#espcially biology
feedernurse · 1 month
To everyone that reads my blog, outside of feederism what's a topic / interest that you have and enjoy that you can rant about to me? I want to learn new things!
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Chapter One First Sight Part One -Bella
Bella’s “friends” all have different names than there Twilight counterparts because she’s in grade 12 not 11 but they still act the exact same way.
Niki Ford - Jesica Stanley
Geraldine (Geri) Wright - Angela Weber
Tristan Reid - Mike Newton
Jose - Eric Yorkie
Eliot (Eli) Chang -Tyler Crowley
See end for more notes-
I shiver, the cafeteria is freezing this January. It was my idea to join the population of Forks High School for the new year and I’m sitting in a cafeteria with people I don’t really know. Their eys drill holes all over my body, cutting me out like a slice of swiss cheese. They’re all staring at me, I feel sick and try to find a place to look where I won’t meet a pair of curious eyes, after a good bit of searching I find them.
Five beautiful high schoolers. Yes, I say beautiful high schoolers and, no, I don’t  think it’s  possible either, but they are beautiful, strikingly, inhumanely, devastatingly, beautiful.
There they sit, not talking not eating, staring at the wall but seeing nothing. They are pale with angular features, almost black dark eyes with circles under them, a bronze-haired boy with a petit pixie like girl sitting in his lap; a big burly boy with dark curly hair who looks old enough to be in college, or maybe even a teacher; two blonds, a girl and a boy, the girl who clung to the burly boy is a familiar face from my Trig and Spanish class. The boy, now that I think about it, I had also seen, sitting in the back of the Biology room quietly drawing on a sketch pad. I hadn’t even noticed him there.
They are all inhumanly beautiful but that isn’t what holds my attention. While they all look different, they all have the same perfect pale angular features and pure black eyes. it’s safe to stare at them. For once I’m staring at someone, then I feel bad, I can’t do that it’s rude espcially given how much I hate it when they do it to me. They are the only ones not staring at me, the new girl, the curiosity, the freak.
Their lips are moving and I can swear they are talking to each other but I can’t  hear a thing.
I want to respect their privacy but they, sitting at their table in the back, are outsiders like me and finally my curiosity gets the better of me, pushing me forward into conversation.
“Hey, Niki!” I say tuning back into the conversation. She seems surprised at my sudden alertness.
“Who are they?” I thought maybe I should clarify who I meant but she is already glancing over to their table.
“Well, they’re Dr. & Mrs. Cullen’s kids. Mrs. Cullen is the orchestra teacher. They kinda keep to themselves. The redhead is Edward. He’s absolutely gorgeous, but he’s with the little one, Alice,” she informs me with jealousy.
“Are they all Cullens? They don’t look related,” I say hesitantly, hating to pry but really curious.
“Oh, no, some of them are foster kids. Dr. Cullen and his wife are in their late forties or something, but they adopted because Mrs. Cullen can’t have kids anymore or something. Those two, Rosalie and Jasper, are actually Cullens, but for some reason they have Mrs. Cullen’s maiden name. The rest are adopted,” Niki explained, pointing to the twins in turn.
“She’s pretty. He's . . . weird,” she says, keeping it brief, as if she doesn't  really care for much about the twins. Her obsession is obviously with Edward.  She turns to briefly ogle him again and I wondered about her hesitation before.
She continues, “and the big one is Emmet. He’s with Rosalie—like with with. They’re like a thing. They’re all dating even though they live together. I'm not even sure that’s legal.”
“Niki, they’re not actually related,” someone to my left reminded her gently.
“Well legally . . . Whatever, it’s weird. Dr. Cullen is like this foster dad slash matchmaker,” Niki offers.
“Maybe he’ll adopt me too,” A blond girl I don’t  know pipes up hopefully.
“They’re all hot! I bet Dr. Cullen does plastic surgery on them,” Niki whispers.
They way these kids gossip, when they think the Cullens can’t hear! I know they can’t be oblivious, but how much do they know and how much do they care? High school is hard enough without being treated like an exotic animal, an anomaly. I suddenly feel intense sympathy for them and then empathy.  They, at their table in the back like me, are outsiders
Feeling bad for the Cullens and curious myself, I try to steer the conversation back to a nicer topic. “Well I think that it’s nice of Mr. and Mrs. Cullen to take care of all the kids. Have they always lived here?” I ask. Surely I would’ve noticed them during one of my summer visits, especially the tall blond boy and his striking sister.
“No,” Niki says. “They moved here from up north somewhere … Alaska I think, about 2 years ago.”
I turned to look at the girl. Rosalie, Niki says her name is, and she is right.  She is pretty,  not just pretty, stunning, glamorous, like something out of a magazine. Not just that but she is the kind of pretty that makes everyone in the room feel a little less than and she is staring, or should I say glowering, right at me.
Her boyfriend, the big burly one, Emmett, grabs her arm and pulls her in for a long kiss. I stopped watching them then and turn my eyes to her brother, Jasper.
He is beautiful too, as all of them are, but even sitting down I can tell he is taller than most of the others, except for maybe Emmet. Leaner, but still muscular, and honey blond. His hair is slightly longer than that of his brothers, those honey blond locks coming to a stop just below his chin. He is also looking away from his siblings’ make out session, his face in a book. The title is written in Latin as far as I can tell. He has a soothing aura and by just looking at him I feel a strange calm wash over me.
He is staring intensely at the book as if it held all the answers to life, or somehow like he is desperately trying not to look up. I shove the thought aside.
He must  know somehow that I’m looking at him because he looks up from his book and right at me. His expression is neutral as he studies me for a Moment and I can’t look away. Then he turns back to his book as if nothing had ever happened.
I try to go back to my lunch but everyone is talking over one another and Tristan keeps up a constant string of questions about my life in Arizona. The only one I’m able to find solace in is a shy girl to my left, Geri, the one who’d reminded Niki that the Cullens aren’t technically related. She is in my Biology class, never saying much, but usually having the answer if a teacher calls on her.
I try not to think about the Hales and focus on my conversation with Geri about the new U.S History elective. I got A’s but it has always been somewhat boring to me. We chatted more about the teachers and she told me she had two little brothers named Trip and Tanner and a dog named Lucy.
“Here let me show you, I think I have a picture from last Christmas in my wallet,” Geri says and I scoot to let her dig through her bag. She pulls out a picture of 9 people and a golden retriever all wearing ugly Christmas jumpers. “Ah! Here it’s . Those are my parents.  Off to the side are Nana and Grandpa, my Mom's parents. There are Grandad and Mimi, my dad’s parents,. Aaaaand that’s me. The one to my left is Trip and the one to my right is Tanner. That's Lucy. She's still just a puppy. We got her for the twins' birthday in September.”
I don’t look at the Cullens or Hales until I see them leaving the cafeteria disposing of, with utmost grace, five trays of untouched food. I allow myself to look at Jasper again, but he doesn't  look at me. In fact, I sware he is trying to look anywhere but at me, but I tell myself that it’s  obviously my imagination.
The bell rings dismissing me to my next class. It crosses my mind that maybe I should skip. I do hate it here after all and I’m still thinking about it as I walk slowly to my locker.
Finally I make my way to building 6 for History, glad I studied the map. When I enter, I see the class is set up like a college classroom with half rings of desks lining the room and a rotating white board in the front. Despite my map memorization, I’m one of the last in class and all the seats have already been assigned so I stumble toward a seat in the very back.
To my absolute horror I catch my foot on the leg of a desk. I’m falling for barely a second before a pair of cold hands catch me, steadies me then vanishes. I don’t  even see who they belong to. Grateful, I slide into the nearest empty seat.
I quickly lug my heavy history textbook out of my bag, opening it to the page number written on the board. It's a few seconds before I looks up to see who my table mate is and when I do I find myself staring straight at Jasper Hale.
I can feel my face heating up, the blush spreading from my cheeks down my neck and up to the tips of my ears, despite the fact that he isn’t even looking at me. In fact he is facing almost directly away from me, his body rigid and tensed in his chair which is angled so far away from me that he is almost crashing into Alyiah Winters, the girls basketball team captain, whom I share Spanish class with. Ayliah gives him a look and scoots closer to her girlfriend, a ginger girl named Annie whom I recognise from Trig.
A few minutes into class Mr Jefferson says, “Now that you’ve completed your warm up please turn to the next page.  There you will see a blank timeline. Please fill it out with what you know. I will be calling on people to come write their answers on the board.”
Students all around me busy their pencils and my table mates and I follow suit. After just a few minutes I have every space filled except for number 5. Oh well, someone else probably has it. The rest of the time Jasper stays tense, and I watch through my periphery to see if he will relax his stiff posture but he never does.
About 6 minutes later a nasally sounding chicken-shaped kitchen timer rings and Mr. Jefferson claps the class to attention, “Alright, who has the answer to number one? Raise your hands.” A boy I know by the name of Eli Chang raises his hand cautiously. “Yes, Eli, what is the answer to number 1?”
He hesitates, “I think … James Knox Polk, James Knox Polk is the president in 1848 . . . I think.”
“You think . . . Or you know?” Mr Jefferson asks.
“Ummm, I know,” Eli rephrased, more confident than before but still wary.
“Good! You are correct. Come write that on the board.” Mr. Jefferson says and Eli lets out a breath of relief. As Eli walks to the board Mr. Jefferson continues, “James Knox Polk is the 11th president of the United States, serving from 1845 to 1849. He previously was the 13th Speaker of the House of Representatives and ninth governor of Tennessee. A protégé of Andrew Jackson, he was a member of the Democratic Party and an advocate of Jacksonian democracy.”
This continued as Mr Jefferson worked his way around the room, “Now who has the answer to number 5?”
Only one person raised a hand, Tristan Reid, who looks confidently at Mr. Jefferson. “The Fugitive Slave Act” he says almost smugly.
We wait in silence for a few seconds. Finally Mr. Jefferson speaks solemnly. Knowing him, it can go either way. “Passed on September 18, 1850 by Congress,” we all stopped holding our breath, “the  Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 is part of the Compromise of 1850. The Act required that slaves be returned to their owners, even if they are in a free state. The Act also made the federal government responsible for finding, returning, and trying escaped slaves. I'm sorry, Tristan,” you are incorrect. Now does anyone else want to try?” Jasper coughs  intensely into his sleeve, maybe he’s just sick. Yes, that has to be it. He has a cold and isn’t in the mood for people in general. it isn’t just me, it can’t be just me. Right? Tristan hides his head in his textbook and returns to his work shamefaced.
Jasper, who is still tensed up, raises his hand. He coughs again and I swear I can see the beginnings of a smile on his face. Is he okay? The entire class turns to face our row. Even Mr. Jefferson looks surprised but calls on him anyway.
I don’t  exactly think that his behaviour is at all sociable but I at least want to try and make conversation. Not to mention I’m kind of worried a little bit, maybe more though for his sanity than his health. He coughs again. it’s  a sort of choked off sound, almost like . . . laughter. I drum up all my courage
“Are you okay?”
He looks up, annoyed, I resist my instincts to hide my face in my textbook. “I’m fine, thank you,” he says sharply. it’s  kind of ironic. He coughs again, but it at least sounds less severe this time. I’m not sur eif his answer was truthful but the conversation was mercifully short so I won’t push it any further
“Yes Mr. Hale, do you have the answer to number 5?”
With a dry voice he says, “Yes I do. The answer is 1852, the year that the book called Uncle Tom’s Cabin was published. It was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe at the age of 41 before her death in 1896 at the age of 85.” You could hear a pin drop. The entire class is wide eyed at the specificity of the answer. “I have a headache. May I please go to the nurse now?” Jasper ends his answer as if the request were his intent all along. I'm amazed but I can’t help feeling sympathetic for him.
Mr. Jefferson hesitated, “Yes, of course . . .” he stuttered, but Jasper had already left.
When Jasper is out of the room Mr. Jefferson continues, “Mr. Hale is correct, The year 1852 is when Uncle Tom’s Cabin is published. It helped further the cause of Black activism, and even Abraham Lincoln recognized that this book's publication is one of the events that led to the outbreak of the Civil War. Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) published more than 30 books, but it’s  this, her best-selling anti-slavery novel,  that catapulted her to international celebrity and secured her place in history.”
History seems to drag on forever, the teacher droning on about the events of the early 1850s. Jasper never comes back to class. I try to take notes but I can’t  focus. My brain ignored the perfectly reasonable explanation right in front of me and the questions buzzed around in my head. Why had Jasper left so suddenly? A nagging voice at the back of my head can’t  help thinking that it’s  because of me, but of course that is impossible, he doesn’t know me from Eve.
When the bell rings, I pick up my history textbook, stuff it back into my bag and head towards the door.Suddenly someone grabs my arm, shaking a wet rain slicker out and soaking me. “Hey, Arizona, how you likin’ the rain gurlll?” Tristan appears in front of me.
My brain freezes up I don’t know what to say to that. After an awkward since I stutter out a belated “Ahh, Tristan, please don’t do that again.”
“Sorry Bella, I just wanted to get your attention,” he looks at the floor, “so, uh, what’s your next class? I can walk you there, so you don’t get lost! B-because it’s your first day and all.”
“Thanks for the offer,” I say quietly, trying to be diplomatic, “but it’s English with Mr. Mason all the way across campus in building 3. You don’t have to go out of your way for me in the rain.”
“No it’s okay, English is my next class too! I’ll be happy to walk with you!” he says, excited by this idea. He is coming to remind me of a golden retriever.
On the way to building 3 Tristan keeps up a nonstop commentary. He is easy to be with, supplying most of the conversation, and I mostly tuned out Tristan’s constant chatter. But one bit catches my attention.
“Did you hit Hale over the head with a textbook or something? I know he has like anxiety disorder or something, but I’ve never seen him be that weird”
Anxiety Disorder? Could it be that he was like me? I knew I shouldn’t have judged him, but I have to gte more information so I play dumb. “Who?”
“Jasper Hale, didn’t you notice?” He asks in disbelief
“Oh, I was really focused on the lecture. Is that the boy I sat next to?” I ask.
“Yes, I saw you talking to him,” he accused.
Crap! “Oh that’s right, I asked if he was okay. He had a cold or something. I don’t blame him for being grumpy.”
“Yeah, he looked like someone had just stabbed him. It was weird, but he kind of always looks like that.  Anyway, here we are,” Tristan says as we arrive in front of building 3.
English passes in a blur and soon I’m headed back to the front office to turn in the slips that my teachers had signed. When I get to the office I almost walk back out again.
Jasper Hale is standing at the front desk arguing with the receptionist, Ms. . Cope I think her name is. I stand in a corner waiting for Ms. Cope to be free and listen to the conversation. I quickly understand that he is asking to change 6th hour History for another class, any other class.
What happened next seems so small it should have been inconsequential. A girl opened the door to the office. A gust of strong wind blasted past me, causing goosebumps on my arms. The girl simply places a paper in one of the wire baskets and then walks back out again.
But what happened next, that is a different matter entirely. Jasper’s back stiffens and he turns around to glare at me in utter rage! His face  is inhumanly  beautiful but with eyes full of hate. The look is so menacing that I swear he wants to rip me to pieces. Surely there is nothing this boy can do to me that would hurt me, but at that Moment I’m not so sure. It only lasts a second but it feels like my blood is turned to ice.
He turns back Ms. Cope. “Forget it. I can see that this isn’t feasible,” he snaps. “Enjoy your day,” and with that he turns and walks out the door, not giving me a second glance.
I refuse to believe that this can have anything to do with me. It must have been something else, something that had happened just before I got in the room. I was late after all.
I walk shyly up to the desk and Ms. Cope took the slips smiling at me, “Did you enjoy your first day, sweetheart, make any friends?”
“It was  fine, everyone is really nice,” I say. I’ve never been a great liar and it doesn't  help that my voice is still shaking from the encounter.
“Oh good. I hope you enjoy your time with us here in Forks,” she says and reminding me suddenly of a hotel clerk.
“I will, thanks,” I say waving as I step out into the cold.
The rain had died down a bit, but everything is still surrounded by a cold omnipresent fog, from which I happily escape into my truck cabin. When I get inside, the seat is a bit cold but dry and that’s as much as I can ask for in this rainy place.
I can’t  do anything but stare out the windshield for a few minutes. The image of Jasper’s hateful glare wouldn’t leave me, but finally I begin to shiver so I turn the ignition key. My truck roars to life and heat fills the cabin.
I leave the school car park fighting tears. Despite my protestations, a single tear drips down my cheek, and, fighting more tears, I drive the familiar road back to Charlie’s house.
NOTES: still in the long and arduous editing process but I thought I’d go ahead and post it so hope you liked it.
you all know the chicken timers I’m talking about, don’t lie.  also don’t you hate it when teachers ask do that do you think or know thing.  Google helped with this one, obviously.
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Just a Quick Little Headcannon
But what if a princess’s cheekmarks, as in what shape they take and possible color, are inherited from the father?
All of this came from this picture:
Tumblr media
Now this is a little farfetched and probably far from cannon but here me out.
We know all females born into the Butterfly family are going to have cheekmarks, it’s one of those genetic givens. But what if that’s just it? A gentic given. No determining what shape, no determing what color, and no determining how big they are either.
Except maybe the father determines them.
Now, my knowledge of how DNA worls is bare minimum at best, but I know that in some cases, there are certain genetic quirk and traits that are recessive in one gender and not the other. Color blindness comes to mind. A woman can be color blind yes, but more often than not a female just carries that gene and if she has a son, she passes it to him and there is a 50% chance that he will be color blind.
What if cheekmarks work that way? The shape, color, and size of it I mean.
A cheekmark might be a recessive genetic trait in males and a dominant one in females. The only way a Male’s cheekmarks could be seen is if they are exposed to a high power source of magic. For example, maybe holding a magic wand?
Sort of like how gender is determined in humans. A female can give one X chromosome, and a male could give either an X or a Y chromosome. Cheekmarks can work that way. A female could give a chromosome that states they will HAVE a cheekmark, but it’s up to a male to donate a certain chromosome that determines WHAT that cheekmark will look like
Now I know that this theory has a lot of holes and is far from perfect, but I just thought that it would be fun to share, espcially since I’m in the genetic and DNA section of my biology course and it has become relevant.
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evanhcnsen · 6 years
ice cream asks: all of them 😝
oh stop.
chocolate: when was your first kiss?
french vanilla: how old are you?
cotton candy: three places you want to travel to?
besides going to spain and paris this summer, i would love to go to england, amsterdam, and hawaii. also harry potter world
strawberry: a language you wish you could speak?
i mean i wish i could speak spanish fluently
coffee: favorite cosmetic brands?
i love burt’s bees tbh
mint chocolate chip: indoors or outdoors?
depends for what. usually indoors, but if the weather is nice, then outdoors
cookie dough: do you play any instruments?
i used to take piano lessons, and now i can play but primarily just chords. i can also play ukulele, and sing
rocky road: favorite songs at the moment?
my petersburg (anastasia), found/tonight (ben platt/lin-manuel miranda), wild heart (bleachers)
butter pecan: favorite songs for life?
waving through a window, ring of keys, hey soul sister, so many others
cheesecake: what’s your zodiac sign?
toasted coconut: the beach or the pool?
chocolate chip: what’s your most popular post?
one time i made a 2017 positivity post that got over 200,000 notes
bubblegum: books or movies?
in most cases, books
pistachio: manga or anime?
not into either
salted caramel: favorite movies?
titanic, harry potter & hunger games, frozen
birthday cake: favorite books?
harry potter & hunger games, fun home, perks of being a wallflower
moose tracks: favorites for manga?
orange sherbet: favorites for anime?
peanut butter: favorite academic subject?
black raspberry: do you have any pets?
no :( and i’m dying bc of it
mango: when and why did you start your blog?
well this blog i believe i started july or august of 2015... because i needed a place to express my love for broadway
mocha: ideal weather conditions?
75 and sunny with a few clouds
black cherry: four words that describe you?
awkward, creative, passionate, deep
neapolitan: things that stress you out?
having a lot to do mostly
raspberry truffle: favorite kind of music?
broadway, alternative, rock, pop
chocolate marshmallow: favorite brands of candy?
i love lemonheads, lifesaver gummies, junior mints & the list goes on
toffee: a card game that you’re good at?
i haven’t played cards in forever but i used to love playing war 
lemon custard: do you eat breakfast?
dark chocolate: turn ons?
people that are kind, gentle, and loving (and nice to look at definitely helps)
fudge: turn offs?
people that are judgemental, self-centered, and entitled
peach: how do you relax?
watching netflix or listening to music & browsing tumblr
praline: a popular book you haven’t read yet?
i’ve never read pride & prejudice although i did just watch the movie this past weekend
superman: do you like sweaters?
hell yes
cherry: do you drink tea or coffee?
neither regularly, i like some coffee drinks (frappucinos, chai tea lattes, macchiatos) and certain kinds of tea/iced tea, espcially iced tea/lemonade
dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play?
i wish i could actually play piano
blackberry: have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
yes multiple times
ginger: a new feature you wish tumblr could have?
be able to fucking switch which blog is your main blog
blueberry lemon: favorite blogs?
i answered a question about this recently here
almond: favorite mean girls quote?
four for you, glen coco. you go, glen coco
butterscotch: what color are your nails right now?
not painted
cinnamon: have you ever been confessed to?
blue moon: have you ever had a crush on someone?
cappuccino crunch: do you take naps?
not often, but sometimes
mint: the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?
i literally have so many but i can’t think of any one in particular
brownie batter: do you like sushi?
yes but only veggie sushi bc i don’t eat fish
key lime: where do you want to be right now?
ideally somewhere warm. or seeing one of my favorite shows. preferably in nyc
red velvet: do you wear prescription glasses?
green tea: favorite flavors of ice cream?
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