#the twilight series
if there's one thing i love it is a deep psychoanalysis of something i wouldn't normally look twice at
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local-crying-boy · 2 months
Alice Cullen x Jasper Hale X GN!Reader
If you were their second mate - meeting them (human reader)
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Well, we all know about these two stunning vampires and their literal perfect relationship with one another.
But what if there was another?
You. Obviously.
Alice saw you coming at first, the whole ideal of having a second mate was confusing to everyone. It was unheard of and, yet, it happened.
Some of the Cullens questioned it, but Alice and Jasper were just happy they could share their love to another person.
Granted, Jasper was worried about having a human mate. He was afraid that he’d hurt you, of course.
When you first came to Forks, when he first saw you at school, it took literally every fibre in his body, every humane ideal and moral he still had to not pounce at your neck.
Alice was able to see it just in time, and Edward and Emmett were able to get him out of school just in time.
Safe to say, you had heard of the two, but it took just over two weeks before you were even able to see them.
You’d heard of them because, well, who hadn’t heard of every single one of the Cullens?
You heard of how some (all) of the students at Forks viewed the Cullens, they were all stunning, but no one ever really knew them.
You were intrigued, obviously.
You’d heard of Alice and Jasper, but you’d never see them at school until almost a month. How odd.
You’d first met Alice, she was in one of your classes - English.
You’d been seated in the empty chair next to hers when she was absent at school, much to your dismay because you didn’t have anyone to sit with and you couldn’t catch up quick enough.
Thankfully, however, when Alice finally was present at school, she offered to lend you some of her notes so you could catch up on the school’s specific curriculum.
It had sparked up conversation, that’s for sure.
Even if it was only about the work, she was enjoying every second of it and couldn’t wait until the time you had a real conversation - outside of the topic of schoolwork.
Which was why, when you forgot to bring her detailed notes (and I mean detailed) to school one day, she jumped at the chance to talk to you again.
You’d apologised over and over, feeling so incredibly guilty over fact that you forgot her notes at home. And she remained unbothered because she never really needed those notes, though you didn't know that
And Alice being the good conversationalist she is, she was able to drag out conversations and turn them into where she got to learn more about you.
Quick and easy friends, you two became close in no time! (Which was exactly what she saw)
Meeting Jasper was much more harder.
You were in one of his classes, but he was no where near you. In fact, you’d been on the other side of the classroom.
It was both a blessing and a curse.
He was thankful that he didn’t have to risk being near you since he was already struggling with him, but he knew about all the fun times you and Alice were having and he was missing out!
Of course, it took a little longer for you to even realise he was in your class. He wasn't in for your first two weeks of school.
It not like you didn't realise he wasn't in your class, it was that the name didn't register in your name when the teacher would do the register at the beginning of every class.
You'd heard the name 'Jasper' and, therefore, the lack of the response. So, naturally, you didn't pay any attention to it. He wasn't in, you didn't know him and he was on the other side of the classroom.
However, when you did end up meeting Jasper, it was only because you needed to talk to Alice.
You didn't know many other people in your class, well, there wasn't many people that you enjoyed the company of - especially in comparison to Alice's.
You didn't enjoy the amount of attention that was brought to you being the new student in Forks, and you didn't like most of the people in the school, only because they were only interested in befriending you because all the students in Forks clearly grew up with each other.
Regardless, you needed help on an English assignment that you didn't understand and you saw that Alice understood (since you saw she was able to half complete it after a few days of it being set)
So, naturally, you went over and asked for help. The assignment was too confusing to wrap your head around, and you'd only been in that class for a little while and it was definitely not long enough to understand your teacher's rambles.
Alice was happy to help, obviously (who could have seen that happening her definitely)
Because she was standing beside Jasper when you came over, she invited you over to her house so that three of you could work on the homework you were given.
You had anxiously agreed, without a doubt overthinking how to act when at their house because you hadn't been over to someone else's house in years. What if there was some unspoken rule that you didn't know about?
Of course, going over their house was no problem at all!
What did you have to worry about? A room full of vampires? Haha, don't be absurd!
Anyway, the three of you head up to a room and got on with your school work.
Alice helped you with your English homework and sometimes played stupid so that Jasper could get involved as well, since - of course - you were his second mate as well.
It was safe to say that after that day, the three of you got pretty close. You started to walk to History with Jasper, while also walking to English with Alice.
Although Jasper's 'twin' sister didn't like you very much, for no reason that you knew of, you got on pretty well with the rest of Alice's and Jasper's foster family (aside from Edward, who would be in his extra emo phase without having Bella to meet)
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roschka · 2 months
If they ever do a Twilight remake / TV show they should still have it set in like 2005 and have everybody wearing actual 2000s clothes except for Alice, who will be inexplicably wearing 2024 high fashion to class every day
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Edward trying to play baseball with his family after breaking up with Bella in New Moon
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swirlingtorments · 3 months
RX for Love
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I took a moment to start a fanfiction that actually is close to my heart. It holds a lot of true events that happened in my life. The events are not great, but hey, we all can chose to rise, no matter what life throws at us. I think Edward and Isabella are perfect for telling this story.
Losing a patient drives Dr. Edward Cullen, the perfectionist, to the brink of madness. Isabella is down on her luck, to the point of madness.  A dark cold night in New York, and a lapse in judgment leads to an act of desperation.  They didn't expect to ever see each other again. "Miss Swan, Dr. Cullen will see you now." ExB/AH.Cannon Couples/Doctor-Patient Love. 
Chapter 1:
Why did I always have the worst luck? Homeless and desperate I agreed to get into a black Mercedes and let a man fuck me.
It was unexpected. He pulled up to the curb, his car window gliding down before he beckoned me closer. Leaning in, the first details that caught my eye were his striking silver eyes, the impeccable tailoring of his black Armani suit, and the gleam of a Rolex watch on his wrist.
Indeed, I had an eye for class and could distinguish the true high rollers from the pretenders. And he exuded the aura of the former. Curiosity piqued, I speculated about his profession and his reasons for choosing me.
Surely, I didn't fit the profile of his usual company. Clad in my half-torn mini dress, smudged makeup, and hair slick with grease, I stood out starkly against his elite standards. Yet his demeanor wasn't that of a gentleman either. His actions were unrefined—tinged with anger and a hint of desperation.
It was almost like…he needed me. He didn't know me, but he needed me to be with him in that moment.
So, what the hell was he doing at a medical clinic offering charity care to the less fortunate? It was weeks ago, but I knew his face. It was him. Damn.
I let out a horrific cough as I watched him from across the medical clinic, providing medical check-ups to the less fortunate. He exuded an air of sophistication and expertise, effortlessly portraying the image of a polished and accomplished doctor. However, behind closed doors, or should I say in the front seat of his car, he transformed into a commanding and dominant force, unleashing his inner animalistic desires. The stark contrast between his professional demeanor and his raw, primal nature was unsettling.
It had been ages since my last medical check-up, and I was painfully aware that I was overdue for one. Fortunately, at least, it wouldn't cost me anything. Every winter, the Cullen clinic would offer complimentary routine check-ups to those living on the streets or anyone struggling financially. In addition to healthcare, they also provided shelter when the weather turned dangerously frigid.
Surviving New York's relentless winter cold was a merciless struggle. A ragged cough clawed its way out of my chest, triggering a throbbing pain in my head. Luck never seemed to be on my side. All these years, I had weathered the biting cold of New York winters without falling ill. Yet, this year, it seemed my good fortune had finally run out. It had to be this year, of all years, that I fell sick – and just my luck, he was the doctor on duty. What was he even doing at a charity clinic, anyway? With his status, you'd think he'd have more prestigious places to be than attending to the homeless.
"Miss Swan?" called a woman with a friendly voice.
"Yes, that's me," I replied, rising to my feet. My gaze followed as her hazel eyes found mine, offering a warm smile that beckoned me closer. Wrapping my arms around myself, I glanced down at the scuffed sneakers I wore and walked toward her.
"This way, please," she instructed, leading me through a corridor and into a cozy examination room. As the door clicked shut, she presented a clipboard. "How are you feeling today, dear?"
"I'm not well," I stammered. "I've got this persistent cough, and it's been keeping me up at night. I was hoping to get something to help with that."
"That sounds tough," she sympathized. Producing a digital thermometer from a cabinet, she swept it across my forehead. The beep was followed by a concerned frown. "102.4—you've got a fever," she observed, jotting notes onto her clipboard.
"Would it be possible to get some cough medicine?" I asked hopefully. "I would be fine skipping the full check-up if I can get that." She offered a patient smile.
"Let's have the doctor take a look first. If they agree it's the best course of action, we can get you a prescription. A doctor's approval is necessary, however."
"Oh, when will I be examined?" I asked with a hint of unease.
"The doctor will be with you shortly," the nurse reassured me. "He's just wrapping up with another patient but has been informed that you're next."
I pursed my lips in thought. "So, he's the only doctor here?"
"Yes, unfortunately. There's a lot of illness going around, and he's covering for tonight," she explained. I exhaled a resigned sigh. Just my luck. "Don't worry," she said with an encouraging smile. "He's a very kind man and an excellent doctor. He'll take good care of you."
Sure he will.
"I'll start by taking your weight and blood pressure," she said, proceeding to do so efficiently. After recording the results on her clipboard, she fetched a cloth gown from the cabinet. I eyed it with surprise as she placed it beside me.
"Um. What's that for?" I asked.
"It's for you," she answered, smiling kindly. "Please undress and put on the gown, with the tie at the back."
"Wait. W-why? Is that necessary?"
"Since you haven't had a medical examination in a while, as noted on your paperwork, Dr. Cullen prefers to be thorough. Believe me. I've worked with him for a long time. He's going to request it. He'll need to conduct a comprehensive check-up to ensure your medical records are current and to provide an accurate diagnosis."
My heart sank. No, I thought to myself, I can't do this. I shook my head faintly.
"It will be all right," the nurse reassured me, sensing my discomfort. "I'll be present during certain parts of the exam. It's not pleasant, but if you go through with it, I'm sure Dr. Cullen can prescribe the treatment you need."
Sighing, I wondered if it was truly necessary. "I just need some cough medicine," I said, hoping for simplicity.
"I understand, dear. But it's all part of the protocol," the nurse replied.
Resigned, I responded with a terse "Fine." It seemed I had no choice but to comply—either play the role of a patient or suffer another sleepless night.
She offered a comforting pat on my knee. "The doctor will knock before entering to ensure your privacy. I'll take your chart to him to ensure everything is prepared and will go smoothly."
Smooth process? That seemed unlikely. Left alone, I began to disrobe, reflecting on how little I wore: a frayed, black mini dress, hole-ridden stockings, and a faded red bra that now appeared black. The oversized, unattractive green jacket that I had snatched from a Goodwill donation truck completed the ensemble—an ensemble that was far from charming.
It made me wonder again… why had he desired me that night?
Dressed in the provided cloth gown, I perched nervously on the examination bed, the paper crinkling beneath me. My hands twisted into anxious fists at the thought of meeting Dr. Cullen.
I had no knowledge of him being a physician—let alone that he was the proprietor of this entire clinic. How could I have guessed that the man who had fucked me with such primal intensity was the owner of the Cullen Med-Clinic and Hospital?
Would he recognize me? Perhaps not. He might have already dismissed the memory of our encounter.
After all, to the world, I was just another faceless figure in the crowded streets of New York, a homeless girl. That night, it seemed as though he had detected my dire need for money and sustenance, exploiting my desperation.
The images from that night were still vivid.
I was desperate. And he knew it. He knew I wouldn't say no. Once I was in his car, he didn't ask how much I wanted. He didn't even ask what I was willing to do.
He ensured I wouldn't say no by setting a stack of bills on the dashboard. Sure, I had thought about leaving…but I couldn't take my eyes off the stack of bills he so carelessly threw on the dashboard. Nor could I ignore the lust and hunger in his eyes as he looked me up and down.
Once he was sure I was all in, he simply grinned, his silver eyes taking me in. That's when he spoke for the first time. His first word to me?
"What?" I had said to him.
"You heard me. Strip. Now. Everything off."
It didn't take long before I was sitting on his lap in the driver's seat of his car, my legs straddling his hips. Him, reclined against the seat, his white shirt unbuttoned, his bare chest glistening with anticipation, telling me how good I felt. His finders dug into my thighs as I rode him, with all the strength I had, the smell of sweat in the air. I moaned as he sucked my breasts and spouted vulgar words between raspy breaths.
Even when I told him I couldn't go on, his response was to effortlessly flip me over and, without mercy, and take me from behind. And I let him. Yes. I had reached that point out of sheer desperation for money. The mere thought of money and a warm meal eclipsed whatever shred of pride I had remaining.
After we were done, he gave me time to redress.
He observed me with unnerving interest yet remained silent throughout. Not a word of thanks, not a single query of whether he might have caused me harm. Instead, silence loomed until I was fully clothed.
Only then did he retrieve the wad of money from the dashboard and extend it to me. Clutching the bills in my lap, I found myself questioning whether the act I had just performed was worth the compensation. I didn't consider myself a prostitute. I had never engaged in sex for money, nor had I ever casually entered a stranger's car to grant them their desires.
It was out of character for me, yet there I was, the weight of shame growing in the car's silence. Eventually, he broke it. "Do you need a ride somewhere?" He asked me.
I had declined his offer. In response, he leaned across, opened the passenger door for me—an unmistakable nudge to exit. And I complied. Once I stepped out, he accelerated away, his engine's roar punctuating the sudden void he left behind.
I never expected to see him again. That night, I had sworn to myself that I would never sell my body again.
The sudden knock at the door made me jump. "Miss Swan? Are you decent?" came a voice from the other side.
I closed my eyes. It was unmistakably his voice. My breath hitched, turning into a nervous cough. "Yes," I managed to reply.
I steeled myself for what was to come. It was time to face the examination.
Just be natural Bella. Act like you don't even remember him. Maybe he would behave the same way and we could just pretend it never happened.
….Yea….This was going to be awkward as hell.
Follow my story "RX for Love" on Fanfiction.net for more updates. Reviews...and kind feedback welcomed. Haha. JK. Whatever feedback is fine. I can take it.
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laszlosharmonica · 5 months
Thinking about them, (the twilight manga and supernatural anime)
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algernoninwonderland · 5 months
After months of rambling about it, here it is at last! The first of many chapters of my Bellice fic. Please tell me what you thought of it, I thrive on comments and reviews!
I hope you’ll be tuned in for the next in two weeks! Or maybe one? I’m having a lot of fun writing this.
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fandomcen · 5 months
Is it me or are Jasper X OC fanfictions just fanfics that aren’t REALLY about Jasper but read more like what if Jackson Rathbone played Edward instead??
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peeta-mellark · 6 months
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kittyp333 · 7 months
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oneiric-somnolence · 8 months
I watched The Twilight Saga for the first time in 2023.
(Maybe somewhat obviously, there are spoilers for the Twilight Saga in this post! Proceed with caution and care.)
A real post on main, guys! Can you believe it?!
I’m a movie guy. I like films—even the ones that aren’t particularly good. Maybe especially those ones. 
When I’d reached the target age and audience of Twilight (2008), I really was of the scene and aesthetics of someone who should have watched Twilight (that, of course, being an edgy tweenaged girl). It’s release was, however, just a few years before my most conscious ages and by then had already garnered the reputation of being a rather shit film. The specific kind that fell victim to excessive scrutiny because it was targeted towards girls. I was never terribly fond of things for girls (for reasons that would come to make themselves clear in the future) so I naturally joined the hate party. I think at that point, the most I’d even known about the film came from parody in the cartoons i was watching. There may have been a particularly notable Twilight bit in American Dad. Who remembers?
Anyhow—while no longer tweenaged or a girl, I feel as if I have reached the point in my life where I would most respect these films for what they are. I appreciate an amount of cheese and I feel that a lens of nostalgia for the era they come from will cloud my judgement quite beautifully. I hope there to be an amount of earnest in them—as that’s all that a film really needs to be entertaining to me—but I’ve seen criticism of the later films in the franchise for being very of an industry and without the charm that audiences enjoyed from the franchise initially. The quality or charisma of any films after the first (excluding Eclipse) will not be necessary to keep my attention because Michael Sheen is in them. So I’ll do my best to give them all a fair shot and not let the opinions of others snake too far into my mind. 
First up, Twilight (2008)…
TWILIGHT (2008):
Knowing what I do about films in general and my preferences when it comes to them, I was immediately a bit turned off by the two-hour runtime. Even a supernatural action-romance didn’t need to be much longer than 1:45 if they knew what they were doing. It did, however, get the benefit of the doubt for being based on a book. I know that can lengthen things. Now, while it wasn’t exceptionally long, I think the movie would have greatly benefited from being a few tens of minutes shorter just to force them to figure out where their priorities lie and pace things much better. I will revisit this idea many times in the post to come as it is a bit of an issue with the franchise.
The very first thing the movie needs absolute credit for is its style. From the iconic blue filter over the entire movie to the insert song choices to the actors chosen and done up to specifically be beautiful in the way this story desires—they had a vision and they did their best to fulfill it. Now, I feel it necessary to mention I have not read the books nor do I plan to. I’m reviewing the films as films and alluding to the books as an abstract potentiality. I haven’t a damn clue what’s actually in them. With that bit clarified, it seems to me that the filmmakers had an idea of how they wanted to put the book to screen and it seems they’d succeeded. 
My favorite part of the movie before the final climax was—believe it or not—the most memed scene of it: Bella’s confrontation of Edward. I like it. I thought the whole vampire research montage was fun and the “I know what you are” bit was well done and a good buildup-payoff (this will not be very common in these films). Save for the silly vampire super speed moment, it was a visually beautiful scene and a great emotional turning point for the film.
There are a few things that surely wouldn’t have made a teenager in 2008 bat an eye and even would seem their greatest fantasy while not aging well at all. I very much enjoy the dynamic of “I would love to love you and it’s in my very nature to do horrible things to you but I love you too much to ever do them” but, as an already ethically gray trope, it becomes odd to watch when you put two high school juniors in it. Now make one of those juniors an immortal that has been a teenager much longer than the other and you start to wonder what the fuck you’re watching. Lonely flip phone-era girls don’t think about these things and that’s why they’re happier than us. Though, the filmmakers (I’m counting Stephenie Meyer as a “filmmaker” as she did have a hand in it by, y’know, writing the books they’re based on) did think about the oddness of it to some extent because, in the following films, they did wait until Bella was an adult to let things get “serious.” I’ll give them that.
I liked the baseball scene. That may be a bias for how anime it is and the Muse song in the background, but I did think it was a good transition from romance focus to Vampire Murder focus by showing us vampiric abilities in action. I do think the other vamps showing up to crash it and that being the major turning point was rather lame and I can’t exactly say why. That said, I found most of this section of this film to be rather uninteresting. The villains were unengaging—the best vampire out of the three antagonists was Laurent and they did fuck all with him. I rather dislike Victoria (and you will see that that will in no way change for me as the series goes on) and whatever the killer one’s name was. I really didn’t like him—it was no fault of the actor’s as I could tell he was trying really hard with the horrific dialogue he was given. He didn’t convince me as a Killer and had no motivation as a Vampire. 
As for the very end climax of the film, Kristen Stewart is about the only on this cast who could do action sequences convincingly and she was never actually partaking in any of them until they almost killed her. Alright. The final fight had some very pretty and cool shots but the fight choreography was just awkward and boring (this is never remedied even as the franchise goes on). I enjoyed the dynamic of the Cullens for the first time during this fight and I’m happy to say that they stay a very good group of characters from this point on.
If you break the movie into four 40 minute segments, the first half was okay, the third fourth was lame and uninteresting, and the last bit was maybe even quite good. The literal last seconds of the film aren’t a half bad lead into the next movie. I wish they’d prioritized some things and emphasized some other things. If they forced themselves to make this movie 30 minutes shorter, I think they would have found where their priorities lie and it would have been punchier and much more consistent and engaging. Not a completely horrible movie. I feel like they wanted to lean into more of the lore and world building I’m sure the book had, and they take the opportunity to do so in the following films, but you could tell they wanted to. It felt like they either forgot or weren’t sure exactly how. 
It’s a charming film, confident in it's romance but less so in it’s action. It’s got as many dumb and flawed moments as it has nice or enjoyable ones. Worth a watch for the sake of a watch. That’s the best I’ve got—it takes a backseat in your mind once you’ve watched all the others as the story moves so quickly in insane directions. It’s a humble beginning.
Here are some of my various notes I wrote while watching:
“Bella gets sexually assaulted eight minutes into the movie.”
“All the banter dialogue in this movie is completely unnatural and unbearable except all the small town Washington folks. Love them. That said, this is exactly how two extremely awkward teens act when forced to partner up in class.”
“If I was partnered with Edward Cullen, I would just assume he was severely autistic. (ETA: I’m not sure he isn’t. Might be on the spectrum on top of all the vampire shit.)"
“Edward Cullen really was such a dark pretty boy back then, wasn’t he? I’m not trying to imply Robert Pattinson isn’t widely considered beautiful still, but nowadays you can find a guy exactly like him smoking a cigarette and listening to Radiohead on every street corner—and also in every female demographic anime video game since 2010.”
"Edward should’ve just pretended he was surprised about the eye thing and the super strength and whatever. "
“This entire family are freaks and it’s not because they are vampires." 
“I’m starting to wonder if Edward talks so weird because a young Robert Pattinson is struggling to do an American accent."
“These movies would be infinitely less lame if more people got maimed to death. (ETA: They do.)”
“I was unaware of how close this film got to a sex scene.”
NEW MOON (2009):
This series has a habit of introducing a villain with very high potential and then either killing them or elaborating on them in a way that does not matter and doesn’t really amount to anything. This movie is Victoria’s nothing elaboration and the introduction of Aro and the Volturi. 
The Volturi, to me, are these very enticing anime-style villains. I think they’re a good addition to the lore as the governing body of vampires. They have their flaws, as every group in this franchise does, but their existence and the way they work in the story shows intention and direction—something I’ve mentioned these films are quite low on. This film is their exposition. They do little actual villainy within the walls of New Moon and I do wish they were simply more prevalent in general, but this film gives them great context and introduces them very, very well. I’m writing this here as a bit of a preface—they don’t really get too involved until the near end of the movie. This, though, is a good thing. They take the opportunity to properly explain and expose the Volturi and explain to us why we should be scared or be enticed by them before they force us to.
The emotional plot was—I don’t know—something. It seems odd and forced and unsure of itself but it tells us why Edward and Bella need each other and makes sure everyone in the movie is aware of it as well. I appreciate that. Breakup plots when you know they end up just fine together feel like they take forever to get anywhere and make any sense, though I’ll give it the benefit of seeing it through the eyes of that lonely teenage flip phone girl. I’m sure she was quite devastated and would have been left as Bella was if the movie didn’t resolve itself.
This was his movie but still I found a lot of Jacob's plot unmemorable. The only thing I do remember is how this is the film that turned him from the fun, casual alternative into a bit of a weird, obsessed never-even-was-ex-lover who chooses repeatedly and knowingly to insert himself where he isn’t wanted. A bit of Jacob's character is remedied in the following films but he really just enters an odd state where they aren’t sure what to do with him and you aren’t sure if you like him.
It did stop being the werewolf movie by the end of it. This is when the Volturi show up and steal the movie—and Michael Sheen shows up to steal every scene he’s in. I’m told Victoria was the main villain of this film and yet she was the most forgettable aspect of the film. By the time they make it to Italy, you don’t give a single shit about any of that—the feeling of something much bigger sets in as they spend little time wading in What Just Happened and quickly move on to setting up the following films. 
The unsatisfactory pacing and poor prioritization of subject matter per film is somewhat remedied when you start thinking of this Saga as a series—and I do believe it would have been one if the books were adapted in a time where limited series were more popular. Thinking of them as an anime is what made it more easy to finish and accept certain oddities. 
Overall, there was too much of the film that was terribly unremarkable but the good parts were rather very good and gave me a perhaps misguided hope for the next one. To add—I quite liked the soundtrack. The insert songs were often fitting and genuinely added to the scenes they were in.
Here are some of the notes I wrote while watching:
“So far, it’s my impression that these films are just as wildly ambitious as they are confused. It does, admittedly, make them a bit endearing.”
“I don’t think I’d take the time and effort to read the books but I could definitely see this story being much more nuanced and enjoyable in text form. Though I can’t say anything of Stephenie Meyer’s writing style. I haven’t read even an excerpt of it. Maybe it sucks. Who knows.”
“Michael Sheen’s first appearance in this movie is him ripping off a man’s head.” (This was noted simply from sense of amusement. Or perhaps arousal.)
“Alice Cullen is genuinely adorable.”
“I get the emotional implication of the motorcycle but I really don’t think Edward Cullen would be opposed to his girlfriend having a sick ass motorcycle if they were together right now.”
"I’ll admit I have been somewhat too engaged to make notes. So I guess that’s good. “
“Why did Edward fly to fucking Italy to kill himself? Just eat some fucking garlic or something dude.”
“I found this movie to be far more consistently engaging. And my judgement isn’t clouded by having Michael Sheen on screen because he barely was.”
“The vampire fight in Twilight was lame. The vampire fight in New Moon is even lamer since we got to see how fuckin' sick the werewolf fights were.”
“I’ll give credit to this movie for officially engaging me in the plot of these characters. I actually wanted to know where things were going in this movie. I didn’t feel that too hard with the first.”
ECLIPSE (2010):
New Moon sets up the Volturi and Eclipse knocks it down? No, not at all. They aren’t really even here. Victoria. Victoria, Victoria, Victoria. Hey, at least she dies in this one. They foreshadow the conflict very heavily and then go into a bunch of particularly boring relationship nonsense. It sets up for progression within Edward and Bella’s relationship to come but I found the way in which they did it a total snoozefest. I don’t care about the sex lives of teenagers. I’m sorry. Lord forgive me. A lot of what happened in this film could have happened elsewhere. It didn’t particularly need to exist in the grand scheme of the story.
The main point of this movie was Bella’s dichotomies. Bella struggles with the decision to be turned into a vampire and the decision between Edward and Jacob (though, that one less so as the narrative so clearly favors Edward). She’s shown the barbarism of vampires through the newborns and she’s shown the beauty and humanity in them as she talks to the Cullens about their lives and as she falls deeper in love with Edward. There’s a very nice bit where, in a graduation speech, Bella’s friend talks about how her age is about making mistakes and that nothing is permanent. It’s a very nice speech for anyone to hear and sends a good amount of uncertainty to Bella that drags with her until she makes her final decision at the end of the movie. I thought that was rather well done both cinematically and thematically. That may have been the most enjoyable part of the movie for me. 
Despite its flaws, by this movie I was unfortunately hooked. My critical mind had left me and I really was just following the plot. Still, I didn’t have the mind for emotional stuff that bored me and the action aspects of the movie were also rather boring. They gave us good backgrounds on some of the Cullens. The best vampire fight in the movie was when they were sparring. We get some decent vamp/wolf action and some jumping points. This movie was just a bridge but that does mean it leaves you wondering what’s next. The pacing feels a lot nicer, again, if you think of is as a really long episode of a greater series.
My notes are a little more sparse for this one:
“I really don’t find Victoria to be an interesting or scary enough villain to warrant being a villain for this many movies.”
“I think this franchise is so much more bearable when you think of it as an anime. Genuinely.”
“How many actors in these films are English and trying very hard not to be? Lots of weird accents going on here.”
“Every single other Cullen is infinitely more interesting than the one the story chooses to follow."
“I love the Volturi’s anime villainy. It’s my favorite thing in this entire franchise.”
“Jasper may be the weirdest, most fucked up creepo Cullen but he is also the funniest by far.”
“Why does Jacob specifically have to carry Bella to mask her scent? I don’t get it. If he’s so pungent, just him walking with her should be enough, no?”
The decisions are made! Edward and Bella are getting married! Then they’ll fuck and turn Bella into a vampire a bit later! Yeah! I know, like, thematically why they place so much emphasis on Edward and Bella having sex but I find it much less interesting than the whole Turning Into a Fucking Vampire thing. Bella gets pregnant. Hell spawn. Everyone gets pissed off. She has the baby. They name it something stupid. She almost dies. Edward turns her into a vampire. Jacob gets the hots for the just-born child and I’m supposed to be okay with that for some reason. Really, even the flip phone girl has to be asking questions by now. There. I summed up the whole movie. Really, that’s pretty much all that happens. Oh! The werewolves wanted to kill the kid, but didn’t. For reasons relating to Jacob wanting to fuck it when it grows up. I don’t know. I’m trying.
This movie was unexciting and just set up Part 2. I suppose it did exactly what it was meant to do but it did nothing for me. There you are.
Wanna read some of my notes? Here:
“If I dreamt Michael Sheen was at my wedding, it would in no way be a nightmare. “
“Sex preparation montage? Okay. I have no comments. I just needed to mention it was there.”
“They really, really don’t know what happens when a vampire impregnates a human? Really? In all this time?"
“Werewolf rage segment doesn’t interest me. The first half of this movie has not been particularly interesting."
“Every single actor in these movies are just beautiful. Genuinely fantastic-looking people. The vampires’ makeup would convince you otherwise though.”
"'Jacob just had an idea.’ '…It wasn’t an idea. It was a snide comment.’ is the funniest dialogue in this whole franchise.”
“Vampire venom CG? Okay."
"Jacob 'imprinting' on Renesmee is such an unbelievably odd and vile thing to put into this story. So fucked up."
“This is the movie that turned Bella into a vampire but still manages to be a boring and unnotable transitional phase into Part 2.”
This movie is the actual payoff for the Volturi—if you could call it that at all. This is it: the great climax! And yet it takes so long to get going in a way that means anything. The stakes set you up for everything and give you nothing. 
Bella enjoys being a vampire. Everyone is really mean to her dad for some reason. Everyone got really cool with Jacob taking claim on Renesmee very fast. The Volturi catch wind of Renesmee and think she is a child who was turned into a vampire, which is Vampire Illegal, so once again, they come to hunt down the Cullens. They’re very foreboding and scary and Micheal Sheen pleases me greatly no matter how terrible he looks. Really, with all the lost visions in these movies I wish they could have found a genuinely good design for the vampires—I’d never quite liked how they look. 
Anyhow, the Cullens build a great vampire army to fight off several clones of the Spirit Halloween logo, but, of course, they’re hoping they don’t have to fight and that the Volturi will hear them out. It all comes together in an empty field when the snow sticks to the ground where it’s vampires and werewolves versus the Italians. We see a great battle that gets infinitely lamer-looking when the characters you like join in because God hates you. Humbert and Dolores—I mean Jacob and Renesmee make a break for safety. Vampires get shattered like stone, werewolves go down like sick dogs and Aro rips off Carlisle Cullen’s head. Aro gets his head smashed off. Rami Malek is there. 
But alas! None of it’s real. We cut back in to Aro holding Alice’s hand before they started fighting and reading what she saw in the future—the future he has if they choose to battle today. Aro wants to call it off to save is head in the most literal sense possible but still fears danger remains in the form of a half-human-half-vampire child. Alice reveals a vampire they met who is indeed that and is just fine. Great, even. Grew to maturity and stopped aging. Aro is delighted and just leaves. All is well and all romantic pursuits are happy, including one with Bella’s father who is the only man in this series who deserves happiness. That’s the end of the film and the franchise as it stands.
While I would normally go completely feral and find someone to maim with that kind of “it wasn’t real!” ending, this one feels… earned. It stayed engaging. It had a reason to exist other than just trickery. I have no complaints regarding that and I’m sure it was rather exciting to experience in-theater at the time.
What I have got complaints about is once again that rancid sense that they have no idea where they’re going next. It doesn’t feel at all like they’re done with it but they gave no indication of where they would want to go in the future. With almost no payoff from the best villains in the series—everything just goes back to how it is and everyone’s happy. The only difference between the end of Twilight and the end of Breaking Dawn 2 is that Bella is a vampire now and Renesmee exists. It was an exciting movie but with so little point. This franchise is so afraid of ending but so unsure it’ll go on. It’s understandable but just annoying and unsatisfying as a viewer. It does deserve credit for making me care that there was a good ending, just gets the same points taken back for not giving me one.
Overall, I enjoyed the film. It’s one of my favorites in the series. I can’t, however, rate it as an ending because it isn’t one. I can tell it wants to get there but it’s too unsure.
Last round of notes comin’ up:
“They’ve taken a rather vague stance on if vampires sleep recreationally or not.” (This still annoys me.)
“I know I’m saying this while I actively chose to watch the goddamn Twilight Saga but I do not care one single bit about the vampire sex. It’s the least interesting part of these films. They managed to make Vampire Sex boring. I don’t get it.”
“Rami Malek was quite a sweet thing in this movie. I’m used to his characters being like sick or on drugs or something.”
“I like that that credits were kind of credits for the whole franchise. that’s nice.”
“Okay, I did not expect Billie Joe Armstrong once the scrolling credits came in.”
It’s not a series that’s going to change your world. I don’t even think it’d make a viewer of average sensitivity cry unless it hit a nerve specific to the viewer. It’s a flawed story, but ultimately an interesting and deeply earnest one. I find there’s a charm specific to the first and final movies. That isn’t to say the other’s were less interesting, just that the franchise has a problem with drive and direction. Quite obviously, the very first and the very last are the ones easiest to overcome that. The series is best at its most certain. There were moments it seemed rather confused about what was important or how something was to be portrayed, but within the moments that were very confident in themselves was an engaging supernatural romance, and I find it quite easy to give it the benefit of the doubt more often than not. 
In two words—flawed, charming. It does what it wants to do and isn’t completely terrible at it. Overall enjoyable films. 
I wouldn’t recommend someone sit through them all unless I think they would actually like that kind of thing or if they were making an essay about it. I might, however, recommend that one who enjoys films watch the first and perhaps second to see if they may be unexpectedly enticed. I found myself—to my own discontent—hooked in by the third one. I don’t recommend holding out that long if you really aren’t enjoying yourself but if you insist on giving them a fair chance, that’s my anecdote. 
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vampyrheartz · 8 months
im opening my request for twilight character moodboards!! -> go through #moodboard to see examples
—Things I Will Do
character x reader
character x character
platonic character relationships
solo character
book exclusive characters
i have the right to not to do a request if it makes me uncomfortable.
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Extra notes—
specify if you want how they look in the movie or a fancast, please give me the fancast name with request if so—
if its a character x ect, tell me what vibes you want ex: ‘aro dances with you at a ball’ or ‘rosalie x bella at prom’
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jess-the-simp · 9 months
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The look of exhaustion on this man’s face
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local-crying-boy · 9 months
Can we have a part 2 of it was our plan where its after the cullens come back but y/n is still kinda distant from jasper?
A/n: I hope this is what you expected!
It was our plan PT. 2
Fem! Reader X Jasper Hale
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Pairing: Female human! Reader X Jasper Hale
Genre: Oneshot, angst to fluff
Warning: none that I’m aware of, use of Y/n
Summary: When the Cullens returned to Forks, Jasper Hale seeks you out so that he can apologise, but you avoid him at all costs.
Word count: 1.4k
Part One here
Hate. Resentment. Sadness. Three annoying feelings you felt in your bones, throughout your body.
You absolutely hated that the Cullens - despite agreeing with you with you former plan - had left Forks without warning. Okay, yes, Jasper did technically 'warn' you, but he left immediately after telling you and left no room for discussion about you going with him!
You had resentment for Jasper for leaving you on that day, he had loved you and loved that you had gone as far to plan how you would leave Forks. I mean, what kind of person would leave the person they loved immediately after telling said person they were leaving and then leave without a proper goodbye?
But, ultimately, you felt sadness every waking hour. You were heartbroken at the fact you’d never get to see Jasper again, never get to kiss him, never get to hug him, never get to hold his hand, never get to be beside him ever again. You were upset because there was literally no one like Jasper Whitlock Hale, there would be no man you would love as much as you loved Jasper.
You wouldn’t go as far as to believe you were depressed, in fact, you had given into the anger instead of the sadness. You tried everything you could to get rid of that sadness, and, so, that meant you felt pure anger for Jasper.
In months that the Cullens had been gone, you had focused on many different things, however boring it may have been. You had organised your room, studied a lot, finished many of the books you wanted to read, attempted arts and crafts, sports, and much more. You even tried to help Isabella Swan out of her depression about Edward leaving, though it proved more difficult the more you tried.
Your grades went up due to your endless studying, even in the subjects you struggled on most! Your parents were proud at that, though they still worried that you had not properly been upset at Jasper’s absence. You'd been sad in your own time, sometimes you would give yourself a few moments of sadness before you would quickly despise yourself for being upset that Jasper left.
You hated him.
You hated the man you loved most.
You despised Jasper Hale.
So, when the surprising news of none other than the Cullens returning to Forks arose, you did not hesitate to ignore the supposed amazing news.
While Bella quickly went back to loving Edward, and practically planning for her own transformation into a vampire, you stayed as far away from Jasper and his family as you could. You couldn't bare to see him, you couldn't bare for him to try and apologise. You didn't want to go back to him. You didn't. Defiantly not.
Nevertheless, all you wanted to do was fall back into his arms, hold him, kiss him, love him. You wanted Jasper back, you wanted to love him, you wanted to be around him, to feel the coldness of his hands when he held your hand throughout the halls of school and as he walked you to your front door.
You missed the vampire's stupid Southern drawl, the way certain words seemed to roll of his tongue and make your knees go weak. You missed his golden coloured eyes, followed by his dark coloured eyes depending on the day. You missed the way he would walk you to your classes, the way he would carry your books when you had too many, the way he would drop you off at home after your dates, the way he was always respectful to you and your boundaries.
On Jasper's side, he had been trying desperately to get your attention, to find you while you were by yourself.
Though, due to your stubbornness, Jasper was unable find you by yourself and, if he wanted to catch up with you with his speed, he was unable to because you were smart enough to stay with other people. Or was it stupid?
Either way, Jasper had beaten himself up senseless because he felt so incredibly bad about how he left things. All he wanted to do was make it up to you, he wanted to be with you again. He knew you wanted to as well, he could feel it. Though, he could also feel your anger, your frustration, towards him.
On one particular rainy day, you had your hood pulled up over your head and your coat zipped up all the way, hands shoved in your pockets to keep them safe from the freezing rain.
Thankfully, Jasper had seen you walk out of the school, you were walking home that day, Jasper remembered from your weekly routine and because - on these days - he would be the one to take you home. He was walking quickly towards you, silent but quick. He knew he couldn't use his speed to catch up with you, but he had been so desperate to do so.
"Y/n." He called out to you, causing your heart to drop at the sound of his beautiful sounding voice.
When you didn't reply, he said your name again, now only a few feet behind you. "Please, Y/n."
"Don't, Jasper." You sighed out, but, in reality, all you wanted to do was hug him. "I don't want to hear it."
The coldness in your voice shocked him, he'd never heard you speak so rudely to anyone, let alone him.
"Y/n." He repeated, his voice was pained, you could hear the sadness in his voice. No one needed his power to know the heartbreak he felt.
You turned around to face him, rather abruptly. You would have preferred to not even face him, you knew his saddened face would break your beak into a thousand little pieces, would make the heartbreak physically hurt you.
"Don't, Jasper." You said again, your voice was trembling, but the anger was clear. "Don't you dare, you left. You left me, here by myself."
He looked you in the eyes, he could see your glassy eyes and how you were fighting the tears.
"You don't get to be heard out, not when you left like that." You scowled at him, hands in fists and you almost wished he was human so you could actually hurt him - as terrible as it may sound. "I was here, while you were... Wherever the hell you were!"
You sniffled, you were trembling and you could feel the rain down your cheeks. Or was it tears? "It wasn't fair."
"I know, I know." He said softly, he took a step closer to you, his arms extended as he reached out to you. "I shouldn't of said goodbye like that, I am so incredibly sorry."
You shook your head as he walked near you, you took a step back and it took the hint. His arms hung loosely at his sides, he wasn't going to touch you if you didn't want him to.
"Please, Y/n. I was afraid." He said, the saddened tone that escape his mouth seemed so unnatural for someone like him. He'd never sounded like this, never sounded so broken. He spoke again, but his voice was quiet, he was still aware of the people around him, the handful of students who were watching the scene unfold. "You saw what I almost did to Bella, I never want that to end up happening to you. I would never be able to live with myself again if I was the reason you got hurt."
He wanted to attempt to reach out to you again, but he didn't want to risk of getting rejected again, he wasn't sure if he could handle watching you back away from him again.
"Darlin', I never want to be the reason that you get hurt, that you..." He trailed off this time, he didn't want to say what he thought.
"That I die?" You finished for him, anyhow, with a hushed voice and a broken voice much like his. "That's what you want to say, isn't it? You don't want to be the reason I die?"
You shook your head again, now certain that you had been crying, tears streaming down your face like a river alongside the rain droplets. "You don't trust yourself, Jasper, but I do. I always have, I always will."
"I am dangerous." He whispered out.
"No." You whispered out, you walked over to him with your arms extended. You grabbed his hands. "No, you are not."
You both locked eyes, his with his golden eyes and your glassy eyes. Your words had echoed in his mind, you believed that he was good, you believed that he wasn't the monster he saw himself as.
You quickly embraced the frozen vampire, and he wrapped his arms around you. Both of you had missed the other's touch, both of you were desperate for the other's touch, and both of you finally got the one thing you desperate missed: each other.
In this moment, in the moment you held each other in the pouring rain, outside of the school, you thought that maybe - just maybe - things will be okay.
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lunarislilly · 9 months
The Entire Twilight Saga but only everytime Charlie has a Line
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lola-legendary · 9 months
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