's not worthy of being our leader!
Another Toppat: Yeah! And neither you two are worthy of being Elite Toppats!
Henry: Well now, looks like the entire clan is on my side~
RHM: Grr! Not for long!
RHM in an attempt to attack Henry he suddenly got attacked by Henry who knocked him out with a hammer that he mysteriously got out of his pocket.
Henry: Don't even try.
Thomas and Geoffrey: Wow...
Reginald: RIGHTY!!
Henry: Someone take this guy to the brig, and has for you two. *Sees Ellie and Reginald* You two will be thrown overboard.
Ellie and Reginald we're soon in the plank of the airship, very close to jump off, Reginald was very scared while Ellie was trying to figure out a way out of this mess, meanwhile, few Toppats we're giving their opinions about Ellie being dethroned, Reginald being kicked out and RHM being in the brig.
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Bonnie: We can't do this to them! It's not right!
Nicole: I know!
Mercudi: I don't like how this is going...
Sven: Yeah! This doesn't really feel-
Sven was soon interrupted by Geoffrey who overheard what everyone said.
Geoffrey: Take any loyalties to the brig! Those who are loyal to Ellie are traitors as well!
Carol: Y-you can't do that! Some of us are Elite Toppats!
Earrings: Yeah! It's true!
Geoffrey: Not anymore, you guys are gonna be in the brig for the rest of your lives!
Back with Ellie, Reginald and Henry.
Ellie: (💭 This is bad...)
Reginald: I-i don't like this! I really don't like this!
Ellie: Don't worry Reginald! I'm gonna find a way to get out of this.
Henry: Oh no you won't! You either jump or I'll kill you!
Thomas: Yeah! What he said!
Geoffrey: You better listen to him lady!
Ellie: Bring it on then!
Reginald: E-ellie be careful! (💭Righty I miss you...)
Henry then got angry and grabbed an gun and pointed to Ellie and Reginald.
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Ellie: (💭What am I gonna do??)
WHOOO I'M FINALLY DONE WITH THIS PART OF THE PROLOGUE! I'll wait for the results in one week so I can start the next part.
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ask-thsc-blog · 2 years
Me: Good thing I didn't know this guy. Sounds like a real jerk. So that meant Henry... or Calvin...
Ellie: Mhm. Pretty much.
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mystery666 · 3 years
Dreams of a better life
Part one of suicidal Charles story
Charles was giggling in his dreams he was cuddling Henry the perfect Henry who never left him and treated him like he was actually real. "Thank you Henry for staying with me at least you'll never leave me" Charles said softly hugging Henry closer. "Charles we can only stay together as long as your asleep the Henry out there would never treat you like this" dream Henry said gently caressing Charles lip before leaning in and kissing those soft lips. Charles kissed back he loved his dream Henry but knew that this perfect Henry didn't exist. "I don't want to wake up Henry I dont want to leave you" Charles said softly crying as he began to wake up. Why did real life have to rip him away from his fantasy world Charles woke up with tears on his face looking up at two people laughing at him. Henry and ellie were in his room laughing because Charles never slept in. "get out" Charles said angrily shoving them out of the room. Charles looked back at his pillow seeing his secret under there contemplating using his secret to go back to sleep "not today t-there's too much to do"
Charles sighed getting ready for the day and leaving his house trying not to hear the whispers and nasty remarks about how bad he looked. Charles mental health had been steadily declining ever since someone said that he was basically a burden on the team of triple threat. Ever since he hadnt said much loosing his old cheerful attitude and acting more like Henry only speaking when it was needed. Charles sat in his helicopter and waited for Henry and ellie to get seated Charles took off once they had. "Hey Charles any idea what to do for this mission" Henry asked Charles didn't answer focusing on flying at least he could still enjoy his time in his helicopter. "Charles come on what's got you into this funk come on suggest something for us to do" ellie said. Charles sighed "you don't need or want my help your just pretending" Charles said quietly before hovering above their mission place. "That's it Charles, come on land and come with us" Henry said "that isn't our dynamic you guys infiltrate im the pilot that only helps with transportation" Charles said but Henry and ellie dragged him out onto the mission with them.
Charles felt better during the mission beginning to smile and laugh a little and give little witty remarks. Charles was almost his old self again during the mission until the general yelled at ellie and Henry for breaking from protocol on this mission. "Cool it general if you haven't noticed Charles has seemed miserable for a while we were trying to cheer him up" ellie said. Henry seemed angry because the generals comment had erased the previous wide smile on Charles face. "While I appreciate you guys attempting to cheer him up this mission was too dangerous for that" the general said "it was working" Henry said softly. Charles was told to take a few days off for his own mental health but this made it even worse he began to hurt himself his arms covered in cuts. Charles was sleepy today and didn't get out of bed looking at his knife before he sighed sitting up charles slowly held up the knife inspecting the dried blood on the blade. Charles smiled gently pulling off his bandages and his long sleeves cuts and scars were plentiful on one arm but the other one hadn't been given the same treatment yet.
Charles ran the knife across his wrist feeling a bit of relief at the pain shutting down his head he did this again and again more and more cuts formed on his wrists as he smirked. Once charles felt he had done enough damage to his arm he cleaned up the bloody knife hiding it again and wrapping his wrist in bandages. Charles fell back into his bed laying under his covers and he yawned sleepily before falling asleep for a few hours henry woke him up. charles looked up at henry who told that they were going to lunch with Ellie and charles got up slowly he got his wallet and went with henry and ellie to lunch but several other government soldiers said very rude things to charles. Charles learned that Henry and ellie had lured him here to insult him and he cried taking the sharp knife on the table. All the soldiers Henry and ellie gasped when that knife soon found a new home in Charles chest stabbed into his chest by Charles himself. Charles fell to the ground bleeding and unconscious but he was smiling as he faded out of consciousness expecting the after life.
Charles woke up in a place that was white all over and he saw his perfect Henry smiling. "come with me Charles you'll never have to be alone again we can dance forever" henry said. "What happened i thought I was dead" Charles said softly "no you missed your heart your alive just in a coma" Henry said shifting so he wore a beautiful black tux. Charles took henrys hand and was lead in a dance by his perfect Henry smiling gently he suddenly was wearing a white tux and a red bow tie with gold accents. On the outside all of those soldiers had been severely punished while ellie and Henry were also reprimanded for making a depressed man feel even worse about himself. "Henry im deeply disappointed in you you should know just how bad mental illness is on a person! You've got bipolar disorder" the general shouted at them. Ellie and Henry felt the like the worst friends ever they essentially tried to make him feel better by getting Charles insulted by the meanest cadets in the government forces now Charles was in the hospital in a coma because of their own meanness and stupidity the jerks.
Charles began to wake up really late at night two months later he pulled the stupid things out of his body looking at his chests healed hole. Charles got up putting his clothes back on and he left the hospital he went home and looked at his favorite helicopter plushie which was as big as him. Charles wrapped his arms and legs around it and nuzzled into the softest thing he had in his house which was a pillow he had given to Henry but Henry has returned it because he apparently didn't like soft things. Charles didn't feel that ache in his chest anymore for some reason but he was sure that it would return. Charles yelled at both ellie and Henry that they were the worst friends ever and Henry and ellie told him that they'd try to be better. Charles was silent for a while then told ellie and a few other friends that he had a crush on Henry for a while. "That guy is a player there's no chance he'd ever date you" Rupert said painfully truthful again Charles sighed "i know that but I was hoping he could at least love me A little".
Charles broken heart was the absolute worst feeling he felt empty and broken and he decided that he was going to move. "I'm going to go visit my sister for a few months maybe I'll start to feel better with a change of scenery. Who knows maybe I'll find someone who can actually love me" Charles said softly to Henry and ellie as he packed everything up. Henry and ellie nodded knowing that charles needed something to help him and maybe a visit with his family members would help him with that. when Charles came back three months later everything had seemed to have gone well but Henry got really bad vibes off the guy Charles now called his boyfriend.
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ALSO some old drawings that I've just dug up, but never posted because...uh...reasons that you'll probably see.
I'll put them below the cut. There's no gore or sexual stuff or anything like that. It's just Reg being a horrible person 
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Jesus christ I'm sorry. 
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Selfie time!
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"Ellie, you asked me to take the picture. It's not a selfie."
Eh, I'll take it.
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flamingredanon · 2 years
Au. Toppats don't stay at the wall they mysteriously disappear and then galeforce finds out they've made it back to the clan. He tries telling dmitri this but the man refuses to believe him.
Meanwhile Right is laughing, quietly, as he leads their new recruits henry and ellie out through the vents while his dad distracts that jerk of a captain.
Right gets Henry and Ellie safely into a laundry van as Galeforce storms out of the Wall with his few troops, pissed off that Dmitri isn't listening to him and that he and his men have no power in Canada to arrest any Toppats.
After about an hour, Right gives his dad a hug before driving Henry and Ellie down to the Toppat base for orientation. Dmitri waved his son off before heading back to work, counting the days before Galeforce shows back up to his office.
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echotrinityme · 5 months
Unexpected Love: Exes and Oohs
A/N: Why yes, the chapter name is inspired by the Helluva Boss episode of the same name. I realized I have been using Dominic Daemon way too much and I have another THSC oc that needs development.
It's been weeks since Calvin had asked Henry out and Henry's been avoiding him.
Of course, it would be easy to avoid Calvin if they weren't in the same unit in the army. Henry never told Charles what Calvin did and thought he didn't need to know. He knew Charles wouldn't care since his feelings for Calvin were long gone, and he was now in love with Ellie but...
He doesn't like to keep secrets from Charles. 
Henry, Charles, and Ellie were walking to the base. The General called them in for something, and they headed to his office in uniforms. Charles and Ellie were talking while Henry was quiet as usual. They made it inside the base and passed by several soldiers who said hi to them. They said hi back and headed to the General's office. Henry lagged a little bit behind as Charles and Ellie started flirting. Henry didn't want to hear them flirting and to avoid being in a bad mood, he decided to slow down.
The trio passed by the Bukowski twins who were planning pranks as usual. Well... Konrad was planning pranks while Calvin was distracted, Calvin was looking at Henry. Henry was avoiding him and he didn't like it. He's been trying to come up with new ideas to ask Henry out, he's not going to give up on his revenge plan. 
"So I was thinking we can dye someone's hair with the ugliest color," Konrad explained as he glanced at his brother but his brother wasn't listening to him. Konrad arched an eyebrow at his brother, "Cal? You're not listening to me," 
"Hm?" Calvin replied distractedly, he glanced at his brother and saw his brother look annoyed at him, "Did you say something, bro?"
"Yes! What's with you lately?" Konrad asked, "You seem distant,"
"Oh," Calvin replied as he glanced at Henry again, standing in front of the General's office with Charles and Ellie, "Sorry... I was distracted,"
"With what?"
"None of your business,"
Konrad sighed with annoyance, Konrad is used to his brother being an asshole. They may be identical twins but that doesn't mean they share the same personalities. Calvin has a jock/jerk personality while Konrad is a bit more laid-back with a geek streak but he's also no pushover. Konrad was about to tell his brother off when Calvin went up to Henry and Co. Konrad quickly followed him. 
"I wonder why the General called for us?" Charles asked, Ellie and Henry wondered too. They were about to head in when they heard footsteps coming toward them, the trio turned around when they saw the Bukowski twins standing before them. Charles and Ellie frowned when they saw Calvin while Henry stiffly waved at them.
"Hey, guys," Charles said stiffly, "What are you doing here?"
Calvin and Konrad blinked as they looked at each other. They didn't think about it. Well, Calvin didn't and Konrad just followed his brother. 
"Um... we... we were just..." Calvin started explaining, ignoring the trio's looks. 
"Whatever," Ellie answered, "The General needs us so you guys can either leave or join us,"
Charles opened the flap and let Henry and Ellie in. The Bukowski twins followed them inside, curious about what the General needed the Triple Threat for. The group went inside and saw the General was talking to someone they had never seen before. The person who was talking to the General had light blue hair that was short and shaggy. He was wearing a black shirt with black ripped pants and black combat boots. He accessorized the outfit with a black leather jacket that had bones on it and black fingerless gloves.
He also had a lip and eyebrow piercing. He looked like a delinquent. 
Everyone was surprised at the person sans Henry who looked shocked but no one seemed to notice. The General glanced at the group and stopped talking to the man in front of him. He faced the group and cleared his throat. The man also faced the group and Henry's eyes widened as the man smiled at him. 
"Everyone, this is-"
Everyone stared at Henry whose mouth was agape, Spike gave Henry a smug smirk as he held up his hand to wave at him. "Hello, Henrietta," he replied with a mocky tone. 
"What the hell are you doing here?" Henry questioned with gritted teeth and his eyes narrowed, one of his fists was clenched in anger.
"I just wanted to see you," Spike replied with a smug tone, "Don't you want me to?"
Henry glared at Spike who grinned in response. 
Everyone saw the tension between Henry and Spike. Charles and Ellie saw that Henry was acting aggressively and they had never seen him act aggressively before. Not even when dealing with the Toppats that he wasn't aggressive. The Bukowski twins never saw this side of Henry before, they always knew that Henry was quiet, shy, didn't like people, and was a kleptomaniac.
"Henry, you know this young man?" the General said, sensing the tension.
Henry glanced at the General with a hard look on his face, "Know him? I dat- I mean he was my partner in crime before I got arrested,"
Everyone sans Calvin missed what Henry was going to say before he changed it. 
Galeforce raised an eyebrow in confusion, he knew of Henry's criminal past but he didn't know he had a partner. "He was your partner in crime?"
Henry nodded while Spike still stared at him with a grin, Henry wanted to knock the shit out of him but he can't. At least, not now and in front of everyone.
Henry turned back at the General and he smiled politely, "Sir? May I talk to Spike outside alone?"
Without waiting for Galeforce to respond, he grabbed Spike by the collar and headed outside. Spike made an indignant sound as he was dragged out by Henry. Henry kept dragging Spike away from anyone who would hear them until he stopped at a secluded spot. Henry let go of Spike and crossed his arms. Spike stumbled a bit but gained his footing, he stood up and gained his composure.    
He glanced at Henry who was glaring at him, Spike smiled and was about to say something, but he didn't get the chance to speak.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Henry asked again, Spike was about to talk again but Henry shut him down, "I'm the one talking here so shut up! "Also, what the heck did you know I was here? And why are you here?!"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Spike held out his hands, "Calm down, Henri. I can explain,"
Henry put his hands on his hips, wanting to hear Spike out. 
"I know I sorta... left you," Spike started slowly.
"Left me... You left me?" Henry scoffed, "Yeah, right. You didn't leave me... YOU ABANDONED ME!!!" Henry shouted the last phrase as he clenched his fists and felt his eyes wet with hot tears.
Spike was shocked at Henry's outburst but quickly got angry, "Hey! It wasn't my fault! I tried my best you know!" he exclaimed angrily.
"Oh, bullshit!"
"It's true!"
Henry crossed his arms again and looked away from Spike. Feelings of bitterness, resentment, and anger started to brew inside Henry. He hated feeling those kinds of feelings and seeing Spike again brought up painful memories. Spike went up to Henry and lifted his chin to look at him. "Hey, it's alright my pretty diamond," Spike whispered, "I'm here now,"
Spike put his hand on Henry and the other hand on the small of his back. Henry's eyes widened when he felt Spike's arms around him, he was then brought into a hug. Henry would have enjoyed the hug if it weren't for the fact that his ex and the last person he wanted to see was hugging him. And it also doesn't help that he could feel Spike inching closer to his butt. Henry quickly stopped him by grabbing his hand and staring at him coldly. 
"Your hand goes any lower and I'm going to break it," Henry threatened coldly.
Spike smirked, he knew Henry wouldn't do anything since he was too weak and could get in trouble. "Aw, c'mon, babe," Spike said, "I thought you loved this,"
"I did! Before you showed your true colors!" Henry barked.
Spike chuckled as he glanced over Henry's shoulders, Henry noticed this and turned around. His face flushed with embarrassment when he saw Charles, Ellie, and the Bukowski twins staring at them. Henry saw their faces and he cringed. 
Charles, Ellie, and Calvin surprisingly had angry looks on their faces while Konrad had a worried look. Henry didn't want things to get worse so while Spike was distracted, he slapped him in the face and told him to get lost. Henry then left Spike alone to get everyone away from him, Spike was angry but didn't go after him. 
Charles, Ellie, and the Bukowski twins tried to ask Henry what was that all about but Henry didn't want to talk about it. Everyone dropped the subject but someone decided to wait to ask about Spike later and that someone was Calvin Bukowski. 
A/N:  I'm so sorry about the lack of updates. I started getting into a game called Team Fortress 2 and the spring semester just started on Monday for me. Also, I have two versions of Spike. THSC Spike is a delinquent while my oc Spike is different in personality. 
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Quick question for the mod! Usually blogs about tcw make one character uncharacteristically evil, like just pure evil, (not that that's a bad thing of course!, Just kinda ruins the other endings in which they were really empathetic) I'm asking if this blogs gonna do that with ellie rose? Like make her a tyrant, or just like, ellie's understandably angry at henry because he made a jerk move?
Well, I don’t want to compare this blog to other blogs as I don’t think that’d be fair to anyone. Not to mention looking through the Toppat Civil Warfare tag, I don’t really see her being tyrannical as much as... Just angry and murderous toward Henry. Which happened in the actual TCW ending.
That said!
 I do prefer complex characters and complex situations. I hope that the way I write Ellie is, as you describe, understandably angry at Henry because he did something wrong, while also taking things too far. I want her to be understandable, but not completely justified.
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askstickmintrio · 4 years
Ellie, Charles and Henry may be jerks, but i have an idea. When they sleep, draw on their faces. It's a common sibling prank.
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Gonna have to close the asks again, sorry guys, online school is such a pain QwQ
Imma work on the final part of the drinking contest soon lol, then I’ll open the asks
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