#entrapdak positminity month
danitza-drtc · 2 years
Entrapdak Positiminity month: Explosion!!
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Entrapta dreaming with working of The Portal ✌️✌️✌️
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Here's a minicomic for prompt Explosion 🧨🎇 💥.
Sorry Entrapta that your dream has turned into a nightmare even though it was an explosive reality 😬. Although we know that Entrapta always takes failure with good grace and I would say to try again.)
Ok some of my personal story about the first page, a long time ago when I just became a fan of Entrapdak, and well that was around the time of the premiere of the second season of Netflix's Shera, I made a draft drawing about Entrapta dreaming about the success of the operation of the Portal, I still didn't know what was going to happen in the season 3 but now with the information on this part of the story and what happened at the beginning and end of that season we know what happened to the portal, and finally, Entrapta was one of those who wanted to stop using it since it was going to be destructive 😬
This challenge is proposed by @maireadralph 💯🤗
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maireadralph · 2 years
Entrapdak Positi-Mini-ty Month - Hug
One the the beta prompts was “Maintenance” so I wrote this for that forgetting that prompt didn’t make the final cut but this also works for “Hug”.  This also has an art which I wasn’t 100% happy with but it’s included at the end for completenesses
Content warning for domestic fluff and some minor medical details
It’s late at Crypto Caste and Imp yawns tiredly in his fluffy onesie pajamas, he’d been desperately fighting to stay awake for the last hour. Entrapta smiles and kisses him on the head before tucking the tired tyke into bed with his favourite cuddly toy.  She carefully steps out of his room using her hair, moving the door ever so slowly as to not wake him taking one last peek for the day before heading to her own room.
“Oh I see you’re ready already,” she exclaims.
Hordak is sitting topless on their shared bed with a small tray of tools laid out on a towel beside him.
“Ah yes, for once Emily choose a short story for bedtime,” he chuckled.  “Shall we begin?”
Every few months Entrapta performs this maintenance on Hordak’s ports.  He’d do it himself but he can’t get a helpful angle to work with and the machines he built to do the task have always caused him pain.
She begins by applying numbing cream to the skin around his neck port before starting on the ports on his chest.  Using tweezers to first remove stray hairs - usually her’s - and anything else that got lodged, alcoholic cotton swabs to clean, tighten up any loose sections and on rare occasions replace the entire metal casing.
He feels it’s demeaning for her to perform such a task but she relishes the hands-on scientific discoveries she makes on clone ports up close. On rare occasions on the deeper ports she even catches a glimpse of his internal organs moving with his breathing.
She works on his most sensitive port last - the neck port.  Even with the cream numbing the area he still flinches slightly as she removes stray hairs (his own for a change) which get stuck on the damaged wiring on the way out.  She’s given up suggesting to replace this port as he always refuses.
“And that’s the last one!” She exclaims while dropping the last hair into the tray
Hordak rolls his shoulders, “ah…that feels so much better.  I once again owe my life to you.”
She places the tweezer with the other tools with her hair and uses her arms to hug him from behind.
“Oh quit your drama you big old grumpypants, this is all part and parcel of the whole I love youpackage.  You look after me…” she leans in closer and kisses his cheek ”…and I look after you”
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madgirlmuahaha · 2 years
Now complete with an Entrapdak Halloween Special finale :D
I can’t believe I finished this on time-ish.
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maireadralph · 2 years
Entrapdak Fandom Events:
Okay I had some time to write and as you all should know by now I am at my happiest best when planning 1001 things. Right here’s some thoughts and ideas I had for some upcoming Fandom events  Thoughts, feedback and comments are always welcome - I just like throwing out many ideas and seeing what sticks!
Entrapdak Positivity Month:
I propose we move this event from the previous October date to mid January-Mid February. Same length but different month
Why these weird dates?
Those dates line up with Entrapta’s Birthday (Jan 24th) to Hordak’s Birthday (Feb 18th). 
These dates should allow our friends in the Southern Hemisphere (*waves from London*) to partake without having to stress about academic matters.  
These dates also allow people to work on their pieces over the Christmas and New Years Holiday period downtime.  
These dates should be free of anything Antis or Haters want to throw our direction as they wouldn’t run alongside other SPOP related art challenges (eg Catratober).  
These dates also allow us to have Valentine’s Day as a sneaky bonus 😉
While not murdering the October challenge completely I propose a mini Entrapdak Positivity Month for those that want it this year - an Entrapdak Positminity Month with 14 prompts (not yet written), for those that like an extra challenge can do the prompts for both a fic and a pic
Entrapdak Zine 4:
As those who have read the current issue may have noticed the deadline date has already been locked in for the next issue (thank you Past Me for being TURBO organised with those phone reminders). I’ve yet to write up the post for the next issue, set up the countdown timers or find a fitting theme but for the most part it’ll be the same as previous and out before Christmas just like Issue 2.
Entrapdak Secret Santa:
I’ve not noticed this event been done in my time here so I’m going to propose this as a possibly.
What is it:
A fun event where people sign up and are assigned a person to give a “gift” to. As this is Tumblr and Fandom may I suggest the gifts be a pic or a fic and sent digitially to the recipient via the Anon feature
How will it work?
People sign up during a period.  There will be a confirmation check-in deadline post which people can confirm to by either commenting or liking the post or sending a DM/chat message/anon message to me.  Those that fail to respond a week of the confirmation check-in post will be automatically dropped from the project.  
Those that confirm I’ll pair up randomly and only the Gifter and I will know who they are gifting to (if there is an odd number I’ll Gift to that person no questions asked). 
The Gifter sends the gift by a set deadline and it is their choice if they wish to be identified or want the work to be published publicly. 
If everything works to plan everyone who signed up with both send and receive one gift and if we’re really luckily the work will be shared with the whole fandom!
There is a risk that a Gifter might ghost their Giftee - that’s not cool, we need to be cool to each other please don’t do this 
I will have to look into the dates and planning but I think this could be a really fun thing to do especially if the fics are short little one shots, the pic are sweet little things and it could all be done during the Christmas and New Year Holiday period (or even beforehand 👀)
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maireadralph · 2 years
Entrapdak Positiminity Month - Pest
Inspired by a post by @prince-toffee which I can’t find right now I’m so sorry
Prompt list is here
I’m also going to be a rebel and do these in whatever order works for me *evil laugh*
Lazy sunlight beams peek through the small window illuminating the little Imp’s sleeping face.  Imp yawns into his stuffed toy and stretches his little wings wide.  He’s got a very imp-ortant job first thing every weekend morning and he takes great pride in it.
He flutters over to his parents bedroom and lands gently on the bed, just in front of his father’s face.
His parents are cuddled into each other, his adopted mother snuggled into his father’s chest with his arms wrapped around her holding her tightly yet gently.  For once her prehensile hair isn’t moving - a clear indicator that she is sleeping deeply.
Imp does a little tiny cough to clear his throat before opening his mouth wide to playback the most annoying song in the universe as loud as he can.
Hordak groans loudly and swats at the little demon.  Imp aptly leaps out of the way, flying into the rafters - a safe distance from both Hordak’s claws and Entrapta’s hair - while giggling loudly
“Unfortunately Pests don’t come with a snooze button…,” mumbles Entrapta
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maireadralph · 2 years
Entrapdak Positminity Month: Hair
*Note: Just a wee ficlet for today*
“I will get to the end of this if it’s the LAST THING I do,” grunts Hordak.
He’s getting more and more frustrated while using a comb to detangle the knots out of Entrapta’s damp hair. So far he’s broken three combs and has been contemplating using his claws.
“When was the last time you used conditioner my Love?”
“What conditioner? Soap does the job just fine.”
“That explains everything” he sighs
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