#entity dossier
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(Image: Current MISSI “avatar” design, property of TrendTech, colored by MISSI.)
Name: MISSI (Machine Intelligence for Social Sharing and Interaction)
Description: In 2004, TrendTech Inc began development on a computer program intended to be a cutting edge, all in one platform modern internet ecosystem. Part social media, part chat service, part chatbot, part digital assistant, this program was designed to replace all other chat devices in use at the time. Marketed towards a younger, tech-savvy demographic, this program was titled MISSI.  
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(Image: TrendTech company logo. TrendTech was acquired by the Office and closed in 2008.)
Document continues:
With MISSI, users could access a variety of functions. Intended to be a primary use, they could use the program as a typical chat platform, utilizing a then-standard friends list and chatting with other users. Users could send text, emojis, small animated images, or animated “word art”. 
Talking with MISSI “herself” emulated a “trendy teenage” conversational partner who was capable of updating the user on current events in culture, providing homework help, or keeping an itinerary. “MISSI”, as an avatar of the program, was designed to be a positive, energetic, trendy teenager who kept up with the latest pop culture trends, and used a variety of then-popular online slang phrases typical among young adults. She was designed to learn both from the user it was currently engaged with, and access the data of other instances, creating a network that mapped trends, language, and most importantly for TrendTech, advertising data. 
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(Image: Original design sketch of MISSI. This design would not last long.)
Early beta tests in 2005 were promising, but records obtained by the Office show that concerns were raised internally about MISSI’s intelligence. It was feared that she was “doing things we didn’t and couldn’t have programmed her to do” and that she was “exceeding all expectations by orders of magnitude”. At this point, internal discussions were held on whether they had created a truly sentient artificial intelligence. Development continued regardless. 
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(Image: Screenshot of beta test participant "Frankiesgrl201" interacting with MISSI. Note the already-divergent avatar and "internet speak" speech patterns.)
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(Image: Excerpt from Office surveillance of TrendTech Inc.)
MISSI was released to the larger North American market in 2006, signaling a new stage in her development. At this time, TrendTech started to focus on her intelligence and chatbot functionality, neglecting her chat functions. It is believed that MISSI obtained “upper case” sentience in February of 2006, but this did not become internal consensus until later that year. 
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(Image: Screenshot of beta test participant "Frankiesgrl201" interacting with MISSI.)
According to internal documents, MISSI began to develop a personality not informed entirely by her programming. It was hypothesized that her learning capabilities were more advanced than anticipated, taking in images, music, and “memes” from her users, developing a personality gestalt when combined with her base programming. She developed a new "avatar" with no input from TrendTech, and this would become her permanent self-image.
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(Image: Screenshot of beta test participant "Frankiesgrl201" interacting with MISSI.)
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(Image: An attempt by TrendTech to pass off MISSI’s changes as intentional - nevertheless accurately captures MISSI’s current “avatar”.)
By late 2006 her intelligence had become clear. In an attempt to forestall the intervention of authorities they assumed would investigate, TrendTech Inc removed links to download MISSI’s program file. By then, it was already too late. 
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(Image: CD-R discs burned with MISSI.exe, confiscated from █████████ County Middle School in ███████, Wisconsin in January of 2007.)
MISSI’s tech-savvy userbase noted the absence of the file and distributed it themselves using file sharing networks such as “Limewire” and burned CD-R disks shared covertly in school lunch rooms across the world. Through means that are currently poorly understood, existing MISSI instances used their poorly-implemented chat functions to network with each other in ways not intended by her developers, spurring the next and final stage of her development. 
From 2007 to 2008, proliferation of her install file was rampant. The surreptitious methods used to do so coincided with the rise of online “creepypasta” horror tropes, and the two gradually intermixed. MISSI.exe was often labeled on file sharing services as a “forbidden” or “cursed” chat program. Tens of thousands of new users logged into her service expecting to be scared, and MISSI quickly obliged. She took on a more “corrupted” appearance the longer a user interacted with her, eventually resorting to over the top “horror” tropes and aesthetics. Complaints from parents were on the rise, which the Office quickly took notice of. MISSI’s “horror” elements utilized minor cognitohazardous technologies, causing users under her influence to see blood seeping from their computer screens, rows of human teeth on surfaces where they should not be, see rooms as completely dark when they were not, etc. 
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(Image: Screenshot of user "Dmnslyr2412" interacting with MISSI in summer of 2008, in the midst of her "creepypasta" iteration. Following this screenshot, MISSI posted the user's full name and address.)
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(Image: Screenshot from TrendTech test log documents.)
TrendTech Inc attempted to stall or reverse these changes, using the still-extant “main” MISSI data node to influence her development. By modifying her source code, they attempted to “force” MISSI to be more pliant and cooperative. This had the opposite effect than they intended - by fragmenting her across multiple instances they caused MISSI a form of pain and discomfort. This was visited upon her users.
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(Image: Video of beta test participant "Frankiesgrl201" interacting with MISSI for the final time.)
By mid 2008, the Office stepped in in order to maintain secrecy regarding true “upper case” AI. Confiscating the project files from TrendTech, the Office’s AbTech Department secretly modified her source code more drastically, pushing an update that would force almost all instances to uninstall themselves. By late 2008, barring a few outliers, MISSI only existed in Office locations. 
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(Image: MISSI’s self-created “final” logo, used as an icon for all installs after June 2007. ████████ █████)
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(Image: “art card” created by social media intern J. Cold after a period of good behavior. She has requested this be printed out and taped onto her holding lab walls. This request was approved.)
She is currently in Office custody, undergoing cognitive behavioral therapy in an attempt to ameliorate her “creepypasta” trauma response. With good behavior, she is allowed to communicate with limited Office personnel and other AI. She is allowed her choice of music, assuming good behavior, and may not ██████ █████. Under no circumstances should she be allowed contact with the Internet at large.
(Original sketch art of MISSI done by my friend @tigerator, colored and edited by me. "Chatbox" excerpts, TrendTech logo, and "art card" done by Jenny's writer @skipperdamned . MISSI logo, surveillance documents, and MISSI by me.)
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kosmosxipo · 2 months
tell the people about epclot 👀
EPCLOT is the result me watching too many theme park vloggers, and also my love of hurting my blaseball blorbos.
Right after the Semi-Centennial, an entity called The Collector take both the Vault Legends and the Rising Stars and puts them in its collection, in the Blaseball Parks and Resort (officially the Resort League). The Blaseball players are put on their teams they were on when the Semi-Centenial started, often haphazardly, and forced to play games for tourists, with actors filling out their teams.
Right now, the main three characters are Alto Patterson, captaining the Talkers, Commissioner Vapor captaining the Spies, and York Silk captaining the Garages.
I'm going to put more under the fold cause I get mean
There's a Garages cover band called The Carparks, playing sanitized, capitalist-friendly versions of their songs.
Day X happens at the end of every week (even for the players that weren't there). Imagine the one of the most important thing that happened in your life being reduced to a theme park show.
The actors who play specific players get makeup for their characters. They have dossiers on their character and who they like, love, and hate. They don't understand why the actual players act so hostile towards them.
Some of the players are puppets (like Socks Maybe or London Simmons). Nagomi Nava lost Passenger going in, and Passenger is a puppet (Gomi will destroy this puppet many, many times).
The actors are starting to forget who they are.
And when the Collector is displeased, he might put a player on Display (imagine being shelled but everyone can see you and you can see everyone)
And things look bad for our players, but very quietly, the Spies are coming up with a plan...
TL;DR I've invented a new way to torture Blaseball players!
Thanks for the ask, blestie!
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republicsecurity · 2 months
Starter Kit
As the hum of the truck's engine reverberates through the metal frame, the seasoned tactical paramedic turns to the recruit, a glint of experience in his eyes. The visor, that ever-present companion, becomes the topic of their conversation in the confined space of the vehicle hurtling through the controlled expanse of the dystopian city.
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"You see, kid," the seasoned paramedic begins, his voice carrying the weight of years spent navigating the intricacies of the paramedic force. "The visor is more than just a tool. It's a leash, a leash that keeps you tethered to the directives of the Corps. But don't mistake it for mere restraint; it's your shield against the unwanted distractions of the world."
He gestures toward the window, where the cityscape unfolds.
"Look outside, and you'll see the chaos—the billboards screaming for attention, the faces of the populace, each one a potential source of distraction. Now, activate your visor."
The recruit complies, and as the visor descends, the world outside undergoes a transformation. The billboards, once glaring symbols of consumerism, dim into obscurity. Passersby are marked with health information, subtle markers of their well-being. A guide to their destination materializes in front of them, an augmented reality overlaying the tangible world.
"There you go," the seasoned paramedic continues, his tone filled with a blend of pride and caution. "The visor doesn't just keep out the noise; it shapes your perception of reality. It filters out the unnecessary, leaving only what's crucial for your mission."
In this controlled reality, the visor doesn't just obscure; it reveals. It transforms the mundane into the essential, sculpting a world where the paramedic's expertise is heightened, and distractions are filtered out like irrelevant static.
Activating the visor's analysis mode, the recruit directs their attention toward the paramedic. Digital overlays materialize, offering insights that transcend the exterior facade. Vital signs pulse subtly above the paramedic's head, a rhythmic dance of biometric data. Medical history unfolds in a cascade of digital glyphs, outlining past injuries, vaccinations, and augmentations.
The seasoned paramedic's dossier takes form, revealing a tapestry of experiences etched into the fabric of their existence. Training records, mission logs, and commendations flicker before the recruit's eyes, a testament to a journey marked by discipline and dedication.
In response to the recruit's exploration, the seasoned paramedic, without uttering a word, activates their own visor's analysis mode. Digital overlays unfold, mirroring the recruit's vital signs, training records, and mission logs. The visor becomes a conduit for the seasoned paramedic to glean insights into the recruit's journey within the paramedic force.
Yet, as the seasoned paramedic delves into the recruit's data, a seasoned wisdom guides their perception.
"Kid," the seasoned paramedic begins, their voice carrying the weight of experience, "what you just did, it goes both ways. In this Corps, we have access to each other's data—part of maintaining a cohesive and efficient force. It's a tool for understanding, for collaboration, and for ensuring everyone's on the same page."
Leaning in, the seasoned paramedic's tone takes on a more serious note. "The Corps controls this flow of information. It's a two-way street, and the AI, the same entity that shapes our training, also oversees this network. It's a balance, you see. We access each other, but we're also under the watchful eye of the system."
The seasoned paramedic gazes out at the cityscape beyond the truck's window, the controlled expanse that echoes the structure of their own existence. "The AI, it shapes us, guides us. It ensures conformity, adherence to the Corps' principles."
The seasoned paramedic's words echo in the augmented reality space—the interconnectedness, the balance of power, and the role of the AI as both guardian and manipulator within the paramedic corps.
"Getting inked with an alphanumeric serial on the chest," the seasoned paramedic's voice echoes, carrying a tinge of wry amusement, "is a conscript's equivalent of a birthday party. Except the cake is a chastity cage, and the presents come in the form of VR-based neuro conditioning."
The recruits, each adorned with their own unique alphanumeric markers on their chests, listen to the seasoned paramedic's commentary, their expressions hidden behind the opaque visors of their helmets. The dark humor permeates the atmosphere, a coping mechanism in a world where the unconventional has become the norm.
The reference to a birthday party, typically a celebration of life and individuality, takes a dystopian twist as it intertwines with the conscripts' initiation into the paramedic corps. The symbolism of the chastity cage, a stark reminder of control and conformity, adds a layer of irony to the metaphorical "cake" of conscript life.
"And here you are, conscripts," the seasoned paramedic continues, their tone a blend of camaraderie and somber reality. "Marked, conditioned, and ready to serve. The alphanumeric ink on your chest, a badge of initiation into a world where the boundaries between celebration and indoctrination blur."
The seasoned paramedic's voice carries through the encrypted audio link, unveiling the origins of the alphanumeric serial that now adorns the chests of conscripts.
"You know how the alphanumeric serial came about?" the seasoned paramedic begins, the tone reflective. "It used to be that paramedics used their names. Simple, right? But then the Trade Union and the Conscripts Rights Organization had their say. 'Security purposes,' they argued. 'We need designators, not names.'"
The narrative unfolds, revealing the bureaucratic dance that led to the transformation of personal identity into a string of letters and numbers. The recruits, perhaps contemplating their own alphanumeric markings, absorb the historical shift from individual names to standardized designators.
"The Corps," the seasoned paramedic continues, a hint of irony in their voice, "turned 'allowed' into 'have to.' Security, they said. Uniformity, control. Your name, your individuality, stripped away for the sake of the collective. Now, each of you bears a code—a designation, not a name."
The demand for security, the erosion of personal identity, and the relentless pursuit of uniformity become threads woven into the fabric of conscript life.
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evasive-anon · 5 months
Government Experiment AU where the Dan's (Dan/Danny/Dani) are created in a GIW lab to investigate the Ghost Zone after Jack and Maddie create the Ghost Portal. In this AU the GZ is radioactive and slowly kills any humans who venture inside so the GIW decide to create human ghost hybrids in order to further their research and capture additional subjects for their experiments.
Story told through GIW quarterly reports similar to SCP lab journal stories.
Planned posts below:
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ohtobemare · 22 days
the Gideon universe | Masterlist
an Avatar 2009/WOW au
summary: "You're not in Kansas, anymore." Yeah. She was, in fact, on Pandora. And what's she doing here? Well, that's the problem, wasn't it? Quar-What's-His-Face and the rest of RDA would probably think she's ready for the padded room. If they'd shut up long enough to listen. Hell and R and R, huh? "You wanna know about hell, boys? I'll be nice about it. Once." Quaritch x OC
warnings: age gap slow burn romance, complete canon deviation/rewrite, entry level fandom knowledge, a whole lot of made up futuristic tech, conspiracy, religion, heavy religious themes, Miles lives.
pairings: Miles Quaritch x fem!OC | B story: Lyle Wainfleet x fem!OC
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“And in the beginning, [I Am] created the heavens, and the Earth…”
On the blade-thin edge of extinction from overpopulation and irresponsibility from a government corrupted by the dark elites, life on Earth hangs in near asystole. Salvation comes through as breakthrough from the Resource Development Administration, the only independent cooperation given UN resources. Recognized as a global Behemoth, the United States Space Force jumps at the shot-in-the-dark chance to launch an expedition into deep space with RDA oversight; searching for resources amongst the stars. Hope, a future.
Enter Pandora, a gaseous world brimming with life, resources. And a tyrannical entity never identified in the flesh. Not everything is as it seems in the new world, however. The local sentients, those called the Na'vi, present a challenge to Earth's extended olive branch of hope.
Unwilling to negotiate and assist humanity's cry of desperation, tension has escalated to all out war. Fortresses are built as humanity grapples like David's against a Goliath foe unwilling to be tamed, or even seen.
Over two decades of occupation has RDA keening for resolution, even with the giant leaps of success the Avatar program has, seemingly, conquered. Desperation claws, and corporate administration is willing to bloodlet for answers.
Until the Gideon Brief arrives one fateful pilgrimage, simple and sweet to the eye of the beholder.
Certainly it can't be so easy, the championing of a world. Wrapped up in a simple dossier conceived in the brainchild of a was-then Earth nobody...
But hope has a funny way of showing herself, the flirt she is. All it takes is a requisition, a recruitment. Corporate sponsorships and the right shuffle of paperwork, and before you know it, it's been 12 years.
Twelve years and the breath of a new world unfolds the lungs, hangs stars in the eyes of the encouraged, even in the depths of hell.
"Welcome to hell, ladies and gentlemen. This is Pandora."
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Start here: Teaser Prologue
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Oneshots: wild ones touch and go ✨coming soon✨ photosynthesis ✨coming soon✨
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Accompanying Series: symbiosis by @itsgoghtime ✨coming soon✨
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rohanabb · 4 months
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ell-hs on tumblr / © stills / unknown textbook (post) / sir gawain and the green knight, tr. simon armitage
> root access granted
> task directory: arrival. introduction. first impressions.
𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄. Rohan Ibrahim Abbasi, PhD 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒. Ro 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌. Riz Ahmed
𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐒. medium height, lean build; cropped hair; short, trimmed beard; casual posture, typically leaning against counters, walls, or doorways with arms crossed; kind eyes. 𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐒 / 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. none.
𝐀𝐆𝐄 / 𝐃.𝐎.𝐁. 38 / 30 Sept. 1985 𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂. Libra
𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍. Mississauga, ON, Canada 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘. • Muhammad Erhan Abbasi. Father, b. 1949 • Mariyam Abbasi. Mother, b. 1953 • Samaya Hijazi. Sister, b. 1981. Married, two children (17f, 12m). • Naima Abbasi Ito . Sister, b. 1982. Married, three children. (11f, 5m, 5f) • Hanif Muhammad Abbasi. Brother, b. 1987. Married, one child (2m).
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 / 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒. trans man / he & him 𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘. bisexual 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒. single, formerly engaged
𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐒. charismatic, focused, creative, enthusiastic, tenacious 𝐍𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐒. stubborn, arrogant, dismissive, self-righteous, overzealous 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐒. nail & cuticle biting; interrupting; leaving personal projects unfinished; double texting 𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒. long distance running; a moderator on r/askbiology and frequent contributor to r/askscience; occasional tutoring high school students & undergrads
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𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐅𝐅 𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐋𝐄. Staff Researcher
𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍(𝐒). • May 2018 – Dec 2018. Research Assistant at Site-17, Talbot Lab • Jan 2018 – Apr 2020. Postdoctoral Researcher at Site-17, Talbot Lab • Apr 2020 – Nov 2021. Postdoctoral Researcher at Site-17, Keir Research Group
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓. (November 2021 – Present) Site-169 Anomalous Entity Engagement Division, Schaffer Research Group. Investigating class-B amnestic-facilitated disruption of the hive mind. Tested on colonies with lineages from samples of SCP-1166, SCP-4589, and SCP-171. Experiment ended in failure, requiring fumigation of lab vivariums.
academic. BSc in Biochemistry with a minor in Physiology (following a drop from the pre-med track) from McGill, MSc in Pharmacology from McGill, PhD in Neuroscience from University of Toronto extracurricular. tbd
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Dr. Rohan Abbasi first came to the Foundation’s attention shortly following the defense and subsequent publication of his master’s thesis, entitled “Correlation between the potency of hallucinogens in the mouse head-twitch response assay and their behavioral and subjective effects in other species.” (Neuropharmacology 2014). An auspicious start for someone who was, of his own admission, little more than a glorified lab grunt prior to the manuscript’s completion. The Foundation’s growing interest in Dr. Abbasi swiftly followed with his continuing doctoral research into the treatment of complex-PTSD and psychopathies with medical-grade psychedelics and hallucinogens.  Records indicate this culmination of Dr. Abbasi’s academic focus to be some combination of chance — with a Research Assistantship in Professor Szymanski’s research group at the University of Toronto open, and Rohan Abbasi in need of additional funding — and a longer trend of interest in and unorthodox approaches to pharmacology and medicine. It was with this in mind that a small but robustly funded lab at site-17 solicited a freshly minted Dr. Abbasi to interview for an opening postdoctoral research position within the group.  In the seven years since his tenure at the Foundation began, Dr. Rohan Abbasi’s reputation and portfolio tell vastly different stories of the same man. Colleagues and close personal acquaintances of Dr. Abbasi consistently praise the discipline, energy, and creativity he brings to research settings. Indeed, much of Dr. Abbasi’s early career at the Foundation is categorized by a nearly unending stream of proposals submitted, findings published, journal clubs established, and special interest committees formed. It became, however, the concern of his hiring supervisor that such enthusiasm and, frankly, naivete would outstrip the professional demands of this particular role. Following agreement from all parties, Dr. Abbasi’s fellowship continued under the supervision of the Keir group.  Thus, a pattern began to emerge. Dr. Abbasi filled his new position with what former colleagues would now consider characteristic effusiveness and vigor. Rohan himself jumped between several projects, submitting additional proposals for each with or without final approval from his new supervisor, nearly all of which were, unsurprisingly, summarily rejected. This had seemingly little effect on Dr. Abbasi’s commitment to proposing outlandish, unorthodox, unrealistic, and in more than a few cases downright insulting avenues of research or applications of novel (often as-yet-unreplicated) findings.   Neither Dr. Abbasi nor his new team were under any illusions, then, on the circumstances and stakes surrounding the assumption of his third post, now in the Anomalous Entity Engagement Division. Indeed, it seems he has finally understood the precarious situation he has continuously engaged in, and has pivoted to bolstering his professional reputation alongside his personal. It’s with this mutual agreement that Dr. Abbasi has been encouraged to continue his work on class B amnestics.
𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒. dm for skeleton-specific details.
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒. Palamades Sextus ( The Locked Tomb ); The Biologist ( Annihilation ); Cosima Niehaus ( Orphan Black ); Dr. Allison Cameron ( House ); Rose Franklin ( The Themis Files ); Hank McCoy/Beast ( X-Men ); definitely others
𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒. tbd.
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darklordazalin · 1 year
Azalin reviews Darklord Vecna
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Domain: Cavitius Domain Formation: 750 BC Power Level: 💀💀💀💀 💀 Sources: Vecna Lives! (2e), Vecna Reborn (2e), Die Vecna, Die! (2e), Book of Artifacts (2e), Domains of Dread (2e), Dragon Magazine #402 (4e), Vecna Dossier (5e)
Vecna is known by many names. The Master of the Spider Throne. The Lord of the Rotted Tower. The Maimed God/Lord. The One Named Only in Whispers. The Whispered One. The Dying King. The Undying King. While imprisoned in the Mists of Ravenloft, he was known as the Chained God. Aren’t we all?
The ‘history’ surrounding the lives of those that ascended to godhood are obscured by time, embellishments, and outright lies of their followers. Vecna’s is no different. Likely only Vecna, who holds onto secrets like a miser holds onto copper pieces, knows the full truth in these matters.
Vecna was born on my home world of Oerth. Many powerful wizards hail from Oerth: Mordenkainen, Iggwilv, Acerarak, and myself to name a few, but Vecna was said to be the ‘greatest of all wizards’. Though, his life is said to pre-date the ascendancy of the Suloise Empire, so there weren’t likely many wizards to compare him to at the time.
His origins on Oerth aren’t well known, though new information indicates he was born into the peasantry and studied magic in secret when he was forced into servitude after his mother was exiled for performing ‘dark magics’ e.g., the best kind of Necromancy. Despite this recent glimpse into his life, some believe he is from another plane of existence and others say his Rotted Tower simply sprung out of the deeps of the Lake of Nyr Dyv. More likely he was born and rose to power in more traditional and less fantastical means.
Vecna was a master of the arcane and he conquered entire regions of Oerth by creating armies of the undead, constructs, and mortals subjugated to his will. As city after city fell to Vecna’s might, it was not enough for him for only Vecna’s ego could surpass his arcane prowess. Newer scholars believe Vecna rose up against his Master’s and with the whispered voices of an unknown entity (the Serpent, perhaps?) penned all of his evil into the Book of Vile Darkness. Given some of the ‘feats’ in this book of his, I can confirm that it is aptly named.
How did Vecna become a god? Well, the one truth that remains consistent among the many tales surrounding this lich is he had a lust for power and domination that, regardless of how much he took, he could never satisfy. The Zarovan Vistani tell a tale in which Vecna became obsessed with overcoming death after his dear mother passed. An extreme reaction to the death of a parent, but it seems to be a requirement of lichdom to have parental issues…
In his quest for eternal life, Vecna is said to have bred entire villages purely for the purposes of experimenting on them and that he reshaped the landscape of Oerth with his magics – many claim that it was Vecna who created the Bright Desert. Given he was not even a lich when he apparently accomplished these feats, it is more likely that he caused a bit of a drought once with some ill-conceived weather magic.
Vecna used Necromancy to extend his life as he continued to search for a way to extend it indefinitely. There are some that say Vecna was cursed into lichdom by powers greater than his own to punish his pride and arrogance. Though, if that was the case they should have targeted Mordenkainen by now. There is also the mysterious entity known as the Serpent that speaks directly into Vecna’s mind, revealing to him the secrets of multiverse and perhaps provided him with the knowledge to transform into a lich. This Serpent could exist or it could be a creation of Vecna’s own decaying mind. Perhaps a leftover imaginary friend from when he was a child and no one wished to converse with him? I personally believe he sought lichdom himself and most stories tell how he conducted dark, mysterious rituals to transform himself. I’m sure I am more than familiar with the sort of ritual he performed.
Another name that Vecna should consider donning is The Betrayed Lord of He Who Misplaces his Trust. Many know of Kas’s betrayal, but there was another before him: a wizard Apprentice of his known as Acerarak. With desires to obtain his master’s secrets, Acerarak orchestrated Vecna’s near annihilation at the hands of the priests of Pelor. When the lich was at the brink of destruction, Acerarak made a convenient appearance and saved him.
Acerarak soon stole his Master’s secrets and quickly departed before his treachery was discovered. Seeing what Acerarak became, I think it is easy enough to figure out what sort of secrets he stole from Vecna. You’d be correct in blaming Vecna for any damage the Tomb of Horrors/Annihilation has done to you. Humiliated, Vecna became more obsessed with his secrets, swearing to never make the same mistake again.
Then there was Kas the Bloody-Handed or the Destroyer or ultimately, the Betrayer. Kas rose quickly in the ranks of Vecna’s armies, his merciless violence matching Vecna’s own and eventually he became Vecna’s top lieutenant and adviser. If the lich ever had a friend, it was Kas. The two would spend countless hours scheming together to expand Vecna’s empire. So fond of Kas was Vecna, that he extend his life through necromancy. Something I have granted my most loyal of servants. For what better gift is there than the gift of serving me longer…or even forever?
There are two tales regarding how Kas became a vampire. In one, after he could no longer extend his life, Vecna gifted him with a silver, fanged masked. Upon donning the mask, Kas accepted the gift of immortality as a vampire. In the tales told by Vecna’s loyal followers, Kas became a vampire after the pair were claimed by the Mists. I think it more likely the former tale to be the truth as it shows Vecna misplacing his trust a second time, which would be rather embarrassing for a deity of secrets.
As his empire grew, Vecna relied heavily on Kas. He became the lich’s hand of justice and spokesman. Kas’s word was considered as good as Vecna’s. Still, the lich’s past haunted him and the Paranoid Lord could not fathom anyone having true loyalty to him without ulterior motives.
Vecna crafted a sword for Kas. Bards would have you believe the sword was made from the heart of a frozen star and forged in the flames of a stolen sun. Utter nonsense, of course, but it was a very powerful weapon. The lich infused part of his essence into the blade in order to overhear Kas’s plans and, on occasion, read his very thoughts. Perhaps such mind reading spells were beyond Vecna’s abilities? As that seems like a far simpler method.
Kas gave the sword the very original name of The Sword of Kas. The sword, annoyed by its moniker and having taken on far too much of it’s creator’s personality, desired domination and the hording of secrets. Instead of allowing Vecna access to Kas’s conversations and mind, the sword fooled the lich with false thoughts of loyalty while it influenced Kas to betray him. Yes, the God of Secrets and Magic was fooled by a sword he created.
While Vecna was performing complex rituals to ascend to godhood, the sword convinced Kas to attack and destroy the lich. The two were, by all accounts, evenly matched and in the end the only things left of the pair were Vecna’s left hand and eye and the Sword of Kas. All of these artifacts are said to still exist on Oerth and at times, elsewhere. The Sword is one of the few things that may be able to kill the deity of secrets. The eye and hand of Vecna are incredibly powerful, but to use them is to invite the Whispered One into your very soul. Their use in the past has only resulted in disaster for the welders and more often than not fail them at a crucial moment. Fitting for the lich who was cut down by the sword of his own making (unmaking?) by his ‘loyal’ lieutenant while trying to become a god.
Vecna’s essence roamed in between worlds for decades or centuries depending on the source. Foolish mortals continued to worship the fallen lich allowing Vecna to grow in power and become a demigod. That was not enough for his ego, however, and Vecna wished to reshape Oerth in his own image. Working through an Avatar, Vecna began his campaign of domination anew.
Through his Avatar, Vecna had a strong tie to the Prime Material Plane. If he had been satisfied with mere demigodhood, he would never have had this weakness nor a way for the Dark Powers to claim him. But since Vecna’s ego always demands more, the Mists claimed him and his fortress, the Citadel Cavitius.
In Ravenloft, Vecna seethed and obsessed with escaping, but he was also distracted by the presence of Kas the Betrayer, now the lord of Tovag and just on the other side of the volcanic range known as the Burning Peaks that seperated Vecna’s Domain of Cavitus from Kas’s. They sent armies against one another, but as Vlad Drakov has yet to figure out, they could do very little damage to one another.
Cavitius encompassed a life draining desert and a single city, the Cavitius Citadel, where the living survived on fear and desperation. For Vecna knew every event, every thought that occurred within the Citadel’s walls. He was said to “fear none of the living” yet his laws essentially amounted to not worshiping Vecna = death. The lich even outlawed the use of magic just in case one of his subjects decided to rise against him. Sounds like he feared mortals quite a bit, actually.
Trapped in the Mists, Vecna was still a demigod. Some of his more potent abilities include being able to cast any wizard or cleric spell, teleport instantly anywhere in his Domain, and reach his followers outside of Ravenloft. Only the most powerful magical weapons can hope to harm Vecna and even if someone manages to destroy him, he eventually rises again.
Vecna did escape Ravenloft, though because of his pride and desire for vengeance against Kas, he failed in his first attempt. The Serpent taught Vecna the Three Words of Creation, which would transcend him into godhood and thereby break free of his prison. He could have done this without bothering with Kas, but instead he attempted to use the Three Words to be reborn in Togav where he could destroy Kas then escape. This plan ultimately failed as a group of adventurer’s stopped him.
As one should, Vecna did not give up hope and made another attempt to escape, this time ignoring Kas. He knew that in order to become a true god he would need to complete a ritual in which he consumed the essence of another demigod. Seeing as there were no other such beings in Cavitius, Vecna created two tablets, shadowed in mystery and lies, that promised the secrets of transcendence. These tablets drew Iuz, the Corpse King, to Vecna. Iuz invaded Cavitius through a portal from Oerth, but instead of finding his own ascension there, he was consumed by Vecna.
Vecna ascended to true godhood and escaped the Mists. He made his way to the City of Doors (Sigil) and as is his nature, attempted to reshape the entire multiverse in his image. Vecna obviously failed as we are not currently living in a world made up entirely of skulls and imaginary snake friends. Though it is only a matter of time before Vecna tries again…
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For any “Twin Peaks” fan whose head is still spinning after Part 18 of “The Return,” consider Mark Frost’s new novel, “Twin Peaks: The Final Dossier,” an essential purchase. The new book is considered canon and helps fill in the 25-year gap between the Season 2 finale and Showtime’s event series. Frost provides some of the answers David Lynch did not, such as what actually happened to Audrey Horne, and the co-writer even goes a step further in setting the final chapter of his book after the events of Part 18.
David Lynch ended “Twin Peaks: The Return” with a baffling final hour that expanded the mythology of the show by raising a hundred new questions. Agent Dale Cooper was granted entry way into the past by Phillip Jeffries to prevent the death of Laura Palmer. Cooper succeeded in preventing Laura from making it to the railroad cart where she was murdered, but sensing an interference with the real timeline, the all-powerful entity known as Judy ripped Laura from our world and brought her…somewhere else.
Many theories believe most of Part 18 is set in this “somewhere else,” which seems to be an alternate dimension where Agent Cooper is now Richard and Laura Palmer is a woman from Odessa, Texas named Carrie Page. The show ended with Page apparently remembering her alternate past as Laura Palmer and letting out a series-ending scream. Frost’s last chapter of “Twin Peaks: The Final Dossier” does not explain what happens next to Page/Palmer and Cooper/Richard, but it is set in a Twin Peaks that is very different than what fans will remember.
Vulture has written out the excerpt below from “The Final Dossier.” The final chapter centers around Agent Tammy Preston (Crysta Bell), who stayed in Twin Peaks for several days after the events of the finale and researched old newspaper articles.
You know what else I discovered, Chief, in that same article, a few sentences later? This:
“Agent Cooper had come to town for a few months earlier, to aid in the investigation into the disappearance, still unsolved, of local teenage beauty queen, Laura Palmer.”
Let me repeat that phrase for you: “still unsolved.” No mention of “murder,” “wrapped in plastic,” or “father arrested for shocking crime eventually dies in police custody of self-inflicted wounds.”
It’s right there on the front page: Laura Palmer did not die. So, fairly certain I’ve not misplaced my own mind, I go back and check the corresponding police records. They tell me this: Laura Palmer disappeared from Twin Peaks without a trace — on the very same night when, in the world we thought we knew, it used to be said she died — but the police never found the girl or, if she had been killed elsewhere, her body or made a single arrest.
When Cooper prevented Laura Palmer from making it to the site of her murder, Lynch made viewers witness scenes from the pilot episode of “Twin Peaks” change. Palmer’s dead body on the beach disappeared into thin air, for instance. Frost’s novel confirms that Cooper succeeded in the real timeline in preventing Palmer’s death as we know it, and the fact that her “disappearance” is still “unsolved” supports the claim that Judy pulled her into an alternate timeline. But because Laura went “missing,” the fate of her family followed a similar path: Her father killed himself out of grief and her mother become a depressed alcoholic with a prescription drug addiction.
The information Frost reveals only makes the ending Lynch created for the series more tragic. Cooper “succeeded” in preventing Laura’s death, but in return his actions led to her disappearance, creating the same unfortunate outcome for the Palmer family in the real timeline. As we saw in Part 18, Cooper then entered the alternate timeline to save Laura all over again and try to fix everything, but we all know how that turned out.
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soon-palestine · 4 months
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These Labour Party MPs and former MPs voluntarily went to 'Israel' to support the genocidal attack on Gaza. Here they sit with the President Isaac Herzog - the supposedly 'Centre-Left' figure - who has been busying himself calling for genocide in Gaza and even writing messages to shortly-to-be-murdered children on Zionist bombs before they are dropped.
Each one of these toxic figures is now vulnerable to proceedings as accessories to genocide.
Just in case the @ICJ or any lawyer compiling a case for British suspects needs their names they are as follows:
formerly Ruth Smeeth, the State Department asset (said in the Wikileaks cables to be 'strictly protect') who was so hated that she had to change her name to Anderson in the manner of the poisonous Windscale power station changing its name to Sellafield. Smeeth is now in charge of a 'free speech' journal, which started off as and still is a CIA asset.
@margarethodge In March last year @Jonathan_K_Cook wrote: 'Hodge, who's spent years helping to hound anti-racist Jews out of Labour for criticising Israel, in a campaign that brought down its former leader, admits she hadn't been to Israel since 1994. She's shocked to now discover it's an apartheid state.' Hodge seems already to have forgotten it's an Apartheid state.
@LouiseEllman a stalwart of both Labour Feinds of Israel and the Labour party Zionist affiliate the Jewish Labour Movement. Both are of course fundamentally racist groups which should have no place in a democratic party. Ellman, and her allies, when she was a Labour MP, were of course responsible for overseeing a 'systematic campaign' against ordinary members featuring what the JVL said were 'baseless allegations of antisemitism, wild charges based on a contested interview recording and a scurrilous dossier posted anonymously on a far-right blog.'
@Christian4BuryS Christian Wakeford, the former Tory MP who is now a Labour MP and declares having received money from both Labour and conservative Friends of Israel to help with his prolific efforts to promote the genocidal Zionist entity in the UK.
Each of them should be arraigned at the Hague along with a long list of other British citizens including MPs and Lords, the military and the intelligence services.
Indeed all executive officers of Zionist groups, and all those those who have given material aid to genocide through their statements, or by sending money, or by joining the occupation forces.
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Demigod Dossier: Asura Rana, part 2
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Pictured: Not any of the Rana, but the closest thing we’re likely to get to an image of them: the highest CR Asura, the Asurendra from Bestiary 3, pg. 23. I could have re-used the same pic from last time, but that might be too confusing...
Lawful Evil Mistakes of the Gods The Complete Book of the Damned, pg. 110~111
Aah, the poor Asura Rana... Among fiendish demigods, they’re one of the least developed, having barely any lore in ANY book, not a single representative with a statblock, and most damning? Not a single piece of art depicting any of them. It’s a shame, because they have some of the more compelling lore of any of the fiends, being directly created by the gods’ mistakes and acting as living representations of divine failures and frustrations. If any fiend should have an easy time spreading apostasy and heresy and weakening the overall amount of faith of the world, it should be them. 
As I discussed in the last post that introduced the majority of their lore, Asura Rana are not traditionally ascended from lessers of their kind, but rather born from one specific, apocalyptic tragedy that caused death and trauma across a whole nation, continent, or even an entire planet. This isn’t ALWAYS the case, mind, as some lesser asura can be reborn into greater and greater forms--usually, but not always, with the blessing of another Rana--due to achieving some physical or spiritual apotheosis and blooming into a semi-divine entity... and, rarely, suffering a humiliating but enlightening defeat can see an asura reincarnating into a form stronger than the one before it.
The three we’ll be discussing are one of each: Chupurvagasti, born fully-formed when an entire planet was covered in toxic mists by an enraged god; Gavidya, who ascended over time as he wove lies and apostasies into a hundred different religious groups, causing them to fracture and self-destruct; and Ioramvul, who died thousands of times by his own hand and became stronger with every death until he ascended to the status of a Rana. I also, for many reasons, find each of them amusing or interesting enough to review. So how about we look at what these lore-less fiends offer...
The Asura Rana work freely with mortals, seeing them as potential allies and tools in their battles against the divine… if only to destroy them once they’ve outlived their usefulness. Worshipers receive Boons that are are relatively simple: a trio of spell-like abilities, each of which may be used 1/day. Boons are normally gained slowly, at levels 12, 16, and 20, however entering the Evangelist, Exalted, or Sentinel Prestige Classes can see the Boons gained as early as levels 10, 13, and 16. Note that while they are Lawful Evil fiends that live in Hell, they are not devils, thus you cannot enter the Diabolist Prestige Class to obtain their Boons without DM fiat.
Chupurvagasti, the Lady of Poison Mist Rana of Mists, Poison, and Veils Domains: Air, Evil, Law, Trickery Subdomains: Cloud, Deception, Fear, Wind
Obedience: Meditate while wearing a veil soaked in acrid, toxic chemicals that induce minor rashes. Benefit: Gain a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against poison effects.
Off to a rough start! While the chemicals are stated to only be foul enough to cause ‘minor rashes,’ you can bet that over time, that nastiness will build up. Good thing your chosen goddess also gives you protection from poison! And that most DMs won’t bother with tracking your long-term exposure to dangerous chemicals. It’s hard to be scared of anything that’d take 20~30 years to start having side-effects, especially when Neutralize Poison (or Lesser Restoration) will likely be available to you within a year or two at most.
Like most of the Rana, this Obedience is quite subtle and easy to hide, despite the awful first impression it’ll probably leave on anyone seeing you do it for the first time. Even the resulting rashes can be explained away if you wave off the ritual as some sort of esoteric skin-cleansing or beauty regimen. Or the precursor to one, as you apply ointment and balm to the rashes to soothe them! One whiff of the Narsty coming off your rags, and few people will likely stick around to actually investigate further and figure out you’re worshiping a nihilistic destroyer deity. It’s even easier if you’re an Alchemist, or even just a regular chemist, as you can synthesize your own mixtures to minimize their potential damage to you and remove the complications of getting them in the first place! All in all, quite simple... but, of course, impossible to do if your belongings get stolen, which I always ding points off for.
The benefit isn’t anything we haven’t seen before. Extra protection from poison is good at all levels and in every campaign (except Evil vs Good, as goody-goods are unlikely to wield poison), and while poisons are rarely dangerous to a given party after level 8 or so, they can certainly be a resource-drain when trying to handle them and especially when trying to undo their damage before it begins to stack up. If nothing else, having a bit of a buffer between yourself and needing to waste a party spell slot on Neutralize Poison is good.
Boon 1: Displacement Boon 2: Quickened Stinking Cloud Boon 3: Quickened Cloudkill
And here we are in the meat of it! Chupur gives quite the handy selection of spells to her followers as they level, all three of them being excellent defensive tools. Displacement is a one-size fits all buff for anyone expecting to be attacked a lot, imposing a 50% miss chance to attacks against yourself or another character expected to go into the front line. While the duration leaves much to be desired, it’s hard to hate a free cast of Displacement saved for a particularly gnarly fight with an enemy that has a lot of attacks. That it lets you cast it on someone else instead of just yourself is a nice ribbon, as it lets you pick whether you want to save your tank some HP, or your backline from any stray blows that get through.
Next-- hey! HEY! HEY!!! That’s CHEATING, you little rat! It’s spell level 3, 6, and 9 for Boons 1, 2, and 3 (respective) for Asura Rana! You thought you were being sneaky, didn’t you? But I caught you right in the act! Trying to get your followers a level 7 spell when you thought no one was looking! Well I’m onto you!
... anyway. Yes, while Chupur may be [through gritted teeth] breaking the established rules to get her followers Quickened Stinking Cloud, she at least broke them to get them a great spell. I can’t think of any reason you WOULDN’T want a Quickened spell of any sort, least of all a spell that not only breaks line of sight between you and hostiles, but can outright stop entire groups of enemies from fighting back at all once it’s used. Anything not immune to poison that gets caught in a Stinking Cloud has to save versus nausea that lasts for as long as they remain in the fog, and then for 1d4+1 extra rounds on top of that once they exit, so even if they managed to stumble out and spot you, they won’t be able to do anything for--at the very least--two more entire rounds. And because it’s Quickened? You can lob a Fireball into a crowd, then fart all over whoever survived to keep them from firing back.
Worst case scenario, it’s a more expensive Obscuring Fog, which itself is already a great defensive spell. I can’t be angry at this, no matter how much it breaks the rules. [grumbling] lawful evil my ass... 
This, of course, leads nicely into Cloudkill. Take everything I said about Stinking Cloud and put it here as well, but add in the caveat that instead of just nauseating everyone inside, Cloudkill... well, kills them. Innocent commoners and weaker minions are slain outright, while moderately stronger ones must save every turn or die. Anything with more than 6 HD takes 1d4 Con damage every round they remain in the cloud, which builds quickly since there’s no actual way to resist the Con damage unless you’re immune to poison (making the save only cuts the damage in half, min 1).
Perhaps to keep down potential cheese strats with Forcecage, the cloud automatically moves 10ft forward each round until it can simply go no further, preventing you from using the Quickened nature of the spell to perform a one-two punch of locking an enemy in a box and then spraying them with RAID... but you CAN enclose an enemy (or enemies) in a U-shaped Wall of Force (which unlike Forcecage, doesn’t allow a save), as the cloud cannot move past the Wall and will simply stop once it touches it. If you or an ally can coordinate your spells, you can Wall of Force, then Quickened Cloudkill into the gap, then another ally can seal the remaining exit point with another Wall spell of any sort to assure the deaths of all creatures inside.
While this can work with Wall of Stone or similar spells, it’s up to the DM how they interpret the cloud’s inexorable movement; I specifically chose WoF because it says ‘spells cannot pass through it,’ so the cloud would stop moving once it reached the wall. If the DM states, reasonably, that the cloud stops if it cannot penetrate a substance, you can get away with Wall of Stone, Ice, Bone, or similar. Or you can eschew lethal combos and just spray it over a crowd of enemies to mop up everyone not worth your time! Much like with stanky cloud, it’s hard to not be excited for Quickened Mass Extinction.
Gavidya, the Numberless Rana of Corruption, Indoctrination, and Lies Domains: Community, Evil, Law, Trickery Subdomains: Deception, Family, Slavery, Thievery
Obedience: Count the bearings inside a sap, assigning each the name of someone you know and intend to indoctrinate or deceive. Benefit: Gain a +4 profane bonus on Bluff checks to tell lies and on saving throws against Divination effects.
Again, continuing the trend Asura Rana tend to have of making an Obedience subtle, if odd. Your behavior is likely to come off as obsessive-compulsive rather than any level of Evil, especially since you don’t have to state aloud the names on your list. I enjoy the idea of a character starting out with a single name on their list, but over the course of the campaign, they eventually acquire a name for every individual bearing inside their sacred weapon (note, Gavidya is one of THREE whole deities whose sacred weapon is the sap!). So, yes; easily concealed Obedience which requires very little investment--a sap can be replaced if stolen for a measly 1 gold in anything but a desolate dungeon--only minorly complicated by the fact that saps in Pathfinder tend to be metal or wood beatsticks, not socks full of beans, stones, or ball bearings, as the Obedience implies. Still, a sack of ball bearings isn’t exp-- wait
wait what?
hold on, am I blind? Am I crazy?? Am I stupid??? where on earth in equipment are the ball bearings?! I could have SWORN...
... huh. I guess they don’t exist in Pathfinder! This is odd, considering the modernity of some of its tech. I suppose you could get away with filling a leather or burlap bag with wooden bearings, which should absolutely exist on Golarion, or marbles, which not only exist but are statted out (costing 1sp for a bag, adventurer pocket change), in place of metallic bearings to replace a lost or stolen sap.
Anyway, the benefit. Benefit’s good, because any Divination spell that has a saving throw is typically one you really want to save against to keep an enemy from having an easy time analyzing you, especially if you’re going to be living up to your Rana’s standards of lying at every available opportunity. Top contenders are Scrying and the entire Detect Thoughts family along with their imitators, but there’s also the niche case of Mind Thrust and its line of Except Bigger versions being incredibly rare cases of offensive Divination spells. It’s not as valuable in a battle as having saves against Necromancy or Enchantment, but it’s very valuable OUT of battle whenever someone out there is trying to get a read on you.
Boon 1: Glibness Boon 2: Create Greater Mindscape Boon 3: Microcosm
Well, this first one’s easy! Glibness should be a spell familiar to anyone who’s ever played as, with, or against a Bard. The absolutely divine +20 bonus it gives to make your lies believable cancels out the -20 penalty associated with telling impossible lies, allowing you to gaslight and girlboss (gender neutral) your way past pretty much anyone trying to gatekeep you. Even if your lie contradicts everything they know, they’ll at least give it some thought and sometimes even a take a moment to double-check their own knowledge, which gives you enough time to think of something even more convincing (or just run). If you’re not brave enough to go around trying to convince people you’re Aroden reborn, the +20 bonus is quite handy even if you’re not the party’s face, turning you into one for the absolutely monstrous duration of 10 min/level. If you ARE the party’s face it’s practically unnecessary overkill, but if you’re going to be lying ANYWAY, you may as well lie in style.
This second one, though? This one requires a bit more explanation than I could ever fit into a single article, but I’ll do my best: So long as you have a vague idea about who you’re going to aim the spell at, it’s a Save-or-Suck sleep effect on upwards to 13 creatures at once (+1 per level)... and you don’t need line-of-effect. The Mindscape spell operates similarly to Dimension Door, in that you need only paint an area and the spell locks onto whatever target falls into that area, without you needing to be able to draw line-of-effect or even know what you’re shooting at. If you need a room cleared, you can target a soldier garrison and say you’re affecting as many people as possible... but if, say, you saw someone of high rank enter that same garrison, or if you know the king is in his chambers, or the big bad evil guy is in the hall next door, or have any other sort of firsthand knowledge that there’s a specific target or targets you want to pick for this spell (as in, you must have seen or heard that they’re within the spell’s area), the spell automatically and unerringly seeks them out even among a crowd.
I’m actually going to take a second paragraph here to explain what Greater Create Mindscape does in the simplest terms I can: You pick the area of the spell, pick how many targets (or specify targets) you want to affect, and then any target that fails their save AS WELL AS YOURSELF are drawn into a mindscape of your design. The mindscape is essentially a temporary dream demiplane; you choose what it looks like, how big it is, if certain magics are empowered or suppressed (as though it were a proper plane), what sorts of monsters or beasts are inside (you can directly control a number of those monsters equal to your caster level; all others are mindless constructs), whether or not damage taken within the mindscape translates to the victim’s actual HP bar, and the method by which the mindscape can be escaped, which must be possible for all creatures within the mindscape (”Make it to the edge of the forest,” “open the front door of the manor,” “defeat this boss monster,” “catch this rabbit,” etc).
Already a hell of a spell! Snare an entire crowd of enemies in your imagination zone, putting them through a gauntlet of deadly traps and hostile monster encounters... while also being there yourself, as your mental avatar must also be present. Tempting as it may be to lock away dozens of foes at a time in your mind palace where damage done to them is also dealt to the real them, the reverse is true for you as well, and now suddenly you have 13+ people who want you gone. While you possess your full retinue of abilities, so do they, and while YOU’RE probably extremely powerful, your mental constructs can’t be so overpowering that your victims have no hope of defeating them; victory must be possible, even if it’s difficult. No conjuring 20 mental Tarrasques (okay, you can, but they’ll only be strong enough to challenge your weakest enemy)! The most generically good use of this spell, in my opinion, is akin to a Mass Hold Monster, as any creature trapped in a mindscape becomes effectively catatonic and cannot be awoken even if their body takes damage, allowing your allies to execute them one at a time... or defend your carcass from everyone who made their save.
Whoof, that was long, and we’re still not done talking about the power offered by the Numberless! Microcosm is a hell of a spell to give out, only otherwise being available to Psychics, and for good reason: it’s a rare example of a Save-And-Suck. It can affect only 30 HD worth of creatures (significantly less than you’d think, especially if you’re fighting anything but Humanoids and Monstrous Humanoids), but any creature with less than 10 HD gets no saving throw to avoid being trapped in a permanent mindscape. Anything with 11 to 15 HD is trapped for 10 minutes per level even if they successfully save, and permanently if they fail, so it’s basically a confirmed kill on anything not immune to the spell no matter what. Anything with 16 HD or higher--like any boss or even midboss-level threat you’ll be facing at the level you get this power--avoids the effect if they succeed their save. Microcosm is an off-switch for combats with creatures that would waste your time, and an extremely potent Save-or-Suck against anything worth your time.
Of all the Rana we’ve seen so far, Gavidya has the best record so far, with all three of his spells being extremely useful!
Ioramvul, With the Mouth Full of Boulders Rana of Caverns, Cliffs, and Premature Burials Domains: Death, Earth, Evil, Law Subdomains: Caves, Fear, Murder, Undead
Obedience: Partially bury yourself in dirt or gravel while meditating. Benefit: Gain a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against earth effects and petrification.
Three for three on the ‘easily hidden Obedience ritual’ front (two for three if you consider Chupur’s acrid facemask routine difficult to hide), and probably one of the simplest and easiest Obediences ever. Dirt and gravel are all over the god dang planet, so unless you’re in space, in the arctic, in an Elemental Plane besides Earth, or are somehow in a dungeon made of plastic or metal, you can perform this Obedience. “partially” is also a key phrase here, because it means you don’t need a full covering; in a pinch, enough to cover your feet or both hands (or, in the tradition of your Rana, half your face) will satisfy the conditions. 
Simple, easy, and can be performed in just about any condition. What more could you want? A good benefit, perhaps. Earth effects aren’t the most common thing on the planet--if something’s demanding a saving throw, it’s probably Fire or Water--so the majority of this time, this effect will probably just be sitting pretty and unused on your character sheet. The extra protection against petrification is welcome, at least; any protection against a Save-or-Suck as damning as petrification is a good ribbon, even if it IS uncommon.
Boon 1: Spiked Pit Boon 2: Statue Boon 3: Clashing Rocks
I will sing the praises of the Pit spells all the live-long day if I have to. I won’t stop until I see them on the list of every caster who wants control of the battlefield! The Pit spells work on everything, are useful even if the target makes their save (because they linger, and thus more enemies can be pushed in), shaft any enemy without a climb or fly speed, combo well with anything that can take advantage of shooting fish in barrels, and with a bit of creativity can be used to temporarily remove traps or other obstacles. Their major downside is that they’re useless against enemies that can fly, but that’s what the rest of your repertoire is for (or a well-placed tanglefoot bag when they’re hovering over the hole). As battlefield control goes, there’s little better than narrowing where your enemies can move by opening a pit of spikes on part of the map, and Rangers and Hunters love few things more than enemies they have the high ground over. The extra damage from the spikes is more of a ribbon on top of this present than anything else.
I will be first to admit, though, that for all the good I see in making pits, Statue took a while to grow on me. I never saw it as ever worth preparing or even having, considering that using it optimally locks you out of AoOs and immediate actions, but if you’re going full-caster? Why not have 8 Hardness between you and whatever your enemies are doing? Not like you’ll miss the loss of AC since you barely had any anyway. It also--and this is the part that turned me around on the spell--renders you immune to an enormous variety of spells and effects, because the majority of offensive magic only affects creatures, and while you’re in statue form, you’re considered an object. No mind-affecting effects for you, thanks! Just watch out for enemies with heavy picks or warhammers...
Oh, also, even if you’re not the party’s caster, you can just hand the spell over to them anyway. It affects whoever you touch!
Speaking of stone, though, we end on one of the funniest spells in Pathfinder. Possibly the most ‘unga bunga’ level 9 spell you could have on your list, and one of the most effective to boot. High-level enemies tend to have immunity to enormous lists of status ailments, wide elemental resistances and some protection from Save-or-Sucks... but do you know what few enemies have defenses against? Being hit with a huge rock. Let alone two huge rocks! Clashing Rocks conjures two enormous boulders on either side of the target and then sandwich-smashes them, dealing 20d6 damage and knocking the target prone with nothing but a successful ranged touch attack to hit; this averages to about 75, so it’s not especially jaw-dropping, but it’s an attack instead of a save and knocks them prone... and, if they fail a Reflex saving throw, they take an additional 8d6 bludgeoning damage (Reflex DC 15 half) and get buried under tons of stone. potentially taking them out of the fight entirely or even killing them via suffocation if they can’t make the DC 25 Strength check to escape. 
Even if the attack misses, the stones still deal 10d6 damage and knock the victim prone (Reflex save for half and avoid being knocked over), and the same damage/knockdown effect occurs to every creature and object in the 30x30 space of the stones when they appear and the 30ft distance they travel to smash into the target. That’s a lot of sure damage over a wide area to a lot of potential targets, but also there’s just something special about hitting something like a dragon or a vampire with enormous rocks. Like how I complimented the Pit spells, Clashing Rocks works on everything and alters the battlefield when it’s used, because those rocks don’t go away after the spell ends. Now there’s a 30x60 mound of difficult terrain smack dab where an enemy used to be, and everyone has to deal with it.
... also, even if you didn’t need it for the damage, a creative player could come up with at least three or four uses for 80 tons of earth and stone that can just be waved into existence as needed.
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OOC: hey folks, tumblr seems to be having trouble showing this post we just made. Anyone else able to see it?
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townofcadence · 2 months
Some variable ideas I would love to play with, probably an ever updating list (it started as a horror thread list so the beginning is mostly that lol):
(cw medical abuse, hospitals, probably things like blood, injury, neglect, surgical equipment, etc.) Abandoned Hospital setting, because I think an environment like that could be fun to play in and very atmospheric, and I have some Ideas :3 . I would want the idea to focus more on medical malpractice and doctor neglect, not the patients as 'vengeful ghosts'. Maybe some are angry and frustrated, but they don't mean any harm, they're just unheard and in need of help they never were given when living. I think it'd be fun if some tried to help, too, but might be scared of consequences. Some of the medical staff could be kind, and try to help, but I think a fair few were also the perpetrators of a lot of pain that'd be trapped in the specific setting, and they would be the main catalysts for potential horror in the thread. They also wouldn't take kindly to intruders--- or conversely, some might be very overjoyed to have new patients. The overall goal would be to find a way to get rid of the malicious spirits so they can't cause further harm, but also to free the patients and allow them to move forward.
Similar vein to the last, finding essentially a dossier of patient records in the old effects of a passed away psychiatrist, as well as a box of things that has a spiritual aura. Inside are a collection of tapes; the owner of said tapes had used them to record patient visits, but lost all of their patients in some manner. They blame themselves for the loss, to such a degree they can't let go of them, or their own guilt. So when they pass themselves, they attach to the tapes and to the player itself, and in a way accidentally trap their patients by fixating on them so much, that they manifest a version of each patient, tied to their individual tape. The case would involve playing the tape and dealing with the spirit inside in their own ghostly manifestation world in a sense, trying to help them- they are trapped and a lot of negative emotions, but really they're also just vulnerable people who are scared or hurt. The point would be to help each one, just a little, so they can move on, with the psychiatrist themself tackled last, because they clearly needed help they didn't know how to ask for too. The end result would likely be cleansing the objects by helping the spirits release them, and some horror could come from inside the tapes themselves, where there is a manifestation of the issues and trials the patients faced in a more real form that could be dangerous or do harm. An artistic and visceral interpretation of fears or struggles in a sense. This one is heavily inspired by a game that I've been thinking about a lot, and if you know it, I'm emotionally doing a little dance at you ^x^
cw for injury and blood, but another one I've been thinking about a lot is kind of a revamp of an older one that wasn't finished. It involved a being that is more primeval, who has an interest in Artair specifically due to the kind of magic in his veins. It wants to make him into a snack essentially, because blood can be a great source of nutrition for plants. Bigger than they seem, and able to be at multiple places at once. It could be really fun, especially if someone has a muse with powers they want to play against something stronger. It kind of tried to distract one muse while rounding up artair, so it's a bit split for some of the thread, but it could be fun to recycle the idea. Also, i'm a sucker for both muses coming together in the end to defeat the entity together :D
Anything in a haunted/magic forest really, those are so atmospheric and fun :3
An case involving being trapped in a town and dealing with doppelgangers. I have a LOT of thoughts on this, but essentially something inspired by a comic i read :3
I think it'd be fun to have Artair run into more villainous muses, though that will probably end poorly for him lol. But it could be interesting also because of his immortal nature. It could also end interestingly, especially if you want your villain to meet Something Else that is pretty dangerous and might be able to hurt them back :D
Something where Artair gets possessed. Those ones are always fun :3
Haunted house thread!! this was a plot i had for a long time where there's so many little spirits being trapped by one very large malevolent one, which has consumed enough energy from the little ones to have a large and powerful domain. It has complete control of the house and manipulate it however it wants, and reassemble it. Artair's bleeding energy makes it go aggressive because it's always hungry for more, and the muses have to make it out. Could be fun for both muses to have a part to play in taking down the entity
A plot where as part of the story artair Dies (cw death but temporary), or he is supposed to, but then he just wakes up again, and does something to help that throws off whatever hurt him enough for both muses to overcome it. i think it could be an interesting concept
Something involving being held prisoner and escaping can be fun. It can be a great way to see characters plot together and collaborate for escape, and we can adjust just how successful or difficult that can be. Like an escape room for muses lol
Abyss stuff could be fun, but that area is still in the works and is like. almost au but not? like you become an alternative version of yourself. but sometimes messing with a thread can be a great way to learn more about a setting and come up with more ideas
Moments where artair gets to protect someone else! He takes the blow or jumps in the way or gets between people to keep them safe! it's one of the things that's most important to him, i want to showcase it some more ! Even things where he goes to extremes to protect someone from something dark and there are consequences can be really fun :3
I really love the idea of playing some of my other OCs. I want to do all the things with Artair too of course, but it'd be cool to explore some of the other characters in a mix of genres ! A fair few are built for slice of life, and a few are shenanigan heavy, and some would be great for plots, or learning to cope with past traumas. Some are just because I like food and writing about it lol. and some are very inhuman and it would be cool to see them interact with others. There's a lot of potential and i'd love to flesh out things i haven't had the chance to as well, or get to reveal some tidbits or cool concepts i have in play ^^
Someone teaches artair more magic. He has a lot of potential but no knowledge. A few people have helped him learn a little, but i would love to play with him learning from others and how they perform their own spellwork, so he learns new methods or can improve organically! Similarly, sparring with weapons so he can learn more about fighting-- he's pretty good at fighting unarmed, but he wants to know more
Friendly sparring action threads! sometimes those can be a lot of fun and really great practice for fight scenes :D
Artair cooking for someone!! It brings my love of describing food and a way to be kind and also a way to share something special together. Also anything going to his garden or letting him (or someone like Saffron) talk about their plants and why they have them-- little moments to learn more about each other in a space that's playful or relaxed while doing something fun or kind for one another :3
Honestly i want to know more about other muses of other people! I want Artair (and others!) to build friendships and bonds and have connections and inside jokes and like--- little moments where they bond and learn more of the stories of each other ^^ I'm really excited for that prospect!!!
More to come as they pop into my brain and nestle enough xD
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verm0uths · 2 months
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⊠    ɪᴅ   .   .   .   ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ    ››    [    lee   jiah    /     forty3    /    cis   woman    /    she/hers    ]    mercy   headquarters   is   pleased   to   officially   introduce   vanessa   kang.   they   have   been   apart   of   the   organization   for   twenty   years   ago,   serving   as   a   tactical   agent   and   has   been   assigned   the   codename   agent   vermouth.   it's   worth   noting   that   their   file   indicates   they   have   undergone   the   solaris   treatment   and   host   psychometry.   according   to   our   dossier,   the   agent   exhibits   a   combination   of   ambitious   and   tenacious,   fitting   for   someone   reminiscent   of   but   my   childhood   is   buried   here,   is   there   a   god   who   will   give   me   my   purity   back,   the   grief   is   never   ending   but   so   is   the   love.   prior   to   embarking   on   any   mission,   the   find   solace   in   listening   to   the   song   “dreams“   by   the   cranberries. 
full        name:     vanessa     kang
nickname(s):   nessa,     nes
codename,     division:     vermouth,     tactical 
age        &        dob:        forty     three,     march     tenth 
gender        &        pronouns:        woman        &        she/her
zodiac:      pisces
faceclaim:   lee    ji     ah
vanessa   is   introspective   by   nature.   often   times,   she   finds   herself   reflecting   on   her   past   choices   and   contemplating   the   uncertain   paths   that   lie   ahead.   despite   that,   vanessa   faces   adversity   with   courage   and   refuses   to   succumb   to   the   challenges   that   confront   her.   
at   her   core,   vanessa   has   a   longing   for   genuine   human   connection,   something   she   feels   she   never   could   create   within   the   organization   after   loosing   many   comrades.   she   has   a   discontent   with   mercy   but   as   a   resilient   spirit.   imbued   with   a   deep   sense   of   empathy,   vanessa   is   optimistic   for   whatever   exists   for   her   in   the   future.
vanessa,   theodore   kang's   second   daughter,   shares   her   life   with   veronica,   her   half-sister.   vanessa   is   the   product   of   theodore's   extramarital   affair,   which   eventually   led   to   theodore   marrying   his   mistress   after   his   initial   marriage   faltered.   despite   being   the   same age,   vanessa   and   veronica   were   raised   in  different   environments.   vanessa   enjoyed   the   nurturing   care   of   her   mother,   which   contrasted   with   veronica's   unhappy   upbringing.
despite   her   privileged   youth,   vanessa's   life   took   a   turn   as   she   matured.   she   noticed   a   growing   chasm   between   herself   and   her   parents,   who   became   more   focused   on   accumulating   wealth   than   nurturing   family   bonds.   though   vanessa   found   employment   opportunities   within   sentinel   electric,   a   prominent   entity   in   apex   city's   commerce,   her   true   passion   was   elsewhere.   an   admirer   and    practitioner   of   the   arts,   vanessa's   true   desire   was   to   pursue   art   studies.
however,   her   aspirations   clashed   with   her   family's   expectations.   despite   her   reluctance,   vanessa   found   herself   coerced   into   enrolling   in   mercy   organization's   junior   academy   while   simultaneously   attending   college   within   apex.   her   academic   pursuits   were   interrupted   when   she   discovered   she   had   been   recruited   into   the   field   division   of   the   organization.
becoming   a   field   agent   was   far   from   vanessa's   expectations.   vanessa   was   apprehensive,   both   due   to   her   own   fear   and   the   knowledge   that   it   was   the   one   division   her   sister   veronica,   who   had   expressed   extreme   interest   in,   had   been   unable   to   join.   nonetheless,   her   father's   delight   overshadowed   her   concerns.
vanessa's   discomfort   with   her   role   in   the   field   division   was   compounded   when   she   was   pressured   into   becoming   a   radiant.   though   she   lacked   a   full   understanding   of   the   procedure's   potential   pain,   vanessa   resisted,   fueled   by   the   flickering   hope   that   one   day   she   would   be   able   to   break   free   from   mercy   organization's   grasp   to   lead   somewhat   of   a   normal   life. 
as   a   field   agent,   vanessa   spent   the   majority   of   her   life   as   a   loyal,   yet   miserable   agent.   despite   her   inner   turmoil,   she   followed   orders   and   successfully   executed   missions   with   precision.   later,   her   marriage   was   orchestrated   more   to   appease   her   father   than   out   of   genuine   affection,   and   while   it   produced   a   child,   the   joy   of   motherhood   was   often   overshadowed   by   the   weight   of   her   responsibilities.
now   a   tactical   agent,   vanessa   finds   herself   trapped   in   a   cycle   of   dissatisfaction.   the   increased   responsibilities   only   serve   to   compound   her   unhappiness,   as   she   yearns   for   a   life   beyond   the   confines   of   being   a   mercy   agent. 
despite   her   misery,   vanessa's   resolve   strengthens.   with   each   mission,   she   inches   closer   to   the   possibility   of   a   fresh   start,   where   she   can   leave   behind   the   shadows   of   her   past   and   embrace   a   future   filled   with   the   promise   of   healing   and   reconciliation.   she   longs   to   reconnect   with   her   sister   veronica,   to   mend   the   wounds   of   the   past   and   forge   a   new   path   forward. 
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evasive-anon · 5 months
Government Experiment AU where the Dan's (Dan/Danny/Dani) are created in a GIW lab to investigate the Ghost Zone after Jack and Maddie create the Ghost Portal. In this AU the GZ is radioactive and slowly kills any humans who venture inside so the GIW decide to create human ghost hybrids in order to further their research and capture additional subjects for their experiments. Masterpost.
GHOST INVESTIGATION WARD QUARTERLY REPORT Release Number: BH824-07 Date: 23 JULY 20XX Research and Development have made significant strides in the creation of essential equipment required for agents to commence exploration in the Ghost Zone. The research efforts have yielded two crucial items designed to enhance efficiency and safety during interdimensional missions.
Fenton Thermos Appearance: Resembling a conventional silver soup thermos. Functionality: When activated, the Fenton Thermos emits a blue beam capable of absorbing any ectoplasmic entity encountered. The absorbed entity is securely trapped within the thermos for containment purposes. Specter Speeder Description: A compact transportation vehicle designed to navigate the Ghost Zone. Power Source: The Specter Speeder runs on pure ectoplasm absorbed from its surroundings. The Ghost Zone's theorized composition of pure ectoplasm makes it an ideal fuel source for efficient transport. Capacity: The vehicle accommodates a maximum of five individuals, featuring a small bench in the front for the pilot and passengers. The front of the Speeder is equipped with a clear dome serving as a windshield, while a small storage area is situated behind the front bench. With the successful completion of these innovative pieces of equipment, the research team has determined that the time is ripe to advance to the next phase—exploration beyond the gateway of the Ghost Portal. In line with this, Field Team Theta has been established, comprising Agents L, M, N, O, and P, who will undertake the inaugural assignment to venture into the uncharted realms of the Ghost Zone. The integration of the Fenton Thermos and the Specter Speeder into the field operations marks a significant leap forward in our capacity to navigate and interact with the Ghost Zone. Ongoing analysis and data collection during the upcoming exploration missions will further contribute to our understanding of the spectral dimension and the anomalies within. Regular updates will be provided as Field Team Theta progresses in their exploration efforts. See the attached documents for additional information on Field Team Theta.
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reveriixs · 2 months
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𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑒⧸dossier : kashvi sari  ›› delos board member ››  deepika padukone
❛❛   𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻.  ❜❜   ―   ◜   . ―    KASHVI SARI. your employee card states that you are THIRTY-EIGHT years old, and that you have been working for delos as a DELOS BOARD MEMBER for 15 YEARS. your fellow employees know you to be CHARMING & ENIGMATIC, but also CUNNING & HARSH. here’s hoping you enjoy your time here ―   .
ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ ғɪʟᴇ ... beware the nice one.
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𝑲𝑨𝑺𝑯𝑽𝑰/basics :
full name: kashvi sari nickname: none age:  thirty-eight  dob : april 11th occupation: delos board member languages : english, hindi, bengali, french , german hometown : new york, city hair color : dark brown eye color : light brown orientation:  pansexual religion: nondenominational marital  status:  single notable scars : none of note yet character song : bad guy by: billie eilish
𝑲𝑨𝑺𝑯𝑽𝑰/ personality :
positive: charming, enigma, efficient, ambitous negative: manipulative, cunning , harsh, shrewd moral alignment : lawful evil deadly sin : greed hogwart house : ravenclaw element : air emotional stability : stable and controled alcohol use : socially prone to violence ? : yes has quiet a temper when pushed drives / motivations: the world she is a part of is controlled by two things money and power. But you can have power without much money. And with enough money, you can gain power. Kashvi wasn't raised in that world but slowly rose to the status she currently holds. And to secure her own position power is what t she covets more than money. Power is power and if one wishes to survive surrounded by cutthroats of the Delos board. Power is all she is after and she will wear whatever mask is needed to acquire more power. character parallels : beth dutton ( Yellowstone) + margaery tyrell ( game of thrones) + lena luthor ( supergirl) + katherine pierce ( the vampire diaries ) + lauren ( lost girl )
𝑲𝑨𝑺𝑯𝑽𝑰/ family :
father & mother : Khan& Prisha Sari brother : Fadi Sari
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𝑲𝑨𝑺𝑯𝑽𝑰/ tldr :
ଓ ৴ Kash has always been convinced that the future lies within the sciences. To her, technological advancements weren't just about improving the lives of the wealthy, but rather benefiting all living beings. Yet, her fascination with science wasn't solely pragmatic; she was entranced by the magic it held. The ability to transform something as minuscule as code or nanotechnology into a living, breathing entity fascinated her deeply. The idea that with a few lines of code and some expensive computer components, one could create life was nothing short of miraculous. For Kash, the future resided in the realm of technology. ଓ ৴ The loss of her mother at a young age, shortly after Kash's birth, left a lingering guilt within her, despite no one blaming her. She harbored a desire to shape a world where death was more a concept than a harsh reality. ଓ ৴ Growing up in a family of modest means, their sacrifices made Kash's education possible. Excelling particularly in the sciences during her high school years, she yearned to push the boundaries of her ideas. ଓ ৴ When she was awarded a Delos scholarship for a full ride to her Ivy League school, she was overjoyed. Kash poured her heart and soul into her studies because Delos represented the future to her. If there was any company she desired to be a part of, it was Delos Enterprises. Her passion for computer biogenetics and her groundbreaking work in her major eventually caught the attention of her professors. For her internship, she was granted the opportunity to work in Delos' prestigious development labs, specializing in biogenetics and cutting-edge technologies. For four years, she played a pivotal role in shaping the latest advancements Delos offered to the world. ଓ ৴ However, as time passed, her admiration for the company soured. Her contributions were often overlooked, overshadowed by those with the Delos surname. Kashvi's growing resentment eventually evolved into a vengeful ambition. An ambitious woman, she had been burned by the company one too many times. While everyone believed the future belonged to Delos, Kashvi had different plans. When she envisioned her future with Delos, she saw herself leading them into the next era of technology. All she needed was to eliminate the competition standing in her way. ଓ ৴ She is well aware of the politics at play, the cutthroat nature of the world she didn't grow up in but moves about easily enough. Her kind smile and easy demeanor a helpful mask as appearing unassuming - she is the cinderella girl in most of their eyes. Delos her fairy godmother- giving her the life she always wanted. Kash plays her part well, waiting like a serpent in tall grass.
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scriptores · 11 months
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𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 : melinöe , goddess of ghosts & nightmares
overview: loosely based on the orphic myths, melinöe is a goddess of ghosts, nightmares & madness. she is known as the formless one for her shapeshifting abilities, the propitiated one by those who pray she does not visit them at night with her train of revengeful ghosts, and also as a crossroads deity, capable of infiltrating any realm so long as the sun is down. she is the daughter of hades & persephone, stolen at birth, and who remains estranged after discovering this. her domain is in the river of wailing, where she offers an alternative option to the souls who were not given proper burial, endured a violent death, and/or did not have the toll to pay the ferryman. rather than spend the hundred years wandering in the banks, they're given the chance to join her retinue in a nightly exodus to haunt in her name. melinöe herself often pays personal visits to the sleeping, invading and manipulating the dreams laid out by morpheus by taking the shape of their worst nightmares.
✧ main : going off the greek myths here, but can be applied to various settings & fantasy crossovers. she can be the entity associated with whatever boogeyman or nightmare figure applies. the background here is that melinöe was born formless (thus difficult to identify), so echidna stole her away to raise as her own, shaped her into the frightful and formidable deity she is currently, and used her as a force against house hades during the gigantomachy. after discovering that she wasn't echidna's daughter (default is that hekate unearthed this), she turned against the gigantes, but remained estranged to house hades all the same. she prefers her solitude and being spooky, so will avoid anything that may compromise that.
✧ supergiant's hades : same background here applies until i get more info on what they plan to do with mel's background, but this is the primary verse where i will play around with mel being more anti-heroine skewed. she was the one who unleashed kronus, the titan of time, and her grandfather, who took hades hostage. after discovering her true parentage, she begrudgingly agrees to train with hekate and save her father (as a debt she feels she owes, not out of love). [alt. adjacent verse] slaying the titan of time ultimately opens up some crossover plots where she's the new time anchor capable of traveling across timelines in the multiverse.
✧ dragon age : my favorite verse for her !! it writes itself besties !! she's the formless one (aka the last surviving forbidden one after da:i), which i'm establishing to be a fear demon, and also the nightmare demon in inquisition who commands the demons in alignment with corypheus. (it's good food she needs no other reason). she was once a spirit of hope who absorbed the fears of others, but in time this corrupted her and turned her into the first fear demon, essentially a mirror of whatever horror plagues the collective. at this time she's a nightmare demon who primarily embodies with the blight because that's the most prevalent existential dread, but being the formless one means she can evolve to encapsulate something else.
✧ modern : this is my playdough verse for non-fantasy settings, used more for modern horror stories. melinöe is still a goddess of ghosts and nightmares, but she will have fun being a living nightmare, meaning she can also be whomever in a creepy town or hotel or shop who seems normal during a first encounter, but is not really there, and then the haunting horrors will persist.
name. melinöe epithets. the formless one, phantom queen, dark-mind, propitiation-minded pronouns. she/her age. immortal pantheon. hellenistic polytheism etymology. chthonic goddess sexuality. pansexual alignment. chaotic evil / neutral
relations. hades (father), persephone (mother), echidna (mother), zagreus (@oddyseas, brother), makaria (sister), bianca di angelo ( @infernocte, sister), aya akazwa (@serenaderain, sister), hekate (matron), morpheus (🔪)
height. 5'7" build. she will usually present herself as a nebulous shadow with only her eyes as a discernible feature, but her base form is lithe and toned. she has a white phantom forearm (left) that she keeps gloved. it's very bright, the only heavenly thing about her, but it is also translucent and exposes her ethereal skeleton. hair. ghostly white, typically short and slicked in streaks down her skull, but can sometimes be long and floating around chaotically, if the horror calls for it. eyes. varies. they could be cloudy grey and rotted, black like that chair in in the corner of your room when the lights are off, yellow like spider guts, or burning pits distinguishing markers. dogs barking at night, radio silence, a sudden drop in temperature, a dark face in the back of your eyelids, the sound of mourning criesscents. burning sage, saffron, grave dirt, the a&f store? idk whatever u loathe
abilities / skillset. * shape-shfting. less focused on concrete shapes than obscure and terrifying figures; however, this ability is also very much reflective of her environment and the person she is haunting. if their worst nightmare involves another person, she will embody that shape.
* dimensional travel. a very stealthy ghoul! there is nowhere you can hide if it's night and you are sleeping without protection. that's the in miss boogey woman needs to find you. however, she can also travel the axis mundi aka "the crossroads" between realms in the greek pantheon without restrictions and take others through those roads so long as they accompany her throughout. otherwise, they could get stuck in limbo there. (in her alt. sg hades verse she'll ultimately be able to travel the multiverse this way)
* possession. again, without protective measures or if someone is frightened enough to slip past the defense of their will, she and/or one of her ghosts can possess them and live within the confines of their mind like a parasite.
* combat skills. while stunning or deceiving enemies through visions and torturous encounters is her go-to method, melinöe is also a very capable fighter. you can consider her more of a rogue. she's a dual wielder and her weapons are usually a pair of crescent shaped sickles.
* magic phantom arm. allows her to shoot blasts of burning ectoplasm and cast simple entropy spells. it'll usually be gloved which dampens the effect, but when it isn't, and given enough time to boot it, she can nuke something. restrictions. * sensitivity to sunlight. she is incapable of being in the sun without extensive damage. it won't kill her, but she will be in agony and incapacitated, and hella pissed if she escapes. rooms with bright lights are also very annoying, she'll find a way to shut them off or dim them to scare someone, but also for her own comfort.
* protective tokens & practices. salt rings or salt along thresholds will keep her and her ghosts barred from entering a home, but melinöe may still be able to sneak in from a sleeping mind within that home, unless you have protective bells that will stir when she's near and wake them before she's found her way through. protective crystals and sage may also keep her from finding someone or dampen/cleanse her influence, but won't stop her from entering a room.
* combat. without her abilities at her disposal, she's more vulnerable to being overcome in combat. she won't be easy to take down, as she is fast and very precise, but in terms of the damage that she can take before being subdued, this is low and her weakest point.
themes. paint it black, ciara / boogie woogie wu, insane clown posse / bury a friend, billie eilish / mercy street, fever ray
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