#especially the second so the width is more easily visible
rave-lord-nito · 2 years
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xforcekeygens · 2 years
Photoshop Crack v2022 xforceOfficial Site* DownloadFree
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Hello friends, Great News!! Here we bring you the latest version of the Photoshop 2022 installer created by the people of CODEXCPY based on the XFORCE keygen. This version is a simplified version of PainteR group's "universal patcher crack" but much easier to install. It is very simple to install, just follow the steps of the installer and finally mount the .iso image and run setup.exe as shown in the video tutorial. Any questions can be asked in the codexcpy forum directly to its authors.     Download our Photoshop 2022 v3.2.5xf-win installer Release Date: 10/5/2022*Updated* (Latest Windows version)   SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION Photoshop 2022, Keygen & Full installer Installer Version: CodexCPYv1.0.1 Keygen Version: v3.2.5 Release Date: 10/5/2022 Compatible with: Windows 10 (64-bit) net framework 4.5 needed Cracked by codexcpy.com & xforce-cracks.com [caption id="attachment_1358" align="alignnone" width="750"] Download free Photoshop with our crack[/caption] Clarification: If you came here to download the Keygen/Software, please ignore the rest of the article.   How to Create a Photo Composite in Photoshop? A photo composite is an image that is made up of two or more separate images. In Photoshop you can create a photo composite by cutting out one image and placing it on top of another. To create a photo composite you will need two images. The first image will be the background and the second image will be the foreground. The foreground image should be on its own layer so that you can move it around without affecting the background. Once you have your two images open them in Photoshop and position them side by side. Then use the pen tool to cut out the subject of the foreground image. To do this trace around the subject with the pen tool and then click “Make Selection” in the options bar. This will create a selection around the subject of your foreground image. What are the most used functions of Photoshop? The three most commonly used tools in Photoshop are the Crop Tool the Healing Brush Tool and the Clone Stamp Tool. The Crop Tool is used to select and remove parts of an image. The Healing Brush Tool is used to fix imperfections in an image. The Clone Stamp Tool is used to copy and paste parts of an image. How difficult is it to handle photoshop well? Photoshop is a very complex program that can be difficult to master. There are a lot of different tools and features and it can take a long time to learn how to use them all effectively. Even experienced users can find it challenging to create high-quality results. In this article we will share some helpful tips and tricks that will help you master Photoshop. With these tips you will be able to create amazing results in no time. 1 Use the pen tool The pen tool is one of the most powerful tools in Photoshop. It can be used to create paths selections and even shapes. If you are not familiar with the pen tool we suggest that you watch some tutorials or read some articles about it. New Pen Tool features Once you master the pen tool you will be able to create complex designs and illustrations. 2 Use layer masks Layer masks are a great way to control the visibility of layers. They are especially useful when you are working with images. With layer masks you can easily remove or add elements from an image. 3 Adjust the levels The levels tool is a great way to adjust the contrast and brightness of an image. It can be used to make an image lighter or darker. Useful links about this software: Software requirements. Program description. Software Free trial. Video-tutorial. Developer company. We believe that cracking and sharing softwares is something great and needed, but please never forget to support his creators. If you can afford the product PLEASE buy it =) ********************************************************************************************************** *—————–* !!!!!  Accept no imitation / X-FORCE * * We are the world
#1 !!!!!  *——————* ********************************************************************************************************** Note: You can see all our other PHOTOSHOP cracks and keygens listed here.
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golpevisual-blog · 2 years
Photoshop Crack v2022 xforceOfficial Site* DownloadFree
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Hello friends, Great News!! Here we bring you the latest version of the Photoshop 2022 installer created by the people of CODEXCPY based on the XFORCE keygen. This version is a simplified version of PainteR group's "universal patcher crack" but much easier to install. It is very simple to install, just follow the steps of the installer and finally mount the .iso image and run setup.exe as shown in the video tutorial. Any questions can be asked in the codexcpy forum directly to its authors.     Download our Photoshop 2022 v3.2.5xf-win installer Release Date: 10/5/2022*Updated* (Latest Windows version)   SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION Photoshop 2022, Keygen & Full installer Installer Version: CodexCPYv1.0.1 Keygen Version: v3.2.5 Release Date: 10/5/2022 Compatible with: Windows 10 (64-bit) net framework 4.5 needed Cracked by codexcpy.com & xforce-cracks.com [caption id="attachment_1358" align="alignnone" width="750"] Download free Photoshop with our crack[/caption] Clarification: If you came here to download the Keygen/Software, please ignore the rest of the article.   How to Create a Photo Composite in Photoshop? A photo composite is an image that is made up of two or more separate images. In Photoshop you can create a photo composite by cutting out one image and placing it on top of another. To create a photo composite you will need two images. The first image will be the background and the second image will be the foreground. The foreground image should be on its own layer so that you can move it around without affecting the background. Once you have your two images open them in Photoshop and position them side by side. Then use the pen tool to cut out the subject of the foreground image. To do this trace around the subject with the pen tool and then click “Make Selection” in the options bar. This will create a selection around the subject of your foreground image. What are the most used functions of Photoshop? The three most commonly used tools in Photoshop are the Crop Tool the Healing Brush Tool and the Clone Stamp Tool. The Crop Tool is used to select and remove parts of an image. The Healing Brush Tool is used to fix imperfections in an image. The Clone Stamp Tool is used to copy and paste parts of an image. How difficult is it to handle photoshop well? Photoshop is a very complex program that can be difficult to master. There are a lot of different tools and features and it can take a long time to learn how to use them all effectively. Even experienced users can find it challenging to create high-quality results. In this article we will share some helpful tips and tricks that will help you master Photoshop. With these tips you will be able to create amazing results in no time. 1 Use the pen tool The pen tool is one of the most powerful tools in Photoshop. It can be used to create paths selections and even shapes. If you are not familiar with the pen tool we suggest that you watch some tutorials or read some articles about it. New Pen Tool features Once you master the pen tool you will be able to create complex designs and illustrations. 2 Use layer masks Layer masks are a great way to control the visibility of layers. They are especially useful when you are working with images. With layer masks you can easily remove or add elements from an image. 3 Adjust the levels The levels tool is a great way to adjust the contrast and brightness of an image. It can be used to make an image lighter or darker. Useful links about this software: Software requirements. Program description. Software Free trial. Video-tutorial. Developer company. We believe that cracking and sharing softwares is something great and needed, but please never forget to support his creators. If you can afford the product PLEASE buy it =) ********************************************************************************************************** *—————–* !!!!!  Accept no imitation / X-FORCE * * We are the world
#1 !!!!!  *——————* ********************************************************************************************************** Note: You can see all our other PHOTOSHOP cracks and keygens listed here.
0 notes
codexcpy · 2 years
Photoshop Crack v2022 xforceOfficial Site* DownloadFree
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Hello friends, Great News!! Here we bring you the latest version of the Photoshop 2022 installer created by the people of CODEXCPY based on the XFORCE keygen. This version is a simplified version of PainteR group's "universal patcher crack" but much easier to install. It is very simple to install, just follow the steps of the installer and finally mount the .iso image and run setup.exe as shown in the video tutorial. Any questions can be asked in the codexcpy forum directly to its authors.     Download our Photoshop 2022 v3.2.5xf-win installer Release Date: 10/5/2022*Updated* (Latest Windows version)   SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION Photoshop 2022, Keygen & Full installer Installer Version: CodexCPYv1.0.1 Keygen Version: v3.2.5 Release Date: 10/5/2022 Compatible with: Windows 10 (64-bit) net framework 4.5 needed Cracked by codexcpy.com & xforce-cracks.com [caption id="attachment_1358" align="alignnone" width="750"] Download free Photoshop with our crack[/caption] Clarification: If you came here to download the Keygen/Software, please ignore the rest of the article.   How to Create a Photo Composite in Photoshop? A photo composite is an image that is made up of two or more separate images. In Photoshop you can create a photo composite by cutting out one image and placing it on top of another. To create a photo composite you will need two images. The first image will be the background and the second image will be the foreground. The foreground image should be on its own layer so that you can move it around without affecting the background. Once you have your two images open them in Photoshop and position them side by side. Then use the pen tool to cut out the subject of the foreground image. To do this trace around the subject with the pen tool and then click “Make Selection” in the options bar. This will create a selection around the subject of your foreground image. What are the most used functions of Photoshop? The three most commonly used tools in Photoshop are the Crop Tool the Healing Brush Tool and the Clone Stamp Tool. The Crop Tool is used to select and remove parts of an image. The Healing Brush Tool is used to fix imperfections in an image. The Clone Stamp Tool is used to copy and paste parts of an image. How difficult is it to handle photoshop well? Photoshop is a very complex program that can be difficult to master. There are a lot of different tools and features and it can take a long time to learn how to use them all effectively. Even experienced users can find it challenging to create high-quality results. In this article we will share some helpful tips and tricks that will help you master Photoshop. With these tips you will be able to create amazing results in no time. 1 Use the pen tool The pen tool is one of the most powerful tools in Photoshop. It can be used to create paths selections and even shapes. If you are not familiar with the pen tool we suggest that you watch some tutorials or read some articles about it. New Pen Tool features Once you master the pen tool you will be able to create complex designs and illustrations. 2 Use layer masks Layer masks are a great way to control the visibility of layers. They are especially useful when you are working with images. With layer masks you can easily remove or add elements from an image. 3 Adjust the levels The levels tool is a great way to adjust the contrast and brightness of an image. It can be used to make an image lighter or darker. Useful links about this software: Software requirements. Program description. Software Free trial. Video-tutorial. Developer company. We believe that cracking and sharing softwares is something great and needed, but please never forget to support his creators. If you can afford the product PLEASE buy it =) ********************************************************************************************************** *—————–* !!!!!  Accept no imitation / X-FORCE * * We are the world
#1 !!!!!  *——————* ********************************************************************************************************** Note: You can see all our other PHOTOSHOP cracks and keygens listed here.
0 notes
unopenablebox · 2 years
bio prelim studying blogpost 1
how to tell if two proteins are touching
proteins are mostly either machines (move/rearrange/break/chemically change a thing) or a usefully shaped object (building blocks of a cage, or a scaffold, or some other important physical structure in the cell), or both. in either case, many protein functions in the body depend on proteins physically interacting with each other. these interactions can happen on a huge range of timescales, from much less than a second to days or years; they can be very tight and sticky interactions, or loose ones that fall apart easily; they can be very specific (protein A binds only protein B to do its function) or very nonspecific (protein A can bind to almost every other protein it meets). as a result, a major concern of experimental biology is finding lots and lots of different ways to check whether two proteins are touching each other, and to describe the properties of that touching
general way 1: looking
you can look to see where things are [citation needed]. if you can make two proteins visible in the cell, then you can look for them on a microscope and check if they are close enough to touch and like to hang out a lot. 
one way to make a protein visible is by making an antibody against it. antibodies are proteins with extremely specific binding activity to one other protein sequence. you can attach a fluorescent dye to an antibody, wash the antibody over the cell, and then look for the dye: the antibody should only stick to the protein you care about. if you do this with two antibodies in different colors you can then look for colocalization of the two signals and find out if your two proteins are near each other. downsides: cell usually needs to be dead to do this; also, if you have a lot of cells in a thick sample, it’s hard to get antibody deep in there.
alternately, you can put the tag directly on the protein by editing its encoding gene, so that when the protein is made there is a fluorescent protein attached to the end. upside: works in live cells so you can watch the proteins bop around and see how long-lasting the interactions are; don’t need to make an antibody or do lots of washing and processing steps. downsides: gene editing can be hard; attaching a protein to the end of your existing protein can screw up its shape and thus its function, including possibly the binding activity you cared about in the first place.
imaging to look for protein interaction is limited by the fact that two things being next to each other does not guarantee they are touching. this is especially true since proteins are much smaller than the wavelength of light that we can image, meaning that we see giant blurs of light that might appear to overlap even if the proteins in question are actually 200 nanometers apart (for reference, proteins are like 1-10 nanometers wide usually). you can do lots of optics-based tricks, both physically by varying the amount of light reaching the sample to image it, and computationally by calculating the point-spread function of the dye, to try to resolve smaller and smaller things. this makes it a lot more likely that two things that look adjacent are touching, but still doesn’t guarantee it.
there is one more Neat Trick for looking for protein touching. this is called FRET (Forster resonance energy transfer). FRET works because each fluorescent protein takes in one color of light and puts out another. for example, turquoise fluorescent protein (mTurquoise) absorbs violet light and puts out blue-green light. meanwhile, yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) absorbs blue-green light and puts out yellow light. if you put the two proteins very close to each other, YFP can absorb the output from mTurquoise. since this only works if they are extremely close, usually less than 7 nm (about the width of a protein), you can make a pretty confident prediction about whether two proteins are close enough to touch if you consistently put in purple light and get back yellow light. this is hard because it’s quite tough to figure out where to attach the fluorescent proteins so that they’ll have the right orientation and be close to each other, and often just doesn’t work for technical reasons.
general way 2: pulling
if you pull on one protein and it brings along another protein, those two proteins were touching. upon this rock is founded the entire field of protein biochemistry.
a big genre of “looking for things that were touching” is the pulldown. this is where you have a way of specifically sticking one of your proteins to a surface, and then you can check what other proteins can now also stick to the surface. i will explain the general procedure:
first, get a way to stick Protein A to your surface (which is probably a bead inside a tube, for reasons not important at this time). this might be an antibody against Protein A that you chemically conjugate to the surface. it might also be a protein tag you’ve genetically added to Protein A, like the fluorescent protein above but this time with something sticky that will stick to a chemical, like nickel or glutathione, on the bead surface.
next, get some cells that have Protein A in them. use a lysis buffer that dissolves them into goop and lets you get the proteins out from inside them. take your slurry of cell goop, possibly lightly purified to remove lipids and stuff, and mix it with your beads. then rinse the beads off so no unattached goop can remain. what you should end up with are beads that have attached to them 1) Protein A 2) whatever was sufficiently good at sticking to Protein A to remain through the washing 3) hopefully nothing else.
at this point there are various things to do to your beads that let you remove the binding partners of Protein A, usually involving rinsing them with different chemicals until you find one that chemically disrupts Protein A-Unknown Protein B binding and lets you retrieve the unknown proteins. then you do a bunch of stuff to find out what proteins they were (combination of running them on gels to find out their sizes, checking which chemicals fucked with their binding to guess other stuff, using antibodies to check if they're something particular, and nowadays mostly mass spectrometry which is by far the best way to find out what a protein is from no information. i’m not explaining mass spec rn)
as you can tell this has kind of the opposite problem of the imaging-based assays. you are pretty sure these proteins were touching, and you can guess how strong the protein touching was based on what kind of washing it withstood, but you know a lot less about when and where this happens or how long it lasts. this is kind of nice because if you combine these approaches then you have .... More Information
there are lots of other ways kind of like this of checking if two proteins were touching. i’ll describe two because i happen to be thinking of them and they’re usefully different from a pulldown
one is co-sedimentation. this is based on the principle that some kinds of biological structures-- big cytoskeletal protein fibers like actin, lipid droplets, etc-- have different sizes and densities, which mean that when you centrifuge them (spin them very fast in a tube as though to impose extreme gravity), some of them will sink to the bottom of the tube (sediment) faster than others. you can then check whether proteins normally too small to sediment at a certain speed are nonetheless at the bottom of the tube. this means they were probably physically bound to whatever else you sedimented. this only works for checking binding between very different sizes of thing but it’s good for some stuff and was very popular in the olden days.
the other is the yeast two-hybrid binding assay. this one is weird. basically, there are proteins called transcription factors (TFs) that are required to recruit the RNA-making machinery to a particular gene. one end of the TF is the DNA-binding domain, that finds the particular part of the DNA that needs to be transcribed into RNA. the other is the activation domain, that touches the RNA polymerase and recruits it to the right gene. you can separate these domains and genetically attach one of them to one protein and the other to a different protein. the result is two fusion proteins: DNA-binding domain + Protein A, and activation domain + Protein B. you put both of these in a yeast, and if Protein A and Protein B bind to each other, then their interaction will bridge the DNA-binding and activation domains of the TF and lead to transcription of whatever particular gene the TF controls. you then check whether the TF-controlled gene got made (usually you use something visible or easily chemically measured), and if it did, that means your two proteins bind each other. this one is annoying to set up and has a lot of weird false positives and false negatives, so we don’t use it that much any more, but it was also big in The Past.
there are many more ways to check if proteins touch but many of them operate on one of the basic principles described here. unless they don’t and you can comment rudely reminding me about them.
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callboxkat · 3 years
Those Long, Lonely Nights (part 4/6)
Author’s note: This is a retelling of the story These Deep Dark Woods, but from Roman’s perspective. I recommend reading that story first, but this can also stand alone.
Summary: Roman, a knight, insists on accompanying his best friend Logan, a potion maker, when he decides to head into the notoriously dangerous woods bordering their home to find some rare herbs and minerals for his apothecary. They find much more than they bargained for when they encounter Remus, a bloodthirsty giant. Logince. Angst with a happy ending.
Fic Warnings:  food mention, blood, injuries, death mention, killing mention, gun mention, mild body horror (it’s Remus), disturbing imagery (it’s Remus), character death, temporary/believed character death, kidnapping, guilt, attempted self sacrifice, talk of giants, vampires and other monsters. Very unsympathetic villain Remus.
Word Count: 3910
Part 1 : Part 5 
Writing Masterpost!
“Come out, come out wherever you are,” the giant called in a sing-song voice. “I know you’re theeerrrre, little bugs!”
Roman and Logan were pressed against an outcropping of rock, panting, trying to be as quiet as they could while they caught their breath. Logan, in his darker attire, was peeking through the small gap between the cliff and some undergrowth, towards where the monster was. Roman watched as he shuddered. He went to put a hand on Logan’s shoulder, as if to comfort him, then thought better of it, and took it away.
The giant was well and truly angry now. It was clear that he had been toying with them before—despite having very, very nearly killed Logan once already—and he had at least then wanted them to last a while, while he had his fun. But that was before. Now, he was still definitely trying to have some sick, twisted version of fun, but he did not plan to keep either of them alive for long.
Remus had a club with him now. An enormous weapon that someone of his size should not have reasonably been able to wield—even standing at four times the height of a normal man, with hands large enough to wrap around entire human limbs and with shoulders the width of a decent-sized supply cart, the pink and black boulder wrapped over and over again to that thick, gnarled log serving as a handle was enormous. Had the giant had human proportions, he shouldn’t have been able to lift it, let alone swing it like a bat.
One good hit, and they were both done for.
The giant was getting closer. Logan silently tugged at Roman’s sleeve, and the pair snuck further away as quickly as they dared, doing their best to stay silent. Roman’s ears were still ringing a little, so he could only hope his training was paying off, and that he was being quiet enough. Logan didn’t say anything, but watching how he listed heavily to one side as they went, Roman didn’t really trust him to be a good judge either.
They pressed themselves against the next outcrop. Old Haven was sometimes called Stony Cliffs in older manuscripts, and it was easy to see why—the forests here were filled with these outcroppings, especially to the south and west. They were useful both for Logan’s work, seeking (relatively) easily accessed minerals for his apothecary, and, it seemed, for hiding from homicidal giants.
Roman’s head was spinning, but he was much more worried about Logan. They’d tied a makeshift bandage around his head wound,  although the bleeding had mostly stopped, but he was not in good shape. It was still shocking to Roman that he had survived this long at all. Thinking back, it seemed almost impossible. Perhaps he had gotten lucky, being bundled into the giant’s bag after Roman, that his head had been pressed into Roman’s side. Tied up and probably concussed as he was, Roman had been in no shape at the time to try to stop the bleeding, even if he had known that Logan wasn’t already dead at the time. That small, random chance might have been what kept Logan alive.
Roman decided that he really did not want to think about that, actually.
But he could not stop thinking about how pale Logan looked, nor the way he seemed to be just barely keeping himself from collapsing.
The giant was getting closer.
“Come on,” Roman reluctantly whispered, hating that he couldn’t give Logan more time to actually rest. They had to keep moving. He listened for a moment just to be sure he knew where the giant was—although Remus’s movements were hardly subtle—and began to creep out in the opposite direction, pausing to be sure Logan followed.
The dull thuds and crashing of Remus’s movements paused. Roman and Logan both froze.
“Come on, don’t be that way,” the giant called, his voice echoing through the trees. “Where are you trying to run off to?” He cackled, and Roman heard a rustle, the whoosh of air, and a few loud cracks, like Remus had gestured around the dark forest with his club and broken several branches in the process. “Don’t you know what could happen? You could fall and break your legs! You’ll be completely helpless! And then you’d get eaten by birds! Ooh, do you think they’d peck out your eyes first? Or would you get to watch the whole thing?”
Roman and Logan waited, terrified, until it was safe to move again.
The sound echoed through the forest. A tree only a dozen yards away fell to the ground. A single bird let out an alarm call as it finally realized that this was the last place it wanted to be, and fled.
“At least we know where he is,” Logan whispered.
That was true. Remus did not seem to be prioritizing stealth in the slightest. Probably, this was because he was certain that Roman and Logan wouldn’t escape either way, but it was reassuring all the same. Roman would take what he could get.
They made it to the next outcrop of rock. At the base of it, in the mud, was the unmistakable impression of an enormous footprint. It couldn’t have been very old. Roman thought he could see more of them, deeper in the trees, visible even in the dimness. Probably, the giant had come this way not long before he’d captured Roman and Logan.
How long had the giant been watching them? Waiting for them to let their guard down, so he could strike?
Roman thought of how he’d slowly grown bored, pacing the perimeter of their camp, and eventually gone to simply sit sleepily on a boulder. Stupid.
They should have turned back when they had the chance. They never should have gone so deep into the woods at all. They could have been home right now, eating peach tarts by the fire in Roman’s cozy cabin, ostensibly because it was closer to the South Tower and thus less of a trek for Logan that night, but really just to spend time together, listening to the lively music drifting from the pub down the street.
It was too late, now, though. Now, Roman could only hope that he could get them both out alive.
As they stumbled as fast as they could through the trees, breathing harshly, hardly caring if they were even going in the right direction, the sky gradually began to lighten. The dawn made it easier to see where they were going, so they were able to move just a little faster, but it also made it all the more obvious just how far they had to go. And the giant was not a welcome sight in the light of day.
“FEE, FIE, FOE, FUM!” the giant called, slamming his feet down on the ground with each step, hard enough to make the ground shudder. “Come on out and let’s have some fun!”
The words, delivered with such a promise of violence, sent a fresh curl of fear into Roman’s chest. It seemed even when he thought he couldn’t be more afraid, he was wrong.
Logan’s hand tightened around Roman, gripping his coat, an effort to keep them from getting separated. Roman was glad for the proof that Logan was there with him. He was afraid to keep looking over his shoulder. Partly because he needed to see where he was going, and partly because he was afraid of knowing just how close Remus might be.
Occasionally, the giant would pause in his pursuit, and just listen. Roman knew that the giant was tracking them, or attempting to do so; he knew that they should be trying harder to be quiet. He also knew that they had no time to slow down. He wasn’t sure either of them was in good enough shape any more to do anything to muffle their footsteps, if they tried.
“Come on, come on,” Roman panted, looking around in desperation as they continued on. Not a moment later, the knight’s foot caught on something, and he and Logan were both sent sprawling.
Roman hit the ground hard, landing on uneven ground strewn with stones and tree roots. His head spun, and a long second passed before the world began to settle around him. He lifted up a hand and touched a newly sore spot on his head, practically on top of where Remus had already flicked him.
He heard a shout in the distance.
Logan was leaning over him, one hand reached out, gasping. “Let’s go,” he said.
Roman blinked, watching the way Logan’s hair drifted slightly in the faint breeze. Now that the sun was coming up and he could see better, Logan’s hair looked kind of amusing. Half of it was sticking up in all directions, while the other half was pasted to his skull. Why would he wear it like that?
And then, suddenly, Roman remembered exactly where he was, and exactly what he was looking at. He shook his head, clearing some of the fuzziness. “Yeah—yeah, let’s go.” He reached up and took Logan’s hand. Logan did his best to haul Roman back to his feet.
A sharp pain told him that something was very, very wrong with his ankle.
No time to worry about that.
They continued onwards on clumsy, exhausted, painful limbs, desperately trying to reach safety. Roman thought he could just barely make out the flags at the top of the South Tower’s turrets. Maybe even part of the castle. He hoped it wasn’t his imagination. Logan seemed to think that was also the correct direction, although it was possible that he was just following Roman, trusting the knight to know the way.
No—Roman had to believe that they were going the right way. They couldn’t turn around if they wanted to. If he let doubt in, he would not make it. Logan wouldn’t make it.
Roman chanced a look back at his friend, who still had one hand fastened on Roman’s formerly snow white jacket like a lifeline, and was alarmed to see blood soaking through the makeshift bandage, dripping down his face and leaving a trail of ruby droplets in their wake. They stumbled to a brief halt. At the alarm on Roman’s face, Logan himself seemed to notice the reopened injury, and he stowed his dagger before reaching up to press the palm of his now free hand to the wound. They took off again, with no time to stop. Remus was still crashing through the woods behind them, all too close, and all too happy to keep up the chase.
They just had to break the tree line. They just had to get close enough to the wall for help to arrive. They only had to make it that far. The knights, with their numbers and weapons, would make quick work of the giant. Roman and Logan just had to get to them. The knights would help, would bring them home.
Roman sent up a silent prayer to the gods. Please, help us.
As the sun rose higher and the sky lightened further, Roman grew surer and surer that he really was seeing signs of Old Haven. The trees were thinning—it was imperceptible, at first, but compared to how densely packed they had been nearer the giant’s lair, the difference was clear. Yet their pace was slowing. They simply couldn’t keep running. Roman wasn’t sure that their pace could even be called a run, at this point.
Logan’s grip on Roman’s jacket slipped, sending a jolt of alarm through the knight. It tightened again, briefly, but moments later, he felt as the apothecarist stumbled, and fell to the ground.
“Logan!” Roman gasped, turning around.
Logan looked horrible. Pale and flushed through the blood and dirt and ash on his swollen face, his eyes unfocused and only half open.
Roman pulled him up, put an arm around him, and they continued on as best they could, adrenaline numbing their pain. Their speed was hardly faster than a walking pace, but Roman simply could not go any faster. Logan seemed to be growing rapidly weaker, now leaning heavily on the knight.
Please, Logan, just hold on a little longer.
They were so close. So close. They only needed to—
The sound of hysterical laughter came from off to their left, and the giant materialized. “There you are! Oh, there you are! My new friends!”
Roman took a step back, stumbling on his injured ankle as he pulled Logan with him.
The giant had not escaped Logan’s brilliant distraction unscathed. A patch of hair had burned away on his scalp, he was streaked with ash, and his clothes were a charred mess. He smelled even worse than before. Yet, he smiled when he saw them, his lips cracking apart into a soot-stained grin. “I missed you,” the giant whined. “But… I’m afraid I have to kill you now.” He raised his club up over his head. “Don’t worry! It’ll be exciting! It’ll be so fun; you’ll be like meat pancakes!”
Roman’s adrenaline spiked as the giant brought down the club. Square over where Logan stood.
Roman yanked the apothecarist back, screaming as the effort set his ribs and ankle on fire, flinging them both away from the club.
He wasn’t quite fast enough.
There was a sickening crack, and then Logan was letting out a cry of pure agony, tears of pain in his eyes as he clutched at his leg.
Oh, gods. His leg.
But the giant wasn’t finished yet. He was cackling, getting ready to raise the club for the finishing blow.
Only for the tree trunk of the handle to come away in splinters, and for the boulder to roll several feet away.
Finally. Finally, some luck. Roman sent up a hasty thank you and quickly knelt by Logan, patting his coat in a fervor until he found what he was looking for—Logan’s dagger.
He spun around and brandished the weapon towards the giant, steeling himself. “Get back!” he shouted with all the strength he could muster.
Remus, meanwhile,  seemed confused by the state of his club. Apparently, he had not expected it to break. He was trying to nudge the pieces together as Roman spun around. At the knight’s commanding voice, though, the giant looked up. He dropped the broken log. And he laughed.
He reached towards them, and Roman slashed the dagger across the giant’s palm. It was little more effective than a deep papercut, but the giant yelped and backed up, rubbing at his hand with a wounded look.
“That’s not very nice,” he said. “I was just trying to crush you!”
Logan was moaning in agony. Roman chanced a glance back. Logan still clutched at his leg, his face pale and slightly green. No way was he walking out of here on his own.
“Oh, you’re alive!” the giant cried, seeming to notice, for the first time, that it was Logan who lay on the ground at Roman’s side. Perhaps he had thought a third human had come to Roman’s aid—it was unlikely, of course, for more humans to be out that far, but even less so for one to come back from the dead. “I get to kill you twice! That never happens!”
Roman remembered the sound of Logan’s head cracking against a metal chain. The way his body had gone instantly, utterly limp. Those horrible, horrible hours when he had thought Logan was gone.
Roman’s hand tightened into a fist. “And it won’t!” Roman he declared. He didn’t know how, but he would stop Remus. He would fight off the giant, alone, barefoot, his body bruised and exhausted, because he had no other choice.
There was a shuffling from behind Roman, another moan of pain. Roman blinked away tears at the sound. He stayed put, the dagger brandished before him, the dull bronze blade all that held back the monster.
“Hey, Re—Remus?” came a weak, slurred voice.
Roman actually flinched, he was so surprised. What was Logan doing?
“I have something… to show you. You’ll… you’ll like it,” Logan continued, his voice wobbling with pain. “It’s… nasty, and gross. Just like you.”
Far from being insulted by the man’s words, the giant appeared intrigued. His rancid green eyes narrowed suspiciously, but still, he crouched down. He let out a heavy breath, and so close, the smell of decay was overwhelming.
It took everything Roman had not to attempt to gouge at the giant’s face while he had the chance. He hoped Logan knew what he was doing. Half dead or not, Logan was still the smartest guy he knew.
Remus leaned forward even more, so his face was less than a foot from Logan. “Show me,” he crooned.
“Of course.” Logan sounded far calmer than Roman felt. Logan’s arm came up from behind his back, holding… a small bag of powder. Which he hurled straight into the giant’s face. The bag exploded, sending out a cloud of white dust.
Remus howled, clawing at his eyes, rearing back and all but uprooting a nearby evergreen in his haste. He tripped and fell to the earth, screeching as he tried to get the dust out of his eyes.
Roman shoved the dagger in his coat pocket and dashed to Logan’s side, hauling him to his feet by the underarms, being as mindful of Logan’s leg as he could in what little time Logan had bought them.
“No,” Logan moaned, hitting out weakly at Roman. “No—put me down, put me down!”
“It’s me!” Roman said, holding Logan’s arms away from his face. “It’s me, Specs, it’s me!”
“Leave me here—go!”
It dawned on Roman. Logan expected him, wanted him to leave him behind. That was not happening. Even if both of them died because of it. Didn’t Logan know that Roman would never—absolutely never—do something like that? Hadn’t they known each other long enough for that to become obvious? Roman knew that Logan didn’t know how he felt, but he had to know how important he was to him. Didn’t he know that?
Logan kept fighting as Roman dragged them away from the giant, trying to get Roman to drop him. Logan’s leg was completely useless, and Roman bore nearly all of Logan’s weight.
“I can’t even walk,” Logan cried.
“But I can!” Roman growled. “I can walk for both of us! Dammit, Logan, I am not leaving you here to die! I—I need you! I can’t do this without you!”
Logan’s protests paused at that. Roman hauled them both onward, putting all of his focus in making it to that tree line. Finally, Logan seemed to accept that he was coming along whether he wanted to or not, and rather than trying to stop Roman or simply be dragged along, he started trying to help them move along. He couldn’t do much other than hold on to Roman and try to hop along on his one usable leg, but he was trying.
They could do this. They had to do this.
All too soon, Roman heard the sounds of the giant beginning to follow after them once more. He must have cleared his eyes enough to see, or perhaps he was simply following the sound of them crashing through the undergrowth. It didn’t matter—the result was the same.
To Roman’s immense relief, the trees were definitely thinning now. The giant already knew where they were, so Roman saw no harm in it as he began to shout and scream for help, desperately hoping that the guards on the wall would hear, that they would come to help.
Logan was not doing well. He was getting weaker and weaker, hardly managing to hold on. Roman was all but carrying him. They needed to get the bleeding in his leg stopped, but there was just no time.
“Don’t give up, buddy, come on,” Roman said, between shouts for help. “Come on.”
He could see clear grass up ahead. Just there—through the trees. He could see clean gray stones. He could see the sky. Roman cried out for help again, then turned to Logan as they scrambled over loose stones and broken branches. The jagged edge of one of the stones cut deep into Roman’s foot. He paid it no mind.
“There it is!” Roman said to Logan, desperately trying to keep him awake. “Do you see it? There’s the tree line. We’re almost there, buddy. Just a little further!”
“Almost there, buddy,” Logan echoed blandly. Roman could hardly understand him anymore.
Remus was still yelling behind them, bounding through the trees, getting closer and closer. He threw a boulder, and it crashed to the ground just beside the pair. The ground shook, leaves and pine needles raining down from nearby trees. Roman nearly fell, and Logan lurched forward heavily. The potion maker’s eyes briefly rolled up into his head, before the lids fluttered, and he seemed to come back, just a little.
Roman regained his footing and dragged them on. They were so close. “HELP US!” he screamed, shouting so loud it felt like his vocal cords would tear from the strain. “HELP US, PLEASE, WE’RE HERE! THERE’S A GIANT! PLEASE, WE’RE HERE!”
Mercifully, mercifully, he was heard. For the first time, Roman heard other human voices. He heard horses whinnying. He could hear the grinding of gears and the screech of metal as one of the gates on the wall opened. Shots rang out, and he could hear people shouting orders.
They had made it, Roman dared to think. And then Logan became dead weight in his arms.
“No—no!” Roman cried. Not again, no, please, not again.
Knights were breaking through the trees, some on foot, some on horseback, each armed either with a sword or with a rifle. Many swarmed towards the giant, while others made a beeline for Roman and Logan. Roman kept shouting until he was sure, absolutely sure, that they had seen them, and that help was coming. Please, they had to help them—they had to help Logan.
At the sight of the knights finally arriving, the fatigue and pain all seemed to hit Roman at once. He grew suddenly lightheaded. His stomach flipped, and his vision began to swim. Every second he stayed upright was torture, taking a monumental amount of effort, but he would not drop Logan. He wanted to run to the knights, but it was all he could do to stand there. He stood firm until the knights had reached them. People were talking, shouting, but Roman just stood there, swaying, as they neared. Roman could see medics among the knights. Good. Logan was badly hurt.
Finally, finally, Logan was taken from Roman’s grip. He hardly noticed the arms that came to help support his own weight.
The sound of gunshots and the clang of swords on armored skin filled the air. The giant roared. There was a huge crash, and then… nothing. The gunshots went quiet, and forest was still. There was a howl of victory, echoed by cheers that Roman hardly noticed.
The giant was dead.
“Please be careful,” Roman murmured in the newfound quiet, watching as the medics began to tend to his friend, ignoring the medics and knights who were trying to speak to him. He blinked, long and slow.
Then, he collapsed completely.
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albusofecclesia · 3 years
Creative Writing - Academic Burnout
(inspired by this Dark Academia self care post by archaic-stranger)
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Within the Order of Ecclesia’s dormitories, Albus lay on the couch in his quarters, splayed unceremoniously on his back with one arm slung over both eyes to block out the bright light of dawn piercing through the picture windows across the room. Academic burnout had struck hard. Compounded with his recent travel fatigue, he had become entirely overwhelmed by the last two years of intensive training - both physical and mental - and simply no longer had any drive to move, speak, or think more than was absolutely necessary.
Master Barlowe had given him some reprieve time to sort himself out, encouraging Albus to report back to him whenever he felt ready. While appreciated, the crux of the matter was that Albus wasn't entirely sure when that would be ready. Not having subjected himself prior to such an intense level of burnout, he had naively figured it would have abated after a day or two of rest. Yet it had been four days since his return, and an all-encompassing metaphorical weight sat  on him, draining the willpower to do even the most basic of menial daily tasks. It was starting to concern him. Or rather, it concerned him when he could manage to 'feel' at random intervals interjecting themselves into his presently numb and brain-foggy experience.
He sighed laboriously, the culprit of his melancholia-like state presently a mix of numb boredom, and languid, liquidous apathy for himself and everything around him. He knew he ought to at least get up and find breakfast. Getting out of bed and dressing for the day had already felt monumentous, sapping the reserves of his carefully cultivated energies from the last few days. If he were in a moment of lucidity, he would lightly chastise himself for finding such a simple, normal thing to be so difficult. But it wouldn't serve him any further to be irritated with himself - no matter how tempting negative self-talk would be during the uselessness-inducing miasma he found himself in.
Dramatic eons later - which in non-burnout time was twenty or so minutes - he wandered near-trancelike through his quarters, towards the door, and out into the hallway. A polite few nods were managed with the odd colleague that Albus passed as he descended the stairs to the main floor, pausing briefly by the pigeon hole mailboxes in the common area foyer. To his surprise, there was something in his inbox: a single parchment folded once width-wise. He hadn't expected anything after collecting his stack of mail upon his return to the order. So this letter was a complete surprise.
"To a wonderful, magnificent friend and human being. I've never met someone so strong and giving and kind against all odds the way you've been facing everything. Take the time to relax, you deserve it."
Well that was a lovely start. At fast glance there appeared to be no signature, and while the penmanship looked a little familiar he couldn't quite put his thumb on who might have written it. Why had they chosen to remain anonymous?Following the complimentary blurb was a list of items titled 'self-care ideas'. He quickly scanned the list, noting the first few and lumping them together in their relevance:
• brew a cup of your favorite tea and look out the window for a bit • cut up some fruit to eat and arrange it nicely on a plate • bake something or make a nice dinner for yourself
Tea and fruit sounded appealing. Main breakfast hours would start soon, so he would have to be quick if he wanted to secure himself something from the mess hall before having to deal with an onslaught of students and faculty.  Requesting tea and fruit from the kitchen staff wasn't quite what the list had suggested, but once he received his order, he found a spot to sit near a window and rearranged the fruit slices and berries on the plate in some semblance of a floral mandala. Once the breakfast tea had brewed and cooled sufficiently, he held the cup in both hands as he let his gaze wander to the outside scenery. Little thought passed through his mind. It was equal parts unsettling, and yet somewhat nice to just have a silent inner self. Yet, it was strange - he was so used to his mind always working, deducing, planning, considering, analyzing… having such an active brain was something he had quietly prided himself on.
What if this was the new 'normal' for him? Is this was it was like for 'regular' people? For non-academically gifted folks? Goodness, how boring. He stopped his motions at that thought and paused to gave his head a light shake. This was not a healthy worldview to further entertain. One must maintain some level of altruism, and use any gifts with a modicum of humility.
Closing off those thoughts, he removed the note from his pocket, unfolded it, and continued down the list:
• reread an old favorite book - or just your favorite chapters • [read] about something you find interesting, even if it’s one you’ve [read] before • read some poetry, or write some of your own • make origami with book pages • tidy your desk
The last thing Albus was interested in was looking at another book any time soon. And yet, the ideas were solid to his reasoning and he hoped to find the energy to entertain them in the next few days. Although, perhaps if he tried the first item, it might kindle an interest in the following suggestions. Once returned to his quarters, he went to his desk and perused the shelf where he had curated favoured books and tomes. They were all academic and research-based in their own way, even the more topically 'spiritual' books. One book held his interest for a few minutes, but he really didn't have it in him to continue to read further on ritual entrancement practices of the world.
A quiet sigh elicited, and he abandoned the reading suggestions for the time being. Especially the origami with book pages? The absolute audacity. But he considered making an attempt with note paper later. As for tidying his desk, it wasn't entirely messy but it wasn't absolute chaos. Organized clutter, despite the oxymoron.
• lie on the floor for and listen to music
Well that sounded a bit silly. But it was different, and might shake things up a bit. A record of an orchestra playing works of Tchaikovsky was chosen and set up on the gramophone. Albus eased himself down to the floor and moved to lay flat on the carpet, feeling a bit ridiculous as he did so, listening to the music for a few moments. He couldn’t quite decide what to do with his hands, changing them from clasped together over his chest, to spread wide out on either side of him. The whimsy of the activity made him feel a bit like he was a child again, which was soothing for a few seconds before he decided he'd quite had enough of engaging in such behaviour. Sitting up, he looked at the list again.
• put on classical music and take a long bath/shower
The music was already playing. Upon further consideration, he had worked so hard to gain these quarters which had the luxury of a half-bath section. He might as well further appreciate the advantage. Yet filling and draining the basin was a bit labour intensive. While being clean was a necessity to him, he rarely took long soaks, and typically opted for the shorter methods in order to cut down on time spent preening and grooming. With no pending research, lectures, or plans, he could afford to do this.  It ended up being a good and relaxing soak; the warmth of the water relieving, lingering muscle tension, the lavender soap's scent heady and soothing, the music filling the emptiness in his mind with joyful entertainment. Afterwards, he dried and dressed, feeling quite rejuvenated as he glanced the list again for the next items:
• if you’re religious or spiritual, spend some extra time on your prayers/meditation • light a candle and watch the flame
Both of these could easily be achieved  in the Order's chapel. While he was not exactly religious, he held knowledge of the sacred and the profane being tangible aspects of their world. They existed, yet he did not believe entirely in the concepts of Heaven and Hell being particular afterlives for Humans. If Earth was the realm of humanity, he considered the other two as realms of their respective inhabitants. Cross visitation between realms was possible, but Humans had too many limitations on their species to be able to persist in the other realms for long. These were, of course, theories that he was both interested, and loathe, to test for himself.
The chapel was of Christian Orthodox decoration, every finery imaginable on display. Likenesses of Saints and  other holy figures adorning the windows, walls, carved into pews, and as intricate statues placed in key areas of visibility. Albus wandered down the center aisle of the chapel's nave and headed for one of the ornate prayer candle holders on either side of the crossing dais. Lighting a candle, he knelt on the ground and stared at the flickering flame, giving silent thanks for the opportunities he had been afforded thus far in his lifetime.
Flame snuffed, he ventured outside and read the next objectives to attempt:
• go outside barefoot and stand in the grass until you feel just a little bit cold, then wrap yourself in a blanket to warm up • buy flowers for yourself (optional: press them between heavy books so you can keep them forever)
Some minutes later he attempted the first of the two in a secluded meadow just outside the Order grounds. It felt a bit embarrassing at first, but the self-consciousness soon faded and soothed into a feeling more akin to the child-like way he had felt when laying on the carpet listening to music. His eyes scanned around for flowers to fulfil the second of the list items, those he would press and turn into a bookmark either for himself or as a gift to a friend.
Returning home again, he pulled on a warm sweater to chase away the chill that the cool ground had given him, and looked at the last item on the list:
• write yourself a love letter and seal it with wax
A smile formed and he sat at his desk, feeling much better having gone through the motions of the list. Pulling out the appropriate stationary, he set about writing a short note to himself before folding it and sealing it shut for another time.
"I am enough, I deserve time to rest, and I am thankful for those around me."
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windermeresimblr · 4 years
Historical Paper Dolls: Ruffs
Last week, we discussed Gaulish fashion; today, we move...sixteen centuries forward, and discuss the fashion trend that makes your head look like a cake on a plate, viz., ruffs. Why? Because my story may or may not be taking a hard diversion into the late Renaissance/early Early Modern period. While there are some Sims outfits with ruffs attached, I’m going to focus on accessories. 
I’m also letting my story characters do the modeling; you’re all familiar with Alasdair, of course, but I’d like to formally introduce Doña Isabel Guiomar Cañizares y Esposito. (Don’t call her Isabel. She hates that.) The little dog,  Melitaia, actually belongs to Guiomar’s mother, Doña Delfina, but I miss my own little dog today, so I’m living vicariously through my Sims. (Alun and Joyeuse will return for the next installment, don’t worry!)
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Initially, the ruff began as a simple drawstring ruffle on one’s chemise or shirt. Then, some enterprising individual realized that they could make the neck portion of one’s chemise separate, so that you could change the part that touched your neck (with its potentials for food spillage, sweat, and makeup to stain the fabric) and not have to constantly change and launder all of your underwear every time you spilled your wine.  What began as a simple convenience for the wearer rapidly transformed into a fashion trend that took tens of yards of fabric, untold amounts of starch and dye, and resulted in the invention of specialized cutlery so that the wearer could eat or drink without interference from the ruff. You know, like any fashion fad.
Here, then, is the first expression of the ruff: a relatively modest frill of lace at the neck. The visible ribbon is seen in artwork of the era, although CAS is simply too clumsy to match the work of Durer and Holbein. 
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Of course, things could not remain simple for long; by the late 1500s, what began as a modest frill had quite increased. This is characteristic of ruffs by 1575 or so; Queen Elizabeth decreed that for her ladies in waiting, ten yards of fabric for a neck ruff and cuff ruffles was “enough.” However much fabric was used to make it, the ruffs were often dyed once they were finished. Some well-heeled individuals even dyed their ruffs with powdered cobalt, which Queen Elizabeth banned as the resulting blue color imitated the Scottish flag. 
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While the “head on a pile of cushions” look remained popular, especially in the more fashion-conservative areas such as Spain and the Netherlands, a new style emerged, one that emphasized horizontal width in addition to height and fluff. One common name for this style was the “millstone collar,” as the breadth was similar to a millstone. The millstone collar was also a unisex fashion, although men’s millstones were never quite as wide as the women’s millstones.
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Male ruffs lost steam, for the most part, by the 1600s; they deflated and transformed into the Van Dyck collars that spread across the shoulders. (Except in the Netherlands, but even they eventually deflated and became floppy collars.) So we’ll leave Alasdair in this last, rather boring, ruff for now, I’m afraid. 
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Guiomar gets to demonstrate the lengths to which ruffs extended. The millstone ruff lingered longest for women in the Netherlands; the rather conservative dress code did not seem to flinch at ever-expanding and impractical ruffs, at least for the upper class. 
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Whether entirely made of lace--thus providing a jump-start to the lace traditions of Italy, among other places--or lace and linen, ruffs soon prevented the wearer from easily touching their own face, let alone feeding themselves effectively. It was, therefore, a status symbol. 
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Of course, this wasn’t exactly convenient for the person who desired to use regular-length cutlery. Therefore, the “Elizabethan compromise,” or the open ruff, was created. This style of ruff had a wedge cut out of the front, which allowed the wearer much more freedom. This style of ruff was often attached to the wearer’s dress, and the open space could be quite wide, in order to show off one’s decolletage.
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This soon transformed into the gorgeous froth of wire and lace that was popularized by Marie de’ Medici, and became known as a Medici collar. All pretense of protecting clothes failed, but the aesthetic achievement was unparalleled.
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The face and bust were framed by a vertical wedge or semi-circle of lace, creating a very dramatic look. (Much like the tumultuous reign and regency of Marie de’ Medici!) However, this was the last gasp of the ruff.
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Thanks for reading! Now, go shopping! 
Alasdair’s Earliest Ruff: Neck accessory by Sintiklia | TSM “Noble Puffy Sleeves” Conversion by Cocomama
Alasdair’s Early Ruff: Unfinished personal conversion by me | TSM “Aris Vest Skirt” Conversion by Cocomama
Alasdair’s Millstone Ruff: Podium Queen necklace by Sintiklia | TSM “Noble Coat Green” Conversion by Cocomama
Alasdair’s Second Millstone Ruff: Halloween Collar by Shushilda (Sims3Planet link only; it doesn’t appear to be on her TSR account anymore?) | TSM “Aris Doublet Sword” Conversion by Cocomama
Guiomar’s Earliest Ruff: Neck accessory by Sintiklia | Turtleneck Accessory by @aroundthesims| Medieval Dress by Glorinosa
Guiomar’s Early Ruff: Unfinished personal conversion by me | Turtleneck Accessory | Store Archduchess Dress
Guiomar’s Millstone Ruff: Podium Queen necklace by Sintiklia |  Store Lady-in-Waiting Dress
Guiomar’s Big Millstone Ruff: Vampire Lucy’s neck accessory by Silfantasy |  | Wicked Witch of the West dress by Silfantasy | Anna’s Hat by Silfantasy
Guiomar’s Second Big Millstone Ruff: Artsims Collar by @murfeelee | Turtleneck Accessory | Store Colonial Fashion Dress edited by @sweetdevil-sims 
Guiomar’s Open Ruff: Elizabeth Bathory’s neck accessory by Silfantasy | TSM Medieval Queen Dress by @simlicious
Guiomar’s Medici Collar: Pandora Collar by @venusprincess-ts3 | Store Country Palace Dress
Guiomar’s Second Medici Collar: Queen of Hearts Collar by Murfeelee |  Queen Victoria top and skirt by All-About-Style | Halloween sleeve accessories by Venus Princess
Melitaia’s Collar: Ribbon collar by Daluved1 
Poses: Toto Too poses by Orangemittens | Puppy Love poses |  Victorian Portrait Poses by Danjaley | On Display poses by @studiok2sims​
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angelicichor · 4 years
Hello happy 2020! How are ya? Can I request some Nsfw Thomas Hewitt content? I love him so much, ❤
I’m kinda okay, just very disorganized lately, too nervous about school stuff and all ♥ But always willing to write for big boi Tommy uwu
♥ It has been a goddamn week.
♥ A week with both you and Thomas running errands, his staying at home and yours? 
♥ Well, you’ve been forced to stay in the middle of the road for GOD knows how long, trying to catch somebody’s, ANYBODY’S attention to bring them back home for dinner, but you were pretty sure that Hoyt just wanted you to wither and die out there, leaving you with only one big water bottle for the whole day, standing in the hot Texas sun, the sunscreen barely helping your skin not turn into bacon strips as you awaited another group of people to pass you, only to fool them into getting you home.
♥ And the sense that Hoyt could easily pull them over for no reason instead of you standing here, alone, didn’t help.
♥ It also didn’t help that you’ve been standing here, hungry, thirsty, sweating and bored out of your mind, your mind able to go only to a few places before coming back to Thomas, his adorable, expressive eyes, his strong, rough hands, his broad shoulders shifting underneath that shirt he always wore, though in this heat sometimes he’d bless the world with taking it off, revealing his beautiful chest and that monstrous bicep and… that brought you to your last problem.
♥ Being too horny for your own good.
♥ And there being no big-ass thick butcher man to fuck you into the ground.
♥ And yes, that was A HUGE PROBLEM.
♥ Your whole body was being too needy, only adding to your agitation and the need to choke Hoyt’s lights out for making you do this, but you couldn’t do anything about this, the family needed to eat.
♥ You sighed at the sky, eyes watching the moving sun and you guessed it was around 4 o’clock, the old bastard was bound to come for you any time now and maybe finally, FINALLY you could rest.
♥ But your prayer was thrown in the gutter as the loud bass of a guitar rolled towards you, cutting the otherwise quiet ambiance of the drylands you’ve been forced to stay in. Your eyes did their best to tell what was coming, the waves of heat not helping your focus, your vision literally melting, but you could tell what it was just by it’s size, a big ol’ black jeep, full of teens in nothing but tank tops and t-shirts, rocking along in the vehicle to some loud music. Rock n’ roll, you could tell that much, but couldn’t tell what band, a shame, but maybe Hoyt would let you keep their discs with you after they’re fresh meat.
♥ Putting on your sweetest smile you started waving at them and noticed one girl pointing towards you, excited, it seemed, and sure enough once they stopped she was the first to run to you, a tall, dark skinned brunette, beautiful and just shining in this weather, it was really such a shame. “Hiya, babe! Whacha doing here lil’ thing?” She asked you, clearly enjoying some new company and eager to hear your story, and you weren’t gonna disappoint.
♥ “Ah, I live here, sweetie. Well not HERE, ya know, but in these here regions, but my dumbass of a daddy left my ass here so he could go grab some smokes from the city, while I wait here to faint in this damn heat and not tell ma’.”  You scoffed and she gave you a long moan of worry, ruffling your hair. “Ah, baby, we’ll get ya home, don’tcha worry!” she cooed, before turning to the group of boy promptly starring at her ass. “Right, y’all?” she asked and they roared in confirmation.
♥ It was really a shame for those guys, but as you walked out towards the porch, catching the glimpse of Thomas’ hair in the window, all the guilt faded to the second plan. Trying to hide the haste in your voice you invited the 5 people inside, for dinner, something cold to drink and so the girl, Hannah, as you’ve learned, could scold your “papa”, something you were willing to see for sure, especially after crying to “mama” that “pa” had left you on the road to get smokes and Luda Mae slammed a tray of full glasses of water onto the table, shaking her head in disbelief, playing around with you. She did that rarely, but if it meant Hoyt getting an earful from a victim for no reason before they’re meat, then she’d be more into the idea. You both somehow loved Hoyt, but God, was he an asshole.
♥ There were no problems with the group, except for the boys getting rowdy with the tools in the shed, but Hanna told you she got them under control, you doubted that, but that let you slid into the basement, the chill of the room sending pleasant shivers down your spine, as did the rhythmic thuds of a cleaver cutting a block of meat clean off, once, again, and on repeat, as you leaned onto a wall, away from the pool of bloodied water right in front of the stairs, starring unashamedly at your dearly beloved’s arm tensing as he lifted the knife, only to lower it with enough power to create a small draft, making the metal tools above the bench clack against each other.
♥ ‘What a beast…’ you thought, a small smirk creeping onto your face, warning the world that you were up to no good.
♥ With another huff the cleaver stopped, getting locked into the wood and you saw his huge body shifting, slowly, cautiously, one brow cocking up at the sight of you, questioning why were you standing there like he didn’t notice you.
♥ His gaze made you shrink back, like a scolded child, but soon enough that deviousness took over, making you shuffle towards him, gently, shyly, coy, and straight away he knew - dangerous, but he stayed still, letting you have your fun. He could always tie you in the corner if things got too wild. He had work to do after all.
♥ With a tiny giggle you closed the distance, running your hand against the width of his covered back, before ducking to escape his grasp, instead jumping before him, your grabby hands clinging onto his apron in a light embrace, unable to circle him fully, joyful eyes focused on his expression, as his head bent slightly down, eyes squinting and brows furrowing with interest, the smirk on his lisp barely visible through the dark leather, asking - What are you doing?
♥ Your cheek nuzzled into his chest, eyes closing, with a happiness painting your face, comfort and he was about to hug you, realizing that you missed him.
♥ But you ducked again, leaving his hands to hang in the air, his head going even lower, air inflating his chest to flow out a second later in a longer, slightly frustrated breath. He had work, (Y/N).  
♥ Your smug smile didn’t help his frustration. His hands rested on the workbench, gaze focused on you, watching you giggle and hide under his apron, confusing him completely. 
♥ That is, until he felt your hand creep it’s way up from his tights to crotch, squeezing ever so lightly. Oh. OH.
♥ Thomas allowed his shoulders to relax, a warm chuckle rumbling through his body, his eyes closing to better feel your touch, feeling the lingering ghost of your fingers undoing his belt, listening to the small clack of the buckle, the small creak of pulled leather, then the clicking of the zipper coming undone in a slow motion, a deep breath moving through his lungs and out in a huff.
♥ He shuddered, feeling your breath on his boxers, your soft lips pressing onto his hardening length, welcoming it after a long time, trailing up, kiss by kiss, till it reached the tip, pressing a bit harder, a devious chuckle sounding underneath the man as he started breathing just a bit heavier, feeling his underwear becoming more and more uncomfortable. 
♥ You let one of your hands slide under his balls, stroking them lightly, while your other worked him up and down, letting you feel his member’s growth and Thomas’ growl above you let you know that he was getting impatient with your teasing. It was a good thing he couldn’t see your eye roll or vicious grin, you’d certainly get in trouble for that.
♥ Deciding it was unwise to test him any further you pulled his boxers down, just enough to free his raging cock, already leaking some pre-cum. It was nice to know he missed you too. 
♥ Your tongue trailed a long, slow line from his sack up to the tip, enveloping it with your soft lips and licking it gently, slowly making your way up and down, not taking him fully, while both of your hands trailed the muscle of his tights, firm and thick. The groan above you letting you know that he enjoyed the touch.
♥ Showing him mercy you pushed him down your throat, taking as much as you could, feeling the sting of his spread in your muscles and the slight reflex of his tip touching the back of your throat, then pulling back slowly, letting yourself calm down before setting a nice pace, feeling his body heat up, muscles twitch under your fingers, him trying to hold back, to lean into your touch instead of breaking your rhythm and his temperance lead out a moan from your lips when his tip hit your back again, the man sighing in pleasure as he felt the trail of your tongue pressing on his underside.
♥ With one of your hands massaging your heat now and the other stroking his balls, you knew the time for your control would be running short and Thomas’ hand pressing on the back of your head only confirmed your speculations. 
♥ The pressure shifted from your head to you the nape of your neck, gripping around it tighter, a harsh shove, making you gag, the depths of your throat collapsing around him, letting him groan in pleasure before pulling away, and you were forced down in a coughing fit, but not for long as his arms surrounded you, lifting you up and onto his chest, his back bending slightly so your eyes could met his.
♥ With one hand still holding up he trailed the other one to your cheeks, wiping away a single tear that dared come out when your reflex struck.
♥ Gently he placed you atop his work bench, leaning in to allow you the reach to his mask, a silent question if it was okay to go without it and your fingers tangling against it assured him, that it was just fine. There was no worry as it was left on the wood.
♥ And gently your lips touched his, letting him taste the saltiness of your skin, mixed with the bitter taste that he left on them, and both of you were ready for the next part… Except you’d have to wait for that.
♥ “Thomas! Come here boy!” Luda Mae called from upstairs and you could hear the sound of a gunshot soon after, right, the people. 
♥ You heard growl against your shoulder, where his head rested, his hands making the wood creak under his annoyed grip. 
♥ “It’s fine, go get them, darling. I’ll be waiting.” you laughed, letting your finger trail the scars covering his jaw. He rolled his eyes, an unsatisfied pout crooking his disfigured lips. “Don’t give me that attitude. It wasn’t YOU who had to stand on the sun for a WEEK to get them here! Do your part, Hewitt.” you scolded him and his face was unimpressed to say the least, chest puffing up in an angry sigh, a tongue poking out from his lips to taunt you. And you gasp. “How rude! You kiss your mother with that mouth?!” 
♥ He laughed, pressing a soft kiss on your lips - No, but you? Yes.
♥ You blushed at his boldness and watched as he picked up his chainsaw, the loud revving of it filling the otherwise silent basement. 
♥ “Good luck.” you hummed and he nodded, leaving for his hunt.
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imagesbyele · 3 years
redirect link from this post - don’t reblog!
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static preview / pastebin
you can zoom in in the preview to see the topbars (but it’s not exactly the same as a real tablet, which would be longer and thinner).
do NOT trust your tumblr preview when you go to the customization page or html editor. It messes npf photosets and more things, so you should check your blog page to see the changes. That and the preview window is smaller than your desktop and will likely show the tablet view.
important: I made my best to make spotify posts work when uploaded from mobile and edited with xkit, and if the thumbnail disappears after being edited it’s because tumblr is implementing a ‘you can’t modify posts uploaded from mobile’ policy and they disappear from dash too, not because of my code. Best to leave them untouched if possible.
some extra credits:
the gifpack I used for my container is from @octomoosey​ (see this and specifically this post ), the one for the sidebar is by @scottvandyne​ and is here
icons are from fontawesome, fonts from googlefont, background from pixabay modified by me, and so is the feather. Gif has been made from a final fantasy video.
In my credit page, as always, links to the posts with the scripts/fixes/tutorials I used in my blog and that I mentioned in the post that brought you here. Also, as always, audio-posts, tooltips, animations, and most things have been learned through octomoosey’s tutorials.
under read more a few explanations I promised in the other post, the sizes of several theme parts, and some instructions -which may be unneeded to people used to mess around with themes but I wanted to make sure those who are new to it can easily do it too/have some suggestions to follow if in doubt.
explanation about spotify players not being resized to be as small as possible:
the symbols you can use for your lists mark, right now a pentagon: here on w3schools.  You can copy the symbol or the second code present, the hex one, adding a \ right before. Or just copy the image itself. Could be a keyboard symbol too if you google them and paste them there.
when it comes to spotify posts I could have made it so that only the player is visible and there is no album art, as opposed to having, in the case of very small posts, a small but empty square where the album art is meant to be, but if I leave only the player visible and you post a playlist instead of one track people will have to click next every time to find out what other song are there, not have the menu under it to pick from like they do now. There will be only the player instead of the list you can see in the preview.
If you want to change that and just leave the audio-player with no album art but also no playlists tracks visible, you have to go in the html editor (use ctrl + f to search for .spotify_audio_player ) and follow the very quick instruction, it's just one number to change: max-height going from calc({select:postsize}px / 2)  to 80px.
sizes and some instructions:
that said:
.sidebar1img (in case for some reason you want to find it) , or the witch gif in sidebar1, is 180px for 220px. I’m actually using a smaller gif that got stretched to fit. 
 .sidebar2img or the feather you click on in the second sidebar, has no fixed height, just a max-width of 90% (and of 100px when in the topbar because it’s for smaller screens), but just so you know my image is 208px of width x 205 of height and I’d recommend a similar size. (.boounce-animation is what you need to look for, there are two for the different screen-sizes, if you want to edit position or size )
I’d also suggest using overlays (gif or big images) for container and sidebars backgrounds, especially the container as its width depends on posts size, and on desktop its minimum width is the post-size + 60px, max width is post-size + 80px, but on tablets it becomes 98% (biggest tablet that I can think of is 800px). Mine in the preview is 500px of width x 281px, a gif that can stretch because it’s an overlay from octoomosey’s packs.
(if you need to find them they are called .container , .sidebar1 , .sidebar2 present again at the bottom of the css within @media (max-width:1024px) {  } .
topbars are max 800px wide and max 120px tall so that should be your images size too (if you don’t upload any you’ll get the sidebar ones by default, stretched to fit.
the sidebars max width is 250px but they are 100% tall. Images will stretch to fit but for that reason I suggest at least 600px tall ones as that’s the min screen size of a desktop, so that the stretching won’t hide anything.  Of course when it comes to sidebars you can just try out your fave images and see if you like the result, they don’t have to be overlays or big patterns.
In any case you can always go to the html editor and look for .sidebar1 and .sidebar2, and mess with background-size, background-position, background-repeat and even background-attachment so you can find the perfect solution for you if the default one doesn’t work. 
I’m actually using the same giant gif of 1000x563 because I liked the final result, so I didn’t need to change them for my topbars in the preview.
The blending is the same as the one you pick for regular sidebars, if that doesn’t work for you, you can look for
.topsidebar1 and .topsidebar2 in the html editor (use ctrl+f to find things) and add
 to erase it and just have your normal image, or try some of the ones you know like multiply, hard-light etc.
here’s my example:
I used in sidebar1 an image of 250px x 600. In sidebar2 is 361x700. (bg color: violet and blending mode on multiply so all light spots would be purple-y) and it resized just fine.
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and 800px x120px images for my topbars which work even on super small screens
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3 notes · View notes
Washington, D.C. — The human ear is an amazing sensor. It can detect a wide range of sounds. But it often can’t discern subtle differences between similar tones. Nor can the human brain “record” sounds for playback and analysis. Such abilities could help shoppers looking for a good musical instrument. They also could aid vocal coaches. Now, two teens are turning to technology to tackle such acoustic challenges.
Isabelle Katz, 15, lives in Moraga, Calif. Hannah Shu, 14, resides in Seaside, Calif. Each had a science-fair project last year that performed detailed mathematical analyses of musical tones, among other things. These projects qualified each teen to become a finalist, late last month, in the ninth annual Broadcom MASTERS competition.
MASTERS stands for Math, Applied Science, Technology and Engineering for Rising Stars. Open to U.S. middle-school researchers, this program was created by Society for Science & the Public. (The Society also publishes Science News for Students.) Broadcom Foundation, headquartered in Irvine, Calif., sponsors the event.
Both Isabelle’s and Hannah’s projects were impressive. After all, each allowed the girls to make it through a screening process that knocked out at least 2,200 other applicants.
A sound analysis
Hannah has played the violin since she was eight. For her project, she asked a simple question: Does a high-cost violin produce better music then an inexpensive one? To answer that, she turned to math. She used it to compare the tones produced by different instruments.
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Hannah Shu, 14, of Seaside, Calif., came up with a way to analyze and display musical tones. Her technique could help violin shoppers distinguish good from not-so-good instruments.
CREDIT: Linda Doane/Society for Science & the Public
The teen recorded the same notes on her smartphone as she played them on different violins. Computer software then converted those recorded sounds into graphs. (This is the same sort of software that scientists use to analyze the songs of birds and whales, Hannah notes.) In her graphs, powerful pitch frequencies showed up in bright yellow. The software depicted less-powerful ones in a subdued purple. Hannah used these graphs to assess each violin’s overall sound quality.
In theory, a musical note has a single frequency. But in practice, that’s not true, Hannah points out. Stringed instruments, such as violins, produce “notes” that contain a range of frequencies, she explains. The dominant tone should be what’s called its fundamental frequency. That’s the sound a string makes as it vibrates back and forth as a single unit. Higher-frequency components of a string’s movements create what are called overtones. They develop when a string vibrates back and forth in a wave-shaped manner. The larger the number of waves there are between one end of the string and the other, the higher the frequency of that particular overtone.
In general, a musical tone is pleasing if the fundamental frequency is louder than its overtones. But poor-quality instruments don’t always produce such tones, says Hannah. The fundamental may be only slightly louder than its overtone. And in some, the overtones can dominate.
On average, each of the eight most expensive violins that Hannah tested cost more than $8,000. The cheapest 16 averaged just a bit more than $1,250 each. Maybe it’s no surprise, but the costliest instruments tended to produce better tones, Hannah found. Yet some low-cost instruments sounded nearly as good as the pricey violins.
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By recording musical notes and making them visible, Hannah Shu could easily tell a good violin (which produced notes with strong fundamentals [bright bars], upper image) from a bad one that produced weak fundamentals (dim bars at right, lower image).
CREDIT: Linda Doane/Society for Science & the Public
She now suggests that the type of analyses she did might help violin shopper identify a bargain — or avoid a dud.
Sonic bull’s-eye
When expert musicians refer to musical tones, they often use words like “fat,” “bright” or “mellow.” A bit vague, these terms could mean different things to different people, says Isabelle. Non-experts, especially, might become confused. So Isabelle decided to describe and clearly depict musical tones mathematically. That should provide data that would be equally useful to all.
As Hannah did, Isabelle recorded and analyzed the musical tones produced by stringed instruments. But unlike Hannah, Isabelle used pianos — three brands of them.
She started by analyzing 10 different recordings of the so-called middle C note from each instrument. It has a fundamental frequency of about 261 hertz. (One hertz is the same as 1 cycle, or vibration, per second.) For each brand, she calculated the average intensity, or volume, of the middle C’s fundamental tone. She did the same for each of that note’s first six overtones. Then, she graphed the seven frequencies for each brand of piano.
To make these graphs easier to compare, she adjusted each so that the loudest fundamental or overtone had a value of 1.
Each brand of piano, she showed, had a different balance of frequencies. Isabelle decided to depict her frequency maps using rings of different colors. The resulting maps looked a bit like an archer’s target. The blue center of the bull’s-eye represented the fundamental frequency. Just outside was a green ring. It depicted the first overtone. Outside of that ring were rings of (in order) yellow, orange, purple, black and dark green. The width of each ring related to the volume of that overtone.
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Isabelle Katz, 15, of Moraga, Calif., developed an alternative way to analyze and display musical notes. Her’s could help vocal coaches as well as instrument owners who want to evaluate sound quality.
CREDIT: Linda Doane/Society for Science & the Public
Such maps offer a type of “fingerprint” of the note for that instrument. These could be used to tell one brand of piano from another. And with just a little practice, Isabelle says, someone could learn to read such a graph and interpret a note’s balance of frequencies.
Her colorful bull’s-eyes could find many uses. For instance, they could be one way to monitor a piano’s tones over time. Indeed, big changes in a note’s fingerprint might signal it’s time to tune the instrument.
Vocal coaches might find these maps useful, too. They could record a student’s voice and then display its mix of frequencies. The coach could then compare that fingerprint to an ideal mix of frequencies for that note as sung by experts. Over time, a coach — or student — could monitor how a fingerprint changed and potentially improved.
Isabelle hopes to one day develop a phone-based app based on her technique. She also wants to file a patent on it, form a company and (maybe most of all) find investors who can help her develop her ideas further. For now, once she’s developed her app she’ll test it out on members of the choir in which she sings.
A sound reward
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. For her qualifying project, Isabelle nabbed the $2,500 second-place award in the Mathematics category at Broadcom MASTERS.
In most student science competitions, the majority of the finalists’ scores is based on their qualifying science-fair projects. That’s different from how it works at Broadcom MASTERS. Here, roughly four-fifths of the finalists’ scores are based on the creativity and teamwork they show in helping to solve on-the-spot research challenges.
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katymacsupernatural · 5 years
The Thunder Rolls
Dean X Reader, Michael Dean 
Word Count 3400
Written For: @spngenrebingo, @spndarkbingo
Squares Filled: I hate you (Genre) Body Control (Dark)
Warnings: Body control, nothing too graphic
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“Y/N, be careful,” Sam warned over the phone. “I really don’t like you being out there by yourself.” 
Just as you went to answer, your car slid to the side, taking all of your focus to get it back into your lane. The rain had been coming down hard and fast all day, and the old pavement roads were no match for it. 
“Y/N?” Sam asked, sounding a little frantic. 
“Just a stupid rainstorm,” you muttered, slowing down slightly. “But Sam listen. I’ll be fine. We both know this is for the best.”
You could hear the grind of his teeth over the phone. “Y/N, you think this is for the best. I’ve always disagreed. We work better together, and with Dean...well...it’s even more important that we stick together.”
Even the mention of his name was almost too much for you to take. “And Sam...I can’t. After everything that’s happened,” you sighed. “I need to get away for a while. Find myself. Because as much as I want it to happen, there is no way we’re getting Dean back. And I’m having a hard enough time handling that fact alone, let alone in the very place that reminds me so much of him. Please, don’t hate me for this.”
You could hear the sadness in Sam’s tone, the layer of defeat, and you hated yourself even more for it. But you couldn’t turn around. The Bunker was nothing but a nightmare to you now. A place full of misery, reminding you that you hadn’t been able to save Dean Winchester. The man that you loved. 
And now? You thought to yourself, pressing a shaky hand against your belly. It wasn’t just you that you had to think about. You had Dean’s legacy, your unborn child that no one had any idea about. You had to keep it safe, even if it meant running from the only life you had ever known. The only family that had ever been there for you. 
“Y/N, I could never hate you. You know that. You’re like a sister to me,” he was silent for a moment. “Just keep in touch, okay?”
“I can do that,” you promised him. “Thank you for understanding.” 
Without another word, you hung up the phone, tossing it onto the passenger seat, wondering what your next move was going to be. Your only thought had been to get out of the bunker. To find someplace that you could blend in, get forgotten about. Raise your baby in peace until you knew what to do next. 
The thought of starting a new life terrified you, but Michael scared you even more. And that's why you had to do this.
Forcing yourself to take a deep breath, and then another, you finally calmed yourself down. Needing a distraction, you switched on your radio but switched it back off again as Lynryd Skynyrd started playing. It reminded you too much of Dean.
With silence filling the car once again, you stared out at the darkening road. The rain had refused to stop, coming down even harder than before. Lightning flashed, lighting up the road behind you. You wanted nothing more than to find some podunk hotel off the side of the road to rest until this storm let up, but you were miles away from any civilization. The thought of pulling over and parking for the night wasn’t that appetizing either, but neither was driving in this horrendous downpour. 
Another crack of lightning had you making up your mind. Looking to the side of the road for a safe place to pull off, you almost missed the man standing in the middle of the road. “Holy shit!” You exclaimed, swerving just in time to miss the man cloaked in darkness. Your tires lost traction, your car skidding out of control across the slick pavement. The cloaked figure stood there, uncaring that a car was crashing right beside him. 
You turned the wheel, but your car had long since given up on staying on the road. Bracing yourself, you watched as the trees came barreling up towards you, stopping your car instantly. Your airbags deployed, saving your head from smacking against the steering wheel. Your knee smacked the side of the car painfully as the passenger door crumpled under the pressure of the trees. Glass shattered, slicing your skin. 
As you tried to catch your breath, you could see the darkened figure striding over to the car, reaching down and pulling the driver side door open with ease. “Who are you?” You asked, even though deep down you knew who it was. The shape of the jaw, the width of the shoulders. He leaned in as lightning flashed across the sky, his green eyes so familiar. “Dean,” you whispered as his fingers touched the skin of your forehead. 
“Try again,” he muttered, his voice so cold and detached before his touch sent you spiraling into darkness.
The dripping of water pulled you from the heavy slumber you had been in. Your mouth felt dry, but otherwise, you were unharmed. Blinking slowly to get used to the dim light hanging from the ceiling, you quickly took stock of your surroundings.
You were in a small room, with one window to your left, a wooden door to your right. The walls had once been covered in a deep red wallpaper, but it was long since faded and peeling, falling down to the rotting wooden floor underneath you. 
The dripping of water came from the hole in the roof straight ahead. Drip, drip, drip into a small metal bucket. Glancing out the window, you could see the storm was still raging on. You were on the second floor of this ramshackle house, the driveway nothing but puddles and deep ruts. Lighting flashed through the pine trees surrounding the place, barely visible through the heavy clouds that hung low in the sky.
Turning back to the room you had been placed in, you were surprised to find no rope, no chains, or anything else to hold you from moving about.  The only furniture was a small wooden chair and the iron bed you were on sitting on. Standing up, you reached for the door handle, surprised when it easily gave away underneath your hand. Slowly, you pushed the door open, wondering what awaited you outside. 
It was dark in the hallway, no lights to show the way. Stairs led up to the left, while a long hallway was on your right. You could hear humming from up above you, in that deep, off-key that Dean always used.
You had to quickly remind yourself that it wasn't Dean. It only looked and sounded like Dean. But it was the Archangel Michael, who was terrifying and unpredictable. He scared you, completely and utterly. Especially now, since you had this precious life growing inside you. 
You took off down the hallway, trying to keep to the shadows, wincing when a board creaked under your footstep. The humming stopped, and you froze, holding your breath as you waited in fear. Seconds ticked by, seeming like hours before the humming started once again.
Breathing a sigh of relief, you continued on, finding stairs that led to the bottom floor.
The rest of the house was in as poor of shape as your room had been. Dusty sheets covered forgotten furniture. Two of the windows were boarded up tight, but the one by the door had been recently opened, the glass grimy, but you could see an old pickup parked outside.
Freedom was so close you could almost taste it. Taking the stairs as quiet as possible, you raced to the door. The metal was cold in your hand as you turned it when a voice spoke from above you.
"Freeze." He ordered, his voice full of authority, so cold and indifferent. Immediately your body followed his order, refusing to move. "I didn't expect you to be up and about so early."
You wanted to speak. To tell him off. But your vocal cords were frozen as well,  and you could only yell at him in your mind.
He slowly came down the stairs, making no attempt to unfreeze you. "I know what you're probably thinking. You’re scared of me, aren’t you? You want to get away, and keep you and that unborn child of yours safe."
Your heart stopped when he mentioned your baby. You had hoped he wouldn't recognize the fact that you were pregnant. If Dean was still in there, he would be finding out for the first time, and you didn’t want it to be this way. “Turn around,” he ordered.
Immediately your body complied, no matter how hard you tried to stop it. You were so close to being outside. So close to being free. A tear slipped down your cheek. In an unexpected move, Michael stepped closer, brushing the tear from your skin. “You can speak,” he said gently, another surprise from this Angel who turned your life upside down.
“I hate you,” you spat. “You’ve ruined my life enough, why can’t you just let me go?” 
“You hate me?” He asked, almost seeming surprised. “Sweetheart, I’m just doing what your precious Dean allowed me.” 
You couldn’t stand it. Sweetheart is what Dean called you, and hearing it come out so calculated...it hurt. “No, Dean asked you to stop Lucifer. But you went past that, stealing his body, ruining everything! You took him from me when I needed him the most."
Michael tapped his temple. "He's right here. He can see, hear everything that's going on. He was so mad at me when I found you. But I had to. I could feel all of these emotions he felt for you, and I wanted to see what was so special about you. But I'm still not convinced you're worth all of this...whatever it is."
"Then let me go," you pleaded. "I was leaving, getting out of this life. As far away as possible. Let me go, and you'll never hear from me again."
Michael tilted his head, his plump mouth closed as he considered your offer. It was so hard, seeing Dean, but all the little mannerisms were different. "I don't think so," he answered. "If I plan on ruling this world, and I do, I need to learn everything I can about it. And you're my perfect subject. You're loved by the man who is trapped in here with me. You are a strong-willed woman, one who is carrying a new life inside her. I want to observe you."
He started up the stairs, turning his head to gaze down at you. "Come on. We have plenty of work to get started with," he ordered, forcing your feet to move up the stairs, to whatever horror waited for you.
Months Later
It still looked the same. The bunker door had rusty colored leaves pushed up against it, but the door was still the same polished steel. Your heart racing, you barely had the energy to raise your hand and knock on the door. 
A part of you wanted to turn around and run. You weren’t the same girl that had left this place all those months ago, and you weren’t sure you were ready for Sam to see the haunted look in your eyes.
Seconds ticked by, your arms growing tired with everything you were holding. Tears stung the corners of your eyes. If nobody answered….you weren’t sure what your next move would be. If you would even have a next move.
What seemed like hours later heavy footsteps echoed through the thick door before it was pulled open. “Y/N?” Sam breathed, his eyes wide as he stared at you in shock and confusion. “What are...we thought...you were dead.” He stuttered, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out a flask. “If it’s really you, you won’t mind…,”
Covering the bundle in your arms, you shook your head. “I don’t mind,” you said just as your knees buckled. Without hesitating Sam came forward, scooping you up in his arms. 
“It can wait,” he muttered, pushing the door shut with his foot before striding down the stairs. Your head rested on his chest, your arms holding your precious cargo tight as he came into the library. Setting you down in a chair, he crouched down in front of you. You stayed silent as he ran the normal tests, holy water to make sure you weren’t a Demon, a silver knife to make sure you weren’t anything else. 
Laying both items on the table, he seemed satisfied. “Y/N, it’s been months. We couldn’t find you, and I thought...well I thought the worst.” 
“I was almost dead,” you whispered, shivering at the memories that haunted you. “But I persisted...For her.”
Sam finally got a good look at what you held so carefully in your arms. Your precious little daughter, who was only days old. His mouth opened and shut, no words coming out as he tried to get a grasp on the information he was just provided. While he took his time, you glanced around the place you had considered your home, feeling relief to be back. But it was short lived when a familiar frame filled the entryway.
"What is he doing here?" You whispered, clutching your sleeping baby tight to your chest. "I...I can't," you stuttered, moving to stand up. Everything that had happened to you the previous months rushing through your mind.
"Y/N wait!" Sam called out as Dean froze in the doorway. "It's not Michael!"
His words had you stopping with one foot on the staircase. "Michael is dead.”
“How?" you asked, still ready to run at a moment's notice.
"We can talk about that later," Sam insisted. "But it's safe for you here. Come, sit down, and tell us what happened."
Reluctantly you came back, sitting next to Sam as your daughter started stirring in your arms. Rocking her gently, she fell back asleep. Looking up, you caught Dean glancing down at her, a broken expression on his face. He stayed near the far end of the table, giving you the space you so desperately needed.
"As you know," you started, ignoring Dean and talking straight to Sam. "I had decided to leave after everything that had happened. But I was stopped."
"By Michael," Dean spoke up for the first time, his voice full of guilt.
You nodded, finding the next words hard to say. "He...he wanted an experiment, and I was the perfect specimen. Nobody would miss me. I was pregnant, alone, and he could still feel whatever...whatever Dean felt for me. It intrigued him."
"Dean told me what little he remembered," Sam said, glancing between you and his brother. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that."
A tear slid down your cheek. "It was horrible. The...things he made me do. The things he did to me. I was so sure I would lose my baby and my life. But he kept both of us alive. It was worse than Hell."
Both men's eyes widened at that news. They knew you weren't being dramatic. You had been sent to Hell almost four years ago, rescued by Dean with help from Crowley.
"Listen," you mumbled. "Can we talk in the morning? I'm exhausted, and I need to change this little girl's diaper and feed her."
"Do you have the supplies you need?" Sam asked, noticing what little you had walked in with. 
Your shoulders slumped in defeat as you realized you didn't. You had no clothes for your baby, and the diapers you had stolen at the gas station were almost gone. "Give me a list, I'll run into town."
Smiling your thanks, you started to head down the hallway when you quickly realized something. You had shared a room with Dean before the...well before. But you couldn't do that, not now.
"Take the room across from mine," Sam suggested. "Mary stayed there, so it's clean."
You stepped into the room, staring at the nondescript brick walls, the simple tan quilt covering the bed. It was so much better than you had seen for so long. You couldn't wait to sink into the bed and sleep, but Charlie was moving about, finally waking up. 
"Hey there," you whispered, pulling down the tattered blanket to find two green eyes staring up at you. "We're safe now," you assured her, hoping it was true. 
Sitting down on the edge of the bed, you pulled down your loose fitting shirt, letting your hungry daughter start feeding. With your shirt down low, you could see the ugly welts and scars covering your skin, a reminder of the time you had spent being prisoner to an archangel.
A quiet knock sounded on your door, pulling you from the nightmares. "Y/N, can I come in?" Dean asked, his voice full of uncertainty. 
For a moment you wanted to say no. You weren't sure you could face him again. But it had been Michael, not Dean that had done those things to you. And you knew you couldn't punish the man for the Angel's manipulations. "Sure," you finally answered.
He stepped inside, freezing at the scene in front of him. Charlie was still attached, happily nursing away. Your shirt was still down low, showing the curve of your breast and the beginning of the scars covering you. "I just…," he started. "I wanted to come….and see. How you are doing, how the baby...our baby. And I know it doesn't make things better, but I'm so sorry."
You could see the pain hiding deep in his green eyes. Eyes that looked so much like Charlie's. Pushing past everything that told you to run, you tried smiling up at him. "Do you want to meet her? Your daughter?" You asked. 
He nodded, moving forward uncertainly, coming to stand in front of you. He could see the light brown hair covering the top of her head, the pale, rosy skin covering the rest of her. "She's beautiful," he whispered.
"Charlie looks a lot like you," you told him, knowing the name would come as a shock to him.
"Charlie?" He repeated, his hand hovering above her hair.
"She was my best friend," you said. "It just seemed fitting."
He finally moved his hand down, lightly brushing it across the downy softness of her hair. "Is she? He didn't do anything to…," he started to say.
Shaking your head, you made sure to catch his gaze. "I don't think so. Shes only a couple of days old, but I haven't noticed anything."
He gulped, his eyes catching one of the deep scars on your shoulder. "And you? Y/N, I was there for most of it. I know what he did. How are you?"
"Barely hanging on," you whispered. "He left, but I had nowhere to go. I prayed to Cas, but he never heard me. I was bedridden, the slightest movement agony. And I was all by myself, hoping Sam would come find me. But he didn’t. I ran out of food a week ago, was almost too weak to give birth to her."
He ran a hand through his hair, frustrated and ashamed. "If I hadn't of said yes to that bastard," he muttered but you interrupted him.
"If you hadn't of said yes, Lucifer would have killed us and everything we knew. I don't blame you for what Michael did to me. It's just….," you sighed. "It's hard seeing that face. A face I loved so much. And not remember everything that happened to us."
You could see your words had hurt him. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he stared mournfully down at you. "So where does that leave us?"
Charlie took that moment to move. Full of milk, she turned her green eyes toward her Dad, reaching out one chubby little hand. It was like she recognized the bond, that this man was an important figure in her life. "I don't know," you answered truthfully, hoping that for her sake, someday you could work things out.
Thank you for reading!! Reblogs/Comments make my day!!
Dean/Jensen Tags: @acortez82 @acreativelydifferentlove @adoptdontshoppets @a-girl-who-loves-disney @akshi8278  @bebravekeeponfighting  @brindz30 @cap-just-said-language @colette2537   @deansgirl215   @its-not-a-tulpa @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @just-another-winchester @karouwinchester @keikoraventeller  @krys198478 @librarygeekery @misspygmypie @mlovesstories @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk   @ria132love @ruprecht0420     @sortaathief @superseejay721517 @squirrelnotsam @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @torn-and-frayed @tricksterdean @wonderfulworldofwinchester @woodworthti666
Forever Tags: @alexwinchester23 @algud @amanda-teaches @andreaaalove   @artisticpoet @atc74 @be-amaziing @camelotandastronauts @caswinchester2000 @chelsea072498  @closetspngirl   @docharleythegeekqueen @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008  @esoltis280   @gh0stgurl @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek  @heyitscam99 @hobby27 @horsegirly99 @internationalmusicteacher @iwriteaboutdean  @jayankles @jensen-gal @just-another-busyfangirl @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @lifelovelaughangell123 @li-ssu @linki-locks11 @littleblue5mcdork  @lowlyapprentice   @maui137 @mogaruke @musiclovinchic93  @nanie5   @percussiongirl2017 @plaid-lover-bay25   @roonyxx @ronja-uebrick @roxyspearing @samanthaharper2018 @samanddeanmyheroes @sandlee44 @shamelesslydean @simonsbluee @sillesworldofwriting @sgarrett49 @spnbaby-67 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spnwoman   @superbadassnatural @thatcrazybookwormgeek   @thewinchesterchronicles @vvinch3st3r @wecantgiggleitsafandom @whimsicalrobots @winchester-writes @zombiewerewolfqueen
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onegirlatelier · 5 years
Hyacinth Mittens, March 2019
These mittens represent many firsts for me: my first pair of mittens, first time making mittens convertible, first stranded colourwork project, and even first time knitting 2*2 rib. I have sure learnt a lot from knitting these lovely mittens. I am rather pleased with the result, and they will be a cherished item in my accessory drawer.
I name them Hyacinth mittens, because the contrast colour used for the pattern is very similar to the colour of my hyacinths this year, and the flowering season has just passed. Those were some beautiful hyacinths! What amazes me is that the petals remain deep violet even after the flowers withered and I cut off the clusters. I hope that the stems will also dry up nicely so that I can keep them for some time.
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Mittens for Mimi by Anna Mazzarella. The instruction is very clear and it was all I needed to knit my first pair of mittens. I had to look for a few tutorials on stranded colourwork and 2*2 ribbing, but they were not difficult at all. Now that I know them, I can do more projects involving those techniques.
The only thing is that the pattern does not including precise sizing or gauge. I knitted a swatch in colourwork pattern. (See modification below.)
It took me five days to finish this pair of mittens. The first one took longer because I took it with me on my trip to Suzhou, and after finishing it I just whipped up the second one in one day and an afternoon.
Main colour (MC, white): Sandnes Garn Alpakka, 100% alpaca, ca 110m per 50 g. #1012. This 4ply yarn is so beautiful. It is very soft and fluffy. The Sandnes Garn website claims it to be their most heat-insulating yarn, though that remains to be tested. If I can afford more, I will sure consider it for future projects.
Contrast colour (CC, purple): Lotus Yarns Sunset, 70% merino 30% soybean, ca 120m per 50g. #263. I have mixed feelings for this single ply, variegated yarn. On one hand, I like its colours and the soybean fibre lends it some luster and strength. On the other hand, the thickness is inconsistent and it is seriously loosely spun, which is not ideal for everyday mittens that need to withstand a lot of friction. I tried to pull it really hard once, and whilst I could hear the sound of fibres breaking, the effect was not visible.
Both are non-superwash yarns and the Lotus Yarns company is local to me, which is a good thing towards my goal of minimising my environmental impact.
Each mitten, before adding the cuff to make it convertible, weighed 31g. I was left with 15g MC yarn and 24g CC yarn. Then to make it convertible, I used some MC (white) yarn for the cuff on the outside, and CC (purple) yarn for the cuff on the inside.
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 (The strand on the right is the MC yarn, the other two are the CC yarn. You can see the inconsistense of the single ply yarn, especially in comparison to the thinner, more consistent 4 ply yarn.)
I used a 2.75mm circular needle for the ribbing, and a 3.25mm circular needle for the colourwork. (The original size small asks for 3.25mm needles only.) I prefer longer needles for magic loop—80cm is fine, 120cm might be more comfortable.
For the ribbing: I casted on with white (MC), did two stabilising rows, then one round of 2*2 set up. Then I knitted 8 more rounds in 2*2 rib. After that: four rounds in purple, three rounds in white, four rounds in purple, four rounds in white, followed by an increase round.
The mittens are a bit tight on the lower part. This is probably because of the pattern design—there are increases from the start of the colourwork to the thumb placement line. I have noticed that some other mitten designs have the same stitch number throughout the colourwork until it reaches the top bit; in these designs the width of the mitten is consistent and determined by the widest part of the hand.
The ribbing was also a bit tight since the needle I used was smaller than recommended. However, I’m not worried about tightness problems in either places since mittens can stretch out. I’d rather have them snug than loose.
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I wanted the mittens to be shorter, and so rewrote the pattern for the finger tips on both the main part and the thumb part. I managed to decrease the length by four rounds on the main part and two rounds on the thumb part.
Here is what I did:
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Red=CC, purple in this case.
Grey=the first after and last stitch before the side stitches. These can be plain knit stitches or decrease stitches.
The rounds labeled ‘original’ are included in the original pattern. The rounds above those are modified by me.
I wish I had used white for Q13, and red for Q28 and W28. I think that would be prettier and more consistent with the original pattern.
What I wish I had done:
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I also made these mittens convertible, following a high-quality tutorial by Eva of The Charm of It podcast.
She used DPNs whilst I preferred circular needles. I used magic loop method for the cuff on the inside. I did it with the working section behind the on-hold section, and for this to happen, I purled the palm-side stitches after casting on the back-side stitches using long tail cast on. I did this with the tip of the mitten towards me. As I purled from my right to my left, I created a row of knit stitches from the left to the right of the palm in the normal direction. After that, I divided the stitches and started 2*2 ribbing with magic loop. By purling an entire row before ribbing, I also avoided the dotted line.
(If you knit as in the video instead of purling in the opposite direction, you're going to have to work with the working section in the front in magic loop.)
For the cuff on the outside, I picked up the right leg of the V to keep the stitches tight and avoid holes.
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Finished measurements
Ribbing at wrist: 13cm in the round (but obviously it’s very stretchy)
Bottom of the palm (just above the ribbing): 8cm across the palm, i.e. 16cm in the round
Widest part of the mittens: 9.5cm across the palm, i.e. 19cm in the round
Length excluding ribbing: 18cm
Length from above ribbing to before decreasing for the tip: 13.5cm
Length from above ribbing to thumb: 4.5cm (notice you keep increasing stitches at the palm during this part)
Thumb measures 9cm in the round, about 6.5cm in length from where you place the waste yarn to the tip
Wearing them
The finished mittens feel comfortable on my hands (I don’t really have sensitive skin), but a bit scratchy on my face. I am not sure which one of the two yarns to blame yet.
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Further considerations
I will definitely be making more mittens in Selbu style. They are so pretty! I’m thinking about making two more pairs as gifts to my grandparents, since they seem to like mine.
I knitted the thumbs from the wrong side (the inside) because of my way of holding the needles. I picked up the stitches from the right side and then threaded in a waste yarn to turn it wrong side out to continue my work. It’s definitely easier to pick up stitches from the right side, but I think I won’t have to pull out my needles to be able to turn it if I maneuver the needles in the right way.
I do not wear mittens that often, so when I do wear them, I want them really warm. I might consider making mittens using thicker yarns and larger needles for a larger size, then knitting a lining which I can easily take out and wash if needed.
I did a regular cuff across the palm when making them convertible, however I’m thinking that a Latvian braid can be used on the outside. Wind shouldn’t be a problem even if the outside cuff is shorter (as it perhaps is in the case of a Latvian braid) since the inside cuff can be knitted wider, and there would still be a nice overlap.
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pohocounty · 6 years
i haven’t written a big old creeper biology post in awhile so let’s talk fun facts about his body structure  &  the general components of his physical being.
he has  MASSIVE  shoulders, for one, thickly corded with muscle and as sturdy as fucking steel.  more specifically, he has a powerful upper body in general, including his chest and arms, because he’s built for flight despite his humanoid anatomy  --  which necessitates both having giant wings    ( a 32 foot wingspan, to be exact! )    and a well-developed, knotted network of muscle to support the body when being carried by them.  the wings function as a secondary set of arms;  the palms and thumbs of the  ‘hands’  of his wings are extremely visible.  the webbed tissue is stretched so tight and thin between the fingers of his wings that, when used correctly, can act the same as a high-strung wire snapping into momentum and gliding through a block of cheese  --  razor-sharp, and able to cut through human flesh  +  bone like a hot knife through butter.
i don’t like the depiction of him as this  ...  super cut, toned creature with hershey-bar abs.  given how much he eats and how often he uses his upper body to throw weapons and lift shit up  --  including himself  --  i like to think he has a firm but round belly, with his most defined muscle located in his chest, back, and limbs, where all the major work is done.  his core is strong, but it’s strongman-strong, not body-builder-model strong.
dulu is also built for  running.  he doesn’t have the long legs and slender torso of a runner, by any means;  he’s built for power and endurance, not speed.  a cheetah is built to sprint for short bursts, and dulu is built to run at a steady pace, sometimes for over half an hour, without tiring.  his thighs, ass, and calves certainly haven’t suffered for it.  the muscle there is as firm and thick as the muscle in his biceps and shoulder-blades  --  and yes, he knows he’s pretty.
usually, he flies  --  he doesn’t glide.  by flying i mean he flaps his wings to maneuver and carry himself, rather than relying on the power of the wind.  however, JC2 shows us that he’s  able  to perform a multitude of in-air tasks such as riding a wind-current    ( gliding low to the ground in pursuit of a truck, using its wake to carry his body along ),   dive-bombing with his wings folded against his legs and torso to form a torpedo-like shape out of himself, and rocketing straight up into the sky, disappearing from view within seconds  --  but these actions expend a lot more energy than flying as he usually would    ( slow, methodical propelling of the wings ),   so he tends to save them for emergencies, or only resort to them whilst in a manic state.
he possesses, as a majority of insects and insectoid creatures do, an exoskeleton  --  chitinous tissue that guards the soft meat underneath.  any internal bones are stolen from what he consumes off of human bodies;  at this point, he is a simultaneously exo-  and  endo- skeletal being.  almost none of the bones of his endoskeleton are properly connected, allowing him to twist and bend in wholly unnatural positions so long as his external armor permits the movement.  his skull is not connected to his spine, which we also see in JC2, given that he is easily able to remove and replace his own head  --  his entire body is held together by these frilled, fin-like structures cradling every major joint and join of his form.  he is at his most vulnerable when highly agitated, as these structures loosen their grip on his head and limbs in order to puff out as a sort of threat display.  his temper is,  quite literally,  his downfall.
the creeper isn’t totally void of body hair.  the backs of his calves and elbows have tufts of white down jutting out from them, and a mane of white fluff starts at the back of his head and hugs him around the width of his neck, tapering down between his pectorals and ending there.  his mane continues in a ridge of fur down the length of his spine, tucking down between his glutes / inner thighs and emerging between his legs, dying off just below his slit  --  giving the impression of pubic hair, although his groin itself is relatively hairless.  he also has eyelashes and, in some instances, a dotting of salt-and-pepper stubble along the hard line of his jaw.
his claws are  retractable,  as are his teeth.  this proves especially convenient when he doesn’t want to shred his own clothing.
dulu’s feet are  ..  you know  ..  foot-shaped, but with elongated toes and an ankle-bound dewclaw.  the digits here are prehensile, functioning as fingers when necessary and able to easily maintain their grip on over 200 pounds of weight    ( think  ‘bat feet.’ )
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yourboatholiday · 3 years
Start your Next Boat Itinerary from Trogir!
Thanks to its central geographical position to the eastern Adriatic coast, Trogir is one of the most important Croatian tourist ports for those who decide to visit the Dalmatian coast, Montenegro, and beyond.
In this article, we get to know this small but important port by imagining what could be a possible itinerary to take with your rental boat. Follow us!
Where is Trogir located?
Trogir is located in Dalmatia, a Croatia region overlooking the Adriatic Sea, and precisely in its central part, the one bordered by the rivers Krka to the north and Neretva to the south. Its proximity to another important Croatian city, Split, makes Trogir easily accessible by air. The Split International Airport is in fact only a few kilometers from its historic center.
What are the characteristics of this marina?
Moorings available in the port of Trogir are essentially two:
It is indeed possible to moor directly along the quay or even in front of the historic center, with the possibility of using electricity and running water. For those who opt for this choice, we recommend positioning in the eastern part as it is less busy by tourist traffic both people on land and boats in the water.
Alternatively, there is an ACI marina located on the other side of the canal. The marina has 180 places in the water for boats with a maximum draft of 18 meters. It offers a variety of services including technical assistance, a petrol station, various charter agencies, and a restaurant.
What to visit nearby?
Its strategic position has made Trogir a town with a long history. Both the Greeks first and the Romans then used the port as a center of trade, especially for the nearby production of high-quality white marble. The influence of the Venice Republic was very strong too and is still visible in the city’s architecture.
Today Trogir is a true medieval jewel of over 2,000 years enclosed within walls and stands on a small islet connected to the mainland. For the impressive number of Baroque and Renaissance buildings, it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997.
Its historic center is very special, enclosed in a small island protected by a wall, connected by two bridges to the mainland and to another island to the south, the island of Čiovo. Its narrow streets overlook splendid Romanesque and Renaissance buildings, dating back to the period of the city’s greatest splendor.
The architectural jewel of Trogir is the wonderful San Lorenzo Cathedral, built between the 13th and 15th centuries by the Venetians. It is possible to climb the bell tower, which is 47 meters high, to enjoy a beautiful view of the city and the nearby islands.
The most popular beach around Trogir is Okrug Gornji on the island of Čiovo. This 2 km long pebble beach, named Copacabana, can be reached on foot thanks to the bridge that connects it to the old city. The closest beach to the center of Trogir is Pantun, a sand and pebble beach on the estuary of the Patan River.
What destinations to navigate in a possible 7-day boat itinerary?
The following are just some of the possible destinations that can be reached from Trogir by boat. To find out more about a possible itinerary of this type, do not hesitate to contact Your Boat Holiday, our reference charter agency.
Split is the second-largest city in Croatia by population and an essential stop on a south-central Dalmatia holiday.
Among its attractions, it is certainly worth mentioning the splendid Diocletian’s Palace, a small town within the city built in precious white stone that creates a striking contrast with the color of the sea.
The elegant city center streets and the seafront offer visitors the opportunity to shop while enjoying the city liveliness.
Split is also home to a number of cultural activities including prestigious festivals, international movies and theater events, and traditional folk festivals.
If you are looking for nightlife, there is certainly no lack of it here, with a wide choice of pubs, clubs, and discos.
Brac is the largest central Dalmatian island with its beautiful Mediterranean landscape characterized by steep cliffs, pine forests, and deep waters.
A day to spend here can only be dedicated to the Zlatni Rat beach or the “golden horn”. It is a very famous beach made of sand and pebbles in the shape of an arrowhead located in the village of Bol. It is so famous to appear on most dalmatian postcards.
Hvar is the most visited island in Croatia and is considered the most exclusive Croatian island. Among ancient villages immersed in the lavender scent, renowned locations such as Hvar city stand out, an elegant medieval town enclosed within fourteenth-century walls, surrounded by pine forests and overlooking a blue sea. Over time it has built a reputation as a “glamorous city”, where you can find luxurious hotels, elegant restaurants, and a long line of bars and clubs for young people looking for nightlife.
The Hvar city marina is one of the best anchorages in Croatia and maybe of the Adriatic Sea. It is also the best starting point to discover the hundreds of coves and bays that makeup Dalmatia.
Dubovica Probably the most famous beach on the island, a pebble beach with a crystal clear sea.
Enchanting beaches, ancient villages, and fine white wines have made this small island, only 47 km long and only 5 km wide, an unmissable stop on a Dalmatia trip. Food and wine tourism are attracting an increasing number of travelers who love wines produced here.
One of the most famous tourist attractions is also the alleged birthplace of Marco Polo. There is no firm evidence that he was born here, but tradition points to Korcula as the birthplace of this famous explorer.
There are many beaches, bays, inlets, and coves that shore up the coast. Among the many we point out, Vela Przina, the Korcula most popular sandy beach frequented by tourists and locals. It is located near Lumbarda, in the southern part of the island.
Lastovo Archipelago Nature park
In the center of Dalmatia, there is one of Croatia’s most beautiful and wildest islands, Lastovo. Home to a military base, it remained closed to tourism until 1998, which is why today it retains its extraordinary beauty. The island is surrounded by 46 smaller islands that form the Lastovo Archipelago, a wonder for all sailing lovers but also for those looking for unspoiled nature.
The most famous bay is Pasadur, located on the western side, about 3 km north of the Ubli port. Here it is possible to visit two saltwater lakes that can be reached thanks to paths in the woods: Velo Lago and Malo Lago.
Mljet National Park
Mljet National Park is located in the northwestern part of the island Mljet and occupies most of it. The park has an area of ​​3000 hectares and the lakes area is accessible only on foot or by bicycle, or by kayak or canoe.
The island is perfect for those who love trekking. It is worth reaching the highest peaks, Veli Gradac and Mali Gradac, or exploring the caves in the hinterland. In the territory of the National Park, there are also numerous paths to be covered on foot or by bike.
Do not miss the visit to the Ulysses cave which is located south of the island, it is an oval karst cave whose bottom is covered with water. It can be reached both by sea and by crossing a staircase by land. It is so-called because it is supposed that here the goddess Calypso held Ulysses prisoner for 7 years before letting him go.
The island is also one of the best places to dive. Among the best spots are Goli Rat, Lenga, and Odisejeva špilja.
Tivat, Porto Montenegro
Our final destination is in Montenegro and it is located in Kotor Bay, an area protected by UNESCO. Porto Montenegro is both a fashion destination and a classy marina with the best services and a luxurious residential village. This impressive marina offers 450 berths and a range of high fashion shops, restaurants, elegant bars, and bistros, as well as a wide range of sporting, recreational and cultural services. All conveniently reachable from the nearby Tivat International Airport.
In short, the best way to end your Dalmatian holiday and… start thinking about the next one!
Contact  now YBH Charter Brokers:
You can contact us by sending an email at [email protected] or by phone, calling +39 33436 00997, available also on WhatsApp for both calls and texting.
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  Start your Next Boat Itinerary from Trogir!
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anissagraces · 7 years
Big ass gif tutorial
It’s been a while since I made a coloring tutorial, and I thought it would be useful if I made a full tutorial on how I make my gifs. I will go over: 
how to screencap
making your gif in ps
coloring that gif
putting subtitles on a gif
saving that gif
you will need
a hd copy of the episode/movie you want to gif 
potplayer (or kmplayer)
a version of photoshop (I use CC)
a sharpening action 
A psd or patience to color your own gif
end result:
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Everything will be under the cut. Warning: this will be picture heavy and text heavy. English is my third language so there will probably be some mistakes in here.
If this is the first time using photoshop, your startpage will look pretty blank. I’ll show you what you need to make visible to gif. 
Click on “window”. The screencap I made of the settings is pretty big so click here if you need to see it.
Not seen in the picture but useful: actions, properties, character, paragraph
Okay first of all, you’ll need your file. I recommend downloading µtorrent, then going to a torrent site (like rarbg.to) and searching for your episode or movie. ALWAYS choose 1080p and web dl if possible (web dl means logoless) Example: wynonna earp s01e01, then in your search results, look for one that has both 1080p and web dl in the title. 720p is also good. 
You can also find twitters that post logoless episodes and movies, this is better if you don’t like using torrents or if you live in a country that gives you fines for torrenting (I’m lucky, Belgium doesn’t care). If you want a list of a bunch of twitters that share logoless episodes and movies, message me off anon so I can link you privately. 
When you have your file, download potplayer (or kmplayer). Open the program and open the file you want to cap. 
Search for the moment you want to gif. Tip: hover over the playline thing to see what scene is at what time. Normally it looks somthing like this: 
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  Press ctrl + g when you have the moment you want  This window opens:
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Change your settings to mine ^^. I made a new folder in my Pictures folder where all my caps go bc it’s easier to go to. It’s up to you where you save all of them, but I suggest you pick one you can easily access. Click start.
Click escape and start your video. Pause again when you have what you wanted (this can be a whole scene or a moment, depends on what kind of gifset your making). Press ctrl+g again and click “stop”, then close. 
Now go to the folder where you saved your caps. I always make another new folder inside that one, put all the captures in there (unless I’m doing a scene, then I’ll make 6-8 new folders and distribute all the captures in those folders. Note that with the 3mb limit you’ll be able to use about 60-120 captures per gif, sometimes more. You can always delete layers of your gif in case it goes over 3mb)
Tip: make all your screencaps before opening photoshop. If you’re making a general character/ship gifset, that can take a while, but it’ll save you time if you seperate the two actions. 
After you have taken all your caps, open photoshop. You can download it on any photoshop tumblr like yeahps or itsphotoshop. I cannot give you the link to mine because it doesn’t exist anymore, but I got it from kickass (rip).
We have our caps and our ps open, but now we have to open those captures in photoshop. Do not use ‘open’, but Files > Scripts > Load multiple DICOM files
I know a lot of people choose ‘Load Files into Stack’ but Load Multiple DICOM files is SO much faster. 
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This window will open
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Now you go to the folder where you saved all your caps, choose the file with the screencaps for 1 gif and open it. 
It might take a little bit for everything to load, especially if there’s a lot of screencaps, so just wait. 
When you have everything, click on “Create video timeline”. It might be called something different if you have another version of PS, but whatever it says here:
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(I know I know, I make pretty arrows lmao)
Then click those 3 boxes on the left side
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Next step is ‘make frames from layers’, after that click “flatten frames into layers”
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Obviously our gif doesn’t have to be as big as it is in ps right now, so we’ll crop to make it smaller. For this, you need to know the dimensions Tumblr uses: 
540px for 1 gif in a row 
268px for 2 gifs next to each other
177px - 178px - 177px for 3 gifs in a row (this is something annoying à la tumblr, and because it’s hard to predict which gifs you’ll put in the middle when cropping, I make them all 178px in width and then crop the ones I won’t use in the middle to be 177px after)
You can choose to use the old dimensions which are 500px, 245px and 160px.
These are the widths, you can choose the heights yourself. For this gif I’ll be cropping 268 x 150
This is the cropping tool
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click it and you’ll see this on the topbar of your screen. Type in your dimensions
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Then crop as you wish. This is my result. 
The gif is way too big at this moment, so go to image > image size, this window opens:
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Click “okay” and your gif will be a lot smaller. Use ctrl + “+” to make it bigger 
This is what our photoshop looks like right now
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These steps look like A LOT of work but as soon as you’re used to the steps, it’ll take you about a minute to do all of this. 
Next is sharpening. I use a sharpening action made by ilanawexler but it’s pretty complicated, so I do not recommend it if you’re a beginner. I will however explain it fully here. Note: I had to do something different than the directions the blogger gave, so what I get might not work for others and you might have a different outcome
Select all your frames (from 1 -)
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then click “convert to videotimeline” (it’s possible it’s called differently in your ps)
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when you did that, add two layers on top of your other layers
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Select all your frames (frame 1 to layer 2), right click and click “convert to smart object”
Then, go to your actions. If you just downloaded your action, you have to add it. 
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When that’s done, open the bobbiesdraper sharpen and click “action 2″. Thn click the play icon
It’ll a LOT of stuff, but just let it be. 
Warning: if you changed anything to the frames in the timeline section, this won’t work. I noticed that if I delete frames or change the delay, ... before sharpening, it won’t work. 
If it worked, you now have this
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I’m not sure if it’s normal, but I now have twice the frames I had before, but only the SECOND amount is sharpened. So I delete frame 1-35 now in the timeline section. 
This is my gif after sharpening (you can use this to practice coloring or to follow along with my coloring tutorial below)
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this psd automatically sets the delay for your gif to 0,05, I always change it to 0,06 (sometimes 0,07). Just select all your frames, then click on the 0,05, ‘other’ and choose whatever you like. The max I would go is 0,08 (0,07-0,08 is the speed the episodes go btw when you watch them)
Now the fun part!! You can either choose to use a psd (here are my psds) or you can color it yourself. 
For this tutorial, I’ll be doing a basic coloring. (that means: steps I always use to start my colorings).
We start with curves. For this gif, these are the settings: (this is a pretty bright gif so for darker scenes you’ll have to use more, but don’t start with too much, build it up)
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then some levels to give the gif more depth
I usually enter 10 for the black (unless it’s a very dark gif) and I’ll move the arrow of the white to where the little line starts. 
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Some brightness
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Some black selective color (I always enter 10, unless it’s a dark gif)
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Color balance (also usually start with this, unless it’s a blue gif, then I’ll move the arrows to red, magenta and yellow). If the gif is VERY yellow, I’ll add more in cyan and blue.
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Then I’ll add a vibrance layer, +100 vibrance. 
This is what I have now (with a pretty watermark). These are the layers I will always start with. 
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You can stop here, but I like to add some more to my gif so I’m continueing
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I like adding more blues so I’ll add a selective color layer: (you can also decrease magentas is the “blue” ones to make the blues more cyan)
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For blondes, I like making their hair stand out more so I’ll add a selective color layer for the yellows:
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Of course, there’s a lot of yellow in the skintone so chances are the skin will look very yellow now, I add a color balance layer and change the highlights. (In darker gifs you might need to change the midtones instead)
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Some magentas to make the lips stand out
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and some contrast
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That’s all for coloring. This is what my gif looks like right now:
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If you want to add text, click this icon
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these are the settings for my text
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Then we’ll add some other adjustments to make the text more visible:
click on the fx icon
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then click ‘stroke’
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click okay, and click on the FX icon again, then click “drop shadow”
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when you added all your adjustments, duplicate the textlayer and delete the first one (if not, your adjustments will only show on 1 layer instead of the whole gif)
If your text isn’t in the middle of your gif. Click your text layer, then click this icon
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then in your topbar, adjust with these tools
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this is what the text looks like now:
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here is the psd for the text
Of course, you have to save your gifs. Go to File > Save for web and this window will open
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Make sure your settings look like these:
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Make sure this number isn’t above 3 mb
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That’s all!!! If you have any questions, you can always come ask me. I’m sorry if this wasn’t clear, but I hope it made atleast a bit sense.
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