xinyuehui · 1 year
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Press ⊗ to feed the hungry little meowmeow!
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ningadudexx · 1 year
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MEOW MEOW kitty cat meow cat cat 🐱
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cocogum · 4 months
I just had to go back to episode 2 and look for some cursed elely pics shite 💖💖
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(I love this little iop gremlin 💕💕)
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spacedlexi · 1 year
violentine literally has everything. tension to friends to lovers. i wall myself off from people to keep myself safe but theres something about you. we understand each other. going against your group to stand up for this person and what you believe is right. "i saw that you were in danger and i just acted without thinking". battle team. co leaders. "ive lost so many people and i cant lose you too i wont". struggling single parent finding someone who supports her And her kid. not-so-ex-girlfriend one of the main villains. go to war together. captured together. escape together but lost in the chaos and later reuniting. twice. fighting ex together. twice. making it back (mostly) safe and sound and building a real home worth fighting for together
BUT theyre in a choice game so you can also have: betrayal. manipulated by not-so-ex-girlfriend in a moment of severe weakness into agreeing with the wrong side. fighting against each other (and later apologizing). severe injury? DEATH?? no matter what a sacrifice is Made???
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mysteriousmissme · 8 months
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and here we have our four nominees for the “closest thing to a mitsukou hug”
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your-enby-antihero · 3 months
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Damn this episode was crazy, so terribly ill over the masquerade auction heist like all my favourite tropes in one ep. Leo and his fucking ticking clock maybe he’s the only one who can see or hear it makes me go crazy. Edgar honestly eats this entire episode like he is me and I am a less competent version of him, I feel seen when he talks about going to the party. Not to mention his brick to the face moment hence the image above. Grimoria is so fucked up in a good way like I feel so bad for this girl but also every time she interfaces with a piece of bleed I fucking scream. Also fuck her employers hate that energy especially if they are also technically her guardians, crimson mirror found family >>>>>>>>. Malcolm is the only normal fucking dude it seems also the fact that he works for my girl Madam Glask I tell you the scream I scrumpt. Anyway that’s my thoughts 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️
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victoriartdrawings · 4 months
sorry its a mess but, ooof, episode 2 was good, the Goddess, the departure little by little of everyone, their goodbye scene and finally when they arrive and the emotional/physical exposure of what they finally have there - their home etc..., (though we didnt see Amalia's and im sure her returning in her kingdom forest is not going to be...happy) Ruel and Arpagone returning to Ruel's house and him showing his wealth, you expect her to be happy, to be with him, to have that much money he's willing to share but no, (and shes valid for this) shes angry, angry bc she lost time waiting for him, and wasting the occasion of having family, children while him, Ruel got the chance of acting like Yugo's dad.... then the lingering tension you can feel when the Mother is talking to Yugo, her need to be alone with her children, of sending his friends away...very very cool and the final scene??? who is that??? we can hear the voice of Amalia and we can see an old man meditating, and leaving the place where hes hold 'in captivity' (though not really)??? he looks dope and i want to know mooore!!!
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thatgirl4815 · 10 months
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One more of these and it’ll be a pattern
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mariocki · 1 year
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A very brief turn by Frazer Hines, as stable hand Jem, in Peter Diamond's pilot for a proposed adventure series Lochinvar (1968). There was little interest in the pilot or any subsequent series, and ultimately the sole filmed episode was never transmitted - it survived in the hands of director/producer Diamond until his family donated the film stock to Kaleidoscope a few years ago.
#fave spotting#frazer hines#lochinvar#tv pilot#jamie mccrimmon#doctor who#classic doctor who#1968#peter diamond#an unusually small role for Frazer; he may not have been lead material‚ but he's barely onscreen 30 seconds here and was a well known tv#presence thanks to stints on Emergency Ward 10 and of course DW (which he was still starring in). possibly he did this as a favour to#Diamond; a ubiquitous stunt arranger and fight choreographer‚ this was Diamond's attempt at breaking out into production and direction but#he would have known Frazer from various jobs he'd done on DW (including Frazer's intro story The Highlanders‚ where Diamond had been fight#arranger as well as having a credited acting role as a sailor). this was shot around July '68 so presumably between Frazer's work on The#Mind Robber and The Invasion; apologies for the slightly weird stretcg effect on the pics but that's true of the materials themselves#strangely Lochinvar is not in 4:3 aspect‚ despite being quite definitely a tv pilot‚ but in a strangely unnatural widescreen as if the#masters were altered at some point in post production (perhaps for a potential cinema release as a support feature?). i can only conjecture#tho. unsurprisingly there's almost no info out there about this obscure tv film that sat in a rusty can for 50 years unseen.#also my immediate thought on reading about it was that the shooting dates Very Nearly coincide with The Mind Robber shooting#(nearly but not quite) and i excitedly wondered if maybe Frazer's infamous bout of chickenpox that saw him replaced for ep2 of that serial#had secretly been a little mischievous excuse to go away and have some fun playing with horses in Buckinghamshire... alas no#Diamond would reunite with Frazer (and Lochinvar co star Noel Coleman) for the following years The War Games where he'd again#be pulling double duty as fight arranger and (uncredited) actor. later in life he would end up doing a little more directing work for tv#but afaik the Peter Diamond Productions company that made this film never worked again
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
Okay I talked enough about Macky, time to balance it out but s4 y’all like that was DEVIOUS they showed the Specific Macky Scene where he’s tied up in the unalivement by his own shadows (I think) it’s like the only similar thing so like, Wukong remembers that? for a split second with the melting blue face it almost seemed like Macky was crying, also oof, he sounded more distressed than angry, well anyways and then we have even MORE evil stuff like the DIALOGUE “you’re nothing” “what have you done? “Monkey! No violence!” and that last line? It’s so much closer to the ear, and when Wukong goes “no!” right after that ohohoho that was SOOO on purpose, and can we PLEASE talk about the special where he gives that hero speech because daaaaang I love them turning it on our heads like that bc Wukong is well, he ain’t lying, in fact I’m bouncing up and down how it’s Ink MK he’s talking to and the fact this is their way of representing Wukong battling against his own mind. “I know you don’t really believe that.” Okay but he’s TRYING and I both love that and relate to it. And when he calls everyone his friends MMMM Wukong’s key characterization can sometimes be so subtle but if you CATCH THE VIBES you can think so hard about it, like they REALLY just had to crush him like that in the middle of that speech? and then how he has to bring it all back in a shower of gold and power, yeah buddy, I still don't think you're okay! I love Macky whump as much as the next person, but boi do I love Wukong's entire hero/mentor/flawed humane character dilemma too. hook line and sinker, you can pull me in with him kicking butt and you can pull me in with the angst and excitement from that heroic visage, one can only be trapped as the legendary savior until I start cackling over fourth wall breaking their lives and sad little situation, oh buddy does the narrative praise you! what an untouchable hero you are. get up, again again again- you can't retire :D this is "past catching up with you" done RIGHT. because it's just him. becoming a different person, maturing, and nobody is here to drag him down to hell. it's still just himself. and everything he was never able to fully work through, the idea of him everyone still holds when they see him, and, most of that stuff came after the journey, so he got new issues as he became "the good guy" the hero for centuries, what a polished stone monkey right? but the consequences of all those experiences on his new personality...nobody would see some of those things as a problem. like his accepted loneliness when MK thinks to see the fireworks with his friends. the serene smile as Wukong just looks away. yeah okay, you became the great sage, you got wisdom pal, and it's such a smiling sad look on you!
stop reading my mind 🤧
he makes all these off-handed comments like they are jokes and moves to a different topic so fast that you forget about them—BUT NOT ME I REMEMBER!!!! THEY ARE BURNED INTO MY MIND AND THEY HAUNT ME
because it was never just an “off-handed” comment. no, no, no! lmk doesn’t play by those rules. even the tiniest details or throwaway jacket style is picked carefully for foreshadowing purposes.
*ugly crying* this monkey is killing me 🫠
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xinyuehui · 1 year
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Whatever is going on between them 😳
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echotunes · 1 month
hi echo \o/!! I saw you’re watching ordem again do you mind if I ask where you’re up to with it?
hi wsd!! I'm like one and a half hours into episode 2 of osnf rn I'm a bit slow because I am bad at like. paying attention through VODs for long spaces of time. but I am making my way through o7
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cocogum · 4 months
Eliatrope Goddess immediately gives off shady vibes and here’s why:
Eliatrope told Yugo, Adamaï, and Nora that there would be plenty of time for these three to talk together but that there are bigger things to address right now. So Adamaï asks her if she was the one responsible for the Inglorium’s destruction and this chick straight up tells him that this topic will have to be discussed later while then adding that he should trust her since she hates violence.
Even though the leaders of the World of Twelve were a bit harsh towards a freaking GODDESS (these ppl are saying this is the first time they’re in the presence of a deity and yet they had some balls of steel talking to her like that), Eliatrope did not see any issue with telling them that she’d be surveilling the world and infusing vigilantism.
That almost sounds like she doesn’t really understand what freedom truly is. Keeping people under a good watch to preserve peace is not freedom but rather just plain control.
Now that I’m mentioning controlling, didn’t the Eliatrope goddess already do that before? She had one entire planet for her children and just kept watch over them which is why they were able to live in perfect peace and harmony (while the minor problems were solved by Mina. And by “minor” I mean minor problems that aren’t severe ones like poverty, pollution, etc.). The eliatropes didn’t see anything wrong with what she was doing because that’s all they’ve ever known. The eliatropes were practically doing the same thing every day over and over again without being aware of it all. This incessant repeat is also supported by Qilby saying that everything was always the same cycle back in his home planet and he was just witnessing the same history repeating itself.
She was perfectly fine letting Adamaï go because she claimed that his mistrust towards this entire situation was perfectly normal for him since he’s someone who mistrusts things in general.
But like-
Adamaï is still her kid, and yet, she just lets him go just like that after being away from him for all these millennials.
But then again, he was the same person who pointed out the question: “Are you the one responsible for the destruction of the Inglorium?” And she wasn’t able to answer him properly. When someone asks you uncomfortable questions that you know the answer to, you usually try to make them leave, no?
For someone who’s nicknamed “the goddess of love”, she brought Qilby back and even told Yugo that she’s fine with keeping the traitor around since he at least goes on missions to help IF IT BENEFITS HIM IN SOME WAY.
What kind of “goddess of love” is fine with letting a child of hers continue this bad habit of helping others to benefit them???
Where is Balthazar? No seriously where is he??? If the Eliatrope goddess has the children of Emrub with her, then surely Balthazar has to be around in the area somewhere or maybe with the goddess surveilling the children but he isn’t.
She doesn’t know what the hell the Lokus is supposed to be or what it was even “guarding” her temple for but she did not tell anyone about this??? About the fact that she didn’t know? Did she tell Nora or Qilby?? Or even the other eliatropes???
Also, she apparently knows that its heart can help fend off the necromes and yet hasn’t told this to Nora and the others. Maybe she forgot to tell them but like- HOW DO YOU FORGET when you’ve been into contact with them??
When she wanted to leave the world with her children at the very moment she heard that the necromes were coming, she did not even once mention bringing Chibi and Grougaloragran with her despite being able to sense their wakfus.
She tried to cut off Yugo’s friends from him so she could leave with him and the other elite eliatropes. So when Yugo tells her he wants to stay and the other eliatropes side with him, she just leaves.
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spacedlexi · 7 months
i Need to draw more clemviminnie shit but how am i supposed to do that when minnie only exists alongside them for 2 episodes then dies
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#its why i alive her for some post s4 stuff just so i have more to work with 😔#but i dont Love doing that....she sealed her fate..she was lost in the sauce...#but theres so much there..............#the way minnie was concerned for vi while betrayed!vi and clem were fighting in the cell she def still had feelings...#they still wouldve been dating if she was never taken like......#ITS SO MESSY I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#like while i Do think there was some tension in their relationship somewhere bc that line in the woods didnt come from nowhere#no matter how changed she was by the delta that sentiment had to come from somewhere. maybe she could just never say it#but idk if they wouldve broken up over it and there was no reason for violets feelings to change either. she just grieved her 'death'#vi says the real minnie is gone and that she'll do what she has to to keep everyone else safe but like....#theres no way shes not still conflicted on some level like you can see it on the boat she cant leave her. esp since she kinda blames hersel#minnie being clems dark reflection but clem is minnies reflection just as much (obvs) the tension is palpable between them#clem being the part of herself that she killed when she killed sophie...the symbolism of killing your own twin...#and how much does clem remind her of sophie too like whos clem Really mirroring here#THERES SO MUCH MEAT THAT IM CHEWING ON THIS IS A GRAND MEAL#and i cant fucking do anything about it 😭 seriously how do i work within these constraints#there isnt even a 2 week jump like there is in ep2 theres no unaccounted for time in eps 3 and 4 ITS KILLING ME#i bet in a betrayed!vi route minnie was glad to see her when they made it to the boat. and vi feeling betrayed by clem was a perfect target#totally susceptible. minnie gets in her head that its safer to give in instead of fighting back... and now theyre together again...#vi betrayed by clem falling right back into minnies arms OOF girl get away she is Fucked Up..theyre both fucked up 😭 clem u broke her#betrayed!vis reaction to hearing minnies confession about sophie..girl must have been so emotionally fucked in that cell#mmm toxic yuri mmmmm :)#god clemvi really has it all..............................................#why would i need anything else...when clemvi is here#twdg#it speaks#still cant believe my fave girlie really got it all :)
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wallflowerswit · 24 days
❝ deep  inside  ,  she  knew  who  she  was,  and  that  person  was  SMART  and  kind  and  often  𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏  𝒇𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒚,  but  somehow  her  personality  always  got  lost  somewhere  between  her  heart  and  HER  MOUTH,  and  she  found  herself  saying  the  wrong  thing  or,  more  often,  𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈  𝒂𝒕  𝒂𝒍𝒍. ❞ taking this directly from my description bc its actually my whole personality !!! when she said this OUT LOUD to COLIN !!!!!!!!! no bc im sure people across the continent could have heard my scream.
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wildwildwasteland · 2 months
also i forgot that ppl like started posting into the fallout critical tag i was only using that as my tag for ppl to blacklist my complaining LOL
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