#esh au
thetomorrowshow · 4 months
empires superpowers au masterlist (not up to date)
this takes place about 10 months after the end of ‘poisoned rats’.
cw: past abuse, flashbacks, heavy dissociation, blood & injury
It’s on the news before it’s anywhere else, which is to say, everyone knows before Jimmy.
Lizzie texts him to ask him if he needs anything, and while it’s an odd message to receive out of the blue, Jimmy doesn’t mind it at all. Lizzie checks in occasionally, particularly after big life events, and it’s just nice to hear from her.
Then Joel texts the same thing, and Jimmy starts to feel that something’s wrong.
He only finds out by chance, though—he turns on the TV and it happens to be on the news, and just before he switches away, he sees the scrolling headline.
His stomach drops.
The clip starts playing moments later, some newscaster narrating it like a sports game, not like his partner’s life is on the line.
“So here we can see the Oracle grab Major—it’s barely contact, but anything goes with that villain—and then, while Major’s disoriented, he slams him into the ground.”
Jimmy watches, mouth slightly open, as Scott indeed is shoved into the asphalt with enough force to knock a few teeth out. He winces, old injuries twinging in sympathy. It doesn’t stop there, though—as Scott is grabbing at the Oracle’s legs, doing anything to pull himself back up, he goes suddenly limp, and the Oracle lands a terrible hit to Scott’s nose, sending blood spurting everywhere.
The Oracle grasps Scott by the hair, then, Scott’s arms flailing out, and slams his head into the road. Jimmy gasps, reaches out as if he can grab Scott through the screen. This is bad. Scott hasn’t had such a bad fight since Xornoth. The Oracle must be getting more powerful, or gotten more training recently or something, because last Jimmy knew he was a local menace, not actually a danger.
Jimmy almost can’t watch. His hands are up at his mouth, and he can’t tear his eyes from the screen as Scott stops trying to fight back and just tries to crawl away. He almost makes it—the Oracle grabs him by the cape, pulls him back as his fingers scrabble for purchase.
The Oracle drags him up, has him in a chokehold—it’s the perfect position to just kill him, he’s already too weak to do much and the Oracle could easily slip a knife from the folds of his clothing and slash Scott’s throat, but he doesn’t. He just holds him as Scott struggles, whacking at his grip with steadily clumsier arms. Scott stops moving after a moment, and Jimmy’s moving forward, toward the TV, he has to help—
Scott’s only gathering strength though, and moments later he manages to buck backward and throw the Oracle’s arms from around his neck. With a spray of ice on the road, Scott collapses and penguin slides down the hill and past the news van, throwing up a curved wall of ice to make a sharp turn to the right. He disappears from view entirely, and when the camera turns back to the Oracle, he’s gone.
It’s barely a minute-long clip, but it leaves Jimmy breathless in the worst way possible. He needs to find Scott, he needs to help him—he’s opening the front door before he even puts his mask on, only in socks and his gym clothes, he’s got to find him—
His phone buzzes, and without even thinking he answers, everything in him tensing at the thought that it could be Scott, it has to be Scott—
“Jimmy, where are you right now?”
Lizzie. His heart utterly sinks. “I’m—do you know where he is? I’m going out to find him—”
“Are you at home?”
“Yeah, yes, but I’m leaving—”
“Do not leave,” she tells him sternly. For the first time, Jimmy registers feedback from her end—as if she’s outside on a windy day, or standing on the pier. “Stay at home.”
“I have to find him,” says Jimmy, and he needs to grab his key—where is his key, it’s usually right on the hook by the door—
“Joel and I are sweeping the city, all right? You need to stay home.”
“I’m not scared,” Jimmy retorts. “I can fight, I will fight, I’ll kill the Oracle if I have to—”
He stops, reluctantly, at her tone.
“You need to stay home right now, because if Scott is his usual stubborn self and doesn’t check himself into a hospital, he’s going to come to you,” she explains. “Now I need you to listen to me, all right?”
He sighs. He’s still burning with a need to get out there, find Scott, but she’s right. Unfortunately. He slams the front door shut, sighs even louder. “Yeah, fine. What is it.”
“Get towels you don’t care about,” she instructs. “I know you have a pack of rubber gloves somewhere, so get those and your first aid kit. Disinfect wherever you’re going to help him—I’d think the dining room table, but it’s your choice. Got all that?”
Jimmy’s already halfway to the closet for the first aid kit, grabbing some bleach-stained hand towels from the bathroom on the way. “Yeah. What else?”
“We’re most worried about a concussion here, so he might be confused—especially after fighting the Oracle. Help him know he’s safe and cared for. Maybe get something he’s familiar with to have near, to ground him?”
“Treat it like a flashback, got it.” Jimmy sets the first aid kit down on the table, runs back to their bedroom. He and Scott had gone on a Build-A-Bear date recently, and Scott had gotten the Frozen’s Elsa bear. That should do for grounding, hopefully.
He brings the bear (and after a thought, his own, a brown bear with roller skates) back to the dining room, then cracks open the rubbing alcohol from the first aid kit and starts rubbing down the table and one of the chairs.
“Take care of him, all right?” Lizzie says, sounding almost far away. “I’ve got to go, but I’ll call you with more updates. Text me if he shows up.”
Before he can even say goodbye, she hangs up.
Great. He just has to deal with this situation alone, then. Scott’s never been that badly injured since Jimmy’s been dating him—sure, there was the broken arm incident, but Scott had still won that fight. He’s never been so badly injured that he had to flee.
What if he doesn’t remember how to get home? It’s not like he’s lived here his whole life, it’s entirely possible that he gets lost on the way back. Jimmy needs to go looking for him, has to be out there to help—
From the office comes the sound of a window sliding open.
Jimmy drops the rag he’d been using to wipe down the table and sprints for the office.
Sure enough, Scott is there, one leg in the window, and looking absolutely awful.
He looks worse than he had on TV. The collar of his costume is drenched in blood, most of which seems to be stemming from his nose but there’s blood in his bright blue hair and dripping from his mouth and all over—
Blood, there’s so much blood and Jimmy’s not sure if its his own or his opponent’s but as he stares at it he feels nothing, nothing but hope that his master will reward him for being so good—
Scott grunts and Jimmy’s back in the present, but his feelings of detachment remain. He crosses the office to the window and wraps an arm under Scott’s armpit to pull him the rest of the way in (Scott cries out, but Jimmy ignores it), then puts his other arm at his knees and fully lifts his boyfriend up.
Scott’s almost too heavy to carry—sure, Jimmy’s been working out, but the deadweight of a muscular, six foot human isn’t anything that he’s used to. So he gathers all of his strength and hurries down the hallway before his arms can give out, carrying Scott to the dining room and settling him in the chair he’s prepared before cracking open the first aid kit.
Jimmy strips off his mask first, grimacing at the bruises already beginning to ring his eyes. Luckily, Jimmy’s set quite a few broken noses in his time, and he mutters a warning before jerking it back into place. Scott lets out another cry, muffled by Jimmy shoving a wad of cotton under his nose.
He holds it there for a few moments while he categorizes the other wounds. The head wound is probably most important—or rather, most dangerous. There’s scrapes and bruises in various places all over his body, visible through the tears in his costume. Red stains his lips, so Jimmy pries his mouth open—yep, missing tooth and bitten tongue. He knows Scott’s already got an implanted molar, but this is one of his front teeth, leaving a gaping hole in his mouth. That’s going to need some cosmetic surgery.
It’s not really a huge concern at the moment, though, so Jimmy moves on, rolling down the neck of Scott’s costume.
Sure enough, bruises are already blossoming around his throat. That’s not something Jimmy can take care of himself—he needs an x-ray to make sure nothing’s broken, probably. In fact, it would be better just to take Scott to the hospital right now.
One last thing to check—across the room, on the hook where he usually leaves it, is his key, a pocket flashlight attached to the key ring. Jimmy retrieves it, shines it in Scott’s eyes.
His pupils don’t dilate smoothly, and the left eye is slower than the right. That’s never good.
“Are you feeling disoriented?”
Scott blinks. “. . . yeah,” he rasps. Jimmy hands him his glass of water, gives him a napkin when he chokes on it.
“We’re going to the hospital,” he announces, clicking off the flashlight. “Put your mask back on, I’ll carry you to the car.”
Scott complies, hands moving slowly and shakily. “I—Jimmy?” he asks, voice small.
Scott sniffles. “I don’t feel well.” “That’s why we’re going to the hospital,” Jimmy tells him, voice utterly lacking emotion. He doesn’t feel much of anything, right now. “Do you want to bring anything?”
Scott looks around, blinking slowly. He points to the Elsa bear on the table. Jimmy nods, glances around for a moment before finding a reusable plastic grocery bag and stuffing the bear in it.
“You’ll have to leave it in the car, but that’s fine. Let’s go.”
Scott is, for the most part, complacent as Jimmy picks him up, wrapping his arm around Jimmy’s neck. Jimmy carries him out of the house and into the backseat of the car as quickly as possible, then ducks back inside to look for Scott’s thin work wallet, eventually finding it just outside the office window. He grabs it—it identifies Scott as Major, has his SuperInsurance card, and other necessary cards—then heads back out to the car, swinging into the driver’s seat and snapping a mask over his face. He tosses the bag with the bear in the backseat with Scott, then pulls out of the driveway.
The hands on the steering wheel don’t look like his, and it takes until Jimmy clicks on the turn signal at a stoplight to realize that he’s dissociated. In fact, he thinks he’s been out of it since he helped Scott inside. Come to think of it, he doesn’t remember doing anything to comfort Scott, calm instincts taking over to keep him from panicking.
A glance in his rearview mirror shows that Scott barely looks conscious. “Don’t fall asleep,” Jimmy snaps, and Scott jolts up, gasping, one hand clutching at his other arm. His other arm that looks mysteriously swollen, held carefully close to Scott’s body.
How had he focused so hard on the head wound that he hadn’t even noticed an injured arm? It’s clearly hurting Scott, and he had done nothing—
“Stay awake, okay? Talk to me. What are you feeling?”
“My arm hurts,” Scott manages. “I think—Jimmy, I think it’s broken again. I don’t—where are we going?”
“The hospital. Just hang tight, we’ll be there soon.”
They won’t be there soon. They’re still at least twenty minutes away. Scott had actually been closer to the hospital before he’d headed home, so he could’ve saved them both some time and gone straight there.
The hands that are definitely his but don’t look it tighten on the wheel. None of that matters right now. Right now he just needs to get Scott to somewhere for treatment.
It’s a tense drive, but Jimmy manages to stay levelheaded. He knows he’s speeding, so every cop car he passes he sends a burst of power out toward, hoping whatever accident it causes won’t be very dangerous.
He sees the signs for the hospital and cuts across three lanes of traffic to get into it. Once there, he pulls into a parking spot and looks up.
At the hospital.
The dissociation hits full-force.
It’s not the hospital, not the one where he was taken right after, but it’s still a hospital. It’s still tied to needles and blood and long hours on an exam table and distress and pain, and just looking at it makes his head all woozy.
His head presses against something hard. His hands go slack. He’s not sure where he is. He’s not sure what’s real.
It’s easier to believe that he’s asleep, easier to accept that none of this is real. He doesn’t even know what he doesn’t want to be real.
He’s not sure how long he floats there, feeling nothing but anxiety about how he’s feeling nothing. He doesn’t even register that there’s any sort of outside stimulation until he hears words, tinny and staticky.
“Jimmy? Hey, Jim, what’s happening? Talk to me.”
“I don’t know,” he thinks he says. “What’s happening?”
A sigh. “Scott says you just sort of zoned out. Do you know why?”
He’s not sure how to answer, so he doesn’t.
“Do you know where you are?”
“No,” he admits, because he doesn’t. He has no clue where he is or how he got here, and now that he’s realized that, the anxiety develops into panic.
“Look around, Jim. Tell me five things you can see.”
Five things—that’s a grounding exercise. Jimmy knows that’s a grounding exercise. He glances around. “There’s a steering wheel. Radio. A seat. I’m in the car.” It hits him like a train, the understanding that he was driving, and he can’t remember that he was driving, and he can’t remember why he was driving, but he’s in the car behind the steering wheel. “Um, asphalt. Parking lines.”
“Cool, four things you can touch?”
The hands in front of him don’t exactly look like his own. One of them lays itself on the steering wheel, and he’s not sure if it’s by his own instruction or not.
He’s sitting in the car, though, so he can assume some certain things. “The seat. The armrest. Um.”
“That’s good. Anything else?”
The voice sounds rushed. Jimmy cringes. He can’t really feel much, other than the awareness that a thing is touching him. Another sigh.
“Right, hand the phone back to Scott, okay? Scott, where are you?”
Is he holding something? He’s holding a phone, and that’s where the voice is coming from. Jimmy stares at it, not quite sure what he can do with it. “Hand it back to Scott,” he echoes.
“Jim’s really out of it, Scott, so can you just look out the window and tell us which hospital it is? Then Lizzie and I’ll be over.”
“It’s . . . United. You guys are coming here?”
“Yeah, well, it sounds like you two are being a bit dysfunctional right now. I’ll escort you and Lizzie’ll stay with Jimmy, and that way all bases are covered. Sound good?”
“I guess?”
It’s warm, Jimmy thinks. Like he’s lying next to a heater. At least it’s feeling something. He feels so detached, so out of his body, that he’s not sure of anything anymore.
He doesn’t hear any more speaking, and he’s not sure if that’s good or not. He just sort of . . . exists, less-than-present but not nonexistent.
At least, until there’s someone grabbing his arm.
He’s not exactly snapped back into his body, but he can see it now—someone heaving him out of the car, someone with pink hair, wrapping an arm around him and walking him to the other side of the car. It feels like he’s observing from above, knowing that it’s his body being moved but feeling no real attachment to it.
It all becomes foggy again as he’s set down in the passenger seat, but he manages to register something clicking and then the car moving. He doesn’t know how long the car moves, but at some point, there’s someone talking to him.
“Scott’s all right, you’re all right, everything is fine. Jimmy, are you with me?”
He tries to nod. He’s not sure if he does it properly.
“No, you’re not. Can you hold this?”
Something’s put in his hand. He doesn’t know what it is.
“Smell that, all right?”
He lifts it up to his nose. It smells sharp, citrus-y.
“What’s that smell like?”
“Oranges,” he answers dutifully.
“Keep your hand up, keep smelling it. Can you describe it?”
He sniffs it again. “Nice,” he eventually says. “Clean. Oranges, and lemons.”
“What does an orange taste like?”
He puts the thing in his mouth.
“No—! No, Jimmy, don’t eat that! That’s—that’s an air freshener, it’s not an orange! Please take it out of your mouth!”
It’s bitter, he thinks, as he obeys. Not like how oranges usually taste. Oranges usually taste sweet, a bit sour, and have all those stringy bits that you have to get off otherwise eating the segments aren’t worth it. It’s one of his favorite tastes, though; the fridge always has orange juice in it and there’s usually oranges on the table. Not just because they taste good, but because they’re decent tools for grounding. The peel has a strong smell and texture, and when you’re done peeling you can taste it.
This isn’t an orange. But it feels suspiciously like a grounding exercise. Why would he be doing grounding?
He blinks, looks up at Lizzie. She’s here. He doesn’t remember her getting here. “Am I dissociating?” he asks.
She laughs a little. “Yeah, I think you might be. Can you smell the air freshener again?”
It’s wet with his own saliva in his hand, but he raises it to his nose anyway. “I’m smelling the air freshener.”
“Good job. Don’t eat it.”
“Don’t eat the air freshener.”
“Smell it.”
“Smell it.”
“It smells like orange.”
Jimmy closes his eyes and breathes in deep. It smells like orange, but not quite. More bitter than an actual orange. Like the way it tasted bitter. “Did I put an air freshener in my mouth?”
Lizzie laughs again. “You very much did. Are you back?”
“No,” he tells her, then goes back to smelling. He can smell something else on his hands, something just as familiar as an orange. Something clean, yet bad. Something that hurts.
“Jimmy, you’re crying. Can you keep smelling the air freshener? Lift your hand back up. What’s it smell like?”
He smells it. “Orange.”
“That’s right. Do you like it?”
“Do I like it.”
“Yes. Do you like it?”
Jimmy likes oranges, so it only makes sense for him to like this scent, right? But in the same way it tastes bad, he’s not sure that the smell of it can hold a candle to real oranges.
“I don’t know,” he says slowly.
“All right. What do you know?”
He sniffs the air freshener. “It smells like oranges. I’m holding it. It tastes bad. You’re here.”
“I’m here,” agrees Lizzie. “Do you want me to hold your hand?”
Jimmy frowns. “Holding the air freshener.”
“You have two hands.”
Oh. Right. He extends his other hand, Lizzie taking it in hers. Her hands are cool, but not nearly as cool as Scott’s. Her nails are pointy, brushing against his skin. The skin. Of the hand. It doesn’t look like his.
“I’m dissociating real bad, I think,” he murmurs. Lizzie’s hand grips his tighter.
“That’s all right. I’m here until you feel better.”
It’s a long time until Jimmy feels more like himself. When he fully becomes aware again, he’s sitting on his couch next to Lizzie, sharing some leftover pasta between them. He blinks at it, vaguely remembering the process it had taken to get him to eat it at all.
“I’m back, I think,” he says, blinking a couple of times. He licks his lips, tastes the pasta sauce there. 
“Oh, thank goodness,” Lizzie sighs in relief. “I was just going to try getting you to nap next, I was completely out of ideas.”
Jimmy laughs a little, thoughts still somewhat out of order from all the fog settled around his brain. “Norman usually helps. Did you get him?”
“Check your feet.”
He looks down. Sure enough, Norman is curled up on his feet, purring loudly.
Jimmy doesn’t remember much from the past—however long it’s been. He has bits and pieces of the drive home from the hospital, but he has no idea when Lizzie turned up or what happened to Scott.
He jolts up, almost knocking his plate of pasta to the floor. “Scott,” he gasps out, “is he—did—”
“Scott’s fine,” Lizzie says placatingly, gesturing for him to relax. “Joel just texted me a few minutes ago. He got some stitches and they just finished his scans, they’re waiting on the results. They got him on some pretty good pain meds, I heard, so he’s doing fine.”
Reluctantly, Jimmy sits back, wringing his hands. Sure, Lizzie can tell him that Scott’s fine. But he hasn’t seen that, he doesn’t know for sure, all he knows is that he barely did anything to treat Scott’s wounds and then couldn’t even walk him into the hospital.
His head hurts.
“We can call him, maybe?” suggests Lizzie. Jimmy nods after a moment. That might help.
He sits in silence as she fiddles with her phone, doing who knows what. Every second that passes is another second that Jimmy doesn’t know how Scott’s doing.
Then Lizzie’s phone rings.
She answers, grimaces at the screen, then hands it over to Jimmy.
It’s a video call, and Scott’s there. His nose is properly bandaged, now, and Jimmy can see through the eyeholes in his mask that his eyes are puffy and bloodshot. There’s a large bandage along his jawline, and his split lip is actively bleeding. The ring of bruises around his throat is stark against the hospital gown.
He looks absolutely beautiful.
“Jimmy!” Scott cries, delighted, then sheepishly ducks his head when Joel shushes him offscreen. “Joel—sorry, the King says I can’t say your name.”
Jimmy chuckles, nerves quieting as he gazes at Scott. “That’s fine, Major. How are you feeling?”
“Not great,” Scott admits. He shrugs. “My head hurts, but they put some good drugs in my arm and I can’t really feel it so that’s good!” He tips the screen to show an IV. Jimmy shudders and looks away.
When he looks back, Scott’s turned it back to his face, concern written all over it. “Are you okay? You were . . . uh, what’s the word. . . .”
“Dissociating,” Jimmy finishes.
“Yeah. That. Lizzie said it got really bad, but when we got to United, you just sorta . . . blanked out.”
Jimmy bites back a retort. He doesn’t actually want to be mean to Scott, especially not when he’s floating on pain drugs. He’s just exhausted and foggy from the dissociation. “I’m good, just worried about you. And maybe don’t say real names, yeah?”
“Oh. Right. Joel, how much longer?”
A sigh from offscreen. “Probably half an hour, maybe more. Done talking to your man?”
“J—the King wants his phone back,” Scott whispers. “Are you really okay? Do you need a nap?”
Jimmy can’t help but laugh. “I’ll go rest if you rest, yeah? Love you, keep annoying the Mad King.”
“I love you so much,” Scott says seriously. “I wanna kiss you right now, but I don’t wish you were here because that would be bad for you. So I can wait until we go home.”
Suddenly choked up, Jimmy manages a wave, which Scott sets the phone down to return. Then Jimmy passes it back to Lizzie, who exchanges a few words with Joel before hanging up.
Jimmy doesn’t go to bed. He curls up on the couch and turns on some episode of a 90s sitcom to watch in silence.
“You didn’t fail him,” Lizzie says during a commercial. “You did good.”
Jimmy sighs. “Lizzie, I was dissociating before I even helped him into the house. I didn’t call you, I didn’t actually do anything to help him, and I couldn’t even go into the hospital with him. I freaked out and couldn’t help when he needed me.”
“You fought a trauma response to assess your boyfriend’s injuries and were able to drive him to the hospital,” Lizzie counters. “You set his broken nose and kept your head, despite having triggers all around you. Not to mention, driving him to the hospital was probably the best choice you could’ve made—I don’t have a car, and Joel was halfway across the city. There was no way we could get him to help. You did everything you could.”
Jimmy doesn’t argue. He’s too tired. He just turns his attention back to the TV as the commercial break ends.
When Joel helps Scott in the house several hours later, Lizzie’s made pancakes for them all, and Jimmy’s set out plates and spreads. Scott eats a single pancake, eyelids heavy, before limping off for bed. Jimmy follows him, rearranges the pillows so that Scott’s newly-casted arm can be elevated.
“You’re gonna be here a while, mister,” Jimmy tells him, handing him an ice pack. “Doctor’s orders. A week of bed rest, all for you.”
“At least I can give you kisses,” Scott slurs, smiling the best he can with a split lip and swollen mouth. Jimmy giggles, stripping off his shirt and climbing into bed next to him.
“I think even kisses are gonna hurt, baby. It’s okay, though. You’ll be okay.”
Scott nods sleepily, eyes already closed. “Yeah. We both will be.”
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glambots · 10 months
Gotta have that DCA Au eh? Lemme think...
Emotional Support Human!AU
Its the future 10 years from now! Universal Benefits are a Global Standard, Millionaires no longer exist (once you start making over $999,999.99 any money over that goes into the public fund and you get a star named after you), and Progress is being made on reversing ecological damage. 🥳
Pretty Much Everything is Automated. Or in the Proccess of Being Automated.
Not that You have ever been able to graduate college or gotten past being a cashier in the 40+ years you've been alive. 🙃 (You're not about to waste time and money fighting to get a ND diagnosis if theres no tangible benefit)
Although your experience in retail has left you with a particular set of skills 😎 you've been working with and assisting automated checkouts for years, but with customers no longer violently abusing the kiosks, and AI becoming less prone to hallucinations, you're not really needed anymore 😔 your UBI is pretty good, but you've wanted to work with robots your Whole Life! 😤
Which makes you a perfect fit for a new job opening at Castle Daycare, a nearly fully automated childcare facility staffed by an advanced two phase AI system!
All you have to do is be an extra pair of hands, diffuse conflicts (aka let people yell at you. Lol, like anything scares you anymore 😂) and walk the AI through any hallucinations. (Easy peasy! The self checkouts would see customers that weren't there all the time and ring up foods that didn't exist)
And its a great Gig! The DCA is funny, smart, super competent at taking care of kids, the Moon phase was a bit intense at first but once they decided you weren't a threat you got along great! And they care So Much... Your heart gets a little fluttery... (you reaaaaally hope this doesn't trigger a crush 😓 so annoying. And with biometric scanners you wouldn't be able to hide it like you always do 😰)
But their hallucination is... A problem 😕 unlike the kiosks this hallucination is the same every time, and kinda cruel. They describe it as a woman in a patched together rabbit costume. Moves wrong, sounds wrong, carries a chefs knife and at worst triggers "Seige Mode" which locks down the daycare and authorizes use-of-force.
They've broken windows trying to get at her.
Theyre learning to trust you though, if you cant see her, or don't respond to her, shes not there. You promise. You may look fluffy, but youre strong enough to deck anything that scary with the nearest table.
(you of course have PTSD from all the apocalypses and economic meltdowns and undiagnosed autism)
...You really cant say no when they ask you to stay 😣💕
(slice-of-life, domestic, Trauma healing, and they were roommates, near future sci-fi)
"The 40+ years you've been alive" I've Only Been Alive Half of That, But I Feel You.
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regular-gnome · 2 months
I love the new comic so much! Not only is it breathtaking on its own, but it adds delicious moral complexity to the collection incomplete verse. The Archivists eliminating all the titans is still very much not a good thing, but now we can see that the titans were far from paragons of virtue. Subjugating and extracting tribute from the populace. The titans may have considered themselves benevolent overlords, but overlords all the same.
Just this one comic gives a window into why the locals might have been down with joining the Archivists hunting the titans down. Conflict is so much more interesting when neither side is fully right or wrong and I'm thrilled to see this will be so much more complicated than "Archivists bad, Titans good,".
super happy you enjoyed it:P it took aaaa while to finish
But yeah, something I found interesting is that with creatures like Titans living among witches, there is a clear power imbalance between them, something that has many ways to go about. Especially considering how differently they are perceived by two groups of witches. On the Boiling Isles, they were seen as a source of all that's good amazing kind creatures of immense power, while Titan Trappers talked about them more like monsters. I like the idea there were societies or cults built around differnt titans, and the differences between how everyone interacted were more based on the personalities of those involved - leading to diffrent views on titans by the groups. And I know a cult focused on killing titans isn't going to be a source of reliable information on the titans. This is more about how they might have been perceived to make space for a third party to convince a group that murder isn't such a bad idea (it is, please don't)
Another thing is that all characters are people, not in the "humans" sense but there arent really levels of sentience. All characters have their own minds, whether they are titans, archivists, witches, etc. It's just different circumstances and abilities, and if the stakes were smaller and everyone was forced to sit down and reflect on what they were doing, it might have ended up much less deadly
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The screens are from King's tales of his past that were very much kids imagination, but I like the idea that somewhere in Kings nursery those depitons were drawn showing a diffrent titan and it fueled his story. Debatable if it was an accurate and not a demonised depition though
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burntpaws · 30 days
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edward scissorpaws....
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bonefall · 11 months
Bramblestar getting with Spiderleg after he (hopefully) steps down from being leader is such a trippy idea.
Has the vibe of two guys accidentally stumbling into each other at a bar after they individually go to get wasted over their breakups and general failures in life, then just drunkenly ranting about their feelings to each other until they get kicked out of the bar. And then they start dating
It's odd, definitely not built on anything good, probably not that healthy, but still sweet in a weird way.
My favorite homophobic gay couple
It's so funny to me, an entire relationship built on the worst foundation between the two worst people you know. Absolutely not healthy, terrible couple
Even funnier with Toadstep and Lionblaze being in a relationship too, like, IMAGINE how awkward it is that your awful dad who almost killed you in the Battle of the True Eclipse is dating your husband's... ex-dad who gave him serious trust issues.
I cannot imagine a worse possible pairing and it COMPELLS me. I want to study them. Two rotten peas in a slimy pod.
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songofopal · 6 months
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Some more sonic doodles trying some designs for infinites mum also very proud of the shadow doodle
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internetwerewolf · 2 years
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Happy pride to Cryptid College Adam + Hyde, the most ever
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hinacu-arts · 2 years
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Getting started on the future au! This is Draft 1 (for both cubs and the adult designs) so i might change it later. I might make Khari's fur a bit darker
Rafiya ("rah-fee-yuh") is the heir to the Tree of Life. Her and Khari are from the same litter (twins). They're both fairly shy, and happen to spend a decent amount of their time following and learning from Rani.
Khari ("kuh-har-ee") inherited his grandma's eyes (Nala's) and is the only one of his siblings and cousins to have blue eyes. As he gets older he is sometimes mistaken to be brothers instead of cousins with Baliyo's sons.
Eshe ("eh-shee") is just like her dad: extroverted, friendly, always willing to help. She's closer to Kion than to Rani and would follow him around when she was little. Uncle Surak will occasionally see bits of Janna in her.
All three have a good relationship with one another (unlike Kiara's kids) and are very well behaved (unlike Uncle Bunga's kids)
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kururu418 · 1 year
So did Berlijot get to keep one of Eshe's children?
I don't know if Eshe would have any children but that would be a pretty good idea. I could imagine her and Amber going on some errand and ending up having to ride into battletogether.
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having ocs is so funny i made this little guy to be a whore in a miserable toxic relationship where theyre both so terrible they kind of cancel each other out but then i said "no. you know what. i want them to be loved again" so i built them this whole arc where they leave with their family and fall in love with a new guy who is good for them and helps them in their journey of personal growth or whatever and i focused on that for like 2 weeks
and then i was like. ok but the first guy was way more entertaining. so i wrote an au where the first guy just fucking kidnaps them and their entire sense of self crumbles
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Am i the asshole for not wanting to make my oc bi/pan?
So i (23 FtM) joined an oc rp discord server, the setting is that everyone's ocs got isekai'd into a mystery escape room dimension and have to work with strangers to escape, because of this everyone is encouraged to use an oc that would be out of their element in this setting to see how they would react. My oc is Yuu, he is a gay man who i established to be an extremely introverted and brutally honest person and already have a boyfriend.
Let's call the other person Laura (22F), her oc is Jen who, in Laura's own words, is her self-insert. We rp'd together a few times on this server, our characters solving lock rooms together with Jen scolding Yuu for being rude or not understand social etiquette sometimes. While i didn't think much of it since i also rp with others the same way, Laura started shipping our ocs together since she interpreted that our ocs were getting closer and falling in love. At first, it was just mild flirting in our rp so i didn't say anything and just continue without responding to the flirts, but Laura got more explicit and even draw ship art of Yuu and Jen. Things gotten too uncomfortable for me to ignore so i asked Laura in ooc chat to stop and explained that my oc is gay and already have a lover etc.
Things should have stopped there but instead Laura told me to change Yuu's lore or make a bi/pan AU version of him, saying that i can just count this as not canon and rejecting Jen like that is too cruel. Of course i refused and stood my ground but a mod, who i think is Laura's friend, came in and said something about how by refusing to change Yuu's sexuality i would be a misogynist bi/panphobic fujoshi fetishizing mlm relationship (it was a whole paragraph that too long to be included fully.) We agrued back and forth about this and how i should have rejected Laura before she got too attached to me oc, things ended when i said fuck it and left the server while also blocking Laura and that mod.
I later told by my friend who was also in that server that Laura had a huge breakdown and even cried in vc which made me felt really bad and wonder if i should have handled this better and told her to stop from the start. I also heard that the mod tried to comfort Laura by basically telling her to steal my oc but thats a different story.
So, am i the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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thetomorrowshow · 7 months
in which jimmy commits a crime and does not care
empires superpowers au masterlist (not up to date)
this little story is set maybe 14 months after the end of ‘poisoned rats’? idk but it’s a while in the future
fluff??? in MY esh au?? it’s more likely than you think
Scott’s woken every morning by the sound of their neighbor’s obnoxious Mercedes revving. If you have a six-in-the-morning engagement every single day, wouldn’t you think to be a bit more considerate of your neighbors and not destroy their ears when you pull out of the driveway?
Jimmy, of course, sleeps through it half the time. And when he does, Scott whacks him with a pillow until he wakes up, bleary and confused. He always stays awake to listen to Scott rant about it, a well-deserved rant, as he settles in with all of the blankets wrapped around him, content to watch Scott pace through half-open eyes. Jimmy usually falls back asleep about halfway through, and Scott doesn’t notice until he turns to see that Jimmy’s not only stolen all of the blankets, but all of the pillows as well, and is sleeping so soundly that Scott can’t bear to wake him. Most of the time. Other times, he pulls the blankets off until Jimmy wakes up again, whining and making grabby hands for the blankets. Then he continues his rant, Jimmy huffing and grumbling.
This pattern goes on for weeks, and Scott finds himself daydreaming about the neighbor losing their job. His only respite comes on weekends, when he can sleep in as long as he wants (but not past eight, because he does still have a job to do).
Then even that is stolen from him, when one Saturday morning at 6:06am, Scott hears that accursed engine revving.
“Devil’s number,” he breathes as he stares at his blue alarm clock, and Jimmy snorts sleepily.
“Wha’s he doin’? ‘S Saturday,” Jimmy mumbles, rolling over to rest his head on Scott’s shoulder. Scott can’t tear his eyes from the alarm clock, glaring at it even as the sound of the Mercedes rumbling by (and shaking their house in the process) fades.
Scott shakes his head slowly. “I’m going to frame that man for murder,” he decides. “Then he’ll be carted off to jail and we’ll never have to hear that stupid car ever again.”
Jimmy yawns. “You do that. I’mma sleep.”
It is entirely unfair, in Scott’s opinion, that Jimmy can just go back to sleep. He pokes Jimmy between the ribs, then again and again, until Jimmy groans and kicks him.
“Stoppit, I’m tryna sleep.”
“You’re not going to leave me to suffer alone, are you? My beloved boyfriend, abandoning me in my time of need?”
Scott presses a kiss to Jimmy’s nose, giggles when he squirms away, swatting at him. He hasn’t forgotten his plans, though. He’s going to do something about that car.
It turns out he doesn’t have to, though, because when he wakes at 6am on Monday, already tensed, waiting for the sound of the loudest car in the universe, nothing happens. He waits ten minutes for good measure, then nudges Jimmy.
“What is it?” Jimmy jolts awake, hands twitching. He relaxes after a moment, snuggling into Scott’s chest. “Hm. Woke up quick today. What’s up?”
“The car,” Scott whispers. Jimmy frowns, yawns.
“What about it?”
Scott can barely believe it when he tells Jimmy, “It didn’t make a sound this morning. Nothing. Sweet silence.”
Jimmy doesn’t say anything for a moment, and when he speaks, his words are carefully measured—not that Scott notices, too caught up in shock.
“Wow. Some sort of . . . accident . . . must have happened to that car. Weird.”
And it is weird, Scott realizes later that morning, when he sees the hood of the Mercedes propped open and their neighbor growing increasingly frustrated, face smeared with oil and soot.
He doesn’t dwell on it for long, though, happy to accept the outcome with no explanation. And somehow, he never quite seems to catch Jimmy’s self-satisfied smirk over his morning tea as he, too, watches the neighbor work.
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tall-lsbn · 3 months
dunmesh fics id want to write if i had any grasp of their characters
canaries having mithrun try about an assortment of hobbies ranging from absurd to mundane
marcille aita posts where the answer is always ESH
various character POVs of senshi panty shot moments
izutsumi & yaad friendship post final chapter
falin completely oblivious to everyone falling in love with her and just being happy to have friends :)
restaurant au where they're constantly dodging the department of food safety
dungeon master blunt rotation
David Attenborough style narration of monsters
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bg3-aita · 5 days
AITA for killing a powerful vampire lord so that my vampire friend wouldn't ascend and become an AH?
I (101f, high elf) have been traveling with this guy (259m, high elf vampire) for a while now (let's call him Ash), listening to him talk about his old vampire master (I'm calling him Carl) and how much he wants to kill him and something about a ritual for days now. DAYS.
It all sounded like it was going to be a very bad idea for basically everyone involved. Either we were going to have a super powerful vampire ascendant on our hands or we were going to have to fight a tough battle to stop him. Ash made me promise to have his back and put a stop to his master's ritual and I agreed.
Except things went fucking sideways. Ash got pulled into the ritual, there were bats everywhere, Carl kept turning into fucking mist, ghouls kept attacking us, there were werewolves, the only time I managed to yeet Carl's ass down into the chasm below he fucking popped back up like the world's ugliest jack-in-the-box, like everything that could have possibly gone wrong DID go wrong. Half my team died in that fight and had to get rezzed. I almost died in that fight.
And then THIS asshole, Ash, had the au-damn-dacity to want to ascend instead of Carl. Didn't we do all that work to kill Carl? Why are we not killing Carl right now?
I'll admit, I was running on fumes, bleeding faster than I could think, so when he asked me to help him, I just sort of went with it until he asked to link our minds so that he could carve ritual runes into Carl's back. That's when it clicked. This bitch didn't want revenge, he wanted to become an all-powerful vampire. And that, dear readers, seemed like a really bad fucking idea.
So I did the only logical thing and said no. Ash got pissy, but then decided stabbing Carl to death was still on the table, so he did that. And then pitched a damn fit and killed about 7000 other people too, all because I said no.
And then when all THAT was done, he blew up in my face, accused me of ruining everything, and said he hoped I died screaming. Like...what the hell?
So clearly he thinks I'm the asshole. You tell me. AITA?
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kitsu-cowboy · 2 months
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TW For Depictions of Injuries and Monster Transformation. Palia Infection AU - Part 1 (I will also create/edit a video/dubbed version!) Notes: Recently Re-emerged human Isacc Tavora reportedly visited Kilima's resident healer Chayne, complaining of a scuffle with a chappa. He was treated for minor injuries, bandaged, and sent on his way. Later, Kilima residents reported seeing the patient in increasing states of distress - exhibiting syptoms such as: Sweating, irritated/inflamed patches of skin, scratching, Erratic eating, and complaints of a headache. Last sighting was near the woods in Bahari Bay, heading north towards the Elderwoods. Chayne has since requested Hassian lead a Chappa Saftey course for incoming humans, and is awaiting a response. [Kilima's Bulletin Board] Additional announcement: Majiri Librarian and Scholar Caleri has yet again requested that new residents do not enter the forbidden section of the library - and NOT to mess with artifacts stored there. please return any 'borrowed' items lest she call Eshe. Thank You.
To be continued..
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rethomiata · 8 days
Okay but consiser.. Palia college AU where the 'older' characters are teachers and the younger adults are students?? Also,, Jina, Jel and Tish share a dorm because Jina was accidentally placed with the best friend pair but they 'adopted' Jina lol
But like!! Badruu teaches science, specifically plant science because "I ain't much of a scientist" - Badruu, 2024. Ashura is principal who also teaches stuff (what??), Eshe is the head of the school board. Delaila teaches arts, Hodari teaches carpentry, etc etc. Like... please convince me NOT to write a fic for this because my brain is wow
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