cullen-cannons · 1 year
The Cullens’ Jobs
I already said in the previous head cannon that Esme becomes a grade 3 teacher so here are the jobs for the rest of the Cullens. They don't need extra money so they all just do what fun for them.
ALICE: runs and Etsy. She makes clothing and does cross stitch and embroidery custom order. She also does calligraphy for wedding invitations and things like that. She sometimes also sells pottery that she and the other Cullen women make.I headcannon that when they live somewhere remotely warm the Cullen women run a flower shop in the spring and summer. Alice handles arrangement and decoration of the store/marketing.
BELLA: Writes children's books which she sells on Amazon. Jasper and Renesmee do the art for them, and are teaching Bella how to draw. Esme is always the first to buy them for her classroom even though Bella says that she would give her one for free Esme insists.She might also be a teachers assistant for Esme some years.Bella handles the books, inventory and schedules for orders and deliveries at the flower shop.
CARLISLE: remains a doctor.
EDWARD: works part-time at an instrument repair shop. He and Esme when she's free clean, repair and restore old instruments. He also runs a YouTube channel where he plays the piano and the type of time laps videos where he cleans and repairs instruments. (They only show his hands because of the no pictures of yourself rule)I can also see Edward working at the hospital with Carlisle (under the his human surname of Mason so people don't get suspicious) because after Bella he can suppress his thirst completely. 
EMMET: Makes cabinets and other furniture (with the help of Esme for design sometimes). He also worked for a moving company once which was really just a competition with Jasper and Edward about how much he could lift. (Don't worry, Esme taught him well and he's very careful with people's things).
ESME: is the main person who greets the costumers (they all do it sometimes) and also helps with the arrangements of the flowers. She designs the layout of the shop and grows the flowers in her garden.They build a second garage for his workshop.
JACOB: Makes peace with Rosalie and they open a mechanic shop. They are soon know to be the fastest and best mechanics in the area.
JASPER: Can draw really well so he sells art prints on Alice's Etsy. Sometimes he makes custom things if he really likes the request but usually he doesn't. He also has a YouTube channel where he makes dioramas of cities and that kind of thing (again only hands).
RENESMEE: Does a travel blog with cool facts, tips for getting around places and recommendations of where to shop and eat. She even makes hand drawn maps  which she sells on her blog/website. She loves photography and sells her artistic photographs and her art on Etsy. When they move somewhere new she puts up flyers and volunteers to photography events.  Since they usually live in small towns she joins the newspaper and takes photos for to sometimes writing articles.
ROSALIE: Works at the mechanic shop with Jacob.
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Chapter Two Open Book Part One -Bella
See end for notes-
WARNINGS: passing mention of self harm but not like cutting or anything like that, oh and and sarcasm.
Today is both good and bad at the same time. it isn’t  raining, only foggy, and I now know all the faces that would greet me. Tristan sat next to me in English and walked with me to our shared classes while Jose glared at him.
People don’t  stare—as much—I have a ‘friend’ group to sit by at lunch that includes Tristan, Jose, Eli, Niki, and even Geri.
It's  bad because I’m sleep deprived. The wind still hadn’t died down and the whooshing made it nearly impossible to sleep. it’s  worse because I got called on in Trig, my best subject, and I was totally unprepared. Worse still, I had to play volleyball in the gym, which I hate anyway because of evryones staring. Jasper’s burly brother, Emmet, is on my team and I end up slamming him in the back of the head with the ball. I want to sink right into the floor and disappear. He just laughs and comes over with all of his 6 foot five frame and pats my shoulder, shaking me so hard I imagine I can hear my bones rattling! Everyone stares at us.
“Wow, you are a lot of trouble!” he says, though I have no idea what he means.
It's bad because Jasper’s twin sister Rosalie, who I have in 3 out of my five classes, Trigonometry, Spanish and English, glares at me the entire time I’m in class with her.
It's worse because Charlie signed me up for orchestra. Of course I’m appalled about the possibility of having to do concerts with my class, but what choice do I have now? Thanks, Charlie!
Orchestra is one of the morning electives that 11th and 12th graders have. Now of course if you don’t want to do that, you can take a language with the younger kids or chorus or band with 12the graders or just do a study hall, but, oh no. At first I can’t  believe it, but Charlie had heard from Mom that I took piano lessons, so to ‘help’ me make friends he signed me up for orchestra, only mentioning this during our quiet dinner last night. I’m dreading the knew sets of students but it’s actually pretty okay. We have a sub, apparently,  who lets us just do whatever we want.
And it’s  the most horrible by far because Jasper Hale isn’t in school at all.
Obviously he got checked out early yesterday and is staying home sick but I still hope. I scan the back of the room in Biology—maybe he is just late.
By lunch I’m dreading his frightening glaring. I almost want to march right up to him and demand to know what his problem is, but I can never do that, even picturing his angry face wavers my resolve considerably.
I can’t  help sweeping my gaze across the cafeteria to look for him, but he isn’t there either, only his four siblings, Rosalie, Emmet, Alice and Edward. All through lunch I wait for him. As the minutes pass I grow more and more tense. I’m hoping he will ignore me in History and prove that my crazy theory is just that; a crazy theory.
Tristan as usual, with his wagging tail walks faithfully by my side on the way to History. I pause at the door, after a look around I’m satisfied that he isn’t there. I walk to my seat, trying to repress the nagging voice that says, ‘it’s your fault he isn’t here—you did something.’ Yeah, it’s  my fault he got sick. This is all so stupid! Why can’t I just feel normal?
History goes on as normal and when the bell rings, Retriever Tristan walks me to English. “I’m happy Jasper is absent,” I tell myself over and over until I can at least begin to believe it.
At least today I have a task to distract me. I have to go shopping. I found out last night that Charlie’s cooking abilities begin with bacon and end with eggs. It’ll be nice to be doing something familiar even in this alien place. I happily buy the ingredients for steak and potatoes, something comforting to convince Charlie that he can trust me in his unused kitchen.
Jasper Hale doesn’t come back to school. For all I know he’s dropped out and the rest of January passes uneventfully. Now when I arrive people greet me on the way to homeroom. I talk about—or rather listen to Jose and Tristan talk about—the upcoming beach trip he and Trista have planned. On the way out of home room (building 6) I walk slowly to avoid tripping over the white carpet on the ground, snow. It’s February now and the mushy stuff is still all over the place. Jose and Tristan pound each other with balls of the cold powder and I run away as fast as I can without breaking myself.
When it’s  time for orchestra I’m glad to have a break from the Tristan-Jose rivalry. This new attention is exhausting! I walk across the snowy staff lot to the Auditorium, and I’ve almost made it when my legs betray me, slipping over an icy patch. I would’ve fallen and gotten wet if I hadn’t had something to hang onto. Slowly I look around for witnesses and then stood up to see whose car I’d used as a railing. It’s car I’ve never seen before, an old yellow car, some type of Volkswagen in mint condition. It looks like a perfectly restored vintage car. It must have been expensive. Maybe a member of the QVD school board is visiting. I walk away quickly.
When I walk in, a different voice is directing everyone and the class, unlike on my first day of orchestra, is extremely well behaved so I assume she is the real orchestra director.
I freeze when I see her! It takes only one look to know she is a Cullen. I had forgotten that Mrs. Cullen is the orchestra director.
She doesn’t waste time making the class welcome her back, though a few of us do anyway. She just smiles and says it’s  good to see us again. When she seens me she doens’t give me a big welcome or introduce me to the class or even look at me. I can tell we will get along.
Unlike band directors I’d seen on television, Mrs. Cullen doesn’t  stand on a podium or have a big stick. She is medium height and wearing a purple ruffled blouse with a black pencil skirt and matching heels. She is just as beautiful as her adoptive children. Her caramel hair is curled and falls gently to her shoulders. She has a friendly face with the same pale angular features, yet softer somehow, and eyes the same golden ochre.
When she finishes ticking names off on what I think must be an attendance chart, she calls the class to attention with a four note run, F, A, G, C, on her viola.   When we are all gathered she points us to our seats.
“Alright everyone, find your seats, get out your instruments. Miss. Romelli told me that you all have gotten very good at your concert song, so let’s start our warm up with that,” she says. Her voice is musical.
When we are all seated she goes up to a large music stand and pulls out her director’s baton. it’s  short, made of light brown wood, no nonsense, but soft and elegant like her.
I take an open spot in the violin section and unclip my brace carefully, flexing my wrist left and right. I set the barce on the floor and while I’m opening my case someone sits down to my left.
“Hello,” a musical voice says, and I look up, nearly dropping my instrument.
Jasper Hale is sitting in the chair next to me. I didn't even know he was in the orchestra but here he is, a beautiful black violin across his lap. He is smiling, a bit of melted snow in his blond hair. His face is open and light. I can tell there is something different about him but I can’t  pin it down, so I just stare like an utter moron.
His chair is angled toward me but it’s  pushed almost as far away as the row allows, his expression guarded. “My name is Jasper Hale. I haven’t had a chance to introduce myself. You must be Isabella Swan,” he says. He has a slight accent that I can’t quite define and his tone is friendly but I’m barely focused on that. My thoughts are spinning.
Had I just made up the last month? He is a perfect gentleman now and he is waiting for me to answer.
“I-I umm, yes, umm. Are you okay? Where have you been?” I answer with my questions, then blush. I didn’t mean to say that out loud. Why did I have to say that he’s probably forgotten about it already.
“Travelling, with my mother,” he answered flawlessly, still smiling, “around Europe mostly.”
“Oh, cool,” I say lamely, praying that he’ll forget the second half of the questions.
“And yes I’m okay, why wouldn’t I be?” He laughs in a soft muted tone conferring my fears.
“Oh umm well” agh! What do I say now? “It’s just that last time I saw you had that cough, I’m sure you're better now. Just, um forget I said that” I can’t look at him I’m sure he thinks I’m crazy.
He pauses but only for a millisecond “Oh right that, it was no fun but, I’m okay now. Thank you for asking.”
I want to ask more but Mrs. Cullen announces it’s  time to practice the song we are doing for our winter concert (different from the Christmas recital that had happened before I’d arrived). Vivaldi’s Winter of course. We are also going to play a song called Virtual Insanity, by Jamiroquai and Bitter Sweet Symphony. I’m still watching Jasper. He pulls a heavily padded case from under his seat. It takes me a few seconds of puzzling to realise that it’s  his instrument case. By the time I’ve figured it out, the charred looking violin is already packed away.
Why is he putting his violin away? Class just started. “Aren’t you going to need that?” I ask him. It’s strange to be talking this much to someone, I guess I just feel so comfortable with him.
He doesn't look at me, just at the case. His fingers inch toward it almost wistfully. “No, I’m not in the orchestra.”
I’m totally confused, why would you cart around an instrument you don’t play? Did it belong to a relative that had passed? Did he carry it symbolically? “Then why do you have that?” I ask, not as respectfully as I should have.
“It’s the anxiety. I can’t play in front of anyone but Esme.” He answers ending the conversation politley.
“Why do you have that? Did you hurt yourself?” he asks pointing to my brace on the floor.
What should I tell him, he might think I’m weird even if he is like me. I don’t think he will but still I can’t risk it.
The truth is that whenever I get anxious I start twisting and tweaking my wrist, I did this so much that, it got so I didn’t even mind the pain anymore. Eventually I developed tendonitis. Now I have to wear a brace to keep my wrist stable and prevent myself from dislocating my radiocarpal joint again. The doctors siad that if I keep doing it I’d get permanent damage and never be able to play the violin again so to prevent more damage (and more medical bills) I bought the brace and now I wear it almost all the time even to sleep. The only time I can take it of is when I play. I dont have to worry about dislocating it again because it’s the only time I feel free. If I had to give that up I don’t know what would happen, that’s why I really have the brace.
“I sprained my wrist.” I look back to my music trying to force down the blush rising in my cheeks, Jasper’s face is unreadable so I can’t tell if he believes me or not. If I’m being honest it’s a waste to even dream that he believes me either that or I highly overestimated his intelligence.
I try not to stare at him just sitting there like a statue . . . of an angel.
In fact I am staring again and I’m falling behind so I try not to look at him. I sneak a peek at his book, what kind of tennager year old reads Plato for fun? When I look at his face again, he is looking at me, his expression curious. And I realize the difference on his face. it’s  his eyes. They are light gold today.
“Did you get contacts?” I say without thinking
He looks surprised, “Yeah, I’m a bit farsighted. I’m surprised you noticed. Why?”
“I thought something is different about your eyes!”
“Yup, it’s  probably my old contacts. These are new. The old ones made my eyes look black. it’s  actually kind of creepy. Don’t you think so?”
“Oh yeah, totally.” I laughed, relieved that his eyes aren’t actually black, “like a demon or something . . . no offense, but they look pretty real.”
“None taken. Wait a second! You actually thought my eyes are that black!” he laughs
I try my best not to blush. “No, of course not, I’m just saying.” Maybe I imagine it but his chair seems farther away now. I don’t  pay much attention because I’m so upset at how silly I’d been to think that his eyes could actually have been black, but somehow I can’t  shake the feeling. Maybe I’m going insane. it’s  entirely possible.
While the class is taking a quick break before our next song, Jasper turns back to me. “Snow is exciting isn’t it?” he says. His excitement sounds forced but for some reason I’m excited too.
It quickly passes. “Not really.”
“You don’t like the cold,” he says, a statement not a question.
“Or the wet” I confirmed wanting to be honest with him. Then I don’t know why but I added, “Once people start throwing wet stuff I go inside.”
“Forks must be a very difficult place for you to live then,” he jested.
“You have no idea.” I laughed coldly. He had that curious look on his handsome face again. I tried not to look at him any more than I had to.
“Then what, if I may ask, brought you to Forks?” he asks, his smooth voice, word choice and old timey cadence almost distracting me from the directness of the question. I  had yet to have been asked outright the reason for my move.
Mrs Cullen played the run again, “Alright everyone get out the sheet music for Virtual Insanity.”
I swapped my music. “It’s complicated,” I say and his now golden eyes blaze with curiosity. I’m unprepared again so I answered truthfully.
Mrs. Cullen picked up her baton, waved it and we all started to play. “I think I can keep up,” Jasper says eyes focused fully on me now, and I’m sure I see Mrs. Cullen frowning from the corner of my eye.
“My mother remarried last September,” I say quickly during a rest.
“Mm, do you not like the new husband?” he asks, his voice full of kindness and empathy.
“No, Phil is fine, a little young, but nice enough.” I say being completely truthful now.
He seems thoroughly engrossed in my boring life story. Giving up on subtlety he asks, “Why don’t you stay with them then?”
“Phil plays ball for a living, so he travels a lot,” I explain.
“Would I know about him?”
“No. He isn’t very good.” I kind of regretted my jab but Jasper laughed softly. “Strictly minor league, that’s why he’s always moving around.”
“So your mother banished you here to travel with him?” he suggested, but I can see he is unsure of his words, trying to place the accusation lightly, with a joke.
I appreciate his consideration but I’m still annoyed. My Mom may not have been much of a mother but she is a good kind person at heart.“No, I sent myself here,” I had calmed myself a bit to explain. “My mother stayed with me at first, but she was unhappy. She missed Phil, so I decided it was time to spend some quality time with Charlie.” I sounded sad, even to myself.
“And now you’re unhappy,” he says, a statement again.
“Does it matter?” I challenged.
“Well, it just seems a little unfair is all.”
“Hasn’t anybody ever told you? Life isn’t fair,” I say flatly.
“Yes, I believe I've hear that somewhere.” He paused and I think that is the end of it, “but I think you’re suffering much more than you let on,” he finished, his voice almost a whisper, eyes returning to his music.
I’m stunned at a) his open accusation and b) that he is right.
I wonder why someone as interesting as him even cares about me or my life. I think maybe I should ask him, but after 3 minutes of our conversation he’d probably think I’m crazy.
Finally my annoyance wins out. What do I have to lose . . . my reputation? “Why does it even matter to you?”
I almost don’t  hear him when he says, “I don’t know.”
When class is almost over Mrs. Cullen dispatches a few clarinet player, including Eve Coleman who I had P.E with and her sister Marta, to give the head of each row (in our case Mathew Daniels) fliers for the Winter Concert and the lacrosse fundraiser to pass down the row. We are supposed to take one of each and pass them down. If there are any left over we can get extra for friends.
Mathew passed the fliers down the row to another boy who passed them to a girl in the the viola section and Geri, who is also in orchestra, passed them to the Vega, who passed them to Eli, who passed them to Justin, who passed them to the other Justin, who passed them Cain-Oscar, who passed them to Sabrina, who passed them to Evan, who passed them to Jasper who passed them to me. When our hands touch, it feels like I’ve accidentally touched a plug that is still partially in the socket, electric and ice cold. He jerked away quickly.
When the bell rings I get up to leave but someone calls my name. “Isabella!” Mrs. Cullen says, walking toward me,“It’s so lovely to finally meet you.”
Jasper looks up at me. He is standing perfectly straight against the door to his mother’s office reading, probably wondering why I hadn’t left yet.  Esme turns around to see what has my attention. She smiles at her son and, embarrassed, I refocus my attention back to her.
“You really are very good. Were you in a music programme at your old school?” she asks, smiling at me now.
I have to be diplomatic. “Umm, no. I actually hadn’t been planning on joining the programme here. This is Charlie’s idea. He wanted to help me make some friends.”
“Oh, well I’m glad you’re here all the same. Let me know if you need anything at all,” she offers kindly.
“Okay. Thank you, I will.” I can’t  help smiling
I leave the auditorium in disbelief that I just explained my entire life’s story to this beautiful bizarre boy that may or may not have Dissociative Identity Disorder. He seemed to be enjoying our conversation but after we finished talking he’d gone back to angling his chair away from me, his fingers clamping around his book with unmistakable tension.
When I cross the staff lot—careful not to trip again—back to the main campus, I notice 75 minutes later the yellow car is still there and I see Retriever Tristan walking toward me in the distance. I sigh at another day in the Tristan v. Jose war, then I almost fall as something cold bumps my arm.
“Hey Isabella!” Jasper steadied me. “I’m sorry to startle you, Miss Swan. I just wanted to ask if I may walk you to class. I understand that we both have second hour Biology III.”
“Umm, Yes” I replied automatically.
“Okay, are you sure?” he asks and I frown. Did he want to walk with me or not?
I eye Tristan in the distance. He is frowning. “Yes.”  Maybe this will give Tristan a clue that I’m not interested in his advances.
We walk quietly to Biology together and Jasper’s lab partner is absent so I sit down next to him. I’m happy to sit next to him, much happier than I should’ve been. There are microscopes set up on all the blacktops with small boxes of slides. When Mr. Banner explains the activity, labeling phases of mitosis, Jasper pushes our microscope toward me, “Ladies first.”
“Thank you,” I say taking the microscope and placing the first slide in. “Anaphase.”
“Do you mind if I look?” he asks, putting his hand out for the microscope.
I’m a little insulted that he don’t  trust me but then he smiles. “Of course I trust you, ma’am, I just want to check.” He called me ma’am! God, he is such a gentleman. I haven’t heard anybody call anybody ma’am since, like ever, so I just look at him in silence while he checks it. He only looks for about 2 seconds before he declares it Anaphase.
Despite his trust I can’t  help but be a little smug. “See, I’m right.” He just smiles and writes Anaphase in a beautiful script on our worksheet.
The rest of Biology is like that. We are quiet, but the silence isn’t awkward. it’s  still and peaceful. We even win the golden onion that Mr. Banner has for the first table to get them all correct.
When the bell rings,  Jasper heads to Trigonometry and I gamble off to the torture that is P.E . As I approach the Gymnasium, Retriever Tristan finds me. “Hale seemed friendly today,” he says, the poorly hidden malice clear in his tone.
“Yes,” is all I say. “I wonder what was with him that first day?”
We are playing basketball today, a guaranteed disaster. Emmet and I are the two outsiders, the two people nobody wanted to be with, Emmet because he is scary and me because I’m practically disabled, so we get paired together again when it’s  time to practice passing the ball. At first I have a legitimate fear he will smash my skull in, but he is really nice to me, helping me with my passes and being patient when I fall, which is a lot. I keep thinking about how friendly Jasper is being. I thought he hated me. What does his sudden 180 mean? I try to focus, I really do, but he keeps creeping back into my thoughts just when I need my balance most. I’m so tempted to ask Emmet if his brother has D.I.D but I do not.
I’m so distracted that when he throws the ball it smacks me in the stomach. The ball rolls away and I fall hard on the wood floor of the court. Ouch! Emmet helps me up and I just say it.
“Hey! Does your brother have multiple personality disorder?” I blurted, immediately regretting it, the red creeping into my face slowly, then all at once.
“Edward? No he’s just Emo.” His laugh booms around the court, and I laugh too.
“No, I meant Jasper.”
He looks a little confused but he is serious now, a look that doesn't  fit him. “Oh. UmNo. Why?”
“No reason,” I lied stupidly. Then it all came out. “It’s just that on my first day he looked at me like he hated me, when I didn’t even do anything to him, that I know of.” I shuddered at the memory and Emmet frowned. “Now he’s being really nice and friendly and he walked me to class. I just . . . I don’t know . . . It’s just weird,” I say in a rush.
“I guess I’m just wondering if he maybe told you what I did to make him hate me so much that first day,” I finished my rant.
Emmet purses his lips. it’s  weird to see him be so serious. “Look, Izzy, my brother is a weird dude. You know he has anxiety right? New people are hard for him.  Don’t let him get you down. If you want him to leave you alone, I can talk to him.”
“Wow, thanks, that’s really nice of you, but he isn’t bothering me. I’m glad he maybe doesn’t hate me anymore. It's just strange,” I say and Emmet laughs back to his usual self
“He  doesn’t hate you, Izzy. You know that right?” he says, serious again, an almost brotherly affection colouring his tone.
“Of course,” I say, picking up the basketball and passing to him. Coach Clapp who’d been about to reprimand us walks back to his chair and sits down again. The truth is I don’t know what to say to that.
Finally Coach called the games to start. Tristan and Niki are chosen as team captains and Tristan bravely selected me to be on his team first. I wish he wouldn’t have, but thankfully Niki can’t  say anything because she is the other team captain.
In Trig and Spanish, Rosalie doesn’t glare at me so much as look with great distaste, which is good. Niki, however, is still a little stung about Tristan’s obvious favoritism. I can tell she is torn over the victory of having been team captain and the loss of not having Tristan on her team.
Lunch is filled with the usual of my group. They are excited about the possibility of more snow for the rest of the month. UGH! I can’t  help glancing at the Hale's table. Rosalie rolled her eyes. Edward doesn't  bother looking up. He is too busy exploring Alice’s neck with his lips. When Alice does look at me she smiles and Jasper does too, not a big smile like Alice, a small quiet smile, with just the corners of his lips turning up a fraction. He glances at Alice and Edward and rolls his eyes. I smile back. He goes back to talking with Emmet, who looks at me and stage-whispers something to Jasper, who looks back at me and laughs.
I turned beet red. It iis infuriating not to know what they are saying.
In History I sit next to Jasper again and again it’s  a quiet affair. We exchange “Hellos”s then focus on our work, only talking when Mr. Jefferson asks us to talk with our table mates. it’s  peaceful, save for the hurt glares Retriever Tristan throws my way. Jasper doesn’t  notice, or at least he pretends not to.
English is much the same only I sit next to both Jasper and Rosalie, and we get ‘introduce,’ meaning I get looked at disdainfully.
“Isabella, this is my sister, Rosalie. I believe that you’ve met.”
“Yes, we have. It’s nice to meet you formally, though,” I say, being as polite as possible despite my trembling.
“Rosalie,” Jasper prompted her
“Isabella,” she says and nods, going back to her work
“Forgive her. She has a hard time meeting new people,” He says smiling.
When the last bell rings we part ways, Jasper and Rosalie off to find the Cullens and me off to my truck. I throw the loud metal beast in reverse and back out quickly, too quickly, almost bashing a grey Toyota I’m parked next to. When try again, more successfully this time, Jasper and Rosalie are walking past my car, eyes straight ahead. Rosalie glares but as I back out I would swear that I see Jasper laughing.
NOTES: I decided to have Bella play an instrument just to give her some extra personality.
Yes, I made Esme the orchestra teacher, I thought it would better show the bond between her and Jasper that I’d always suspected was there. Also I’ve heard that she has a design firm but I wanted something more interesting for her than being at home all day. It will also help keep up the Cullen’s image if people can see all of them instead of just hardly ever seeing their mother like she’s a myth or something. In conclusion, I just wanted Esme to have a bigger role here.
Rose and Emmet got cameos, yay!
Is the brace thing just too weird? I based it of like cracking your knuckles when you’re stressed only more extreme.
Jasper having way more sense then his brother is just my personal favourite. Yes he plays the violin two, this is based loosely off some of my headcannons from my other blog Cullen-Cannons. Please check it out.
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lookitsaworm · 1 year
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85 notes · View notes
Summary: Carlisle wakes up Destiny in the middle of the night to stargaze, their favorite thing to do
Ashore Masterlist
Warnings: none, pure fluff
A/N: I have trouble with descriptions because of my Aphantasia so I’m sorry that this gets a bit wordy and monotonous but I liked the fluff and would definitely be the Carlisle indulging type
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Carlisle waking Destiny up in the middle of the night, peppering her face with kisses. She groaned softly, blinking the sleep out of her eyes before nuzzling back into the bed as she opened her eyes and smiled at him. “Do you feel up to a little adventure, love?” He asked softly, leaning down to kiss just above her eyebrow. She nodded and bit her lip before asking what they’re doing. He raised out of bed and grabbed her by the hands, helping her out of bed. Using his vampire speed, he rushed into the closet, grabbing a thick sweater and then rushing back. She smiled sleepily at him before raising her arms above her head. Carlisle raised an eyebrow at her, pausing to watch as she stuck her bottom lip out, pouting at him. Shaking his head, he gently pulled the oversized sweater over her head, indulging his mate. He brushed her hair back with his palm and kissed the side of her head before picking her up bridal style and whisking her into the night.
Next thing she knew, she was being laid gently on her back onto what felt like a blanket laid over the grass. Opening her eyes back up, she looked up at her mate, hovering above her. He smiled, a wide grin as he mapped out the planes of her face once again with the tip of his finger. His eyes roamed her face, landing on her lips, as he looked at her with smoldering eyes and gently leaned down to capture them with his own. He kissed her sweetly, caressing her lips with his own. When he could hear her heart beating quickly against his chest, he pulled away and leaned his forehead against hers. She was bit her lip, panting softly. After giving her a moment to catch her breath, he kissed her gently once more before moving onto his side next to her.
“Alice said the stars were going to be beautiful tonight. I thought you might want to see them” he murmured, explaining their impromptu trip.
The widest smile graced her face as she gasped at the scene above her. The stars were breathtaking. She could see so many different constellations, more than she could name. She curled up closer to Carlisle as he draped a headed blanket over her body. Her face was leaning against his chest as he spoke softly, pointing out the different constellations that he knew. After he finished with his knowledge, they laid in silence for a couple of hours. He would have believed her to be asleep if it weren’t for the sound of her blinking and the subtle tilting of her head to see as many stars as possible. Eventually she pulled back from his chest to gaze onto his face. Gently running her fingers along his jaw, she whispered, “thank you”, as she tilted her head to kiss the underside of his jaw before capturing his lips.
Click here to see more of Carlisle and Destiny <3
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obessivedork · 1 year
Tbh I’m only keeping Sebastian installed so that Lelianna recognizes Hawke in MOTA and it’s very funny to imagine Hawke justifying why he’s around to their friends. “Look, yeah this dude SUCKS so bad he’s the antithesis to most of us including & especially Anders and Merrill and ME and even the most pro-Chantry/anti-mage of you can’t stand him but he’s paying well and I’d rather keep my friends close and enemies closer, so get off my dick (gender neutral) about it I promise he won’t learn about wicked grace night!”
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lavender-at-heart · 2 years
✫𝑇𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡✫:
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☞︎︎︎ Velvet and Lace
☞︎︎︎ "dating Rosalie would include"
- dating HCs
☞︎︎︎"dating Alice would include"
☞︎︎︎ "dating Jasper would include"
☞︎︎︎ "Bella dating a werewolf"
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Sometimes I’m tempted to write a twilight parody fanfiction and regularly resend it to my sister so she can continue to live in shame of having been an OG twilight fan before it was even popular.
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qdbs-writes · 8 months
Do you write fem readers?!? 😭 If so can you write some head cannons about the Cullens with a goth s/o
i proudly write for all readers, nonny! and I'm gonna assume this about about trad!goth, but I'll try and make sure this applies to most goth subcultures!
Cullen Clan x Goth!Fem!S/O
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Carlisle Cullen
He's confused but supportive. Back in his day, the term 'goth' only applied to the people who sacked Rome, which he'll remind you of regularly, especially if you're visiting the Volturi (who will also assume that you are directly connected to the ancient Goths, and would fear you as a result).
He'd be interested in your genealogy, because he thinks you're connection to the goth style can't be mere coincidence or personal choice, and it wouldn't be difficult to find out either, all he'd have to do is check if you have any Germanic ancestry from the last 2000 years.
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Esme Cullen
If you're happy and comfortable, she's happy and comfortable. While it probably isn't her style personally, she's quick to see the benefits. For instance, black is a very easy colour to maintain, particularly with regards to cleaning.
Her only concern is getting you clothes other than black so that you can have something to wear to events that may require specific colours, like if you two are guests at a wedding (she wouldn't want you wearing black as it's bad luck for the couple).
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Edward Cullen
Edward himself is basically a diet-corporate goth, so dating you will probably help him develop his own sense of comfort in the style.
The two of you are regularly seen brooding in the Forks CVS, loitering around the hair dye section, silently terrifying all of the elderly people waiting at the pharmacy.
Edward is likely already very familiar with goth music, has absolutely been to some Bauhaus concerts in his time, and probably has a respectable collection of gothic rock records in his room.
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Rosalie Hale
It'll be like a Barbie/Oppenheimer-esque clash in aesthetics. I personally see Rosalie with a very Y2K aesthetic, so the two of you walking down the street together might turn some heads.
That doesn't mean that she isn't fully supportive of your style though, and appreciates the philosophy of the aesthetic, how it's a style built on defying expectations of conformity and obedience. In her short life, all Rosalie knew was to dress properly, smile, be open, happy, a willing host, an amusing guest. In death, she's proud to be herself, and even prouder to be with someone so comfortable with dressing exactly how they want, regardless of what others might think.
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Emmett Cullen
You dress scary and Emmett loves it. He has regularly compared you to a venomous snake, your black clothes and aggressive makeup mean that almost everyone in Forks steers clear of you. But not Emmett, he's never had the survival instincts to stay away from things that could kill him, in fact, your "unapproachable" style only drew him in more.
Absolutely loves wandering around Forks with you, even if you aren't particularly doing anything. He thinks it's hilarious that some people cross the street to avoid you, it's like having 'scary dog' privileges.
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Alice Cullen
She'd seen you in her visions for some time, but she almost didn't recognise you when you started dressing strangely and wearing heavy makeup. At first, it disturbed her, you looked like the sleep-paralysis demons that used to haunt her in the asylum.
Once she gets the chance to meet you in real life, that fear quickly subsides. Through your relationship, Alice learns how much of a safe space goth society can be, and that she can rely on other goths to not be judgemental towards her like so many others are.
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Jasper Hale
Greatly appreciates the Victorian-era elements that are incorporated into your clothes, it helps him feel less old. You'll make his day if you show any interest in his clothes and jewellery that he had in life, particularly the more morbid pieces (such as the ring made out of his mother's hair).
If you're looking particularly historical, he'll love to get in his original clothes from when he was alive (except the ""uniform"" that shan't be mentioned), and stroll about Forks with you, arm in arm, like a true Southern gentleman.
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volturissideslut · 7 months
Can you do the Volturi kings seperate with a vampire mate that is the youngest cullen and how would things go?
𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖎 𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 (𝕾𝖊𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖊)
Aro is good friends with Carlisle, though they may have drifted now, and knows he is trusted by Carlisle.
It may be a little awkward at first because you're the baby of the family and the one they're the most protective of and weary of
Probably only recently turned so you're somewhat of a loose cannon to them too
Poor thing, youve been forced to have animal blood and go against your very nature.
Would you like to try human blood? Wants to feed with you so bad. Not just at the same time but sharing a person. He wants to be with you when you get that first proper taste
Gets frustrated sometimes with those of the Olympic coven like Edward or Bella who have no sense of respect, often taking their dislike if him out on you. But he holds back for you sake and for the benefit of Carlisle.
Marcus' whole world centres around you, his mate
So he can put up with the cullens for you. They're your family.
However, he cannot put up with them disrespecting you or your relationship with him.
You. Are. His. Mate. And they need to acknowledge it or get over themselves.
Friendly with Carlisle, actually likes esme, not too fussed about the rest.
He has no preference about your diet, 'vegitarian' or human blood he doesn't care. He just wants you in his life.
He, with a teensy bit of convincing (literally just say please once) would switch to the veggie diet if that is truly what you wanted
"Let's the this over with"
Whiney baby pleading with you behind closed doors, cruel and cold king infront of them
Squish his cheeks in front of them and be all lovey dovey, I dare you
Angy pouty boi
(yes I am fully aware that if this was real I'd be dead in 0.2 seconds)
He secretly loves it, let's not lie, but in the moment he's dead silent
... Get it?
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incorrectbatfam · 9 months
The batfam start a band. What instruments do they play (wrong answers only)
Dick: a guitar with a violin bow
Jason: the cannons like in Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture
Tim: a piano but the white and black keys switched tunes
Damian: a violin with a guitar pick
Duke: the drums but he's always one beat off
Cullen: a ukulele with rubber bands as strings
Stephanie: an autotune mic
Cassandra: a recorder with her nose
Barbara: a tuba, which she's never played in her life
Harper: an air horn because she left her instrument at home
Carrie: a pan flute made of kazoos
Kate: a DJ turntable but it short circuits
Alfred: bagpipes but with a plastic shopping bag
Selina: a xylophone but all the bars are the same size
Bruce: editing software to make them sound less terrible
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last-herondale · 1 year
Jacob Black x Fem-reader
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Fluff, slight NSFW, mostly fluff 😊
A/N: This is similar to my previous Jacob x reader post. My head cannon is where the reader is part of the pack and imprints on Jacob, but he doesn’t immediately imprint on her back. Anyway, this scene takes place before the confrontation with the Voltori in BD pt 2. Jacob has finally imprinted on Y/N after you have a near death experience. (I refuse to accept the storyline of Jacob imprinting on Ratatouille 🤢) and the two of you station yourself out in the clearing to scout the area before the rest of the Cullens and wolves arrive. A blizzard comes in and forces the two of you to make camp within the woods. This allows for some fluffy conversations to occur. 😉
Might make a NSFW scene as a part 2 to this story. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Jacob Black has my heart so expect one 😉
Edit: I did make part 2 😬 here’s a link. Okay byeee
Part 2
Enjoy 🤘🏼
You had been careful. Maybe too careful these past few weeks after the birth of Bella’s daughter. It had been a chaotic period of your life. You had chosen to break apart from the pack in order to follow Jacob. Your new Alpha. Your imprint. Your soulmate. Even from the beginning it was never really a choice, but still, you were proud of his decision to leave.
He was fighting to save Bella, as he always did. And even though it broke your heart to see the man you loved more than anything in the world fight so hard for someone who would never love him like he deserved, you stood by his side through it all. Even when the fight became deadly.
It had been a risky plan. But the Cullens needed to feed. Distract the pack. Protect the Cullens. That was the plan that fateful night. But it turned sour real quick. Bella had gone into labor, and Sam’s pack had launched an attack on the remaining Cullens. Paul had the small vampire, Alice, in between his giant wolf mouth. She had been weak and hungry, and even her immortal strength began to give way. You couldn’t let her die. Despite knowing Paul’s size and strength over powered you every time you trained with the pack, you didn’t care.
You had launched yourself at Paul, your claws and teeth slashing at his neck, forcing him to release Alice, allowing her to escape. Paul was enraged with you then. You could feel the rumble of his growl deep in his chest as he set his sights on you and pounced.
“Y/N!” Jacob’s voice called, snapping you out of the memory.
The wind was whipping all around you. Flurries of snow bit at your face and clung in your hair. The sun was beginning to set and the landscape was quickly turning dark. Jacob came up from behind you, his bare chest unfazed by the chill weather. You stood unbothered as well, the warmth of your wolf blood fought against the cold, especially after shifting. You turned to look at him, and as always your chest tugged at you to close the space between you. But you fought yourself and stood your ground.
“The weather is getting worse,” he nearly had to yell over the wind. You nodded. Alice had said this would happen. A winter vortex would come in and blanket the clearing with snow and ice. Then, after the sun returned, the Volturi would arrive.
“Should we head back?” You asked. It would take no time at all to head back to the Cullen house, but Edward had wanted eyes on the clearing to make sure there were no surprises.
Jacob shook his head and pulled over the backpack he had been carrying. “This storm shouldn’t last too long. Alice said it would be over by tomorrow morning.” He looked at you with a strange sparkle in his eyes. “I brought us a tent,” he continued, “I mean only- if you want to.” You arched your brow at him in amusement. You had never seen him trip over his words before, and lately he seemed to be doing that a lot around you.
“Yeah, okay. Let’s find somewhere out of this wind.” You reply.
The two of you found a nice spot within the trees, up against a large rock that blocked out a great deal of wind. You helped him set up the tent between the trees and found yourself glad to take refuge within. Jacob was close behind you, taking great care to zip up the tent, securing the two of you inside.
You sat across from him in silence for a moment. There seemed to be an electric charge buzzing between the two of you. It sent a strange sensation down your spine when you noticed how he looked at you. His lips parted slightly, as if he was going to speak, but to break the tension you finally reached over and yanked his pack away.
“What else are you hiding in here?” You teased.
Amusement warmed his face. He leaned back and crossed his arms and you searched his pack. “Oh you know, stakes, cloves of garlic, usual leech killing gear.”
You snorted. “Oh that’s what that smell was? The whole run over here I thought it was your breath.”
Jacob let out a laugh, a real genuine laugh. It had been a while, it had been months, since you heard that laugh of his. It warmed your heart to hear his laugh again. You pulled out the contents of his backpack, and found that he had packed the two of you an extra set of clothes, in case transforming caused any wardrobe issues. There was a handmade quilt that you pulled out and set aside. And a few granola bars and a few waters.
You tossed him a bar and a bottle and let yourself stretch out across the tent as you ate. The two of you chatted mindlessly a bit as you tried to ignore the growing tension that seemed to build within the tent. It was as if you could reach out and touch the electric waves that buzzed between you. Finally, you let yourself stretch out on the tent floor, using the quilt as a pillow. Jacob hesitated a moment before joining you on the floor, your bodies inches apart from each other as the wind picked up outside of the tent.
You turned on your side to face him, and were shocked to find him already facing you. His eyes seemed deep in thought as they scanned your face. You felt your face redden slightly at the intensity of his gaze.
“Jake?” You ask softly. His eyes snapped up to look at yours. “Hmm” was all he answered. You couldn’t help but smile at him. “Are you okay?” You ask with a small chuckle, “You’ve been acting—different ever since Ness was born.” At that Jacob’s smile wavered a bit but his eyes kept roaming your face.
“I’ve just been thinking,” he murmured, “ a lot of things have changed since then. It’s an— adjustment.” You expected that in some capacity. You were prepared to help Jacob once Bella became a vampire, to help distract him from the pain of that, but it never came. He seemed to almost welcome Bella into her immortal life, taking satisfaction in the fact of her still being alive in some capacity anyway. It had shocked you how— calm he was about it all.
“Does it hurt being around her?” You nearly whispered. Normally would wouldn’t have dared asked such a question, but his silence these past few weeks had been maddening. Confusion swept Jacob’s face for a moment before he realized what you meant. And then he chuckled.
“Around Bella? No. Not anymore. That’s— not the change I meant, although it has been an adjustment getting used to her new life. But that isn’t what I meant. ” He said. You scrunched you brows at him in confusion and then abruptly sat up. Jacob propped himself up on one arm to meet your gaze, his eyes searching your face to see what he had done.
“Then what do you mean, Jacob? Why else have you been acting so weird lately?” Anger tipped on your words, but you found yourself unable to restrain your emotions. Jacob waited for you to continue, his lips pressed together as if he was holding back.
“For weeks now you’ve been so calm, so careful… I thought you would be upset or angry or something! Leah and Seth won’t tell me anything, but I know they know something. Even Edward seems to know what it is but for some reason you refuse to tell me? Jacob, you’ve just been so quiet around me lately and I can’t understand why. What changed? Did I do something to you?” At the last question you felt tears fall down your eyes.
Without hesitation, Jacob’s hand we on either side of your face, wiping the tears from your cheeks. “I’m sorry,” he choked out, “I was afraid that if I admitted the truth— that if I told you—“
“Told me what, Jacob?” You pleaded. You grabbed his hands that held your face.
“I—“ he struggled to say, “I imprinted.”
Suddenly you were back in that moment. You felt Paul’s teeth clamp down on your neck, the sharp crunching pain of his canines crunching down on bone. That pain was excruciating. But even then, the pain and shock allowed you to pass out from it. Death was a numbing relief to the pain, or so you imagined. But this pain had no relief. You dropped your hands from Jacob’s and felt your heart collapse.
“On who?” Your voice cracked. “When did you—?”
Jacob froze at your reaction. You could no longer hide the pain that radiated from your chest. You felt as if you might vomit. Would it be better to know? Who she was, how he now felt for her? His world now revolved around her. How would you survive?
“I need to leave,” you choke out. You tried to fumble with the zipper but Jacob’s strong hands gripped you and pulled you away.
“Y/N, please,” he voice was oddly strained, “let me explain—“
“I cant!” You cried, “i can’t do this anymore Jacob! I can’t keep pretending that everything is okay, when my heart is breaking! I can’t keep pretending that I don’t love you. That you are everything to me, my purpose, my entire existence! Please, let me go!”
The words you promised to never say were out. Your body heaved in violent sobs as the weight of your soul poured out before him. You expected him to release you. To be horrified by what you just said. But instead you felt him move closer, the space between you disappeared as he wrapped his large arms around you tightly and securely.
“Oh Y/N,” he murmured against your hair, “oh sweetheart, my love, my everything, no, no, no, no.” You stilled under him, his words piercing your body with every syllable. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner? Why didn’t you tell me you imprinted?”
You pushed yourself away from him far enough to look into his eyes. You searched his wildly waiting for him to explain. He ran a hand through your hair, pushing it away from your face. “That night, when Paul nearly killed you—“ his voice cracked at the memory, “ I thought I would lose you. Something snapped in me that night, something deep and primal in my blood. Suddenly, you were the only pull I felt. Everything in my heart, body, and soul was fighting for you.”
You weren’t sure if you were breathing then. Tears fell down your face as Jacob continued. “I knew it was the imprint, I felt it deep within my bones. When you finally woke up, I waited to see if maybe the bond had snapped into place for you too… but nothing had seemed to change for you. I wasn’t sure how to tell you— so I waited and kept my distance. I didn’t want to force this on you, or scare you away. But I never thought…” he trailed off. His thumb traced down the side of your face, stopping at the edge of your bottom lip.
“How long have you known?” He asked.
“I’ve always known,” you whispered.
And with those words alone, any restraint, and uncertainty Jacob had had vanished. In an instant his hand cupped the back of your neck as he pulled you closer and kissed you. The contact of him made stars dance in your vision, but immediately you found yourself melting against him. You threw your arms around his neck and anchored yourself to him. He growled against your mouth in reaction, and deepened the kiss.
His tongue explored your mouth, intoxicating your senses with the taste of him. Your fingers knotted up in his hair, and you pulled his head closer to yours, needing more of him in your reach. He reacted to your touch, a soft groan escaping his lips as he nipped your bottom lip. His free hand wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer. You gave out a small yelp in surprise and you couldn’t help but giggle.
Jacob moved his lips from your mouth to trace the line of your jaw, peppering you with kisses as he made his way down your neck. “Whats so funny?” He murmured against the nape of your neck. You tilted your head back to give him easier access, the warmth of his lips were inviting. “You have no idea—“ you said breathlessly, “how long I’ve wanted you to kiss me.”
You felt him smile against your neck, his teeth grazing you as he pulled away slowly. He looked at you, desire burning in his dark eyes, his face oddly flushed with red and warmth. “I’m sorry for not realizing sooner. I’m sorry I’ve kept you waiting. All this time,” he said, both of his arms slipped around you, pulling you as close to him as possible, “I thought it was friendship that made our relationship so strong.” He said the word as a curse. As if he realized now that what the two of you had was more than that. More than any word used to describe this feeling.
“I thought it was a different kind of love you felt for me,” he admitted, “I never imagined it was— this.” You slid one hand down from his neck and traced the line of his jaw. Gentle touches you had always restrained yourself from. He leaned into you, shivering at each touch. A smile spread across your face as you held your heart in your hands. All of the heartache these past few years had suddenly vanished from your mind. None of it mattered. Not anymore. “I suppose you have time to make up for then,” you challenged.
Jacob’s eyes bore into you, waiting for you to make the next move. He would bend to you, only you. Your thumb traced the outline of his lips. Two words. One command of him. The one thing you had sought after since you met him. A whisper within the wind.
“Kiss me.”
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cullen-cannons · 1 year
High School After Renesmee
Let me just say that I don't think that the Cullens went back to high school after Renesmee was born. They are all coupled up Edward has "grown up" so to speak and there's no way Jacob would be cool with repeating high school even again (neither would I for that matter).
Carlisle and Esme decide to be merciful and let Renesmee be homeschool. After all each other the Cullens have been to high school and college so many times so it's safe to say that they're all really smart. Not to mention the skills they have from their human lives (like the eras when they used to make girls learn embroidery and stuff like that in school) and the hobbies they have time for because they don't. have to sleep.
Renesmee being how she is learns quickly and completes her K-12 schooling in 3 years. They also take her to other countries on family trips to learn about the world. It's different for her because she can actually try the cuisine.
When Renesmee is done with her schooling Esme realizes she actually misses teaching her so she decides to become a teacher. She debates with Carlisle about it for a while and finally decides to teach get her teaching certificate. She teaches 3rd grade and architecture classes to adults and older teens on the weekends and over the summer.
The other Cullens decide to do some side jobs too. (I'll have a head cannon for that later)
I do think though that on one of their anniversaries of when they met (like 50th or something) Edward and Bella decide to repeat their senior year of Highschool just for the nostalgia.
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Chapter One First Sight Part Two -Jasper
See end for notes-
WARNINGS: harsh glaring.
The lunch bell rings, freeing me from the purgatory of the cramped Trigonometry classroom. Of course the scent of humans is still prominent in the air but sitting next to my adoptive siblings helps.
Lunch is the best part of my day, where I can talk freely with my siblings out of human earshot and since this table has been unofficially reserved by us, it’s  nearly free of human scent. I revel in the semi-fresh air.
Today the student population of Forks Highschool is abuzz with the arrival of a new student, the Police Chief’s daughter, Isabella. The male student population is in love with her and the girls that don’t  want to be her new best friend hate her already. I don’t really bother myself with human affairs. I prefer to watch from a distance,  besides, I don’t have time today. It has been two weeks since our last hunt and I’m too busy trying not to eat them to listen to their gossip. What’s another moody teenager to me anyway.
I think, out of all my odd family, save for maybe Carlisle, I pay attention to humans the most. There is the fact of my ever omnipresent thirst, but then there's my curiosity. Esme always tells me that it helps to think of them as people, as opposed to food, so I observe them, learn about them. it’s funny, I know each of their habits and schedules but hardly any of their names. As the years go by I find it increasingly hard to believe I was ever one myself, even though I know I was. It’s kind of existential really, like trying to remember your past life, which I guess is exactly what it’s .
I hear all the humans whispering about the girl in Biology, when they think she can’t  hear. She hears more than they think, a good deal more.
Apparently, Isabella came from Phoenix, Arizona, where she lived with her mother, the chief’s ex-wife. it’s  a place I myself am only vaguely familiar with from my time with Maria, but, I know that much like Texas,  it’s  a dry desert-like place. About as different from Forks as you can get, where the air is warm, the earth is brown and dry and spiky cacti grow in place of mossy trees. A place where you can see the sun in the wide open sky. I wonder if she misses it. I know I do. I look sorrowfully out the fog-obscured window.
I bury my face in my book again. Emmet leans close and whispers theatrically, “The new girl’s  about to get all the gossip about the Cullens.”
I inhale sharply, regretting the intake of breath immediately.  “Emmet, I cannot stress to you enough how much I do not care.” It's hard enough trying not to kill them, I want to add. Besides, I’d heard all the rumors before. But I have to admit I’m a little bit curious how this new girl will react. So keeping my face in my book, I listen.
The humans are all talking over one another when a new voice enters, one I don’t  recognise. A girl, who must be the new student. When I focus in on her emotions the anxiety nealry knocks me flat. This girl is wound so tight I’m suprised she can breath.
“Hey, Niki!” the new girl says. Then girl I presume is Niki looks surprised at the girl's sudden entry into the conversation. “Yeah?” She answered.
“Who are they?” Isabella asks, the only student who doesn’t know our story yet. Her emotions aren’t judgmental, merely curious.
“Well, they’re Dr. & Mrs. Cullen’s kids. Mrs. Cullen is the orchestra teacher. They kinda keep to themselves. The red head is Edward. He’s absolutely gorgeous, but he’s with the little one, Alice.” the same girl, Niki, answered. I don’t  need my gift to read the jealousy in her tone.
Isabella hesitates, curiosity increasing slightly. “Are they all Cullens? They don’t look related?” And here comes the gossip.
“Oh, no, some of them are foster kids. Dr. Cullen and his wife are in their late thirties or something, but they adopted because Mrs. Cullen can’t have kids anymore or something. Those two, Rosalie and Jasper, are actually Cullens, but they have Mrs.Cullen’s maiden name for some reason. The rest are adopted,” Niki whispers, as if we can’t  hear her, but she doesn’t know that and points to Rose and me.
“She’s pretty, he's . . .” She pauses looking for a word, physcotic, I think, deranged, crazy.
Humans usually don’t  notice me. I keep to myself, fading into the background, using my gift to divert attention when necessary, but still they are bound to notice something is off about they way I noticeably tense up when anyone but my siblings walk by. So at the beginning of the year Carlisle had informed the school of my quote ‘anxiety disorder’ unquote.
Shivering lightly she finally settles for “weird.” Unlike Isabella she makes her judgment clear in her words and emotions. And then there is the small, nagging fear of us in the back or her brain, so small she probably doesn’t even notice. But she’d never, no matter how hard she crushes on Edward, want to sit with us, or even really get close to us.
Like the majority of Forks High, Niki shared an infatuation with Edward Cullen. She takes a Moment to lustfully admire my younger brother. All the lust for Edward makes me sick. Not to say I don’t  see why people find him attractive. He isn’t ugly, but to me or anyone but Alice really, he’s just a whiny dramatic emo. Niki continued, “and the big one is Emmet. He’s with, Rosalie like with with. They’re like a thing. They’re all dating even though they live together. I’m not even sure that’s legal.”
I agree with the weird part at least. I understand how happy they make each other. And bringing their relationship to school is legal since we’re not actually related. But really?
“Niki, they’re not actually related,” a shy girl I remembered from Biology reminded her gently.
“Well legally . . . Whatever, it’s weird. Dr. Cullen is like this foster dad slash matchmaker” Niki says. I nearly roll my eyes but keep my face neutral.
A few other girls add their two cents worth before Niki concludes that we are all patients of our fathers plastic surgery practice. She is kind of right in a twisted way.
The new girl feels curiosity and something else, an emotion I haven’t felt from a human in a while. Sympathy and empathy radiate from Isabella Swan, and I nearly look up. Nobody ever feels sympathy for us— jealousy, infatuation, curiosity, dislike, even pity maybe, but never sympathy.
Unlike Niki, Isabella is calm, level headed, and feels no lust for my younger brother, only curiosity and sympathy for our family. She is almost welcoming toward us, the freaks.
Despite the anxiety Isabella’s emotions are calm in the storm. She feels sympathy for  five strangers. She is the most humane of all the humans in the room and it astounds me. Isabella doesn’t pity us, she empathises with us. Suddenly something deeply disturbing occurs to me. How can a girl so kindly and agreeable know the feelings she must have thought we experienced? The deep loneliness of social rejection. What can make people say things about her behind her back?
The more I wonder the more disturbed I get. For a Moment I have this weird feeling of wanting to comfort her, the way another human can.
“Well I think that it’s nice of Mr & Mrs. Cullen to take care of all the kids, when they’re so young. Have they always lived here?” she says quietly, adding the question gently at the end.
“No, they moved here from up north somewhere … Alaska I think about 2 years ago.” Niki answered with our cover story. it’s  the closest thing to truth about us. We had lived with our ‘cousins’ another ‘vegetarian’ coven like ours, called the Denali coven, but the large group began to attract too much unwanted attention so we’d been forced to leave.
I glance up just as Isabella turns to look at  Rosalie, who glowers at her. Not that Rose would ever admit it but she is jealous of the attention. Emmet pulls Rose in for a long kiss and Isabella looks away. I don’t  blame her. Then her eyes fell on me.
She studies me and I can feel the weight of her gaze, still not judging, not infatuated, just curious, analytical almost. I would be lying if I say I’m ugly. Of course I don’t find myself particularly attractive either, with all my scars, and whatnot, but I have he standard vampiric ‘beauty’ if you can call it that. I’m tall, six-three actually, with blond hair, and I’d even had greenish-blue eyes in my human life.
At the beginning of the year I had no shortage of female and a few male admirers. I guess they mistook my isolation for shyness which they’d found cute.  My, how wrong they are. If only they could see the scars. I bet they wouldn’t find me so pretty then
One or two girls did come talk to me and I deeply admired their bravery. For them to ignore the nagging fear, I owed them at least kindness. So unlike my brother’s haughty rejections, I’d let them down gently using my gift to remove their interest. There were others, but soon they realised that I’m not looking for anyone and they lost interest.
She is still looking at me and I keep my eyes firmly on the book, still on the same page. I can read and listen at the same time but I’ve been devoting all my attention to the humans’ conversation.
Finally keeping a neutral expression, I look back at her and she seems surprised. There is no fear in her eyes, only embarrassment as a deep blush spreads across her face. She is truly very pretty, extremely fair skinned like us. She reminds me of Esme. Her face is angular, yet gentle, with a kind of elegance to it. She has big deep brown eyes, the kind that bore into your soul, and long dark brown hair, nearly to her waist. Her left wrist is in a brace that she kepps fidgeting with. she wears a neat blouse with jeans and rain boots. Satisfied, I went back to my book.
It's all in all a good day so far. I haven’t slipped and the new student doesn't seem to see anything off about us. So far, so good, until Isabella shifts in her seat and the heater blows her scent toward our table.
I hadn’t noticed her scent in biology because it’s  only my second class and I’m still adjusting to the overload of human scents all around me. She blended right in with the other 24 delicious smelling humans.
I tensed immediately, the venom welling in my mouth. Due to the lack of human scent at our table, I hadn’t been holding my breath and the scent slams into me with the force of a bomb. I’m completely unprepared! The scent is amazing, warm cinnamon with a hint of . . . strawberry? The best I’d ever smelled and in that Moment I’m sure I’d never wanted or would never want anything more in my entire immortal life. I started to get out of my seat . . . Edward and Rose shot me a look and Emmet kicked my shin hard under the table.
“Sorry,” I muttered through clenched teeth, “I have to get out of here.” My siblings understand and we get up, dumping our trays of uneaten food into the bin. I feel bad about the waste but it’s necessary.
When we are outside Rosalie turns away from Emmet and back to me. “Do you think you can go back to class?” she asks. I can tell she doesn't  want to risk it. I think part of it may be ego but I refuse to fold so easily to my temptation. it’s  going to be a part of my life now and I will have to stand up to it eventually.
“No. I’ll be fine.”
“But what if it isn’t ?“ Alice reminded me. She has always been a good help to me, seeing when I would slip, and I can see the concern in her eyes now. Even as I cut her off I have to admit she has a point.
“If it isn’t , I’ll ditch,” I say walking toward building 6 for my second favorite out of all my classes, U.S History.
I’m the first one to enter the college-like classroom and take my usual seat in the last row. Since the last period is lunch a good bit of the human scent had leached out of the air and I took a deep breath of the yet to be re-contaminated air, pulling out my text book even though I’ll never need it.
I've been to high school and even college many times now and know the curriculum practically by heart, but even before that history had always come easily to me.
it’s  easy, yet never boring, each teacher teaches the subject differently, meaning it, unlike most other subjects, is a different lesson every time, and I have yet to take a class where I haven’t gained a new perspective or even learned some small thing.
The humans start filing in and the air is recontaminated. I sigh and try to ignore them and their appealing scent.
Mr. Jefferson takes out the attendance sheet and ticks off names as stragglers entered the class. Even as the class fills in, there is still an empty seat to my left which I’m grateful for and I’m considering moving to when none other than Isabella Swan enters the class. I immediately recognize her beautiful scent and I want it perhaps even more so than before. I tense myself and try to take in the fresh air of the back row before her scent saturates the class completely.
I’m already thinking of ways to get out of class when she starts walking toward the middle rows. She looks around but I already know that there are no empty seats there. She will have to sit next to me.
Realising this she increases her pace and heads toward the row where I sit with two other girls. When she is almost to the table her foot catches on the edge of Mathew Daniels’ desk and she trips, desperately trying to keep hold of her things.
The gentleman in me wants to help her and without thinking I grab her shoulder and waist and steady her. I tell myself that I had to help her. She would have fallen and scraped herself on the desk edge. I wouldn’t have been able to resist. Her scent ambushes me again. Half my brain is already preparing every muscle in my body to spring, venom fills my mouth again and I yank my hands away, turning my chair so I’m sitting almost sideways. I’m tempted to leave right then, and I should but it would cause too much suspicion.
I try not to look at her, but it’s  impossible. I can crush her so easily. I don’t  even need a fraction of my strength. It would be too easy really. Trying to control the flow of venom in my mouth, I peek at her out of the corner of my eye. She is struggling with her heavy history textbook, I don’t even think she had noticed me yet.
They say humans don’t notice death until it’s right in front of them, but that isn’t true. Most don’t notice until it has already taken them.
I pull my gaze away and go back to my work. I already had my book open to page 394 and the warm up is easy, just questions to test what we already know of this unit. I already know all the answers of course and pencil them in accordingly.
Three minutes later Mr. Jefferson directs us all to the next page of our books. We are to write out the answers and then he will call on a student to share.
I’m determined not to give up, to try and reign my monster in. Maybe the scent will be less tempting if I let myself grow used to it. I glance at Isabella again. Unlike most of the students she has already completed most of the slots on her timeline, except for number five. She turns to look at me and I snap my head back to my book. Her scent isn’t any less appealing than before.  I’m lying to myself if I think I can take this any longer.
The best I can do for now is hold my breath as I’d do so many times. Five and a half minutes later a timer buzzes and Mr. Jefferson calls the class back to order. “Alright, who has number one, raise your hands.” A gangly boy with a severe case of acne raised his hand. “Yes, Eli. What is the answer to number 1?”
He paused a few seconds before answering, “I think … James Knox Polk, James Knox Polk is the president in 1848.”
“You think . . . Or you know?” Mr Jefferson quizzed.
“Ummm, I know,” the boy amended, gaining confidence.
Announcing him correct Mr. Jefferson beckons him to the board while he tells us more about the 11th President of the United States and I tune out. I vaguely hear the heater cycle on, blowing around human scent again, I’m barely holding on as it’s . I have to  get out of this room, maybe even the school all together.
I quickly think of ways to get out of class. I’ve done this before and have an arsenal of them. Faking illness seems the quickest and it will give me an excuse not to come back to class.
When I tune back in, Mr. Jefferson is speaking, “Now who has the answer to number 5?”
While I wait for an opportunity to ask to be excused, almost nobody raises their hand. A blond boy,  called Taylor I think,  being the lone exception. I know the answer. In fact I know all the answers but I never raise my hand lest I have to stop holding my breath in order to answer.
He looks confidently at Mr. Jefferson. “The Fugitive Slave Act” he says and I can feel his sumgness. He is sure he is right. He keeps looking at Isabella, trying to impress her. I feel a small smile forming on my face. Of course he is wrong, The Fugitive Slave act was passed by congress in mid-September of 1850 not 1852.
Mr. Jefferson explains to the class why Taylor, whose name is actually Tristan, is wrong and Tristan ducks his head avoiding looking at Isabella—or anyone else for that matter—at all costs, while he corrects his answers. He feels so ashamed and I have to disguise my cackling laughter as coughing. A few people throw funny glances my way but it will help my illness excuse so I’m not complaining. Isabella, as usual, doesn’t  follow their example. She studies me, concerned. She is concerned about me. I try as best I can to suppress my laughter.
“Are you okay?”
I don’t  want to inhale anymore of her scent but I can see how much it takes her to talk to me so I grit my teeth, and try to sound human “I’m fine, thank you.” I have to laugh/fake cough again. The way I say it’s  so contrary to the words themselves, I sound somewhat disturbed.
“Now does anyone else want to try?” Mr. Jefferson asks, and I see my opportunity.
I raise my hand and the entire class looks at me, including Mr. Jefferson. I have to hide my laughter again as I feel the sheer volume of their shock.
“Yes, Mr. Hale, do you have the answer to number 5?” He says, still audibly surprised.
I stopped holding my breath, and swallowed the venom in my mouth, “Yes I do. The answer is 1852, the year that the book called Uncle Tom’s Cabin was published. It was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe at the age of 41 before her death in 1896 at the age of 85.” It suddenly fell completely silent, at least to human ears. I can still hear everything, but the humans stare wide eyed. “I have a headache. May I please go to the nurse now?” I say plainly and then use everyone’s surprise to dart out of the room undetected.
Far away I hear Mr. Jefferson stutter out a meek, “Yes, of course . . .” And then explain my answer to the class.
I decide to skip the rest of the day, having no patience for human scent. I run into the woods and sit in a tree reading the rest of the day. When classes let out I hop down from my perch, join the flow of students, and head to the front office to do something about my schedule.
When I walk in, Ms. Cope is typing something into the office computer and I tap the small bell on the desk.
“One second, sweetie,” she says without looking up. I wait, trying to stay calm. Her scent isn’t nearly as alluring as Isabella’s but I’d been away from humans for a few hours and the burn in my throat intensified at the sudden proximity of one.
“Okay, done, what can I help you wi. . ?” She looks up before finishing her sentence. “Oh!” She let out an audible gasp. She is frightened of me. Her brain can’t  tell her why,  but she is and for good reason. I’m especially dangerous right now.
“I’m just wondering if you can possibly move my schedule so that U.S History is my 7th hour class instead of my 6th hour class?” I’m desperate, “or any other class, any hour is fine.” I say. I want to switch History instead of Biology because in Biology we’re nowhere near each other and it’s the beginning of the day when her scent blends right in with the humans in the daily attack on my unprepared senses. I can handle her then and it’s good practise but having her next to me like that, it’s just too much.
She went to the computer again “Let me just check the schedules, mm . . . here . . . I'm sorry, there aren’t any classes with open seats and I can’t just trade with another student. It doesn't work like that. I’m really sorry.”
But doesn’t it though? I unleash the full power of my charms on her. “Really? Are you sure, can you check again?”
Ms. Cope sighed happily “Well I suppose I can break the rules just this—“
The door opens.  Annie Someta comes in with the flier for the lacrosse fundraiser for copying, and before I’m conscious of her my back is ramrod straight, my arm tensed against the desk and venom is filling my mouth. Isabella Swan’s scent hits me again for the third time that day, the impact no less forceful than the other two encounters, making me loosen my grip on Ms. Cope’s emotions.
I turned around and sure enough there she is. I shouldn't have been angry, this isn’t her fault, and yet I am. This stupid klutzy human girl is putting everything I’ve worked so hard for at risk.  She is ruining the only bearable class I have. She is making my life miserable. I know it’s  petty but I glare at her as hard as I can.
Ms. Cope snapped back dazed, “I'm sorry honey but I checked already”
“I'm sure one of my siblings would trade with me.” I say desperation finally leaking into my voice, though she can’t  hear it.
“Yes, I’m sure they would but unless and until you have them in here asking to switch with you I can’t do anything,” she informs me. I nearly growled. “I really am sorry, ” she added still wanting slightly to please me.
I’m tempted to march back in here with Rosalie, but my throat burns even more intensely now, I need to hunt.
I stare at Ms. Cope icily, my ire at the poor pitiful human still not forgotten. “Forget it. I can see that this isn’t feasible,” I snapped. Any vampire would’ve heard the growl behind the words.“Enjoy your day”.
I turn on my heel and walk out, not sparing another glance behind me, not out of ire now but cowardice. I can feel Isabella’s fear and it goes against every fibre of my being to make her so upset and afraid. I know it isn’t her fault that I crave human blood.  It isn’t her putting everything I’d worked so hard for at risk, it’s me. I should be better at resisting, but I’m not and it’s  my fault.
I have the sudden and strange urge to comfort her, but I don’t  even know what I’d say. If she is even actually calm enough to listen she probably wouldn’t want to hear it anyway.
I fight down these emotions as I walk to my car, 2005 Maserati Quattroporte, where my siblings wait impatiently. I take the key from my pocket and click it twice. My siblings open the now unlocked passenger doors and get in, while I get in the driver’s seat.
Rosalie sits on the seat to my left with Emmet directly behind her (of course). Alice is in  the middle seat, between Emmet and Edward, who has the left hand window seat.
I threw the car into reverse. “You’re leaving!” Alice accused aghast.
I ground my teeth. “Yes. You know I can’t stay here, not while she’s here.”
“What, what’s going on?” Emmet asks confused.
“Jasper is leaving us.” Edward says solemnly.
“You have to tell Esme . . . Or are you gonna make one of us do it for you?” The blow stung, but I know Rose is right. She understands my motivation to leave but I can’t  just pick up without telling my adoptive mother. She’ll be devastated enough as it’s . I can at least say goodbye.
Esme followed us out of the car park and when we got home she confronted me. “Jasper, dear is everything alright?”
The look on her face . . .  ah! I ground my teeth, no point mincing words, “I’m leaving,” I say, “right now. I have to.”
“Are you sure you can’t stay?” she asks.
“Yes, I will kill her if I do,” I say through my clenched jaw.
“Her? Who do you mean?”
“Isabella Swan, the new student. Her scent it’s like it’s made just for me. I don’t think I can take it.”
She looks at me with deep sympathy, “I’ll go with you. Now come on,  we have to pack.”
“I’m taking you on a trip,” she exclaimed!
NOTES: as I said before Google is my bestie, feel free to fact check.
Anyway I’m nit picky about this so I assume you are to, the reason Alice didn’t ‘see’ Bella causing that reaction in Jasper is because she was still contemplating ditching when they were heading to class. I have a cannon that maybe she saw later but she saw that it would be okay and that she and Bella would be friends and decided not to worry about it.
Also I would love to have a visual for this work in my head but I can’t draw so if anyone would like to make fanart of any of my writings I would love to see it.
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lookitsaworm · 10 months
I think everybody should put all of the characters from their favourite fandom into Tomodachi Life so they can see who everybody would end up with and so they can see their favourite characters do weird shit.
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local-crying-boy · 1 year
If you dated Jasper Hale
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Just a few head-cannons about if you dated Jasper Hale
Warnings: This is probably dogshit seeing as I’ve never made head-cannons before, reader’s gender is not mentioned, nsfw head cannons included!!
Word Count: 516
Alice saw you coming, obviously.
She was excited about it too, having a new person in the house that wasn’t her adoptive siblings who had no fashion sense.
Obviously she was happy about Jasper having a mate too
She told Jasper immediately, who then quickly told the rest of her family.
If your human Jasper would be worried at first, he won’t want to hurt his mate
However, if you were a vampire, he’d be quite excited to find you
When you had met you were at school.
Broski was so infatuated with you, staring at you, admiring you
But, if you’re human, also ultimately afraid he’d lose control and drain you of your delicious smelling blood
If you were human, he definitely took a week or so off to better his resistance to human blood. Granted, he still struggles around you though.
If you’re human, he obviously won’t tell you straight away what he and his family truly are.
If you’re a vampire you have much more fun than if you were human, due to the blood that you lack.
Meaning you can play baseball with the Cullens, hunt together, run through the woods together and do other… stuff… with our favourite
Speaking of fun, this man would be so goddamn sweet and gentle during your first time. Specifically if you were human when you first met
But, you goddamn know that he would go full out when you are finally turned.
Mother fucker would literally make you a full moaning mess, make you only remember his name for the night.
However, he is usually the sweetest man when it comes to the bedroom
Like 99.99999% of the time, trust that he is slow and passionate, taking his time to admire every crevice of your body
He’d praise you, telling you how good you’d take him, whispering compliments and words of affirmations
He’d say “you’re so beautiful” And “you’re takin’ me so well, Darlin’”
He’d definitely kisses your neck, collarbone and anywhere you’re insecure about, showing you how much he truly loves every. Single. Part. Of. You.
After care. This gentleman of a man with the most gentle aftercare.
he’d clean you up and run you a bath, whispering how good you did and how much he loves you, he’d stroke your hair and caress your cheeks
When cuddling, he’s typically the one holding you
He’d have you place your head in his chest and wrap his arms around your waist
He’d often run his fingers through your hair or rub circles on your back to help you sleep
He’d wait for you to sleep, even then he’d wait until you woke up
The first time you were cuddling and you fell asleep, this sweet man would practically melt. If he was alive he would have been a blushing mess and his heart rate would be through the roof.
Now, when your a vampire (or was already a vampire when you met), cuddling would be a quiet thing you too would do if you just wanted to be in each other’s arms
Sometimes you two would lay peacefully in silence, but sometimes you two would have a quiet conversation that was just the sweetest, sappiest shit ever.
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loveswrites · 1 month
hi love, I don't know exactly if you write reactions, I thought I would found something like this on tumblr but I didn't so i'd like to request a reaction of the vampires (in general, not just the Cullen's if it's ok, of course) to reader being their blood singers, like how would they deal with it and stuff (don't need to be poly if you don't want to)
thanks lovely <3
Head Cannon Cullens x Reader X Volturi Reacting to you being there blood singer.
Hi love, I hope this was kind what you were talking about. I've never done one like this before but I think this is what you meant. I hope you like it. I didn't get around to doing everyone but let me know if you would like me too.
Love <3
Word count: 871
~ Avoids you constantly until his curiosity gets the best of him. Always quoting Curiosity kills the cat. It’s like he forgot he himself was the cat. Yearns to be with you 24/7 but also aches to be away from you 25/8. The fact that he can’t seem to stay away from you kills him inside. The fact that he might be the one to lead you to your death kills him even more. Can’t help but to love you up close instead of afar. If he went more than a week without your scent he loses focus that he can’t regain. 
“Edward!” Emmett yelled, snapping Edward out of his lovesick high.
“What?” Edward frowned, eyes still unfocused. 
“He’s doing it again!” Emmett yelled, shaking his head.
~ Jasper would have the hardest time out of all of them. Jasper being scared of hurting you would over shine his love for you. But the fact that he’s even trying to have this much restraint when it comes to you shows how deep his love goes. He wouldn’t trust himself to be alone with you for more than two minutes. So count on spending constant time together with him, Edward and or Alice. 
“Come closer Jasper, Please I trust you.” You pleaded.
“I can’t.. I really wish I could But.. I’m just not strong enough.” Jasper stood in a corner with his eyes closed tightly. 
You sighed in slight disappointment. 
“I’m truly sorry, darling.” He spoke softly.
~ Alice would be one who can handle it as long as your blood stays in your veins. The moment it’s reached the oxygen of the outer world she gets upset at herself for her personal faith being so weak. Even though she’s seen that she never hurts you in the future she wonders if it’s her constant worry that keeps you safe from her nature. 
“You told me you wanted to take me shopping today.” You smiled at Alice. 
“I’m sorry but today won’t be a good day we’re going camping today. It was late notice.” Alice responded upset that she doesn’t know how strong she is when it comes to you. 
~ Carlisle though your blood, your scent is more tempting. He wouldn’t have much trouble with it. In fact your scent would be calming to him at the end of the day. After a long day at the hospital surrounded by so many scents of others yours is the only one he couldn’t wait to smell all day. 
“I missed you today.” He said smiling as you kissed his lips softly.
“Long day at work?” You smiled back.
He silently nodded softly stroking your hair. The simple act of love was like it made your scent smell sweeter. He was in love. 
~ She hates you at first. She takes pride in the fact that she’s never had one drop of human blood. And then here you come like you were made to be her number one temptation. And she hates you for that. She doesn’t talk to you. She doesn’t look at you. She stays ten feet away at all times. You and Alice became friends so the fact that you're sitting in her house. On her couch. Making the house smell like nothing but temptation from the devil himself she hates. She feels like Edward, which she also hates.
“Hey Rose!” You yelled trying to catch up with her. She brushed past you when you got up to greet her. 
“Rose?!” You yelled once again. Slowing down you frowned. 
Why doesn’t she like you?
~ You would have to build a very strong connection with Caius for him to even care to keep you alive. Once he smelt your scent he wanted nothing more than to drain you dry and watch your body go limp. In fact he got a thrill out of the thought. But he thought blood singers only come once in a lifetime and to kill you now would be a waste. Especially since in his lifetimes of living he’s never smelt a scent like yours. As your connection grew because your life literally depended on it he thought Maybe I’ll just have a sip every now and then.
“I love this painting.. What does it mean?” You asked, hands gliding against the moist paint. 
“It represents the desperation of death.” Caius spoke, wrapping his arms around your waist hiding his face in your neck hovering his fangs over the very line of your life.
~ Jane she wouldn’t know what to do with this information. Does she just kill you and get it over with or does she play with her temptations? She’d keep you around But when upset she can be very hostile and her actions may be unforgivable so keep your distance when you hear she’s had a bad day.
“Jane I saw this beautiful hair pin that I think would-”
“If I just suck you dry do you think you’d still be able to talk this much?” She spoke glaring at you with her piercing red eyes.
Once no answer came from you as you stood there with wide eyes she simply walked away from you.
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